Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Welcome to Reasonably Shady, a production of the Black Effect
Podcast Network and iHeartRadio.
Speaker 2 (00:14):
Welcome to another episode of Reasonably shake Dy. I am
Gizelle Bryant.
Speaker 1 (00:19):
What's up? What's out? This is Robin Dixon. I'm sorry,
I'm laughing because I had a blonde moment. Yes, but
we're here. We were talking, we weren't recording. No, we're
recording now. Yeah, we're recording now. That's probably happened. What
do you think that's like the third A doesn't happen?
Not that many?
Speaker 2 (00:35):
Okay, maybe like episode one hundred eighty eight.
Speaker 1 (00:40):
You've done it, not seven times? Ten okay, I'll give
you ten, No, not ten, okay, I like seven seven? Yeah, okay.
But we have definitely been talking sometimes and we'll look
down and be like, oh shit, I forgot to press record,
I know.
Speaker 2 (00:57):
And then you know, we try to recreate and we cannot. Yeah,
it's lightning in a bottle.
Speaker 1 (01:03):
Sure cannot recreate greatness.
Speaker 2 (01:05):
Yes, but we're here greatness, Okay, we are here for sure. Yes,
And I'm shady.
Speaker 1 (01:12):
Yeah, what's your shady moment? I am a shady lady. Okay,
so that's not news, but I shocked myself on my
shadiness every now and again. Okay, So I recently purchased
a home in Hampton, Virginia. It's like a little investment
property and I'm going to be buying much more hopefully
god dwelling. Yeah.
Speaker 2 (01:43):
And I have a daughter that's going to school in Hampton, Virginia.
And she was like, Mom, I really don't want you
to do this right now, because you know, all you're
going to be concerned about is like furnishing that and
like buying stuff for that, and like, you don't you're
not going to care about me.
Speaker 1 (02:00):
And I was like her, Mama, rich, she can no,
not like that, Like she's gonna I'm gonna forget. I'm
gonna prioritize. I'm gonna prioritize. Yeah, you know what, because
Carter's room, he still has rubber Maid dressers in his room.
We've been here for three years.
Speaker 2 (02:16):
I don't even know what a rubber Maid dresser, you know,
the brand rubber Maid. Yeah, I wouldn't call it a dresser.
Speaker 1 (02:24):
I would just call it a little storage bend with drawers.
And we've been here for three years. But my office
is nice and my bedroom is nice, and my family
room is nice, dining room is nice. But I and
your landscaping is it's amazing my landscape. Poor Carter. This
is Carter, Carter, Poor Carter. Yes, it's always the youngest child.
I know, it gets shafted. It is, it is. And
he'll let me know too, hes me know. Yeah. So
I'm like, oh yeah, I keep forgetting today to day.
But meanwhile, yes, I have a little portable Sonna in
my basement.
Speaker 2 (02:58):
You know, like you could with the Amazon Prime of
it all, you could have got something for him.
Speaker 1 (03:04):
Really cheat, you know what I could have I could
have Okay, I'm sorry to cut you off. No, no,
but she has a point. No, but you you were
more shady than my shady moment, because that is the
shady moment. I have bought nothing for a door, and
I'm buying everything from my little house that I got
down there.
Speaker 2 (03:20):
And it's it's sad, like I'm so excited to like
get mirrors here and get pictures here and little flowers here,
and I haven't, And so a door says to me.
Speaker 1 (03:30):
She was like, you know, mom, I need a rug
for her rum. She has a single. Oh night, I
know how she pulled that off. Listen, a freshman with
a single, A single, I know. So she was like,
you know I need to ruda listen. She going to school.
I graduated from you know time anyway. So I'm like,
you don't need no rug. I bought five rugs from
my new rout. I told my child she don't need No,
she don't need a rug. Mean while the floor is
probably yes, yes, yes, tell her to go steal one
from your house.
Speaker 2 (04:06):
Well, I'm going to get her everything she needs. I'm
just like, I said, you don't need that right now.
Speaker 1 (04:11):
Right yeah, because you'll have to cause where if you
get it, where do you where are you putting it?
You have to get that and then haul it down there? Yeah. Yes.
Speaker 2 (04:18):
Oh Jamal Brian is mad at me because so you know,
Angel's going to school in Atlanta.
Speaker 1 (04:24):
Yeah. So all the stuff that she needs, I'm I'm
sending to his house right now. He's like, she said,
I got another box, and you know I'm doing renovations
and you know I'm not there all the time, and
you keep sending boxes to my house. Keep telling you
send to church, you keep sending it to the house.
I don't know the church is address and his house
is saved in my He's like, can you stop me?
It's so funny. Yeah, okay, So your house that that
you're that you purchased when you're buying stuff, where are
you sending that? Oh? Guess what? So I've made friends.
Speaker 2 (04:58):
Oh down there okay, and so my next door neighbor
will like push it into my eyes.
Speaker 1 (05:03):
She can get the she'll she'll put it into the unit.
And then I have the real estate agent for the seller. Yeah.
Speaker 2 (05:12):
We became friends, oh, best friends. And she likes to
do interior design, decorating and stuff. So she's going in
there and she's unboxing and she's tidying up. I ship beds, mattresses,
all that stuff, and she just put it all together.
Speaker 1 (05:27):
Oh that's fantastic. Ya, that's awesome. She probably send me
a bill, but that's as she should. Actually, I mean, no,
it's fine. I'm just excited. Yeah. You know how you
have a project.
Speaker 2 (05:38):
Yeah, so she said to me, because how she staged it,
I really liked. So, you know, the suggestion was that
she do all the like decorating for it. And I
was like, I need a project, ma'am, I need something
to do.
Speaker 1 (05:50):
So no, I'll do it, Okay, yeah, okay, nice, all right,
that's exciting. Yeah, it's very exciting. So I'm gonna stop
being shady and I'm gonna get a door everything she needs. Yeah,
let's get her everything, and then maybe I'll get motivated
to get Carter some real furniture please, m okay. So
my shady moment is just I'm so sick of Walgreens.
