All Episodes

March 7, 2024 32 mins

Motivational Coach and Best Selling Author Tony Robbins is known world-wide for spreading positivity, and practical advice on how to live a better life. But the multi-millionaire says his upbringing was far from fortunate. A mother battling addiction, several step-dads, and even times of hunger at home...Tony steered himself and his siblings through the toughest times. Find out what single event changed his life forever, what he says is the trick to becoming wealthy, and why he says he can fix depression faster than any meds on the market.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
Hi. I am Kate Hudson and my name is Oliver Hudson.

Speaker 2 (00:08):
We wanted to do something that highlighted our.

Speaker 1 (00:11):
Relationship and what it's like to be siblings. We are
a sibling. Revalry.

Speaker 2 (00:21):
No, no, sibling. You don't do that with your mouth. Revelry.
That's good. Hello, revelers, revel nation.

Speaker 1 (00:42):
We are back. Tony Robbs welcome.

Speaker 2 (00:48):
Honestly, he's the best, and so let's just let's just
bell right back into it. Okay, you've been doing this
for so long I mean you, how many years now?

Speaker 1 (00:58):
I mean.

Speaker 3 (00:59):

Speaker 2 (01:00):
And it's like, do you find that it's getting harder
to reach people? No, you think there's more people that
are willing and ready to make different choices.

Speaker 1 (01:12):
It's almost life easier. People are like searching for identity now.
They want to learn who they are.

Speaker 2 (01:17):
I think well and anxiety depression, you know, suicidal ideation
is more relevant and expansive now than it's ever been.

Speaker 3 (01:29):
Well, people usually reach out to me in one of
two areas. They're either the best in the world, that's something.
They always reach out to me because they know, you know,
I can learn a little thing, a little ten degree
shift in my life take it out a month from now,
a week from now, six months from now, they have
a totally different destination or destiny or result. So people
like that are always hungry. So who comes to me
if somebody's hungry. They're hungry because they're the best, or

they're hungry because there's a pain in their life, or
there's something new. They had a birthday with a zero,
they're going through a divorce, they got an empty nest,
they've been doing something for twenty years successfully in other
bored out of their mind, and it doesn't matter. They
want something more. When see people are hungry, that's when
they reach out. And there's a lot of hunger in
the world all over because people know a standard education

won't get you anything anymore. A standardication sched you standard results,
which most humans don't want. So you got to have
an extraordinary education. You have to be self educated. You
have to pursue it. And that's also why I'm coming back.
You mentioned the Holy Grail. I want to mention that
because that book, I've written three financial books. It's trilogy
and never intended to be a trilogy. I was pissed
off because I saw it happen in two thousand and eight,

and I've worked with Paul Truder Jones, one of the
top ten financial traders in the history of the world,
for now twenty five years. I guess a little more
than that, and so I knew what had happened. I
knew what was going on, and it made me crazy.
This small number of people almost destroyed the world economy
and the way we punish them within a few years,
as we gave them more money. It was just like,
what's the matter? So I was like, Okay, I'm only

one person, but I do have one gift. I have
access because of the work. I do have access to
the most powerful people in the world. I'm going to
give you fifty of the smartest financial people in the world,
the Ray Values, the carl Icons, the Warren Buffets, and
I'm going to find out of this game can still
be wonders. It totally rigged, and I interviewed them. I
spent four years on the project. I wrote this seven
and fifty eight page book, which came number one New

York Times bestseller and still is the best selling financial
book of the last two decades. So I'm really proud
of it. But then I wrote Unshakable second book two
years later, because I knew everyone's going to forget all
that the minute the market drops, and the market's always dropped,
there's always a bear market. I didn't know when I
didn't know it's going to be COVID. So I prepared
people for that, and I thought I was done, And
then what's happened is, you know, one of the people

that I work with is Ray Value. He is the
most successful hedge fund trader in history.

Speaker 2 (03:40):
I just got his book.

Speaker 4 (03:42):
Yeah good, he's got which one?

Speaker 2 (03:44):
The latest one?

Speaker 4 (03:47):
What is on the New World Order?

Speaker 2 (03:49):
The New World Order?

Speaker 3 (03:50):

Speaker 2 (03:50):

Speaker 3 (03:51):
So he's brilliant. It's one of the smartest people that
I've been in the business fifty years. And one day
I said to him, you know, you know, I spent
like thirteen hours preparing for a thirty minute interview that
went four hours.

Speaker 4 (04:00):
He and I really got into it and became friends.

