All Episodes

October 9, 2023 57 mins

She was crowned the champion of DWTS in season 7 and then went on to co-host the show for eight seasons! 

Brooke Burke joins Cheryl for an honest chat about her time on the show, including why she and Derek Hough went to a life coach, how she felt when she learned they were dropping her as host, and if she would ever come back if asked. . .

Plus, she reveals the show helped her find faith in her body, leading to a journey of self-discovery. You can learn some of those lessons at the Brooke Burke Body & Soul Goddess Retreat November 1-4 in Carefree Arizona at the Savannah Resort and Spa. For info:

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
This is Sex Lies and Spray Tands with Me Cheryl
Burke and iHeartRadio podcast. This guest really needs no introduction.
She won Dancing with the Stars Season seven in twenty
ten with Derek Huff and gave him his first Mirrorball
trophy and became the co host straight after for seven seasons.
She is an amazing mother, has a fitness empire. She's

a philanthropist and entrepreneur CEO and founder of the wellness app,
host of full Us. Coming to CW, and a dear
friend with the soul of an angel. Please welcome Brooke Burke. No,
we're not sisters to the show. Okay, my sister from
another mister. We are not sisters or I wish we
were right. We're not sisters, are we? Well, it feels

likely we're the Burks. We're the Birks exactly. We're Burke squared.
I mean, what can you say? The Burkes are back.
Remember all of our.

Speaker 2 (00:52):
Differently from a father you know who cares sister.

Speaker 1 (00:56):
I mean whatever, we're family and we're family. Because just
so you know, this podcast is called Sex Lies and
Spray Tants, very I would say fits perfectly with the
Dancing with the Stars time in our lives. Hey, but
before we even get there, I guess, you know, there's
so much I want to ask, obviously, but it's not

Dancing with the Stars related. However, we're going to get
there first. We're going to skip past Little Brooke Burke, okay,
and we're going to go to when you first did
wild On E. That's when I first saw you and
I was like, who's this sex bomb? And it was
I was a huge fan, And I guess you know
what made you want to, first of all, be in
the entertainment industry in general?

Speaker 2 (01:42):
They go way back, Cheryl, go way way back.

Speaker 1 (01:45):
Come on, it's not that far back.

Speaker 2 (01:47):
And find that girl again. Thank you? Kind of by accident.
To be really transparent, I never thought I would be
in the entertainment industry. I thought I was going to
be a businesswoman, which I am now now I'm both.
I studied broadcast journalism and business marketing and school. But
I did a random photo shoot as a woman I

think I was a young girl actually, and started modeling,
and that segway into commercials and that segue into that
one random audition for a wild On. I didn't even
know what the show was. And it was one of
those meetings which I know you can relate that you
don't really know what you're getting yourself into. So I
didn't take it too seriously, so I didn't bring fear
and desperation. I don't even think I brought intension with

me back then, because I didn't understand how to manifest.
I just showed up like in a T shirt and
a pair of jeans and had an amazing meeting which
lasted a couple of hours. And the meeting ended with
the EP saying do you want to go to Spain
and do a trial show? And I was like yes,

And I didn't know about shit about how to host
or what I was going to do, or I didn't
even have on camera skills. So I went and just
kind have learned along the way and how to zest
for life. And it was reality TV before reality TV,
so really we were just making it up. And I
think that was one of the great parts of wild

On that we were really on a location, we were
really passionate tourists, we were really wanting to unpack the
best of that destination, and we just kind of made it.

Speaker 1 (03:26):
That's amazing, I know, So what did you learn most
about yourself during this time. So I know, I remember
you telling me that you were pregnant. Was it like
towards the end of your time there or was it
the very beginning.

Speaker 2 (03:42):
I actually found out I was pregnant right after I
signed my ideal, So I was pregnant during my first
you know, nine months on the show. But I you know,
people don't know it. We're pregnant for so long before
it's visual, right, So it was like less and less
and less of me, and then eventually it was just me,
just like my mug on camera. So that was a

life changing time in my life, not only because I
was private for the first time, but I was also
learning a new skill set. I was really young, really naive.
I hope I never lose that spirit of a child
and that zest that I had for being that sort
of zest discovery, because I think that was what made

that show work. And so many people lose sight of
the joy and you know, and what they're doing. So
I was just really open minded, really courageous, really really naive,
but success kind of work. I mean, thank you, I
loved what I was doing. I think that showed I

really enjoyed it, and so what you're doing, you can't
really fake that. And God knows, we don't have every
gig that we get, and sometimes you have to be
professional and just make it work. But I just run
out every single show and every destination and every opportunity there,
and eventually I had to unpack my bags because I
got pregnant with Sierra, and it was just it was
a hard show. We did forty countries in two years,

and it was time to start doing other things. So
then I did a whole stint of other shows at
E and just kept learning along the way.

Speaker 1 (05:21):
To be honest, it's funny that you say that because
I remember my first time on Dancing with the Stars
seasons two and three. I mean, on paper, that was
when I was the most successful, because it was also
that feeling of what do I have to compare it to?
Like my goal was never to become a television personality
on Dancing with the Stars, Like that was never a thing,
and I was just purely loved my love for ballroom

and it just happened to be that they wanted to
recruit more dancers. But the point is is that as
I continued on my journey on dancing and became more
heady and more like I need another mirror about like
getting a little bit forgetting the reason I was there
in the first place, and it became I definitely have
had different phases of my time on dancing where it

was like purely just for the celebrity, which is when
you're the most successful. Then I became a little bit like, okay, well,
you know, my ego got in the way, like I'll
totally admit that. And then it was like, okay, how
can I so my intention changed, which then changed and
the result of things, and then when I became sober
was another chapter of like seeing everything clearly and then

wondering like what am I doing? We can't like why
am I even doing this? Like is this something that
I even still want to do? So the point I'm
trying to make here is I understand you when you
say that you were like there was this freedom, right,
there was this freedom, and you didn't have anything to
compare it to. I'm assuming and that's probably why you
were very successful at that time as well.

