All Episodes

March 4, 2024 40 mins

Motivational Coach and Best Selling Author Tony Robbins is known world-wide for spreading positivity, and practical advice on how to live a better life. But the multi-millionaire says his upbringing was far from fortunate. A mother battling addiction, several step-dads, and even times of hunger at home...Tony steered himself and his siblings through the toughest times. Find out what single event changed his life forever, what he says is the trick to becoming wealthy, and why he says he can fix depression faster than any meds on the market.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:05):

Speaker 2 (00:05):
I am Kate Hudson and my name is Oliver Hudson.
We wanted to do something that highlighted our.

Speaker 3 (00:11):
Relationship and what it's like to be siblings. We are
a sibling.

Speaker 2 (00:20):
Raivalry, No, no, sibling. You don't do that with your mouth.

Speaker 3 (00:31):

Speaker 2 (00:33):
That's good. I'm so excited about this because I love
this man, like I'm kind of obsessed with.

Speaker 4 (00:44):
I know, I've never met this man.

Speaker 2 (00:46):
I have and I'm going to save it for the podcast.
Tony Robbins is one of my favorite motivational speakers sort
of you know.

Speaker 1 (00:56):

Speaker 2 (00:56):
I feel like he just exudes everything positive and motivating
and like just an absolute force of nature. I've never
been to one of his seminars, but a lot of
my friends have been and they say it's life changing.

Speaker 4 (01:10):
We need to go. I need to go.

Speaker 3 (01:12):
Maybe I can just use this as a private seminar. Yeah,
but you know I love about Tony Robbins too, and
I have not met him. He can take the piss
out of himself as well. Yeah you know what I mean.

Speaker 2 (01:22):
Yeah, he's he's definitely.

Speaker 3 (01:24):
Yeah, he's got he's got a sense of humor about
all of his stuff.

Speaker 2 (01:29):
Right, you know, I love I am. His newest book
is The Holy Grill of Investing. I want to delve
into this. I kind of got yeah Amazon, it was
for a bit, but I I I want to get
into that a little bit with him. I read a
little bit about it. I have not read the book yet.
Have you read the book?

Speaker 4 (01:48):
No, I don't read about investing. I just I just
don't want to.

Speaker 3 (01:56):
I just throw my money where people tay me to
open out any ricks.

Speaker 4 (02:02):
Let's go back Tony.

Speaker 1 (02:04):
We're gonna.

Speaker 5 (02:06):
Up in jail, and we let him in.

Speaker 2 (02:12):
He's waiting. He's like the one person that never wait.
Let's go all right, Let's bring Tony in. Him handsome.

Speaker 1 (02:21):
Nice to meet you.

Speaker 5 (02:22):
Nice, nice to meet you.

Speaker 1 (02:24):
What's going on?

Speaker 2 (02:24):
Actually, I was just saying this in our introduction, Tony,
I have met you before, and I will never forget it.
Because I was a little girl and it was the Kings,
the Los Angeles Kings were in the playoffs. I might
have been there, and we were back in the in
the hallway. I was with my mom and my dad.

We were waiting to go into the locker room, and
you were, you were it was our family, and you
were standing there and I got to meet you, and
I will never forget it because you're so tall, and
I couldn't believe how big you were, and I could
and obviously, as everyone knows, you just exude such positive energy.
So you left a mark on me as a young child.

Speaker 1 (03:09):
Well, I don't know your father, but I love your
mom and I've met a few times. And that's some
nice conversations that she's doing well, she.

Speaker 2 (03:16):
Is, she's doing great.

Speaker 5 (03:17):
Well, let's start.

Speaker 4 (03:18):
Let's start simple.

Speaker 5 (03:19):
What is your net worth?

Speaker 2 (03:29):
Welcome to our podcast, Tony. Well, look, I feel like
everybody in the world knows who you are, and for
those who don't, you.

Speaker 5 (03:43):
Are a reason.

Speaker 2 (03:45):
There's no reason to even give your biocast off.

Speaker 3 (03:50):
But I'd honestly like to know about your upbringing, your childhood,
where you were born, how you grew up, how you
what were the seeds you know to actually becoming who
you are.

Speaker 1 (04:00):
I was born in downtown Los Angeles, believe it or not,
and I grew up in a San gabe A valley
east of LA and kind of we had smog alerts
each day so we can go outside during those days.
I'm a clean air you now have there, Although I
don't live in La anymore. But I grew up in
a kind of a tough environment. I had four different fathers.
My mom was a very intense lady, shaped me immensely

and the lover her on a door her she's passed away.
But she also abused, unfortunately prescription drugs and alcohol, and
when she did, she got a little violent. So I
really became a practical psychologist to protect my younger brother
and younger sister. I don't learn how to change her states.
I to anticipate what was going on. That's where it
began for me. And then I was also just the
difference in our lives made me want to know the

difference in people, like why do people's lives turn out
a certain way? And I didn't have any mentors. So
I took a speed reading class and I promised myself
I'd read a book a day, but you know, I
didn't do that. But I read seven hundred books in
seven years in the ear of human development, psychology, physiology, philosophy,
anything I thought could make a difference. And then when
I was eleven years old, we had no money and
no food at Thanksgiving and it's probably the most profound

