Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:08):
Welcome to Soul Sessions. I'm Amanda Rieger Green, your host.
Today we have a special guest, George Nori. If you
know who he is, he needs no introduction, but for
those of you who might be unfamiliar. He is the
host of the phenomenally successful, nationally syndicated Coast to Coast
AM radio show, heard on more than six hundred stations
in North America. He's also the host of the weekly
series Beyond Belief on the Guya Network. George continually captivates
audiences in thought provoking discussions with top experts on paranormal phenomena,
alternative realities, time travel, conspiracies, aliens, and all things unexplained.
He's authored numerous books on topics around spiritual enlightenment, human empowerment, unlocky,
unlimited potential, and happiness, and more more than anything, he's
driven by a desire to solve the great mysteries of
our time, and he likes covering stories that mainstream media
usually won't touch.
Speaker 2 (01:14):
He's my kind of guy and I'm a huge fan.
Speaker 3 (01:17):
Welcome George, Amanda, what a great introduction. I should have
you do that on Coast to Coast regularly for me.
Speaker 1 (01:24):
Well, I'm happy to be your understudy on Coast to Coast, George,
so if you need one, you have a willing participant.
I'm happy to come on and introduce you anytime. And
I mentioned this to you before we started recording. I've
been listening to you on Coast to Coast since the
early two thousands and Art Bell before that. I can
remember sitting in my car listening to Art in the
late nineties as a teenager, and I would be driving
home from something and I would stay in the driveway
in the car listening and fascinated. And that of course
continued and continues today. I do it when I listen
to Coast to Coast podcast and just the excerpts from
Coast to Coast when I'm commuting places, and it really
is my time to engage, get curious, and also learn
about people doing really phenomenally interesting things that focus on
the unexplained and creating explanations. One of the things, George,
that I love about your discussions on Coast to Coast
and Beyond Belief and the other places you've been featured
is what an amazing listener you are.
Speaker 2 (02:30):
I know that this is what you do, and.
Speaker 1 (02:33):
You've done this for years, but it feels like to
me and I noticed this in your energy field. When
you interview people, you listen empathically.
Speaker 2 (02:42):
I mean it's you're very in tune connected.
Speaker 1 (02:45):
You're patient with people, You're curious with people no matter
what the subject matter, and you always make people feel
welcome in a very gracious way. Tell me a little
bit about your listening skills. I feel like, I mean,
I can talk for hours and I know, you know,
we have one mouth in two ears, but I feel
like you listen intuitively. Do you feel like that's a
gift you've had since you were younger or is it cultivated?
Tell me a little bit about that.
Speaker 3 (03:15):
My parents taught me man that just to listen to
people when they talk, and then respond to them rather
than interrupt them, jump on them and do that. And
I get this now time and time again from our
listeners who send me emails after various shows and interviews.
They simply say, gosh, you're a great listener. There was
even an article written in a journal years ago, I
think it was The Atlantic. The title on the top
of the article was the listener and it's just important
to listen to people. They find out what they're talking
about what their views are in life, without interrupting them,
without jumping all over them. And I have learned a
long time ago that that's the best kind of radio
you can do. And so that's what I do for people.
I mean, I try to help some people along who
can't talk. Some people stumble, some people are nervous. I
get a lot of those, but I try to interject
then to kind of pull them along with me. But
by and large, the guests who are talking, who know
what they're talking about, i'd let them talk. Yeah.
Speaker 1 (04:21):
I hear that all the time. And I think too,
in your energy field, part of maybe your soul's purpose
and development is really to bring out people's intelligence, people's again,
I go back to that word curiosity.
Speaker 2 (04:36):
And in in a way that is.
Speaker 1 (04:38):
Approachable and gets other people the listener engaged with their
whole being as well. Because I find myself and I'm
through meditation and various practices and also learning to just
slow down because you know, we move ninety five miles
an hour oftentimes these days. But when I slow down
and I really listen, not just with my ears but
with my heart, my consciousness, I find myself doing that
and it's a real it's a talent, and I encourage
anyone out there who is not familiar with coast to
coast so Apart from examining and exploring new topics that
are really becoming more mainstream, also really recognizing the energy
that transpires in your interviews, and that's what I wanted
to point out. Would you share with us a little
bit about how you first became intrigued about the unexplained.