Speaker 2 (06:46):
You're so right and so honest. I'm thinking about all
of the things that you just said. When you like
lose sight of why you're doing what you're doing. Was
it for joy and dance and expression and rhythm and
the partnership and supporting the celebrity or was it about
and mirror ball? Right? So I think that's so honest, Cheryl.
And for me when I was twenties, I think I

was twenty seven and hosting that show, I was just
on a world tour, meeting people, having fun, discovering, trying
new foods, fascinating my culture geography. I was a little
girl from Arizona, like I remember going to the Bahamas.
It was in my modeling career. It wasn't like a
family vacation, like I grew up super simple life and
not so privileged, and so you know, our family adventures

were like a road trip up the mountain in our hometown,
which was cool. It was different, but I was so
excited just to see the world. And I hope that translated.
I think that it did, and yeah, it did. I
can't speak about that enough to younger people or mentoring people.
And when people ask me for advice, it's like, find
something that you love, and if you're not lucky enough

to love what you do, find joy in what you're doing.
Because we smell that, we see that there's authenticity, right
like we are attracted I think, to authenticity.

Speaker 1 (08:08):
And then, by the way, you can't lie like the
people at home. And this is the same thing on
Dancing with the Stars that the fans at home know
that if you if the chemistry between you and your
partner is real or not, like, you can't hide that.
No matter how many smiles and rhintones and beaded fringe
you're gonna use, and wigs and fake eyelashes and sex
lies and spray tants, it doesn't matter. People can see

between it all. And that's that is the beauty of
reality television. And that's also it's also if you really
take a look back and step back from this whole process,
you're like, okay, well then you have no choice but
to be you and you meaning your unique self as
whoever that is right, your authenticity. So speaking of when okay,

So first of all, you so I'm only mentioning this
because I have gone through a public divorce as well.
And you know during your time on E this is
when you were you already married to Garth at your
first husband.

Speaker 2 (09:06):
I was let's see, I had Mariyah pregnant with Sierra
gotten there, I think I had left e. It's all
such a blur because we disconnect from the monumental events
in our life. I believe I was hosting a rock
star at the time, and yes, it was very public
and I had just signed on to did not work

for an ext show on CBS, and it was. It
was a really high time in my life and in
my career, so there was a lot going on going
back in time. Also, it was a big pop Parazzi
moment where things were just different and I was stepping
into a more prestigious platform for me and entertainment. So yeah,
it was. It was a fabulous time in my career,
and I really fucked up trying and.

Speaker 1 (09:48):
Realize yeah, no, I can't, I can't even imagine, and
was there like, so, how did you handle that? And
then on top of it all, also obviously divorcing David
as well, right going through that divorce and also being
able to put a brave not a brave face because
you are you, you are your authentic self, I think, regardless,

but still you have to put a brave face on regardless.

Speaker 2 (10:12):
You have to.

Speaker 1 (10:13):
The show must go on, is my point. How did
you how did you do that? Like how like during
Dancing with the Stars, did was there already like some
rough patches happening? Like how are you able to just say,
you know what, this is what I'm going to do,
and this is what I'm going to do, meaning like
I'm going to leave everything at home and then when
I'm going to be professional when I.

Speaker 2 (10:31):
Get You're spot on and it's such an amazing conversation.
I love time with you, and I love being able
to have these very public conversations because there's little things
that come up when you and I can act. And
maybe that's just friendships and trust and whatnot, but this
is a big, a big topic for people to really understand.

And I the woman that I am now in my
fifties and all the work that I've done, I realize
how disconnected I was then and how much I compartmentalize
things and why I was able to host live television
and do it well. And I would ask you the
same thing out there in front of the world. I mean,
we were on one of the greatest shows on television

at the time, and it was like Idol Dancing where
there was a moment where we had like eighteen million viewers, Like,
think about it, we don't see those kind of numbers.
That's pressure. That's a massive responsibility. What we were doing,
counting on our body performing, being there for others, Like
just a huge, huge responsibility. So many times I had

gunfire going off in my head and when you talk
about game face, like I was able to have a
child or too, growling up my makeup chair and isial
going on over here? Another emotional breakdown over here and
pull it together when it was three two one live
like we're on. And I was able to do what

I did professionally and separate my personal life and my
professional life. I do think there's value in that, and
I demand that from people that work with me and
for me, Like you got don't bring your personal stuff
to work. But the hum inside of me as a
woman is a humans it's a skill and the woman

that I am today, I'm more connected now. So I
always wonder if I could do that now the way
I did it back then. You know, we just wrapped
a show in Vegas and it was a live audience.
It reminded me of very much a Dancer with the Stars.
In fact, the live stage crew was the same. So
it felt like coming home in many ways. But I
had asked myself a sharel because it's been a minute

since I've been on stage, since I've hosted a live show.
I asked myself, am I going to be good? Like?
Am I going to be able to do it I
normally do? Because I'm so connected now, Like I meditate, Now,
I'm clear, I'm aware, I'm aware of around me. I
feel energy, like I have all these new and different
and amazing superpowers now I think that I didn't have

back then. And you know what, it was amazing it was.
It was so much better. It was so different. I'm
telling you that because I know you so well and
so personally and what we hide behind and what you know,
our cover, our game face, whatever you want to call it.
It was such a different experience. It was better. And

I don't know, I guess.

Speaker 1 (13:27):
Make you want to open the door again to possibly hosting.
Like if Dancing with the Stars asked you to come
back as a co host, would you say, yes.

Speaker 2 (13:38):
Let's make some headlines. God, that's a really hard question,
and I have asked myself that and other people. No,
I'm just kidding, really, No, I want to say no.
I'm going to say no if you wanted a yes
or no. Really know because the know is because of
the exit. The know is because of style. The know

is because as of integrity and.

Speaker 1 (14:01):
Respect to yourself. Integrity and respect to yourself, just.

Speaker 2 (14:05):
To myself and to process. It's like leaving that show. Now,
let me rephrase that thing. Let go of that show.
The timing, the way, the process, the conversation, it just
it was. It was such a pivot in my life

and an opportunity that I made the most of because
I took all the memories, all the experiences. I had
great relation relationships on the dance floor, behind the scenes production.
It was just such a like a oh my god,
you know, to get a phone call in the middle
of like prepping for a season.

Speaker 1 (14:43):
So what happened, Brooke, Like, let's just talk.

Speaker 2 (14:46):
It was a little a little jarring, which part what happened?
Which part?