Speaker 3 (04:02):
So I said, out of all the principles I've ever
learned from you, if there's only one principle that would
guarantee financial success long.

Speaker 4 (04:09):
Term, what would it be?

Speaker 3 (04:11):
He said, Tony, how' wrestled with that for twenty years,
And he said, I can tell you the Holy Grail
of investing, that's the title of the book.

Speaker 4 (04:17):
It comes from him.

Speaker 3 (04:18):
Is this. Everybody wants to get to their goals, and
the only way you do that is either more money
invested or greater returns or both. But to try to
get greater returns, you got to take more risk, and
the more risk can cost you everything. Every brilliant billionaire
knows something called asymmetrical risk reward. It means, how do
I do this least amount of risk for the most
amount of upside. That's why they're wealthy. They don't take

giant risks and hope for the best like people think.
They do this how it works if they do that
and become a billionaire, they don't stay that way. So
he said, all you got to do is find eight to
twelve uncorrelated investments. Now for your audience. Uncorrelated just means
when things are correlated, they tend to move in the
same direction. When they move up, they move up together,
and move down and move down together. Correlated they move

the opposite. So, for example, stocks and bonds, most people
know that when the economy is going great, stocks tend
to go well. When it's not going great, then they
dropping bonds tend to be what protect you, except in
twenty twenty two they both went down two thousand and eight,
they won't build down. I won't walk you through all
the boring details about that, but it's really hard to
find eight to twelve uncorrelated investments because if you do,
you reduce your risk by eighty percent and to increase

your upside.

Speaker 4 (05:25):
So I was like, and by the way, I've pretty told.

Speaker 3 (05:27):
Me this, I wrote it down, I went to work
on it, and about a month later I was speaking
at JP Morgan's. They have this alternative investment conference and
you have to be a billionaire to go billion dollar
net worth, and I was a speaker. So I got
to go and Ray was right before me, and somebody
asked them a very similar question, and he said, the
Holy Grail investing. And I watched all these billionaires who
had never taken a note the entire day, brought their
heads and write like crazy.

Speaker 4 (05:47):
Because it's so simple. But then how do you find that.

Speaker 3 (05:51):
That's why I wrote this book, because the only way
you find it is you have to go to where
the wealthy people go, and they use alternative investments, private equity,
private credit, and private real estate and up until now,
the government has not allowed except the richest people in
the world to have access to that. You have to
be an accredited investor, which means you have to have

a million dollar networth not counting your house, or make
two hundred thousand a year or three hundred thousand as
a couple as a minimum to even get into these things. Well,
I've always said this is so unfair. The people that
need it the most have to go over and get
pilly returns. And these people get these giant returns. And
then why I say giant returns. I interviewed thirteen of
the best in the world, and most of these people

don't even do interviews because you can't get into their funds.
They're already sold out. But I had enough relationships and
so forth to open the door. These people have run
twenty to one hundred billion dollar funds where they make
twenty percent compounded per year for decades, some.

Speaker 1 (06:48):
Of them thirty percent. But general puler that.

Speaker 3 (06:51):
Kind of return, right. Well, so let me give you
an example. Most people have heard of the S and
P five hundred. If you have a four oh and K,
you probably have some of it in the S ANDP.
The top five hundred company is the index for that
for the New York Stock Change. Well, it's done well
in the last thirty five years. If you just left
your money in there, it's made nine point two percent
return compounded over thirty five years. What does that mean.

It means basically, you double your money every eight years
doing nothing.

Speaker 4 (07:16):
It's pretty cool.

Speaker 3 (07:18):
But if you put your money not in the people
that I wrote this book about, not the twenty thirty
percent people, but the average private equity, it's fourteen point
two percent. So what does that mean. It's a bunch
of numbers. It means you're making fifty percent more money
every year compounded. So watch, you had one hundred thousand
dollars and you put it in the stock market thirty
five years ago and forgot about it. Guess what it's

worth two point six million dollars today. Pretty amazing. But
if the same money was an average private equity, not
these guys, it would be worth for you today thirteen
point nine million, or a million's worth twenty six million,
or one hundred and thirty nine million if you started
with a million dollars. So I wanted to bring that
to the general public. So now the law's changing. Congress says, Okay,

you shouldn't have to be you know, because you have
money and may even harriet it. So you should be
able to take a test, and if you pass the test,
you should be able to access these things. And so
the House is past that bipartisan which is amazing. The
Senate is now picking it up. It should be done
in the next ninety days. And so anyone could do it.
But here's your next problem getting in. Now, you guys,
you know you're you're well known, and maybe you can

get in some of these places, especially U Kate. You've
got a lot of fame, and I'm sure Oliver along
the way you can find some of your friends that
are there.

