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November 2, 2022 55 mins

Creating a billion-dollar business comes with a lot of debt. The twins had to pony up their own money in order to secure supply. Pete discovers that in this industry, people will do anything to make sure their debts are repaid. Jay takes a desperate flight to Culiacan to try and smooth things over.

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Speaker 1 (00:15):
I've got for St Jackson and I'm Charlie Webster. And
then this is surviving Old Chapel. It's once you brought
down a drug The twins big business became the envy

of many. Even Guadaloupe, affectionately referred to as TiO. Uncle Loupe,
wanted to take everything they had. Loupe was causing issues.
He was forcing the brothers to take shipments that were
compromised and putting the business at risk. Pete headed out
to see Loope to try and smooth things over, but

the brother's flashy lifestyle drew the attention and more than
just other drug dealers probably on me. What this troubled

broom and it's all happening on Blue Bays House just
like that, they can't. They start to beat me with
the right like he hits in the stomach, he hits
in the face, you know, like I'm like, damn like
and then remember like this is in Mexico, like he's
a complaining again. He slapped around by there she got
police and now these people are beating the crap. I mean,

you know, he's like shoving the back of the back
room into the back of my neck and head like,
don't fucking move. He's something you're going back to the
United States. And he's telling me in Spanish because even
what the ways to stableshed me here struggling from everybody,
and you know, there's pointing something over. I mean he's

putting the hand or something. He's like beating me and
he's kicking me. You know, he kicks my shorts off,
like my side, my shoes, and but he takes my
shirts on in my underwear. And then they picked me
up like I mean, they're roughing me up like the

whole time, like you know, I'm not feeling it really
at that time. I'm just I realized I lose my
two I could feel like blooding them, chaining, you know,
feel awareness, and I feel my gun, but you know,
like that's too Here we go like it's the cops.

The cops again with these stupid winning pats. Put it
over my head like this is an all over mag
it and he takes on my head. I can take
you on my face? Did it break back? M Yeah,
I'm like here we go again. Yeah, like, here we
go again. But they said when they put me up,

they put me up, pick up, they put me in
the truck. I could fill them because they lead me
on like I'm the floor of it. And I could
see them like they're putting their feet in my back,
and I could feel the rifle that they don't bloom. Man.
The vulnerability of being in the situation the worst of

the worst badasses in Mexico. It's happened to like when
they want someone, you got ten guys with guns. They'll
bring for you. They're gonna shoot out, but they're gonna
take you even if they lose a bunch of people.
They don't care. They drive me away in this pick up.

Feel them driving on the road. It's a big operations.
That's just like one truck to get off the main
road again, the little bumpy ride up some hills and down.
When finally stopped. Sure they pull me out. I'm still

my under way like set me down up on the rock,
and I remember being the handcuffed behind my back. I
could hear them taking my table and touching the pickup
like no after him, like pulling stuff off. I'm thinking

made me are taking up police steak house. That's what
I really help. I don't think you want me get
out of this one, you know, because people don't come back.
It wasn't the cops some times you and the okay.
Remember that kind of made me know that for sure,

was that I've seen an a K four to seven.
You know, I'm like cops on us, like like they
put my short back and it was just quiet. I
gonna hear radios out, hear radios going off and they're talking. Now.
I was just laying there. I remember getting tired of

laying down the rock and kind of I was sitting
on the rock and laying up like trying to stretch
my back. I remember guy coming in, you know, hit
me with the rifle. Hey, I'm want to ask you something.

You chop on my own. Chop Out and Mayo are
two of the bosses of the Sinaloa Cartel, also known
as the Federation with Eyes and Ears all over Mexico.
The exact number of people working for them is deliberately secret,
but it's thought to be in the hundreds of thousands.

Tens of thousands more are on the take in one
way or another, including most of Mexico's law enforcements. At
this point, they had operations in more than fifty countries,
controlled most of the drug operations in the US and
made up to forty billion dollars every year. El Chapo
is the most famous name, the one we've all heard of.