Speaker 1 (14:52):
So people like Dancing with the Stars fans, who are
the ones listening to this podcast, they want to know
because they were also like, look, people are emotionally in
vested in Dancing with the Stars, and this is why
I'm doing this podcast. Honestly, It's not to bad mouth
the show by any means, however, it is to get
bring the fans behind the scenes with me coming from
a show that has been a part of my life

for half my life for seventeen years. And to be honest,
I think that people tend to and I have the
same connection, and I almost get attached to these people
you see every season, and you were one of the faces,
you know, you and Tom Bersern, to be quite honest,
and Len Goodman, there's some staples right that you just
want to see because it's like the cast of Friends.

If you were to do Friends without Monica, without Jennifer's
and her name's not really Monica, but anyway, you know,
you know what I'm saying, and all of a sudden
you replace them with two other friends, it's just never
going to be the same. You won't bring that nostalgic
feeling back. And when you got let go, there were
so many unanswered I guess questions that not just I'm

sure you had, but I had, the pro answers had
as a community and the fans. And so let's just
make it clear right here and now, like what happened
so that we can have closure at least.

Speaker 2 (16:11):
So many questions that are going to stay unanswered after
we have this conversation, because you know, you never really know.
Entertainment is a funny thing. You can get fired, let
go and never get a clear answer. Or they're like,
there's an etiquette of communicating, there's sort of like an
etiquette of managing business in life. I'm not sure that

entertainment falls into that category.

Speaker 1 (16:38):
What is your unier theory is my question.

Speaker 2 (16:41):
I guess my theory well. And I also, I mean,
just going back for a second, I really understand the
confusion and the way that audiences are left hanging when
there's change. I would have preferred there would have I
would have preferred there had been some public discussions leading
up to it, because it's okay to change hosts. I
really do believe that. I think you change hosts when

there's a reason or a need or a pivot. But
I sort of feel like it should be a community
exchange in a community. I feel like the news would
have been I'm stammering here because it's it's it's it's difficult,
and I know you have the same challenge and unpacking

these conversations for obvious reasons. With the show so just
to be direct, So you know, we were like getting
ready for season, like painting the dressing room, like everybody
was booked. Why I'm here make up my life carved
out like ready to rock and roll. And I think
it was maybe two weeks before season, which is not
like months like we're talking, we're getting ready to start production.

So when I got the call that morning that I
wouldn't be coming back, it was unexpected. I wasn't given
or reason. I think that's the frustrating part. It would
have been one thing if I sucked at the job,
or I had an issue, or I had a falling out,
or I was a diva or really complicated to work with,

or the audience just straight up didn't like me, Like
there wasn't really a reason. So I got that news,
and then my inner dialogue was like, uh okay, it's
almost like you're waiting for just the respect of here's
what we're doing and here's the reasons. And not that

I was ower reason why, but more awesome as an artist,
you were that broke well, you know, not everybody, not
every There are a lot of reasons not to give
someone an explanation when you're letting them go because there's
also other complicated issues that follow that.

Speaker 1 (18:51):
So what was that feeling in your body when when like,
what was the initial reaction in your body? Do you remember?

Speaker 2 (18:57):
It was a shock, confusing, frustrating, and then I was
just sort of like, oh wait, wait, now what I think?
I was in the middle of building a house I
had carved out the time with my feel like there
are personal parts of it that nobody gets to read

or breathe. Right. It wasn't just oh, they're replacing me
and I'm not going to be hosting dancing. It was like,
wait a minute, I haven't had an opportunity to secure
any other work. This is a year of my life
that I planned for. Because I show up on time,
with professionalism, with full uh you know, I'm like all
into everything. I didn't feel like I was met with

the same respect that I gave the show. So that's
what was frustrating, and what I would have liked would
have been to have a very adult, respectful conversation that
would have went something like, we're not going to renew
your contract, we're making some changes, we're looking at some
new people, and we just want to give your heads
up and if you'd like to support that publicly. Great,

should we make announcement together? Great. I honestly would have
accepted it, respected it, and been all on board. So
it was just it was shocking.

Speaker 1 (20:10):

Speaker 2 (20:10):
No, I mean, by the way, and the audience didn't
dig it either, as we all know, No.

Speaker 1 (20:14):
They didn't. And I'm getting tons of questions about it
to this day. And honestly, when people found out that
I was interviewing you, you know these are the questions,
and you know I'm interviewing Tom Bershaw next week and
it's going to be even more of this and this
is the thing, and it's like.

Speaker 2 (20:26):
Tom was amazing by the way Tom and I spoke
that day, and oh you did a person where you know,
I find the sweetness and things, I find the purpose,
I find the lesson. I'm not a victim. I'd never
been a victim, so I wasn't like what the fuck?
I was sort of like, WHOA, now what? Let me
figure out why? Of course I had that inner dialogue.
Did I do a great job? Was I a competent host? Why?

Speaker 1 (20:49):
You know?

Speaker 2 (20:50):
I wasn't there a love fest with me going on
in production? I thought there was all of those questions
but what I did was make I don't want to
say light of it, but we had a little humor
in it. And Tom and I am on the phone
that afternoon chatting and I was like, you know, guess
who just left the ballroom. I think I made a
social media announcement and I was like, oh, you.

Speaker 1 (21:10):
Just got eliminated. I think you said we just.

Speaker 2 (21:12):
Got eliminated, and people are like, wait, what, So I
think the audience shared that that's surprise with me. And
I do want to say that it was an important
pivotal moment for me in my life because it allowed
me to go back to the drawing board and find
other creative things to do, reinvent myself once again, which
is really important. I thought the style in which it

happened was shitty.

Speaker 1 (21:37):
Yeah, yeah, no, And that's the thing, It's like, what's
the point. Where's the point do you separate business versus personal?
But at the end of the day, I just don't
know if I believe in that one hundred percent, especially
when you're part of a brand for so many years
and it's like you can't do that in my eyes,
because like especially it's artists, like you can't separate the

artistry and the emotion to then okay, let's just talk business.
This is our business, right, like, this is the thing.
It's like we act maybe react on our emotions, and
not everyone can separate all of that.

Speaker 2 (22:14):
And the audience doesn't get to see that. It's like
in the entertainment so we're all replaceable, and you know.

Speaker 1 (22:19):
That's not true. I don't believe that either. That's not true.