Speaker 4 (08:28):
I had a good brand and I've got some money.

Speaker 1 (08:30):
Hold on famous. Yes, I'm famous, big time. Like we'll
walk down the street, they're gonna know you. But there's
going to be at least one and a half percent
that know me too, just so you know, keep going.

Speaker 3 (08:47):
You know, I was able to get little slices in
these groups, but it all goes for decades. It's gone
to the biggest banks, to the pension funds, to the
ultra wealthy. Right, so most people even if they could
get in, you can't get in.

Speaker 1 (08:57):
You need to get in.

Speaker 2 (08:58):
It's like the Room of Sharks. I say, it's like
the roomor's sharks. They just invest in each other. It's
like they just circulate their money and make it grow
and grow in your life.

Speaker 3 (09:08):
Yeah, if you look at the fortune four hundred billionaires
and you say what industry has the most billionaires, most
people think tech.

Speaker 4 (09:14):
It's not. Then they go to real estate. It's not.

Speaker 3 (09:17):
It's private equity. They're the masters of the universe. And
there's a reason why, because the returns they get are insane.
But here's what's interesting. I'm talking a friend of mine
who's a very wealthy guy, and I was lamenting about
you know, man, I get piece disease but not big
enough to make a difference. And I really want to
do this. It's so frustrating. And E s miles and says, Okay,
you've done so much for me. I got to tell

you where I put most of my money. And there's
a kind of guy. When he does that, you lean
forward to listen. You know, he's very very sharp. He
goes there's this company in Houston, Texas called cass and
he goes when he said Houston, a Houston, New York, Singapore,
You London, he goes, Yeah, they're outside the bubble. And
here's what they've done. You know how you're fighting to
get a little piece of these One of these funds,

he said, the biggest fund in the world. They've put
together billions of dollars and they've bought into partnerships in
these funds. So when you invest in a private equi fund,
they call you a limited partner. A general partner is
the owners of the company. And they don't have one fund.
They have all their funds and if you may know,
they charge you two percent of your money and they
tie it up for five years usually, and people are
more than willing to do that, and they get twenty

percent of the upside, and they're willing to do it
because the returns they get are unbelievable. So but think
about this, they're guaranteed if they only have a billion
dollars for five years, one hundred million dollars in net
income guaranteed before they and then they get twenty percent
of the upside. They usually will double in that period
of time. A billion dollar fund becomes two billion. They
make two hundred million dollars and one hundred million dollars.

They make three hundred million dollars and a billion dollars.
That's and by the way, people I'm going with, they're
twenty billion to one hundred billion.

Speaker 4 (10:46):
You can do the math in your head. It's unbelievable.

Speaker 3 (10:48):
So he said, now you're a partner right beside them,
and you're not.

Speaker 4 (10:52):
Being charged to in twenty.

Speaker 3 (10:54):
You're getting the two and twenty, which makes you about
ten percent a year, and then you get the twenty
percent upside.

Speaker 1 (11:00):
I grow so way, you're not a limited party, you're
a general Well.

Speaker 3 (11:03):
Yes, and most wealthy people don't even know this. This
is so this is so crazy because there are only
a few firms that have been able to do this.
And so I met with a group and I started
investing in. So I own sixty five private equity firms,
some of the biggest on earth, and I get the
two and twenty on these compounded returns of twenty to
thirty percent. It's ridiculous, and I'm not there running it
every day.

Speaker 1 (11:24):
But do you have to be you? But this is
all a relationship based situation. Now, okay, so explain how
the lay person someone like myself. Just take part in
something like this.

Speaker 3 (11:38):
You just got it. You'll read in the book. I'll
show you where to go, who to be a part of,
and everything else.

Speaker 4 (11:42):
You just call it.

Speaker 3 (11:43):
You can interview, but there's no limitation for you unless
you are you know, the second the Senate has to
patash their second portion for you to participate in some
of this, and that should happen the next ninety days.
But you want to be the first ones inuntil all
the opportunity is there, and that's why I wrote it.
But there's also you probably no inflating. You know, obviously
with inflation, interest rates had gone crazy, right, So if
you had a house and you have a mortgage and

it was three percent and it was fixed, you're a
happy camper. But if you didn't and it's gone up
two and a half times now you're paid almost three
times some money for the same house, it's painful. Well,
in private equity, these people also make loans now to
big companies because since two thousand and eight, the banking
industry is tightened. And now I'm sure you saw what
happened up in Silicon Valley Bank and some of these

other banks. So it's gotten tighter and tighter. So they
have so much money and they're so good at evaluating companies,
they now loan the money to those companies. So a
lot of people two years ago, three years ago, say
twenty twenty one, no one got anything for their bond.
So a lot of people are just trying to get
some return, and so they went for junk bonds and
they were only getting three point nine percent for huge risks.

