Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:08):
Hi everyone, It's Amanda Riker Green. Welcome to Soul Sessions.
I have an exciting guest today. This episode is all
about astrology and Hannah is my guest, Hannah Francie and
I have followed her for years. She has this amazing
YouTube channel called Hannah's Elsewhere. And I can remember, probably
five years ago, just when I would be diving into
my own astrology and needing a different interpretation of a
placement of a planet in a house, I would search
that on YouTube and Hannah would pop up, and I
started watching her videos, and then I subscribed to her.
And so Hannah was my go to gal years ago
and has been, and I hope she becomes that for you.
So you can find her on YouTube Hanahs Elsewhere, Hannah's
elsewhere dot com, and she's been strutdying astrology for eight years.
But the way in which she knows it, I know
that she's known astrology for lifetimes, like me with my numerology.
It's just you know, when people speak from their true
register and their soul, and they are speaking to that,
and she presents that way.
Speaker 2 (01:20):
Welcome Hannah, Hi, Hi, am Monda. I'm so happy to
be here. I'm excited. Thanks for having me.
Speaker 1 (01:25):
Yeah, I'm glad you here. And Hannah, by the way,
everyone is from Ireland. She lives in Belfast. We're gonna
talk a little bit today about the astrology of twenty
twenty four because it is happening now, it's happening.
Speaker 3 (01:39):
Speaker 1 (01:40):
I'm gonna let you dive in so we can start
talking about. I mean, we've got a clip season coming up,
but more than that, this Jupiter Urinous conjunction, it's happening,
it's building, so I want you to tell people about
that and some of your thoughts and insights.
Speaker 3 (01:58):
Let's dive in.
Speaker 2 (02:00):
So to clarify then, what I think is exciting is
the astrological new year that's coming up. So that's going
to be around the eighteenth nineteenth of March A. New
beginnings are upon the horizon for many. So you did
mention thereby the you're in a Stupiter conjunction and that's
going to be in Taurus. So that's going to happen
in April. So'und the twentieth to twenty first of April.
Speaker 1 (02:23):
Go back really quickly to the astrological new year. The
equinox sun entering aries to me and I know, you
know this, it's so significant because Chiron is in Aries
and the north note of the moon is in Aries.
Speaker 3 (02:36):
So it to me.
Speaker 1 (02:37):
Almost feels like, while all of the equinoxes the change
of season are so potent and powerful these gateways, something
about this year and this right of passage feels revolutionary,
very much like Pluto and Aquarius. It's like we're entering
a new consciousness, a new way of being.
Speaker 3 (02:58):
Something is happening. Do you feel that way.
Speaker 2 (03:01):
Yeah, So this is it's very much Amanda, this preparation
period that we're all in because the interesting thing about
the huge shifts over the next few years is that
Saturn and Neptune will enter Aries, and then also Uranus
will enter Gemini. So we have these big like cosmic
shifts coming up. So you did mention they're about Pluto
and Aquarius. So Pluto entered Aquarius at the beginning of
the year, so January of this year it will dip
back into Capricorn, of course, but we're pretty much entering
a new era and you can failf this sort of
energetic change and that's coming up, and I'm pretty sure
people talk about it as if it's a new paradigm.
So I think the significant thing about the astrological New
Year is, oh my gosh. I mean, we've got the
eclip season coming up, and the solar eclips and aries,
and then that lunar clips before it in Libra. So
we're already noticing these changes here, you know, to do
with the likes of how we assert ourselves, how we
stand up for ourselves. It's so much about our individuality,
our identity and how we take action on things. But
there's also a lot of healing happening on a collective level,
because Cairn, you know, as you were saying, there, Cairn's
and ares at the same time, and it's been there,
I think since twenty and eighteen. So Chiren is the
wounded healer, you know, Chiron looks at our winds, but
it's also a great teacher. Chiron teaches us how we
can heal, but also recognizing how it is that we
can help others, you know, the parts of us that
perhaps we can't fully heal, you know, and that we
can assist other people through their own struggles and pan
et cetera. So, with it being an arras, the astrological
New Year is going to be significant because it's like, Okay,
it's it's a new driving forward motion, but as you say,
it's a it's these new changes that are coming up
for us and we're going to notice more unfolding over
the next couple of years.
Speaker 1 (04:53):
Absolutely, and thank you for that, and for those of
you out there that who may not remember or not
from with Chiron. Chyrone is an asteroid that essentially lives
between Saturn the past, Urinus the future, this element of
stability and infrastructure organization order in Saturn and then Urinus
about rebel rousing the future, innovation change. So Chiron is
in this unique position of really getting down to what
is wounded and if it's in your natal chart, you
have a look at that. Pull your natal chart and
pull a chart where you can find where your natal
Chiron was when you were born. And Hannah has wonderful
videos on these things that you can check out, and
that's one of the reasons I wanted to have her
on the podcast, so you all have her as a resource.
