All Episodes

August 22, 2023 42 mins

Have you ever wanted to know not just how to get in front of anyone but how to build a relationship and intelligently communicate with them? What if I told you the expert at accomplishing this is actually a 13 year old? 


Jazzy Guerra is such an impressive force in the reporting world and she joined me on That Moment with Daymond John for a conversation full of tried and true methods for getting in front of the people you want to talk to, capitalizing on social media and elevating your own presence, and understanding how to communicate with people across all industries.


Tune in to this all new episode and be prepared to walk away knowing:

  • How to position yourself to secure meetings with the people you aspire to connect with

  • The communication skills that help make each of her interviews a success

  • Methods to keep interviews and discussions engaging

  • How she secured an interview with Jay Z (and what her takeaways were)

  • The importance of humility and remaining true to yourself and your fans

  • And more!


Host: Daymond John


Producers: Beau Dozier & Shanelle Collins; Ted Kingsbery, Chauncey Bell, & Taryn Loftus


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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
I'm not a journalist just to be a journalist. I'm
not just interviewing because well I'm interviewing. Oh whoa, I'm
making money? Why not?

Speaker 2 (00:07):

Speaker 1 (00:07):
No, I'm doing it because it's fun and I get
to have these super cool experiences going to many different
events that kids like me are not going to normally.
I'm in like Roland Loud, kids came and goes there.
It came and go. He came and go there.

Speaker 2 (00:22):
And what if I told you there was more to
the story behind game changing events? Get ready for my
new podcast, That Moment with Damon John will jump into
the personal stories of some of the most influential people
on the planet, from business mobiles and celebrities to athletes

and artists. Welcome to That Moment with Damon John. Now
today's guest has the inside access to everybody, and I
mean everybody. Celebrities and athletes, politicians, everyone in between, Jay Z,
Tom Holland, Cardi b DJ Khaled, Jill Biden to Jason
Tatum and countless other than Get this, she's only thirteen

years old now being out to speed with the rising
start of the next generation. Well you may not know
her name, but with five hundred and seventy two thousand
YouTube subscribers, six hundred and ninety three thousand Instagram subscribers,
at one point one million on TikTok. Well, Jazzy jazus World,
leaving her mark and establishing herself as a dominant force

in the world of social media and reporting. In journalism,
nothing's ever dead. It's new form of but in Jazzy doing,
and you're going to be able to learn from that
as well as I am. Because you may be wondering
why I'm going to be sitting down with thirteen year
old Jazzy, But I can guarantee you you are going
to leave this conversation with game changing tools about how

to get in front of anyone and everyone. Well, what
if people want to talk about capitalizing on social media?
What about for you? What about for your kids? Right
your own presence. I'm talking branding yourself and understanding how
to communicate with people across all industries. That means you're
going to be able to sell yourself. Before we get
into it, don't let me give you a quick rundown

of her background. Jazzy is the host of Jazzy's World TV,
which is where she's built her following and established the
credibility that has given her the opportunity to interview so
many incredible people. I was actually able to join the
roster of all these amazing people a couple of years
ago when she interviewed me for Black Entrepreneurs Day, where

she interviewed me outside the legendary Apollo Theater in Harlem.
Now Jazzy's caught the attention of major outlets as well.
Now she's been featured on shows like Kelly Clarkson, The
Today Show, profiled in The New York Times Complex, and
many many more. She is committed to using her platform
to spread meaningful information, entertainment, and positivity to all audiences.

Isn't that rare? Today? And man, I am excited to
give her a chance to flip the script and share
her own story and teaching today. All right, let's get
into it. Thank you so much for being here. How
you doing?

Speaker 1 (03:11):
I'm j gree, how are you? I'm so excited And
this is such an honor.

Speaker 2 (03:14):
Oh my god, you're like media training perfectly? Did you
take media training?

Speaker 1 (03:20):
I mean my dad he also we practiced in the mirror,
so basically, I guess.

Speaker 2 (03:23):
If you count that well, It is absolutely a privilege
to flip the tables this time, because you know, I
think the last time I saw you in person was
right outside of the Apollo Theater. I don't even know
if I really at the time was aware of your
history as as a content provider. I would say journalists,

I would say, advocate for telling stories. How long have
you been doing that?

Speaker 1 (03:52):
I've been doing it for almost three years now.

