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October 13, 2023 45 mins

Today’s bonus episode is Part 2 of Amanda’s heartfelt conversation with her sister, Mimi!

In this episode, Mimi opens up about how Amanda’s support helped her navigate the loss of their mother, and how that experience prepared Amanda for her own journey of loss.

Amanda shares intriguing stories of witnessing extraterrestrial aircrafts during a yoga retreat in Costa Rica and dealing with a ghost residing in her Texas home!

We delve into the beauty of healing at the end of life and the profound impact it can have on those left behind as Mimi introduces us to her new path as a death doula, providing comfort and guidance to those nearing the end of life.


Lessons to take away from today’s episode:


  • Don’t be afraid to take a chance on something new 
  • Prioritize your time & spend it wisely
  • Work will always be there, give your attention to things that matter
  • Our parents are humans just like we are
  • Getting to see healing at end of life is a gift beyond words 
  • The process of dying can be beautiful 

Tune in for an episode filled with raw emotion, spiritual insights, and life lessons that will resonate with everyone!

About Mimi:

Mimi Rieger is a renowned yoga instructor in Washington D.C. with 25 years experience who hosts international retreats and has graduated hundreds of students in her yogi training. Mimi has a unique ability to get people into their bodies and tweak anything out of alignment with their spirit.


Follow her on Instagram @MimiRiegerYoga and check her out online

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:08):
Welcome back to Soul Sessions. I'm Amanda Rieger Green. Thanks
for joining this bonus episode, Part two of an intimate
conversation with my sister Mimi Rieger, a significant person who
has held and continues to hold space for me during
my journey. Hopefully I gift her back the same sacred

space wherever you are on your own spiritual or healing journey.
I hope this conversation helps give you the confidence, the courage,
and the voice to explore your gifts, make amends, face
your fears, or take that next step. And whenever I
say your voice, I mean your inside voice and your
outside voice, but the inside voice of that still small

voice within that is connected to something greater, bigger, the
divine being able to harness that, cultivate it, and to
speak it. I hope you enjoy the rest of our conversation.
The gift of intuition can be lonely. And I had
a woman tell me that this morning when I finished
my pilates class, just talking about her personal spiritual development.

She wasn't talking about mediumships. She's lost her father and
her grandmother, and her grandmother primarily raised her, and she's
going through some stuff right now. But she says, man Amanda,
the spiritual journey is lonely. She said, it can be
very lonely. And I said to her, I said, I
hear you.

Speaker 2 (01:36):
It is.

Speaker 1 (01:36):
And she said, so many of my friends don't want
to talk about it, don't know how to hold the space.
And she said, I enjoy them. But she says, there's
a couple of people that I can go to lunch with,
or a book I can bury myself in about signs
and oracles and messages. And she says, I can cry
myself to sleep, but I'm not crying tears of pain.

I'm crying tears of healing and awakening. And then I
know who my audience is and I can.

Speaker 2 (02:03):
Share it with.

Speaker 1 (02:04):
And I know who it may not be safe with,
or it may not be okay with, or it may
infringe upon their space or their beliefs, and I'm not
going to do that, but I still get to be
their friend. I just can know my audience. So if
you're listening, remembering, it is imperative that this journey be
done with people who can hold space for you and

support you because it is lonely. And I know that's
your experience as well.

Speaker 2 (02:30):
Right, absolutely, Yeah.

Speaker 3 (02:32):
I mean I remember, you know, back twenty five years ago,
telling my mom that, you know, I wanted to do
a teacher training program. And you know, I was quite
young when I did it, and I have the money
to do it, and I just figured out a way
to do it because I didn't want to ask them
for the money for the tuition. But I knew that's
exactly where I needed to be and what I was
going to do with my life because it changed my

life so significantly. It was that important for me to
like get the training like immediately so I could just
start walking the path. But this is many years ago
before you know, yoga was mainstream, before it was like
really like yes, and you.

Speaker 2 (03:05):
Lived in Washington, d C.

Speaker 1 (03:07):
Which just if you think about the temperature and the
intensity of the climate and the pragmatic, very masculine, I mean,
DC is a masculine, intense, very locked down energy. So
we're talking the nineties where there might have been a
handful of yoga teachers or studios that were holding space
and you taking that bold step and it also being

i'm not gonna say misunderstood, but not received as easily.

Speaker 2 (03:36):
Yeah, So for.

Speaker 1 (03:37):
You legitimately or as legitimately that's a good wordy.

Speaker 3 (03:41):
As a legitimate career, that's the Legitimate's not really a word,
but like you know what I'm saying, Like just I
can't think of the exact word that I would like
to use, but wow, how things have changed though.

