All Episodes

March 31, 2021 35 mins

Episode 135 - "The Culture Deserves It" Feat. Ferrari Simmons & Su Solo Produced by: @iHandlebars

Topics: Saweetie & Quavo, Lil Nas X, the Derek Chauvin trial & more.

The Baller Alert Show

Featuring @FerrariSimmons @_SuSolo @iHandlebars

":The Culture Deserves It"

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Hold on, hold together, some special ship. Welcome, come come
to the Alert Show the one to ner only not
taping some bo more exact when your Baby India solo.

This is the Faller Alert Show. What's the polling nation?
I am I Tavia Marching? You already know what the
homies A man the kid Ferry Simmons and it's Your
Girls solo for another episode of the follow Alert Show
podcast or whatever that's right. We're back with another episode
and today we are highlighting the latest and entertainment from Swetyakwaivo.

The Derek's Having murder case. Uh brother mail, you know
we got it for you. It's popping the day. It's
super poper posted on my Instagram already and we read
it to let's go okay, with so much going on
in the world, let's get into a case you missed it.
So first up on the case you miss it, we
want to congratulate Natalia Bryant for getting into USC has

Kobe Bryant's started right there to congratulations to her. The
baby girl Briant. She um, she definitely deserved it. I
heard she went through the regular student way. There was
no um, you know, extra curricular like oh, you're Kobe
Bryant's daughter. We're gonna let you in. I heard she
did it the regular white too. It wasn't like how

do how do white folks do when they pay the
schools off? You know, she actually did her thing, She
got her education, she studied, she held her all. Shout
out to them. That family has honestly been through so
much in the past what two years or so, and
I just I'm so proud of her, just to see
her smile, to see how strong they are, how they

just coming out here doing they think. I'm so proud
of him. What my only issue is, is she gonna
stay on campus freshman year? Because you know, that's kind
of like what you want to do as a freshman,
you want to get the college experience. Is she gonna walk,
gonna be on campus freshman year? And if she does well,
she had bodyguard, w she has you know, it's Bryant daughter. Now,

this saint just goddamn regular decla. Now that's that's that's
real spill. Ferrari Loud. I'm trying to think about it.
If I was being as Brian and I was sending
my daughter to college in a time like this where
everybody talks to you reckless. Everybody thinks they know you
just because you've gone from the family that you come from,

and they feel like they might try her. That's a
damn good question. Now, I don't know if I would
send my kid with a security I don't know. Actually, yes,
I am. How does um the Obama's move? What have
we've learned over the years, Each expiring president always has

a Secret Service security detail, unless you're in peach like
Donald Trump. But uh, you always have a forever security
detail for the rest of your life. So I'm assuming
it goes down to the kids too. But well, you
know who needed security at the time was Quavo on
Sweetis apartment Because TMZ has released footage elevator footage, you

went down in the elevator again, Sweetie and Quevo? What
did you guys? Just take on that I noticed your
man's worry. You go, oh, I'm going first. I noticed
your mass so let us know you go ahead first. Okay.
I watched the video about I'd say about thirty times yesterday.
Watched it a couple of times. I knew y'all was on.

Put me on the spot because Cuevo is my guy.
It looks like, from my opinion, Sweetie was getting in
that ass outside the elevator because something happened. Maybe it
was a text, a big as argument. Who knows what
happened outside the elevator, but it looked like Sweetie was

beating the hell out of quevo ass outside the elevator.
It look slat they were arguing. Looks like something was
important in the bag. Now, I'm not trying to be funny.
I was talking to Suit yesterday on uh Ararian Suit
to two on the streets now for five Monday through Friday.
By the way, I was saying, the suit off the air,
it looked like something was really damn important in that bag.

I would like to say it was about a hundred
thousand dollars in that bag or something similar value. I
think they were tussling over the bag and Quevo for
a good blanked out. He did not punch hit her,
but it was physical. It definitely didn't get physical, which
gives everyone called the pause. That is my guy doesn't

look good. But I don't think I think it was
just more so a relationship tussle, and I hate that
it has happened. I noticed that Sweetie changed her profile picture.
I think that Cat Williams in that profile picture. Um,
I'm not feeling that. UM not feeling the whole situation. Um,

this looks not reparable, y'all. This, this definitely does not
look reparable. But if it does, if it, if it
does get repaired, I will say just say no, no,
my damn business. Unfortunately, when we look at that elevator,
though it was bad, I ain't ok cap it was bad,
but that's my friend and I'm sticking with him. Okay,
now that this is okay, okay, okay. Well, this is

