All Episodes

May 8, 2024 55 mins

In our journey through life, we encounter various challenges related to boundaries. Whether it’s asserting our limits, protecting our energy, or navigating relationships, the concept of boundaries is ever-present. In this episode, Amanda delves into the fascinating world of the Root Chakra and its profound connection to our personal boundaries.

The Root Chakra, also known as the Muladhara Chakra, resides at the base of our spine. It serves as the foundation of our energetic system. When balanced, the Root Chakra provides feelings of stability, security, and groundedness.

The Root Chakra plays a pivotal role in our boundary experiences. When imbalanced, we may struggle with setting healthy boundaries. This month, focus on cleansing, clearing, and empowering your Root Chakra. Imagine it as the energetic border that defines your personal space.

Our voice and communication are influenced by the alignment of other chakras. When our energy centers are out of balance, it affects the clarity and frequency of our voice. Pay attention to how you express your boundaries verbally.

Re-analyze your boundaries:

  • Boundaries are not static; they evolve. They should be both strong and flexible.
  • Take time to re-analyze your boundaries. Are they serving you well? Adjust as needed.
  • Listen to your heart. Is it guiding you to redefine your boundaries?
  • Reflect on your motives behind the boundaries you set. Are they aligned with love and self-care?

Every boundary teaches us something. Acknowledge the lessons. Express gratitude for the wisdom gained from challenging experiences.

Until the 20th of this month, we’re immersed in Taurus energy. Taurus represents stability, sustainability, and our core values. Use this energy to reinforce your boundaries. Embrace the beautiful energetic vibrations of spring. Even if change isn’t immediate, trust the process. You are light—empower yourself through self-awareness and intentional boundary-setting.

As you navigate life, remember that boundaries are not limitations; they are expressions of self-love. Slow and steady progress in understanding and honoring your boundaries is the most important start!

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:08):
Hi everyone, it's Amanda riger Green. Welcome to Soul Sessions.
Today we're going to talk about the root chakra and boundaries.
This follows beautifully in line with the astrology and the
numerology of this month. And then it's just something we
all are working with. We all have an energy system

in our body and it's multifaceted, multi dimensional. It's physical,
it's real, it's chemical, it's magnetic and energetic, and then
we deal with boundaries or lack thereof. So it's super relatable.
But the astrology and numerology this month support this cleansing, clearing, balancing,

and empowerment of the root chakra for a couple of reasons.
And I'll relate that to boundaries because the root chakra,
to me, really is where we get boundary imbalances. And
in your mind, if you know a little bit about
the chakras, you might default into the throat chakra because
a lot of times we set boundaries with our voice,

with our communication skills, which yes, that does come from
the throat. But when other chakra or energetic systems are
out of alignment that we may be subconsciously unconsciously aware of,
it impacts the clarity and frequency of our voice and communication,

whether it is conveyed or recognized or heard. And we've
all had boundary challenges at some level or another, some
of us worse than others. So one thing I do
want to say is we're in a four universal month
in numerology, and the four supports boundaries, sometimes to a fault.

I said this in the last week's podcas cast in
the May Energy Forecast. But if you draw a four
on your piece of paper, it's very linear and it
looks like a grid. When I deal with people energetically,
and I look at some people's numerology and they have
a heavy four in their number code in their birthday.
Just at first glance, usually there will be this communication

that comes through to me where I can see boundary
stuff going on. And for people, a lot of times
they will draw boundaries with sharpies. I say it this
way because it's an easy analogy for me to think
of a visual rather than with a pencil. And boundaries change.
We may set a boundary at a certain period of time,

and it may change as the relationship changes, or as
we change, or as our needs or someone else's needs change,
or their experience, their maturity, whatever it may be. So
I always say boundaries are fluid, they're supposed to be
and stable, but there are also something you want to
analyze and reanalyze. Am I firm in these boundaries? And

then a year later, are these boundaries relevant to me anymore?
Or do I need to make some changes and be flexible?
So the four supports that. And then, because we have
this beautiful Taurus energy right now before we hit the
twentieth of the month where the sun will move into Gemini,
we've got lots of planets moving through Taurus. Urinus is

in Taurus, Jupiter is in its final degrees of Taurus,
which intensifies things as the month goes on. Boundaries are
going to be important here because Taurus is about stability
and sustainability. It's also about our values, what we value
and the clearer you get in your energy system is

specifically right now, what I feel and know to be
true is the root chakra. If you know about the chakras,
one thing that is almost universal about the root chakra
is it is located at the base of the spine,
so the sacrum, the lower pelvic floor. That area what

