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January 11, 2024 40 mins

In this pre-recorded Live Stream from Tuesday, January 9th, Brock and Will engage with the fans and give a sneak preview of an upcoming episode with Geno Bernardo, executive chef at the Summit Club, a Discovery Land Company property in Las Vegas, NV. 

The boys talk current events, answer fans questions, discuss upcoming projects and even get a surprise visit from Geno himself! 


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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:05):
You're listening to Studio twenty two. Hey Gina, we're popping
in from Las Vegas. Everybody, thank you, Crystal.

Speaker 2 (00:14):
All right, we are in Las Vegas. We are setting
up for Hey, Shanel, we are setting up for a
really cool podcast, one that we've never done before. Technically,
we have Gino Bernardo, an amazing head chef who's out here.

He's the head chef at the Summit Club Discovery Land
property in Las Vegas, and along with a big, storied
career that we're really excited to chat about. But yeah,
we're out here, you know, setting up a little BTS action. Yeah,
we got the split screen going, got my new municipal

hoodie with the Summit Club logo on it.

Speaker 1 (01:05):
We're rocking and I'll shut up now. Brock. How are
you doing well? My lower back is firing right now
as I've done this drive to Vegas three times in
three days, two days. You're you're a traveling man. But
I'm good. Good, It's good to be back. Yeah, he said,
I'm excited to shoot this podcast with genoday. He's a legend.

Did you tell him? Did you say what we were
doing during the podcast? No, No, I left it for
you perfect. Okay. So during this podcast, Gino is a
world renowned chef. He's worked with everybody and he is
the top of his game, you know, and he is
going to cook for us live while we do the podcast.

We're shooting it a little different, a little more. I
don't know, it's good. I think it's it's gonna be
it's gonna be fun, something different. It's gonna be fun.
But we're gonna get some really really good food and
have a good time and we're excited to share with
you guys. But yeah, come in life from Vegas. Yeah,
it'll be cool.

Speaker 2 (02:06):
We we're gonna get some recipes and some stories and
cooking with celebrities and you know, I know he has
a lot of fun family secret recipes he can share
with us and.

Speaker 1 (02:20):
We'll see how we see how it goes.

Speaker 2 (02:22):
Uh, Spencer, Robin and Jennifer say, Hi, I don't know
if you caught that, but he said, hey, guys, and
there's some news we wanted to cover too in the
world of entertainment and business and tech and astronomy. Actually

one of my favorite topics.

Speaker 1 (02:51):
It's a little weird not having the phones on.

Speaker 2 (02:53):
I'm not gonna lie I know, and I'm still getting
used to it. But as long as they're hearing us,
and we're all good.

Speaker 1 (03:01):
If I look oh on yours, if I look to
the left, I'm looking to the right. Why is it's flipped? Well,
that's funny.

Speaker 2 (03:08):
So a couple of things, some pretty big news with
all of the CEOs of all the big social media
companies like Meta x, Discord, TikTok, all the CEOs are
testifying in front of Congress on January thirty first, and
they're addressing essentially security issues and you know, inappropriate content

that they claim to be you know, guarding against for children,
but you know, haven't been I guess, but but we'll see.
It's gonna be really big news. And you know, Zuckerberg,
I'm not sure it's not Elon he hired that new CEO,

I think, but yeah, that'll be something to look out
for in about two weeks. Brock, How do you think
these CEOs will handle this? How do you think the
problem has been you know, in the past, Like do
you feel that these platforms are secure for children and
there's enough safeguards in place?

Speaker 1 (04:18):
And when you say do you mean like Facebook and
Instagram and kind of.

Speaker 2 (04:21):
Like Metax, Discord, TikTok, Yeah, all the big ones.

Speaker 1 (04:27):
I don't. I don't know. I don't. I wouldn't say
for kids. No, I don't think it's I think it's uh.
And that's the internet too. The internet's a crazy place, right,
but I don't think there's enough safeguards personally. There's too
much risk a stuff online. Especially Twitter has always been
I don't ever use Twitter, but it is like you
can have anything on Twitter, right, Like people post some

pretty scantily clad type and stuff. New word but yeah, TikTok,
I think I think a lot of stuff too, just
general has kind of been they're pushing pushing the limits
on things they shouldn't. I guess I don't know. There's

there's a little too much skin showing out there.

