All Episodes

August 14, 2023 61 mins

It’s a BFF Fest, as the unstoppable sensation that is JoJo Siwa visits with Raven & Miranda to talk about what it’s like to be a walking, living brand. They get into JoJo’s desire to be loved (and the issues that come with it), if one day she wants children and what it’s like to go on a date with one of the most recognizable faces on the internet (and her car). The wheel is merciless and it all leads to a gift that JoJo will never forget on The Best Podcast Ever…

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:09):
I love it when you.

Speaker 2 (00:10):
Buck up, buck up.

Speaker 1 (00:11):
Oh hello, hello everyone.

Speaker 3 (00:19):
It's the best podcast ever.

Speaker 1 (00:21):
Did you guys know that you were listening to the
best podcast ever with Miranda and Raven.

Speaker 3 (00:26):
I'm sure they did, or maybe they didn't.

Speaker 1 (00:28):
Maybe they didn't.

Speaker 3 (00:29):
I just hello, listener, how are you today? I wonder
where you're listening to us, but I hope you have
a great time listening and a great drive. I think
I feel like you're driving. I'm talking to one very
specific listener, it's you, and I know you're driving right now.

Speaker 1 (00:45):
What gear are you in? I was talking to someone
the other day and they were saying they drive a stick,
and I was like, oh my god, baby the barber.
Rick the barber. He was like, yeah, I got a stick,
and you know, I'm teaching my son how to drive it.
And I try to miss one.

Speaker 3 (00:57):
That's right. He did talk about that, And no, I
don't know how to drive a stick.

Speaker 1 (01:02):
To you, I do know how to drive a stick? Well, no,
but do I know how to yes. I think it's
very important talent tool to have in.

Speaker 3 (01:10):
Your toolbox one hundred percent. And you and I are
both car people, and I always wanted to learn and
I Okay, here's a little story for you. I used
to take an acting class and I went to this
acting class and I kind of had this thing Strasburg.

Speaker 1 (01:25):
Yes, yeah, for sure.

Speaker 3 (01:26):
The only thing I got out of that class was
this moment, which I'm about to share with you, which
was this guy drove a stick and I was like,
what color was you?

Speaker 1 (01:36):
I'm sorry? Continue.

Speaker 3 (01:38):
I was like, can you teach me? Because I've always
wanted to learn? He said yes, and he tried to
teach me, and then he was like, Okay, I'm not
teaching you anymore because you are about to ruin my
transmission and that's not cool. And then he kissed me, and.

Speaker 1 (01:55):
I knew there was another type of thing involved.

Speaker 3 (01:56):
Yea, he was into me. He was into me, of course,
he was.

Speaker 1 (01:59):
Teaching a girl to nowhere to drive a stick. He's
into you.

Speaker 3 (02:02):
It's okay. It was the worst kiss of my entire life.

Speaker 1 (02:05):
Really, Why he.

Speaker 3 (02:07):
Was one of those people who like.

Speaker 1 (02:11):
Ate the whole face, I mean depends on if you
love someone.

Speaker 3 (02:15):
Yeah, he definitely, I don't think loved me. We didn't
know each other well enough for that.

Speaker 1 (02:19):
And he so, what you mean ate the face?

Speaker 2 (02:21):

Speaker 1 (02:21):
Was the tongue in the nose, like by the eye area.

Speaker 3 (02:23):
I was just like, yeah, it was just like my
whole I felt. I felt just slabbered on you, slot.

Speaker 1 (02:31):
Like Beethobin came and kissed you.

Speaker 3 (02:33):
Saint Bernard kisses and he had a beard like that.

Speaker 1 (02:37):
So that was the payment for teaching you how not
to drive a stick.

Speaker 3 (02:40):
And I was like, never again. And then I had
to quit that in class off.

Speaker 1 (02:44):
That there's only one thing to do in that situation, exactly,
quit quit. Yeah, that's interesting. I definitely wish that I
could have been friends with you back then so I
could tell you not to sign up for the Saint
Bernard who wanted to just slabber on you so you
can drive his stick.

Speaker 3 (03:00):
Ah. So anyway, how are you today?

Speaker 1 (03:03):
You know, I'm doing well. I had a really weird
dream last night, which I told you about earlier. And
normally my dreams are kind of PC and very weird
and very much like a black Box Netflix show. But
this one was all the way through and I felt
like there was actual messages in it for me.

Speaker 3 (03:23):
So I would agree with her after having heard that dream.

Speaker 1 (03:27):
Yeah, yeah, so it was very weird. You know, My
wife and I were watching the ultimatum. So I had
those couples in my head, and one of those couples
had a baby, and they asked me to hold the baby.
So I got my best slingshot around my shoulders put
this baby in the sling shot. Now, mind you, the
baby was hand size. It was not like a true

fetus or a one week old. It was like hand size.
And they asked me to get it baptized. And I
was like, oh, I'm gonna get it baptized, okay. So
I waited in a line, and as I went up
to make my way to the baptism station, they asked
me to jump into a twenty foot pool and you
can see inside it because it was surrounded by glass.

And they wanted me to jump all the way down
into the water and then come back up. And I
was like, wait a second, hold on, I'm not First
of all, I don't like water in my face. Second
of all, the baby is the size of my hand.
That baby's going to drown. His lungs aren't strong enough
to hold his weight. So so I left the line
of baptism. And that was a weird dream. One because
I'm not a Christian. Two because definitely not going underwater

for nobody else's baby.

Speaker 3 (04:35):
I mean, what in my mind, our subconscious takes things
that are happening in our real life and then like
shifts it about. So, yeah, we watched this show.

Speaker 1 (04:45):
But how would you describe the dream that I explained.

Speaker 3 (04:53):
We were talking about babies, we were talking about relationships.
We've watched The Ultimatum, so I think all of those
things the baptismal element. I mean, you and I talk
about a lot of spiritual stuff, and this week in particular,
you had some self discovery, you did some new work,

and I think.

Speaker 1 (05:16):
Scary that I didn't want to get baptized in my dream.
Do you feel a certain way towards me? Now?

Speaker 3 (05:22):
No, good to know I was baptized.

Speaker 1 (05:25):
You were baptized?

Speaker 3 (05:26):

Speaker 1 (05:27):
Really? What age you were? Like one of those pretty
white dresses?

Speaker 3 (05:29):
I totally did. I was probably around six or seven.

Speaker 1 (05:35):
Oh you were old baptism?

Speaker 3 (05:37):
Yeah. Interesting, And my sister was a baby and they
did me at the same time because my parents didn't
baptize me when I was a baby.

Speaker 1 (05:43):
Now don't you like Catholic? Isn't it Catholic background?

Speaker 3 (05:46):
Well, my parents were raised in Catholic households, but they
did not raise my sister and I that way. Mimi
and I were Episcopalian. We went to Episcapalian school and
Episcapalian church, and that's the church in which I was baptized.

Speaker 1 (06:01):
Interesting, you know, when you look back, like I love
a garage sale, and sometimes when you like rubbage through
the drawers, you find these old pictures of children in
there christening and I'm like, I can just imagine baby
Miranda in her christening dress but like six years old
and like food all over her face, and her going
to her Daddy'd be like.

Speaker 2 (06:21):
I want to take a picture.

Speaker 3 (06:22):
Babe, I want to take a picture. You've seen the
video of the day. If you remember, I'm like skipping around,
I have no food all over my face.

Speaker 1 (06:28):
I have you ate it.

Speaker 3 (06:31):
I actually wasn't like a messy food baby like that
at all, Like I don't really have you know, And
especially around six or seven, I was very like I
think I was sliding into my OCD, GERM world whatever.
So no, but you've seen the video of that. I
was like skipping around and very happy and very excited.

Speaker 1 (06:49):
But oh that one, yeah, in my white dress.

Speaker 3 (06:51):
But you know what's funny about garage sales. Get about
the funny thing about garage sales is the person that
is coming on to our show today. Yeah, we did
not take them to a garage sale, but we did
take them to an estate sale. That was our first hangout.