We were getting nine percent in private credit and they
have a one percent failure rate. A bank would die
for that. So that industry is growing massively. And then
there's one more you should know about sports, Like I
grew up and I wanted to be a professional athlete.
You know, my father was a former semi pro baseball player.
I've led Dodger Blue who had no money. I'd be
up in the right field at the very very top

leader seats, cheering them on, you know, and then so
now on a piece of the Dodgers. But the first
sports team I got involved with was the LAFC Football Club,
and it took a lot of money and a lot
of years to get to that point and reputation. And
they take you through a year with a microscope to
approve you. So we built the stadium. I got to
participate in all that and won our championship and had
a great time, and I moved to Palm Beach. So

I'm never at the games anymore.

Speaker 1 (13:42):
Are you still a Dodger fan though?

Speaker 4 (13:44):
Oh, still a Dodger fan too. And on a piece of.

Speaker 1 (13:46):
A billion dollars spent this year, some shit better happened.
I mean, we better get through the first round of
the playoffs. I'm gonna explain to you why they did that. So, so,
Peter Goober is a friend of mine, I think.

Speaker 2 (13:56):
Can you Yeah, yeah, I literally just ran into.

Speaker 1 (13:59):
A lib Yeah.

Speaker 2 (14:02):
We grew up, but I just ran into her at
like creation getting smoothies.

Speaker 3 (14:12):
Peter's been my friend for about thirty five years. And
as you know, he's no dummy, that's for sure. He's
fifty to Ward nominations. Yeah, you know, he's done so
many things. He owns piece of the Warriors, the Dodgers
and so forth, the LAFC. So here's what's happened with
sports teams. They've changed the rules for the first time.
Three years ago. They made it you got to be
a millionaire. Go now, private equity funds that don't use leverage,

which is very few, and that don't have an owner
that owns a team, if they have the right relationship,
can make a minority investment in this. And so just
like you own IBM, you can own a piece of
the sports team. Now why would you want to do
that besides fun? Well, Number one, they're a monopoly, so
a legal monopoly. No one can compete with you in
your city. Number two, they have fanatic customers. That's what

fans means. They're fanatics, right, multi generational. Number Three, When
inflation happens, doesn't matter, stock market drops through the floor
of the sports keep going and you go get over
the history sixties seventies, the pandemic, they still did unbelievable.
Even when they shut down the stadiums. They did well
because they're no longer just butts and seats. They're real
estate companies and their media companies. So here I'll give

you the example with Peter. So Peter, with my magic Johnson,
a group of people, and I'm an investor too, they
bought the Dodgers for two billion dollars several years ago.
No one had paid eight hundred million. It was the
most anyone paid for a baseball team. So people said,
the Dodgers might be worth a billion, but he's insane.
They'll never make their money back on two billion dollars,
just like you're thinking about the team member they.

Speaker 4 (15:39):
Just hired all the way.

Speaker 3 (15:41):
Yeah, so guess what. I go to Peter and I said, Peter,
I want invest too. But before I know, you're no dummy.
Every SiZ you're nuts. Every single media person said he
was nuts. And I said, how are you doing it?
And he said, Tony, you know, I like, you know,
to have a little cliffhanger. He said, I'll announce on
Tuesday when I announced, call me, come over.

Speaker 4 (15:59):
We'll have a little party.

Speaker 3 (16:00):
So on Tuesday, the announce he sold the local TV
rights to the Dodgers for seven billion dollars and made
five billion just.

Speaker 1 (16:08):
The just the local TV.

Speaker 4 (16:10):

Speaker 3 (16:10):
That's and when you own, and when you own, like
when you own a Major League Baseball team or an
NBA team, you get one thirtieth of all the other
NBA teams of the media then for the world and
the international.

Speaker 4 (16:21):
So you have a huge and you could be the worst.

Speaker 2 (16:23):
Team and you sell if you are an NBA n
B A in terms of media, is probably the biggest
because it has such a global presence. Also, the number
no NBA is actually I think the number one when
it comes to.