She has a rich library of astrological content. She does
forecast and is up to speed in the day to day,
but you will be able to go back and say,
oh my Chiron is in Tarus and it's in my
seventh House, and you will probably find something in her
library that relates to you or that talks about what
the seventh House is. So I just wanted to give
that plug to her and to you all. As far
as digging in and one of the things for me,
you know, as far as learning goes and astrology, it's ongoing.
It's an ongoing dialogue. It's happening now and it's progressing us.
But when I find resources where I am digging deeper
and learning, it not only enriches me or clarifies things
in my journey, it also expands my consciousness. And I
feel like consciousness is shifting and it's happening rapidly. So
when I dive in and learn about these things, I
can feel this expansion engagement, and the healing feels like
it's happening faster if I'm paying attention. So when we
talk about Chiron and Ares, I'm at Libra and everybody on.
Speaker 3 (06:57):
Here knows that.
Speaker 1 (06:57):
So of course I actually really appreciate all the Aris
energy because it balances me out. It pulls out some
of those people pleasing uh, you know, like I don't
want to rock the boat. Let me just be nice
for the sake of being nice. And then in the background,
I'm like, screw you guys, you know, like the very
typical libro. You know, it's like, it's okay, I hate everybody,
you know. All of that, I feel like my authenticity
and my voice is coming out, and of course it
creates a greater assertion for speaking my truth. But with
Chiron and Aries, with the north note of the moon
right now in Aries and this Arias energy that Hannah
is talking about, you know, Aries is freaking bold, It's blunt.
It'll like step on you and maybe apologized later. So
I also know there are places I have to watch
out for my anger and aggression and how I'm responding
to that or processing it or communicating it from a
place of compassion. And you were talking about, you know,
these shifts as far as into Pisces with and with
having saturnin Pisces and Neptune, I can also feel the
impact with having this Aris energy of also speaking my
truth from a very sovereign place and a place of
authority and confidence, which is such portions of Aries. But
I'm using the softness of my libra as well as
those other energies to do it from a place of
compassion and even being more compassionate with myself. Does that
resonate with you with a way that I'm explaining what
the experience I've been having and seeing in some other people.
Speaker 2 (08:32):
It would resonate with me, Yeah, because I think what
you were touching on there. What stood up to me
is just the importance of also embracing the Siphe node
because you know the sipe notes also in Libra, and
then it is with the nodes. A big part of
that is how you do kind of find that equilibrium.
You know, it's sort of like you look to the
north note and you think about, okay, well what can
I learn here? What can I gin from this? You're
open to receiving. But when it comes to the Siphe note,
you take what you receive from the sife node or
so from the north node brother, and then you bring
it back to the Southe node and then you start
to give it, you teach it, you know, you share
your knowledge and your experiences then via that. So in
the case of Aris, it would be about you know,
you welcome in those things to do with the likes
of individuality, the likes of how you start yourself and
how you do take the first move, make the first both.
But then you bring it back and you think about, okay, well,
how can this be used then even as a way
to give within relationships, to find harmony within relationships. And
it is so much about this, this access of me
versus we, right so versus other, your individuality versus partnership.
Then we need to do a bit of both in
our lives, don't weigh.
Speaker 1 (09:43):
Yes, absolutely, And I think what you said about the
north and the south nodes of the moon about you
strive towards the north node, but then you take those
attributes and you bring them back to the south node.
To me, I've never actually heard it put that way,
and I think it's brilliant and it just clicked of
how the confluence of the north and the south node work,
whether we're looking at our natal north and south node
or where the placement is today. So for everybody out
there right now, the north node of the moon is
in areas, the south node is in libra. So that's
the axis that we're talking about. But also in your
natal chart, the north node was somewhere and the south
node was in the opposite of that sign, so you
can learn your soul's path, your soul's evolution and trajectory
through that. But then as a collective, right now, we
are in that me versus we is what Hannah was
talking about. And I want to come back to what
you said, because it really was very clear about what
do I need, what do I want? And then how
do I come back and collaborate work with and so
it's really figuring out your truth and then coming back
into partnership, collaboration, relationship and feeling more balanced, you know,
and also honest and authentic from the aries. So I
think that's that's a beautiful way to put it. So
I hope everybody out there is thinking in terms of
your own personal experience right now, where you've seen yourself
being more assertive, and how is that showing up in
your relationships and is it are you finding more balance
and harmony in your relationships in those interactions through being
more honest, setting better boundaries, saying no my big thing.
I mean, I'm a libra, so I'm like, it's really
hard for me to have no as a complete sentence.
So no but or no, thank you so much, but
you know, and sometimes it's hard to say no, but
I have found the no comes easier when it's my truth,
and then I don't feel guilty or oh gosh, somebody's
not gonna like me that Libra stuff.
Speaker 2 (11:53):
Yeah, my second I progressed ascendant is in Libra and
I can certainly relate to those qualities as well my own.
Speaker 3 (12:00):
Wayeah, I know.