I don't go to Walgreens. I don't either, okay, but
somehow I signed up for their email distribution. Oh wow,
I have unsubscribed to Walgreens ten times, ten times, and
they keep emailing me about what that is. Like, First
of all, I can I sue them. That's like against
the law. They just they keep sending their like promotions
in their ads, but I keep hitting unsubscribed and it
keeps saying your unsubscribed request is successful or you know
whatever it is, like, it keeps acknowledging that I unsubscribe
and they keep emailing me. That's wrong, right, that's wrong.
You just sue them. I do need to sue them,
or like at least trying them over to the better
business be a right, right? I could start like a
class action lawsuit, yes, and then get like five dollars
and thirty cents, a check for five dollars a third
every month for the rest of your life. Do you ever, No, wait,
do you ever? When you ever get notices of a
settlement like a class action settlement, do you do you subscribe?
Or like? No, oh what I get my twelve dollars?
No way, I get my nine dollars and seventy two
cents from AT and T or whatever it is. Yes,
I have never I click on that link, I type
in my name and my information. Yes, and I put
my little bank account information in No way, And one day,
four months later, I get a direct deposit for four
dollars and twenty eight cents. Yes, because because there was
a data breach at AT and T. This is why
I can't talk to rob it because she's foolish. But
all that time it took you to put your information
in yep, if you were going to give your time,
if you're going to put a monetary amount on time, right,
was it worth it? Well, here's the thing. Usually when
there's like a class action settlement, there's like a huge
right yeah. So they send you the notice and they're like,
you know, they tell you the pot is twelve billion dollars,
however much and they're like, we don't know how much
you're gonna get, Like you're it's going to be divvied
up amongst all of the people against a million people
who yeah, all right, or claiming so many a claim
for this class actual lawsuit. So I'm like, what if
only like ten people sign up, then I'm going to
do Well, you got my money because I never signed up, right,
so you took my money, yes, so clearly you owed
me half. If you got nine dollars, you owed me half. Right,
So I'm signing up hoping that like no one else
is checking their mail or their emails they did never
know who? Yeah, all right, I've gotten like thirty five
dollars once. Yeah, so so what are we doing? So
so Walgreens is shady?
Speaker 2 (08:47):
Yes, you're gonna sue them, Yes, and you're gonna get
a good seventy five cents out of Yes. Okay, I'm
here for this, all right. I'll let you know how
it goes, let me know, keep me posted, all right.
I'm gonna leave this right here from the Instagram chronicles. Yuh,
it's a new study that finds that women need more
sleep than men because they use their brains more throughout
the day. I'm just gonna leave this right here for
the male listeners. Okay, that y'all are big dummies because
y'all are not using your brains.
Speaker 1 (09:24):
And y'all y'all don't need to go to sleep at night,
right And you know what I would, I would kind
of agree with that. I mean, I get more sleep
around here than husband does. What you live within three men? Yeah,
my boys sleep, Oh they do sleep? Yeah, well it's
joke growing yeah, yes, they're still growing. But you know,
in the summertime they stay up all night playing a
video games. Yes, actually, well we get them up to
go work out in the morning. But when they are
allowed to sleep, they sleep. They sleep. How how many
hours does want sleep? He might sleep maybe five or
six and you're sleeping what like eight or nine? Eight? Yes?
Speaker 2 (09:58):
Yeah, okay, yeah, he doesn't need his brain that much, right.
And this is sad And.
Speaker 1 (10:02):
That's true because it'll be stuff where it's like like
you know, like men, they'll ask questions and the answer
is like right in front of her face or you
know what I'm saying, or it's like an easy like okay,
you have a phone that has like Google on it too, right, yeah,
you can google that.
Speaker 2 (10:20):
Wand does that to you? He asked you questions that
are googleable? Oh yeah, and he doesn't google because he wants.
Speaker 1 (10:25):
You to google. Yes, that's why I got divorced. Jamal
would do that shit to me, Yes, and it would
drive me insane. Yes, we have the same AT and
D package. Yes, we had the same Google A bad resources. Yes. No,
oh I got divorced. It's it's all the time. No.
He'll ask questions and I'm like you, it's not really
that hard to find the answer. No, it's not.
Speaker 2 (10:46):
But maybe he just want that's his that's his love language.
Maybe that's how he communicates.
Speaker 1 (10:51):
I mean maybe I just think he just he likes
to be like taken care of. I think a lot
of men like to be taking care of of course,
you know that's his way of you taking care of him. Yeah,
so so so Nald like asked me like easy, good,
like easy questions right where I'm like, okay, you can
find this easy. But Carter will ask me questions like
so what year was John Lennonbourne? And I'll be like, Carter,
are you for real? Right now? That's real Google. But
I'm like, like, you're asking me as if you think
I know the answer. Like he will ask me the
most random, obscure questions that I should not have the
answer to. But do you know I've never okay, And
I'm like, I don't know. How about you look it up?
And yes, I'll never mind. And I'm like, what, Like
now you should be like no, we're looking this up
right right? And then and then here I go end up,
well what year? What's John Lennon Bord? And I'm googling,
I'm looking it up. I'm like, why am I looking
this up? But the fact that he just asked me
the most upset your questions, It's like the most random questions.
I'm like, this is just just weird. But I guess
that's his love language, just talking about random ship. Well
he wants to be take care of too, yeah by
his mama, Yes, yes he does. He's already told me
he's never moving out. I love that. I love that.
Tell Carter, I am here for that, okay, robbing here
for you never And this is and that's why you
know it's a great kid. He has a room with
rubber made storage and he's never moving out, like the
bar is really low here, God forbid you buy him
real friend? Oh my god? Right, he is destroyed.
Speaker 2 (12:40):
Any woman he ever deals with, they don't stand a chance. No, now, listen,
recently it was Jennifer Lopez's birthday. Yes, and we all
know that the Bennefer has broken up.
Speaker 1 (12:52):
Yes, the benefit is nowhere around.
Speaker 2 (12:54):
Okay, she had about umpteen parties and he wouldn't know
where to be found, right, Okay, fine, but she's kind
of like posting thirst traps. Right, don't we think this
is too soon for a thirst trap post?