the thing about this, right, I think a lot of
people are a little bit conflicted because it kind of
seems like we have already normalized abuse, like anytime you
keep someone from leaving in any capacity, that is a
form of abuse. Now do I think that either Quabo
or Sweetie have been more abusive to the other or

came off for abusive in this tussle. It's hard to
say because all we see is an elevator door open,
and it does appear that's that's Sweetie swung at Quabo.
He dugged it, he reached for whatever this case was.
So it kind of seemed like he was trying to
leave with whatever this was, and maybe Swede was trying

to get him to stay, or maybe it was her
belonging that he tried to take with him. We don't know,
but I think what people are trying to figure out
is is this a level of abuse or not. So
many people are in the comments talking about well, no,
and I hate to say this, but some people are

making comparisons, comparisons like, no, what Chris Brown did was abuse,
what this person did was abuse. Like listen, you don't
got to knock a bitch out cold for that to
be considered abuse. Somebody doesn't have to die for it
to be considered abuse. And I think in our culture
we normalize it if it hasn't reached a certain limit.

I didn't know abuse had limits. Okay, now again with
when it comes to their relationship, I don't know what happened.
I don't know what this tustle was about. We did
not see Quevo swing or or actually hit her. What
we did see was a tussle and it looked like
they both fell to the ground while they were both
trying to obtain whatever this this suitcase or box was.

But what I find to be disturbing again is just
going through social media and having the phone calls that
we take on our show and to hear people just
completely normally normalize it and just be like, Oh, that's
that's normal relationship stuff. It's not okay for your girlfriend
to swing on you, and it's not okay for you
man to get any type of physical with you. Let

me just make that clear. I've been in situations where
I got swung on. Uh, that seems pretty normal to
I guess that's not normal. So getting swung on by
your girl like normal because I had swung on for
being bad, you know, not from Misserori right now, you
know what I'm saying. I'm completely on the book so here,

but I was just saying in my past, long long,
long long time ago, I've got swung on in my time,
and uh, it seemed pretty normal for me doing dumb
hoish hoish ship. I'm just trying to figure that out
because that's not normal when when you're female friends at
the time swung on you did you take? Did you
swing back? No? I didn't swing back, but I would

like me like trying to hold her like yo, stop.
You know, I would think that's a physical altercation. It
was to a point where I was putting the police
car for me from I got beat up. I got
beat up. Uh, And you know, the neighbor called the
police and they put me in the car because all
they automatically assumed it was me that was violent, you know.

And I sat in that car for about forty nine minutes.
I didn't have my watch, your phone or nothing but me,
but I was counting. Uh. And then by the time
she kept a g and they let me out, I
was like, damn bro right. He was like, listen, I
didn't protocol of calls to move the man away, so
I don't know, you know, we can talk like this,

We can talk about this for hours, so I'll let
you know, do a job. But yeah, I just thought
it was normal for, you know, a man to just
do some dude dumb sh like we normally do and
then our girls swing on our slapped out of us.
You know. I had a relationship once for a long
time ago. Normal was what I'm saying. Yeah, And okay,

so I was younger, you know, definitely in love. I
thought that this person was going to be the person
that I was gonna marry. And I had never seen
a man cry over me, you know what I'm saying
now over a potential break up. Not I had never
seen it before, and I took it as damn, like

this man really loves me, Like, look at this man crying.
And it allowed me to kind of excuse certain things
that now I would never a man could never get
away with those things. Um. I remember one breakup was
so bad, I mean, my argument was so bad, like
he actually pushed me, like like pushed me, and it

came out the blue, a bitch loss to a balance
hit the ground. And at the time I told myself, man,
we are so in love that and and that was
just a moment of passion. Whether that's true or not,
I think we really have to start setting boundaries and
the first time something happens, like you need to let
it either be known that it will never happen again

or don't put yourself in that position ever again, whether
that means you leave the relationship or not. But I
think seeing this, and and of course because of how
popular Seweeian Quabos relationship has been and how everybody we're
calling the relationship goals, I think this is stiring the
conversation in the community that really needs to happen. What

are all the ways that abuse looks like? And I
hate that, you know. Unfortunately it's a rounded around this
young couple. They're young, they got a lot to experience,
but it is it is quite of a conversation that
is much needed. So do are we classifying this physical
altercation over? It looks like they were tussling over a object. Um,

we don't know what Okay, Yeah, first of all, happened
outside of the elevator. We just see the end and
then we see what we all we know is we
saw what happened inside the elevator. So we're calling this
physical abuse because no, all I see was her striking him.

