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January 30, 2024 44 mins

Josh Peck may be an incredible actor, but he’s just as funny in real life as he was in his childhood roles where he first came into our lives.

I sat with Josh and we had some great laughs while also really diving into the moments that have defined his life so far. As a parent to two sons, Josh broke down the parenting styles that he and his wife naturally lean into, and he had some stories that fellow parents know all too well.

Josh also explained the importance of looking forwards, whether it’s in your career or personal life, and using the past only as a teaching tool. This is especially key when it comes to feeling like you deserve to be where you are. Imposter syndrome is something that can impact anyone - trust me, I get it! But Josh shared his perspective on how to overcome the feeling when it comes on, and how to make sure no one else in the room views you as an imposter. When you work hard, you earn your spot, and you’ll want to hear how he makes sure he doesn’t forget it!

Of course, we also discussed his social media. You don’t have as loyal of a following as he does if you aren’t putting in the work to connect with your audience and analyze what they do and don’t want to see. For anyone looking to build your brand, this conversation is key.

You don’t want to miss this.

P.S. Want to know if the Drake & Josh reboot is in the works? Tune in for Josh’s answer!


Host: Daymond John

Producers: Beau Dozier & Shanelle Collins; Ted Kingsbery, Chauncey Bell, & Taryn Loftus

For more info on how to take your life and business to the next level, check out 

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Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
I had to be enough, and it wasn't about adding
all these extra layers and all these mechanisms in which
to try to people please or to gain approval. It
was like I had to trust my instinct, my taste
and make things that I thought were compelling and that
I was joyful when I was doing it. So much

of my life has not been about going backwards because
I have had to grow. What do they say, let
go or be dragged?

Speaker 2 (00:31):

Speaker 1 (00:31):
Relentless growth has been the through line throughout my life.
Throughout my life, Do out my life, Do out my life?

Speaker 2 (00:38):
What if I told you there was more to the
story behind game changing events? Get ready for my new podcast,
That Moment with Damon John will jump into the personal
stories of some of the most influential people on the planet,
from business mobiles and celebrities to athletes and artists. Today's

guest stole the show as a childhood actor locked in
a reputation as a business savvy but still organically entertaining influencer,
and parlayed his experiences into a top ranked podcast. You've
seen My guy in Drake and Josh Red Dawn twenty
twenty three. He's heard highest grossing movie Oppenheimer. That thing

is like three hours long and so much more. And
if you're han't guess yet, yep is my guy, Josh
Peck who I'm going to have one today and I
cannot wait to have the listeners listen and give access
to them in a new way. Let me step back
first and give you a quick overview of his career.
Josh grew up in New York City with his mother,
who encouraged his acting passion and moved them to Los

Angeles after he secured their part on Nickelodeon's The Amanda Show.
He continued getting parts in TV and movies before landing
a lead role in Drake and Josh. Josh became more
of a household name than anybody else at this point,
in locked in more and more acting gigs and voice
acting roles, which is extremely hard to do. Simultaneously, Josh

started to focus on social media and tapping into the
ability to connect with fans and build a following on
a more personal level. Let me tell you how personal
that level is. He currently has seventeen million followers on
Instagram alone, and millions across his other channels too. His
fans have also been able to learn more about him

through his memoir Happy People Are Annoying and his top
ranked podcast Good Guys, which he hosts with Ben Soffer.
Josh is an amazing example of how being authentic and
vulnerable is the best way to build a true connection
with your audience and supporters. And I am excited, very
very excited to introduce my guy, Josh Peck. I did

not necessarily do my homework on Josh because I know Josh.
I know Josh, I feel like I know well. I've
been on his stuff, he's been on my stuff. We've
been debuted each other, and I felt very comfortable, and
I've been rushing to get to this, this meeting of

the minds, and I didn't do a lot of homework
because I just felt that it would be good. The
same way I don't get any zero information people on startak.
I want to have this conversation with Josh, So you're
gonna hear me go down a rabbit hole with Josh,
and more importantly, I'm just gonna have a conversation about
those moments. So prior to getting on here, I was

saying to Josh man I saw Oppenheimer. It was kind
of in the background when I was looking something and
you are on Oppenheimer. Now, first of all, I don't
know people have the same challenge I have. I knew
Josh is a very serious he's fun. He's serious, but
he's a dad, dad, a five year old and one
year old. God bless him. He's a grown ass man.

And when I say arm, those guys were those whole
cool shuits just looking all well, I'm just so cool, Josh.
You know, you know, you know or you give them
us so much joy, whether it is your podcast, whether
it is your IV, whether it's your constant content of
so many different ways, and you're giving me so much joy.

Serious role up in timer, Was this your first serious role?

