All Episodes

March 12, 2024 39 mins

I recently had an incredible conversation with my friend Gary Brecka, a human biologist who's been making waves in the health and wellness space. Gary's insights blew my mind, and I knew I had to share this with you all.

In this episode, we dive deep into the secrets our bodies hold and how a simple test can reveal so much about our health, our deficiencies, and even our mortality. You'll never guess what one swab can tell you about your life and death. Gary's unique approach to understanding the human body will have you rethinking everything you thought you knew about health and wellness.

We discuss the surprising truth about common health issues like hypertension, hypothyroidism, and diabetes, and how they often stem from simple nutrient deficiencies rather than the reasons we've been led to believe. Gary shares his passion for helping people optimize their health and performance, and his knowledge is truly unparalleled.

But that's not all – we also touch on the entrepreneur gene and the toll that stress and cortisol can take on our bodies. As entrepreneurs, we often neglect our health in pursuit of our goals, but Gary reminds us that our health is the most important asset we have.

Trust me, you don't want to miss this episode. Gary's insights will leave you speechless and inspired to take control of your health like never before. Tune in now and discover the life-changing information that could transform your well-being and longevity. This is a conversation you'll never forget.


Host: Daymond John

Producers: Beau Dozier & Shanelle Collins; Ted Kingsbery, Chauncey Bell, & Taryn Loftus

For more info on how to take your life and business to the next level, check out 


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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
It's the small promises. I see that when we make
them to ourselves, and even if we don't express them
to the outside world, you know, we make them to
ourselves and we continue to break them. And the more
often we do it, the more comfortable we get in
doing it, and the bigger the promise we break to
ourself gets. So I would say, if you really want
to get serious about taking hold of your changing the

direction of your health trajectory, I mean, you're about to
feel a state of normalcy that you haven't felt maybe
in decades, decade decade.

Speaker 2 (00:33):
What if I told you there was more to the
story behind game changing events. Get ready for my new.

Speaker 3 (00:40):
Podcast, That Moment with Damon John will jump into the
personal stories of some of the most influential people on
the planet, from business mobiles and celebrities to athletes and artists.

Speaker 2 (00:53):
So if you only have one moment for yourself, you
should be taking that moment to check in on your health.
But to be honest, a lot of us don't even
know where to start. There are so many tests and
products being advertised every single day that promised to better
your health. But my friend and health expert Gary Becca

joined me to share his approach that has literally transformed
people's lives, including mine, solve These celebrity clients include people
like Dana White, Steve Aop, Kendall Jenner, David Beckham and
that's just the name of you. In the spirit of
taking that moment for yourself and giving my audience access

to the knowledge that I am able to absorb on
a daily basis, I'm releasing this raw discussion that the
Tool of Us had on how to identify what needs
to change in your health regimen, how to drop the
stress levels that are absolutely killing us, and how to
better your relationship thanks to bettering your health and even

more it, Gary's one of the fastest growing educated his
personalities in the country due to the fact that he
takes care of Dom Brady and the Dana White, Joe Robin,
you take care Joe and no people who are at
the extreme Gary's history, I don't recall well and I'm

not gonna I'm gonna try to only take ten to
fifteen minutes of his time, and I'll tell you the
trade off. I've been where Gary is now and many
of us have. I can't get my vitamins for like
two months because Gary is on a rocket ship. And
Gary is just like every one of us entrepreneurs. But

it's even he's even. You know, when somebody got a
bad shirt from me, I really wanted to take care
of him. When Gary takes care of somebody and they
call him, he stops everything. Add that people like Dana
White who said he saved his life. Add that to
the fact that the things he has been saying in

the press and other things other people have said that
that information has saved their lives or changed their lives
and drastically altered it. Add that to having one of
the top medical podcasts now and everybody wanting to get
a hold of him, and he wanting to please everybody.
So now he's not only somebody who, uh will be

there the middle of the night and read your meds
or your your you know, your obviously all your data
and take two hours of his time to do that,
and then you get on the phone with you. But
he has fifty other people asking the same thing. And
then people wanted to be on press, and then people
wanted to do deals with him, and he can only
do but so much. Right, he's drowning an opportunity. And

I said to him, as a friend. Hey, man, I've
been there. I've been when I was on shar tank
and everything was coming in, but I still had to
run my business. I still had employees, I still had relationship.
And also it's cool to hang out with a president
right at the same time, right and stay in shape.
I said, So you come here, man, I said, listen,

