All Episodes

January 21, 2025 65 mins

With Patrick Mahomes and the Chiefs in the AFC Championship again, Bobby says he thinks the flopping and penalties Mahomes draws from the refs is because Tom Brady started it years ago, and Kickoff Kevin gets heated when defending his Patriots. Plus, Eddie broke his arm over the weekend after conveniently finding out the guys would have to compete in a lifting competition for the last Super Bowl ticket.


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Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
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Speaker 2 (01:11):
This is a.

Speaker 1 (01:12):
Podcast called twenty five Wists Stuck in Football and they
are room whist So, yeah, it's too bad, but what
did you expect.

Speaker 3 (01:20):
It's a podcast called twenty five.

Speaker 1 (01:23):
Whistles Wine Wine. In this episode, you'll get a conspiracy
theory and a lot of dumb opinions on football games.
Blow the whistle, Eddie. Eddie has a broken arm, which
was addressed in the Bybone Show today, and we'll get
to a conspiracy theory about that in a second. There
are lots of theory about there's a lot of theories
about your arm. I do want to talk first about

cold weather football, where there's a difference in what looks
miserable to play in and what looks fun to play in.
If there's a lot of snow, it looks fun, right.
Oh yeah. If there's a lot of snow and it's
like two degrees, it's like yeah, but it's snow. It's
amazing if there's like ice and like a little bit
of snow. But you see them breathing through their helmets,

looks freaking awful. Yeah, painful.

Speaker 4 (02:07):
More for the coaches, I feel like the players they
get to move around a little bit, but every time
they show.

Speaker 1 (02:13):
The head coach was just there in a jacket and
has no heater around them. That looks miserable. See, I
would disagree, because you got to catch the ball, which hurts.
You have to hit the ground which hurts. Yeah. Like
and having played a decent amount of again not NFL,
but cold weather high school football games, it sucks. It
sucks when it's cold. And this isn't even in Buffalo,

New York. This isn't even in Philadelphia. It sucks so bad,
And I would just rather it's snow because at least
maybe your brain's like it's a good smith. Oh God,
maybe your brain because it looked miserable the first part
of that game, if just the Rams Eagles game, because

at the end of that game it started to snow
a bit. Then it was like Christmas, yay, So it
was just like cold and winter and miserable. The whole game,
and it felt terrible for them. It was a great game.
We had great games. The only game that wasn't like
a great game but was still fun was the Commander's
winning shout out, Eddie. I think you predicted that. Yeah,
pretty crazy, dude, But that game looked so cold in Philly,

the Rams and Eagles played and it just looked like
every hit hurt extra. It was impossible to catch the ball,
and at the end when it did start to snow,
they definitely had to switch up how they played offense.
They couldn't throw the ball. Really. Stafford did an okay job.
It was only whenever he started to run no huddle
that they could move the ball. Great game, it was awesome.

Speaker 3 (03:36):
And then watching the guys around the route, you could
see they took like five steps just to be able
to stop and then go.

Speaker 1 (03:41):
And like the defensive backs, they couldn't really plant. Yeah.
But yeah, so Eagles win that, that's cool. I was
really rooting for the Rams. Eagles are probably a better
team if they make the Super Bowl. Like it's probably
a little but the story for La Just imagine if
they could have wont to make to the super Bowl
with the Fires.

Speaker 4 (04:01):
Oh yeah, Like if the.

Speaker 1 (04:02):
NFL was fixed, I think the story, I think the
LA would have won the game. Like, if it was fixed,
I think LA would have won the game. And it's
not because it was close enough. They could have fixed it.
Now it it's like a thirty point lead. You can't
fix those games. I think if it was fixable and
the NFL wanted to do that, which I don't think
they do, they would have fixed that game. For that

wonderful story of here's Los Angeles representing its people. It
was very much Drew Brees Katrina and the Katrina super Bowl.
It's very much that Patriots Patriots. But you know, but
that's just a name. Eleven happened in New York City.

Speaker 3 (04:39):
I think, like come together community, that story, that'd have
been the Giant, it would have been the Giants.

Speaker 1 (04:48):
It'd have been the Giants. You can't have that just
because your names of Patriots and you get a.

Speaker 3 (04:52):
Guy nothing more patriot than America named Patriot.

Speaker 1 (04:56):
Now, I'm not gonna go that one.

Speaker 3 (04:58):

Speaker 1 (04:58):
I think they found that because they got there, But
the real story would have been the Giants or the Jets,
a New York team. I don't think the Jets made
the playoffs that you're up. They did. They didn't move
very far, but being able to wear the NYPD you know,
n y.

Speaker 5 (05:15):
FD has that world series with the Yankees and the Diamondbacks.
I feel like was like the nine to eleven.

Speaker 1 (05:20):
You know with the Patriots. I'm just saying, no, you're
saying you're a Patriots fan. Yeah, yeah, yeah, that too.
That's part of it for sure.

Speaker 3 (05:26):
But I mean I think Patriots America patriot, patriotic.

Speaker 4 (05:29):
I mean they are read white and blue exactly, thank you.

Speaker 1 (05:33):
It was a great junior varsity version of that.

Speaker 3 (05:36):
I'll not the main I'll take.

Speaker 1 (05:39):
Eagles won that game. That was good. Bill's and Ravens
that game looked great. Game coldest crap too. And what
I wanted to actually talk about in this game is
Eddie wanting to just blame it on a player.

Speaker 4 (05:52):
Yeah, like I think the whole game. Oh man, it's
hard to do that. It really is, like I'm not
the time person to scream at the TV and blame
it on player. But Mark Andrews completely ruined that game. Dang,
that's me, bro, and not that he probably knows it.
And I'm not saying anything that like you know, it's like, what,
what a surprise? He probably knows it. He turned the

ball over at a very pivotal time and then the
two point conversion that could have tied the game up.

Speaker 1 (06:17):
It was a dime the internet, it wasn't a dime.
First of all, it wasn't a dime. No, it wasn't
a dime. It was he should have caught it. But
it wasn't a dime, and he was like falling backward.
But but Lamar threw a pick. Lamar fumbled the ball
to bad bad Yeah. So just snowy, snowy. Same thing
with Andrews.

Speaker 3 (06:34):
Yeah, I don't know.

Speaker 4 (06:37):
I just felt like, gosh, those two moments in Andrews,
like what he did is what turned that game around.

Speaker 1 (06:44):
What sucked was that there are two two of their
three most consistent players did not play well. Yeah, Lamar
Jackson threw a bad interception, yeah, and then a bad
fumble too in midfield. And so as a bad first
half for Lamar, imagine that they were to score those
they wouldn't even have to worry about that at the end. Yes,

were they critical that fumble though, I was just competed
Lamar's I would take those two, the Lamar fumble in
the market that they're even that way, So not that
the though the two point conversion was tough, I'm not
gonna lie, but you can't pin that on him as
the guy that lost the game. How about not giving
the ball to Derrick Henry on both two point both

two point conversions.

Speaker 3 (07:27):
And what happened on the first one.

Speaker 1 (07:30):
They try to throw it.

Speaker 3 (07:34):
I know that they didn't get it. I was just
trying to think of what happened. I remember the second
one obviously with Mark Andrews, but I can't remember. I
know that they didn't get it. Yeah, I think they
tried to, Like they definitely didn't try to throw it.
So there are a lot of things you could have,
should have would have.

Speaker 1 (07:46):
Yeah. I'm never really a believer in one play causing
an entire game, but I can go four plays, those
two by Lamar and those two by Mark Andrews.

Speaker 4 (07:53):
Kay, yeah that's fair enough. But it's just tough, man.

Speaker 3 (07:57):
But the same thing with the Texans, Like it's these
plays that lose you game.

Speaker 1 (08:00):
James, That Mark Andrews one was tough though, because it
was just the last play, but it wasn't a dime and.

Speaker 5 (08:05):
There was also ninety seconds left, so the Bills could yeah,
mostly time.

