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October 29, 2021 53 mins

The Wizard of Weird discusses Lucifer!

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Welcome to the I Heart Radio and Coast to Coast
AM paranormal podcast network. Now get ready for another episode
of Strange Things with Joshua P. Warren. Welcome to our podcast.
Please be aware of the thoughts and opinions expressed by
the host are their thoughts and opinions only and do

not reflect those of I Heart Media, I Heart Radio,
Coast to Coast AM, employees of premier networks, or their
sponsors and associates. We would like to encourage you to
do your own research and discover the subject matter for yourself.

You're ready to weird. This is Strange Things. I am
Joshua B. Warren, and each week on this show, I'll
be bringing you brand new mind blowing content, news, exercises,

and weird experiments you can do at home, and a
lot more. On this edition of the program, an amazing
new ghost photo has been captured and I am breaking
it right here on this podcast exclusively. I've been doing
a lot of that lately. I recently broke some amazing
UFO footage and now I have this picture I'm going

to tell you all about. Plus plus we're gonna get
into who is the Devil? That's quite a topic, and
I want to warn you that I will be playing
some audio a little bit later that really freaks some
people out. So I know I talk a lot about inspirational,

warm and fuzzy stuff, but this is this is gonna
be a creepy one for some of you that said
let's jump into this new ghost photo. Of course, I
live here in Las Vegas, Nevada, and I produced the
Vegas Ghost and UFO show that we do almost every
weekend at the Millennium Fandom Bar in downtown Vegas, very

popular cosplay bar. The show is hosted by Nick Weird.
It's a big party all the time, but especially on
the weekends there and the manager is a lady named
Linda Beamonte, who is also a psychic medium. In fact,
if you remember the podcast that I did where I
went to the Haunted Pioneer Saloon and Good Springs, Nevada,

I brought a crew with me and Linda was part
of that crew. So Linda contacted me recently and she said,
there is this woman who lives in Vegas. She came
into the bar. Her name is Teresa Marie, and she
took a photograph that I really think you ought to
see and I said, okay, I'll be happy to take
a look at it. Linda sent me a photo that amazingly,

I mean, it just immediately made me do like a
double take, like what, okay, here's the situation. Theresa Marie
she studied photography professionally for five years. She now works
in the legal field. And on December nine of two
thousand and fifteen, she was at the Church of Notre

Dame in Paris, France, late at night, about ten forty
two pm local time. And of course, as you know,
the Church of Notre Dame is not even accessible right
now because it caught on fire in twenty nineteen. So
here she was three years more or less before that,
and she took a photo. She was by herself. She

was like on a backpacking kind of trips. She set
up a tripod, she had a professional camera, and she
took a photo of herself standing there in front of
the church of Notre Dame. And she gave it just
a little bit of a long exposure, and I swear
to you, it looks like there are two apparitional nuns,

like very solid looking nuns standing behind her, wearing hoods.
And now one thing that I immediately was concerned about
was that it looked like I mean, there was a
light in the background, and anytime somebody takes a picture
and it sort of pointed toward the light, that bothers
me some because I think, well, could this light have

just created this illusion somehow? But I contacted her. I
got her on the phone and let me tell you,
she had control photos. She she told me what kind
of camera she used. It was a Canon camera. Uh,
she gave me. I was actually can an e O
S T three rebel never been dropped her damage. She
told me what kind of lens it was, the aperture again,

the exposure time, the focal length, the iOS, all this stuff.
I mean, she could not have done a better job
documenting what what is in this image. And I sent
that to my A team. I sent it to Mobius,
I sent it to a professional photographer, c Eric Scott.