He's the guy who had primary control over cartel operations.
But he's not the only man who rans. In A
lower equal to Chapo was our Toro beltrans Labor and
Ishmael's and Barter Garcia also known as Mayo. Al Toro
and Mayo ran different arms the cartel, but we're equally

as dominant as Chapo. The wider families of those three
main players were often used as lieutenants who helped to
run operations and control the money. You chap on my
own and I was like, I never heard of him.
I'm just sure. I'm like, I'm sure, Like do you

see your big drug belion, Like I'm just a student,
you know, he's talking to me in Spanish. A couple
hours later you get started. It must be like two
dream morning. I'm having the worst cold. The martins are cold,
and then I'm freezing, like yeah on the open on

the rap on floor and like, oh you stand by scorpion,
good by a snake or both were my looking at
that time, right, I'm crazy shutting from the cold of
knowing I'm sure we're in Then they found four or
five in the morning, guessing they come back and they

picked me up. They put me back in the truck
and they drive me back, and they drive me to
all to little place and they walked me out like
a kind of you'll see under my eyes a little

bit that they have flashlight and they're walking me slowly
again but this and they walked me to a small
room like a son and there's no windows in there.
They have a bed in there. I was just happy
that I'm still alive. So I'm thinking they're gonna extra

ransom or something. Put me to this shroom, there's a bed.
Time I feet up, you know, put the handcuffs in
front of me, you know, he lay me down. That
was the first night. They slept at my feet in
the room. They'll close the doors in the states on
the floor and there there's like five of them. I

would sleep more in the day because I was hopeful
that just when I'm like in the day, that I
would get out, you know, that something was going on
then my brother was gonna come true for me, and
that I would be go home because they hadn't killed him.
You know, and ant night it's for the heavy stress

with him me, you know, if I'm laying the pitch black,
and they will continue to sleep either bright in salmon
in the room by me or right outside him. And
I could hear him kicking. I could hear the radios
going off and they're talking to people. The day was hot,
like I'm in the day am. I'm sweating and it's

hardened and I'm just trying to get buying help produce water.
And I remember they brought me like they threw a
bunch of rolls of toilet paper. A first, they would
fee they weren't talking about nothing. They wouldn't say much.
The only thing they would say was what's the while.
He'll come to heil tacked the gun and he'll be like,
let me talk to you. I take out my ask again.

Do you know what chap? I don't know who you're
talking on this. This is what I listen to. What
I'm saying that that's not gonna change. Um from Chicago,
I am not from here. Everything you tell me, I
don't know nothing that you're telling. I't just hearing vacation.
What are you saying that English? I'm a vacation. I
said to myself, we stick the next door. I'm not

gonna give more reason and kill me. You know. I
remember my arms when I was falling asleep I wake up,
my hands would be so sullenly numb because the handcuffs
were cut out my circulation. So I had to put
the toll favorite under my elbows to kind of like
breast my elbows to the nest side. I remember using

the bathroom like they would walk weak. I could see
the floral and there are the planters in the ground
and kind of deep planters, and you literally like walk
me three steps outside the door and I go ahead.
You get pissed right there. And I remember like having
to go up bathroom and he fought bucket. That was

the always time I had to go back because I
didn't eat. They weren't offered me food at all. And
then just give me some water. And I remember getting
empty the pee and could barely stand half a week,
all night turning up feel like I'm sweating. I could
smell myself and I would take though the high comes

off here and there, and I could look around in
the room. See that was painting like a green color
old wood furniture. I could see the tile out the
title went from the room to outside to that like
Pantiguerra where the planters were, and I could hear the radios,
and I could hear there was like the sound of
the kitchen maybe next door, taking a separate room like

old Mexico. I can't even talk. And I remember like
a couple of days into thinking like okay, you know
it's four days, you know, five days, six days, seven days,
or something like this is time and worry me. I

lost car. I knew it was a long time of thinking.
So many teeth went to my mind, so many regrets.
I believe in fasting because of this. I believe that
there's something about fasting and denying your body things that
gives you like a spiritual insight. And because of these

moment of suffering of not had these food and malnursed
and in so much need that I really thought these prayers,
you know, he're talking to God asking me for Kim
this regreanning my decisions, returning my life and thinking all
these things. These harties probably peace of manchining see you

almost like wrestling with to try and bring you peace,
to to accept that you might not see. I remember
like thinking, of all, I probably I hope Diana finds
the right person. Now, i'd probably say that that they
make it out. And it was sad to think that
I'm twenty two years old, I'm rich and thinking what