I'm not I can't speak for her, I can't speak
for him. And let's get physical. It's it's physical, okay, Okay,
that's all. It's clearly physical. I'm not sure what. Like
we said, we don't know what happened before the elevator
or you know, when they got off. I'm not even
sure who they released, who released the tape, who y'all
think released it? I don't know, I don't know. But

apparently this happened at their apartment at their apartment complex
in in Cali. Uh I don't know. Well, we'll see
how that goes down. Hopefully no lawsuits will be involved,
but there's definitely lawsuits coming to Little not ex Satan
air Max shoes, the company M S C. H if

I guess it's mischief. Uh NICKI fo the trademark infringement
against the Brooklyn based company who are known for creating
controversial viral products. Now, Rory, I know you're a shoe guy.
Do you like do you even like this ship? I'm
a very spiritual guy. Grew up with my grandmother praying,

grandmother anything satanic. I don't even watch movies that have
stuff to do with the devil, so I don't really
even like scary movies and stuff like that. Um sue
all the way spiritual? Do you like this? It'sself Ferrari
like the shoot? Forget the satanic? Do you like the shoot?
The actual shoe? Yes, it's the air Max. I have

them some over here. I got my shoes. But I'm
not talking about just the Airmax, about the design that
the No, you don't like that. I want to talk
about you the shoe. Yeah, do you like the shoes?
That that's an air Max ninety seven. That's a seven.
Um the color way cool because that's you know, you
think Chicago Bulls black and red, Satanic red. No, sirskey, no, sir.

I will not even put that shoe inside the house. Okay, yeah,
so the shoe could taste, but let's go with it.
Con tastes two fluid ounces of red ink a drop
of human blood, and the blood was drawn from the
mischief team a bronze pentagram charm. It is also on
top of the shop. And if you don't know what

the pentagram is, it's it's kind of the devil's word.
Now six hundred and six, these six pairs are already
sold out at a thousand and eighteen dollars, so a
lot of people are kind of into this care. I
don't care for what it represents, to be honest, I

don't even know what all people are worshiping in in
that realm of world. Um am I offended by it?
I can't really say I'm offended because again, I don't
give that energy too much energy. I don't know what
the hell y'all to praise them like people that that's like,
I don't what are you crazy. I don't know, but

it clearly speaks to some people. They are buying it.
And everything ain't for every damn body. Okay, Now what
I will say though, some of y'all people out here
talking about you canceling little nos Exit. That was before
the shoot, y'all was canceling his ass because he's been comfortable,
he's been himself, he's been showing more his personality. He's

been playing with wigs and giving men lap dancings and stuff. Something.
I don't have, no damn Mike to be canceling a
little Nasa. I'll be doing that ship too. Now y'all
better stop, and let's not act like this is the
first satanic music video ever. It's been thousands and hundreds

of satanic musical videos, you know what I'm saying. It's
been satanic shows, um, the Satanic movies, um. And then
you know, even south Park. South Park has the Devil
as a character in south Park cartoons. So it's let's
not act like this is new, you know, and people

some people like that stuff. So that's why I know
he did it. He did it for attention, and he
did it for I get it. You know, some of
your favorite actors and artists be low key throws subliminals, okay,
and y'all be vided. So stop a lot of these
rappers we talk about when I get the hell and
all this other ship. So let's let let's let's let's

keep the playing field even now exactly, stop picking and
choosing who's allowed to do this, who's allowed to that,
Who you're gonna hey, who you want to cancel? Like,
come on now, y'all, y'all, y'all motherfucking mad that y'all
kids are bumping oldtown bro. Y'all didn't listen to the lyrics. Okay,
y'all did not listen to the lyrics that man had.
I just looked them up. They really sketchy on them lyrics.

