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March 26, 2024 32 mins

In this raw and unfiltered episode of That Moment with Daymond John, I sit down with marketing maverick Billy Gene for part one of a two-part conversation that will leave you questioning everything you thought you knew about the future.

We dive headfirst into the world of AI and its potential to revolutionize the way we live, work, and do business. From the threat of job displacement to the possibilities of a world where basic needs are met, Billy and I don't hold back as we explore the good, the bad, and the downright scary implications of this rapidly evolving technology.

But it's not all serious business - we also touch on the lighter side of things, like how AI might just be the ultimate wingman and why bars could be the most recession-proof business out there.

So grab a drink, get comfortable, and join us for this wild ride of a conversation. And don't forget to tune in for part two, where we'll be tackling even more mind-bending topics and offering up some real talk on how to stay ahead of the game.

Because let's face it - the future is coming whether we're ready or not. But with a little humor, a lot of hustle, and an open mind, we just might be able to make it out on top.


Host: Daymond John

Producers: Beau Dozier & Shanelle Collins; Ted Kingsbery, Chauncey Bell, & Taryn Loftus

For more info on how to take your life and business to the next level, check out 


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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
But essentially, all of a sudden, imagine this big sales organization.
All of a sudden, you come in and there's an
email and it says you need to wire x amount
of dollars of this and da da da, And they
had no access to any of their systems, no phones,
no computers, no emails, no nothing, nothing would work. They
had access to every single thing called polace, dedn't matter,

et cetera.

Speaker 2 (00:23):
You know what they had to do? What pay them?

Speaker 3 (00:25):
How much do we know?

Speaker 2 (00:26):

Speaker 3 (00:29):
What if I told you there was more to the
story behind game changing events. Get ready for my new podcast,
That Moment with Damon John, will jump into the personal
stories of some of the most influential people on the planet,
from business mobiles and celebrities to athletes and artists. Welcome

to That Moment with Damon John. I am Damon John,
and I have taken over my buddy Billy Jean his marketings.
I actually popped podcast for Rome because I'm all about
the power of broke. I came over here to San
Diego if you and I had to do a speaking gig.
But I'm always about to maximize my time. That's how
I do work, life balance, I try to knock out

many things with this high level of energy and importance
to reduce my time away from my little girl and
my wife and my health and my faith. This is
Billy Jean. Billy Jean is marketing. You have seen him
everywhere and if you haven't, maybe read about him in
my book. And if you haven't, you really need to

know who this guy is. He has now become I
guess I would say we're pretty good friends now over
the years.

Speaker 1 (01:41):
Savage him me with the pretty good kinna get just
the friend pretty good?

Speaker 3 (01:46):
You know, I feel comfortable enough to call him up
ask for favors. Well, why am I here with him?
And why is this moment important to you? Because we're
going to talk about forms of marketing AI and don't
roll you out? And I say AI, because we're going
to talk about different aspects of AI, not necessarily what
it can do for you, but theory, conspiracy, theory, how

computers grow, what was he seeing working? What's he seeing not?
And when I was talking prior to this, I said,
you know, I want to kind of do an intro
on you because you are a genius when it comes
to marketing. So people will see that in any kind
of conversation we have, but this AI think. He's like, man,
let me tell you where it's going. I said, Steve,
I said, yeah, you know, put out a post about

me kind of prepping. And I was like, you know,
you know about prepping. And he's like, no, no, well
you know the doomsday prepper. He's like, no, I don't
really know about that. Type was up and one or
two of his guys, I say, you know what that
dip is up? One guy was like, yeah, I know
a little bit about it. And then and then all
of a sudden, you start to see the I'm a prepper.

Speaker 1 (02:45):
Your prepper got a shelter under the house.

Speaker 3 (02:49):
So I did a post the other day and here
here was in Billy Jean. Let me let me share
with you why I did the post. I was taking him.
I I had done a post previously about this rate
truck that I have. It. It's a it's a very
rare truck. It could take a very high gauge bullet.
It has set.

Speaker 2 (03:08):
You're talking about a cyber truck.

Speaker 3 (03:09):
No, no, not a cyber truck. It's called a resvani.
Very few of them in the world. It's a tank
literally and I know the cyber truck can take a massive,
massive hit. I did that now, I was showing my
I have box hub containers and I have I have
a lot. I have a fire truck too, I too,
I have two fire trucks. I have two fire trucks.