Speaker 1 (12:01):
And so what Hannah just mentioned there, she's talking about progressions,
which is another aspect of astrology that she and I
are both familiar with, and it is something that we
we utilize. So again, I just want to say to
anybody you know, whether you are seasoned in astrology and
these things you're just chuckling about because you're like, yep,
I get it, yep I get it, or you're like,
what the hell is a progression? You know? Start with
your natal chart, start looking into where your chiron is
and research those things. Check out Hannah's information, but also
check out your north and south node where they are,
and then drilling down to what houses they'rein, because I
tell you what they will reflect back attributes that will
click and jive and wire, especially your south node, and
then you're going to read the north node stuff and go, oh,
I know that feels good when I do that, but
it's so hard, or oh, I just can't get out
of my own way. And it's you know, getting out
of our own way and reaching towards our own future
and our soul's evolution. When you reach towards an aspire,
towards whatever your north node is, or like we're doing
in the collective with ares, we create more happiness, We
create more health and well being, truth, honesty, peace, love,
whatever it may be that creates well being and growth evolution.
So those are things for you to look into. So
let's talk about Jupiter and Jupiter in Taurus and the
conjunction of Jupiter and Urinus.
Speaker 3 (13:32):
We are in it.
Speaker 1 (13:33):
I don't know what the degrees are right now, the
separation the orb is, but I mean like we are
effectively starting to feel it. The actual conjunction is on
what is it, April twentieth, twenty first.
Speaker 2 (13:43):
Yeah, and I think it's round twenty one degree. I'm
pretty sure.
Speaker 3 (13:47):
Speaker 1 (13:47):
And you and I talked about this before and how
I have some personal astrology that is very interconnected with that,
because it's just for me. It's this two degree orb
of my Urinus opposition. Okay, let's talk about it. What
are you seeing with this? What are you excited about?
And also what are some of the cautionary tales that
you might share with people?
Speaker 3 (14:13):
What are you seeing with this? What are you excited about?
Speaker 1 (14:16):
And also what are some of the cautionary tales that
you might share with people.
Speaker 2 (14:21):
Well, to kind of break it down, I want to
think about how Uriness has been in Taurus since two
thousand and eighteen, so it we'll be there until twenty
twenty six, and then Jupiter came along in twenty twenty three,
and then we'll leave then as Jupiter enters Gemini around
May of this year. So Urinus we kind of think
about then how Uranus is so much about technological changes.
It looks at innovation revolution, So with Taurus. So Taurus
is this earth sign. It's very stable, it's steady, it's secure,
it's a very very slow moving sign. Just to say,
Taurus prefers it's comforts and likes what it likes. There
is comfort and familiarity in what tourist does, which can
be really great. But of course with Uranus, Urinus has
come along in this sign and what has been ushered
in would be these drastic shifts and changes, unexpected changes
which we perhaps could not control. Uranus attempts to do that,
it just sort of shatters things. So unexpected changes to
do with our finances, property, land, farming, agriculture, resources, our
stabilities just being shaken essentially. And we're also noticing the
huge shifts to do with money and how things are
now more digital.
Speaker 3 (15:37):
Speaker 2 (15:37):
The exciting thing I think about uriness in tourists just
in general is high business owners for example, have been
able to really innovate. You know, we've noticed how there's
a lot of people online. I mean podcasts, right, Podcasts
have just boomed over the years, so great for people
who are really wanting to branch out, try new things
and taking it all onto the online space. So there's that.
But then you see Jupiter coming along in twenty twenty three,
Jupiter expanse. That can be a good thing. You know,
we think about fortune, prosperity, luck and everything, but the
expansion can also happen where things are just too extreme,
too overboard. Right, So Jupiter and tourists. What we've seen
just some a very practical, mundane sort of level is inflation,
the cost of living, staring housing crisis recessions being called luck.
People have been asking themselves what is a luxury versus
what is the necessity? So a lot of people have
actually been making cuts. Then in this way, however, the
beneficial thing about it is people have also sought out
after new opportunities, right, so new products, new services, what
can we innovate. There's there's that part of innovation with Uranus,
but then with Jupiter there's there's that part of like
growth and opportunity and everything. And I think as well
has taught us that patience is in virtue. You know,
there has been that steadiness, that slowness, and you have
to learn a lot about patients. So spiritual lessons to
do with patients, spiritual lessons to do with our endurance
as well, and wisdom about our creativity and our self
worth right, self worth, innersecurity to do with Taurus. So
when we kind of consider all of these things and
we look at the path of both Uriness and Jupiter
and this conjunction that's coming up, well it's going to
welcome a new cycle. So whenever planets to conjunct, especially
to the same minute in this case, it will be
at the same minutes and the very same degree. Of course,
there's a new cycle, a new beginning, So this new
beginning will be about these tourist themes, right, So we
could very well see innovation like this new change of breakthrough,
breakthroughs to do with our finances, breakthroughs to do with
our stability, and people taking a risk, people finding a
new way, people being inspired in energetic ways, originality as well,
you know, being original about stability, amhabit our security, breaking
free as well, you know, breaking free from old sort
of habits and everything, Well, can we do differently? But
then I also think it's about feeling blast. How do
you feel blast? And there's hope. I think with this conjunction,
there's hope that's going to be ushered in for for
many on a collective level.
