All Episodes

July 29, 2024 47 mins

In this episode, Gizelle and Robyn discuss the Dixon family, CrowdStrike IT, party planning, Kamala Harris, Amazon Prime Day, the 2024 Olympics, hair styles, Tyler Perry, “Instagram Chronicles”, listener letters, and more!    


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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Welcome to Reasonably Shady, a production of The Black Effect
Podcast Network and iHeartRadio.

Speaker 2 (00:14):
Welcome to another episode of Reasonably Shady. I am Giselle Bryant.

Speaker 1 (00:18):
What's up? What's up? Everyone? This is Robin Dixon. Thank
you so much for being here with us once again.
Once again.

Speaker 3 (00:25):

Speaker 1 (00:25):
Round of applause, round of applause. Yes, isn't that a
Brianta song? Round of a clause, applause, applah.

Speaker 2 (00:33):
Round applause, Yes, applause round.

Speaker 1 (00:42):
Okay, there's something wrong anyway. It's good to be in
the Dixon Home studio, right, it's always and all the
Dixons are here today. Yes, yes, we're here. It's summertime.
It's summertime. Boys just worked out. They came back from
their workout. Yeah, and they're like growing.

Speaker 2 (01:00):
Okay, let's give a quick update, not that you, I'm
give an update on your children. So Corey is like
way taller than Robin and Carter, who is fourteen.

Speaker 1 (01:08):
He told me today he is almost Robin's height. Yes,
and he's catching up. Yeah. So you're now like the
shorty I know. Yeah, that's so wild. It is because
Carter was always like the little baby. He was like
so cute and cuddingly. He's still very cute. Yes, he's crazy.
Like a fourteen year old that's cute. Yeah, you don't

find that many fourteen year olds that are cute. I
looked at mine when they were fourteen. They were cute. Yeah, yeah, yeah,
but a fourteen year old boy, that's hard to find.
That's true. Yeah, he's like he's growing.

Speaker 2 (01:40):
There they are, and you can tell that. So I
asked the boys, who's gonna be taller? Because typically the
doctor will tell you when they're born. Yeah, And so
Cory is like, I'm gonna be taller. I'm gonna be
like Shack bell Ow Neil. So he didn't say that.

Speaker 1 (01:56):
Well, right, So the doctor did say Corey would be taller. Yeah,
but I just I was I'm like, how did they
really know? Oh they know? Is it accurate? Well, what
he said about my girls is accurate. I agree that
Corey will probably be taller, But they said Carter was
only going to be five to ten and I was like,
that's that's just not possible. That might be because he's four. Well,

we'll see, we'll see. To TBD, you determined, you never know? Yeah,
what's your shady moment? So much shady moment involves my
son Corey. Poor thing got caught up in the mess
that was Delta Airlines.

Speaker 2 (02:35):
Oh yes, yes, now that was what was. There was
a name for it, for the airline situation. It was
called it was a the computer was upgrading. Oh no,
the computer hadn't needed a software upgrade up. Yeah yeah, yeah,
so they up It was an upgrade or update, and
it's like an update.

Speaker 1 (02:53):
Yeah, but there was the name of the computer system anyway,
doesn't even matter.

Speaker 3 (02:57):
It started early Friday morning, when a faulty wild Strike
update caused computer glitches affecting hospitals, businesses, and multiple airlines.
While other airlines have largely recovered, Delta is still struggling
to get back on track. Since last week, the airline
has canceled more than six thousand flights, with thousands of
others delayed.

Speaker 1 (03:17):
All the planes went day. Yes, I'm sure, I'm sure
a lot of our listeners got caught up in that message. Yes, so, Corey.
He spent almost two weeks in Augusta, Georgia playing basketball,
so his team flew into Atlanta, drove two and a
half hours to Augusta, Georgia, spent i don't know, maybe
he's like ten not to two whole weeks, but like

ten eleven, twelve days in Augusta, Georgia playing basketball for
the Nike eybl Peach Jam. And on the day it
was time to come home, of course, you're like dying
to get home because they've been in a little rinkinging
hotel for however long whatever. And they drive two and
a half hours back to Atlanta. Okay, get to the airport,

check their bags, walk through security, walk into the and
then get a notification that their flight was canceled. Jesus.
And this was an eight pm flight. So and this
is an organization of fifty people traveling together. Oh my gosh,
like three teams, the coaches, the admins, all that type
of stuff. So and I was just like so ready
for my child to be home for day. And they

eventually just decided, you know what, we're just going to
go stay at a hotel and we're going to charter
a coach bus. Yeah, and drive back home. Why did
they Why did they take the luggage if they knew
the plan wasn't going Well, that's the thing. They they
were able to check the luggage. Yeah, but like, why
did the airline take it because it must not. It

wasn't canceled at that time. Okay, you know, so they
were able to check the bags. And then as they
were walking as they were, you know, the Atlanta airport,
you got to get on those trams and all the stuff.
So as they were like going through all the trams
and stuff, they got a notification that the flight was canceled. Right,
So it was like, yeah, the Delta, Delta doing some

wild stuff these days. It was a mess. And then
he ran into my cousin's wife in the airport. She
was stuck and then she finally got out in the morning.
Like I know so many people that were stuck in
Atlanta Airport because of yeah, Delta in the mess. Can
you imagine how much money Delta Airlines? They said, like
one hundred and sixty five million? Is it to wherever
it was to where like it was like maybe day three?

