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November 23, 2022 45 mins

At a strip club in the island getaway of Punta Mita, the Flores family find themselves in an impossible situation. With the prospect of life in prison, or a life taken away by other means hanging over their heads, Jay is tasked with making a huge decision.

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Speaker 1 (00:02):
The war started, and some people don't get the message.
They're kidnapping some of our workers because you know, they're
involved with a certain person that we're politicking making cars,
Like hey, that's our manager, we need him. You need
to let him go. Like whatever it is that was
the problem, Like we could work it out later. Those

like situations every day that the stress was, like we're
in those wars. The only people died and the soldiers.
You know, these bosses aren't going over there doing nothing.
And I'll tell you, man, that's the saddest part about
this that you know at the end they fixed it
with a handshake. I just go back to what about
all the people that died. Yeah, I've got for St.

Jackson and I'm Charlie Webster and this is surviving old
chapel which once you brought down a drug boll I've
seen some wild stuff in strip blow, but nothing that's crazy,

you know what they say, Nothing good, ever, happens after midnight.
In the early hours of the morning, Pete, j, Viviana
and Val were entertaining associates at a strip club in
the island getaway of Punta met But there was something
about the dude looking over at them from the bar.
I didn't feel right. I remember my brother telling me

a couple of times, there's going by the bar and
he just keeps staring, staring over her, look at all
and he's staying so I was like kind of like,
I'm already not feeling good. Something about that dude was
oddly familiar to Pete, and he kind of like looks

over his shoulder at me, and I'm looking at this
fucking agent. I recognized him as the same agent who
knocked on my door and were stored me for the money.
It happened so fast by somebody get up and look
at him, like I'm trying to get a better glimpse
of him. He was gone. The last time you saw

him was the last time I was on my wedding day.
I mean, I'll never forget him. He was like me
and him are staying at each other. I remember, by
the time I'm trying to tell my brother, hey, listen
to the agents there. You know, I'm getting up. I'm
like the agents are to me. It happened so fast
that by the time I did that, I didn't even

notice that there was like sucking what he meant, just
just standing wrong. I didn't know any that, and before
I couldn't even think of anything else. They had their
guns out. No matter how many times you get a
gun pointed at you, you still always think, is this

it for me? I'm getting the fund? Did they come
in with a bunch of machine runs? And now they're
like and make a lack of egg everybody? You know,
they put their guns out. Oh you hear like the
mooning your bottle of breaking and people running and screaming.

They come down there and they're like, don't fucking move,
you know what I'm telling me about. Just chill like
and they're like getting every everybody on the floor. They're
letting everybody down here, putting the gun in the back
of my neck and he's like, get on the fucking phone.
I can't lay down, put your hands behind your back

and everyone and there's so many that they could all
coming their handcuffing, the running a little stupid stoclar. Everyone's
the on instruments, so kid, I can't tell you. The
sad ball was going and I was like wrapping like
a lot of movement. You know, they're trying to rush

this out, like you know, everyone needs, Like there's so
many of them that they could like rush his iron.
What got me scared was even more was that when
I came out, I've seen a fucking row Stuv's like
just random ASSUV suburban and Cherokees, tacoles like when no place,

and I'm just like, what the fuck? They went to
the commotion. We're the strippers and everybody we're turning tables
over because it was like maybe fourteen armed men with
scheme mask coming with guns in the air, like everybody

on the floor. Everybody on the floor. But before I
even try to move, they already had a gun to
my head like don't move, don't move. We were all thinking,
oh my god, there's a big word at that time,
were the vival cards out. They threw us on the
floor right, We put handcuffs on us, and I'm like, hey,

what's going on. We still don't know. They just literally
pick us up like in a hurry. They're in a rush,
guns to their head. They got like come on, come on,
like screaming commotion. They are shows out. When I would
look outside, I see it. There's a bunch of suburbans

and they have lights on police lights, you know, the
show lights. They take me my brother and vow. They
kind of pushes into suburban, you know, still holding a
gun into my back, still holding a gun to my brother,
like and during scheme mask, when I touched the truck,
I could feel the truck. I know, it's a bulletproof truck.