experience of my life because you know, all my fathers
had talked about you know, no one cares about anybody else,
and you know, we're in it by ourselves and we're
on the other side of the tracks and all those
stories which kind of felt true in the environment I
grew up in. But someone delivered food to our house
on Thanksgiving. I don't just mean food. And it was
a knock on the door and this I answered the door,
as this guy with two giant bags of groceries and

a empty frozen turkey on the ground and a pot,
and said, is your father here? And I mean we
wouldn't have starred, we'd had crackers and peanut butter. But
on Thanksgiving, you know, it's magnified when you don't have
a big meal when everybody else does. And it changed
my life because it wasn't the food that changed my life.
It's like I hold from that that strangers care, and
if strangers care about me, I want to care about strangers.

And it, you know, left in doubible mark. When I
was seventeen, I've had two families, and then four and
then eight, and as years got by, I got to
a million people. And then about eight years ago I
was writing this book called money Master, the Game where
I interviewed fifty of the most successful investors in history.
You know Ray Dalue's car icons, warm buffets, and and
you know they're all multi billionaires. And I saw that

Congress cut food stamps they now call it the Snap
program by six billion dollars, so every family that actually
needs food would have to give up a week's with
the food every month unless people I got step in.
And so I called my team and said, how many
people have I fad in my lifetime? I'd never kept tracking.
It was forty two million people, So I was really
proud of it. What if I did fifty million a
yeard as much as I did in my whole life

in a year, And then I like, what if I
did one hundred million a year? What if I do
one hundred million year for ten years and fed a
billion meals? I'm proud to tell you I did in
eight years. We finished it last year, and now I'm
doing a hundred billion meal challenge. But all those things
helped to shape who I was. And then I went
to a seminar. I'm never heard of a seminar. I
was working for this man on the weekends. I was
still in junior high school and I was moving things

for him and I was a tough worker and my parents,
my father had said, you know, that guy used to
be such a loser and now he's so successful. How come?
And so he took me to lunch and he said,
you know, you're such a hard worker. You know, I
want to talk to you a little bit. And I
said you might have asked some question then. I you know,
I wasn't being harsh. I didn't realize what I was saying.
I said. My dad said it used to be such
a loser. I said, what you know? But he goes,

I guess it's true. And he said I went to
this seminar And I said what's a seminar? And he said,
this man takes decades of his life and hours him
a four or five hours and teaches you the best
of what he's learned and saved to you a few decades.
And I was like, I like to do that. Could
you get me in? He said sure, and then he
didn't say any more. So I said will you? And
he said no? And I said, well why not? And
he said, because if you don't investin it, you won't

value it. So I said, how much is it? And
this is nineteen seventy seven, right, So he said it's
thirty five dollars. I'd be like two hundred and fifty
bucks to day in US and with inflation, and I
was making forty dollars a week as a janitor, right,
says like to me, it was the biggest decision in
my life. But I made this decision. I went to
the seminar, I listened to this man's speak, and I
was on fire. And I eventually went to work for

him and learned to speak and do things and expand
and I learned skills on how to turn people around
very quickly using some various tools and neuralinguistic program and
Ericsonian work. And then I started working with sports teams
and the mother Teresa and Nelson Mandel, the presidents, and
it just grew and grew and grew.

Speaker 2 (08:06):
And nat Tony Tony was that Jim Ron? Jim Jim Ron?
And what was it about him that really like stuck
with you like that for the first light bulb?

Speaker 1 (08:18):

Speaker 5 (08:19):
Did you model your style after him?

Speaker 1 (08:21):
Well? No, our styles are radically different, but I had
an enormous respect. Come I can do his style, but
it's not me as much. Lower tempo. And he's a philosopher.
I love philosophy and strategy, but what got me with
him was some simple philosophies, like, you know, for things
to change, you got to change the things get better,
You got to get better, you know. And that probably
the greatest gift he gave me was one time I

went to him and I said, you know, I have
four fathers, they're all good people. How come you know
we don't have any money? How come we didn't have
any food, you know? And and I was I was
lamenting about how you know, these teachers only make I
think it was thirty five thousand dollars back then, and
this hedge fund guy made a billion dollars, and how
unfair it is. And he said, Tony, well, let me
let me give you a little lesson. He said, we're

all equal as souls, but we're not equal in the marketplace.
I said, what does that mean? He said, well, you
have to become more valuable in order to be able
to earn more. And he said, so let's start with McDonald's.
He says, nothing wrong with McDonald's, but those basic jobs
at McDonald's where people get minimum pay. There's a reason.
It's because anyone can do that job. Anyone can learn

it in a few hours, so you don't get much
for it. But he said, your school teachers, you know,
if they were willing to be paid for performance, they
could earn a lot more. But he said, at all
your school teachers, I'm sure you've said some great ones,
how many were great? And I named two or three
and he goes, out of all your teachers, he said,
and they only worked with thirty five people, right, He said,
you know this hedge fun guy. People in those days

were getting like six percent, not you know, the recent
years used to be three and two and three. And
he said, you know, he got forty eight percent returns
in the last three years. And those are people's pensions,
that's the that's their kids going to college, that's all
though those things. So he's worth it, he said. So
here's what you need to do. Instead of comparing yourself
to other people, he said, find a way every day