Speaker 2 (03:29):
By the way, you can you're talking about the prepper.
You have a tank and a fire truck. Well for well,
first of all, the live on a farm.

Speaker 3 (03:37):
Yes, the fire truck, I can get parking and they
need to give them time, all right, just so you know,
and so just you know about fire trucks. This is
people don't understand this. If you go and try to
buy used ambulance or maybe a big ass tow truck,
somebody can use that to make money. What are you
gonna do with a fire truck? Right? So you can
buy them at auctions, the decommissioned ones for like twenty

thousand dollars. I remember when I was a kid, I said,
up all my money for my first car was a
twenty thousand dollars. Imagine if I had a fire truck, right,
and I would have put and I would have put
Fubu's red Hot and I would have been in front
of the club.

Speaker 2 (04:15):
You got a fire truck for what are you doing?

Speaker 3 (04:18):
I thought, you, what do you not do with the
fire truck? Put some Syrian vegas, put some old school
I'm West Indian, put some siren vegas speakers in the inside,
and you can put people dancing on the outside. Dude,
all right, let's go. But anyway, in the event of
an apocalypse or a zombie, I put the fifty col

on top. My daughter will have a nice little iPad
and I'll just say, hit anything moving, sweetie, just anything.
I don't care what it is, as I plow everybody
through people. But here's what happened after that. I do
all that, and I realized I wasn't as prepared as
possible because once I went I was in Miami at

and T went down. I don't care if they want
to say seventy thousand people went down. When I got
to that school, there were hundreds of people online because
people can get hold of each other, and it reflected
to me. And then you know what happened after that.
I think Instagram went down for a little while, LinkedIn
went down for a little for Verizon went down. So
here's my theory was when I was growing up, it

was all about three or four countries that can set
off nuclear as we see in Oppenheimer, that can set
off a bomb and can blow us and kill us
all the way, so kill us. And we were all
afraid of those people with the finger on the button.
It's no longer that it is ten million hackers that
in any given time shut down a water system, hospital,

light a gride. And let's say forget the hackers. Frozen
grids in Dallas, Hurricanes, TORNADOESI fires, California fires, nine to
eleven buildings, crash COVID. People have to rush to hear
Florida is underwater. Of course, you have what happened over

in the Ukraine and on Israel, or if people get
over that state building wall and then everybody, there is
going to be a million different ways that destruction will come, naturally,
civil unrest, various other things. Do I think you need
to be prepared to some extent, Yes, because I don't
think the world's going to be over, But you may

be down for a week because you were in or
your or your mother or father. Maybe in Louisiana, Hurricane
Katrina comes in, the water rises up, you can't get
in to get them, and they need to be someplace
that they can be saved for a week. I'm thinking
about being prepared.

Speaker 2 (06:50):
Here's the thing.

Speaker 3 (06:51):
Now, let's talk about AI.

Speaker 1 (06:52):
Yeah, yes, sir, I think the scariest in addition to
everything that you just said, I think the scariest. Something
gets dangerous when the masses have access to it because
it's harder to control. Yeah, what's scary about AI is

the fact that anybody can create anything.

Speaker 2 (07:16):
And you can.

Speaker 1 (07:16):
See that the pandemic was a good example of what
is yet to come because every single day, remember when
Trump was coming out and he was given a report
like every day giving us an update on what's happening,
and he was saying something daily about what we should
be doing, and everybody was glued to the TV.

Speaker 2 (07:33):
And then it turned in political.

Speaker 1 (07:35):
Fox would say something, CNN would say something, and it
became you wear a mask, you're a vaccert da da da,
and it had this side. But all of this is
controlled because of the media what we are shown.

Speaker 2 (07:50):
So now introduce AI.

Speaker 1 (07:52):
Anybody who can look this up, go look at Sora
if you haven't seen that recently.

Speaker 2 (07:57):
Essentially you can type in.

Speaker 1 (07:59):
Show me a person walking down the street carrying a
suitcase and it looks magically real. So what happens when
the entire world has access to make a video that
looks identical to real life with your persona, with my persona.