Speaker 3 (16:35):
Also what we call soccer, which is even bigger. Yes,
so you know I have a piece of the the uh,
the F one team that's going out there. We've got
a piece of several teams overseas on a piece of
Dodgers and the Red Sox.

Speaker 1 (16:50):
I got a piece of hold on you hold on, no, no,
you hold you home on real quick with the sports thing.
We'll get off the sports thing. The private equity situation.
If you are invested in a private equity firm that
has a piece of the Dodgers, are you participating in
that local sale?

Speaker 3 (17:08):
Yes, but you don't do that. But it's better than
that when you can't normally do his own multiple teams.
So now you can have a piece of them in
this minority interest in multiple teams. So here's what you
need to know. Michael Jordan, he bought the Hornets right
and got the name back Charlotte. He bought them eleven
and a half years ago for two hundred and seventy
five million. He just sold it to a group of investors.

I'm a part of it for three billion, and we're
all thrilled to do it. He's made one thousand percent
return just in nine a half years, and it's standard.
If you look at the stock market in the last
ten years, ten years, it's done eleven percent compounded. If
you look at Major League Baseball, the NBA, NHL, and
Major League Soccer, not the NFL, just those four on average,
it's eighteen percent compound and has no correlation to the

stock market.

Speaker 4 (17:52):
So you can go to the floor and it doesn't matter.
You're still going to do well.

Speaker 2 (17:55):
See my first question, I have two questions two parter
Number one, how do you keep all of this in track?
What does your day look like? You've got like a
thousand million companies, You've got a thousand million investments. You're
talking to so many different people. You've got millions of
people around the world who are vuying to for your
time and energy you drink? What do you well know?

That's not my question, Greg.

Speaker 4 (18:19):
I couldn't do it.

Speaker 1 (18:20):
I talk to That's what I'm asking.

Speaker 2 (18:22):
What is your what does your day look like?

Speaker 4 (18:25):

Speaker 3 (18:26):
I have five kids and five grandkids, and one of
the great gifts that you know, I've had to find
gifts out of COVID ause as you go crazy. Right.
One of the great gifts is my wife and I
were trying to have a baby for years and then
we pretty much gave up on it because I've lived
two hundred and seventy five days on the road, and
my wife would come with me on ninety percent of
that because we don't want to be a part. But
all of a sudden, I found a way I could

reach millions of people and be home and have the
same impact. So I go to the studio which is
around the corner that I built, and you know, go
work with a million people for four days, but each
night come home, be with my daughter. So my mornings
are my work, got my daughter usually and then boom,
my day begins. But I've got you know, if you're
it's very different if you're an operator versus an owner.

That's the biggest difference in business. I do whole five
day like boot camps for businesses, just beginning businesses, multi
billion dollar businesses to teach them to do this. So
I have such great team members that I structure my time.
Some of these people I talk once a week. Someone's
once a day, someone's once a month. I know what's
need in each area, and then of all those companies
twelve I manage actively the rest. I'm there strategically, so

I'm there for the board meetings. I'm there for the
elements that make those decisions. And I to me, I
gotta work out. I got to be with my family.
I I have a good time, and I got.

Speaker 4 (19:40):
To serve you.

Speaker 1 (19:41):
What's your vice? What do you what's your vice? Or
do you have advice?

Speaker 4 (19:45):
Well? Sure, no sleep is one vice.

Speaker 1 (19:49):
I mean, do you you don't drink? Like, you don't
smoke weed?

Speaker 4 (19:52):
You know?

Speaker 1 (19:53):
Or maybe you do. I mean, you're not going to
say it even if you do. Hey, you never know.
I mean, you know a lot of these CEOs are
microdo saying LSD these days, you know what I mean.

Speaker 4 (20:07):
I know I got some friends.

Speaker 1 (20:08):
Yeah, so I'm just saying, like, what do you do
ton of wine?

Speaker 4 (20:12):
I don't even drink coffee.

Speaker 3 (20:13):
My family says if that, if we ever gave him coffee,
much less cocaine or something else, we be screwed. Because
my vice is I don't know what considered device?

Speaker 1 (20:23):
Well, what do you find? How do you have fun?
You to fish. Do you like to golf?

Speaker 4 (20:27):
I golf like six holes, I don't.

Speaker 3 (20:29):
We pick the holes we like and we go do
the holes by the water type of thing.

Speaker 4 (20:32):
My life and my family. I loved a scuba dive.

Speaker 3 (20:36):
You know.

Speaker 4 (20:36):
I have helicopters and have fun with that.

