All Episodes

November 3, 2019 50 mins

Joe Pisapia and Jim Day open the program looking at how Kyle Allen could be a solid QB2 the rest of the season with Cam Newton seeing another specialist about his injured foot. Davis Mattek joins the show to talk about Josh Gordon’s fantasy value, as he moves to the west coast with the Seahawks. Joe and Jim look at the fantasy value of the Chiefs offense with Pat Mahomes out for another week.

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are now to the Rhodo Experts. Hey, yo, what's up everybody?
It's me Joey p Joe, Pizza, Pia and welcome to
Rhodo Experts in the Morning, live from the meadow Lands
from the Fandels Sports Book on Zumo TV channel seven
one nine and of course on sports grid dot com.

Get on the Grid. You can also watch us live
on YouTube like all the kids like to do. So
we are here. It's week nine the NFL and it's
not Sunday without my co host, Jim Day. The Fantasy
has So Jim and are gonna break down everything for you.
We've got a lot of news to get to. Quarterbacks.
We're gonna miss some more time quarterbacks that might be
on their way back. Seems to be the theme lately

of finally, finally, getting some quarterbacks that we are used to,
maybe getting back sooner than we know. I don't know,
but let's first start and say hello to our buddy,
the Fantasy Task Jim Day, Good morning, sir. You're ready
for some football? Oh I am, sir. Definitely looking forward
to some football. We got some starting up here in

twenty nine minutes, so football is here. It's gonna be
here early, folks. Don't forget this game in London at
that's right. Get all those lineup set. If you're just
waking up right now, get on it and get all
your lineups ready, because as Jim said, we got the
Texans this morning over in London Town against the Jaguars,
Gardner Minshew going out there and actually feel pretty good

about Minshew in this contest too. If you're running right
out there right now to set those lineups, as Jim said,
starting up pretty soon, I would definitely get Minshew in there,
get Shark in there as well. And on the other
side of this one, look, you know what to do
right now, and you know it's always as Shaun Watson
obviously and DeAndre Hopkins, but I think if you've got fails,
you throw them out there as well, you've seen the
touchdown upside he's shown you. You get him active and

you hope for that TD once again. So let's start
with some news and some fantasy headlines, and let's start
with Cam Newton. Now, Jim, apparently that foot is just
not getting better. He's going to see a specialist, and
it looks like Kyle Allen might just be the quarterback
for this foreseeable future. We thought this might start to trend,
especially after that forty niner game, that we would start
to get maybe Cam Newton is starting to get his

way back. We saw him without the boot. But things
are not going well for Cam Newton. Starting to look
like another last season for him. So what are your
thoughts on Kyle Allen the rest of season as a
fantasy let's say QB two if he's that, and how
it continues to impact those receivers over there as well. So, Jim,
Kyle Allen take it away? Well, I'm I'm not a

big Kyle Allen. He hasn't really shown me anything that
makes me think he's gonna be a good fantasy player
at all at this point. Um, So I'm not really
heavily invested in him at all. And I wouldn't recommend
anybody else do either. I think I have him somewhere
like twenty seven or twenty eight on my rest of
the season rankings, um, and that's considering him starting every game.

So I'm really not big into him. He hasn't really
done anything fantasy wise yet that I could count on
from week to week, and it does really pull his
receivers down. You gotta hope, you know, d J. Moore
still stays in play, especially with Samuel's hurt. This week,
He's gonna play, but he doesn't look like he's some
more should be in play. But it's just hard to

get excited about any of these guys as long as
alan as that q be. Now, one thing you can
get excited about is Patrick Mahomes, who was going to
be a game time decision, but then the Chiefs woke
up and got their sanity back and realized that it's
probably not a great idea to be rushing him out there.
But it's good news that he seems to be trending
in the right direction. It looks like we're gonna get
the short end of this window, which is fantastic news

for fantasy owners, especially for Super flex owners because Patrick
Mahomes is an absolute rock star in those kind of formats.
So that is very good. It's positive. It's good that
they're not throwing him out there this week. You're gonna
get another week of Matt Moore. We'll talk about him
a later on in the show. But there's a ton
of wide receiver news to get to. T Y Hilton
with a calf has been downgraded. He's going to miss
three or four weeks. Obviously this is gonna make a

big impact on Jacoby were setting this offense and Jim.
The Colts continue to be in a spot where it's
very difficult for them to keep losing players you really
can't afford. You know, when you saw Garius Leonard out,
it took its toll. When you saw Vnitary missing field goals,
it takes its toll on this team. This team is
a very thin margin for error. So how does this
t Y Hilton injury now potentially upgrade anybody else on

this offense? Or do you think this is just kind
of Marlon mack at Jacoby Brisette and step Away. I
know Pascal has had some moments, Ebron Doyle, all these guys,
Paris Campbell. We've talked about in the past, but how
do you see this offense going forward over the next
month here In terms of the guys that said has
to throw the football too well, Pascale is the one

who stepped up the most last year when when Hilton
was out, and I think that trend continues. But Rogers
will be involved. I think both tight ends will be involved.
To be honest, I was kind of hoping the Ibron
was gonna be out this week to make my Jack
Doyle pick a lot better. But now he's gonna play,
so I think both of them will be involved, and
that makes it a little tougher. It's one of those

situations where there're a lot of different mouths all on
the same level, and you just don't know which one
is going to have the big week. Now, We've got
some wide receivers who are going to play this week,
so that's very good. We've got Adam Feeling, who was
questionable leaning up to this week, but it looks like
he was going to play today. I would throw him
in that lineup. I mean, it's hard not to start
Adam Feeling as long as he's on the field. Yeah,

