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November 9, 2022 55 mins

Jay comes face to face with the world’s most notorious drug lord. To negotiate his brother’s release, he must find a way to convince El Chapo that he’s being lied to by one of his close business associates.

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
Every keyto someone stoles, every key of someone lost, someone
who favorite. It might have been with drug, It might
have been paid with your mom's house. Does someone paid
for the art? Just kill him and we need If
you were a different characterized, that might have created a
problem because if they see that your type of man

is aggressive, I think you're gonna suck it up. I'll
courts st Jackson and I'm Charlie Webster and then this

is surviving old Chop. Once you brought down the drug ward,
Jay and Pete found a business partner in a man
named Guadalupe or Loope, who they called Uncle. He became

a close family friend of the twins, but things started
to unravel after Loope tried to take over the twins business.
Loupe blamed them for a debt he owed to Chapo,
so Chapo kidnapped Pete until the money could be paid.
Jay had to take a journey to straighten things out.

For Jay, just come and face to face with our
chap Polson saying, but your brother's life is hanging in
a bounce one one work and instantly in both of
your lives. The chapboard exetrician is part of his daily routine,
the same way you are might check out email every day.
Jay's mission was to convince the world's most notorious drug

lord that Loope, the man that Chapo trusted and had
a longstanding business relationship with, was the one who was
lying to him Chapel, which is out instantity, that Kingua
and tell my name a real forest. He's just staring
at me, dry stare, just staring. I mean, I'm like

trying to give me back my hand a little bit.
And and so how could I help you? How can
I help you? I said, well, sir, I'm here because
I'm here for my brother. Yep mm hmm. You have
my timillion dollars And I said, well, that's what I

wanted to talk to you about. Like I don't ultimnion dollars.
Everyone says that. And I said, I'm here just kind
of trying to out work this out with you. And
I've been, you know, a good customer for many years.
And I don't owe that money in I'm here to

see if I could work some for my brother. And
he's like, why would I believe that you don't own
that money? Guard Lupa says, you owe that money? And
I believe him either front of mine. I said, well, sir,
I mean I wouldn't like to you. And he's like,
this has started to be a headache, and I'm just quiet.

And he said, your brother and he's your twin brother.
You guys looking like? I said yeah, I said, we're
looking like. And he's like, you made it here, like,
what do you want? And you came up here and
I have your brother. You know, I could just kill
you and go about my day, right, I said, yes, sir,

I said, but that's why I'm here. I wouldn't come
up here wasting your time with a lie. I'm a
man of my word, and I thought that that would
make the difference. And he said that's fair. I said,
thanks to just blain it to you. And he said sure,
all right, come on, and he sat down in his chair.

Whenever I sat down on his chair and were on
the table and I sat on the other side of
Nightcraft the ledgers. He's just staring at man and said,
so a look, I'm confused, because you know, I thought
I got a little bit like I just started kind
of just throwing information out there. So you got you
got when you're in like what exercise books like just notebooks, notebooks.

So I'm opening my book. I said, first of all, sir,
I thought that Lupa was kid out with my brother.
I don't owe that money. But I know there's a
problem because he said that what I said, They called
me and said that Loopa was kidnet with my brother.

Why And I'm like, I don't know, like I'm because
I know I owe some money. I've been giving payments.
I've been giving regular payments. There's an old debt, but
what about the shipment I just received? And he's like,
but you have money. Doloper too me that you're buying

houses and horse races and this and that. And I'm
guilty that you know, I came under run twax upon
that I needed to get comfortable and I figured that
a little money I owed and I'm paying them to me,
it wasn't a debt that wasn't gonna be paid because
I'm making payments, like bring my ladies leder out. I said, Look,

