All Episodes

January 15, 2024 53 mins

Gizelle and Robyn discuss colonoscopies, early flights, booty-holes, Christmas gifts, Katt Williams, Philly live show, Michael Strahan, mammograms, Alaska Airlines, iPhone, clickbait, flying cars and more!



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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Welcome to Reasonably Shady, a production of The Black Effect
Podcast Network and iHeartRadio.

Speaker 2 (00:14):
Welcome to another episode of Reasonably Shakey. I am Jaselle Bryant.

Speaker 1 (00:19):
What's that?

Speaker 2 (00:19):
What's up?

Speaker 1 (00:19):
This is Robin Dixon. Thank you for being here with us?

Speaker 2 (00:22):
What again? Yes? Man, we are in January of twenty twenty.

Speaker 1 (00:26):
Yes, we're celebrating Martin Luther King.

Speaker 2 (00:29):
Yes we are. It's the Martin Luther and the King. Yes, yes,
speaking of that, and I know we just just because
I can't think of Martin Luther King right now, unfortunately
without thinking of Jonathan Major and his reference to Coreta
Scott like what stopped stop talking about her?

Speaker 1 (00:45):
That is so extreme.

Speaker 2 (00:46):
It's that weird, really extreme.

Speaker 1 (00:48):
Yeah, and the memes are hilarious where they're like this
is what he wants her to look like and it's like,
but you.

Speaker 2 (00:54):
Can't ask a white woman and a black woman to.

Speaker 1 (00:57):
Be your caretta.

Speaker 2 (00:59):
No white woman has.

Speaker 1 (01:00):
Can I do?

Speaker 2 (01:01):
Who CORRETTA. Scott King is?

Speaker 1 (01:02):
And can we pick somebody else? Maybe? Like can we?

Speaker 2 (01:04):

Speaker 3 (01:05):

Speaker 1 (01:05):
And more in modern day times like Beyonce jay Z. Yeah, Michelle,
he did, he did? Reference he did?

Speaker 2 (01:12):
He did?

Speaker 1 (01:13):
Yes, he did. But that is the funniest thing ever.

Speaker 2 (01:16):
Well, before you ask a woman to be Kretta, you
gotta be Martin.

Speaker 1 (01:20):
That's true.

Speaker 2 (01:21):
And you got to stop running from white women in
the streets to La and the thing.

Speaker 1 (01:25):
It's like, Okay, he's like, I'm a good man. I'm
out here doing good things. Like dude, you're an actor.
You're an actor, Well you used to be an actor, right,
you ain't an actor no more? I feel, I mean,
I hopefully he can redeem himself because I think I'm
on his side with this case. You know, I think

he just got caught up in a really bad situation
with maybe somebody that was a little problematic and called
whatever brought him into that mess. But you're an actor,
not Martin Luther King. No, you are not changing lives.
You are not fighting for equal justice.

Speaker 2 (02:08):
Where is shall I have a dream speak? Right?

Speaker 1 (02:10):
Is that right?

Speaker 2 (02:11):
We had not seen that.

Speaker 1 (02:12):
What movie was he in?

Speaker 2 (02:13):
He was in? He had first of all, the movie
he was in, he had on a COSTU wasn't he
a Marvel costume?

Speaker 1 (02:18):

Speaker 2 (02:19):
Superhero? You're playing a superhero?

Speaker 1 (02:22):

Speaker 2 (02:22):
Yeah, Martin Luther King was actually a real one. Yes, yes,
So anyway, moving on, we digress. Okay, shady moment of
the week, Robin.

Speaker 1 (02:35):
Okay, I'll go first. So mine is it's not my
shady moment. Okay, this is Wan's shady moment.

Speaker 2 (02:41):
Oh I love this. Okay, get good.

Speaker 1 (02:44):
No, and actually, if this is and I want to
share it because it's it's one of those important things
to share.

Speaker 2 (02:49):

Speaker 1 (02:49):
So one term forty five in October. Yes, I did
you know that? You didn't know that?

Speaker 2 (02:54):
Well, I guess I never thought about how old he is.

Speaker 1 (02:55):
Yeah, he's forty. I mean we're like a few months apart.
So I'm forty four, he's forty five whatever, blah blah blah,
and so he is. He was doing the diligent thing
and signed up to get his colonoscopy. Oh nice, Yes,
have you had yours? Have you had one?

Speaker 2 (03:10):
Okay, I'm glad you asked tell me one story first.
I was happy because there's colar guard.

Speaker 1 (03:20):
I do know about that.

Speaker 2 (03:21):
Yes, so I did that.

Speaker 1 (03:22):
You did that?

Speaker 2 (03:22):
Okay, and I'm negative and that will I'm good, I
think for three years.

Speaker 1 (03:27):
Okay, now, but like, how accurate and thorough is it?
How thorough is it is? The question?

Speaker 2 (03:32):
Okay, So if y'all don't know what color colar guard is.
You have to basically capture, right, you poop in an
anything and then you then you mail it all right, okay,
have I not?

Speaker 1 (03:44):
Well, we talked about it because remember I was talking
about all of my nutritional stuff I was doing, and
I had to do a stool test and I had
to ship in a in a paper bowl and mix
it all that. Sorry, I get to mix it up? Yeah, no,
I just had to put my I just had.

Speaker 2 (03:58):
To basically close it up and put it in the
box and ship it all. Okay, So on the outside
of the box it said color guard. So when I
brought it to UPS, the mayor knows what is right.
You can see how he did not want to touch
that box. I was like, here you go. He was like,
can I get my glove? He's like, oh lord, no,
we roll my hand sanitizer. He just gave me a look.

But anyway, that's so funny.

Speaker 1 (04:22):
So so well one sign up for the real deal thing. Okay,
you go into the doctor's office, they put you to sleep. Yes,
they put the thing up up your button, all through
your intestines and all that type of stuff. So in
order to do that and I don't know about color guard.
You have to do a prep a day before, you
have to stop eating certain things five days before, like.

Speaker 2 (04:41):
It is, yeah, you got drink the berry.

Speaker 1 (04:43):
It's it's a lot, right. And this is on the
heels of him going through the stomach virus. Okay, so he,
you know, poor baby went through the stomach virus thing
and then had to turn around and get ready for
his colonoscopy. So he was good. He was like, you know,
I'm getting this done because he had a best friend

that passed away from colon cancer when he was forty.
So Wan is like very much like I'm getting my
stuff done, right, yeah. Yeah, So he's very diligent on
getting his stuff done. He got his prostate done because
his biological father, he found out, had issues with prostate
cancer and all that. But oh wow, okay, so colonoscopy
time comes. He goes through all the prep. You can't
eat for however long, you gotta drink all this stuff.