Speaker 1 (08:10):
There was a minute twenty eight left and two timeouts,
Like people are forgetting about that. Yeah, with a minute
twenty get there and two timeouts left. Imagine that's the case.
And they said, well, here's one hundred dollars. Do you
bet with a minute twenty eight and two timeouts that
the Bills will kick a field goal at least and
win the game? Everybody bets that. The answer is yes, yes.
So it was in his hands, I know. And I

don't even like Mark market He's fine. I don't dislike him,
but he's like an Oklahoma guy. I was just don't
really have anything like love to Oklahoma.

Speaker 3 (08:39):
But he is like a pivotal part of that franchise
the last decade. Yes, yeah, super consistent. It's not like
some backup tight end and it's been and nobody kind
of cast around guy. So I feel bad for him.

Speaker 1 (08:49):
I feel bad for him too, more than bad. Adam, No,
you wanted to blame him. Mark Andrews lost the whole game.

Speaker 3 (08:55):
Because now we call that the Mark Andrews game, right.

Speaker 1 (08:58):
It'll forever go down as that which Lamar is what
three and five in the playoffs. I believe it's his record.
I don't think that he gets the pass though, because again,
has does he not throw that interception that he just chunked?
Does he not fumble at midfield? They possibly are not
in that situation to begin with, right, They were in
the hole from the beginning. They had to claw their
way back and you don't have to go for two

every time if you get one field goal out of that.
So a lot of decisions, a.

Speaker 4 (09:24):
Lot of things go into it. But god, I was
the one that stuck out.

Speaker 1 (09:27):
That's tough. I did hit both of those games. As
far as points bread, I was gonna yell on back baby. Fully,
I'm only back mostly because I had Notre Dame plus
eight and a half last night. That final field goal
kicked me right.

Speaker 2 (09:41):
In the night.

Speaker 3 (09:41):
Idaho State minus eight.

Speaker 1 (09:46):
Ended up being a pretty good game, though, and we
come back to that. It was ugly for a long time,
but it ended up I had to turn it on
a watch like I had to care again because well
they when they missed a field goal, I was like, well,
that's it, and then they stopped. If there was a fumble,
the announcer goes you know Framan says they need to

get a turnover. Boom, turnover immediately.

Speaker 3 (10:09):
You're not crazy, And he was saying, like, I think
Ohio States only fumbled four times all year.

Speaker 1 (10:13):
First play, so it ended fixed the screw the second.
The second quarter and third quarter kind of sucked. Oh yeah,
but the first the first part of the first quarter,
that drive Notre Dame when he ran, I think he
had nine carries in the first drive. They said he
threw up after that drive and he was dead on
the run before that last quarterback Sea. He laid there

for an extra second.

Speaker 4 (10:36):
I was like, you're killing him before the game even starts.

Speaker 1 (10:39):
So that was exciting. And then when they came back
and made it a one possession game after the fumble,
that was exciting. And then that field goal. Those first
downs just melted them.

Speaker 4 (10:50):
You think that they had a chance at the end,
Like you really think that Notre Dame could win this game.

Speaker 1 (10:54):
I thought, I need Notre Dame to not allow them
to kick it. I wanted Notreed to win because it's
like the Yankees just won the World Series. Like, you
spend the most money, you know what, You're probably gonna
win more times than not You should win if you're
the Yanks. Yeah, if you're strategic about the money you're spending,
and it's been said one hundred times have a twenty
million dollars roster, so they should. So I was not

rooting for them to win because of that. But I
don't only care about either team.

Speaker 3 (11:20):
I felt bad for twenty nine in the corner for
Notre Dame. On that last play the third and ten,
they left them one on one with Smith.

Speaker 1 (11:25):
I was like, oh gosh, and they were doing that
so they could stop the run obviously, and Will Howard
saw it.

Speaker 3 (11:33):
Yeah, and it just chunked it. Yeah, we could have
completed that.

Speaker 1 (11:36):
And that's ball game. That's ball game. Back to the NFL,
the Commanders and Lions was interesting in a couple places
for me. When Teddy Bridgewater went in, I was like,
let's go. It's awesome coaching high school. Now he's back in.
They ran that that end around to James Williams, and

I was like, Okay, we got us a game here
and now we're back in it. That's pretty cool m hm.
Although I had James Williams like, it's seventy yards receiving,
which he did not get and I was. I was like,
please God to let him count that as like a
shovel pass. They didn't. But the Commanders just owned that game. Yeah,
I mean, Jane Daniels was awesome.

Speaker 3 (12:17):
He had some throws.

Speaker 1 (12:18):
Man. I know, it's like I want because he's a rookie.
I keep waiting for him to rookie.

Speaker 4 (12:24):
But it's weird.

Speaker 1 (12:25):
It looks like nothing phases, no sign of.

Speaker 3 (12:27):
Him, even like the excitement, He's still.

Speaker 1 (12:29):
The same, yeap, no sign of it just fits on
the side of the mountain. Does the thing like if
I Jared Goff played maybe the worst I've seen him
play this year.

Speaker 3 (12:39):
Yeah, yeah, the Jared golf game.

Speaker 1 (12:41):
Yeah, that's a bad mark and Jared and so you
feel bad when a guy has a great season also
runs runs into the Commanders playing one of their best
offensive games. But the Lion's defense is so depleted and
it all just rode that singular wave of the Lions

have no defense, the Commander's offense and Jane Daniels is awesome,
and then Jared Goff had a bad game, and that just.

Speaker 3 (13:09):
What did you think about the trick play that basically
sealed the game that you're talking about, the double pass.

Speaker 1 (13:15):
Was what quarter was that in?

Speaker 3 (13:16):
Because I was the fourth?

Speaker 1 (13:17):
Yeah? Was it?

Speaker 3 (13:18):
There were down ten driving and that was it.

Speaker 1 (13:21):
I thought to myself, don't throw it, don't throw it,
don't throw it. And then I go, well, if I'm
in that situation and I don't ever get to throw it,
I'm throwing it. It's not Jameson's fault, right right, Yeah,
that's what I thought about it. It wasn't like bad call.
It wasn't because what do I know? But I thought
he was so covered, Yeah that I would like to
have think I wouldn't have thrown it or thrown it

at a balance. But then I thought, if I never
get to throw it and you're giving me, I'm throwing it.

Speaker 3 (13:47):

Speaker 1 (13:47):
So yeah, I understood. We called that James Williams game
Texas and Chiefs. I saw a stat and I wish
I had screenshot it. But a lot of people are
busting the Chiefs and the refs and Mahomes' balls because
it's like he gets all the breaks.

Speaker 4 (14:05):
Oh, the personal fouls, rough in the passer.

Speaker 1 (14:08):
Yeah, a couple of times that happened. And the stat
was the Chiefs over the season, and I think they
did the last three years because it was the last
two seasons where they won the Super Bowl, they actually
get less penalties than the other teams. But what happens
is my theory is that if you give the Chiefs

an opportunity, an extra opportunity, they take advantage of it
every single time. And did Mahomes flop on that play
out of bounds where he fell, Yeah, of course, But
I'm also not above that.

Speaker 4 (14:38):
It's part of his game.

Speaker 1 (14:39):
I'm also not above it. And when it doesn't work,
it looks lame, but it probably works a lot of
times that we don't even know. That looks like a
real penalty, but it was that the Chiefs don't actually
get more penalties called on their behalf. So I think
what it is is they're so good. If you give
them just an extra inch, they're gonna exploit anything they

shouldn't have and get another first down or a touchdown
out of it. And that's basically what happened here too.
The one play where he was kind of hitting the
chest in his face mask that personal foul. I can
definitely see where the ref called that it looked like
he was hitting the head because his head popped back up.
On further review, it did look like he got hit
in the chest and then in the face mask, but

they have to protect the quarterbacks. I didn't feel like
Mahomes did anything in that situation, that slide where the
two guys hit above him, that was not a personal foul. However,
bang bang, Maybe it looks like that, but Mahome slides
so late, like he lures these guys in. Yeah, it's brilliant. Yeah,
it's oh, your hater Patriots. He doesn't want to watching them.