Speaker 2 (03:54):
It's been a while, right, And so I met you
about two years ago. And what really drove you to
wanting to do this? Because if we're we're going to
educate people here, whether they are one hundred years old
or whether they're can and they want to create content.
You managed to interview some of the biggest stars in

the world, right, I mean DJ Khaled, Jill Biden, Jason Tatum,
jay Z, Tom Holland, I mean so many people at
thirteen years old, and myself of course, And you know
I don't I'm not saying because I'm a big star,
but it's not easy to get hold of me. The

day that I was you know that you approached me.
It's a day that I have a poll of theater
is packed full of people, A lot of press. You
know a lot of interviews that I'm setting up to
do and interviewing massive people, very very busy, but you
were able to grab my attention or my team's attention,
And out of all the people that we did interviews with,

you were one of the only ones that were never
scheduled and we did it. What what is it that
you believe is your your unique position that allows you
to get in front of people like that?

Speaker 1 (05:19):
Well, first of all, perser dam of John, that is
a very good question. You got me stuck for a
minute there, so I have to really think. But I
feel like what really makes my Charnel unique is that,
first of all, I'm thirteen years old now, so even
though I'm growing, I still feel like I'm able to
ask questions that not many people would expect a kid

to ask. I get to ask questions from a kid's perspective,
and I also get to respond to the interviewees answer
in a way that any other kid would answer a question.
And when I say that, I mean I'm able to
really understand and interpret what the person is saying, and
I'm able to I'm able to create, I'm able to

like explain myself and explain why I agree with them
or why I disagree with them, and what exactly is
my take on what I'm.

Speaker 2 (06:14):
Asking right now. I want people to really understand whether
they are trying to create content like you are, or
they are asking questions of anybody an investor, right person
you see on the street, an employer and employee, a friend.

There's there's a You're always going to need to communicate,
and you've effectively found ways to really communicate with people
who are at such a high level. But what would
you what would what kind of advice would you give
to somebody if you're like listen, you know, use these
things if you can, or think about it like this,
when you're just having normal conversation with people that you're

trying to get in animation from so you can have
the best knowledge of this person.

Speaker 1 (07:05):
Well, my advice will definitely be, first of all, I
feel like everyone knows this now, but look the person
that you're talking to in the eye, because that's a
sign of respect. And if you don't look them in
the eye, that's a sign of disrespect, and it makes
it seem like you're not really listening or you really
just don't care, don't nervous, so it's one of three.

Speaker 2 (07:24):
Well, I don't want you to over I don't want
you to casually pass over that because you know what,
with the world of zoom these days and various other things,
people are not really grasping that they'll look down at
something and they may be literally like, right now, I
have some questions for you. I would tell you if

I'm looking at him, I would say, hey, you know what,
I'm going to look at these really quick. If you
didn't know, and this is all about you, all about you,
you didn't know I was doing that. And let's say,
looking right now, because the camera eyes right here, you
could think that I'm ordering lunch on my phone, I'm
playing Monopoly on my phone right and you would think that,
and you could be telling me something very very interesting

or very something extremely passionate about, or asking a really
important question, and right there alone, you didn't realize that,
or I didn't realize that I may have offended you.
And later on in our relationship, let's say you're working
with working together. I'm wondering why you aren't all warm
and fuzzy to me. But because of the lack of

eye contact and the lack of connecting, even though I
wasn't intentionally trying to, you know, ignore you, I offended you.

Speaker 1 (08:39):
Well, that is true, but I'm just saying right now
you did offend me because I know that you know,
certain times, especially on Zoom and on FaceTime, we all
have notes when we're in business meetings, so you know,
it's important to have notes of write down things that
we have to bring up on topics. But other keys
of advice that I would give to people is, you know, research,

being able to research the people beforehand, and being able
to grasp information about the person in order to make questions,
and also being able to work hard. You know, you
need to work hard if you want to achieve anything.
Success is not overnight, so it's important to really think
about that as well. And more so, just put in
the grind and have fun, because if you're not having

fun with whatever you're doing, then what's the point of
doing it?