He's clearing you out, and he's just like, oh, it's
like the worst experience in the world. Okay, his worst,
but you know, I'm there, I'm support all right. So
he goes for his colonoscopy. It's supposed to be an
hour procedure. Yeah, I'm you know, I'm his I'm his ride,
I'm picking him up. I'm sitting there. I'm like waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting.
Two hours later, he's ready, Okay, So the doctor comes out.

He's and then he's you know, coming out of his
anesthesia and stuff. So the doctor comes out and he's like, yeah,
we couldn't complete his colonoscopy because they could only get
halfway through his intestine because for whatever reason, his body
just it just wouldn't. The scope could not get all

the way through his intestine. And they're like they felt
like the harder they pushed that they could have punctured something.
So they yes, horrible. So he's like, so what does
that mean. So the doctor's like, well, you know, there's
some options. There's COLI guard, there's something else. And he said,
or you can go to like you know this doctor

at the at at the hospital that specializes in this.
He's a really good doctor. You know, I suggest you
go do it again. He's like, I have to do
this again.

Speaker 2 (06:41):
So let's back up. He's suggesting that he do it again.
Did he see something is he concerned?

Speaker 1 (06:46):
So I was asking all the questions. I'm like, is
there so is it concerning that you couldn't get through?
And he was like no, He's like, it's rare, but
it happens. But there's there's no reason. There's nothing concerning, right,
and the halfway that he got through, he didn't see anything,
but he still has a whole other half to get through.
And what is just like he is beside himself. He's

like like, I ain't doing this again.

Speaker 2 (07:09):
I have to do it again, okay, but like the
kolonosque is only good for how many years? Five? Five?
Five years?

Speaker 1 (07:16):
So he's like, I gotta so he's I mean, and
so we try and it's so crazy. So then we're
calling the other doctor that they recommended. You couldn't even
get through the line. We haven't been able to call.
Why it was well, it was this was like I
think everyone after the New Year is like making their
appointments and stuff. It's just you were on hold forever
until I just hang up and give up. So we

haven't on purpose hang up on purpose. So he hasn't
made his appointent yet, but he wants to get it
done sooner than later. Yeah, but it's just can you
imagine going through all that and and they can't complete
the test. No, yeah, that's to do it again. That
very much sucks, right, but it's so important that it
gets done. So he's going to make sure he gets

it done, and he wants to do he does want
to do the colar guard. He like, he wants to
do the full on.

Speaker 2 (08:04):
And he could just do the col of garden call
it a day. I don't know.

Speaker 1 (08:07):
I mean Carly shaking her head a little something.

Speaker 2 (08:11):
Only because they've they've had some issues. He's had some
issues in his family.

Speaker 1 (08:15):
No, no, he hasn't had colon cancer in his family.
But I just think the colonoscopy is the most accurate test. Okay,
hold of guard can't maybe can't see certain I don't know,
like polyps. Yeah, I don't know that coligard can catch
the polyps. They might be maybe can detect something abnormal
in your stool, but they might not detect a poll up.

Speaker 2 (08:36):
I feel sorry for one's booty hoole has been violated.
It's about to be violated.

Speaker 1 (08:44):
Again, right, And he was like, all work because so
the Dodgors obviously have like you know, the interns. It
was like five interns, like young students, and he was like,
he was like, they were in there looking at my
booty hole.

Speaker 2 (08:59):
And they're like, that's one from that's one from the
Real Housewives. Bootyhole. Listen, all they do all day is
look at booty holes. Okay, this is what they do.

Speaker 1 (09:10):
That's what they studying for. Like, they're not worrying about
your booty.

Speaker 2 (09:13):
I think about your booty. Hoole wine speaking of booty holes.
And we don't want talking about Kat Williams because that
might have been the funniest conversation ever. We will get
tack a second. Let me tell you my the reason
we shady moment. It's nothing to do with booty hoogs,
thank god, because that has to do with my child. Okay.
So Grace went back to college. Yeah, and she was

she went, she flew back on she was flying back
on a Sunday. That flight was canceled for whatever reason.
American Airlines, y'all just decided to cancel flight. Oh my gosh.
So then the next day they rebooked her on at
five am. Do you know what five am flights look like?
So death, how do you so?

Speaker 1 (09:53):
For you you you're a early bird, and I'm telling
you five am is too early for me. That's torture. Yeah,
it's straight torture.

Speaker 2 (09:59):
It's like, no, this is this is five am. But
I said, you need to go on that flight to
make because she had a class that Monday. So I
was like, get on the five am. She said cool.
So I had to take her, of course, to the airport.
Were driving down the street at three thirty in the morning.
We get there and I had to check her bags. Huh,
she's got these two big old suitcases. So I had

to go to the ticket counter because the regular when
you just dropped the bags off, that was closed because
it was too early in the morning. So go to
the ticket counter, give the bags. The lady says to me,
this is where a shady park come. Lady says to me, well,
let me go ahead and process your ticket so you
can go to the gate with her. I said, go
to the gate. I said, what you mean she thinks
she was five? Said, she said, you don't want to

go with your baby to the gate? My baby, right,
I said, this is a grown ass girl, and it's
four o'clock in the morning. Now, no, I'm half.

Speaker 1 (10:53):
Sleep wait, so you got out of your car.

Speaker 2 (10:56):
Grace said, mommy, can you help me, like check my
bags because she had two bad She really needed help.
She had two big suitcases. So yes, I was out
the car at the ticket counter and I so she said,
where's your idea or whatever? I said, no, no, no, no,
I'm not on this flight. I said, this is just
for her. She said, okay, well, then hold on, I'll
just give you a ticket so you can go to

the gate. No no, I said, no need. And then
she says, you ain't gonna go with your baby. I
looked at that woman like, if you don't shut the
hell up, I ain't going nowhere. She's not a bit.
She's short, but she is not a nough And so
Grace is looking all puppy eyed, like said like she
wants me to come for girl. It is four o'clock
in the morning, and goodbye bye. Ain't get some a's

okay when you go back to school the end.

Speaker 1 (11:42):
That is hilarious. I'd have been like, kick you out
of the car.

Speaker 2 (11:45):
No, I couldn't do that. But anyway, that is my
shady moment. So all these ticket ladies, it's cute, but
mind your business.

Speaker 1 (11:53):
Do you think she thought Grace was twelve?

Speaker 2 (11:56):
She knew exactly who I was, and she knew Grace
was going back to college. Okay, okay, the end moving on.
Let's get back to booty holes. We're going This whole
conversation is gonna be boo.

Speaker 1 (12:06):
Can we shout out our sweaters furs? So, if you're
watching us on YouTube or wherever, we are both wearing
our real Housewife of Potomac cashmir sweaters that were gifted
to us by none other than Andy Cohen for Christmas.
And Andy sent one to every housewife from every franchise

and every every summer, every Christmas he sends a gift. Yeah,
and so this was our gift this year.

