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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Brought to you by the reinvented two thousand twelve Camray.
It's ready. Are you welcome to Stuff you Should Know
from House Stuff Works dot Com. Hey, and welcome to
the podcast. I'm Josh Clark. There's Charles w Chuck Bryant.
It makes this stuff you should know. Um the late
night edition. It's late let's go and Chuck grew It
couldn't be better. How are you same? Just the same? So, Chuck,
I got a story for you. Let's hear it back
in in a little town called Weymouth, Massachusetts, although in
Massachusetts they probably pronounced it in some radically different way
than it would be spelled we Mouth woman or wooster
or something weird like that. Um, there is a woman
named um Marie and Bickford, and she was a prostitute.
And she was discovered on October that year murdered and
brutally murdered. Actually uh, and it was quickly traced back
to a guy by the name of Albert Terrell Jack
the Ripper. No, but it was ripper asque. Her head
was severed or almost completely severed. Yeah, and it was
with the knife. Um. But the the reason everybody knew
it was Albert terrell was because that was her boyfriend
and he had left his wife for her. He was
a wealthy guy in Massachusetts and he left his wife
to be with Maria Anne Bickford. Um, and he wanted
her to quit the quit the job, I guess you
could call it. I would say that too. Well, she didn't.
She liked having a an income because she didn't have
to depend on any man for um, whatever she wanted,
and she refused. And ironic though, because she was depending
on men. Yeah, that is very ironic actually, um. She
uh ultimately died, was murdered, and it was Albert Terrelle
who who admitted to doing it, but he was sleepwalking.
He said it was pretty thin case. But he was
ultimately acquitted, even though he had set three fires in
the brothel in an obvious attempt to cover up what
he'd done while he was still supposedly sleepwalking. But the
jury bought it. And one of the reasons they bought
it was because it was a jury of wealthy white
men who weren't about to put one of their own
behind bars as big of a crook as he was.
But secondly because in eighteen forty five, we didn't really
understand sleepwalking. We didn't understand what people were capable of,
We didn't understand how sleep walking worked. And I know
you sent me an article as recently as a month
or so ago a guy in Arizona was acquitted of
sexual assault because he was sleepwalking. Right, Yeah, it was Illinois,
but um, that was today. The news articles from today
even better, even more recent, which makes my point even
more thorough, which is we don't understand sleepwalking too terribly
much more than we did in eighteen forty five as
far as explaining why it happens. Right, absolutely, But there
are some really interesting aspects of this, uh, this sleep
disorder which is called the paras omnia, right, yes, it's
that's one of many, but it's called somnambulism. Specifically, sleepwalking
is and not to be confused with no, not at all. Uh.
And there's an official definition if you want to look
in a mental health professional handbook called Yes, Uh, you
leave your bed while you're sleeping, and uh, you find
it others find it difficult to wake you when you're
sleep sleep walking. You can't remember what happened afterward. Uh,
you're confused when you wake up, you aren't suffering from
dementia or anything else physical. It's a big one, and
it impairs your social life or work life, or your life.
And that's for straight up sleepwalking. There are sleepwalking can
be a symptom of things like dementia or Parkinson's or
something like that. But that's um kind of significant and
you should think that it's found in the d S
M four, which is the psychological Bible, right, so it's
it's considered a disorder, a disorder of arousal, I think
is what it's called. Right, Yes, so chuck while you're sleeping. Um,
when does this occur? When does it take place? Uh,
if you're an adult or actually kids too, I think
it occurs in the first third of your sleep, which
is the non R E M sleep, which is when
your body is, uh, you're in your deepest state of sleep,
but your body is kind of awake, so you're tossing
and turning a lot, but your brain is shut down.
So it's sort of the opposite of rim sleep. Right,
You've got non R E M N R E I'm
sleep right, and Um. Usually sleepwalking occurs during the deepest part,
which is what I think phase three or four or
possibly three and four when, as Katie Lambert, who wrote
this article put it, um, with R E M sleep,
your brains active but your body is not. With non
R E M sleep, which is when sleepwalking occurs, your
brain is just dead to the world, but your body
is still moving around, which accounts for sleepwalking. Right, perfect recap.