Speaker 1 (13:08):
Don't she always posts thirst traps? But like, what is
I just I was, I was getting offended for Ben right,
and I'm not even involved in this in any capacity.
But is it a thirst trap to like get his
attention and be like this is what you missing? Maybe
look at me, Well I'm not getting Yeah. I don't
think anything she can do is gonna move him to
change his mind.
Speaker 2 (13:30):
But if you did want him to change his mind,
I don't think this is the way you do it,
because clearly he has a problem with all the attention
that you require.
Speaker 1 (13:39):
Right from the world. Well, that's what we assume. Yeah,
that's what we assume, because I did read something somewhere
it was like, the issue with Jen and Ben is
not the fame. There's really deep rooted issues. I'm sure.
So I'm sure. I'm sure there's deep rooted issues. But
he just doesn't appear to enjoy the thirst trapping of
it all.
Speaker 3 (13:58):
Speaker 1 (13:59):
But I guess maybe she's like, Okay, yeah, we're done.
Let me get onto the napping, onto the next Maybe
she had pulled back her thirst trapping. Yeah, and maybe
she's like, oh, thank god, I can get back to
thirst trapping. I mean I was a little taken aback
by it. Yeah, I'm like, let the ink dry, right,
have y'all sold the house show? I mean I think
she's still pretending to wear a ring. No, she didn't
have a ring on.
Speaker 2 (14:21):
I did peep that during her birthday celebrations. There was
no ring, okay, just thirst traps.
Speaker 1 (14:27):
Okay. That's why I was like, girl, I don't think
this is this is what you should be doing. Yeah,
because it's clear as you're hurting, why are you trying
to smile like you're not. But I think attention and
you know, being in the spotlight or whatever. I think
that fulfills her. I get that.
Speaker 2 (14:44):
But like girl, it's okay to post nothing. Yeah, it's
really okay.
Speaker 1 (14:49):
Yeah, it's okay to be like Beyonce. Yeah, what would
Beyonce do? Right? Okay? We wouldn't be seeing.
Speaker 2 (14:57):
Her until she wants to be seen, which is right
for her album drops exactly, or her hair hair line,
or her tour or her tour, and that's actually the
only time we want to see her.
Speaker 1 (15:08):
Yeah yeah, or she's supporting Jay doing something right, because
you get sick of the people when they're posting all
the time. Yeah, right, I think unnecessary with Jennifer Lopez
maybe yeah. Okay, So in other Instagram chronicle news and
this is for you because you know more about this
than me. I'm excited. Do you agree? Okay. Dwayne Wade
said that.
Speaker 2 (15:39):
Before he got injured, he would have definitely surpassed Michael
Jordan in what as a goat stop it.
Speaker 1 (15:49):
He did not say that. I don't agree. I don't
even believe it. He said, quote, I was coming for MJ.
Speaker 4 (15:55):
Yeah, I mean when I had it, I had it,
I thought I was. I thought I was gonna be
before injuries like MJ. I'm coming for you.
Speaker 1 (16:02):
No, I mean that, I know. I like what he talked.
Speaker 4 (16:07):
Yeah, I thought, I'm like, yeah, I'm going to be
the greatest.
Speaker 1 (16:11):
Oh god, no you were.
Speaker 2 (16:13):
Then this is like he's not He's not joking. Okay,
this is serious. Because I watched the clip.
Speaker 1 (16:18):
Maybe in his mind he was coming for mj Like
what are you talking about, sir?
Speaker 2 (16:24):
So for those of y'all who don't know, because it's
easy to not know who Dwayne Wade is, right, it's
not easy to not.
Speaker 1 (16:29):
Know who Michael Jordan is. True, very true. So like
no one ever put them in the same sentence, never
outside of just basketball players. Yeah that's the only sentence.
But as far as skill set.
Speaker 2 (16:44):
As far as memorability, as far as dollars earned while playing, stop.
Speaker 1 (16:49):
Impact on the game. I mean, now, Dane Wade does
not chump change. He was just chump change. He was
a great player. He actually kind of was a better
player than I think people even expected him to be.
He had success, he won championships and blah blah blah
blah blah blah blah, but blah blah blah. Yeah, there's
no way he was. He played with Lebron in Miami
on the Miami heat, like if there was going to
be an MJ comparison, it was love Lebron. Yes, you
might wait, maybe you can get the Scottie Pipping comparison. Yeah, boom,
maybe there we go, there we go. Actually, yes, do
yourself a favor. Compare yourself to Scotti? Right, not because
without Lebron would we know d way like I would?
But yeah, no, would he have won championships and stuff
like that? Probably not. Probably that's insane and it's actually delusional. Yeah,
de Lulu, as the kids say, de Lulu. Yes, this
is the same man that said he was coming out
with a nail polish line.
Speaker 2 (17:47):
Yes, yes, nail polish. Yeah, because his nails are always painted. Yeah,
I've been watching.
Speaker 1 (17:52):
They're white, they're purple, they're red, they're black. Yeah. Yeah,
we don't need it. Yeah, moving on, Sally Henson, Si,
I've been loving is it? S yes? S I E. Yeah,
I've been loving those. What do you always wear press
ones on my toes? Yeah?
Speaker 2 (18:09):
By the way, I'm taking your Nicki Minaj press on
from your house.
Speaker 1 (18:13):
Just because I don't have them on now doesn't mean
I'm not gonna have them one Okay, Well, I just
want you to know Nikki Robin has not worn hers.
Stop it, don't tell me. And I'm wearing yours all
the time, Nikki, okay anywhere Friday. Now I'm going to
wear them just I'm your girl. Okay, I'm gonna wear
them and I'm gonna go like, by the way, I
can't even do it on this thing. By the way,
why did these I don't you call them influencers whatever
you want to call them. When they're promoting some type
of product or they're doing like, oh, watch peoplet my
makeup born or watch my skincare routine. Why do they
take the product and put it in the camera and
then tap on it? They like tap their face. Have
you ever that I have? What the hell is that?