to become more You need to become more valuable in
the marketplace. Figure out what skills, what abilities you're passionate about.
And he said, your entire focus has got to be
on adding more value, do more for other people than
anybody else in your category, over and over again, and
you'll build a brand, and you'll never have to worry
about anything in your life, and you'll enjoy your life.
And so that's been a guiding principle. And I have
a one hundred and fourteen companies now, and we do

over seven billion dollars in business, and all these different
industries I'm a part of and I have no business background,
but the one thing that is the base of all
those is I'm obsessed with doing more for others than
anybody else in the category. And when you do that
over and over again, those companies, you know, grow. So
that philosophy shape my life.

Speaker 5 (10:44):
What about going back to the forefathers? How did that work?

Speaker 4 (10:48):
Whether were the forefathers? There's there's a word play in
there for something.

Speaker 3 (10:52):
I don't know if your next book want to be
called my Forefathers and sort of play on that.

Speaker 5 (10:56):
All he wants to kind out you can have it.

Speaker 3 (10:58):
You can have it, Just just.

Speaker 5 (11:02):
That that's not a good to invest.

Speaker 3 (11:05):
But as far as that went for you, so it's
an interest. I'm just a dynamic of that. Saying that
they were all great men. Did they all have an
influence on you, one boy or another? Were they all
in your life?

Speaker 4 (11:16):
Like, how did that cause you speak? You speak as them?
If it's like an entity.

Speaker 1 (11:21):
Well, yeah, no, it's just because you know they weren't
They weren't all at once. They well they were at once,
but individually there were our husbands, you know. So my
natural father was a parking attendant in downtown Los Angeles,
and he was He was not a bad man. He
was an alcoholic, but not a mean alcoholic. He didn't
beat me up or anything like that. He just went
in his own world. And you know, if you can
imagine just being underground taking people's tickets all day long

that now you know a machine does That was him
for forty years, and so I think a lot of
what I did not want to become was based on
my mom's view of him and then leaving him. So
I was like, I'm not going to be that way.
But he was a good man. My second father, Art
was his uncle or his cousins. My mom kept it
in the family, and he was more of an artistic

type and a mechanic and very different, but didn't have
much impact on me. Other than physical discipline, you know,
speaking that kind of stuff. And then the one that
influenced me the most there was Bob, who was very brief.
My mom was married to him before I was born,
and then he would enter it out of our life.
He was somebody that I found aspirational. He owned his
own gym, he learned to file a small airplane. He

was a really nice guy. But the one affected meals
was Jim Robbinson. He adopted me and he was my
fourth father, and he was a former semi pro baseball player.
He looked kind of like Tom Jones when Tom Jones
was very popular. We had a no house, crappy house,
no money for food, but he had a brand new
Cadillac convertible, so you get the idea. I earned his

love to sports, and I always wanted to play sports
my mom. We didn't have any money, and my mom
didn't want me to get hurt because I was so small,
believe or not. I was five to one in high
school on six to seven now. So I tell people
difference is personal growth. Of course, right, did you have
sub siblings? So yeah, I have a younger brother five
years younger younger sister seven years younger, so we you know,

I kind of was the father of the family so
to speak, because husbands left, you know, I took the
responsibility each time, so it helped me grow and I'm.

Speaker 4 (13:19):
Grateful for Yeah.

Speaker 3 (13:20):
No, I know, I mean that sort of doesn't sound
I mean, I'm sure there was hardship, obviously, but it's
it's sort of the basis of sort of of. I
guess what you're teaching is how to sort of get
through these hardships, how to how to not let them
stop you, you know, because I'm sure you're well read.
I don't know if you're an actual psychologist, but how
much does psychology come into play when you are giving

these motivational speeches or these seminars, because some people are
just stuck no matter what the hell they hear tools.

Speaker 2 (13:50):
I mean, I think the thing that separates Tony from
a lot of motivational speakers is that is the access
to actual strategy and tools.

Speaker 1 (14:00):
I've never seen myself as a motivator. When people see
an audience of you know, fifteen thousand pets from the
stadium and they're jumping and so forth, that's what they
get in their head. But it's just creating energy because
you know what to be like you. Most people won't
sit for a three hour movie someone spent three hundred
million dollars for. And I take people twelve hours a day,
five days or seven days. Some got dragged there initially,
and in order to get them that, you have to

make time disappear. You have to make it so enjoyable
while they're transforming and so impactful that you know, you know,
hours go by and it feels like minutes. You know,
when you hate what you're experiencing, a minute feels like eternity.
Time is emotion, right, so you know mine is more.
It's more strategy. And the strategies give people very specifical results.
And so that's how I built my career. I built

my career by challenging psychiatrists and psychologists say give me
your worst patient, and I'll have it right here, right now.
I'll wipe this problem out in fifteen minutes to thirty minutes.
And I started in Canada and Vancouver, and I got
on this radio show and I launched like this, and
this one psychiatrist made my entire career because he got
on a at me and I never met me. And
you're a liar. You're a Charlattan. People like you shouldn't

be allowed on the radio. And my response was, well, sir,
have you ever met me? No? Have you ever met
my clients?