Speaker 1 (07:05):
I mean, here's the Is there a difference between a
garageal and a state sale? The only difference is the
amount of money they actually charge at the event.

Speaker 3 (07:12):
Okay, that's true.

Speaker 1 (07:14):
So technically we brought her to a bougies garage sale
and she got her whole life.

Speaker 3 (07:17):
She got her a whole It was adorable. First of all.
I love the fact that she was just like, hell, yes,
let's go.

Speaker 1 (07:24):
And her model that day was like do I buy
something functional or fucking stupid?

Speaker 3 (07:29):
And she definitely went with fucking stupid. She bought a
like Chinese dragon carving.

Speaker 1 (07:36):
It was definitely teak painted.

Speaker 3 (07:37):
Yeah yeah, and she was like, I'm gonna give it
to my brother and then decided to not and then
hang it in her own bathroom.

Speaker 1 (07:42):
Hilarious. Anyway, we're talking to one of the most influential
people of twenty twenty according to Times, and honestly probably
one of the richest people.

Speaker 3 (07:50):
I know she's super fucking rich, and that's because that
girl doesn't stop working, moving, shaking or selling merch.

Speaker 1 (07:58):
Okay, I have such respect for her. She started racking
in ducats super super young. She started in the industry
around twenty fifteen, twenty whatever. She's super younger than us.
She can rap, she can rap, she can sing, she
can dance.

Speaker 3 (08:18):
I watched her rap Bohemian Rhapsody.

Speaker 1 (08:22):
Oh yeah, that show.

Speaker 3 (08:23):
Love Jimmy Fallon.

Speaker 1 (08:24):
First of all, I love the outfit. I gotta be
comfortable in my short shorts like that.

Speaker 3 (08:28):
She did such a good she's epic. First of all,
let's just talk about the strength of that body, because honey,
she is extremely athletic. She's a dancer.

Speaker 1 (08:36):
She's an indoor skydive.

Speaker 3 (08:38):
That's what I'm saying though. That's where I really saw
her for the first time, the athleticism, and I was like,
holy shit, the fucking pink power Ranger is right before
my eyes.

Speaker 1 (08:49):
She was a pink power.

Speaker 3 (08:50):
Wearing Jojo Sewah, merch.

Speaker 1 (08:52):
You heard it here.

Speaker 3 (08:53):
It's Jojo Sie.

Speaker 1 (08:54):
That's right. Jojo Sea was in the building.

Speaker 2 (08:58):
I love it. I love it. They are Oh my god,
it looks so good.

Speaker 1 (09:03):
Hellllo, didn't you do such a good job in the room?

Speaker 2 (09:07):
Unreal, it looks really good.

Speaker 1 (09:09):
Your house doesn't look like it was broken into it all.

Speaker 2 (09:11):
Oh shit.

Speaker 1 (09:13):
Right now she's showing us her like French doors with
glass and it's boarded up like a Katrina moment, like yeah,
but it's okay, We're okay, We're good. Welcome to the
best podcast ever.

Speaker 2 (09:26):
Dude, thank you. I'm so excited to be on the
best podcast ever.

Speaker 3 (09:30):
Ding Dan.

Speaker 1 (09:31):
We know Joe, she's fantastic, but she owns about seventeen
phones during the day. Each one is for a different.

Speaker 3 (09:36):
Person she is. Yeah, it was so true. She has
a special thing just for snapchatting.

Speaker 4 (09:42):
Yeah, I've had to. It's been it's it's too much
to be on my real phone. I just felt like
I was always on my phone. Yeah, and I was like,
we gotta, we gotta, we gotta get a work phone.

Speaker 1 (09:53):
Wait. I didn't even give Jojo the proper entrance Everybody
welcome Jojo Sea Wall.

Speaker 3 (10:01):
That's the proper entrance button.

Speaker 1 (10:04):

Speaker 3 (10:04):
I thought it was our theme song again.

Speaker 1 (10:06):
Will you hear our theme song?

Speaker 4 (10:07):

Speaker 2 (10:08):

Speaker 1 (10:14):
Yeah, the head head bob bob in her head. Everybody
now we just need JoJo's vocals on it, you know
what I mean?

Speaker 3 (10:22):
Oh for sure, let's hear you breathing the Miranda with
the podcast of the day, the greatest podcast ever.

Speaker 2 (10:30):
Let me hear you, old son.

Speaker 3 (10:34):
I told everyone that you could wrap as it just happened, Jojo,
what or where? I know they probably stole it first,
the Chinese dragon that we got at the estate sale.

Speaker 4 (10:53):
Yeah, they actually they broke in to take the Chinese dragon.

Speaker 3 (10:57):
I had a feeling understood, No, it is.

Speaker 2 (11:00):
It is.

Speaker 4 (11:00):
It's actually right next to the piece of art that
Raven gave me. It is in my room, not I Okay,
I have three rooms. I have like a room that
we don't know what we're doing with yet. Okay. Then
I have a closet, and then I have my bedroom.
And it's in the room that we don't know what
we're doing with yet. It's just on the shelf and there.

Speaker 1 (11:17):
You know what I love about that is that I'm
permeating the energy of what that room's going to be.

Speaker 2 (11:22):
Do you know what I mean?

Speaker 1 (11:23):
Absolutely, we're just gonna say, hey, leave this. I'm gonna
say this room is.

Speaker 4 (11:29):
Blank, but it's bringing the energy. It's manifesting something.

Speaker 1 (11:32):
I love that. I love that, Jojo listen. Not everybody
knows what it feels like, but could you just tell
us about the robbery a little bit, because you know,
it's kind of massive. It's like real life.

Speaker 3 (11:46):
And you are on a cruise ship when it happened.

Speaker 4 (11:49):
Yeah, it's it's weird, it's scary. I don't know if
y'all have ever had an experience like that, but it's
it's really confusing because your home is like your safe
you know what I mean. Your home is where you're
supposed to feel like nothing can go wrong. And luckily
we were all gone. No one was here. My family

was all gone. Everyone was all gone, which I'm very
very grateful for. But it just you see somebody that
you don't know in your house and it feels like
you're watching a horror movie but it's like actually happening
to you. And then like coming home was weird because
it was like, what what didn't they take that they touched?

Speaker 2 (12:33):
Yeah, you know what I mean.

Speaker 4 (12:35):
And like, I'm a very particular person about my things,
Like I am very like I keep my room super clean.
I'm not like OCD like clean, but I'm like pretty
pretty close, and so it was like, did they rummage
through this?

Speaker 2 (12:50):
Did they look at this? Like it's just it's weird.
It's so weird.

Speaker 4 (12:54):
But I'm just very grateful that everyone was safe like
it because they're targeting in my neighborhood right now, and
so it wasn't necessarily like a oh jojo siwa, let's
go get her house. It was more like a oh,
here's a nice house, let's go in there. And so
like it was just completely.

Speaker 2 (13:09):
Random that we were gone.

Speaker 3 (13:10):
What did they take?

Speaker 2 (13:12):
They took a lot of my mom's handbags, a ton
of my mom's handbags. They took some of my dad's handbags,
which was interesting. They went to my dad's closet.

Speaker 1 (13:22):
No, they're called they're called mercy purse.

Speaker 2 (13:25):
Yeah. He had like a buffle and like a suitcase.

Speaker 1 (13:29):
The dog. The dog, the dog.

Speaker 2 (13:32):
They're they're barking like crazy.

Speaker 1 (13:34):
Who's that one who wants to be a part of
the show?

Speaker 2 (13:36):
Care cam here star.

Speaker 3 (13:40):
This is the guard dog that didn't protect We're gonna
ask to see why this three pound dog, literally.

Speaker 2 (13:47):
A three pound gold Neil. She's already outside. She's like,
good bye, going outside, my little pup.

Speaker 3 (13:51):
Okay, So they took a bunch of handbags, including all
your dad's purses.

Speaker 2 (13:58):
No, he they took like Doffel he had. He had
like a duty devil and like a louton suitcase. I think.

