Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:01):
This is Sex Lies and spray Tands with Me, Cheryl
Burke and iHeartRadio podcast. Hey guys, welcome back to Sex
License spray Tands. This is going to be the fan
questions series, as promised, since there were thousands of fan
questions from you guys. At the very least, I owe
this to you, so I am about to do. Most
likely we're doing about four episodes, I would say, or five,
maybe even six, depending on how many more questions we get.
I excuse if I repeat myself a couple of times,
but I have definitely typed everything out so that I
hope I don't repeat questions. But you know what, my
answers could change even if the question is the same.
So let's just get started, shall we. Let's start with
question number one at Doug Colt, who was your favorite
partner on Dan Seeing with the Stars. Wow, Well, I've
had okay, so I know, I've done twenty something seasons
and I've had quite a lot of partners, though ideas
with Emmett Smith twice. I have to say, actually I
had the most fun and I felt very I guess
my intention going in. I was shockingly surprised. I guess
I didn't expect to have such a great season like
I did. It was with Jack Osborne and Rob Kardashian.
I love when my expectations going in aren't very high
and it's shocking at the end how far we've we
got and their reputation completely. You know, my judgment of
these two people, Jack and Rob, they were, you know,
in a way spoiled brats when I witnessed them on
MTV and witnessed Rob on The Kardashians when he was younger.
But you know, these two men, they're totally not what
you would expect, especially nowadays. You know, Jack is sober,
and I just love the fact that we got along
and they didn't take themselves too seriously. I actually tend
to like I tend to gravitate and enjoy my seasons
when it's with a reality star because and an athlete,
but mainly a reality star. I've only had two I
would say, yeah, Rob Kardashian and Jack Osborne, And this
is the thing. They're so used to cameras in their
face that they don't try and be another person. They
are just who they are because cameras don't phase them.
So I had a great time with each of them
in different ways, but the fact that people were betting
against us and we made it to the finals is
pretty spectacular. And it's both of those partnerships are memories
that I will take with me and cherish forever. Let's
move on to question number two at Holly Moore, who
is your favorite fellow pro partner with? Well, Holly, though
things have gotten a little I would say awkward between us.
I love past tense. Just kidding, but yeah, well I guess,
and so I'm not dancing anymore. But I loved dancing
with Maxim Schmerkovsky. We come from a similar background as
far as training goes, Like we both know each other
in from the competition world. But I have to say
he is a great lead, Like he definitely knows what
he wants and he definitely isn't isn't selfish when dancing,
when ballroom dancing. Not saying he is as a person.
But you know, there's so many different coaches in the world,
right in the ballroom world, that is, and they have
different styles and this we had. I think we were
trained by either the same or similar coaches, But whenever
we would do the pro numbers together, I just felt
so amazing dancing with Max. Honestly, let's move on to
question number three at Elevated Underscore, Tiny Dancer, Do you
feel you left Dancing with the Stars on a positive note?
I felt that I did leave Dancing with the Stars
on a positive note. I definitely didn't have any ill
will or negativity as far as me deciding to retire.
I know a lot of people may think it wasn't
my decision, but it definitely was my decision. I'm pretty
sure they would still have had me as a pro
dancer to this day. I like to grow and I
like to challenge myself. And I'm not saying, first of all,
every season I did on Dancing with the Stars was challenging,
but I, you know, had the same job title for many,
many years, and you know it's okay. And I totally
have no hard feelings with the show. If they never
saw me as anything else other than a pro dancer,
and that's a huge can pomplishment in itself. I'm not saying, oh,
just a pro dancer being a professional dancer. I mean,
it's like one in a million chances that you get
that opportunity on Dancing with the Stars. Every dancer, even
ones that can't ballroom would love to have had that
job like I did for so many years. So I
feel like I left on a positive note for sure. Now,
if you're asking me how they feel about this podcast,
that is, I don't. I can't answer that question. But obviously,
you know, as everyone knows, obviously this podcast has caused
I think, unnecessary uh turmoil a little bit. But as
far as I'm concerned, I if you guys know you
are avid listeners to this podcast, I say nothing but
great things about the show, and just again just because
you know some of our experiences and not so much. Mind.