for thanks? So someone could say, how's a really good
at sucking up my life? I'm destroying my whole life
and I mean money, and you know, look again, I'm
tied up here helpless, you know, pointing be tough right there,

all these happy talks like, but at the same time
I found so much peace in them where I wasn't
like giving up, but I was just coming to terms
where this doesn't work out. I had this like these thoughts.
I felt like I never really loved someone correctly because
everything was selfish and I never even gained some one

of my best I never got married. I don't even
think I told my family enough that I love them
and care for them. I didn't know put no one
status before my line. I remember reading that in the
word how I described what love is. In those moments,

I knew that that's what I never offered someone that
unselfish move and the best of me, you know, I
was just there wasn't the best of me, you know,
it just amazing me and following in the footsteps of
every other news that they went before me, you know,

onto this stupid life. Actually, and the days were long,
and I remember, like into a point where they will
come and talk to me. Now it's just curse him away,
like for whatever you want. I remember here, you know,
talking to regularly. He's not twink the here him said like,

am I gonna kill then? Not like just like that,
I'm kind of getting tired of me here. Even if
I don't sell, he's gonna die now. When he said that,
thought to myself, Wow, parent to just say it that way.
He's done this many of times. There's like nothing, it's

like nothing. Doesn't see someone like that, you know. And
remember he beat the crap out of me already. He
did all these things to me. He ain't no part
you know that. It was just he's just doing normal
for him. And I felt bad for him. I felt
back for him, like why that you could put someone

like in a situation and you don't really know and
just do what someone else is telling you to do.
We all sucking guessing I was doing it for my
own greed, you know, my own selfishness, and you're doing
it with this someone's telling you to do it with
no remorse. Remember hearing the church bells as well. Have

to hear them talking about what something was, you know. Anyway,
those days end up being like sixteen days or seventeen days.
And I was thinking about my mom a lot because
those Mother's daying I could hear them announcing the Mother's Day,
you know, special service, which is main tent in Mexico.

I can hear the bells. M hm mm hmmm, mm

hmmm mm hmmm mm hmmm mm hmmm. My older brother
called me late at night and he said, I dropped
off Peter by Deal's house. It's in leaven Theory or
midnight probably and he still hasn't called. So we would

go visit him all the time. We were just there
and not that you know, a few weeks prior, and
you know, he loved to talk, so we could stay
two or three in the morning, so that was an
unusual I'm like, h all right, well it's early, you
know what I mean, he'll call you. No, now we're back. Hey,

he says't call im A call their house. He says,
all right, he's like calling this ship rings all right,
take a wad of that. My older brother called me.
He's like, I'm not keeping in Deal's house. All the
lights off, no one here. And that's when I was like,

oh ship, I'm like, damn, maybe they took a ride somewhere.
You know. By then it's two in the morning, and
I was still hopefully. I think I was trying to
think positive. Three in the morning, four in the morning,
I could have those off. Now Vvy starts to call jee,

where's your brother. I'm like, I don't know. He said
he wasn't call do you know he he went somewhere.
I don't like me huh, Like, no, I don't. I
can't believe he's still at home, Like, you know, tell
my brother go back again. So my brother went back

to Deal's house. He's like nothing, there's no one here
and there's no cars. The lights are off, the doors
are locked. Then I knew there's something I hadn't slept.
And yeah, as hours patched, not at ten in the morning.

Now we're worried, like he's going around, he's actually sending people.
They're like looking in the house, there's nowhere. Now we're
trying to find out what's going on, calling me every number.
We know he's going to the town, Like have you
seen Lucas. I don't want a clock to a clay

my brother cars, he said, Bro, they just called. They
said that they have Peter Kinnay. Here's they That's how
he said. Just you didn't know if it was. And
I'm like, oh, hey, like they said, have you Peter kinnapped?
And they want ten million dollars. He started panicking and I

I said, listen, take this number. You know, we always
had like twenty dirty brand new phones. When picked out
the phone that was already redone, I said, take this number.
When they call back, when you tell him to call,
it's in't for it right now, go get everyone out
of there and come. Then my mom and my dad

come because I don't know what's going on, and like
they're in the town, you know, get them out of
time too. I'm moved back forward and I started making calls.
So those people around me, the closest people, my best

friend Tommy, I call him right away, awesome, the kid
and my brother, and they're saying that they have looping
and his sons too. What get out of here? They
called just I haven't spoke to my giving number. It's
gonna think seven hours skin through. I'll be right there.