Speaker 1 (04:23):
Well, first, damon, thank you, and I'm just call me
period piece Peter. Now you know what I'm saying. I'm
gonna play that one of the founding fathers because Benjamin
Franklin was thick like me, you know what I'm saying.
So I think.

Speaker 2 (04:39):
Ben Benny franks You know, Benny brightened a little husky.

Speaker 1 (04:43):
He liked the beverage I heard too. You know, back
then it wasn't called alcoholism, it was called having a
good time. And I want for anyone who's watching the pot,
not watching the pot. I want you to know that
Damon just removed a necklace of that might be the
GDP of I mean, it was at a fault, but

I appreciate Damon. I love you, and you've been very
good to me. And then you're an unofficial mentor of mine.
I look up to you, and uh so I'm always
happy to chat. And yeah, Oppenheimer was very very cool,
And it came as a surprise probably to other people
who have not been privy to my inner monologue to
belong to the long goals and journey that I've been on,

because people don't really see the day to day right,
they only see the major marks. But for me, Oppenheimer
was a bit of a culmination of a lot of
hard work, a lot of addressing some bad habits of mind,
a lot of having to really boil down what I
wanted and believe in myself. So it was a wonderful

culmination of all those things.

Speaker 2 (05:52):
We would be a bad habit, that is, it's addressing
how can you address a bad habit as an actor
when you go and you and the role of somebody else.

Speaker 1 (06:02):
Well, I think that I looked at myself. It was
right before I got married in twenty seventeen, and I'd
had so much success and been lucky enough to work
since I was fourteen years old in this business. But
I knew that I wasn't getting the parts that I wanted,
and that I probably had some bad habits and they
had worked for me for a time. But I had

also grown into from a young man into a man,
and that it was incumbent on me to face those things.
So in twenty seventeen, I went back to acting class
and I pillaried myself. I put myself on the chopping
block and said do with me what you will, because
only two outcomes were going to come from that. It

was either I was going to be a better actor
or I was going to have to face the idea
that maybe I was never good enough. And that kind
of ego smashing is a challenge, I think for a
lot of peace. But I knew that it had to
happen if I wanted to grow.

Speaker 2 (07:04):
But where does it you know, as somebody who is
clearly a success and success in front of the camera
as in you know household name with some of the
properties you've been on, and then you will get over
to a podcast where you are, you know, in control
and listen.

Speaker 1 (07:24):
I'm one.

Speaker 2 (07:25):
I'm want to CEMBC thirty to forty times a week.
I've been on ABC fifth ABC for fifteen years. I
a one point four million followers and you've got seventeen million,
So you know, I'm the Kardashians of CNBC and you
have more. So then why would you turn around and
sit there at that point and reflect and say it
was the was the was the change of what you

deem success or maybe a bad abbot saying I'm a
dad and I want to be taken seriously. I'm an actor.
I've done it a long time like this, because you know,
there's a lot of singers who will nobody will take
them seriously for a pop song, but they're saying some
of the greatest uh you know, operas or movie songs ever.

And the reason why they're not taking serious here or
lightly here because it's so great here. How dare you
question yourself? I think that is the question, certainly.

Speaker 1 (08:19):
I think if I'm speaking to my lower desires or
my ego, my ego wanted to be respected. My ego
wanted to not only be seen as the child star
in quotes, my ego wanted you to take me seriously
and not just see me as like the sticky comedic guy,
the sitcom guy. But my capital t truths, Like the

thing that I know to be true about me is
that I'm just an acting nerd, and I love great movies,
and I love great theater and great TV. And I
knew that I wasn't getting the opportunity to work with
that kind of material and those kind of great filmmakers
and co laborators. So you know, a lot of people
asked me, you know, you're sitting there and you're in

the scene with Killian Murphy and being directed by Christopher Nolan,
were you terrified? And I said, you know, it was
one of the few moments where life really made sense.
It just was the thing that I had wanted and
operating on that level, and I'd love to hear from
me and Damon, when you're with people that are that exceptional,
it feels natural. There's no second guessing because you know

it's right.

Speaker 2 (09:27):
I don't think I've ever been really I don't think
that common has ever been positioned that way. You're right
when you know I put up I was on a
social I put up a social media post last night
literally I was having to be someplace and it was
we had a late brunch and Nori from Queens a rapper.

What has oh yeah, legend, Yeah he has a drink
chancell on. I'm know Norri twenty five years. Sat Joe
shows up. I know Joe thirty years. We've been in
rooms for literally thirty years, off and on, and we
you know, with kids from the kids from the hood.
Now Nori smokes. Bob Marley would look at morenco right,

he smokes so much. Fat Joe biggest douky talker in history,
and he's fat Joe.

Speaker 1 (10:22):
He's o zenpic Joe. Now, let's be honest. He looks great.

Speaker 2 (10:25):
He looks he looked great. He looks great.

Speaker 1 (10:27):
I'm cool.