Yeah it was. It was at one hundred and sixty
five million. That's a lot of money. And that was
the crazy part. When Corey's flight was canceled. I think
the stuff started on a Friday. The shutdown started on
a Friday. This was like Sunday, nights and they were
still canceling flights. That's wild and the other but the
other airlines got it together. The other airlines got it together.
One flew out of Atlanta. He was down there for

something else. He flew out of Atlanta on Southwest. Just fine, yeah, yeah, Southwest.
Ain't nothing wrong with Southwest. Just for me, just for me,
that's all right. Southwest. I wouldn't gone, I wouldn't gone
to Southwest. Got a little ticket now, know how to
you know? Went in Rome? Right? It was the Romans, right,
But poor Gorey. I was like, damn. They had to

drive two and a half hours south to go to
Atlanta and then drive back home passed where they just
came from. That's wild, right, So what time? So when
did he get home? Finally he got home the next
day around like eleven pm. Poor, that was an experience,
it was, it was he was, hey, can you imagine?

So this is a charter bus of fifty boys and
men who have not showered because they were in the
airport all day the day before. Sweaty balls, sweaty balls.
How many balls is that?

Speaker 2 (06:41):
Fifty's one hundred balls? One hundred sweaty ball That is nasty. Yes,
but I really it's so crazy.

Speaker 1 (06:49):
I was like, oh, I missed my son. Yeah yeah, yeah,
you know I had to deal with all that. So
so you all out here who had to deal with
Delta Airlines and their mess, you were not alone.

Speaker 2 (06:59):
Yeah, speak speaking of these children, that is my This
is my very short, shady moment, these children of mine. Okay,
so I'm having a little party for them, little send
off party that they requested.

Speaker 1 (07:10):
They requested, okay, okay because Grace didn't have one this year. No,
she didn't want it. Okay, yeah, because she was too
busy going to everybody else's party. But now the girls
are like, oh, you know, we really want to have
something with our.

Speaker 2 (07:21):
Friends before we all leave, right cool. So I had
my little pen and paper and I was like, what
y'all want?

Speaker 1 (07:27):
So they told me what they wanted, the food, this,
did that, And I said, okay, well, and I have
an event planner that I love. By the way, you
need to meet him. Okay, nice. I told my guy.
His name is Brant. I'm getting a little shout out
Brent Rica nor Ley is the name of his company.
And I was like, right, R A N O R
A L E. That's off his grandma Nora Lee. Yeah, Norley.

So I was like, Brent, this is what my girls want.
And brand has met my girls and he's like these
this for the twins and I said yes. He said,
I'm god, I'm terrified of them. And he was like,
whatever they want, I need to do it, and I
need to do it immediately because you know, there's gonna
be very direct for their age. And you know, he
said something to Angel. Angel like looked at him and
was like what, Like, I mean, Angel like checked him

really quickly. I don't know if something happened. Anyway, they're
so sweet.

Speaker 2 (08:13):
They're very sweet, but they're very he knows that they
mean business. Okay, Okay, so we got it all situated.
So he was like, okay, and I'm going.

Speaker 1 (08:21):
To are they Virgos like their mother. They're not. They're
big time tourists. Okay. So they're direct because they were
raised by virgo but they are softies at heart. Okay. Anyway,
so I was like, he said, you know, I'm gonna
get the DJ, and I was like, okay, cool. So
I told the girls the girls are very exciting and
this is not like a cheap party like this we

spend a little bit of money on this party. So
I was like, yeah, so it's going over everything that's happening.
I was like, the food, the balloons, the this, the that,
the DJ. They're like DJ. They're like, Mom, why are
you getting a DJ? And I was like, because that's
what you do for a party, party, right, And they
were like, no, Mom, we don't want to DJ. We
told you you didn't we didn't want a DJ. And
I said, I know you told me that, but I

thought you were just like kind of like you didn't
know what you're talking about. Don't you don't have to
do all that? They were like, no, a DJ means drinking.
Huh So when when when did DJ equal drinking? Right?
She was like they were both like, no, DJ means
like for teenagers, a DJ means they're supposed to be
alcoholic beverages. What was like, first of all, there's no

alcoholic beverages for teenagers, right, because y'all ain't about to
run into a tree and sue me, right, So no,
but we are having a DJ. They're so mad that
we're having a DJ, and I'm like, are you They
want it to be like a turn up? They just
wanted to be like a chill kind of thing.

Speaker 2 (09:42):
I don't know what they want, but I don't. I said, well,
how are we going to listen to music? And they
were like, we're going to buy a speaker. Girl, you
sound crazy. So anyway, the DJ will be there.

Speaker 1 (09:53):
My children are very unappreciative and they are shaped the end.
They just don't buy a speaker, right, wh who buys
a speaker? Who as a speaker? Only DJs have speakers? Well, no,
I mean you could get like a bit a nice
whatever Bose speaker. Yes, shit, they can use Alexa.

Speaker 2 (10:12):
Well, but that's like a travel I feel like those
are travel speakers. They're very small, Like, no, we need
this to amplify and you don't want to be worried
about the music, right, that's for someone else to handle.
So anyway, they're very mad at me about the DJ.

Speaker 1 (10:26):
Okay, how many people are on this list? Listen? Listen?

Speaker 2 (10:29):
Did list keep changing? They first told me twenty, then
that went to thirty. Now I think we have forty,
so I don't know.

Speaker 1 (10:36):
Okay, Well we shall see, Okay, Yeah, I mean, hey,
they could save you some money with the DJ if
you don't use the DJ DJs are not expensive. This
DJ cost two hundred and fifty dollars. I'm waiting for
a shout out dj Alex, thank you. Okay, y'ah, Okay,
dj Alex is not that expensive. Okay, y'all go ahead
and give dj Alex some love. That's funny. Yes, that's interesting.
These kids are different. They're different. They're very different.

Speaker 2 (10:58):
I don't I don't understand how equally y'all write in
and let us know if my kids are tripping?

Speaker 1 (11:03):
Dude, does DJ equal for teenagers drinking? But this is
like a different This is not a party. This is
a during the day right exactly. This is a day party. Yeah,
it's not just for the kids right now. My family
will be there and stuff.