Speaker 2 (22:22):
I think in the entertainment business, I don't mean that.
I don't mean that. It's we are replaceable in the
energy of the of the flow of a show. What
I'm saying, at any given time, talent can be fired
and replace that.

Speaker 1 (22:38):
Absolutely, That's what I'm right, and I hear you. But
when it comes to Dancing with the Stars, this is
a different conversation because there is this longevity that not
every show in this in this industry has so like
for example, like the Friends example. But then also you
can't just go get another pro dancer. I mean you
can you, but then you have something to compare it to,

you know, like you know with all the new pros
this season too, it's like, okay, but then people want
to you know, people are like they miss seeing the.

Speaker 2 (23:08):
Good of the show, which is where I'll gret got it.
I'm saying that it's in the power of production and nabsalone,
it might be a bad idea for the show. I mean,
you're on the show since season one in a sensible
trajectory of you having other roles on the show. Yeah,
it's like, but not everybody listen. You might not say it.
I'm going to say it, but not everybody sees it

that way. And we as entertainers and artists, we are
hired and often fired without explanation. And that's just how
it goes in our in our business, and nobody likes
to let somebody go. Nobody likes to fire somebody. It
pains no rid of an employee, but I need them
with respect and here conversation. That's it.

Speaker 1 (23:50):
But when it comes to like your relationship with Tom Bergorn,
a lot of people have also asked if you guys
have stayed in touch throughout the years we have.

Speaker 2 (23:59):
Yeah, I mean I feel like Tom was an incredible
mentor and amazing partner for me. I have so much
respect for him as a co host. He always welcomed me,
supported me. A lot of people have ego in that
space where it's all about them and having a co
host is a little bit risky. I will always meet
Tom with gratitude and I consider him a friend. And yes,
in fact, we used to have martinz and get together

to have a meal and have drinks in Hellibu when
we could. But you know, coast to coast we've lost
touch a little bit. I have just wonderful things and
admiration for Tom, and we had such an awesome relationship
and he was an incredible co host. Incredible you read
that also on camps, right, I mean you got to

have a relation.

Speaker 1 (24:48):
Yes, I mean, like I mean, even my fans listening
right now, I mean, anyone who's listening right now can
exactly tell you who didn't have chemistry versus who had chemistry.

Speaker 2 (24:59):
And I'm so trying not to be sassy, but I
know you're reading my mind. It's like the last time
I made a comment about Tyr Banks, it was like everywhere,
it was like a headline after headline after how was
your comment? I said something about a diva not having
placement in as a host in the ballroom. But I
don't find I don't find being a deep for me.
Diva diva is a great thing, goddess, Like I don't

find dea the insulting. But if you're a diva and
you don't know it, like I don't see why that
was a bad thing, Well it's not.

Speaker 1 (25:29):
And then you whatever you said was true because it's
like she didn't know the show and still doesn't. So anyway,
much love to her though. So prior to you was
Samantha Harris, do you know what happened there? Like I don't.

I heard you do an interview and you said there
was like a whole audition process. Was this true, like
for for the spot of you being a co host?

Speaker 2 (25:57):
Yeah, I will say that she was so elegant and
she was so wonderful in that very difficult situation in
supporting me as a woman. I'm sure it was a
very very tough transition to be hosting that all over
of the show and to lose that opportunity. And I
say that because I went through it as well, and

I was very surprised at who replaced me. But it's just,
you know, you never know why production does what they're doing.
There was a massive audition for Dancing with the Stars
for the house and to give you a little bit
of insight. I wasn't asked to audition to host the show.

Speaker 1 (26:33):
So this was coming off your win right with the're not.

Speaker 2 (26:35):
Going to have the audition, not because they weren't considering me.
I was coming off of my win. I think I'd
won the Mayorball Trophy the season prior they were replacing Samantha,
and they went out so far and so wide. I'm
talking like from country music like stars, to A listers

to comedic actresses, every single female that was host and
not audition for this gig. And I remember calling the
EP and saying, without my manager even this was like
a very personal in the Dancing with the Stars family
kind of a call, saying I want to audition, and

they're like, why you don't need to audition? We know
you're hosting Chops, we know you're a great host. You
know we know you're you're you're Dancing with the Stars
like Queen Mira Wald Trophy, and why you don't have
to audition? Brook, And I got know everybody else is
going to audition. I want that chemistry test with Tom
and it's not beneath me and there's no ego in this,
and I really want to audition. And they were like okay.

And so when I went into audition, first of all,
I was shocked at how many people came in an
audition for this gig. It was Tom.

Speaker 1 (27:47):
So it was with Tom.

Speaker 2 (27:48):
It was with Tom, I know, and you weren't just
given this from your wincy.

Speaker 1 (27:54):
I didn't know what to believe here, because if you.

Speaker 2 (27:57):
Didn't know, anybody knows it. Nobody knows this probably, so
there's a big lesson in this people who aren't listening.
If you want something, you got to be outside of
the box, and you've got to give yourself every opportunity.
I knew that I had chemistry with Tom, and I
knew that on camera we would light up. I knew
that I could host, but soaking a bunch of other people.

So I knew the nature of the beast. I knew
how to live and breathe dancing. I knew the fear,
I knew the adrenaline. I knew I knew what it
was like to be on the other side of it,
which gave me an amazing opportunity to come onto a
show and host because I knew how difficult it was
to be in the box, the balcony. I forget what
we will call times the sky walls. I knew what

it was like emotionally on the other side of it,
which gave me a different set of colors as a host.
But the reason why I wanted to audition is because
I knew that Tom and I had chemistry and that
if they saw us on camera, it was either going
to I knew that was going to work. I still
needed to I felt like I needed to earn that gig.

Speaker 1 (29:03):
Who were some of the people that you saw in
that in that audition room? Everyone Cheryl like, like, were
they contestants on the show? No?

Speaker 2 (29:16):
I'm talking hosts, country music artists, Like I'm.

Speaker 1 (29:20):
Like Hill, No, not like Kelly.

Speaker 2 (29:25):
God Faith Hill did an audition? No, I mean it
was like it was like every every everybody under the sun.
I was surprised, But like the.

Speaker 1 (29:33):
Name one person broke name one person. This is fascinating
to me.

Speaker 2 (29:39):
Why not a Judd?

Speaker 1 (29:41):
Why not a Judd kid?