I can't.

Speaker 3 (15:45):
It's like watching James Harden. It's like watching all these
guys where you're like, this isn't even fun.

Speaker 1 (15:49):
Here's the difference. Hard has never won a championship.

Speaker 3 (15:52):
I mean I get that, but that three.

Speaker 4 (15:54):
Bones when you jump into him like it's it is cheap.

Speaker 3 (15:57):
It's hard to watch.

Speaker 1 (15:57):
It's strategic. And again I'll say it again. They have
less penalties called on their behalf in the other teams.
So what you're seeing is that happen and then then
them capitalize off of it, and then you cry, your
little New England Patriots here because you're the dynasty and
once this happens, you just got trumped.

Speaker 4 (16:14):
I do feel Brady would do the same thing Brady.

Speaker 3 (16:19):
You would go down without getting to there's a difference.
I can show you a highlight reel of Brady's helmet.

Speaker 1 (16:22):
I can you want to show stuff. Look, this is
what I want to say about Brady. He cried all
the time. People would have a different complaint, but the
same complaint like Brady cries and gets every call. I
was all for it. Any advantage you can get, get
it if you're not cheating. Homes isn't cheating. There's nothing

he's doing. He's not putting pine tar on the ball
in the bad he's not taking he's not He's doing nothing.
They may have to change rules because of it. He
slows up.

Speaker 3 (16:52):
We need to review these, and we need to review them.

Speaker 1 (16:54):
Yeah, exactly, I'm okay with that. But the problem with
reviewing a lot of these five Oh, I don't care
about that, nah, because they they're getting prett quick at
that say you can do it pretty quick. Yeah, and
they have upstairs as well. Sometimes it is such a
judgment call that most of them are just going to
be upheld because it was called on the field. It's

so close. You may get the occasional, but how are
you going to call it when Mahomes is slowing down,
going out of balance, so he gets hit. What are
you gonna call slowing?

Speaker 3 (17:23):
But then you have guys like you got Jared Golf
on the picticks got absolutely annihilated.

Speaker 1 (17:28):
We're not talking about Jared Goff.

Speaker 3 (17:29):
I'm just saying you're comparatively.

Speaker 1 (17:31):
No, we're not comparing to other Brady did not get
the comparisons. If you brought up Brady, I'd like to
use him in this argument. Tom Brady cried more than
any player I've You never.

Speaker 3 (17:39):
Get a penalty for crying, though, No, but you.

Speaker 1 (17:41):
Get breaks, you get the refs protecting their boy. Gosh,
that would be cool, though, crying number twelve. They protected
Tom Brady more than all of them.

Speaker 3 (17:51):
No, let's not be yes Aaron Rodgers, what's the theme
the super Bowl winning quarterbacks? Well, yeah, some of them are.

Speaker 1 (18:01):
No, No, everyone you just mentioned one a super.

Speaker 3 (18:03):
Bowl that's been like fifteen years. Herbert died every single
ties until Jalen Hurts. He had a bad one the
other day, didn't get called.

Speaker 4 (18:10):
He's not a superstar yet.

Speaker 3 (18:12):
He's been to super Bowl, just hasn't won one yet.
It's like I would say, bucket, you gotta get a
helmet thing on your.

Speaker 1 (18:17):
I don't think I would go as hard on you,
except you're so a Brady guy and I'm not. It's
just hard.

Speaker 3 (18:22):
It's hard to watch.

Speaker 1 (18:22):
And that's what we said about Brady. He cries every
and anytime anybody touches him flag.

Speaker 4 (18:27):
I remember that.

Speaker 1 (18:28):
But he falls before he even gets touched, and he
would get flags, he would get rough. Yes, no, dude,
if you don't think Mahome is getting the Brady treatment,
I've never you have Patriot colored glasses on?

Speaker 3 (18:41):
Okay, did you ever see Brady flop when he barely.

Speaker 1 (18:46):
They have different annoying traits.

Speaker 3 (18:47):
I don't even know as a grown man. I don't
even know how you can watch that back of yourself
with your Patrick man watching it cry the whole time.
I look like a baby. I think both I will
stand on this hill and die forever.

Speaker 1 (19:00):
You're dead. You're already dead, because both of them are
given the gifts of being the NFL's most super of superstars.
And you must protect the most super of superstars just
because of the money involved. And if you don't think
Brady had such preferential beneficial treatment because of what he deserved,

all of the championships. You're out of your mind. You
are out of your mind. So Donald Trump sounds like it.
Thank you. I was trying to love anyway, that's all.
But I also think it's it's hilarious. I hate it
because I'm I'm not for flopping. So when he fell
over the sidelines, I was like, yeah, that was that
didn't look very good. Yea.

Speaker 4 (19:39):
Honestly, his little fingers after a play, like more than
anything else he does.

Speaker 1 (19:47):
Put the Chiefs in a vacuum. And there's never been
an NFL season ever, and this is the only NFL
season ever, and you're watching the Chiefs. You're not annoyed
by them. You're annoyed by them because they went all
the time. Nothing about that team is annoying. You're right,
and there's nothing to dislike there cheating, They haven't sent
cameras in watching other people's practice as Patriots. There's no
deflate gate.

Speaker 3 (20:06):
You really think that's a real thing.

Speaker 1 (20:07):
Yeah, it doesn't matter on the inside.

Speaker 4 (20:11):
Someone on the inside. He said the ball was like
a sponge.

Speaker 3 (20:13):
They spent more time on the plate than anything else.
In the end, I think the.

Speaker 1 (20:17):
Gate is stupid, but I'm saying it changed people's perceptions
of the team.

Speaker 3 (20:21):
Yeah, the NFL came after the Patriots, where the NFL
loves the Chiefs right now, Yeah, loves. I want to
see a camera on guys like Taylor Switzerland. There's a
bad place.

Speaker 1 (20:30):
You're missing the point. What I'm saying is there's nothing
to dislike about the Chiefs.

Speaker 3 (20:35):
Yeah, I like, I dislike a lot.

Speaker 1 (20:36):
Of the Yes, because you're a Patriots fan.

Speaker 3 (20:38):
Maybe a lot of people Ravens fans, they're pretty I mean, yeah, you're.

Speaker 4 (20:43):
Right, I kind of hate the Chiefs.

Speaker 1 (20:45):
Kelsey, why can't you watch? He's a baby? Okay, he is.
I am not a Kelsey super fan. My only point
is you have such hatred toward them because you're a
Patriots fan. You do not want them if they win
the Super Bowl. They are now, But there's other teams
like yeah, let me finish my sentence.

Speaker 3 (21:02):
I never hated the Warriors.

Speaker 1 (21:04):
Okay, but they're not fighting your Patriots and Boston.

Speaker 3 (21:07):
But they beat the Celtics and Thestindals and I wasn't
even that mad.

Speaker 1 (21:10):
Doesn't matter. Boston won one.

Speaker 3 (21:13):
Last year.

Speaker 1 (21:14):
Wait, yeah, they won. They won last year. You're not
talking about you're scared they will go down as the
greatest dynasty ever, which is way different because that's what
you hold your hat onto. That's way different than it's
a mix.

Speaker 4 (21:27):
It's just funny that when the Patriots are winning, you're like, oh, yeah, well,
what's wrong with us? We're great fans, Like we're not annoying.
But now that you you see the other side of it.

Speaker 3 (21:35):
Loved the hatred.

Speaker 1 (21:36):
I loved it, you're annoying.

Speaker 3 (21:38):
Loved it.

Speaker 1 (21:40):
But if you don't think Brady got the Mahomes treatment,
which they both are getting the treatment, you're crazy. It's
worse than Mahomes gets. Now, yes, you just were getting.