I said, sir, I just gave a payment on this day,
you know my brother. Actual, Look, I just gave a
pret much of the kises And at first seems like
you're you're showing me a bunch of that I con
script the pieces of paper. I'm like, you do. I
have all the accounts of all the deposits I make.
I received her the shipments. And he's like, Lucas said

that was his said, Lupe doesn't have no one. Lupa
has me. He's like, typically, give me my lecture, topremus
back downstairs, come back without note book. Give me that
and he opens it up. He puts it there and

he said, what was the date? I kind of walk
around the I said, can I So I kind of
leaned over him and I'm like the day feel last
ship members this date which she was like a week
before my brother I cannot and like here and he's
like what day. He goes down to a bunch of numbers,

neat numbers, and he goes down to the date and
he goes around and he's like, yeah, that was the day.
That was one of the shipments. And then and then
I gave a deposit here and here put his haighiest tin.
He's like looking at but one of his eyes, his

right eye, it's just doesn't move. It's just like he
got a lazy eye. He has this theory. I know
he's thinking He's just staring at me, and I'm like afterward, like, so,
how many ketos are you? Actually, Sally, I'm like, well,

I saw all the kettles for you anywhere from you
two kids a month for you, and I said, if
you do the match, like I can meet them in
the month. I just wasn't tell him the truth, like,
but I'm not from here, like I'm from chicag I

could tell. And where are you from here in Mexico?
I said to him, were listen, my father is from
Ta Juan, you know, give me my background for me.
I said, my whole family lives there and now I
up here and I've been on the run. And he
kind of just real curious asked me all kinds of questions,
you know, because he asked me how old are you?

You know, stuff like that, like where are you from?
I know that town you know? And what is your
family do so drugs? That's it? And like basically, okay, well,

I'm sorry to say, but that money is old to me,
like the one responsibly woll for that money is head
minerally about this and I'm not gonna forgive that that
do the only thing I could tell you that you
could try to work it out with him. Did you

have money? Pay a ten million dollars? And he said,
there's no money that's worth losing your brother. I just
lost mine and I would pay whatever it is to
just get my brother back. What's disappointed? Then when you

come back, we could do business. You could come work
for me. I could give you drugs. We could keep
making money together. And I'm just like, Sir, I appreciate
you telling me that right now, the only thing I'm
worried about is getting my brother back. Okay, that's sorry, okay.

And he's like, I can't pay the money, but I'll
arrange a music You could meet all about this and
you could work it out with him. And you know,
I'm gonna find out what look like? Why is he
saying that to just see what you could do? Come
back and see me, Like, go work it out with him.
And they don't come back and see me. And he said,

did Chap take that watch from you? And I said, no, sir,
Are you sure? I said, no, Sir, I gave it
to him. Why would you give it to him? I said,
because he's bringing me to meet you. You don't owe
him nothing for this. You want to watch back. I said, no, sir,

I said it was a gift, and how much is
a white worth? Like afty, that's why you don't have
the ten million dollars to pay me because you want
to be giving stuff like that away. Those things will
mean nothing to me. You know, my brother's life as
well means everything to me. And I just felt like

whoever was helping me deserve something. He like, I'll get
back and watch and I was like, no, that's that
was a little bit like strange story because he was
still being It was like he didn't like the steam
part eating like somebody taking advantage, but it just re

spontis and he said, excuse me for what I think
he went somewhere, he answered calls he did something because
he came back. He can't get over that. Looper was like,
he was like, there's no way. I told him, like
just think about this. Look told you that we owed

him money, but yet he's telling us that he's kidnapped too.
And he asked, is that what he's saying? Yeah, why
that's what he told us to say. It was just like,
you know, put his hand in chill like he whispered like, oh,

looka what did you do like you know, in a
light voice, and then he said, I don't like liars.
I'm just like quiet, like like lions and sister. I'm
not saying that he's lying. All I'm saying is that

this is a misunderstanding. And he said, you know, we're
gonna get to the bottom of this. And he said,
I'm not letting your brother go. No, I want the money.
He's like, this is what I want you to do.

I'm going to send you back with a couple of
my guys and you gonna said, you're gonna talk to him.
And I was like, like, are you sure he's gonna know?
Now that we know he's he's lying, you can put
my life in danger. Now he's not gonna touch you.
And I was like, well, how do we know that?

