All Episodes

February 12, 2024 74 mins

Blood is thicker than Hollywood's choppy waters, just ask The Lawrence Brothers. Matt, Andy, and Joey Lawrence have enjoyed individual success, but they'll be the first to tell you they are always better together.Cameras capture their chemistry, and their 'Brotherly Love' is the bond that keeps them growing together instead of apart.But it wasn't always easy living like a Lawrence. They describe the pain of their parents divorce, what it was like to see their fame fading away, and what brought them back to the brotherly basics.Destiny or DNA? You decide.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:05):

Speaker 2 (00:05):
I am Kate Hudson and my name is Oliver Hudson.

Speaker 3 (00:08):
We wanted to do something that highlighted our.

Speaker 2 (00:11):
Relationship and what it's like to be siblings. We are
a sibling raivalry.

Speaker 3 (00:21):
No, no, sibling. You don't do that with your mouth.

Speaker 2 (00:30):

Speaker 3 (00:33):
That's good. Hi, Oliver.

Speaker 2 (00:36):
My name is Control Hudson. We're introducing three brothers.

Speaker 3 (00:43):
I kind of love going into things like this because
I have I have all these wild preconceived notions of
some of the people that we have been interviewing as siblings,
like when we did New Kids on the Block, like
things back from my childhood. Today we have the Lawrence brothers.
Joey Lawrence to me was like when I was a
little girl, he was just one of those guys. So

I think, right, yeah, and and and he was you know,
he was the heart throb. I remember.

Speaker 2 (01:11):
Was he like, don't was that one of them?

Speaker 3 (01:14):
You know?

Speaker 2 (01:15):
Maybe it was like was that that's sounding like?

Speaker 3 (01:19):
Was that like friends? Matt LeBlanc. I don't know. I'm
not good. I'm not a big like I'm not a.

Speaker 4 (01:25):
Big Homer, I swear to god. I think Joey was like, yeah.

Speaker 3 (01:30):
He was, yeah, something he had that sort of like
Italian like.

Speaker 4 (01:35):
Gay, but he had a call sign. It was I
think he had a call It's like Bill Cosby.

Speaker 3 (01:42):
Now I can't figure out.

Speaker 2 (01:47):
I don't know what it is what you're doing.

Speaker 3 (01:49):
I don't know, but but I'm like, but I'm I'm
into it, but you're right.

Speaker 2 (01:55):
Well, but it's cool. They all grew up in the
business together, you know what I mean, And now they're
sort of coming back strong. A podcast coming on February.

Speaker 3 (02:04):
And Joe he's your age, right, so he was like
older than me. So when I was little, he was like,
oh the guy the girls. That was cute. But the
thing is that other than that, I really don't know
much about these guys. And every time we do these podcasts,
we always end it with like, wow, I know their
life is crazy or how interesting?

Speaker 2 (02:25):
Well, so I'm excited are bringing up Cheryl?

Speaker 3 (02:28):
Or no?

Speaker 2 (02:30):
No, are you sure?

Speaker 3 (02:31):
Absolutely not, because I'm not that kind of person. But
they were married, Yeah, but I'm not. I don't like
salacious whoa stuff?

Speaker 2 (02:39):
Well then okay, I like salacious. Well, we won't bring
it up unless he brings it up. And some of
the Lawrence Brothers LB's hi, Wow.

Speaker 3 (02:54):
How's it going. Look at how you guys are professional
their setup, because.

Speaker 2 (02:59):
Before we get started talking about this for a second,
we've been doing this ship now for four years. We're
so raggedy and stuff we've got in Kate's old living
room that everyone who has a podcast now has cool
ass backgrounds. You guys got the guitars in the thing.
There's lighting. It looks great. We're just sort of, you know,
just all together.

Speaker 3 (03:20):
I'm not we don't need to impress anybody, Oliver. We're
just doing our things.

Speaker 5 (03:25):
We're all smoking mirrors, man substance.

Speaker 6 (03:30):
We fly in here.

Speaker 3 (03:32):
You know what's so weird? I'm having like I'm having
like a Hudson Brother feeling right now.

Speaker 2 (03:37):
It does feel just kind of wild.

Speaker 3 (03:39):
Are you guys Italian?

Speaker 1 (03:42):

Speaker 3 (03:43):
That was I was, It was I was leading. We
are too, by the way, I don't know if you
knew that we are Italian. Yeah, we're Sicilian.

Speaker 6 (03:59):
Italian food. When we don't know anything, we go, Yeah.

Speaker 2 (04:05):
I started taking Italian on du Lingo and I just
get super high instead of my porch and like go
over the Italian stuff and it's not sticking. It's not sticking.

Speaker 3 (04:15):
You know what.

Speaker 7 (04:16):
Actually, I was kind of bummed because our parents, you know,
when their parents came over, it was all about simulation
and not you know, speaking. They wanted them to speak
English and not Italian, so our parents didn't get to
learn it, and then they didn't teach.

Speaker 6 (04:30):
It to us.

Speaker 5 (04:31):
So it's like we lost that.

Speaker 8 (04:34):
It's a bummer. They were trying to shed the Italian culture. Yeah,
think about it.

Speaker 3 (04:39):
I mean we also were super proud, but also like
Italians weren't exactly looked fondly upon.

Speaker 5 (04:47):
We were like, you know, we were mobsters and.

Speaker 3 (04:50):
We are gangsters. We literally like we literally do come
from that.

Speaker 6 (04:55):

Speaker 2 (04:55):
Yeah. Tony Sillerno, big fat Sillerno, who was the head
of the Geneve's a crime family, is actually a great uncle.

Speaker 3 (05:03):
So it's kind of our great cousinly.

Speaker 2 (05:05):
Well, it was our grandfather's great grandfather's brother.

Speaker 6 (05:08):
Yeah right, wow.

Speaker 2 (05:10):
So we'll kill you if this doesn't go well.

Speaker 3 (05:12):
Yeah, basically we know people.

Speaker 2 (05:14):
Yeah I'm sure you do too, but our family will
kill your family.

Speaker 6 (05:17):
Yeah, it'll be a mess. It'll just be a bloody mess.

Speaker 1 (05:21):
You know.

Speaker 6 (05:21):
Actually talk about that. Our our real last name is Mignona, right,
you know. But back in the eighties when I got
my start, nobody could pronounce that, so they were like, yeah,
this has to go. Yeah, no one's going to be
able to pronounce that because it's spelled like filet Mignon
with two silent g's.

Speaker 8 (05:35):

Speaker 6 (05:35):
So my middle name was Lawrence because I'm named after
my father and my grandfather, so I'm actually Joseph Lawrence
Manona the third uh. And then they just shortened it
to Lawrence, which is where we got that lovely generic Lawrence.

Speaker 2 (05:48):
And then then did all you guys take on Lawrence
after that?

Speaker 6 (05:52):

Speaker 5 (05:52):
Yeah, it was like impossible.

Speaker 6 (05:53):
I mean, I I still have, like I have Mignon.
I never legally changed I did. I did because eleven right,
they did. After nine eleven, I had passports, corpse. Everything
was in either Mignona Lawrence. I couldn't travel. It's a disaster.
So I just legally changed it so I could travel,
because you know, they made so many things different after
nine to eleven. Right, Yeah, didn't match your license and

your corp didn't match this. It was a nightmare.

Speaker 2 (06:16):
So I hold on, hold on, is it because you
were the oldest and you had some success early and
then everyone was sort of following the footsteps of it
was like it was.

Speaker 6 (06:25):
Like, yes, it was so much success that they had
to go. We all got to take the name.

Speaker 2 (06:31):
I mean, it's what I'm saying. That's what I'm saying.
Is that kind of what happened? I mean, well it, yes, yeah,
exactly what happened.

Speaker 6 (06:38):

Speaker 3 (06:39):
I come on, you were a heart throb. You were
on every young girl's wall.

Speaker 8 (06:44):
For a minute there. Yeah, yep.

Speaker 5 (06:45):
Now I get to see pictures of how I looked,
and it makes me feel great.

Speaker 6 (06:49):
It's you know, as you ate, you chrona likely you,
they they remind you of what you used to look like.
So it's amazing. It's amazing. The side by sides, aren't
they great? Oh?

Speaker 2 (06:59):
God, the best.

Speaker 3 (07:02):
Let's let's get into this a little bit. Well, let's
start with just the basics. Where where were you raised?

Speaker 6 (07:09):
Philadelphia? Yeah, Philly Boys?

Speaker 2 (07:11):
Why you were in a Falcons?

Speaker 8 (07:12):
Yeah, I don't know.

Speaker 5 (07:13):
I'm sorry, girlfriend.

Speaker 7 (07:17):
H So, yeah, this is my second team now because
it's kind of my.

Speaker 6 (07:23):
Oh my god, I'm an Eagles guy period, very period period.

Speaker 2 (07:32):
Yeah okay, okay, I.

Speaker 3 (07:35):
Said, and I dated a flyer once, so I spent
some time in Philly Cherry Hill.

Speaker 6 (07:46):
Shout out to Brian Fortuna, Jersey. Our dad had an
office right near Cherry Hill for years growing up.

Speaker 3 (07:52):
Really, so you guys, did you ever go into the
into New York City? Were you like the did you
go in all the time?

Speaker 6 (07:59):
And yeah, I mean I got my start commercials right
in New York. So my mom would basically once I
showed an interest in it, and you know whatever I mean,
we would we would drive to Trenton. Matt was with us,
he was like one, and we would then my mom
would slep us both in there and then I would
go for the Trenton ready to Manhattan and walk to

these cattle calls and you know, do all these commercial auditions.
You know where they take your polaroid. You go up
in this like elevator that took like three hours because
of whole basically, like it was like two racks pulling
the chords up.

Speaker 5 (08:30):
You got to the front of the very top and then.

Speaker 6 (08:32):
And then all of a sudden, you know, there's like
a thousand kids in there. And I don't know how
I did it, but I got a lot of these commercials.
So we had to go a lot. And how did
that get started though. I mean like, were you did
you want to be an actor? Did you like to perform?

Speaker 2 (08:45):
Like no, I'm saying, but your parents like you know,
hey kid, you're going to do this.