Speaker 2 (11:19):
I mean not yeah, some of my family, and did
I invited some adults? So really what happened with the
adults is they were like, okay, mom, so and so
is coming and she kind of lives far away, and
she was like, you know, her mom who you know,
just how to hit me, her mom who you know, is.

Speaker 1 (11:35):
Bringing her, so you know she's just gonna stay. And
if one adult stays, it's like, ah, that means I
have to entertain this adult. So now all the adults
come right, Yeah, I just invited a bunch of people,
got it? Okay? All right, Well, hey, the adults will
enjoy the detail and the drinking, but not the kids.

Well further, ado, are we gonna give it up for
the next President of the United States? President mode President
Kamala Harris, Caamala Harris coming through so Wisconsin. I am
told as of this morning that we have earned the
support of enough delegates to secure the Democratic nomination. So, friends,

we have one hundred and five days until election day,
and in that time, we've got some work to do.
But we're not afraid of hard work. We like hard work,
don't we And we will win this election. Yes we will. Okay,

are we excited about this? I am very excited. I
will say though, when Joe Biden made that announcement on
his you know, social media, I was sad. Yeah, it
was weird. It's like, you know, I know, the Democratic
Party for a few weeks now where we were like spinning, yes, right,
totally spinning. And I was actually surprised that we were

still spinning because you know, media cycles are very short, right,
So after the debate, you know, people are all like
up intsizzy, like okay, what's going on? Something needs to change,
like he's not fit whatever, blah blah blah. And I thought, okay,
well this is going to die down. We're going to
be onto something new, and it like wouldn't die down. No, no, no,
right no, yeah. I personally think there's some issues with

Joe that we don't know, and that's fine. I don't
need tell me he's eighty years old. He's just declining
and that's fine, that's natural and there's nothing wrong with it.
I don't know, what do you like issues you mean
for health? Yeah, that we don't know, and I don't
need to know. It's none of my business. Yeah, yeah,
I don't know. I mean there's times when he appears sharp, yes,
and there's times when it's like, okay, you're a little

slow here. And it's not even just his his like speaking,
it's his movements. Yes, don't show him walking right, I
get nervous right walking, or even when he's like wave
into the crowd, it's like very delayed, very slow like
stuff like that. So but anyway, even with all of
like the tizzy that the Democratic Party was in, yea,

and I mean sorry, but not sorry to people who
don't want to hear politics, but this is a very
big deal. This is a huge moment, so get over yourself. Yeah.
But when he made that announcement, it was like okay,
it was like two emotions, right, It's like, okay, great,
now we have clarity. Yes, right, now we can figure
out a path forward. Now we can just you know,
figure out a solution. And then it was like sadness.

I felt sad for him. I felt sad just that,
you know, I felt like he was I don't want
to say he was bullied, but just imagine being on
the receiving it and having all of these people like, oh,
you need to step aside this step. I was relieved
for him, to be honest. Yeah. I was like, and
there's a relief too, yeah. Yeah.

Speaker 2 (14:54):
I was like, you need to be spending time with
your grandkids. Yeah, Like you don't need to be running
the country.

Speaker 1 (14:59):
You know how hard that job, right, right? Yeah? So
and we've seen presidents decline as soon as they get
that job. They just be looking haggard, right exactly. Yeah. Yeah,
and maybe for him there probably was like sadness, but
there probably is some relief at this point. Yeah, and honestly,
didn't he say when he ran the last time that
he was more of a transitional Yeah, he was one

and done. Yeah yeah, so this is good. Yeah. So anyway,
you know, and it was very nice to immediately have
Biden say I endorse Kamalo so that we don't have
to spend weeks figuring out out who the candidate is. Yes, period, right, Yes,
and I love it. I love it. I'm here for it.

Speaker 2 (15:40):
I have told you privately, like women are not well
Black women, especially me and Robin, We're not the problem
to get her into office, right, I feel like men
are the problem. Yes, So a man that doesn't see
a woman in leadership, get over yourself, right, because now
it's the time y'all.

Speaker 1 (15:58):
Have had y'all time. Yes, how long have they had
their time? I know? And it's whatever. It's insane to
think like, oh, a woman can't be elected president. Yes,
and you know, I reflect back to Hillary Clinton where
Hillary ran, right, and part of me is like, oh,
we don't want another Hillary to happen. Right, But when
you think about Hillary, Hillary and the rest of the

Democratic Party, we thought she had it in the bag,
Like we thought it was a walk in the park. Yeah,
there was no chance in hell that Donald Trump would
have won. And so we weren't really like Hillary wasn't
really campaigning super hard. She wasn't really trying to appeal

to you know, probably the young vote or just a
different audience. She was just like, Okay, this is a
walking apart and handed to her. Yeah, well not really.
She still won the popular vote.

Speaker 2 (16:51):
She did, but yeah, we couldn't get her in that
in the old office. But hopefully this time. Listen, we're
not gonna tell y'all what to do. We're just gonna
tell y'all vote for people do that are not criminals?