So that got me a little bit more nervous. The
metal was just heavy, and I could tell just like
jumping in, I'm jumping down the bullet food truck. The
doors opened so you could see the glass, you know
that I'm a little bit like, Okay, there's a chance
that this could be the government. Pete jane Va were

dragged out of the club and thrown into dark bulletproof SUVs.
But there was someone missing, Viviana. You know, I didn't
know like what was going to happen. I mean, when
everyone was on the floor and guns at everyone's head.

Luckily the stripper she took me by the arm. She
ran me in the back with all the other ladies there.
They were telling me to be quiet. They're like, be quiet,
be quiet. They don't want them to hear you. I
don't want them to hear you. Because I was already
panicking and crying, and I didn't know what was going

to happen. For sure. The first thing that came to
my head that they were going to shoot up the
whole club. That was like no doubt in my mind
that that was going to happen. The girls, they were devastated,
they were crying, and they were just telling me to
please be quiet, please be quiet. And then they had
me like kneeling in the corner like trying to hide me.

It was a completely quiet like you heard like whimpers
like from other people that were scared around there. And
then a man comes in screaming, you know, where is she?
Where is she? He came in. The girls were like

all around me, just still trying to hide me, and
he came and grabbed me like right like a rag doll,
like right off the floor and then dragged me in
the car in the front seat with him. So he
had me in the passenger seat with him. He dragged
me along, yeah, because it was like all the way
in the back of the building. He had me like

by my stomach, like lifting me up like my feet
were off the floor, and I was like trying to
get away. He kept holding me tighter and I was
like trying to free up his arms from holding me
so tight. I know, I was scratching him and trying

to like free myself from from his arm. And he
was a big guy, so I mean, and I'm nothing
but pounds, and you know, he just had me like
a ragged out self me threw me in the truck.
He kept holding holding me in and I just I
was like, if anything, I'm gonna jump out this window.

I don't care. He's not going to drag me. I'm
not gonna go with him. You see tons of SUVs,
and I'm like the only thing that can happen to
me is that's it, you know, this is this is
the end. I was like kicking the front of the dashboard,
just trying to like free myself out the window, and

he was like grabbing me, and I was just like,
I'm gonna fly out this one all. I don't care
what happens to me. He was dreaming at me. He's
like sit down, sit down, sit down. So he really
really really took me and was just holding me with
all his might. And you know, he was just holding
me by my stomach and like I felt my ribs

like caving and that's how hard he was holding me.
And it was just so many things were going through
my head at that time, so I didn't know what
was gonna become of any of us. And I wasn't
in the same truck as Peter, so I was even
more more scared. I didn't have him there. Jay wasn't there,

a Valerie wasn't there, so I was like, I'm here
by myself. So that's why I was like Charlie. I
was like, I'm gonna jump out this fucking window. My
fucking heart just broke when I seen them walking out

where they were kicking and screaming, holding and looking. She's
fighting with our mine and kicking and yelling, and they
put her into that should be I see her in
the front, you know that should mean? And they take
off like they're putting in the trucks and like, let's go.
I remember that I'm handcuffed and I'm looking at when

I could see her like, So'm out the window of
the fun the truck always going for and Sutil was
a low. It's so hard just thinking the worst h

when we're getting ushered into the truck had been thrown
in the middle of the console. There's a little guy
and he's like you know, screaming, shouting, you know, all
these thoughts are going through my head, like what's going on.
MS like, all right, I got you now. Motherfucker's in English,

and I said huh. He's like, oh, I got you now,
motherfucker you are fuck You're going back to the US.
There's an agent, me handkled Val Peter, another agent and
the driver and another agent right in the front. I

remember him getting on the phone and he's I want
to say, he said Tom it was American name, and
he's like calling and then I hear him come right
next to him. He's like, I got them, I got them,
I got the floorst Twins called me back. Instantly. I

go into like no no, no, no, no no no,
don't call him, don't call him. We could fix this.
We could fix this, like, don't call him, there's no room,
some kind of nethor and I'm talking to the driver.
He's like, he starts talking to me. Shut the funk
up with that bullshit. You know. I was saying, let

fix this in Spanish, someone let's fix like, we could
fix it. Whatever you do. Don't take us the station.
We could fix that, could pay you. He said, oh yeah,
like you fucking paid me. Motherfucker m Tix the mask
oft I've never seen him, and I'm like, who are you?