Speaker 2 (09:26):
Very powerful, very powerful research. Most people don't do it,
and that's why I think that a lot of people.
These are subtle points that you're making right eye contact,
the way that you the way that you communicate with somebody,
Do your research on them and have fun. Now A
lot of people will just listen to, Oh that that

was really great, but I want to dig deeper into
because that's what that's what we talk about at that moment. Right,
let me give you a moment that that people usually
screw up on shar Tank. They don't do their research
on me. They do with general research. Oh, Damon John, right,
and then they say, Damon John, the clothing guy. I

have a clothing company. I'm going to go on there
and that's exactly what I'm gonna pitch. Damion is going
to be my shark. If they did their research, you
know what they find out. The reason I went on
Shark Tank is because I had in a wait when
nobody could pay their rent. They weren't buying anymore or mortgage,
they weren't buying any more clothes. So I had ten
clothing companies, eight of them were dead. I was only

getting pitched clothing companies. And the last thing I want
is a clothing company. I went on Shark Tank to
diversify my portfolio. But if they are not like Jazz
and they don't do research, they would sit there and say, well,
Damon is the shark that I want to go to,
when really Honestly, the shark who has been really successful
in clothing has been Robert and has been Barbera because

they were never in clothing before, so they got into it.
They weren't as jaded as me, and they got into
it with a fresh look. Now I have a very
successful buy with socks, but I didn't buy it because
of clothing. I bought it because it gave to somebody
else simultaneously. So I think research is extremely, extremely important.
But who told you that you should do that or
why did you come up with that way? Did you

come up with that idea that you needed to do
so much research? I mean you're talking though really well
known people. I mean, listen, if I do I, if
I interview Jay Z, I don't know how much research
I'd need to do it them. I think I'm a
fan of ja Z. I think I know everything. If
I if I interviewed you know, Joe Biden, how much
your researcher. But you still did research. Why do you

think that was important?

Speaker 1 (11:36):
I feel like it's important to do research because, first
of all, even though you might be the person's number
one fan, you might be the biggest fan of the world,
there's other things to look at when it comes to
the personal lives or anything else that has to do
with how they got up to the level of success
that they have now that we may not know. There

are certain things that people hold daly to themselves, and
there are certain things that people don't tell other people.
But if you do research, they might open up to you.
They might be able to feel so comfortable during the
interview that they're just like, well, she's asked me this question,
I might as I might as well just bring up
this topic as well.

Speaker 2 (12:19):
M it leads you're saying, it leads to other things,
or it opens up new aspects in their mind.

Speaker 1 (12:26):
Yes, it does. And like you were saying with you,
even though a shark ting many people, they might not
do as much research as they need. They just think
about your clothing companies. I feel like, even though people
know you for your clothing company Fubu, I feel like
it's also a portant to research about Fooboo as well,
because you never know what you can Let's say that

you're trying to pitch an idea of a clothing company.
Maybe you can create a bond over what you research
about Fuobuo. Maybe you guys can have a connection because.

Speaker 2 (13:20):
Very powerful. You know, in some negotiating they call that,
they call it, and there's some ways to say open
a new file, right, because if if you and I
are talking about it, and let's let's I want people
to learn from this, because this is really really key.
If you guys, daven hey, how did you? How did
you start? I'm like a parrot, right, We've all told

our story a million times. Whoever we are right, because
all you hear those times, Hey, who are you? Where
you coming from? With your family? Right? And we're not
Damion John's gonna go, oh oh, how I su football
in nineteen eighty nine? I stood on the car Dad.
Right now, you're gonna go and ask me a different
angle of it. You may say, why decide on that
corner or why decide on this piece, you know, whatever

the case is. And you know, people love to talk
about themselves, and it's refreshing to hear that. I get
to have a different conversation with you that I just
didn't have with the rest of the world, and it's fun. Right,
And then I start to remember you because you opened
a new file. You made me think of a different
aspect of something that I've done maybe in a different way,

and we have a more engaging conversation. So that's what
we call open a new file. And I think that
you do an excellent job by it. And let's talk
about having fun. How do you have fun in an interview?

Speaker 1 (14:44):
Well, having fun in an interview, I feel like having
fun in the interview is more so being able to
talk about topics that you find very interesting that has
something to do with the person or even if you're
a journalist, you have to love what you do. So
I'm not a journalist just to be a journalist. I'm

not just interviewing because well I'm interviewing. Oh whoa, I'm
making money? Why not?

Speaker 2 (15:09):

Speaker 1 (15:10):
No, I'm doing it because it's fun and I get
to have these super cool experiences going to many different
events that kids like me are not going to normally.
I'm in like Rolling Loud. Kids can't even go there.
It's like sixteen and up enough, and I'm thirteen. So
it's very cool to be in those spaces and also
represent where I come from and being able to have

fun that's very important, and creating a space for the
interview we need to speak more about themselves. That's also
very important when it comes to interview.