I sent it to historian Vance Pollock. None of them
could explain these figures that look so solid in this image.
And so I think she has a picture of what
appears to be a couple of ghostly women standing behind her.
All right, and so before I give you more details

about our analysis, I decided to bring her onto the
show and let her tell you at her own words
about her experience. It helps lend credibility to hear from
the photographer about how she got this picture. And then
after this I'll come back and I'll give you more
information about our analysis. If you want to see this

picture though for now while you're listening to her, go
to Joshua P. Warren dot com. Click the link to
the Curiosity Shop and if you scroll down, you'll just
see her name somewhere near the bottom of the page,
Teresa Marie. And if you click her name, then that'll
take you to a page with all the enhancements. So
I got her on the phone and I just said,

please tell us the story, Teresa, of how you captured
this photo. And here's what she said. Um. So, I
was in France and I was backpacking solo, um, trying
to capture all those little things here and there that
everyone goes to as a tourist, as well as exploring

other places. I believe that was my last night in France.
I was getting ready to head back to the States. Um,
and I was like, let me go snag a photo
at Notre Dame, go explore UM, and I set up
my tripod UM, you know, just with my DSLR. I

took photography in school and wanted to get a really
good long exposure UM in front of it, kind of
in an area that it was a too crowded, bright
up front, and get the whole building UM. And I
took one or two shots before UM, just to get

where I really wanted to snap that photo UM, and
then one after it and I was looking through in
my preview pain between the photos and saw something. UM.
I zoomed in, packed up and took a picture of
it on my iPhone actually and sent it to my
little brother in the States and was like, if anything happens,

I'm going to this bar, just letting you know where
to look for me. UM. And it was funny because
you could see it in the privy pain. It wasn't
like I downloaded it onto my computer and looked and
zoomed in later. It was very noticeable UM in my
cannon UM. And I actually ended up not touring or
going any closer to Notre Dam. I was kind of

freaked out and packed up and headed away. And it's
so great that you were able to also capture those
control photos that we were able to use for analysis.
And UM, so now have you captured something ghostly like
that before? No? UM, I and I looked through all
of my photos. I've been all over I went to

on that trip. I went to um Bath Bruge gent
Um it's a Brusian gent in Belgium bath. And when
um Stonehenge, I went to UM the mont St. Michelle Abbey. UM,
and none of my photos had anything else. UM. I've

been all over the US, UM taking photos. I've you know,
been in cemetery's never really thought about it, looked at
photos in the past, nothing like that. UM. I've experienced
and seen ghosts. UM as a kid. You know, everyone
discredits if you've actually seen them, so you don't talk
about it much unless you find that little niche of

people who totally you know, believe you would agree with you.
So when I caught this photo, it was kind of
like I actually have not you know, it's proof, it's
you can say you see it all day and whether
people believe it or not that the photo is real. UM,
what I experienced I knew was real. So for those

who have not had a chance to look at the
photo yet, UM, please describe what you see when you
look at that image. UM. So the full image is
me standing in front of UM Notre dame, and I
believe it's over my right shoulder. UM. There's Uh to

the right of me, and there's a lamppost. Two women
and then up above my head. UM appears to be
too floating nuns UM. One of them. She has a
very um like it's very pronounced, like the definition to
her face. UM. She's you know, more of an elongated face,

very very red lips um with I always thought it
was a habit. I didn't know what else to call it.
That's what I grew up knowing them as UM. But
I believe you, Josh head, that there was another name,
and I don't remember it, but UM. And then there's
another woman slightly above her to the right of that.

UM in the photo would be probably looking at it
at the left. I'm remembering actually standing there and taking
it UM. And I want to say, she looks like
she has more of a round face with glasses. Even so,
it's very like to me they were very noticeable immediately

with facial features. All Right, we have to take a
break and when we come back, I'll tell you more
about what we found in our analysis, and I'm gonna
play some freaky audio for you. You might not want
to listen to this late at night before you go
to bed, but remember if you want to see this

photo that that Teresa took. I've got it up there
right now. I don't know how long I'll have it there.
If you go to Joshua P. Warren dot com, there's
no period after the P and click the link to
the Curiosity Shop and listen while you're there, do yourself favor.
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you can start your journey and find all the good
stuff that's my name. I am Joshua Pee Warren, and
you are listening to strange things on the I Heart

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That's Coast to Coast a m dot com. Welcome back

to Strange Things on the I Heart Radio and Coast
to Coast, a paranormal podcast network. I'm your host, the
Wizard of Weird, Joshua B. Warren, beaming into your wormhole
brain from my studio in Sin City, Las Vegas, Nevada,
where every day is golden and every night is silver.