you might want to look at the rest of your
lineup and see how much else you have to kind
of pay up a little bit for that. But at
the same time, it's Adam feeling Adam the one's a one,
A wide receiver. You got him, roll him out there,
especially in this matchup. Always gotta do is catch a
couple of balls, maybe one touchdown. Boom, he's done. He's
good for the day. You've got. Marquis Brown is gonna
play tonight. He's been limited to practice all week, He's
been limited for some time. He's gonna be going against

that Patriots secondary. I gotta ask you, Jim, how do
you feel about Mr Hollywood Brown tonight against the Patriots. God? No, no, Look,
I know he can make one big play. I know
with that one big play he could score. I just
don't see it against his defense. They're playing too well
right now, and with him not being a hundred percent

going against his defense, I can't take that chance. Unless
I'm really really up against the wall and you know,
looking at some really bad options, then maybe I might
take a chance. Other than that. No way. Now. DeShawn
Jackson's back as well for the Philadelphia Eagles, and when
he got the Falcons, Bengals, Rams, Saints all on by.
There's a lot of wide receivers in that group, so

chances are you don't many of those guys are A
couple of those guys that's a big problem. So a
guy like de Sean Jackson, I think is in play
very much today. It's also gonna help zach Ertz, as
Mike Blewett and I talked about last time on the
DFS show just now. Also, nikkil Harry's active for this
one first time he'll be active this year the rookie.
Will see how that goes. Also, the Seahawks claimed Josh Gordon,

so we'll see if that means anything for future. Will
unpack that later on the show. And Davis Maddock joins
us in the program. I don't think we're gonna be
running out anytime soon to be starting Josh Gordon, But
do we want to pick him up? You have to
stick around and figure that out when we come back.
James Connor is not gonna play today, which means Jalen Samuel,
So I have high expectations, Jim, Are your expectations high

for Jalen Samuel's as the standalone guy today? No Snell no, Connor,
What do you think about Jalen Oh? I do like
Jalen Samuels. You gotta like him. The great thing about
him and say, you know, he can catch the passes
as well, so he can do a little bit of both,
and he'll do both. Considering that Connor and Snell both
out for this game, so Samuel is going to be

the guy. He's gonna see almost all the work, and
he's gonna have a good, good enough workload. He's gonna
put up really nice fantasy points. I haven't a number
third team for the week right now based on what
we know. Yeah, I think that's exactly right right outside
that RB one tier and in PPR he's got some upside. Now, look,
is he gonna end up in the top five this week?
Probably not, But as Jim saying, this is a good

scenario because he is the standalone guy and because the
volume is gonna be there against the Colts and this
game is at home, it's in Pittsburgh. Also, one more note,
Kwan Alexander suffered a torn picktoral on Thursday night. He's
on the I R so I d P players take
note of that start to make some adjustments there. That's
a big blow to that forty Niners offense. We're just
getting started here on the Grid. When we come back,

we're gonna break down some of the best fantasy games
that are out there on the slate and Jim Day
and are gonna have some more fun telling you who
to start and who to sit. We're just getting started.
We're all experts in the morning with me. Joey p
will be right back after this. Are you ready for

the nation's first and only, free, twenty four hour network
dedicated to you the betting and fantasy sports enthusiast. Sports
Grade will provide you with real time content, statistics, and
gaming intelligence unlike anything you've ever seen before. Located both
in the heart of New York City and inside the
FanDuel Sports Book at the meadow Lands Sports Crade, he's

live eighteen hours a day. You just serve you the fanatic.
This is Sports Grade. Get on the Grid, Welcome back, everybody,
rotal experts in the morning right here live on sports

grid dot com. Get on the Grid. We are broadcasting
as always from the metal Lands and the FanDuel Sports Book.
So if you get in here, come hang out, dope,
put a little bet down. We got our best bets
right here. You can pick one of these up when
you travel on down here and hang out. And uh,
I know, Will and Brian are gonna be here all
day running the shows over here, So and go say

hello to them, maybe buy them a hot dog or
a cocktail or something. They're here working all day so
feverishly getting all of us ready here to go. They
call us talent here, on our talent here, that's were
all on our talent And I say that with the
quotation marks, because wow, I think you know. But anyway,
let's get back to some football and let us start
with some of our fantasy game focus. These are the

games with the most pieces to talk about. The games
are gonna impact your lineup. So let's start with the
Vikings and Chiefs we just mentioned before in the opening segment.
Patrick Mahomes is not gonna play today. That's a good thing.
You don't want him rushing back there and getting hurt
and then you're losing for the season. But Matt Moore,
now the question is, let's start with him. Can he
do enough again to make these other pieces like Travis Kelsey,

like Tyreek Hill uh more valuable? Then we may be
perceived last week. So last week was pretty good, Jim Day,
I'm gonna ask you, do you think there's carry over
or do you think that was just a one off
and people really weren't ready or prepared for what Matt
Moore could do. Well, let's put it this way. The
last time Matt Moore faced Minnesota, he threw for just

under three hundred yards, three touchdowns and no interceptions. Um.
Of course that was back thousand nine with Carolina, two
thousand nine with Carolina. UM, So yeah, I just thought
that was kind of funny. Um. I had to throw
that in there. But yeah, it's Look, he did well

last night. He he'll do okay this week. It's not
like Minnesota's secondary has been as shut down as in
recent years. As a matter of fact, they haven't been
or even close to it. So they've been getting beat.
I think that trend continues. Still got some good receivers
on the other side of the boil ball with Kansas City,
So I think Matt Moore has a decent Hey, I