Speaker 2 (05:12):
Yeah, And like you know, Elon's big thing has been
what's the line of Like his whole thing is like
freedom of speech, right, but this isn't really it's kind
of freedom of expression, but it's more security and children
and save content. Right, So it's like a different fight.

It's not really the one.

Speaker 1 (05:36):
It's one thing he's been saying something. It's a different
thing to show something. Yes, And I think there's stuff
on the internet. I mean, I get videos of I
don't even know if I could say them, but people
losing their life. It's being shown on Instagram all the time.
Like that's insane. I know. YouTube has a big problem
with that too.

Speaker 2 (05:58):
Yeah, yeah, I mean, it'll be an interesting trial or
it's not. I guess it's not a trial, it's a hearing,
but you know, it'll be interesting to see what they say.

Speaker 1 (06:09):
That's in about two weeks.

Speaker 2 (06:12):
Another thing with Google and YouTube is Google has been
limiting YouTube pages on Google searches. There's been a huge
decrease in YouTube pages appearing in Google searches, and you know,
they're getting a lot of heat for it. And you
always wonder, we're going into twenty twenty four, it's an

election year. Does that have anything to do with it?
Are they cracking down on censorship? You just don't know.
But you know, it's so hard to like get information.
And obviously, we we love YouTube, We love being on
the platform. I think it's a great platform, but it
is owned by Google, and you know, sometimes it could

be as simple as changing the algorithm and people catching
up with that. But there has been a drastic decline
in the searches. What do you think about that bracket?

Speaker 1 (07:09):
So what's exactly It's like Google and YouTube are what
exactly like, So the YouTube pages aren't.

Speaker 2 (07:16):
It's funny, I'm like looking right, but looking at the screen,
YouTube pages are appearing drastically less in Google searches. Right,
So if you search for something on Google as a creator,
as a YouTube creator, we're less likely to show up
in that Google search. And that's what it's been showing.

Speaker 1 (07:36):
But it's you said, it's owned by YouTube is owned
by Google. Yeah, wouldn't that be like counterproductive? Like that's right,
you would want one of your companies to be more
successful when you unless it's like easily accessible, more more
easily found. Wouldn't that be like the reverse of what
you'd want.

Speaker 2 (07:56):
I feel you'd assume, right, I mean that's perfectly logical
to me. I think it's more of like a could
just be an algorithm change or a censorship thing. But
I don't know, man, It's these these ones are tricky, right.
It's like these are giant companies, biggest companies in the world,

and even a minor shift in like an algorithm can
really affect a lot of people.

Speaker 1 (08:22):
And a lot of people's livelihood. And think about that
with Instagram. I mean, how many times has there been
an issue where you couldn't post or show look at
your feed or the engagement or whatever it may be.
One algorithm got changed. You know. I've got a lot
of friends who are big influencers, and obviously I've done

it for a while, but they know people at you know,
the headquarters of companies like YouTube, and they have like
insiders kind of yeah, exactly, and there's been moments where
even the people that were working there, something got changed
and they're like, we have no idea what happened or
how to fix it, and we're trying to figure it out,
and it just brings down the whole system, you know,

or changes it. But everything is evolving. Everything's changing. Some
things are the way people are digesting content, seeing content,
wanting to view it. It's just it's different. And then
the ability to reach people is getting, I think, to
a degree more difficult. I think some people are still

excelling very great, but it's also that's the ebb and
flow of life, you know. And it's the same thing
with content. There's different types of content creators that connect
and this time, in this moment, but you know, a
year from now, six months from now, five years from now,
it might not be the case. So yeah, it's ever evolving.
But I don't know, there's a lot that's interesting.

Speaker 2 (09:48):
I don't know a lot going on there. Well, we'll
pay attention to it and keep everyone updated updated on
how it progresses. Moving on to our entertainment news section, Robin.

Speaker 1 (09:59):
Said it best. They always have to screw with a
good thing.

Speaker 2 (10:03):
Right, and Gina too like, kind of going back to
that verse combo drawing the line between freedom of speech
and taking it too far. I mean, that's absolutely right,
and it's kind of like an ever changing thing, kind
of figuring out with those goalposts. Are Coachella headliners for
twenty twenty four. There's some rumors out there Tyler the

Creator is maybe one of them. Who else, Brock, Who
would you like to see headline Coachella?

Speaker 1 (10:33):
I'd give a shot.

Speaker 2 (10:36):
You all right, a little country I like that, I'll
get it.

