All Episodes

August 9, 2023 26 mins

After two emotional confrontations, Harry begins to make up his mind. 

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:07):
From iHeart Podcasts. This is Supreme The Battle.

Speaker 2 (00:13):
For Row.

Speaker 3 (00:16):
Roll against Wayne.

Speaker 1 (00:19):
Starring Maya Hawk and William H. Mason.

Speaker 4 (00:24):
Whenever We are ready, Mister Chief Justice and Maya played.

Speaker 1 (00:27):
The Court episode eight when Harry met Sarah?

Speaker 2 (00:35):
What time is it?

Speaker 5 (00:36):
Almost midnight?

Speaker 6 (00:37):

Speaker 5 (00:38):
Should we stay?

Speaker 2 (00:39):
And we stayed till the Boss goes home?

Speaker 5 (00:41):
This will be the fourth all night of this week.
I need to sleep.

Speaker 2 (00:44):
All right, you go home? Then, seriously you should sleep.

Speaker 5 (00:48):
What research is he on now? He had me find
translations of ancient Greek texts on medical ethics yesterday.

Speaker 2 (00:54):
I know it's bad.

Speaker 5 (00:55):
Is he any closer to deciding which way he's voting?

Speaker 4 (00:58):
At least?

Speaker 2 (00:59):
Don't so? The spotlight's paralyzing him.

Speaker 5 (01:02):
Blackman shouldn't even be writing this opinion?

Speaker 2 (01:04):
Yeah, no, kidding. You don't think he knows that with.

Speaker 5 (01:07):
The screwed up way that Chief assigned it, half the
country is going to lose their minds whichever way he
comes down.

Speaker 7 (01:12):
Oh, you know the only thing that'll piss the country
off more? What if there's no decision at all.

Speaker 8 (01:25):
Dottie, I'm trying to get some sleep.

Speaker 6 (01:28):
I can see that. Ary, then let me be that
I can't do my love.

Speaker 8 (01:34):
Why do you insist on torturing.

Speaker 5 (01:36):
Me, Harry.

Speaker 9 (01:37):
We've been married for thirty years and I've never seen
you sleep past eight am.

Speaker 8 (01:42):
And it's eleven morning or night.

Speaker 9 (01:45):
Harry, I'm joking, Dottie, Honey, I'm worried.

Speaker 10 (01:49):
The girls are too, don't involve them. But there's nothing
to worry about.

Speaker 11 (01:55):
Dear Harry.

Speaker 9 (01:57):
What's left of your hair has gone totally. The bags
under your eyes look too big for carry on. You're
up in the middle of the night every night, when
you're even home, pacing like a vampire. And that for
the melodrama, Dottie, Oh yeah, and you're lashing out at
your loved ones.

Speaker 10 (02:14):
Come come here, sit down please. I'm just trying to
find some balanced sweetheart. I'm sorry, balance for what? How
in the hell did I find myself in the position
of being responsible for the rights of every woman's body
for the foreseeable future.

Speaker 8 (02:32):
How on earth did that happen?

Speaker 6 (02:34):
Don't give me that, Harry.

Speaker 8 (02:36):
Don't give you what the woe is me.

Speaker 9 (02:37):
I'm just a poor boy from Dayton's Bluff and I
tripped and fell into being one of the most powerful
men in the nation. It won't work on me. You're
more ambitious than you like to admit, Harry Blackman, Dottie.

Speaker 10 (02:52):
If I'd grown up anywhere else and my childhood best
friend hadn't become Chief Justice, do you think there's any chance.

Speaker 8 (02:59):
In the world le be where I am now?

Speaker 6 (03:01):

Speaker 8 (03:04):
Really, yes, Harry.

Speaker 9 (03:05):
My best friend from childhood has been divorced three times
and owns a horse ranch in Los Angeles. We all
don't just naturally become our best friends. You're on the
Supreme Court because it's where you belong, not because of
who gave the toast at our wedding.

Speaker 8 (03:20):
What do I do? Dot?

Speaker 6 (03:21):
You start by making a decision here?

Speaker 8 (03:24):
No, No. Once I do that, the real trouble begins.