Speaker 2 (15:42):
But you know people right now, you know people like
a lot of times, you know you're talking about you're
having an experience that most young adults that your age
would not be allowed to. However, you didn't start off
going to roll in loud. You didn't start for the
promise that you would even get to this stage in

such a really a short period of time. How did
you how did you deal with the or have you
when you were first starting going I don't know why
I'm doing this, or were you're having so much fun
that you didn't care where you were going to go.
You were in the moment, having a good time in
the moment.

Speaker 1 (16:25):
Well, it was more so. Well, first of all at
the beginning. Of course, I had to work very hard
in order to get to the level I am today,
but it was more so in the moment, because I
feel like if you look too much in the past,
like if you dwell too much on the past, then
that can affect your future.

Speaker 2 (16:43):

Speaker 1 (16:43):
But it's important to also, you know, think about, oh
what am I going to do in the future. I
wonder how I can do something today that can help
me tomorrow. It's very important to think about those kinds
of things, and you know, it's important to think about, oh,
what negative things did I do in the past. I
could change that can help my future. But it's also

important to stay in the moment, because if you're not
focused on the moment, and you're too focused on the
past or the future, then you're not able to really
live in the moment. You understand what I know.

Speaker 2 (17:19):
Percent because you're thinking about everything else, and that moment,
which this is what the whole podcast about, is right
there in your face and you have to fully take
advantage of because I always say there's no such thing
as a perfect time and so on the perfect use
of time. What was the exactly what was the first
interview that you did? Was it? Was it a notable person?

Was it not? Like? When was it? You know, how
did that first come about?

Speaker 1 (17:44):
Well, my first ever interview was with Greg Popovich. He's
the coach for the San Antonio Spurs.

Speaker 2 (17:50):
And that's a pretty that's a pretty big first interview exactly.

Speaker 1 (17:54):
But I got to be honest with my whole journey.
I have to say it wasn't easy at first. You know,
I like to speak about what I'm doing now, but
also like to speak about the start of my journey
and the start of my career because in the start,
I wasn't getting calls for people to go to different events.
I wasn't getting calls to do different things for different

kinds of companies and doing ads and all that. No,
I wasn't. I was more so my dad. He took
me to meeting greets and sometimes sometimes we had to
wait for interviews in the freezing cold. I live in
New York. It's cold. It gets when it's Twitter time,
it gets cold. And when I say it gets cold,
it gets cold. So in the beginning it was It

wasn't the easiest, but I have to say I had
a lot of fun. So that is what triggered me
to work hard as well. And my dad he also
helped me out too, because whenever I felt discouraged about
not getting an interview or not being able to have
to thake my way, it was told me, going to
get discouraged, and we're going to get the interview somehow somewhere,
going to get the interview. So that always stuck with

me and helped me out.

Speaker 2 (19:04):
What would you know, so many, so many young adults
and people in general want to be really great content creators,
and then you know, maybe they're not even thinking about
it from creating content for from the aspect of money. Right,
They want to they want to be really they want
to be somebody who they they know, they have a voice,
they know they have a very specific desire or need
or love. It could be food, it could be working out,

it could be dances, it could be reaction videos, the music.
What would you say are some of the key things
that they should do, you know to what what should
they do in regards to following that passion? Is there
a discipline? Because listen, you said it's cold, you stood outside,

you didn't necessarily get the interview, you stiff for a
long period of time. Did you and Dad have in
your mind in your mind, no matter what, we're going
to go to one or two meeting, greets a week
or a month, no matter what, we're going to put
in five hours, no matter what, we're going to do
this or do you just play it by ear and say, hey,
if we get to this level, we'll get to this level,
we'll do this and that. What would you suggest somebody

else does if they say I don't really know where
what I want to do if it's going to be anything,
but this is what I should at least start to
do to see if I like it well.

Speaker 1 (20:19):
Discipline is where is what got me to where I
am today and being able to as I said, work
hard and consistency as well. Being consistent and whatever you
do in life is what's going to get you to
your goal and to achieve your goal. Because if you're consistent,
then you're going to keep on doing and doing and doing,

and you're going to keep on trying to achieve your
goals no matter what, and no matter what's going to
get in your ways, no matter what obstacles or anything
that gets in your way, you're going to be able
to go over it and kick the door down.