Speaker 2 (10:27):
I'm I'm I'm myself with my fifteen twenty twenty five
year old lingos. So it's coming out. I'm talking like
I'm back in the I'm not drinking. I'm talking like
I'm back there. But it feels right in a certain room,
whether I'm acting and whether I'm in the room with
Kevin O'Leary and and Kilbin and we're in a we're
in a room talking about real, real matters at the

United Nations or in front of presidents when they want
to address us about economic development, you know, rights of
people and and how how do how do they stemy
certain things? When when you're in the right room with
the right people, it feels like the right thing because
you're not having to feel like anybody else. You feel

like I'm doing the best I can in this room.
My guards are down because my talent is here, whether
it is my whether it is my talking about equities
and finance and you know, the everyday blue collar worker
who needs a hand, or whether I'm talking about hip
hop and queens and and what are the cases, or
you're in the room with a family.

Speaker 1 (11:27):
So I agree upon that.

Speaker 2 (11:30):
I think the question arises that how many times have
you not felt like that in a room and the
moment is that you said you don't need to be
in rooms like that. I think maybe that's the question.

Speaker 1 (11:43):
I find. I only have real impostor syndrome when I'm
an impostor, Like when I've done the work and I
feel confident in that work. Granted there's a little bit
of luck is involved. I mean, especially with what I
do right it's not. It's not a solo act, right,
it's not playing an instrument, it's not painting a picture,

acting artistry. It is the ultimate team effort, and you
have to pray that all the pieces come together. But regardless,
it's a moment in which you're there and you have
to let go to a certain extent. And yet the
way I show up now is I go, I know
I've done the work that this requires. I've done the forensic,

the not cute shit. You know, all we ever see
is in a movie is the drunken writer who you know,
fills up his glass of wine and he's having the
keys all night, and suddenly the masterpiece comes out. But
what really happens is it's ten months of index cards
and long walks and naps and calling your mom, Am.

I enough, Maybe maybe I should just return the advance.
You know, it's all that leg work. But if you
do the work required, you get to show up on
the day feeling red.

Speaker 2 (13:02):
Well, you show up in the day. Everybody has impostedve syndrome,
and I find that the best way that I've overcome
having an impositive syndrome will just lay it out. I realized,
and I said this a long time ago. You know,
you're never going to really, you know, outdo or have
more money or more fame, or more this and that
by somebody else. You know, Mark Cuban, you know, wakes

up with my money, he jumping out the window. And
if Basil wakes up with more Cuban money, he jumping
out the window. And but what I do is I
tend to go into the room and I take the
question out of the room. I want to know if
you do this as an actor wanted to pass. Although
I walk home, it'll be people of extreme wealth in
the room, and we'll talk and they're talking. I can

see the testing me. I guess they're looking at me
and they they know I'm not a billionaire and I
have no problem and I and I will. It depends
on the room. If the room is saying yeah, they're
talking and they're looking at me, and you know, you
could tell their guards up a little because I'm perceived
as Dame of John, I'll say, you know, I don't
play on that game. That's it. That's that's a billionaire game.

I'm a couple of one hundred short you know of
getting to that game. And I respect it I love it,
and I always hear something like, man, I don't even
know how you run forty thousand people and move them
in you this, and I would love to hear about that.
I read that room. Now there's other rooms where people
are of that type of wealth and things of that
nature and there being assholes. Right, I can say something like,

you know Old Jordan's story. You can try to get
to anybody you want. You can pay million of the billions,
and you still be a schmuck standing out side. I
can pick up the phone because I have access because
this is globally recognized all around the world, and I
don't have to show those things to do that. It
all depends on the room. So do you walk in
a room and go yeah? Man? You know I'm taking

this to another level because you know me, I'm the
fun guy and I always will be the fun of guy.
But I'm challenging myself and I'm loving people will give
me the opportunity case I'm a fucking kill it. I'm
not stiller. You know how you do it or you
do is go you go? You know some people some
people would just it's me. I can do anything. You know,
which one is it? You know.

Speaker 1 (15:13):
I you know, I used to walk into auditions incredibly nervous,
and then I would also make this fatal error, which
is I would try to I would try to guess
what they want. I would try to think, what does
this director want? What do they need? Let me fulfill
what they need, when the real truth is I don't
know what they need. I'm there to solve a problem

for them. But what I'm really there for is now
as an actor, and I know I'm in a privileged
position because my livelihood doesn't depend on the yes, which
is a real as as you know, damon, like when
you get to that point, like the rest of it
is just icing. Yeah, But I walk in there, having

done the work. I have a take on it with
my style, my sparkle, my little special thing that's unique
to me that no one can replicate like we all have.
I go, this is my take on it. As you've
given me the materials to prepare, here's my take. And
let's see. Maybe I'm right, or maybe I'm doing you
a favor, and you can see clearly what isn't right

for you. But it's no longer a don't you need me?
Can I give you what you want. It's like, no,
let's see if this makes sense for what we're both
bringing to this thing. And if it doesn't, then you know,
I did my job and you did your job, and
I wish you a lot of luck finding the next thing.
Is that relatable to your experience gavement because you have

such a value add but it's specific to what you do.