is interesting for me and that I have found and
I have heard resonating with other intuitives channels people who
I resonate with, is most of us believe that the
root chakra because of the way we felt it and
experienced it, is about eighteen inches below our feet, so

it's not actually in the physical body. It does govern
or connect with physical things within our body. But I
find that the root chakra is actually lower than my body,
and I know this and I believe it. So I'm
not saying change your beliefs. If you know your root

chakra and you believe it's there, and there are old
Sanskrit teachings, this is ancient wisdom and knowledge that talk
about it being at the base of the spine. But
I believe that energy starts lower than our body, and
the root chakra is associated with the iron crystal core

of the earth of the planet. Scientifically, this has been proven.
Channels have been saying this for yonns, that we have
this beautiful hexagonal iron crystal at the center of the
Earth that is larger than the moon and hotter than

the sun. I kind of love that analogy because it
was mind blowing, and they've done seismic studies to recognize
this to be true. But this iron core crystal is
massive in size. It's shaped like a hexagon, so it's
six sided, and six in numerology and in sacred geometry

is the number of the mother mother Earth. It is
the number of the divine feminine. And it's so funny
that it is larger than the moon and then hotter
than the sun. So there's this masculine energy to it
as well. So when you are beginning to connect with

your root chakra, or if you've been connected with your
root chakra for a long time and you want to
feel it and connect with it deeper, take your mind's
eye as you're sitting still, and I would encourage you
to align your spine so you can lie down if
you like, you can sit up straight and move your spine,

or you can stand. And if you stand and you
are connecting with this energy sinnel of your body and
of the earth, I would encourage you to stand in
mountain pose. That's a yoga pose where you're standing tall,
shoulders back, chin up, relaxed jaw, the arms are down
beside you and the palms are facing outward in a

relaxed way, kind of in a receiving position, so you
make a little bit of a not a star with
your body, but kind of a triangle, or however you
a pyramid. However you want to think about that. But
you can stand, you can sit, you can lie down,
you can use your mind's eye to envision and imagine.

But the easiest thing to do is to drop what's
called a grounding cord, and you can imagine this cord,
however you like running through your body from up in
the galaxy, the cosmos, a white tube or stream of
light running from somewhere infinite or the center of the galaxy.

I like to go to the center of the Milky
Way galaxy, what's called the galactic center, and the galactic
center right now is somewhere in the ballpark I think
of about twenty three degrees Sagittarius. It changes a little bit,
but if you need a if you need a physical
reference point for where the center of the galaxy is,
because it's too infinite to think about. You can imagine

it has stardust and swirling energy and cosmic light and
divine intelligence just radiating and permeating. But bring that light
down in a beautiful tube through the crown of your head,
down through your brain and your spine all the way
through the pelvis, and then shoot it down your feet

and connect that beautiful cord of light, the column of
light to the iron crystal core of the earth, this hexagonal,
massive iron crystal, bigger than the moon and hotter than
the sun. And just breathe and envision it, and envision

that you are grounded and connected. In Sanskrit, the word
for the root chakra is muladahara, and that's an ancient word.
There is a sound that is associated with it. And
I'm going to make it for you right now, and
I'm going to do it three times. So wherever you
are right now, and if you're driving, be mindful. But

if you're at home, maybe you want to re listen
and do this. But find your ciner. Find that beautiful
column of light connected from the galactic center all the
way down through your body, your spine, your feet, down, down, down,
down through every layer of earth, filtering, radiating, connecting to

the ciner iron core crystal of the Earth, this beautiful
hexagonal crystal. Taking a deep, thin let it out. Let's
go ahead and do that two more times inhale, imagining

the crystal light coming through you exhale deeper inhale, this
time really imagining the white column of light inhaling, running
through your body up into infinite space and time and
anchoring you down to the center of the Earth. This

iron core radiating crystal.

Speaker 2 (10:43):
Loe Loe.

Speaker 1 (11:09):
Long as you connect with this energy, I encourage you

to use lum use it audibly. It will resonate and
vibrate with your body with the seven point five Hurtz
frequency of Mother Earth, the iron core crystal of the Earth.
They've also done seismic studies to look at the frequencies
of Earth that is the most grounded connected energy frequency

and vibration where we can come back to our center,
our identity, our safety, and our power. The iron core
crystal of the Earth resonates with our blood, and our
blood is our life force, our vitality. It is nutrient rich,

it's regenerative. It is encoded with thousands of years hundreds
of thousands, if not millions of years of wisdom. It
has our cells, it has encoded filaments of light of intelligence.