think these receivers have a decent day. But it's just
you're never sure when it's this kind of a matchup.
Which of the receivers, is really gonna be the guy?
I mean, Kelsey and Hill, Okay, need to start them.
Outside of that, you know, it could be any of
these guys that steps up and has a decent game,
but somebody else will. Yeah, as I mentioned earlier, with

so many big wide receivers on a bye this week
and a few injuries as well, with t Y Hilton
being out especially, it really is a need. So if
you're gonna take a shot on a guy like Watkins
or Nicole Hardman, I get it. And sometimes you don't
have much of a choice. Speaking of no choice, does
Andy Reid have any choice here when it comes to
the running backs, because right now it seems like we're
in a tough spot here. Lashawn McCoy with the big

turnover last week, a little bit of a bench time
for him. I don't think any of the Williams is
I want to call him the Williams sisters at this point,
but let's call the Williams brothers, even though they're not related.
Is there any sort of faith whatsoever in this run
game at this point for the Chiefs or for fantasy owners?
And mean, it's very difficult because you see the Chiefs
as an offense that they have so much opportunity. Yet

this run game ever since really you know, the beginning
of the season here, even preseason has not been good.
So can you roll any of these guys out this week? Oh?
You want to, because if you can hit the right one,
you'd be doing well. I think it's just, um, I
don't I don't really like it. It is a tough
matchup for whoever gets the most garis. But as you saw,

and as you mentioned last week, McCoy was the guy
until he fumbled. Then we saw Damian Williams come in
Damie and Williams looked great. Um, so you just don't know.
And you know coaches have come out and said they
want to get Darwin Thompson more involved too, So you
know who is it. I mean, even with Darryl Williams
got a chance, he looked good. It's just hard to know.
I still think they go back to McCoy as the

lead back again this week, but if he makes another mistake,
I mean, that could be the end of McCoy as
the lead back. It's definitely on edge. They have multiple
guys they feel can do the job, but they're trying
to go with the experience, the guy that knows the
offense and knows what Andy Reid wants with McCoy. But
if he if he makes another mistake like that, I

think that he definitely goes more to the bench side
and we start seeing more of the Damien Williams and
maybe Darwin Thompson on the field. Yeah, what a difference
a month makes to Kirk Cousins of September. Couldn't wait
to drop him, trade him whatever, benjam Now he's Offensive
player of the month. So my goodness, what it changed

that's been on the Bucks Seahawks game. Let's talk about
this when this one has a lot of expectations. Jamis
Winston certainly has the opportunity to turn the football over.
We all know that. But he also has the opportunity
to throw for four hundred yards. We know that as well.
Godwin Evans, those are easy plays. I think at this
point you fade away from Ronald Jones and the run game.
If you're a super Flex owner and Winston's your QB two,

you roll him out there and you hope for the best.
But I want to talk about the wide receivers here
because in a matchup right now, where you would anticipate.
Tampa Bay defense has played very well this year against
the run. They've shut down c MC not once, but
basically twice. Had a good game against Kwon Barkley as well.
Are you concerned, not that you're gonna sit Carson, but
are you concerned at all for Carson's upside in this

game against that Tampa Bay front? I am a little
bit like you said, they've done a good job against
running backs. I mean, they did stop CMC, but he scored.
And that's what I'm kind of hoping for here, is
that they may not give up a lot of yardage
to Carson, but Carson still has a chance with this
offense to get in the end zone. Uh you know,

one or two you know, short runs and he's in.
And that's what I'm kind of counting on here. I
taking him down a little bit this week. I haven't
at fourteen, but not all the way down, you know.
I mean I've seen people haven't even lower net. I
don't think so. I think he gets in the end
zone at least once, and I think that salvages his day.

All right, Alice, talk about the wide receivers, Jim, So
if that's our Chris Carson, take where are we at
with the wide receivers? Lock it? Obviously you're always starting him.
DK metcal has a ton of end zone targets. We
know Tampa struggles against the past. So my question to
you is, even though Josh Gordon is now gonna be
a part of this mix, eventually, is there going to
be an opportunity as well for DK Metcalf specifically in
this matchup for at least some touchdown upside one would

think there is Is this a bit of fools gold
or do you feel confident in Metcalf this week? I
don't feel confident in Metcalf. Look, he he leads the
league in end zone targets the league, He's got thirteen.
The next high is is Mike Evans with eleven. So
he's definitely getting the opportunity in the end zone against
the defense that really can't stop anybody through the air.

And you know mccalf has done well this year, ed
he's been he's averaged over twelve points in the last
four weeks. Uh, and he's see he's seeing good targets.
He saw nineteen targets in the last three games, So
he's getting the opportunity. When you add on the fact
that he's getting the red zone opportunities as well, you
gotta put him in your line up against his defense