Speaker 3 (20:38):
You know, I snowboard, but I love what I get
to do, and I love my family, and my family's involved.
You know, it's our mission to serve people. So you know,
of my five kids, you know, I have a I
got about to be three year old daughter, and I
have a forty nine year old daughter. Because I very earlier,
I made heored a woman had been married twice before me,
and I adopted her kids. So I was twenty four
and had a seventeen year old son and eleven all

the year old, a five year old, and then went
along the way.

Speaker 1 (21:02):
So that's me I got.

Speaker 2 (21:04):
I started early, and then I've got twenty. I've got
five and then of course I didn't know that. Yeah,
I've got twenty, and then I have a twelve and
a five year old, and then you know, my man
wants another one. I'll be a grandma and have a
kid in school.

Speaker 1 (21:20):
You know, my wife I.

Speaker 3 (21:21):
Said my wife, I don't want to have a kid
past fifty now I had one at sixty one. So
it's like I said, I want to be at their
high school reunion at seventy and I want to be
there at eighty.

Speaker 4 (21:31):
Oh my.

Speaker 2 (21:33):
Exactly. Look, it just is, it is what it is.
It works out exactly the way it's supposed to.

Speaker 1 (21:40):
Did you have to when I'm talking about vices and
you as a young man, you've been doing this for
a long time, did you have to sort of tone
it down? Meaning were you out there even doing you know,
doing what you're doing, but having a good time. And
did you have to refocus yourself in any way?

Speaker 4 (21:55):
You know what I mean?

Speaker 1 (21:56):
Did you ever have slip ups?

Speaker 4 (21:58):
Did you?

Speaker 1 (21:58):
And what are your issue shoes? You know what I mean?

Speaker 2 (22:01):
Well, that's a that's another podcast.

Speaker 1 (22:03):
It's not I want to know what. I want to
know how Tony Robbins is fucked up? Like, what is
your what is your problem?

Speaker 3 (22:11):
I want to be sixty four in a couple of
weeks and if I still had issues at this point
in my life, you should punch myself.

Speaker 4 (22:15):
In the face.

Speaker 3 (22:16):
Come on, you can't this bullshit of my issues and
so forth that people have. You know, things show up
all the time. You know, it's like you got a
three year old and you got all hell breaking loose
and you're traveling and everything else. But it's like, I'm
so grateful. I don't mean to disappoint you, and I'm
not being phony. It's just like I've ran in all
kinds of challenges, challenges and business challenges in life. It's
not like it's been a smooth road of any sort.

That's total bullshit, of course, not right. You know, there's
no straight lines in life. Anything in life is you know,
see you go to nature, it's a straight line. A
human drew it because everything in nature goes up and down.
But the overall, if you're growing, it's still up. And
I'm at this stage of my life. You know, I
always tell people I didn't know this, and I want
people to know it. Zero to twenty zero to nineteen
zero twenty is a certain stage of life. It's different everybody,

but to a certain extent, there's some protection even if
you went through a rough childhood. I did too, but
it's still fairly protect and you're well, you know, twenty
one to say forty one, you're the soldier of society.
You now go in say, I was taught all this ship,
but now you decide what do I believe and you
go test it, and you think you're unbreakable. You know
you're going to be president United States, a billionaire and

have one hundred relationships simultaneously and everyone's going to be happy, right,
And then you discover you have one relationship and you
can't even manage that thing effectively.

Speaker 4 (23:29):

Speaker 3 (23:31):
The area that people are all the studies show most
unhappy is that stage. Then forty two to sixty two
or forty three to sixty three depend on you, Chunk.
It is a stage in which you come into your power.
If you grew during the springtime of your life and
the summer you continue to push yourself and grow, then
you get to reap. It's, you know, the autumn of

your life, and the reaping is phenomenal. It's relationships, it's friendships.
I remember Peter Gubert. We both know he's eighteen years
my scene and he's my dear, dear friend, right, And
he would tell me this is what it's like at
this stage of life. And I think to myself, Yeah,
for you, But I don't know if that'll be the
same for me. Some things are very similar if you
keep growing. And I remember Peter talking about how you know,

the world is a small place and there's a limited
number of people that play in the game, for example
that you're in Kate. So it's like he goes the
the talent pool is not elastic, and he's telling me
these things, and now I experience that. Now I can
do more with my pinky than I used to do
working twenty four hours a day because I know the
right people, I know the right strategies, I know the tools.
So it's not like my life is so perfect, but

it feels that way because I work my ass off
to this stage.