Speaker 3 (05:33):
I was eleven years old. My mother gave me a
book called We Are Not Alone. It was by the
late New York Times science writer Walter Sullivan, and I
just couldn't put it down. I was obsessed with it.
And then the Barney and Betty Hill abduction case came out,
you remember that, looking I do thing did something on that,
and then I had an out of body experience. I
was stayed home from school one of the rare times
I didn't go, and I woke up on the ceiling
looking down at my body and I went, my gosh,
what's going on here? And then I ram myself back
into my body. I went to the library and stumbled
into Astral Projection, read it and said, that's what happened
to me, and I was hooked. And I kept telling
my mother who would encouraged me? And she got lover
She's ninety four years old today. I kept telling her,
I want to investigate these stories, whatever they are, ghosts, UFOs,
supernatural things, and the best way for me to do
that is to become a broadcaster. And so at that
young age, I knew what I wanted to do. Now,
my father had different plans for me. He wanted me
to become a dentist, like all the other relatives in
my family. He was a financial analyst for the Ford
Motor Company, but my cousins were all Endodonis and dentists.
And he said, George, I want you to go to
the University of Detroit and be a dentist. So for
two years I did that in college board out of
my mind. I had a friend of mine who was
a broadcast major. He was in his second year of
broadcasting and he said, I'm working at a TV station
and they won't let me go home for Christmas. He
lived in Cleveland. I was in Detroit at the time.
He said, would you fill in for me? And if
you do, they'll let me go. And I said, okay, sure,
So I did it for two weeks and they loved it,
and they decided to keep me and him. And then
I went back and switched my major to broadcasting. Didn't
tell my father about it. The report cards from college
would always go to him because he helped pay down
the bill. He called me into his room one day
and said, George, sit down for saying. We got a
problem here. And I said, what, Dad, what's wrong? He said, well,
I got to report card, but it's from it's the
wrong person. And I said, what do you mean it's
the wrong person. He said, well, there are no dentist courses,
science courses, or any of those. I'm getting all these
broadcast courses. Whoever this guy is. He's doing great. He's
getting an a's and radio production speech, all this stuff.
But we got the wrong report card. I said, Dad,
I switched my major. He said, what, Dad, I switched
my major. He wouldn't talk to me for two months,
except one day he was watching that television news station
that I was working at and he saw my name
pop up at the end of the credits. Production assistant
George Nori. I came home. It was awake. I came
and got home and it was quarter to midnight news
ran at eleven PM in Detroit in those days they
still do. He was waiting up for me and he said,
did I just see your name on that television station?
And I said, yeah, Dad, that's what I'm doing while
I'm going to college. He said, wow, that's fantastic. Well
when are you going to be the producer? And that
started my career and he loved it ever since.
Speaker 1 (09:03):
That's amazing. And first of all, I love how supportive
your parents are. And I was very fortunate in that too,
but also have some similarities around I switched to major.
I was supposed to be quote unquote a physician. I
come from a long line of folks in the medical field.
And I had a you know, an awakening and an
epiphany in undergrad and dropped my biology and pre med
track and became a religion major religion theology. I loved
my humanities courses because it taught me to think critically,
but I had to have that same dialogue about I
don't think I want to become a doctor, and you know,
it changed the course of my life, those difficult discussions,
but ultimately my parents supported me. One thing that you're
speaking to that resonates is synchronicities and following the breadcrumbs.
You know at age eleven, and of course you and
I both know eleven is a master number the interconnection
of the human and the spiritual worlds and planes. So
to have that at age eleven profound connection with the book,
we are not alone. And then you're out of body experience,
and then going to the library picking up the book
on astral projection, and then all the other series you
just of events that you described. It's as if there's
this divine orchestration of things.
Speaker 2 (10:25):
And while we have free will.
Speaker 1 (10:27):
I believe that it's like if we pick up the
bread crumbs, if we follow the signs, it's like the Alchemists.
Did you ever read that book, The Alchemist? You haven't
read The Alchemist by Paolo Kohilo, and I might be
pronouncing his name incorrectly.
Speaker 2 (10:42):
It's a quick read.
Speaker 1 (10:44):
It's a fictional book, but it's all about just following
the bread crumbs, and it has a little bit of
a hero's journey element to it, where the right people
show up in the right scenarios and situations. I think
you would enjoy it, but it just reminds me that
the universe is always striving to create this cohesion with us,
but it's our opportunity or job or role to engage.