Speaker 4 (14:05):
But what was sad is so like my mom and
I after the end of like every big project we
or even small project if we need it, we buy
ourselves like an I Survived, so like it's a long
music video, like we'll be like, let's get through it
and then we'll go buy ourselves an I Survived present,
And we don't really do it as much anymore, but
we did it for the first eight years of my
career and we stopped it really over like quarantine. It's

kind of when we just like stopped doing that because
you couldn't go anywhere.

Speaker 2 (14:32):
Now we just buy whatever we want.

Speaker 1 (14:34):
With I Survived, I woke up, I ate IPEd, I Lived.

Speaker 3 (14:40):
Raymond did say that you're like the richest person she knows,
So it makes sense now you're just buying shit whenever
you want.

Speaker 4 (14:46):
Yeah, But it was all like those like old school
sentimental like I mean, bag's a bag, it doesn't really
matter that much, but like there was a little sentimental
value to everything.

Speaker 3 (14:56):
I really appreciate the fact, Jojo, that you have like
so such a positive outlook. You have such a positive
energy all the time, and I'm sure there are moments
when you're not positive, because you are human. But the
minute I saw that news, I called you right away
because I was just like, what the fuck, Jojo, like
baby Joe. I couldn't believe it, really, And you had

again such a kind of like mature, solid perspective. And
I think that what you're saying though, was exactly right.
You know, you have those sentimental bits, you have your
material things, but end of the day, no one was hurt.
You can get those things again, you can find them.

Speaker 4 (15:34):

Speaker 1 (15:35):
See, I have a different thought process. Of course. I
was actually robbed twice.

Speaker 2 (15:41):
Oh shit.

Speaker 1 (15:42):
Once was in St. Louis in a hotel room. I
had a nice Mac makeup box with over two thousand
dollars worth of makeup in it. Because back in the
day you can google it. I was beat face all
the time, and I left it in there.

Speaker 3 (15:57):
Everyone google Riven smone beat face.

Speaker 1 (15:59):
Well, it's true. And when I came back, it was
gone very weird. It wasn't my house, but it was weird.
And then my second time, which is what I really
wanted to talk to you about, because if you put
in you know, if you put in a message to
the cops, add mine on to it. Because since he
stole a lot of your Louis Vuitton, I too used

to have I'm not gonna say a fetish, but a
compulsion to buy Louis. So I had a buyer there.
And this woman hit me one day and was like,
yo Elton John ordered five Duffel bags in the multicolored
fabric and he only took four. Do you want the
other one? I want the other one, took it, brought

it home. I set that bitch on the bad I
set that bitch on the bed. It was so beautiful.
The plastic was still on the metal part of it.
It still smelled like I also, honey. They came in
this same night. I went downstairs to do whatever somebody
does at seventeen downstairs, not in their apartment. Came back
and it was gone, gone.

Speaker 3 (17:05):
And here's the thing. So Ravend told me the story,
and I was like, did you call the cops? And
she said no because she had so much stuff that
could have gotten her in trouble around the apartment. You
know she was a little bad girl and you're a
bad bitch. I'm try but now an understanding that that

was Elton. I'm so pissed because.

Speaker 4 (17:27):
Obviously we like if we could have both been seventeen
at the same time, we would have never been friends.
Really why because I was always like so still am
scared to do any wrong, scared to get in trouble,
scared to nothing.

Speaker 1 (17:44):
No, no, I was scared as well. But I'm also
a really good hider, like I know how to shit
so while in public.

Speaker 2 (17:55):
Working in the industry since you were a baby, she
gets me.

Speaker 1 (17:59):
So yeah, that's it anyway, Joe, That's what happened to me.
Thanks for listening everybody.

Speaker 3 (18:03):
I have I have a question, Jojo. It is kind
of back to the robbery moment. But did any of
that make you having the robbery happen? Did you go, oh, man,
maybe like I don't want my cars to be as
decorated as they are because like you are a figure
that people can easily kind of like identify and then follow, or.

Speaker 4 (18:25):
It make me like, oh shit, this is real, Like
this is like yeah, like I think I've always I
had my car discreet and then I was like it,
people still would look in the window and see and
so I was like, screwed, It's fine.

Speaker 2 (18:42):
I don't know. I never.

Speaker 4 (18:45):
I feel like I'm and I think you guys from
knowing you personally know this about me. I'm very just
like a live life and when your time comes, your time,
that is your time. And I'm trying to just like
go through life and be like great. If I fall
in love, great. If I don't great one day, I
will great one day I won't great. If it's if
I am happy, great, if I'm sad great, if I'm successful, great,

if I fail great. Like I'm trying to just like
I love that be so chill about things recently.

Speaker 1 (19:13):
Which is awesome, which I think is attributing to all
of your success. Like those who put too much power
on certain things, it turns out either super big and
then they fall hard, or it turns out super small
and they're super angry about it. Your great, great, great
attitude allows the universe of success to bestow itself on you.

Is there anything that you haven't done in the industry
that you're trying to tat with the Seawall brand?

Speaker 4 (19:45):
Oh a million percent. I mean, like my like dream
dream dream dream is Super Bowl to do the halftime performance.

Speaker 2 (19:52):
I like, when I do that, then I'll retire and
have babies.

Speaker 1 (19:57):
Can I just interject because of Jojo Seawall, halftime show
would probably be one. And I'm not just saying this
because you're here. I'm actually not even gonna look at
your face when you say this, so you know that
I'm not just blowing smoke up your ass, but so
much fun. You won't have to take mushrooms. Like when I.

Speaker 4 (20:12):
Tell you, the last person that I would expect to
blow smoke up my ass.

Speaker 1 (20:15):
Thank you for understanding me. Like that would be so
psychedelic in such a cool way where you haven't had
that real visual stimulation. People are like super modern and
all white in a red or. Okay, I love the
linement moment with Katie Perry, but like you would slaughter it.

Speaker 2 (20:34):
Yeah, but you would bring it back to like the nineties.

Speaker 3 (20:36):
She would literally bust her entire vocal cord.

Speaker 4 (20:40):
No, she would be my right one's already done. My
left phone would be like, oh okay, great.

Speaker 3 (20:46):
You'd have no vocal cordage left after that, But that
would be amazing.

Speaker 1 (20:50):
That would be mean Okay, so super Bowls number one,
what's next?

Speaker 4 (20:53):
I love that, you know, I really music and performing
is like my my kryptonite. So if I get to
keep doing that, I will be very happy industry wise.
Industry wise, I just like to sit tight and let
it come because I love working.

Speaker 2 (21:13):
I do you guys know that about me. I'm working
all the time, all the time.

Speaker 4 (21:17):
And it like I'm just down. I'm just game, you know,
anything that comes my way industry wise, I'm just stoked
about the personal side of my life. I am like
since I was literally twelve, I can't wait to be
a mom. I cannot wait to have babies. I want
to have so many.

Speaker 1 (21:36):
You'd be such a good fun mom, so such I
can't wait.

Speaker 2 (21:40):
I can't wait.

Speaker 4 (21:41):
I feel like I'll have kids pretty early. But obviously,
like I it's me. Having kids is a lot bigger
process than.

Speaker 3 (21:48):
Oh yeah, yeah, we talk about that all the time.

Speaker 1 (21:50):
You want to carry I do? I want to be
praggers too, Like yeah, like what.

Speaker 3 (21:56):
About everyone's always so surprised when I know I'm like, right,
go for it.

Speaker 1 (22:01):
No, I want to be pregnant so I can like
sit there with my belly and be like I can't
move because I'm God, look at my feet. You have
to bring me food because I'm pregnant, you know what
I mean, Like, I want a real.

Speaker 4 (22:14):
Excusets because I'm because I'm in thirteen, I mean one.

Speaker 1 (22:21):
You know what I'm saying.

Speaker 3 (22:22):
So you guys are killing me as a doula, as
a person who has worked with the pregnant people, I'm like, no, no, no, no, no,
but okay.