Speaker 10 (03:28):
The language and guidelines are maddening to work out. If
we strike down the law, do we make it legal
in just the first month? First two months the date
of viability?

Speaker 8 (03:40):
Somehow? The choice is entirely up to me.

Speaker 9 (03:43):
Would you rather someone else be deciding?

Speaker 6 (03:46):
Be honest?

Speaker 9 (03:48):
Who else would you trust to put in as much
time and research and real deliberation into this as you?

Speaker 10 (03:55):
Their good told me a story horror story in baker
Vy car Are a few years ago. The opinion was
assigned to Charles Whittaker. Justice Whittaker found making a decision
in the case so tormenting that he had a nervous breakdown.
They had to hospitalize him in a mental asylum. He
couldn't even attend the final vote. He resigned from the

court right after the decision. The case literally drove him
to the madhouse, Dottie, And that was a case about redistricting.

Speaker 9 (04:26):
Harry, you would love a stay in a mental asylum,
getting to sit in rocking chairs and read your books
all day.

Speaker 6 (04:33):
That'd be a vacation for you.

Speaker 8 (04:34):
It does sound pleasant, doesn't it.

Speaker 9 (04:36):
Forget it. I'm not Justice Whittaker's wife. I'm Justice Blackman's
Now get up and get dressed. Stop feeling sorry for yourself,
and I'll warm up your breakfast. And remember, Warren could
have assigned this decision to anyone. He chose you. You're the
one he knows can win people to your side.

Speaker 12 (04:56):
I wonder if that's the real reason, Harry. They're good
like the tennis shoes.

Speaker 10 (05:12):
Oh yes, I thought I'd go for a walk clear
my mind. One of my clerks suggested I keep a
pair in my chambers closet.

Speaker 13 (05:19):
Where's the draft, Harry?

Speaker 10 (05:21):
It's coming their good, it's still in process, and what
exactly does that mean?

Speaker 8 (05:26):
You'll have it soon now?

Speaker 10 (05:28):
If I want to get to the Lincoln Memorial and
back before conference, I need to.

Speaker 13 (05:31):
I've only been on the bench a handful of years, Harry,
but I've argued thirty two cases here as a lawyer.

Speaker 8 (05:37):
I'm well aware.

Speaker 13 (05:38):
Good, then maybe you'll give credence to what I'm telling you.
This isn't like handing in your homework late in school, Harry.
I know that because women are dying while you're dragging
your feet.

Speaker 11 (05:48):
You understand me.

Speaker 8 (05:49):
You're out of line, the good.

Speaker 13 (05:50):
Working inside the lines. It's never been my strong suit,
and you need a kick in the ass.

Speaker 8 (05:55):
I'll have a draft soon.

Speaker 13 (05:56):
You never should have been assigned the decision in the
first place, Harry. That's not a knock on you. It's
just a fact. Don't exacerbate it.

Speaker 4 (06:18):
I thought we'd have the soup you like tonight. Ron,
the store finally got those croutons, all right? How's the
table coming together?

Speaker 2 (06:26):
All right?

Speaker 4 (06:27):
Stimulating as always?

Speaker 8 (06:29):
Ron, who's that well?

Speaker 4 (06:30):
Don't sound so startled, Probably just want to wanting to
borrow a vase.

Speaker 2 (06:34):
Just be careful, Sarah.

Speaker 14 (06:35):
It could be one of those crazies.

Speaker 11 (06:40):
Hi is Sarah?

Speaker 4 (06:41):
Get over here. Ron, it's definitely one of the crazies.
What sorry, inside joke, George, what are you doing here?
Get in this house? Look who's here?

Speaker 1 (06:52):

Speaker 4 (06:53):
You didn't tell me George was coming by.

Speaker 2 (06:54):
I didn't know.

Speaker 11 (06:56):
Hey George, great to see you doing a little construction. Ron.

Speaker 15 (07:00):
Oh, just making a table. Wait to occupy myself. I
hope I'm not disturbing. I called, but couldn't get through.

Speaker 4 (07:06):
That's my fault. I was on with Mama for an
hour this morning. I don't think I've seen you since
Ron's campaign a couple of years ago.