I didn't know it was a trend. Oh, it is
a thing. It's a thing. Yes, it's just watching now
you're going to see people like always like tapping on
the product, like can we can y'all be It's like
y'all saw one person do it, and you saw two
people do it, and then now everyone ever have to
do it. It's like it's like you're doing it because
you're like, oh this now insert my little fingertap on
the product. Be original, Yes, yes, be original anyway, but
just be normal. What the hell I'm taking? I'm taking
what you say? No you're not. Okay, So this is
another one for you. Yes, there's a study that reveals
that husbands stress women twice as much as children do.
True false, robit true and false. That would be true,
especially especially when the husband doesn't have a job and
he's in the house post the day and you, as
the woman, work from home, or you know you're in
the house too, and you know you don't have one
of your jobs that you had before. Maybe I should
not have asked this question. I take it back one,
I took you out of the house. I take it back. Okay, Rob,
that's all I hear in my mouth. That is true.
Speaker 2 (20:21):
That is true, Rob, Robin, And like before we started
doing before we start with the podcast, he'd be like.
Speaker 1 (20:28):
Robin, you start yet, all right, let me tell you
one more thing, one more thing before you start, Robin.
I'm like, oh my god, all right, Well we gotta
love one. So yes, that is true. Okay. Facts facts
hashtag fact. So if you had no one and just
the kids, you'd be less stressed. Well, he's good for
like taking them places. Yes, you know, okay, so he
helps with that. Yeah. So yeah, it's like a different
type of stress. I think. Yeah, I think we're gonna
move on because it's going left. Okay, all right, So anyway,
Costco last thing, Costco is selling ninety nine dollar less
than one hundred ninety nine dollars. Yeah, what what Costco?
Speaker 2 (21:13):
Costco is selling emergency food buckets for ninety nine dollars, okay,
and they last for twenty five years? So I saw
helta the no, what is an emergency food bucket?
Speaker 1 (21:27):
What the hell is five years? What is that? Five years?
That's astronaut food.
Speaker 2 (21:33):
It's like, well, I just don't understand, like why would
you fill the need right to buy? And there's like
a whole stand of like these buckets that people are
buying for ninety nine dollars and you get one hundred
and fifty servings of food.
Speaker 1 (21:49):
There's Taraoki rice, there's pasta alfredo. No, nothing that lasts
twenty five years. That's going to kill you at a
What the hell? Oh, let me go eat my emergency
food that's been sitting here for twenty five years, and
then you're gonna freaking die. His apple cinnamon cereal, all
these preservatives in it. That's disgusting, that's insane. So it's
it's it's a growing demand for emergency, not preparedness, because
if something's gonna happen, we're just out of here anyway.
Exactly like I've heard people say, oh, the world is
gonna explode, great, let it. What the hell am I
going to do?
Speaker 2 (22:26):
Like well Mark Zuckerberg and the other rich one they're
building bunkers.
Speaker 1 (22:32):
You do know that, right, Why so that you can
be the only people on earth? That's true. That's true.
Your bank is going to blow up. You're not even
gonna have access to your money here. You're gonna be broke. Stop.
Speaker 2 (22:40):
Yes, do you think that they can function broke? Can
can Zuckerberg function broke?
Speaker 1 (22:46):
No? No, because he's been rich since college. It's not
even like he you know, he was in college, he
made Facebook, he got rich. Yeah, right, So it's not
even like he spent his any portion of his early
adulthood trying to build old something something or something Totally
he didn't have to grind as an adult totally. No,
So no, no, he's ruined. Yes, yes, if we ever
see him in the street, we're spitting on him. Okay,
not quite. I took it too far. I just went
I went crazy. Okay, what oh my gosh, Okay, wait,
I had something to say about when you were talking
about that Costco thing. Yeah, so, but I don't. First
of all, I would never see this because I don't
go to cor I know what I was gonna say, Right,
you are a costco ar, you go, yeah, yeah. If
you saw this, would you think to yourself, this is
something I need in my home? No? Yeah, like, oh,
would buy this? Absolutely not? Absolutely not. I mean, like,
buy some can goods. Okay, if your power goes out
for some days, buy some can goods and open the
can and eat some corn. Like what I mean, I
don't know. I don't the fact that something can last
for twenty five years. That would scared the shit out
of him. That's disgusting. Yeah, that's not something I want
to eat. This is what I wanna saying. Remind me
of Have you seen these videos on Instagram about people
buying these ice cream sandwiches from Walmart? Yes, and then
they don't they don't melt. Yeah, they don't melt. They
sit them out overnight or even sit them out for
the whole week, and they don't melt. You know, you
would expect ice cream to be like dripping down the
plate in a puddle of just milk sitting on a plate,
but no, these ice cream sandwiches are they're not as
like firm, but they're intact. Yeah. And then the ice
cream quote end quotes, looks like.
Speaker 2 (24:27):
A yellowy, creamy disgusting this. Yeah, so imagine what that's
doing to your insides?
Speaker 1 (24:33):
Right, So stop So if you buy that, stop buying it. Yeah,
read the ingredients of what you're buying. These are the
ice cream ice cream sandwich. Do we know the brand Walmart? Oh, Walmart?
Stop buying it. Yeah, it's like the Walmart brand. Yeah,
stop buying. But in addition to that, read the ingredients
on what you're buying, because even stuff that's labeled. You'll
see stuff labeled it won't say ice cream. It'll say
like ice treat or something. And it's like, okay, well
what exactly is that? And you look at the ingreden
it's a bunch of bunch of mass pronounced.
Speaker 2 (25:02):
I was out in the streets recently and I was
actually at a gay bar. A bunch of guys there, Ok,
they were reasonably shaded up.
Speaker 1 (25:09):
Thanks guys.
Speaker 2 (25:11):
So one of the guys was like, hey, oh my gosh, Jazelle,
I make my oatmeal like you. Okay, right, So I'm like, oh,
you're definitely listening to the podcast if.
Speaker 1 (25:20):
You know about oatmeal.
Speaker 2 (25:22):
I'm like, and you know what I put in the oatmeal? Right,
And he was with his boy I think his boyfriend.
So he was like co signing, like yeah, he got
the GC.
