All Episodes

May 3, 2024 34 mins

Our friend Kristyn Burtt is back to talk headlines. We are talking William Levy, Jeannie Mai, DWTS returning, Cheryl’s interview with Sara Evans and everything else that is circling in the Dancing With The Stars universe. Cheryl and Kristyn also take a minute to discuss one of the biggest topics of the week, Dance Moms. Cheryl shares her own experience and where she thinks healing needs to be found. 

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
This is Sex Lies and Spray Tans with Me Cheryl
Burke and iHeartRadio podcast. Hey guys, welcome back to Sex,
Sizes and Spray Tans, the Headlines and Hot Topics series.
We're joined once again by a trusted friend to the show.
At this point, she just needs no introduction. Please, Welcome
to the show, Journalist Kristen Burt. Welcome back, stranger.

Speaker 2 (00:22):
Thanks for having me, and happy birthday to you.

Speaker 1 (00:24):
Thank you so much. I can't believe I'm forty. I cannot.
I can't. I was just texting with Sharna and I
was like, She's like, can we can you believe? Can
we believe that we're like getting older? I'm like, no,
I cannot believe this. I feel like a cat. I've
lived nine lives.

Speaker 2 (00:39):
It's a good age, though, I promise you, forty is
a good age. Aging is a gift, it's a privilege.
Not everyone gets to do it, so embrace it.

Speaker 1 (00:47):
Okay, Well, let's age backwards and start with Dance Moms.
So obviously they've been very much in the Headlines and
Hot Topics related series here for sure. Jojo see Wha
defends a Abby Lee Miller's behavior to co stars and
This triggers me big time. But let me first tell
you the story quickly. The Dance Moms girls are returning

for a reunion special, or they did already, and Jojo
Siwa got honest and about basically they're embattled former mentor
Abby Lee Miller and the sneak peek of the forthcoming
Dance Moms the reunion special. They just basically go through
all the girls and what we're there, what we're looking
forward to. Did you watch it?

Speaker 2 (01:28):
I have watched some of it. I'm not all the
way through.

Speaker 1 (01:30):
I haven't watched it yet. How was it? You know?
It's good.

Speaker 2 (01:34):
It's really interesting because some people chose to attend, other
people to protect themselves and their mental health, chose not
to participate. They've moved on and they just they don't
want to look backwards. And I think that that's important too,
And to me, Dance Moms is and I know you'll
have a strong opinion on this too because you were
on the show. I think that everyone has a different

journey and different experience with this show. And you really
hear that from everyone in listening to their opinions on
what happened and what was good and what was bad.

Speaker 1 (02:04):
Yeah, So Seewa says, this is going to be a
little controversial to say, I think, she says, but to me,
Abby was always right. You know. Abby was known to
clash with the young dancers and even more so with
their mothers, over her abrasive and demanding behavior towards her students.
It led to many feuds between Miller and the other
stars of the show, but Siwa says that despite everything,

it was ultimately beneficial in her experience. Jojo said, if
I was a mess and a beat off, she wasn't
just yelling at me because she wanted to yell at me.
I actually was a mess and I was a beatof
One thing that I've learned really working like insane in Hollywood,
is that that's normal, Jojo said. And it's scary that

that's normal, But that taught me how to survive in
the industry. It truly is so tough. It's me, Klanie Kendall,
Chloe Page Brooke, who was the FaceTime a lot, my mom.
You know all of this stuff. We got squads. It's good,
there's a lot. You might even see me get married. Well,
she's talking about her future like what people can expect
but look, this is not normal, and I don't care

who you are, if you're doing it on television, in
the public eye or not. I had a very strict
dance coach, and mind you, yes, did he get on
me on my weight. Absolutely, I'm not excusing that behavior
by any means. However, to say that this is normal
in order to reach success is quite a dangerous statement

to make for kids who want to be in the
entertainment industry thinking that they have to be abused in
order to be successful, because, let's just face it, Jojo,
especially now, people look up to her younger women and
men look up to her like younger kids. And if
they feel like, well, you know, I'm being abused, so
I guess that's normal. That just makes people want to

