Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:01):
At the time, there's a war going on. It just started.
They're making everybody pick aside yes, me and or brother
card in the middle between two. At that time, we're
the biggest drug card tells in the world, the most powerful,
the most dead. At least, card tells. It's not somebody
telling you like you're in a game. It's the boss
telling you, Hey, if I find out that you're receiving
it one kid from you're gonna have to answer. Then
not only that, he's they're going to say, and all
your little friends that you had that we know you have.
I want some ticket cruds. Some of these people are
my friends. Some of the people I'm like, I'm closer
and you have that. On top of me cooperating the
pressure of that or were going on, we're still selling drugs. Mean,
we're still playing cops and robbers every day. The government
had a hard time understand. If I tell them don't
sell the more drugs to me, they're gonna think these
duds picked to the other side. It's a ward. They
don't play fair. If we sent our wives away, we
sent our family away, and then they come into like,
well where is the feminine? Something wrong? We put them
in that situation. At the same time, it's like both
our wives are pregnant while we've been cooperating. The face
with the strangest expect the strangest things to happen is
right here are children a month apart. Who does that?
Who puts their family their kids? Ever we meet the
mistake of them knowing that we're family man, knowing that
we're always with our wives. You guys imagined like that,
what am I doing carrying that with you? That what
you're doing your betraying everyone, you everything, everything that you
ever know and everything that you work for, everything, all
the people around you, your whole life. We're keeping stuff
from my own family, our wives, us for we're the
only people that knew what we were doing. We don't
try anyone because Christia trustworthy. Second, because if we told
those people we like, we were scared that they were
going to try to change your mind because it didn't
benefit anyone. But I've got this for the st Jackson
and I'm Charlie Webster. And then this is surviving no chapel.
It's once you brought down the drug woman, getting out
of the cartel and changing your life is not as
simple as just walking away. Every path had the potential
to take away the twins life one way or another.
Agent family have a way of bringing your priorities into perspective.
Breaking the cycle of their family history, stopping themselves from
repeating what their father did to them was going to
be a monumental task. It all goes back to film
because that bond that keeps you going, you want to
be better for the people you love. It feard a
better life for them, no matter what it takes. Ultimately,
that was what pushed the brothers to do what they
had to do. Going to meet the FED, We're in
a hotel and of course we discuss what I was
interested in getting the best deal possible, and they were
looking at me like I was crazy. I do remember
like my brother call him, I want to know details,
and I remember him saying, Bro, they don't know what
the fuck they're doing. They're loves and just loves. I
don't know if this is a good idea. That didn't
make us froger. We were in another country with no
protection whatsoever, and it was just a very scary feeling,
I think for all of us because we didn't realize
that the US didn't have any jurisdiction in Mexico and
that they would basically be on their own and they
would basically have to do everything as if the US
wasn't involved. And I think that's what was more of
the scary part. Knowing how innovative that the Seno Cartel
was was very frightening, just because you know, they had
people that they would hire, like I t people that
would drive around and they would pick up phone conversations
from the airwaves to make sure that nobody was telling
cooperation is like that equals death. You're in great thanks
and there's no guarantee, and I just was, I think
scared for our lives. It was like so surreal. I
knew there was no turning back, and that to me
was scary in itself. When Jay and Peter were meeting
with agents, but that didn't sit well with me because
I felt like somebody was going to find out and
we're kind of going back and forth, kind of just
sharing information. I remember we met when am I said, listen,
couple and my call. You want me to go see them?
You guys want to come. One of them had all tattoo,
looked like a biker and at that time there's like
Canadians there, so like, man, you look like they don't
even think you're agent. You could come with me. I'm
gonna say that you're my you're my Canadian customer. And
they're like absolutely not, that would never happen. I guess
they didn't trust me, like I was not ever going
to try to put on your harm's way. I mean
I was getting that bold. I guess getting frustrated. So
we'll meet with them and just give information. We had
give him a couple of loads and just talked to
him about the business. It was just stressful, really really stressful,
and it was very very stressful. I remember like at
the time when I'm talking to agents and we were
like a little deeper into our cooperation and they're like
I'm gonna give your number to this agent and I
do not give my number to no one. I don't
want to know one to know him doing this. And sadly,
like there was a cooperator who didn't make it. We
come to find out that there was a Columbian man
that was cooperating with the and they had found out
about it against shop against our against Yeah, they had
a lot of people on the payer of a lot
of higher ups in the government and had a lot
of higher rooms the government and the Mexican Mexican government
had these individuals are working together on special teams with
with the U. S. Government. Their feedum information there in
turn feeding information to the cartel. And this is at
the very top. Sure at that time we're working on
the deal and cocaine it's a little bit hard to get.