Speaker 1 (08:50):

Speaker 5 (08:51):
Yeah, no, no, he was.

Speaker 6 (08:52):
We've got home videos of like when he was I
don't know, I was babe, Yeah, like seventeen months and he's.

Speaker 7 (08:59):
Dancing and singing, I want to be in the TV.
I want to be in the TV. Like he wanted
to do it as far back as I can remember.

Speaker 9 (09:05):
And then our parents would put him back into his
cage and see him. We had a very interesting childhood,
probably kind of.

Speaker 5 (09:18):
We moved to the next city.

Speaker 3 (09:20):
Ba wait, what are the years of what are your
years apart?

Speaker 6 (09:25):
Matt and I are three and a half and then
Andy and I are almost twelve, and was eight eight between.

Speaker 2 (09:30):
Me and Andy And what was that all?

Speaker 6 (09:36):
We thought we were getting a puppy. Yeah, they were
telling Paron said we we got a surprise that wanted
a dog forever. We were like, it's a dog, Oh,
it's a brother, and we were like.

Speaker 8 (09:45):
Oh started.

Speaker 5 (09:52):
Yeah, he actually did start up.

Speaker 6 (09:55):
He did so.

Speaker 2 (09:56):

Speaker 7 (09:58):
We loved him so much, see that he we had
to put him down the ground because he didn't learn
to walk. Because all we did was carry him.

Speaker 3 (10:09):
You had to let him go, let him go.

Speaker 6 (10:11):
We did, we did. We literally were carrying him everywhere
still to this day with his motocycle, I have to
let him go when he drives off on that thing. True.

Speaker 2 (10:18):
Now, did how did this relationship sort of blossom of
all blossom? I didn't do that on purpose, by the way,
that's why.

Speaker 5 (10:27):
But being I could never.

Speaker 6 (10:28):
Come up with a line like that.

Speaker 5 (10:32):
I heeart was like, we don't want the lawrenches. They sucked.

Speaker 6 (10:37):
Better to build it ourselves. Like, all right, spend our
own money. Why not locked down?

Speaker 8 (10:41):
No one's making anything.

Speaker 5 (10:43):
Spend money.

Speaker 6 (10:44):
Perfect there.

Speaker 5 (10:49):
Great investment. I didn't recommend right exactly.

Speaker 2 (10:54):
It looks good, dude, it looks.

Speaker 6 (10:57):
To our credit card bills. Believe me.

Speaker 3 (10:59):
Okay, wait, hold on, let's go back. Let's go back.
So your guys grow up. And the first eight years
before your younger bro came along was did it kind
of everything revolve around Joey you and like wanting to be,
you know, an actor and dancing and singing and working
did like the whole family all of a sudden, did

you be were you in that like you.

Speaker 6 (11:22):
Know, there was I mean, yes, but it was there
was a great balance where it literally I wanted.

Speaker 5 (11:27):
To do it so bad, right, so great.

Speaker 6 (11:29):
Balance for you. So and it was a good.

Speaker 8 (11:36):

Speaker 6 (11:36):
Yeah, these guys followed me around where where I went
and I crossed, but essentially I wanted to do it.
So there was They were having this picture contest, and
you know, I won the picture contest and they sent
it this agent.

Speaker 5 (11:49):
In New York and it was at a local mall.

Speaker 6 (11:53):
Right, I was like four and a half.

Speaker 5 (11:53):
We Grove, right, No, no, it was no, No, it
was not jacking tell Ma was another mall.

Speaker 6 (11:58):
It was I I don't know them all, but it
was I don't know them all, but whatever will Grove
was the mall we went to growing up. That was
the best at any rate.

Speaker 5 (12:06):
And then they sent it to New York, this agent.

Speaker 6 (12:09):
They basically said, we wanted to come up, so my mom,
I was like five at the time, let's go up.
And they wanted me to read this like monologue, you know,
and I didn't read I mean I didn't really read
that well because I was five, right, so I didn't
read all these big words. So it was huge. And
the agent said we'll take him outside and see if
he can memorize it.

Speaker 5 (12:24):
My mom was like, memorize.

Speaker 6 (12:25):
Oh my god, this is it.

Speaker 8 (12:26):
He's five.

Speaker 6 (12:27):
I don't know if these memorized this. And apparently I
memorized the whole thing, right, So my mom would recite
these mind you I.

Speaker 5 (12:33):
Really am, you really are, recite these recite these lines
to me.

Speaker 6 (12:36):
I remembered them verbatim, went back in, did it, and
then whatever. I went out on an audition two days
later for that national commercial for cracker Jack, and it
was like, I don't know, whatever, thousands of kids and
I got it. And then I got like fifty national
commercials in the first year. Right, So she's unheard of.
That's a lot.

Speaker 3 (12:55):
That's craze.

Speaker 2 (12:56):
That's insane. Dude, back then too, you're actually.

Speaker 3 (12:59):
Making sure these commercials.

Speaker 6 (13:01):
I mean no, not really.

Speaker 3 (13:03):
I mean I still get residuals from home alone too,
because I sang in the chorus you do home alone.
I sang in the chorus I was in this chorus
to yes, just holding up yeah, yes, that's all I'm

in that chorus.

Speaker 5 (13:24):
Oh wow.

Speaker 3 (13:26):
And then I get like ten cents every once in
a while, yeah, perfect.

Speaker 7 (13:32):
Sometimes sometimes I get like point, I get like two
cents and I'm like, wait, is that isn't the paper
in the envelope costs more.

Speaker 3 (13:41):
There? And honest, they're.

Speaker 8 (13:43):
Charging me.

Speaker 6 (13:46):
Negative because exactly, yeah the negative.

Speaker 8 (13:52):
Nobody liked it money back. It's weird.

Speaker 3 (13:58):
So anyway, so what did mom did? Was mom?

Speaker 6 (14:02):

Speaker 3 (14:02):
And just did it all become about you know, you
auditioning and what did dad do? Like what are your parents?
What's your parents?

Speaker 1 (14:10):

Speaker 6 (14:11):
Dad still to this day sold insurance. He's like insurance
to tell me, he's great at it. And my mom
was a school teacher. He still does does and yeah,
so you know, everything kind of got I started to
do these commercials and then and then I did enough
national commercials where I was kind of like all over
TV and then Johnny Carson saw it, and then I

had to go out to California and auditioned for Carson,
right because you back in the day, as you know,
you were on Carson, like and if you did a
good job on Carson, like literally the next day, like
your life changed, right because it was like thirty forty fifty.

Speaker 2 (14:44):
So we will hold on along. You had an audition
for Carson just to go on the show. Meaning just
to be interviewed.

Speaker 6 (14:48):
I was on a household name, right, so they wanted
to make sure I was cute on TV. I was
doing you know, title on all commercials and Co Cola commercials,
big commercials. But they didn't know what I could do.
And apparently I had also been tap dancing from the
time I was three, right, So I could tap dance
and I could sing. And so I went out there
with my with my boombox and and I and I
had to give my regards to Broadway on my boombox,

and I had my tap shoes with me, and I
went into Johnny's office and uh, I swear, and I've
told this story, but I never forget that he had
shag carpet. So I didn't know what I was gonna
do because you can't tap dance on shag carpet, right,
But he had a huge wooden desk, and everybody in
there at the cord of in the legendary producer of
the Tonight So and Johnny was in there. They they said,
you're gonna sing and dance for us. I said, yes,
but I can't tap on this floor. And Johnny said,

clear the desk. It was a huge desk.

Speaker 5 (15:33):
And he also five.

Speaker 6 (15:41):
Johnny literally put me up on the desk and they
pressed play on my boombox and I sang and danced,
give my regards, brought with my with my tap routine,
and literally we that we we got home. So I
did my audition. We flew home the next morning. That
night on the Answering Machine was the.

Speaker 7 (15:57):
Answering Machine, you had like three or four messages and you're.

Speaker 8 (16:01):
Like, oh, who's called me?

Speaker 6 (16:04):
And anyway, and it was Juell Thurmover at NBC and
they said, listen, Johnny wants to have him on next
Friday night, which was the big show. It was the
hour and a half show. And so we flew back
out to California and I had two songs prepared, and
they said, we're probably not going to get to the
second song. He'll do an interview, do the do this,
do this song, and then Johnny'll let him go.

Speaker 8 (16:21):
And I did.

Speaker 6 (16:22):
I did my song and my interview and it went
so well Johnny said, can you stick around? I did
a second song and then I had one of these
iconic moments on the show where I said I had
never really seen the show except one night when I
was up vomiting, and it like was is on the
Best of Tapes, and Joe Rivers walks out after me
on her knees and says, I'll never.

Speaker 2 (16:39):
Be able to follow that.

Speaker 6 (16:40):
And then the next morning Brandon Tartakoff from NBC called
and said, listen, we want to sign this guy to
a deal. And so I shot like two pilots for NBC.
One that Ron Howard directed called Little Shots, which was
the first. It was actually Goonies before Goonies, believe it
or not, it was one hundred percent goonies. But they
ended up doing a much better version as a movie later.
And the other one was called Scamps with Sherwood Schwartz,

who created the Brady Bunch Gilligan's Island. It was with
Gillian himself and his wife Dream of Denver, Bob Denver,
Dream of Denver. That show didn't go and they had
just shot a pilot called give Me a Break with
No Carter, this big, fantastic, amazing, Tony Award winner, super talented,
obviously No Carter, the legendary Yeah, And they wanted to
add a young kid to that, so I became a

Jerry's kids who showed up was looking to be adopted
and that was this.

Speaker 2 (17:29):
So at what point did you get into drugs and
alcohol and get all fucked up? And you know what
I mean, Like, it's really incredible that you're here, You're
fucking yoke. Do you look good? Because what a life
growing up like that to be happened so quickly too?
I mean, did you have a childhood? You know what
I mean?

Speaker 6 (17:48):
I did my parents. I stayed enrolled in my school
in Philadelphia, Admington Friends, Bradley Cooper actually we grew up
right around the corner from each other.

Speaker 5 (17:57):
But Bradley went to Abington High.

Speaker 6 (17:59):
I went to Friends, which was the Quaker like sort
of private school, and I was a lifer there. I
went back every three weeks on my hiatus weeks, took
all my tests, hung out with all my friends. I
graduated from there in ninety four. So well, yeah, my
parents really kept it in perspective. I never did drugs,
you know, never got into that stuff. I was always sports,
working out music, you know.