Speaker 15 (07:13):
George, literally not since the concession speech. I still blame
myself for that one.

Speaker 13 (07:17):

Speaker 15 (07:18):
You should be state reping able right now. Lord knows
you'd be heading shoulders better than the boy that got
in there.

Speaker 4 (07:23):
You can say that again. But it's not your fault, George.
You did a hell of a job as a campaign manager.

Speaker 15 (07:28):
I've been following your career pretty closely, Sarah. Congratulations on
your case.

Speaker 4 (07:32):
Oh stop, I haven't won anything yet.

Speaker 11 (07:34):
That's not true. You won in Dallas. Say when is
the Supreme Court announcing his.

Speaker 4 (07:38):
Decision, supposed to be a month ago. At this point,
your guess is as good as mine. I call over
there all the time, but they won't tell me what
the hold up is. No one seems to know.

Speaker 14 (07:46):
Hey, Sarah Hunt, you want to fix George and me
some snacks and coffee? We can sit in the living room.

Speaker 11 (07:53):
George, Oh no, that's not necessary.

Speaker 16 (07:54):

Speaker 4 (07:54):
Don't be silly happy to what can I make you sandwiches?

Speaker 11 (07:58):
Sarah? Really, you don't need to bring anything? Which just
sound great?

Speaker 14 (08:03):
Hun, So what do you think, George want me to
take another run in the election? I got a lot
of ideas about what I do different this guy?

Speaker 11 (08:12):
Actually, Ron, I was hoping I.

Speaker 14 (08:15):
Could which race we even talking about. I appreciate your confidence,
but I don't think I have a prayer to be Maxwell.
Nobody does.

Speaker 11 (08:23):
We actually have our eyes on the State House? Ron?

Speaker 8 (08:25):
Really here in Dallas, isn't that wonderful? Well that's quite
a You think I have the profile for that?

Speaker 11 (08:35):
Well, I'm actually here to talk to Sarah.

Speaker 2 (08:40):
About it me. Oh okay, how about it, Sarah?

Speaker 4 (08:45):
You want me to run for the state House? Ron
is the one you should be talking to.

Speaker 15 (08:50):
You've garnered some serious attention from your case, Sarah, the
youngest woman ever arguing in the Supreme.

Speaker 4 (08:55):
Court, youngest person.

Speaker 15 (08:57):
Actually, I think you have a real shot and I
like to run campaign. Well, i'll be I'll take some
of that coffee, Sarah. Let's go out back on the
porch chat about it.

Speaker 11 (09:06):
You don't mind, do you run?

Speaker 2 (09:08):
No? No, I guess all right.

Speaker 4 (09:11):
Let's talk. Oh, Ron, do you mind stopping that kettle
from whistling? Thanks?

Speaker 2 (09:18):
Dear, sure thing, Sarah, sure thing.

Speaker 8 (09:34):
What have you got for us there, Charlie.

Speaker 2 (09:36):
It's Justice Blackman's first draft.

Speaker 8 (09:38):
Sir, first draft of What Warre in Peace? It's five
hundred pages.

Speaker 2 (09:42):
He knows it's on alongside your runner. This has gotta
be a joke.

Speaker 17 (09:46):
No, I don't believe it is. Bill Blackman is paralyzed
forty pages of discourse on the history of abortion, a
five hundred page decision, and I can't find the decision.

Speaker 8 (10:01):
And I believe that may be the point. Charlie, come
on in here, you drop the copies off.

Speaker 2 (10:14):
Just it, sir, all the justices now have it?

Speaker 8 (10:16):
Excellent? Excellent? Any initial responses? Come on, let's have it.

Speaker 7 (10:21):
Justice Blackman candidly, I don't think we're going to get
the responses that you're hoping for.

Speaker 8 (10:27):
And what exactly is their problem?

Speaker 7 (10:29):
The other justices expect a decision on the constitutionality of abortion, Sir,
the crux of Missus Whittington's argument, Well.

Speaker 8 (10:37):
They'll get it.

Speaker 10 (10:38):
This draft is merely a jumping off point to begin
more discussion.