Speaker 2 (03:52):

Speaker 1 (03:52):
Yeah, And so just encouraging anyone out there to stick
close to your people, and you don't need ten people.
One person, two people who hold the space for you
to discover yourself and share your highs, lows and everything
in between can be exponentially illuminating and evolutionary. And that's

what you have been for me in this journey and
we get to continue to be together. Your mom comes through.
So I walked through what year did how many years
has it been? Now?

Speaker 2 (04:29):
What year did your mom pass away? Four years? That's
what I thought. Four years.

Speaker 1 (04:33):
Mimi and her mother were best friends and each other's people,
you know, each other's people. I'm going to go back
to that terminology. But walking through her and she had
been through she was a fighter and also a strong
woman and a dignified woman. Gosh, your mom was dignified

and strong and determined to live, to live through and
to live fully even in a lot of disease and pain.
Anything that she was faced with, she faced it in
a way.

Speaker 2 (05:07):
Like with I.

Speaker 1 (05:08):
Just when I think of your mom and when I gosh,
when I feel her, because I do right now, it's like,
shoulders back, chin up, and she looks beautiful, and she's
like and look pretty. You know, of course she's like
and pull it together and look good, you know, which
resonates with both of us. But when we were in
that last year of your mother's life and me coming

back into your life and us reforming and strengthening our bond,
all of that is divine because as a result of that,
our mothers got to do some I would say, pretty
tremendous healing through that phase. And I think it was
ushered through not only with the two of us, but

our other siblings and holding the space that we didn't
even know we were holding, but the love that we
were regenerating together really created an opportunity for our mothers
to see each other and to create a different kind
of healing and respect and love.

Speaker 2 (06:11):
And I think both.

Speaker 1 (06:13):
Of them, you know, and I know this because we've
talked about it, but they wanted us to be with
each other, not a part, yes, and I mean all
of our siblings, not just me, me and I, but
all of our siblings. But getting to walk through your
mother's illness and watching you in all your pain and
your strength, and I don't know the trauma of it

and the beauty of it.

Speaker 2 (06:39):
She has come through numerous.

Speaker 1 (06:42):
Times along the way to deliver messages through me and
through others of course. But when I'm trying to remember
she showed up recently, because we had a moment recently
where we were just on the phone and she showed
up with another tangible experience. And my eye is twitching
right now, So I don't know what she's telling me that,
but all of a sudden it started twitching. But what
are some of the memories you have around that and

experiences with walking through the death of your mother and
then leaning into the death of my mom.

Speaker 3 (07:11):
Yeah, well, I mean I will say this because I
think it's important to just just to establish this that
you know, my mom over the years had you know,
had three different types of cancer and that sort of thing.
And so I remember we were in Costa Rica, we
were at my one of my retreats. You were there
with me and we were sitting, I was having a reading.
We're sitting by the water, and you said.

Speaker 1 (07:33):
By the way, we're going to come back to Costa
Rica because aliens will enter the picture. Just I'm just
going to throw that bomb out there, because we're going
to come back to Costa Rica after we're talking about
the dense, intense family stuff, and we're going to go
back to UFO and craft because Mimi held the space
for me to experience extra terrestrials. Okay, let's go back

to your your mom is like, Amanda, get back to them,
get back to the storing, right back to this important things, Amanda.

Speaker 3 (08:01):
So we were having a reading and you know, I mean,
my my greatest fear all my entire life is that
my mom, you know, was going to die. And I
was just how was I going to survive without her?
Like I lived with that angst from the first time
that she had cancer when I was sixteen, all the
way to you know, when she passed away, you know,
eighty five. So I remember you saying you looked at

me and you said, everything's going to be okay, But
your mom, You're going to go to Houston and spend
a lot of time in Houston with your mom this spring,
and everything's gonna be okay with work. You're gonna be
able to, like, you know, your classes will be fine,
everything's going to be fine there. But you are going
to be spending quite a bit of time in Houston
with your mom. And I remember saying, you know, is
she going to and you said, well, I don't know.

I don't think that's I don't see that right now,
but I think that you just need to make arrangements
to be able to have a very fluid schedule to
spend time with your mom, you know, this this spring.
And so that's exactly what happened. And from there, I
remember it was at my niece's, our niece's wedding party
and my mom that was her last big hourah. That

was one of her goals to go to that engagement party.
And she went and she, you know, just was gracious
and lovely and you know, just so so such a
fighter and just did such a great job just being
there because it was hard to tell, you know, it
was very hard for her to get there.

Speaker 2 (09:29):
She was asleep on the.

Speaker 3 (09:29):
Back of my hands card on the way over, like
from Houston and Baton Rouge. It was not a good thing,
but that was that's what she wanted to do.

Speaker 2 (09:38):
So we did it.