The Church of Notre Dame, well, they started building it
in the year eleven sixty three, Notre Dame de Peri.
This means our Lady at Paris. And I have been
a professional paranormal investigator for around thirty years and I
don't bring people on this show to talk about having

captured a paranormal image unless I think it's it's really
worthy because I have talked to that person, I have
gotten thorough data from that person, a lot of details,
and had it analyzed by a great team of people.
And I want to really think Teresa Marie for sending

this to me, and actually we'll Lynda be a Monte
sent it, but I want to thank Teresa for talking
to me and coming on this show and sharing this
with us and letting us post it for you. And
when you look at this picture, and again, if you
want to see it, go to Joshua Pee Warren dot com,
click the link to the Curiosity Shop scrolled down, and
just click the link to her name, Teresa Marie. Here

she is standing outside of the church at night, and
there are there are a couple of normal women like
tourists in the background who are staring up at the church.
But looking over Teresa Marie's shoulder are these two figures
that immediately appear like nuns, but you can only see

them from sort of the waist up, or primarily see
them from the waist up. They have these kind of
white hoods, and their faces are so distinct and so
solid that when you look at the close up, I mean,
it's hard to deny that these are some types of apparitions.
And again I hated that there was a light in

the background, and it was then this is a slightly
long exposure because I know that can create some very
weird optical illusions. But in this case, I think that
we can't just explain this as as a lens flare
or an optical illusion like that. It's too distinct. And
so here's here's what happened. Like again, I sent it

to a bunch of experts. Mobia said he couldn't explain
what this was, but you know, see Eric Scott, he
is again a professional filmmaker and professional photographer, and he said,
this is a very interesting photo. He said, I've been
trying to come up with any and all practical reasons
that would have caused this to happen. I've even researched

this particular camera model to see if it had any
known long exposure issues. And he goes on to get
very technical here, and he said, you know, I've I've
passed this through a variety of filters, and he ends
up saying that, um, he he put it through an

embossing filter, which sort of makes the physical details pop.
And he said, in the embossed crop, you can even
see that the heads have a three to inchinnel appearance,
but they don't seem flat. They seem to pop out
like people sort of you know, vaguely transparent people standing there.

Eric summarizes by saying, anyway, I cannot come up with
any reasonable explanation that would cause this exact thing to happen. Now,
vance my historian, who might call Sherlock Pollock fancy Pollock.
He he was looking at this in historical context, and

he was really impressed, and he said, when you when
you look at the type of of hoods or head
garments that these ladies appear to be wearing, he says,
I believe this looks like a common camelet hood that's
spelled c a m l et, a camelet hood from
the late seventeenth century. We would identify them with the

era of the witch trials. He said the hood was
often worn loose, that is untied, and then he all
so included a picture of women wearing that, and he said,
I have not seen so far any portrayals of nuns
of Notre Dame wearing anything quite like this on their heads.

But he says, it's a fascinating image. So that makes
it even more interesting in a way that we would
associate that with something like which trial. So look, all
I can tell you is we've done everything that we
can do. She has control photos that do that. We're
taken the same way. It's not in the control photos.

We have all the technical information, we have her explanation,
we have our expert analysis, and I just I really
cannot explain what we have here. So I hope that
you'll go take a look at it. And when you
consider that this was taken outside of a church, though,
it makes it especially interesting. I find churches fascinating and

inspirational and creepy all at once, because churches are kind
of the front minds for what we think of as
a great spiritual battle between good and evil, and sometimes
evil is able to take hold within the church, and

sometimes the opposite can happen, and good things can happen
in places that we traditionally associate with evil. It's a
big battle that's always going back and forth. And it
may be that these women are some kinds of protective
spirits that were there around the church, or maybe they

knew what was coming up, uh that there was going
to be this tragic fire in a few years. I mean, again,
all we can do is speculate. But when I start
looking at the possibility that we have spirits here that
are are holy and protective and maybe guardians of this place,