I got some great people who are experts at what
they do, and I'll have a little conversation. I'm not
sure who will be able to give you contact with Garret,
but if you feel you can offer some value, of course,
I'm going to ask you to do it. You barter
or trade or however you do it, and just to
have his ear how much they charge, how much you

charging right now to read somebody's twenty five brand, to
read your report, your medical report, because he has to
because everybody wants to talk to him. But so I
want to make sure that I'll probably email him out
or whatever the data of who everybody's in the room,
what you do if you think that you can help him,

ted in processes or anything else like that will help
you up and tell you who's in the room. And
you guys can work independently and but he's just an
amazing human being. Now question I you know, you were
a mortality expert, meaning that an insurance company had you

on board, so you can tell when a person would
potentially die or how close was it to death, or
the date or the timing it was.

Speaker 1 (05:30):
So if we got ten years of medical records on
you and ten years of demographic data, we could tell
the insurance company how long you had to live to
the month. It's it's scary, it's it's it's really some
of the most accurate science in the world. I mean,
I get a lot of flack about it. But if
you if you look at the variable basic table at
twenty eighteen, twenty twenty one, or even just state, take

a step back, and you and you and you wonder
how how good are life insurance companies and annuity companies
at predicting. You could look at what happened during the
two thousand and eight two thousand and nine financial services crisis,
when we had three hundred and sixty four banks fail,
but we didn't have a single life insurance company fail.
I mean, there's some of the most solvent institutions in
the world, and yet they take hyper concentrated risk on

a single variable, right, I mean no put. I worked
in a jumbo life division, so most of our policies
were we were ensuring lives that were twenty five to
fifty million, eighty million, one hundred million dollar policies. And
when you when you take that kind of risk, you
know you need to be accurate because the only thing
that matters is how many more months that person has

left on earth. And I always say that if the
database that I had access to when I was working
in the mortality space could see the light of day,
it would permanently change the face of humanity. It would
upend modern medicine in a way that would be catastrophic.
That's why I will never see the light of day.
Because insurance companies have data. Annuity companies have data that

no other financial services enterprise has, no collegiate university, not
even the federal government. Because they know the day, the date,
the time, the location, and the cause of death for
three hundred and seventy million lives. And they not only
know the day, day, time, location and cause of death,
but they also have that person's medical records and they
usually have the beginning and the end destination medical records,

and they also have an extraordinary amount of personal demographic data.
I don't know if you've ever applied for a large
life insurance policy, but it's a pretty invasive process. If
you have a divorce degree, if you have a trust,
if your will, if you have banks, brokerage counts. I mean,
it's an extraordinarily deep dive into the most personal part

of your life, not just your health history, but your
financial history. And then we were allowed, as mortality experts
to get one blood test and ask for anything that
we wanted, and we were allowed to get a gene
tests and ask for anything we wanted, and based on
that we could hone in on mortality credibly accurately. I

didn't know that's why I came here to talk about today,
but it seemed like a little morbid opening there not
I really took a nose dive from.

Speaker 2 (08:15):
I think it's I think it's fascinating. We are entrepreneurs
and we hacked businesses. You hack life, right, And I
think because I was fascinating. It was it because and
I remember, you have looked at some people that I
know that you'll work would have said this person almost
had what they would think would be cerebral palsy or

something like that. And you, because we were talking you,
it was pretty simple. You said, it's an art medicinizen art.
You're not a PhD, but you're a scientist, and the
way that you look at things is because you even
all right, let me give you an example. My wife
had had Lopez slash Hashimoto. We don't know what it was.

For years, she went to everybody. He casually wasn't even
addressing that. He gave her some thyroid, something for a pill, whatever.
And finally when she got to a doctor it was
about fifteen years right after him, they said, who gave
you this? It's like, you know, some somebody work. But
he was like, he indicated something that we've been looking

for for fifteen years.

Speaker 1 (09:21):
Who the fuck gave you this?

Speaker 2 (09:23):
And he just gave that in passing. I remember there
was another person I talked to and they said they
almost couldn't barely walk. Can you remember this person? He
almost had like cerebral palsy park Parkinson's right, And you
found something in there, and I'll let you say what
it was, because they he had it for years, six years,
six years, couldn't barely walk everybody's seen him. What did

you find in there?