And then he just see his face and I looked
up here. He said, that's dude, the customer agent that
had tried to extorting us, probably before from PM wedding.
And I was like, oh ship. So instantly he said,
you're gonna go back to fucking you guys for the

rest of your life. Motherfucker's screaming. So I'll give you,
like what we have money, like, we'll pay you, like
whatever you want, will give you si million dollars, like
whatever you want. Just let us go. So if I
was a little bit frightened here circling, she was like screaming.

It was a lot of commotion. It was a lot
of commotion. So my brother remember him being a little
bit quiet. I started talking to the driver he's driving,
and I started telling him I could pay you. Listen
to me, I could pay you, and he's like, just

chill out, chill out, commotion, we'll talk. We'll talk when
we get the station. I just felt like it was
our only opportunity to try to get out of it,
and I wasn't sure the way he was talking. I
didn't know if we were being kidnapped. I don't know
we're being taken. I don't know what the situation was,
if they were going to try to extradite them back
to the US, because they really were calling the d

e A. So I didn't know like what the play was.
I didn't know who they were calling, but we didn't
know that they were calling someone. It turns out they're
calling the U S marsh US. I guess they already
kind of reported us, so he had a direct number

with whatever agent was in charge. I think it's happened
to me a lot where it's unexplainable. Where I go
from being fearful and not knowing what to do, I
go into like survival mode. My survival model is more
like fix it. I can't hear my brother tale and

I'm over and over and over they're fixing. I'm kind
of worried that he's saying that. I'm fearful that he's
saying too much. Don't walk us into a bigger problem,
you know, because me more aware of exactly you know,
who was there? My brother fuck content complained, He stepped

up the love and it was like the man in
the thing. Listen. They were like, shut the funk out.
I remember them telling them looking kids, like you can't
back up what you're saying, so you stop. They droves
are wrong, but you don't understand that anything. I thought
when I seen them pulling into the polaces taking to

the Federal Police Office station, I was like, oh, man,
maybe they are real cops. Real like she saidn'ta be okay,
Like the girls are gonna be okay. They take us
to the station like the Attorney General's office, but they're

like they're fats right. They take us to these offices.
It's not what you're think. They got like couches like
old cultures and the desk and there's all these ages
like literally you know, still were a case and they
they only even search us. They sit us down. It

was baby Peter Bow and me and the rest of
the culture. We're associates another culture. They're freaking out. They
were in another card. They weren't. They didn't travel with
just they're like Poe like nervous, scared, what's going on?
What's going on? I'm just like, really like what's going on?
Like we're handcuffs, they have guns to us. Some of

them as scheme. As a couple of them take it off.
They got bulletproof, vest On carried up radios, put their
regular clothes. I'm more constrict and Valance Peter and maybe
like it was like, Wow, you're sitting there like this
is gonna be our life. That's it, It's over. It

was hard seeing about I guess we're realizing it too,
and uh ving stuff like crying, like and I think
I was more mad at myself. I put my wife
in that situation and it was taking me the right
to process. But once you started to process what my

life was going to be, Yeah, it wasn't good feeling.
And the one thing that was the problem was that
that period of time. I don't want to exaggerat either,
but I want to tell you that I probably old
like a hundred third million dollars. I had a hundred

third millions with the drugs there. It's because it's a
big process in order for us to keep our business
going in the States, and the way we handled it
was that we always wanted to be consistent. It was

a supply chain. It was a supply chain that would
that we needed, like to have drugs in Chicago, have
drugs out, have drugs on the way, have drugs in
l A, Mexico on the border. It's a supply chain
and it's it's a lot of money. You know, we're
thinking of Plan B. And the whole time Peter is like,

avow this is who owes us money, and he starts
going down the list, repeat, repeat, repeat, So I have
to go down the list, and he gave me like
twenty names. Okay, this personal is ten million, this personal
is eight million, this personal six million, going down the
list and maybe is distraught, and I'm just taking it
in and I'm just trying to remember everybody that owes
money because I know at that point that if they