That's why it's important for us to have healthy blood,
healthy blood flow. It helps us with our vitality. The
root chakra is associated with our sense of safety and security.
It is about survival, but it is all so about
feeling safe and really knowing who we are. Yes, the

other chakras have attributes which have a beautiful resonance with this,
and a lot of times we go to the solar
plexus for our identity, but if we have imbalances in
our root chakra, it really can throw us off course.

And the reason I want to bring your attention and
your awareness to boundaries and the root chakra is because
what I have found, not only for myself but with
many others and when I channel and connect with energy,
is that when I'm setting boundaries or working with boundaries
or we are, sometimes it doesn't matter what we say

or the actions we take, whether they are consistent or inconsistent.
We may not feel that we are receiving what we
are intending or being heard or repeat patterning happens in
relationships where people overstep or maybe we overstep, because boundaries

are a two way straight and oftentimes, and I have
done this, I think about boundaries as I set my boundaries.
I do this stuff. I well, yes I might, but
boundaries are about me and my sense of safety or
what I need in order to feel healthy, well and

secure or safe. But if I am setting boundaries and
not emulating them in my actions or beliefs, a lot
of times it can feel like standing on shaky ground,
or it can be frustrating, or patterns in relationships repeat.
So this comes from this unconscious imbalance, often times in

the root chakra and not fully being centered, grounded, and connected.
So if you are struggling in boundaries in life in relationships,
and of course this doesn't apply solely to physical boundaries
or relational boundaries. This is about energetic boundaries as well,

the energy we are available for because we are all
made up of energy and we are transmitting and receiving
energy always infinitely. You all know what it's like to
feel drained or exhausted or depleted by someone or in
some environment, and that is our energy. Sometimes it's yes

related to the interactions and the things that we have
going on around us. There can be multiple factors or
circumstances at play. But I find that the more secure
and stable I am in my connection to my center,
and that center from the center of the earth, the

iron core crystal, and also the first dimension, the first
dimension of reality. And you've heard me talking about us
moving more into fifth dimensional energy. Obviously there's a lot
more energy. There's the second, third, fourth, and then fifth dimension,
and there are dimensions above that. But the iron core
crystal is related to the first dimension, and it is

connected to Mother Earth. If you've heard people read from
the Acasic Records, the Living Library of Earth, the energy
or frequency of the Earth, the records all that ever
was and will be on Planet Earth, that comes from
the iron core crystal. It is a repository of intelligence

and information from Planet Earth and from all the galaxies
and those interactions throughout yawns of time. Do you see
the significance of the root chakra. I feel like sometimes
we bypass the lower chakras, the root chakra, the sacral chakra,
and the solar plexus, and so many people want to

get up into the third eye or the crown chakra.
But I have found that if I am not connected
and rooted and grounded into the Earth. We are human beings.
We are spiritual beings having a human experience, as you've
all heard and know. But we are in this human

framework in a three dimensional plane. That is the physical reality,
the material reality that we experience, matter that's the third dimension.
The second dimension is every single layer of Earth, the
toulluric realm, from the iron core crystal all the way

to Earth's surface. The second dimension governs all sorts of
seismic activity. It also governs disease and micro organisms, its
biological processes. But the third dimension is our physical reality

that we are interacting within and creating and co creating.
So in order to feel most grounded, safe and secure
and connected, it is imperative, especially now, especially now, in
anchoring in this higher dimension of being, a higher consciousness,

raising our frequency to inv in fifth dimensional energy, which
is energy of the heart. It is imperative to find
our center and be rooted and grounded. Often when there
are imbalances in the root chakra, or there's damage there
or disconnect, there's many symptoms you can experience, and of

course take this into account in your own experience, the
all the things that you have going on in life,
because we've got a lot, right this is a great
place to get centered. And I encourage you this month
to really really focus on the root chakra because the
root chakra is what really anchors us into this physical

reality so we feel safe and I have a lot
of people contact me whose intuitive gifts are awakening or
they're beginning to channel, and they're experiencing things that are
really frightening or scary or dark even and when the
root chakra is not healthy, activated and very consciously worked

with within their energy field and their physical body, a
lot of dark energy can come in without us knowing.
And there is dark energy. There is dark energy. I
don't talk about it too often, but it is there.
And if we are moving into light bodies, if you
are growing and evolving and healing and also a light

worker on this planet, anchoring in higher vibrational frequencies of
love and light and intelligence and wisdom, with all these
gifts that we all have coming in, imbalances in the
root chakra will create physical pain, mental health challenges like depression, anxiety, law,

lots of things, or being susceptible to heavier influences, darker influences,
even entoity possession. And that happens. It's happened to me,
and I don't think that I've really gone into that
in the podcast or shared it with you, and I
will in some episodes in the future. I've had some