He said because I said so. It didn't say wow
with me. I was just envisioning, like because I know him,
I know what he's capable. So he said, I want
you to go back on you by recorder. Put in

your pocket, you put it somewhere just I want I
want you to talk to him. I want you to
record him. I want to listen to everything else to say.
If you record him, and I think he's lying. You know,
we'll we'll talk. You're gonna be in a better situation.

And I was like, oh, that's easy. Don't want you
to tell him that any move happens. I'm telling right
now if anything happens to him or to one of
you guys whoever, just saying I'm gonna wipe out his
whole family. Oh oh say now, I was like something

I'm probably never thought about, especially not in that business
like recording someone. I remember thinking, is that the way
he because he's stuck in the mountains, that the way
he was able to like no, what was true and
what was not? Like because he's not able to sit
with people, I guess you know physically all the time. Yeah,

you wonder how much was being recorded during that time,
you know what? Like every time, like I couldn't say
he was stare at me like a lot like something.
It was like a more observation and sometimes was like
that stare like obser rich. I could see him just
like kind of like looking at me like yeah, and

basically was like, Okay, well it was nice meeting you,
and good luck, hopefully you get your brother back. That hurt.
It was almost like you were. I've reached this high
of thinking everything was gonna work out, and I was
very disappointed my first encounter, like meeting him. It wasn't like,

oh my god, I wasn't impressed. I was scared. For sure.
I had been there. I'm there in pressure with him,
thinking like is this the person that everyone's always talked about?
And he's probably looking at me like who the funk
are you. I had all those emotions of maybe, oh

my god, like I'm here. I didn't remember thinking like
be careful what you wish for. I could have been
a little bit like start struck a little bit. At
the same time, one thing for sure is that he
was nothing different from all the you know, all these

older men that my father had introduced me to me
as a kid. Yeah, I went back the same route
back when we were getting back kind of late, just

the whole famite. I was exhausted, but I was just
like I just I was lost. I was back to
square one, like now I meant the people, but still
like nothing changed now how at that time, it was
kind of starting to get upset. Looked there like why
would he do this? And it kind of like started
making sense. I started putting together that we owed him

say that we were ten million dollars was because he
must have received a shipment of drugs and try to
branch out without us. That didn't work out, and now
he didn't have the money. He needs us to actually
pay the debt. And if we were going to stop
receiving the same shipments from him, how was he going
to pay to that? And he looked at like, well,

too bad, I'll make the pain. That's their problems. I
was talking to me like I was disappointed. I was
kind of feeling lost, and I said, maybe he's right,
maybe I should just no matter what pay I went
back that day and said, listen, I'm gonna call you

so you could actually me all the violence where this
person is. They came on livirus, and you can talk
to him who we're He's gonna be okay, you're gonna
be good, like we're gonna work it out. I made

our way back. Oh so happened to be able to
call out like, baby, I'm good. It's like what happened?
You know? She still kind of motion to what happened.
I could you imagine I was there for a gone
for hours or six hours something what happened. It's not

gonna I remember telling you it's not gonna be that easy.
And I said, I guess there's that oh, that kind
of springing turn. I said, I'm in chapple and she
said what I said him in trouble? Are you serious?
She said, I said yeah, And what happened that he
wasn't the nicer. I remember telling her that. He said,

don't tell mebe don't tell me if anything. Yeah, that's
I'm looking working. Then we've got there's a couple of hurdles,
but we're gonna work it out. M H asked me

to go and to record the man that has you know,
was responsible for putting me in this problem. And now
I understand it's not going to be a nice meeting,
and I have to go. I can't say no, I'm
gonna leave my brother behind it, and then I'm gonna
look like a liar. And I said, let's go. I'm

gonna go to radio shack and I bought these little recorders,
our c A recorders. How about one? I kind of like, actually, guy,
how does this work? And he kind of showed me
how it worked in the head off us b as
a USB. It was a digital one. Okay, you know,