Speaker 2 (12:35):
Did you hear that the Salt Light girls got real
House Potomac sweaters?

Speaker 1 (12:39):

Speaker 2 (12:39):
Okay, I made that up.

Speaker 1 (12:42):
You know what I was lying?

Speaker 2 (12:45):
No, Andy did it right?

Speaker 1 (12:46):
Yes, yes, these are super cute. So last year he
gave us like a varsity jacket that had real house
a Potomac on the back. And then like we've gotten
a candle, a really big big candle before. Yeah, and
then we've gotten probably like what four years in a row,
got notepads with our names on it, which I love,

but I have endless I still have them.

Speaker 2 (13:10):
I still have them.

Speaker 1 (13:11):
Yeah, we still have them, different sizes, different.

Speaker 2 (13:15):
We got share to the point where we had to
tell Andy stopp it right.

Speaker 1 (13:21):
There were no pads note cards like you could send
little thank you notes and all that type of stuff
with them. Super cute. So and it's so funny because
sometimes I'll watch episodes of other shows and I'll see
someone with their notepad with their name on it, and
I'm like, and you and we know where it came from.

Speaker 2 (13:37):
Yeah, I saw Candy Kenny was the only person that
I've seen with this sweater on Candy Burrs. She had
hers on.

Speaker 1 (13:43):
So you know who I saw with it on the
girl Monica from Salt Lake City.

Speaker 2 (13:48):
Oh, hers is getting take back. She can't have her
us nomore. We gonna talk about her later, so I
can't have her as more.

Speaker 1 (13:53):
After like her episode came out where they reveal that
she's this reality Vontee's page or whatever she had. She
she had some type of photo shoots. Yeah, right, and
she took a photo in her real housewife of Salt
Lake City sweater and you know posted wherever I saw
wherever it was reposted, but yeah, she was. She's very proud.

I have her her Cashimer sweater from Andy Listen.

Speaker 2 (14:21):
I also want to talk about these jackets because I
actually like it.

Speaker 1 (14:23):
Oh my gosh, these jackets are bomb.

Speaker 2 (14:25):
So we are part of Black the Black Effect family
and we love them. So for Christmas, they gave us
these Black Effect bomber jackets. Right, So they have like
the big logo on the front and then in the
inside this is the cool part. Inside has all everybody's logo.
That's cover art. I'm sorry, cover art that's on the
on Black Effect. So you know you'll see us in

here a couple of times. Rble Decision Girls, so cute,
eighty five South Boys, So this is cue so bomb,
super super cute and it's heavy so and Charlemagne, y'all
did good with that. Yes, And I also want to
tell you, by the way, I just saw aie and
because you know, I went to St. Barts for Christmas,

so he was asking me about it and he was like,
oh my gosh, she sounds sounds so fabulous. He was like,
you know, where did you stay? I said, you know,
I rented a villa. He was like, you and Erica
stayed together, and I was like, no, she had our villa.
I have my villain. He was like, what's the going
right on these us? I said it it's range. You
can get a fifteen thousand dollars villa or seventy five

dollar villa. I said, but next year I'm gonna do
it big. He said, okay, oh my gosh, that's so good.
I said, so I need a raise. He was like,
all I walked into that. I said, yes she did,
and I'm serious, Yes, I need more money. Give me
my money. All right, we're going back to booty holes. Okay,

So got Williams?

Speaker 1 (15:58):
Yes, okay, so have I I've only seen headlines and
clips when somebody said he interviewed for three hours. Yeah,
I checked out. My my attention cannot handle that couldn't handle.

Speaker 2 (16:12):
I cannot.

Speaker 1 (16:13):
So I need you to give me all all the
t okay, so stuff.

Speaker 2 (16:17):
I have a disclaimer. Okay, disclaimer is I've seen a
couple of Cat Williams stand up. It's they've all been funny.
But I always kind of thought he wasn't like the
smartest dude in town. Like I just I just I
don't know. I was just stereotyping him. I'm like, because
he talks like this and he has that mollis and
I'm always thinking he's like born online act. It was

like an act. So cal, yeah, right now it is cal.
He called me. He was like, oh my gosh, is that.
I watched the whole thing? And I was like, you
watched the whole thing. I said, I'm gonna watch the
whole thing. I was up in New York. I was
bored to tea, so I watched the entire thing. Yeah.
Number one, Cat Williams is a smart dude, okay, period Okay.

Number two, his voice is his voice, yeah, okay. Number three,
Shannon Sharp is not a good interviewer. Okay, Shannon, you
gotta do better.

Speaker 1 (17:11):
Okay, you have you had, you had follow up questions
you wanted him to ask if he I mean because.

Speaker 2 (17:16):
Shannon takes eight years to ask a question. He's like, oh, okay,
what you're saying is okay, no shape the club, Shay, Shane. Okay,
but get your journalistic skills, okay, like hone your skills Okay.
So I was so entertained by this interview because Kat

Williams ran through the entire comedian field okay, and he
told I believe everything that he had to say. Really,
I believe everything he said about Steve Harvey, about such
as the entertainer, about the King's comedy about unfortunately Kevin Hart.
I believe it all.

Speaker 1 (17:59):
Okay, So what did he say about Steve Harvey?

Speaker 2 (18:01):
Okay, I'm sorry. The reason why we're talking about booty
holes is because his has been saved.

Speaker 1 (18:05):
Okay, who his haskat Williams.

Speaker 2 (18:08):
Cat Williams has not had to have his It's been preserved, yes, oks,
not had to have it penetrated for him to get.

Speaker 1 (18:15):
To get where he's Okay, unlike everybody else.

Speaker 2 (18:21):
This now don't come for us. This is what Kat
Williams words, not out, not hours. Okay, everybody can. Everybody's
booty hole is their business.

Speaker 1 (18:29):
So he said every everybody else everybody.

Speaker 2 (18:33):
He kind of was implying, if you at the top,
your booty hole has been penetrated, okay, or you have
suck a penis or two. Now, ain't not wrong with
sucking the penis if that's what you want to do anyway, Okay,
let's get back to the situation. So I think I
don't even know why, Well, I guess let's go back

to just Shane and Sharp interviewing him like, I don't
I don't Eve, I don't need think.

Speaker 1 (19:00):
Right, where did this originate from? Why did is he
promoting something? Was he promoting something?

Speaker 2 (19:05):
Nope? I just think they were on board, okay, yeah,
and they just wanted to drink some hennessy. I don't
know what happened. Oh, okay, Carly's given us the teach
because Carlie always knows the tea. I have to job. Yes,
So they've been working on this two is what working on?
What the interview?

Speaker 1 (19:21):
To get on the show?