And then he's on the run. They have one bad
on the run at the time our trans they're kicking
out every door everywhere he stays. They're like, I don't know,
you know, like they're hat on his tail. And I
remember the cause and say, look, I got five tons coming.
Who called you? And the people like, I got five tons?
You tell me how much you want to buy all
these And we're like, well, let me see how much
money we can get together. So we end up purchasing
like a thousand forty kiddos. I record those cars and
the load got through and I purchased a thousand kil
loads of that. Well, I turned that over to the
FEDS and we are not supposed to purchase it from Beltrand.
Now I'm playing both sides at this. I have to Yeah,
I took that risk because in order to for me,
not only to complete my cooperation, I had to keep
myself alive. It was I said, oh my god, it's
just a nightmare. There's a nightmare. I'll be thinking like
I'm the FEDS travel my r thurs done. Like you're
trying to just satisfy everyone and risking at all every day.
I can't even tell you in words what it was like.
At the same time, I have my baby coming. He
was a zombie for sure. I couldn't eat, really wasn't present,
trying to juggle so many things. And at the same
time my brother brought the idea. He brought the idea
to the table. Then he would disappear on me. I'd
be so piste off at him, man, like, bro, like
you gotta help me. What do you mean you did?
Like I hate to see it like that. That's when
I feel like I was saying that he didn't like
the idea of like recording the people. Once that hit home,
it was like, it wasn't the part you wanted to entertain.
It's just so ugly of a time. I worked so hard, man,
just to to do everything I could help the government order,
you know, and turn to help ourselves in the future.
I used to feel sometimes the government didn't do I
couldn't have job to put the case together, you know,
if we're out there on our own, no help, like
no guaranteed. There was like no Remember the twelve I
remember it being a nice, chilly November day in Mexico.
We had all the people with us. I don't remember.
I've been expecting to call from the chapel form like
a day or two, and I had his phone in
my pocket. I remember it was a white phone and
I had the recording out of the pocket. At that time.
I was carrying the recorder around. We're going to eat
and wearing a cowboy with the trucks me the like
followers are going up take and the Mexican government sending
up the police present and an a normal day. You know,
you're send to look out. Tell you how it looks
on this day. It was just like Sunday or something.
We're gonna go, you know, we're gonna have a dimeing
meal and we're passing up like we're getting to like
a popular place and Gualahara, you know, they call that
that glory to me, and I see that day that
they have a military checkpoint, like a whole cop checkpoint
with the minitary and I'm with the Cowboy and I
had to record in my pocket, and I'm like like,
that's all I need for them to pull me over
and I have to record in my pocket. Don't just
stop anywhere and put a checkpoint and they'll just stop
pulling cars over. I remember they see me and they're
like they start telling to pull over, and I kind
of like pulled to the side. I'm like, I'm panic.
I'm like a little panning moll. I kind of pulled aside,
but there's like a a long line of the cars
that already have pulled over. I kind of pulled off
to the side and I just I just took off
and they didn't come. Thank you God. I was like,
thank you God, they didn't come. If it have found
the record, is what do you think about it? Have
happened three cords of the work for the cartel? They
either one they worked like I tell the other they
actually really good cops and they're turning me in, like
why do you have recorded? You know? I had to
keep in the car, like it was just oh my
little moments where just one after another. Not too long
after that, I make another recording. I turned in a
load of heroin the Government's allowed me to pay for
these loads with our own cats. I give the government
the money and the process of money and then turn
it into the cartel, and they're documented. They're gonna document
all this, so my workers don't know that I'm cooperative.