Speaker 2 (11:11):
Do you believe that, Oh.
Speaker 3 (11:13):
There's no question about it. I mean, it's almost if
it's God given. But we do have this inate ability
to do what we have to do. It's ingrained in us.
It's been with us since we were kids. That's when
it starts. And I always tell parents, maximize your child's
abilities of what they like to do. Don't try to
get in the way, don't spoil things, you know, enhance
what they're doing. Because at that young age, when I
was eleven years old, and it probably even started earlier
than that, these things started with me, this interest and
every one away. And I'm just fortunate my parents encouraged
me in terms of what I was doing, especially my mother.
Speaker 1 (11:55):
Yes, and I had similar experiences, different but the same
kind of nurturing and encouragement for me to explore who
I was. It took a long time to really recognize
gifts and talents and ate abilities and talents and really
to speak my own truth rather than conforming. I'm a
Libra by the way, So you know, we tend to
wax towards people. Please well, air signs unite. You know,
we have those tendencies, but to be able to you know,
utilize our diplomacy and our tact and harmony, but also
really stand in our own voice and courageous truth. And
that is something that you do often with your guests
and in the arenas which you explore. Let me ask
you this, and it's I'm thinking about this as we're talking,
and you're talking about parenting and children and nurturing their
ability to seek their own truth.
Speaker 2 (12:55):
Time to me is really shifting. You know.
Speaker 1 (12:59):
I feel like, and I can give examples of this,
that we have linear time and multidimensional time and it
seems to be criss crossing and intertwining. And I give
the example of thinking about when the iPhone was released
and the smartphone in two thousand and seven, and how
technology just keeps compounding, where once you buy something, it's absolute.
We can't even keep up with the technology. Time feels
that way, it slows and speeds up, and even since
the pandemic with it feels like we have portals of
time or fissures through trauma and global change attributed to
many things. But it feels like to me, we have
this linear time and multi dimensional time that are starting
to intertwine. Do you find that or if you had
guests on where you've talked about linear and multidimensional time
and the changing nature of our reality. And the reason
I bring that back to parenting where this you can
see my trajectory is because I think children being born
today are born into a more rapidly expanding Cosmos energy field.
Speaker 2 (14:11):
Some of their gifts might be.
Speaker 1 (14:13):
More predominant than yours or mine, more active DNA or
brain frequencies or abilities. So parenting more than ever is
imperative around cultivating consciousness and new ways of learning and being.
Speaker 2 (14:26):
But what do you find about time these days?
Speaker 1 (14:29):
Are you seeing some similarities in how it feels in
this point in time?
Speaker 3 (14:35):
Amanda? Time just doesn't slow down. It just keeps going.
We've had a number of guests on talking about time
and things like that, and I don't want to say
the older we get, the faster time goes, but it
just doesn't slow down. I mean, here we are in
August already, I mean, right, where did the year go?
It's just keeps buzzing along. So that's one thing I've
learned about time. Make the best you can right now.
Don't put things off, don't delay things, and just do
what you have to do because the clock just doesn't stop. Yeah.
Speaker 2 (15:11):
Speaker 1 (15:12):
And as far as parenting goes and children being born today,
and I know you've had guests on who have talked
about children who are star seeds and you know, different
categories of children. But do you find too, with the
nature of young people. I mean, we can see the
differences in the generations, especially the generations that don't remember
what it was like to have a tape player or
an eight track, or a phone hanging on the wall
with a long cord in the kitchen. You know that
all of those things that are very clear to me.
You know, they're born into different time and technology. But
as far as nurturing new generations and parenting, how do
you feel that as humans, as individuals, we have opportunities
to cultivate people.
Speaker 2 (16:05):
Young people today, Well.
Speaker 3 (16:07):
Young people are fortunate because they've got high technology all
the time now. And I've seen little kids five six
years old with smartphones, their parents' smartphones. I don't think
it's theirs, not yet anyway. I mean, they just know
how to do things. They know how to do video games,
They know how to text, they know how to do
all kinds of stuff, and they will become smarter than
we were at that age because of technology. And you know,
people are afraid of artificial intelligence. I don't think we
should be afraid of it. I think we should embrace
it because it teaches us smarter things to do. And
young little kids are getting this ability. They're much better
than we were when we were kids, and it's going
to get better and better and better for them, and
I think that's great and hopeful for our future.