Speaker 1 (22:31):
I love that you want to have kids and you
have siblings.

Speaker 2 (22:35):
Do you have one brother? He's twenty three?

Speaker 3 (22:38):
And like, not only do you have your brother, though,
but you have all of your kid dancers like you
are like, yeah, you already have that.

Speaker 1 (22:48):
Did you know that my wife was a baby actress?

Speaker 2 (22:52):

Speaker 3 (22:53):
Yes, I'm just gonna go for it. Yeah I was
super famous.

Speaker 1 (22:58):
No no, no, that's not what I said.

Speaker 2 (22:59):
I was just super famous.

Speaker 3 (23:01):
You didn't you ship the actress?

Speaker 1 (23:05):
Bring it down?

Speaker 3 (23:06):
Yo, I was. I was a baby actress and I
wasn't super famous. I was a little famous.

Speaker 1 (23:12):
The audience, the listeners know what it is. She was
in the Waltons. But she'll explain it to you.

Speaker 3 (23:16):
It doesn't matter. We don't even have to rehash it.
It's the point is I had a point about working,
and I started working last year for the first time.
And I just know you guys have been like doing
a lot of hard ship. So I'm totally killed. I
was totally kidding.

Speaker 2 (23:30):
I Hancock Park. I didn't need to work.

Speaker 3 (23:32):
Yeah, I like totally have never worked. And like that
was I hate you guys.

Speaker 4 (23:38):
For everyone listening on the streets and get my Saltan Straw.
And I knew what Airwon was before it became a trend.

Speaker 1 (23:46):
First of all, Jojo.

Speaker 3 (23:48):
Number one, Sultan Straw wasn't even a thing when I
was walking around Hancock Park. Number years old. I am
old number two. I did know about Airwon, and I
knew about Eriwan when it was Missus Goocha's So don't
come for me.

Speaker 2 (24:04):
Little baby. What's Ariwuona? I only know Missus didches.

Speaker 3 (24:20):
This has become like the Hazing Miranda episode. And I
can take it. I wish she can take it because
you know why I can take it because this is
the best podcast ever. Oh and guess what we do
on the best podcast ever, Jojo. We do we spin
a wheel and the wheel is going to select a
random word. And when that random word is selected, the

three of us are going to talk about it. We
have no idea what it is? Are you down? Let's
go spin that wheel?

Speaker 1 (24:50):
Dab oh the word is romance?

Speaker 2 (24:57):
Oh buck.

Speaker 1 (25:00):

Speaker 3 (25:02):
Why we had no idea? This is hilarious.

Speaker 1 (25:04):
You know, this is a real thing. Joe, like, we
do not get the word before the show starts. It's
random each time, and I love that about it. But
let's talk about romance because one thing that I love
about Joe is every time she chills with us, she
just stares at our romance.

Speaker 2 (25:18):
She's like, I love couples.

Speaker 1 (25:22):
Why do you like looking at us like that?

Speaker 5 (25:24):

Speaker 2 (25:25):
I do, I do. I'm probably staring, I'll soa awkwardly.

Speaker 4 (25:27):
I just fantasize about having it for myself, Like it's
all I want. I'm such a lover and I don't
have somebody to love, and it's so deb like I
just I crave it so much. But I've had to
let go of it because I've found myself just being
like attracted to the first thing, you know what I mean,

and being like really okay with the first thing, and
not having any any sort of standards.

Speaker 2 (25:55):
And a bit better about it. But I just like,
I just want to feel bad.

Speaker 3 (26:02):
So those are such hard lessons to learn, especially when
you are this hopeless romantic or this big hearted lover
human Like it's.

Speaker 2 (26:12):
Is that so much to ask? I just don't have
a movie night.

Speaker 3 (26:14):
I know, I know, I know, but you but we've
talked about this, and obviously I think you are, like
your perspective is shifting a little bit, Like you just said,
it's worth waiting for and it's worth being a little
bit more picky, and it's until then, like one subtle
parties is the name of the game.

Speaker 1 (26:34):
How what's the.

Speaker 3 (26:35):
Most romantic thing, though, that someone has done for you
or you've done for another?

Speaker 4 (26:41):
Okay, the most I have the one that I've done
for another, so I can start with that. The most
romantic thing that someone's done for me though, ooh, I know,
let me let me, let me let me tooot my
horn first.

Speaker 5 (26:54):
And the.

Speaker 2 (26:57):
Okay, so I've done I've done two things for two
different girls.

Speaker 4 (27:03):
The more recent one was I planned this whole picnic
day at the beach. It was like so sweet we
got there, I didn't tell her. We got actually in
a huge fight on the way to this beach, and
I was like, let's get some Jimmy Johns. Let's go
and we'll just like sit by the beach for our
one month, right, and we go and it's she actually
thought someone was getting proposed to. That's how like beautiful

and grand and it was and I was like, oh
my god, let's go up and see it. And then
it was for us and it was really cute, really sweet.
The other one's better. The other one was for my
first girlfriend. She asked me to be her girlfriend. And
then like two weeks later, I was like, well, I
need to ask her to be my girlfriend.

Speaker 2 (27:46):
And everyone was like, that's not how it works. I
was like, yeah, but I want it to be how
it works, So I'm gonna ask her.

Speaker 4 (27:51):
And so I put together a musical act.

Speaker 3 (27:56):
Oh my god.

Speaker 2 (27:57):
It was twenty minutes long, Joe and it was.

Speaker 4 (28:02):
It was so precious and it had like transitions, so
like Joe.

Speaker 1 (28:08):
It's like crosswalk carry no literally whatever I.

Speaker 3 (28:12):
Think James Gordon does.

Speaker 4 (28:14):
I like some of the songs that were in it
were like one in a Million by Hannah Montana Okay,
and I was like, I was like, you know, the
first time we met, I was really confused, but I realized, like,
don't get me wrong or no, that's the other song.

Speaker 2 (28:30):
But then I would like sing the song does that
make sense? Like yes, I'm saying. And then bad Romance
was another song in it, and she literally did a
Broadway show exactly.

Speaker 3 (28:40):
I was like, what is the thing that James Cordon
does out front of CBS where they don't Yeah.

Speaker 4 (28:45):
It literally was that, and it was like a speech,
and then it transitioned into the song that like, and
then it ended with Indie by Ariana Grande.

Speaker 2 (28:54):
And I told her, I was like, before I performed this,
You're gonna have choreography.

Speaker 4 (28:59):
It's gonna make make sense. It's gonna make sense, but
you just have to like go with it. She was like, okay,
So I first play, I put it on my TV.
I made it a twenty minute. There was also a
video package that was playing behind me, Joe Joe, and
he goes into this like instrumental break, and I go
I talk, Talk talk, and I'm like, will you be
my girlfriend? And I'm like, and then she says her answer.

Obviously she's gonna say yes, she was already my girlfriend,
and then it goes into like the ending chorus, there's
fireworks on the screen.

Speaker 2 (29:27):
It was so cute.

Speaker 1 (29:27):
Okay, Joe, Joe, Joe, Joe, let me talk to you
for a second.

Speaker 3 (29:31):
Wait, first of all, let me just before Raven brings
you down to reality, like, Yo, you doing too much.
I'm about to say to you though you've set the
bar so high, Like, first of all, ravens over your
sweating because she's like, what the fuck I've never done
anything romantic ever? And she's like, now Miranda's gonna hear
this and have some expectations.

Speaker 1 (29:50):
I don't care, right, no, no, no, you gotta listen, Joe.
Let me talk to you, bro to bro real quick. Okay,
you can't. You can't put out the Broadway shenanigain for
the girlfriend to ask. Okay, you gotta lead up to it,
all right. You got to slowly bring her, you know
what I mean, bring her a mixtape first, I have
a second date, you know, buy or a flower, Like

you can't just just but here's yeah, shoot the load.
Well yeah exactly, you can't do that. But here's what
I want to say, which I do. I'm a little
judgy with my word and if you don't want to
answer it, then don't do it. Do you feel that
since you go so big and hard you don't allow
the other person to actually give you the romance that
you desire back.