Speaker 2 (18:20):
Yeah, yeah that's great.

Speaker 3 (18:30):
Now, how is that dynamic for you guys? Like with
your bro Let's start with like early on, was that
hard for you to kind of be eighteen months younger?
And to watch him going through all of that, Like,
did you feel pressure to have to follow in his footsteps?

Speaker 7 (18:48):
I mean, you know what it was, It wasn't. We're
so we're kind of opposing personalities. Joe is definitely to
get out there and entertain and I'm kind of the
sit back and gain a perspective type of guy. So
there was a little bit of that, Like, but I've
had a choice. My parents never were like you have

to do this. I actually turned down a lot of
stuff when I was young. I was like, I'm just
not gonna do this. I don't want to do this.
But they never gave me too much trouble for that, And.

Speaker 6 (19:19):
And then you know, it was more of this.

Speaker 7 (19:21):
It was more I didn't want to necessarily be the
heartthrop I saw what a lot of what it did,
especially just being like super famous when you're a teenager.
I saw what it had done to Joe his peers, Like,
it's just so much pressure that.

Speaker 5 (19:36):
I didn't want that.

Speaker 6 (19:37):
That's the only thing I didn't want.

Speaker 5 (19:38):
I was kind of like, really, you know.

Speaker 3 (19:41):
And what were your So what were do you think
that that made you kind of focus on other things,
like your passions, like went in a different direction.

Speaker 7 (19:50):
Animals and nature and building construction, you know, architecture, things
like that. Really, you know, I when you're a kid,
I don't know if you guys feel like this.

Speaker 6 (19:59):
I mean you guys, you're found has been underneath that
light for forever.

Speaker 7 (20:02):
And but it's like you don't get to relate when
your kid and kids know you. It's hard to relate
to other kids your age and they have a hard
time relating.

Speaker 6 (20:11):
To you as well. So when you got these kids
and one of them is famous, it's like for me,
that even pushed me further to gravitate towards the connected.

Speaker 3 (20:20):
Nat When we were little, you'd understand, like we could
not be we were Hudson's So like when we were younger,
people had no idea who our parents were unless our
parents were around. Wow, So we didn't have like you
know what I mean, like even though we we and
we also had the same thing, which was I mean,

Oliver makes a joke that I was I was more
comfortable with it. But the truth is we both like
hated the attention that our parents always got. We much
prefer to have them to ourselves, right.

Speaker 2 (20:49):
We didn't want people to know where I didn't want
anyone to know who my parents were because I wanted
to be liked for me, you know, and I would
do everything that I could to avoid anyone knowing who
my parents were.

Speaker 3 (21:04):
Yeah. Yeah, so it's a little bit different. Like I
would think like if Oliver was like growing up, if
he was on if you were like, I don't know,
like The Big like or like those shows, I would
have been it would have been weird for me to
be like, oh my god.

Speaker 2 (21:21):
Yeah right right right, Like if I was like Gary Coleman,
that would be weird.

Speaker 6 (21:28):
That would definitely be weird, very weird.

Speaker 3 (21:33):
Okay, So now so now do people call you Andrew
or Andy whatever and Andy? So now you're so now
you enter eight years in, you're Joey. You're like, clearly
you're clearly doing doing your thing. And was it did

you always feel almost like an only child and that
you had some separation with the boys, or was immediately
like no, I was.

Speaker 9 (22:03):
But at the time I uh, I joined the party,
I think all the kinks kind of had been worked out,
so it was just rock and roll. It was go time,
you know, And I was very lucky my family, we
all really kind of moved as a pack. We did
We just kind of traveled around as a pack. And
then it led to us doing projects together. You know,
we had a show, Brotherly Love of a sitcom Joe

coming off of Blossom.

Speaker 8 (22:25):
They had you know, he had the opportunity.

Speaker 9 (22:27):
They offered him to do any kind of show that
he wanted to do, and he included us in that,
and and it just made sense. So we uh and
then we did a lot of movies together and stuff.

Speaker 8 (22:36):
So for me, it was normal. I just it was
all very normal.

Speaker 2 (22:38):
Well hold on, let's go back though, because how did
you guys get into the business if you were into
you know, nature, which I am too, and all these
like just some more earthy stuff. At what point were like, okay,
fuck it, let's let's let's roll, let's do this, you know, Matt.

Speaker 6 (22:52):
Probably like about seven months ago. You know, it is
kind of I got lucky.

Speaker 7 (23:01):
Joe had had had blazed this trail, and uh, I
had I had a lot of opportunities. I still do,
Like I get his clothes now and things like that.
There's always a lot of stuff, a lot of benefits
to it. So when it comes to work, you know,
he really had blazed a trail, so me coming alolong,
I had, you know, people going, hey, he's the younger brother,

you know, maybe he'll have the same thing.

Speaker 6 (23:23):
So they gave me opportunities.

Speaker 5 (23:25):
I had doors that were open.

Speaker 8 (23:28):
How did you get give me a break? Because weren't
you both want I don't even know.

Speaker 6 (23:31):
I'm just interrupting, they added, But that's because I had
done another show.

Speaker 5 (23:36):
Funny enough, I think actually with.

Speaker 2 (23:38):
Mark Mark Hudson Rose, No Mark.

Speaker 5 (23:44):
Sarah and our uncle Mark.

Speaker 7 (23:48):
Yeah really yeah, yeah, So there was like this anyway
that Sarah.

Speaker 6 (23:55):
Darl Sarah was the Gina Geena Davis, Gary David Goldberg
did it?

Speaker 1 (23:59):

Speaker 6 (23:59):
It was of fan Bill Bill Maher was on it
an amazing show, amazing show.

Speaker 3 (24:04):
So like Uncle Mark was on a show. I don't know, Wait,
we need to know more about this. What was it?
Who did the show?

Speaker 6 (24:12):
Was it NBC?

Speaker 10 (24:13):
I don't know.

Speaker 6 (24:13):
I have to look it up.

Speaker 2 (24:14):
Maybe maybe did the was.

Speaker 6 (24:15):
Doing the music he wrote you wrote this little soft me.

Speaker 5 (24:18):
I'll never forget the music.

Speaker 2 (24:21):
That makes sense, Yeah, I'll.

Speaker 6 (24:22):
Never forget it.

Speaker 3 (24:25):
So anyway, I thought I was like, oh my god,
I didn't realize Uncle Mark was doing some like acting
on the side. So how doing the show.

Speaker 2 (24:31):
How old were you, Matt when when you when you
did this three three.

Speaker 5 (24:35):
Or something that three and a half, three and a
half something like that.

Speaker 6 (24:38):
So so then this and it was this amazing show,
but it it just it never went past like eight
episodes or something.

Speaker 5 (24:44):
So they were like the same kind of a thing.

Speaker 7 (24:45):
They were like, well, you know what, let's let's Adam
to give me a break. And then I think that
was really what started the whole brother unit because that worked,
like we had I was kind.

Speaker 6 (24:56):
Of on my own.

Speaker 7 (24:57):
I was kind of a little again, I was a
little shy, but put me on camera, Joe and you
kind of do that lightning and a bottle thing, and
then that kind of started the whole brother thing.

Speaker 8 (25:07):
That's a good one. I've never even thought about it
till now.

Speaker 9 (25:09):
But being a kid, you know, suspending reality is easier,
but then putting them on, you know, opposite a family member,
it just becomes that much easier to have chemistry and
to feel normal, to deliver.

Speaker 2 (25:24):
Right right now.

Speaker 3 (25:24):
We talk about that all the time, like how fun
it would be if we could do something.

Speaker 6 (25:29):
I haven't you guys done something together. I'll put it together.

Speaker 2 (25:34):
I think we're doing it, you know, but we're doing
It's a good question. We're trying to everyone's trying to
figure it out as a family. It's very difficult. There's
a thousand actors now, and I don't know. At one
point we're going to make it happen in one way, sure,
you know what I mean. It was going to do
a community We'll do community theater. We'll do some like

local Santa Monica playhouse.

Speaker 3 (25:58):
That sounds fun.

Speaker 2 (25:59):
Yeah, just the whole family doing Santa Monica play.

Speaker 3 (26:03):
There's like there's like fifteen seats.

Speaker 6 (26:05):
Right and exactly it would be every night, exactly around
the block.

Speaker 3 (26:10):
We would we would we could sell those seats maybe.

Speaker 2 (26:13):
For a lot of money. One hundred and fifty bucks
two nights only. That's it.

Speaker 1 (26:18):
Do it?

Speaker 6 (26:19):
Do it?

Speaker 1 (26:20):

Speaker 2 (26:21):
Hold on, So Andy, you come into the picture. Now
you've got these two brothers. They are older obviously now,
and at what point are you sort of not necessarily
enamored with but are realizing, oh shit, I guess this
is my path as well.

Speaker 8 (26:35):
Yeah, it must have been.

Speaker 9 (26:37):
You know, I think it was probably a little presumptuous
of me, But again, I just I just figured it
was normal.

Speaker 8 (26:41):
I don't know.

Speaker 9 (26:42):
And then I again, I I Matt was on a
show called Walter and Emil and a similar thing happened
where they needed a younger role or so and I
was on the set well, and then somehow my mom petitioned.

Speaker 8 (26:55):
For me to do the addition for it, Like.

Speaker 5 (26:57):
Really, the true story is that, I mean, it's all true.

Speaker 6 (26:59):
But when Andy was born, no joke, Brandon Tartakoff, he
had me on NBC right, Matt was on NBC now
and there was a lot of success.

Speaker 5 (27:08):
Happening there when Andy was born. I'll never forget this.

Speaker 6 (27:10):
We were in the hospital and a massive bouquet of
flowers came right because I was twelve, so I remember
almost almost twelve. I was eleven and a half and
it was and it was a It was from Brandon Tartakoff,
and he said congratulations Donna on the third Lawrence, And
in the envelope was a contract to sign Andy to
an overall deal.

Speaker 2 (27:27):
That's my god.

Speaker 3 (27:29):
Do you still have that that my mom has that?
Oh my god, that's so funny.