Speaker 1 (16:56):
Yes, absolutely, And of course there are plenty of argument
arguments around artificial intelligence, and I've been diving into that
on my own because I have questions about it. But
learning to work alongside of it ethically, looking at the
ethical and legal ramifications, being able to have those conversations
address those challenges or issues, and then the opportunities is
so important. And then on the flip side of that,
I think about children today. I mean, I rode my
bike all the time, and it's where I used my imagination,
getting outside and playing and so finding the balance between
sometimes the screen time. And that's a whole other topic,
but that comes to mind.
Speaker 2 (17:38):
Tell me this.
Speaker 1 (17:38):
Speaking of topics, there are a wealth of fascinating dialogues
in the mainstream around the unexplained and technology and UFOs,
all sorts of information or forbidden knowledge, as Billy Carson
would put it, What do you find most fascinating and
peaking your cureuriosity these days?
Speaker 3 (18:01):
I got to tell you, man, and this is not
a cop out here, but I'm fascinated with everything.
Speaker 2 (18:07):
I knew you were going to say that, George, I
knew it.
Speaker 3 (18:10):
I mean everything interests me, whether you know I do
shows on hard news, shows on the Mafia, trying to
kill Castro, to supernatural events and out of body experiences
and life after death and UFOs and all this stuff.
It all fascinates me. It's all different. It keeps me thinking,
it keeps me wondering, and I can't single one out.
There isn't one thing that I like more than the other.
I like them all.
Speaker 1 (18:40):
I love that, And I'm not surprised that that is
your response because it comes across that way. And so
much of your gift is opening up people's mind, sharing knowledge,
sharing people's expertise. And we have so many scientific, technological
experts and metaphysical you know, gurus and seekers and people
who are leading and sharing information and their gifts and
talents in new ways. So much of it to me
is about tapping into unaccessed human potential and harnessing our
gifts and abilities to be better stewards of humanity of
the planet. And that makes me think about you know, lifetimes,
various lifetimes that we've lived, the karma or the energy
we come in with that relates a lot to the
work that I do. I have a company called Soul Pathology,
and so much of utilizing my gifts as a clear
cognizant and precognitive psychic medium is to look at the
different pathways, the pathos to disease, mental challenges, blockages we
have emotional the emotional body, emotional intelligence, our physical body,
the actual physical dense matter disease, and then the energetic body,
which could be our souls, our consciousness, our car looking
at our karma and how do we create healing pathways
in order to access our human and superhuman potential and
to enjoy life. So much of it is about astounding
ourselves with our own abilities and sharing those gifts.
Speaker 3 (20:18):
Do you find that that's great? You have this great
ability yourself and you have this gift to be able
to do what you do and yeah, to answer what
you're about to ask me, I'm very much like you
in terms of high energy health related issues, using your
own personal being to make yourself better. And I try
to get that to other people too. There's nothing more
depressing to me than seeing somebody who doesn't utilize their
God given talents within themselves to make themselves better. I
was reading a story today about the late Robin Williams.
The fact that he hung himself, committed suicide. The demons
that he had in him from his disease was horrible.
It's so unfortunate that he wasn't able to capture that
and turn his life around, because he was one of
the great talents of all times.
Speaker 1 (21:17):
Absolutely, you know, George, it's interesting that you bring that
up because I've been in recovery now for quite a
long time, over a decade, and I was a high
functioning alcoholic addict. I'm a need for speed over achiever,
and you can imagine where those proclivities took me, with
that drive needing to just relax, numb out, and at
some point there's an analogy, you know, when you turn
a cucumber into a pickle. It can't go back to
being a cucumber. So at some point I crossed that
line with the disease of addiction and alcoholism, and but
for the grace of God, you know, had the gift
of desperation, one of my favorite acron for God, gift
of desperation, and said I can't do this, I need help,
and it propelled me on this journey to develop my gifts.
But interestingly, in my darkest phase, about two and a
half three years, I would wake up in the middle
of the night or go into some sort of blackout state.
And I could have been a full day at work.