Speaker 2 (10:42):
Sir. I think that might have been acceptable to them
a month or two ago.

Speaker 10 (10:46):
But at this point, what exactly are my colleagues saying, Sir?

Speaker 2 (10:50):
I no longer think this is a legal issue.

Speaker 8 (10:53):
What on earth does that mean?

Speaker 2 (10:54):
It's a political one. It's about us winning votes.

Speaker 8 (10:57):
You sound like a certain Chief Justice, Sir.

Speaker 7 (11:01):
Justice Marshall is threatening to go public with what he
sees as an unfair process.

Speaker 8 (11:06):
What on earth are you talking about?

Speaker 7 (11:08):
Justice Douglas, is deemed that the Chief assigned the decision
to you, Marshall, Greece.

Speaker 8 (11:11):
An internal disagreement and the Supreme.

Speaker 7 (11:13):
Court has never been aired publicly before. No, sir, it's
a bluff maybe, But word around here is that Marshall
instructed his clerks to leak a memo to the Post
if your decision isn't brought about soon, damn it. If
I may, your honor, we need to take a stand.
Whichever way you're going to come down on the issue.
The important thing.

Speaker 8 (11:33):
Is to act, Charlie.

Speaker 10 (11:39):
Do you know what the first line of the decision
will be, Sir, the decision it will begin, Blackman. H
Delivering the opinion time is not the most important factor, Charlie.
Getting it right is to the country at large. I
will appear responsible.

Speaker 2 (11:58):
Your honor.

Speaker 7 (12:00):
You look a little green, sir, Oh, just as Marshall. Hello,
Justice Blackman is occupied at the moment, your.

Speaker 18 (12:13):
Honor, Yes, I can hear that, Charlie. Leave me with him, Yes,
your honor, Harry, it's third. Good, come on out here.

Speaker 10 (12:28):
You all right, Harry, not particularly no, I gather you
don't think much of my draft.

Speaker 13 (12:35):
You know why, because I told you to write a decision, Harry,
and what you wrote is a question. When I first
came to court, Justice black gave me a little advice.
He told me to never display agony in public. Always
present as if the answer is obvious and clear. The
public should know that decisions which affect their lives could

often just as easily come down the other way. It's
not as if I don't understand your predicament, Harry.

Speaker 8 (13:03):
No offense.

Speaker 10 (13:04):
They're good, but unless you're sitting where I am, let
me take a shot.

Speaker 13 (13:09):
Nixon specifically chose you for the seat because you were
supposed to be uncontroversial after his first two nominees were rejected.
And now your pal the Chief has ensured that whichever
way we come down on this issue, you're going to
be one of the most controversial men in the country,
maybe in the country's whole history.

Speaker 8 (13:29):
That about it and about sums it up.

Speaker 13 (13:31):
You know, here's the thing, Harry, half asking the decision
is not the way out.

Speaker 8 (13:36):
Half asking.

Speaker 10 (13:38):
This must be one of the most well researched, well
thought out drafts written here since Wendell Holmesy.

Speaker 13 (13:44):
No one's accusing you of not doing your homework, Harry.
We know you're brilliant, we know you're working hard, but
your draft doesn't address the core issues.

Speaker 8 (13:54):
All due respect, they're good.

Speaker 10 (13:56):
The hell it doesn't all the social and religious approach,
every one of them.

Speaker 13 (14:01):
And the medical and legal approaches going back to ancient times.
We don't need a history lesson, Harry, We need a conclusion.
Your draft doesn't take a stand, but how could it
when all due respect. You're a tough, comfy away in
the chief's pocket.

Speaker 8 (14:18):
Are you trying to get a rise out of me?

Speaker 2 (14:20):

Speaker 13 (14:20):
Yes, I'm trying to get you to stand for something.

Speaker 11 (14:23):
Man, Now go to it.

Speaker 8 (14:33):
What are you doing out here?

Speaker 2 (14:36):
It's four in the morning.

Speaker 4 (14:37):
There rerun in the late show Mary's on. Remember that
one Ernest borgnine, Betsy Blair.