I'll take it. You know, once I had in my hand,
I was like, okay, how do you use this? It's,
you know, just a little bit smaller than the phone. Yeah,
and it's kind of like what half the size and
with a iPhone. I by the recorder. I started like
like messing with it, and I'm thinking that this meaning

is gonna happen like soon, a few days whatever, how
many days passing. Finally we get to call that it's
gonna happen today. So he's like, okay, well, we'll be
there in half an hour. I still remember him saying,
we're going in peace, right, We're going to talk. He's okay,

just making sure and he said, okay, let's go. Chapo
made sure that his men stayed with Jay the entire
time until he could figure out who was lying. So
it was a team of four who headed out to
Loupey's house. Happeners. So Rawley and Ja so we take

a couple of cars, three cars, I think we drive past.
We actually drive black. The road is held black away
from his home that we have to drive them. I
think I felt that was close to my brother, like
weirdly because that was the last spot I know he
went to. I have the record in my package. I

keep testing it out, Like when we get to the house,
there's a bunch of mucosos, So that already kind of
has me not feeling well. Ye, we're jumping out the
vehicles the gates there. As soon as we walk into

the gated park, all of us, the doors opened. A
bunch ofmin come out with They are fifteen. They have
police uniform down. They are fifteen, like keep your hands up,
keep your hands up. Looper comes to the door. He
has at his stuck on his head, his son right

behind him. They have like six man sevendments. They have
a couple of their security part These are six seven
like federal police or who the shall is right? State
police from another state? They aren't. We all put our
hands up and he sees happen ess and they said

not him, and nobs like listen, not anyone. We come
in peace that we come to talk and I have
orders and no one touches it. Now I's nervous. I
have the record in my pocket. You know they're gonna

search me. I can't like back step. And then he's like,
we need to talk. They're fine. He said, they're fine. Well,
I need to talk to you guys, like, let me
talk to us, Let me come inside, let me talk.

Lupa walks inside and we stay in that little port.
Everyone guns pointing at us. Let the funk, I just
I just do. Lupa comes back and he said, okay, listen,
we're gonna talk. He comes back up. We're gonna talk.

I guess the person in charge of that. It's kind
of pointing to your fifteen and me. So he says,
turned around. You know, he can taps me. Turn around,
and he just sat the back of my pants, the
front of my pants, and he doesn't go my jeans pant.
I had the record in my pocket and he's turned
an he kind of ludged me, and the other guys

are searching when he was playing you wait, like, oh well,
I was hoping, like hopefully they're so stupid they don't
even know what it is. Right, it could be a phone, right,
you know, we were also when I would hear him said,
Chapa said we're here to talk Chappo Center. You know,

like it kind of like made me feel like I
was safe. Tapa said, right, the doors opened I've been
to hisself plenty of times. Luca looks at me. He's
breathing loud and and like just nodded my head and

he he retires sign to shake it, and I shook
his hand shaken and and he's like, you know, he's
breathing under his nose really like hardened. I got angry way.

It's since he's into like four year a real like
we have to kind of school over, you know, to
let everyone in. And here it comes sous and rolling
and he extends his hand to the souls and so
let's get the funk out of here. And he pulled
that fuck motherfucker. You're gonna respeck me my motherfucking house, motherfucker.

And they're like hey, you know, like stop like you know,
stop tap on this. It's just like so it's just chill.
They're not as bush like you're gonna respect me. And
he's talking to like, no, come on, like how am
I going to respect you? I'm gonna respect you? This
is bullshit, like you know, and I'm just like just chill,

just chill, you know, commotion help on is like still
trying to be like listen, just calm down. He just
kind of turns his hand away, so they kind of
guide me to the dining room, and he puts the
gun to my back like he's making sure that I'm

feeling the gun on my side. They sent me in
the head of the table. There's barely enough room for
the gunmen to kind of like he had to pull
his gun back to kind of like have enough room,
and then he just put it right in the back
of my head. The whole time you just had it there.

Get started off like this said why did you do this?
Just like that, and You're like, shut up. I've never
seen him like dad, I shut up, buck, and he
got in my face. He's pissed, and I just kind

of try to ignore him, and they just started talking.
I was like, why would you do this? I don't understand.
Is I don't owe you that money? And he's like, yes,
you're sucking to mother and shouting. I'm like, let's go
through the let's go to the quinta, let's go let's
look at the numbers. I don't understand. Why would you
do this? It just kind of went out for a while.