So I tell them. I'm on the phone to Age
and saying, look, we're gonna handle all the money at
this place at this time. And then you're like, okay,
let me see if I get my team there. Okay,
we got a team there. So they're just document that
they're seeing this exchange of money. Would scare me is
that when I would send my career that he never
noticed that the federal there. And that made me feel
like how vulnerable this operation can be. He doesn't realize
that the father watch him. I know they're watching them.
You know. They turned over the money to the car
tells carrier turning the money. Seven minutes later, my phone rings.
It's Chapel Miles like Compoli, like their head of security.
He's like, listen, there's something fucking funny, man. You guys
rats the guys calling me seeing that. You know there's
a car following that. The cops are following it, They're
on him. I was like, like, what the fund are
you talking about? And I'm calling my working on the
radio and I'm letting him here. I'm like, hey, did
you see a car? Did you give the money money?
And he's like, give him money left? Did you see
anyone following? Yeah? I seen him on the street. I
went my way. He one head that makes anyone following you.
I know that they're following him. I'm like, I don't
know why you're saying there, like there's something funny here, man,
I said, let me call you back. I'll never forget that. Then,
sure enough, I think on this drop off, the DA
has a helicopter, has a couple of cards. They're following
the car back with the money. You usually ever recorded
that a call like that, and I couldn't because he
caught me off guard. And I picked up the phone
and was like, hey, listen, motherfucker, they're fucking follow my guy. Now,
you're fucking snitch or what the fuck swallowed? I was like,
we're fucking talking to you like that. You asked me
to do you the favorite now I'm the snitch. I
said that I'm gonna talk to my dad about this,
like oh no, no, no, no, just let me just
see man, maybe it's not you get off the phone love,
Like whoa ship. I'm passed by that time, Like our
relationship with the agents already have kind of like like
kind of you know, you're talking to something, we'll talk
about life, like you know we're talking about the case
or you know, with different agents. Hey, you remember this
time and how do you guys do this like or
whatever cases? And I remember calling back and said what
the I'm like literally probably even got emotional, like my
family is here like a bucket, putting my life in
danger over twenty fucking kids. Whatever the funk? I was
just like fun funck who knows, just screaming call it off,
call it off, call it off. And I'm like shock,
like what's happening? Like listening mostly like begging them in
the like worst way. What did they say? Myself? Like
hold on them like gays, let me see them and
find out. I did feel a betrayed by then, like
there's no reason why you're gonna have to put my
life and you don't have to do it. Need damn
things like I'm right here, I'm helping you guys. And
then I remember calling it chap On's head of security
back and the look, I don't know what to tell you.
My guy is good. I'm gonna tell him to keep
take a couple of spins and see what happens, you know.
And then he was like, look, man, there's something funny.
All right. You're like, I'm gonna tell you something, right
not that money ain't gonna be coming until it gets
in my hats, so you're responsible for it. And then
I remember a couple of days later, I just follow up,
but I'm like, hey, so did you get the money?
Everything good? He's like, yeah, everything was good, man, but
like weird, like and ten moments were driving me crazy?
How could you sleep good at night? How did you
you couldn't? I think I lost. I had lost Peter
already when he started his cooperation. Was there ever a
time joining that seven or eight months that you thought
they'd sist you the carteler's sist you, sis? It was
nerve wracking. Once I was cooperative. I remember this one
time like it was in October September. October they said
they wanted both of us to go, and he would
call them like at the time, they'll be like senanay,
so they want to see you, and I understand there
was a chapel my, we're asking to see us. I
was like, we both can't go, you know, explain to
the lieutenant and he let me call you back. Okay,
why don't you guys to come, But you gotta tell
me one thing. You're gonna be here and you better
be here. I was like, let me check some flights
and I'm talking to my brothers like broh man, I
don't know. I don't know what to do that they
can't say anyone to see us. And I was like, look,
let me ask them for some cocaine. If they give
it to us, then we're good. If they say no,
then sounds the draw. But you do not think then
they could be tricking you. Yeah, but they don't want
to trick you and give you some kids. So if
they gave you coke, it was a way to know
that they hadn't figured you out. Yeah, because then now
the wouldn't blame Now, come see me and then we'll talk.