Speaker 1 (10:43):
Yeah, it'll have podcastry. Yeah, who was it? Stage coach?
Post Malone is supposed to be headlining. He's coming out
of the country album.

Speaker 2 (10:54):
Some I have some offline news to tell you.

Speaker 1 (10:57):
Insider remind me of that. Sorry, we're not sharing that
with you guys.

Speaker 2 (11:02):
Oh doja cats another one in the mix?

Speaker 1 (11:05):
Tyler the Creator, Yeah, I don't.

Speaker 2 (11:07):
I mean Lena del Ray, Lonna Delray.

Speaker 1 (11:09):
Sorry, I don't personally really enjoy Coachella anymore, so I'd
rather talk about Stage Coach. All right, Well that's it
for that. I've seen some good people are I mean
even even who was Beyonce's performance was insane? Right? Yeah?

Speaker 2 (11:26):
No, my favorite of all time, it's probably been the
Doctor Dre Tupac Hologram. I thought was just because eminem
fifty cent Doctor Dre like everyone came for that.

Speaker 1 (11:37):
That one was that one actually was pretty scary for me.
Uh uh yeah, And then I was there isn't the
other one? What was the other?

Speaker 2 (11:46):
Big Red Hot Chili Peppers way back in the day?

Speaker 1 (11:49):
Did we go to that together or do we not
know each other? Then? No, that was pre was before
we knew each other.

Speaker 2 (11:54):
Yeah, wow, the dark times, but yeah, kind of cool.
We are kind of more stage coach, guys. I can
thank Brock for that. I transition stage Coach.

Speaker 1 (12:11):
There's some great artists I'd definitely like to see at Coachella,
but the reason I like more. You know, I lean
more towards Coachella. Obviously, I mean a stage coach. Obviously
I love country music. But to me, what it's always
felt like is Coachella is a bunch of different genres
and different stuff, which is fun, right, and there's different
crowds of people. But when you go to Stage Coach,

it's like everyone's there for the same type of music
and it's not as big, definitely, but it's it's kind
of all the same vibe, right, and so I feel
like you go in and you get a consistent good
time versus Coachella is kind of like at times it's fun,
but if like the guy you wanted, the two people
you want to see that day are across the field
playing at the same time, it's like and then all

you have is other people that you don't know or
don't enjoy as much, and then you get interesting people,
and I don't I just feel like Stagecoach more chill.
It's more. I think it's more of a good time personally.

Speaker 2 (13:07):
Yeah, you're rolling the dice a little bit more with Coachella,
and like who you can get to in time.

Speaker 1 (13:12):
For sure, Yeah, but both both great.

Speaker 2 (13:16):
I wanted to give a quick shout out to Benny
Blanco and Selena Gomez.

Speaker 1 (13:21):
They were seeing at the Lakers game court side.

Speaker 2 (13:23):
Together, and I I thought it was the one I
was at with Pops and Little Bro, but but I
think it was like a few games after. But Benny
is a great guy and he's the man. Shout out Benny.

Speaker 1 (13:41):
He said, you you met him? You know him?

Speaker 2 (13:44):
Yeah, a couple of times. Yeah, he's a good dude.
He's a good dude. It's fun seeing him, seeing him
out there, and next time he's at a Laker game,
I got it.

Speaker 1 (13:55):
Yeah, they seem like they're they're really in love. Are
they engaged or.

Speaker 2 (13:58):
I think just I thought this was more of like
a obviously, I don't know.

Speaker 1 (14:03):
For sure, but.

Speaker 2 (14:06):
I think this was more of like a new thing.
I want to say, maybe can anyone else help us
in the chat with that.

Speaker 1 (14:18):
I'm sure they will.

Speaker 2 (14:21):
Yeah, we'll get Oh yeah, yeah, Selena is great. But Okay,
So that was just a quick shout out I wanted
to give to Benny. But Big News and Entertainment, Tom
Cruise signs a deal with Warner Brothers to develop and
produce original Enfranchise films. This is a pretty big deal.

It's a non exclusive setup, so he can still make
you know, all the other stuff with Paramount and you
know everything he's doing. But if you think about it,
with Warner Brothers, Tom Cruise did Edge of Tomorrow, interview
with a Vampire Eyes, Watchhide, Rock of Ages, Risky Business,

so like he's had an incredible career with them, and
you know, I'm excited about this. I think Tom Cruise
is crushing it right now and you know, I'm really
excited to see what they get going with this.