It's not like I talk about myself as much as
I have guests who talk about their experience and whether
you want to label it negative or positive, it's their experience.
But we always come back to how grateful we have
been to be able to experience Dancing with the stars.
So hopefully, you know, hopefully it's all good. Who knows,
I'm fine. I feel you know clearly. If I wasn't fine,
I wouldn't be doing this podcast. I wouldn't want to
talk about the show. Hopefully that answered your question. Question
number four at jen Underscore v Underscore has who was
your closest pro friend while you were on the show. Well,
you know, we all go through phases. I think at
the end of the day where we were all co
workers first and foremost, and that's and in a way,
because Dancing with the Stars is so consuming you have
to spend so much time together. But during the earlier days,
I would say that my closest friends were Tony Develaani Max,
and then when Kim Johnson joined, it was Kim for sure.
You know, we were both bridesmaids in each other's weddings,
Kim and Robert Hrshevek threw me and my ex husband
a beautiful engagement party, So I would say that, yeah,
those were the main three for sure. Question number five
at Claire or Coller Maybe I don't know. Underscore, Lil,
How have the pros had to evolve and strategize as
the show changed over the years? Good question? Okay, Well,
a lot of us that joined Dancing with the Stars,
we came straight off the competitive circuit of ballroom dancing
onto the beautiful stage that you see on television, onto
the Dancing with the Stars set. And it's interesting because
I would say not until Julianne, Derek and Mark all
joined was Dancing with the Stars slowly evolving. I would say,
you know, I think that if I would have auditioned,
let's say they want me to audition like season ten,
I don't think. First of all, I don't think I
would have because of the other styles that they had added.
Like when I started the show and when they auditioned me,
this was a strictly ballroom genre show only. And with
that being said, even when I auditioned, I felt not
qualified enough because I didn't have tons and tons of
teaching ability or tons of teaching experience. But now you know,
it has evolved into not just a ballroom show. However,
I've had to really take it upon myself during those
years to educate myself. Hence why I went to Argentina
right when they added Argentine tango. Mind you could I
have taken a few jazz and contemporary classes, yes, but
you know, during the off season, especially during that time
when I was on at the height of Dancing with
the Stars, we weren't just doing Dancing with the Star
like I got and I was so grateful and blessed,
and I wish times were the same and in this sense,
but there was like tons of endorsements, and I did
lots of different things. We were on tour. I did
two tours, and you know, it's really hard for me.
I don't like to do anything half ass. So if
I'm going to learn a genre, I'm going to learn
it and I'm not going to have a day off.