Boy wow, parents, come on, parents, stop, don't be mad
at little He just wanted to live his rich life. Okay. Well,
the devil himself is on trial started Monday, Derek Schalvin trial,
you know, the former Minnesota police officer who's being charged

with murder for the death of George Floyd. Um, are
you guys watching? I'm getting up down because you know
we're on airin uh Money through Friday, two pm and
six Dames for five. By the way, we're on air
when that's on, and I'm catching the highlights. But now, Jerry, yeah, now,
Jerry black Were one of the prosecutors in the trial,

repeatedly highlighted Uh in his opening statement that Floyd was
pinned to the ground for nine minutes in twenty nine seconds.
Now remember everybody thought it was eight minutes. It was
actually nine minutes in twenty nine seconds that Derek Shavin
was on his neck. UH. Shavin's attorney, Eric Nielsen, blamed

the growing crowd at the scene, which he said distracted
the officers and Floyd's rest. He said the screaming that
that the that the people were screaming at the officers,
causing the officers to divert their attention from the care
of Floyd Uh to the threat of the growing crowd
in front of them. You guys, I'm not shocked by

nothing that these people say or do. I'm not shocked
at all. The flame always all back on the black community.
It always falls back on the black victims. None of
this ship is shocking, none of it. What is gonna
be shocking is if we don't continue to put our

foot on their necks and forced change. That's what's gonna
be the shocker. There's no reason for us to wake
up every day surprised at the headline, surprised that another
black person being killed, an innocent black person being killed,
or white people staying there in threat of their lives
just because we're black, just because we're asking for equality.

I'm not shocked, and I'm not gonna keep acting like
I am. I'm not right now. Let me go down
some of these witnesses now Monday. Um, there's a nine
one once the dispatcher, her name was Jenna Scurry, who testified,
and she was the one was one of the people
to actually call the police on the police and what
did you decide to do? I took that instinct and
I called the sergeant. And do you recall who the

surgeon was? It was a surge there, and um, why
did you call a sergeant? The sergeant is the police
officers supervisor. But in your experience, you felt something was
wrong here that a sergeant needed to know about it.
And she actually called the sergeant and said, you can
call me Sniche if you want to, but there's something

suspicious going on, and I think you guys need to
check it out, which is crazy. Donald Williams, he actually
testified Monday into Tuesday. He was a bystander with expertise
in martial arts. He informed that he was in the
bud chocole. You had Darnella Fraser who actually took the video.
She says that she finds herself apologizing to George Floyd.

It's been nice. I stayed up apologizing and apologize and
to sorta Floyd, we're not doing more and not physically interacting.
And I'm not saying in his life, but the if
not what I should have done, it's what he should

have done. Her nine year old cousin actually testified. And
a lot of these people, the Darnella Frazer's, the nine
year old cousin, they couldn't be on camera because they
were minors at the time. Now, the cousin was actually
asked to show shopping was in the courtroom and she
said she couldn't. She didn't see him in the courtroom
because they had on masks. So he actually stood up

and took his mask off. Yes, who is he? I
can't remember his name? Okay, do you remember what he
was doing? How you know him? He was pushing me
with George Floyd. Do you see him in the courtroom today? No? Okay,
how about him? Yes? So is that the person and

you you saw, yes, you actually have Genevieve Henson, year
old Minnesota firefighter who was actually on the scene and
actually asked to help, uh, George Floyd, and they did
not her help. It was pretty focused on trying to
get the officers to let me help and how are

you doing that? In my memory, I tried different tactics
of calm and reasoning. Um, I tried to be assert
of I pled and was desperate. Did you also at
some point start raising your voice, yes, sir, and maybe
used some follow language even why because I was desperate

to help and I wasn't getting what I what I
needed to do. But this case is is one of
the most closely watched cases in decades, I think since O. J. Simpson,
and I think that, like you're right, we need to
pay attention and we need to, um, you know, keep
applying pressure to the system to get this justice. Yeah,

thank you for the details, because what's gonna happen is,
if let's just say he gets all right, it's gonna
be hell on earth. I'm just letting you know, and
that's already you know what I'm saying, It's just going
to be very, very bad. You thought we protested before,
you thought it was right before. If this white man

gets all for putting his knee on this man's neck
for now minutes twenty nine seconds, like you just newly
told us it was an eight minutes and was eight
minutes forty nine seconds. I believe it's nine minutes twenty
nine seconds now. Uh, if this white man gets off
for doing this crime, it's going to be a big,
big scary situation. It's gonna it's gonna remind me of

that Purge to remind me of the Purge movies. I'm
just letting you know. It's gonna listen to this though
Black folks like it's it's not enough to go out
and protest and riot in rage like that. That is
not enough. That's not gonna get us anywhere. Honestly, because
think about this. Even if the man is convicted, what's