Speaker 2 (17:01):
Well, that's that's relatable to all businesses. Right, you know,
I'm I'm doing this mean too right, right, there's a
me too product.

Speaker 1 (17:10):
Right, I know what you need.

Speaker 2 (17:11):
I know what you need and you will get short
rewards for that. And a lot of times, where is
there that moment that you did that several times and
you realize, I just don't like doing this. I don't
get as much joy because I'm not even though I'm
an act, even though I'm taking the role, I'm not
taking I know I could have done it elsewhere, but

you know, I some people may say, listen, as an actor,
I go in there, I get the role and I
swish it in there and say, hey, let me give
you two takes. What do you like? And I'll figure
it out because they're going to give me that freedom.
But it's the same thing in business actually is probably
worse if you go in. When I the business that
I was into, of course fable. If I go in,
what normally happens is a buyer a buyer's job to buy.

Let's say a buyer from J. C. Penny's argument sake,
they have a job. Their job is perlinear square foot
pack as many goods as they can get it at
this price, make x amount for their division. If I
walk in and this is exactly what happened. Jenko Jeans
is selling with the twenty six inch bottoms skill they

have the hottest thing in the world.

Speaker 1 (18:18):
Well I had two pair, two pair.

Speaker 2 (18:21):
There you go, and if fooboo you, we want you
to do that.

Speaker 1 (18:24):
But you got to remember if I do that.

Speaker 2 (18:26):
Those genes that they are selling now, they were designed
a year and a half ago by Jenko. So by
the time lines comes out, it's the same Now. Hopefully
that trend stays long, but it's gonna be the same
gene they have today, but mine's will be out a
year and a half from now and it may have changed.
And that's what fashion does. Right now, they're stuck. And

I did that a couple of times, and I said
I'm getting away from what fooboo is. You know, I'm
giving them what they're asking for, and says, putting my
spin on it. It's a short reward because you what
happens is when you give them exactly what they asked for.
They asked everybody for it, you get the immediate gratification
of it. As similated. Guy, I wasn't a great idea

because there was no it did the evoke emotion. Now
you sit there and I come in with another pair
of stuff that I think is great, and they go, ah,
let's test it. But then all of a sudden it moves.
What happens is that emotion that the kid a buyer perspective,
or that director or somebody else goes that's the new shit.
That's right. I didn't know all the look that's absolutely amazing.

So I guess to summarize that, it happens in all
of our businesses. Are you going to satisfy people today
by being something that you're not for something they think
they want, or you're going to satisfy them for the
long run about being authentic to who you are and
if they like it. It was something that was a
discovery for both of you and take it, take it
much longer, and that's how you get basically innovation.

Speaker 1 (19:50):
Would you say, and you sort of already answered it.
But with your approach to fashion, was it the Apple
sort of strategy, which is like, we don't let the
consumer tell us what they need, we tell them what
they're gonna want. Or is it the Walmart approach, which
is like we let them, We let our consumer tell
us what they want and we give them exactly what
they're gonna need.

Speaker 2 (20:10):
No, it was always it was always we're gonna tell
them what's hot, Well we think is hot. We're gonna
be wrong. Sometimes we will make mistakes, but we're coming
from a place of authenticity. I'm on the fat Joe set.
I know that video he's shooting. That stuff is gonna
come out six months from now. And prior to shooting
that video, he had me come down and put him

in it because he's switching up his style. And as
New Yorkers and or at the time right with music
was dominated New York or California, They're they're faster growing city,
so Middle America would later on jump in. So I
have all the assts, like you said, I put it
all the work. I'm from the streets. I'm not designing
this from an ivory tower. I'm in the clubs at

night seeing what's going on, and I'm with the artist
who is dictating where the new music is going. I
feel good about this, amazing as well. I don't know.
We don't think you should do that type of stuff. Well,
if you thought I should do, if you thought you
knew better than me, there would be no opportunity for
me here any damn way. Yeah, because Levi's would be doing.

Speaker 1 (21:12):
Wow, that's so true. And for me see's to ever
be questioning damon John. I mean maybe maybe blooming Dale
she could have a question, But Macy's what are we
talking about?