Speaker 1 (17:01):
Right, yes, exactly. And you know it's so funny. So
speaking of like black women, yes, black women are gonna
we're gonna do everything we can to get Kamala in office.
But have you seen the white women on social media
or saying I know my assignment. Yes, good, it's good,
I understand the assignment. Yeah, I know my assignment. Well

you gotta follow through. So that's the thing now with
all the white women are supporting Kamala, they're like, we
know the assignment, Okay, great, and it's really great because
you know, they had the phone call or the zoom
call with you know, the over forty thousand black women,
which I hopped on for a little bit, and then
the men, the forty the black men followed up. Yes,
Anna Navarro from the View was on the call with

the black women, and she was like, listen, we're you know,
you're Latino sisters. We want in. So then I heard
the Latino women are doing an awesome call, you know,
I'm with Kamala calleh. And then now I hear there's
a white women call. Well, thank god for that. Ye
who's leading that? I don't know, I need to like
dig more into that, but there's a white woman cars

saw the graphic for it and everything. Who should be
put in charge of that? Gwyneth Paltrow. Oh yeah, Taylor Swift?
Who should be put in charge of that? Oh shoot,
Taylor Swift? How about Jennifer Aniston? I voted for Taylor Swift?
Everybody charge? Yeah, yeah, yeah. So so it's awesome. So
it's really exciting. Kamala is you know she has energy? Yeah,

we can relate to her, you know, we see her.
I think she's sharp. Yeah, I feel like we have
a seat at the table. I feel like we are seeing,
we are heard. I feel like, you know, when we
talk about sharpness and education, I mean, hands down, there's
no comparison to who she's running against. And listen, the

lies that are coming out about her right are hilarious. Oh,
I know, it's insane, Like stop it, and I would
encourage everybody don't. Don't if you hear something totally negative
about her. Now mind you, they're calling her every name
under the sun, which is like heartening, but like, do
your before you believe the lie. Look the lie up.
This is probably a lie the end. Do your research.

And I don't even want to mention that she's a
member of my sorority alf Kappa Alpha, because I just
feel bad, like deltas y'all, how y'all feeling about y'allselves
these days? We are supportive? How we feel that that
is our sister too? Okay, well, I mean not really anyway,
the AKA is a shining right Listen, y'all can't ak's alone,

can't can't win the vote? Well that is true.

Speaker 2 (19:35):
Yes we do, yes we do, but we this is
this is exciting times exciting.

Speaker 1 (19:40):
Yeah, hopefully everything keeps going, you know the way that
we want it. To go. Yes, I'm very curious to
see who she's gonna select for vice president. Yeah, we
need to see that. And I don't I don't care.
I don't care it coul Beaches Olf, it doesn't even matter.
Let's just get it in. I mean, yeah, it does matter.
I mean it doesn't matter to us. It matters to

the maybe the undecided people, to the ones that understand
their assignment. It matters to them.

Speaker 2 (20:07):
Yes, yes, yes, okay, So let's let's get into something
else that was very exciting. It just it happened recently.
But I was I was in a choke hold. I
was in a joke cold of the Amazon Prime Day. Yes,
so my children, I didn't.

Speaker 1 (20:25):
Know Amazon PROMI Day existed. Ever, what did not know?
I was like, she's gonna call you, but I was
too busy ordering things. Okay, So never knew it existed,
never knew it was a thing. So my kids have
all this stuff on their wish list that they want
for college. So they kept saying, like mine, it's in
the car and I'm gonna save it. I'm giving to
you on Prime Day Prime Day. And I'm like, what

the Prime Day? So I said okay. So then all
of a sudden, they woke up one day and like
they were like mine's Prime day, and I'm like, what
the hell does that mean?

Speaker 2 (20:54):
They were like, you can buy everything today that we're
sending you girl.

Speaker 1 (20:58):
I opened up my Amazon Prime.

Speaker 2 (21:00):
All of my stuff that I normally buy was on sale,
was on sale.

Speaker 1 (21:06):
I went not.

Speaker 2 (21:07):
I went I went crazy, like literally Google crazy.

Speaker 1 (21:13):
I was so excited. So finally I counted, oh shit,
like how many things I purchased? Boxes are still coming? Okay,
how many think I purchased? Oh that's seventy five things
between me and the girls. Yeah, well Grace actually didn't
send me. No, Grace did send me still, yeah, Angel

did seventy five. I went not. I went crazy. I
went crazy, Now, like what was it? So?

Speaker 2 (21:42):
Like, for instance, there's toothpaste that I buy on there,
so you know that was fifty percent everything everything from
toothpaste toothbrushes. The girls wanted like body suits, workout pants,
they wanted pillows, sheets, all that stuff.

Speaker 1 (21:59):
I mean I just when I went not because it
was eighty percent. Yeah, it was some big deals, some
big deals. Baby. Yeah. So I it was like for me,
it was just too much, you know what I mean
and so so for me sometimes when it's like too much,
I just like turn it off. But I bought stuff
for my business. So for my business, yes, business, yeah,

thirty thirty, So we had to so we have speakers
that we put in every room, like a little Sons speaker,
which I got for like fifty dollars off, so I
saved and I had to buy six of them. So
that's amazing. Yeah, so I saved three hundred dollars there, okay.
And then we need iPads for every room, oh g yeah,
so I got those. I think my speakers were actually

more off. Yeah. But anyway, so like I was buying
electronic stuff and like big purchases and so I was
happy about that, okay, yeah, yeah, I was very excited.
So if they want to do it again, feel free,
right because your selle is down? Is it just one
day a year or it's two days it's okay, it
was like the seventeenth, sixteen seventeenth or something like that.
It's two days back to back, okay. Yeah, But what

I noticed was that while Amazon Prime Day was taking place,
other stores were put their stuff on sale too. Oh
they did. Yeah, So for me, like I actually ended
up buying my iPads or some of them from best
Buy because best Buy mark their stuff down and then
I can get like points and rewards and yeah, stuff

like that. I was too much in a choke call
for Amazon. I was like locked in and I wasn't
necessarily working that day. I was like on the couch. Yeah,
don't never get me on the couch. It's disaster. I know.
I saw you know, it's so funny. I saw a
meme that was like we it was like a video
of this guy and it's like, we call ourselves saving
money by not going outside. But when you sit at home,

you shop online, and you end up spending more money.
You shop online, you door dash, yeah, and you end
up spending more money than if you had gone outside. Yes,
And they're saying so restaurants are now saying that they
want they want to turn everything over to electric, like
you know, when you do the QR code and all that,
because we those they found people spend more than when
they look at a menu that's a paper menu. Oh wow.