He's been recorded, so I know, so I'm kind of
trying to provoke that conversation from him and me went
out for like an hour and a half of just commotion.
In the beginning was a little bit timid, but I
just said, fuck it, man, like maybe child molest men.
They kind of gave me that confidence, but I just

got upset and I just started shouting back. I was
just like, that's some fucking bullshit. Why the did you
come and say that you were kind at too? If
I'm supposed to owe you this money, why didn't you
just come getting you know where the funk I live?
Like I'm swaying, And at one point, Lupo took his
gun on and hit me. He kind of missed me,

but he it was with his left time he took
it off his hip. I went like all that want
motion and hit me over my head. And when he
did that, everyone got up there like don't fucking touch him,
don't touch him. The barrel of the gun went into
my neck. I think it settled me, like I was like,

oh shot batory. I of me like it was like
a live scream like commotion. He so, I'm not gonna
let your He's I'll kill him before I let him go,
he said, And as a matter of fact, you're gonna
bring me the fucking money. I want my money here,

he said, go and get your money. You have it.
You have a lot of money you made. I've seen
you make the money, all these houses and all these
fucking horses. And now I see the jealousy. I'm like,
what the fund is it to hear what I buy
with my money. I'm like, he's just throwing all these
things at me like jealousy. I started to just let it,

let things go on. I feel like I had enough
on the recording to like say, okay, I think I
was done. We got up, but I kind of sensed
that over the time that barrel the could kind of
started kind of loosening it up a little bit. I
went to shake lupasana heat he turned away and all

that time and shook all the causes him as I
was there. They walked it out with the guns still raised,
and we left just all these thoughts. We're just going
to them. I have the record. Everyone jump in the
truck and stopped the recording. The recording what's going for

like and take like two hours almost, but I don't.
I try to play it back, and I kind of
hurt things that I didn't want to hear like, I'm
not even gonna listen to this. So we make our
way back to Gurgan put the recording back to the
trip to see Chapel. This time is actually Army fatigues

and Tim's has Tim boots and Army fatigues. He increached
me the narca way, you know, hey, he's like differently
now a little bit more. This is familiar, you know,
how are you like nice? And he tells me, you
guys got the recording. Yeah, and he takes the recording

from us, and he's like, I don't even how to
work it. So I kind of grabbed it. I just
kind of went, you know, I started to kind of
it has that little like fifteen seconds forward, a small forward,
but I kind of look for that conversation. I just
let it play. I'm not gonna let you. I'll kill

him before letim go. And it's a matter of fact,
you're gonna bring me the fucking money. I want my money. Here,
go and get your money. You have it. You have
a lot of money. You made. I seen you make
the money, and you're gonna come buy all these houses
and all the fucking horses. And why would you do this,

I don't understand. And he had listened to recording that
he just was like kind of lost in the recording.
Shot he listened to him leaving kind of shut it off.
He was like, oh, little Pa, you lied to me.
We're gonna have to take care of that. But since

you've been gone, you know, I talked to, you know,
a couple of the people, and no matter what happens,
you're gonna have to pay that money. He looked at me.
He said, listener, I just lost my brother not so
long ago. It had been a few months. They had
shot his brother while he was imprisoned. They shot him
in prison. He said, I'll give all the money in

votes to have my brother back. Obviously you're making money,
Obviously you have nice things. Pay the money, you have
your brother back, and then we'll go back to work.
In my hand like this is boss. They're supposed to
be a you know, the business I know from Mexico

is supposed to be what's right is right, what's wrong
is wrong. And I just told you that was right.
What didn't matter, he said, I'm gonna put you in
contact with some people who are gonna collect the money
from me. Just work it out, get your brother back,
and then we could do business. And basically thanked, Okay,

thank you. What was I gonna do is I said,
appreciate it? And right then and then I just said,
all right, you know what, I'm just gonna focus on
paying back to money. So I started collecting money, started

making payments. I think I have given them like six
million dollars. It was taking me some time, Like I'm
collecting money, you know, the hardest part is to collect
like all the money off the street. We had just
finished paying a debt, you know, from the last season.