Speaker 14 (14:42):
You become a worse and sony act than me.

Speaker 4 (14:46):
Have some t careful it's hot, he slept it all.
How the hell can I sleep wrong? No one will
tell me anything. The decision was supposed to come down
months ago. It keeps getting delayed and delayed, and I
have no idea why.

Speaker 2 (15:00):
It means you gave them a lot to chew on run.

Speaker 4 (15:03):
When I asked you how I did, never mind?

Speaker 14 (15:07):
No what.

Speaker 4 (15:09):
When I asked you afterwards how I did in court?
You said you would have given me a B plus.

Speaker 8 (15:14):
And I would have.

Speaker 14 (15:16):
A B plus is an excellent mark in law school.

Speaker 11 (15:19):
You know that?

Speaker 4 (15:20):
Okay, Okay, I just I feel like I can't move
on with my life until we have a decision. I
gotta see it settled.

Speaker 8 (15:30):
You give any more thought to running the campaign?

Speaker 4 (15:33):
I don't know. I don't think I'm cut out for politics. Run.

Speaker 14 (15:37):
It's not my nature, of course, it is. Everybody loves you, Sarah. Besides,
you're a famous attorney. Now take advantage.

Speaker 4 (15:45):
Would you like a wife who's a state rev.

Speaker 14 (15:47):
Honestly, probably easier for me than you being a lawyer.
Every firm I interview with just wants to hear about you,
like they.

Speaker 11 (15:54):
Don't even know how big a role I played in Row.

Speaker 4 (15:57):
I really am sorry about that.

Speaker 3 (15:59):

Speaker 4 (16:00):
I know you probably don't believe me, but.

Speaker 2 (16:01):
I am oh sorry for what all of it for.

Speaker 4 (16:06):
You not getting the credit you deserve, For the time
and energy I had to put into taking care of
the case instead of taking care of you, the money
problems it caused us, the death threats, losing our friends.
You are a truly good man for putting up with
it all.

Speaker 2 (16:18):
Wrong, Sarah.

Speaker 14 (16:21):
I got a call last week from Sissy Farenthold.

Speaker 4 (16:25):
Cissy what she wants.

Speaker 14 (16:26):
She wants me to come work on her campaign. She
has a real shot at the governor's chap after the
scandal in Sharpstown.

Speaker 4 (16:33):
You're right, she does.

Speaker 8 (16:36):
It's a paid position.

Speaker 4 (16:37):
Sarah, sounds too good to pass up.

Speaker 14 (16:43):
We agreed to stay married as long as we were
both happy, Sarah.

Speaker 4 (16:47):
That's true.

Speaker 19 (16:50):
We did come to bed soon, okay, Harry, Yeah, I'm awake.

Speaker 6 (17:11):
You slept through dinner again.

Speaker 8 (17:14):
I know I'm drowning, Doddie.

Speaker 9 (17:18):
I know it feels that way. I promise you you're not.
There's someone here to see you.

Speaker 4 (17:25):
Are you feeling all right, Daddy?

Speaker 8 (17:27):
Sally? What are you doing here?

Speaker 6 (17:30):
She came to talk to you, Harry. I'll leave you to.

Speaker 16 (17:36):

Speaker 20 (17:36):
Guy who's been in bed as much as you lately.
You don't look very well rested, Daddy.

Speaker 8 (17:41):
Forget about me? How you doing? How's school?

Speaker 5 (17:44):
Professor Lowe talked about you in class last week?

Speaker 8 (17:47):
Do I even want to know?

Speaker 5 (17:48):
It wasn't mean.

Speaker 20 (17:49):
He was curious why the decision on Roe Wade hasn't
come down yet.

Speaker 8 (17:53):
That seems to be the question.

Speaker 4 (17:57):
We never talked about it, you know about what?

Speaker 10 (18:01):
Of course we did. We did nothing but talk for
quite some time. What you would have broken the law?

Speaker 8 (18:10):

Speaker 20 (18:11):
Doctor was trustworthy, not some butcher. You could have arranged
that with your contacts, couldn't you?