Speaker 1 (25:29):
Speaker 2 (25:30):
So I told him. I was like, I have another
ingredient that I put so one two third one two
three for I putting five things in my oatmeal every morning.
Speaker 1 (25:41):
Okay, And this is.
Speaker 2 (25:43):
Gonna sound weird, but when I tell you this might
bump other stuff out. Okay, okay, ca caw.
Speaker 1 (25:53):
I was like, chocolate powder.
Speaker 2 (25:55):
Yeah, I've never had Cow's gonna change your life, really, yes, Okay,
So let's keep adding ingredients.
Speaker 1 (26:03):
Because I don't know.
Speaker 2 (26:03):
I see it because you know, I see this stuff
on Instagram and I'm like, oh, it's right, let me try.
Speaker 1 (26:07):
But this has definitely made a difference.
Speaker 2 (26:09):
Like I didn't see much of a difference with the
chi chia geos, but the cacao.
Speaker 1 (26:14):
Yes made a difference in what I'm about to tell you.
Speaker 2 (26:17):
Okay, so I feel more energized, way totally okay, So
just to give it a test. The first time I
tried it, I use it like as a cocoa, right.
So I put it in my little oat milk, heated
it up, drank it, and.
Speaker 1 (26:32):
I was a new woman. What I was like smart?
So it's bright. My skin looked good.
Speaker 2 (26:39):
I was having regular bowel movements.
Speaker 1 (26:44):
As if none of this ever existed in her life. Anyway,
they didn't. But I think I felt energized. I felt ready.
So is it so it's promoted as a like a
health product. Yes, and it's good for your gut, I think,
but it's good for everything.
Speaker 2 (26:58):
It makes you cancer, you know, no cancers in the body,
all the things, thank God. Anyway, So I'm telling the
guy that I saw in the bar, also put cacaw
okay in your cereal as well.
Speaker 1 (27:10):
Now it'll be you. You might get nervous because you
think it's gonna just taste like totally chocolatey. Yeah. I
don't mix it. I just pour it on top. Oh yes, okay, okay,
So I got it. Do you want to run it?
Run it down? Yep? So in my oat meal.
Speaker 2 (27:23):
There's blueberries that are frozen because you told me to
get the frozen ones. They last better anyway. Yeah, yeah, frozen.
Speaker 1 (27:31):
Cacaw is the newest. The chiass, the fla seed meal, okay,
and we germ okay, and then your oatmeal and then
you it's in the oatmeal. Yeah right. Then you use
oat milk or would I use soy milk? Okay, milk,
soy milk kind of milk do I use? Yeah, soy
milk soy yeah, so mel because it helps with like estrogen. Okay, yeah,
all right, boom.
Speaker 2 (27:58):
It and it's it's listen. There's there's no better form
of jazelle than today.
Speaker 1 (28:04):
I mean, right, I didn't know it could get any better.
I mean we have an energized yeah, regular clear skin,
clear skin.
Speaker 2 (28:16):
Yes, properly smart, right smart. I'm about to take over
the world. Yes, yeah, there's no stopping me. Maybe you
can run for vice president. I can be so I
think so yeah, yeah, because I go to sleep a
lot because I need to use my brain cells, unlike
any men that might be out here running for president.
Speaker 1 (28:34):
The end moving on, Yes, it's moving okay, So we
need to read one of our so we have it
reasonable or shady? Yeah? And by the way, guys, send
us some more. We love reading your reasonable or shady scenario.
Yes we do, because we are reasonably shady. Okay, this
says Hi, Robbin and Jazelle. Yeah, this is from Ava.
I have some drama and want your opinion on whether
it is reasonable or shady. My friend moved in with
her boyfriend of two years. Her boyfriend is the one
that asked her to move in. Okay, her boyfriend now
follow this is her ex boyfriend's dad, and now she's
living in the home where her ex boyfriend grew up.
Whow God, Actually this is good? Right, I'm like this
shady al right, I mean, just shady already. Her ex
doesn't visit the house at all. No, he does not.
Yeah there's a reason. Yeah okay, even I mean, I
feel like the fact that her ex boyfriend's dad is
dating whatever, Yeah, his son's ex girlfriend. Yeah, that just
tells you they probably had a shitty relationship. Yeah, you
know what I'm saying, Like the dad and the boyfriend.
Yeah okay. So she suggested to her boyfriend the dad,
that they should move everything out of her ex's childhood
room and let her use it to store some of
her stuff and let her use it as her personal
office lounging room. Her boyfriend, the dad agreed, so they
boxed up, with my help, ave's help, everything in her
ex boyfriend's childhood room and moved them to the garage,
including the furniture. What. She redecorated the room and made
it hers. It's very cute and cozy. Before she even
moved his things. But before she even moved his things,
she messaged her ex about it and told him he
should come by. She did not the dad, right, she did?
She did, Okay, this is this all get back? This
is insane, this get back. She he made her mad,
and she was like, yeah, right, I'm gonna get you.
I'm a dad and move into your childhood. Okay, So
this should not be a question of is this shady? Yes?
Hell yeah, shadey. It's actually the shady and so shame
but I love every second of it, right, Okay, it's
beyond shady. Yeah okay. So so she messaged him and
told him about it and told him he should come
by and take a look at what he wants to
keep and or sell and or donate. After not hearing
from him for three weeks. He texted her, calling her
all sorts of names and clearing out and taking his room. Yes,
she says, she's really trying to be sensitive and nice,
but he is making this very difficult with his rage
filled outbursts in texts. Who's her name? I don't know
the friend's name. No, oh, she's the person that wrote
in Yes is Ava? Oh? Ava? Is not this? Okay,
she's she's reported she's talking about her friend. Okay, so
it's actually but she helped her friend. Girls like she's like,
I'm writing for a friend. Yes, but she helped her
friend move her you know, move her stuff out, move
the stuff out of the ex boyfriend's room. She and
her boyfriend are giving him a year to clear out
his childhood stuff from the garage before they donate everything.
Neither of them feel clearing out his room is inappropriate,
but her ex is just melting down in a tantrum
filled rage. Personally, I don't think he should have such
an when he never even visits. I also don't think
she should have started dating her ex's father. No, Hey,
what are your thoughts? Was taking over his room reasonable
or shady? Okay? There's so many thoughts. This is wild.