really heavy things happen and heavy experiences that were very dark,
and a lot of it was because no, I wasn't
rooted or grounded, but I also was not taking care
of myself. I was abusing myself and susceptible to a
lot of external influence and being a channel and being
a very sensitive, aware human being energetically and with my

extra sensory abilities. It was dark and painful. So I'll
go into that another time. Stay tuned. I will share
with you some of those experiences that are pretty painful.
But today I have so much gratitude for living through that,
being on the other side getting healthy and clean and well,

but learning to get grounded and learning to really care
for and tend to myself and being rooted in this
earthly plane and connected with the earth. So some of
the physical symptoms can certainly be things like panic attacks
and anxiety because the root chakra is connected with safety

and security. It is either connected or disconnected at birth.
And I'm gonna throw something out there and just think back,
and it doesn't have to be perfect or mean. This
is right or wrong for you. Nothing's right or wrong.
It's what resonates with you. But breastfeeding when a baby
is born you know how it's important for a baby

to be close to its mother, you know, on the skin.
I know that I saw a picture recently of a
dad holding a baby up next to his skin, but
really having that physical touch, skin to skin connection once
a baby is born. But breast feeding helps with the
nutrients obviously from the mother's body to the baby's body.

There's a I forget what some of the nutrients are
that are so I think it's colossum or colundrum. I
can't remember what it is, so don't quote me on that,
but I know it starts with the sea, that those
things are really important for brain development, but they're also
energetically important. And I actually was not breastfed. And my
mom and I had discussions about this a few times

in my life before she passed away, and I remember
asking her why she didn't rest feed me. And I
was born in nineteen eighty so maybe, you know, some
things had to do with education, and my mom was
a nurse. She was pretty educated from a Western clinical perspective.
But I know for my mom, and she didn't expressly

say this to me, but I think for my mom,
she didn't breast feed me because of maybe societal standards
or norms in the environment in which she grew up in.
I don't know exactly, and she I remember before she died,
we talked about this and I was like, why didn't
you breastfeed me? And she got really defensive. She was like,

I don't know. I just didn't know. I just didn't
know that I should have or were supposed to, and
you know, and that defensiveness and I wasn't I was
just curious, but that defensiveness and I remember reading it
in her field, and she was worried about what other
people would think. And she didn't say that to me,
but it was like, well, that could be taboo and

not that, and breastfeeding is not taboo. But I know
some of the things that my mother dealt with, and
shame and some things like that that we all deal
with for goodness sakes. But what I do know is
that sometimes if we are not breastfeed, our root chakra
does not get fully formed and connected. And for me,
the way that that manifested was not really feeling connected, safe,

or grounded. As an infant, I struggled terribly with colic,
and as I've done work the past few years, some
really deep work. I have had some physical health challenges
that have been very spiritual for me, and they've all
gone back to areas associated with my root chakra. So

I've been working on reconnecting with my root chakra. And
not that I haven't been grounded before then, but there
was a disconnect and I didn't want to be in
this world. I can remember early on, at about three
weeks old, and at about I don't know, maybe four

weeks old, I said to my mom one day. I
was like, mom, and I described my nursery and I
don't think we have any pictures ever seen a picture
of my childhood nursery, my crib, any of that. But
I described my nursery to her and where the crib
was and where it was on the wall, and the

picture that was hanging a bike on the wall next
to my crib. I described it to her and she said,
how did you know that? And I said, I can
see it. And I said I need to ask you something,
and I said, I'm not upset. I said, I just
need the facts here of what I see. I said,
I see you shaking me over my crib and being

so angry and yelling at me to stop crying, and
of course she started crying in that moment when we
were talking about this, and I was saying, I'm not
mad or upset. I think maybe if I had a
baby that was crying this much, my nurves would be
afraid and I wouldn't know what to do, and I
would think maybe I wasn't a good mother, or I

wasn't cut out for this all the things. And she said,
I just couldn't get you to stop crying. And I
had terrible colic and she said that did happen, and
it happened a couple of times, and it was just like,
stop crying and listen. My mother took wonderful care of
me and was overprotective in a lot of ways, but

she was just exhausted and frayed and maybe had some
postpartum who knows. At this point, we don't need to
diagnose it. But she and I talked about that and
she said, I can't believe She said, I can believe it,
but I can't believe that you see that and remember it,
and I said I do. And all of this came
out when I started having some massive bladder issues a

couple of years ago, and stuff was coming out, and
I found through multiple clients and other people who have
some challenges in the bladder area and in a lot
of the root chakra area, so the pelvis, the reproductive organs,
even though that is a lot of times connected to
the sacral chakra, but when there's a lot of inflammation

there and pain and strain, a lot of those babies
have had colic really bad. And for me, going back
in my own memory and talking to myself, at that
point in time, my spirit, my soul, I really was
angry about coming into the world. I had chosen too,
but I didn't feel safe. I didn't feel like I

was going to have my own identity for a long time.
And that's what played out. And it's not that I
wasn't a happy child because my collic was resolved, and
my mom always says, you were the most happy baby.
They were a happy child and a happy baby, and
I was, but early on that root chakra was shut down.