Speaker 4 (19:22):

Speaker 2 (19:23):
Okay, So Shannon Sharp has been asking Cat to get
on the shows twenty twenty two now. In the meantime,
he has had Steve Harvey on the show, and he
had the entertainer and Ricky Smiley. Oh, poor Ricky Smiley.
He just tore him anew he did, and he's I
mean Ricky Ricky and then Ricky.

Speaker 1 (19:39):
And then afterwards I saw Ricky responding to this.

Speaker 2 (19:42):
Did Ricky respond or just Ricky just turn on his
camera and start crying. Oh Ricky just cried on camera,
just left. It was so sad. No, no one has
come out to say that Kat Williams is a liar. Okay,
no one, okay, and he's through all of kunder.

Speaker 1 (19:59):
Who can we get on reasons?

Speaker 2 (20:01):
Wait a minute, Wait a minute, Wait a minute. We're
gonna get to that in a second, Cat Williams. We
get Cat Williams some reason to be shady. Carly, get
your get make your money. Honey.

Speaker 1 (20:10):
We need somebody else, We need someone to.

Speaker 2 (20:13):
Who Oh you know, we get you know who we
can get? No, we can. Let's get Tory Hart. Oh,
because Tory Hart is going on tour with Cat Williams. Williams,
She's gonna spill the tea, Carly, make it happen. Okay,
So Carly's on top of that. And I just feel like,

you know, Cat was very clear, like twenty twenty four,
people just telling their truth. If you happen out here
lying and doing some shady shit, it's coming to light.

Speaker 1 (20:44):
Okay, Yes, because Cat Williams decided it was coming.

Speaker 2 (20:48):
To life twenty twenty four, twenty four. It's a whole.

Speaker 1 (20:50):
It's all going on to give me the big I
need the biggest bomb. That he dropped the biggest one.

Speaker 2 (20:58):
I don't think there was a big bomb. I think
it was just all very clear that Steve Harvey stole
people's jokes. So that said the entertainer, So oh he did.
He did give his flowers to Dave Chappelle, because you know,
Dave was the goat. By the way, I saw the
I'm all over the place. I saw the Kevin Hart

Chris Rock little Netflix special, and it gives you, like
the behind the scenes when they did that little tour together.
Actually they just did. They did five days. They did
I mean five places. I think they did it around
New York. Anyway, it gave you an interesting perspective of
what they go through in their process. He gave I

think he he left Chris Rock alone because you're like,
this Rock is his own entity through Kevin Heart straight under. Yeah,
he's a plant plant. He's an industry plant. Like I
don't know what that means, because they say Corey Gable
is a plant too, Corey gamble.

Speaker 1 (21:57):
Corey gamble Kah, the Kardashians, Christ Janner's boyfriend. Okay, didn't
you talk about the Illuminati?

Speaker 2 (22:03):
He said he's not a part of the Illuminati because
his booty hole is still preserved.

Speaker 1 (22:07):
Okay, So the ones who's.

Speaker 2 (22:09):
I think I made that up. Okay, I just made
that up. She made that up, curly, Okay, Okay, yeah
I made that up.

Speaker 1 (22:16):
Okay, Yeah, so he's but he he said the Illuminati
is responsible for.

Speaker 2 (22:22):
For Kevin part guys, oh, for Ludicris. I might have
fallen asleep. I might have fallen asleep during that part.

Speaker 1 (22:31):
Listen to Them has twenty million dollars and ten movies
and ugly like your wife, and one does not.

Speaker 3 (22:39):
If you sign up for their program, you get a
light skin, weird face wife that never do an interview
listen in twenty years, won't do an interview. Nobody's ever
talked to her. Understand, I'm not talking about one person
when I just told you applies to seven people.

Speaker 2 (22:57):
Yes, well, we're not gonna talk about Ludacris's. I think
she's a very pretty lady. Which, by the way, I
have a story about her. You're not a really a story?
Yeah that was we're digressing, come no, no, no, no,
let's talk about it.

Speaker 3 (23:08):

Speaker 1 (23:09):
I met her like, I met her years before she
dated Ludacrous. She actually came to my house and she
was dating a guy that want to play basketball with
in college, and it was just like the most random memory,
and I just remember her coming in and for whatever reason,
like she had like her hair was like nice and straight,

and I'm complimenting her on her hair, and she was like, oh,
it's a keratin, and I was like, what is a caratin?
This is before I ever heard of a carotin treatment.

Speaker 2 (23:38):
So now anytime I.

Speaker 1 (23:39):
See her, like, she was like, oh, it comes from Brazil.
And she was a medical student at the time. Yeah,
so she's like, it comes from Brazil. She was the
first person to ever put me on too a caratin.
So whenever I hear about a caratin or I see her, like,
when I hear about a caratin, I think of her,
and when I see her, I think of a caratin.
But it was just weird because she was like there
was one of my friend friends had dated the guy,

and so we were sending her a little bit of
weird energy, you know what I'm saying, and a hater.
We were like rob. We was like grilling her, like
asking her like fifty one question.

Speaker 2 (24:11):
Yes, so she probably hates you.

Speaker 1 (24:12):
Yes, yes, So I wonder if she remembers that that's so,
because I.

Speaker 2 (24:16):
Want her to call in at do your job, figure
that out.

Speaker 1 (24:19):
And then I saw years later she was married to
Dayton Ludacris.

Speaker 2 (24:22):
I was like, that's that girl. Yeah, she seemed like
a sweety fie. Yeah, speaking of Carly, do your job.
So February first, the reasonably Shady Shapeers, Robin and Giselle
will be in Philadelphia. Get your tickets, okay. And the
reason I mean, Carlie's gonna be with us, of course,
and she's you know, she has a lot of work
to do. But anyway, oh my god, Okay, why does

Curley have a lot of work today? I don't know.

Speaker 1 (24:46):
I just got to, you know, make sure we're good. Yes,
and Philly, we love Philly. Yes, someone did I want
to read. We're going to read one of these emails.
We'll go in the next episode. But they acknowledged that
what I said about Philly fans is true.

Speaker 2 (25:00):
Okay, so but get your tickets, get very first city winery.
Carly has invited Jalen Hurt Hurts. Jalen's coming.

Speaker 1 (25:09):
He's going to get booed. The Eagles are losing.

Speaker 2 (25:12):
That's fine, we'll give him love to Carly. Make sure
he gets there. Send out an invitation to his people, Okay,
because he is our v V V and VI P Okay, okay,
so very important.

Speaker 1 (25:24):
No, I don't want to be accused of false advertising.

Speaker 2 (25:28):
No, Carol's gonna invite him.

Speaker 1 (25:30):
She's going to invite him. That doesn't mean he's going
to be there.

Speaker 2 (25:33):
He may. He's probably coming. Tell him he has two tickets.
He can have him plus two. He can come with
his two friends. Okay, okay, his girlfriend if he wants to,
he's going to get booed, or she can. He can
leave her at home. Anyway. Invite anybody else in Philly.