Speaker 1 (18:18):
It's so interesting that you just said being blessed and
how do you feel blessed? Because literally last night I
was driving home and I have had lots of moments
recently where this sense of peace, feeling, this appreciation deeper
than gratitude. Where I was just driving home from kind
of a long day yesterday. You know, whether there wasn't
anything exciting and wasn't anything traumatic you know, it just
was a day, but I was driving home and just
listening to the radio, and all of a sudden, this
wave of I feel blessed, I feel grateful, Like I
will feel that it will flash through my periphery, I'll
notice it and I will marinate in it a little bit,
but it's happening more rapidly. So I love in addition
to all of the very practical things that you addressed inflation, money,
self worth, freedom, all of these qualities of Jupiter and
Urinus that are coming together and fusing together, I love
that you added in the element of feeling blessed, and
I think that relates back to self worth and enhancing
I am worthy, I'm valuable.
Speaker 3 (19:33):
And then what do I value? I also feel like.
Speaker 1 (19:35):
There's this kind of freeing element or revolution, and what
do we really value? And then how do we prioritize that?
And it's funny, Hannah, like I just endn't saying that.
I'm thinking back to the pandemic and how a lot
of us had to shift our priorities and our lifestyles
were drastically changed. So it forced a lot of people
to redesign their life work balance, and you know, people
wanting to work virtually and work from home. You know,
there's just been a lot of shifts. But I feel
like something in this is not only going to what
are what am I prioritizing? What do I value? And
how do I take action around that? How do I
prioritize it? How do I demonstrate it in my life?
For some reason, that seems to be coming through, you know.
And I'm also thinking about You've touched on this a
little bit, but technological advances and innovation. I mean obviously
with Pluto and Aquarius, but I know we're talking about Tarus,
which is about the long game and sustainability, but you know,
I feel like there could be some big advances in
AI virtual reality.
Speaker 3 (20:43):
Kind of stuff, you know, and how we use virtual reality.
Speaker 1 (20:47):
A lot of those innovative qualities somehow feel tied into
like ushering in a new way of being and whatever
anyone thinks about AI. Because it's we've got the pros
and we have the fears and the cons all of
the things, it's still something new is shifting. And it's like,
because it's Taurus, it's hardwired in. This is the long game,
this is the new reality. So it's like This is
just like this aries equinox that Hannah and I were
talking about and how it feels different. It is different.
There's a big tidal waiver surge of energy. This is
like another another surge of energy. And we've already had
Pluto move into Aquarius. We just keep getting one after
the other of new events, like you said, ushering in
new eras.
Speaker 2 (21:39):
Yeah. And I think with Pluto entering Aquarius, as you mentioned,
it's important then to follow the path of Uranus because
Uranus is the modern day roller of Aquarius. So with
Urinus being in Taurus, I think what is really happening
on a collective scale is up scaling. So people are
having to really upscale their business. Their skill is you know,
you have to think about their gifts and what they bring.
Speaker 3 (22:03):
To the table.
Speaker 2 (22:04):
Because as you say with Ai, whether you know you
are for it against it, it's here, right, And I think, Ai,
what it's suggesting is that things are just moving at
such a rapid speed. Right, there's an acceleration happening. This
is Aquarius Aquius. Just a Plutoinoquius is like putting it
on overdrive and it's just go, go, go, go go.
So with Urinus them being in Taurus. I think the
challenge in this, right, the Aquarius and Tours creates scores.
Scores can create tension and challenge and astrology. So the
challenge in this is how can I keep up? How
can I upscale and be ahead of the curve as well.
Speaker 1 (22:43):
I mean, that's a great way to put it, and
it's so clear and simple. But it's also about strategy.
And you know, in talking about AI and technology for
a long time, I mean I have this fundamental like
fear in my soul, in my gut. My south's node
isn't Aquary, by the way, just so you know, so
you know where my north note is and my south
note is in Aquarius in the eighth house, so you know,
certain psychic abilities and things from the past. So this
has been a few years ago. I mean I would
wake up in the middle of the night thinking, oh,
my gosh, we're repeating the past. AI is going to
take over. We're going to lose our human soul and sovereignty.
I mean I would wake up with that and then
I don't know, it was a couple of years ago
or so I woke up and said, you know what, Amanda,
this is about what exactly what you just said. Collaboration,
this element of it's not going anywhere. So how do
you work with and still remain in integrity? How do
you utilize it in order, like you said, to help
you not just keep up but propel forward. And I
want to tell you. Let me give you this example
of where I actually saw it blowing my mind. A
friend of mine was doing a writing project and it
was really the first time I had worked with any
like chat GPT software and I hadn't interfaced with it much.