Speaker 3 (21:52):
The different kind of treatment. The difference between whining and
there's a difference between like flopping and egging. These guys
onf for defensive.

Speaker 1 (22:00):
Whatever they were good at they got, they got back.
Like Reddy was great at crying like a little baby,
and so he benefited from that. Mahomes is great at flopping,
he benefits from that.

Speaker 3 (22:09):
Yeah, But like I said, crying doesn't get you a flag.

Speaker 1 (22:12):
It does late the next play when it happens again,
which probably wouldn't be a flag. But because you cried
about it so much.

Speaker 3 (22:17):
I don't think we're gonna go anywhere with this.

Speaker 1 (22:19):
I think it's four on one. Oh, I don't care.
I don't like both of them, so I'm not I
like both of them, is the weird thing. I liked it.

Speaker 3 (22:30):
I a Niner and a Ravens fan over the weekend,
and they were more pissed than I was.

Speaker 1 (22:34):
Yeah, because they both lost and suck. Yeah.

Speaker 3 (22:36):
Bet this is before the Ravens lost.

Speaker 1 (22:38):
Well, the Niners didn't make it, and the Ravens are
just bitter. They haven't made it. They lost last year
in the Afty Championship in Baltimore.

Speaker 4 (22:44):
And I'm sure you've influenced them somehow, not at all
as your friends.

Speaker 1 (22:48):
No, dang, he so dude, he's so sour right now.
You are. You can't take it. If the Chiefs win,
you're no longer the greatest dynasty. It's the first time ever.

Speaker 3 (23:00):
Not four can Bury to seven.

Speaker 1 (23:02):
But it's three in a row. That's never happened. That's
never a big We've had two dynasties. This will be
one for them. Never has any one through. And you're
about to get your coach with plays the coaches the
best coach all time. When Andy Reid beats him.

Speaker 3 (23:14):
Oh yeah, go ahead.

Speaker 1 (23:15):
Yeah, I'm just saying this is fun.

Speaker 3 (23:18):
Three in a row and Mike he got any long
lorns gear I can borrow.

Speaker 1 (23:22):
Three in a row is epic. And I'm not even
fine for my teams. I'm just fine for common sense. Anyway,
the Chiefs won, and I don't think it was because
of the refs. I think the refs give him Homes
the Brady treatment, as I call it. But they also
the special teams was to good for thee The Texans
just were not gonna win that game. Yeah, Kimey fan Baron,

no boy, no, yeah, he like had on nine layers
of clothes. He like had on a had on a turtle.
He had on like the north faced coat. As he's
kicking over you just right. You just tell you was cold.
It is cold. Good games. Now. The pressure though, because
I don't feel like the pressure of the Josh Allen,

Like Josh Allen's pressure wasn't this last game, pressure to win,
pressure to win a Super Bowl. But like his boogey
man is Patrick Mahomes. Yeah, Lamar's is winning a playoff game.
So if the Bills lose that that sucks. Josh Allen
didn't get to a super Bowl again, didn't win a
super Bowl, but it's not can't win in the playoffs.

Speaker 4 (24:27):
Does Josh Allen get the Tom Brady treatment.

Speaker 1 (24:30):
No, because he plays a completely different style of ball.
And also he's not won super bowls.

Speaker 5 (24:33):
Because he did have that one moment like what was
it two weeks ago where the ref came up to
him on the sideline and like apologize for a call. Though,
So I mean he does get a little, a.

Speaker 1 (24:40):
Little love superstar treatment, superstar treatment, but there's only two.
The Brady Mahomes treatment is totally different than anybody else.
All I'm saying is are the same. I'm not even
saying that Brady's was worse.

Speaker 3 (24:50):
So I didn't even say anything. I'm not even in this.
I'm not saying anything. We're gonna agree to disagree, and
I will die on the hill.

Speaker 1 (24:58):
His face is getting ready et mad to end conclusion.
I forget my point, Oh, Josh, Josh Allen's boogey man.

Speaker 3 (25:07):
Like Josh Allen, me too. I think he plays like awesome.

Speaker 1 (25:11):
Youck, he comes down with a buffalo Bill's hat tomorrow.
Josh Allen's boogieman is Patrick Mahomes Lamar Jackson's is the playoffs.
If Josh Allen loses to Patrick Mahomes again, it'll be
what Lamar is suffering from right now. Can't win because
of playoffs. Josh Allen can't win because of Patrick Mahomes.
Not regular season. Yeah, being a regular season all day,

no problem, by the way, playoffs. Travis Kelsey m VP.
That dude. It's just like he just waits. He didn't
even start and he's like no one ever around him either. Whatever.
But he's looking a little old though. He's a little
slow slower. I saw through every playoff game Kelsey's played in.
He might he's at like either ninety nine or one

hundred yards, averaging one hundred yards a game through every
playoff game and a touchdown at least a game average. Gene, Wow,
it's crazy. I mean even last week we can go well,
those are inflated numbers from the beginning of his playoff front. No,
I think he caught for I think he cut for one, one,
ten or something out seventeen. Yeah, yeah, it's awesome.

Speaker 3 (26:13):
Let's go choose the glory fly wide receiver that are
you talking about?

Speaker 4 (26:17):
Oh my goodness, that's gonna fight to Travis Kelsey.

Speaker 3 (26:22):
I'm glad he's continuing on because he's trying to poke
at it. I know what he's doing.

Speaker 1 (26:28):
I'm literally just talking about stats. Did you guys feel
I was poking at all? Guy's so sensitive and triggered
right now because the Patriots might be the second greatest
dynasty ever. Seven that's great. Nobody's ever done three in
a row. Okay, and with look with can you imagine

three plus the one for that early in Patrick Moms's career,
Oh my goodness, he might win ten. Yeah, especially when
he's getting the Brady treatment. Tom Brady would get stripped
from the goat title.

Speaker 4 (27:01):
That'd be crazy. You know.

Speaker 1 (27:02):
If he wins this one, they'll start to debate that.
It'll be a real life debate like who's the greatest
of all time? And they'll go, well, Brady because he's
won more. But then they'll go but at this point
in their careers, Mahomes is significantly ahead of Brady, so
that will be the conversation. Mm hmm, Kevin, Okay, we'll
move on.

Speaker 3 (27:21):
We all know, I mean, who's beat him twice in
the playoffs? That's true, Tom Brady. If you guys didn't know,
cool knock him out twice, and so Eli the.

Speaker 1 (27:32):
AFC Championship is Eli Manning the greatest of all time? No, okay,
wonder because I think he'd be he'd be tom right.

Speaker 3 (27:39):
Yeah twice.

Speaker 1 (27:40):
Yeah, just making sure not seventh things that's true to
that champ anyway. College football fun Yeah yeah yeah. Bad
timing though for that game, because you're right in the
middle of it's you know, a f C, NFC championship week.
We just had the divisional round, you have a LKDA,

you have the inauguration. It's like, of all those things.

Speaker 4 (28:03):
They should have done it on Friday, because Friday was
the day that really should have did it a week
ago or that too. But they give them that whole
week buffer.

Speaker 1 (28:10):
I know, you start to see some week earlier. That'd
be cool.

Speaker 4 (28:13):
That'd be cool with that.

Speaker 1 (28:13):
Yeah, bad scheduling on their part.

Speaker 3 (28:16):
Yeah, they'll tak what about getting rid of conference championships
and just started everything week early.