Speaker 2 (27:35):
That is great.

Speaker 3 (27:36):
Was there ever a moment where you were like any
of you guys were like I'm done, I don't want
to do this anymore. Yeah.

Speaker 6 (27:43):
Actually, when Andy was born, my mom decided that I
was going into the sixth grade, right, and she wanted
to pull me out of the business so that I
could really submerge myself in all my friends because I
had been at that school, but I was going in
the middle school now, you know, and saw my friends
and I wanted to go to school dances and play
sports and do all these things. So I was I

basically six of the eighth grade. All I did was
work during the summer, uh and I did commercials and
movies and stuff. But during the school year, I was
there every day. It was the greatest three years of
my life. Like I had, you know, the first kiss,
and I played sports and went to all the dances
and did exactly what I needed to do. Cemented my
relationships with all my my childhood friends. I didn't have
any industry friends. I had childhood friends. I mean, I

had in industry acquaintances. I knew everybody right and I
was friendly with them. But my friends, we were Chris
Wolf and Ross and Josh and you know that was
you know.

Speaker 2 (28:37):
Making that's so healthy. It's nice to hear because usually
you hear these stories obviously. Were these young actors young
actors come up in there just all screwed up because
of being in the business, you know what I mean? Yeah,
I didn't, and they get into all the ship and
you know, well that.

Speaker 3 (28:52):
Crew for you would have been like the Game and Feldman.

Speaker 2 (28:55):
And yeah or or so Le did that whole documentary,
you know, and she's my age. You know, did you
watch that Sleigh Moon?

Speaker 6 (29:05):
They was yes, yes, I think there was a voicemail
she used in mine and that because she was on
our pod talking about it and everything.

Speaker 2 (29:10):
Yeah she was yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 6 (29:12):
Sleigh was actually in the pilot for Little Shots that
I did for NBC with Ron Howard. She was in that.

Speaker 2 (29:27):
Did your parents shield you from these things? Did they
understand sort of the down the pitfalls or were they
more or was it just you and your personality and
you're like, no, I don't want to participate in the
fast life.

Speaker 6 (29:38):
I guess I loved my family, right, so I really
bought in to the idea of family. I didn't want
to go anywhere unless my family was around, right. We
took family vacations together. Even if I brought my best friend, uh,
he would come with my family.

Speaker 5 (29:51):
Right, And I never really had a desire to do that.

Speaker 6 (29:53):
I was I got off on on on working really hard, right,
being successful, uh, and sports and music, which I was
able to do, you know, at a high level there
for a while. It was really neat.

Speaker 3 (30:05):
But that sounds it also sounds like you guys have
such a wholesome your parents. Are they still together?

Speaker 5 (30:14):
No, there's still a lot great and we love.

Speaker 6 (30:16):
That was one of.

Speaker 5 (30:17):
The one of the consequences of this journey. Yes, through
l A.

Speaker 7 (30:20):
Is it my dad he he definitely wanted to stay
on the East coast.

Speaker 5 (30:24):
Yeah, that's where all you.

Speaker 6 (30:26):
Know, his business was business everybody, you know.

Speaker 5 (30:30):
So there was a tugg and poll there for a while.

Speaker 2 (30:32):
And then in l A.

Speaker 6 (30:33):
You know, because now we're all working, right, we got
one parent on a set with one another parent on
set on the other and.

Speaker 5 (30:38):
Like that was the in that era you were doing.

Speaker 7 (30:42):
So much and I kind of popped off there for
a minute. We were fractured and my mom and dad
well not together. We were all from different parts of
the world half the time.

Speaker 2 (30:51):
So that so you you broke you broke up your parents.

Speaker 6 (30:56):
I mean, the journey, the journey for sure did Unfortunately
that was a consequence for them.

Speaker 2 (31:02):
Wow wow, wow, I was going to say this, that's interesting.

Speaker 3 (31:05):
Though it also but it does sound like they are,
you know, very secure and good parents, like you know,
your mom being a teacher, your dad works really hard.
I think like if you think about it, going into
it doesn't matter what you go into. If you've got
a good example, then you're not usually not going to
get into all of that trouble. A lot of times

when you hear these stories about young actors and kids,
their familial their background is pretty you know.

Speaker 6 (31:33):
Yeah, I was hard on myself, right because you're always
in the public eye, right, so like trying to be
perfect and you know, I mean, you know, every hair
had to be in perfect place, right, so it goes
things doue, it gets in here. But I never, I never.
I never got off on drugs. I never wanted to
try it. As a matter of fact, I literally did
not go out until I was twenty one. I did

not go into a club and have a drink till
I was twenty one because I was I was, like
everybody knew I was, and I thought it was pathetic
that I was going to be in there at eighteen
and everyone's like, oh God, he's drinking.

Speaker 5 (32:05):
You shouldn't be drinking, not that I could.

Speaker 6 (32:07):
You know. The opposite is, I'm whatever, I'm Corey Haym
or Corey Film, and I'm gonna go in there because
I'm seventeen, but I could do whatever I want.

Speaker 5 (32:13):
I went the opposite. I was like, everybody knows who
I am.

Speaker 6 (32:15):
It's embarrassing, Like I'm gonna be the youngest one in
there and they're all going to think it's a joke.
So I'm not gonna step in there until I am
twenty one. And I can honestly say nope, I can
have a drink because I'm twenty one, you know, and
I didn't work.

Speaker 3 (32:26):
For you guys like that.

Speaker 5 (32:28):
Here's the thing.

Speaker 6 (32:29):
No, I mean, no, not one hundred percent.

Speaker 5 (32:30):
No, I mean and.

Speaker 3 (32:35):
Fault I can tell. I can just tell a media.

Speaker 2 (32:39):

Speaker 5 (32:39):
Yeah, but it's really true.

Speaker 3 (32:42):
Club at nineteen.

Speaker 7 (32:43):
Yeah yeah, I started around nineteen doing trying things and
doing all that.

Speaker 5 (32:48):
But it's really true.

Speaker 6 (32:49):

Speaker 7 (32:50):
I mean, dude, you really did. You set a heck
of a bar an example there. He really never did
any of this stuff, like it was just always worked
and focused. Well you know it was that like mamba mentality. Honestly,
like I've seen it before and other guys. He's got
that kind of a you know, just laser focus look.

Speaker 6 (33:07):
I mean, honestly, I also felt a lot of pressure
being the oldest. My parents drilled that into me that
I had to set an example right, especially for him.
Were so much aparts.

Speaker 5 (33:15):
I was more like an uncle for a while, you
know it was.

Speaker 6 (33:18):
I really took it seriously, and I did not want
to partake in that because I knew I had to
come home every night and I wanted to be a
good example for these guys. We were still here's the
best thing.

Speaker 7 (33:28):
We were still sharing bump beds at the height of
his success.

Speaker 5 (33:32):
Like literally, he's like in the top bunk. I didn't
move out.

Speaker 6 (33:36):
I didn't. I couldn't move into the den. We didn't
buy like our our like our like househouse. I didn't
buy it till like, you know, much later, so we
we Yeah, Matt and I were sharing a room when
I was six sixteen.

Speaker 5 (33:49):
I mean, yeah, I got to over to the den.

Speaker 6 (33:55):
The den, so I didn't even have proper doors.

Speaker 2 (33:58):
No, when did your parents split up?

Speaker 6 (34:01):
Well, they were married thirty years, so I was twenty
like twenty three mighty hard for Andy was and he
caught them. He caught the fourteen This suck Andy caught.

Speaker 2 (34:15):
So how did that work between the brothers? You know what?
I mean, we've got the younger one who maybe going
through it a little bit more. I mean, did you
have to sort of take on a different role, both
of you boys to your younger brother? I mean, how
was that support system?

Speaker 7 (34:28):
Or I don't have I don't have a lot of
great things say about the way I handled honestly, really
hold on, hold on, I yeah, I honestly, about six
months into the divorce process, I was so overwhelmed. I
was like, I gotta get out and I literally just balanced.

Speaker 6 (34:46):
I pulled all of my business out of the family.
I bought a little place, I moved. I didn't and
this is my someb I've got a few regrets. One
of my main regrets though, is that I really was
not their brandy and period of time. I mean, I
I understand I needed it as well to kind of
get that break, but yeah, my support for Andy for

about a year.

Speaker 3 (35:07):
And a half was it was not there, Jolley.

Speaker 6 (35:13):
I was around, you know. I tried to recreate a
family home and you know, so we could have Christmas,
you know, and uh, you know, we could have Christmas
there and form a base where everybody could sort of gather.
I you know, I got I got married on the
younger side, you know, I I got married for a
brief period of time there right during the divorce.

Speaker 8 (35:33):
He was really trying to reach.

Speaker 6 (35:35):
Reaching there, so it didn't work. And then and then
I got married shortly there after again, but I was
married fifteen years and I have two beautiful daughters from that,
and unfortunately that didn't work out.

Speaker 5 (35:47):
But but uh, you know, the gift always tries again.

Speaker 2 (35:50):
So I mean, look, just keeping you keep going. I mean, yeah, Kate,
Kate knows.

Speaker 5 (35:59):
You know, great, great lady, and and uh, you know,
really great.

Speaker 6 (36:03):
And and I have an eleven month old daughter. So
I have a seventeen year old daughter, thirteen year old
daughter and eleven month old daughter.

Speaker 3 (36:08):
Wow, I have twenty in January, and then I have
twelve and five.

Speaker 5 (36:17):
Hey wait you have you have a twenty year old.

Speaker 3 (36:20):
Wow, you have a really young.

Speaker 6 (36:22):
You have a twenty year old, a twelve year old
and then a five year old. Wow, So you basically
earned my boat that's right.

Speaker 2 (36:29):
We get this with six different guys, interesting.

Speaker 6 (36:37):
Figure out one out? So yeah, I mean that's it.

Speaker 5 (36:46):
Thank you.

Speaker 2 (36:49):
During the math. But Andy, Andy, how did but when
right with one of them?

Speaker 5 (36:55):
Nick Cannon?

Speaker 6 (36:58):

Speaker 2 (37:00):
But growing up with that situation with you, Andy, like,
how are you dealing with that? Being so young? You know,
did you want to lean on your brothers for support
or you know, how did you go through all this?