Speaker 4 (15:09):

Speaker 1 (15:10):
Well, I said, are you a scientist? Just of course
I'm a physician. I said, well, I know a scientist
would never ask soume such a thing, so you must
be standing a hypothesis. So let's test a free event
at the holiday end tomorrow night, seven o'clock. Anyone listening
can come. And I said, I suggest you bring me
one of your patients, bring me somebody you've never been
able to cure. I'm sure you have plenty of those,

because you want to be tough. I could be tough
right back, and I was playful. And guy said, we
all have people aren't ready to change yet. And I said,
that's funny. I haven't found any. Of course, I have
done four therapies at that point in my whole life.
But it created this drama. And in those days it
was the beginning of my career. I'd get like fifty
people to show up for a free guest event. Well
five hundred people showed up. See the shootout of Okay

Corral between me and this psychiatrist. And then do you
guys do this before you meet somebody, if you meet
him on the phoney, I met him in person. I
don't know. I always make a picture of what they
look like.

Speaker 4 (16:02):
Yeah, yeah, okay, Oh be there.

Speaker 1 (16:06):
I'm picturing this huge guy with a scared woman on
his arm, and I'm looking around the room. And in
those days, I have a big staff or anything. I'm
introducing myself, so nobody matched the picture. The room is
so packed that the fire department comes in, they'll shut
me down. People are standing along the walls, and so
I said, I'm Tony Robbins. I'm here to show you
ways to change in minutes that you might think take
months or years. Without hyperbole, I'm going to do some demonstrations.

And then the side door burst open like a movie,
and this five foot one guy comes fuck after and
he stands right in front of me while I'm speaking
the audience, and I turned the audience and I said,
it look like I have a visitor. And I go
to shake his hand and he wouldn't shake my hand.
He was here's the woman. So I took this woman.
She had has snake phobia, which you've ever seen a phobia.
It's an uncontrollable response to a stimulus. Well, she would

go to sleep at night and she'd have dream that
a snake would bite her on the face, and the
adrenaline would push through her body and she'd wake up
four or five times a night. He'd been treating her
seven years. So I said, oh, that's taking me ten
or fifteen minutes, right, So it took me about twenty.
At first, I showed how dramatic it was. I said,
even about snakes, and she started freaking out and spitting
and shaking. I calmed her down, and then at the

end of it, I reached back and yelled snake. She
had no reaction. I said, Wow, what a difference. And
then I went behind her and I had this table
back here and I pulled this bag and the bag's
moving and the audience is seeing it. Just a little
gardener snake. I pick up a snake and put it
in front of her, and she did pull back, but
she didn't scream or shake or spit. And I was like, ma'am,
how do you feel about snakes? And she goes, they're
not very attractive or you couldn't even think of a

snake without going crazy. Now it's right here in front
of you. I said, how'd you like to hold it?
She goes, it's not very attractive, and the audience starts
going hold it. So she grabs the snake starts to squeeze.
I said, don't kill it, And that really began my career, Tony.

Speaker 2 (18:00):
What do you think in all of your experience you
work with so many people, like what is the attachment
to these types of fears or phobias?

Speaker 3 (18:09):
Like is is it is? Meaning?

Speaker 2 (18:13):
Like I should say, what is the breakthrough to get
through those things that you find? Because we can sit
and unpack everything.

Speaker 6 (18:21):
You're talking about specifically like lying in this, like this
flying U fear self worth, like all those things that
are holding you back like you know, you know, like
he said, give me twenty minutes, give me an hour,
you know, and and we can see the shifts, like
what do you think it is in our brain that

that makes us hold on to these thoughts that we've
created for us?

Speaker 3 (18:45):
That's right, And there's no way in twenty minutes you
could make me feel good about myself. It's my lack
of self love and self worth is fucking strong. I
went to the Hoffman Institute and they cracked me for
a minute.

Speaker 1 (18:58):
You know what I mean, But sounds like it sounds
like it's your trophy hanging.

Speaker 3 (19:01):
On to That's that's right exactly, that's a narrative that
I've created.

Speaker 1 (19:07):
Well, the answer your question in my experience is, you know,
we all our brains after they're two million years old,
and they've evolved slowly, and there's a survival part of
our brain, which is what most people run their life on.
And the survival part is always looking for what can
harm you. And it was designed to look for a
saber tooth tiger so you could fight, or you could flight,
you could run or freeze and hopefully not be seen.
But today people have that same reaction to what somebody

wrote about them in social media, whether they have enough
money or not. And you know, even those that are
poor in this country, and I help those people obviously
have about one hundred million meals each year, do a
lot of other things. But honestly, you know, in this country,
poor is very different than poor in India or somewhere else.
I mean you really, it's it's not the same. So
those survival instincts take over and so you have to
do is you have to get people out of the

survival mechanism and get into their consciousness and show them
how they can condition themselves to make that change quickly
when the fear shows up. A lot of it is conditioning,
you know. It's like one time, learning something happened freaked
you out in that moment, and you saw the bridge,
and now bridges freak you out every time you think
of it. And so that's why one time interventions can
also do the same thing. And most people don't believe that.