Thanks a lot. Uh. And you know your brain is
is also resistant to arousal when you're asleep, So that
explains why it's hard to wake somebody up when you're sleepwalking.
But it's not dangerous necessarily. No, And that's a question
that we should probably just go ahead and answer. Should
you wake a sleepwalker? You've you've heard warnings against that
kind of thing, I think on everything from the Brady
Bunch to Hawaii five. Oh. Let's say, okay, uh, myth
Yes you can wake a sleepwalker. But the rule I
put in is wake a sleepwalker like you would want
to be awakened just from bed. Don't go shaking them
or anything. You wouldn't do that somebody laying in bed
asleep either, they'll probably have a heart attack, so be
gentle and try and guide them back to the bed.
If they wake up, that's fine. But it's not it's
not like a danger. They're not gonna have a heart
attack if they and die if they're awake from sleepwalking. No,
but you could arouse their startle response, and um, they
are going to be confused and not know what's going on. That's,
like you said, one of the symptoms of sleep walking. Um.
But if you do manage to get the sleepwalker back
to bed and they lie back down and that's it,
you can pretty much rest assured that there's not gonna
be another incident like that because most people sleepwalk only
once per night. Interestingly, that's what they say, and thirty
seconds to a half hour. I've heard it even longer
than that, because it very much depends on what's going
on or maybe what you feel like you have to
get done while you're walking around in your sleep. You're
gonna be sort of zombiefied, but you're not gonna be
walking around with your arms out in front of you
like in the movies. That's a bunch of bunk um,
and you're probably gonna be pretty clumsy, but you can
still perform activities, which is kind of the weird thing
about it. One of the weird things about it, right,
you just perform them clumsily or you oddly. I guess
there's another way to put it. UM and sleepwalking is
one of these. It's a hilarious disorder really because it's
not generally that dangerous, so it doesn't have to be
that dangerous, although it can put you in dangerous situations,
and people have been hurt um in sleepwalking. But the
idea of just, you know, interacting with somebody with a
glassy eyed look on their face who's clumsily playing the guitar,
it's that's a funny disorder. It's funnier than chance. I
haven't either. I've never been much of a sleepwalker. I
don't think I've ever sleepwalked. I've sleepwalked, but I've never
interacted with someone who was sleepwalking. So yeah, I've done
it myself. Though. It's good. It's a lot of fun.
But it's one of these conditions where we have all
this evidence, in all this data, we just haven't been
able to fully put it together to figure it out
once and for all, which makes for a better podcast
for us. Right. Um, A little bit more data that
we have on at Chuck is that um sleepwalking tends
to run in families, children sleepwalk more than adults by far. Yeah,
you're ten times more likely if your family, Uh, if
you have a family member who has sleptwalked to be
a sleepwalker yourself. So is it slept walked or sleepwalked
slept walk Sure, that sounds good to me. We'll just
call it s W past tense. Uh. It more often
is founding kids. Obviously it's something you usually outgrow. Uh.
More often identical twins, which I thought was pretty interesting. Yeah, well,
gene expression at all. And uh, I think they said
adults two point five to four percent of adults sleepwalk,
and this is they're almost always adults who sleptwalked as children.
And if you start sleepwalking for the first time as
an adult, you might want to get that checked out.
You definitely want to get that checked out, because again,
it can be a symptom of another another problem like UM, Parkinson's,
Alzheimer's UM. Severe stress I think has been associated with it,
not just in children or not adults, but children too,
which I'm I was kind of like, if you have
a child who's suffering from sleepwalking and it's stress related,
what are you doing to your poor kid? To where
you the kids suffering from such stress that he's running
around at night. Absolutely, I wonder what I was stressed about.
I don't know, man. I find it odd that you
haven't asked me about sleepwalking yet, even though I said
three times that have slept walked. And I'm trying to
drum up the tension. Uh. They used to think that, um,
it was like an epileptic thing or hysteria. Well, it
still is associated with epilepsy. Actually, hysteria is kind of
about the window though. Yeah, they still think it's caused
by epilepsy, though it's associated with it still. Yeah, I
did not know that we should change this article. Uh.