I had a call in a lot of favorites, like, hey, listen,
my brothers making up because it lets you feel like
somebody has to know something. So you're calling all these
people from what were they saying? And the thing is like,
let me find out, we'll get back to you. Let
me find out, we'll get back to you. I'm on it.
M h. He said, We're called we have your brother

and we need ten million dollars. You guys will chopper
boom now temporarily eating what went through your head as
soon as you heard Chappo's name. I heard job. I
was like, I don't all chop ten million dollars, I said,

I oh, Kuala Lupe telling another saying well, you're a
looping all that money and we need it. You got
the money, like I don't have tillion dollars. And he's like,
we know who you are, Like you have houses all
over this place. We know that you're gambling two thousand
and a horse race. They know days. We got a

big old house here, you got a house on the beach. Listen,
come up with the money. And I'm like, well, hold on, listen.
I know people like if I I'll pay it, but
I've never been someone that has never paid. And I
know a bunch of people like if I, oh, I
don't thinking okay, then oh I'll pay you. But let

my brother go. It does not work like that. It's
not that easy. He was like, so, how long's it
gonna take you to get this money together. We're gonna
give you time. We got time. And I'm like, I'll
see what get together. Just to me if you're just

I don't do nothing to my brother. And they're real
respectful like old door, but we won't know you pay
And I was like, all right, got right back on
the phone. I started to call everybody. They said that
Chappel has a man, calling everyone I know, the Ricky
Coss And by that time that night, Tommy gets there

and I started, you know, just talking to Tommy. Now
Tommy as a brother who was deep in the cart out.
When I told Tommy mean that Chapel has Peter, He'd like,
let's go to coolcan We're gonna get your brother back.
Goulakan is the Cineloa Cartels stronghold and where Chapo himself lived.

The hardest thing was that I had a to like
me and Peter's not coming home. What did you say
to Well? It was just like, okay, leeve, listen, remember
that connect and she started crying. I was like, don't worry,

I'm remember the back. I didn't need you to trust me.
In between those times they'll call me, hey, I was
looking for the money, and I was just like, I'm
getting it together. Okay, house My brother like, listen, hurry up,
no threats, just calm, simple requests. But every time that

phone rang, my heart a little faster, a little bit harder.
This in a lower Federation has killed hundreds of thousands
of people, and Chapeau himself claimed to have personally executed
more than two thousand. Chapa was never though referred to

by his name, only ever Dad or daddy. As you'll
start to hear, Jay was able to get an associate
to set up a meeting with al Toro Beltran's brother.
He was running things in Gulacan for Chapo. I know
who's who, and he's a trans labors brother who runs

can at that time runs errors in charge for Chapel,
and he immediately knew who it was. Yes, you know,
I was a little bit like I wasn't scared by
his demeanor. He was nice. I could tell. He was like, hey,
you know, how's it going, Like, well, hey, Tavlon, I
look how you described as a one nice there. I

felt comfortable, cotable. I was scared of the situation. But
with him, I just I've seen him the way he
let at me like kind of studied I'm a good
Pupil's really like, I know he knows who I am.
That's a good thing. So just back the way he
greeted me, like it's not like they put the gun

to my head and brought me to him, shook my
hand and said, man's fairly young, Oh do are you?
For so many years we used our age as a
plus because it's better you you're younger, you're allowed to
make mistakes. So I think I couldn't even lie to
if I was twenty two. I could have said twenty

just because I were kids, right, take it easy. He's like, yeah, um,
come on, patch me like kind of pushed my shoulders,
like come here and talk to me. So what's going on?
How could I help you? And I'm like, you know now,
we're walking and he's looking at me. He's kind of taught,
but to me, he's taught. So he said, like he's

since one. He's looking at me, and I'm saying, well,
look I'm here because they can, brother, and they can
quite a little bit of that money. Hey guy, don't
look there. Uncle. Yeah, well they can have them and
either you want money and I said, yeah, awes some

money and give me. Ask you a question. He said,
do you want money right now? And they said yes,
sir to who I said, well, all money too, loop
and he's like who else? And I'm like, now I
know he's getting somewhere. To keep the supply of drugs flowing,

they had to pony up their own money in advance.
The twins had lots of debts, so there were many
people to pay even before Pete's kidnappers called demanding payments
of a ten million dollar debt. Did somebody just recently
give you a ship, muncle? And I said, yeah, they're cool.