For whatever reason, they say, people just spend more, oh wow.
And I'm like that's probably.

Speaker 2 (24:10):
True, yeah, because you're just it's easy to just I
don't know, maybe it's psychological. But the way that you
go that your brain thinks to like look at stuff
and process, right, it's a different. It's different when it's paper,
then it's on like your computer or what I.

Speaker 1 (24:25):
Mean, your phone? Really yeah wow? So I mean, let
me tell you the markup when you when you buy
stuff on door dash versus when you walk in and
pick it up. It's absurd. It's crazy. It's absurd. Yes,
and you do it every time and I keep doing it.
But there are times when I'm like, no, we know,
driving and picking it up. Yes, this is crazy. How
many times you do that? Maybe like five percent? Five percent? Yeah, okay,

So let's talk about the Olympics because it's here, yes,
and I'm here for it.

Speaker 2 (25:03):
Anybody in particular we want to cheer. I mean definitely
some all Biles.

Speaker 1 (25:07):
Right of course. And she's back as off. Do you
remember the last Olympics when she had like the mental breakdown?
Is that Tokyo, Japan? What was that? I guess? So, yeah,
Tokyo that was so, you know, I was that was
that was courageous of her really for doing that because
you're on the biggest stage and you're like I'm not ready. Yeah, yeah,

so I'm I hope that she's in a better place
and that she's she can, like, you know, make it through.
So definitely curious and I feel like a lot of
eyes will be on her totally. Do you have you
ever felt like I want to go to the Olympics. No,
you're right, like people are like, oh, I need to go,
I want to go to Paris. I have no desires

of no desire like the crowds, right, Yeah, It's not
for me, no, but I feel like it. No, I've
never like had the desire to go. Now. If if
someone gave me the opportunity to go, I would go.
But it's not like on a wish list or a
bucket list of things I want to do now. But
I do enjoy just having them on and watching them totally,

And you know, I like it's in rooting on the
USA and watching all the different events, you know, even
like stuff that I would never really watch if it
wasn't the Olympics, right, you know, like swimming, I wouldn't
really watch, you know, swimming if it weren't for the Olympics. Totally.
But I'm like locked in on swimming, locked in.

Speaker 2 (26:29):
So did you see how Lebron and Steph Curry were
like Like Steph was like, I'm sick of.

Speaker 1 (26:36):
Not like us. Oh yeah, and He's like, is this
the this is not the only song in America?

Speaker 2 (26:42):
Yeah, they were like practicing, Lebron, the whole Olympic basketball
team was practicing and they were playing it Kendrick song
and like Steph is like, I'm over it, yeah, and Lebron.

Speaker 1 (26:50):
Was like, no, man, I liked a song, right, and
I like it? And you know what's so crazy about that?

Speaker 2 (26:55):
So I know how we were talking about and this
is like old because the whole Drake Kendrick Lamar beef
was like what two three months ago? Yeah, like it's
a century.

Speaker 1 (27:05):
Ago, right, it's old news, old news. But literally yesterday
I was in traffic and it came on and I
was like really honing in on the on the lyrics
huh Ken Chuck Lamar. Oh yeah, I ate him a lot,
Like I was like, oh my god when he said
a minor uh huh okay, I've heard that about five

thousand times and you didn't like put the connection no,
And then I said I feel like, am I an idiot? Like?
How how slow? Am I. I mean no, like you
probably just like okay, it's a catchy song. Like some
people are really like deciphering the lyrics. They are like
reading a word for words and like, oh this means
that it's a double Entendrey Kench did his hand. If

I'm Drake, I'm still in Heidi, is he still in?
I believe that he's working. I mean it's he's working
on his h his braid, his braids which my son has,
by the way, he has, yeah, you know it gets
his hair corn roaded and stuff. And I'm like's the
goal here? Like where are we going with this? I
don't know who has it had? Yeah? Do Raging had

his hood on? Yeah he had a hoodie on. Yeah.
I didn't see his hair. I don't. I'm just like, okay,
I don't really understand. Maybe and maybe this is just
because like my hair is a pain in the ass
if you're a dude and you really can just get
away with just cutting your hair low and keeping and moving, Like,
why are you adding all of this extra to do

on your to do list? I think it's trendy. I
think they you know, it makes him feel like they're yeah,
it's trendy. Yeah, they want to feel like they're apart.
Can we we can we talk about the Okay, go ahead.
I'm not I want to cut you off. No, no, no,
I'm just like I mean, and I guess you know, okay,
and I guess you know you can. You want to
express yourself, you want to a certain waight. But I'm
just like, do y'all know, like it's such a pain

in the ass to do your hair, such a pain
for the for the braids, for any for anything. That's
just is not like if cut low cut low right,
if we could, if women could just walk around with
a little short low cut. Listen, do you know what broke?
Like hairstylas would be broken. The whole wee factory would
be out of business exactly. Like that's a I think

a billion dollar business. Oh yeah, it's a huge industry.
And maybe I'm like annoyed because i gotta take him
to get his hair braided, and I'm like, that's just
another thing for me to do. I mean, want to
take them to the barbershop. And then it's like with Corey,
it's like, Okay, you got to get your hair braided,
and you got to get your shape up two things. Yes,
it's two fer. Yes, I'm like, why do you all

put yourself through that when you don't have to? But
I'm more upset that I gotta take you to the
braid shop. Right, Okay? Can I give a public service
announcement for women? We hate beards? Yes we do. No,
I don't. I don't think so long beards? What what's
the length? Listen? You can't talk about beard? You got