Speaker 2 (20:52):
A lot of people don't have confidence that they can
accomplish this, and you, being somebody who is now media
personality and you're known for getting great information out, a
lot of people would have said, I don't have a
I don't have a degree in journalism. I didn't work

at a TV station or a radio station. I haven't
formalized and done this before. So what do you say
to people who who are And often, you know what,
maybe it's not even those people are doing it, maybe
it's their friends around them. You can't do that, you
don't have this. What do you say to people who

feel they feel that they can do it, but they
just have a lack of confidence, And how do you
overcome that those hurdles that most people have, those mental
hurdles by saying, no, I'm gonna do this. I don't
I don't need it all. I don't need all that.
I'm just gonna come at it naturally.

Speaker 1 (21:52):
Well, first off, to really think about what you said.
If someone feels like they need to have a degree
to do it, I mean I'm I feel I don't
have a degree either at thirteen, and I'm living proof
of self assessment as well, being able to self assess
and really think about where you could where you could
work better on, you know, where you could get better

at and also being able to say, well, I'm very
good at doing this, so I could possibly fix doing
this while also putting these together. So being able to
self assess and more so I feel like confidence and
like the confidence that I got in me is more
so natural, but also being able to say to yourself,
well this didn't go the way that I wanted to do.

So maybe next time, with my next interview or whatever
you're doing next time, I could fix what I didn't
do well on.

Speaker 2 (22:47):
I'm sure. So so I want I want to know
which one probably and this I want to I want
to I want to know where you get the most
attention from which which one was the interview or maybe
something got the most intention from it. But before I
get to that, I want to talk about one that
could have been. You know, where you got the most
attention or or virality from jay Z. So let's talk

about that. That Ja interview. How did that happen? How
did it come to play? Well?

Speaker 1 (23:17):
My dad, well, me and my dad we both heard
that jay Z was in town. So my dad said, well,
why not try to get an interview from him? Because
when he's in town, and we felt like we had
a chance. So we decided to go to a place
that jay Z was and we created questions. We did

a lot of research and we created questions and then
we went and we waited for a while. We waited
for about two days. And two days yeah not today straight,
but we obviously went home and then we came back
the next morning before school. But a lot of people
they think that got the interview the first day, which
really didn't happen. The first day, I went up to

mister jay Z and he saw me. He gave me
a fist, pup and everything, but I don't think that
he heard me when I asked them, Hey, mister jay Z,
can I please have an interview with you? Can I
please ask you a couple of questions? I don't think
he heard me. So I was kind of discouraged after that.
But my dad he helped me out and he cleared
my head. He was just like, yeah, tomorrow, before you
go to school, we're going to go try. I'm going

to see if we could get the interview. So the
next morning we got the interview. I mean, I loved
speaking about that story because it was it's so important
to be and hopefully one day I could get I
could speak to mister jay Z.

Speaker 2 (24:35):
Again and what in that interview did and that is
impressive because you know, listen, most people, especially you know,
I think that the beautiful thing about being a young
adult is that you know, you kind of you know,
everything is somewhat awkward or it could be scary, and

thank god, you have really loving parents and your dad
is there to help you. But did you know that
at that moment that he didn't hear you? Because I
can see that if you had the guts to come
back day too. And then you talk to him and
he goes, what, oh sure, sure, sure? You probably then

could have surmised, well, maybe he didn't hear me the
first time, but the first time one you're in real
time and he goes and he said, and he keeps walking.
I mean half the people out he'll be like, man,
that's just a rude person, or they didn't want to
do it, or they just brushed me off and they
would not want to come back the next day. So
what why did you? Why did you allow your dad

to convince you to go back the next day after
you may have been thought that you were shunned, because
you know, if he did that on Monday, then he's
gonna ignore you on Tuesday.

Speaker 1 (25:53):
Well, my dad, he encouraged me to never give up
even those kind of cliches of say that is something
that I feel a lot of people could learn from
because let's say that you don't get something that day,
Like for me, I didn't get the jay Z interview
the first day that I went there, because there's a
lot of people, and I'm getting mister Jayz was kind

of overwhelmed and he wanted to Were.

Speaker 2 (26:16):
There a lot of when you walked up to fish One?
Were there a lot of people around him?

Speaker 1 (26:20):
Yes, there's a lot of people around.

Speaker 2 (26:22):
What's a lot?

Speaker 1 (26:23):
A lot meaning I'm not really sure, like maybe that's
a big crowd. So I'm not really sure, but it
was a big group of people.

Speaker 2 (26:31):
I'm just trying to get understand. Was it five?

Speaker 1 (26:34):
Oh? No, way more around like maybe fifty people? Fifty
A lot of people right in the middle sidewalk.