So there is And with Argentine tango, I think I
took a season off or I went to Argentina so
I had so I had no distractions whatsoever. But you know,
you really have to either get the right help. I
know you guys have heard me say this a lot,
but it's true, like I'm not going to ask a
ballroom dancer to help me, or like I'm not going
to ask a world champion standard dancer to help me
choreograph a contemporary that makes no sense. So sometimes, like
when it comes to those one offs, I would say,
though production they were pretty smart with of the dancers,
like especially when they added contemporary and there were still
a lot of like ballroom experts on including myself, they
tried their very best not to have to assign me
a contemporary routine because they know, like at the end
of the day. We all have the same goal, and
it's to make an amazing show. And if you give
a pro something that they're not an expert in, or
that they're not one hundred percent confident in, you're gonna
see that, especially through their celebrity partners. So we don't
want us both to look like amateurs. So I think
I had a very open dialogue with the executives. They
know that it wasn't it wasn't going to be a
fun week if they assigned me jazz, hip hop, which
I've never done, thank god, contemporary. Yeah, so we work
together in that sense, but yes, we've had to evolve,
and we've also Like when I was trained as a
competitive ballroom dancer, I my coach like there was no
such thing as te like tricks were only for people
who couldn't dance, And so I learned from basics, Like
he didn't even give me any choreography until he said
that my rumbo walks were good enough to actually now
build that foundation from there. I did rumbo walks only
for two years after, mind you, I had to throw
away everything else and all the other coaches that taught
me gibberish supposedly per my last coach, and I had
to agree to start from scratch if I wanted him
to train me. And so I agreed, and so I
was already like three years into my competitive career, and
he was like, well, if you wanted me to take
you under my wing, you're going to have to start
from the basics. And so I did, and tricks were
not a part of it. But then you have different
types of pros starting to join the show, like the
Huffs and Mark Ballas, and they're really good at that
and they've been trained in all other genres. So look,
we each have, we each had, I would say, our
own style. The thing that I believe the reason why
I believe I was so successful on the show is
because I got the right help. Honestly, like in the beginning,
my very first two seasons, I had zero experience. And
it's because of the help and the coaches and the
secret rehearsals and just telling myself like, look, I don't
know it all, like I don't, and there's already so
much pressure. So I was very proactive with making sure
that whatever I help I get, that I out of
my own pocket rent studios. If I have to fly
someone down I will, like you know, it's not just
it's not a one man show. It takes a village,
it really does. I just wish the show would have
supported that more and would kind of if we needed
get mentors, you know. And that's why I keep addressing
the whole mentors because I do believe. And you saw
this season in or this past season with Mark Ballas
helping Stephen and Riley. It helps. It just brings the
show to a whole other level. Okay, let's move on
to question the next question at Timothy underscore Botchy, which
celeb from this season would you want to be paired
with now that you saw them dance? Ooh, I would
have loved to dance with Joey or Danny. Honestly, I
think that, you know, Joey's obviously talented, flexible, but I
think personality wise, which is more important to me. By
the way, I don't care if this person can dance
or whatever. Like I care more if I like you
or not, because if I don't like you and you're
a good dancer, not that I don't like you. If
our personalities don't gel and we don't respect each other
as people, I don't care how good of a dancer
you are, we're going to have a miserable season. So
for me, I would say, personality wise, I think I
think Danny and I would have gotten along great. Next
question at Kristen dot Bruinsma, I hope I'm saying that right. Okay,
heal leads good question mark? Bad question mark? When are
they necessary or not? Question mark? Okay, good question. So
someone also when I had asked my social media to,
you know, write questions and all of that, I think
a couple of weeks ago, now you someone asked me
to do a tutorial, which I posted on my stories
with no I didn't like talk. I just showed you
what a heal lead was. Let me know if you
want me to repost that. I could also post it
as an actual like real on the sex Lies and
spray Tans Instagram page if you'd like. But okay, heal
leads are not good When doing four out of the
five Latin dances cha cha, samba, rumba and jive pasa
doble is considered another Latin dance right the fifth and
last or not the last one the second to last.
It goes in this order. Chatcha samba rumba, pasta, dobla jive.
The only dance you can do heal leads is in
pasa doblay. Okay, now, when it is necessary to do
heal leads, it's basically all the standard and American smooth dances.
Waltz he'll leads, yes, good tango, hell leads great, yes,
foxtrot yes, he'll leads, Viennese waltz yes, hell leads, and
quickstep he'll leads yes. So basically out of the ten
international Latin style of dancing, which is the Latin Category
five dances like I just mentioned, and the International Standard
five dances which I just mentioned, you can do heal leads. Obviously,
the execution is different depending on the style, but you
can do heal leads in six out of the ten dances. Wow.
So before I did Dancing with the Stars, actually i
got my I had to take Adjudicator toe like an
exam to basically start judging and be allowed to judge competitions.