So what also happened is my upper chakras were very
open and keeping me very connected to the spirit world.
And so when the root chakra is not connected and
the upper chakras are open, we want to go back,
we want to go back to source, to God, energy,
to the infinite, to the love, and not be in

this dense reality with fear and pain and trauma and
ancient history of this planet that we can all feel
and are connected to. So I encourage you. I'm sharing
that so you know how imperative and important it is
to have a healthy root chakra and the challenge with

the boundaries. When the root chakra is not connected, we
have tremendous fear. And the fear may be unconscious, it
may be conscious. We may be experiencing challenges in our
bones or your joints that may be connected to root
chakra imbalances. Depression or anxiety can also be connected. Yes,

the gut, Yes, the mental health stuff. We do the
mind body spirit connection. But I'm just giving you some
examples so you can put your own cosmic dots together
of awareness. This is about expanding your awareness and recognizing
that your story is your story, but it is so
intricately connected to us incarnating onto this physical plane and

being connected and grounded to this earth. And also our blood,
our blood flow, and if we are coming into higher
dimensional frequencies, especially of the heart chakra and the fifth dimension,
what it is imperative. Is healthy blood flow to the heart.
Not just being loving and kind and receiving. It's also

about the physical health of the heart and the blood
that is pumped in into the heart and from I
think the heart. Listen. I'm not a biologist, so I
don't know exactly how it works, but it is all connected.
The root chakra is also connected to the adrenal system,

and so many of us we got gosh, life is life? Right,
We've got a lot of stress and pressure. We live
in a very busy, demanding, heavy world where yes, there
is light and beautiful and joy, but there's heaviness. And
our adrenal glands are also connected to the root chakra.

So the more you get centered and balance and connect
with your imagination, your clairvoyance, the extrasensory ability of seeing
and connecting yourself with that beautiful column of light from
the cosmos, from the galactic center, down through the crown,

through the other chakras, through your body, and down to
the crystalline iron core of the Earth, larger than the
moon and hotter than the sun, you can help to
regulate and heal some of these symptoms you may be
experiencing as you awaken cundalini, because what is awakening and

shifting within the earth is the Condalini of the earth,
and the coondalini we bring up through our spine into
our brain and up into our higher consciousness. So this
is food for thought. Bringing it back to boundaries, Yes,
boundaries are important for me to recognize and communicate and

establish and adhere to for me and for you. But
I also encourage you to look at how you are
demonstrating boundaries and why the belief behind or the value
that you are adhering to with a boundary, And are

you a specting that in other relationships, in every relationship,
And are we going to do this consistently and perfectly
all the time for goodness sakes no, because we're human
and we're tired, and we're not always centered and discerning.
These are things that we are working to anchor in
which will help bring in these frequencies of love and

ease and more delight and joy. But for instance, with boundaries,
if you have people in your life, friendships, relationships, colleagues, family,
whoever it may be, who really drain your energy, you
can still love them and you can engage with them
certainly you may have to engage with them, but you

can also find your grounding. You can connect that beautiful cord.
You can center yourself and when you communicate, you do
it from a place of secure it and you do
it from a place of your truth, and then you
also remind yourself to demonstrate it in other interactions. So

if you have someone who you love and they're going
through a tough time, you get to love on them,
You get to be there to support them, but only
to your best ability or what you're capable of the
space that you are capable of holding for them. We
cannot rescue, you know, we enable, We cannot enable. This

is a time where rescuing and enabling they're not going
to work anymore. It's a time where it's like I
can love you, I can tell you I love you,
I can pray for you, I can show up and
support you, but not to the effect that it drains
and lowers my energy or starts to create fear insecurity,

lack of identity. Really looking to communicate your boundaries and
then demonstrate them. So notice, I encourage you this month
to notice how you are emulating and demonstrating the boundaries
you are craving or attempting to set in your life.