in trouble? No, I know my but no, I'm not,
I'm not, no, but but I I need for it
to go away. You don't like them at all? Like
you like zero fatal hair again, George Michael remember the
acro scruff? That's it, that's as long as it goes. Yeah,
anything else is enough. I won't say. I just think
they're unnecessary. And why can't we see your see? Why

can't we see your face? It just depends on the person.
Some beards actually make guys look a little bit more handsome.
There are guys that not the long beards, not the
super long ones like just you know, but still like
a full one. Yeah, some full beards actually help make
some guys look better. I was waiting on the trend
to stop not stop it. Yeah, but so I'm gonna

tell all guys, if y'all are listening, no one likes
your beard, No one, not even the woman that you're
having sex with. It. She doesn't like it. She just
hasn't told you yet, but she really wants you to
cut it. But he might be ugly in real life,
and the beard makes him look better. I'm telling you,
I've seen a lot of guys that have a beard
and then you look at their picture without a beard

and you're like, oh, now I know why you have
the beard. Okay, Robin said that, not just out just
for the record, all right, I want to talk about
Tyler Perry. Okay, all right, So you know, Tyler's been
getting criticized. Taller Perry, you know, is.

Speaker 2 (31:25):
In the entertainment industry, in the TV television industry, the
most revered black.

Speaker 1 (31:31):
Man or something. I mean, he's got he's got it.
Tyler's doing. He's super successful. I would don't know if
he's the most not not most reverd, but Tyler. Tyler
has come under h scrutiny because everyone's like Tyler. All
of your movies are the same, right, if you see one,
you've seen them all. The plot is the same, right,

it's just characters in a different name. Yeah. So he's like, yeah,
but you know he's so he he spoke on that
and he was like, suck it, suckers works.

Speaker 2 (32:07):
He's like, you know't tell you what to do, right,
Why are you gonna like why do we have to
like dumb down or change our stories?

Speaker 1 (32:14):
Right? That those are our stories? Right? And I agree, okay, yes,
if I want to be able to close my eyes
and know that this is a Tyler Perry movie, this is
what you're gonna get. Yes, I'm not mad at it,
Like I can see Madia. That's a different signature. A
Tyler Perry movie, that's his signature, and that's and you
know what you're gonna get. And it's kind of like,
well that John Grisham writes the same novels right over

and over again. You know the people, the person that
wrote Harry Potter, she wrote the same type of same
thing over and over again. Why is it okay for them?
But Tyler Perry can't do it? Yeah?

Speaker 2 (32:46):
Yeah, And he does all his like church movies and everything,
and one day he's going to ask me to be one.

Speaker 1 (32:52):
He is Tyler just waiting. Look at you campaigning for Tyler,
been campaigning. You are home now and you are shamed.
And God, I tried everything, No beech. You have taught
me since I was a little girl to be a
good wife. But what happens when that's not enough? But

I guess Tyler Perry's like, Okay, he won't call me.
I don't care about your opinion, but it works and
it's been making him money. Yeah, you know, right, sucking Yeah,
so sucking suckers. He didn't actually he said it. He said.
I think he said I don't give a damn bitches
like he didn't say that. I think he said sucking suckers.
I did see though, that his most recent movie has
gotten like really bad reviews, but the one was Megan Good. Yeah.

I know all.

Speaker 2 (33:46):
Of them had bad reviews, but they're making the controllion dollars.
Everybody goes to see him, everybody supports them. So what
difference doesn't make whether the plot is the same. You
can you can listen different movies.

Speaker 1 (33:56):
I've been watching it for like thirty seconds, and I
know the entire plot, right.

Speaker 2 (34:00):
What's going to happen? You know exactly what's going to happen, yes,
and it's fine. I want to watch it anyway. Anyway,
this is going to our Instagram chronicles. That's you know,
that's our new segment. Okay, I got some for that.

Speaker 1 (34:17):
Okay. So they have said that Pizza Hut. Did you
ever go to Pizza Hut back in the day. Yes,
I used to love the little pan pizzas. Oh really, yes? Okay,
would you go in the Yeah, you had to go
in the store because they didn't really have like delivery
or anything at that point, right, yeah, okay. Pizza Hut
said that they're bringing the buffet back. I don't need

no buffet a pizza Hut, thank you. So, so Pizza
Hut is bringing back it's popular nineties all you can
eat buffets. Okay. So what that means is is grease
on top of grease on top of mogile selling in
this buffet.

Speaker 2 (34:56):
I think the buffet is different types of pizzas and
it's just like, oh, you can eat, and I think
it's only for like eleven dollars and ninety nine cents.

Speaker 1 (35:04):
Oh my god, that right there makes me gag. Yeah. Yeah,
so okay, I don't need a Pizza Hut. Buffet. But
I did love a Sizzler buffet. What Sizzler like the steak?
You never went to Sizzler, No, I don't think that
was like when the fan like the treat for the family,

like when it was like, oh, we're going out to
dinner everyone, We're going to Sizzlers. Sizzler, Sizzler, okay, And
it was a buffet. So what was on the buffet?
It was like everything I'm trying to remember, you know.
And honestly, I think as a kid, I really just
like vegetables, Like I probably just tore up the salad bar. Okay, Yeah,
you could get like salad and steak and chicken and

all the you know, the okay Sizzler. Trust me, I
would never eat it today and my kids would probably
never eat it today. Like this. Yeah, but the stuff
that my parents ate and fed me, we're not eating
that now. It's not happening. And that's why I feel
like pizza Hut, there's a reason why y'all took it
away because nobody was actually eating it, right, So let's
keep it away. We don't need to bring that back.