Speaker 6 (37:12):

Speaker 8 (37:13):
Man, there was a lot going on.

Speaker 7 (37:15):
Jeezuz, good question, bro. I've never heard Andy actually talk
about this.

Speaker 3 (37:22):
To be honest, I still haven't asked him.

Speaker 2 (37:27):
Bottles it up?

Speaker 3 (37:28):
Well, good thing you're on this podcast.

Speaker 6 (37:30):
Don't bottle.

Speaker 2 (37:32):
You gotta cry or something. We do it just all.

Speaker 8 (37:38):
Right, way too easily.

Speaker 2 (37:39):
It's just a way well you can scratch the surface.
I mean, you know, did you harbor ship? Do you
harbor ship?

Speaker 8 (37:53):
Not towards these guys?

Speaker 9 (37:54):
No, the parental conflict is never a healthy thing probably
for anyone to deal with, but it happens, and you know,
there's a lot of people are have dealt with.

Speaker 6 (38:06):
It, yes, and think a lot of people were asking you, well,
my personal experience, of course it was terrible, but uh,
you know that, But what did you say, I've never
did What did you think? Where do you think I was?
I just bounced you, okay with it?

Speaker 2 (38:19):
I was just about to ask that.

Speaker 11 (38:20):
Yeah, yeah, I mean I had my own thing, man,
and I had Actually he kind of did it to
the point where he was so forward with his life
and way ahead of his years that there was one
night where I remember, this is what kind of brought
me back in the folly when my mom calls me like,
this is endgame when it comes to this guy.

Speaker 6 (38:38):
And I get there and sure enough her car is
blocking him from leaving. And how you were getting out,
I don't know. He was about fifteen, he had his permit.
We wasn't supposed to be driving. This is not this
is me, So I block him in. He's got these
group of people that were not a good group of people,
and we had to tell them off.

Speaker 8 (38:54):
God like, we told him off, and we did.

Speaker 5 (38:57):
We did blocked theo.

Speaker 3 (39:07):
Sharon Stone's true.

Speaker 2 (39:12):
Yeah, but all the ship of course you're alone.

Speaker 3 (39:16):
You're eight years younger than than Matt, so obviously right,
So I mean, like you're sitting there dealing with your
you were probably at the heat of all of that,
and that's yeah, yeah, I mean that's definitely.

Speaker 5 (39:31):
Ourselves, but still but still be there.

Speaker 6 (39:33):
Andy was obviously just he took the the.

Speaker 2 (39:37):
Well moving forward, moving forward. Then how did you guys
all sort of come back together to sort of create
this brotherly love?

Speaker 6 (39:45):
You know?

Speaker 2 (39:46):
I mean, how did it all happen? After all the
ship went down, Andrews's dealing with his stuff, Matt pieces
out for a year and a half, Like, at what
point did it did it? Did it all of a
sudden sort of come back together? I think it.

Speaker 6 (39:58):
Started to come back together, honest with you, like when
I did Melissa and Joey and I was able to
have these guys on It was the first time that
we had been on camera together in a long time,
and that they each were on a couple episodes, right,
uh and playing different parts, you know, and and uh
and it was really fun. I think you know that
that that show was That show was very successful, so
it was really fun to to.

Speaker 5 (40:18):
Be able to have them on that And we had
not been.

Speaker 6 (40:20):
In a situation like that, and so much time had
passed that we now were pretty much all grown men, right,
So we hadn't.

Speaker 5 (40:25):
Really worked together since since we were since we were
since we're.

Speaker 6 (40:28):
Underage, you know. Uh, So that I think was for me, like, wow,
this is interesting. And then Andy really decided to start
like jumping into film production and filmmaking and believe it
or not, got himself to a point where he was
he directed.

Speaker 5 (40:43):
Believe it or not, I mean truly, but this guy.

Speaker 3 (40:47):
But he.

Speaker 6 (40:50):
And he's a testament to just like doing it right.

Speaker 1 (40:52):

Speaker 6 (40:52):
People talk about it, so people can be schooled in it,
but other people just do it right. And those people
are the ones that really are the ones that kind
of have an egg if they just do it right,
because a lot of people sit around and talk about
doing it, but the people that actually do it are
the ones that usually kick ass. Right. So Andy just
went and did it. And he directed this this this
kind of like really cool sort of action movie with
Kelsey Grammer. I don't know how. He just like talk

to him something like I can do it. I know
I can do it. And these producers said, all right,
we believe you. And he said, I'm directing this movie
with Kelsey Grammar.

Speaker 5 (41:24):
And You're like, you're directing what a you're directing?

Speaker 6 (41:28):
He's like, this is a laction film. He's got a
wwe guy, the super famous dude at in the Edge Copeland,
it's got I'm like, what you're directing? He's like yeah.

Speaker 3 (41:37):
At one side, I think people think it's really easy
to get a movie made. It's really really, really hard
to get a movie mad. You know, even just to
get it done is an amazing so hard.

Speaker 6 (41:49):
So Andy and I had both Matt and I in
that movie in tiny parts, just to have some fun.
And then Andy started like it did really well. So
Andy got other opportunities, and believe it or not, he
directed this lifetime thriller which he wanted me to do,
and I was like, all right, I'll do it, you know,
but I no.

Speaker 5 (42:10):
I actually ended up meeting my wife on.

Speaker 6 (42:12):
This thing, which is so wild because I never ever
worked with anybody and like dated them ever, like ever, Right,
that was like a rule of mine.

Speaker 5 (42:21):
Looks like Andy's got the magic touch with casting.

Speaker 3 (42:23):
Yeah, and it was like.

Speaker 6 (42:27):
And and my gosh, it was just the craziest thing
that ever happened.

Speaker 3 (42:31):
Now is what happens when you disagree creatively, especially like
because in Brotherly Love you were all playing yourselves right basically.

Speaker 5 (42:40):
Well really extended versions.

Speaker 7 (42:43):
Like I was there, I was kind of an erotic
teenager that was kind of didn't want to be you.

Speaker 6 (42:47):
Know, looked at and stuff, so they just took that
to the extreme.

Speaker 5 (42:50):
I mean it was a scrypted show.

Speaker 3 (42:51):
We were it was scripted but okay, but but like,
how did like creatively what happens when you're either you
either don't agree with the other one or there's creative differences.
Even when you're working with your brother as a director,
you know, uh, who usually wins.

Speaker 2 (43:09):
The argument, right, like like like like the like the
neon sign behind you, who liked it the most? And
who had to be like all right, fine? How was he?

Speaker 3 (43:17):
All right?

Speaker 8 (43:17):

Speaker 2 (43:18):
You were Matt, you were like there, I find all
right fine.

Speaker 7 (43:22):
I was a little worried that the space and the
letter didn't make it clear enough, like it didn't pop
out enough.

Speaker 6 (43:27):
But they rule working together as we do now, right,
Like we're doing this pod and we're doing a big
action movie next year for Fox. Right, this is kind
of like die hard thing in a hospital would be
really fun off finally be able to kick some ass
in a movie, and I'm looking forward to that. But
we have like a majority rules thing, right, So if
two of the three of us say yes, it doesn't

really matter what, Like I could the.

Speaker 5 (43:49):
Third one can just fallow.

Speaker 6 (43:50):
Yeah yeah, the third one can just go buck themselves
because like we're never gonna we we do agree a lot,
but we always have sometely different opinions.

Speaker 5 (43:57):
Oh yeah, well somebody, I mean, yeah.

Speaker 6 (43:59):
But if two of us go, dude, that's what's happening
to any of the other, then that's it. We just folded.

Speaker 7 (44:06):
But I really like it because I got to be honest,
I think the best stuff comes out of I think
the best stuff comes out of when we're we have
two really different opinions and we go at it. I
feel like something better comes out of it than either
of the opinions that were there originally.

Speaker 6 (44:20):
So I think it's a good part of the process.

Speaker 5 (44:22):
But while it's occurring, it's not fun at all.

Speaker 2 (44:24):
Well, I mean, essentially, it's what America was supposed to
be founded on. And now there you go, there's a
two party system where you have conflicting ideas and then
better one comes up comes up, right.

Speaker 5 (44:38):
I mean when it when it works, it works great.

Speaker 2 (44:40):

Speaker 1 (44:41):
Yeah, what are you looking forward to now?

Speaker 3 (44:51):
Like when you guys are doing your podcast and I mean,
I know for Olliver and I, it's been just the
most fun to be able to be together all the time.
It sounds like you guys have been together forever, You've
been working together all the time. But like, what, what
what are you looking forward to in these next couple years?

Speaker 9 (45:09):
Speaking of vacation, Oh, you have a family vacation together.

Speaker 5 (45:14):
I'm alone.

Speaker 8 (45:16):
We've met alone time together. No, I'm kidding.

Speaker 5 (45:20):
Travel vacation would be great.

Speaker 6 (45:22):
That's like on the shore.

Speaker 5 (45:23):
The long term.

Speaker 6 (45:24):
I don't know.

Speaker 7 (45:24):
I think we're all kind of thinking this way, but
we want to get a big property somewhere. We want
to have, you know, maybe a little studio, like a
centers like place. We have a kitchen where everybody you
know goes the kitchen and stars start a religion.

Speaker 10 (45:40):
You know.

Speaker 7 (45:45):
He keeps down this cold joke and it's just not funny,
and it's you got to take.

Speaker 8 (45:49):
That one out.

Speaker 3 (45:50):
Do you all play music?

Speaker 6 (45:52):

Speaker 5 (45:52):
Yeah, we like music.

Speaker 3 (45:53):
Yeah, And so what instruments do you all play? Who plays?

Speaker 6 (45:57):
We're just saying, well, I play the piano, anybody, I'm
not a master.

Speaker 5 (46:02):
He plays guitar, and he's an incredible guitar player.

Speaker 6 (46:04):
I do master.

Speaker 5 (46:04):
An instrument should have man sing sing.

Speaker 3 (46:09):
Yeah, and you can write ish on piano or guitar.
And do you ever write together and make music together? Oh?

Speaker 6 (46:18):
Yes, yeah we do.

Speaker 5 (46:19):
We're actually Andy came up with this really.