well that I can't help but thinking about the possibility
of really scary, negative, well demonic type things. And look,
in all my years of doing paranormal research, I've never
seen a little a little devil with horns running around
that looks like a little gargle. I know people see
creatures like that. I've never seen like a cartoon caricature

of a demon. But you know, I did interview x
or suspiciou Brian we lett Uh not too long ago
on this show. If you haven't listened to that, you
might want to go back and listen to it. Fascinating interview.
He has a very nuanced way of viewing what say
possession is, and he has He says he has seen

people levitate, and he has seen immortal strength, and he's
seen people's faces change, and he's seen this kind of stuff.
And I think he is inclined to believe that that
humans are the conduit for evil, that it we have
maybe good and evil within us, but the evil is

powerless without humans there. And when you think about this
idea of like demonic possession, and we try to wrap
our our minds around what that that really means and
what that's about. I think of some of the audio
clips that I've heard that have been presented to me
as authentic audio of people who are possessed and who

are undergoing an exorcism, and one of the creepiest pieces
of audio that I have is from a supposed Russian
exorcism that took place many years ago. And here's the
most bizarre thing. I decided to play this for you guys.
And you know I I've done professional radio and audio

work for for decades, and I went to capture this audio,
just like I've done a million times with anything else.
And it took me an hour. I couldn't capture the audio.
Every time I would try to capture it would play
on my computer. But every time I try to capture it,
I would get error messages. And I would put it
into programs to convert it and I would get an

error message, and I thought, maybe I'm not even supposed
to play this. So finally I said, you know what
I'm gonna do it. I just took out my cell
phone and I played it on my computer and I
recorded on my cell phone, and then I just emailed
it to myself. So that's what you're literally about to hear.
This is a little over a minute, and it's gonna
be a hard minute to listen to for many of you,

but I want you to listen to this and think
about whether or not you believe This sounds like there's
something actually supernatural happening to this this Russian woman as
she is undergoing an exorcism. Okay, are you ready? I'll
give you a countdown just in case you don't want
to hear this. Now, this is creepy stuff. Three two one, yeah,

Now what do you think has caused such a reaction
and that woman? Could it be? All right? We're gonna
take a break. When we come back, I'm going to
play some more downright scary audio for you, and then
we're going to dig into that question of who is

the devil? I mean, if you were to come into
contact with this figure called the devil, what would that
really be like? What would that really mean? Maybe it's
a little more nuanced than you would expect. Maybe you

encounter the devil all the time. I'm Joshua pe Warren.
You're listening to strange things on the I Heart Radio
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That's healthy looking dot Com. Welcome back to Strange Things

on the I Heart Radio and Coast to Coast. I
am here a normal podcast network. I'm your host Joshua
Pee Warren. And this is the show where the unusual
becomes usual. If indeed the minions, the minions of the devil,

are these demons? Can they actually possess somebody? Have you
heard of the movie surely you have, The Exorcism of
Emily Rose. It came out in two thousand five. That
was based on the case of a real girl in

Germany named annalyse Michelle. And she was born in September
of nineteen fifty two and she died July of nineteen
seventy six. She was only twenty three years old. She
died in the midst of an exorcism. And whatso outstanding
is they say that she underwent sixty seven Catholic exorcism

rights during the year before her death, and ultimately when
she died, doctors said that they thought she died of malnutrition,
and because of that, her parents and the priest were
convicted of negligent homicide. She was diagnosed with epileptic psychosis

and had a history of psychiatric treatment. So this is
a case where we have a real young woman here
who ended up actually dying in the midst of exorcisms
and a legal conviction. Also, they say the award winning

two thousand six film Requiem was based upon her case.
And so there is what I understand to be actual
audio from one of her exorcisms, and I figure, you
know what, since this is such an outstanding case, I
may as well play just one minute or so of

this for you so you can see how she compares
to what you just heard from the Russian woman who
was undergoing an exorcism. And I don't speak German well
enough to actually understand what she is saying in this clip,
but once again, I'm sure that some of you will