Speaker 3 (09:38):
And I remember you taking me aside in the little
store where we were, and you said, I just want
you to know it's not going to be very long.
Like you had a really good way of like kind
of giving me just at the four to one one,
you know, so to speak, the spiritual for one one
that things were close and you felt like you knew

that you needed to let me know that even though
inherently I knew it. I mean, we all knew it,
but it's just how imminent was it, and you know,
and I think that, I mean, that is the greatest
gift that I think anyone to be given if their
parent is not well or a loved one is not well,
to just have someone tenderly say, you know, you've got

a little bit more time, but spend it really wisely,
like no, you know know this, like trust this that
this is you know, And I think I just can't
imagine not having that conversation with you.

Speaker 1 (10:31):
You know, thank you for sharing that because one of
the things that it brings up so many of us
are driven and we're busy, and life happens and is
always constant, and we come from some stock of drive
like we are. We are very hardwired to show up
to work, to be to get done, and a lot

of times we forget to reprioritize family or what's important
and trust that we will be safe, the money will
be there, we will be taking care of work, will
be there if we need to take off. And I
know that resonates with a lot of people. And it
was as much of a message to you as it

was to me, about what do I prioritize when something
difficult is happening? Am I able to stop work or
put things on hold or reschedule things and make the
time and trust that nobody's going to be mad or
upset or if they are, that's their stuff, not mine,
you know, and as long as I'm showing up and

being accountable and communicating, but to make that space. And
I remember, I remember on my heart telling you that
because it was coming through so boldly. But it was
like I have to tell her this because she wants
to be able to be there and spend that time.
And it's not about having regrets. But it was like

just being a divine messenger, and it's not me. It's
spirit coming through, and it's heeding that call of delivering
those kinds of messages that are delicate when you're talking
about death and illness, you know, when I'm on the
phone with clients regarding divorce or if a child is
sick or a pet. I mean, there are things that
come through and I think, God, give me the strength.

How do I say this? How do I deliver it?
But they always when I say they, I mean the
consciousness of the person I'm talking to, my guides, the
collective consciousness God, all of that comes through and they
speak through me. They give me the words or the
time or the environment to be able to usher it

in the best way possible. And then what the person
does with it, that's their business, that's their opportunity, not mine.
And being able to say those things to you. And
then I watched you take time off to show up,
and I know that it was because I've just walked
through it to say I did. And then here's what
to me is mind blowing because the way I watched

you take time off make sacrifices that were of utmost important,
you know, prioritizing your mom and your time and going
to Houston and being there for doctor's appointments and all
of the things that ensue and terminal illness. I was able,
in turn to do that here, you know, a year

and a half ago, when Dennis and I were in
Belize and my mom's illness, which she had a terminal illness,
but she had been doing so well, but when things shifted,
and when they shifted, they shifted fast, and I didn't
handle it all the best in that time. And I
think it brings out some of the most challenging parts

of us. Death does, and caring for a terminally ill person,
whether it's a parent, a spouse, a child, a grandparent,
whomever it is, it can bring out some of the
most terrifying aspects of ourselves and some of the most
beautiful aspects. But you paved the way for me to
be able to drop everything, move back and hold space

for my mom in that last year of her life.
And so it's interesting back to the parallel experiences, how
watching you walk through that gave me the cliff.

Speaker 2 (14:22):
Notes for lack of better words to some and the
same courage. It's interesting back.

Speaker 1 (14:34):
To the parallel experiences, how watching you walk through that
gave me the cliff notes for lack of better words
to some and the same courage with my own fears
about work or money or priorities, and all of that
stuff just falls into place.

Speaker 3 (14:54):
I will say this like, you know, just how the
I would say. You know, we were talking about, you know,
the messages that you can convey to others. But it's
really a gift that keeps on giving because you know,
watching you go through it, and then you know, going
through it myself with my mom. And I'll just be sitting,

you know, outside of a class with students, and you
know what people are talking about, you know, challenges with
their family, challenges with their mom, someone's ill, this and this,
and I mean, whether it's the right thing to do
or not, I just feel very called to say, do
whatever you can to spend this time with your person,
whoever it is, you know what I mean. And it
might I might be overstepping, but I feel like, kind

of like you, I most of the time know that
it's the right thing to do because it feels right
and it's usually very well received because I'm speaking from
my heart. It's not like I'm saying, you know, go
spend time with these people. You horrible person. You know.
It's more like, yeah, this is what you want to
do because you don't want to miss these tender, sweet moments.

And I remember saying that to you. Just go and
do nothing, get in the bed and watch old movies
and laugh.

Speaker 2 (16:07):

Speaker 1 (16:07):
And we did so much of that, you know, like
she we and I did. I was able to do that,
you know. And even and Sally, our oldest sister. She
you know, she works and does things and multitask like
I do. She's like, Amanda, just get in the.

Speaker 2 (16:24):
Bed and don't bring your computer with you.