They would have been like, Okay, we'll be there probably
and be like we gotta go. You know, I remember
asking them for the cokae. I'm like, I asked them
for like a larger mind, like hey, let me see
what I have. And he tells me like, yeah, we
have three engine eating What if I give me the
rest of a couple of days. I was like, okay, great,
when can I pick him up? Well, you can pick
him up tomorrow, you on today, And I felt okay.
I felt that tends like we'll see what he says
and then you know at that time, you know I'm
talking that he's texting me some stuff and I'm like
a brother, then you could go. But it was still nervous,
like sending my brother, you know, J went. He was
there and everybody was there during that meeting. There was
a lot of main cretoil. You know. My brother was
snapping pictures. I can't believe, like, bro, like why would
you do that? Why would you risk it? I think
it's not coming. They will let you keep your phone.
So that was like a major like normal, like why
would you do that? Sometimes I would record stuff on
my phone, take like pictures. I remember one time I
took so many good pictures that something happened where I
got nervous, and I started to raising the pictures like
I don't want to be like, why are you taking pictures?
My wife is right here. I think we talked about
it and sometimes should be like how did you do that?
This one time where they had a table and they
have all kinds of stuff on top of the table,
bades and stuff, and I said, we're like, I'll come
some nervous here. I'm like, I'm most definite meat. I'm
gonna use your phone. I gotta call you chicken, you know,
had chicken with my wife. Didn't laugh about that, and
I grabbed the phone, satellite phones and now now I
would buy a brand new phones so I could actually
I'll buy a brand new phone that I had with me,
you know, to be able to talk to Peter to
like that. So I moved by branch Pools just for
those visits. I have their phone number. You know, I
have no service on my phone, so I had lass phone.
I call the number on the satellite phone. Ever, ring
I'll hang up was not working. I'll go the next phone,
hang up. I try to get all the phones there.
I wouldn't be like if I see you don't have
the foes that I don't know if not going through
them to see your phone. Now I have all their
phone numbers. That was nerve wracking because he's there using
every phone they I always did it though, so it
wasn't like something you're not scared they'd be suspicious. I
always did it, and I was calling my wife's phone.
It's like I was calling the agent. But I was
just registering all the numbers so I could give it
to the government. M h. People will travel my art through.
But I don't care who you are. They're just regular men,
selfish people. They're not you know, they're not gods. They're now.
They're regularly corrupt as people. They want to care about themselves.
They will bend and break every rule and betray you
and kill you and not care about you. Honest. It
was funny. They would do anything to say their old family, cooperate,
sell out their main best friend, to say their own family,
and then they want to kill you because you do
the same for years. You cann't eat, I cann't sleep.
So many things to think about and I live with
every month every day to try that like that called
my only Escapables, just a couple of moments of my
wife that could get and then bring me reminded of
what I'm gonna do. It was just so dreadful to
just wake up, so scary to go to sleep, and
then you know the people who depending on I was
going to turn my back on them. Everything we work
so hard to build. Now you're building a big old
prison around yourself and then you have to knock it
down so hard to loan to another prison. I wasn't
patting sorry for myself. I was just mad at myself,
like this is what I did. At the same time,
I felt like some kind of like Okay, what I
could do. I did. I had to tell my family
out to everything I could do to put myself inca wish.
I did it every day I could have done. For
the government, I went above and beyond. There's nothing more
that I could at that point. I gave them millions
of dollars. I turn the people turn, enjoying and turning everything.
I did everything in my power. I went above and
beyond help build this case. From practically along my brother
and I were alone. It took word to me we
were to sacrifice, and took kind's bless instance just be
here to take. I just still think it was the
right decisions. Be honest. Now you talked to me on Monday,
I tell you yes to them, I tak You know,
nine months of recording deals with the lieutenants of the
cartel certainly help the FEDS put together their case. But
there was one major piece of evidence. They needed a
call with Chapeau himself. It's something that until now have
been impossible for anybody to get. I remember I missed
the first call. I missed the call and call me.
I remember I was standing there, like not even my
brother standing there. I dropped my bag and I ran
back to the house. The girls are there and the
senior I'm turning out, like bollow me up stair because
it was like the people in the house of the time,
you know, just running away, like just trying to get
away to get a quiet space. I was so nervous,
and not of course to me to recording, but of
what was to come, What did this mean for my life?