Lions and Raiders. There's our next game up here, and look,
we all know Trey Carson is now going to be
out for this one. So if you picked him up
thinking he was gonna be the guy that didn't work out,
I don't feel good about Ti Johnson either. I know, Jim,
I'm not gonna ask him. I remember two weeks ago
the rant about Thy Johnson, so I'm not even gonna
go there. So I'm gonna ask you now about Danny
Amendola because the one guy that seems to have benefited

the most from the carry On Johnson injury seems to
be Danny Amendolah, the target volume has gone way up.
He seems to be feeling that Julian Edelman kind of
roll in the offense. So would you feel good about
starting him this week against the Raiders, because I would say, yessuh, yeah,
I do too, Actually I do. I think he definitely
comes into play here and it's a nice matchup. Besides, look,

he he is right now basically being there short running
games v of the past, and that's what they're using
him for, and then that just opens the field for
everything else. So I think as long as Amadola could
stay healthy, he's gonna be a great bet in PPR
league's going forward, because it's obviously they're not running the
ball well. And now that they lost Carson for the

year and brought back for Paul Parkins again to go
with Ty Johnson, I still think we're gonna have it
at the very least of time share. There maybe still
a committee if they get mckissic more involved, But I
think as long as Amndola is healthy, he's gonna be
a big part of this short passing game on the
raider side of this one. Obviously, Jacob's wall are you

always throw them out? Tyrant Williams is back. He's got
a touchdown in every single game he's played this year.
Fire him back up in all your line ups. It's
not even a question. Pat's Ravens. We're gonna talk a
little bit when we come back, but so far, when
you look at how you want to act this game,
it's gonna be tough to run the ball on the Ravens.
I would imagine this is a heavy Brady game, especially
with James White a little banged up. Rex Burkehead might
play in this one, but he's been banged up to

so this does not look like a great day for
the Patriot running backs. A little bit more heavy passing,
which means door sets probably in play. I don't know
how much you're gonna see Nakill Harry, but probably a
little bit more s New as well as he gets
a little bit more fired up into this offense. We
already mentioned Hollywood brown Back, but not exactly the greatest
matchup with that secondary. We're gonna step back when we
come back. Mr Rhoto Experts gonna join us right here,

Davis Maddock. We're gonna do a little fantasy roundtable here
on the program and also talk about your starts and
sits and a whole lot more. You're listening to Rhoto
Experts in the morning. We'll be right back right after this.
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Rhoto Experts in the morning with Me, Joe Pizzapia, The
Fantasy Taz, Jim Day and Mr rohto Expert himself joining
us on the line. He's on location somewhere, I'm not
sure where. That's what's fun about it. He's almost like
a spy some weeks, just never know where he's gonna be,
which is probably good because he wants to keep a
low profile with all the questions he gets asked on Twitter.
I'm sure. But Davis Maddock joins us on the program. Davis,

how are you this morning, my friend? I'm doing great, shoe.
It's a it's a beautiful morning for some football, and
we're actually gonna get a game here starting in ten minutes,
so it's just gonna be on all day. Yeah, they
keep telling me that games starting in ten minutes, and
we keep flipping around the channels here and all I
keep seeing is horse racing. I don't know what's going
on here. Will get with it. Find the game here

that does not look like Deshaun Watson throwing passes at all.
But anyway, we just we're talking about the Patriots Ravens.
I want to dig a little deeper into this game
before we ask you the rest of the questions. So
here's my first question to you. It seems as though
the best route of attack, especially with James White not
a hundred percent burkehead, not a dent, would be Tom
Brady and the passing attacks. So what does that mean?

To you in terms of obviously it's Julian Edelman, Ken
Sinu intors set be those guys that in a week
where we're missing a ton of wide receivers actually contribute
to fantasy teams. Yeah, I mean, if any lead where
I have Dorset, I'm definitely starting him, and even I
would I would actually consider going with some new as well,
just because I do think that the way to attack

Baltimore is through the air, and I think that that
Belichick knows that as well. The one thing I'm concerned
with is I'm wondering if the Patriots just kind of
take it easy in this game because the ravens of
the team they're most likely to be playing in the
a f C Conference championship game. We've actually seen Bill
Belichick do this before. Last year against the Lions, they

came out with one of the worst game plans I've
ever seen um and and so just sometimes they just
kind of waved the white flag and run the ball
and hope to you know, maybe get a turnover on
defense or something. So I could see the offense going
in that direction today to be on rest. All right,
So let's flip around and talk about the other side
of this game too, with Lamar Jackson has been a

really brilliant Jim. I want to get your take first,
then Davis here, Obviously you're you're probably starting him no
matter what. He's been so good it doesn't matter. But
what's your expectation for him in terms of fantasy point production?
This defense has been outstanding, Belichick first time he faces
a quarterback also historically very good. There's a good chance
you can throw a lot of different blitz packages at him,

a lot of things that Lamar Jacksons probably never seen before.
So does that give you pause at the very least
heading into this week or you just confident that it
doesn't matter. Lamar Jackson's Lamar Jackson. You always run him
out and you think he can be just as good
as he is other weeks. Potentially even though it's his
Patriots defense. Well, I have them the lowest I've had

him all year at ten this week because it is
the Patriots defense. Look, if I'm Bill Belichick, the first
thing I'm doing is I'm going back to last year's
playoff game against the Charges, and I'm watching exactly what
the Chargers did to contain Jackson, and they did it
very well, um, And but at that point Jackson wasn't
throwing the ball well either, and they knew that. Well.

Now it's gonna come down to Jackson having to throw
the ball, I believe, because the one thing I think
Belichick is going to make sure that doesn't happen is
Jackson beating him with his legs, So he's gonna make
him put the ball in the air against that great secondary.
It's it's a tough matchup, but like he's you know,
he's so talented. He can make things happen where others
can't that you know, anything could come out of this.