Speaker 1 (25:50):
We need to invite Meek mel meet.

Speaker 2 (25:53):
Definitely invite me and oh the people, the people, the
couple that we like. Who's the couple that we like?
Don't him can that was on this shows? That was
on this show. There's a couple that was on this show.

Speaker 1 (26:06):
Jill Scott.

Speaker 2 (26:07):
God damn it. Invite Jill Scott. Okay, please invite Jill Scott.
February Fresh. Guess who's really gonna be there? What show
they were on the show, Robin or we did their show,
this show that we did their podcast show.

Speaker 1 (26:20):
Devail, Yes and Philly from don't.

Speaker 2 (26:24):
They aren't they from Philly? They're from New York By
the way of Philly, New York. Jill Scott's going to
be there. Okay, So Robin Dixon and Gazelle Bryant's will
be in City Wine and Re February first.

Speaker 1 (26:35):
We can only confirm that we're going to have a
good old time.

Speaker 2 (26:41):
So we're gonna act a plump ful. Now, you know,
twenty twenty four is Virgo season the entire year, according
to what everything I've read. Everything I've read, it is
Virgo season. What does that mean for twenty That means
it's Virgos are going to do amazing things. Okay, So
if whoever else is a Virgo, if you're listening, just not,

this is your year. So you better do it this
year because next year wrist fruit. So get it in
this year. God damn it. Okay, so you know there's
a new Oh I digress for two seconds. So this
morning when I was coming to your house, Yeah, I
saw the little Michael Strahan story, Yes, with his daughter.

Speaker 1 (27:22):
Yes, So sad I saw that too, So you know.

Speaker 2 (27:25):
I couldn't get through the Okay, I'm all over the place.
Let's rewind for one second the Cat Williams interview about
booty Holes back Shae Shay has had like forty million
downloads of this interview. Yes, and somebody said you need
to run Cat Williams that check, and I agree.

Speaker 1 (27:45):
I agree.

Speaker 2 (27:46):
So Shannon, I don't know what you don't have to
tell us, but run Cat that check because that I mean,
it's like tripled anything that he's ever done in the past.
So run him that check.

Speaker 1 (27:57):
Yeah, hopefully they compensate him, because yes, that's but I'm
just I can't believe people. Actually, I can't believe he
talked for three hours.

Speaker 2 (28:05):
Because it was holly entertaining. They were smoking, they was drinking.
Shannon wanted to get up and leave about a hundred times.
He said he was gonna get black balled and canceled.
I mean, it was amazing. Okay, So let's get back
to Michael Strahan. I could not get through the interview
with him and his daughter because it was just I
was about to bust out crying, right, and I think

she's fine, I think is she? I don't know.

Speaker 1 (28:28):
So, So Michael Strahan today on Good Morning America, they
revealed that his daughter, his nineteen year old daughter, has
a brain tumor, brain cancer. Brain cancer. Yes, she had
a four centimeter size tumor on her brain. But where
has she had surgery yet? So her hair was gone gone,
so I assume maybe she has her had her surgery.

I didn't I didn't catch the whole interview. I did
see like a little clip an announcement saying that she
had brain cancer.

Speaker 2 (28:55):
Right, I can't watch any parts of it. Yeah, so
I know that she has She's a twin mm hm.
And I remember when they were born, only because you know,
I have my twins yeaheah. And I've always like kind
of like followed those girls because just they just seem
to have like such a connection like my twins. So
when I saw it, I was like, I started to

watch it, and I was like, I can't do this
because it's you know, I'm just gonna be crying for
the rest of the day. So we're just gonna pray
for everything to work out. Yes, absolutely, those are our prayers.
So Michael Strahan, we praying for you, Yes, absolutely.

Speaker 1 (29:28):
As well as Sarah Sidner from CNN, she announced that
she has breast cancer.

Speaker 2 (29:34):
Yeah, I didn't. I don't know who that was.

Speaker 1 (29:36):
She's She's like, well, you know I watched CNN. All Okay,
so she has breast cancer, prays to her, and she
was just very adamant, like, ladies, get your mammograms, so
you know that. I definitely get my mammogram every I
do like I'm supposed to. But everyone, just get your
check ups, like I said, get your eidoscopies, your mammograms, yes,
your whatever it is, your screenings. Please And the words

of my kids, get your titties smashed. Have they been
in there when you get yours?

Speaker 2 (30:04):
No? But they're like, oh my god, I don't want
to get my titties smashed. And I'm like, okay, y'all
are crazy, right, you got some time. But like I do,
they even know that that's what happens. But that is
really what happens, because the girls talk about it, not
with me, amongst themselves. Okay, yeah, but yes it is.
It is a smashing of going on. Can you imagine
if men had to get their balls in the same

way that we have to get our breast checked. It
is a ball smashing going on. They wouldn't be able
to take it. By the way, I'm only saying this
because we have a man in the room right now.
He's so uncomfortable he wants to run out of here
so fast. Okay, anyway, moving on, I.

Speaker 1 (30:42):
Actually would like for them to get their ball smashed.

Speaker 2 (30:45):
I mean, yeah, yes, ball smash.

Speaker 1 (30:50):
That would like that would be like the loudest highest
pitch squeal shriek you've ever heard in your life.

Speaker 2 (30:56):
Yes, but why don't they get their balls checked in
that way?

Speaker 1 (31:01):
Do you guys get your balls checked?

Speaker 2 (31:03):
Do you get a smashed? They do not, I'm telling
you right now, they do not.

Speaker 1 (31:09):
But you can get testicular cancer, So how do you
get your bass checked right?

Speaker 2 (31:14):
That they should have a mammogram? Okay, moving on, listen,
I want to talk about that these got during airplanes
that the doors are falling apart, windows exploding. What the
hell is happening?

Speaker 1 (31:31):
Do you think that was done on purpose?

Speaker 2 (31:33):
What robin no liability? Liability?

Speaker 1 (31:37):
Yeah, I'm like if someone trying to bring is there
someone on the inside working for the terrorists and they.

Speaker 2 (31:44):
Were like, okay, we're going to loosen up the screws
and bring a plane down. Okay, first off, you don't
know what we're talking about. Alaska Airlines flight was in
air and the door flew off.

Speaker 4 (31:58):
Now the videos from inside the plane, so cling on
social media here are downright frightening. This Boeing seven thirty
seven max Andine was just sixteen minutes into the ride
from Oregon to California when a door plug blew off
and according to the Associated Press, the gaping hole scene
there on the side of the plane was opened. We're
an aircraft maker if it's a plug to cover an
emergency exit that the airline does not use. The FAA

grounding all of the types of seven thirty seven maxinines
involved until it's quote satisfied that their safe.

Speaker 2 (32:29):
Now I'm on that plane, I am like, oh my gosh,
my life's over.