So if people are draining you, or people are not
healthy for you or unkind or ugly and you're just
not available for that any longer, you can use your
words coming from your heart and coming from a place
of knowing and firmness, but then also be sure to

reflect back and see how you are respecting other people's boundaries.
You know, do you have time to talk to me today?
And things like hey, I need a few minutes to
vent do you have a few minutes to visit with me?
One of the things that gets my goat the most.
And now I'm pretty resilient in it because I just

smile and it happens less and less often. But I
would get text messages from people or somebody would reach
out to me and be like, hey how are you?
And I knew every time they reached out and said hey,
how are you? It was kind of like just an
opening the door to say here's what I have going on,
or here's what's going on with me? Or what do

you think about this? And listen, we're human and we interact.
But it used to really frustrate me because I'm like,
why don't you just lead with Hey, I'm really struggling
do you have some time to talk to me today?
You don't ask me how I'm doing. Lead with what
you want and then you can ask me how I'm doing.

I mean, I appreciate that, So guess what I work
to demonstrate that. I picked up the phone and called
my sister Anne a few weeks ago and I called
her and I said, I think i'd text her, or
maybe I called her first, and I led with that, Hey,
what's going on? I led with Hey, I just need
to lose it for a minute. Do you have time

to talk to me? I didn't say, hey, how are you?
What are you doing? I said, Hey, I am struggling.
I'm about to lose it. I feel just like I'm
losing my mind. Do you have a minute. And it
was really amazing because it was such a reciprocal conversation
because I started kind of going off on stuff. She
can hold that space very well, and I started kind

of going off, and then she was telling me what
she had going on, and then she was like, I'm
so sorry, like you called for me and I'm giving
this to you. And I was like, no, it feels good.
And it was like, no, tell me what's going on
with you. I led with, Hey, I've got something going on.
I just need to lose it a minute. Can you

hold the safe space for me to just feel so
off kilter and be messy right now? And as I
start to unpack, she unpacks what she has going on.
But it was reciprocal, It was not unaware, and it
felt good because there was a symbiosis to it and

what she had going on. Because I led with I'm
losing my mind, here's what's going on. And as I unpacked,
she was able to unpack. But it was like a
dance again. She started laughing and saying, wait a minute,
you called tech, get meet it like hold space for
you and here I am unloading on you. And it

didn't matter because it was all the same. We both
needed each other in that moment. But because I led with, hey,
I need you. Here's what's going on versus hey, how
are you? What's going on with you? Because in that
moment of feeling so untethered and in a lot of
fear and anger, fear and anger are root chakra, root
chakra and rage and we all experience it. But because

I led with my truth and without the niceties, the
obligatory stuff. Do you have space, I'm losing it? And
then I just kind of started yes, and I just
started what's going on? She said, and then I unleashed,
and then it created this reciprocal loop for her to
share with me, and I could hold space. But it

was sustainable, and it was also not only did I
feel wonderful after that? And I did, and I had
all these synchronicities happen after that conversation that were beautiful
because there was this healthy release, you know, in a
ten or fifteen minute conversation between the two of us,
and we both left feeling better, and all of the

crazy making stuff caught out of me without judgment because
she wasn't judging and I wasn't judging, and it was reciprocal.
So think about conversations like that, or who you know
will hold that space, and then it's easy for you
to hold the space for them, whether it's in the
same conversation or another time. Those are the relationships or

the examples of when the root chakra is connected. You
feel safe, You feel in your identity but seen and heard,
and it's a beautiful mirror. And I think with the
north and south nodes of the moon, the north node
right now for all of us in Aries and the
south node in Libra. I am a Libra, okay, I

am a Libra sun and moon. But I got a
lot of scorpio and me and some other things too.
But with the north node in Ares, it is about
our individuality. It is about our I am, which is
root chakra. So this is the collective identity as the
collective and also as us as sovereign individuals. What is

not okay is the shadow vibrations of Libra, the people pleasing,
and I mean I can raise my hand for that.
I'm better today than I ever was because I know
where to check myself. What's my motive? Am I doing
this because I feel guilty? Am I doing it out
of obligation? Am I doing it out of fear? Anything

that is not from love or because it feels synergistic
and organic. That's where I check myself, and I work
with those boundaries with myself. Not to pick up the
phone and reach out to someone because I'm afraid maybe
they're in so much pain and they're gonna be mad
at me if I don't reach out or they're going
to think I don't love them and their friendship. No,
I don't have the energy to hold the space for

the dialogue. But I can sit and pray for them,
and I can pray that when I can pick up
the phone and call that person or check in humanly
intimately that I have the space. And if the conversation
goes to a place where it's overflowing and going on
and on and I'm beginning to feel my energy shift

and I'm getting tired or I'm distracted, that's when it
is important for me to utilize my boundary of I'll
be thinking about you. I hope you can work through this.
I'll send you prayers. And saying those prayers for them
to me is important and I do it pretty immediately.
If I say I'm going to pray for somebody or
send them healthy energy, I do it almost immediately. Otherwise