And like you said, no one knows exactly why it's happening, um,
but they can just say kind of what goes on
when it does happen, right, right, We have all this
information that hasn't been fully put together, which again I
find fascinating. Yeah, absolutely so, Chuck. Um, what are some
of the I guess competing theories for why we sleepwalk? Uh, Well,
it's a lot of people think it's just like you're
in a transition stage between being awake and being asleep.
So if you've got a dead brain, we'll not dead.
If you've got a very sleepy brain and a very
wired body, uh, you could potentially get triggered. They think
a lot of times. I saw this one study where um,
they took ten sleepwalkers and um they they kept them
awake for more than twenty four hours and then allowed
them to sleep, and they found that a buzzer going off.
All ten people got up and slept walked when they
heard this buzzer. Weird. After sleep deprivation and before during
just regular sleep, three out of ten were triggered by
the buzzer. So they think that like any noise like
a dog barking outside could like wake you up, wake
your body up, and send you doing whatever. Uh. And
sleep deprivation is a magic term as far as sleepwalking goes.
They found that UM sleepwalking increases dramatically and in studies
when they're sleep deprived, when the person sleep deprived first.
And they recommend also that if your kid um is sleepwalking,
you should not only decrease their stress somehow, maybe let
them give up the trumpet if they really hate it, um,
but also to get them on like a regular sleep
schedule too, that that could be part of it as well.
That they may just be sleep deprived and stressed out. Yeah,
adults kids for show. Um. Another theory with the kids
is that there's all kinds of crazy hormones being shot
about the body during the night and that that may
disrupt the kid And that's why that would explain why
it like tapers off after puberty. Yes. Um, have you
ever liked done something to say, driving or walking or
doing anything where you realized you got somewhere and you
hadn't been paying attention. You didn't really It wasn't like
you're blacked out or you're drunk or impaired or anything,
but you were just distracted or doing something else, daydreaming. Absolutely,
So I would imagine that that has a lot to
do with how we could possibly sleepwalk. It's like maybe
more basic part of our brain is activated, like the
brainstem with that controls like breathing, walking, that kind of stuff. Correct,
So maybe it's all brainstem makes sense to me. Uh,
people have actually killed people in their sleep, like you
said the first guy, Uh, there was someone else too,
And it kind of depends on the case. From what
I've seen, some of them get acquitted, some of them
get convicted. One guy stabbed his wife forty five times
and he was convicted. Another guy I murdered his father
and he was acquitted. So I guess it's sort of
a crap shoot. There hasn't been any You can't go
to a law book and say, well, we gotta we
have the sleepwalking defense, like the insanity plea. No, but um,
I think that, uh, you could probably find the same
um state witness or defense witness in the acquittals or
or um convictions. But there's some like great professional witness
out there, like can convince any jury that actually, if
you're sleepwalking, can't You can't possibly know what you're doing right. Well,
the guy from Illinois last week that was acquitted was
I think they proved that he had a long history
of sleepwalking. And this was some friend of his. He
like went out drinking with her and slept crashed on
her couch and then he said he woke up to
some guy punching him in the face. She said that
guy was the guy I called because you were assaulting
me in my sleep and he was like, I didn't
mean it, and they said, okay. Yeah. It took him
like a couple of hours or something to decide. The
jury Yeah, that was really fast too. That's what I'm saying.
There has to have been somebody who convinced them and
just laid it all out for him, because it's not
like the average juror knows a lot about sleep walking.
It's all you know, the cabinet of Dr Kelgary or
again the Brady bunch. Yeah, who Who's who was that?
I don't remember. I just remember there was a sleepwalking episode,
and it seems like I could be making it up.
You talked about injury, and I saw a study in
England that eleven percent of people that responded sleepwalkers said
they have been injured. And it's usually like bruising or cuts,
but I think eleven percent of that eleven percent actually
broke bones well, which is not a happy way to
wake up up with its um chuck. Sleepwalking is not
the only paris omnia. Remember we called it paras omnia.
It's a sleep disorder. There are other parasomnias, and the
first that I think we should talk about is called
somnambulistic sexual behavior inexplicably um abbreviated as SPS. Yeah, that's weird.