I'm like, no, end yep, that's what I'm looking for.
I think that is my cocaine. Where's my money? I
have it that you have it, and like yeah, like
I want it right now? And I was like, okay,

you got a phone number because I had been collecting
the money. I have money. I just I'm not ever
going to pay at that with someone that's money. He
looked at me kind of surprised. I just don't want
you to pay you for your brother ransom with my money.

I said, Let excuse me, sir. I said, I don't
owe you no money. He said, I just told you
the man. I said, yes, but I don't know the money.
If you get nowhere to tell me to give it
to you, I'll give it to you. He lives. He's
bring the radio. They come bringing with like a C

radio and he's like whatever, it gives a code word
of code number, and then I hear note of his
voice on the radio. Yeah, I'm like here with your friend.
Sounds for paying me my money. Yeah, And he's like okay.
He pushes it and then like they pushed the radio
and like hey no, like Eves like, how are you good?

How good? I'm glad that you're meeting my friends. Yeah,
just go ahead and turning the money turning all. I said,
all of it. He said, yeah, I'm going we're working
out later. I'll call you later. On so we can meet.
You're in good hand. Don't worry about it. I thank you.
I goal out to my workers and said, hey, I

need you to make a deposit. You don't get this,
you know whatever I owed him, it was like two
million dollars. Whatever it was. I made the rangements. You
have it within forty minutes. Think that's good to those
best Rand's brother. I want you me someone and said
here these are my friends. This right here is Tapio
Lomas and this is happens, he said, and needs the

guys that are calling you for the money. And I
was like wow, And I said, you're calling me Happon
said yeah, here, I am standing with the president that's
been calling me for the pet Ten days, Jay was
in the middle of cartel country negotiating with one of

the top lieutenants who also just happens to be al
Toro Welchran Labor's brother, one of the bosses, and was
now face to face with Chapo's men, the very people
who have been calling him to negotiate the debt that
Pete was kidnapped for abands brother. He said, so let

me explain it just to you. I tried getting your
brother back. It turns out there he's in debt. The
debt that Lupe olds is old to Taple, and it
took a couple other people. I like you. I don't
even know you, but I like you, but I'm not
gonna pay your debt. So this is what we're gonna do.

He said, I'm gonna send you to go see Taple.
You could work it out with him, and then you're
gonna come work for me. And I was like, but
I do all the money, that's not my problem. You
could work it out with him, and you could work

it out with me. And he tries to check your like,
take him go see my dad. Let him talk to
him and see what he says, and try to work
it out. He says, how many keys could you sell?
And I'm like, I don't like at that time, Like

I just saw like d eighteen keys a month, that's it.
And I'm like, well, and I get a good number
because somewhere He's like it was a joke, you know what.
I'm just kind of being serious, like I'm being business.
And he says, I can find hund your keys, you know,
right there, And I said, I'm sorry, I can't take

your drugs. He said why not. I said, I'm here
for my brother. I appreciate everything, but I'm here for
my brother. I'm not here to do business. That's fair.
And he laughed. She said, this guy looked He said,
he he's my guy. You know what I mean. They
just staring at me like I'm different, right, I looked different?

And he said, okay, give me a phone number. And
I said, I don't have a phone to give you
my number. He said, you have three phones right there.
I said, but you don't want to be on these phones.
I don't want to cause you no problems. He said, okay,
that's there, all right. He said, give him a phone number.