Speaker 1 (09:48):
It was an elevated There's a part of the White
Whattzell count has is something called immature granular sites and
base of fills, and these are only elevated when you
have chronic, low grade viral infections. And so you're looking
back at the I used to read medical records for
a living. I'm not a physician, by the way, so
I'm not licensed to practice medicine. But I went back
and looked at his medical record and I noticed that

he had had this elevated granular site in Besafil from
the time that he was diagnosed until the time that
he actually came to work with me. And I asked him,
I said, have you shown this to your neurologist, and
he said, yeah, showed it to him, and he didn't
know why I was elevated. So we just he just
threw it out and I said, well, it's you know,
it's not really what we do in medicine. And so

I said, the next time you come into town, I
think we should pull a full viral panel on you.
And so we pulled it a full viral panel, and
as it turns out, it was the highest West Nile
tighter that the lab had ever seen, and so the
reason why it was unresponsive to Parkinson's medication, So the
reason why I was diagnosed with Parkinson's. If you look
at the parallel symptomology between Parkinson's disease and West Nile

you'll see that they're superimposable. Right. Flexua dystonia starts off
with a pill rolling tremor, flat affect, flattening of mood,
depressive like symptoms, shuffling gait, and eventually you get this
flexure dystonia where you just kind of start to curl
in on yourself. And I happened to be It happened
to be the day that I got the message from

the neurologist that you were there in my unit, I think,
and so I read it to Damon. I didn't tell
him the patient was. But as it turns out, you know,
as the viral load came down, his mood stabilized, his
CT improved, his CT scan of the brain improved, His
flexure dystonia went away, his pill rolling tremor was gone.

He walks without a cane right now. He's fully upright
that that that that West how virus is in remission.
It turns out that about ten years ago or so,
Miami Beach was actually the UH For a short period
of time. It was the Zeka Capital of the world,
right around the Convention Center. If you live in Miami
you probably remember this. But it was right around the

convention tenter and the Thai Hotel and the mosquito is
what carries the West Nile virus, because he thought, you know,
you don't think, how on earth would I get less Nile?
But I think the the magic in the human body
is in.

Speaker 4 (12:13):
The simplicity, you know.

Speaker 1 (12:34):
I think that when when we you know, I always
tell the story about how when I was in grad
school and I was getting my second human biology degree,
and you have to take all these plant botany courses,
which I hated because I wanted to take gross anatomy
and physiology and I had to like study algae and
algae blooms. But you know what struck me about plant

physiology is that if if you have a leaf rotting
in your palm tree and you call a true arborist
or a true botanist out to your house, they won't
touch the leaf, right, They'll cortest the soil and they'll say,
you know, there's no nitrogen in the soil, and they'll
add nitrogen to the soil and the lethal heel. And
years ago, we used to think about human beings this way.

You know, we used to think about what deficiency could
be gone from this body that could be causing the
expression of disease. But now we've accepted this phenomenon, that
disease and pathology are things that happen to us. Rarely
are they things that happen to us. Almost in every case,
there are things that happen within us, and they happen
because of relatively simple nutrient deficiencies. And when you can

find what that person is deficient in and put it
back into their body, this is when you see human
beings thrive in ways they never thought possible. And it's
not hyper complicated. I am not a genius. I just
really understand human physiology. And from the outside end, you
would say, well, why it doesn't somebody that has so
many years of medical training look at the human body
that way, And it's because they're trained to look at

chemicals and synthetics and pharmaceuticals as a way to solve
natural deficiency.

Speaker 2 (14:04):
So why say, oh, hypotension runs in my family. It's
not the hypertension or something runs in my family. It's
that a gene or something in me is not getting enough.

Speaker 1 (14:15):
If hypertension ran in your family, or hypothyroid ran infinitely,
or diabetes ran in your family, and the next time
some a physician tells you you have a familial disease,
or you have a genetically inherited disease, or you have
hypertension because your father and your grandfather had hypertension. Say well,
if I inherited hypertension from my ancestor what gene did