just be silent even more. I think it's sending the
wrong message. And I actually am very passionate about Abby.
I believe Abby needs to apologize, not even publicly, like
to these girls individually. Working with them on Dance Moms,
I didn't work with Jojo, so but I worked with Chloe,
I worked with Klanie, I worked with Nia, and mind you,

more power to Nia and Holly for not showing up
because Honestly, I had to say, out of all the
mothers and all the girls, those two were the most
stable in my eyes, meaning like Holly is an amazing mom.
You can tell like she had boundaries and no one
were to cross those boundaries, not one person, not a producer,

not an executive. She made that very clear, and for
me that's like, wow, you know, you don't mess with them,
And also you don't mess with people's mental health, especially
at that age. And let me tell you, Chloe would
cry to me frequently and talk to me about how
Abby would bully her, about the way she looked her
eyes and all of that, Like I'm sorry, not any

person in this world deserves that type of treatment. I don't, Karen,
believe me. It's not normal. So that's how I feel.
I'm very like passionate. I love these girls, and for
someone just to say that that's normal, it's just for me,
you're just really masking everything, and you're turning a blind
eye to something that you shouldn't really talk about then
in general, because that is not it's just a dangerous

statement to make. I think, what are your things?

Speaker 2 (05:23):
I think Jojo hasn't processed everything that she's gone through
in terms of her childhood stardom too, because she was
even at that next level breakout star, you know, because
she had the Bows and then she had Nickelodeon and
you know it just she's huge. I mean, we all
know she runs around La. You know it's her. She's
got her JoJo's Siwa face, Tesla, her car. Yep. I

think it was a prius before then. I mean she
used to live in my neighborhood.

Speaker 1 (05:48):
So I really, oh, no, you're like JoJo's home.

Speaker 2 (05:53):
Yeah, she's around. But I do think that it's going
to take a lot of time. And I think when
you look at people like Maddie, who again also didn't appear,
they've just had to separate themselves completely because they still
need the time and the space to just say I
can't talk about this because it was a very traumatic experience.

And you know, sometimes I look at some of these
parents and go, I know that you also amplified your
personalities because I've met a lot of them, I've interviewed
a lot of them over the years, and they're very
sweet and kind, but then you see them on camera
and they're a heightened version of themselves. And that was
how Lifetime sort of packaged all of this. I want
to stay on the show. You need a storyline, we

need the drama, and everyone got swept up in that
fame and everything else to I think what we all
would say to the detriment of the kids.

Speaker 1 (06:43):
Absolutely, But I have to say in regards back to
Holly and Nia, I honestly don't. I don't my intuition,
and I have to say I've spent quite I would
say out of everyone, it was them I spent the
most time with, even off after the season. I don't
think Holly was in it for anything other than because
Nia wanted to be in it, you know she If

Nia would have said let's get the hell out of here,
they would have gone. She would have been two seconds,
no questions asked, you know. But I wouldn't say that
that's for everybody as well. You know, I agree.

Speaker 2 (07:14):
I know Nia and Holly, like you said, I've spent
time with them socially, and education was always number one.
Also had a very important job outside of Dance Moms
that you know, sometimes she wasn't even on the show
because she's like, I have to work, I have a job.
My job isn't TV. So I do think that you're
absolutely right on that. And it's hard because you sit

there and you think you it gave you so many opportunities,
and you have to wrestle with the fact that it
opened up opportunities, but it also brought you incredible trauma.
And I think that those dancers, and you know, some
of them are still dancing, some of them are not.
How do you wrestle with that? It's it's a lot
of way.

Speaker 1 (07:53):
Even Chloe said in an article recently on People, she said,
I guess after this union, I just figured out I
need to go to therapy because it brought up a
lot of stuff. And I think until you go to therapy,
or you have any type of life coach or whatever
that is not attached within your circle of friends or family,
then you cannot process with the trauma. So therefore it
is the right decision currently today if they haven't gone

through it and dealt with it yet. But what really
would help is if there's closure also from the other side,
meaning the people, the person who they've had a problem with,
you know, but you can't force anyone to realize anything,
you know, if and if she hasn't apologized yet, I
highly doubt that she will, And I did see that
she did a recent interview with Chang. I forgot her

from ABC. I forgot the Juju Chang Juju Chang. Yes,
Abby did. She did a longer interview. I think there's
a special maybe recently, and I guess she kind of
dabbled with the apology. I don't know. I don't want
to speak about it because I haven't seen it. But
still it's something to do on a personal level, right,
Like I think that it's going to be something they

deal with for the rest of their lives. If they
don't deal with it now, it's just going to get worse, unfortunately.