I don't love him this week, but I still have
him as a starting quarterback, so I do expect his
numbers to be down a bit. But he's also so
talented that all he needs is one or two big
plays and he can turn that around. Davis, are you
have the same mind too that you have to start
Lamar Jackson no matter where you're have in the rankings
this week? Uh? No, no no matter how bad the matchup

might be potentially on paper, just because the talent has
been so damn good this year. I think, really, the
only scenarios I could see you benching uh Lamar Jackson
was if you somehow were able to pick up Matt
Stafford on waivers last week and you still have him,
you could start Stafford over him this week, or or
if you drafted the Dak Prescott and you held on

to to to Dak through his by those are and
those are scenarios. I know that like some of the
Road to experts subscribers have told me that they are
in But those are those are the actually the only
two scenarios I could see where that's gonna work out. Well,
we're in locks up there because I literally just in
the last hour answered a question on Twitter. By the way,
you can follow me on the Twitter machine at jo

ps PS seventeen, same question, do I start Lamar Jackson
or Stafford? I've got both and the single quarterback league
I agree with Davis too, I would roll out Stafford.
It's a great matchup for him against Oakland, especially with
no running backs there now speaking of a new running back,
Kenyan Drake rush for fifteen uh times ten yards a
touchdown in the Week nine loss of forty nine, and

he had four catches for fifty two. So just when
you thought you could figure out what things were here
with the Cardinals backfield? What does this do? And I'll
start with you here, Jim, let's bounced you. This Kenyan
Drake performance was certainly eye opening. A lot of people
were not throwing him out there, even if they owned
him or I had stashed him because it was the
forty nine. He has a big game. Now there's a

lot of talk to DJ comes back. So Mr Fantasy Task,
tell me, what do you do with Kenyan Drake the
rest of the season, or DJ or any of these
guys Edmunds in this backfield for the Cardinals? All that
is definitely the rub. It only made sense for me
for them to go get Drake if one of these
guys is hurt more than we expected. Uh so it

you know, might be Edmunds at this point. Maybe maybe
he misses more than the month that they're calling for
at this point. So that's probably what's gonna happen. David Johnson.
If David Johnson is healthy, he's my starter. He's just
my starter. He's that good. He is who he is.
Drake had a great game against a great defense. And
I'll be one to say I didn't see that coming,

but he looked like he was running with a chip
on his shoulder. He had something to prove, and that's
exactly what he did. He he could still be a
viable running back. Who knows what was going on in
Miami with not only gays, but what they have now.
They just didn't like him for whatever reason. Maybe he's
bad off the field, maybe doesn't do well in meetings
or practice. We just don't know. Those are the kind

of things we don't have privy information too. But the
fact that matter is he ran good against a good defense,
So he's gonna get played down the field, especially if
they want to try and keep David Johnson healthy. So
I could see a lot of like a I don't know,
maybe seventy thirty split, maybe even sixty thirty five going
forward between the two of them. And then when Edmunds

does come back, if he's fully healthy, well that just
throws another fly into the ointment. And right now I
can't predict how that's gonna work. Thursday Night Football, where
anything can happen. Even Kenyan Drake could have a good
fantasy game. Let's talk about some of the quarterback changes
that have been made. Cincinnati told Any Dalton on his
birthday that he would be relieved of his duties. What
a lovely present that is. But I guess it is

because now he doesn't have to get the crapp heat
out of them on a weekly basis the rest of
the year, and you'll probably have a new home next year.
And then he got Brandon Allen starting in place with
Joe Flacco, So Davis the Broncos pieces. So let's talk
about Sutton and Freeman and Lindsay and let's talk about
on the Cincinnati side of things here too, obviously, Tyler
Boyd Joe Mixon. How do these potential changes now at

the quarterback position downgrade? Uh, these fantasy players that we own,
what do we do? Where we basically stuck hoping for
the best, or do you think there's maybe a potential
upside from one of these guys here? Probably a decent
amount of upside for Lindsay and Freeman, or maybe upside
is not the right word, but it's just there. They

are going to be so run heavy the next few
weeks while Brandon Allen is the quarterback until Drew Lock
is able to get off by are and be ready
to start that, I think we're we're looking at a
situation where you can pretty much project those guys for
fifteen to twenty touches a week. You can kind of
just lock that in. Uh, Sutton is definitely gonna lead
that team into targets. But you know, it's hard for

us to imagine a quarterback being worse than Joe Flacco.
But I'm very certain that Brandon Allen is going to
be worse than Joe Flacco. So that's that's definitely. Uh,
it's not great for something at the very least, we
know that it's not a positive for him. Uh in Cincinnati, though,
I'm kind of optimistic about Ryan Finley. He played very

well in the preseason. The big knock on him coming
out of North Carolina State was his throw velocity. He
had one of the lowest velocities of passes in the
Combines recorded history. So like he actually I believe might
have the like like slowest uh fastball if you will,
of of any quarterback at the Combine. But you know, uh,

that's he's a pretty accurate quarterback. He was an NC State,
so I think that's gonna be good for Tyler Boyd.
And also you just kind of have to put yourself
in the position of those players in the locker room.
They've then they've just been getting beat up and they've
been losing games with Andy Dall for you know, like
all of them as long as they can remember, and
so it might actually, you know, kind of invigorate them
just to be playing with someone new. How about you, Jim,

I mean, what do you feel about these changes in
quarterback scenarios? Is there a situation, like you said, where
it just becomes Hey, more Freeman more lindsay, how do
you kind of take this from the Bengals and the
Broncos standpoint in terms of the remaining fantasy assets that
are out there for owners everywhere. Yeah, it's definitely tough.
I'm with Davis on this. You know, all these these

receivers take a hit with these two quarterbacks. Um, there's
just no doubt about it. Sutton. I still feel as
Sutton is a decent play just based on opportunity. As
David said, he's probably gonna be seeing you targets in
this game just because there's nobody else. Uh, they should
run heavy, I believe. In Finley's case, I'm with Davis

there too. He looked good in preseason. I'm really looking
forward to seeing what he can do. Jim, give me
one name. You're looking for a big second half from
oh Man, put me on the spot. Uh, that's right,
that's what big second half from O'Dell Beckham. I'm gonna

go with Odell Beckham. Alright, Davis Maddick, schedule gets really good,
Yeah it does. Davis Maddick, give me one name. You're
looking for a big second half? Robert Woods. Yes. I
would love for both those guys to be better, all right,
So I want to thank Davis obviously. You can follow
him on Twitter at Davis Maddick. Go check out Rotal
Experts dot com and get involved with the package there.