But the good news is I've been doing it, you know,
for this my forty seventh year. And you know, I
did this documentary a few years about a decade ago
on Netflix called Tony Robbins, I'm Not Your Guru, And
you know we did follow up on those people ten
years later, and now I've trained therapists all over the
world and we have hundreds of these interventions that we've done. Well,
you can see what I did in real time. I
didn't know what they're going to do, and then you

get to see them three years later, five years later
and see that the change is lasting.

Speaker 2 (20:37):
Do you ever get burnt out?

Speaker 1 (20:40):
Well, sure, physically, I get burned out. I don't get
burned out emotionally because I love what I do and
I love people. I love my family. It's pretty hard,
you know. All I got to do is make I'm
a walk down the street. It's just like you. I mean,
you got to stop, I'm sure every day of your life.
But people thank me because they you know, they say
I changed their life. That's the number one thing. And
I'm I didn't do it, They did it.

Speaker 4 (20:58):
I was reminded me of that.

Speaker 3 (21:00):
Let me ask a question. How much is the message?
How much is is it the message? And how much
is it the delivery of the message, Because obviously you
have an incredible knack for the delivery of the message.
If it was some random dude sort of saying the
same shit that you're saying, but has no delivery, it's
not going to have the impact.

Speaker 1 (21:20):
Well, that's a great question. Stanford came to me during
the you know, the middle of the pandemic, and they
had two of their professors that went to my date
with Destiny Seminars, a five day seminari I do once
a year. They were both clinically depressed. They both left
with no science. Clinical depression got rid of their drugs.
And so the guys at Stanford called and said, this
is unbelievable. We never say like this. You know what

data do you have? And I said, well, I've got
millions of clients and testimonials and stories. They said about
like scientific data. I said that would never done a study.
If you want to do one, I'd love to. And
so what do you want to do it on? And
they said depression because obviously during the pandemic, you know,
I'm sure you saw suicides went to the roof, drug
overdoses when through the roof. And I said, okay, well
what are we comparing too? What are the meta studies

show through traditional interventions for depression? And it's really depressing.
Sixty percent of the people of depression who go in
for drug therapy and or cognitive or some form of therapy,
sixty percent don't improve at all. Forty percent improve and
the average improvement is fifty percent, So they're half is depressed. Now,
some people get better, but so small. Most people say

on those SSRIs forever. And about a year and a
half ago, I'm sure you saw the covered Newsweek show
that SSRIs don't even work. We know they don't work,
and we still sell millions of them every single day.
I'm on them.

Speaker 4 (22:34):
I'm on twenty milligrams of lexapro.

Speaker 1 (22:37):
Really yeah, yeah, yeah yeah.

Speaker 3 (22:39):
I tried to get I tried to wean off of it,
and I did properly, yes, and I went back into
it was it wasn't for depression, it was anxiety having
I fucking fell back in as I was a lout
of my mind and trying to fight through it, trying
to use other methods. And then I had to get back.
I had to go to work, I had to do
a job.

Speaker 4 (22:59):
I was like, I can't function.

Speaker 1 (23:00):
I have to go back on you know, well, as
you know, there are lots of side effects to them
as well that aren't so happy. And just think of
it this way. We don't experience life. We experience the
life we focus on. So in a moment, you can
create anxiety if you change your focus to certain things.
In another moment, like you could be at you could
be at a funeral with someone you love and everyone's

crying and then someone talks about some moment about the
deceased that's funny, and you go from crying to laughing instantaneously.
So you have a habit in the way you perceive
the world right now that controls your quote unquant anxiety.
It's not yours. By the way, The first thing I
do is I get rid of the word you are,
because when you got it becomes your identity and it
locks you hypnotically into the place. But I'll just tell

you what they proved. I said, Okay, what's the best
study you've ever done? And you might like the best
study they did it Johns Hopkins, and they gave people
psilocybin for thirty days.

Speaker 3 (23:53):
I interviewed Matt Johnson, Johnson, the guy who runs Yeah, yeah, yeah,
But I was I was a question I was going
to have, how you feel about sort of the psilocybin
plant medicine therapies these days academy.

Speaker 1 (24:07):
I'll answer that for four you as well. But that
study is I'm sure you know they did cognitive therapy
and psilocybin for thirty days. And I said, well, I
don't know what the result is, but you've been have
gotten something out of that, and you change somebody's bio
chemistry that much, And it was the best result they've
ever seen in the history of psychiatry up until that
point six weeks afterwards, fifty four percent of the people

had no symptoms of depression. So it's much better in
SSRIs obviously, but it's not legal in most parts of
the world, right in the country, so nothing's really happened
with it. So I said, well, why don't you use
that study to compare to ours. We'll use no drugs,
we'll do five days, not thirty days, and you can
test the result. The results guys were so dramatic that
they were afraid of being canceled before they published it,

so they sent and blind out to three different organizations
all the data. It all came back to the same.
Wasn't that hard? One hundred percent of people six weeks
later after the five day program with no drugs had
no version of it whatsoever. Ession better than that. Seventeen
percent of people they put in had suicidal ideation. Zero
had suicidal ideation. And then they followed up eleven months later.
They're going to do twelve months, but then COVID was

ending and people are going back to home, and they
had all these perfect statistics, so they did eleven months later.
Eleven months later, no depression with no interaction. You mean whatsoever? Again?
Not only none of that, but their negative emotions overall
were down seventy two percent, their positive was up fifty
one percent. And now they just did a one year
study that just ended in December on you know businesses.