Speaker 1 (24:36):
Okay, Okay, I'm gonna phrase a little differently. If you're
a white you leave the screen and now your wife
comes in, and I say, wife, wife, you tell me
what what is Tony's issues? What do you get? What
are you like?

Speaker 3 (24:49):

Speaker 1 (24:49):
You've got to be better at this, honey, because I
just like more of that. Yeah, so what would your
wife say?

Speaker 3 (24:55):

Speaker 1 (24:55):
Yeah, we'll ask her that.

Speaker 3 (24:56):
She says he doesn't sleep and there's some major truth
to and I've been working on it. But it's like
I get turned on at midnight and sometimes I'll go
to four in the morning, and I got to be
to meet at eight thirty in the morning, and so
that part I have to change.

Speaker 2 (25:10):
Because you've got to sleep.

Speaker 4 (25:12):
That definitely is it.

Speaker 3 (25:12):
But you know I used to say I'll sleep when
I die, which is not a good thing, because I
keep doing that with Dice.

Speaker 2 (25:28):
Tony. This has been just the absolute best I could
talk to you first.

Speaker 1 (25:31):
I know it's really fastating.

Speaker 2 (25:33):
I have so many personal questions. I'm going to save
that for another time because but you just said something
that just hit me, which is like when you turn
the forty three and I feel this right now?

Speaker 4 (25:45):
Oh are you right now?

Speaker 3 (25:45):

Speaker 4 (25:46):
I asked out of the thirty.

Speaker 2 (25:47):
Four forty four?

Speaker 4 (25:48):
My god, look at you.

Speaker 2 (25:50):
But I feel I've shifted in the last two years.
And what's interesting about it is that everyone else feels it.
Yeahs no, but it's it's like it's like I'm in
and what I'm calling like activation mode. And as things

are changing, as I'm changing, you can tell that the
people around you start to change or they feel the shift.

Speaker 4 (26:20):
And up at a different level.

Speaker 3 (26:22):
And I'm here to tell you it happens again around sixty,
like every birthday I had, okay, i'll give it one
of my vices.

Speaker 4 (26:29):
Every birthday I had from thirty on.

Speaker 3 (26:32):
You know, people tell me enough forty, you're gonna have
a midlife crisis and all the end lands who bullshit?
But I really did, and each of those I hadn't
done enough. I haven't helped enough people. I know millions
of people the probably late fifties. By my sixtieth birthday,
the first time in my life where it's like I
wake up, I've helped millions of people. I don't have
any less drive, but it's like it's a great life.
It's not like you don't you're not trying to prove

to yourself what you're capable of. You know who you are.
You know, you don't care if other people think differently.
It's okay, you know, you know. I love it for
people to be able to help as many people. I'm
not the right guy for everybody. I don't and I
don't care quite frankly, I love everybody that wants to
be helped or loved. I'm happy to do it. But
it's like you're not your life is not tied to
it anymore. You just you just know who you are,

and you know you put enough life. You want to
mentor people because you've been through so much shit you
don't want other people to go through the pain. And
that's the one gift you can give at that stage
of life.

Speaker 1 (27:22):
I'm gonna, I'm gonna. I'm gonna end it with a
Barbara Walters question.

Speaker 4 (27:26):
Ok, I'm ready.

Speaker 1 (27:28):
I know you're not gonna cry. It's so You've helped
so many people, but who helps you?

Speaker 2 (27:36):

Speaker 3 (27:37):
Barbara Walters my wife, by far, no bullshit, greatest gift
in my life. This is we're entering our twenty fifth
year together, quarter of a century, and I think about
my life before Sage and after Sage just there's no comparison.
I wake up every day with so much joy. She's
one of the most brilliant people, spiritual people, smart as
a whip, but also funny as hell. When I first

met her, I said, I'm a serious mote. I want
to laugh more. Sometimes I wish I hadn't said that
to her, but no, And then you know, I have
so many dear friends. Peter's one of them, right, Dally
is another one. Mark Bennielf from Salesforce. You know we've
helped such a deep friendship over the decades. So I'm
very my friendships, my family. I think I was chosen

family and family and my chance to have a mission
that's meaningful.

Speaker 4 (28:25):
You know, you're not happy every moment of your life.
If you're happy all the time.