Speaker 1 (16:26):
You know, when I was watching it, because I would
watch you with Mom, and because I'd want to be
in there with her, and I'd be like, Mom, I've
got to answer some emails, but I'm right here. And
Sally would be like, Amanda, get in the bed and
don't bring the computer. You know, get in the bed
and bring the computer sometimes because you want to be
with her and she wants you to be there too,
But but get in the bed and just be in
the bed and watch the present, be all the way

present because those memories and I sit in her bedroom
all the time, you know. And I mean there's a
couple of shows that have come out where she was
so funny. One of them is Only Murder in the
Building the Hulu Show with Steve Martin. Martin short Selena
Gomez and she said, Amanda, I mean, I cannot believe
the audacity of them to finish up this season and

not release a new one.

Speaker 2 (17:12):
Don't they know I'm dying?

Speaker 1 (17:14):
And she said that, she said, I mean, like when
it was over season two, she says, don't they know
that I'm not going to be here for season three?
Couldn't have they have taped it earlier. And it's funny
because it's out now and I go sit in her
room and I sit all the way down and I
sit there with my little snack or whatever I'm doing,
and I just sit in there and sometimes I cry

and I laugh and all the things. But it's those
tender moments like you said that, that's part of the
grief process and the healing process and the divine connection.
And it is making me think about leading up to
my mother's death, which I mentioned to you all earlier,
I absolutely could not have walked through what I walked

through in caring for my mom the last year of
her life without my husband and my siblings because they
showed up at exactly the right moment when I asked
or didn't ask, and they showed up unconditionally, and I
knew to ask them for help and ask them to intervene.
And I was raw and I was exhausted, and I

was messy, and I was afraid, but everyone showed up
in ways to support support that journey so it could
be divine, painfully divine in a way. So thank you
for that, you know, and thank you for sharing those
those tender moments, and you know, I know that you know,

and I want to share this because it is kind
of funny. I remember, I don't know, like in the
last six months of my mom's life, she kept having
dreams about your mother, like very poignant dreams about your mom.
And they would they would be these dreams where they
would be sharing a meal together and they'd be like

splitting a hamburger, like they would be cutting a hamburger
and splitting it. And two of the dreams that my
mom had both times they were having meals, and both
times their meals were interrupted by other people. One time
it was like they were in your mom's home and

some of your mom's friends were there and Mom was there,
and they she was cooking a hamburger, which is so
hysterical because.

Speaker 2 (19:33):
And my mom was loving that your mother was.

Speaker 1 (19:35):
Cooking a hamburger, like you know, all of these things,
but that she cut it and they were splitting it.
And one of the women was like, I can't believe
that you're just letting her eat off of your plate,
and your mom jumped to and said, mind your own business.
We do this all the time. We always share a hamburger.
And then mom had another dream and they were so vivid,

and she said that it was like they were living
in like an assisted living or an independent living space,
and they were in the dining hall and the dining
room together and our mothers were sitting together, and there
was some gentlemen that would not was hitting on my
mom and wouldn't leave her alone. And Mom kept saying, no,
I don't know, thank you, you know, no, you can leave.

I'm having my lunch right now. And the man wouldn't leave,
and finally your mom said, did you hear her? She said,
leave like so it it's in those kind of do
you remember me telling you those stories about And then
Mom was saying, yeah, like, I keep dreaming about your
mother and it was like your mother was there taking

care of or protecting my mom in some sort of way.
And that is not the dynamic that those two women had,
that both were madly in love with the same man,
right our father. You know, at different stories in different times.
But it was healing because I think and to be
able to share those stories and not have to explain

them or feel weird sharing them, but it was really healing.
And also it was like, yeah, their souls have known
each other for a long time, or I don't think
they would have agreed to play these these roles that
were so painful and intimate and tragic and traumatic. But
it was like their souls were fusing back together and

coming back together and they were bonded in some sort
of way. And I believe that fully on the other side,
that there's a very deep soul connection between the two
of them. And I believe that with people because I
see it oftentimes protagonist or antagonist in our lives. People
where we have the most dysfunction, tragedy, trauma, pain are
often souls. And I don't mean this all the time.

We have some psychopaths and sociopaths out there and people
who are you know, extremely abusive. So I'm not giving
spiritual bypassing, you know, a spiritual pass to anybody. But
I do believe that some of the people where we
can experience it's the deepest sources of pain, are souls
that are so deeply bonded that we trust them to

play out their experiences for their lessons and give us
the space to learn our lessons. And to me, there
was a lot of full circle energy spiritually like walking
between the world that was happening there.

Speaker 2 (22:19):
Does that resonate with you, No.