Their level of engagement has changed obviously since COVID. So
it's about quiet quitting versus you know, put quitting versus engagement.
And all I know is in the first all the
numbers that they've ever had for engagement have gone through
the floor, the worst in history during COVID, and in
five days we reversed not only all the results but
got them better than they ever were before. And for

six months after they had kept climbing without any further talking.
So the reason that works to answer your question is
they took my same content. I guy from Stanford who's
one of the top professors, most popular professors, teach the
exact same content and he got pretty wonderful results for
about thirty days and then it dropped off the side.
What was the difference. Difference is the things that I

do change people's biochemistry, and so there's something they've measured.
They followed me for the same group, followed me for
three years, and they had me wear this sixty thousand
dollars device that measures heartright, veriability and everything else. During
the breaks, they take my saliva, they take you in
my blood and see what's happening. And they found that
I have something that I do every time I'm on stage,

that the same thing Tom Brady does and many other
athletes they've measured. And Tom Brady was down in the
fourth quarter, you know, very much like the last Super
Bowl for Kansas City, and he comes back to win,
and he's only got two minutes to do it. How's
he do it? Well? He goes into this biochemistry where
his testosterone surges, I mean peeks, which puts you in
this focused place where everything is retained. If I said,

where were you on nine to eleven? You both can
tell me where you were, who you saw? Where were
you on eight to eleven? You don't know the difference
is of motion tied to information sticks with you, right.
So when you have a testosterone search, everything gets absorbed.
But usually with testosterone you also get cortisol. That's the
stress hormone. But what happens to Tom and me and
others like us at that peak performance is the cortisol

drops through the floor. So all you love is this
focus not doesn't guarantee success, but it increases your probability
one hundredfold. The best part was they started then studying
my audience, and then we went digital, because you can imagine,
suddenly overnight I was doing stadiums. You know, for years
of fifteen twenty thousand people COVID, everything's shut down, the
stadiums are over. You put one hundred people in the stadium. Well,

you can't do that. So then I figured we'll move
to Vegas. They'll never shut Vegas. Well they shut down Baka.
It's like movie theaters. Ten people in a movie theater,
they shut down the frickin movie theater. So I built
five thousand score foot studio and twenty foot I led
screens zero point sixty seven, highest resolution in the world,
and I said, we're going to find a way to
do this people for people in their homes. So I
now do them literally in every country the world, one

hundred ninety three countries. I just did a seminar for
one point one million people for four days. And what's
amazing is they've gone into these countries and measure them
and they do the exact same. It looks like music.
As I go into this state, so does the audience.
And that's why eleven months later, the result is still
stuck in their body because it isn't just content, it
is strategy, but it's also absorbed in their nervous system.

Speaker 3 (28:25):
How much how much do you have to how much
do you have to sort of, you know, turn off
your entrepreneurial brain and keep to your roots. Not to
say you are not that is your path, but obviously
you are an entrepreneur and it is a business for you.
And this business is crushing, you know, from a monetary standpoint,
but also changing lives, you know, I mean, do you

ever have to sit back and try to balance those
two things in your mind?

Speaker 1 (28:51):
Because in the beginning, you know, I have no business background.
The beginning, it's just like I realized my ideas were
going to die on my lips. I was more of
an artist, you know. It's like, this is my art
helping people in this way, and yet my art, you know,
I had to put on an art show if I
wanted to see more than one person at a time,
and then I had to hire people. And I wasn't
good at me of those things. But I got good
because it was a mission for me. But you know,

I did it when I was near bankrupt. I did
it when I do well. I mean two thousand and eight,
you know, I didn't have like I do now in
one hundred and fourteen companies, but I had about, oh
what I guess about fourteen companies at that time, and
you know it was brutal. I almost went bankrupt in
the middle of those pieces. So but I did it
because it's my love, it's my passion. I'll do it
as long as I possibly can. But I've learned to
get good in business too, because I love solving problems

and I love creating value in people's lives. So to me,
they're not really separated. It's all about how do you
maximize the quality of life for people? And anything I do,
there's no company I'm involved in that isn't something that
i'm I don't sell widgets or do things like that.
It's like it's like, you know, stem cells for example,
or ahi. It's the things that I think make a
difference in the quality of life. And so that gives

you so much energy when you're seeing that kind of impact.

Speaker 3 (29:58):

Speaker 2 (30:06):
Well, and now your newest book, but fully grail of investing.
I mean, now you're tackling one thing that is on
everybody's mind. I have a little bit of a theory
on this, and let me know what you think about this,
because I somehow feel like the digital world has got
everybody thinking like I have to be an entrepreneur, I

have to be someone building something. I have to be
a leader, and leaders look like this, and for me,
I think leadership looks so different. It has so many
different faces, and people are chasing this concept that is
not always the most reachable for certain types of people, personalities, craftsman's.