don't pay the cartel what they owe them, then they're
basically gonna you know, their family is their insurance. So
if they're not paid, what happens is is that the
cartel will come kill our whole family. He's saying that

to her, and I'm basically giving her like advice, like
do not trust anyone call this person. You're gonna say
this speaking from from Afar, whatever the case, like giving
you those two tell them that were that we've been
locked up just because a lot of people they don't
want to play it that when they know that, tell
her our customers, their customers whoever owes money, Like, don't
tell them that we were locked up, because if that happens,

they're not gonna want to pay. I'm seeing my brother
like I'm I'm a little bit emotional, like wow, at
that time, I only know that you're pregnant. Huh, you know,
I didn't know I was pregnant. I was super emotional.
I think I was just trying to process everything. I
wasn't sure, like, Okay, are they going to do something

to us? Are we have we been taken? Are we kendnapped?
Or they really extradited them to the US? Are they
bullshitting us? Like I wasn't sure like what the play was.
But when I started seeing Peter telling baby goodbye and
like she's going to go back to the States and
and he's like saying goodbye to her, I'm like, what's happening?

And I'm looking at Jay what's going on? And I'm like,
oh my god, they're gonna take you. They're gonna take
you back, and you're never going to get out of prison.
I think who me and my brother are? It was
important for us to tell them we're basically gonna say
goodbye thinking about prison. We knew it was gonna be easy.

We know what that life cares and part of that
is your relationship, right. I think in being that situation,
like seeing them and I seeing about get a little
bit emotional, but she's trying to hold it together, still
listening because my brother is in between trying to console
V and still drilling did you see you as that person?
And I wasn't saying that to you, saying just drilling

it in my hand, drilling it in my head. And
I was just like trying to take it all in.
And I was still trying to like understand and still
talk to Jay because he's telling me, you know you're
gonna be okay. So there's a bunch of agents and
what this is going on, you know. I was just like,
if I'm fucking I'm like, I'm not gonna give up.

I says, listen until you just I need to talk
to you. It's important that I talked to you. He said,
talk to me. He's you don't hold him the a
K he's told I said, who's the one in charge?
Tell him? I need to talk to him. Call him.
I'm like literally pressing him. I don't shut up. Call him.
Who's the guy in charge? Who's the guy in charge?
He finally says, what the fund do you want? Here

comes as agent. What do you want? Say? I need
to talk to you. It's important, He said, What do
you need to talk to me about? I said, I
want to talk to you about this stupid motherfucker that
track xtorian Us. We gave him, you know, a million
dollars or you know whatever. He said, what he said,
come here? He stood me up and took me the bag.

I see the guy. He's outside the office, walking back
and pasting, looking down. He sees me talking to him,
and he stops and just staring him and said, he came.
He found out we were He tried to store and
we paid him, but he didn't come. He didn't come right,
So why would I keep paying him? And he's like,

so how much did you give him? Like I gave
him like a million dollars? When you know now he's
been betrayed because in Mexico, if you pay someone, that
has to be splitting it up, and he didn't do that.
So he's like, where the fun did you get a
million dollars, and I said, listen, I needed to tell

you something I worked for Chapel Mawna. He said, get
the funk out of here. He got so mad at me,
like you are stupid, Like he's calling me names. He said,
You're like, you're stupid. You're probably a fucking gang banger

from the US who killed some innocent person. We send
people back like you all the time. I said, listen,
to make the car, make the call, tell them that
you have the twins. Make the call. He's like, na,
na na. I said, listen, how much do you want?
How much do you want? I need you to let
us go. And he's like he's just staring at me.