Speaker 2 (09:03):
And tell All books come out, because I do feel
like there's a tell All book because we saw what
Lifetime put out there, and I think Lifetime also has
some culpability in all of this and.

Speaker 1 (09:12):
The look it is scripted. I'm not even gonna lie, Okay,
Like the they start these freaking fights, like in my ear,
they'll be like, well, you know Klanie's mom, Kira, she
said this about you, and so I react and they
know what gets They had to figure me out quickly,
right because I wasn't on very long But still they did,

and it's caused drama.

Speaker 2 (09:35):
It does.

Speaker 1 (09:36):
It's way more like I would say, dancing is not
even close to being scripted, like as even at the
most scripted season, it was never like this, right, So
it's interesting.

Speaker 2 (09:46):
I'm curious too because they're coming out with a new
version of Dance Moms. It's already been filmed, so I'm
curious to what does a twenty twenty four version of
this look like? Have you learned anything?

Speaker 1 (10:01):
Well, what brings in ratings? Unfortunately, like this is so
it's also us. We're feeding into it as viewers, right too,
So we have to be anyway, listen, more power to
these women and the moms. And I'm so happy to
hear that Chloe, because I love her. I have a
special you know love for her, especially because she just
was so vulnerable with me and her story and we

keep in touch via TikTok as they do, you know,
and so I was like, if this is the only way,
so be it. But she, you know, she's such a
sweet soul, she really is. And I'm so happy that
she's taking the initiative to go to therapy and hopefully
her you know, co stars or ex co stars will
maybe see what she's doing and follow her lead. In
that sense, genie My basically accuses estranged husband Gezi of

domestic abuse and child neglect amid ongoing divorce. So Mi's
court filing comes after Gezi requested joint physical and legal
custody of the couple's daughter, Monaco earlier this month. Geniemi
is accusing her a strange husband of domestic abuse and
child neglect amid the couple's ongoing divorce. Basically, there are
several incidents of domestic abuse and child neglect during her

relationship with the rapper. She claims Gez as explosive outbursts,
excessive drinking, and domestic violence. What are your thoughts.

Speaker 2 (11:23):
I hope she's okay. I mean, that's honestly my first thought.
I hope she and her daughter are okay, because that
is really scary to go through. And again, you're doing
it in the public eye as well, because you know
that TMZ and other media outlets are just sitting at
the courthouse waiting for documents like that to come out.

Speaker 1 (11:40):
I know, it's actually crazy, it is.

Speaker 2 (11:42):
I mean, they literally have a court reporter that I
know it's in there all day. So they're looking for that.
They're like, who's getting divorced, who's filed, what's happening with
pre nuptial agreements anything like that. And you know, this
is obviously a very scary battle to go through and
then to have to do it publicly and have details
of your private life. And there should be no shame

in any of this, because there isn't that. We want
to make sure that she's safe, but there's still a
stigma out there in society, and you just don't want
her to have that weight.

Speaker 1 (12:14):
And you also don't know he how pissed off he is,
you know, now that all of this is public, and
you just if he you know. And I'm never one
to question any victim whatsoever, And I believe the trauma
that they went through, you know. And it's like, because
I think that is also traumatizing when people start to
question the person who was being abused. But that's a
whole other subject. When it comes to Genie, I just

hope she's in a safe space that has her friends
and family around, but more importantly also her daughter. Like
how observant little kids are, you know, they know when
you're not feeling well and when there's trauma involved and
she loves so I just co hosted Miss Philippines with
Jeanie Mai. This was like back in August of twenty
twenty three, and she had just gotten back from South

Africa with her family, and she was exhausted, Like we
didn't have a lot of time to catch up, as
you know, we were there to host, but and then
I had to run out of there and go to
New York. But she seemed exhausted. And now, like, I
don't know if there are already issues happening. I don't know.
All I know is that she's the sweetest, most kind
soul really and I just hope that, you know, this

guy just leaves her alone, honestly, because there's nothing like
living in that paranoia being in abusive relationships, both physically
and mentally. Myself, it's really damaging to be looking over
your shoulder every two seconds, you know.