I inherit that's causing my high blood pressure? And watch
their face go blank. Ask them what gene you inherited
that's causing your hypothyroid? What gene did I inherit that
caused my diabetes. Now there are genes that predispose people
to certain conditions, like a brockogene. That's actually real genetically
inherited predisposition. But we do not pass disease from generation
to generation. The reason why we don't pass disease from

generation to generation is because the z as they are
passed from generation to generation have a terminal end and
don't genetically reproduce right, we actually do the opposite. We
pass the strongest of our genes onto our offspring. And
so when we look at why certain conditions run in families,
like hypertension or hypothyroid or diabetes, or even drug and

alcohol addiction or depression or anxiety, which do run in families,
the reason why they run in families is because you
inherited a deficiency. In other words, you inherited the inability
to take one raw material in your body and convert
it into the form that your body can use. See,
there's not a single compound known to mankind, not one
that we put into the human body that is used

in the format that you put it in. Without a
single exception. Everything, every vitamin, mineral, amino acid, nutrient of
any kind that you put into the human body gets
converted by the body into the usable form. This process
is called methylation. And if methylation is broken in one place,

then you have a deficiency. And it is this deficiency
that leads to the most common ailments that we suffer from.
You if you look at hypertension, just since we're talking
about hypertension, but if you just look at hypertension, and
you're welcome to google it. What percentage of hypertension is idiopathic?
Meaning what percentage of hypertension is of unknown origin? Eighty
five percent? How often do we medicate the heart for hypertension?

One hundred percent of the time. So you mean to
tell me that eighty five percent of the time you
can't find anything wrong with my heart, but you still
medicate the heart in every single case. Yes, we use
beta blockers and calcium channel blockers and diuretics to pound
on a perfectly healthy organ that's done nothing wrong, that
has a normal EKG and normal EEG in normal dye contrast,
study normal cardiac cath normal heart and lung sounds, and

they go, I don't know why you have hypertension, but
we're going to medicate the heart anyway. We do this
with the thyroid, We do it with all kinds of
organ systems in the human body. You know, most people
that are diagnosed with hypothyroid are diagnosed with hype bo
thyroid because they have something called low T three thyroid
hormone T three. But the little known fact about that
is that the thyroid, the only twenty percent of the

thyroid hormone T three is even produced by the thyroid.
So if if thyroid hormone T three is low and
I'm diagnosed with hypothyroid, why are we not looking at
the eighty percent chance that it's occurring somewhere else. You know,
it actually gets methylated in the gut and delivering the periphery,
but it's outside of the thyroid. So I don't know
why I'm starting to eat your face.

Speaker 2 (17:32):
I feel like I just you get me, like I'm
like wind.

Speaker 1 (17:35):
My wife says it all the time, like.

Speaker 2 (17:36):
No, no, no. People say this is important because I want
to see your passion because you're such a good friend
of mine, and I want I know this room does
what you don't do. And I don't know how we'll connect.
Ell at ted or one of the groups find a
way where you know, if you find if anybody wants
to be observicecy, you're saving lives. Period.

Speaker 1 (17:55):
That's it is called the MTFR gene. It's can I.
It's called the motherfucker gene. That's not what it downs
stands for, but it stay. It's for methylene tetrahydrofol a reductase,
but it's MTHFR, so everybody calls it the motherfucker gene.
I'm one, So if you're if you're one, welcome to

the club. But so forty four percent of the people
in this room have that gene mutation, So what does
that mean. That means you cannot convert folic acid and
any of its derivatives into the form that your body
can use called methyl folate. And while that might not
sound like a big deal until you realize that fullic
acid is the most prevalent nutrient in the human diet.

In fact, folic acid is a man made chemical. Right,
you can't find folic acid anywhere on the surface of
the earth. We make it in a laboratory. You can't
find it naturally in nature. Yet it's in all It's
sprayed on all of our grains. All white flour, all
white rice, all white pasta, all white bread. All grains
in the United States are required to be sprayed with

the chemical folic acid. And again I'll say chemical because
it does not occur naturally in nature. Fullic acid didn't
exist until nineteen ninety three. So so now we spray
this into the on It's called fortified or enriched by
the way, So if you see fortified whole grains or
enriched wheat flour or enriched cereals. That means sprayed with
the chemical folic acid. Well, forty four percent of the

population cannot process that nutrient. And again that doesn't sound
like a big deal until you find a pregnant woman
and she goes to Obgin and she says, well, I'm pregnant.
He says, great, take high dose as a folic acid.
Now you put fourteen hundred percent of the daily allowance
of folic acid into a body that can't process it.
And what happens. She goes nuts, She develops postpartum depression,
and postpartum depression begins before the pregnancy ends, and now