He said, you know what, go back and sit down.
You know it's in a different room, like down the hallway.
So they take me back and they sent me back down,
and I'm like, hold on, I said, oh, I'm gonna
I'm gonna try to fix this. I'm gonna try to
fix this. Peace like bro spend the time without. I'm like,

I'm not giving up. I'm not going to give up.
Now I'm starting to talk to the other ages. I'll
pay all of you a million dollars. You know, there's
one thing for them to be able to walk away,
but it's one thing for them to hear a million
dollars like And they're looking at me like I'm crazy.
Of course right, I don't fit the profile of what
anarcho looks like. So then I believe in they come

get me again, times gets me again. He says, okay,
he said, how much money do you if it's like that,
how much money do you have? I saw, I'll give
him million dollars. It's not gonna work that way, he said,
just to clarify that he you're talking to, I guess
to gain charge of the agents. So he takes me

to break, like how much money you have? And I'm
kind of telling him I'll pay you a million dollars
let me go, you know, and can't win from a
million dollars to three to five. So I said, listen, man,
how much do you want? I'll give you ten million dollars,
but you have to let me go. He's like, you
think I'm stupid, you're telling me ten million dollars. I'm like, listen,
I'm gonna tell you something. I'm the biggest drug distributor

for seeing a lot of card tell. He said, you
gotta stop bullshitting me. And I said, I'm not shooting you.
They told me I was crazy. Shut the funk up.
You know. I kept insisting, like I'm the biggest distributor.
I owe them more money than your life is worth.

Those are my threats. Think about what I'm telling you.
Whatever happens to me, you're responsible for. I has to
make the car. He said, how much money are you
waiting to get for your family or your wife and
all your associates. You got ten million dollars for them. Listen,

you have no way out. They're coming for you. Do
you use marshall? I said, how much do you want?
He said, why a million dollars? And you have to
get it to me. That was more worried about. You
know how I was opening my mouth. I'm giving them

more in form asian, which is kind of could be
used against me, not in the court of law, in
the criminal world, like and I said, I need to
make a phone car. You kind of thought twice. He said,
let me ask you a question. If you're so important

like you said you are, why didn't you check in
I explained to him. I said I didn't check in
with you, because I didn't want to burn myself out.
I'm not in that situation. He said, okay, well where
do you meet chap Wan Mayo? And after what do
you mean where are that? And I said, if I
get out of this one, I'll make sure I didn't

know that you asked me so you could go meet
him yourself. And he was like, who else do you know?
I didn't think about that at that time. I'm like, Wow,
who's the nice So I know everyone, everyone who's important.
The problem is that when you're in the situation and
I know all of bosses, which probably most most of

the public knows, if you're nobody, which was easy for
me to say, but I was telling the truth. So
I had to sit there and just think. I said, hold, like,
give me a second, let me think. I started saying names.
Hit me. I said, I know who's in church here?

He said who? I said, match it Mencha, Mitche, Mitchet Mentor.
That got to attention. He said, you know Mentor. I said,
I don't know him, but he knows me. Car. But
they're not looking at me the same anymore. They're looking

at me a little bit frightened, a little bit scary.
That kind of gave me a little bit more of
a like confidence call mention. I'm telling him not my
voice changes, make the car. They're like goose to town.

Mm hmm. During these moments, we're sitting night, there's a
lot of back and forth, you know, but a little
moments and we're going through into my conversation. We're handchled together.
I was scary Y's not the whole of the time

ahead of me. I remember Jay still playing with him,
and he's so constrained about you know, value situation. They're
just playing with him. Finally, like I commonly change your tone.
I remember them saying, like, who the fund did you call?
I think they're like looking at each other and they

had this like what the fund do? We just doing
that comter face. And I don't know what they said,
but when that immigration always heard that he was gone.
He was like, what the funk? Right, that's it, he
was gone. And they took stuff from the girl like

their persons and watered they still that's what they Yeah.
I could see his face like like them telling him
something that we could seem like to the classic outside.
And it was Sunday morning, and I could see that
till they start getting worried, but they're still like talking

to my brother and made like a little difference. At
that moment, I really felt like, yeah, all this is bullshit.
We're gonna get out of this one. I want you
to mention that J was like really persist and he
insisted that he didn't give up. He didn't give up.
J did not give up. And I guess the little
moment had ship to lose, like off from whatever the

fund you have to you know, it's accous, it doesn't happen.
And I think that those thoughts must have hit home
hard when my brother was offering him that much money
and they weren't listening. Thirty minutes later, they're like, well, listen,

we decided that we're not going to make a call
because it's too late for you. At that moment, his
phone started for it. And Charlie, if I tell you that,
when his phone rang and he looked at it and
looked at me, I knew I had a feeling, just

the intuition, just maybe he's feeling how he looked at
me a little bit nervous and he answers when hello,
nice though he says yes, sir, yes sir. He turns
and he's like, uh huh, yes, yeah, that's the case.