Speaker 2 (29:43):
Hey, That's what I was like, Oh my god, why
Judge is auditioning.

Speaker 1 (29:49):

Speaker 2 (29:51):

Speaker 1 (29:52):
And then she was a contestant? Was she a contestant already?
Though she must have been, I can't remember.

Speaker 2 (29:59):
I want to know, like I hope. I'm naming names
properly too, like Mariam and Nuna's like like everybody that's
got chops or recognition, celebrities, musicians, like everyone. So I
let myself really want that gig. And it was one
of the first times that I pour attention and desire
and prayed on it. And I was the kind of

person in my career where I sort of rolled with
opportunities and showed up and did a great job. And
I was definitely all in, but I didn't allow myself
to want things that I felt were out of my control.
And in this instance, I knew that it made sense.
I wanted to host that show. I wanted it bad,
and I let myself really poor like love and energy
and desire into that. And so that was an amazing.

Speaker 1 (30:42):
Run from all of this, Like all of what we
just talked about, what is the greatest lesson you learned
from when you were co hosted, from when you got
let Go?

Speaker 2 (30:53):
I think that having a hosted I don't even remember
if it was seven or eight seasons.

Speaker 1 (31:00):
Been I already stoked to you last night.

Speaker 2 (31:03):
I have to ask you to you. Did you audition
the host?

Speaker 1 (31:06):
No? I know that there was such a thing.

Speaker 2 (31:09):
So what did I learned? I I want to choose
my words carefully, but this is really honest, and so
I always want to That's why I love you, I
thank you. I'm pretty honest. There were moments, and I
don't want to say Dancing with the Stars at the
time was like one of the top shows on television.
I had all Dancing with the Stars like we were

crushing it. And I was so lucky to have that
gig to host a live show two days a week.
The exposure, the opportunities, the endorsement opportunities, like everything that
I that I created from that platform was a blessing.
And there were times hosting that show where I was

like to myself, Oh, I'm not feeling that creative and
it's it's live and I don't know how much of
my self I really get to bring and not having
really creative meetings with the producers and it wasn't like
oh wow wow when but I was just like, oh,
live television, there's not enough time to really bring like

creative process. My point is there were times where I
was and I didn't like show up in gratitude every
single day. I was sort of like slightly getting bored,
and I look back now and it's like, I loved
the show. I loved the dancers of the relationships. I
love the artistry of it. It's hard to do season

after season after season after season and not want a
little bit more, not want to do it a little
bit differently, not want to challengers. I like challenge right.
I wanted to stretch my chops and on a live show,
there's no room to do that. So I sort of
feel like my lesson, Sorry, this is long. When did
I This.

Speaker 1 (32:58):
Is all great? I relate to everything that you said, gold.

Speaker 2 (33:01):
Of makes sense to people. My lesson was just be
careful how you receive and accept and how you ask
and opportunities and blessings. Because I was telling myself that
I was ready for more, something different. Unfortunately there wasn't more,
something better. There's different. But after a show like that

that was kind of like top hosting gigs, you know,
America's got talent, live amazing all. I mean, what else?
The voice, like, what else is there? Really?

Speaker 1 (33:33):
And that's not more though to me, in my eyes,
that's just doing another job of the same caliber. So
you got what you asked for? Now do you think
that you came to this conclusion feeling this feeling behind
the scenes of like, you know, I don't feel wanted
here anymore, or I don't feel appreciated.

Speaker 2 (33:53):
It's a great question, Cheryl. I felt appreciated, I felt valued,
I felt like I did a good job. I didn't
really understand it, but clearly I wasn't wanted there anymore,
or I would have still been there. If someone's in
love with you, they're not letting you go. So, because
I'm a realist, I had to like have that come

to choose this moment in going with the fuck. I
thought everybody really loved me over there, and now they're
letting me go. I did that country love song right.
You're not breaking up with the person that you're madly
in love with. You're just not so And I get budget,
got it, I get change, got it, I get sports.

Got it. For all the reasons that I could assume.

Speaker 1 (34:46):
You're referring to Aaron Andrews, I'm assuming.

Speaker 2 (34:48):
Yeah, yeah, but you know clearly you go from me
to Aaron Andrews to Tyra Banks like what the afs like?
I mean A so I hear you, Yeah, I hear you.

Speaker 1 (35:02):
Thank you for being so open. So let's rewind even
further back. Though I'm not going in actual like order,
which is not great for my OCD brain, but you
know what, We're just going with the flow. Derek little huff.
At the time, he had not won his mirror Ball trophy,

though he was like hungry for it. I guess you know,
because me and you went through we have a rebirth
of our friendship, which is a beautiful thing. And I
consider you definitely my like I have a handful and
you're part of the handful. So I know this, which
I didn't know actually until we reunited. But like you

basically talk about you talk to me about how you
and Derek went to therapy, right, And I find this
freaking fascinating because I, as you know, I'm a huge
advocate for therapy. I mean, honestly, this is why I'm
so open and why I can be open without being
without feeling any shame. It just helps right to talk
about it. And what's so fascinating about this is like,

first of all, when the hell did you have time?
Second of all, like Derek was like, probably I don't
know if Derek, I don't know if Derek's a huge
advocate for therapy. I don't know, I would assume back
then maybe it was like really weird, right, Like first
of all, like how did you even what made it
get there? One?

Speaker 2 (36:31):
And then it was kind of life life coaching, you
know then you know, life coach therapy. Whatever it was
part of the show, was part of the package. Wanted
to go. We weren't. We just weren't connected. We weren't gelling.
We were having issues, you know, on off camera and rehearsals.
He was exhausted. He was recording an album at night.

I had a three month old baby. I was fried
up all night training all day. As much as I
love dance, I didn't have any professional training, so my
body was like depleted. I was also hormonal. He was exhausted,
he was a baby, He had never won a Miraball trophy.
He wasn't super confident I think in his own abilities.