Speaker 4 (30:35):
Yes, yeah, it's well okay, yes, and no, I should
I should think more before I answer. I am very
I'm very easy to please and I'm a giver. So
I like to give gifts. I like to buy people things.
It's I like to share things. That's like my vibe,

but from somebody else. I don't want a gift. I
don't want a physical item.

Speaker 2 (30:59):
I want words.

Speaker 4 (31:00):
I want love. I want quality time. I want a
handwritten card like that is that's all I like.

Speaker 3 (31:06):
So you know your love language, so.

Speaker 2 (31:09):
I know my love language.

Speaker 4 (31:10):
But it gets hard because I'll be like, oh, here's
let's go to fucking Disney World and pay. I'll pay
for everything, and all I want is for the sweetest words.

Speaker 2 (31:20):
But then I feel like they feel like there is
some sort of.

Speaker 1 (31:23):
Like, yeah, it's uneat, but I.

Speaker 2 (31:27):
Don't need that thing back.

Speaker 4 (31:28):
But I did just learn something from a vocal coach
that I worked with, and this is very very wise.
And he was saying how he's in a financially great situation,
and he was like a lot of people that you
date are not going to be in the same financial
situation that you're in. You're the one that's going to
be taking them to the nice dinners and them to
the places, he said, but you need to allow them

to also buy you things.

Speaker 1 (31:52):

Speaker 4 (31:52):
And he said, if I have a friend that I
just bought a steak dinner for and the next day
we go out for a cup of coffee, you know,
you can't afford the ninety dollars steak dinner, but you
can't afford the three dollars.

Speaker 2 (32:05):
Cup of coffee.

Speaker 4 (32:06):
And so he said, it's a hard thing to allow
somebody to pay for you, but allow them to pay
for a cup of coffee. And I was like, hmm,
that's wise.

Speaker 3 (32:15):
It is, and that's the principle. And that's an interesting
thing because what that also does is it shows awareness
that person is saying, like, I see you, and this
is my way of contributing. And it also creates balance,
like I think that it feels good for the person,
where I would hope that it would feel good for
the person who can buy the cup of coffee to

be able to buy that and give that. And it's
just a balance not.

Speaker 4 (32:39):
About the number, like it's never for me about the
number of how much something costs.

Speaker 2 (32:45):
It's about the like thought into it.

Speaker 3 (32:47):
And it's the intention behind it. And you know, coming
into marrying Raven and Raven like she was kind of
expressing earlier, right, it's like, that's not something you do
for a girlfriend, that's something you do for a wife.
Or Raven had these kind of like box is where
she knew very clearly, like I'm not going to tell.

Speaker 4 (33:04):
This while you talk about something.

Speaker 3 (33:12):
Super judgmental. Trust me, this is why sometimes I look
at her, I'm like, what, like what she can't help it? Okay,
are you judging me?

Speaker 1 (33:19):
No, I just wondering. I was just confused.

Speaker 3 (33:21):
But what you're about to say, Joe is literally our
cheerleader until we put her on a podcast where she's
like just stirring the pop between us. Hey, little shit stars.

Speaker 4 (33:31):
Now I do this with you guys the time.

Speaker 2 (33:34):
I'm on ravenside and the other side is great.

Speaker 3 (33:37):
It's true. But here's what I was trying to get
at is when you come into a relationship where there
is a clear discrepancy, whether it's financially or you know
in any other way that you could have this difference
than your partner that create could create one person feeling
less than.

Speaker 1 (33:58):
It kind of ruins the romance a little bit, right
because the other person can't show up the way they
might typically show up if someone was more equally yoked.

Speaker 2 (34:07):
But I I want to learn to like calm down
like you.

Speaker 4 (34:11):
I Like, I never realized that, like physically buying things
is classified as love bombing.

Speaker 3 (34:17):
Yeah, you're love bombing people, Joe, I was, and I'm
I never had intention to, Like, I just literally want
everyone to have the greatest time.

Speaker 2 (34:26):
Whatever fucking souvenir you get at Disney, I want to
buy it for you.

Speaker 4 (34:29):
Like whatever you touch, whatever you look at I want
to get for you because I want you to be happy.
But I realized that, like, as I'm getting older, I'm like, oh, copy.

Speaker 3 (34:40):
I feel like I have the answer to this question
because I know you so well. But if you could
have any romantic gift, what would you want it to be?

Speaker 2 (34:50):
What do you think my answer would be?

Speaker 3 (34:52):
I feel like you want a indoor skydiving custom rhinestone.
How that has your initials and the person's initials on it,
and it is like super sweet and intentional, has like
inside jokes embroidered on the inside. Of it, and every
time you, yeah, she's her.

Speaker 1 (35:12):
Face, she's on her face.

Speaker 4 (35:15):
Talk to somebody that I date and tell them that
because I would have never thought of that.

Speaker 1 (35:20):
She gets great gifts.

Speaker 3 (35:20):
I am a really I'm a very sentimental, really great
gift gift giver because I look at the like, Joe,
wait till you see what we have for you. There's
something special here.

Speaker 1 (35:34):
There is a special But I just want to talk
one more thing about romance.

Speaker 3 (35:37):
Well, and I have one more question to have a
follow up question.

Speaker 1 (35:40):
Do you didn't even let her finish that? You answer
her question?

Speaker 3 (35:42):
Oh yeah, jose you answer, You gave.

Speaker 4 (35:44):
A great answer. Romantic gift. I mean, listen, I'm a
simple girl. I wouldn't have gone to skydiving suit, but
I would have gone to like sentimental hoodie, like hoodie
with initials on it.

Speaker 2 (35:56):
They're hoodie like. That's my vibe.

Speaker 1 (35:58):
That makes sense.

Speaker 3 (35:59):
Yeah, I have to the next person you date, let
me train them, because again, when I reveal what we
have for you, what.

Speaker 1 (36:08):
I have for you, so romance. Right, when we break
down romance, I'm not even doing her.

Speaker 3 (36:13):
Well, she's gonna love it, is my point.

Speaker 1 (36:15):
When we break down romance, like that can go in
that can go in so many different ways. It could
be gift giving, it could be love bombing. But I
think it's also the smaller parts of the relationship that
can create romance later, you know. So, for instance, it's
the tickle that happens in the kitchen, and for her,

her tickle is me coming up behind her. That's her tickle.
She likes that. But I do other things that she
doesn't record lots with apples, exactly, oh exactly. But there's
other things that I do that I find romantic that
she does that I don't find romance, or that I'm
sorry that I do to her that she doesn't find romantic.

Speaker 2 (36:53):
Yep, yep.

Speaker 1 (36:54):
What have What has happened to you in your past
relationships where you're like, but I was trying to be romantic,
You're like, dude, that's it's a weird moving on.

Speaker 2 (37:01):
Like, what's an eke of ich of.

Speaker 1 (37:03):
Yours in romance?

Speaker 5 (37:05):

Speaker 2 (37:05):
An inch of mine? Oh my god.

Speaker 4 (37:12):
You know, it's been six months since I've dated, like
since I've gone on a date.

Speaker 2 (37:16):
It's a long time. I'm trying to remember.

Speaker 1 (37:18):
It's a long time.

Speaker 3 (37:19):
Take that time, you know what I don't like I
have a nick.

Speaker 2 (37:22):
I have a nick. I do have a nick.

Speaker 4 (37:23):
And I don't know if this is exactly what you're asking,
but when I have food or a drink, I want
to share. I want to share. But there was this
one instance where somebody took their finger dipped it I
don't even eat hommess, dipped it in my homess and
licked it.

Speaker 2 (37:44):
Yea, And I just was like, just ask.

Speaker 1 (37:49):
I just you.

Speaker 4 (37:51):
Can't have it. But it was just like I just
don't like when it's like in polite gesture, you know
what I mean?

Speaker 1 (37:56):
For feah Okay, babes, what's an inch of mine in
the romance category that you that you feel.

Speaker 3 (38:01):
In the romance category?