Speaker 2 (08:17):
And they get to make up whatever storyline they want.

Speaker 3 (08:19):
But let me ask you something. Let's think about it.
Because everything that is created, and every problem that solved
creates another problem. However, everything that is created, there's a
counterbalance to it for those who are willing to find
the counterbalance in the entrepreneurial world, who is the person
that then makes a profit and says, well, let me
show you the AI hacker. Because ninety nine percent of

the world don't follow up with any information zero. They
hear that the sky is this way, and that's what
they do. They hear that everybody's coming to take our jobs,
or they hear that because of the color of your
skin or gender, you'll never get anywhere, and we know
that is.

Speaker 2 (09:02):
There's a lot of just accept it.

Speaker 3 (09:06):
What happens to those who say, and I'm gonna tell you,
I'm gonna ask you this, I have limited information. I'm
told Elon is trying to make a counter AI doesn't
mean that his won't be more evil. I don't know
what happens to those like you who are literally I
consider you a genius. What happens to guys and women

like you who say, we got to stop, we gotta
do the counter.

Speaker 1 (09:33):
I think the reason why you won't see as much
of that with this is because of how long it
takes Congress Congress to pass new laws, and how long
it takes for it to happen, and how fast AI
is moving.

Speaker 2 (09:45):
So imagine there's.

Speaker 3 (09:46):
One of time star new law.

Speaker 1 (09:48):
Because the fact that any like right now, this very second,
I can take this video of you that people are
watching right now, and I'll give you the websites where
people can do this, don't do this. You can go
to Hagen dot h E y g N right, and
I can I can clone you. In a second. I
can go to eleven Labs dot com and I can
take your voice. Because we can get that.

Speaker 3 (10:08):
Three hour podcasts.

Speaker 1 (10:09):
I can make an extended version of a conversation that
we didn't have because of social media. I can go
ahead and run as I can show it to anyone
in the world, and I can say, all of a sudden,
Damon John went bankrupt. We can have a three hour
conversation about detail you can ruin someone's life.

Speaker 2 (10:25):
To me, how do you how do you stop that?
All the tools are out there to the masses like.

Speaker 3 (10:29):
Anything like that, tools out there to copy the AI too.
So let me ask you when has that not been done?
If you think about propaganda from governments, or you think
about anything else, it's just that we have we spit
up the process of good people and bad people arguments sake,
you have white hackers and you have dark hackers. You

have and so if nobody knows what that is, and
it may be the wrong term, but there are companies
that are hired to say, hack my system, and you
got to do the mission impossible. You gotta And I
know somebody who does it and he gets paid a
lot of money. But it's the same as you've ever
seen casino. Oh, we know who the thieves are because

the ex gambling thieves are now the security. Gambling thieves

are now the security. Because I'm kind of surprised that
your fear because I would think that you being on
the forefront, because you're the first one to tell me
about AI salespeople and all that, I'm surprised that your
fear you're not, and you may be absolutely right. That's

why I'm going to build a bigger bunker. But I'm
surprided that you're fear well.

Speaker 1 (12:06):
I think it's I just you know what, I don't
believe in People aren't gonna like this. I just think
capitalism is going to become a joke and it's not
going to be a real thing.

Speaker 2 (12:13):

Speaker 1 (12:14):
So you know what makes capitalism work is that anybody
can come up and create X, Y Z, and you
can be better at something than people.

Speaker 3 (12:23):
That's why it's called this moment, that moment, because this
is the moment I'm gonna actolutely for the first time.
Probably disagree with you.

Speaker 1 (12:31):
So well, it's the first time that people could be
better than like, like you make money because you're greade
at business and someone else isn't.

Speaker 2 (12:38):
There's winners and losers.

Speaker 1 (12:39):
In capitalism, and that's okay because the loser can then
turn around and then go win.

Speaker 2 (12:43):
But we are no longer.