Speaker 2 (13:35):
Yeah, it's it's frightening. And she was such a bright
light on Dancing with the Stars. I still think about
her up number on Disney Night with Brandon, which was
so lovely, and I know her her time on the
show got cut short, but yeah, definitely, I just I'm
thinking about her and her daughter in their.

Speaker 1 (13:51):
Safety same do you remember William Levy too? Okay, so
do you remember have you ever? Were you ever in
the live audience when him and I would walk out?

Speaker 2 (14:01):
No, I wasn't.

Speaker 1 (14:02):
It was deafening, like the screen. I've never heard anything since,
like I couldn't. We couldn't hear our names being called
like during the walkdowns like it was. I literally thought
people's like panties were going to be thrown at the
on the ball room floor like the girl. I don't
know if they had like girls there for on purpose,
like as far as like, okay, you know how they

bring in people for the audience every time. It was
so loud. I mean, more than Jill, more than one
pub more than anyone that I ever danced with. So
he has been with a gorgeous, you know woman. He
was married to Elizabeth. I hope I'm saying her name
last name right, but Guitierres. She basically confirmed with People

magazine that her separation from William was true, and she said, quote,
I couldn't give more. I gave everything. So first of all,
how hard it must be to be with someone who's
the equivalent of Brad Pitt basically this is how the
show told me, like who my partner was. They're like, Cheryl,
you basically have the Brad Pitt of the Telenovella world.
And I'm like, okay, hopefully you can dance, like I'll

never forget. Two days before the lat Prime the live show,
we hadn't rehearsed at all. So he was like, oh no,
he was a last minute edition and he learned his
chatcha and it wasn't easy, but he learned it in
less than three hours. Had he had any dance training
or you know, at least was able, he says, Now,
he says, not choreography. It's shocking though. I mean, I mean,

but then I put Cuban heels on him and then
he was all, bam, beyond me but okay, but no,
but still like I was like, you guys, we have
only a couple of days because we had to do
the photo shoots and all of that stuff. So that
was being Yeah, our schedule definitely was tight because even
for the GMA announcement, we hadn't we didn't know, like
I still was announced, but I was like, we don't

know that you want to have a.

Speaker 2 (15:49):
Partner or did your original partner drop out.

Speaker 1 (15:51):
No, they didn't have one. I mean they had him,
but like they uh yeah. Anyway, So the news of
their split basically two months after police unfortunately we're called
to their Florida home over a domestic disturbance in March.
According to a police incident report, Elizabeth and William have
separated after twenty years together. The Latin actress forty five

confirmed that the couple were no longer an item, and
in a canond interview with Ola, I always bet on
my relationship. I loved William. I think it's no secret
that he was the love of my life, as I
always bet and wanted to show us as we were.
Currently we're not together. On my part, it was never
for lack of love. I think I'm not the same
girl I was twenty years ago when he met me.
What we want at this moment is different. I will

always love him, I will always wish him the best,
and as I have always said, being with me or not,
I want to see him happy. She goes on, she goes,
you know, look, I fell in love with his smile.
I hope that he continues to be happy and smiles,
and she goes. I really feel at this moment that
I'm in the middle of the ocean and I'm surviving.
My children are at peace because William is an excellent

father and the love from both of us is not
lack so they are fine and will be fine. Obviously
it was an ideal for either of us, but things
happen and you have to move on. You have to
show that even if you feel defeated in some way,
you have to keep your head held high and move forward.
You know, things I guess were rocky, and she basically
confirms that, you know, it was never based on superficial reasons.

She said that, you know, my decisions are my own.
I make them, I know when, and that's why maybe
they see me at peace happy because I know I
couldn't give more. I gave everything. Then, going to the
domestic violence part, which is really scary. Basically, you know,
I remember these kids being so young, and I do
remember Elizabeth very much active in William's life during the season.

She would travel back and forth a lot. But I
also remember us going out every Monday night and like
literally women are throwing themselves at them at him, like
I don't know, I've never seen anything like it. Actually
it was as if he was Brad Pitt. I'm not
even kidding.