Speaker 2 (26:43):
Too, and it's you outside, yep, outside, So and these
fifty were with him or these fifty were just random people.
They just saw jay Z.

Speaker 1 (26:54):
These were random people and they knew jay Z was
in town, so they waited at the same area.

Speaker 2 (27:00):
Oh okay, good, good, good good. All right. So now
now you get this interview, you're in the interview with him.
What what do you take away from there that you
think is something key that you really really remember that
you took away from that interview.

Speaker 1 (27:14):
One thing that is key that I really remember was
when I was speaking to him and I was asking him,
what advice can you give to kids that look up
to you. It was a similar question to that, and
he told me they have to have ultimate confidence just
like you. And first of all, I love that confliment
because well, my heart's sake when he told me that.
And second of all, I kept that in my head

because ultimate confidence is something that I really live for.
I love being able to show my personality, being able
to tell people, hey, even though sometimes we get discouraged,
it's important to be confident. And you know, jay Z,
he's so inspiring to me because well, we're from the
similar neighborhoods. We're both from Brooklyn, New York, and we're

both from communities are similar, and I just love the
way he reps Brooklyn to the fullest. And I love
doing the same thing because I love showing where I'm
from and where I live. So it was definitely an
inspiration to all kinds of kids and all kids around
the world.

Speaker 2 (28:13):
And I know that that video went crazy. Is that
the one that you got the biggest response from because
a lot of times it could be you know, great, listen,
jay Z. I'm a big fan of what he's done
and his wife, his music, as well as business wise
and how it represents New York. But you know, I've
seen that the virality may come from the person that

many people may not know as well, but they've said
something so poignant or or or the timing was right.
So was that the biggest one that you've gotten? And
if so, then what was number two? Meaning you know,
from a virality standpoint, Well, I have.

Speaker 1 (28:52):
To say it was one of the biggest. I had
a lot of big interviews that you know, got that
had a lot of views on and a lot of
people really enjoyed. But I feel like jay Z was
most definitely top three, maybe not number one. Actually, yeah,
number one. I have to say my second one had
to be That's a hard question. Maybe mm hmm, I'm

not really sure. Maybe maybe you or yeah, yeah, it
was definitely you me, yes, because a lot of people
they loved when you were talking about your upbringing.

Speaker 2 (29:24):
No, I was not trying to set that up. I'm looking.
I thought it was gonna be Biden. Uh, it's the
wife of the president. I mean it's it's the first lady,
so excellent.

Speaker 1 (29:35):
Yeah, Joe Biden, She's definitely top fIF there. But I
have to say, for me, you were up there somewhere
as well, and mister Kendrick Lamar as well, he J Cole.
A lot of people. I had a lot of great
responses for a lot of my videos. Nicki Minaj I
know a lot of people loved Oh.

Speaker 2 (29:53):
I would think Nikki would be really great because you know,
she's so cool and she she just is so you know,
off the top, you know, over the top, you know
what I mean.

Speaker 1 (30:03):
Yeah, I have so much fun during that interview, I
was I was actually trying to get a Nicki Mina's
interview before that. I think it was about a couple
of months before that, but I wasn't able to get it.
So I was really glad and I was very excited
in that moment that I actually got the interview up here.

Speaker 2 (30:37):
So yes, So, so now that you've you've worked hard,
You really worked hard, and you know, hopefully things keep
continuing to grow and you do things that you love
and and and now you yourself are are obviously an
influencer your people. You're somebody that people know many I'm

sure of your your the kids around on you, and
people look up to you or admire what you're doing.
How do you deal with that?

Speaker 1 (31:07):
Well? To answer your question. I gotta say, I just
love the attention. I love how people are inspired by
my videos, and I love short I love to my
fans as well. You know, when it comes to on
the internet, when people are competing something nice like complimenting

me my interviews or saying, hey, Jasey, keep on going.
I love responding to those commentations.

Speaker 2 (31:32):
How many people ask you for money?

Speaker 1 (31:35):
Actually, you'll be surprised.

Speaker 2 (31:37):
I wouldn't be surprised. How many people ask you A.

Speaker 1 (31:40):
Lot, not a lot of people. I feel like I
don't know, maybe.

Speaker 2 (31:45):
Maybe five, five in general or five a week.

Speaker 1 (31:49):
No, five a general, mister David John.

Speaker 2 (31:53):
And would that be your family members or total strangers? Oh?

Speaker 1 (31:57):
Total strangers for sure.