Speaker 2 (21:22):
You know, I need some mistakes too, don't get me wrong,
and dest me. They may be paid for it, but
that's how it goes. So let me ask you about
some other things that you know that I'm really curious about.
How is it now being this? You know you're like that,
But I think about you as a dad one or
five would Josh Pecker is a dad you have to

be Are you the you're the new age version of dad?
I would think like, oh, oh no, are you the
new a version of you still are you? Are you
the dads that I grew up with? Where, honey, with's
my pipe and slippers? And she goes, well, I don't
know where's my pipe and slippers? And you know that's
pretty much it. And you boring and dry and you
know you're you're strict. How does Josh pick? All right? Uh?

Your five year old boy? Girl?

Speaker 1 (22:08):
Both boys?

Speaker 2 (22:09):
Okay, all right, Josh, I want you to I want
you to discipline me verbally. All right, I'm out, I'm
your little kid. We're out right. And somebody says, hey,
what's your oldest son name?

Speaker 1 (22:26):

Speaker 2 (22:27):
All right? Max? And teacher says, hey, Max, you know
and you're right there, Max, fella, you know I really
need you to be better in school? All right? Go
fuck yourself? Now, what would you say to me? He
just thought that in a commercial. He just thought on
YouTube somewhere somewhere, what would you say? Yell at me?
Like guy, the serious joshpect yelling at Max.

Speaker 1 (22:51):
I would say, Max, you've obviously been listening to me
talking to.

Speaker 3 (22:54):
Your mother and that, and I can talk like that,
but not go.

Speaker 2 (23:08):
We're getting absolutely nowhere with this one.

Speaker 1 (23:12):
Oh man. I mean, look, thank god, you're gonna eat
canceling with that man. Here we go. That's it. It's
all over. I'm ready, you know. Thank God for my wife,
who's Irish Catholic, and she I always I always say,
I'm this hot blooded Jewish kid, single mom over, I

talk about everything at nauseum. I always say that the
wonderful thing about my wife is her love language is silence,
and she has taught me. I always thought that. I'm like,
you know, sometimes with a kid, you have to man
up and you have to show them whose boss, and
you have to like break their will a bit. And

she just said, no, we're not gonna do that. She's like,
cause they're gonna mimic all that. And I have friends
who yell at their kids like for everything, and you
see them reflect that behavior right back to them. So
my kid is far from getting away with anything. And
what I love about my wife and her family is
how how it's it sounds like a trite term, but

how polite they are, and when when you dig in deep,
like cause again, like my mom, some of my friends
and I will just like where we come from, damon
in New York, you talk shit, you feel free to
offer advice when it hasn't been asked for, right, Like,
that's that's how we that's how we grew up. But

my wife has taught me how to take a moment
and to meet them where they are and you know,
and it doesn't mean. Look, my son did not have
his iPad all weekend because you know, he was not
acting in the best way on a Friday night. And
that's okay, But I don't need to like throw out
this big boys his presentation that he's gonna then wind

up yelling at his teacher or a kid at school
or who.

Speaker 2 (25:05):
Mass shuet, what did you do that you that he
has a you know, he lost a little bit of ipies.

Speaker 1 (25:10):
I'll tell you it was funny. We had family in
town and I noticed or I was asking him. I said, Max,
come over, family's leading. Let's get a quick photo. And
he just was like, I don't want to be in
the photo. And I was like, I'll tell you what,
I'm not dying to be in this photo, but we're
doing it. It's family and and he kind of sauntered

over and he wouldn't you know, he just looked miserable
in the photo. If we're being honest, and I had
a real conversation with him after I said, he loves
podcasts like I do, and he listens to kid podcasts
in the car.

Speaker 2 (25:45):
The Arthur Podcast, And.

Speaker 1 (25:48):
I said, Max, how many times do we listen to
the Arthur podcast? He's like, I don't know a hundred
And I was like, I don't love the Arthur podcast,
but I listened to it because I know you love it.
And that's what being in the family is about. It's
about compromise sometimes because the other person in the family
needs something. So when I asked you to be in

a photo, I understand you don't want to do it,
but you do it because I asked you. They say,

what good parenting is when your child has enough money
to pay for their own therapy.

Speaker 2 (26:39):
Yeah. No, then my mother was a great parent, you know.
So how do you get and and you know, I
want to I want to. I want to touch on
a little bit about about the guys and stuff like
that and why it is different. But what do you
think is your recipe for having so much success where
people want to see you so much on social media?

I know I opened up with the difference of my
social media your social media. I don't your data and
analytics side. At the end of the day too, What
is the success or the reason why they are drawn
to you? You believe because I know you know, you
know obviously some of these things that are really resonating.
What is the reason you think?