Speaker 2 (17:59):
Was the interesting single over with the acting.

Speaker 1 (18:03):
That's a great question. Look, he wouldn't ignore them, you
know either, but like he would, he's just charming. He's
a charming man. But I always felt for her because
I was like when she wasn't in town, let's say,
and it's like I can't even imagine, like there's only
so many years you can turn a blind eye to

something that is obvious, right, like whether the I mean,
I'm sure she trusted him. I'm not saying that there
was any infidelity, not I'm not saying that, But I'm
just saying he is a god in the telenovela world.

Speaker 2 (18:34):
He's had that constant temptation and that constant flirtation in
his life no matter what, even if he's putting boundaries up.

Speaker 1 (18:41):
And people don't care. Some people don't care if you're married, honestly,
and it's so appointing, especially in la I would say,
or in the entertainment industry. But going to the domestic
violence part, basically, so police were called and this happened.
This all took place March first of twenty twenty four
and involved their daughter, Kaylee. According to one of the
police incident reports and the police report, Kaye told officers

that she entered the family's home to grab a few
pieces of clothing when she heard a female voice coming
from her parents' bedroom. When she tried to enter, Levy
allegedly pushed her to prevent her from entering the bedroom.
The Cuban actor later denied pushing her and claimed he
had never intentionally hurt his daughter, before claiming he had
been alone. The report noted that there was no marx

redness or signs of injury indicating a physical altercation on Kaylee.
She and her mother later grabbed their personal belongings and
left the residence. But I thought there was no one
at home. I'm so confused.

Speaker 2 (19:33):
Yeah, I feel like there's more to the story that
we're not exactly hearing.

Speaker 1 (19:37):
Like I have to say, working with him closely, did
he have a temper? Yes, so do I Like, especially
after seven days, you know, towards the end there and
then we and I will never forget I actually tripped
on my dress one week and we were on this
momentum where it just we just kept getting better and
better than I was Like week four we did the salsa.
I'll never forget going through his legs and he didn't grab,

he didn't grab me to back up, you know, and
so like, and then I remember the next week during rehearsal,
he was so serious. He was like, we have to
get this Argentine tango. Like he's a competitive, hot blooded,
beautiful Latin man, like you know what I mean, And
so he's very intense. I hope that this is not
what I think it is or from what I read here,

And I just wish him and his family love, especially
his daughter. You know, that is must be traumatizing.

Speaker 2 (20:24):
Yeah, and I also think what we see on social media,
we see on TV can be very different than what
we see behind closed doors. So yeah, I think that's
just one of those situations you just hope for the best.
And again, I hope everyone is safe.

Speaker 1 (20:36):
And Okay, I'm just happy that Elizabeth has, you know,
the strength to just get up and go, like, especially
if you know it is what it is, like she
wants to be had. She's putting herself first, so more
power to her.

Speaker 2 (20:47):
Yeah, having a powerful moment sometimes is really incredible.

Speaker 1 (20:52):
Yeah, and even if it takes twenty years to see it,
you know it doesn't matter yet Harry Jowsey. So, Harry
Jowsey reveals skin cancer diagnes is only at age twenty six.
So here's what to know about this story. So, first
of all, I'd like to say that last week we
were talking about Chris and Cavalary and she had a
I think it was like a skin specialist on her

podcast and she admitted to not wearing sunscreen and like
she got a lot of hate because of it, And
I said, what is the problem? My body? My choice?
And I also don't really I mean, look do I
I wear hats like I but I love being tan
because I dig at tan. I know, I don't know

why I have this weird thing with like I'm not
getting as tan. First of all, it doesn't run in
my family. I'm not saying that just because it doesn't
run in my family. I don't. I'm not susceptible to it.
Like I'm not saying that at all, but I feel
like it just like I don't know. I don't I
don't ever really get burned, so like I and I
also don't lay out like who I don't have time

to lay out right, So like I just I don't know.

Speaker 2 (21:59):
Make it I SPF in it, no girl.

Speaker 1 (22:04):
But I'm never outside. I'm always in my house except
for tomorrow when I go on a yacht.

Speaker 2 (22:08):
I do think, well, when you're on the yacht, where
you wear.

Speaker 1 (22:10):
I'll wear a hat.