Speaker 4 (22:20):
It absolutely does. And I will say that I think that.
I mean the way that I see it is that
their own their own little, their own little unique club.
Those two they had their similar and different experiences with
the same the same man. But I do think that
the fact that they were able to see each other
together and they were in you know, and you know,

at a get together, a party, and they were able
to like see each other and spend time with each
other energetically and in person. And I think the way
that I read what you're mentioning is my mom was
just trying to establish like, hey, I'm here I've got
your back, like I've got you. Yeah, I'm on the
other side, but I'm here and you know, I see you,

and I'll be here when the time comes, you know,
like I got you.

Speaker 2 (23:08):

Speaker 1 (23:09):
This is mind blowing, miraculous stuff. And I'm sharing these
very intimate family personal experiences that have been the deep
source of a lot of pain for my sister and
I and our other siblings and our parents. Lots of dysfunction, confusion, misunderstanding,
things handled very poorly on the parts of our parents

in their own ways, because they're human beings, right, Our
parents are humans just like we are. But getting to
see healing that end of life, it's something that I
don't even know how to explain the gift that it gives,
but I know that it resonates absolutely one of the things.

Speaker 2 (23:51):
That I want to know.

Speaker 1 (23:54):
I know there's there are so many stories, and I
know we've shared a handful a lot of information with
everyone today, but I do want to talk about extraterrestrials
because because just like spirits coming through that first time

I was in DC, and they always come through.

Speaker 2 (24:16):
I mean, we always have stories.

Speaker 1 (24:18):
Anytime we're together or apart, we have stories that really
fuse and intertwine and lift us up and amaze us.
But years ago. Mimi hosts multiple retreats every year internationally,
but one that is a long standing retreat is in
Costa Rica and it's in the most beautiful place and

it is simply luxurious and tropical and it's a pretty
magical place in Costa Rica on the Osa Peninsula. It's
called Blue Osa. But we were there, and this was
my first time coming to Blue Osa for the retreat,
and we had this amazing because Mimi hosts a retreat,
and we had this amazing room, this house room that

had a pitched ceiling, like this big pitched ceiling, and
of course you know, I'm there and we're talking about
gifts and spiritual to get gifts. And at this time
I had already left my corporate job, I believe, and
was doing what I do with soul pathology and readings
and making it my advocation my full time job. But

I remember, and I think I had mentioned to you.
I don't know how it all came about, but I
remember looking up in the night sky and I had
already been having visitors and I think I had mentioned
to you. I don't know how it all came about.
But I remember looking up in the night sky and

I had already been having visitors visit me in Texas
on our property in Texas, and I was getting contact
from ships and I would see him in our backyard.
We had a couple of acres just outside of Austin,
and I could see the night sky clearly. I would
look up and I would see craft in the sky
and they wouldn't be stars, and they would be moving

and they would be signaling laser beams. So all of
this was going on. I go on this trip to
Costa Rica, and of course i'm We're in Costa Rica
and I look up at the night sky after dinner
one night and they're there are a couple of craft.
And I didn't say anything to anyone publicly, I just
see the craft.

Speaker 2 (26:23):

Speaker 1 (26:24):
So we get up to our room and we're I
think you're reading. Of course, you have the light on
and you're, you know, totally engrossed in a book. And
I am sitting there in bed just looking for the
extraterrestrials and the spacecraft that I had already seen at
dinner out our window. And you're asking me what I'm
doing and then next thing, you know, I'm perch next

to the window. You have to tell this story because
then it's pretty it's pretty incredible.

Speaker 4 (26:49):
It's like someone like a kid waiting for Santa Claus.
It's honestly like that as excitement that the like just
the gumulation of the expectations, something that you've been wishing
and hoping for all your life is about to happen,
you know what I mean.

Speaker 2 (27:06):
And so I remember you.

Speaker 4 (27:09):
I'm reading and I remember you just kind of very
elegantly slip off the bed and like get on your
hands and knees and start looking underneath like one.

Speaker 2 (27:17):
Of the windows.

Speaker 4 (27:19):
Just to be clear, when we say penthouse, it's literally
like a treehouse on the top floor. We're in the
top floor a big treehouse. So it's like, yeah, you know,
it's not like some cement something. It's like we're in
we're in the jungle, like full on with open air
and availability for all sorts of creatures to come into
the room. So that's for another day. But anyway, so

talking about these creatures. So anyway, so she is literally
on her hands and knees with her little hands like
on the on the window is still like looking up,
I see him.

Speaker 2 (27:51):
I see him. I'm like, what's happening right now?

Speaker 4 (27:54):
And you say, I see the crap. They're signing me.
And I said, well, what are they saying?

Speaker 2 (28:00):
Well, they're signaling me.

Speaker 4 (28:01):
And I said, well, just let me know what I
should tell everybody when they take you, I'll take a
message back to everybody.