Speaker 2 (32:16):
This is actually so wild, So I want Okay, so
we don't know any name here, No, Okay, if the
boyfriend is listening, please write us, because so the dad
or the ex boyfriend, the ex boyfriend. If the ex
boyfriend's listening, listen, we want your point of view, right,
because your ex girlfriend is the worst, right, and your
dad were the worst. Your dad is just alone for
the ride. We don't know how long dad got to
live on this earth. Okay, he just wants a little
hot girlfriend. Really, yes, So if your mother no started dating,
this is.
Speaker 1 (32:49):
Not my family. Okay, this is totally not my family
and not my people. But I understand if your mother
dad just wants like a little to get this out. Okay.
If your mother's started dating.
Speaker 2 (32:58):
Jamal if okay, okay, Robinie took a tupa this episode
might be.
Speaker 1 (33:06):
My mother wants no parts of Jamal. Let's start. I'm stepdaddy. Yeah,
he went from my exies to my steps to my
step That would be hilarious.
Speaker 2 (33:18):
So yes, it's beyond shady on so many levels. But
I want I want to hear from the men of
this nonsense.
Speaker 1 (33:24):
I don't know that we'll hear from them. Okay, So
my opinion is it shady? It's first of all, it's
super shady that she's dating her ex boyfriend's father. That's like, why,
let yes find somebody else?
Speaker 2 (33:36):
Is this like how many people are in the town, right,
like find someone else exactly?
Speaker 1 (33:41):
That's just crazy because it is almost like you're you're
trying to get back at your ex boyfriend and then
you just don't think about like what is that going
to do to him and his relationship with his dad
and his family and everyone else involved like that you
just should have she should have stayed away and not
done it. Now. Is it shady for clearing his room out?
If this is a childhood homes I think about my
childhood room right that I never go in. I don't
need one thing out of it. Right, So if my
parents all of a sudden just got rid of all
my shit, I'd be like, great, thank you.
Speaker 2 (34:16):
Yeah, but your ex boyfriend is not having sex with
your mother and living in that house.
Speaker 1 (34:23):
I know it's different.
Speaker 2 (34:24):
It's it's it's the way and with the principle, what's
the way in which the room was cleared?
Speaker 1 (34:29):
Yes? Yes, and for whom? Yes, your ex and this
is all like I think, get back in spite. Yeah, yeah, yeah, no,
it's it's this is some nasty, dirty Yeah. It's like
we can't even get past the fact that the girl
is dating her ex boyfriend's dad. Like that's just that's baseline, shady. Yeah,
and anything after that is like, it's like you're adding
to it. Dad, don't give a name. Yeah, now, if
this was his dad's girlfriend, that has nothing to do
with the sun cool, fine, clearing shit out here, won't care, yes,
But the fact that you're calling me and saying hey,
and why didn't the dad call to say, hey, we're
we're clearing out your room? Yeah, in my house that
I pay all the bills for. That's a mess. It's
a mess. Isn't that crazy?
Speaker 2 (35:13):
This is a great reality television show, right, let's get
all their information right and let's produce it. Okay, this
is from Anita Clark High Ladies, and this I think
is a little while ago, No, in a couple of
months ago.
Speaker 1 (35:33):
High Ladies.
Speaker 2 (35:34):
First of all, I love the podcast. You both are amazing.
Speaker 1 (35:37):
I look forward to listening to it every week.
Speaker 2 (35:40):
I definitely moved Oh, I definitely moved home after college
in twenty twenty. I graduated from FAMU Woo Woo Spring
Up twenty nineteen.
Speaker 1 (35:52):
And this is we talked about a conversation about adults
living into their living in their parents' house and like
getting their feet on the ground. Yeah, but I wasn't
gonna read all this. I'm reading it because of the
fam you. Oh okay, Yeah, when she said I moved home, Yeah,
I stayed in town Ahassee for a year.
Speaker 2 (36:08):
That's where family is to work, And just when COVID hit,
my lease was ending in my apartment and my mom
told me I was more than welcome to come home,
and I did.
Speaker 1 (36:18):
I just want to give her shout out because she
went fause she okay, but that was in response to
us talking about people moving into their parents' homes and
the parents allowing them to, you know, get their life
straight and get their feet on the ground so that
they can save money and purchase a home. So she's
saying that definitely happens. Yeah, Okay. Can I read it
as email real quick?
Speaker 3 (36:38):
Speaker 1 (36:38):
Yeah, oh I'm not ready. It's very random. Okay, this
is from Christopher. All right, No, it's gonna be bad.
He says, help me find miss Right please, because I
have been single for six years because my ex had
a miscarriage six years ago in Walmart because someone ran
into my new Dodge Charger. Why I in jail for
child support from my first girlfriend. Two weeks later, she
has left for me, left me for my cousin in law.
So I've been single for six years. What okay, Chris,
we can't help you, sir, this just came through. I
just said her. It's bestly you're not paying your child
support and you in jail. We're not paying child support. Okay,
you're in jail and you can't and you're not paying
child support. Yeah, No, we can't help you. No, we
can't help it. A matter of fact, don el malice again. Actually,
Chris Right to us, tell us what jail you're in? Yeah,
and he's out of jail now. I think he said
I'm in jail for childs I don't know. Are you
in jail. If you're in jail, we'll find you a
pin pal. Yeah. Oh okay, well who oh, we'll just
put it out there. Okay, all right, okay, people find
love in jail. That's how we're gonna find you, Miss Right. Yeah,
We'll find you a pin pal. This is from Lisa Bell.
Hey Lisa, ladies, this is a shady request. Oh please
discuss why Kim has fallen from the throes of Bravo
to MTV Surreal Life. Who's Kim sociat? Oh? Okay, okay,
this is a shipwreck. Why would she do this show?