So I think that's why maybe I am very technical
as well, is because I had to read that book
like as if it was my freaking Bible of ballroom
forwards and backwards multiple times in order to get my
adjudicator's license, so I actually did that before I started
Dancing with the Stars. Okay, let's move on to the
next question at k GIVO, Why aren't you on the
show anymore? I miss watching you dance? Well, thank you
so much. Okay, Well, as I mentioned earlier, I'm not
on the show anymore because I retired and I chose
to just move on and transition into now podcasting. Hopefully
this also turns into hosting judging some sort of television
variety show one day. I don't know, but I also
I know my limit, and I also know when I
feel like I'm not growing. And I just felt kind
of at a standstill on Dancing with the Stars, being
a part of this brand for seventeen years of my
life and not necessarily getting promoted. It's not so much promotion.
It's more about like challenging myself to be in a
different role. But and that's okay. Like I said earlier,
it's okay if that didn't happen, but I was no
longer going to stay a pro dancer. It was also
mentally and physically, not so much physically, like I could
still do it to this day if I wanted to,
but it's it's hard to be a part of a
company that doesn't see you or doesn't promote your growth, right, Like,
obviously I'm more than capable to do other job jobs
on the show. But I'm not bitter whatsoever, Like they
didn't choose me to be a judge or a host,
so be it right, So it wasn't for me then,
so that I've made peace with that. But that's why
I'm not on the show anymore. It's it's because I
wanted to grow and I am now. I'm definitely I'm
glad that I actually retired because the amount of experience
I am now having with this podcast as a host
has been, you know, amazing, and I couldn't get this
training anywhere else, so I like to challenge myself. I've
loved doing this podcast. I've loved researching, and though I
didn't go to school for it, I'm not going to
call myself a journalist. But it's definitely been so challenging
yet so exciting. Like I spend a lot of my
hours on this podcast, whether it's researching or whatever or
actually doing it. But and it's because I'm really excited,
and I remember towards the end of my time on
Dancing with the Stars, having prep choreography, it was like
dragging my feet into these dance studios. So right then
and there, I kind of knew, Okay, maybe I should
reevaluate my life. It's like, you know, you should be
excited for all the work. And I was excited for
all the work the first what maybe fourteen fifteen years
I was on the show, but then it became kind
of a dread, to be quite honest, and that's just
not a good sign. Next question at Caitlin Vera Underscore
three two one, what is your process for each type
of episode? Like, what is the prep for with interviews, recaps, headlines? Oh?
Great question, Okay, so it kind of just goes back
to what I said. So I prep my interviews. I
would say I like to do it about a week
and a half prior to interviewing, especially when it comes
to you know those Monday the Monday series where we
interview celebrities or pros. You know, I could easily go
off the same outline and ask the same questions over
and over again. But that's no fun. I enjoy a
Part of the reason why I love this podcast is
because I get to know these celebrities and even dancers,
Like I didn't know half the things that I found
out through research about Lacey for example, and it and
edit to and it's just like it really because like
you spend so much time with these people. You are
literally seeing each other at your best, at your worst.
You are venting to one another during hard times and
celebrating during amazing times on the show. And I don't
even know your middle name, for example. It's like it's crazy.
And we don't get a lot of time at all
when we're on set, so especially if you're not my partner,
like with the other cast members, like you only see
us really spend time together when you see us on
camerack because everyone has their own schedules, and when we
are live, we're either we've danced and we have like okay,
let's just let loose, or we're about to dance and
we're nervous wreck right, So it's not genuine. So to
have an hour, they've been so gracious. All my guests
have been so gracious to be able to spend and
give me an hour of their time out of their
busy schedules, and it really it just fills my heart
with so much joy, Like, for example, China Phillips had
no idea about I would say one hundred percent of
the things that I researched about her because I didn't
really get a chance to talk to her that much
when she was on the show. She wasn't on very long.