Speaker 2 (22:11):
I'll wear a hat, but I squar a hat, need
to wear a cover up just coming to I'm very
very fair. As you can see. I don't go out
in the sun at all myself, but I have to
wear an SPF forty at all times. Ten minutes in
the sun for me is a sunburn. And I have
gotten sun poisoning and second degree burns. I mean, that's
how quickly it can happen for me.

Speaker 1 (22:32):
Yeah, it's sun poisoning.

Speaker 2 (22:34):
Sun poisoning is like this really irritating, like rash you
get all over your body just from interaction with the sun.
And that would wouldn't come if I'm just like taking
a walk outside. But if I sat on a really
hot beach, I'm the girl under the umbrella. Let's just
be honest.

Speaker 1 (22:49):
I'm going with a white sunscreen on her face and.

Speaker 2 (22:51):
All the sunscreen and the cover of visors go in
the water and everything else. And but you know, then
I have to relather just because I'm so sensitive to it.
But yeah, I would highly suggest, especially that you're forty,
my love, and you look amazing.

Speaker 1 (23:05):
Thank you.

Speaker 2 (23:06):
We want to continue to look amazing, so I hear you,
maybe just consider it.

Speaker 1 (23:10):
You know, I did buy I have to say, pat
on my back, but I did buy seat. There's always
this thing as a little kid, I hate it when
my mom would put like so much sunscreen that I
would taste it. So now the goop has this like
clear unseen one. So I got the.

Speaker 2 (23:23):
Korean sunscreens are amazing. Have you gotten into Korean beauty?
I mean their iemasks like the Yeah, they have some
incredible sunscreen.

Speaker 1 (23:32):
But does it turn white on your face? Because I
have a pet peet about it.

Speaker 2 (23:34):
Doesn't have a white cast?

Speaker 1 (23:36):

Speaker 2 (23:36):
Yeah, and they have higher technology like this is actual fact.
The sunscreens in the United States, the technology hasn't improved
since the nineties. Korean beauty products are light years ahead
of what we have here in the US.

Speaker 1 (23:49):
Do you see Their skin is like porcelain.

Speaker 2 (23:51):
It's gorgeous.

Speaker 1 (23:53):
It is. Yeah, we need to take more notes from them, Okay,
Sarah Evans, Oh.

Speaker 2 (24:05):
This was a good interview.

Speaker 1 (24:06):

Speaker 2 (24:07):
I listened to it yesterday, thank you.

Speaker 1 (24:08):
I was. First of all, I almost missed my flight
because I was coming from Jennifer Hudson and I had
thirty minutes to get from set to this interview. But
sometimes I'm like, oh wait, I do wish that sometimes
it was live, you know, these interviews were live in person.
I think it helps, but she is I just like,
first of all, she remembers me from our party days,
and I don't really All I remember was this about

Sarah Evans, and my heartbreaks still was just seeing her
so sad and there was no hiding it, you know,
And I wish I was more like that, because I'm
pretty good at hiding stuff and I don't think it's healthy.
But I love how vulnerable she was in this interview.
Did you listen to it?

Speaker 2 (24:50):
I did, and it was so interesting because you can
still feel she can really pull herself back to that
time and really feel that emotion, like you can hear
it in her voice of how how painful it was.
She doesn't dwell in that pain by any means. You know,
she's moved on and she's in a really happy part
of her life. But it was interesting listening to what
she was going through at the same time trying to

rehearse with Tony what the experience was like on Dancing
with the Stars at the height of its fame and popularity.
It was really kind of an interesting It like sort
of like shifted you like back to the future kind
of situation where you're like, yeah, we're really getting a
moment in time that was so different compared to even
what the show looks like today.

Speaker 1 (25:29):
Do you think she would have won if she stayed
on the show? Oh?

Speaker 2 (25:32):
I thought that that was interesting because she did talk
about the country component, country fans, and I was like,
you know, it's a possibility. We'll never know.

Speaker 1 (25:41):
Bobby Bones won, Bobby Bones saying that she was a
better dance She was obviously a better dancer than Bobby Bones,
but still the.

Speaker 2 (25:47):
Fan base, I mean, and Bobby Bones obviously leveraged his
fan base extremely well. I mean, but Laura and Lena
didn't win. She's country, so but she definitely, let's just
put it this way, Sarah Evans would have been in
the final for sure.