Speaker 2 (38:02):
They don't go it's about to get fucking spicy in there.

Speaker 3 (38:08):
No, because my IX don't kind of like what you
were saying, Joe, they don't really cross over into the
romance category. They're just ckx. It's not a romantic thing.
So why don't you tell everyone about mine? Since you
asked this question, you clearly must have one ready to go.

Speaker 1 (38:21):
Well, the only thing that I can think of is like,
I'm not a fan of of a live flowers, and
people find that as a romance romantic gesture, and I'm like,
don't get me flowers, get me something, you know, Like
I love my wife's present giving. I think it's fantastic.
But romance those things moving forward. Like I love a
laughter in a sensual moment, but then I love when

it turns off immediately, Like laughter can bring us there,
but let's keep going when like the roman.

Speaker 3 (38:46):
Is getting hot and heavy, like you want to be
like laughing while you're making out exactly?

Speaker 1 (38:51):
I find that out fo, you know what I mean.
And some people are like, I don't want to last
this shot.

Speaker 2 (38:57):
You gotta have fun with that.

Speaker 3 (38:57):
Oh you got to play.

Speaker 1 (38:58):
That's what I'm saying. That's what I mean by ick,
Like what are those things, you know.

Speaker 3 (39:02):
Like when people want to be like super I don't know,
I don't I don't know.

Speaker 1 (39:06):
There was someone that told me that somebody used to
put the soundtrack of a movie on me. Oh what
was you.

Speaker 2 (39:20):

Speaker 3 (39:21):
I told I told you the other day that I
had an ex who used to have sex to the
soundtrack of Tarzan.

Speaker 1 (39:29):
That's an ick to me.

Speaker 2 (39:30):
And so that's you know what I mean.

Speaker 3 (39:34):
And I mean, it's just a lot of Phil Collins.

Speaker 4 (39:36):
I have an ick and and it is like in public,
like I don't really like is that meaning?

Speaker 3 (39:43):
Do you think that has anything to do with being
a public figure and social media and like trying because
do you feel like it's hard to keep your well, what.

Speaker 4 (39:53):
I don't like about it is in my first relationship,
I was fine with it. I enjoyed it. I liked it,
I posting about it. I liked having pictures taken of
us and I didn't know. I thought it was so cute.
I loved it. But then with my second relationship, I
had to deal with looking back at my first, and
I had to deal with people talking about my first

and comparing to my first and look how she looks
when she's holding her hand versus she's holding her hand. Yeah,
And now it's like I'm in a position where, okay,
so whoever I date next is going to have to
see all of.

Speaker 2 (40:29):
That, you know what I mean? And it's also hard
for the person that I'm dating.

Speaker 3 (40:33):
Do you feel like I want to j your relationship
more private, your next relationship or off social media to know.

Speaker 1 (40:41):
I want no one to know good for you, good
for you, not that I have to worry about going
to somebody else. But you know, that's one of the
things that Miranda and I talked about. She was like,
I love it when people post about me, and you know,
it shows me that you love me. And I'm like,
my whole life has been hidden because I didn't want
that experience that you just explained, so taking myself out
of it and be like, I have to post to

show the Like.

Speaker 3 (41:03):
I think it's really sweet when a partner posts like
a photo of their partner and they're like, so proud
of you. You did da da da da da, like
or I love my wife, look at this accomplishment they made,
or happy birthday. Like That's the type of stuff that
I think is sweet, and that has also become a
very cultural norm. So yes, when Raven doesn't post like

happy birthday for my birthday, it has rubbed me, which
I think is a conversation in and of itself because
why should it matter or why does it matter? And
I'm very honest about my feelings.

Speaker 4 (41:36):
Around that if you're normal and not a celebrity, it
wouldn't matter. But because I think our lives have been
so so out there, when we finally get something that's
just just for us personal but it's like you get

a fir. I mean, I know, for me, I get
afraid to share things because I'm like, I just want
this to stay happy and healthy, and for me, I
don't want it to be for the world.

Speaker 1 (42:08):
That's a clause because I fully agree.

Speaker 3 (42:10):
I fully agree.

Speaker 1 (42:12):
But I can learn from Joe as well because she's
also very, very big on social media. She loves her snapchat, honey,
she loves her TikTok. She obviously killed the YouTube game,
so I totally underhand.

Speaker 3 (42:26):
That, I mean, sorry, but the snapchat game, the.

Speaker 1 (42:29):
Snap You're like, honey, get you in magazines, not magazines,
but world records for that.

Speaker 3 (42:33):
Yeah, right, what was that?

Speaker 4 (42:35):
You're like, the highest day that's ever been, uh, the
highest highest around of views in twenty four hours ever
on snapchat, Jesus Christ.

Speaker 3 (42:44):
And but that is so much work. You work super hard.

Speaker 4 (42:48):
Snapchat is an insane amount of work. It's a very
fun job and I love it and I love posting it,
but it does consume so much of my time and
so much of my mental capacity.

Speaker 2 (42:59):
But I would it. I wouldn't stop doing it for anything.

Speaker 1 (43:02):
For even the right romantic partner. Because that's another mistress.
Our job is a mistress, Honey.

Speaker 3 (43:09):
It's going to be that's true.

Speaker 2 (43:11):
Chat is so whatever I'm doing in the day.

Speaker 4 (43:13):
So there will be a day where I go on
a date and I don't want to snapchat it, but.

Speaker 2 (43:18):
There'll be a way to do it. I don't know.

Speaker 4 (43:22):
I think I'm more so just like so curious on
the future of my life, you know what I mean.

Speaker 2 (43:28):
Like I love.

Speaker 4 (43:30):
Trying to predict my future, and you guys know a
little bit like from our personal relationship of like where I'm.

Speaker 2 (43:35):
At right now in that world.

Speaker 4 (43:37):
But it's like, even with that, I just have to
like stop trying to predict it because I'm in my
head right now. I have a fantasy of my future,
and I have a fantasy that I've created of my
love life, and I Am going to be devastated when
that doesn't happen.

Speaker 3 (43:53):
So here's the deal, though, this is what I think
about it, or so that because I think that imagination
is such a powerful tool and being able to imagine
something helps them manifesting.

Speaker 2 (44:06):
Have you been putting this bit behind your ear and
saying her name?

Speaker 3 (44:08):
You know it? I got you, I got you.

Speaker 2 (44:12):
That's that's you know, how you two are married my question.

Speaker 3 (44:18):
Yeah, No, I'm a really, really, really strong manifestor. But
my point is is that your imagination is this incredible
tool that can help bring you into that reality. But
you also have to surrender to the piece of the unknown.
And I'm a firm believer in the universe conspires in
your favor. So if something isn't for you, it won't

come to you and you don't have to try and
force it. But that being said, would you ever be
in a long distance relationship?

Speaker 2 (44:46):
I love long distance relationships?

Speaker 3 (44:48):
You have you been in one before?

Speaker 1 (44:49):
I love them too.

Speaker 2 (44:51):
So all of my relationships have been long distance. Oh
they just end up moving into my house.

Speaker 3 (45:00):
To lesbian you holling?

Speaker 4 (45:02):
So my first girlfriend were long distance for like two months,
three months, and then she lived basically in my house
for the next six months. And then my second girlfriend
we were long distance barely ever.

Speaker 3 (45:18):
So on average would you have so on average, how
many text messages per week would you think you were
sending your long distance relationship?

Speaker 2 (45:29):
Ooh too many? Like throw a number out there, like
literally individual texts?

Speaker 3 (45:36):
Yeah? Like how many texts do you think you were
sending your girlfriends during your long distance relationships? A?

Speaker 4 (45:41):

Speaker 2 (45:42):
Oh back then, I thought you were talking about future. Okay,
back then, yeah, back then, it.

Speaker 4 (45:47):
Was always on FaceTime. So I was just on FaceTime
for twenty three hours a day, never hung up.

Speaker 3 (45:53):
Okay. Fun fact, romantic long distance relationships send each other
three hundred and forty three texts per week. What I
love twenty But you were working.