Speaker 1 (15:23):
What do you think, Rob, Yeah, I'm curious what if
they have anything in mind in the moment. But I mean,
regardless of your view on Tom Cruise, whatever it may be, personally,
he's I think one of the most talented and definitely
the most talented like stunt actor but actors in the world.

Just based off one his body of work to his craft,
he's incredible. And then what he's able to do physically
and stunt wise is nobody can even touch him. Yeah,
So as far as like entertaining and films go, that's amazing.
Just to know that Tom Cruise is going to keep
making awesome movies is pretty great and.

Speaker 2 (16:08):
Real quickly in the chat. Thanks for stopping in, Maggie,
appreciate it.

Speaker 1 (16:13):
And Chanell, thank you for the what's it called the
super chet Oh oh sorry I miss it?

Speaker 2 (16:20):
Oh Man, Yeah, Chanelle Blackwell for ten dollars. Thanks for
the heads up on the live of course, that's something
that you know we should be on every time. So
I'm gonna do a better job of doing that every
single time, and we're going to do a lot more
lives for sure.

Speaker 1 (16:42):
But thank you, thank you, thank you.

Speaker 2 (16:47):
But yeah, no, I really do think that's a big
deal for Hollywood right now, coming out of the strikes,
and you know, they need their best people making their
best films, and this is Warner Brothers and Tom Cruise.
So like, I'm excited about it. I think it's gonna
be good for the industry. And we'll keep everyone posted

on movies that they do.

Speaker 1 (17:10):
If anybody watching is in casting, directing, producing, I'm ready. Yeah.

Speaker 2 (17:17):
If they need a writer or an indie producer, holler
at a studio twenty two. We're literally shouting out ourselves.

Speaker 1 (17:28):
I love it. Let's see.

Speaker 2 (17:34):
Oh, SpaceX launched another Starlink satellite from California. There they
are going to tomorrow morning to improve I guess you
know Starlink's coverage in the in our state.

Speaker 1 (17:47):
Which would be great since I just got it.

Speaker 2 (17:51):
I remember you telling me about that, right, So you
got it for like camping and stuff, right, like.

Speaker 1 (17:56):
Yeah, how does it work? It's it's pretty cool. So
it's got the dish. I got the the Rome version.
You can pay for different types of service, and you
get the dish and it has like one hundred and
fifty foot cable and you put it out in the
middle of nowhere without obstructions, and then you plug that
into the modem and then that just goes into a

power source. And then once you do that, your it
finds the satellites kind of adjusts itself to find them,
and then you have whole service in the middle of nowhere.
So I'm sorry. It was the only way I stay
connected when I went campaign over New Year's.

Speaker 2 (18:33):
Hell yeah, dude, this they're actually doing it at midnight
tonight and you can watch on SpaceX x account Twitter account.

Speaker 1 (18:44):
Have you ever seen the the satellites, the space or
the Starlink satellites.

Speaker 2 (18:50):
I think I've seen some of the launches and videos
of Yeah, yeah, they're pretty cool.

Speaker 1 (18:56):
I saw them months and months ago. I was in
Texas and it looked there was a line of like
twenty of them, and you swear you think it's it's UFOs.
They look like yeah, and then you google it and
it's it's Starlink satellites. Because they're all on a row
going through the sky. It's kind of crazy to see.

Speaker 2 (19:14):
Hell yeah, we should watch it tonight from the Blackjack table.
It will be the eighteenth launch and landing for this
particular booster, according to SpaceX mission description, launching out of
Vanderberg Space Force based.

Speaker 1 (19:30):
On Wednesday midnight.

Speaker 2 (19:34):
Hell yeah, and that's pretty cool. The oh, here's kind
of a cool thing. A little tip and trick for
you know, around the house. You can people right now
and by the way, I did this and I love it.
People right now are taking charcoal and putting it around

their homes because charcoal, you know, they have like charge
toothpaste that's incredible to get stains off and keep them clean.
The charcoal has like a very strong antioxidant in it,
like a filtration system built into it's like molecular structure.
So like charcoal is very very good at keeping your

air clean and your home, and people are getting pretty
crazy with it and putting it around their homes.

Speaker 1 (20:23):
And stuff to keep their air quality because.

Speaker 2 (20:25):
It can help with mold and allergens and pollutants and
you know, pet allergies. So it's kind of cool, a
little tippy. Uh yeah, rowan, Rowan, rowan, I want to.