I was in healthcare, have a productive day, show up, perform,
enjoy what I was doing, and then come home and
it would be like juckal and hide another personality. But
I would wake up in the middle of the night
and I would channel very dark energy and I would
do it extremely articulately and emphatically, and it scared my
mother and other people in my life at that time.
And it was almost as if by the end, and
I really do believe like you were referencing, you know,
some of us are lucky enough to live to tell
the tale and then get to no real grond attitude,
what it is to really live live life on life's
terms and utilize our gifts, share our gifts with others,
open up gifts and other people. But I remember towards
the end, it was almost like I had entity possession.
And that's where soul pathology emerged, because it was like
all of my immune systems were depleted mentally, emotionally, physically,
but energetically, and so I was susceptible to who knows
all sorts of energetic hitchhikers that were starting to really
invade or pervade my whole being and body. And I
believe it was you know, God, the divine, and my soul,
my guides however you want to look at it, just
pulling me up, saying no, you were destined for something more.
Fight this fight for yourself, and you know, a series
of people and all of the synchronicities just congregated around
me and I started accepting help and learning and growing
and healing and clearing my vessel again. Yeah, not just
getting sober in my body, but in my mind, working
through old pain, old trauma to really clarify my voice.
And when I did that, George, All of a sudden,
my gifts that I had had since a young age,
and that came out in this really dark, heavy matter
in my diction and alcoholism started to spring forth of
the light and a clarity and a higher consciousness. And
you know, I mean, I've heard this in the recovery
community for years. You know, I'm a grateful recovering alcoholic
or addict. And years ago I didn't understand that so much.
But today it's like, gosh, if this was the pathway
I took to open up to my voice, my higher voice,
and to use it to impact others, make a difference,
then it was all worth it. None of it was
in vain. Of course, there have been plenty of amends
and things years ago that I had to atone for
doing that work was part of the soul pathology, the
cleaning of the vessel, and that self improvement, self development,
which is what you essentially want to ask you what
you were curious about. It's this continuing to develop, to evolve,
to grow ourselves, to seek knowledge and wisdom, to find
deeper meaning.
Speaker 2 (25:20):
Do you feel that it's about meaning?
Speaker 3 (25:22):
It's about a lot of things, and meaning is important too.
And it sounds like in your particular case, you saved
your life when you finally realized you needed to step
up and fix whatever demons you had within you to
keep pushing you and doing what you do. It's easy
for people like me to say to people like you, well,
just moderation, just take one or two drinks and just stop.
But you can't. You have this inner drive, this inner addiction.
And thank god you were able to stop it when
you did, or else who knows what kind of path
you would have been on.
Speaker 1 (25:57):
Absolutely so I'm grateful today, and it's it's just a
part of my own personal development, spiritual development. And it's
interesting that that pathway is what really opened me up
to greater consciousness and gifts and awareness. I mean, the
proclivity and the curiosity was always there, but it solidified
it as part of my story and part of my meaning.
One of the things I do want to talk to
you about, which is interesting, which I know you discuss often,
is UFOs. I've had multiple encounters with UFOs and in
various locations here in Texas in the Greater Austin area.
I have not been abducted, to my knowledge, although I
don't know I've had some out of body experiences where
I will wake up some mornings, George, and I will
have bruises or my body will be sore in places,
and there's no logical explanation. And I've been sober, so
it's this is, you know, coming from a place of
pure logic and honesty. I will wake up and it's
almost as if I have been somewhere else. So there
is that, but I don't have direct memories of that.
But I've had sightings. The first time I ever had
a sighting was probably in twenty fourteen, and I was
just outside of Austin, and we had a couple acres
and so you could see the night sky pretty well.
And I remember looking up at the stars like I
used to do most nights, and I looked up at
what I thought was a star, and as I stared
and my eyes began to focus, it wasn't a star.
It was moving in all sorts of directions, almost like
in a very strange geometric pattern, at a very rapid pace.
Speaker 2 (27:49):
And then there were lights.
Speaker 1 (27:51):
Red, yellow, green, purple, blue, spinning very quickly, and it
would come close and it would go far. And when
I say, I don't mean it landed in the yard
and it was right there for me to encounter. It
was still I don't know exactly how to explain the distance,
but it was still oft in the distance as if
it was a craft. And it was not a plane.