Speaker 8 (18:17):

Speaker 20 (18:18):
I was nineteen, Daddy, I was a sophomore. It was
terrifying that I got pregnant. You think I wanted to
drop out of school and marry Rick.

Speaker 8 (18:28):
But you're back in school now. It all turned out
alright in the end.

Speaker 20 (18:32):
Only because I had a miscarriage three weeks after the wedding.
If I hadn't, Rick and I probably would still be
married and miserable. I wanted an abortion, of course.

Speaker 8 (18:46):
I didn't, Sally.

Speaker 20 (18:46):
Am I supposed to pretend to otherwise?

Speaker 8 (18:49):
Why didn't you say anything?

Speaker 20 (18:50):
Why didn't I tell my father, the federal judge at
the time, that I wanted an abortion?

Speaker 8 (18:55):
Fair point.

Speaker 20 (18:56):
I came to you and Mom, I told you we
were in trouble. When you didn't come back to me
with the name of a doctor, I thought. I thought
that was your way of saying it wasn't an option.

Speaker 8 (19:07):
The effect of inaction?

Speaker 10 (19:09):
What nothing? Just something. I seem to be accused of
a lot lately. You'll have another husband, Sally, and children.

Speaker 4 (19:19):
Stop just stop.

Speaker 8 (19:22):
I don't know what to say. I'm sorry, Sally.

Speaker 4 (19:30):
I believe you, and I believe in you.

Speaker 20 (19:35):
You need to get some rest.

Speaker 4 (19:36):
Mom's really worried about you.

Speaker 20 (19:39):
I guess I just wanted to tell you that you're
going to do great.

Speaker 8 (19:44):
And what if I can't decide? What if I'm paralyzed.

Speaker 20 (19:49):
When I was procrastinating on some school assignment once you
told me that writer's block was a failure of ego.
It's not that we can't write, it's that we don't
think what we have to say will be particularly interesting
to anyone. You have a mother, three daughters, and an
amazing wife Daddy. Considering the other candidates, I think the

country is really lucky to have you as the one
making this decision.

Speaker 8 (20:29):
Dotty, what are you doing up?

Speaker 5 (20:31):

Speaker 9 (20:32):
How was your chat with Sally enlightening? Where on earth
are you going at this hour? Harry one, guess you're
going to the courthouse.

Speaker 6 (20:41):
Is it even.

Speaker 8 (20:41):
Open, Dottie?

Speaker 10 (20:42):
They gave me a key. It's time to make a decision. Oh,
don't wait up, sweetheart and listen. Thank you, Dotty. I
don't say it enough, but none of this would be
real without you.

Speaker 6 (20:53):
Oh I know.

Speaker 8 (20:54):
And you're right.

Speaker 6 (20:55):
You don't say it enough. Now go put an end
to all this, yes.

Speaker 16 (20:59):
Ma'am your honor.

Speaker 8 (21:22):
Oh hello, sorry, I didn't mean to startle.

Speaker 21 (21:27):
Hello there, I didn't know anyone who was at the
courthouse this late.

Speaker 8 (21:30):
You're Malcolm, our new records cleric Stephen. Actually, yes, sir, Stephen.

Speaker 10 (21:35):
Stephen right, someone told me this is where I could
find a copy of the dissents in the Griswold case.
Truth be told, I've been wandering around for twenty five
minutes looking for this office.

Speaker 21 (21:46):
They keep me pretty well hidden, your honor. But those
files would actually be in the records room in the basement.
Let me get them for you, sir.

Speaker 10 (21:53):
Really only because it'd probably take me two weeks. Stephn,
locate the records room, not a problem.

Speaker 4 (22:00):
Just give me a mat.

Speaker 10 (22:14):
Hello, Stephen, No U Stephen just stepped away for a minute.

Speaker 3 (22:19):
But this is the court clerk's office, right, yes, yes,
it is great. This is Sarah wedding too.

Speaker 8 (22:24):
Oh, I see. I'm sure Stephen will return in a Maybe.

Speaker 3 (22:30):
You can help me. I'm going a little nutty here.
You have been given any indication of when we can
expect a decision in roeby Wade.