He turns to look to me and he was like, bunker.
He pointed at mean model, told me like that went
anger and I just looked at him. He walked away.
I could hear him what I would call kissing as
on the phone. He comes back to guess her he's

right here, puts the phone into my ear. Hello. I said, hello, twin,
is this you? I said, yes, sir, I'm the secretary.
He said, your dad listening. That's what they say. It's

there's a nickname to chocolate. They're listening. Who's your friend?
And I give him the name of one of my
closest friends and I just said, what's He said, Okay,
we're on the right page. Did I hear? What the

fuck did you get yourself into? What did you give
yourself into? Why are you there? I don't like, sir,
like it's a long story. He said, why are you
offering him so much money? Because they wouldn't take a
little bit. No, don't do it. Stop offering them money.

Stop offering the money. He said, who's with you and
my brother? Your twin brother? Yes, what the fuck are
you guys? Doing it together. I'm just like, kind of quiet.
Who else our wives? Your wives aren't there with I'm disappointed.

I'm so fucking disappointed that you got yourself into this mess.
I said, sir, if you don't mind, can we talk
about this later. He says, I'm gonna make some calls.
He said, your uncle my nose, so everyone's colleague. Whatever

you do, I want you to know something. You're the
fucking boss there. You are the boss, and stop offering
him money. Keep this phone, yes, sir, Okay, they're putting
the phone to my ears. I'm like, you know, listen,

do you want to talk to him? Yes? Put him
on the phone now. The SI I could hear the
it's the secretary is like, he's there's someone on speaker
and I'm talking to whoever's passing on the phone. And
they said something to him and he hangs up the phone.
He comes to me and he was gonna say, take
these fucking handkles on him, take these sucking as he

like to take him off. And I said, give me
the phone. I need your phone. He gives me the phone.
I said, listen, this is what we're gonna do. I said,
you're gonna let our wives go. Me and my brother
gonna stay, and you're gonna let them take the cards.
You're gonna let them go and do me go with
our problems. Then I need some assprain And he's like, okay,

I come back and bow and everyone looks at me.
I said, come on, get up, let's go. And you
know those two are like half sleeping, half like what
come on, get up, let's go now. All the other
you know, federalities are like what the funk? Like, what's
going on? It was very emotional. We didn't want to leave.

She started screaming I'm not leaving you. I'm not going.
That really pissed me off. Stop messing around. You better
get the funk out here right now. You go back
to the house. You get the funk out there as
soon as you can before they change your mind. And

you know when our close friends who was an associated horse,
he was like whit hold on, like what what? I
just go make sure they make it back safely. Just go.
And he was like, man, gee, I don't want to
leave you. It's not up to you. And my brother
was like what, Like Peter's confused, you know, like what's

going on? It was hard to say goodbye time again.
I felt like I said goodbye to too many times,
and every time it was like a real moment of
who knows what's going to happen. And it's weird because

like if this was Hollywood, you can't keep saying the
same thing. You're not gonna say goodbye ten times. Since
this is real life and this is our life, we
said it plenty four times, and it was for real
life and death situations. I feel like we didn't have
to say much. I think it was more emotional and

I just said, you know, just be careful. Remember I
just don't trust nobody. The college trains. It's one of
the most emotional hugs, that kind of sing godbye because
you just don't know what's gonna happen. It's your favorite thing.
You're singing bye for a good reason, and this might

be it. Liviana, I could see she was scared to
sell because she was like, no, I don't want to leave,
but like I hap to leave. I had to leave,

Like when she we would have walked online. Yea, she
was okay, like I thought, like a sense of relief.
It was early morning, so you know, you felt that
warm human biarda feeling your son was super bright, and