I'll forget, you know. And it wasn't that my attentions
didn't come from a good place, but it helps me
in that boundary of reaffirming the boundary and demonstrating it
and saying what I mean and meaning what I say.
But it also safeguards my energy field. So root chakra work.
One more thing I want you to play with this

month or whenever. One more thing I want you to
play with this month or whenever is the next time
you go outside and you put your bare feet on
the ground on the grass, stand in that mountain pose
I talked about earlier. Palms extended by the size of

your body, open, receptive, standing, straight, standing tall, take a
few deep inhales and exhales. You can use the long
if you want to connect and use your imagination to
connect with the iron crystal, hexagonal core and center of
Mother Earth. But see if you can feel the vibration

of your root chakra below your feet and into the ground.
And I will tell you for me where I feel it.
I can feel the earth and those negative ions that
we absorb in through our feet, which are really healthy
for us chemically, alchemically, because an alchemical process is going
on right now in our consciousness. We are evolving, Our

DNA is evolving and activating. But where I feel it
is in my hands. My hands start to almost feel
like they're radiating or swollen, like I can feel my
pulse in my hands. I start to feel in energy
around my hands and my fingertips, but I start to

feel my actual heartbeat and my blood pulse through my hands,
and when that happens, I always smile because I'm like,
this is so cool. And then i stand there for
a long time because I'm so amazed at as my
hands begin to feel this energy flow and I can

feel it in my feet and then my hands. Then
I start feeling my body get lighter, my breath gets smoother,
my body starts feeling infiltrated with higher energy frequencies. Sometimes
I will get sentimental and begin to feel those coils

of fifth dimensional energy coming in and creating a lighter
body and being. And it's funny because in that moment
I feel so rooted to the earth and so infinitely
because sickle interconnected. And I know, for me and for
so many what this helps with is my mental health,

my emotional health, my physical health and well being, and
of course my frequency and the frequency shifts that we
are going through. So I know in the last podcast,
I talked about basically taking action around something you might
have been in fear of or stubborn about, or dragging

your feet on. This is a time to start, and
when the root chakra is imbalanced or disconnected. That a
lot of times keeps us in stagnation, stuck energy or inertia, depression,
and anxiety. But if you have been having difficulties just

starting something, then check in with your root chakra. This
is your juice right now. So instead of trying to
get up and connect to your intuition and your guides
and your angels. Yes they're all there, but it's like
it's a ground, it's a grassroots effort, and it literally

is a grassroots effort. Connect from the center of the Earth,
that hexagonal iron core crystal, larger than the moon and
hotter than the sun. I know I've said that ten times,
but I want to say it ten more times because
it just makes me smile. And it's hard to even
fathom right how large our earth is. But this will help,

and the repetition of it. Working with the root chakra,
working with your lom, working with the alignment of your spine,
your skeletal system, moving your fingers toes your body around
your blood flow. That's important, the quality of your blood
because when it is healthy and rich and that vibrant red,

and that's the color associated with the root chakra, is red.
The color of blood. And if you want a couple
of crystals to work with, and let me just say
one thing about crystals. Crystals are compliments. They do not
change us or give us the powers or the energy.
We can do it without that stuff, right. But the

crystals they have stable structures in them and vibrational frequencies
connected to the tulluric realm, the second dimension that are
all those mineral rich energies when they're very stable, and
they resonate with different frequencies, but all of them are
connected to the second dimension. So if you want to
connect that first dimensional energy and second dimensional energy, crystals

are great, and root chakra crystals. My go to is
always bloodstone. First of all, it's just a beautiful stone.
It's so accessible because it has these red, beautiful veins
and this green energy. So it's like the earth and
the chakra. And then it's like our blood, the vitality

of our blood. So it's like a no brainer to
work with. And you can hold it in your palm,
you can put it under your pillow. Sometimes when I'm driving,
I'll put help put crystals like if I'm working with them,
you know, I don't always have to work with them.
But sometimes I have a Crystal sitting somewhere, I'm like, oh,
you should come with me today. And sometimes I don't
know why. And sometimes I'm like, oh, this is for

this person, and I give it to somebody. I've done
that for years, and I'm like, that's why you wanted
to come with me today, That's why I put you
in my personally, because this is for this person, you know.
Or oh, I'm working with it because I'm thinking about something.
And then all of a sudden, I realized that Crystal
was helping me to align some frequencies that maybe were
eluding me. They transmit intelligence, they're so intelligent. But bloodstone