Speaker 1 (12:44):
There's smartest creatures on this planet and everybody has access
to AI. So it comes to a point where you
talked about AI sales people. Instead of hiring a salesperson
for sixty thousand dollars in California. I'm going to use
AI and call people for literally ten cents. It takes
a regular salesperson eight hours to call thirty people. It

takes AI a half a second to call thirteen hundred people.
It just makes more sense to hire AI as opposed
to writing something Like me and you, if we were
to write a script or something, we would be really good,
but it would take us an hour. It takes AI
two seconds to do. Business is about profitability. So what's
happening is you're going to have all these customer support

all those jobs are dead like all that's AI texts,
and people go, well, the there's gonna be other jobs
that are created that people will have, but they don't
have any damn skill to do those jobs.

Speaker 3 (13:41):
Like what if people are talking about a different matter
you're talking about I think that and we've always known this,
that the separation of wealth, the massive transfer has happened
during COVID. And whether you or somebody who did not
want to train yourself or thought you shouldn't in yourself,
you've seen that already. So whether it is today we're

talking about AI, or whether you worked at Walmart at
the register, but you decided not to understand you know,
how to work quick books. You never moved up the
manager because you're just working at the registry.

Speaker 1 (14:20):
So, but what happens is you have a handful of
people that will learn those new skills and they will
make a gross amount of money. The problem is the
majority won't.

Speaker 2 (14:31):
They will know.

Speaker 1 (14:31):
It's just like our parents. They never learned how to
change the input on the TV. They think the TV's broken,
they need to change the input like. No one is
going to adapt and as a result, they're just going
to start complaining.

Speaker 3 (14:40):
So what do we do. What's gonna happen?

Speaker 2 (14:42):
I'll tell you. I'll tell you that. I'm gonna call
it right now. I'll tell exactly. Yeah, yeah, this is
the quote. Yeah.

Speaker 1 (14:50):
Here's what I'll genuinely tell you is whether you're on
the right or whether you're on the left of what
of Republican or grow coverge, you're going to be asking
for a handout from the government because you are not
going to have income. And here's where you saw this.
The pandemic happened everybody. I don't care if you were
a Republican or Democrat. Everybody wanted some PPP money. Every

everybody was looking for something to survive. My point is
it's just no one's there's not going to be any
valuant people even just take like something like you know
the the ten million Uber drivers, Like what happens when
all those cars are just driving themselves and delivering it?

Speaker 3 (15:28):
Like? Yeah, but at some point somebody has to build,
or somebody has to program, somebody has to.

Speaker 2 (15:33):
Train, Yeah, and that person will get paid.

Speaker 3 (15:35):
No, most of those will be robots, but somebody has
to program, and the AI is learning. But you know
a lot of times they thought and this is actually
where you've been to one of one of my events
where what I realized now is human interaction is becoming
so much more valuable facts. And there will be people

who will say, because you know what, you know where
the elderly are going to get their money from, Why, well,
I'm gonna be compable to getting it from my kids.
You're gonna take care of your parents two times longer
than they took care of you.

Speaker 2 (16:07):
And that's a fact.

Speaker 3 (16:09):
Yep, you're gonna want somebody to take care of your parents.
Your parents are not gonna want to do AI as
much as they understand it. And there will be caretakers
and service people that will have to do it in
some way. There will be robots, but they I am
such a big believer in entrepreneurship that we will find
a way. Now. I do agree with you though, that

the the separation of wealth will be super dramatic, and
it will be so dramatic that the bunker thing is
another thing, and I want to get into that. It
will be so dramatic that the cities and the countries
will be so separate from each other people, because you know,

I will go back to follow money. If you look
at every single city, somebody may say, well, why is
that right next to lower end community? Whatever. The workers
needed to be close, but now the technology, the workers
don't necessarily need to be close. So now you're building

invisible borders. I grew up in Hollis, Queens. One of
your buddies here is from Queens. Very clear to us.
The police district. It says, let's say fifty percent white,
fifty percent of black. But the police made it very
clear if you're on this side of the tracks, if
you do a crime here, you get five years. You
do it here, you get fifteen. Don't cross those tracks, boys.

Speaker 2 (17:38):
That's crazy.

Speaker 3 (17:39):
We're gonna be building those tracks right now, whether it
is the level of the building you live in or
the level of the land. So what do we do? Man? Like?
I mean, this is like I don't.

Speaker 2 (17:51):
Have an answer. I have an answer.

Speaker 1 (17:54):
You just have to give everybody x amount of fixed
income to survive. Like it's just like you mentioned caretakers.
Think about the doctors. What's the actual function of a doctor?
You walk in? What do they do? They ask you questions?
Can that not be done with an online form?