find this very disturbing, so we'll give it a little
over a minute, and here is my countdown for you
of her being uh exercised three two one, she was happy,

don't shine crazy? Seejusi Fafi see to Lousi Fai. Alright,

so that is all the exorcism audio I'm gonna play
for you, So don't worry about that. If that's too
heavy for you, I get it. And as a matter
of fact, I have attended a couple of exorcisms myself,
and uh, these were many years ago, but I saw

people make the same kinds of of sounds, and their
faces contort and their backs arch, and they sort of
almost seemed to shape shift into some other type of
of creature. And now, I've never seen anything that could
not just be a hell of an acting job, if

you want to get right down to it. I've never
seen somebody levitate or create some you know, poulter Geist
phenomenon in the room where I've never seen that. But
you know, there is something to this phenomenon, and we
have to ask ourselves, all right, well, what's the source
of all this? Who is this character called the Devil

that is supposedly behind all this? And if you just
go and you basically start reading about the devil, just
to the Wikipedia page, it says the devil is the
personification of evil as it is conceived in various cultures

and various traditions. It is seen as the objectification of
a hostile and destructive force. It's important to understand that
the devil is a figure in many, many different religions
all around the world, and of course many we have
many different names Satan, Lucifer, Bills above, Mephisophlees, etcetera. But

as far as the meaning of the word in modern English,
the word devil comes from the Middle English word de
vel and, which comes from the Old English word death
all and that in turn represents an Early Germanic borrowing
of the Latin word the obelis, and ultimately it means slanderer,

a slanderer, So slandering things is devilish. And if we
you know, considering that this is an American podcast and
Christianity is the top religion in the world, it says
in Christianity in particular, that that evil is incarnate in

the devil or Satan, a fallen angel who is the
primary opponent of God. So he was once an angel,
and he got mad at God and betrayed him. And
this fallen angel now comes down here terrorizing the world
through evil, and he is the one who's in charge

of this realm. He's the prince of this particular realm
right now. And as far as how he looks, the
Bible is always very vague about this, as Satan is
traditionally identified as the serpent who convinced Eve to eat
the forbidden fruit. Thus, he has often been depicted as

a serpent, as a serpent um and it on the
other hand, it says, you know, in the Bible, the
devil is identified with the dragon and the old serpent
seen in the Book of Revelation again the prince of
this world and the spirit that now worketh in the
children of disobedience disobedience. So so basically, you know, even

though he's he's called a serpent. You know, if you
read the Book of Genesis, it says that, well, he's
talking to Eve, and you know, we know that I've
we've not seen a talking snake, and and the story
basically goes that God was so angry that uh he

had that that the devil had interfered with Adam and Eve,
that he cursed his form to slither on his belly forever.
And so you get the idea that the devil took
on a form that was not like we think of
as the modern day serpent. Okay. So that said, there

is one moment in the Bible that is particularly dramatic
if you really think about it, and that is when
the devil sits down and has direct conversations with Jesus. So,
if you believe in the stories of the Bible, and

you believe that Jesus was a divine incarnation, perhaps I mean,
you know, some say Jesus was basically God and the
devil has decided to come and talk to him. Now
that's an interesting conversation, isn't it. And let's go back

and look at just what the devil actually says to Jesus.
According to the Bible, in the Book of Matthew, it
says that Jesus was led by spirit. Okay, this is
something like the Holy Spirit, I guess, to go into
the wilderness and too fast for forty days and forty nights. Well,

he was obviously a man, and he was hungry. Okay,
so I'm paraphrasing a little bit here. But then it
says the tempter came to him. Now we're talking about
the devil appears. Doesn't say how he appeared, doesn't saybody
looks like and the tempter comes to him and says,
he doesn't say like, let's let's do battle like Darth
Vader and Obi Wan Kenobi. No, he just says, you're hungry, right, yeah, yeah, Jesus,