In the promo, Macy Gray is riding a pool float
calling at Mandingo. There there had to be other options
before this show. Okay, Robin, you bet not never ever
do that show? Yeah, I say you, because Gizelle would not,
but Rob she would not. Well, Robin may may do it,
but Robin may say, well, how long do I have
to stay there? It would be a different experience. I
can teach them how to steal forks and eat food
while shopping in the grocery store. He loel anyway, I'm
being shady, but I will be watching the show. Reality
TV is my comic relief. Your podcast gives me life.
Bring a live show to Texas, So, Lisa, huh, hilarious.
I never say never, Rob not doing that show? Only
live once?
Speaker 2 (38:53):
I mean, I can't see anything wrong with it. Okay,
so explain to me the premise of this show. They
live in a house for how long and when do
they get booted?
Speaker 1 (39:03):
Yeah, I'm gonna look it up Surreal Life. Yeah. I
really don't really know the show, but I saw that
it's like Kim Tom Hanks's son. Oh, that's how they
know each other. I did see Chet is his name, yeah,
Chet Hanks, Chet Hanks, And he looks to me very
the reason why I stopped. I mean I looked at
it because he looks like Croy, her ex husband. Oh yeah, okay,
or soon to be. I don't know if they're divorced. Yeah,
I don't know. Okay. So this is the premise of
the show. It is a reality show about fading celebrities
who were hot back in the day and how they
live their day to day lives in one Los Angeles mansion.
Speaker 3 (39:44):
Eight celebrity strangers are invited to the Surreal Life Villa
in Meta Yine, Columbia for a healing getaway that will
change and bond them forever. Each day of their stay,
they'll be given secret missions that push them out of
their comfort zones. Throughout their time here, they ca front
their fears and reveal their deepest secrets.
Speaker 2 (40:03):
Okay, well you couldn't do that because you'll never be
faking you're hot.
Speaker 1 (40:08):
You're hot to try. So let me see who is
on this cast this year. So it's Kim Zosiac, chet
Hank Macy Gray, Chet Hanks, Ali Brooke, I don't know
who she is, Ot Genesis, Kim Zosiak, Johnny Weir, Josie Conseco,
and Tyler Posey. Okay, I mean listen, you only live once, okay,
And Rob said, never say Now. That's how I ended
up on the other TV show that I was on,
because when the opportunity was presented to me, I said,
you only live once, so why not do something that
you never imagine doing, you know, in your life? Right?
And I under staying that I ended up on that show. Yeah,
and I'm happy that you're on that show. Now. People
are y'all are writing nine years, eight years, eight years,
y'all are writing us, writing us, asking for since Robin
is no longer on that show that she was on,
for Robin to give all the tea because she can
now because she's not actually obligating. And I'm telling y'all
right now stop it, because y'all trying to get me fired.
Speaker 2 (41:13):
So, like you know, but they can't against you. Yes,
they can't. Oh, by the way, I've been meaning to
tell you this. So a couple of weeks ago, I
had a package UPS package come and I had to
sign for it, and I wasn't home. And normally if
I like go into my ring and like talk to them,
they'll just leave it, right. So he didn't do that,
so he was like, i'll be back, you know, tomorrow.
So same thing happened, and I asked him.
Speaker 1 (41:42):
I was like, can you just leave it? And he
was like no. So I was like, dang, Like when
am I gonna get my package? So anyway, I forgot
about the package and then I happened to be pulling
up into the house and here he comes again. This
was like a week later, and he's like, hey, I
just want you to know that the you know that
time that you asked me to leave it. I was
with my boss that day and I couldn't oh, And
I was like, oh, okay, now I get that, as
I said, but I did get it, and he was
like yeah, okay, and then he gave me something else
and he left and I was like, I think I'm
turned on by the UPS man. I was like I
understanding what Robin is talking about. I was like, you
see ups man, let me go on and get in
order something so UPS can come back.
Speaker 3 (42:26):
Speaker 1 (42:27):
Speaker 2 (42:29):
So for those of you all who don't know, Robin
has to think for ups man. And I have joked
her about him because I'm just like, for what I
think it's random, it's not random, Like.
Speaker 1 (42:37):
Because they have on I'm like, because they have on
brown choices. Yes, they have on brown. That's that's what
turned you on the brown? Oh, the brown is actually
not my favorite. Yeah. I just think UPS men like
they they are responsible and they jump out their trucks. Yes,
then they usually really nice legs, yes he did. Yes,
they're they're fit, Yes, they just he was tall, and
they're hard worker. He was buff. They drive around that
howdaush truck. Yes, don't complain and they don't go and
he had a deep voice. Yes. I was like, okay
you PS, Yes, I see you. And they get good
benefits they I don't know anything about that, but yeah,
I'm sure they can give good benefits. Yep. Yeah, give
me some benefits you PS. And when I say leave
my package, I mean more than that. I mean a
whole lot of things. When I say, leave the package anyway,
moving on, Okay, do you have something well we need
to circle back to the Usher and Chris Brown debate yes,
with the results. Yes, do we have results? Well, well
we have like a consensus. Okay, so I will say
it was okay, wait, we have to tell people.
Speaker 2 (43:41):
So for those of y'all who don't know, I very
much was pro because Chris Brown's on tour right now.
So I was talking about how Chris Brown was like, amazing,
I do want to see a show. He came in town,
I missed the show whatever.
Speaker 1 (43:53):
Right, and then we compared him to the Usher exactly,
or Robin compared him to show. I was like, well,
how do you think about Usher? And I was just
asking more so for her because we recently saw Usher. Yeah,
Usher is more like our generation, right, and just you know,
and Gazelle was just like, oh, now, Chris Brown.
Speaker 2 (44:09):
Between the two, if we had to compare the two,
I say, Chris Brown. But then we put it out
to you guys for.
Speaker 1 (44:13):
The pot Yeah okay. So so we had and we
talked about it on the podcast and then we you know,
posted about it, and so there were over three thousand comments.