Speaker 1 (46:06):
She was right there on you know, she got two
phones for the FaceTime.

Speaker 3 (46:10):
What was she doing?

Speaker 4 (46:11):
Super toxic? It was super bad. It was super toxic.
I didn't realize it at the time. Everyone around me
at the time tried to tell me, Yeah, she was
a bad one. I would go to school with her
in her pocket on FaceTime. She would come to work
with me and hide in a locker on set, like, yeah.

Speaker 3 (46:28):
That's kind of romantic. Though, not gonna lie when.

Speaker 4 (46:31):
What a time I was like a seventeen year old
in your first yeah you're sprung girl relationship, it's yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 3 (46:38):
Because even there was this point in time when Raven
and I rekindled our relationship before getting married, and she
was she kept me in her pocket, and I, well,
I cleaned up my house. Well she cleaned up her house,
and I had never heard of anyone being like, oh,
you're like in my pocket in this way before. I
don't know why it felt so special to me, but
it did. And I thought it was so cute. Like

I was just in there and everything was fuzzy and
like kind of muffled, and sometimes I saw the floor,
and sometimes I saw her chin, and other times I
saw nothing but blackness. But I heard her voice, not
because of your skin, but because of the thing. You know.
She's a mess and I'm a mess. But I just
thought it was really really cute. I loved it.

Speaker 1 (47:19):
Pocket people. I love pocket people.

Speaker 3 (47:21):
And you said, like you could be my pocket person,
or like my pocket.

Speaker 1 (47:24):
Person, and I carry And now she has to clean
out my pockets before she puts my pants into the
washing machine because I'm a grandpa and I have all
the things in my pockets.

Speaker 2 (47:34):
Insane, Joe Pockets.

Speaker 1 (47:36):
Do you do your own laundry, Joe, Oh my god.

Speaker 2 (47:39):
I don't.

Speaker 4 (47:39):
I actually enjoy doing laundry. I love doing it so much,
but my dad does it all for me.

Speaker 1 (47:43):
Oh that's kind of fun, Joe. Do you have any
questions for us about romance since we're like a very
very like advanced married couple and.

Speaker 3 (47:51):
There's so much romance between the two of us at
all times.

Speaker 1 (47:55):
But this is the visual of the representation of the
relationship that you're looking for. Like, Okay, I see you
stay okay, tell me?

Speaker 4 (48:03):
They say, when you know you know? How do you
know that you know? Okay, but some sort of example.

Speaker 1 (48:12):
Two answers her.

Speaker 3 (48:13):
First, okay, me first. It's a great question because I
remember people saying that to me or hearing that, and
I was like, that's so weird and not true. I
will tell you. I met Raven, and I just knew,

and by just knowing what that meant to me was
there was such clarity. There was there was no second guessing,
there was no like pit in my stomach, there was
no oh but really no second thoughts. I was like, Oh,
that's my person. I felt one hundred percent confident and
at that time in my life, so Raven and I

met back in twenty fifteen. At that time, I was
not somebody who was very confident or certain. I always
was kind of second guessing myself. So to have something
come through that clearly was really significant and I had
no second guess. And even after she broke up with me,
I was like thrown but at the same time, I

knew that if I found out that Raven was getting
married to somebody else, I would interrupt that wedding. I
would literally bust through the door.

Speaker 2 (49:25):
I'd be like, I literally thought about that.

Speaker 4 (49:28):
I've thought about that before, Like I wonder if I'll
have to interrupt the wedding one day.

Speaker 3 (49:32):
I yeah, I goal, we know why you're thinking that,
but yeah.

Speaker 1 (49:37):
So for me, I had two knowings. To be honest
with you, when we were dating, I knew something was
up because when she would irritate me, I still wanted
to be around her, and I knew in past relationships
when somebody irritated me, my brain was like, Okay, how
do I break up with them? Because I'm not about
to deal with this shit. But her, I had thoughts,
and I still wanted to talk to her, and I

didn't know how to have those convers but I still
wanted to see her face. We broke up whatever, and
then knowing that I should marry her, and I shit,
you not, Joe. There was a voice maybe four decipels
deeper than mine, that said, marry her. That's all she said.
Now I have now come to believe she was just

using a phone app and use that for me to
marry her. But hey, power manifestation, the power of AI honey.
So no, but I truly had a voice to tell
me that. And I went through all the motions, I
bought the ring, I did all this, and there was
nothing in my brain that was like, you have to
break up with her. You have to figure out how
to break up with her. And normally, in every single relationship,

if somebody does something that I do not like, even
if it's small, I'm planning on how to break up.
And I never did. And even today married and I'm
sorry to tell the truth, but not every married couple
is happy every single day. And if they are, please
what you drinking on?

Speaker 3 (50:55):
No, that should be a conversation and normalized.

Speaker 1 (50:59):
But there's still that moment where I have to be like, Okay,
the thought is no longer I want to break up
with her. The thought is I just need five minutes,
and I got to figure out how to repair this
because I'm gonna beat with her for the rest of
my life. And that's why I know.

Speaker 4 (51:23):
It's really cool being around you guys, because you both
are just so, You're both just good people. You're both
nice you're both kind, you both have good hearts, but you're.

Speaker 2 (51:35):
So meant to be together. Like it's I've only been
around a few couples where I've been.

Speaker 4 (51:39):
Like, yeah, that's that's them, and like you guys, you're
a package deal and that's really cool, Joe.

Speaker 1 (51:48):
That leads me into a great set that that's a
great segue for the package deal of the best podcast ever.
Within the best podcast ever, there is also a game
we like to play. Okay, would you like to play
the game with us?

Speaker 2 (52:00):
I would love to.

Speaker 1 (52:02):
It's game down, Okay.

Speaker 3 (52:05):
So here's the deal, Joe. You're going to play this game.
And I've noticed something about you, Jojo, and it's on
a judgment. It's a love that you often wear clothing
with your face on it. M Okay, her card too.
So here's the deal. If you win this game, and

Raven's going to tell you the game we're playing, you
are going to get something super special. Is your phone
by you? Okay? Great, I'm going to send you what
you're playing for because if you win the game, this
is this is yours. Just wait for it.

Speaker 2 (52:39):
I'm so scared you ready, I'm so scared.

Speaker 3 (52:43):
I had this made for you because I thought in
case you ever get.

Speaker 2 (52:47):
Tired, Oh my god.

Speaker 3 (52:49):
If you ever get tired of wearing your face, I
want you to wear ours.

Speaker 2 (52:52):
I will be wearing that.

Speaker 3 (52:53):
Okay, so Jojo is playing for a hoodie. You know
that she loves a romantic hoodie. She's playing for a
hoodie that has my face and Raven's face all over it,
and then a picture of baby Joe on the back.

Speaker 2 (53:04):
And there you go.

Speaker 3 (53:06):
I know. Now the stakes are even higher. Babes, what's
the game?

Speaker 1 (53:08):
Okay, okay, you have exactly one minute to woo us
in your most romantic way possible over what you woo.
I need to be wooed, honey. I need to be
softened and talked to you.

Speaker 3 (53:21):
Wooing is like you would, you'd look at me and
here let me. I'm a baby, I'm a woo Joe.
Oh fine, those eyes every time?

Speaker 2 (53:29):
I oh yeah, I have to flirt with you, guys. Yeah,
First of all, why did you choose Joe to flirt with?

Speaker 1 (53:37):
I'm right here.

Speaker 3 (53:37):
You want a long distance relationship?

Speaker 1 (53:40):
When did I say that? I said I like them.
I've had multiple We didn't ask me that question.

Speaker 3 (53:45):
Well, we tried to have a long one until you
move me to New York.

Speaker 1 (53:48):
Because I'm a lesbian anyway, Joe, Joe, help us, and
I have to read this again. You have exactly one
minute to woo us in your most romantic way possible
over a very very sexy bit of music, and if
we find you to be romantic, you will win the
prize that Miranda sent you. Usually we will go into
my basket of goodies and get you a prize, but

we did.