But we're living right still. I'm thinking, yet our company
is taking a hit, but we're living. We probably had
spent ten million dollars in just setting up in Mexico.
It's taking me a little bit of time. And my
brothers still tied up. And then next you know, he
like it went from being okid to like and he

was like, listen, you're brothers sick. And I remember saying,
next sick of what? He like, I think his liver
or something. I guess the hydration. He's out well, so
and you need to hurry. And I remember that I
was getting anxious. I was like Listen, I'm gonna give
him a word. I'm paying you every dollar, but I'm

sure I think like four million dollars. I have around
three million dollars worth of jewelry that you go hold.
I'm not asking your take. I'm asking you hold it,
and then I'll pay you back the money. He said,
you know, usually when we take that, we want double.

And I said, listen, I'll give you a deed. You know,
I have a deed for a three million dollar house
and the jewelry. He said, all right, I'm gonna send
my brother to look at this stuff. I remember, I'm like,
all right. We kind of set up and I told
about Bab and brought all the jewelry on the table. Listen,

we're gonna give him the jewelry, but we're gonna be fair.
I don't care I spent five or something. We're gonna
be really fair. We're not gonna over ask or over
value something. I used to have those insecurits. I used

to do dumb things because you could who I am today,
and at times I never changed who I was. But sometimes,
like you know how people get drunk and they are stupid. Well,
my drunk was a little bit like having money, you know,
my drunkness, so I might be like be happy when
they spent five d jewelry. Christmas will come and I

we could spend a million dollars on gifts, not for me,
for my associates, for my workers. Just gives. The jeweler
came in handy day because I remember that he brought
a jeweler over him to appraise the jewelry. And I'll
never every day. He was seeing the big pieces of
r and he whispered something and he's like, could you

give me a minute in my house. I walked away
in the sure and he came back. He said, hey,
we have a problem. Some of these things are way
more than you know. God had put tags on the
tags on every little piece, so some of these pieces
are way more more more than what I said. Listen,

I'm not here to play games. I know there. I
just wanted to be fair. And then they looked at
me like, I go, okay, he only saw like he
didn't see all the pieces. After that they were like,
let's not even think about it, let's just take it.

So they just grabbed it, okay, like they didn't have
a fair seen it. After that they took my word
like and I remember he called his bood. He said, hey,
I'm here with this, you know. He said, you're gonna
be surprised he undervalued all the jewelries. Uh he if
he tells you guys four, it's really more. But all right,

he got from more dollar with the jewelry and he
has a thea here for a big gass house. M
m hm hm, m hm m hm. The next day,

I get a call early in the morning. It's olivirus.
He said, hey, listen, your brother is not well. He
said it everything that you know I've known of you,
it seems like you're you're a man of your word,
and that that says a lot. He said, I don't

want your house. I don't want your jewelry. I want
my money. Now, do give me your word that you're
gonna pay me back my money and I'll let your
brother for to day. He said, it's Mother's Day. I
could only imager what your mom was feeling, and your

mom should have could mother day. And they said, you're
putting me in a situation that anyone in my situation
will give you the word. But I mean that you
have my word, not because I don't have a choice
because I want my ship back. And he was like,

all right, I'll get back to and hung up. Rumor
called an hour later. He said, could you believe this
fucking old man don't want to let your brother go.
He was a reference to Lupe. H mm hmm. I

got sick like I was in pain. I had like
a brainy sharp pain on my right side of my stomach.
I remember just having a whole those those deep emotions
in my heart. I remember hearing them, they're gonna bring
me a doctor, thinking what kind of doctor comes and
treats a captain person? At least they're not letting me die.

And then once they see me in a really bad condition,
maybe around the fourteen day, comes straight to offer me
food that they cook, you know, like you gotta eat.
You're don't die, you really, you try to make it up.
I could see it you're not looking at and that
he does me. And I've seen people die like this.
Great thanks. I couldn't eat like my by that time.