Speaker 2 (31:58):
Total strangers. Uh. When you're out with people and you're
hanging out in the park or wherever you're at, do
they expect you to pay all the bills?

Speaker 1 (32:08):
No, because I'm a kid, and also I have no money.

Speaker 2 (32:14):
What about when people want to get in someplace they
want to go and they're like, hey, Jasey, you know
I want can you hook us up the places you've been?
Do they say can you call and get me in there?

Speaker 1 (32:29):
I mean, my brothers they've asked me multiple times, and
of course I got to should love to my siblings,
so I always bring them along.

Speaker 2 (32:36):
How old are they?

Speaker 1 (32:38):
Well? I have a lot of brothers. First of all,
my oldest brother, he's seventeen. My other brother, David helps
me out with interview sometimes he is twelve, started thirteen November.
And my little brother Josue, he is seven now. And
I have a baby brother you're in he's one years
old now.

Speaker 2 (33:00):

Speaker 1 (33:00):
I also have one sister as well, she's sixteen.

Speaker 2 (33:05):
She's sixteen. So are are you more famous than your
oldest sister and older brother?

Speaker 1 (33:12):
I mean, technically yes, but you know I still got
to follow their rules because they're older.

Speaker 2 (33:16):
Well do they get mad that you're more famous than them?

Speaker 1 (33:19):
No, They're super supportive and they always help me out
with anything I need, whether that's helping me research or
helping me gain something.

Speaker 2 (33:27):
But now you're a star, do you have to actually
wash the dishes in the house?

Speaker 1 (33:32):
I have some. We all have to do chores, no
matter what my mom always tells me, no matter how
famous you are, you're still going to rush them dishes.

Speaker 2 (33:39):
So yeah, do you scrub the toilets too? Yeah?

Speaker 1 (33:43):
I have to clean the bathroom too, my sister.

Speaker 2 (33:44):
So, yes, what about in school, do you feel that
you know now that you are this person that you
don't have to apply as easy tears, you know, because
you know, you know I'm joking, but I'm gonna be
very honest right now. You know, in school when you're
when you come over to school, there's a lot of
peer pressure, and the peer pressure is to be accepted. One.

You also have the pressure of school academics. It's hard,
a lot of information out there, and of course you
know you should never try to get around that. But
in regards to the pressure of this life of going
out and working really hard, right, but being noticed and
and and and and recognized, do you feel that there's

a different type of pressure, because sometimes you also can
be intimidating in school if you are more known, right,
And sometimes maybe you use that to your advantage and
try to change things. Because I've seen people who are
really well known in school. You know what they do.
They see kids who may not be accepted as well

or treated as well as say that person is a
star too, let's hang out with that person. So they
use the good will of what they have and then
others we've seen it before. Are cocky about their level
of the success whatever that is right to the prettiest
girl or the or the smartest girl or the athlete,
and a lot of times they use that. So how

do you utilize that theme for or that acknowledgement within
your your age group.

Speaker 1 (35:21):
Well, first of all, to answer the first question that
you asked me, No, I actually am not very cocky
about a fame. And I love being for Brooklyn because
everyone cares, but they don't care. So when I say that,
I mean that everyone's just like, oh, what's going on, Jazzy.
I watched all your videos and all that, you know,
give you a high five, ask for a picture, and
then that's it. That's the end. So it's not like
they're bothering me, like stalking me or anything, or like

they keep on asking for a picture or anything like that.
But I totally love everyone in my school. I feel
like in my school there's not necessarily bullies like that
that would try to bring anyone else down. So not
I haven't had an experience like that before. But I
love being supportive as well and helping out others that
need help, and more so in school, I'm just a

normal kid. I mean, everyone knows me in school. I'm
very popular, but no one treats me any differently than
the other connects me.

Speaker 2 (36:14):
So and what is?

Speaker 1 (36:16):

Speaker 2 (36:16):
What will?

Speaker 1 (36:18):

Speaker 2 (36:18):
Do you aspire to be? Now? And this may change right?
But who do you if you had to close your
eyes and look at yourself at twenty one years old?
Who is that jazzy? Now?

Speaker 1 (36:35):
Well? I gotta be honest. I can't tell the future.
I can't see into the future anything. But one of
my goals to accomplish, and I really want to accomplish
this as soon as I can, is to have my
own show. I want to have an Oprah kind of
style show, but you know, a jazzy twist on it.
So I would love to have a show like that.