Speaker 2 (28:08):
What should we say?

Speaker 3 (28:09):
You know, like, I wasn't freaked out.

Speaker 2 (28:11):
I was like, well, we're going to go.

Speaker 4 (28:12):
I need to know how to let people know this
has happen because I need to have like the right
delivery so people don't think I'm insane that you know.

Speaker 2 (28:20):
Yeah, it was the cutest.

Speaker 3 (28:21):

Speaker 1 (28:22):
Well and you also said too, You said, I'll be
sure and tell everybody you'll be back. You're not going
to be a strange from us again. You're just you've
gone up into a craft with your people. But you'll
be back and you'll tell us what's going on, that
you're not piecing out of our lives again, that I
have witnessed this. So I get back in bed, and
here's what, here's the crazy part about it. I get

back in bed and again what you hear is Mimi
just unapologetically without hesitation, holding space instead of saying Amanda,
get back in bed, or you're ridiculous. There was never
any of that. It was like, okay, well, if you're
talking to your people, what are they saying? And okay
and placating me either. I mean you were curious and believed,
but also like, okay, well this is happening. So I

get back in bed and I turned my little reading
light out. You're still reading, and then I think you
turned yours out at some point. And do you remember
the room illuminating from the inside out? Yeah, well you
talk about that because that's it's pretty crazy.

Speaker 2 (29:20):
Yeah, just the light. It was pitch black.

Speaker 1 (29:22):
Remember we are somewhere where there you know, there's limited
electricity and energy there are no lights in the sky,
so everything when it's dark, when you turn the lights out,
it is pitch black there. You know, you can't see
your hand in front of your face.

Speaker 4 (29:36):
So there's like this translucent, translucent flooding of light that
starts coming in and like kind of dancing around, and
the room illuminated.

Speaker 1 (29:45):
And you basically said did you see that? And I said, yeah,
I saw it, like id because it was like the
room lit up from the inside out versus the outside
in and nothing that was not electricity. It was luminous,
it was translucent, and it was it was kind of
like lightning but luminescent. And I don't know how to
explain it, but they came in and they were signaling.

I don't think they were physically there. It just was energy,
and I don't know, it was energy and them signaling.
So I remember the next morning, we go down and
we're talking to a couple of friends who are the
most unlikely of candidates to embrace this story, but we're
both kind of blown away by what has gone on

and happened. And the next thing we know, one of
you know, your good friends, my dear friends now basically says, oh, yeah,
we were in that room last year and this was happening,
and I knew there was weird stuff going on.

Speaker 2 (30:41):
I knew.

Speaker 1 (30:42):
And the next thing, you know, the whole dialogue starts.
And by that evening at dinner, we had a telescope
out and everyone is looking for craft and we saw
them in the sky.

Speaker 2 (30:52):
Do you remember we have.

Speaker 1 (30:54):
We literally have telescopes. We have we have you know,
basically implored all the people and everybody, and so everyone
who is curious about this is out there in the
night sky looking at the craft moving and signaling, and
they were there and people witnessed all of this.

Speaker 4 (31:12):
Yeah, so yeah, it was. It was a very unique
retreat for sure, Yes it must.

Speaker 3 (31:19):
It was.

Speaker 2 (31:20):
And it was basically an introduction. This is my sister, welcome.

Speaker 1 (31:24):
She brought her friends with us, and nothing happened from that.
It wasn't like anybody had some download of information. But
what it was was this kind of coming together and
this curiosity and seeing beings from other dimensions coming into
our reality and craft. And we had someone there by
the way, who you know, another dear friend of ours,

who was saying, okay, I'm not sure about this, but okay,
you're right, this isn't showing up on the like we were.
We had an application on the phone where you could
look at the stars and it would name the stars,
and he's like, well, I will validate that this isn't
showing up.

Speaker 2 (32:02):
And so we had, you know, all of the things.

Speaker 1 (32:06):
I want to go back to one other story, just
because these are so fun to share, and I hope
you all are enjoying these stories and getting not only
laughter and joy from this, but curiosity and what comes
through safe space and camaraderie and whatever you're exploring, whatever
you believe, because it really is about getting curious and
expanding consciousness. And like I said, I don't necessarily I

do know different today about those beings and connections that
I've had and what they're signaling, and I've had different
interactions with them that has much more evolved today because
living in Belize, they would show up quite a bit,
or craft would and the interactions were a little bit
more personal and dynamic. But I will say this, So
you and our sister Anne had come to visit my

husband and I, Dennis and I. You all were in
Texas and the home that we lived in in Texas,
we had a we had a ghost, we had a goat,
and we literally had a ghost. There was a gentleman
who had died on the property where we lived prior
to us moving there, and his name was Harry.

Speaker 2 (33:15):
That was actually his.