Like it was an ugly feeling, you know, like getting
the recorder out and the only thing the fence that
giving me like earpiece with a microphone, and you know
when you put the phone to your ear you can
hear and then they can record. I remember putting it
to my and like the secretary answered, I'm like, oh,
it's the twin gid. Where were you in the house Lusters?
I remember, and we were in the first stroom and
I remember lacking the doors, like right there in your face. Yeah,
And I'm like, I don't even know what to say.
I remember him saying, amigo, like hearing his voice again, Yeah,
I don't want, I don't want. The call with Chapo
was the one chance that Twins had to prove that
they were telling the truth to the U. S. Government.
It was the only ticket out there. I've depended on
this one core. Without the recording, the vital piece of
evidence the FEDS needed, they wouldn't have been able to
make a deal. All they had to do was get
chapout to confess without raising any suspicion at all from
the world's most notorious and violent drug boss, the man
who personally admitted to executing at least two thousand people himself. Easy, right,
I felt, Okay, I did. I had to get over
that and just used this lie about king a cheaper
number and that and the heroine the phone calls, what
else telling them of the truth that I mean him
had herald working relationship that he knew that might office
was in Chicago and there that he had sat drugs
for me and cons and drugs for me to my
brother and there they was like you know, we're working
together to move these drugs and SLOM. I understood that
that time that to make the conversation good is that
we we talked about future shipments and pass ones. That
was like a big moment, you know. I remember thinking
like this is like my way, my ticket home. One day,
I remember getting another phone and just playing back the conversation,
like over the anticipation, I hope I got it, like nervous,
did we get it? Imagined we did it? Man, you
had a call to Apple back there. Could we do
this again? This is the thing called go through your mind,
like playing the conversation again and thinking like I can't
lose this, this recording on our other phone and remember
like here you could reread corded, you know, like copied
on your phone too, like they around off my other phone,
and then thinking like we're not gonna give it to
the sets until we make a deal. It was those
little troubles, a little struggles that you you're facing all
those perils of cooperating, right. People really don't know, like
imagine every day it was like this for all those
months and having our family and being stressful, and again
it's something that that we had to we had to do.
We put ourselves in that position. I will say, I
think for all those years that we sold drugs, those
months of cooperating, in my head, I was like, we're even,
you know, we're even. Like I didn't risk myself this much,
you know. When I was like suddenly the drugs, remember
the put our life at Verst doing all this. I
remember like talking to the fans and I was like
I got it, Like what I got to call my
own chapol and like get the funk out of like
for real, like you wanna hear it. It was like
late and they're like, probably don't funk around me, Like
you really got it? I got it. Then remember just
them calling me, calling me our planet's ha gonna work.
They wanted to that fucking round it bring it because
meet us where we had been meeting before. In the subdivision.
It's like a big as oak trip. Like the street lights.
It was just like a dark spot in this subdivision.
That wasn't comfortable with meeting it because other people lived there.
But you know my colonly complains so much. Go part behind,
you know this land cruiser and bullet problem and cruiser
with diplomatic plates. I'm jumping in the carp how we're
up and you know, you know they just shoot me,
just kill me? That would you want me to just die?
Just tell me like in cartel world, you know, literally
behind enemy lines, like just doing that and they're nervous.
Thing of looking around that nervous back around my palms,
canna swear like things like cold like sweat, you know,
on your foreheads, like mad, I just see that. I'm
angry that you keep putting in this situations. I remember
going and taking the record and be like I don't
know this this you better be there that they you
better be there and my sentence and tell them what
I did to get this. Oh, no problem, man, We're
all gonna be like and you just hand it over
and then what's remember them? Like, what's next? Are they
gonna indicated? Make sure it's it's his voice. But it
had been pretty fast. Literally we're like with midnight one
in the morning when it comes to back, we got
a match. It's it was late in the night. I
remember they called. They confirmed that it was authentic recording.
I could hear scream, cham, I can celebrated celebration. I
was still taken back. I remember the prositat that would
tell me, I promise you I'll be doing cart wheels
in summer sults and your sentence no something that I'll
be like, I'll do cart wheels and backflips. My brother
I had the only legal recording the chopol was mom
they ever had h we didn't have a plan. Two
weeks after the top of recording. Now we're gonna call
it to Sunday. Our attorney wants about to us. It's early,
right ten, And then in the morning. You remember he said,
you know, the US attorney wants to talk to you.