Valerie and I we jumped in the truck. We drove
straight to the house. Ye. We were just worried for
what was going to come next. When I left Peter,
I I thought that he was gonna go to jail.
I thought that they were gonna send him to the

back to the u S. They're probably my ask for
list some water. I sat down back in the couch
and I just kind of feel my brother and what
had just happened. They were walking pacing back and for

a little bit nervously, I've seen them start to like
put on their gear. They're putting the gear in front
of us. They're putting extra like they're putting their bulletproof vest.
They're putting extra clips under rest, fixing up their handgun,
doing all this stuff. They said, we're not safe here.

We have to go I And by then, you know,
I'm starting to receive phone calls from different people. To
be honest, I don't even know who's calling me. I
do know that are you okay? Are you okay? We're
trying to do whatever we could do it. At one
point I get a call from one of the lieutenants
from from my side of the organization that they told

me that one of the top lieutenants who was a
business associated us was getting a plane ready with five
million dollars as a bribe, and he said, they have
it in wars and getting ready to take off. Hopefully
they accepted as an exchange, and you guys jump on
a plane, but we have to beat the marshals to

the airport because they're on the flat. The Cartels plane
was spinning up ready to fly in and collect the
twins at the last second, but they had to beat
the U. S. Marshals who were already in the country.
The problem is that they called the marshals and the
marshals are going from Mexico City and route the flight

time from Patras and the flight time from Mexico City
are an identical three hours. The twins only hope was
that the Cartel got to them before the marshals did.
He said, you know, we're gonna do whatever we can,
which you're still trying to working at the way he
put it, like a cetic a little muscle. I'm gonna

try to work it out. Just stay calm, are you okay?
Did they hear you. No, No, okay, they did a family. Yes, okay,
it's gonna be a lot of those carts and you know,
the fons and been ringing castle. The federal agents decided

to move us from the office into these bulletproof trucks
and decided to just ride around the town. I guess
I just think he's the chrysto. Couldn't finding where they're at.
H We dump in the trucks, but it proof. It's
two ages in the front. It's an agent, you know,

from the driver's side, Me, my brother, two agents. Anybody's
not handcuffs anymore. Now we're not handcuffed. I have the phone.
We're emotional at times, like I could see my brother.
He's quiet. We're talking a little bit in English, right,

not loud, but I'm kind of just updating him as
per phone music. We start turning around more in than
like Lord clestihoods and I'm listening to them have conversations,

and in between my brothers talking to them. We used
to live here, recapping the story about what happened with
the customs agent, just trying to make him understand why
we didn't get to that point where we were calling
him we're reporting with him. I get a call. It's musical,

one of the top lieutenants. He's like, you know, I
need to talk to you. It's coming important. He said,
it's not gonna happen. It's not gonna happen. And everybody
called for you. Listen, I'm calling you because my dad
said that they got eighty or a hundred men ready

to come get you and your brother. But we're gonna
leave that decision for you doing your brother because there's
a chance that you might not make it out of
live if we go get you. Whatever you decide, we're
going to support. But if you want to know what
I think, you're gonna spend the rest of your life

in prison anyway. Ye, I'm sitting next to fair ages
with guns. He said, I'm going to ask you a question,
and I just want you to tell me yes or no.

Do you green light for us to call Kitch before
you answer to your brother? How can I finally see
my brother? He doesn't look good? And I said yes.

Surviving El Chapo That's Twins Who brought Down a Drug
Law is hosted by Curtis fifty Jackson and me Charlie Webster.
Our producers are myself alongside Jackson mccleannan. Research and editorial
support is from Casey Hurtz. Edit and sound designed by
Nico Palella. Original score by Ryan Sorenson. Executive produced by

Curtis fifty cent Jackson and myself Charlie Webster. If you'd
like to know more about this story, head over to
lions Gate Sound dot com. Curtis fifty cent Jackson presents
a lions Gate Sound and G Unit audio production exclusively
for a Heart Podcasts m
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Curtis ‘50 Cent’ Jackson

Curtis ‘50 Cent’ Jackson

Charlie Webster

Charlie Webster

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