Speaker 6 (46:21):
Cool track for our podcast that we're we're gonna have
a theme song, so I actually recorded later.

Speaker 2 (46:27):
Yeah scream amazing. So wait, what we should do?

Speaker 3 (46:31):
We should write? We should I should I should write.

Speaker 2 (46:34):
Yeah, and I'll sing whatever. There you go, I'll do it.

Speaker 6 (46:38):
You can sing?

Speaker 5 (46:39):
I mean yeah?

Speaker 6 (46:40):
Can you sing too?

Speaker 5 (46:41):
Because I know you can really sing?

Speaker 2 (46:42):
Kay can really sing kid as a record coming out,
I'm kind of I can sing. I'm probably Here's the thing.
I'm probably the most talented person in the family, but
I don't have the Andy sort of just go for
it drive, you know what I mean. I just rest
on my charms and my good looks and I just
got and my god.

Speaker 3 (46:59):
Given talently talented, very talented talent, very very talented. I
feel like you make fun of yourself and you're actually.

Speaker 2 (47:07):
Really I use that self deprecation to mask a lot of.

Speaker 5 (47:13):

Speaker 3 (47:15):
I usually just use rage.

Speaker 2 (47:19):
I just make fun of myself and then get in
my car and leave and cry.

Speaker 6 (47:25):
You guys should do a little I like that idea.

Speaker 3 (47:27):
You know, our uncle Mark wrote our intro song. Yeah,
so he wrote a song for us as well. Yeah,
and but maybe we should have Yeah, we should either
do it or we should have the Hudson brothers.

Speaker 2 (47:41):
Yeah, Oh my gosh, let's get to know them.

Speaker 3 (47:44):
I love that you guys write music together. And and
when you sing, do you like harmonize and stuff?

Speaker 8 (47:50):

Speaker 6 (47:51):
Yeah, we have to do Are you?

Speaker 2 (47:54):
Are you?

Speaker 3 (47:54):
Doesn't it make you so happy?

Speaker 6 (47:56):
It does?

Speaker 5 (47:57):
I love I love music so much.

Speaker 3 (47:59):
You know, it's my life. It's everything.

Speaker 2 (48:01):
And then kids, Mary and Andy, do you have kids
you're married?

Speaker 6 (48:04):

Speaker 8 (48:05):
Oh kids?

Speaker 2 (48:05):
My kids? And you guys got kids? You got three? Matt,
you got one? No, zero, the old one.

Speaker 6 (48:11):
I'm the only one. I've been a parent obviously, Kate.
You know I've been a parent since two thousand and six.
So right, well, yeah, I got you beat of a
twenty year old.

Speaker 3 (48:23):
I was so ready though. It was so funny. At
the time. I was like, I was just ready to
be a mom. And now I look back, I'm like,
holy fuck, I was young. I was not ready to
be a mom. But he turned out great. I'm really
proud of him. I'm so I did something right and
it's showing in him right now, like he's a great

he's a great man, young man, and he's doing He's
in a great place. I couldn't be happier.

Speaker 2 (48:51):
So going going back really quickly, okay to sort of
the success that you guys were having as young kids.
When that's success started to sort of ween or did
you feel it, meaning like, oh shit, I was up
here and now uh danank danang, it's ticking down? How
do I keep this?

Speaker 3 (49:10):
You know?

Speaker 2 (49:10):
Did that affect you guys in any way?

Speaker 6 (49:13):
You did?

Speaker 2 (49:14):
You have to keep chasing? How did that work for y'all?

Speaker 3 (49:17):

Speaker 6 (49:17):
Look, I think I think one of the look, one
of the benefits of breaking in a little bit later
is that is that you you get a lot more
street credit for the success, you know, and when you
have a lot of success at the young age, like
I did, you know. I mean a perfect example is
that when I was doing Joey Russo on Blossom, it
was essentially the same character that Matt LeBlanc was playing
on Friends, right, And you know, and honestly, the story
is that you know the truth is that that that

character was they had Matt the productor the right you know,
they wanted when Warren Littlefield took over NBC, uh and
they they were developing friends. You know, they wanted a
twenty five year old Joey Russo, right, because that character
was so successful. Matt LeBlanc actually came over to watch
how I played Joey Russo.

Speaker 5 (50:00):
Okay, because there's a real.

Speaker 6 (50:01):
Fine line between being a lecherous womanizer. But if you're
innocent with it, if you don't understand what you're Ashley saying,
you can get away with saying anything right.

Speaker 5 (50:12):
So, you know, if the woman walks in, there'sremely likable.

Speaker 6 (50:14):
There's there's an exuberance and in innocence about it. Was like
you see the booves of that lady? Did you see them?

Speaker 5 (50:21):
They were so beautiful?

Speaker 6 (50:22):
Like if you said that with like you know, some
lecherous like did you see the wreck on that, it
becomes gross. But if there's this childlike innocence with it,
you can get away with anything. So that they wanted
him to tap into right so, and and the great
thing is that you know he went on to win Emmys, right,
and everybody thought that's who I was. So that's The
difference when you get to break in a little later

and then you break it when you're young is that
I did not get any credit. They don't think they're
putting on performance, and I think that's who you are,
right right, So there's a big stigma. Then I had
to try and break through. And I saw a lot
of my other peers that were going on to do
big movies, and you know, I'm a physical dude, like
I always wanted to do like die Hard, I always
wanted to do lethal weapon. That's the kind of stuff

that I wanted to do, bring that sense of humor
to like that action stuff because I don't think a
lot of guys really do that. Tasfley, but like Mel
did it, and Bruce Willis obviously was the greatest at it.
Harrison Ford did it in his prime with Indiana Jones.
I know another guy who does it very.

Speaker 3 (51:18):
Well, Kurt Oh oh yeah, that guy, Yeah, unbelievable.

Speaker 6 (51:26):
Wait Tangle and Cash Yeah, Crush Tangle, Cash Bro the best,
but at any rate. So but those opportunities, I had
to literally fight my ass off and I never got those,
you know, So for me, movies are gonna break much later.
I feel like, I'm gonna be like Liam Neeson now and.

Speaker 5 (51:49):
I take it.

Speaker 6 (51:50):
I'm gonna be like in my fifties. You know, Wow,
we never knew this guy could do it. But so
there it's very tough to break in very young and
to have the kind of success that I have, because yeah, it.

Speaker 2 (52:01):
Really is difficult, and then to main to maintain it.

Speaker 3 (52:03):
Kurt always said, they you know, when I was little,
I wanted to I was like shot out of the cannon,
just right out the bat. I wanted to be performing,
and my parents were like, absolutely not, because that was
what they were concerned about. It was like, you know,
my mom let me audition for this sitcom. I actually
got the part. Didn't know that I got the part.

She said absolutely not to them and told me that
I didn't get the part, which actually was good for
me because then I was like, oh, I had that
opportunity and then I went and I could go be
a kid. And I didn't think about it for a while.
But the but but what I realized is that what
Kurt always said, which is like, if you have to
really love it to do it, because it's so temperamental

and you can have these big, huge moments and be
on top of the world no matter what age you are,
and they're always looking for the new thing. But like,
talent will always win, and if you really love it,
you will always do it. You always find a way
to do what you love and and you might not
get like that thing that you were like, oh, I

wanted to be like that, but if you really really
love it, like it will fulfill you no matter what
you're doing. And that was the biggest thing Kurt ever
taught me, which was like, you know, and to love
other things just as much, you know, not to rely
on that as like if we relied on that, we'd

be living in this like roller coaster tumultuous crazy, like
you know, constantly at the back and call of like
are we good enough? Are we good enough? Am I
good enough? And no matter how successful you get, you're
always up against that in this industry. So it's like,
you know, just to even have what did Billy Billy

Krudip said to me, there's no shame in writing one
great song, and there's no shame in directing one great film,
and there's no shame in starring in one big movie
like mm hmm, there's.

Speaker 2 (54:03):
No shame in doing one good scene, right.

Speaker 3 (54:06):
No, because one line even be able to have that opportunity,
right is one.

Speaker 2 (54:12):
And one in.

Speaker 3 (54:15):
It's true and I and I always carry that kind
of thing with me because as an artist, like I think,
you always need to stay you need to stay in
that zone because then you can keep creating more freely.

Speaker 5 (54:27):
I try to stay like present.

Speaker 6 (54:29):
You have to stay present, right because if you think
about the past, it usually brings up feelings of like
sadness or lamentary like oh god, I wish I was
I had this and I if you think about the future,
it's all about stress and anxiety and about like well
how am I gonna get there?

Speaker 5 (54:41):
What am I going to get? But if you stay.

Speaker 6 (54:42):
Present, like you said, you can you can sort of
appreciate what's happening now and truly you know, have a
hand in what's going to happen. But only if you
stay present, and it's difficult to do.

Speaker 2 (54:52):
Was there lows for you guys?

Speaker 6 (54:54):

Speaker 2 (54:54):
I mean you know what I mean, like what what
what were some of your lows?

Speaker 5 (54:58):
Like decades long loan?

Speaker 2 (55:00):
Really I mean for really, like you know, we talked
about all the highs, but when we were when were
the low periods where it's like, am I going to
fucking be able to do this? Am I going to
do what I love to do anymore? You know what
I mean? That kind of shit.

Speaker 7 (55:12):
I first of all, I went five years, five years
without a job, five years, and I was going for jobs, dude.
In fact, that was during that period we tested for something. Uh,
we tested for a pilot together.

Speaker 2 (55:25):

Speaker 7 (55:25):
I was so in such a rut by that point,
I had even forgotten had a screen test. I was
so off my game that I couldn't even function properly
as an.

Speaker 6 (55:35):
Actor at that point, you know. And so man, yeah, ruts,
Oh my gosh. I went through a divorce, the bottom
of the bottom, man.

Speaker 2 (55:41):
I literally was.

Speaker 7 (55:43):
I literally was on the couch of my family home
that I had both fifteen years ago and was no
longer mind.

Speaker 5 (55:50):
Like, dude, I was at the bottom of the bottom,
you know.

Speaker 2 (55:53):
And wow, dude, and then what had you get through it?
What brought you out of it?

Speaker 3 (55:57):

Speaker 6 (55:57):
You know?