He said he wants you guys to train yourselves in today.
I won't even be looking to it like wow, real
hit us? Huh what? Just like that? After around nine
months of recording and cooperating with the US government, it
was time, the twins were given two hours to meet
back under the big oak tree in the middle of
the subdivision and finally hand themselves over the rest of
their family had been in the dark for months, but
as soon as the cartel found out about what Pete
and Jay were up to, they would come for their family.
So they had to drop the bombshell of what was
about to happen. And it started with the man who
brought them into this life in the first place, their father.
I think it was a higher thing I had to
do was to place my father. You could be a killer,
you could be whatever. You're not going to be a thief,
and you're not going to be a queer. And the
most important one, you're never gonna be a snitch. M
I had to light him mean until he came up
with this. I to try to soften, softening up a
little bit. We go to his house that we bottom regardless,
he lived a great life right his streaming in dollar house,
brand new cards. I said, we have to talk, and
without my mom. It was hard, like I didn't even
know how to say it, and I don't even know
who We even spoke, but I said, uh, I did mention.
I said that the government found us. He said what
I said, the government found us. They've been watching that.
They know exactly where you live. You know where we
all live. He's like, are you serious? I said, he said,
come on, let's go. You know he's walking a kay,
let's go. Let's call it. No, it's over, there's no
more running. He said, you could go, and I said.
They knocked on the door and they said, your life
is going to be in danger anyway, so we're going
to arrest you or you have a chance you can popery.
He look, He said, what and what do you say?
I said, we'll cooperate. I cannot put my family in danger.
He said, you cooperate? He said, what type of fucking
men are you? Cooperate? He said demanding people tell you
they will hunt you, they will here you. You could
never survive going to custom. How could you do? You
know what the funk you're doing? And I'm saying not
even about it as about of family. He's a fuck um.
There's a fucking cowards. I raised fucking women. He said, Oh,
now you guys, wanna you know something, just like you
know who top womire? I remember, like I never like
talking about it to my dad. I know who they
are and it was going to be near them. I
want you met every fucking day you could look up
to you, admire you do whatever you want. I'm not.
And he said, they're giving a chance to leave. Do
it for us. You never did anything for us. You
put as you gave us this life up, just saying
just give us a chance. Let's just leave. He said
I can't. I said, they're willing to forgive you, and
they're willing to give you a Lisa that hurt that
like herd. I'm like he looked like them. You guys
with that polarity. You know, we were on tears, all
of us. My father was like I could fro his anger.
And then I said, do it for us, Please just
do it for us. Be mad, do whatever you want,
but just do it for us. And I said, me
and my brother going in prison, you were the same one.
Just kept nodding yourself. It's just like I'm don't doing
my son. What you're about to hear is the full unedited,
two minutes fifty and second conversation that people recorded with
El Chapo that was played in court during El Chappo's
trial in two thousand and eighteen. Pete begins by asking
how Chappo is, and Chappa responds with fine, nice talking
to you. How is your brother? For an English translation,
Go to Lionsgate Sound dot com. Damn yeah here, yeah,
I think we'll check a list on the sinkoles tinko
you lit. You can mess for words on the pause
in Quintapo. You think we'll check a list of helois.
He came under my mouth's voice. However, that okay, we
just get a new to me. I can tell you
when I look. Okay, come on one stem Yeah, you're
in quantum years to give Atlanta conus, can you? I
can't look? I am okay, okay. Surviving El Chapo The
Twins Who Brought Down a Drug Board is hosted by
Curtis fifty s Jackson and me Charlie Webster, our producers
on myself alongside Jackson mcclennen. Research and editorial support is
from Casey Hurtz. Edit and sound designed by Nico Palella.
Original score by Ryan Sorenson. Executive produced by Curtis fifty
cent Jackson and myself Charlie Webster. If you'd like to
know more about this story, head over to lions Gate
Sound dot Com. Curtis fifty cent Jackson presents a lions
Gate Sound and Geniu Nit audio production exclusively for I
Heeart podcasts,