There was just a lot of things happening, you know.
I was a woman and a mother. I felt like
he was a young man. We just we weren't meeting
each other in a place that was serving us. So
we went to sort of this life coach therapy session
and I was surprised that it never aired because I
thought it was super real and super valuable and I

think the audience would have loved it. And production, of course,
you know, killed that whole package. And what we learned
Cheryl was so valuable, and the Life Coach taught me
something during that challenge that I took with me and
I applied to my life all the time. I actually
wrote a chapter in my book called you know it

was my Mirable Trophy chapter. But there were so many
life lessons. The life Coach had said, you have to
meet each other with honesty, and that meant when we
showed up exhausted her rehearsals, Fried tapped in secure scare
of like the whole thing. I had so many things
going on, which you'll never know is a pro Cheryl.
But week after week on that show, I never thought
if I was going to pull it off. Every week

I was like, oh my god, I'm never going to
learn this dance. Oh my god, this is so hard.
Why don't I go do something easy. I'm making pull
myself to forget, like it goes on and on and on,
and then I'm sure Derek the same thing he's working
so hard on. If the celebrity blows it. I worked
so hard. I want to win that nearbyle trophy.

Speaker 1 (38:36):
But if she's not good enough, like nobody, It's also
like are we good enough? Like is the choreography good enough?
Like we questioned ourselves as dancers and artists all the time,
Just so you know, similar but different vocabulary.

Speaker 2 (38:45):
I'm sure. And I always had this woman compassion for
the other side of it, his role, and I think
as a young man he might not have had a
good passion for what I was going through. But the
advice was this. She said, show up in the morning exhausted, tired,
scare in a bad fucking mood, pissed off. And when
your partner says to you, Hi, how are you? Answer

the question honestly? Instead of I'm fine, all right, let's
get to work, she wanted us to meet each other
with hey, brock, what's up? How are you? She wanted
me to be able to say, I'm exhausted and the
energy to be here. My baby was crying all night,
my family misses me, I'm fucking scared. I don't know
this routine. You're being mean. I'm not okay, Because when

you're honest with someone can you imagine if I would said, Derek,
how are you? Would have been like, I had a
really hard night. I have another career, I'm working on
the music. I'm not confident in this choreography. I know
this is hard for you. I'm really tired. I just
go three hours to get to the studio. I have
no life. I don't know how I am. I would
have looked at him and went, oh my god, let's

just chill out for a second. Let's like go make
a cup of tea, and you know what, let's figure
this out because we're both in it together. He might
have looked at me and went, I know this is
really scary for you and both of us out there.
And I got to you, like, there's something amazing that
happens when you meet someone with truth and honesty.

Speaker 1 (40:12):
But I don't know if the awareness is there in general. God,
how about you have to be aware?

Speaker 2 (40:17):
How about you just stop saying I'm fine, fricking faking
it so that The other thing that she said, which
was invaluable was she said, you guys are not in
this to win it, and we weren't ryl He was
really scared and insecure and didn't think he just thought,
let's stick around for as long as we can. We're
not going to win the mirabal Trophy.

Speaker 1 (40:37):
Is that what he said out loud? He would say
that out loud.

Speaker 2 (40:40):
No, But I mean I knew you felt it. I
knew he wasn't competing to win. I knew it was
an opportunity for both of us. I was there to
get to know America in a different way. I think
he was there because it was a great gig as
a dancer. And won't speak for him. I don't think
people sign up for Dancing with the Stars to win
the Mirabald Trophy. It's not even attainable. I don't even

think it's possible. So she said to us, the wife
coach said, you're both here and you're committed to being here.
You might as well for I can get in it
to win it. And we were like, oh, I swear.
We had a meeting of the minds and we made
a commitment and protest and promised to meet each other

with honesty and compassion, and then we decided to win.

Speaker 1 (41:26):
Just so he showed up. So he so this was
a full on verbal discussion.

Speaker 2 (41:32):
Verbal discussion of practice. We did it. She said, get
connected bey.

Speaker 1 (41:35):
Honest, show this and getting show this.

Speaker 2 (41:38):
Show never aired it. Yeah, and my husband at the time, David,
was like, you need to go and talk to Derek.
You guys need to get out of your phone. You
need to go connect before before performance, because we were
completely disconnected. We were in our own world, and yet
we were a partnership. We were a team. You guys
were there, and yet we weren't behaving like teammates. So

as soon as we changed our mindset and as soon
as we got in it to win it, and as
soon as we met each other with honesty, something magical
happened and we found faith I think in each other
at least I did, and we just signed it to win.

Speaker 1 (42:15):
Wait what week was this? Do you remember what dance?
So what dance when you guys switched and you had
that pivotal moment? What we were going.

Speaker 2 (42:22):
Into semi finals? I think.

Speaker 1 (42:26):
Got it? And so what did Derek? I guess what
was it like so before? Because you guys were both
vulnerable and scared, because Derek was scared in a different way.
You were scared and it was hard to voice it.
I think because of like Derek, for sure, I would
assume because being that young, and also I've experienced myself
as ego. You don't ever want to show your celebrity
or your student that you feel scared because then, like

in a way, you know subconsciously you're thinking, well, then
who do they have to lean on? If the coach
is scared, that's only going to make the celebrity scared, right,
even more scared.

Speaker 2 (42:54):
I don't know if he was smart enough and well
rounded enough at the time, being so young.

Speaker 1 (42:59):
What was that conversation like from Derek?

Speaker 2 (43:02):
He was really tough. It was really hard on me.
I'm okay with tough love. He did not love me
through routines and support me and tell me that it
was amazing. He was brutally honest and it made me
better to the point where he was like, look at
your hands. You're going to go out there and you're
with that with that shape. That just was not going
to do, and I'd be like.

Speaker 1 (43:25):
Me more.

Speaker 2 (43:26):
He wanted like everything to be like, you know, to
be perfect and elegant in my toe, to be pointed
in my arches. I mean, he dissected every single thing
and I could take it, so I can't say I
was enjoying it. It was not fun, but I became

a bit of a perfectionist with him, and I worked
really hard to make sure that everything was to the
best of my ability. And it was not fun.

Speaker 1 (43:57):
How did that affect your marriage?

Speaker 2 (44:02):
It was great for my marriage. I had very little time.
I was exhausted at night, but David really knew how
to show up. My family really took over to pick
up the slab and raising each other. David was really supportive,
and he also is a bit of a performer, so
he understood the pressure. And I think I shared this
with you before midway through the show, had an injury.

I had like a disrupt attendant in a pulled hamstring,
and I was exhausted and I wanted to get home
to my family. I mean, I had a baby at
home and I I kind of could have tapped out
because I had an injury. I was done. I just
wanted to go back home.