So he says, well, if you're the son of God,
you know, just tell these stones to become bread. So
what is the okay, what's the message here? The message
is that the devil is trying to undermine Jesus's confidence
in himself, like, well, if you're so special, you know,

you don't have to go through this, use your special
magical power and make make these stones turn into bread
so you're not hungry anymore. And Jesus responds in a
very interesting way. He says, man shall not live on

bread alone, but on every word that comes from the
mouth of God. That's a very interesting point, isn't it.
Man shall not live by bread alone, because if you
do that, well, you're just like an animal. The humans
are beyond that. We're we're spiritual. When we come back,
let's talk about the other two things that the devil

said to Jesus and what is he getting at, what's
his message? What can we learn by the moral the
morals of these stories and also, can you bind up
the devil? I think I may have some ideas on
that for you. I'm Joshua P. Warren. You're listening to
Strange Things on the I R Radio and Coast to

Coast AM. They're a normal podcast network, and I'll be
right back after these important messages. Every eight minutes, the

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or call red Cross and welcome back to the final

segment of this edition of Strange Things on the I
Heart Radio and Coast to Coast, a AM paranormal podcast network.
I am your host, Joshua P. Warren. And think about
the devil telling Jesus, you know, if you're so great,
do that He's trying to make him maybe abuse his power.

Jesus says, man shall not live on bread alone. That's true.
Then the devil took him to the Holy City and
had him stand on the highest point of the temple
and said, if you are the son of God, throw

yourself down. He says, he will command his angels concerning you,
and they will lift you up in their hands so
that you will not strike your foot against a stone.
So now the devil's tempting him with suicide. Oh really, well,
you don't want to demonstrate your power. Okay, Well here's

another version. Why don't you just kill yourself and let's
see if how how much that God really loves you,
how much he's gonna protect you. And Jesus answers him,
and he says, do not put the Lord your God
to the test. Do not put your Lord to God

to the test. So then the devil takes him to
a very high mountain and shows him all the kingdoms
of the world. It's like the devil's teleporting Jesus around here,
shows him all the kingdoms of the world and they're
splendor and decides, well, I guess this is my last
chance to win this guy over. And he says, all

of this I will give you if you'll just bow
down and worship me. And Jesus said, away from me, Satan,
for it is written worship the Lord, your God, and
serve him only. And that is when the devil gave
up and left, and then angels appeared and attended to Jesus.

Now isn't that interesting that Again, it's not like the
devil appeared and wanted to do vicious battle like something
out of a sci fi movie. No, he tried to
come and persuade Jesus and convince Jesus to doubt his
beliefs and his truths, and to doubt him himself and

his faith and what is good and what is powerful,
and to ultimately win him over with the superficial and
temporary things of this world. Because this is the Devil's world,
it says, this is he's the prince of this world
right now? Do you think when you look at the

world today, that the demons have been let loose and
that there is a lot of this type of realistic
activity going on that we're not looking at at little
monsters with horns and forked tongues and tails running around. No,

it's persuasion of one kind or another, and you have
to to be steadfast there. That's I think what the
devil really is. But you can come up with your
own opinion. You know that you can bind the devil

symbolically or devilish things. Uh you know. I have my
device on my website called the Bad Buster, and the
holidays are coming up, and I created a product which
I call the Crumpus Buster. It's the anti Crumpas doll.
And I'll talk more about this a little later, I'm sure,

But Crumpus is this demonic, monstrous figure that is the
opposite of Santa Claus. Santa Claus is old St. Nicholas.
He's supposed to show up and give you gifts if
you're good it. Crumpus instead shows up and he drags
you off intoes terrible things to you if you're bad.
And I created this is an original creation, a special

Crumpus doll that you ritualistically bind up and you put
away as the holidays are approaching. So you bind up
dark negative spirits around the holidays. Seriously, I don't have
many of these, but I'll get right now. You're getting
your heads up before I send out an you knows
letter about this. You'll get a big discount if you

go and look at this and you can get one
of these. Go to Crumpus buster dot com. K R. A. M.
P u s crumpus buster dot com and just look
at this thing and look at how cool and interesting
it is. But I'll be talking more about the Crumpus
on a future show, so I'm giving you a little
heads up before everybody else jumps on it. Crumpus buster
dot com. Hey, let's see if I can squeeze in

an email here from Jennifer in Owl, Michigan. This is
something that happened, she said, summer of two thousand seven.
I was sleeping over at my boyfriend Billy's house. When
we would go to bed, he'd always sleep by the
wall and I'd sleep on the outside. I awoke at

the door creaking as it opened. I laid there looking
at a very tall, dark figure standing in the doorway.
Billy started tapping me with his finger. The dark figure
entered the room and gazed at us for a moment.