all of a sudden, she doesn't know why she is
massively depressed. And eventually the pregnancy ends and she stops
taking the prenatal vitamin and the symptom goes away. So
she blames it on the pregnancy and not on the vitamin.
And if you look at the incidents of add ADHD, OCD,
learning disabilities, and even by you will see that they
are superimposable with the systematics introduction of folic acid as

it's spread across the country. Right in nineteen ninety three,
when we I think it was Monsanto signed a deal
with the federal government to spray you know, our food supply.
And the reason for this is that if you can't
process this nutrient, it's skyrockets. And not only does that
nutrient skyrocket, but the methyl folate that you need is depleted.
And then the question becomes, well, if I'm deficient in

methyl folate, what does that do well. Metha folate is
one of the most prevalent methylated nutrients in the human body.
The first thing it's responsible for is the peristaltic activity
of the gut. So when your deficient in methyl folate,
you have gas and bloating, diarrhea, constipation, irritability, cramping, and
you try to keep linking it to what you're eating,
but it never correlates to your diet. And then you

get your you know, then you get your gut biomechecked,
and then you go to and then you go to
a GI specialist, and then you get a food sensitivity
I'm done, and you get a food allergy done, and
you and you do all these elimination diets and it
never seems to go away because it has nothing to
do with the contents of your gut. It has everything
to do with the activity, the peristaltic activity of the gut,
the pace of the gout. See, they remember, the intestinal

tract is like a thirty foot long conveyor belt. When
you start changing the speed that that conveyor belt operates,
you get massive consequences. But not from what's on the
conveyor belt, the food, not from the gut biome, right,
you get it from the actual speed of the gut.
So it is astounding. Like you know, people are like,
oh my god, it's just like miracle cure. It's not
a miracle cure. You're just giving the body the raw

material it needs to do its job. We have just
stopped thinking about treating human beings this way. We always
look to pathology and disease. Yeah, sometimes I'll bring young
entrepreneurs up when I speak. And if you ask a crowd,
you know, what is the most important thing to you?
Health or wealth? You know, is your health more important

than your wealth? Everybody will say yes, my health is
more important than your wealth. And if they sat in
this chair and I asked them about their income statement,
their balance sheet, the P and L, they would know
extraordinary levels of detail. And if I asked them about
their hemoglobin A one C, their free testosterone level, or
their insulin. Their face would go blank. And sometimes it's
it's it helps to sort of rattle that cage and say,

you know, you really only have one temple. You know
you might have only one business too. But so in
any case, yes, it also goes to diet. And you know,
my philosophy on diet is based on large data and
it's and it's very simple. We should be eating whole foods.
We should be eating whole real food. Right, It's not keto, carnivore, paleo, akins,

ra aw food, vegan, vegetarian, pescatarian, it's it's none of those.
In fact, if you look at the studies of blue
zones all around the world, you have high carbohydrate, low
protein diets, you have high protein low carbohydrate diets, you
have very high fat diets, and each of these blue zones.
Singapore is one of the highest meat consumptions per capita
in the world. They have the longest life expectancy on
the planet. But then if you got to Sardinia, they

extraordinary amounts of pasta and breads and grains, and they
have hyper centenarians if you go to Vietnam or you
go to the Mediterranean, you see high amounts of fish oil.
So it is whole foods that we need and then
balance everything else that's going on in the blood. You
know what's sad is as soon as you get a

disease or pathology, then they focus on that disease or
pathology and they leave the entire balance of your biome alone.
Why wouldn't you have to take somebody that's suffering from
severe diabetes or Crohn's disease or an autoimmune condition and
balance their hormones. Right, just because they have this condition
doesn't mean they don't deserve to be optimal in these
other areas, and so certainly balancing like the sure you know,

the glycemic profile, the hormones, the nutrient deficiencies. It's just
amazing how much punishment the human body can take and
then return to a state of being completely optimal. It's
always fascinating me. There's five specific genes you want to
really look at, m T, h f R, m T
R R one called a h C y uh C

O m T. You want you want to look at
those those five and and the reason is that that
is the majority of all of how your body processes nutrients,
and you'll never guess again for the rest of your
life on what you need to supplement with for your
body to be You know, then then you are giving
your body at least what it's deficient in. Remember, there
is no such thing as an essential carbohydrate, so you

just marinate on that for a second. Carbohydrates are not
necessary for life. So my point is that if you
if you look at the blood biome of of most people,
and you you tested for the ninety one essentil minerals,
the eight essential amino acids, and the two essential fatty acids,
you would find that they are deficient in some or
several of those, and therein lies the early expression of disease.