That's a lot on this debate about Usher and Chris Brown,
and the opinions were very split. Some people think it's
a generational thing, which I agree. I agree. They say
that Chris Brown has more music, but Usher has more hits,
which I agree. I mean based off of what, based
off of okay, what what you consider a hit? I
might not consider a hit, but see for me, so
then I have to use I have to go personally
and say, yes, Chris Brown, Chris Brown will put out
an album with like twenty five songs, totally right, and
you probably you Jazelle probably only know like one song
from that three right, two? Okay, okay, So but so
for me, I had to think about Okay, like, if
I'm comparing their music, I much rather I am more
into Usher's music. Like when I hear an Usher song, yeah,
I will sing along to it more or it'll be
like you know, it'll be more reminiscent or something like
that like that. I don't do that for Chris Brown's music.
I really don't. Okay, what did the people say? So
the poll, we said who is the better artist? Overall? Right,
so that's their music, they're performing their presence. Blah blah, blah,
Usher sixty one percent, Chris Brown thirty nine percent. We
have another poll that says who has the most hits
and the answer is Usher with fifty six percent Chris
Brown forty four percent. That's very split down the hid.
And then I saw other people like email, they said
there was like all these you know, oh, Usher has
this mini billboards and Chris Chris Brown is this many
billboards and Chris Brown has this many BET Awards. Like
I think there's like a definitely a generational and like
a demographic thing. I think Usher probably would get the
more mainstream audience, Chris Brown might get the more maybe
urban support, because Chris Brown had like nineteen b two
awards and Usher had like nine, which I thought was interesting.
Speaker 2 (46:10):
I mean I think that if yes, obviously the incident
was horrific, and if that had not happened, Chris Brown
would be on a whole another statusphere.
Speaker 1 (46:17):
Yeah yeah, ok, yeah, because that like that, I agree.
I think the Rihanna thing just set him back, Like
he just was set back for years. Yeah, he wasn't
even really performing or making music and people weren't coming
out and supporting him. Yeah, so that that set him back.
That also makes me think about Aliyah when Aliah died.
You know, it's like Aliyah was like on the same
wavelength as Beyonce was it was she pretty much they're
the same age, ish around the same age. I think
Ala might be a younger age, no, a little older,
but they were like like in the same ballpark. And
I always just wonder, like, what would have come of
Aliyah had she not died. I don't think she had.
I don't think anyone can touch Beyonce now, but I
do wonder, you know, what her career would have been.
But back to Chris Brown and Usher, I think Usher
won the debate m you know, amongst the masses, but
it's a very close debate. It was very close. Yeah, yeah,
And I think I would rather listen to Usher's music,
but I would probably prefer to watch Chris Brown. Yes,
that's yes, how I feel.
Speaker 2 (47:25):
He brings the energy, he brings, the funk, he brings
all the things. It's a vibe, the whole thing.
Speaker 1 (47:30):
Yes, Like Usher's super Bowl performance, I was just like, okay, whatever,
I can't even remember, this is this is the problem.
I don't even don't remember, right, And that was like
this year, right, So like Usher's I was like, okay,
but but I think if Chris Brown performed at the
super Bowl it would be like insane. We would get backflips, Yeah,
we would get all kinds of things. Yeah. Yeah. And
he's but he has worked with a lot of people. Yeah,
well both of them have.
Speaker 3 (47:57):
Speaker 1 (47:57):
Yeah, I'm not taking anything away from Chris Brown. I
just Usher for the music, Chris Brown for like for
the performance. O.
Speaker 2 (48:04):
Yeah, speaking of super Bowl, who who's this gonna sound
so crazy? Who's who's going to super Bowl?
Speaker 1 (48:11):
Speaker 3 (48:14):
I know?
Speaker 1 (48:14):
Sometimes the Ravens, the Baltimore Ravens, you think they can
do it? Yes? They They've made no changes? Have they
made what they have? Yes? Would change. They added Derrick Henry,
who is a very good running back. Got it, he's
a running back? Huh? So is so Tom Brady's out
been out right? Has he started his career yet? In
coming to Patrick Mahomes, the Kate, Kansas City Chiefs are
the They're the ones that are.
Speaker 2 (48:40):
The the problem always they're the problem. Okay, So and
they're they're going to stay as is. Nobody's leaving, thebody's
doing anything.
Speaker 1 (48:47):
They're pretty close.
Speaker 2 (48:48):
Okay, So when does Tom Brady start his broadcasting career.
Speaker 1 (48:53):
Hmmm, I don't know. Yeah, yeah, that he's getting paid
like crazy money for katrillions. Yeah yeah.
Speaker 2 (49:00):
It's very strange that we don't even know when when
this is starting. He's probably getting checks right now. You
know the life we live right Listen, If Robin and
I are speaking, we're getting a check. If we're not,
we're getting nothing. Okay, Tom Brady's not speaking and he's
getting Just want you to.
Speaker 1 (49:18):
Know this life ain't fair and this check is way
bigger than ours. What for doing nothing? Can we get
five percent? Right? That'd be nice, That would be nice,
That would be anyway. But we are very grateful for
what we have, absolutely and we appreciate it absolutely.
Speaker 2 (49:33):
Yes, shout out to Black Effect and Charlemagne by the way,
and Heart and Charlamayne's everywhere.
Speaker 1 (49:39):
He's now like a political pundit. I said, I ain't
asked for his life. His life asked for me.
Speaker 2 (49:46):
He's well, not bringing him up with the whole you said.
They brought him up with the lady that just resigned
Secret service lady. Oh yeah, she's she's doing her little
testifying stuff. How ut at the they started talking about
what people were saying about what happened, and Charlamagne got involved,
and I'm sure he was like.
Speaker 1 (50:05):
Why am I in it? Why am I in it?
I didn't speak on it to get in it. Why
am I in it? Yes? Not not in a congressional
court case. No, right, by the way, I just read
something that the FBI cannot confirm nor deny that he
was actually hit with a bullet. No way, Yeah, the FBI.
That's what they said. Job, Oh my god. That No,
we are out of here. Guys. We love y'all so much.
Don't never to get to live your life. Either reasonable
or by Reasonably Shady is a production of the Black
Effect podcast Network. For more podcasts from iHeart Radio, visit
the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you listen to
your favorite
Speaker 2 (50:54):
Shows, and you can connect with us on social media
at Robin Dixon, ten, Giselle, Brian and Reasonably Shady