Suddenly it crouched down on all fours and started running
around the bed back and forth, growling and snarling. It
had shifted into something like a dog. This thing looked
blacker than the darkest shadows in the bedroom. I could
not believe what I was seeing, and my boyfriend was

tapping me faster now I was paralyzed with fear, so
all I could do was watched the creature on the floor.
It stopped at the foot of the bed, jumped up
and clamped its jaws on Billy's foot and yanked him
halfway off the bed. Billy sat up as the creature

backed into the darkest corner of the room and then disappeared.
Billy and I spoke about what had happened, and he
told me he could not move or talk when the
creature touched him. He said he was trying to call
out to me, but no sound would come out. We
tried to sleep, and the next day we saw that

there were bruises around Billy's ankle. This incident baffles us
to this day. Billy thinks the creature was trying to
steal his soul and jump into his body. Billy's mom
thinks it was a demon, the same demon that had
taken over her father when she was young. Her father

was a very evil man who had beaten the family
and mistreated the children. When she was a little girl,
her father was locked in the house as it burned
to the ground. I don't know what to make of this,
as I've had shadow figure encounters, but nothing violent like this.

I do know this thing was after something. Oh boy,
I can understand why it's something like that happens. You
would say, uh, yeah, this is some kind of a
soul steeler. This is something like this is a demonic
monster of some kind that is an incarnate creature here

that has come to wreak havoc. I can understand that. Um,
but maybe that's something different than a than an actual
demon that is there to sort of ultimately persuade you mentally.
We just don't know. I don't have the answer to everything,
and that's what I tell people from time to time.

People ask me questions and I say, I'm an expert
on what we don't know. But I do know that
I believe in forces of good and evil and right
and wrong. And anybody who watches The Serial Killer and
True crime shows ought to know that. And that's why
it's important after you listen to this sort of dark

content and I'm sorry, you know, you have to face
it sometimes it's it's it's interesting. You have to know
what the problem is before you can solve it. That's
why it's important for you to increase your defenses and
to have positivity and to fill your mind with good
things and optimistic thoughts to combat a lot of a

lot of the darkness, and and don't take substances that
can can weaken you um and make you sick and
make you vulnerable. And in fact, a lot of people
take a glass of water when I I'm gonna play
the good Fortune tone here for you? Will you? I
think you definitely needed after this, They take that glass
of water and they place it in front of the

speaker and they play the good Fortune tone at last
twenty seconds, and then later they drink that glass of
water and say that they feel refreshed and re energized
and positive and strong, and that it really does something
great for them. So maybe you should try it. If

if not, that's fine. Just kick back, relax, take a
deep breath, and listen to it. And I hope you've
enjoyed this spooky show. But now it's time to cleanse everything.
So here you go enjoy the good Fortune Tone. That's

it for this edition of the show. Follow me on
Twitter at Joshua pe Warren. Plus visit Joshua pe warren
dot com to sign up for my free e newsletter
to receive a free instant gift and check out the
cool Stuff and the Curiosity Shop all at Joshua pe
Warren dot com. I have a fun one lined up

for you next time, I promise. So please tell all
your friends to subscribe to this show and to always
remember the Golden Rule. Thank you for listening, thank you
for your interest in support, thank you for staying curious,
and I we'll talk to you again soon. You've been

listening to Strange Things on the I Heart Radio and
Coast to Coast a UM paranormal podcast network. Well, if

you like this episode of Strange Things, wait till you
hear the next one. Thank you for listening to the
I Heart Radio and Coast to Coast, a m paranormal
podcast network
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