Speaker 5 (55:58):

Speaker 7 (55:58):
And then you know, we really kind of threw all
of our hats back into legitimately working together this podcast.

Speaker 8 (56:04):

Speaker 5 (56:05):
Yeah, we were now were together every Friday.

Speaker 6 (56:07):
It picked me up. I and then I met I
met an amazing woman who just changed my perspective on
life and rejected my relationship with my spirituality and all
these amazing things, and life just turned around.

Speaker 5 (56:18):
But for a long time, man, I was on a
real serious slide. It literally was in the bottom for
like five years, man, Like I was just.

Speaker 2 (56:25):
Bottom gratulations, buddy, that's that's nice. It's just when you
get out of those things, I mean, the lessons that
you learn about yourself, the insight that you have into
your own character, it just builds so tremendously that when
you can get out, you know, and a lot and
some people can't, you know what I mean, And then
that's a whole different conversation. But when you can get out,
you know, you just know who you are through and

through and so much better.

Speaker 3 (56:48):

Speaker 6 (56:48):
It's it's it's true.

Speaker 2 (56:50):

Speaker 6 (56:50):
Look I've been I've been doing this, you know, forty
forty two years, you know, so it's been as the.

Speaker 5 (56:55):
BICP comes out and you slipped out, Joe, you know.

Speaker 6 (57:05):
But it's skin could.

Speaker 3 (57:06):
Mean your skin.

Speaker 8 (57:10):
Lars broke.

Speaker 6 (57:10):
Oh wow, what it doesn't ask, It's all right, It's
all right, it happens. I'm used, No but you know,
I mean it's been it's been so many ups and
then and then a lot of downs too, you know.
I mean, I you know, I went through a divorce
and it's been. It was very difficult, and.

Speaker 5 (57:27):
You were letting.

Speaker 6 (57:28):
There was a whole campaign out against you when you
were like shaving your head. People were talking about how
you looked. They were just ragging on him.

Speaker 8 (57:35):
What are you doing overboard? Matt?

Speaker 5 (57:36):
You terrible?

Speaker 6 (57:38):
You look your whole world. There's like there's like there's
all the hot dress for the world to be. There's like, uh,
there's uh there's like Joey Lawren's eyebrow sights where like
cause my eyebrows were constantly changing because I would do
these photo shoots, they plucked the crap out of my eyebrows.
I look like really like a weird kling on and

I have to be minded of those pictures all the time.
I I.

Speaker 8 (58:04):
The one bad eyebrow that somebody does live on.

Speaker 5 (58:10):
I got, yeah it.

Speaker 6 (58:11):
Was awful, I got yeah, yeah, it was terrible. I
Mean every air style that I've that I've had, they
they hate them all, you know. And then and then yeah, man,
I mean you you go through look, man, I trusted
a lot of people. I I I have file for bankruptcy.
I mean, this has been it's been a journey, man.
It's been super highs and big time lows that always

worried me. I don't know if that way do I
mean just the way it is right, I've been at
the threshold of hell literally looking over right. So the
good news is I have my faith. Nothing scares me anymore.
You know, you don't really care, and I don't care.
You know, I really don't care. So uh, I have
a lot of things that I want to accomplish still
and uh, you know, I really believe I want to

do it. Uh, and just uh you can love.

Speaker 2 (58:54):
It because I love it.

Speaker 5 (58:56):
It's just whether they' or not.

Speaker 7 (58:57):
Man's just been a roller probably the day we die.

Speaker 3 (59:00):
I also, just your guys' energy is so amazing.

Speaker 2 (59:04):
I love it, and I do want to hang out.

Speaker 3 (59:06):
So I so want to be in that room with
you guys right now. And honestly, like seriously, family is everything, Yeah,
and you guys are a great representation of that.

Speaker 6 (59:18):
Anytime you want to come on our show, come on.

Speaker 2 (59:23):
Dude real quick before we get out of here. All
you guys, you know, in five years from now, right,
if we're manifesting where we want to be at, you know,
and you go first because you're the youngin right, Like,
what do we want to do? You want to? Are
you a director?

Speaker 6 (59:37):

Speaker 8 (59:37):
I mean well we could.

Speaker 10 (59:38):
I mean career wise, it's the whole thing, but really
what the the ultimate goal would be beyond the career,
just to be healthy with my family in a really
awesome location with friends, just you know, enjoying that moment
in that day.

Speaker 9 (59:54):
That really is the ultimate goal for buddy, and how
we get there, that's the journey.

Speaker 5 (59:58):
Yeah, yeah, I'm pretty similar. It'd be probably somewhere tropical.

Speaker 6 (01:00:02):
I know, we all look tropics and uh, we.

Speaker 5 (01:00:05):
Would just have a big property. We'd be growing our
own food.

Speaker 6 (01:00:07):
We'd be probably making movies, kids, grand kids, all that
kind of beautiful stuff.

Speaker 5 (01:00:12):
Man, that I would love to do all that. And
I want to remake Romance in the Stone.

Speaker 2 (01:00:19):
One of the great movies.

Speaker 6 (01:00:21):
I want to do it. I want to redo it
because because I just think it's so timely and I'm
doing it. Dude, you reimagine is what you do is
what you do? And they tried to do that with
the Lost City but honestly, it wasn't that great. So honestly,
I feel like it would be so bad.

Speaker 9 (01:00:38):
Stone Romance, Now that's great.

Speaker 3 (01:00:45):
Reimagine do we go get the jewil so funny? God? Okay,
that was that was perfect. Let's do our rapid fire rounds. Okay,

who's the best cook?

Speaker 6 (01:01:14):
I'd say Andy, I'd say joe Jo Jocos Altos family.

Speaker 5 (01:01:20):
You're great.

Speaker 7 (01:01:21):
But Andy's got like this special little gift with the
combination of spices and things.

Speaker 6 (01:01:25):
I gotta be honest, Like he had this like acorn squash.

Speaker 8 (01:01:28):
That's really the simplest thing.

Speaker 3 (01:01:29):
It was perfect was squash that I was expecting.

Speaker 6 (01:01:35):
He baked it with like what was cinnamon and like
and he was incredible.

Speaker 5 (01:01:40):
I was going away.

Speaker 3 (01:01:43):
Do you know now, what's your what's your dish? What's
your go to dish? Other than acorn?

Speaker 8 (01:01:49):
I don't really have a go to dish.

Speaker 9 (01:01:51):
I just like to create, you know, whatever, whatever whatever's
calling my name, I may kick ass.

Speaker 6 (01:01:56):
Sweet but sweet potatoes, mash, sweet potatoes, casse role like
super goods. My grandmother's recip me a little bit of
orange juice and cinnamon. It's like they're amazing. For Thanksgiving,
but I love to cook the roasted roasted chickens and uh,
and I bake fish. But dude, there's a certain process
where you can bake it. It doesn't taste like fish, doesn't
smell like fish.

Speaker 8 (01:02:13):
But it's there's a certain process you can bake.

Speaker 10 (01:02:16):
It's a certain process called bacon.

Speaker 6 (01:02:21):
Yeah, you put it in this thing.

Speaker 3 (01:02:25):
I think there's something. I think there's something in Italian's DNA.
Most Italians where we just wake up one day, take
a pot and some something and you start cooking. And
next thing you know, you're like no, and you start
taking something and and then you're like the pasta and
you eat it. You don't know time, and then all

of a sudden, next thing you know, you're just like
a good cook. I mean, that's what happened to me.
Don't think you always a great cook.

Speaker 2 (01:02:53):
Smoke and grill, but I think it's.

Speaker 3 (01:02:56):
I literally think that is in the in our DNA.
I mean, I I know there are a lot of
cultures do a lot of cooking, but there's something about Italians.
I don't think I've ever met an Italian that says
I don't cook.

Speaker 2 (01:03:06):
You know, you know what it is that you know
what it is.

Speaker 5 (01:03:08):
It's food is love, food preparation. It is his family too.

Speaker 6 (01:03:12):
It's like the food is the preparation that you put
the love in the food, and it's it's literally like
you're giving your love to your family members. Like that's
the it's true food.

Speaker 5 (01:03:21):
We connect that way, you know, like.

Speaker 3 (01:03:22):
It's true who's the funniest, who makes mom laugh the most?

Speaker 6 (01:03:27):
Take turns of doing that. Family loves to laugh. I
mean you could get our dad rolling. Yeah, our grandparents
used to laugh all the time. That's it's all about laughing.
So we get on these roasts. I mean we were
we were listening to some old naked gun clips before
we were we got on with you. Guys were in tears,
put in tears with each other, making each other laugh
because itself is so damn funny. But anyway, I don't know,

I think we take turns.

Speaker 2 (01:03:52):
Hold on, you guys are robbing a bank, right, who's
actually going into the bank, robbing the bank, getting the money,
and who's in the getaway car? Just sort of you know,
look fast cars.

Speaker 6 (01:04:01):
I'm driving the car, I'd say Andy, I'm sending Andy in.
He's an expert marksman and he.

Speaker 8 (01:04:06):
Built you want to be shooting people when you're robbing.

Speaker 6 (01:04:11):
And like and he literally is the terminator, like he
just his eye starts to glow red and you're like,
get out of the way, due.

Speaker 2 (01:04:19):
And is mad? Is mad at this? Is mad at
the safe house? Like wedding to count the money.

Speaker 3 (01:04:24):
No, I would have said this. I would said, who's
in the van with the earwig, who's talking to everybody,
who's driving the getaway car, and who's robbing the bank?

Speaker 5 (01:04:34):
Driving robbing. I'm on the earpiece giving him all the.

Speaker 2 (01:04:39):
Yes, that's a good one for us, who our whole family,
just me and.

Speaker 3 (01:04:43):
Wyatt, I mean Boston like masterminded. Let's just say he
was like, this is the one you're robbing.

Speaker 5 (01:04:52):
From Inspector Gadget. He just sits there on the chair.

Speaker 2 (01:04:55):
I think I would I you'd have to rob the
rob the bank.

Speaker 3 (01:04:59):
I think why it would be the earwig, and I'd
have to drive the car probably, you know, because why
you're driving. I'm a driver.

Speaker 2 (01:05:08):
Yeah, I mean I don't see you going into the
bank and robbing the bank. I feel like that would
be something that I would do.