They have a season long package still available, I'm sure
at a discounted rate because the season is half over,
if you can believe it, the show's half over already.
But we're not done yet. We got your starts, we
got your sits, we got our three and out the
things we're watching. So there's still plenty of football and
talk about right here on the grid. So stick with
us more Rotal Experts in the morning with me and

Jim Day. We'll be right back right after this. I
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your free seven day trial membership. It hurts so good?
Maybe yeah. Welcome back to Week nine here on Rhodo
experts in the morning live from the meadow Lands. We
are here talking fantasy football with me and uh, of
course a fantasy Tash. You can follow him on the

Twitter machine had Fantasy Tash. You can follow me at
Joe PSAPs seventeen. To make sure you're subscribing to the
shows everywhere that you possible. Again, when I'm uh done
here today, Pro Football Today with Mike Blewett and his
uh team of fun folks will be taking over taking
up live until game day. Uh. In case you're keeping
score at home. We still can't get the London game here. Uh.
They switched over to the marathon, so I was watching

people running, which, um, I don't know if you've got
fantasy shares and that. I don't know if Daily Rhodo
covers the marathon, but maybe they should think about it,
little daily fantasy marathon running. He liked that. Boys, Yeah,
you're interested in that. That got a mild tepid round
of applause, just in case you're wondering. So let's get
after it again. Let's talk about the sits and starts.
Jim Day. Let's start with the quarterbacks. Let's start with

Sam Donald has been a rough couple of weeks here
for Sam Donald, after the conquering Hero returned from the
injury list to have a great game against the Cowboys,
let's just say it's not been good ever since. So
does he get right against the Dolphins or have we
officially gotten an opportunity to hit rock bottom here with
Sam Donald? Well, I think he gets a little better

against the Dolphins. I still haven't in fifteen outside the
top twelve this week, so in at one quarterback start league,
he's still not a starter for me. Um. Miami's defense
played better, at least to start the game last week.
It looked like they were trying to play for something.
I'm not exactly sure what, but I wouldn't be surprised
at all if everything that wouldn't happen after everything that

happened with the trade deadline, that Jets trying to move
all these guys not moving any of them, I wouldn't
be surprised if Miami comes out of this game with
the win. Um the Jets, I don't know. It just
seems to be a lot of things that are just
off with this organization. Most of it can start with
the coach, Adam Gays. He's just wrong. Uh, they need
to make another adjustment get him out of the place.

I just don't like any of the moves he makes.
Jim Day, You and I differ many times, but we
agree on this a Uh, it's we could not agree more.
I think the Dolphins have an opportunity for their one
win of the season this week as well. And uh, yeah,
only the Jets could possibly alienate the best player on
defense and offense on their team in the same afternoon

and then not trade them. It's a It's a great
time to be alive. You and I also see eye
to eye on the Cleveland Browns going forward and having
a good second half. The schedule certainly gets much better
for them. They've got the Dolphins, They've got the Bengals twice,
the Steelers twice, and they got the Broncos today. So
if you like Odell Beckham to have a big second half,
you gotta like Baker Mayfie today. Correct. I do like

him to rebound a little bit, just not today, not
against this Denver defense. Who is is you know, number
three against opposing quarterbacks on this season. I actually have
Baker Mayfield down a bunch. It's after this game that
everything starts to get good for him in this offense.
I don't think it's gonna be this game. I am
not starting. I'm gonna start a week early I actually happen.

I'm gonna get a jump on the competition here. I'm
gonna get a jump on the competition here. I'm gonna
go out of a limb. It begins today, and it
begins because you're right, that defense is very good. But
the difference is I just don't see Denver moving the change.
And if you can't move the change, you're gonna keep
giving Baker Mayfield opportunities. You gotta keep that defense on
the field too much. By the second half, they get tired,

and I think Baker Mayfield exposes them in the second
half of this football game. So I'll be ahead of
the curve and I'll tell you could start Baker Mayfield
in the two quarterback league today, a single quarterback league,
I think you can find better options not named Sam Donald,
also Matt Moore. Are you running it out there as
a super flex quarterback today as well? Against the Vikings?
You seem pretty confident in him. So are you confident
enough in that top twenty four to start him? I do.

