Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:08):
I remember it was a beautiful day. It was in
a spring, a little strange. Even when I got on
my mom's card. Something felt sprange that day, sins something
to feel right. As soon as I got in the door,
that was that knock, like doom, doom, doom. I had
a lot of friends. Who are you know, Francis. I
figured this is this is a joke of some kind.
I walk outside and one of the investigators tells the
other one he looks like a jack rabbit and they
want to handcuffle. That's when I realized, Okay, this is
not a joke. I found my wife at midnight, so
I've been up since about seven that morning and they
let me go five or six and next afternoon, so
I've been up thirty some hours without sleep, under intense
interrogation trying to get me to confess I was on
house arrest there for I can't I can't remember a while,
and my attorney would not let me take the stand.
I'm like, I need to take the stand. I need
to speak up for myself. I don't have anything to hide,
and he's like, no, you look angry. What do you
mean I look angry? Would you not be angry. Of
course I'm angry. There was a laundry list of churches
that they offered to plead. At first, I didn't want
the plea. I was like, no, I about taking the police.
I was furious. I think that it was voluntary manslaughter.
I got to the point where I felt like I
was just about snap, like I was about almost lose
my mind, like a rubber band being stretched. I went
out for parole after my twenty six year and he
gave me a date. It was like thirty years off,
so I was never gonna see any freedom. They weren't
going to release me. And then later I heard about
DNA technologies at DNA. What some guys have gotten out
based on DNA technology. One question I'll always remember prosecutor
asking me. She says, Mr Dillon, do you mean to
tell me that all the people here are lying and
that you're the only one telling the truth. And I said, yes, ma'am,
not just the way it seems to me. And it
took twenty seven years, but I approved it. I'm Philip Holloway,
host of the podcast Sworn from Tenderfoot TV and I
Heart Radio. The first two episodes of Sworn Season two
drop on July. Listen on the I Heart Radio app,
Apple podcast, or wherever you get your podcasts.