Speaker 2 (54:12):
I know.

Speaker 3 (54:15):
You got saved, Joe. You had a custom thing that
was made for you, exactly what you don't get, very gifted,
So basically.

Speaker 1 (54:25):
I think she con tribute into the basket of goodies.

Speaker 3 (54:28):
Here's the deal, though, you gotta do this well because
we don't know who the fuck else would wear that hoodie,
so you need to win it. Except I did get three,
so we can wear them all together.

Speaker 2 (54:37):
It's like, it's like funny, right, like I'm being funny.

Speaker 3 (54:40):
No, honey, you're trying to woo us.

Speaker 1 (54:43):
I need to hear it.

Speaker 3 (54:43):
Make me feel tingly inside.

Speaker 1 (54:45):
Whoa, Joe, don't fucking make my wife feel tingled. Don't
look at us, don't look at me straight through the
camera when you do this Okay, it's at me.

Speaker 3 (54:56):
Yep, there you go. It's starting. She's pising. Oh she
just lifted the sh Did I see a titty?

Speaker 2 (55:01):

Speaker 3 (55:01):
Joe go?

Speaker 5 (55:02):
Okay, wow, Raven Miranda, you two are just straight out
of a dream, you know they you see love movies
and I never thought that I would meet two people.

Speaker 2 (55:17):
And I'm so so.

Speaker 4 (55:19):
Deeply in love with now. I don't know what to
do because you're both just so amazing. Miranda, you're from
Hancock Park. It's a dream.

Speaker 3 (55:32):

Speaker 2 (55:33):
Yes, you're a psychic dream. I had to go there,
both of you. I had to go there thirty more seconds. Joe,
and you came in that Google pickup lines. But if
I was to, I just want to know, are either.

Speaker 4 (55:49):
Of you a bank alone? Because you both have my
interests and now I play hard.

Speaker 1 (55:57):
To get Yes, do it? Hey, Joe? Can I take
you out on a date?

Speaker 2 (56:02):
I'm busy, But.

Speaker 1 (56:04):
Joe, I've watched all of your shows. Don't you want
to just I don't know, take me to the coffee
shop up the street, Joe.

Speaker 2 (56:14):
Randon, what are you doing tomorrow?

Speaker 3 (56:16):
I was just wondering, Hey, no, if she if you're
taking her to the coffee shop up the street Joe.
Then I was just like a cup of Joe.

Speaker 1 (56:29):
Okay, we're done with the game. It's been thirty seconds
too long. These people out here trying to.

Speaker 2 (56:32):
Be anyone shows.

Speaker 1 (56:34):
Yeah, you sweat Joe. We got words, Joe, we got words.
Your game.

Speaker 2 (56:39):
You made me do it.

Speaker 1 (56:41):
Jit said, we're out. You're out here shutting the floor
with her.

Speaker 3 (56:44):
Then when I say I want a cup of Joe, yeah, it's.

Speaker 1 (56:47):
Different because I know the kind of girls Joe likes unacceptable,
and you know the kind of girls I like.

Speaker 2 (56:52):
I love you. Miranda's not my type.

Speaker 1 (56:55):
I just wanted to hear you say that out loud, Joe,
thank you?

Speaker 2 (56:57):
What wait?

Speaker 3 (57:01):
I'm just why am I not your ty? I'm in
masculine whatever.

Speaker 2 (57:06):
Bit Okay, calm down, babes, and you both neither of
you are my type. That's why I love hearing that.

Speaker 1 (57:15):
So first of all, we got JoJo's type.

Speaker 3 (57:16):
So all the girls out there, if you're a cute
mask but wait, Jojo, congratuate fucking relations. I was wooed
out of I was literally at one point I was
like floating on a cloud, just feeling dreamy and peaceful and.

Speaker 1 (57:31):
Be honest and I'm not gonna look her an eye
when I say.

Speaker 6 (57:33):
One, Joe and voice is great, Joe has we know this,
I know, but like my voice is like you have
a raspy like great, and not only that, but your music,
like your singing voice.

Speaker 3 (57:44):
Raven and I were both like what the fuck? We
were fully prepared to be like, oh yeah, good job,
and then we actually were like bangers.

Speaker 1 (57:52):
We like that, we like that, And I don't know
how much we can say. But when Jojo Seawall comes
out with the next album, I don't care what age
you are or how you know her. Shut your mind off.
Do do not judge it before you heard the Bangers.

Speaker 3 (58:09):
It's true.

Speaker 1 (58:10):
Old girl is on some other ship. And I'm down
for a joke.

Speaker 3 (58:14):
Any preconceived notions that you may have about Jojo, it's
just like, push it aside, listen because it's I was.
I was a victim of it. I fell into that.

Speaker 1 (58:24):
I was like, okay, like this is the kind of
music that's going to resonate for a generation for a
long time, kind of how a Britney Spears did when
that first album came out, Ga Gaga, when.

Speaker 2 (58:35):
That God ruin me.

Speaker 3 (58:37):
Now we're trying to win something. We're trying to win
something from you. I don't know what it is, but
were And I.

Speaker 1 (58:41):
Feel like when you listen to this album, you're no
but for real, Joe, Like, I cannot wait to see
the success that you are going to stack on top
of the success you already have. Because let's not let's
not lie to ourselves. Music success success is a lot different.

Speaker 3 (58:59):
Yeah, the music that fame is very different.

Speaker 1 (59:01):
Music fame is very different. And there's not a lot
of people that are like you. We met Megan, She's
like you.

Speaker 3 (59:08):
And Megan Trainer is an angel.

Speaker 1 (59:10):
Yeah, he is an angel. Adrian Bylaw, you know, she's
like us in the sense of like super sweet and
kind and grounded. But like the success I see for Joe,
because I'm psyching, the success I see for Joe is
magnumal bits type shit.

Speaker 3 (59:24):
Joe is already you are already living in an incredible success.
But I think the thing that speaks so true and
that shines I think the thing that shines so bright
about you again is your heart. You are a person
who radiates love and like you are fun and you're carefree,
and you're awesome and you're smart, and you're infectious in

that way. And I mean, Raven and I the first time,
I'm so.

Speaker 1 (59:49):
Glad we can call you a friend.

Speaker 3 (59:50):
It's ridiculous really, And the first time we hung out
with you, we were both like, wow, when you when
you leave someone's presence, you know how you can sometimes
you'll feel drained, or you'll feel energizeder you feel happy
or sad. And after we left you, we were like
that was great, Like she was just down and willing.
So you we just love you.

Speaker 2 (01:00:09):
Just follow the vibe.

Speaker 4 (01:00:11):
Like I feel like I've been around people that require
so much energy and that I've been around people that
require me to give so much energy because they're.

Speaker 2 (01:00:17):
Giving nothing, you know what I mean. And it's like
not dude, like let's just let's just vibe.

Speaker 4 (01:00:22):
But I feel like our we really worked together and
I'm really happy that we're friends.

Speaker 2 (01:00:26):
It just it works.

Speaker 1 (01:00:27):
It does you hit on my wife again, though, Joe,
we have problems.

Speaker 6 (01:00:30):
I'm not hitting on your wife's with you.

Speaker 4 (01:00:33):
Love you.

Speaker 3 (01:00:34):
We love you, and you can hurt on me anytime.
I don't care. It's it's a nice little love you girl.

Speaker 1 (01:00:44):
The Best Podcast Ever is an iHeart podcast produced and
hosted by Raven Simone and Miranda.

Speaker 3 (01:00:50):
Executive producers Jensen Carp and Amy Sugarman, Produced and edited
by Jordan Katz.

Speaker 1 (01:00:55):
Who also does our music. Executive in charge of production,
Dan Yell, Romo producer Hannah Winkleman.

Speaker 3 (01:01:02):
Theme song by Kenny Siegel and Jordan Kapp.

Speaker 1 (01:01:05):
Follow us on Instagram at the Best Pod Ever, and
send your emails to the Best Podever at gmail dot com.
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