My happsitde was you're not eating for two weeks? Yeah,
I coudn't even eat. But he bound me something the
Mexican like cookies with the marshmallow and the cocolan them,
you know, and I remember like trying to eat something.
He bought some Gatora And there's been a little more
like like there was no things that Hill keep torturing me,

like you're looking at me probably like yeah, you're not
looking too good and this whole time, but they like
trying to get get anything out of you know. The
only thing the exactly about working for chapl Mile like no,
you chopl Mile, that's a struggle his lady what didn't
say much? You know. And I hear the radios and
China on the radios and stuff, and you know they're
in their combat boots and they have their full you

know army here. How does this? Just sitting there one night,
two in the morning, I hear a lot of commotion
and I was just like I was saying, what's going on? Yeah, hey,

get me able to come on? Get up? I agrealized
how weak I felt and help fa teat I felt,
walk me out. They probably back on the truph do

you drive me and drive Lee? And they I see,
you know, it's a dark, completely pitch dark rolls that
don't have lights like you know, street lights and highway
lights and they were off the road again to another
bumpy road. Were like maybe ten minutes. Who are you

thinking at that time? That was okay? I was dust scarious,
m m. They finally stopped. They pulled me out, walking
in towards the back of vehicle. I see the red

of the brake light. Second, yeah, and I'm just kind
of standing there. Kicks me in the back of the knee.
And that moment I was like, there's a whole summer
and we were tell you listen, not even I'm not
even say nothing. I might hold my peace and just
whatever happens does not matter here, you know, just thinking

about my brother, feeling so much regret at the same
time a little bit of peace, but sad to think,
like that's the way you look at life, your short life.
I don't think anyone's really filming, you know, once that happens,

if feeling too something to my back pocket, I feelt
doing something, you know, I've felt my messy on my shoes,
you know, rememberthing like I wish I had a paper
and pen, like I could write my name down and
put my own name in my shoes so someone refinds
me they know who I had and he crass my

hand like pressed a piece of paper, like I'm handcuffed
in the front in the press of piece of paper.
And he tells me, you're lucky. This is your brother's
phone number. He saved your life. But don't get up,

cant hunter, don't turn on. Don't when we come back,
count hunted. And I'm just thinking, uff, if this really happened,
is he really gonna let me call h Yeah. I

hear the vehicle move away. I'm like right away searching,
you know, handcuffs like I know he took the kem
out day and he did pitch black. I can't even
see so my hand. I could feel that he put
a phone in my pocket. You know. I'm like trying

to like do everything at the same time. I'm pansy.
I'm getting gradful. Take the cupps up. I remember just
taking composers up a little bit too. Only phone he
gave me it was like her, you know, like a
dirty dollar Nokia phone with a flash and it's like
the first hole that came out with a little flash

and the topic is clear twice and I can't see nothing.
He was completely pitch black, like I couldn't see the
hand from my face, like it was like it might
bl end. It was just so dark, you know, there's
no life. He wanted me a little bit to look
upon this characters he starves and finally like find the

way to remove the cut. And I hear like animals
around me, you know, like moving around, like I can't
see it like this see him. I can see one
street bike far away, at least a mile away, like
I said, the shape of the shadow of building. I

don't know where I'm at. I'm looking at the phone.
I was like, I know he went that way. I
think I'm not even sure where that way it was.
And I'm like, I'm gonna walk through the street seeps
O help me seets some gold me like at least
where I'm at. So it's like three four in the morning,

I'm walking no service, feeling so tired. I literally would
sit on the floor and just hear animals around me
like I'm th is cattle grazing or something like you know,