Speaker 2 (18:09):
What do they do? They take your temperature? Do we
not have devices for that? Like?

Speaker 1 (18:12):
And then they take the information and then they compute
it in their brain. But what happens when you would
trust an AI a lot more than a fucking doctor.

Speaker 3 (18:20):
Well that's what makes what you know where superpower and
every superpower has went down and they got too comfortable
Rome and all these stuff. And I want to make
it very clear, there are gonna be two billion people
that can or well two million people. They can give
you better information on superpowers history than me. I'm a

simple guy. The only thing I did in school very
notable was I like seventh grade so much I took
it twice. I just want to make sure that I'm
clear on it all right. However, I do know some
simple effects. Whether it was you know, the Europe or
whether it was Genghis cong anybody's superpowers. The one down

you're saying everybody's gonna get a picked income is a
pixed income gonna be Are you talking about something like?

Speaker 2 (19:12):
Here's the thing Russia is?

Speaker 3 (19:13):
Are you a communi?

Speaker 1 (19:15):
This is the weird thing is we become the villains.
The entrepreneur become the villains because the point of a
business is to make a profit. Therefore everyone cuts and
stops hiring and stops growing the economy because you're trying
to make a profit because you're looking out for your
own family.

Speaker 2 (19:28):
Not in a bad way, You're just trying to have
a lean business. You got to think about this.

Speaker 1 (19:31):
Most businesses have what a ten percent margin, Like you
make a million dollar business that owners take it home
one hundred thousand dollars if they have a chance to
double their income by letting a couple of people go
in ai doing it. So when you have all of
a sudden you know, most humans don't have the skill
to do something work, all you do is say, well, government,
what are we going to do.

Speaker 3 (19:49):
Yeah, but but but let's bring up something else. Yeah,
and I don't I do not like getting into politics,
and I'm not going to get into it.

Speaker 2 (19:55):
Eah yeah, yeah, don't know anything about them anyway.

Speaker 3 (19:56):
How many people right now trust in no one in
our government? So then why do you think they would
trust them?

Speaker 2 (20:04):
Desperation? Because what else do you do?

Speaker 1 (20:06):
Like a genuine question here, if you felt like you
didn't have any skills and this AI, like it would
almost be like doing long division versus a calculator, and
you're like, everyone's going to choose a calculator. No one's
going to hire you to do long division. I got
this dang Ti eighty three. It plays games and all that,
and you just feel skillless. What else are you going
to do to survive?

Speaker 2 (20:29):
You could? Yeah, okay, let's go back.

Speaker 1 (20:31):
To school for coding and engineering and AI and take
eight years.

Speaker 2 (20:34):
It doesn't even know.

Speaker 3 (20:35):
I don't think you're coming up with any answer.

Speaker 2 (20:37):
I'm leaving here pretty depressed.

Speaker 1 (20:38):
Yeah yeah, yeah, but here's here's where it gets Here's
where it gets good. So we finally come to an
agreeance that damn AI does most of the hard things.
Is that nobody wants to do and is it a
bad thing if.

Speaker 3 (20:55):
Everybody I not do?

Speaker 1 (20:57):
As of right now, I think the gap is with
AI and robotics. So you know, if you look at
this company called Figure Ai, they're probably the most forward
thinking company with taking robots and then putting something someilar
chat GBT inside of it, and you see this robot
functioning like a human.

Speaker 2 (21:14):
It's really trippy. But there's the gap.

Speaker 1 (21:17):
It's going to take a long time to build all
these robots and the materials, so you have like this
ten year window.

Speaker 2 (21:21):
But I think it's actually good news. Is so the
downside is capitalism's done. That will be a joke. It
will be in textbooks. No one's talking about it.

Speaker 1 (21:28):
So anyone who's super pro capitalism, I don't care either way.

Speaker 2 (21:31):
Like that's that the good news.

Speaker 1 (21:34):
What do you do when you wake up every day
and you don't have to worry about money, when everything
is good, when all your basic needs are met, everybody
is good. Now all of a sudden, art and entertainment
becomes the biggest industries, so liberal arts becomes the thing,
and you mentioned connection is bigger than ever. I think
the best business that's like recession proof is going to
be a bar.