Speaker 1 (32:34):
Yes, and nobody got hurt.

Speaker 2 (32:35):
No one got hurt, not even a cell phone. You know,
a cell phone flew out the window. It is fine, right,
But y'all can't. I can't keep a battery like the
charge charge for more than seven hours, but it falls
out the sky and it's for the time.

Speaker 1 (32:52):
They must have been a fifteen, so you have like
a ten. They must have been a fifteen.

Speaker 2 (32:56):
Listen, I gotta go to all thirteen and I'm happy
about it. Listen that the seventeens are coming out. How
do they go from aut fifteen to a seventeen. So,
first of all, let's back up. I keep trying to
tell y'all these flights are not right. So is this
gonna cause you? Oh, now that I think about it,
first class was in danger because if the front door

went open flew off. Was it in the back of
the plane or was in the front of the plane.

Speaker 1 (33:24):
I feel like where that door was was like the
emergency exit row.

Speaker 2 (33:28):
It was, yes, it was once. First class is fine again.
I keep telling y'all that middle section that's all help
breaking loose back there. Okay, Now, now, they said that
there's an iPhone seventeen coming out, and they said it's
gonna change your life. Okay, how so they haven't said
that yet. They haven't given us all that information, but

they said it's gonna change your life. So what happened
to the ten lap drop, thirteen, fourteen, all of them others.
Why has my life not changed with.

Speaker 1 (33:59):
The Well, they all changed. So it's possible. It depends
on what feature you use that you enjoy.

Speaker 2 (34:07):
Did you know I'm trying to look it up right now. Okay,
the new iPhone seventeen feature is changing people's lives. Okay,
let me see what the feature is is that a.

Speaker 1 (34:15):
Software update or an actual phone? Because how do we
skip from a fifteen to a seventeen?

Speaker 2 (34:21):
I don't know, but they said that the seventeen, the
iOS seventeen.

Speaker 1 (34:24):
That's software. Oh okay, good, we can download that. Oh okay,
it's ser update.

Speaker 2 (34:29):
It's a feature oh in the photo app that identifies
laundry care symbols or clothing tags aimed at helping users
understand proper garment care.

Speaker 1 (34:44):
Okay, you need to stop read a headlines. That is
a that's called clickabait. Okay, this is very sorry, it's
very poor.

Speaker 2 (34:52):
It's gonna change our life. So we now know how
how are people who wash our clothes? Because I don't
watch my people who watch their clothes? You doubt it.
People go to the iPhone seventeen.

Speaker 1 (35:02):
Yes, yes, but speaking of that, that is so do
you ever look on the well since you don't wash
it clothes, you don't, but other normal people will relate
to this if you look inside the care tag, Yeah,
you're clothes and never does. It's just a bunch of symbols.
It's not washed in warm, hang dry, tumble dry, It's
just symbols. Right, And you're like, okay, I'm just gonna

throw it in the washing machine or wash it like
I'm not. It's so so, Yes, that's helpful. Yeah, if
they're gonna have some sort of app or whatever a
feature that will translate those symbols, because they're very frustrating
and annoying.

Speaker 2 (35:38):
Okay, I find them in.

Speaker 1 (35:39):
A lot of like Zara clothes that okay, yeah, I
do want to tell you about a feature on your phone.

Speaker 2 (35:48):
Did you know, okay, please please.

Speaker 1 (35:51):
That you can measure things on your phone.

Speaker 2 (35:52):
Yeah, we talked about the speak that is it on
the thirteen? It probably is, Okay, it's on that, it's
on the app. I mean it's on the the thing
with the microphone.

Speaker 1 (36:02):
You can just type in the word measure, like okay,
Like you know, when you search your phone, just type
in measure and a little measure app comes up. Oh right, yeah,
and then you like pick one spot and you go
to the other spot and it tells you how how
big something is.

Speaker 2 (36:15):
Yeah, I know, I love that.

Speaker 1 (36:16):
That's life changing.

Speaker 2 (36:18):
Is it life changing? Yes? Because so I don't I
don't know if that's life changing it is. How often
do you need to walk down street and measure something?

Speaker 1 (36:24):
I mean sometimes when I my house, I might like
be wanting to get a new piece of furniture or
something I don't know, and I'm like, oh my god,
I gotta get the tape measure. It's all the way
in the garage. That has happened, yes, many times, and
I have don't go into my garage, into the bin,
the plastic bin, right, come in the house measure it
put the tape measure back, right, so they they make

stuff coming in for lazy people.

Speaker 2 (36:47):
Yeah, and if and back to the debate about measuring penises,
it's easiest right there, boom, no excuse, measure that thing,
no excuse listen. Yes, good. So you're saying that you're
a ten inch, but you're really six and a half. Proven, Yeah,
prove then on my phone out. So starting April tenth,

April tenth, because this is this all ties into booty
holes and measuring penises, okay. Starting April tenth, twenty twenty four,
Brazil will implement a new requirement for travelers from the
United States, Canada and Australia, mandating them to show a
bank statement with the balance of at least two thousand

dollars in their account. This requirement is part of the
new eVisa application process. It includes the most recent thirty
days of transactions. Okay, then want to make sure you
ain't broke when you get there. For whatever reason, I
don't know why, but this is gonna stop all the
bachelor parties. Okay, there will be no more holes of

penises in Brazil.

Speaker 1 (38:02):
Ain't nobody going?

Speaker 2 (38:04):
No one's going, okay.

Speaker 1 (38:05):
Because they don't have two thousand dollars a pretty much
BACHELI Okay, So to get into Brazil, Yeah, you got
to show that. You got to because they want to
make sure you can get out.

Speaker 2 (38:19):
Well, they want to make sure you can pay the bill.
You know, the bill from the hotel. You're a liquor bill,
You're a strip of bill. They want to make sure
everybody gets paid.

Speaker 1 (38:28):
That is wild? Is that true?

Speaker 2 (38:31):
This is a reliable source I have on my phone here, okay,
And this is a reliable article.

Speaker 1 (38:37):
That that feels a little invasive of your privacy.

Speaker 2 (38:40):
What because I appreciate that, and it should be reciprocated.
We don't want nobody coming over here broke, do we
That happens a lot, It happens. Listen, I would want
to know. Listen, this helps out all kinds of events.
Think about freaking it back in the day, think about

like Memorial Day in Miami.

Speaker 1 (39:04):
But how we can't discriminate against people that don't have money.

Speaker 2 (39:08):
No, we got to be able to travel, and you
should be able to travel enjoy things. Okay, listen, but okay, okay,
I'm just saying they gonna, they're gonna, they're gonna separate
people one way or the other.

Speaker 1 (39:19):
Well, I'm gonna tell you something. The United States will
never be able to pass that. Why they just won't
because because no one will, like, they won't get enough
support to pass that.