In the mortality space we would actually use we would
not use blood biomarkers. We would use nutrient markers to
decide how not only the onset of, but the severity
of and how quickly you would succumb to disease. And
so I would I would start with a morning routine
that that has components that you never ever, ever ever miss.

One of them would be that you wake up and
get eight to ten ounces of water and you either
had a pink chemalan sorry, a Celtic sea salt, or
another mineral salt. Baja gold is my favorite. It has
all ninety one trace minerals. A sodium is not raising
your heart rate, it's not at putting you an additional
risk for cardiovascar disease. It's the reason why we're hydrated, right.
We're not hydrated when we have water in our blood,

or hydrated when we have water in our tissue, right,
and sodium determines whether or not that that water leaves
the blood and enters the tissue. So you can start
this nutrient exchange. So I would I would take a
mineralized water in the morning, and then I would I
would learn to do breathwork. I would do three rounds
of thirty breasts. That's one thing that I do every day.

I would come in contact with the surface of the
earth for about six minutes minimum, three times a week
if you possibly can. Earthing and grounding is a very
real thing. People do not really realize how disconnected we
are from other nature. You know, we really get three
things from other nature. We get magnetism from the earth,
we get oxygen from the air, and we get light
from the sun, and the further we are away from

those basics, the sicker we become. The truth is, the
majority of us are not getting enough sun. It's not
that we're getting too much sun. I mean, the pandemic
of skins cancer did not start until seed oils came
into our diets. And we actually have removed we have
actually removed more than twenty two different brands of sunscreens
for their direct link to cancer causing mortality morphologies. And

so if you if you want to get sun at
the safest time, do it in the first forty five
minutes of the day. You know, during first light there's
no UVA, there's no UVB rays, so there's no damaging
rays from the sun. You can still make vitamin D three.
You know, when that light passes through your eyes, believe
it or not, helps reset your cortisol melatonin receptors for
sleep that night. And and I would start taking cold showers,

so I know that's the hardest. That's why aging is
the aggressive pursuit of comfort. And so for vanity reasons,
there are a lot easier ways to strip fat off
the human body, right, you know, ozembic and somemglatide can
be life saving for people with morbid OBC type two diabetes,

severe insulin resistance where they can't get their insulin down,
or very impulsive food cravings right, which has to do
with the dopamine cycle, but really really powerful food cravings
that they can't that they can't overcome. If you take
ozembic or h juago v, someemaglatide or tear zepatide, you
need to be doing two things because in all of

the follow up clinical studies you'll see that anywhere between
two thirds and forty five percent of the weight that's
lost is lean muscle mass, right, So this is not
just fat, it's it's muscle, tendon, ligament, bone, connective tissue.
It is it is all of the mass in the
body that is being eroded. And so you can fight
that with a peptide, a sublingual like a growth hormone peptide.

They are very safe. It's not human growth hormone. Amino
acid peptide. My favorite is somorlin and you have to
do strength training because it will accelerate something called sarcopenia,
which is age related muscle wasting, and it is much
harder to get muscle back than it is to take
fat off. So if you're on one of those GLP

one inhibitors, and then I would highly suggest that you
regularly do strength training and that you and you take
a peptide and amino acid peptide to protect the mind.

In the back of your mind, you're like, you know what,
I'm gonna go to bed at ten o'clock tonight, and
you go to bed at eleven thirty, or you go
about one am, and then you know, you wake up
in the morning and you're like, I'm definitely I'm gonna
wake up in time to get hit the gym in
the morning. And then you're you wake up and you
go back to bed for an hour. It's it's the
small promises. I see that when we make them to ourselves,
and even if we don't express them to the outside world,

you know, we make them to ourselves and we continue
to break them. And the more often we do it,
the more comfortable we get in doing it, and the
bigger the promise we break to ourselves gets. So I
would say, if you really want to get serious about
taking hold of your changing the direction of your your
your health, trajectory. I would one be serious by say
I love myself enough to stop drinking, and I love

myself enough to start keeping small promises that I make
to myself, and then say you're going to go to
bed at ten o'clock, and go to bed at ten o'clock,
and you'll be amazed at how good you feel, not
only by going to bed at ten o'clock, but by
keeping that promise to yourself. And then as you become
more consistent in keeping promises to yourself, you become more
disciplined and you don't have to wait for motivation. Right,

Most people wait to be motivated, and motivation comes and goes,
But discipline is what really will change. If you're talking
about health, I mean that's consistency over time. And then
the third thing I would do is I would get
some data. Just like you know, none of you would
buy a business without data or invest in a business
without data. And you're probably here exchanging data figuring out
how do I improve something that's going on in my business?