Speaker 3 (01:05:13):
I mean I could be distracting.

Speaker 2 (01:05:15):
Well, that's what I would. I'd rob it with jokes.

Speaker 6 (01:05:19):
You know what I mean?

Speaker 3 (01:05:19):
Okay, so maybe why it robs the.

Speaker 2 (01:05:21):
Bank and I'm on the ear peage and that's bad.
That's bad.

Speaker 3 (01:05:27):
That would be we just wouldn't listen to you.

Speaker 2 (01:05:30):
Yeah, just mute. I'd be talking to myself.

Speaker 3 (01:05:36):
I like this question with three. We usually only do
with two. Okay, high school number one song on repeat,
like like song of your high school experience and all
of them hopefully are different, or say childhood either one
one that like pops in your mind.

Speaker 2 (01:05:56):
The nostalgic song you know, like.

Speaker 6 (01:06:00):
And right music is huge. So we had Motown and
we had for me it was well, look, it depends
on the era, but I'd say like in middle school,
it was anything off the Bad record, right, it was
anything off Michael Jackson's Bad record, sure, but it was
also Bobby Brown, every little step by tape my prerogative
with Houston going into high school, it was probably like

I was a huge Aerosmith fan, but I also loved
I loved like one offs, like the spin Doctors, the
two Princes, I want to sex you up by calling
me bad. We were like we were that was I
love that song? Dude? Oh my god, that's so I
was cool ass. I actually taught myself runs off that song,

you know, because that that guy.

Speaker 3 (01:06:46):
What a singer, Matt same.

Speaker 7 (01:06:51):
Yeah, there's a lot of similarities there. But then I
also had, like I Christopher.

Speaker 5 (01:06:54):
I fell in love with sailing. That was when I
was a little baby. Kids across.

Speaker 6 (01:07:01):
Yeah, Dave Matthews.

Speaker 7 (01:07:02):
I got infatuated with electric guitar through Jimmy hendrickx.

Speaker 1 (01:07:07):

Speaker 7 (01:07:07):
Yeah, Stevie Wonder taught me how to sing through my
head voice. Anything with Stevie Wonder, I mean that whole
run with very superstitious and how he he places everything. Man,
I used to close my eyes because I thought maybe
there's something with the sensory, you know, deprivation, And I'd
pull a dark room, close my eyes and just literally
run his licks over and over and over again until

I could finally figure out where head.

Speaker 6 (01:07:30):
Voice was placed. So his stuff, oh man. Then yeah,
like Dave Matthews band in high school is big for me.

Speaker 9 (01:07:38):
Okayferent era and yeah, all of that because I got
an overflow from.

Speaker 5 (01:07:43):
Yeah, we gave him all the music.

Speaker 8 (01:07:46):
And then I.

Speaker 9 (01:07:47):
Don't mean, geez, that's a tough one. I listened my
appetite for me is so vast leon that's new.

Speaker 5 (01:07:52):
Yeah, that's right now, you love King.

Speaker 6 (01:07:54):
We also listened to everything from like We We listened
to like Kenny Loggins show, and like Haul and Oates
Yeah and.

Speaker 3 (01:08:02):
Boston some weird thing that just came up with all
Oats Yeah, no, no, no, no restraining.

Speaker 8 (01:08:13):
Yeah they have a business. I guess they have a
company or they're they're a companys and.

Speaker 6 (01:08:16):
Oats is trying to sell ship and a slap a
restraining Now okay, any Crown says you never did anything Oats,
which we all knew, but like by saying everything you
didn't do ship Oats, falling.

Speaker 4 (01:08:31):
Oats, the fact that it's Oats, it's just fast.

Speaker 3 (01:08:35):
Okay. First celebrity crash mhm.

Speaker 6 (01:08:40):
For me, there was a tie between Michelle Pfeiffer and Harleyberry.
That was like my first those two, and then maybe
Kim Bassi kimas Yeah, yes.

Speaker 5 (01:08:56):
Mine was, Yeah, mine was Kim Basinger and Christ Brinkley.

Speaker 6 (01:09:03):
Pat saw a car guy. So when she drove up
in that Ferrari.

Speaker 2 (01:09:10):
Yeah of course.

Speaker 3 (01:09:13):
Okay, this is how we end.

Speaker 2 (01:09:15):
Now there's there's three.

Speaker 3 (01:09:17):
So what we usually do is we It's a two
part question. You know. The first part is what is
it about the said sibling that you would love to
be able to emulate more of in yourself? And then
the second part to that question is what is it
of that sibling that you wish you could alleviate for

them that you think would be helpful to their life
and to their process.

Speaker 7 (01:09:44):
Well, I admired Joe, like I was saying before, just
the focus and the energy that he could put.

Speaker 5 (01:09:52):
He's got kids and he's got more energy than I do.
So that focus. I wish I had a little bit
more of that.

Speaker 6 (01:09:57):
Because I feel like I would be doing I'd be
maybe a little different play if I had that kind
of energy with my focus.

Speaker 5 (01:10:03):
Andy, it's the.

Speaker 7 (01:10:04):
Don't think, just do I wish I like that you
just like, don't think, just do, like just sit down
and write a script. I don't know, sit down to
write a script. It's like, wow, man, that's really commendable.
Things I would like to take away from Joe is
I wish he didn't have to I know that that
impact of always having to be you know this thing
and had an impact. I wish he could understand it.

He could drop all of it, and you know, he'd
be cooler than he thinks, you know, don't worry about
all that stuff, like just let it go. And for Andy,
I'd say he's genuinely so pure and nice at the
core that sometimes I wish I feel like he's so
nice that I feel like sometimes that prevents him from
succeeding in certain environments, Like he's almost too nice to people.

Speaker 5 (01:10:49):
And then people inherently not.

Speaker 7 (01:10:51):
Because they're bad, but they inherently take a little bit
of an advantage of that because he's so nice. And once,
once that guy next to him to succeed so much,
the will tell on that and put him there, and
the right person.

Speaker 5 (01:11:02):
Does take it.

Speaker 6 (01:11:03):
But there's also a lot of people who go yeah, yeah,
and then they like their ego goes off and they
take Andy for granted in that way a little bit.
So I wish I could take that away from him.

Speaker 2 (01:11:11):
There you go, Joseph, let me think one of.

Speaker 6 (01:11:14):
The things that should be more like Matt. You know,
Matt's able to just kind of throw himself into his
own world right and literally forget everything else. He does
that with his animals, sure, and that's his sanctuary safe. Yes,
and many times.

Speaker 5 (01:11:27):
You know, for me, I have a tough time doing that.

Speaker 6 (01:11:30):
I have a tough time checking out, and I wish
that I could get better at that because I stay
in the pressure cooker a lot and it takes its
toll on, you know, after a while. So that's one
thing I wish I could emulate. One of the things
that was I could take away from Matt is, you know,
I feel like, you know, he doesn't need to run
from anything, right. Matt's a force to be reckoned within
his own right, and I feel like some sometimes he

tries to run from things just because whether it's fear
insecurity and there's nothing to be fearful of, and certainly
enoughing to be insecure of, right. I mean, he's arguably
the best looking one of us. So that's you know,
that's the way. That's the way.

Speaker 5 (01:12:04):
No, that's the way it worked.

Speaker 6 (01:12:05):
But honestly, Matt look I mean Matt looked growing up
with what I was doing and having to follow in
my footsteps. I feel like he felt pressure. I feel
like people put pressure on him and there's no pressure.

Speaker 8 (01:12:13):
You know.

Speaker 5 (01:12:14):
Matt's super talented dude and can.

Speaker 6 (01:12:15):
Stand on his own too, And I wish he could
embrace that at all times. You know, it comes in stages,
but it should be it should be a constant flow
of confidence because there's nothing out when it comes to
mass abilities in any capacity. Andy Well, I would say,
let me see one of the things I could emulate
more like Andy. Yeah, I mean Andy is Andy is

literally just fearless. Yeah, he's tremendous that I wish he
I have a lot of fear. Actually I'm asking, but
you know i'm asking. I was like the Warner Brothers frog,
you know, they picked the hat up and I just
go dance and then you know, that's just what it
would be. But that is, that is tremendous. What I

wish I could take away from Andy is, you know,
I feel like Andy has uh he's he's slightly reckless
at times with things and and and and.

Speaker 5 (01:13:11):
That scares me because I won him.

Speaker 6 (01:13:13):
First of all, he's so incredibly special that I don't
want anything to happen, you know, And he's a little
bit of a daredevil.

Speaker 5 (01:13:20):
And I under sure and I I.

Speaker 6 (01:13:22):
I'm probably too cautious, but I wish I could instill
a little bit of my cautiousness in Andy, because I
don't want anything to happen, you know.

Speaker 5 (01:13:30):
And he's just he's just the rattest little dude ever,
you know.

Speaker 6 (01:13:33):
And he's not least twice the size I am. But
you know he's uh but it'll raver be my baby brother,
you know, you know, even though he actually is.

Speaker 5 (01:13:40):
The widest, Yeah, except the most space big, medium and small.

Speaker 6 (01:13:44):
I mean, this is just what it is, you know.
And he's Andy's back is twice the size of my
back and four times the size of the match back.

Speaker 2 (01:13:54):
Reckless, Andy, what's up?

Speaker 6 (01:13:56):

Speaker 8 (01:13:57):
Uh? Well?

Speaker 10 (01:13:58):

Speaker 9 (01:13:58):
I admire his ferocious passion, and then what I would
want from Matt is to sometimes be able to tame
that ferocious passion.

Speaker 5 (01:14:11):
Yes, so true.

Speaker 11 (01:14:13):

Speaker 9 (01:14:13):
I admire his unwavering discipline. But for Joe, I wish
sometimes he could maybe let that discipline go a little
bit so he could relax, And then for both of
them just to enjoy themselves and where they're at and
feel good about themselves and what they've accomplished and what

they've given because they've you know, given me a hell
of a lot.

Speaker 8 (01:14:39):
So I appreciate them and love them very much.

Speaker 3 (01:14:42):
I love you guys, You guys, thank you for joining yeah,
I appreciate y'all.

Speaker 5 (01:14:48):
Great to talk to you.
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