Whatever cases you will buy on your phone, you call me.
I said, okay, that it will do that, all right.
I'll see you tomorrow. Something to see you later on
so we can continue talking. Okay, let's get your brother.
He said, Hey, your brother. They said it looks just
like you. I said, nah, that's what they say. Hey,
you guys don't look like I said, no, he's a

little uglier than me. He starts kind of walking away,
and I'm here left with Tepio Lomas and happleness. And
we started talking and he said, hey, you know, no

harder failings, just doing my job, said no hard feelings.
And then he's like you keep saying that Lupus you know,
tied up. Why And I'm like, well, that's what he said.
He's like you told him that, and he's like, well

that's what Lupa told me to tell him. What he
said loop it asks Chapel to tie you your brother.
That was like devastating to me. Yeah, what did you think?
I don't My heart was like kind of sank, like

what I don't understand? And they're looking at me like
my reaction like why I said No, There's no way.
I'm like like I'm doing business where I've been paying him,
Like there's no way. We don't know about that, Like
why would he say that? You know, I'm kind of

talking to myself and they're just staring at me like
which kind of stopped and like, what, don't worry. You know,
I'm gonna take people see chap Fol and I We're
gonna work it out. I stepped outside like the gate
and they patted me down and he said all right,

let's go opened the pick up door and it was
like probably like a level of seven bullet proof like trucks,
and they made me sit in the middle, and that
made me feel a little comfortable. First. And here we
are like sitting next to him and this is in

the middle. He's there, and I'm like kind of quiet,
I'm trying to pay a situaal We're going and I
know we're like on the back ends of the city,
like it's a lot like potholes and like bumps. At
that time, I have a rolex A Masterpiece. I got

like a hundred carrots of diamonds on it. I'm probably
had like a hundred eighty thousand dollars my wrist. You know.
The sun hits it, so it kind of catches me like,
you know, like the diamonds in behind. Tapio Lomas looks
because as I moved, you know, the sun shitting him.
At that point, it's kind of hitting him in the face.
He said, wow, look at that watch. Can you see it?

And I'm like, sure, and take it off. I handed
to me, Wow, it's happy, man, almost just watch where
from Like I don't know, A hundred fifty hundred, eighty thousand,
hundred and fifty thousands, that's how much my dream houses were.
And I said yeah. He was looking like, wow, man,

I want to have the watchlight this one day. It's nice.
He started giving back to me. The minute he started
giving me that watch back, I knew I was in
a good situation. Like I'm just telling you have a
hundred watch. You could easily take it off me, and

just like it's mine, I have a chance. It's making
me feel better, kind of give me a little confident.
That was my little insurance. Reached over his hand and said, here,
it's a gift. He said what I said, This is
my gift to you. I said, you helped me out.

I said, no, no, I can't take something like that.
I can't. I said, no, it's okay, take it. I said,
that's a little topid for our new friendship. He shook
my hand. I looked at him, move my hand up.
He shook my hands like thank you. He said, no
one ever gave me a gift like this, and I said, well,

I'm glad I'm the first one. H h yeah, okay.

We pull up. We arrived to this like farm and
I can see like corn on one side and they
have like a hangars. When we pull it, I see
that there's a patch alog patch like and they see
all it's a runway and there's no tractors there. There's planes,

a bunch of small cessinas because it has to be
like at least eight ten of them. He's like, get off,
and a couple of guys coming that. He takes me
and they have like an oot like a mechanic shop.
He takes me night. He introduced me to a bunch
of people like I picked their hands, you their arms.
He's talking, okay, is it ready? When I come out,

the plane's already on a little rungly and he's like,
all right, come on, let's go. So we started walking
and there's the pilots, this tass skinny kid wearing flip flops.
He has to be sixteen years old, seventeen years old,
and he like opens the doors and I'm like, this

is not right, Like Coln, I walk around the plane
and which he was like holding the door open. I
jumped in the back trampe jumps in the front. I
see that they got a bunch of radios, like a
bunch of semi radios and stuff. Now I could see
his feet on the petals and I said, hey, I

feel like we're good. You're like, oh yeah, man, don't
everybody's he's the best pilot there is. And I'm like
I'm not feeling well. I'm look in the back and
they have a bunch of eight ks and half aver
were along like a bitty caliber rightful set across, like
they have to set in an angle because it's so big.