I don't need or a Sizzler pizza Hut. No, I
did miss sizzler and even and when it like closed down,
it was very sad. Okay, this is my Instagram chronicles. Okay,
you know, just because it's on Instagram, I guess that
makes it special. So in Houston, Texas, yeah, ask your mother,
will your mama lives, heavy rains bring out toxic worms

that multiply when cut in half. Have you heard about this? No?
But that's always right, is it? Yeah? Weren't these things
they regenerate? Okay? They I've never seen the yellow ones.
They're yellow and black, yes, like regular worms, so they're
like no. So these are heavy rains in Houston have
brought out poisonous hammer head flatworms, which can regenerate if

cut in half. These invasive worms pose a risk to
pets in humans secreting top sins that can cause skin irritation.
Expertise against touching them. Use gloves and a plastic bag
with salt, vinegar or citrus oil. Instead. What, yes, that's
not good? No? Okay, So where they where did they
come from? The underground? I guess so? Yeah, probably far

underground because it's the heavy rains. So the heavy rains
are probably like pushing them up in there because they're
trying not to suffocate or drown or whatever. So if
you live in Houston, let us know if you've seen
these nasty, poisonous hammerhead worms. That totally so wait, worms
do that anyway?

Speaker 2 (37:32):
So regular I think guard Yeah earth worms if yeah,
if you cut them, they they regenerate like they Have
you ever done that? I have as a child when
I played in the dirt for like a day.

Speaker 1 (37:44):
Okay, so I've never I used to play in the
dirt every day and I never did that. But okay, yeah,
they they will they will beheal themselves or whatever. Really, yeah,
I didn't know that. Okay, Well those are pointus poisonous. Yeah,
tell your mama to be careful. Okay, this is our
last Instagram chronicle. Did you know? And you probably didn't

because you were raising boys? Do you know about Hello Kitty? Oh?
I saw that. Yes, it's not a cat.

Speaker 2 (38:12):
So I say to my child, my children, because girls,
I'm like, hey, do y'all know about Hello Kitty?

Speaker 1 (38:17):
And they're like what.

Speaker 2 (38:17):
I was like, Hello Kitty is not a cat, right,
and they were like, yeah, it's a little girl.

Speaker 3 (38:23):
What right?

Speaker 1 (38:24):
Where did that happen? Right? Well? Why does she look
like a cat. How dare you confuse us? Right? Years,
she looked like her cat, and her name is kitty
and she has whiskers right, like, it's just not right.
I don't understand that. Why you've been lying to us?
The creator of Hello Kitty revealed, yes that Hello Kitty
is not a cat.

Speaker 2 (38:44):
It's a little girl and she has like a regular
supposedly family.

Speaker 1 (38:48):
Yes, yes, it's not a they all have whiskerson. It's
not a person. People don't look like that. And ears
up here right, yes, not on the sides of your
she has ears on the yes, top of her head,
pointy ears. Yes, Hello Kitty. You lying? You're a cat,
not a cat, and that is not a person. That's crazy.
You a liar? Okay, Yeah I don't. I didn't. I

don't understand that. Why she did that? Yeah, to do
that to us? Yeah, And so now I don't feel
like Hello Kitty is cute anymore. You're not cute anymore. No,
but if you're a kitty, you're cute, but if you're
a little girl, you're not. So it was Hello Kitty
a thing for your girls? Yeah, Hello Kitty? Yeah, they
like Tello Kitty for while? Was it a thing when
we were little girls. I don't know. I don't I
wasn't into I was in the like Barbie Dolls.

Speaker 2 (39:30):
Yeah, okay, all right, I want to read this. This
is from Jen top Notch.

Speaker 1 (39:37):
Okay. One of the reasons why I want her last
name top note, it says top notch, gen top notch.
You think that's her last name? Let me say no,
I don't think that's I don't think that's her last
name either. What is that supposed to mean? Is that
like I want to be on top yeah? Or she's
like the top notch bitch. Oh okay, head top notch
in charge, she's a sid Okay, all right, Jen, She says, Hey, y'all. Okay,

First of all, I just want to let y'all know
I love hearing your podcast. You guys are the only
podcast I listened to. I have been catching up on
the previous episodes literally every time I wake up, on
my lunch, on my way to work and coming home
from work. Okay, she is benjik Gin Top nine, Yes,
Giselle and Robin. Okay, I just wanted to let you

know a shady moment that I had so this past
Saturday morning, I woke up to take a shower. I
had the podcast playing while I was in the shower,
and my baby girl was sitting in the restroom with me.
The restroom you mean the bathroom, right, yeah? Restroom is
like public, yeah, okay, top notch.

Speaker 2 (40:42):
When I got out of the shower, I saw her
on the bed with my husband Tommy time me.

Speaker 1 (40:48):
That's how it says. Tim Me rolls over in the
bed and says, damn, I'm sleepy, babe. And Robin as
loud as hell shit, And I can hear Robin and
Giselle all the way over here. And I started laughing
and went to the bathroom and turned it up louder.
Oh no. And my daughter Emma said, Daddy, Pickles, don't

be mean. I don't know what that means. What I
guess he's she's saying, daddy, don't be mean. Okay. Then
then she says, get it, Tommy Pickles, Tommy Pickles. Yeah,
I don't know them. That's I think that's an internal
joke with the samething that we don't know about. Yeah,
I don't know.

Speaker 2 (41:26):
Anyway, I love the podcast. I told my husband to
take me to the next show. If y'all are having
one and definitely look forward to the next season of
the Real Housewives. Potomac jen Oh Tommy Pickles is a
fictional cartoon characters cartoon character.

Speaker 1 (41:39):
Okay, okay, you taught us something. Yeah, yeah, she's right, Tommy,
you'd better forget about it. Forget about it. I can't
forget about it. It's my ball, Tobby, it's the next yard.
You're only a baby, a baby stott to do what
a baby's gotta do, gin top, not to shout to something.