Speaker 1 (27:21):
I think that people married themselves to me. The image
of me was something like Drake and Josh where I started,
which was so beloved, and people invited that show into
their home, and certainly as I got into my twenties,
I did that as a teenager. It's not uncommon for
people to look back at certain things when they were
a teenager and go, I don't want to talk about

that ever. But I had to embrace the power and
the value of what that offered and how much it
meant to people, and that was a huge springboard for me.
It with social media, I was uniquely a depth. I
would say it's social because I knew how to be
funny quickly, and I think you're rewarded in the algorithm

from being quick. And I also was able to accept
that even though it wasn't the Scorsese movie or the
cool TV show that maybe I was hoping for, and
that there was a little bit of a more division
when David, when you and I first met, and to
your credit, because you have always embraced new technology and

new trends like social media, there was a big distinction
between traditional and social. Now, I would say it's one,
but eight nine years ago when we met, it was
a new frontier, and so I would say being willing
to embrace it, being uniquely adept at it. And I
would say, David, and you probably would agree, is I

have friends with a following a tenth of my size,
but their engagement, the love they get from their audience
is far beyond what the engagement I'm getting, and that
value is huge.

Speaker 2 (28:57):
Well, we don't know because it's not the numbers, really
is it. But but I gotta tell you, you know
your your you know the content you put out is
not it's not a car crash to me, And I
find that it's the ones with the car crashes, or

of course you have your uh sexy and beautiful people
or very uh there's there's some people who play a
really fine line which I like, which is very thought
Bethany is a thought provoking person that it's not necessarily
a car crash. But yeah, you can have something to
talk about tomorrow, yours. When I look at you, it's
it's humorous, it's funny as quick, but you're also a

warm place. You're warm destination of I feel comfortable here.
You know. I'm not sure if I'm looking to feel
good that day, but I know I'm not gonna feel bad.
You know, when I know that, it's just a warm huk, right,
you know, in a in a way, a warm, joyful hug.
It's like seeing a friends like, oh man, how you doing.

I think you have probably a high level of real, honest,
engaged people because I agree on the authenticity, you know,
So it's power.

Speaker 1 (30:14):
I think there's a level you have to be willing
to grow and accept, right because it's a young man's game,
social media. And yet I've allowed my audience to tell
me throughout the years, like, you know, if having had
a bit of a very public physical transformation journey, I

would have these, you know, initially some very self deprecating humor,
and people eventually would be like, cut that out, You're
not that guy anymore, Like it doesn't work for you,
and I'd be like, okay, message received. Sometimes I would
need to get the same comment for two years in
a row to finally change it. But I would And similarly,
you know, I'm thirty seven, I have two kids, so

they'll tell me like, you're not nineteen, boss, you're thirty seven,
Like maybe don't do that trend, that one's not for you,
and I'll go message received and then I'll do something
that's relatable to my life that I'm a follow.

Speaker 2 (31:10):
Where it was that trend you being not authentic, but
you were just so fought up and moving that moving
not the needle, but moving in your pace. Okay, you
know what yoh as in new saying going on?

Speaker 1 (31:23):
I really like it.

Speaker 2 (31:23):
I could jump on that rocket and then you didn't
realize that it wasn't necessarily on brand anymore to you.
I'm curious aware because knowing you that you know, you
just were very open about it.

Speaker 1 (31:34):
Hey man, you know, I.

Speaker 2 (31:36):
Want to do things that are authentic to me. Where
was that fine line is saying no, you don't know
that that is still authentic to me or I am
thirty thirty seven. Where's that fine line of listening to
who's saying it to you? Was it who says it
to you?

Speaker 1 (31:54):
I think it's certainly who says it to me, and
I feel very lucky to be with someone who you know,
my wife is very candid and we grew up very
differently in that I grew up with a lot of
a lot of financial insecurity and she was lucky enough
to not, so she's not really motivated by money. And
it's something we talk about in therapy because it's not

okay with me. No, I'm kidding, but you know, I'm
I have a little bit of that child actor energy,
which is like, you want another one boss, like bigger, faster, funnier.

Speaker 2 (32:28):
Robert still like that Robert yorshek is all.

Speaker 1 (32:31):
Amazing and he just doesn't and then sometimes he gos.

Speaker 2 (32:36):
I licked a cat with a big tone on Shark
Tank in front of millions of millions of people. I
love it. I'll never get that back. And the cat
was more offended than I was. But he's sporadic.

Speaker 1 (32:51):
It's you know, the thing that I've learned the most
over the last ten years is additioned through subtraction, and
that that is you know. Felonious Monk has that great
quote of the greatest artist is the one most like himself. Yeah,
and Miles Davis says it takes a long time for
someone to play like themselves. And that's what I had

to realize, was like I had to be enough, and
it wasn't about adding all these extra layers and all
these mechanisms in which to try to people please or
to gain approval. It was like I had to trust
my instinct, my taste and make things that I thought
were compelling and that I was joyful when I was

doing it. What have you learned new.