Speaker 1 (20:37):
Get that right.

Speaker 2 (20:39):
Charcoal is the best toothpaste and stuff, hundred percent, I've
And it looks kind of cool too because it's like
black in your mouth and you're like, it's different, it
doesn't seem like toothpaste.

Speaker 1 (20:50):
Yeah. Two of my uh water filters, burky filters are charcoal.
Oh no way. They last for years.

Speaker 2 (20:56):
There you go. I bet you could use that in
like camp you take a camping Oh.

Speaker 1 (21:02):
Yeah, you can filter pretty much anything through it and
it comes out amazing. And yeah, like I said, last
for years. But it's it's a really incredible filtration system.
Those Burkey's are are really cool. What's it called burkin
Burkie Burkie? Yeah, I got a I think it's a
four and a half gallon and then a one and

a half gallon for the truck put in the trailer. Yeah,
hell yeah, it's just nice. You know if you're out
and there's a stream or something like that, you know,
you can drink fresh water. I always recommend with camping
and stuff like that to have at least oh yeah,
two to three sources of water or water filtration systems.
You know, you can get those life straws and stuff
like that too. But the burkeys are really good. Worst

case not even worst case, but last case is always boil.
It is usually pretty safe, like iodine tablets. It just
tastes horrible.

Speaker 2 (21:53):
I remember doing that camping.

Speaker 1 (21:55):
That Yosemite and everything. You're like, but yeah, there's a
bunch of different ways to do it.

Speaker 2 (22:02):
Gina, Dean Devlin and Jerry Bruckheimer amazing producers.

Speaker 1 (22:06):
Oh for sure. Bruckheimer.

Speaker 2 (22:08):
I mean he's done great, great films and it's rowing
like the tree. Thank you for correcting me there, Thank.

Speaker 1 (22:18):
You for educating me because I didn't know there was
a tree that he had.

Speaker 2 (22:24):
Jennifer, and the black teeth look funny. Yeah, for sure,
it's fun. It's like when it's like when you eat
a bunch of candy and your mouth like turns purple.
Oh oh, so are you well?

Speaker 1 (22:38):
Thank you, Gina. I'm working on it. Got some good stuff.
Coming up.

Speaker 2 (22:42):
Excited to share it very very soon.

Speaker 1 (22:50):

Speaker 2 (22:52):
Yes, what are you most excited about this month? How
are you doing on your New Year's resolutions? Like we
promised everyone we would be good with.

Speaker 1 (23:04):
What I'm most excited about is to eat this dinner
with Gino in an hour once we do this podcast
food on the Mind. I haven't really eaten today. You've
been driving, but no, Yeah, been good. Been working on
a script, which is one of the things I really
wanted to work on to and then been pretty good

with the with the I could definitely
the Bible. It's definitely something. Oh yeah, the Bible stuff going.
It's been it's been good. I heard this. I watched
this really cool. I'm just gonna hit in the face.
I felt like it's funny because in the camera. But
I watched the sermon and the whole lesson was really
amazing with this uh Swedish pastor. Actually he came in

as a guest speaker and he was talking about the
whole premise of it was I stand for truth even
if I stand alone, and kind of sticking with that
with like a really awesome moral compass, you know, And
he's talking about David and Goliath, right, and so David
stood up to Goliath and stood alone. Right. So even

if it's scary and you do it alone, and the
funny thing is to get some really good lessons about
and stories about people doing that, and then then more
people coming along. Right. So it's just a step into
your faith and having courage and stuff like that. But
it's been good. It's been good, man. Been praying a
lot too, so kind of just surrendering and trusting that

everything's going to work out the way it's supposed to do.
And it's been good. It feels like a weight being
lifted off, you know, and it feels like everything we're
doing is, you know, all in the right direction, and
it feels right and we're getting to where we need
to go. And I'm just excited. Life is good. I
can't complain.

Speaker 2 (24:54):
Awesome, man. Yeah, I love that truth kind of metaphor
that truth statement.

Speaker 1 (25:01):
I could be better with the workout.

Speaker 2 (25:02):
So it's truth is It's like what do they say,
sunlight is the best disinfectant, Like shedding the light of
consciousness onto a problem or an issue.

Speaker 1 (25:17):
Just the truth will set you free. Right.