Speaker 1 (44:39):
Remember you tell me this.

Speaker 2 (44:40):
I wanted to go back to what's easy. And I
was literally taking up since autbast in the morning to
get ready to go to rehearsal. I was coming home
at night like crying in the shower because I was pain.
I was hurting and I didn't have faith in my body.
And David said to me, and he was amazing, I'll
never forget it. He's like, you got to pull it together.
Like what kind of message would that send to the kids.

You're not gonna quit, like you're a quitter.

Speaker 1 (45:04):
So he was very supportive. Obviously it was.

Speaker 2 (45:06):
Support but I hadn't I didn't know what it was
like to train like an athlete. I didn't know what
it was like to start and finish something. Because in
life you can tap out of anything. Of course, change
is a choice. You can change partners, you can give up,
you can start again, you can be I just I
didn't know what that was like. And he was like,
you're not gonna quit like what He wasn't even.

Speaker 1 (45:28):
Having this after there or after the Life Coach or
before the Life Coach.

Speaker 2 (45:33):
This was before. I mean, there was a whole people
don't realize behind the scenes. There's a whole series of
events that happened on Dancing with the Stars that will
break you down. They will put your mind, they will
tap into your insecurities, they will shake you and if
you're lucky, you push through the other side of those moments.
If you don't, you get eliminated, you bow out, or
you quit, and then you will always go back wondering

what if.

Speaker 1 (45:58):
Yeah it is my is what you're trying to say,
and it's a big time.

Speaker 2 (46:03):
It's really hard. I learned so much from the show show.
I learned how to visualize. I learned how to train
like an athlete. I learned how to think like an athlete.
I learned how to find faith in my body. I
learned how to develop communication skills with your partner that
you're struggling with. I learned how to face my fears,

and I learned how to win. And I know that
everybody doesn't get that. One of the greatest feelings was winning,
but it was also completing an experience in giving it
my all, everything that I had, and that I was
really proud of. Even if I didn't win, I was
really proud of devoting. Back then, it was three weeks,

I'm sorry, three months of my life.

Speaker 1 (46:49):
Probably not three weeks.

Speaker 2 (46:50):
Yeah, that in days a week. So I left that
stint going I can do anything. I got to send it. Yeah,
I can have four children doing four different things at
the same time. Where I used to not know. I
can't drive you to dance, and then you to football,
and then you because like, am I going to do
all that? I realized what it was, what it was

like to commit three months in my life and do
it and do it well.

Speaker 1 (47:17):
And she had a newborn, and you had a mary.
You had a marriage obviously, and you had a family,
and then you had to take care of your mental
health and maybe you didn't get along with your partner
straight from the gecko, but you learned how to communicate,
you know, like and that's the beauty of It's more
than a mirror ball. And I remember, I'll never forget
you telling me this. When I was at your house.

You were saying, like, dancing with the Stars has affected
my life to the point where like that was the
major turning point, Like that is what brought me into
the woman I am today, and for the reasons you
had just stated. And so thank you for sharing all
of this, because this is such incredible insight for I mean,
I know it, but like again, because I've only been

a part of it. That's why I know it.

Speaker 2 (48:00):
I'm so lucky that I was able to go the
distance and it wasn't about the winning I was. I'm
lucky that I was able to face challenges and show
up on the other side of them and learn learn
how to communicate, learn how to show up for a partner,
Learn how to show up for myself, learn how to
just find faith in my own body and movement. Learn

how to quiet down the noise around me and be
in a moment that scared the shit out of.

Speaker 1 (48:30):
Me before I let you go. I love you so much.
Thank you. I can't thank you enough for first of all,
Dancing with the Stars for creating this bond between me
and you, because I have to say, most of my
or not most all of my friendships are through the show, obviously,
So that's the one beautiful thing for sure that dancing
has provided and many others. Let me do rapid Fire

with you, because this is just this is what we
do at the end of every interview. It's fun, it's cheeky.
Don't answer what you don't feel comfortable with. Are you ready?

Speaker 2 (49:00):
I think so.

Speaker 1 (49:01):
My named one of Derek huffs strange quirks he would
do during rehearsals. I can, they would, but you do.

Speaker 2 (49:07):
It uh hey, uh oh god quirks, and he would
he would make weird facial expressions.

Speaker 1 (49:18):
Okay, What was your first impression of Derek.

Speaker 2 (49:23):
I just thought he was so young and green and safe.
I had no idea it would be such a powerful
about as choreographer.

Speaker 1 (49:30):
What was your first impression of me?

Speaker 2 (49:33):
Of you? I thought you were a goddess, so sentual
you lit it up here and then your body Like
I used to watch your body movement, Cheryl and try
to like copy the way that you moved. It's true.

Speaker 1 (49:46):
I love you. Thank you. What was the most challenging
part of being a celebrity on Dancing with the Stars.

Speaker 2 (49:55):
Just knowing that the world was watching and that you
could comply it up.

Speaker 1 (50:01):
What was the most challenging part of being a host?

Speaker 2 (50:08):
I had? I had was so connected to the to
the energy and the feeling of the contestants that I internalized,
Zach because it brought me back to the ballroom, so
I would actually feel their fear. I think that's positive
but challenging, and that I could feel everything.

Speaker 1 (50:22):
It must have been exhausted after every show. Then, yeah,
what was who do you believe falls in love first
on Dancing with the Stars, the celebrity or the pro dancer.

Speaker 2 (50:31):
The celebrity. I was crushing on Derek for sure, because
it's so oh my god, for sure, Oh for sure.

Speaker 1 (50:40):
Sorry, but that is Derek would be flattered. Are you kidding?

Speaker 2 (50:44):
I actually hoped we would have had a love affair
because you're so like, you're not a dancing god. I know,
I don't think I ever said that. I said that
with a react, but I I just it's it's truely
because if you're want to dancer, you're not used here.
Here's here's this is. Don't laugh, Cheryl, No.

Speaker 1 (51:01):
I'm just laughing because I'm like, oh my god, Derek
is going to freak out in a good way. In
a good way. He kept telling me how hot you
were during your season. Anyway, go ahead, go ahead, but listen.

Speaker 2 (51:13):
Let me tell you why you are intertwined with someone's
body when you are not a dancer. There is in
no way that I have ever been so connected besides
with a lover or a husband that I was with Derek.
And it's every single day, so people listening, for three months,
you are in someone's arms. Why do you think people

found them? You smell them, you feel them, You're.