Speaker 2 (33:39):
Or new angles about yourself on social that you didn't
realize or you didn't think about, because I give you example, lately,
I've been doing like product reviews and I just do them,
and you don't go on shark thing. If you don't

like different around and looking under the hood of a
lot of products, you don't become a Cereal and Angel investor.
If you don't like unraveling the box of a lot
of products. You have a place filled with a bunch
of stuff like I do right now where I showed
you previously. If you don't have a lot of products
and you don't do that for fifteen years, but I
never put a camera on it. I just never thought

of it right, And then I started putting a camera
on it with no agenda. But I love going to
trade shows and walking up the boost. I love, you know,
Thank god I stopped drinking because when I when I
was drinking, I mean every morning, the Amazon boxes, I
have to order two, three of them. Oh my god,
I can't believe that does that. And I started to
just post these things. I don't know the company to

have no agenda with it, and people have been just
really going nuts over it, just nuts, And I realized
this is what I like to do and I will
never stop doing. I don't care what camera's a on me,
cameras all, it doesn't matter. You know, I went I
use before storage wars are out. I used to go
and find those storage auctions because I just want to

dig around the people. Shit.

Speaker 1 (35:06):
Wow, yeah, I just like it. I like auctions.

Speaker 2 (35:08):
I have a whole but I have two hundred agors
and I got a whole bunch of stuff that I
overpaid for.

Speaker 1 (35:13):
And I will never use.

Speaker 2 (35:15):
I just like that type of stuff. What have you
discovered about yourself on social media? Because you know, as
I look at my social media, I say, okay, where
am I talking about the show? Where am I talking
about empowerment? Where am I still you know, being recognized
and letting people know there are social issues in there
because I'm a girl dad and want you to make

sure you understand that challenge women go through. I'm on
the pet Co board, I'm African American, you know, and
what you know, when am I talking about the everyday
man's plight or whatever it is? Right? Education, finance? So
I try to carve those things up. But when I
started doing this other stuff, more people got to you know,
more people really responded there. What have you ever hit

points like that? We said, man, this, oh look, this
is just me. Yeah it works.

Speaker 1 (36:04):
Oh, I mean having a family and being a dad
will help to strip away a lot of your vanity.
But I think it's having a faith that the audience
is actually incredibly smart and they're ahead of you in
a lot of cases. And so you know, I have
been able to sort of transition. I look at things
that I made seven years ago. I look at my

book that I wrote three years ago, and I cringe
sometimes really, but it's a healthy cringe. I'm proud of it.

Speaker 2 (36:32):
But you've grown, You've grown, or you did.

Speaker 1 (36:34):
Right, it's a growth cringe. And so yes, the more
that I've embraced the fact that like, this is just
me now, and I could put together some false projection
and praying that it's relatable and that you like it.
I know some people who are uniquely gifted at creating
things that are for the people, and they're going to

love it. I don't know how to do that. I
only know how to make things that I think make
me laugh or that I think are entertaining. And the
more that I'm true to that voice, usually the more
success I have. And I have this buddy who he
got a cooking show. He's a great chef, and he
had this social media presence that was so in conflict

with who he was. It just was very generic. Sacharine
just like, hey, folks, like happy Monday. Here we are, like,
do you have a case of the Monday's comment below?
I'm like, I was like, you knocked out a guy
in front of the Venice Sphere two weeks ago because

he rode his surfboard over your foot in the water,
and I'm like, you don't have to, you know, challenge
people to a fight. I was like, but that that sparkle,
that that grit, that flavor, that's you, babe. And that's attractive.
You know, if you figure out just the way in
which you can release it in a way that won't.

Speaker 2 (37:59):
Get you canceled. I totally I couldn't, you know. I
have a lot of people in my life who are
trying their best to be on sofa and not because
they want to beat stars, but they want to be
They know that they need to do well. They believe
they need to do more, so they just can grow
with the times and that you know, you know that
that that not being authentic when they're just a totally
different person. Because if people don't realize the driest, boringest

looking type of person is hilarious, you know, you don't
need to put that on.

Speaker 1 (38:26):
I'm following this guy on TikTok right now. He literally
goes out into the wilderness in Freezing Adventures and he's building.
I mean, I grew up in a studio apartment in
New York City. I've never even I look at a
campsite and I break out of eives. It ain't happening
for me, But I'm fascinating because he's so uniquely himself

that I can't I can't.

Speaker 2 (38:48):
Stop watching well with this ability, and I mean right now.
I think you've been you know, you've been doing this
over twenty years as an actor and bringing people so
much joy. Dep how much producing do you do at
the moment. I don't you know, I don't do a
lot of your own shows.

Speaker 1 (39:05):
Obviously none, I would say, you know, not much.

Speaker 2 (39:11):
With them bringing back so many things would and I'm
sure you've been offered this, Why because of such a
below show? Why would you not executive producer and bring
back you know, Drake and Josh and Fine because with
the seventeen million followers and find the new Drake and Josh.