is a great one. So anyway, I'll put it between
my legs, that's what I was saying. Literally in the car,
I've put it between my legs. I know that sounds
so funny, but I do stuff like that because it's
right at the root. Even though I was saying, I
think the root chakra is much lower than our physical body.
But it is connected to the sacrum, yes, but it's
lower than the physical body. So bloodstone is great. Also

black turmaline. Black turmaline to me, you know it resonates
with that iron core crystal. But it's so good for
energy fields, it's great for psychic information. But to me,
it is so purifying and cleansing. Lava stone. I love
lava stone because it's porous and it helps me connect

with the center of the earth and then all of
that mineral rich energy that I'm pulling up into my body,
my mind, my spirit, my blood, my organs, my tissues,
my bones. The lava stone is porous, and you can
put an essential oil on it. Crystals love essential oils,
Like I rub essential oils on my crystals. I just

like to give them love and say, hey, I appreciate you.
I recognize your intelligence, the wisdom that you hold, and
how you share it with me. So I will do
that with lava stone a lot, because it's it is porous,
so black termaline lava stone onyx Onyx is a great one.
Red Jasper is like a go to, of course for
root chakra. I find it helpful, but it connects me

a little bit better to my sacral chakra if I'm
dealing with creativity and sensuality and passion or lack thereof
of any of those things. Emotional intelligence related stuff those
are some good go tos if you want to go
to crystal to connect, and obviously iron, if you had
your blood checked or you're getting enough iron. Do you

have enough iron in your blood in your body, that's
a really important thing. But you know, do you have
a piece of iron you could work with? Iron is
very powerful and obviously it would connect and it would
be a great thing to work with in connecting your
root chakra. And I am curious to hear from some
of you about boundaries in the root chakra and what

you're experiencing. So over the course of this month, if
you can practice some of these things and notice some
things within yourself and your boundaries and how connecting, rooting, grounding,
getting still and being connected to the center of the
earth actually impacts your communication your throat chakra. But the

adherents to boundaries for you adhering to boundaries and you
having boundaries adhere to by others that are healthy. And then,
remembering what I said earlier, boundaries can change because we evolve,
we change where we need to be flexible. So if
you set a boundary and it's outdated or it's lasted

too long and turned into pride, I've been there. I
did that years ago with my siblings and my have
siblings and my family, and it came from a lot
of pain and a lot of fear, and I set
a boundary because it was important at one time. And
then I held that boundary for years rather than giving in,
and it turned to anger and pride. So looking at

maybe have you cut someone out? Have you shut someone out?
And maybe your heart's changing around that. It doesn't mean
that you have to reconnect with someone who you're not
intended to or may not be healthy for you. But
if there is a boundary you set and it's starting
to feel and be different within you, and maybe you
want to reach out and you want to reconnect for

healthy reasons, So check your motives, not out of guilt,
not out of shame, but out of love because it
makes sense and you're feeling called it's about an amends
or a forgiveness or an acceptance, This would be a
good time to begin to process that or recognize it.
And maybe it isn't about humanly or physically contacting and
connecting with someone or reconnecting where a boundary may have

been harsh or hard at the time and has changed
maybe it's just sending and beaming them love. And I
can think of relationships that are not healthy for me
to physically humanly engage and be in relationship with. But
like my anger or my resentment or where I was
hurt has evolved because I've evolved, and so I can

send them love unconditionally. I can send them prayers. And
you know me, I'm in a care bear stait. That's
the way I roll. I just beam it out care
bear stare. Wow. Thank you for the lessons you taught me.
I sure hope you are happy, healthy, free, flourishing and
blooming and mean it. So if you have someone right now,

then it may not be in your best interest, in
your intuition or your instinct to physically contact them, but
you're in a place of love and you can recognize
maybe the lessons they taught you or the experience they
gave you in order for you to heal something or
open something else up. Man, beam them some love, being

them some gratitude, and also beam them some I hope
you're happy, well and healthy. Thank you for the lessons
you taught me, because that will help cut some cords,
and right now, the only chord that's important is the
one connected to the center of the earth, that iron
core crystal. You know what I'm about to say, Bigger

than the moon and hotter than the sun. All right, everyone,
I hope you enjoy this Taurus season and all of
these beautiful energetic vibrations that are coming in. You're seeing
some things spring to life within you and around you.
And even if things aren't moving quickly, because it's not
a rapid fire energy, it's a like a slow and

steady wins the race energy. But just start, just take
action and do it healthily and routinely. You will notice
some fundamental foundational shifts. And that's the energy of the
four in beautiful confluence with the eighth. So work on
your roots chakra Mulla dan horror Mullah dah horra, your

lom and your sense of beautiful empowerment. You are light.
Love is all. Be well everyone, m
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