She danced with Tony Develaanni. So it's just been really
fun to do something different and just to get to
know the people who have experienced this life changing show
like I have in a different way, and just to
hear about their experience. It's so awesome. Anyway, back to
your question as far as recaps go, So this is
what I do for recaps. I watch the show, pause it,
so I basically watch. Let's say, let's start from the beginning,
so I'll see the opening number, I'll see the walkdowns,
and it'll I'll see Julianne and Alfonso, and then they'll
introduce the first couple. I pause what I'm watching and
I talk about whatever I saw. Then, let's say a
couple number one, I watch their package, and if their
package I feel like is something to talk about, I'll
pause before I see their dance. If not, I'll see
their package and their dance. As soon as that they
hit that final pose, I will pause talk about whatever
I think, and I will not before I I know,
someone questioned like, I know you're looking at the scores,
like I'm definitely not, but or before I give my score,
like no, I give my score and my comments first,
prior to actually seeing what the judges have to say.
And as far as headlines go, so we want to
make sure that the headlines that we talk about are
all relevant, so I don't necessarily like, first of all,
I have Dancing with the Stars on Google Alert, so
that helps. But you know, obviously when the season is on,
it's there's no shortage of headlines. Put it that way,
But during the off season, I have to continue to
do research on celebrities that have done the show and
just google their name. Sometimes, like for example, I'll put
in random but Melby and see if there is any
like any of the latest news on her, and I
will literally whoever comes to mine, I will, or whoever
I know who is still active in the entertainment industry,
I'll just google them and something will come up. Try
and get about ten to fifteen different headlines, and you know,
at the end of the day, our lovely producer Chrissy.
Shout out to Chrissy. She will actually type everything out,
like I will send her all of the links and
she will copy and paste the article word for word
and put a section of like my thoughts CB thoughts,
and then my co host, my guest co host now
with Kristin Bert. Shout out to Kristen. We just flow
like we just have a conversation. And I'm sure you
know she goes over the headlines as well, Like I
know our producer, Chrissy from my heart. She will send
the headlines to the guest co hosts, whoever that is,
and they'll have you know, their own time, maybe like
little less than twenty four hours, just to look them over.
We just have to make sure they're relevant and especially,
like like I said during the show, there's not much
to talk about, I like to kind of just get
their take my guests, as our co host go for headlines.
I like to get their take on what they saw
and their thoughts on the live show. But you know
I've said this before, this is the series where I
don't necessarily I'm not one hundred percent gung ho about
this one because most of the time. A lot of
these people who we're talking about are either past coworkers
of mine, friends, and it's just odd. That's why it's
so important for me to have a guest co host.
Except moving forward, we're going to be doing two headlines
a week, so instead of just every Fridays, you're going
to get two separate episodes of headlines every week for
now along with a celebrity guest. Or we're going to
go back to your fan questions. But don't stop with
the fan questions. I like, For example, I saw a
few that I missed on the reviews for Apple Podcast.
Don't forget to rate and review and I'll just snapshot
it and I'll add it to my list of questions.
So it's never too late. Keep your questions coming, because,
like I said, we're dedicating a series to you, our
amazing and lovely fans. So that is my process. And
then I have an outline, right, so Chrissy sends me
just like the subject of each of the outline, which
is pretty much the same for everyone, but I just
go in and change it, like it takes me a
full day to really jot everything that I've researched. I'm
talking more about my interviews that I do with my guests,
and it really is a long process. It takes me. Ideally,
if I had seven days that would include research and
writing out questions, and then I have I also go
in on my Instagram and ask my fan like, ask
my followers if they have any questions for my guests
coming up, Like the next couple of guests. We've got
Mike Catherwood, he danced with Lacey Schwimmer. We've got Billing Wall,
and we've got Daniellamstead who danced with artam So I
don't know those three people. I think I know Mike
maybe a little bit more, but not really. I'm going
to start my research with Mike, I would say over
the Thanksgiving weekend, because we interview him beginning of December.