Speaker 1 (33:16):
Name, and before right when we moved into the property,
he made contact with me and I was able to
put the puzzle pieces together and he had had a
heart attack in the yard. Our neighbors had I told
my husband about this. Our neighbors validated the whole story.
They were digging some new electrical lines and he was
thirty eight and had a heart attack. It was he

left a wife and three children. It was it was
very tragic, sudden and unfortunate. But anyway, his name was Harry,
and he would show up and his it was almost
as if his spirit was really stuck. It wasn't it
was stuck. I know, it was very He would show
up to as an apparition, and I don't always see
spirits as apparitions, but he would show up. I would
see him out of the corner of my eye, and

he would never cause harmony. Was quite protective over the
property and actually over me. But anyway, you and Anne
come to visit, and Dennis and I are relaying stories
about Harry. We are telling you about how Harry shows up,
about him opening cabinets and leaving them open, about him
running off. We had two housekeepers that he ran off,
so they might have I mean, it was lots of

things were going on with Harry. So Dennis and I
are telling you these stories, and I think it was Anne.
We're sitting there just all kind of curled up talking
and do you remember this well?

Speaker 4 (34:32):
I know, I can't remember what he says, but it
came through on your phone or Anne's phone.

Speaker 2 (34:37):
Yeah, yeah, on my phone.

Speaker 1 (34:38):
So we're sitting there and Ann says, well, Amanda, how
does he show up? And immediately after she said that,
and my phone was sitting like on the coffee table
away from all of us, I don't have Siri on
my phone. I have all of those all of that
turned off. So I don't even have Siri on my

phone turned off on capabilities. And this is years ago,
by the way, this is probably twenty sixteen. Yeah, yeah,
like it's been a while, twenty seventeen. And literally she says,
how does he show up? How does he communicate?

Speaker 2 (35:14):
Is what she asked? How does he communicate?

Speaker 1 (35:16):
And literally, the phone in a man's voice, very clearly
says I think therefore I am Yeah. I mean, so
there you go the answer. I mean, this is the
most paranormal thing I've ever had happen. And it's Dennis,
my husband, my sister, and our sister, Ann, Mimi and
I and we're all sitting there and the phone is

none of us can reach the phone.

Speaker 2 (35:40):
None of us have touched the phone.

Speaker 1 (35:41):
My SERI is not even on how does he communicate?
I think, therefore I am which is energy? Like that
is you know the definition of energy. And we all
sat there for about a minute in silence, just staring,
and you are the one that broke the silence and said,
did anybody else hear that?

Speaker 2 (36:00):
And we are all just floored.

Speaker 1 (36:05):
At the experience because it is one of the wildest
paranormal experiences I've ever had. But anyway, I wanted to
share that, and I want to thank you for being
here and holding space and for allowing us, allowing this
time to be able to talk about sensitive and personal things,

but also experiences that are divine, that are spiritual, that
are healing. I want to talk a little bit about you.
So I mentioned to everyone my sister is a yoga
instructor in DC. She hosts retreats, amongst other things. She
is an incredible entrepreneur. But just did your death doula

certification training? Do you want to talk about that a
little bit because it's becoming more prominent, And if you're
out there and you haven't heard about this, just like
there's a birth doula, you can be a dula helping
people bring babies into the world, ushering them in holding
space for the family. It's becoming more commonplace and accepted.

We there is death, doula training, and you as a
result of what you talk about it, tell me, tell
me how that flourished in your heart and then your
training a little bit.

Speaker 4 (37:19):
Or so, you know, from all of that wonderful, invaluable
time that I spent with my mom and her last
you know, year of life. Like I mentioned, it was
just such a gift and something that I didn't ever
really think that would be the most beautiful thing that
I've ever witnessed. I thought it would be the most
terrifying thing that I'd ever witnessed in the satuskying. It
actually it was like the most fulfilling, one of the

most fulfilling things that's ever happened to me, and very
validating because not only am I still here and doing okay,
I'm doing well and I feel like, you know, because
of your gifts, I'm able to stay in touch with
her and know that she's right by my side. But
also it made me realize that, you know, dying is

beautiful and it's so important that the process of dying,
and I just feel like it has such a taboo
I don't know, it's just it's just not well well
received in our culture. And this, uh my Journey to
the Death duel, I'd been wanting to do it for
two or three years, and I finally have found the

time to actually do it where I could commit to
it and really like make it part of like my
next step, my next chapter in my life. But it
was one of the things where, you know, I did
all the coursework, and I read the books and did
all the things, but when I went there, it was
like I already knew everything. And that's when you know
when you know you're in the right place, when when
it's all so natural, where you know it's not challenging,

it's not it's not difficult to do all the homework
that you know, hours and hours and hours of homework.
I couldn't wait. I mean, I was driving around town
with my windows now listening to you know, on Dying.
Everybody else is like listening to music and blah blah
blah podcasts, and I'm like rolling around DC like listening
to like really intense warm and stuff and having the

greatest day of my life.