Speaker 1 (28:21):
I'm in with that too. I'm fine with that too,
mostly because I don't like how they're affecting the call.
We've only done it one year, how they're affecting the
college football playoff and they're like, even if you lose
your conference championship, you shouldn't lose. I think I'm okay
with the conference championship games if everything can remain fluid.
And what that means is, I just need a definition

of what we're looking for instead of everybody arguing about
what should happen, and if the group is going to
penalize the team for losing and the like. If the
rule is you make it, and you were already making
it before, we're not going to penalize you. Let's just
state it ahead of time, if you were already what
I would like, and they do it as they go.
Here's what it would be if it were today. This
is what the bracket would look like. And so if

they just said because they indicated it, but they weren't
married to it. Anybody that goes to a game, we
can't see them not making it. If they lose a
conference game, just say it. But then again, the conference
having a conference champion is fun, but then they're so big.
You may have three people winning to big ten. Yeah,
like you, because again there's so many teams and you

can have a bunch of one loss teams because teams
don't play each other. So I just hope, and I
think there will be for more definition of what they're
looking for in order for the playoffs to happen. I
think they will tweak those put the top four teams
in the next year. I don't think they'll do that.
I don't think we'll have Boise in Arizona State getting
a buy right. Yeah, they're going to change that, and
I think they have indicated that they could possibly tweak,

which means they're going to fix that.

Speaker 4 (29:52):
Would Notre Dame in Ohio State, I guess the High
State would have been in the top four. Yeah, and
Notre Dame. Right if this were two years ago.

Speaker 1 (30:01):
I'd have to think back. But you would go or
you go Oregon, Hm, you would go Texas Texas. Texas
will probably be in the top four. Yeah. Or Georgia
Nah they oh Georgia b Texas a conference champion Alabama No, Yeah,
for sure. Yeah, i'd have made a lot of money.
They have made it.

Speaker 4 (30:20):
Yeah, I guess just Ohio State really wouldn't.

Speaker 1 (30:24):
Georgia would have been there though, and they weren't, Yeah,
because they won the other like Penn Staton Organ played
each other, not even oh Iowa State. Yeah. Yeah, I
just have to make it sixteen teams. Yeah, let's do
sixty four. Screw it, dude, like like marketing.

Speaker 4 (30:40):
Yeah yeah, to start the season as a sixty that'd
be awesome.

Speaker 1 (30:43):
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So Eddie broke his arm roller skating. It was my
son's birthday and he's six years old. You want to

go roller skating. It's bothering him. I can tell you that.
I can tell it hurts and it's bothering you.

Speaker 4 (32:34):
Yeah, I think my pain pills ran out like so,
I'm kind, I'm feeling everything, and honestly, it's it's just
I can't There's no place I can put my arm,
even in this sling where it doesn't hurt. It just
hurts every way I put it. If I lean it
on this rest, this arm rest, it hurts. If I
put in the sling, it hurts. It just it hurts
the whole time.

Speaker 1 (32:53):
I hate that for you. Did he say where it broke?

Speaker 4 (32:56):
He said it broke in the radius bone, right below
the elbow.

Speaker 1 (32:59):
Is that something they're gonna have to reset or have
surgery on?

Speaker 4 (33:02):
I will find that out in about an hour.

Speaker 1 (33:04):
What did that? What did that? Because you went to
like a general mercery room doctor right.

Speaker 4 (33:07):
What to the r Yeah, So I broke it on
Saturday night and I was like, I'm just gonna toughen
it out. I'm gonna sleep, And then at seven am
and we go to urgent Care and then they'll X
ray and tell me what's up. I didn't even make it.
It was like three in the morning. I woke up
crying and I'm like, I need to go to the
mercery room. Like this hurts so bad.

Speaker 1 (33:23):
That sucks. I really feel bad for you because it
just seems like something an eleven year old does. Break
some arm. Yeah, yeah, I know, like it sucks. It
does suck, especially your right arm. We can put together
our differences on Brady and mahomes to come together and say, dude,
that sucks.

Speaker 3 (33:39):

Speaker 4 (33:39):
Thank you, guys. It's a lot. I can tell you
how hard that is.

Speaker 1 (33:42):
For you, guys. So, but with a broken arm. There
have been conspiracy theories about your broken arm.

Speaker 4 (33:48):
Oh did read send one in?

Speaker 1 (33:51):
No? No, what do you think? Why?

Speaker 4 (33:53):
What do you you feel like? I read would be
like he's just trying to get out of workouts.

Speaker 1 (33:58):
Interesting conspiracy that Reed would think you don't want to
work out for a while. Not true, by the way.
Your second broken bone though in like six months.

Speaker 4 (34:07):
Uh yeah, here I broke my foot. Yeah, this here
broke my arm. I just need to change my lifestyle, dude,
something's got to change.

Speaker 1 (34:15):
This was roller skating. I don't know if this is
a lifestyle thing you normally do that.

Speaker 4 (34:19):
Oh, no, it is because when you go to the
roller skating rink and they say, hey, come on, let's
go skating, you say, no, I'm forty five years old. Yeah,
I'm good.

Speaker 1 (34:27):
So you don't want to do too much access and.

Speaker 4 (34:29):
Go that's different, dude, that's different.

Speaker 1 (34:31):
You broke your foot in St. Louis trying to cover second.

Speaker 3 (34:33):
Now he's for sure a twelve year old.

Speaker 4 (34:36):
Now, yeah, no, no, I still want to do too
much access.

Speaker 1 (34:41):
Kevin has a conspiracy theory about your arm.

Speaker 3 (34:42):
Of course, Yeah, Eddie, we talked about it last week.
You brought it up, how you think you're stronger than me.
And then Casey with a great idea of saying, all right,
let's have them compete and throw the medicine.

Speaker 1 (34:52):
Ball over throw the one hundred pound ball.

Speaker 3 (34:54):
That's right, one hundred pound ball over your shoulder. How
many you can get in one minute and loser loses
out on the Super Bowl ticket? And how convenient you
come back the following week and your arm is broken
and you can't work out. So I think you did
this to get out of the competition, because you know
you're gonna lose and you want to go to the
super Bowl.

Speaker 4 (35:12):
The great theory, man, great theory. I really wish that
was it. Then I would tell you, Okay, I'm just joking,
let's us do it. But it's not, dude, but you.

Speaker 3 (35:19):
Like mean to get hurt, Like I don't think you
meant to break your arm, but like maybe you meant
to like I don't want to sprain your wrists.

Speaker 1 (35:24):
And then we never saw an X ray.

Speaker 4 (35:27):
Oh, I'll ask for one today because they're gonna take
one today. But your doctor, like it was weird. He
came in, He's like, all right, so here's what it is.
And then he's like, I'm gonna double check with radiation though,
to make sure what I saw was correct. And then
next person that came in was the nurse. Said you're
ready to go home. So I never found out, Like
what the radiation doctor said.

Speaker 1 (35:47):
Is it called a radiation doctor?

Speaker 4 (35:49):
Well he said, oh, imaging, he said, imaging doctors radiation
uranium straight in that arm.

Speaker 2 (35:53):

Speaker 3 (35:54):
That was just like, this just looks like anything.

Speaker 1 (35:57):
You can pick up a good Will exactly, like you
can just go grab that Walmart. So is there a
chance today you go in and they're like, no, dude,
it's just bruised.

Speaker 4 (36:05):
No, no, because it's what how many days have been Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday.
I mean it's been like it hurts, dude, I can't
even rotate my wrist.

Speaker 1 (36:13):
Do you think that because of your broken arm, that
you should just be allowed to have one of the
Super Bowl tickets and you shouldn't have to compete in
any way.

Speaker 4 (36:22):
Oh that's a great point. Yeah, yeah, especially if you
can do a physical competition.

Speaker 1 (36:26):
There's no way, and you can do the fifty pound
with one arm, and then he can he could do
he could do the hundred. That's fair. Yeah.

Speaker 4 (36:37):
No, no, because I'm telling you man, even like I
was talking to someone yesterday and I put my hand
out kind of like I don't know, but I moved
my right hand without even thinking, like I don't know,
and I was like, oh, that hurts so bad. So
there's no way I can pick up anything with my
left arm without my right arm, even just not thinking
about doing helping out.

Speaker 1 (36:58):
And in your opinion, there's instead of four people fighting
for three tickets, it should be two people, two people
fighting for three tickets. Correct, And you should I'm broken
armed in.

Speaker 4 (37:08):
Yeah, I man, I broke my arm. It's like, sorry, dude,
this is terrible. You're going to the super Bowl.