Speaker 1 (39:30):
I would say again, I mean, so much of my
life has not been about going backwards because I have
had to grow. What do they say, let go or
be dragged?

Speaker 2 (39:44):

Speaker 1 (39:44):
Relentless? Growth has been the through line throughout my life.
So I for me, I've always felt like I don't
want to mess with something that meant a lot to
a lot of people, and it doesn't terribly interest me.
But you know I've I've done plenty of remakes and
some have been good, some less good, and they've meant

a lot to a lot of people. So I hear
where you're coming from. I'm just not sureying to be
very interested.

Speaker 2 (40:10):
You know, I wouldn't call it a straight question. People
ask me to bring back Booble when I go. You know,
there's certain people who may or may not be able
to look at a solution and turn that solutionto thirty
billion dollars annually. I love my brand.

Speaker 1 (40:24):
I only ran out four.

Speaker 2 (40:25):
I have three other great partners and it's done certain ways,
but I can't look at that FB again in so
many ways. I can license it and as part of
the culture, but for me to go and I think,
whether it's podcast, whether it's music, and often fashed unless
you're talking ladies fashion of mine. So it's a young man,
a young woman is gay, right, you know. And it's

moving so fast. But I just want to know where
you were with that, because yeah, it's the same thing.
I love my brand and it's so near. Dear, He's
got me so many plies, but I can never I
say embraces to the point where I'm going hard every
day all day and look in the new co I
need young blood and I am well going forward. There's
so many people going to be listening to us right now.
Where that is about friends, that's about family, that's about business,

that's about all kinds of relationships they have, or it's
about careers, like like, well we have. I wonder how
many understand you can't go backwards.

Speaker 1 (41:19):
I would say probably less than we would hope. But
that's why I like love Andre three thousand, who is like,
I'm fifty, I don't have much to rap about, but
here's this fluid album. I'm like, that's break.

Speaker 2 (41:33):
He's still Andre and I have no idea what you know?
When that was talking.

Speaker 1 (41:39):
Most depth, yeah, yeah see yah seen bag.

Speaker 2 (41:44):
And you know, and obviously hip hop origin is a
very homophobic you know, or and hip hop the origin
of it is battles, right, legendary iced ty and Coke
iced Tea against ll cool J and Kris Swan and
Biggie obviously Biggie and Puck and all that. And they said,

you're like, you know, there's two people they know never
want to battle. You never want to battle. First of all,
they all know that Andre three thousand, you don't want
to battle a guy who's gonna beat you in a blouse.
You just don't want that to happen. That's awesome, and
then believe it or not as much as there's poppy songs.
You never want to battle pit Bull because he's a

street rapper and he may want to do the oh
tell bo bo bou, but he will rip your ass apart.
And I thought about how amazing and legendary Andre three
thousand his and that he did movies. But what did
he go? Why did he just decide I'm a chill
with that, I'm not even gonna do movies. What happened?

I know it goes totally all the topic here, but.

Speaker 1 (42:49):
What happened I don't know. I mean, his last album
is arguably one of the greatest albums but hip hop
albums of the last thirty years, and you know, high respect.
I love when people go I don't need to be saturated.
You know, I can pick my spots. I can come

in and out of celebrity in the public life every
five to ten years as I am inspired. And he
just seems like a guy who waits to be inspired.
I'm a fan. I met him once I was sixteen,
and I just had all the bravado of a sixteen
year old kid star, all hyped up on carbs and hope,
and I was like, I was like, mister three thousand

I am a big fan and he couldn't have been calling. Now.

Speaker 2 (43:35):
Listen, man, it's always been cashing up with you, and
I love tim moments that you share with us as
being a dad being, you know, and people take it
too lightly about being authentic about so challenge yourself and
checking yourself at the highest level of somebody and saying,
you know what, I either didn't show up in the
past wrong or you know what, it's my ego. I'm
gonna smap all that aside and I'm going to humble myself.

And now you're an op and eye. I'm you obviously
have this amazing podcast, and then you're a good buddy
of mine. We don't speak each to each other often.
I think we follow each other from Afar and I
love to see how you growing and I wish you
all the best and I can't wait to get into
another conversation. Maybe see you when I'm out in California.

Speaker 1 (44:18):
Appreciate you, Damon always. I feel the same, and come on,
good Guys podcast. We would love to have you.

Speaker 2 (44:23):
I would love to man, I would love to go.
Thank you later. That Moment with Damon John is a
production of the Black Effect Podcast Network for more podcasts
from the Black Effect Podcast Network, Visit the iHeartRadio app,
Apple Podcasts, or wherever you listen to your favorite show
and don't forget to subscribe to and rate the show.

And of course you can't all connect with me on
any of my social media platforms. At the Shark, Damon
spelled like Raymond, but what a d
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