Speaker 1 (26:00):
Totally, for sure, totally. What other parts I guess in
the interview stock out to you.

Speaker 2 (26:10):
I think you know, it was funny listening. There's two
prongs to this. There's one obviously her talking and being
very vulnerable about her body dysmorphia. I think naturally, anyone
who's danced probably has it just by like growing up
and wearing leotards and you know, dan and fitness gear.
It's just it is ingrained in your body, working in

front of mirrors. It's tough, but it was interesting hearing
from someone who was a performer, it wasn't necessarily a
dancer and a dance studio all the time admitting that,
you know, she has struggled with an eating disorder throughout
her life, and.

Speaker 1 (26:45):
Yeah, when she was saying like, my biggest fear in
life is to be fat, Like, oh my god. I
related to everything that she said though, because whether it's
your record label, or if it's trolls online, or if
it's just like articles being written about your weight, like
it's just so painful. And I just love how brutally
honest she was. Like from when I asked about like

does it affect you, you know these people on social media,
and she goes absolutely, And then she went on about
how they were talking about what did she do with
to her face like, and I get that all the
time too, that I basically got to hold my whole
face redone and I'm like, there's no way like. And
also I also know, as I'm saying all this, I'm like,
but what are we? Who are we fighting? What are

we doing? But I think it's important to understand that
we're just talking about how human we all are, right like, regardless,
Like even if we are in the spotlight, that doesn't
mean we're we have an armor like a you know,
we we have feelings. We're human regardless, right, And so
I think that is comforting to know that even she
gets affected by stuff like that.

Speaker 2 (27:49):
Yeah, I mean, words really do impact people. And you know,
it's it's funny how someone can say you're looking really healthy,
and for someone with an eating disorder, they're going to
think that's making me look big or fat or something
else like that, when someone may just think, like, you're
just looking glowing and gorgeous, but you have to be.
So that's why it's just better not to comment on

anyone's bossy.

Speaker 1 (28:12):
So Lindsay Sterling, I'm not sure if you heard that interview,
but she said the same thing. She goes, I don't
even comment when someone looks good, because like, I'll never
forget that too. And someone would be like, you look amazing.
I was like, oh, I've just starved myself for the
last two days, you know, and it's like and it
is damaging.

Speaker 2 (28:28):
You don't realize what people are going through. And then
the public eye with social media. I mean, I really
think I've noticed that I've really pulled back on social media.
Maybe over the last four or five years. The pandemic
probably accelerated that, and I read less, you know, things,
just because I think it's just better for my overall
mental health. I don't even like reading sometimes when they

start cutting other people down because I think, oh, I.

Speaker 1 (28:52):
Like read it.

Speaker 2 (28:53):
I read it can be really hard. There's Twitter can
be really hard, especially where I'm like, I think this
person and even you know, you just sit there and
think maybe that could be true. But then at the
same time, you're like, if they read that, how is
that going to make them feel it feels?

Speaker 1 (29:08):
Are you referring to like comments and stuff or articles.

Speaker 2 (29:12):
Comments in particular? I think like it's that, and it's
why I prefer not to talk about, you know, the
pro's love lives or like things that are going on
because they are human. There's a lot of pressure during
the season, and when you start getting involved in all
of like the nuances of what's going on behind the scenes,
it's you know, yeah, they're human and they're just trying

to pay the bills and do the job.

Speaker 1 (29:36):
But everything else exactly. Do you want to ask me
a couple of questions since we're talking headlines and hot
topics crap?

Speaker 2 (29:44):
Well, I did a little binge yesterday. I listened to
Amy and TJ and Sarah Evans and your your sort
of rebuttal follow up. Oh my goodness, it was a
lot of Cheryl yesterday.

Speaker 1 (29:56):
That's a lot of trauma.