Speaker 3 (28:28):
Your face hurts, right, yes, exactly, But what's meaningful? Having
a life that's meaningful, Well, you know you're serving something
more than yourself because it doesn't take much to meet
your own needs, right, but you can find something to
get you up early and keep you up late and
excite you and it has you know, there's two types
of motivation. There's push and pull, and I'm not in
a motivation per se, but drive, which is you trying

to do it and no matter how much will you have,
that'll mention wore out. But if you've got poll, if
there's something you want to serve more than yourself, whether
it's your kids or it's something in your community. And
I'm not talking about virtual signaling bullshit. I'm talking about
you know what really drives you? When that's real and alive.
Do you have energy like nobody else around you? Most
people are just trying to take care of themselves and
that's a big mistake.

Speaker 4 (29:09):
I think.

Speaker 1 (29:10):
Yeah, that's a great that's a great message, Tony. Thank you,
and I'm gonna I can't wait to read your book.

Speaker 3 (29:15):

Speaker 1 (29:16):
I really am excited about it.

Speaker 3 (29:17):
Yes, anybody gets it. We've donated all the money just
having the last three books. So while you're helping yourself,
you'll be feeding people. You're feeding America.

Speaker 1 (29:24):
So that's all we have.

Speaker 2 (29:25):
By the way, we share the same mission I have been. Yeah,
I'm I'm a global ambassador for the World Food Program
and I just am very David.

Speaker 3 (29:36):
Governor Beasley is a dear friend of mine and we're
partnering on one hundred billion meals challenge. Now that he's
left the UN, he's left the world.

Speaker 2 (29:41):
Oh great, great, I love I love that. Well, offline,
tell me more about it, because I mean, I'm just
that's my number one and.

Speaker 1 (29:48):
I can't wait to read the book. I mean, for real,
I'm really excited. I want to read all three, honestly,
But should I start with one?

Speaker 3 (29:54):
Uh, We'll start with this one because I think I'm
excite you and then you want money master the game
if you're just beginning the journey as well, I want
to say this to you all us. Oliver, please come
to one of the events as my guest, because you're
experiencing what most Americans are experiencing, which is this anxiety
from all the uncertainties in the world. And you deserve
to be wired properly for yourself so you don't have
to take something on the side. I'm not making a

zero judgment about it whatsoever, and I think you made
the right choice probably for where you were, but it'd
be great for you to have freedom for that.

Speaker 4 (30:22):
For your future.

Speaker 1 (30:23):
I would love to man, all right, thank you for
that invitation. I will take you up on it. And
if I read your book and invest and lose everything,
I'm calling you immediately. Ah, buddy, thank you so much.

Speaker 2 (30:39):
Will I'm so inspired.

Speaker 4 (30:43):
I am too.

Speaker 1 (30:45):
I love it.

Speaker 2 (30:46):
I feel like I feel like we got to go
to a thing.

Speaker 1 (30:48):
Let's go. Let's do it.

Speaker 2 (30:51):
Say yeah, he looks, and he looks.

Speaker 1 (30:54):
Beauty, amazing, slicks lighting is good. I'm looking at me
with the beard and both of us. Really I'm more
like this.

Speaker 2 (31:01):
I'm like already said, he goes, that's a trophy you
are holding.

Speaker 1 (31:06):
Yeah, And I'm not news to me.

Speaker 2 (31:08):
I know it's not news to any of them.

Speaker 1 (31:12):
It's not that.

Speaker 2 (31:13):
Yeah, well, but you put it so perfectly.

Speaker 1 (31:17):
It is you know, I know, I know, but it's
a trophy that I like shine and display proudly because
it is fodder for my humor and for my self deprecations.
Right well, and almost by the way, I kind of
believe in kind of don't you know. And now I'm
dope by the way. I mean, I want to be clear,
I know, I'm cool.

Speaker 2 (31:35):
You just you're just holding on to it. You don't
even realize what the next stage of your dopess is.
I do know, but to you, you're it doesn't mean
that that little trophy doesn't go and up on the shelf, right,
it just means that you're not holding it anymore right around.
You're just you're like you're in the display case.

Speaker 1 (31:57):
We got to wrap it up. This is like above you.

Speaker 2 (32:00):
I want to do that. I want to go with you.

Speaker 1 (32:03):
I gotta, I gotta, I gotta somehow connect with him.
That was the best.

Speaker 2 (32:08):
Thank you, Tony Robbins. I thank you everybody.

Speaker 4 (32:10):

Speaker 1 (32:10):
I'm an actor to I've been in things. Yeah, but
he's your business, Like Tony, just look at this, you know,
watch Rules of Engagement. You know what I mean. Dawson's Creek.
I've got some stuff.

Speaker 4 (32:27):
Let's go have a cocktail.

Speaker 2 (32:28):
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