Speaker 5 (30:51):
When you say look like this, I mean physically, No, No,
I mean I.

Speaker 2 (30:54):
Mean in terms of the perception like, oh, I need
to run a business. Well, not everybody's built to actually
run the business. Some people are built to be the
creator in the business, to be us on the street
salesperson like some people are great salesmen, some people are
great innovators. But leadership has sort of lost. It's become

this concept that I think is really unreachable to so
many people, and I think it's causing a great amount
of stress in the young. Young children. They have this
concept of significance like if I don't do something significant,
then what am I?

Speaker 1 (31:31):
Yeah, it's social media driven that as too well now,
and that's the biggest challenge because people don't even project
what's correct, right. They put a filter on everything, they
make it better than it is. And that's why there's
so much depression, especially in young girls, because on top
of that, we have these stupid standards that are completely
different men versus women, that are unattainable. And yet these
girls then think I'm not enough as they see this.

The more they watch this stuff, it's foot unfortunate. But
I think I agree with you as far as leadership
becomes in so many different forms. Some people are leaders
in intellectually, some people are leaders emotionally. Some people are
leaders in the way they structure things, And I think
the illusion that it's one way. I talk about the
three types of leaders. Actually there's the artist, which is
really what I am. Quite honestly. I learned to be

an entrepreneur because I wanted my art to be reached
by a very large number of people, and you know,
there's no real way to do it. There wasn't an
industry for me that could just distribute, so I had
to create my own distribution. But artists are people that
want to do things just because they fall in love
with the customer. They want to give them the best experience.
They want their life is that it's not the money.
And of course they want to earn money like anybody does.

But if they have to choose money versus their integrity,
there's zero question they're going for this. Then there's those
that are more like a manager leader. They love to
manage people and processes and they love that and they're
great at that. And then there are people they're all entrepreneurial.
But there's people that are entrepreneurs, entrepreneurs, pure entrepreneurs. You know,
they're just in it for the results. You know, they're
in it to build something and sell it. An artists

that I don't ever even think of selling their company.
An entrepreneurs sell their company a bet for the right price.
So I'm really the artist, to be honest with you.
But I became an entrepreneur in order to have the
impact that I wanted to have. But I surround myself
with pure entrepreneurs a lot of times because I'll overdo
everything because you know, I want to just so over deliver.
But coming to the economics. What I really think is

missing in our society is we did not teach young
people how to appreciate and take advantage of the American
enterprise system that we have. You don't have to be
a business owner. All you have to do is stop
being a consumer. So I'll give you the most simplistic example.
And you know we're all trained to be consumers. The
other day I was talking to this group of young people.
I was saying, how am I going to get through

to them on this? And so I said, how do
you guys have an iPhone? I did my homework in advance.
I thought about it the night before. They all raise
their head. I said, when you have more than one iPhone?
Over the years, you've had more than one. They all
raise their head and I all but like two kids.
And I said, okay, well I've had iPhone since the
very beginning. You guys have iPhones? Yeah, okay, so I
bought them since the very beginning two thousands se and
I have the first iPhone. I just got a new

one for a year. Like most people been around long
enough to do that. Well, if you add it all up,
well you actually I found the exact prices as they
came out of it, and it's twenty thousand, three hundred
dollars you would have spent on iPhones now if you
bought the stock of Apple, if you stop being a
damn consumer and for a moment said I'm going to
be an owner, and you bought the first iPhone was

six hundred and fifty seven dollars with change with tax,
and you bought Apple at that point, what it was
six hundred and fifty seven dollars WOU get for you?
And I did that all the way through to now
it's wheth two hundred and six thousand dollars. Yeah, So
it's like kids today think socialism is great. I went
to the Soviet Union when I was twenty three years old.
I was brought over because of the firewalk, and I
got to see it is not equal at all. I

was on a train going from Moscow to to the
far side of the country and back, and I was
traveling these people and having caviar. And then we'd stop
on the train in the city and there'd be a
line a quarter of a mile long around the building,
people standing in the freezing colts that'd get a quart
of milk and half a loaf of bread. So our
world has no I taught young people what's possible other

than you got to look good, be the best, be
the leader, you know, be an influencer, and unfortunately that's
getting exhausted. And so you see a lot of people
doing the opposite, saying, you know, I'm going to quiet quitting,
I'm do the minimum. I don't need to hustle on
the side. We've going from one extreme to the other, and.

Speaker 5 (35:16):
Quiet quitting is sort of the new buzzword.

Speaker 4 (35:18):
I've been hearing it.

Speaker 5 (35:19):
Yeah, the quiet Yeah, yeah, what does it mean? What
is quiet meaning? Like you're quitting life, You're just fucking
giving up?

Speaker 1 (35:28):
Well pretty much. But what they do is is I
don't need to work so hard. I'm going to do
the minimum out of work where I don't lose my job.
I'm not gonna I don't need to be so responsive
to my boss. So I'm not going to quit, but
I'm quietly I am quitting. I'm still getting paid. And
they're loud quitting, which is people that try to destroy
the company before they leave to try to put another job.
And these are really terrible patterns that have come in

extreme to people feel only got to hustle every moment,
and now with inflation, they're going like, I need eleven
thousand dollars for the average family more per year to
buy the same stuff. So what they haven't learned is
how to be more productive, you know, when they ask
more and Buffett, how do you feel about inflation? Aren't
you panicked?