But where do you focus if you don't have data?

Speaker 4 (30:49):

Speaker 1 (30:49):
I mean so, and that's why I brought up the
you know, the income state and the P and L
the balance sheet that most of us are familiar with,
you get that familiar with your own biome still to treat.
When we start to get data on the temple, then
I know just calling this the temple. But when you
start to get data on the temple, it makes it easy.
It almost gamifies it to be healthy, because you're like,

I want to get this marker from here to here,
and then when you move it down, you feel amazing. Right,
if you're swimming in blood sugar, you have low free testosterone,
you're deficient in vitamin D three, and your B twelve
is half the range, which is probably several people in
this room. You are functioning at a not just a
marginally suboptimal level, but you have brain fog. You have

excess water retention. You think you're fat, you're not. You're
just retaining water. You lay down and go to sleep.
You're exhausted, but you can't go to sleep because your
mind is awake and it won't shut off, and it
thinks about the most innocuous little thoughts until finally you
fall asleep in the wee hours of the morning, and
you're not rested. When you wake up. You're having a
noticeable level of brain fog. You get a great idea

in the bedroom, you walk to the kitchen. You wonder
what the hell you're doing in the kitchen, and you
think that this is a consequence of a it's not.
It's a consequence of missing raw material on the body.
In our fifties, we were meant to have it all.
In our sixties, were meant to have it all like
the libido of a tiger, the energy of ten men,
clean and clear, waking energy, you know, you know, excellent
short term recall. We were meant to sleep like a bear.

I mean, we were meant to have it all. So
those are no consequences of aging, nor should you. You
wouldn't put up with those deficiencies in your business. Don't
put up with them and your biome as as being
something happening within us. We are always looking to the
outside world, right, And you started to do that just
a minute ago. And that's the reason why I asked
to stop you. Because what happens is as as intimacy

or or or you know, rous or libido starts to fall,
we start to look to a cluster of symptoms which
is outside of us, and say, but that was my point.

Speaker 2 (32:46):
I was saying, you think it's all the rest of
the Yeah.

Speaker 1 (32:48):
Yeah's what I think.

Speaker 2 (32:48):
You start blaming it on that and it's not so.
I don't want to take up any more of a time.
You know, Gary was out here any other new launch
of air on the special uh the ones they they
did like a Hailey Beaber before and stuff like that.
He's truly a person of service. I don't know where
the answer is of anywhere we can help him or

be of service to him. You know, maybe it's Ryan
or Ted will reach out. He's a superstar. As you
can tell, he's extremely passionate. Any more stuff you want
to find out, of course, please check. You know he
has great podcasts and there's some stuff with Joe Rogan.
Of course Gary would say it himself. Check. Don't listen

to him. Do your homework, just like anybody else. We're
not saying that everything he's saying or I believe is right,
because he say he didn't say my necessarily my life,
but he said I dropped forty pounds. Naturally, I'm up
a little bit only because I haven't had time to
do exactly what he says, which he's a great indicator
of Hey man, I'll tell you. Actually, you know what happened. Actually,

I said to him Trob. About two months ago, I
was with Justin Maclaurus and I said, hey, man, Gary,
every since I gave him the alcol he didn't tell
me the alcohol when I gave it up. Said, every
time I give the alcohol, I had the sugar cravings
like crazy. I said, I don't know what that was
wrong with me. He's like, okay, Well he did my
blood and he said, you came in here when you were,

you know, drinking alcohol. You're closer to being annual heavier.
You're closer to being pre diabetic now than you ever
were before. I said, well why, and then I told him?
He said, what do you doing? And I didn't realize
because of us type of schedules, I don't want to
hit that snooze button because I got to give three
fifty something five fifty. I'm all over like I used
to take a five our energy. Hit it in the morning,

Bang really quick, I get up. Tell me what happened,
Tell me exactly what cause you saw it started? You know,
you can explain it a bit.

Speaker 1 (34:45):
Against so and this happens a lot when people don't
eat breakfast in the morning, they skip breakfast, and they're
in their blood sugar trails very very very low, and
they eat late in the morning or early in the afternoon,
and then it's skyrockets.