There was not a linear flight pattern. So I would
go outside at night and engage, and then I would
see two or three or four, and they would all
appear at varying distances, some farther away than others. And specifically,
I remember I lived in Belize for three years, and
so of course we had a dark night sky and
three G technology, so the sky and the radio frequencies
were different. The property we lived on we found this
out later. It used to be the graveyard. It was
the highest point in our village. And then come to
find out there were Mayan ruins, of course, under deep
under the house, that some archaeologists had recognized doing some
seismic graphing and whatnot. So of course I'm just on
this hot bed of energy anyway, and then we're in Belize,
the sky is dark, and they would come much closer
to our house. But I remember I had been in
continuous dialogue and really with my telepathy communicating with them,
what is it that you're here to do? And they
were benevolent. I knew that they were curious, that they
were wanting to share information and technology, curious about what
was going on on planet Earth. They felt safe in
that part of the sky and that area in whatever
dialogue it was with me. But I remember one evening
and I had been contemplating this, thinking, Okay, are they
coming back to study us? And then I had this
concept in my mind, George, that the ships, let's just
call them, the ones that were closer were like, you know,
these cruise ships, and these were the people that had
paid for the Viking cruise, and these other ones might
have been on Carnival or you know.
Speaker 2 (29:53):
Celebrity cruises.
Speaker 1 (29:54):
And not to throw shade at any of the cruises,
but you know what I'm saying, like, either people bought
the VIP experience as they could, and then other ones
were farther away. And I had been contemplating that and
asking them, and they had confirmed that, and I was like,
they're just exploring us, they're visiting. They want to connect
and share information. And then I was listening to Coast
to Coast one evening and you had a dialogue with
doctor Michael Masters. He's a biological professor of anthropology. It
had just aired whenever that was, and I happened to
come across that episode and he was talking about how
he thinks that we have these, you know, visitors that
are like cultural anthropologists. They're coming in as anthropologists, and
he basically articulated from a much more informed anthropological biological perspective.
Speaker 2 (30:47):
I mean, I think he's written books on it, in fact, but.
Speaker 1 (30:50):
He essentially again one of those synchronicities, it was validated.
Speaker 2 (30:54):
And those are the kind of.
Speaker 1 (30:55):
Things, George, where just like you shared at the beginning
about you getting that book and then you having the
out of body and then getting curious to go to
the library, It's like when we engage, the answers come
and I don't have.
Speaker 2 (31:09):
To question or know all the answers. It's just a knowing,
a knowing, so.
Speaker 3 (31:14):
No question about it. And you know, you were a
stude enough to pick up on it a long time ago.
And it's just fascinating what's going on in this universe
of ours. You know, I have yet to have a
physicist or scientist or astrology expert or anybody explain to
me the big bang of the universe. How it started
nobody knows, and they try to make up their explanations.
They try to come up with their theories, but nobody's
been able to satisfy me giving me the answer of
how something as vast as this universe started from nothing.
Nobody has the answer except I think my mother might
be right, even though I questioned her because I've asked
her about it, and she said, well, God started that.
And I said, well who started God? And she said
he always was and always will be. And I said, Mom,
I want a better answer than that, and she said
that's as good as you're going to get. But it
makes you wonder how did it all happen? How did
it start? Because once we get those answers, we'll be
able to, I think, explain a lot of things that
are happening to us.
Speaker 2 (32:21):
Speaker 1 (32:22):
I remember coming home at about from vacation Bible school.
Let's say it, maybe you know, six years old, and
I said, Mom, I just this seven day creation thing.
I just don't get it, because when did the design?
Did the dinosaurs happen?
Speaker 2 (32:37):
You know?
Speaker 1 (32:37):
And I mean I was and she said, well, you know,
God has this supreme ability and it's beyond our comprehension, yes,
but I need to understand the order of things and
how all of.
Speaker 2 (32:48):
This fits in, you know.
Speaker 1 (32:49):
And she said some of these things are unexplainable, and
I said, but are they?
Speaker 2 (32:53):
You know?
Speaker 1 (32:54):
And so it's that same interest and asking questions. It's
not about dog right or wrong. It's about exploring the
gray and getting excited through the exploration. That light's my fire.
I know it does yours, But it's that exploration and
not having a closed mind because there's so much for
us to question and not to I mean, sure we
can criticize or stand on one side or the other.