Speaker 2 (25:21):
There's like a million sayings like that where it's all
about the truth.

Speaker 1 (25:27):
I love it.

Speaker 2 (25:27):
I'm not really articulating it well right now, but all good, which.

Speaker 1 (25:31):
Is funny because I was like, here will goes again,
sound like a genius and I sound like a nah dude, nah, yeah,
But what about you? How's your resolutions going? How's everything
over there? We've spent quite a few of the first
days of the year of the year.

Speaker 2 (25:50):
We have, Yeah, we've been traveling, playing some golf. Oh
my gosh, brox golf game has improved a ton. I'm
really proud of him. He's crushing the ball. No, dude,
it's yeah, dude, I'm stoked for you. You're you're at
that stage of a golfer where your improvements are going

to be exponential for a bit. And dude, it's crazy
when he connects with the ball, he's pounding it. He's
there were some holes where I'm like, I'm like looking
at our drives in the fairway, like, hey, getting a
little too close to me with these drives. I'm supposed

to be the good golfer.

Speaker 1 (26:35):
Here Brock showing me up. But no, I might have
had a good couple of swings, but you definitely aren't
the good golfer out of the two of us.

Speaker 2 (26:43):
No, dude, it's I'm trying to give you a huge compliment.
I love you. You're you're good at golf. Now you love it.
You're playing well, and I love.

Speaker 1 (26:53):
To see it, cause you dude, it's all about golf.

Speaker 2 (26:56):
Is like do you want to invest the time into
getting better or not, because it's a linear correlation with
time spent golfing and how well you play. And you're
playing a lot and you're enjoying it. And my grandfather
told me this when I was young. It's golf is
you have to enjoy the struggle. If you don't enjoy
the struggle, you won't ever figure it out, right.

Speaker 1 (27:19):
That's that's what I felt like. Even though it was,
you know, thirty seven degrees or forty two degrees with
a bit of a wind. At least it wasn't the
twenty thirty miles an hour they were talking about but
that we thought it was going to be. But even
when it was cold, I think that was the most
I've enjoyed golf, just playing with you our second day. Yeah,

because like even the days I was are the things
that I missed or I really messed up, you know.
And let's just say I had, like on a par
five right when I did an amazing drive right at
the center of the fairweall drive in the wood and
then well there's actually it was a five iron five
drive it right, It was right up there, and then
I messed up my my sixty. But normally you can

get really upset about that, and for me, I was
just fired up. I just had two awesome swings and
then I messed up again, and I'm like, that part sucks,
but it's not normally. I think what I'm trying to
say is I was more enjoyable and I wasn't getting
caught up on the the misses. I was just having
fun the whole time and didn't carry over the next
hole or the next swing or you know, the next

putt or whatever. And I think that's exactly it. It's like, Okay,
what you made a mistake. That's like life. How do
we show up and do better the next time around? Right,
And exactly what you're saying, like, there's people that you know,
there's an athleticism factor that comes into golf that can
help expedite expedite your your ability. But at the end

of the day, it's time in it's ten thousand hours.
The more time you spend in with golf, the better
and the more consistent and often you do it, You're
just gonna get better. There's I feel like there's almost
no way around it unless you just right, yeah, unless
you really just don't put any effort in.

Speaker 2 (29:02):
I guess that's the right mindset, dude, Like you focus
on the good shots and you forget the bad ones.
Jack Nicholas said, I'm the best putter in the world.
And the reporter goes why, and he goes, I have
selective amnesia. I've forgotten every putt I've ever missed.

Speaker 1 (29:22):
Right, So, like, so you made everyone.

Speaker 2 (29:24):
You nailed it right. You're like, I was focused on
the two good shots I hit right, Like that's what
it's all.

Speaker 1 (29:29):
About, which means if I have selective amitia, I have
never missed the shot. Guys, Right, there we go. It's
such a fun sport, man, It's really it's so I
can't it's like so particular, like you mess up or
you're off just a cinemeter in your swing or with

the club face being opened just a little bit, and
it'll go tens and tens of yards tens twenty thirties
of yards in the wrong direction or not far at
all or what. And it's like that thing. So when
you do get it right, and then when you get
it right more consistently, it's like the best feeling ever
because you're like, I put in the work, I put
in the time, and now I'm seeing the results of that,

and it feels great because you're like, it's not easy
to do. No, you're off by a centimeter and it
takes you off by you know, ten or one hundred
feet plus sometimes and uh, but it's getting to that
point where you can find that sweet spot and it
like it's it's so much fun. Hell yeah, man, yeah,

are we gonna go golf? I want to go in
the morning now night golf with a little six am.