Speaker 8 (22:38):
I'm afraid not. I really should go No, wait.

Speaker 3 (22:41):
A second, will you. It's just I've called and talked
to Stephen like ten times. He never knows anything either.
You know. I actually feel bad for the.

Speaker 8 (22:52):
Justices comeing in.

Speaker 3 (22:54):
My part's done. Say, it's a hard job.

Speaker 10 (22:56):
Now, I hear you gave a very fine performance, Missus Weddington.
No matter what happens, you should be proud, Missus Weddington,
if you don't mind my asking what's next for you?

Speaker 3 (23:12):
Honestly, I don't have a clue. Some people around here
have asked me to run for the legislature politics.

Speaker 8 (23:19):
Really, I know I.

Speaker 3 (23:20):
Know politics, but I'll tell you it's an awfully strange
feeling to know that the most important thing I'll ever
do in my life is over at twenty six. It's
an awfully strange feeling.

Speaker 8 (23:33):
You're my daughter's age.

Speaker 3 (23:34):
Oh you have a daughter?

Speaker 8 (23:36):
I have three.

Speaker 3 (23:37):
You're lucky men with daughters. They just understand women more,
you know what I mean? Except for Nixon. I don't
know why Trician and Julie let him get away with
the crabby pulls.

Speaker 8 (23:48):
You think they have a say?

Speaker 16 (23:50):
Do you?

Speaker 3 (23:50):
Are you? Kidds? Any self respecting daughter would be ashamed
to have her daddy so poorly trained. But then what
do I know? I couldn't even get my father to
come watch me. Are you in the Supreme Court?

Speaker 8 (24:01):
I'm sorry to hear that he's a.

Speaker 3 (24:03):
Minister and you can imagine how he feels about my
involvement in all this feels like every day we move
further and further away from each other.

Speaker 8 (24:12):
My youngest daughter.

Speaker 3 (24:13):
Is a hippie and I'll bet you just hate that.

Speaker 10 (24:18):
I do, I really really do.

Speaker 3 (24:24):
Don't let the girls fool you. They may play it
tough like they don't need you. Trust me. It's just next.

Speaker 4 (24:32):
I should go.

Speaker 3 (24:32):
I'm glad you answered, and Fitness Steven, are you a
new clerk?

Speaker 8 (24:36):
I'm I.

Speaker 10 (24:38):
I wish I had more information for you about your case,
Missus Whittington, but.

Speaker 8 (24:44):
I think I think soon.

Speaker 3 (24:48):
Yeah, yeah, terrific. You take care of those daughters now,
and every once in a while, give them a little
more credit than you think they deserve. They may just
surprise you.

Speaker 8 (24:59):
Goodbye, now, goodbye everything all right, Justice Blackman?

Speaker 4 (25:06):
Who is that on the phone?

Speaker 8 (25:09):
Thank you, Stephen, It was just I should get back
to my office.

Speaker 21 (25:15):
Here are the files you ask for, your honor. Are
they to help you make a decision on the abortion case?

Speaker 2 (25:21):

Speaker 8 (25:21):
Actually, I believe I've made one. Now the hard part begins.

Speaker 1 (25:39):
Supreme The Battle for Row from iHeart Podcasts, created and
written by Aaron Tracy, directed by Rachel Winter, starring Maya Hawk,
William h Macy and Abigail Breslin, also featuring William Fickner
as Warren Felicity Huffman as Dottie, Garrett Hedlund as Ron,
Charlie B. Foster Charlie. Executive produced by Eva Longoria, Ben Spector,

Rachel Winter and Aaron Tracy, as well as Katrina Norvell
and Anna Stump from iHeart Produced by Kelly and Kelly.
Executive producers for Kelly and Kelly are Chris Kelly, Lauren Berkovich,
and Pat Kelly. Produced by Tamara Black for Kelly and Kelly.
Director of Audio Chris Kelly. Original score by Hamilton Leitthhauser

and Anna Stump. Sound designed by Paul Teduscini, edited by
Max Collins. For a full list of credits, please see
show notes.

Speaker 2 (26:46):
This is a production of Unbelievable Entertainment in partnership with
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