Speaker 4 (36:06):
And he said no.

Speaker 1 (36:07):
He said it's not going to stay at eight percent inflation.
But if it did, all you got to be is
ten percent more productive, and you can be fine. And
he said, you work about the currency, and you're a
great lawyer or doctor or speaker or podcaster, and we
have shekels, you'll get the most shekels. It's really about
adding value. Once again, the same principles we talked about.

Speaker 2 (36:25):
Tony. You have one hundred and forty one businesses.

Speaker 5 (36:28):
No, forty one fourteen, one hundred and fourteen.

Speaker 6 (36:32):
That's us.

Speaker 2 (36:33):
I was gonna say, one hundred and forty one.

Speaker 3 (36:34):
Is I get another one?

Speaker 4 (36:37):
I got to pitch for another business.

Speaker 2 (36:39):
If you recognize quiet quitting in your teams, if you
recognize even loud quitters in your teams, or someone who
is sort of like maybe it may be possible that
they go move in that direction. What's your what do
you do? How do you communicate?

Speaker 1 (37:00):
We're you know, we don't leave anything on seid. We
pull people aside and we coach them right away, and
we say, listen, if this isn't the right place for you,
the demands are too strong, it's okay. But if you
want to go to the next level, we'd like to
coach you, and we'd like to understand what your goals
are and what your dreams are. The second study that's
I told you about, the year long study, was done
on quiet quitting, and after five days we turned it

around for people from all walks of life. What they're
really missing is what I call a compelling future. And
like anyone can deal with the difficult today if they've
got a compelling tomorrow, right. But these days, kids are
taught you know that the whole world's going to disappear
in twelve years because if environmental disaster, which is total bullshit.
I mean, we have to deal with the environment, but
the world's not going away in twelve So I'm not

going to have a child. I can't do anything. There's
no future. It's not their fault. They're immersed in this
every day, over and over again. Totally. You know, Kitler
said to I, big enough, loud enough, long enough, people
will believe you. And boy, with social media and media today,
we certainly do that. And we all know negativity cells
for that mental bias we talked about. Right, it's like
it leads, It leads as in journalism, right, why because

the brain reacts. And by the way, if you click
on you know that.

Speaker 2 (38:08):
The brain loves it.

Speaker 1 (38:10):
Brain am I shot anger you, I get you more engaged,
you know, I on that thing. Even if the title
it's clickbait, it doesn't match the article. I still get
paid if you click it. So yeah, they're not bad people.

Speaker 5 (38:22):
They're just how many times you click an article and
it has nothing to do with what the headline?

Speaker 2 (38:26):
Well, I mean, you're talking to me. I can't even
tell you how many times I've sat in interviews where
someone just read the headline.

Speaker 5 (38:32):
Oh yeah, and I'm like, I don't even know what.

Speaker 2 (38:34):
You're talking about. What are you talking about? They're like, well,
it's said in the thing, and I'm like, oh no,
that has nothing to do with anything that I said.

Speaker 3 (38:43):
Actually, interesting, where is your take on sort of misinformation?

Speaker 1 (38:47):
These days?

Speaker 3 (38:48):
The access to misinformation is sort of essentially you're yelling
fire in a theater. Now, as the first Amendment, that
was the amendment of the first Amendment where you free
speech until that. Now it seems like the theater is
social media, and there you can create theaters.

Speaker 4 (39:03):
Of thousands of people to yell fire in.

Speaker 1 (39:07):
And even government just did that two days ago when
they came out and said, oh, we have this huge emergency.
You know you should be fearful of a don't panic,
but we're not going to tell you what it is.
And it was it was just not true, right, It's
something that's been going on, they've known about for years.
It was just designed to scare people so that they
could pass those the money for Ukraine, and you might
support them with saying money Ukraine. But it's a really

bad technique. But they found through what they did with
COVID and many other things, fear controls people if you
have enough fear there. So it's it's extremely unfortunate. But
also the problem is when you try to curtail quote misinformation,
who makes that decision, right, So now you end up
with large bodies of information being controlled for their interests.

So it's it's a difficult thing. And what we have
to de young people is how to think critically. It's
not about not having there's always been misinformation.

Speaker 4 (39:56):
Always right now, it's just there's just so many avenues and.

Speaker 2 (40:00):
Hoping that we can always have access to all kinds
of information as well.

Speaker 1 (40:05):
You know.

Speaker 2 (40:06):
Yeah, you know what, Tony, We're gonna we're gonna break
this up into two parts. There's so much to talk about.

Speaker 5 (40:12):
We love talking to you, Yeah, we don't.

Speaker 4 (40:15):
Let's be a three hour episode.

Speaker 3 (40:17):
So we need to break it up because what you're
saying is too I don't know, it's too important.

Speaker 2 (40:22):
Well, and all this financial insight is to me like
I wish people. Actually, well no, you just don't learn
this in school. Younger generation aren't prepared for this. So
I think this is very important. So let's let's reconvene
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