I'm kind of walking down that hill, so darving, so tired,
and it's so tired, like I couldn't move that I
can think like I've never thought this fatigue them out
like I can't even pick my legs up. And then
I can hear dogs, party parting arts, and then I
was I'm getting close. I see it's like a big

heard of dogs like and grabbing big old rods something
like that doesn't killing me right, and walking and I
still a couple of little houses, like one room houses,
and the ability was like a small school. I remember
looking at the name of school and I'm like kind
of like knocking on their fans, excuse me, like it's

going to help me. Nobody will come up. I can
imagine how that is, So that's another thing to imagine
how I look. And I said, this ain't no work.
I'm gonna walk back the other way. But that was
like an uphill and there it took me like I

don't know. Now we're gonna have for something. Wow. And
I look in the phone and I walking and seeing
getting a little signal the phone rings. I just remember
hearing then for his voice. At that time, he kind

of felt like forever. Just hearing his voice would like
I think relieved for me. I don't even think that
I even he was able to feel anything. Then I
couldn't write. But if I'm good to be able to
hear his voice, and you know, I'm like, where are you?

And he's like, I don't know. I'm so weak, I
can't even you can't walk. I see a light far away.
I'm gonna walk towards the light. And then he would
take three ex after like three steps, I see a light.

I'm gonna guess that that's maybe a light on the
road or something. It's just so dark. I'm just scared.
H And I remember him saying I thought I was
gonna die. I can't even say that. I was like,

you now, you're gonna be a kids. You're good now,
Herry upcome. I don't know where I'm at, And I said,
I know that you're somewhere by Lucas, right, So I'm
just gonna head that way. I remember, like, you know

now I'm driving so and I'm like, listen, how do
I know where you are? Like to me realities for me,
like I could be you know, another state, you're in
the state I don't even know. I'm gonna turn out
my hazard lights and flash my lights. Couldn't you see anything?

And he was like, I see you. I pro you
are so far away, You're somewhere else. You're so far away,
a flashing and flashing. We had a handcuff because he's like,
at the battery is low. He said, I need to
see the battery because he was using the flashing and

he'd call me and I'd flash my lights and turn
my hands and he's like, you're getting closer, You're getting closer.
They're can be good for a minutes. And if I

hadn't be like got to them. I remember getting to
the light where he was in. I kind of just
stopped the trucking middle road and I looked and he
was trying to walk up. I've just seen a different person.
And he was like, we're already small. He was small.
He was like unrecognizable to me, us filthy. When we

got up you know, to truck and which is hard,
and kissed. It was like I was gonna die. I
thought I did. I never see it again, and he
said like holding me, like he's small until he probably

he's probably one twenty. He probably left a one seven.
He came back at one. His eyes are just sunking,
and I felt like I was looking at death, like
that's how it looks, and he can't stay up when

I'm kind of like holding it man, I hugging him.
We're crying, and and he said we have to go,
and he's like, what about lope? See okay, Peter still
thinks he's getting up. I said, I don't want develop
it and no kids like what. I opened the door,

helped him in the truck and he's just like really,
I'm talking about like his stenches like unbearable. I'm trying
to hold back like me gagging. You know, like how
did it sound like every imaginable thing you could think of,
like just just pet smart, just it's awful. He was

locked in alone. I guess in the summertime. Well, he
couldn't get off to bed and he was blind for
for twenty something days. I only need of the current

him sat backwards on that head res I just I
did want to hold you. And I'm driving. He's just
like hugging me, rob me his head like you know,
it's probably just say he's just like everybody said against too.
I'm just holding on to you while you're driving. And

his beard was long and big beard A guy. I
think I was gonna see you like I'm I'm not
going to kill me say, and he was like you
know when he asked about everyone. I'm like, they're okay,
They're okay, you know, And he was like, what happened?

And I was like, I'm in a chopp Surviving l Chapo.
The Twins Who Brought Down a Drug Load is hosted
by Curtis fifty cent Jackson and me Charlie Webster. Our

producers are myself alongside Jackson mcclennan. Research and editorial support
is from Casey Hurtz. Edit and sound design by Nico Palella.
Original score by Ryan Sorenson. Executive produced by Curtis fifty
cent Jackson and myself Charlie Webster. If you'd like to
know more about this story, head over to lions Gate

Sound dot com. Curtis fifty cent Jackson presents a lions
Gate Sound and G Unit audio production exclusively for iHeart
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Curtis ‘50 Cent’ Jackson

Curtis ‘50 Cent’ Jackson

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