I at twenty two this week against the Vikings secondary
that just hasn't looked the same. I mean, uh, Xavier
Rhodes has been definitely beatable this year and it has
shown it many times, so I do. Matt Moore just
has too many weapons around him. He looked highly competent
last week and a tough matchup kept him right in
the game right to the end against Green Bay. I

think he does the same thing again today, so I
do like him In a two quarterback league. I'd like
to be described as highly competent once. That'd be nice.
I'd like that. Let's try. Let's that's goal life goals.
Let's move on to the running backs here, with James
White a little banged up. How do you feel about
Rex Burkhead on this heavy bye week? Do you think
that there's some fantasy opportunity there? Or is this another

one of these situations where it's the Patriots don't bother.
You can't possibly get a gauge on it, even if
you think you got a game age on it, even
if it makes sense on paper, it rarely translates into
reality for Rex Burkehead this week. Yeah or nay? Well,
Parkhead's beat up too. He's not also, and you know
there was a lot of question marks as to whether

he would play this week, so that's definitely a concern.
I mean, if he plays, you know, I don't rush
to get him in the lineup. I think I haven't
met I want to say forty seven eight this week.
So I mean he's definitely outside that top twenty four
and you know, even outside of flex option for me
at this point, just because I don't trust him. But

then you know that mainly goes for almost all New
England running backs, even if they only put one on
the field, I wouldn't trust Bill Belichick. All right, let's
talk about these two running backs who you're probably starting
in both but I'm curious, uh, between Miles Sanders and
Jordan Howard. Do you have a preference between these two guys.
Let's say maybe you do own both of them and
you don't want to run both out there, or you

only have one spot Miles Sanders Jordan Howard, which do
you prefer this week against the Bears at home in Philadelphia?
Here for the Eagles, I'm going with Jordan Howard. I mean,
I hate the term revenge game because it's used way
too often. Guys been gone from a team for seven
years and oh, this is his revenge game. You know

that's stupid. This is a revenge game. Though. Jordan Howard
got traded away from Chicago for whatever reason, they didn't
like him. He goes to Philadelphia. He's been having a
great year, I think on the season, I have to
double check this. Before last week's game, he had more
rushing yards than the entire Chicago Bears rushing outfit. Um
on the season. I think he really wants to prove

it this week. I think he comes out and has
a great week. Miles Sanders, you know, he's a guy.
He's hard to bet against because all he needs is
one big play to really make it happen. It's just
does it happen each and every week. I think the
focus is going to be how and Howard this week.
I'm really rolling Howard out there. Sanders. I am definitely
a lot more lukewarm about now. Last week the focus

was on David Montgomery. Finally, after I finally just threw
in the towel and I said no more, I'm done
with you, David Montgomery. I benched him everywhere and one
league actually had to cut him because I was in
such a roster crunch. I said, I had to do
something here, and unfortunately he was his best game of
the year, so go figure. But now he's gonna go
against that tough front of the Eagles. So do you

have any hope there? You're throw them back in your lineup?
Or are you chasing last week to no avail? David
Montgomery sit or start this week against the Eagles. I
haven't been numbered twenty four this week, so that's a
start for me. I'm absolutely gonna start him. Look it,
I was with you before last week. I had come
on at least a frenzy and said David Montgomery was

dead to me. And that was big because I was
really into Montgomery in the preseason. Coming into the season,
I thought he was gonna be a monster. And then
make Nag started playing all these games with his running backs. Well,
then before last week's game, Nag Game comes out and said, well,
I'm gonna take over play calling duties, um, and I
know we need to run more. So that gave me
a little hope into Montgomery. And then sure enough Montgomery

went out, got to touch, has had a great game.
Now this is a tough running defense, no doubt about it.
But if we see Montgomery where twenty touches again this week,
I think he still does well against this defense. So
I'm gonna root for Montgomery to put it out there again.
All right, let's go with another guy here, another young
running back, Devin Singletary. Obviously there's a potential here for

a bit of a blowout with Dwayne Haskins playing quarterback
for the Redskins this week. Uh, not that that's very
fantasy relevant, but it might be fantasy relevant for the
Bills side of this game. So do you think we
start to see now in the second half of the
year a little bit of a shift in terms of
the share of touches in that backfield for the Buffalo Bills.
And as Devin Singletary finally gonna have a little bit

of a let's say, flex appeal kind of a game.
So starter sit Devin Singletary. I got him at twenty eight,
so I like him as a flex player. This week,
I'm a little bit down on him than it was
last week, only because if they get ahead, then we're
gonna see a lot more gore. You know, the game
script is gonna put it out there. So they're gonna

just let run Gore go or go or run against
them if they get out to an early league, and
that scares me a little bit. But to get there,
I think they use singletary to get there, So I
think singletary still has a chance of a a good Fantasy day.
But I am a little worried in the second half
that we see more Gore if this game is out
of control. All right, let's go to the wide receivers here.

Uh and let's start with Mike Williams, who is a
guy that uh loo Keenan Allens a little banged up
right now. You would imagine they're playing from behind a
little bit, so Philip rivers might have to be a
little bit more aggressive. Mike Williams seventh overall in terms
of end zone targets. So you start Mike Williams this
week at wide receiver. Again, heavy buys lots of wideouts

out there that are not available. Mike Williams is would
your roll out there? I got him at thirty, so
he's on the fringe. He's a wide receiver three for
me this week. Um. You know, Keenan Allen is fully healthy,
fully practiced. The end of week not on the injury report,
so that's a step. I had it last week, and
we know he's still a target monster there. Henry Hunter

is still there too, so it's definitely concerning. But and
this Green Bay secondary is pretty good there, twelfth against
opposing wide receivers on the season, so, you know, not
not great, but not terrible either. Look, I like Mike Williams,
but for whatever reason, he's just not getting it enough
targets weekend and week out to count on him. I
like him this week is a wide receiver three with

wide receiver too upside, but it's hard to count on,
you know, more than that from him at this point.
All right, let's do that game again where we've got
one spot left and we've got two wide receivers for it.
They both play on the Patriots. One's Mohammed Sanu and
the others Philip Doors set. Who would you be picking
a roll out there today with that one spot you have,
let's say full point PPR. I'm gonna roll with Doors said,

He's done good with him, you know when he's on
the field, so new I want to see him at
least get a week end of action and see how
they plan to utilize him. Until they do, I'm not
gonna roll him out there just with no idea what
they're gonna do with him. Dorset has been a big
play guy for them. I think that trend continues. All right,
let's move on here to some of the tight ends.