Speaker 2 (34:58):

Speaker 1 (34:58):
The problem with blood sugar is is not the level
of blood sugar or the level of insulin, it's the
distance that it travels. Right. The further insulin travels, the
more likely you are to become insulin resistant over time.
So when your blood sugar looks like a heart monitor,
it's much worse than when it looks like rolling hills,
if that makes sense. And so his blood sugar began

to look like a heart monitor, and it overloaded the pancreas,
and then all of a sudden, the level of insulin
that it took to keep this normal level of blood
sugar wasn't working anymore. And this is the genesis of
pre diabetes and eventually diabetes. And it lurks very silently,
but it's very easy to fix if you get data.
It is very easy. I can't even tell you how

many thousands of patients every month our clinic reversus pre
diabetes on that's a walk in the park. But if
you don't know that it's going on and it's an
underlying then you know it could progress to something very significant.
You know, metabolic syndrome, which is any two of five
symptoms we're seeing now in people in their late twenties

and early thirties, where it used to be a late
fifties kind of things. You know, DOMINOBC hypertension, insulin resistance,
elevated cholesterol, low HDL cholesterol, and high blood sugar. And
we're seeing this as in younger and younger and younger
because our food supply is getting more and more and

more poisoned, and so you're seeing a lot of these things.
So I would really just encourage you, not even through me,
but just get data right. Hormone balance, nutrient deficiencies, blood
glycemic control is what it's called. So if you tell
your your doctor, I want a full hormone panel, I
want a nutrient panel, and I want to look at

my blood sugar, and you cover those three bases, I
mean you're about to feel a state of normalcy that
you haven't felt maybe in decades. To ten X health
test in order to test. But I'll just answer your
question really quick. As soon as kids can chew and swallow. Right,
you can begin to supplement them for deficiency and from

the test it will tell you what they're deficient in.
I mean, they have gummies for a three year old,
so Douglas Labs has great gummies for young kids. There's
another there are supplements for toddlers called metabolic little ones.
They're not mine, but they're methylated nutrients for little kids.
And then you want to know if your child has
the mthfr gene mutation, for example. And that's why you

only do this test once in your life, because you
want to keep them away from fulic acid. You want
to keep them away from fortified or enriched foods. Right,
Because if you really think about all of these learning
disabilities and behavioral disorders and kids like add and ADHD,
attention deficit disorder is not really an attention deficit at all.
It's an attention overload disorder.

Speaker 2 (37:42):

Speaker 1 (37:42):
It's too many windows open at the same time. And
the reason why you open windows faster than you close
them is because in the human mind, we don't just
create thought, we also dismantle it. It's a really important
concept to understand that we don't just create a thought,
we actually break that thought down. Or else you would
always be in your mind. How does it leave? Those
neurotransmitters are downregulated, So people with attention deficit disorder are

slow at down regulating those neurotransmitters. So what happens windows
continue to open, right, and then we call it attention
deficit disorder. But it's an attention overload disorder. And if
you think about how ironic it is that the mind
is racing, and so modern medicine says, well, let's put
an amphetamine into the body to race the central nervous

system to match the pace of the mind. Right, So
let's take the system that's not broken and break it
to match the system that's broken it. It's mine numbing too.

Speaker 2 (38:39):
Jalancy has four thousand windows open. What do we do
with Chanson?

Speaker 1 (38:44):
See do you need to take methal fol eight and
you know a complex of B vitamins and methyl cobe.

Speaker 2 (38:49):
I have thirty five hundred open, but I just give
them to take.

Speaker 1 (38:54):
Yeah, But so you know, even on the report, it
will tell you what to take and you can ye
can go right to Amazon Pure and Consolations Thorn some
of these great brands that make.

Speaker 2 (39:04):
And I'm sorry, I'm not gonna be able to get
that question because I I kind of drag him over here,
and I'm really sorry about this one. I want to
let you go, man. I thank you for coming in
to s finish, thank you time with us, and thank
you giving up for there you guys man, and we
got to find a way to get this guy to
help so you save more lives. That moment with Damon

John is a production of the Black Effect Podcast Network.
For more podcasts from the Black Effect Podcast Network, visit
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your favorite show and don't forget to subscribe to and
rate the show. And of course you can all connect
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the Shark, Damon spelled like Raymond, but what a d
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