Speaker 1 (39:11):
That's like me, I listen to I listened to those
things all the time, and I am just making spiritual
connections left and right, and it feeds my soul and
it can be something extremely intense or sensitive, and I
am finding so much clarity and meaning and connecting dots.
One of the things you just said that I want
to go back to as well is that the thing

that you thought would be the most terrifying was one
of the most beautiful things in your life, and that
is your mother dying. And yes, it has the pain
and the loss attached to it, but the thing that
you would be the most terrified of ended up being
something that not only was beautiful, but opened up deeper
gifts within your soul that you have been connecting the

dots through and.

Speaker 4 (39:58):
In Yeah, I think that you know what I mentioned
about like saying something to some of the students about
you know, spending this time with your you know, with
your loved one, that sort of thing. But I don't
think that if if I wouldn't have reconnected with you,
and this will just kind of bring it all the
way home. If I had not reconnected with you and

had the opportunity to to for you to you know,
be in the process and actually pretty much just forecast
that was what was going to happen with my mom
and the timing and that sort of thing. It gave
me the grace to be able to prepare for it,
but it also gave me a lot of tools that
I think that I needed in order to be able
to handle it, but to be able to find the

beauty in it and be able to like share that
with others, like to want to be able to speak
to people about don't you want your love going to
have the best death possible? Don't you want to have
them feel celebrated and seen and taken care of, but also,
you know, have them have a voice in the way
that they live and in the very you know, last

days of their lives or months of their lives. You know,
help them have a plan, help them have a way
to have dignity, and instead of go out with this
sense of sadness, with more of a sense of celebration.
You know, if I were listening to myself twenty five
years ago, like who is this?

Speaker 2 (41:20):
You know, what is this person saying?

Speaker 4 (41:21):
But like you know, it's a lot of work, and
it's a lot it's been a journey and it was
so ef and hard. I mean it really was so hard,
you know, but it was also so unbelievably beautiful at
the same time, and it brought my my, my siblings
and you closer together because I mean, you know, it

was such a significant, a significant loss in our family.

Speaker 1 (41:48):
So many people out there listening. I hope that this
gives you the space to be able to love the
people you love and love them well and show up
when you know that these the time is imminent or
someone needs you, whether it's that dire or at the

end or not. But even in bringing bringing this full circle,
when our father died, he died very traumatically and tragically,
and I witnessed that it was not beautiful. It was
none of those things. And I got to experience the
painfully beautiful, divine time of death with my mother. So

it was like, I've seen both sides of that, and
I've seen I've had quite a few people die that
are close to me in my life, you know, and
mostly my you know, my core family a lot. And
so getting to walk through that and hear that from
you and then repeat it myself and be on the
other side of it, it's still so many experiences keep unfolding,

keep showing up to illuminate my path, to illuminate your path,
and it's beautiful to share that space together and this intimacy,
but also to share it with other people in whatever
you're walking through. However this relates to you, or what
you have on your heart or what's pressing in your
family or in your environment. Thank you so much for

being here. Thank you for being my sister, my person
who I want to be when I grow up.

Speaker 2 (43:28):
Still raise delighted.

Speaker 1 (43:31):
Yes, absolutely, Where can people find you?

Speaker 4 (43:35):
I have a website, Mimi read your yoga Instagram, same
thing MEI read your yoga A sweet little small studio
in DC if you want to practice in person. Retreats
two or three upcoming in the next year, more to
come after that. I'm always i feel like just trying
to do something new, looking into new things. So I
think I'm going to, you know, press pretty hard into

the end of life part of my chapter moving forward.

Speaker 1 (44:03):
Absolutely, and I can't wait to see what unfolds. I'm
curious and I'm excited, and I'm right here to support
you in that. And I encourage anybody out there, if
you are in the DC area or you are wanting
to go on a beautifully curated, soulful experience with a
little bit of body work and breath work through yoga

and movement, a lot of laughs, good food, good times,
new community built. Check out my sister's book of offerings
because they are rich and enriching and will change your life.
Mimiread your yoga dot com. I love you. Thank you
for coming and being vulnerable and willing to share parts

of our story. I hope that they've helped everyone else
and go have an amazing day. Everyone out there, thank
you for joining me and if you have comments or feedback,
please be sure to reach out. Reach out on instagramsoulopathology
dot com.

Speaker 2 (45:04):
Or you can email me.

Speaker 1 (45:07):
Podcast atsoul Sessions dot me. Be sure to like, follow,
and share with anybody you think this might uplift, touch
or expand.

Speaker 2 (45:16):
Take care,
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