I think. Anyway, Yeah, it's a long process, but you know,
I love it. I hope that answered your question. That
was a long answer. Okay, let's move on to question
number ten at ken dy LJB. How did you deal
with others shaming your body while in the dancing world. Ooh,
that was a hard one to be quite honest, I
don't know if I actually dealt with it. As much
as I just didn't necessarily, I guess disassociated from my
body unfortunately, which I am unfortunately a pro at it was.
I don't think i'd be able to continue, especially on
Dancing with the Stars, when all of that was happening,
if I was dealing with it at that time. But
I still am dealing with all of those I guess
people attacking me for and body shaming me. And I
don't know if I'll ever be healed like I have,
you know, a therapist I consistently see now for the
last fifteen years. Now, do we only talk about body image? No,
we haven't even started that whole process yet, though it's coming,
I know that much. But I obviously that type of
stuff really stays with you, or for me, it does
at least, And it didn't just happen on Dancing with Stars.
It happened as well in the competitive world. Like you know,
being Kurby isn't necessarily promoted in the ballroom world. I
don't know if it is now I've been so detached
from the world, but yeah, there's definitely, I mean, I
would I would totally be a liar if I said that,
you know, I don't obsess about my weight still to
this day. So that's what I mean, and I think,
what you know, if I had a daughter, I would
definitely first of all, I don't think putting anyone in
front of mirrors at such a young age is something
that is healthy. But it's so important to really if
you have kids, especially if you have girls, young girls,
just to tell them how beautiful they are and how
you know. I wish I knew this as a young girl,
that my what you see from the outside doesn't define you,
it's who you are from the inside. And I wish
I had stronger, a stronger foundation when it comes to
self love and self respect, because then I think that
all of the body shaming in the world wouldn't have
affected me as much as it does to this day.
Next question at Si Dali Underscore, Hassan, which of your
fellow og pros would you most like to see return
to the show? Hmmm. I would love to see Karina
smirnov Go come back. I feel like you know, I
know we're all a lot older, but I still think
she's got it for sure. I'd love Anna Trebunskaya to
come back. I think that she is she's underrated like
she's an amazing dancer and coach and a fiery personality.
Sharna should definitely come back as an OG pro or
as a pro. She's not necessarily an OG. I think
Edita she still is gorgeous, but she would never come back.
And who else, Uh, there's so many There's like a
lot of people that would be so great. Still, Lacey
would be amazing, you know, there's just a lot. I
think Max could even do another season or two, you know, Ardam,
there's a lot of competition out there, And I don't know.
If I was the executive, i'd want pros that are
mainly ballroom if this was still a ballroom show, and
that know how the show works, right, and that have
personalities and that I don't know. But it's also great
to have new faces, like I said in my couple
of episodes ago, like Riley has brought such a breath
of fresh air to the show as well. So I
don't know there's that anyway. Just answering your question, let's
move on to the next one. At Ainslee one hundred,
do you approach people guests for interviews or do they
contact you? That's a great question. So the upside of
being with such a huge company like iHeartMedia is that
they have all of those people. They have the bookers
and shout out to Elizabeth who has worked her freaking
ass off trying to get people on this podcast. It's
not easy because we ask for an hour of their time,
and I have to say that a lot of people
don't want to revisit their experience on Dancing with the Stars,
and that's sometimes the main reason as to why I
don't get people that you guys are like, you need
to get so and so, or have these people or
have pros come back. Sometimes we don't even hear from
people like sometimes they don't even respond. And for those
who didn't have a great experience, I don't blame them,
but we definitely, as you guys know, if you're a
loyal listener, we don't barely talk about Dancing with the Stars,
like if I would say for eighty five percent of
the interview, it's mainly just about getting to know them.