Speaker 4 (21:54):
A law is a bar.

Speaker 1 (22:13):
Somewhere for people to hang out and get hammered and
meet other people, like I sports, sports. I think I
think entertainment's not going anywhere because more people. It's just
everyone's going to have time. So I do think the
best businesses long term are going to be things that
people don't necessarily need but they want.

Speaker 3 (22:30):
All right, let's get into some preper stuffre and I
you know what, I know you pretty well, and I'm
an optimist, and I believe that human humans and the
cremal ridse at the top and we will all find
ways to utilize it to the best. I do believe

that we will go from let's say, let's say the
world is right now, I don't know eighty twenty and
I don't think it's that, you know, eighty percent of
unfortunately living below the poverty line for various reasons. Right, resources, education,
horrific things, and we are the privilege. I think it'll

go more if it was that, I think it would
go kind of like more like ninety ten or ninety
two to eight. But I think I think we will prevail. However,
let's talk about prepping.

Speaker 1 (23:24):
In my concept Okay, first described when people are prepping,
what are they typically prepping for, like what's coming?

Speaker 2 (23:33):
So this is what I as ilight.

Speaker 3 (23:38):
It is. It is back in the days to hear
about a panic room somebody like this sounds pretty crazy. Actually,
even before then, if our parents in the fifties or
the thirties would have said you have to lock your door,
data said, what are.

Speaker 2 (23:54):
You talking about? Right?

Speaker 3 (23:57):
And I think that us being prepared for. As I
lay it out, let's say, no civil unrest, no martians,
no whatever, No zombies, no zombie, no walking I'm kind
of into zombies. Let's say purely the fact that there
are ten to twenty million people that can hack systems.

They're doing it all day.

Speaker 2 (24:19):
Okay, yeah, yeah, they are.

Speaker 3 (24:20):
Doing it and people think these are these are massive.
Is someone who's just very smart who says to a hospital,
I'm cutting off your electricity ransom for ten hours. You
better give me a million dollars. It happened to MGM.

Speaker 2 (24:35):
Here's something crazy. What happened to my fiance is that's
company what happened.

Speaker 1 (24:40):
So I'm giving the short but essentially, all of a sudden,
imagine this big sales organization, all of a sudden you
come in and there's an email and it says you
need to wire x amount of dollars of this and
da da da. And they had no access to any
of their systems, no phones, no computers, no emails, no nothing,
nothing would work. They had access to every single thing

called the place, didn't matter, et cetera.

Speaker 2 (25:06):
You know what they had to do? What pay them?

Speaker 3 (25:08):
How much do we know?

Speaker 2 (25:10):

Speaker 3 (25:10):
Okay, I know I'm going real real, it's very really,
it is very common. I know I'm going all over
the place. But I'm going to give you even another
example because a lot of people we're in the world
where people either think, like you said, you're left or
you're right. You're right or you're wrong. Oh you're building
something that for the end of the world. No, but
let me even talk about kidnapping. I am have Trinidadian. Yeah,

a lot of times we see the movies Ransom ten
million dollars, a million dollars. You know a lot of countries,
you know a lot of their world countries. You know
what you know? Kidnapping, you know what it is. I
caught your daughter, she was walking home to school. Yeah,
she's up at that house, right there. Just deposit four
hundred dollars all day, all day. Why well, it's an

amount of money you can probably get too if you
need to. The cops are hearing about this call seventy
times a day. It's your child and it's untraced a
little quick four hundred dollars. Isn't that the same in hacking,
because people will start hacking homes, people will start hacking

small businesses. And so this is what I'm trying to
say about being prepared, because I want to break the stigmatism,
because the concept of being a prepper today, a doomsday
prepper is I got a big old beer down to
my stomach. I eat beef jerky, and I shit in
the woods. That's all I do. And I just cook
this rabbit if you want somebody to rabbit. It's not

that what is wrong with having a multi purpose, functioning
high I paid a million dollars for this house. And
by the way, you see that beautiful pod outside, I'm
using it as my home business. Or my kids aren't room,
or the girls come over and we have a dinner there,
and it's a nice looking thing over there. And at

any given time you pull that bun.