Speaker 2 (36:53):
So you want do you think that you know if
everything you're doing something you love? Do you think that, uh,
if your career could go where you wanted to go,
that it would still be always being able to really
sit down with amazing and fascinating people, bringing a new
twist and bringing information out there. Or simultaneously, are you

studying something else or want to do something else? I
don't know, to be walking on the moon or mars
a word we're going today, it could be solving or hunger.
What are the other things that you want to do?

Speaker 1 (37:32):
Well? My main focus is most definitely my reporting career
because I love reporting with I love journalism first of
all because I'm very talkative and I love talking to people,
and i love learning information about people that I've never
met before. So I'm definitely focusing on that in the future.
But also I have many hobbies, like skateboarding and playing

bass wood.

Speaker 2 (37:55):
Like what snowboarding? Oh, skateboarding? I think you said snowboarding,
because I was about to say, I will crush you on.

Speaker 1 (38:06):
The on the slopes.

Speaker 2 (38:13):
All you'd have is a whole bunch of snowballs in
your face because you'd be eating my snow. Just making
you like to have.

Speaker 1 (38:21):
A competition in the winter because.

Speaker 2 (38:23):
We can obviously sounds like a double dare all.

Speaker 1 (38:26):
Right, there we go. You got a picky propose that.

Speaker 2 (38:28):
Well, you thought it was cold in New York. It's
really cold when you're a loser on the slopes.

Speaker 1 (38:33):
After me, Wow, well we gotta see, we gotta see
in the future. Well, to add on to what we
were saying, you know, I just want to be me
and I want to inspire my generation of kids, and
I also want to inspire the future generation as well.

Speaker 2 (38:52):
So well, you know, I think that we've come across
so many amazing things that you know. The reason why I,
you know, I I love doing this is because when
I say, it's that moment, it's you know, just like
you you know, when we have interviews with people, we
brush over these things and they kind of give us
the ready to wear answer. Right, let me take this answer.

I already have it, right, but I wanted to know
these things because there's way more to what you've accomplished
when people realize and I think that you've hit really
very many many points. But the first one of the course, right,
you know, do your research on people. Then it's also
you know, having fun, you know during that, it's being

very disciplined in what you're going to do with it.
I love what you're thinking about in the future, right,
how you're going to build something much bigger. But you
still know that you have these obligations to your family
and to your friends and to school and stuff like that,
and so many of us can learn from you. So
congratulations on everything I've already learned as well. You know

that sometimes when I do interviews that I'm doing the
right thing. You know, a lot of people don't realize
that there's a very symbiotic relationship that you can learn from.
Anybody doesn't have to be somebody up here like you know,
I consider you somebody who's communicating in a new world,
and you are finding really great ways to communicate with people,
and whether they're going to interview Jay Z or Biden

or anybody like that. I think all the key things
that you said right here, so many people can learn from.
And I really appreciate the fact that your parents have
been able to harness this talent and this curiosity of
you to bring into all of us.

Speaker 1 (40:35):
Well, thank you for that. I mean, I had so
much fun with this interview. My family. They're super supportive,
and I learned a lot from you as well. And
I love the way that you were able to hold
the conversation and really bring a lot more information out
out of me when we were speaking as well. And
it's not even a specific question, it was all the questions.
So I definitely learned how and what I can improve

on when it comes to holding conversations as well.

Speaker 2 (41:00):
So thank you, well, you are truly a gift. You're
amazing and thank you for what you're doing. I wish
there were so many more young young adults like you
who have a passion and drive. So all the best.
I will see you at the top. We need you
on Shark Tank because hopefully one day you will be
able to replace Barbara because she does not take her medicine.
All right.

Speaker 1 (41:19):
Oh okay, and by the way, guys, this is my
first ever podcast, so this was really cool and this
was a great first experience and hopefully we.

Speaker 2 (41:27):
Could do this in the future, right absolutely.

Speaker 1 (41:30):
But next time I'm going to be interviewing you, okay.

Speaker 2 (41:32):
Of course, of course that wouldn't have it any other
way because you're the best at it.

Speaker 1 (41:37):
Thank you, all right.

Speaker 2 (41:38):
Thank you. That Moment with Damon John is a production
of the Black Effect Podcast Network. For more podcasts from
the Black Effect Podcast Network, visit the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts,
or wherever you listen to your favorite show, and don't
forget to subscribe to and rate the show. And of

course you can all connect with me on any of
my social media platforms at the Sharp Daemon spelt like Raymond,
the what a Dee
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