But because obviously this has been labeled and has been
branded Sex Live and Spraying as a Dancing with the
Stars podcast, which it is, if you have not taken
the time the people we've asked if they haven't taken
the time to really listen to a full interview. Then
I get it. They just don't want to revisit their past.
That's it. So it's unfortunate, but I'm happy that it's
not me contacting anyone. I don't think I could do that.
I think that's why I love being able to do
this with iHeart, because they do the dirty work. Okay,
next question at Cassin Lucas, would you come back for
All Stars if you could choose your partner? If so, who, Well,
first of all, I don't think there's ever, unfortunately going
to be an All Stars season, just because the last
one we had didn't do very well in the ratings.
If you want to know more in detail about why
and what that means exactly, go to Kristen Bert's I
believe she posted this on Instagram as well, but definitely
on TikTok. She does a full explanation as to why
we should never expect to see another All Star season
or Juniors or any of it. So, yeah, there's that.
So and no, by the way, I am retired, so
Channing Tatum I stick by. It would be the only
person most likely that I'd come back and Dance with
but he wouldn't be part of an All Stars because
he's never done the show yet. Next question at Claire Murray.
Do the pros teach outside of the show privately or
at studios? Well, like, for example, I believe Max and
Val still have their chain of schools, so I think
that they do. But a lot of these active pros
that you see on Dancing with Stars if they if
they do teach, it's very rare because they go on
tour for the most part. I think the only people
who are not going, I think this season or this
year is Whitney because she has a family. I'm not
sure if Val and Jenna are going. I know they
went last year, but they just you know, they have
a baby, and it's difficult from what I've heard, not
like I would know, but the tour is pretty intense,
especially you know, back in the day, we got treated
like kings and queens and they always put us up
in hotels. Nowadays it's not the case. They have to
sleep on the bus and if you have a baby
with you, you have to hire and it's a whole
thing anyway. So going back to if the pros teach
out side of the show. Privately, I have to say
when I was on the show, I didn't have time
for that. I also opened up dance studios, and like
some of you who have attended, we had like two
three studios. We had two in the Bay Area, we
had one in Laguna and it was called Cheryl Burke Dance. However,
Cheryl Burke was nowhere to be found because I was
also trying to do other things. I had other jobs,
especially during the off season when I didn't go on tour.
I only did their very first two tours after season
three and four, I believe, and it just if you
do tours or back in that day, we did two
seasons a year. They did two tours. At one point
we did a winter tour and a summer tour, and
then we did a fall and spring season. So it
was not like we had like maybe two days off
total in the year. Those were the days I had
stamina like no other. So as far as the pros now,
I don't think so. But like I know, there's a
lot of pros that actually are taking part in conventions,
and I'm pretty sure like Sasha may teach, but I
don't think they do privates because like Honestly, when it
comes to money, you don't make as much money doing
private lessons as you do conventions. But you know, hey,
money talks, Claire, so make it rain and you never know. Okay.
Next question at Carol Len seventeen. Are you mad at
Max for being mean about you? Okay? Well, I'm not
so much mad that I am disappointed in a set
and just sad. I don't think about it, honestly, I've
only thought about it now since I talked about it
a few months ago, I think. But uh, yeah, you know,
we used to be a lot closer. You know. Now
he's obviously married to pet and he has his family
of his own. But there's going to be a day
where we run into each other and I'll let you
know how that goes. Okay. Next question at Row Underscore Dryer.
Just love everything about you and your podcast? Oh? Thank you.
Do the judges get to know each contestant's viewer votes?
Good question? I don't think so. I don't know. I've
never been a judge, but I mean, look, maybe after
if the judges are really curious as to you know,
who won or why so and so got eliminated, maybe
they can ask and then they would say something. I
know they're very secretive about this stuff. They even have
standards and practices in the booth where the director and
executives are. The live show goes on, like everything is
counted out, and they definitely do not rig the show
as far as viewer votes go. That is for sure.