Speaker 1 (37:12):
I mean it's tough not to, you know, bring it
down any further. But I saw where the Cowboys have
the longest NFC championship game drought in NFL history. Yeah,
to add to the broken arm because look at the
command I mean the Commanders are in yeah, one year
after being terrible.

Speaker 4 (37:28):
And you know their head coach is our ex defensive coordinator.

Speaker 1 (37:31):
That's true too.

Speaker 4 (37:32):
Yeah, and then the Eagles their offensive coordinator was our
old offensive coordinator. It's just sad, dude.

Speaker 1 (37:36):
I have a picture of me and they Amander's head coach,
Dank Quinn on the field at the Cowboys game.

Speaker 4 (37:42):
Did you guys know each other?

Speaker 1 (37:44):
No? But I just said, can't get a picture.

Speaker 3 (37:48):
Is he a big dude? He looks pretty big.

Speaker 1 (37:50):
I need to look back at the picture, I think so.
I think I don't know.

Speaker 4 (37:53):
His upper body looks big.

Speaker 1 (37:55):
Yeah, he looks at me like his chess looks got it, big,
got it. I have thinking about putting it in like aar
are sending it to read because he's wearing like blue
because he was a Cowboys coach, but like having return
it into commander's colors. Well, it's like I'm on the
field at the commander's game with the commander's head coach.

Speaker 4 (38:09):
I think you should do it. Yes, I mean that's
what they do when someone commits right or they're transferring.

Speaker 1 (38:14):
Oh do it? Yeah, maybe I do. That's funny. Okay,
we have to we have to work on the super
Bowl thing. Still.

Speaker 3 (38:24):
I was looking forward to that one.

Speaker 4 (38:25):
I'll tell you what though, dude's pretty cool telling people
like I might go to the super Bowl this year.

Speaker 1 (38:29):
I don't think you're saying, Mike, if I'm being honest,
because I already talk about it, you're saying you're going.
Who'd you hear me talk to you? I'm just saying,
you're telling people you're going to the super Bowl.

Speaker 4 (38:37):
Maybe I think I said maybe I might go to
super Bowl.

Speaker 1 (38:40):
You're going to It is a flex. I mean, I
get it.

Speaker 4 (38:42):
I mean it's crazy, dude. If I get to go
to the super Bowl, if any of us get sorry reading,
if any of us get to go to the super Bowl, dude,
it's pretty that's pretty amazing.

Speaker 1 (38:51):
You know, it's weird. I was watching these guys kick
barefoot in the warm up. Some of the guys were
kicking barefoot. I can't kick anyway. To kick barefoot seems
so painful and it was cold too.

Speaker 4 (39:06):
I don't know why they would do that, but why
did it?

Speaker 1 (39:08):
But how can anybody kick barefoot? Because some guys will
just even like on Instagram, they'll kick fifty yard field
goals like and they want to do it barefoot. I
don't even know where to kick the ball. I guess
the top of your foots were he's supposed to kick it.

Speaker 4 (39:20):
You didn't know that because when we were doing too
much access, you were kicking.

Speaker 1 (39:25):
Yeah. Literally, yeah, but wouldn't that hurt?

Speaker 4 (39:27):
Like the guy with half a foot?

Speaker 1 (39:28):
Who is that? U chick? He had the longest field
goal for a long time.

Speaker 4 (39:32):
They played for the Saints. Do you know that half
a foot?

Speaker 1 (39:36):
Will you look up the guy's name with half a foot?
To Tom that's a good one. Yeah, it blew my mind.
They were kicking barefoot one and the cold, but barefoot
at all? That feels like it was hur Eddie. Could
you cook barefoot?

Speaker 4 (39:48):
Na, I've I've done it.

Speaker 1 (39:50):
Is it hurt?

Speaker 4 (39:51):
Yeah? It hurts really?

Speaker 3 (39:52):
And why do they choose to do this maybe like snow.

Speaker 4 (39:55):
The feel of the ball, like knowing exactly where to
kick it. I have no idea, dude. It sounds toper
to me.

Speaker 1 (40:00):
They were talking about the field of the ball and
this I understood, where they the uh, the kicker, the play,
the placeholder, Yeah, catch it, spin it. Yeah that they don't.
They can't catch it and spin it with gloves on
because they're they're wearing gloves and their hands are so cold.
But they don't want to wear gloves because with that

you do need to have extreme control of the ball.
So those guys they're taking the snap, putting it down,
spinning the ball before the kicker kicks it. With gloves,
obviously the ball will not be as active want to
move this fast because your gloves are there for a reason,
which is to create traction.

Speaker 4 (40:37):
And what I've also heard is that they shaved the
football down. The kicking footballs. I think those are different
footballs than the actual footballs they used to like just
on a regular.

Speaker 3 (40:47):
Play sudden one of our trips to the.

Speaker 1 (40:49):
B y U is a b y uh Maybe it
was BYU. Maybe I heard that they would take balls
into flate.

Speaker 3 (40:54):
I knew this.

Speaker 4 (40:55):
I knew this was yes, so the quarterback could rip
it better, Yeah, and throw it and throw it further and.

Speaker 3 (41:00):
Either to six.

Speaker 1 (41:02):
I don't think the play was a real thing, by
the way, I think it was. I rooted for the
Patriots spygate, that's it. Yeah, thank you. I'm sorry about
your Cowboys though, Okay, who's gonna coach you, man? Because
they're starting to fall into place.

Speaker 4 (41:16):
Yeah, I saw though, you're Ben Johnson guy got taken to.

Speaker 1 (41:19):
The Bears and it was Raider Raider, Raider, Raider, Raider,
Tom Brady Raider, Raider, Bears crazy.

Speaker 5 (41:26):
If I was a Lions fan, I would hate him
for going to the Bears, right, and because it seems
like he wasn't really his best game either, this last
one against Washington.

Speaker 1 (41:34):
I don't know.

Speaker 3 (41:34):
Yeah, it's a tough way to go out on.

Speaker 1 (41:36):
That's a professional You're gonna be angry. Is I taking
a head coach job? And they will play them twice
though every year. I'm just saying, yeah, that's tough, although
I wouldn't because they kept going. Don't count Jacksonville out.
And the only thing about Jacksonville that well, the one
and a half things is one, it's warm, Like that's

a big part of where I want to live. Oh yeah, Florida,
Like Chicago's an awesome city, but during the winter awful. Yeah,
and then you kind of have a quarterback Trevor Lawrence
Like possibly that's one and a half reasons why the Raiders.
I just can't see anybody going to the Raiders and winning.

Speaker 4 (42:14):
Vegas. I hear Vegas is a nice town.

Speaker 1 (42:17):
But winning, Like, what's that culture?

Speaker 4 (42:19):
No, No, you're not gonna win. You're just gonna go
to Vegas and live there.

Speaker 1 (42:23):
They haven't won it so long, I cannot visualize them winning.
I guess Brady being there is the only thing, that's all,
And that's why he was considering coaching there, is what
I heard. Like he wasn't evenna take an interview or
talk to anyone. So those see for the Lions and
the DC for the Lions just supposed to be Chicago,
New York the Jets, I mean that's the Yeah. I
mean I'm happy for that. Yeah, we'll see how it goes.

Speaker 3 (42:44):
What about your boy getting interviews with Jacksonville?

Speaker 5 (42:47):
Oh sala my favorite coach of all time? Yeah, I
mean I don't really understand how he could get another fuck.

Speaker 1 (42:52):
Okay, but now that you see it, don't you realize
it wasn't his fault.

Speaker 5 (42:55):
He's definitely was part of his fault. He was not
a good leader of men. No, no, no, he's a
good coordinator, like most of.

Speaker 1 (43:00):
Them are, you know what I mean? Not all of them. Really.
I feel like he was leading me pretty good. I
liked it. I like me to say stuff breaks.