Speaker 1 (27:15):
I mean, so is the is the biggest threat poverty
because when people are desperate, you just do what you
gotta do to survive. So if so, then maybe AI
is not sad at all. Maybe it's the great equalizer
where everybody has their needs. Bet now there doesn't need
to be his crime anymore.

Speaker 2 (27:34):
Besides, the biggest the biggest threat is.

Speaker 3 (27:41):
The position, the belief you have, the possession of knowledge.

Speaker 2 (27:46):
Mm hmm.

Speaker 3 (27:49):
I'm poor because that's the fact. That's why you're poor.
I'm sick because I won't do this because those people
are rich, because those people took everything I got. Because
that's the biggest Uh, it is probably percent. Yeah, if
you were born in a third world country and you

never saw a TV or a device, and nobody ever
come there to say this is clean drinking water. If
you don't know, I mean, I mean, I mean you
look through history. They realized that the most diseases and
things were going on because people were defecating in the streets,
and they created the sewers. These were doctors who believed

that you know the quickest way to do something and
just cut your arm off, you know what I mean.
So it's a it's the possession of false knowledge that
I think is the biggest weapon in the world.

Speaker 2 (28:44):
I would you know, I had to find that.

Speaker 1 (28:45):
It's just the most dangerous school of thought or person
in the world is a certain person when they believe
that they are certain that X is y or why
is x and they're no longer opened mind, then those
dangerous people on pet period.

Speaker 3 (29:03):
We gotta leave these people on this podcast with something positive.

Speaker 2 (29:09):
There's nothing positive. It's over, there's nothing, it's gone. I
don't say we will I have that positive? Good? Didn't
I say something pretty good? It was pretty good?

Speaker 3 (29:20):
All I kind of said. You walking by, I was
on the street, I saw your name.

Speaker 2 (29:24):
Recognize this, this is the positive thing. Hang in there
long enough.

Speaker 1 (29:32):
And nobody's gonna have to work like you will just
get a check. I mean, you do kind of see
an element right in there.

Speaker 3 (29:39):
Long enough when you realize that China only allows them,
will we don't need to get into the aspect of it.
China only allows TikTok, but what six to eight hours
and half the time to its its community, and half
of it needs to be science based, astrology based, and
various other things. And it allows us twenty four hours
of access and eighty percent of it is dancing, So

we won't be paid by our government because we will
be dancing astrologists somewhere else, move to China. You know
what I'm saying? Yeah, I mean, isn't that uncomfortable?

Speaker 1 (30:17):
I no, Like, look, look here's the thing. Spend all
your money, enjoy life, help us on the way everything
I'm telling you, Like, Hey, I'm obviously i'm joking. I'm
being ridiculous right now, but I'm telling you just.

Speaker 2 (30:38):
Don't every Like.

Speaker 1 (30:39):
Imagine you're being born thirty years down the road and
everything is done. You press a button of food shows
up because the drone drops it off.

Speaker 2 (30:48):
You know.

Speaker 1 (30:48):
You you press a button, a car picture up, You
go wherever you want? Like, what is there to do?
Most jobs were born out of necessity? What happens when
there's just nothing to do? What do you do?

Speaker 3 (30:58):
No, there's gonna be something to do. Hell, who can
I laugh with? Who can I create something? With?

Speaker 2 (31:06):

Speaker 3 (31:06):
We're screwed. No, we don't have a population because you're
gonna be able to alter that too. You know, you're
gonna be alter everything else like that. I'm trying to
learn AI because I believe this. I believe when the
computers start and the machines start to eat everybody, and
if I learn it well enough, I'm gonna know how

to roast Billy Jean over. I'm gonna I'm gonna put
you on a spit and I'm gonna put some marmalade
on you to take all that all that bitterness in you.
You know it probably like a blue fish. I'm gonna
learn so well.

Speaker 4 (31:49):
Look next, That Moment with Damon John is a production
of the Black Effect Podcast Network. For more podcasts from
the Black Effect Podcast Network, visit the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts.

Speaker 3 (32:05):
Or wherever you listen to your favorite show and don't
forget to subscribe to and rate the show. And of
course you can all connect with me on any of
my social media platforms. At the Shark, Damon spelled like Raymond,
But what a d
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