I'm just like, wow, like, okay, let me try to
startle it in a little bit. They pushed us to,
like the beginning of the runway. There was a small
takeoff for sure. To me, I've never been in the

on that type of plane, so the many we take off,
it's like i feel like we don't even have enough.
Like when things like the plane around man started having
towards the mountains and it's noisy. They have the windows open.
This's no easy and there could have screaming at each
other like right back and for having a conversation. I'm

just likely looking around. I'm like, I'm so scared of
so much the unknown, you know, the plane ride, everything
you could imagine, and just thinking about my brother. I
do remember thinking like man, this is the life they
live like, and it was about to get worse. But

I'm like okay, like trying to just keep my mind,
you know, like busy. It was gonna be a half
hour flight, fifteen twenty minutes. At the takeoffs, you know,
the superiors have been going off there showing is cold,
and I could see that the different radios, So I'm

gonna guess that one it's like for her traffic control,
one is for this one is for the cartel. The
look you know this one radio. When they went off,
they both looked, you know, it's like they have him
clipped on and he takes the rate off. They kind
of screaming on numbers, you know, like forty two seven

pet you know, fifteen minutes, fifteen minute. And then he's
like it's a Bolulu that's what they called, like the
black Hawks, like the black helicopters, smaller fighter helicopter. There's
three of them, and he's like, slow it down, strow

it down, like just take off the base. Let's see
which way they had it. And he's like they're gonna come,
what do you have here? What do you have? What's
back there? And I'm like to a case and I'm
big done, Like hand me over the a K and

move it to me. He said, get the big one
and I'm like, huh, and get the big racle, get it.
The meliterary is coming. And we're in this situation like
when thing would just trying to scare a mob for

something and they're they're not scared to shoot. My heart
says that's him. I'm I'm scared, but I'm like, I'm
doing what he says. I go and the gun in
the beating a little bit everything. When I thought it
was a wait, at least a not sixty pounds, probably sing.
But the way I was kind of positioned, it was

hard for me that, you know, kind of get over
because I'm keeping the roof of the of the aircraft
and the window doesn't go all the way. But he said, no,
just cheating the barrel. I'm the window. He said, you
gonna shoot the window. And I'm like, I'm gonna shut
the window. But to him, he look at me. I

think I'm looking calm. I just do what he says,
and you know, get it ready. And when I pulled
the gun out, when I actually put it was a
fifty car it's already kind of loaded. He has a
box of like it's a box of ammunition. I kind
of bring the box over and he's like, go ahead

and just put one in the chamber. And my first
child was I couldn't. Maybe I wasn't sure I was weaker.
I just did it poor enough. I couldn't. Kind of
like pulled it a little bit, and I then I
actually knew don't have to actually put some pressure on it,
like kind of put my left hand on the gun.
Tonight I got it back. It was just silence m

few minutes, four minutes, and I'm like, wow, I die here,
no one and will ever know what happened to me.
No one but I would know. No one will know.
I'll just be dead somewhere just playing, will blow up,
and that's my life. That was like a lie. I'm
realizing this, not just because I'm not as a drug

did as as a person, as a husband, Like that's it,
that's your life. No one would ever know where you're at.
You'll be somewhere in the damn mountains, you know, in pieces,
and didn't like that. It's the little moments that you're
take in that you like, think about what's going on.

And then he numbers being called on the radio again.
The raid of Justice comes on. More numbers are being
called and I can see him be like, oh, all right,
that's good, that's good, okay, and you kind of keeps
her okay, go ahead and take the cut down. I
think we're good. And I'm like, I don't want to,

like accidentally for it to go off. So I'm like,
how do I take the gun up? You know, how
to take the bullet up the chiemer? He said, don't worry,
but I just just don't don't press the trigger, just
put set it back down because again I had to
kind of like carry it and I'm bring it over
and and I just kind of threw it in the back,
just kind of just laid it and I sat down like,

oh my god. And as we're kind of on the plane,
we're going to big peaks like the plane I feel
like something that the trees are gonna just like rub
the belly of the plane. And it was this big mountain.
We were kind of heady towards end once we hit
them out, and I could see him start kind of

like kind of gliding. All right, attitude went down. You know,
the mountains look cute. You know. You're like, I'm playing
and I'm like, okay, well where are we going? Like
I don't see enough runway to like land, you know,
like around these battles. I look ahead and I see it.