And she and I were working together, and she was
asking certain questions and building these questions into this dialogue
with the AI, and she sent it over to me,
and as I'm reading it, and then she had shown
me how to ask the questions. And I mean, like
I'm total novice, right, But anyway, as I'm doing it,
all of a sudden, I start firing and wiring and
my consciousness.
Speaker 3 (24:29):
And it was like the chat GPT.
Speaker 1 (24:32):
Or whatever program it was, was so rapid and so fast,
and it was engaging my brain in this rapid fast
way where like knowledge and information was assimilating, and it
was like we were riffing back and forth. And so
I share that example from my own fear and my
own criticism and my own you know, I don't want
to hear it. It's not really happening, you know, from
a while back to learning to get curious, learning to collaborate,
learning to use it in a healthy way. And then
when I did it kind of blew my mind because
my abilities, like my cogni sense, my intelligence felt almost
like a computer that was processing rapidly. And does that
make sense when I give that example, Like.
Speaker 2 (25:21):
It does make sense to me because when I even
think about Uranus and Aquarius, you know, I think about
that kind of the cosmic diwnloads, the sort of it's
almost like you're being plugged into a computer and all
of the information is just it's being downloaded.
Speaker 3 (25:34):
Yeah, but I feel like the words you.
Speaker 2 (25:36):
Said there, which I loved, integrity at the same time
with everything what's frung to my mind in this is
with Jupiter.
Speaker 3 (25:43):
Speaker 2 (25:43):
So Jupiter, as part of this conjunction and your brawl, well,
Jupiter looks at things like morality. Right, Jupiter reminds us
like remember your fears, remember your beliefs. It's your moral compass,
it's your moral guide. So it's how you can also
at the same time, which I love these I thought
at the same time, it's having this relationship with these
technological changes in a way where you're not sacrificing your morals, right,
You're not sacrificing your integrity. You're also keeping in the
back of your mind, Okay, I want to do the
right thing according to my own sort of personal moral view.
Speaker 1 (26:17):
I think that is beautifully put. And remembering everyone out
there that most people just think about Jupiter, oh look,
opportunity expansion, But Jupiter is about integrity, your moral compass.
And how am I what Hannah said, how am I
doing this engaging with this without sacrificing my beliefs, my morals.
And I think that that states it beautifully. So keep
these things in mind because especially as we move through
April and May, there's more significant shifts happening. And I
told you the first thing when we got on the
call is like, I'm ready for Jupiter to move into
Jim and I and I mean, I'm an air sign.
So it just adds some flow in And if I
told you what house it was in, it's freaking me
out a little bit too, But I'm excited about it.
It's in my twelfth house. So it's like I'm just
like great, get ready. But at the same time, I'm
in this place in my life where it's like, you know,
whatever comes is part of my growth. So let's talk
about Jupiter shifting from Taurus into Gemini, because that to me,
they're very different. They're very different, and I think we're
going to see a surge of different energy, especially with
all the air because of the Aquarian energy. Maybe the
Pluto and Aquarius, I don't know, but you can talk
about that.
Speaker 2 (27:36):
The interesting thing by Jupiter entering Gemini is there will
be a bit of a trine, so tryings tend to
be more harmonious, like a harmonious flow. They can be
well blended. So there's a nice kind of harmony between
Jupiter and Pluto. So Pluto will be retrogrid and Aquarius
at the time. So we could very well see a
lot of people wanting to drive for with their ideas,
their discoveries, reinventing themselves. Right, So to think about Gemini,
Gemini is such a curious sign. Gemini is highly inquisitive,
can often be nosy, too nosy for its own good
as well at times. But the beautiful thing about Gemini
is that we have an opportunity to switch things up,
is to be flexible. This is great, it's adaptable, right,
So we move from the the kind of stuck energy source,
but we move to the more kind of respirited and
intellectual movable as sign of Gemini. It's an interesting one
because Jubiter in Gemini is actually in detriment. So what
detriment essentially means for listeners is that it's when the
planet is in the opposite sign from which it rules.
So Jubiter and Gemini. Yes, what can happen here is
that things can become pretty jumbled up, that we can
be scatterbrained, we can maybe juggle far toothing, so there
can be an overdoing it quality, let's just say it.
It can expand to such an extreme. So within Gemini
restless minds, restless minds, interruptive energy as well, people really
wanting to get their opinions across jack of all trades
but a master of none, but the wonderful thing of
Egibiter and Gemini. Of course, this is just really looking
at this as an individual placement. There will be a
few aspects for the year. Of course, you know, we're
going to know a scores to Saturn, for example, but
Jubiter and Gemini, this is a boy us being mentally adventurous,
mentally just you know, being so curious. It's curiosity expanded
and being hopeful as well about our connections, the connections
that we make. We may actually see more people wanting
to network, wanting to engage, wanting to share ideas, getting together,
especially when we consider how Uranus is also going to
follow suit in Gemini over the next few years. So
we're going to see these technological advancements and changes here
to do with our ideas and curiosity and then also
traveling perhaps for social purposes, right, I kind of think
of Jupiter as the traveler, so many people will be
connecting on this level with many people.