Speaker 4 (43:05):
Yeah, yeah, Like I saw that the listening he interviewed
with the Cowboys.

Speaker 1 (43:10):
I saw McCarthy looks like he could be the coach
of the Saints.

Speaker 4 (43:15):

Speaker 1 (43:15):
Again, they're just predicting at this point, but some of
the guys that are pretty in on think McCarthy could
be the coach of the Saints, which would be interesting.
McCarthy's a good coach. And then here we are back
in Dallas, and I think they're probably if I were
to pick two people, I could see taking that job, Eddie,
who are your two people? Uh?

Speaker 4 (43:32):
Dion and Riverboat?

Speaker 1 (43:35):
No chance to Torona Baron, dude, I mean we would just.

Speaker 4 (43:37):
Talk to him.

Speaker 1 (43:38):
No chances And he even said the Cowboys sent me up.

Speaker 4 (43:40):
I think about that.

Speaker 1 (43:42):
I don't know, dude, change me.

Speaker 4 (43:44):
I feel like that'd be the perfect fit.

Speaker 1 (43:46):
I feel like you need some But okay, before I
say this, Kevin, who who are the two people you
think you could take that job?

Speaker 3 (43:55):
I would say Cliff and Dion.

Speaker 1 (43:57):
You know what I would. I'm gonna go three then,
because Cliff's specially especially with the Commander's winning now exactly
if they had have lost this last week, I don't
think I put Cliff in the probable conversation, but I
think that now gives Jerry enough of And also, Cliff
was good in Arizona for a while. Like it's not
like he was a bad coach.

Speaker 3 (44:14):
And I don't know if it really matters, but he's
a Texas guy from there he is.

Speaker 1 (44:17):
Oh yeah, I guess so any coach Texas Texas. Yeah,
Cliff's a good one. Casey, I think killing Moore, that's
that's my guy too. Who I think he's been there
knows But what did he do? He was a coordinator? Yeah,
I don't know. We want I think he was handcut
there too, wasn't he? You would rather have Ron Rivera,
who we love, who's older. His ceiling is not that high.

You bring Rivera into fix your program like Washington did
like when it's just in disarray.

Speaker 4 (44:45):
We said there were a lot of questionable offensive coordinator
calls when he was with the Cowboys and even now
with the Eagles. I don't think he's killing it with Eagles.
I think the Eagles have the tools.

Speaker 1 (44:55):
Or in the NFC Championship.

Speaker 4 (44:56):
And I'm not crediting the OC for that. Why not
credit Hurts? I credit Brown?

Speaker 1 (45:03):
Those two people you're crediting. What side of the ball?

Speaker 4 (45:06):
What side of the ball are the execution Wait, they're
the executioners.

Speaker 1 (45:10):
Well, that would be killers. They were murdering people, they're
the ones that execute it. So my question is what
side of the ball of those three on offensive side
of the ball.

Speaker 3 (45:20):
It's like a little kid.

Speaker 4 (45:22):
I don't buy it. And how old is Kellen Morey?
Looks like he's ten?

Speaker 1 (45:25):
Yeah, me to Ron, he's older that fourteen. I think
Kellen Moore would be a good pick.

Speaker 3 (45:31):
Yeah, that's a good one too. Or Joe Brady's another one.

Speaker 1 (45:35):
Right, Yeah, Joe Brady would be good. Again, all these
guys are playing, right, Joe Brady's not playing.

Speaker 4 (45:39):
I saw Buffalo talking.

Speaker 1 (45:41):
They're not talking about Yeah, where did that come from?
Not talking about the Cowboys.

Speaker 4 (45:45):
It's weird the Cowboys posts on Instagram who they've interviewed.

Speaker 1 (45:49):
They have to everybody, every table to do that.

Speaker 3 (45:51):
Yeah, I think you just follow the Cowboys.

Speaker 4 (45:54):
They said they went and interviewed Yeah.

Speaker 1 (45:56):
I heard they talked to Whitton while they still had
McCarthy from my sources about a job with the Cowboys
with McCarthy more than specifically a head coaching job.

Speaker 3 (46:06):

Speaker 1 (46:06):
Now, Also, you can interview somebody even if you don't
plan on hiring them, just to see where they are
in their maturation of in their coaching maturation. Sure, because
possibly you bring them in in a different role or
you learn whether they're about if they take a different job.
So it's why the Rooney rule exists, meaning the NFL
doesn't say, go and you must hire a black coach.

They're saying, if followed properly, if you interview a certain
amount of black coaches, what's going to happen is you're
going to have an understanding of what they're about, how
intelligent they are, how great of a head coach they
may be now or maybe in the future. You form
this relationship to any person forms with another person through
a process, and that if you don't hire them then

the next time around possibly or for another position, or
you recommend them to somebody else who's hiring a coach. Right,
it's all about relationships and not just as humans, but
understanding where these coaches are intellectually. So the same thing
with Jason Witten. There's no chance he's a head coach
that can, right.

Speaker 3 (47:10):
Eddie George interviewed for Parage. And I know he's been
a head coach. He's been for a little while now
here in Tennessee. But that was random.

Speaker 4 (47:16):
What school does he coach at?

Speaker 1 (47:17):
He coaches here.

Speaker 3 (47:18):
At Middle Tennessee State, Tennessee State.

Speaker 1 (47:20):
Yeah, it's HBCU. You didn't know he was a head coach.

Speaker 4 (47:23):
Didn't know it for years. Yeah, I didn't know that.
I thought it's just chilling, chilling with his millions of dollars.

Speaker 1 (47:28):
I did run into in New York once. He was
super nice, but he had no idea who it was.
I never expect anybody to know who I am. For
the record, and I think I've mentioned this before. I
just see him standing outside the hotel that I was
in and I'm like hey, And I might have said hey, Eddie,
I didn't. It's a weird thing because if I call
him mister George, I'm an adult like him, and I
never want someone to be like this guy thinks I'm

one hundred, because I don't ever want to be like
mister George. And this guy's like Eddie's like Eddie George
Worth's names is like, why is he calling me mister?
And he's my age, so that could feel like it
could be a bit disrespectful. So I think I might
have said hey, Eddie George, which is also weird to
call someone by their full names, and then when you
do that, you're automatically a fan, which I was, But

there's no chance that you're going to then have a
conversation as peers, because if I'm like, hey, Eddie George,
he's not going to be like, I'd like to tell
you some secrets about Mike. So I was just like, hey,
Eddie George said hey, I live in Nashville. Really nice
to me. Whatever I just said, something may have said
like big fan or something, and he was like, oh great.

And then I was like, let me just test the waters,
and I was like, yeah, it's Bobby Bones, I do it.
And I could tell when I said that I didn't
even need to say what I did. He did not
know who I was, so then I just kind of
gave up. I was like, I do okay anyway, hey man,
he was super nice, but I had no idea and
he's having success and it's pretty cool see the Bears

interview him, which hopefully turns into something because they didn't
hire him. Also to a great about the Rooney rule
is maybe again the Bears have their list of coaches
they want to hire, and you bring in somebody and
you don't get your first one, two or three, and
you brought in somebody because of the Rooney rule, and
all of a sudden you're like, you know what if

we're like our draft board, I'll take this guy at
four and then one, two and three fall and you're like,
oh yeah, I really was. We weren't gonna interview him
because we didn't think we'd need to fall down three spots,
and now we have it. I'm fan of it sometimes
cheat though.

Speaker 3 (49:29):
Oh yeah.

Speaker 1 (49:30):
They they're like, does anybody know nine black people?

Speaker 3 (49:35):
And the check?

Speaker 1 (49:36):
I feel like the pictures did that dude this year.

Speaker 3 (49:41):
Just posted it as Byron left which and Pap Hamilton,
and I was like this is super random. I know
what they're doing.

Speaker 1 (49:48):
I feel like Robert Kraft was like, uh, what black
people are nearby football? I need to interview them real quick?

Speaker 4 (49:54):
Them in here.