Speaker 1 (51:39):
Literally you could trace their you know what their cohon
is on piece of paper.

Speaker 2 (51:43):
But it can be more intimate than making love in
a bedroom, you're like making love in the dance or
if you're really connected, like if you have energy, you're
doing this dance and you're in the rhythm, and then
there's trust, then you're sharing fear. You're doing something you've
never done. How many dansery gen's did you go through
an experience for someone where you're count they're all you've got?

Speaker 1 (52:09):
Yeah, I know, listen, I know. But it's so different
for us pro dancers. We're like, okay, great, lose our
number onto the next. Who's our next celebrity? The celebrities
you never forget. I've had one experience a thousand, I've.

Speaker 2 (52:23):
Had one experience with one person like that life changing.

Speaker 1 (52:29):
So you have a life really Oh my god, this
is fascinating. Okay, whoa, this is the best rapid fire ever. Okay,
biggest fear. We're already talking about this. Now I have
to talk about like, Okay, well, what surprised you the
most being a part of this whole experience dancing with
the Stars for the past eight seasons.

Speaker 2 (52:48):
What surprised me the most being on it or being
off it?

Speaker 1 (52:52):
Being on it? Like, what surprised you about the cast,
the crew, or like the show in itself.

Speaker 2 (53:00):
What's surprising and the most is how freakin' hard it
really is to put together a dance and to pull
it together and step out there and be judged and performed,
and in so many ways. I think an athlete knows it.
They're clutch under pressure. They know how to do it.
We don't know how to do it. So it's an
absolute challenge on every level.

Speaker 1 (53:22):
If you had to compete on Dancing with the Stars again,
which pro dancer would you want to fall in love
with next? Or dance with next?

Speaker 2 (53:30):
I'm really setting myself with her.

Speaker 1 (53:32):
You got okay, let me give you a list. We've
got gleb Ardam, We've got Mark Ballas, We've got you know,
there's a lot of them to choose. Maxim Schmerkovsky, Val Schmerkovsky.

Speaker 2 (53:41):
Oh god, Max could be so tough. I was gonna
say Max, but I think he might be neier than Derek,
and I say that with love. I love Max. But
is Max's brother Stai on the show.

Speaker 1 (53:51):
Yeah he is. You guys would be hot together.

Speaker 2 (53:54):
We'd be hot together.

Speaker 1 (53:56):
He smells like old spice, which I love.

Speaker 2 (53:58):
I don't know if I want a job, I'll know
why we're dancing. Yeah.

Speaker 1 (54:02):
Sure, I demand my partners they have to go back
home and pick up cologne or go to the store
if they don't walk in and smell like cologne. This
is a must in my ye.

Speaker 2 (54:12):
I want natural pheromones, no colone. Okay.

Speaker 1 (54:14):
Last couple of questions. Most embarrassing thing that happened to
you when you danced with Derek.

Speaker 2 (54:20):
Uh semi Finals forgetting the dance? It was the gibe.
It was horrific, humiliating, awful, terrible. It was like crickets.
I just forgot the dance was terrible, Cheryl, it was awful, awful.

Speaker 1 (54:33):
What advice? Last question? What advice do you have for
the celebrities that are competing this season?

Speaker 2 (54:44):
I would say, really really really try to enjoy it
and step out of your fear and I and just
like visualize because I was so terrified every dance we
go watch, let me stop. This is what really helped
me go watch pro dances. YouTube pro dances so that
you can see what the dance looks like and the

shapes look like. That was a fivotal moment for me.
So I studied the dance out, took myself out of it,
so that I because we don't know what it looks like, right,
So you're trying to learn something that you don't know
what it looks like.

Speaker 1 (55:16):
What is up for you now? Like what is going
on in your life present? I mean, congratulations, you're getting married.
There's so much happening to Brooke Burke today, so feel
free to take the stage here.

Speaker 2 (55:26):
Thanks. Yeah, getting married as soon as I can pull
it together and plan the wedding. But it's happening in
twenty twenty four. Help you, Thank Cherylyn. I need you.
When I need you to help me with my dance.
You can help Scott and his dance. I just finished
a new show that's going to air on the CW
every Friday night, so it'll be a really fun family Friday.
So with the pend Inteler it's called fool Us. We

are the end of October and we'll go for five months.
I had such a blast on the show Magic Family
Live Audience Wonder Surprise some of the greatest magicians in
the world, so I'm super excited about that and still
choreographing content, working on brookwork body, which is my wellness
app definitely intentional wellness. Retreats, meditation, yoga, fitness. Fitness is

the easy part of it, and I'm probably most passionate
right now about the transformation work that I'm doing with women,
some men actually, but mostly women in the retreat space.
So I know you and I had an amazing experience
here at Saul.

Speaker 1 (56:25):
Creek, amazing, amazing, and I wish we could do a
whole nother show based off that. Okay, and people can
find you on at Brooke Burke and at Brooke Birk.
Body right about it.

Speaker 2 (56:36):
And all the info of everything I'm doing, live events,
in person retreats, everything is on brookwork dot com. So
find me. I want to connect. I want to hear
from you and Cheryl. Yes, always so much to talk about,
Cheryl and I are working on. I love you everyone,
So thanks for having me on the show. It always
brings me by God, and thank you. It really brings
me back to a special place.

Speaker 1 (56:56):
Yes, and thank you for opening up and being so vulnerable.
I love you so much. We'll keep in touch. Thank
you again for your time, but I love you. Thank you. Wow,
Holy crap, Ollie, Yes, I just said that. Thank you
so much. To my friend and fellow co star Brooke Burke,

I mean for revealing and just being so vulnerable as
she is, and this is why we're friends. Honestly, this
was so amazing. I had a great conversation with her.
Please don't forget to comment and follow us on Instagram
on at sex Lies and Spray Tands. Yeah, you're not
going to want to miss this. It's only going to
get better because you know why, because it is Tom Bergeron.

That's all I gotta say. See you next time. Make
sure you guys follow us at sex Lies and Spray
Tands on our Instagram handle and make sure your comment.
Let me know who you want me to interview. What
do you all think?

Speaker 2 (57:53):
Let me know
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