Speaker 1 (30:20):
Yeah, absolutely, and I love you know, in thinking about Jupiter.
And by the way, everyone this is happening in May.
It's May around May twenty fifth, so it'll be interesting
between now and May. With this big shift with Jupiter
and Urinus conjunct in Taurus, something is shifting. And then
once Jupiter moves into Gemini, it's like the ideas start
firing and wire and synapses start coming together. I feel
like there will be opportunity for massive consciousness upgrades, downloads,
clarity and communication that feels enlivened and vital and engaged
and like you said, being weary of over extending yourself,
a jack of all trades and a master of none.
I think that in there is brilliant that element of
being busy for the sake of being busy, or not
being able to shut off your mind. And we talk
about this often about how important stillness is and grounding
and finding quiet and solitude to be able to get
clear with inside yourself so you show up more authentically,
more healthfully and holy. So this will kind of exacerbate
this extra version of energy and this mental chatter. And
what you said about gossip, I mean we know that
about geminis is you know, they are social butterflies, and
yes they can be a little too nosy, a little
too gossipy. And hey, no shade on the geminis out there.
We're just truth telling. I mean, you know all the
things that because we all have those shadow sides in
our in our charts, and we know typically we know
ourselves pretty well. But being mindful of what is your
business and isn't what is your place? And with the
north node in areas, you know, is this my battle
to fight? Am I supposed to insert myself here? Is
this any of my business? Or should I back off
like this is not mine? This is for someone else?
Or am I enabling by jumping in and interjecting? Am
I triangulating? So I think those are really good things
to think about, especially as we enter the second half
of the year after this May the end of May.
And I feel like everybody will feel it, at least
I do, when these shifts happen. I mean, you know,
like I tend to feel it, I think just because
of being aware of it. But I think we will
feel a surge of just kind of curious, wide eyed, wondrous,
engaging energy some way shape or form.
Speaker 2 (32:53):
Yeah, that kind of tend to happen. So whenever the
shifts do happen at the beginning, it kind of feel
more significant or more powerful. I really liked from what
you said there about with the stillness, right, so with
the cheddar chatter and overthinking, it can be difficult then
to kind of come from a place of stillness. So
there will be squares between Saturn and Pisces, and then
Jupiter in Gemini this year as well. So when I
think of Pisces and the lessons that Saturn and Pisces
has been bringing up for many of us, is that awful?
Speaker 3 (33:27):
Speaker 2 (33:28):
How do I go within? How did I search for meaning?
Firm within? It's more about your sole connection, It's more
about your intuition, feeling. A lot of healing is done
in those spaces as well. But you see with the
squares to Gemini, there could be some challenge there. There
could be a challenge between those parts of ourselves to
do with Pisces versus the other parts where it's going
to be more by the mind, the cheddar chatter as
you were saying. So it's how we try to bring
them into a better alignment. The challenges, of course, you know,
they can be worked on. That's the beautia by astrology
as well, when it comes to squirres and oppositions, et cetera.
We can really learn from those those challenges and grow
off a great deal. To you.
Speaker 1 (34:09):
Yeah, I told you I have a lot of Pluto,
like heavy Pluto in my chart where you know, the
things that I was born with. So I'm like, okay,
just bring on the challenge because I know, like through
the pain, through the suffering, through whatever comes up, I
have that element of hope. I'm like, because I've seen
it over and over again in my life, if I
move through it, if I show up for it, if
I'm open to healing whatever the or receiving help, you know,
being honest, whatever it is. And I mean, the more
I learn about that, and I guess it's maybe the
stage I'm in in my life any of these you know, harder,
more challenging aspects, It's like, Okay, this is teaching me something.
It's time to like sit down in class, and I'm
here for it and I'm human, so it's going to
be messy and painful, but I don't have to do
this alone. There's that other element I think too, with
Saturn and Pisces and other things, but it's like we
don't have to do this alone. We have community. And
that also this element of Jupiter moving into Gemini is
your relationships and connections, the people that you associate with
on a daily basis, because Gemini is so much about
the day to day you know, and you know, the
kind of in your face daily communications, and maybe how
do we enrich those how do we become more present,
more intentional with people listen better, you know, I mean
I think of Gemini. You know, it's like not just
about communication. It's about the two ears that we have
in the one mouth, the listening skills as well. And
with all that mental chatter, it may be challenging to
be able to be still and to listen, but that's
an integral part to healthy communication and collaboration or shoot
relationships period. Right, let's talk a little bit in closing,
and I want to We've touched on it, but I
want to go back a little bit to the north
and the south nodes of the moon and people's natal
north and south nodes and why those are important parts
in the chart to know and to begin to study
or understand, and any other part of the chart, you know, Chiron,
anything that stands out to you that you feel like
are really worthy of study.