The dirt. It's like this red orange color and it's green.
You know, mountains are green, and here's this orange like
play dirt field. I could see it like I'll pale,
and I could see him kind of like dive in

a little bit. And now it's really really scared. I'm like,
what the elands kind of like down. He's bringing the

playing down and he kind of adjust as a kind
of point up. He's landing up hill and I guess
that's too slow. The play down hard bumpy righting, just
the plane off. I'm it's rocking left right, because it's
why Then I think I could see him kind of

like slamming on, like trying to hold the brakes off.
And we get to like the end of the runway
like rarely, and with the speed of the plane, he
kind of eases up into a turn and he just stops.
And I look over and I see that on the
side of the wrong way there's like a bunch of
vehicles on a bunch of armed men in camouflage during

quads and four wheelers. They have hats on top. Okay,
if all right, we're here, come on, let's go. We
get off the plane. He's out, I'll be back. I'll
see you a bit. Jumps off. I jump up and
right away they approached him and they has the cars
waiting from there's a bunch like there has to be

least dirty guys. For you guys. There's a spat little caravan.
We jump in the car and we make our way
like started driving like uphills, like down these roads, winding roads,
dirt roads like some of them might not even like
actually roads. And I see that a bunch of like

one cars, a bunch of armed men in camouflaged gear
like army gear but more a little dirt, and were
kind of pulling like like we're here. You know, everyone's
just staring at me. I'm kind of getting off. Everyone's

just looking at me. Very young kids, I'm talking about
thirty years old. We're rifles sitting there and uh, he
tells me, come on, you're going and just like some
stairs and we come up the stairs and realized it's

a big old ballapa, huge plapez. It's like for the sun.
Like in Mexico, the common and religious that keep me
bos that are made for your from palm trees. It's huge.
There's fans, but the view like the men I got

up to, like the views of while you see the
tip of mom It was just like amazing picture. You
could feel the fresh air when you're under that palappa fresh.
It's cool. And there's a couple of dings fair and

one of them is like, I guess chapel like radio guys,
and you think, like wish apple, it will be here
right now. Uh. I shake his hand and he said
I'll be back. I see him kind of go to
this and fall up on the stairs and I see
his head kind of like start dipping away, and I'm

just caught up in the views, like wow, man, it's
so beautiful up here. And one of them is like, yeah,
he's like where you sawing making a spon talk. As
I was walking across the palapa, there's tables. I see
that there's you know he has like these picnic tables
are like these one more table like plastic ones. There's
a bunch of newspapers and if someone have Chapple the

face in the front of it on the table and
he has a TVs there. As I'm making my way
across the palapa. I see Chapple kind of like climbing
back up the stairs and he choose to and I

looked and I could see his hat kind of coming
up so slowly. It's a black it's a basebhind you
has the holes in the back. I could see the
front of it as he's like wings. It was like
an air force here, like one of the military heads.

He's coming up like up just to us. And I
see him and I'm like, he did look a little
like hunger than when I thought mustache. He has a
white button, I'm sure, like wrangular jeans and he has
out black Nike books. When he see me, he looks

at me and he couldn't because a second take, which
is out in stand and he's like, how kings wan Loeta.
I tell my name Margarita Florest, need the Florest. Why
is he's shaking my hand? He's just staring at dry

stare just staring. I mean, I'm like sugar hand kind
of like he's kind of stars. I mean, I'm kind
of trying to give me back my hand a little bit,
and so how can I help you? That's next, I'll

surviving old Chapel's Once Who Brought Down a Drug Board
Surviving El Chapo The Twins Who Brought Down a Drug
laud is hosted by Curtis fifty Jackson and me Charlie Webster.
Our producers are myself alongside Jackson mcclennan. Research and editorial
support is from Casey Hurts. Edit and sound designed by

Nico Palella. Original score by Ryan Sorenson. Executive produced by
Curtis fifty Jackson and myself Charlie Webster. If you'd like
to know more about this story, head over to lions
Gate Sound dot com. Curtis fifty cent Jackson presents a
lions Gate Sound and G unit audio production exclusively for

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Hosts And Creators

Curtis ‘50 Cent’ Jackson

Curtis ‘50 Cent’ Jackson

Charlie Webster

Charlie Webster

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