Speaker 2 (39:29):
Oh no, that's not happening. That's not happening. Now, speaking
of there's this represented from Florida's a woman. I can't
remember her name. Maybe Carly can look her up because
we pay Carly the big bucks. She went the hell
off the other day. And we don't really get into
political conversations and we're not gonna have one now. But
you just need to pull up her rant because it

wasn't a ran. It was just like her retort on
what on they were discussing January sixth, What the things
she was saying? Babe? Okay, Carlo, Yeah, what's the name.

Speaker 1 (40:05):
Did I miss that?

Speaker 2 (40:06):
Joscelyn somebody? Maybe I can't remember her name? What's her name? No,
that's not her. That that she that's that. It's not
her anyway, Okay, So we'll find it. We'll find it.
We'll let y'all know. I need to talk about Martell.
Do you know who that is?

Speaker 1 (40:22):
That's the guy from Loving Marriage Huntsville. Yes, that was
dating Chara right briefly, right briefly okay, and now has
been arrested for domestic domestic violence. Right, but do we
know details on that?

Speaker 2 (40:36):
M Let me see what I have in my in
my trustee, let's see here.

Speaker 1 (40:40):
Do you have any insight? Until?

Speaker 2 (40:43):
No, he was the He is in police custody in
Alabama where he's been arrested for misdemeanor domestic violence charge
domestic violence charge?

Speaker 1 (40:54):
And is that related to his ex wife or related
to like maybe a girlfriend that he's still dating. I
don't know.

Speaker 2 (40:59):
It's not your ray, we know we know that, right, okay,
because that would not end well with Charak. So I
just want to say, because I love Shara, maybe I'm
happy that that's over.

Speaker 1 (41:07):
Yeah, Yeah, I feel like you dodged a bullet. I'm
sure she's happy too.

Speaker 2 (41:10):
Yes, And I could just hear his ex wife. What's
his ex wife's name?

Speaker 1 (41:14):
Melody her voice.

Speaker 2 (41:15):
I can just hear her right now saying mart Hell Martall,
Martal Martale, what kind of trouble have you got, yoursefing?
You know we got four kids, Martale. Oh my gosh,
we're gonna take care of the kids, Martale. I can
just hear it right now. Oh, we're saying that. So
I'm a need for that man to get out of jail.

Speaker 1 (41:30):
You know, we know some people that know some people
down there, so we could we could do in Alabama,
we could dig up some info.

Speaker 2 (41:35):
We can't listen. I just want y'all to know something.
I can dig up info on anybody, not to okay
right now, Robin. On the other hand, she is the FBI,
and she I don't want your dirty info either. You
don't want my info?

Speaker 1 (41:51):
No any what, let's say it.

Speaker 2 (41:52):
I don't want it. I don't want it. I don't
want you don't want you don't want to detail. Okay,
we have a couple other things to discuss here, Robin Dixon.
What oh, let's talk. Let's get into now. We're gonna
definitely get into this on the Patreon. Okay, but let's
get into right now, the Salt Lake City of it all.
Oh yes, okay, okay, because the world was extremely intrigued

and wanted to give Heather Gay an Oscar for Emmy Emmy.

Speaker 1 (42:20):
That's TV Oscar's Movies.

Speaker 2 (42:22):
An Emmy for the season finale right of the Royal
Housewives of Salt Lake City, which, by the way, I
watched in its entire entirety. I've had a whole lot
of time on my hands. But before I get to that,
I just want to tell everybody to watch the documentary.
I think it's on I think it's on Netflix. It's
called Silver Dollar Road. Have we talked about this? Now?

Speaker 1 (42:41):
What's that about.

Speaker 2 (42:42):
I don't really want to get into it because it's upsetting,
but you need to watch it. If you're a black
person in America, you need to watch it. Basically, they
stole these this family's house. They had like sixty five
acres in North Carolina. It's beachfront property, and the fan
was had it for since the eighteen hundreds, and somehow

they were swindled out of maybe like thirteen acres of it.
So the guys who had been living there their whole life,
were still living in their homes and they got charged
with trespassing. What and they kept them in jail for
eight years?

Speaker 1 (43:22):
Oh my gosh.

Speaker 2 (43:23):
It's an absurdity, isn't that.

Speaker 1 (43:25):
What is it called imminent domain when they do some
type of like redevelopment.

Speaker 2 (43:31):
And well they wanted for redevelopment, but so one of
the family members died without a will, and so that's
how it kind of got thrown into the court system
a little bit. But anyway, long story short, trespassing is
actually a misdemeanor. They were in jail for eight years
for trespassing in their own home, in their own home,
and nobody could get them out. It was a bad situation. Anyway,

I'm going to give Oprah Winfrey this charge to help.

Speaker 1 (43:59):
There's still in jail, not out.

Speaker 2 (44:01):
But they need they need to solidify for the family
their land. Yeah right, yeah, because you know what they
will do is raise taxes, so they can't pay the taxes.
So that's how you lose your house. Yeah. So I
don't know, I just want they some Oprah help.

Speaker 1 (44:15):
Did the government pay, like offer to pay.

Speaker 2 (44:18):
Them the government?

Speaker 1 (44:19):
Whoever? No, No, Okay.

Speaker 2 (44:21):
No, they wanted them out because they want to redevelop.

Speaker 1 (44:24):
But they're supposed to. So imminent domain refers to the
power of the government to take private property and convert
it into public use. Yeah. The Fifth Amendment provides that
the government may only exercise this power if they provide
just compensation to the property owners. So they had to
have offered them something, and it probably was pennies. It
probably was not not really equitable, you know, according to

the property and stuff in the land.

Speaker 2 (44:50):
It's I mean, it's absurd.

Speaker 1 (44:52):
Yeah. Yeah, So and it's sad. It's it's crazy that
the government and entities have the power to do that.

Speaker 2 (44:59):
Yeah, And it's crazy that they can they can jerry
manager mander a proper piece of property to raise taxes
in that little area.

Speaker 1 (45:11):
So you can't pay it, right, so they can kick
you out.

Speaker 2 (45:13):
Yeah, and then this this is the this is the kicker.
And then we're gonna move on because I don't want
to press y'all. They were fishermen, so they would do
a lot of shrimping and all that.

Speaker 1 (45:22):

Speaker 2 (45:22):
So there's a particular part of the water, the body
of water that is known for like the shrimp because
of the size of the of the water, the shrimping
and the crabbing and all that. They said, oh, y'all
can't fish and shrimp in this area anymore. By the
State Senate. The state said little fishermen who have little businesses.

So all the small businesses this, we're saving this area
for the big businesses. Yeah. So it's like you're you're
trying to take their livelihood and the house.

Speaker 1 (45:53):
And y'all think this is okay, trying to keep them down.

Speaker 2 (45:56):
Silver Dollar Road, y'all, y'all watch it and then y'all
call Oprah and tell her to help.