Speaker 2 (30:37):
Or we no? Yeah, So I guess as we kind
of transition into the podcast coming up, like.

Speaker 1 (30:52):
We're kind of go ahead, what what's up, Spence? Try
testing the light? Oh okay, how are we looking. It
did not help me in any way, shape or form,
but it works at least it turns on.

Speaker 2 (31:09):
Nothing better than just like a bright light right in
your face.

Speaker 1 (31:14):
Well I did that last night. They had me take
all these photos at the ASTRO Awards. Yeah, it was fun. Man,
it was cool. I've never been to that, and it's
I knew, it's kind of it's kind of new. It's
it's like six years old, I think. But a lot
of really good talented people like the guy, the whole
pretty much. I think the whole cast from The Boys
was there just about they won a bunch of awards.

Speaker 2 (31:36):
Was Patrick there for gen V I don't know the
main show.

Speaker 1 (31:40):
Yeah, yeah it was. It was the main show that
I saw, but it could have been. And there's a
I mean a bunch of people from all these incredibly
awesome shows and I wasn't even a part of any
of any of them. And I go downstairs to what
they call like the the Winner's room where everyone they
go they go and yeah, they get there, they take

some photos, do some interviews, get some you know, gift
bag stuff like that. But I went down and one
of the photographers recognized me and had me come step
in for all these photos. And then next thing I knew,
I'm holding puppies And yeah, pet Co did was sponsoring
one of the sponsors, and they they had all these
puppies up for adoption and there was this little husky

that they handed me do. I was dude, it was
it was unreal, so like I just fell in love
with this little puppy and was hanging out with her
all night. Puppies, where's the puppy, there's pinnyet. But the
event was really nice. It was fun to see friends
and meet some new people and connect with people. Dude.
There was one of the videographers that were shooting the

interviews downstairs was like, no way, man. He pulls up
his phone and shows a photo of me from twenty
fifteen doing workouts on the beach for some German TV show.
Really yeah, it was like one of the first interviews
when I started popping off on Instagram. He was the
guy that shot it, and he's like, it's so funny
that we were running into each other again. How cool

is that? Yeah? Almost I was eight years ago. Now
nine years jeez.

Speaker 2 (33:08):
Was that the GQ one you did in Germany?

Speaker 1 (33:11):
Is that the one? Now? I did that one up? Well, yeah,
those are the GQ events and I did a bunch
of stuff out there with them, but I actually did
one at Runyon Canyon with GQ. They braided my hair
up all all ridiculous just to be different. But I
can't remember what it was. I think it was. Yeah,

it's too long ago for me to remember what network
it was. But I mean it's amazing. I got to
do a lot of work and got the travel. I'm
been to Germany probably ten plus times now and made
films out there and done GQ Awards and a lot
of really cool, stuffy Germany's. It's very different going to
a smaller country because like, you come here and it's

there's so many a list talent people. So you go
to GQ Awards and you're like standing next to you know,
Snoop Dogg and Margot, Robbie and you know Gal Gadot
and everywhere. Then you go there and they're there too,
but there's not as many people. And I feel like,
to me, it was like when I was early on
in my career. It gave me a taste of like

what it feels like to actually be famous, I guess
I could say, But everyone's more it's more like inclusive,
and it's it's a really great place to network. A
lot of those those places overseas and Europe too, And
then it's fun running to friends like when you run
into a friend on a carpet that you don't know
is going to be there in a different country, or

like at an event or something like that. It's like
it's crazy. You're like, what are the chances that were here?
It's pretty cool, dude.

Speaker 2 (34:46):
I'm glad it went well.

Speaker 1 (34:47):
That's great. Yeah, it was fun. It was a fun event.

Speaker 2 (34:52):
I have a question, good if so, like that Warner
Brothers Cruise stuff, what would be the number one movie
you'd want Tom Cruise and Warner Bros.

Speaker 1 (35:05):
To make? I mean, would it be in line? It
would have to Would it be in line with something? Anything? Anything? Yeah?

Speaker 2 (35:14):
Yeah, anything, even if it's like a Paramount IP or something.