Speaker 2 (36:26):
So the important thing about the nodes is that they
can often point toward our life path, our life direction,
depending on the astrologer you speak with. You know, you
can get astrologers who say that the Scipe node is
more about past lives, so who you were in a
past life. But then other astrologers may say that it's
more so about the past, right, so just the past
in general to do with this life. So the idea
of this is that the Siphe node looks at our
comfort so it looks at what we're used to. It
can signify our gifts, our talents. We're in that comfortable space, right,
It's a familiar area for us. But the thing about
the North node is that it's so much about how
can I grow? What can I learn? And it in
a way takes us out of our comfort zone. So
we may be a little bit hesitant, weary, I'm a
bit afraid to follow the North node, but the North
node helps us then with fulfillment, we can actually feel
really fulfilled from within, you know, whenever we do take
the leap. You know, there's a leap involved when it
comes to the nodes. So in this way, it is
important to address the North and the Soyfe note because
it can tell you a lot about where you're headed
in this life. However, as I was saying earlier, it's
also important to keep in mind the gifts of the
Syfe node as well, and to also make sure that
that is being taken into consideration. Because what can also
happen is when we lean too much into the North node.
What can occur is there can become an obsession. We're
like obsessed with reaching this place and push push push push.
But I feel as if you know, the Syfe node
brings us back to center at times. It can remind us,
you know, why did I start this in the first place,
Why am I headed this way? It's like coming back
to yourself in a way, like coming home, if you will,
with the scythe node. But there's an energy exchange happening
between both the north node and the sythe node, and
at the same time with the soythe node. It can
also be a place where we've become burnt out because
we're not learning, we're not challenging ourselves. We're leaning way,
way too much into that space. And that's also where
the North node comes into it. So you can kind
of perhaps say in this way, and I'm just describing
this in a very practical way, you know, you can
kind of see that the back and forth. But the
last thing I kind of want to mention then about
the nodes is that now this is not all the time,
but the eclipses are gonna occur on that nodle axis,
so eclipses happen every eight to nine years or so.
So of course we've talked today about how there's going
to be the lunar eclipse in Labra and the solar
eclipse in Aris. So the nodes then are on this axis.
So the thing about the eclipses then is that they
look at points of activation. Eclipses, so if you can imagine,
you know, new mounds and film minds. Of course a
new moon solar eclipse happens, and then a film moon
lunar eclipse happens. But new moons and film mounds, there's
still points of activation. But when it comes to the eclipses,
it's more powerful, right, It's more significant. It's like a gateway,
like a portal. A portal is sort of opening, right,
an energetic one. So the reason why I bring this
up is because when it comes to the nodes, you know,
it's important to kind of follow the eclipse at the
same time into really to see now that perhaps it's
more on an everyday level. You know, you could have
a certain modal access in your chart, for example, and
you weren't born during that an eclipse to you know,
what I mean. Yeah, but when it comes to the notes,
we also want to look at the eclipses and then
see where the set of eclipses are playing for you
within your chart, and then keep looking back and see,
oh what happened. It's nine years ago, you know what
themes came up, and of course the notes are going
to be sweitched around, you know, so in the case
of another in or nine years from now, yes.
Speaker 3 (40:36):
It flaw.
Speaker 1 (40:38):
Yeah, yeah, And I hope everyone out there is getting
this point that Hannah is referring to about cycles, cycles
of time. So even when we were talking about Jupiter
moving into Gemini, well you can look back in about
twelve years ago Jupiter transited Gemini. What happened for you?
Then you can do this at any point in astrology.
But knowing okay, we have a big transit coming on,
let me research that and see when was Jupiter last
in Gemini and then looking back to those years and saying,
what was I learning? And then you start pulling together
data points for yourself that point in time where you excelled,
where you were challenged, what was going on on the
world stage. I mean, you can pull it together and
extrapolate that information to create clarity to propel you forward.
But I also love it in looking at eclipse cycles
and seasons, so we know when the north and south
nodes were transiting in wherever our natal north and south
nodes are, and what we were learning, what was happening,
what was being transformed rebirthed, what metamorphosis was taking place,
because eclipses have that connotation of transformation. You know, it's
a cycle of change in you know, either something is
dying and being left behind in order for something else
to bloom, depending on lunar cly the solar eclipses. I mean,
they're all kind of this confluence of energy. But I
encourage everyone. And again, like I said, you can check
out Hannah's videos. So if you find out, oh my gosh,
my north note is in Sagittarius, your south note is
in Gemini, and you can figure out what houses they're in.
But Hannah has this great library. And then also let's
say you do have a north node in saj and
Jupiter is moving into Gemini. At some point Jupiter will
be opposite your north node during the course of the
next year, so that signals some tension, some opposition, pulling
out new talents illuminating things. I'm giving that as an
example of how incredible astrological transits are for us personally.
And Hannah of course knows this. This is what she does.
This is the gift that she gives. Hey, where are
your north and south notes?
Speaker 2 (42:53):
My north node is in Capricorn and my sofe note
is encouncer.