Speaker 1 (46:01):
Okay, that's suppressing. Do we have something we can like
a lighter note? Yes?

Speaker 2 (46:06):
Can we end up on okay? Marjorie Taylor Green? No, No,
that's Marjorie Taylor Green.

Speaker 1 (46:13):
Is the ops.

Speaker 2 (46:14):
Okay, So Carli's fired. So anyway, moving on January.

Speaker 1 (46:21):
Sixth, Rand So I'm gonna look it up because that
brought it up to praise the person she's praising, Mars
retailer Green.

Speaker 2 (46:27):
Never in a million years, okay, Ops, So jets, there's
gonna be a jet that they're creating. Yeah, that's gonna
go from New York to London. Guess how fast two
hours New York to London? You say two hours? Carly,
what do you say New York to London now? Which
is a normally seven hour flight? Yeah, New York to
London is a jet that's coming out in twenty twenty four.

You said, what hour and a half. I'm not getting
on that ninety minutes? Kind of make a ninety minute
and Union is going to disintegrate into the can you imagine?
So they're testing it now on who oh who?

Speaker 3 (47:07):
Not me?

Speaker 2 (47:08):
Nope, you have to test it on a million people
before I get on a Nike minute flight.

Speaker 1 (47:16):
That's like the train that they're supposed to be be
building that goes like from from like DC to New
York And like, I don't know, thirty minutes, okay, Like no.

Speaker 2 (47:25):
Do you know how fast the Asella goes?

Speaker 1 (47:28):
How fast does it go?

Speaker 2 (47:29):
Okay? So so crazy that you asked Robin, I'm on
the train last week and next to me is this dude,
so he loved you know, do you ever look at
the people's what they're working on sometimes when they're working
on stuff next to you? I do it every time, Yeah,
because I want to get involved in what you're working on.

So I see Amtrak in his emails and I'm like, well,
that's boring. So then towards the end of the of
the train, I can tell he wanted to talk. So
we talking, and he works for Amtrack okay, and he does.
He's responsible for like the new construction that's happening to
make Amtrak better.

Speaker 1 (48:08):
Okay, Okay, is.

Speaker 2 (48:10):
That right now? We're going one hundred and sixty miles
an hour? Wow? From when they can go fast? Yeah,
because there's portions that you have and stop. Yeah, like
when they have shorter stops in between. It is one
hundred and sixty You know how your ears be popping? Yeah,
that's why one hundred and sixty wow. Okay for them
to make it fast. So I said, ain't you all
making one for twenty minutes? He said, from DC to Baltimore? Oh,

in twenty minutes. Okay, Like so there will be no stops, Sokay,
Union Station to D to Baltimore, Penn Station will be
twenty minutes.

Speaker 1 (48:43):
Twenty minutes wow.

Speaker 2 (48:44):
Yeah. So okay, who's gonna test that? What not? I
not me? Because your ears.

Speaker 1 (48:54):
Might pop, right, I mean, I'm not even worried about
my ears popping. I'm worried about something a boat coming
loose on a door and pop it open like that.

Speaker 2 (49:05):
Yeah, like the Alaska flight. Yeah, well I'm here for
so I thanked him, remember because he put they put
the Remember the trains that they had taken off during COVID,
the nighttime trains.

Speaker 1 (49:18):
Yes, they had more.

Speaker 2 (49:19):
They have schedules picked up. The schedules picked up. They
have more nighttime trains. They do so that we can
go to New York and party like rock stars and
then just get on the train and come home. Yes,
because that's what I used to do exactly. That's what
I'm going to be doing again. There you So he said, yeah,
we should be able to get from DC to New
York soon. I don't know in how long.

Speaker 1 (49:40):
I mean forty minutes we already get there, and two
the acceligates is there in two hours and twenty minutes?
There were oh well DC, Yeah, there were like two
hours twenty minutes.

Speaker 2 (49:48):
Yeah, it's make it to make it. But I'm not
going to be the first or second.

Speaker 1 (49:52):
Oh no, no, no, no, yeah no, but I'm excited about that. Yeah,
by the way, and we can go after this. Yeah,
did you think by twenty four when you were younger
that we would have flying cars.

Speaker 2 (50:05):
Like the Jetsons? No, I did, do we No?

Speaker 1 (50:13):
But I'm just saying when I was little, do we no?
But I'm saying, when I was little, I envisioned myself
as an adult with a flying car.

Speaker 2 (50:22):
Really, yes, you never did. No, I knew that The
Jetsons was a cartoon.

Speaker 1 (50:28):
But I mean I don't know. I'm just saying that's
that's I am visioned flying cars. Okay, so it's coming. No,
I don't think so well, I don't think so. I'm
just saying I just hope either just think when I
was little, it's just like being an adult would seem
so far away. Yeah, that I was like, oh yeah,
when I'm an adult, we're gonna have flying cars, right,
and we don't have flying cars?

Speaker 2 (50:48):
We're going to your kids are gonna drive flying cars?
I don't think.

Speaker 1 (50:51):
So how do you regulate that?

Speaker 2 (50:54):
Will we have drums? Did you ever think that you
could be you know, they could deliver some aspirin and
from a drum. Wait a minute, did you see there's
a movie. I'm sorry, y'all, there's a movie and the
guy was getting it wasn't a movie I know I
was watching. I'm embarrassed to tell you what I was watching.

Speaker 1 (51:12):
But Love and Hip Pop, y'all.

Speaker 2 (51:14):
No, but I just saw a new episode last night. Listen,
Scrappy wants to get back with Erica Dixon. That's a
whole other story. Moving on. They're dropping off stuff at
the jail with drunes. They're bringing drugs into the jail, contraband. Really,
how are they not catching that? It's hard to catch. No,
it's not.

Speaker 1 (51:33):
Because I was at a football game, a high school
football game, and the man the announcer came on the
announcement thing so many times like whoever's operating the drone?
Can you please move it? Can you please back it up?
And they were not continuing play until that drone was gone.
So how are they letting drawn rop off contraband into

a jail.

Speaker 2 (51:54):
And the middle of the night. If you have a window,
they had found out a way to pop out that
window and that drone will go straight to your window
and you grab your stuff, You grab your stuff and
you put the window back up. You're good. Listen, cost
you want to taco bell from the drone? I'm telling you.
Into the jail, we got to get out of here.

We love y'all so much. Don't ever forget to live
your life. Either reasonable or show you or both.

Speaker 1 (52:20):

Speaker 2 (52:26):
Reasonably Shady is a production of the Black Effect podcast Network.

Speaker 1 (52:31):
For more podcasts from iHeartRadio, visit the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts,
or wherever you listen to your favorite shows

Speaker 2 (52:38):
And you can connect with us on social media at
Robin Dixon, ten, Giselle Bryant, and Reasonably Shady.
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