Speaker 2 (29:57):
I was power walking through my neighborhood. Good. Yeah. You know,
it was interesting because the Sarah Evans and your follow
up episode, there's something that really just kind of came
through in my brain and we just talked about this
moment ago that there are generations on Dancing with the Stars.
The OG's had one experience and the current cast and

sort of the interim cast, you know, that sort of
that that sort of connected. The two casts had very
different experiences. You guys, like the Dance Moms OG's had
that fame had right, so we're sort of the guinea
pigs for this too of like what are we going
to do? How are we going to create? This show
had this massive attention, you know, thirty five million people
watching you, and it made me think when I know

you've said sometimes I feel isolated from some of the
people on the show and how they haven't reached out.
I sometimes think that the ones that are still on
the show, they're fighting for their lives and fighting for
their jobs still because there's only so many spots and
totally there's so many people and maybe interacting with you
where you're off the show, they get nervous.

Speaker 1 (31:03):
No, totally because of all the drama that's surrounding, but
they can still talk to me as a human being.

Speaker 2 (31:10):
I think that they just are so scared altogether. But
then I wonder, but then I see, like some of
the OG's like, come on your show. People also just
have have opinions about you talking about the show. But
as we've said, and I know I said this in
the first episode I did with you, two things can coexist.
This show can bring joy to millions and bring a
ballroom to the masses and be a joy for so

many contestants, but there are a lot of things that
also need to be improved, and it's why I always
will speak up about the pros. I don't think, you know,
some of the casting, you know, at the last minute
practices are fair. I wish SAG was more on that.

Speaker 1 (31:45):
I wish, you know, they still have picked up season
thirty three.

Speaker 2 (31:49):
And everyone's talking about like I'm back, but I know.

Speaker 1 (31:52):
Is that weird? But maybe they are. I mean, listen,
look upfront are next week? Maybe they're doing waiting. I
don't listen, they're coming back, but yes, this is a.

Speaker 2 (32:01):
Yeah, because we've heard Julianne is back and we've heard
Bruno is back. So they just know something, right of course,
But the pros, the pros won't know until late in
the summer whether they're back or not. And look at
the roster, look at the female roster.

Speaker 1 (32:17):
Do you have any other questions before we wrap here? No?

Speaker 2 (32:20):
You know, you know, I think a lot of people
appreciate you being vulnerable and speaking out, and I know
that you were kind of like, this is my final
chapter on this, so I think you know where this
is your fortieth birthday and you're continuing on the podcast
you look forward to that next chapter.

Speaker 1 (32:34):
Thank you so much and thanks for doing this again. Kristin,
You're awesome. It's so great to speak with you. Is
there any like news as far as how so you
think you can dance doing? Is there like not great?

Speaker 2 (32:46):
Gerrol, it's not great?

Speaker 1 (32:47):
Still, I'm with Jojo it still, you know.

Speaker 2 (32:50):
In fact, I think people are struggling with the format
because it's changed so much. And I know that last week,
and this is just the live numbers, huh, seven hundred
and sixty thousand people watched it. In no way come
close to a million.

Speaker 1 (33:03):
They're up against the voice, they're.

Speaker 2 (33:05):
Against the voice. They were up against the Bachelor when
it was on. And also the format is completely different,
and it feels like the format was always so intimate
with like everyone dancing and you're rooting and you're voting
for people. That element's been taken away. And even though
it's like cool that they're doing challenges that they face
in real life, the real life dance industry, it feels

so far removed because it was filmed months ago. They're
not dancing as much as they used to. There's no votes,
no voting, No just makes a fower decision. Yeah it is.
And this cast, I want to say, I want to
compliment the cast because they are extremely talented and it's
one of the best groups I've seen probably in a
few seasons, and they deserve the eyeballs and the accolades,

and I just don't feel like they're getting it.

Speaker 1 (33:48):
People hate change. What can I say? They really do.
I think they need to go back to the summer.
I hope they have one more shot, but summer show.
But go and go back to the old Formula Life shows. Yeah,
thanks Kristin talking about the Thank you, my love. Thank
you so much to my amazing co host Kristin Burt
for coming and co hosting our Headlines and Hot Topics
weekly series. Everyone, make sure to follow Kristen Burt at

the Kristen Burt and the Podcast on Instagram at sex
Slizes and spray Tans and TikTok. Just follow us across
all platforms. Kay, don't forget there are more new and
exciting interviews coming to you every single Monday to talk
about their experiences on Dancing with the Stars. So this Monday,
I sit down with Kyle Massey. Make sure you stay
tuned for that until next time.
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