Speaker 1 (35:19):
Yeah. I mean, are they doing another Tom Gun? I've
probably Oh, man, I don't know. You said Interview with
the Vampire. That's one of my favorite movies. Oh yeah,
that's a good call. Yeah. When was the last time
we saw, you know, Brad and Tom on the screen together.
I can't think. I don't know.

Speaker 2 (35:39):
They did a reboot of that, didn't they.

Speaker 1 (35:41):
It was a show a show. It was very different.
But I actually actually enjoyed it. I didn't think I would,
but I did enjoy that. And then uh. Yeah, I
don't know. I don't know what would it be. It
would be. I obviously want him to do some kind
of big action. I'm trying to think if there's like
some video game like you know, War of the World's

or uh or maybe not even the Day After Tomorrow
like type thing, but like something like that, not that stuff,
but is there like a like I'm thinking, not this,
but you know, like in the in the realm of
like God of War or something like that. I want
to see him. I want to see him take on
some crazy maybe video game ipee that everybody's been dying
to see.

Speaker 2 (36:25):
Uh, Gina, anything with Brock in it and Will as
one of the producers.

Speaker 1 (36:29):
Now we're talking. Let's go. Now we're talking. I love it.
We should we should make that a goal before the
end of the year, find a project outside of what
we're already doing, uh, to develop together. They'll be fun. Yeah.

Speaker 2 (36:43):
Well yeah, we we do have so we do have
a lot were develop it.

Speaker 1 (36:49):
Heck yeah, before forty five we're doing good on time.
We do another five minutes, maybe five to ten minutes.

Speaker 2 (36:56):
Yeah, we cover Oh, here we go.

Speaker 1 (37:02):
We have a special guest. We might be able to
get me in a kill at one point. Guys, Yes, yeah,
what's up bro, bro, Special guests coming in.

Speaker 2 (37:15):
You see it coming and Hi, Danny's saying Hi in
the house.

Speaker 1 (37:25):
Oh you're joking. It's so amazing to get a camera on.
Thank you. Continue, let's do it.

Speaker 2 (37:34):
I'll try to get a better.

Speaker 1 (37:35):
View of it. Yes, that's Geno. Everybody. Uh, we're doing
the podcast for him, and uh we'll get after it.
We're about to we're about to have something. Look at
that guy. He stops showing with them and let me
have some bro who said it in the chat? Someone
just said in the chat, pizza sounds amazing right now,
I saw that. I know you couldn't hear anything I
just said because Spencer's beating beating up my case over there,

cheers Rockey. Oh let's go, I'll hold it. I'm trying
to get the biggest one. So good. Yeah. Mm hmm.
It's now turned into an a SMR. Is that what
it's called. I don't know.

Speaker 2 (38:21):
Perfect transition into our next segment.

Speaker 1 (38:26):
Mm hm oh yeah, mm hmm. That is so good.
That's insane. M hm. Who's a who's the guy that
does all the pizza ratings? Oh yeah, barstool, barschool sports. Yeah,
the guy who owns barschool I think he would, he would,

that would be high nines.

Speaker 2 (38:52):
Fortnit's giving this him ten out of ten. Well, heck yeah,
we're we're out to do a fun pod with Gino
and what We're actually gonna have a quick turnaround on it.
We're gonna film it and probably release it, if not
a week from today, definitely by two weeks from today.

Speaker 1 (39:16):
So we'll have a quick.

Speaker 2 (39:17):
Turnaround on it, and it's gonna be something new and
fun and we're excited to shoot it and film it
with your film it and share it with you guys.

Speaker 1 (39:26):
You got a lot of different I just want to
show you guys a little bats Spencer's back there. You
kind of see all the cameras. Wilbur Hey, well yeah,
we're gonna dive in. We're gonna shoot this a little
Different're gona a handheld for little thing, maybe some stuff
with copro. It's gonna look really cool. Gino's the man's going.
This is just gonna be fun. We're gonna have some

fun for the next hour and a half hour. Our
own little like chef's table. There it is, But yeah,
thank you for trying to rush off so I can
eat pizza. But I'm trying to rush off so I
can eat pizza.

Speaker 2 (39:57):
Guys, I appreciate everyone tuning in. We'll definitely have more
warnings on live streams in the future.

Speaker 1 (40:05):
And do it more often. So thank you guys. Rock
final word M see you when I see you. Have
a great rest of you night, and thanks for popping
on and we will see you on the next one.

Thanks for tuning in to Studio twenty two.
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