gonna happen. He's gonna stay in a nice, nice ass hotel.
You don't have security. They're gonna feed him organical. He's
gonna have visitations he like, he still will not feel
the wrath of the justice system because it was not
designed for people like him to feel it. We have
to constantly make sure that we are changing on the
daily so that people like him are held accountable, just

as accountable as every other guilty minority in the world,
white people. It is time for y'all to pay y'all dudes. Okay, y'all,
y'all are not y'all are not God. Y'all are not elos.
You're not above the law. And let's talk about the law.
And we're all learning about this new code that they
protect their own. Let's let's let's remember that too. So

like the laws aren't designed for them to be convicted,
like they're normal people. So like we're all learning all
these things. So now everything is changing and being judged accordingly. Yes,
stay tuning the Bather Alert on all social media platforms
for updates on this case. Uh Fiser says that COVID

vaccines are a hundred percent effective in kids twelve to fifteen. Now,
where are you have children? Uh? And I know you
got a teenager? What do you think about that? I
have um? Uh I a soon to be eighteen year
old about to go to college. And it's gonna be
required to at the vaccine to live on campus. She

wants to live on campus, so you know, I mean
our total job. I was gonna take the vaccine. Um
when it becomes a readily readily available I was available.
Um yeah, ms ms Rory won't let me take until
we uh re remodify our mature. I ain't trying to

do what she my wife won't let me take it
until we remodified this. It's a couple of things in
our life insurance we're doing so uh it's not bad,
it's all good. But she just wanted She was like, hey, man,
look just in case, goddamn, let's fix this ship right
here that we've been trying, we've been putting off for

the past couple of years. So I'm gonna fix that.
Then I'm well, I'm sure I'm shooting down whatever wherever
I can go. Now, my mother in law took it yesterday.
She took the one shot. You can do a two
shot Johnson and Johnson Don John's that's the one I'm
gonna take. That's the one that's sixty. Yeah. Now keep mind,
I'm flu shot shouting. I get flu shots twice a year.

Uh from my checkups. I get my checkups all the time,
black man, making sure you go to the doctor. Sometimes
they gotta put your head. They gotta, you know, if
you're getting a little older like me, approaching for it
that yeah, they're gonna have to goddamn do that goddamn
cancer thing when they check your ass and ship It's okay, bro,
we're not gay. It's okay. If you get you get
you're not gay, it's okay. They got to check you
the same to have one. Anyway, back to what I

was originally saying, you gotta go get get your check ups. Okay,
get your damn checkups. If you want to take the
COVID test, cool, If you wanna get the vaccine, cool.
I'm just lett y'all know on in the future, if
you want to go to basketball games, you want to
go to these concerts they just said. They just said
the NFL games, it's gonna be back to regular attendance.

Basketball games about to be back to regular attendance and
a damn show to show think and assume they're gonna
require you to have that vaccination shop for you to
answer that you have to present that fame now much
as why why are the looks soon? You know, I
just feel like this is a bad movie. I'm I'm

just waiting on the government to make everybody taking damn shots.
And then one day everybody's gonna be at their respective
concerts or their church, or their games or their cools,
and they're gonna press a button and all the black
people are gonna be activated. Okay, all the black people
are gonna got them fall to the ground because they

don't funk with us. And y'all noticed, y'all know they
don't work with us. Hello Tuskegee Experiment. Okay, I'm hey,
I'm just I guess I'll just be, you know, watching
the shows from outside. Hey man, we're gonna take a
quick break pace of bills, her cooker. We'll be back
with more of the Baller Alert Show. We got baller
mail up next. We'll be right back. Stay tuned with

more of the Baller Alert Show. Message Okay, it is
time for baller mail. Oh my god, Hey, Rory Man,
I just proposed to my pregnant girlfriend in front of
everyone last week and she said, no, what the fuck?

I ain't speak to us since I've been sleeping at
my mom house. What should I do? We've been together
since eighth grade. We are both seniors in college at FAMI.
You down here in Tallahassee, Florida. So let's see eighth grade,
ninth grade, tenth of level twelve and then freshman year,
sophomore year, uh, junior years. And you've been with the

lady for eight years? Okay, you knew, you knew she
probably gonna say no, big fella. Okay? And what'd you
was this an apology proposal? Something stupid? Before you propose?
You feel me? She tied of your ship? Are you

a ain't ship type of person? Have you been lying you?
Are you tired cheating? Before? You're leaving out a whole
bunch of details that I can't help you with, bro Okay,
because the way that she said no in front of everybody, boy,
she or the kid ain't your Okay, my dad, later

on in my diet, I'm gonna go straight to you
ain't shipped? First. Maybe you ain't ship. Maybe she's looking
at the future and she don't see you in it,
and she just happens to be pregnant by and maybe
and sometimes when women get pregnant, okay, they start seeing
things a little different. Everything is magnified. Yeah, hormones are

off balance, but she's also magnifying the type of man
you are. Maybe you're not a leader. Maybe she doesn't
trust you to lead a household. Okay. There's usually things
that women do when they say no, I don't want
to marry you. Okay, now let's put that to the side.
Maybe that's not it. Maybe the baby ain't yours. Okay.