I wonder what the beast stands for. I guess that's
part of the ballistic Maybe that's the Spanish um. The
Spanish abbreviation it's somnambulistic behavior sex you all. Yeah, so
sleep sex or sexsomnia is um. Like Katie says in here,
it's pretty much what you think. It's being asleep in
the middle of the night and either you know, masturbating
or doing something to whoever is nearby, right, sexually, yes,
and again that can lead you to an assault conviction,
or you can wake up very happy, depending on the situation. Right.
And then of course there's the very very famous sleep eating,
which one generally associates these days with the sleep aid
ambient right, Yeah, eating all kinds of crazy things with
ambient cigarettes and raw meat. I think we've talked about
it before. It seems like, yeah, we've talked about it.
Kristen Conger rode article on it, and um, apparently the
chemical zolpidem in ambient like crosses the eating and the
sleeping wires and like one in a thousand people and
they don't know why. But I also found another stat
that said one and one percent of people have sleep
eating disorders anyway, so I can't you know, Well, there's
reports of people who have been on ambient and then
switched to another similar drug, and it said that it
all went away. There, sleep eating, abnormal sleep behavior. And
then there was the first case of well the first
documented case of a woman who is on ambient UM
who sleep emailed and I can't stand the um the
term the media gave it, but z mailing with three ze. Yeah,
it's completely awful. Uh yeah, that was pretty cool because
she emailed. She fired up her computer in the middle
of the night, logged in to the internet. Onto the internet,
she had to UM user password to use her password,
and sent several emails that apparently were a random mix
of upper and lower cases, and they were written in
some strange language. Although when I read the first email,
it didn't seem very strange to me at all. Uh No,
it said, um, this is a quote, come tomorrow and
sort this hellhole out. Dinner and drinks four pm. Bring
wine and caviare only it seems like a very normal
email to me. I've sent that same very same email before.
What about the second one? Yeah, one said what the
dot dot dot? I think, but it was the mix
of all caps in lower case that really just kinda
that had to be a little off putting to see that.
It looks like brain damage, you know, it's like brain
damage and text form. She's probably seen a doctor by
this point, I would say, although she was on ambient right, yeah, okay,
well that probably explains that zolpi um like you said.
And then also, uh, this week, very sadly, a guy fell.
He basically walked off of his third story hotel room
in Majorca and just like broke a leg and hit
his head too, and hit his head and his girlfriend
just like this, she woke up to find her boyfriend
had gone out the window. Awful. That's more than a bruise,
my friend. And if you like connecting podcasts, there was
a guy um in England in hart old Pool, right
and on um Holy Island, at the Crowning Anchor on
Holy Island off north the Northumberland coast. He woke up
in quicksand actually he's sleep he's he drank too much.
But then he's he sleepwalked. He s w pass tensed
um into the marsh land and found himself waking up
in the sinking and quicksandard and trapped in quicksand crazy.
And the guy was smart enough to know that you
stopped struggling and lie flat. And if he would listen,
was a fan, wouldn't that be something It's possible, Chuck,
because this just happened, right, it was m August eleven.
H I wonder so, as sleepwalker Stephen Rook, if you
listen to this podcast, let us know if we saved
your life and put the bottle down in the stakes. Yeah, well,
he said he did. He said he spent the next
day in bed and uh, he was avoiding alcohol for
a long time and wants to thank everyone. A friend said, yeah,
he'll be back on the sauce this weekend. Totally. I've
said that before too. My uncle, actually it was a
famous sleepwalker in my family. He um, my uncle Steve,
who you know as the guy who's helped us out
before with some stuff, the guy we bought Scotch four
a k A. Uh. He had a few incidents is
when he was young, and one time they found tracks
in the snow leading from his house, so he went
Apparently he said he went outside see if it was snowing.
Another time he fell asleep on a couch after school,
got up an eate dinner, and then later on woke
up and said, Hey, what's for dinner tonight? And they're like,
you just had scallops? And another time specific that's what
he said, I asked him today. Uh. And then another
time he was going to the store with my grandfather
and he fell asleep in the car on the way
to the store and then woke up like in the
shop that they were going to, like at the counter
paying for something weird. What was he buying? I think
he said tickets to like a Danny Thomas benefit show
or something. It's like the early sixties. Yeah, that's pretty
much everybody was sleepwalking in that line. Yeah, that's a
hot ticket in MEMPHISO back in the day. Yeah, yeah,
oh yeah, And I used to sleepwalk, all right, let's
hear well. A couple of times I'd gotten up and
just gone out to my We had a split level,
so I'd go out to the banister overlooking our den
and just start yelling things. And um, another time I
specifically remember I got up. I mean I remember after it, obviously,
I got up and I got ready for school and
took a shower and got dressed, and then I woke
up the next morning. I was like, that was weird.