We have time, and we'll bounce back to a wide
receiver or too, but let's start with um. Let's start
with your boy, Eric Ebron. And I say your boy,
obviously knowing that there's a bit of sarcasm there with that.
So Eric Ebron tight end one this week potentially yes
or no. No, I don't have him as a tight
end one. I haven't outside the tight end ones. I

haven't at I think fifteen on the week. Look, we
we know the man is a red zone god. You
can catch the ball in the red zone and change
this in a heartbeat, because all you really need to
do a tight end is catch a couple of passes
and score and you're in the top twelve. So he
can do that in he given weeks. So I'm not
gonna say he can't. The problem is he just has
consistently at all this year with luck gone. And let's

do a little three and out here, I know we're
up against it. So uh, the three things that we're
watching for in fantasy this Sunday before we had out
for the day, and I'm gonna start with the Lions
going out there winning a big road game. They've had
a lot of things not bounced their way. I think
it's times something balances their way. The Oakland Raiders have
played very well. I still will hold to this. They
are the best sub five team in the NFL in

my opinion, and I know there's not a lot of
sub five hundred teams are any good, but I think
the Raiders compete. But I think the Lions in this
one will win out and have a really good one. Jim,
what are you looking for today on Sunday? Look, Gardner
Minshew has been a guy I've been watching all year.
I think the kid is really good and I think
he should hold the job even when Folds is back

and healthy. But there's still a lot of people in
that organization want Folds, if for no other reason then
the money they've invested in him, So that could absolute.
We happened, but didn't. You had a great game last week.
I'm looking for another great game this week. I want
to see if he can do enough to hold off
Nick Foles. I love to see that. That would be fun.
Great story continues and the last thing for me at

Cleveland Brown starting their second half on the right foot
with a w and and Odell Beckham touchdown, so hopefully
you got him in your lineup this week. I want
to thank Davis Mattock as always for joining us. Want
to thank Jim Day as always for being my co host,
and all the boys in the back who make the
show work. Stick around for football today is coming up next.
It's been fun. We'll see you next time. Kids. Want

to light the lamp on Draft Kings and FanDuel this
NHL DFS season. Then joined Daily Rodo dot com and
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for a ten percent discount. That's promo code action for
a ten percent discount. Mission by that much. Here's what
you missed on the run of Expert. How does this
t Y Hilton injury now potentially upgrade anybody else on
this offense or do you think this is just kind
of Marlon Mack and Jacobe Brisette and step away. How

do you see this offense going forward over the next
month here In terms of the guys that percent has
to throw the football to, Pascal is the one who
stepped up the most last year when Hilton was out,
and I think that trend continues. But Rogers will be involved.
I think both tight ends will be involved. To be honest,
I was kind of hoping the Ibron was going to
be out this week to make my Jack Doyle pick
a lot better. But now he's gonna play, so I

think both of them will be involved, and that makes
it a little tougher. It's one of those situations where
there's a lot of different mouths all on the same level,
and you just don't know which one is going to
have the big week. Now, we've got some wide receivers
who are going to play this week, so that's very good.
We've got Adam Feeling, who was questionable leaning up to this,
but it looks like he was going to play today.
I would throw him in that lineup. I mean, it's
hard not to start Adam Feeling as long as he's

on the field. Yeah, you might want to look at
the rest of your lineup and see how much else
you have to kind of pay up a little bit
for that. But at the same time, Sadam Feeling, Adam
Feelings a one A wide receiver. You got him. Roll
him out there, especially in this matchup. Always gotta do
is catch a couple of balls, maybe one touchdown, Boom,
he's done. He's good for the day. You've got Marquis
Brown is gonna play tonight. He's been limited to practice
all week, He's been limited for some time. He's gonna

be going against that Patriots secondary. I gotta ask you, Jim,
how do you feel about Mr Hollywood Brown tonight against
the Patriots. No? No, look, I know he can make
one big play. I know, with that one big play
he could score. I just don't see it against this defense.
They're playing too well right now, and with him not
being a hundred percent going against his defense, I can't
take that chance unless I'm really really up against the

wall and you know, looking at some really bad options.
Then maybe I might take a chance other than that,
No way. Now, DeShawn Jackson's back as well for the
Philadelphia Eagles, and when he got the Falcons, Bengals, Ram
Saints all on buy. There's a lot of wide receivers
in that group, so chances are you don't have any
of those guys or a couple of those guys. That's
a big problem. So a guy like de Sean Jackson
I think is in play very much today. It's also

gonna help zach Ertz, as Mike Blewitt and I talked
about last time on the DFS show just now. Also,
Mickel Harry's active for this one first time he'll be
active this year the rookie. Will see how that goes. Also,
the Seahawks claimed Josh Gordon, so we'll see if that
means anything for future. Will unpack that later on the show,
and Davis Maddock joins us in the program. I don't
think we're gonna be running out anytime soon to be

starting Josh Gordon, but do we want to pick him up?
You have to stick around and figure that out when
we come back. James Connor is not gonna play today,
which means Jalen Samuel, So I have high expectations, Jim,
are your expectations high for Jalen Samuels as the standalone
guy today, no Snell, no Connor. What do you think
about Jalen? Oh? I do like Jalen Samuels. You gotta
like him. The great thing about him and said, you know,
we can catch the passes as well, so he can

do a little bit of both. And he'll do both.
Considering that Connor and Snell are both out for this game,
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