Maybe she was out doing her thing while you was
doing your thing. Okay, because usually women don't cheat. Usually
women don't cheat unless you know the man is not
taking care of sponsibilities as a man. Maybe it's old
boy from down the hall and the dorm. Maybe it's

the football player that was blowing the back out, making
her secrease baby. It was the athletic director at the school.
Maybe it was somebody underneath you that's cool with you,
that was blowing your girl back out. The baby might
not be yours, bro, So this this is what we're

gonna do. This is the best advice. And I never
give advice. This is the best advice I'm gonna get.
When your child arrives, you're a DNA test if it's yours,
be a good doctor, to be a good father and
take care of your kids. If it ain't yours, go fly,
my brother, go fly, and go ahead and just find

somebody else to propose to. So you said she's pregnant. Yeah,
he said it's his pregnant girlfriend. Okay, Well, first off, sir,
I feel like, if you really want to marry this girl,
don't go running hide, be a man in text and
figure out why, Like, do some counseling. I feel like,

let's let's figure out the solution or a reason if
you really want to be with her, you know, do
something that that that makes you, that makes everybody believe
that you want to be with her, don't go to
your mama house, Like, just figure out why you don't
want to marry you and then y'all fix it from there. Yeah,

I agree, I would say, before you try to turn
around and put it on her by demanding DNA test
once the baby is born, take the time to make
sure that you guys are actually on the same page
in your relationship to begin with. Like, don't just feel
like she told you know, because the baby might not
be yours. Oh that must be it. Oh I'm gonna

get a DNA test that force before the baby gets here.
Like also T said, maybe y'all should go see a
counselor break it down, try to see if there's, you know,
something missing in y'all's relationship. And honestly, low key, I
kind of feel like most of the time y'all been
know when a woman might say no, Like I kind

of feel like you kind of know when they might
not say yeah, now so great, yeah yeah, but you know,
good luck to you, good luck to you. And no
matter what, whether y'all get married or not, it sounds
like you are assooned to be happy. And I hope
that you are a present man in this child's life.

No matter what happens in your relationship, you still have
a life to raise. Message. You'll be right back with
more of the Baller Alert Show. Back to the Baller
Alert Show started March Ferrari Simmons and Sue Solo. Let's

let's do the word of the that the word of
the day is intent. Okay, what is your intention? Okay?
Like what do you intent? Like you know what I'm saying,
like freemas, I'm just letting you know, hey, been dog,
what is your intentions with this girl? Okay, Quavo, what
was the intent of that physical altercation? Too? So low?

What is your intent for us to eat lunch later
to day for five? Are you? And is your intention
to continue to just drop the pounds and so we
have to eat some bullshit ass salad today? No, I
don't want to eat bullshit as salad. What is your intent? Octavia? Okay?
I see you got red nails. There's somebody significant in
your life that likes the red names of those red

nails that you have today. Okay, And I'm watching you,
by the way, because you've been kind of quiet, and
since you've been quiet, I mean he's talking to somebody,
and I need to find out who this person is. Okay,
because you're asked me real quiet, and I don't like
Tavia being too damn quiet. Okay, don't run off from
going motherfucking boat and then come back and be like, hey,
Rory and Sue, I'm married. Don't do that. What is

your intent with these red nails? Okay? Because I know
when Ms Rory has on red nails. We haven't said
three times a day, oh ms Rory has red nails.
She knows that I like that man or people like
are attracted to red. Okay, so she knows when she
put on red lipstick and red nails, it's going down.

She knows so much. Baller Nation and Ferr wear no
underwear because for the last pipe. Okay, red Na, this
is what I go through already, that's be what I
go through. Al Rri and sup every listener Nation. You
appreciate you'all for for tunity. Then for another episode of

the Nails Life, I have to fight. Okay, we'll see.
We'll see y'all next week. I thinking enough of baller Alert.
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