Speaker 3 (42:58):
Hannah like me.
Speaker 1 (42:59):
And that's I think one of the reasons I relate
to her so much is in her video she always
gives a lot of personal experience and antidotes. She doesn't
hide her personal astrology and she always shares, and so
it's very relatable to me. You know, we have this
last little bit of Pluto going back in for just
a smidge over that anoretic degree of Capricorn. But I
know you're probably like, okay, you know, some flush of energy.
It's activated, like you said, the familiar, but what are
you doing, you know, with the Kansian energy? And I
love that, and I think, well, I think all the
nodes are beautiful, and they all are freaking hard.
Speaker 3 (43:37):
You know.
Speaker 1 (43:37):
It's like that, it's our life lessons, Like it's like,
oh it's beautiful, but gosh, this is a lot of
work and then it's also when you have the breakthroughs.
It's it's wondrous, it's magical when when things click and
those node nodol axis come together. So thank you for
sharing that, and and also as a reminder, and I've
communicated this to everyone, but deeper than that, figure out
your natal chart and where the notes fall, what the
house placement is, to drill down better or deeper into
the lesson. And I love what Hannah articulated. Depending on
your belief system or how you interpret your astrology, the
south note can either represent the past or past lives,
and I find both to be true for myself. I mean,
I can see all of those things very clearly for
myself and for others. Of course, you know, I'm working
with people for years psychically and energetically that I see
those things play out. And I had a therapist say
to me about gosh, I don't know, fourteen or fifteen
years ago, I was doing EMDR just over some trauma
and stuff that was going on in my life, and
I really wasn't ready to heal at that point. At
that point in my life, I was in it and
I was searching for healing, but I was like not
ready to really do the work, so to speak, my
part of it, the action. But we had done some
ema and some very clear past life stuff came up,
and you know, it was really astounding to her and
to me in multitude of ways. But she said to me,
you know, Amanda, it doesn't matter what the belief is around.
Did you live multiple past lives? She says, this is
how your brain isn't and your psychology and your psyche
is interpreting it. It's this real. This story is this
significant and meaningful and powerful to you. So whether you
believe this is the past life, this is what you're processing,
this is what happened, or your brain, your psyche, your
consciousness is telling you this story so you understand the
depth of the journey, the depth of the experience, and
how it's affecting you today. And that to me and
I do believe in past lives and you know, multi
dimensional time and realities. For me, that I mean hello
Aquarius south Node in the eighth house.
Speaker 3 (45:54):
You know, like that is like hello, we know that.
Speaker 1 (45:57):
I'm like, oh, yes, of course, But I also believe
that that's how my psychology, now my consciousness now how
literal something can be and how seriously I'm interpreting or
experiencing a trauma or a lesson. So I just wanted
to share that with people, as far as how powerful
learning about your north and south nodes are and how
they can really if you want to dive in and understand,
start pulling together greater clarity and truth and meaning and
stepping into this integrity of your truth, your meaning, your soul.
I think so astrology of course, this ancient practice that
Hannah brings so accessibly and relatably. And by the way,
Hannah does sessions and readings. She has a Patreon account
if you're not familiar with Patreon. Patreon is this great
platform where so many teachers create memberships at very accessible prices.
So know an easy membership Hannah has. And I'll let
her tell you about in a second her resources. Where
to find her Getting a session with her? You go
ahead and take the reins with that.
Speaker 2 (47:10):
Yeah, thank you so much, Alanda. Yeah, so you can
find me, yes over at hannahs elseware dot com. You
can find my services. You can book a reading with
me there. You can also find ebooks, guides and everything.
Te Teets are also available, and of course there is
the library all videos over on my YouTube channel Hannas Elsewhere.
And lastly, if you're interested in becoming a member, you
can always join the Patreon. There are two tiers and
just a way to support the content. But it's also
a great source for PDF guides and if you want
to keep up with the energies off the day because
there are daily forecasts available too.
Speaker 1 (47:49):
All right, everyone, thank you for joining us. I hope
you found this enriching. This is totally one of those
episodes you're going to want to go back and listen
to and take notes and then draw the parallels and
then to do some research in your own astrology or
even numerology, whatever is firing and wiring for you. But
get excited this year to me astrologically. I'm like, it's
not that it's just easy, but I feel like it's
like a year of like windfalls and breakthroughs where we're
gonna feel new energy. We're gonna feel new consciousness, new
ways of thinking, doing and connecting. And because the astrology
has been challenging on a more universal scale, I feel
like it's been heavier and harder, and not that we
won't have those things, but it feels brighter and lighter,
and I hope you've all found a lot of wisdom
and a lot of parallels for yourself, So keep searching
and seeking and have freaking fun. Have fun with this,
because if we're not laughing and enjoying ourselves and feeling revitalized, shoot,
we're going to run out of gas and burn out.
So really revitalize yourself through connection and laughter and happiness and.
Speaker 3 (48:55):
Joy wherever you can. Take care of everyone and be