That is accurate. So I don't I don't know if
the judges. No, actually I don't know. At Coleybug twelve,
why does it seem that none of the pros break
out the frame bar thing for their celebs anymore? I
feel like it would help some of these guys. Good question.
I said this in my recap a few times, like
why where in the hell is that frame that posture bar?
Like I'm shocked. Who knows? Maybe the show doesn't have
it anymore, Like I know that some of the celebrities
would take them home, and maybe they just like ran
out of them, and maybe they're nowhere to be found
as far as like, I don't know if anyone still
sells them or if that was like a thing in
the past, I mean highly likely, like some of these
pros may still have it. Older pros like not on
the show anymore, or so of the older celebs from
past seasons may still have it in their trunk for
all we know who knows I mean, or they still
have it. And maybe the newer dancers don't know about it,
or maybe they think it's just a gimmick and it
doesn't really work. But I'm telling you it works, so
good question at Sarah Davis Underscore twenty seven do the
pros do the Dancing with the Stars? Pros see the
cast lists for the season before they know who they
are paired with at no. And by the way, some
of the actual cast members don't get I guess officially
cast and officially a part of the season until the
last second, kind of like you know you saw with
Jen Tran and Sasha. You know they don't actually book
us pro They don't like confirm the pros until they
know that they have a partner for us for example.
But look, there are some pros that will be asked
back regardless. I'd like to say that I was a
part of that group for since I was blessed to
really have to worry about a spot. It's not like
I'm extra tall or extra tiny to like it would
look like I was pretty much average. I would say height,
so I could actually dance with anyone from Rick Fox
who was six seven too, who was the shortest of
Drew Luche who was like a little couple inches taller
than me. So but yeah, no, we don't see a
cast list that and they even try to hide this
the actual celebrities until we all, you know, show face
a Good Morning America for the cast announcement. But obviously
we all talk and every before every season it was
like kind of my thing where I would just I
think I should have been an investigator or like a
private investigator, because I would just put the cast together somehow.
I have my I would have my sources, and I
would just get like a name here, a name there,
a name there. This will be the last question. What
did you think of having fun five finalist? Is it
just for ratings? I don't love five finalists. I think
I've expressed this before. It gets too crowded. Like I know,
in a regular ballroom competition, it's actually seven finalists that
make it. But you're talking like it's a whole nother format, right,
You go from like hundreds of couples if it's a
huge competition, or thousands even if it's Blackpool, and then
it's preliminary rounds, quarterfinals, semi finals, finals, and it's like
there's no show number. It's strictly five dances. You don't
leave the dance floor until you're done with the last
step of your jive. A man wears the man wears
a number on their back, and then you've got, like
if it's Blackpool, like twenty to twenty five adjudicators marking
you right quickly in a matter of ninety seconds per dance,
per each of the five dances. Now for this, it's
like you really want to still get to know these couples.
You want to see their journey, and when it comes
to five finalists, it's like that should have been the
quarter final. I think ideally it's great to have three finalists.
And no, I don't think it's for rate. I mean
maybe it could be, but you have to also, and
I keep forgetting to talk about this with Kristen, we
have to take into consideration who is doing the tour,
because whoever's doing this tour, you have to think about
ticket sales, right, So let's say Riley and Steven are
doing the tour all dates. For example, they're making the
final right, the more exposure these two get, the better
ticket sales for the tour. Just saying anyway, I love
you guys so much, Thank you again for all your questions.
I've got so much more to talk about and to
get through that. I think we'll do maybe an average
of twenty to twenty five questions per episode. Give me
your questions, whether that's on at Sex Size and Spray
Tans Instagram, my Instagram, or go to wherever you're listening
to podcasts and put your questions in there. I search
daily right so, and while you're there, don't forget to
hit that follow button so that whenever a new episode
comes out, it notifies you along with rate and review,
as it's vital to keep this podcast going. I love
you guys, thanks again, and until next time, bye,