But I love this. I love turning it up louder
and that you are disturbing your husband. Yes, your husband's
sleep at that, because I bet you your husband disturbs
your sleep. Yes, daily, Yes, totally. Yes. I definitely love
anytime that women like force their partners, their male partners,
Oh yeah, to bring us into their lives. Right, we

like practically in their bedroom. Yes, we're in the bed.
Well Robin just got nasty. Well he was in the bed, right.
I don't want to be in their sex life. I
do not want to be in their sex Can you
imagine people like humping to the sound of reasonably.

Speaker 2 (42:41):
They're hopping to Robin's voice, Please don't do that. I
think Robin's voice is better than mine, So it's your
voice is probably.

Speaker 1 (42:47):
A turn on. No, no, y'all think so I hate
listening to my voys me too, I turn it off. Yes,
I can't listen. Yeah. So the fact that you're listening
to us in the shower, yeah, and driving your husband
crazy with it, that's that's interesting. So there's a guy
that was leaving me.

Speaker 2 (43:05):
You know, we're kind of dating a little bit, maybe
not really anyway, He's leaving me voice audio messages, right.

Speaker 1 (43:11):
So I try to be like you and send him
audio message back. Yes, I text back and.

Speaker 2 (43:16):
Wait, and then I listened to it. I was like,
my voice sounds disgusting. This is not sexy. So then
I try to do it again and try it sound sexy.
Me sounding sexy sounds worse.

Speaker 1 (43:25):
Oh no, no, don't do that. I tried it like
four times. I gave up. I was like, player, you're
getting a text mess because this is terrible. But he
does He does it fine. Yeah, I do that too.
People will send me voice texts yeah, and I will
always text back because I do not like the sound
of my voice and I don't want to even hear
myself play it back.

Speaker 2 (43:46):
No, right, no, And I'm like, this sounds weird. It
sounds goofy, right, I can't sound this's goofy right.

Speaker 1 (43:51):
Yeah, But how weird is that we sit here and
we talk for a living every day at for a reading,
on television and on podcasts. Yeah, and we can't sound
stand the sound of boys.

Speaker 2 (44:01):
Yes, now Ashley says the same thing. Yeah, yeah, speaking
of Ashley. So my kids are and then then we
got to go guys. So my kids are, uh, you know,
obviously they're leaving to go to they're going to college.
So I don't know whether I've said this or not,
but my kids babysit a lot. And there's like a
whole little infrastructure of moms that have told each their

friends that my kids are like the best babies, right,
So they have like all these families.

Speaker 1 (44:27):
I would trust your girls to babysit mine. Yeah. Yeah.
So well, yeah, your kids are all that's that would
be hanging out if I had little one. Yeah. Yeah.
So anyway, so I was asking them the other day.

Speaker 2 (44:40):
I was like, hey, because they're coming home now because
we're get were getting down to the wire, and these
famili are giving them gifts. Yeah, now mind you, they're
buying gifts to their colleges that they think that they're
going to, and they're buying the wrong ones. They're just
buying HPCU. It's like one of like a door got
like Stanley Howard Cup.

Speaker 1 (45:00):
I'm like, no, it's wrong. But anyway, so they're like, yeah,
we're gonna, we're gonna. A Door didn't want a babysit
for one of these families because she's like, yeah, they
pay me the lease okay, And I'm like, they pay
you the lease. She was like, yeah, I'm not going
because she's she's in demand. So anytime she's in demand,
she goes with like the high pain okay, so she

has options, she's options. Okay. So I'm like, well who
pays the most? Both of them said Ashley, Oh wow,
Ashley Darby out here with real paying them. She's like
babysitting premium. Okay.

Speaker 2 (45:32):
She's like the Rolls Royce of moms when it comes
to babysit. Really, yes, she gives the most money.

Speaker 1 (45:37):

Speaker 2 (45:37):
Yeah, so anytime. So one time Ashley called Angel and
a Angel couldn't do it, so a Door did it,
and that.

Speaker 1 (45:43):
Door was like, yes, I'll take it. I'm coming there.
Oh yeah, okay, I need to know how much she pays. Yes, well,
you don't need this anymore, I know, I'm just curious.
I mean, she's got two rambunctious boys, so I feel
like boys, especially when they're rambunctious and they're you know,
they should be a premium. Yes. Well, not that her
kids are bad. They're just I don't even want to

call them rambuckses. They're just active. Yeah. But I actually
did say they're the smartest kids she's ever babysitting. Oh, Dean.

Speaker 2 (46:12):
Dylan's like not necessarily old enough to like really show
his smarts, but Dean, she said, it's extremely smart.

Speaker 1 (46:19):
Yeah. I believe that. Just my little time I've spent
around him. I'm like, like, dude, why do you know
my name? Yeah?

Speaker 2 (46:25):
Like what like and then like she so sometimes like
she'll lead food for them or whatever.

Speaker 1 (46:29):
And let's say it's sushi. Like those kids like put
their sushi in front of them, they'll hop on their
little chairs, they're opening up their chopsticks, they're eating, like
and just like wow, this is impressive. Wow. Yeah, and
my first time eating sushi, I was I think out
of college. Okay, well, kudos to Ashley Darby the rich Bitch.
Yeah okay, thank you for you know, hooking my kids up. Yeah,

that's awesome. Yes, anyway, we're out of here. Guys. We
love y'all so much.

Speaker 2 (46:57):
Don't ever forget to live your life either reasonable or
shape for both.

Speaker 1 (47:00):
By bye.

Speaker 2 (47:07):
Reasonably Shady is a production of the Black Effect podcast Network.

Speaker 1 (47:12):
For more podcasts from iHeartRadio, visit the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts,
or wherever you listen to your favorite

Speaker 2 (47:18):
Shows, and you can connect with us on social media
at Robin Dixon, ten, Giselle Bryant, and Reasonably Shady
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Robyn Dixon

Robyn Dixon

Gizelle Bryant

Gizelle Bryant

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