I must have dreamt that, and I saw like the
wet towel in my clothes on the floor down your head,
your saddle, shoes on your like don d I was
like clutching shampoo. So I don't sleep walk anymore. Them
I sleep talk, though, do you? So? It's Emily. I
think a lot of people sleep talk. That's not a
big deal. Yeah, what are you say in your sleep? Um? You?
Me actually likes to use her iPhone to record me
sleep talking, and she loves to share it with everybody
who will listen. Has actually emailed the sound clips to
people before. But there's this one of me like just
muttering and all of a sudden I go do the
real pop and that was I have no idea. Why
why am I not on that email? That's disappointing. I
don't know. I'm sure I could get it for you. Um. Lastly, Chuck,
there's one a point that I found it fascinating, which
is people have always thought and still probably think because
for dumb that um you act out your dreams while
you're sleepwalking. Not true. The point that Katie Lambert makes
is your brain is not really active, It's it's in
the slow delta wave that you couldn't possibly be dreaming in,
so you're not actually acting out your dreams. But there
is a disorder called R E M sleep disorder where
you actually are acting out your dreams. It's the it's
a sleepwalking that occurs in that in that phase of sleep,
the R E M phase where your brains active but
your body is not supposed to be, So you are
really wound up. If you have R. E M sleep disorder,
you really need to give up the trumpet immediately. Yeah,
that's when you wake up in your your dreaming that you're,
you know, cutting wood for the fire, and you're like
chopping your wife's leg with your hand exactly, and she guess,
what are you doing? That's not what she's saying, Sam
cutting wood, babe? You say, I'm correcting you. All right,
Well that's it for sleepwalking. UM. I can virtually guarantee
you guys will email us your sleepwalking story. So please,
do you want to learn more about sleep walking? And
read a page that didn't make it into this podcast
at all about sleepwalking in the organically did not make
it in. I guess you could call it organic. Well
we didn't say, let's not include that. Just go ahead
and type in sleep walking that's one word, or try
s w past tense and see what happens. Um into
the handy search bar at how stuff first dot Com
and I said I wasn't going to use handy anymore
either way. This we arrived at listener. Now that's right,
Josh gonna call this uh pot growing Granny And this
is from KM that's cryptic. Hi, guys, I literally just
finished listening to your how grow houses work and I
couldn't resist sending in this story. My grandmother has always
been an avid gardener and avid gardener. She's very interested
in pretty plants and had learned at some point that
marijuana was a very beautiful plan in so she decided
she wanted to grow some just for the sole purpose
of seeing what it looked like firsthand. Now, where would
a middle aged woman in eastern Pennsylvania get seeds to
grow pot from my college age mother? Of course, my mom, though,
was not a smoker by any means, so when she
asked to find she was asked to find pot seeds,
she of course pawned the task off to to her
frat frat member boyfriend, who later would become my father.
My father was also not a smoker, but he had
a frat brother that was known to partake in this
particular lifestyle, and he has always only been known as
Bob Oh and my family, which I think is pretty cryptic.
So Babo got him some seeds for the grandmother. She
planted him began growing pot in her yard, to the
dismay of my grandfather, who was good friends with the
chief of police and the mayor. The plants grew beautifully
in the open air of my grandmother's garden. They lived
pretty close to the center of the city. As far
as I know, there was no attempt to obscure them
from being seen. Uh. The plug was pulled though, when
my grandfather decided that come winter the world. The grandmother said,
we gotta bring him inside this winter, and granddad says, no,
we're not bringing those inside. So they went through the
compost pod or that's what That's what the kid was
told in her glaucoma got much worse, right. Yeah, well,
thanks for that. Who wrote that, km KM, Thank you
k M for your cryptic email. We appreciate that one. Um.
If you have a story about your grandmother breaking the law,
we want to hear it, uh, Send it in an
email to stuff Podcast at how stuff works dot com.
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