And that's what sometimes can be so disheartening is, you know,
with politics, how it doesn't seem like we have this bipartisanship.
Speaker 2 (33:30):
It seems like it's right or left. There's this the dialogue,
the middle ground, the.
Speaker 1 (33:36):
Dissertation, the healthy, the healthy debate just seems to be
very polarized. So I think now more than ever, encouraging
people to not only develop their intuition, their abilities to
listen and ask questions, but they're encouraging people to expand
their consciousness. And that's so much of what you do
and why I'm excited to have had this conversation with
you today. I'm going to ask you one more question,
and I know you're gonna like evade it with your
big broad answer, But I mean, if you can just
hone in on something, I would love it. I mean
your energy field, if I may. One of the most
beautiful things about you is how introspective you are. I
mean in your quiet time. They show me very clearly
that you love connecting the dots. You can be reading
a fiction book, or listening to something totally unassuming or
unrelated on a television program, or having a dialogue with something,
and all of a sudden you connect the dots and
have those transcendent aha moments.
Speaker 2 (34:42):
Does that resonate?
Speaker 3 (34:43):
Hey, well it does?
Speaker 2 (34:44):
It does.
Speaker 3 (34:45):
I love looking for answers to the unknown, and I
love thinking about possibilities. And when I'm frustrated because I
don't have an answer, I keep fighting until I get it.
I don't stop.
Speaker 1 (35:00):
So you have shared some of this, but does a
particular interview or person who has been extremely influential to you,
that who has altered some of your beliefs or help
you in your own meaning, your own seeking and searching
is there anyone who stands out to you that you
felt like has been a pretty prominent guide or mentor.
Speaker 2 (35:21):
And I know that you get.
Speaker 1 (35:23):
A multitude of people who enliven and enlighten you, but
are there are there any people that have been great
heroes of yours in this area, especially directing people for
things to explore that they might be interested in heroes.
Speaker 3 (35:39):
You know. I admire all our guests who come on
the program to talk about their various subject matter. But
it was one guest that I had on which was
the strangest episode I've ever had. His name was Benjamin
krem He's dead now. He represented what is called the
Lord Myitreya. A lot of people believe the Lord my
Traya was next Antichrist. That's what they believe. And I
was interviewing him, and we're looking at our emails during
commercial breaks, and I'm getting emails and times more than
I normally get at any particular show from people saying
please get him off the air. I feel sick. I'm
going this is weird. And I continued interviewing him, and
all of a sudden, I never get sick, Amanda, never.
I'm starting to feel queasy and weak. The more I'm
interviewing him, the more he's draining me. And I finally
ended the interview and we went to open lines. I
started feeling better and the emails came in. I feel
so much better now. Thank you. It was by far
the strangest guest I've ever had, and I still can't
figure it out.
Speaker 2 (36:48):
Thank you for sharing that. That's fascinating.
Speaker 1 (36:51):
But to me, what even more fascinating than figuring out
what energy he was hosting is it shows us how
frequencies and energy we don't have to be face to
face to be susceptible to absorbing energy, which is one
of the things that it's wireless, absolutely, it's the internet
and the internet it is all a web of energy,
which is one of the things that I promote with
people and help them within in getting clear in their
energy field. And the importance of you know, our overall
health and well being, but our energetic health, our mental health.
All of those faculties together really help us safeguard our energy.
And I don't love the word protect because it kind
of denotes you need protecting from something. It's just saying
I am safe, I'm clear, and we can do that
in an instant. Just like technology, energy can be transmitted
in a quantum speed that we don't even understand. It's unfathomable,
it's it's fascinating, So thank you for sharing that. So interesting.
I feel like I'm gonna have to do with some research.
But there's something about his energy that obviously was It
was like some kind of kryptonite.
Speaker 3 (38:06):
He was like a psychic vampire.
Speaker 2 (38:08):
Speaker 1 (38:09):
Absolutely, well, George, thank you so much for taking time
and joining me today. I hope everyone will check out
Coast to Coast am fall in love with it like
I have for many years on iHeartRadio and then Beyond
Belief on the Guya Network to engage the incredible and
interesting discussions with George Nori and his guest.
Speaker 2 (38:32):
Thank you George, thank you Amanda.
Speaker 3 (38:34):
It was a pleasure.