Speaker 1 (49:55):
But again, even that could turn into something later on.
So I'm I am a proponent of Rooney rule, but
it is funny to see people cheat it real quick
and just go who we get?

Speaker 4 (50:04):
Yeah? What is just that the whole joke?

Speaker 1 (50:08):
That's funny.

Speaker 4 (50:10):
Crobber crap.

Speaker 1 (50:13):
Sean. You know any black people? Can you get here
real quick? We need to tweet out. We've talked a
few of them. But at the same time, I could
turn into something. Okay, Mike, one more break yep, okay,
boom eddie yo. I watched chiefs Aholic. Oh come on, dude,

talk to me. So chiefs Aholic is a I didn't
know it was going to be two hours. Is a
two hour documentary I think I did watching two days
I watched I broke it up watching one. It's a
two hour documentary about the Chiefs fan who rob Banks
to go to away games. How bad it looks like
his name is Xavier. He was telling his lawyer. He

was like, it's like Caviar.

Speaker 4 (50:59):
Exactly like, Okay, Xavier, I completely ignored it, bro.

Speaker 1 (51:06):
So this is I think, regardless of anything that I say,
because it's tough to do a spoiler free when talking
about a documentary because it's history. Yeah, and it's not
like this crazy plot. But I'm gonna talk about some
of the crazy stuff in it, but I'm gonna leave
some stuff out. It's worth watching, Dude. It's insane, it's excellent,

it's and and you know what it has every I
felt bad for him becaol. Yeah. And again I don't
know Chiefs Kingdom enough to even know who he was.
Maybe i'd seen him on television a couple of times
when they show them crazy fans, those Chiefs Kingdom people
like most fans, I think the only fan that I
know is Fireman D whatever his name is. Yeah, yeah,

I think that's the only like super fan that is
not being paid that I can identify. Can you guys
identify any others.

Speaker 4 (51:57):
The Raiders guys?

Speaker 1 (51:58):
No, But I need to identify it is my point,
because I can think of like little groups like the
Browns have the dog pounds, but Fireman D is like
the one guy that I know.

Speaker 3 (52:08):
There's a Clippers guy, a clipper ed. I think it's
no maybe I'm just taking a fireman ned but I think.

Speaker 1 (52:14):
Sandygo Chicken. So I didn't know him, but he was,
for all intents and purposes, the most famous of the
Kansas City Chiefs super fans. The crazy thing is he
never had his face out as far as when he
was at the games. For the most part, he wore
a full wolf costume, covering his face full head to toe.
He's a wolf. His best friends just knew his voice

because he would never take the mascot. Really yeah, well
his his football friends, football friends. He didn't like wear
it ones. Yes, so he was chief saholic. Social media
following he ran warehouses and that time he made his
money to travel. As they started to peel it back,

you realize he really didn't do any of that that
he kept. He gambled a lot, big gambled. I was
rooting for him too. Time, like had a problem. It
got to be a problem. But he he lived out
of his car's that who family lived out of their
car like grew up terrible situation like this is how

he was able to find acceptance was being a part
of Chief's kingdom and being this character still lived out
of his car, lived out of his car, and then
robbed out of his car, like that's the car that
he drove to the games and so, but found such
acceptance in people celebrating him for being Chief Saholic that
he wanted to grow chiefs Aholic and make it bigger
and be everywhere and how do you continue this lifestyle?

How do you be? And that's the bad decision that
he made was in order to find what was missing
in him. It was rob Banks, very entrepreneurial. He had
it too, he did. He would have never been caught.
Had he had it, he would like drop things like
he did so many. They didn't even know to look

at some of these banks he robbed until after the
fact when they he had it.

Speaker 3 (54:11):
He like, would not every single one? I mean, I
don't know if this gives up too much, but not
everyone was like, no, confession. I started it, But why
is that a confession? Because I couldn't watch it?

Speaker 1 (54:21):
Why, Okay, that's stupid.

Speaker 3 (54:27):
Five minutes then I was like, I can't watch this crap.
Does he does he go in there? Does he go
in there like with a gun every time?

Speaker 1 (54:34):
Or no?

Speaker 3 (54:35):
Is it like secret? Or does that give it too much.

Speaker 1 (54:37):
I don't think that's a bad thing to share. He
make it some baby gun. It looks like a gun now,
but he sticks them up. Every toll puts it in
their chest. He does a real bank robbery, and he's
good at it. Jumps the counter, puts it at him,
knows exactly the big bills to get, like he became
so efficient at it.

Speaker 4 (54:57):
He says, no small bills. He knows what he's doing.

Speaker 1 (54:59):
Okay, he'd unsuccessfully so many times. Yeah, I don't think
you ever would have in cod except for a couple
like the one that got him was the final I
mean obviously the final one in Oklahoma, the Bixby Oklahoma
won and then after they have them though, and when
they start to track back all the other ones. But
I felt bad for him in a way of like
his mom still lived out of a car, like very sad,

very very sad upbringing.

Speaker 3 (55:24):
So the deeper meaning of it is a sad story. Yeah,
like what is?

Speaker 1 (55:28):
But the sad doesn't win, the stupid wins the sad
It gives you a three D. This is a real
life human who had some circumstances that were terrible and
then made some bad decisions and doubled down on those
bad decisions, and there comes a point where you have
to go, man, everybody coming from such a tragic background
didn't make all these bad decisions. But there's an understanding

of why someone would do this. Like he was taken
away from his mom as a kid and put in
a foster home because that when they did have a house,
I've be an apartment that were like, this situation is
so bad to live in. You you're not able to
live with your mom. So he gets put in a
foster kit. So all of that is what created chiefs Aholic,
because he wanted to have a purpose and wanted to

have an identity, and then it got to where he
wanted to fuel this identity, fund it. He wanted to
be at every game. But then he starts betting it money.
He figures out also smart guy in that he figures
out how to rob banks, but he also figures out
how to wash money. What do you say money and

like going to casinos and like to getting out a
bunch of chips, he like launder And I've not said
a third of what's in that documentary. I loved how
entertained I was by it. I felt bad for him,
but also and you can watch it to see what
happens at the very very end. He has a lawyer too,
and I remember this happening in real life where he

would come out and be like, I believe this is
only the first drive of the day, and it's first
and ten and by the end of this, when we
score a touchdown. All his references are like football.

Speaker 4 (57:05):
When he's talking about the case. He's talking about the
case but uses football term.

Speaker 1 (57:08):
It looks like spanky from a little rat, like a
little nerdy man. And then at the end and a
shocking twist, did you oh yeah, shocking. Yes, he's like
the biggest nerd. He's like the biggest nerd ever, biggest
nerd goober, and he takes his shirt off. He's got
a whole sleeve tattoo.

Speaker 4 (57:31):
I exactly what you're talking about, that.

Speaker 1 (57:33):
Man, mean when I took away most from it, Spanky
tattoos all in his arm. It's good.

Speaker 4 (57:39):
It's like I was wondering too, like, how is this
guy going to defend it? Chiefs Ahola and his angles
were so funny.

Speaker 1 (57:46):
Well, yeah, they had a big board and they were like,
but it's worth watching. I don't think I've spoiled so
much of it it's not worth watching. I only watched
it because I was like, I don't want edit to
keep going being disappointed in me for not watching.

Speaker 4 (57:59):
Were you impressed with just the footage that they had, Oh,
just awesome, Like it should win an award. I don't
know what award is.

Speaker 3 (58:07):
Bank robbing footage or everything.

Speaker 4 (58:09):
Just the footage that they're able to get, Like, I
don't think you could really do a documentary and understand
who this guy was if you didn't have that footage.

Speaker 1 (58:16):
And not just bank all social media, from all of
his jews, all, I mean everything, his car. His move was,
he'd go rob on his basically on foot, jump on
a bike, and then be riding a bike around. And
then it was like mid December of five degree day
and there's a dude riding his bike around a neighborhood
and the comps like, well that's not normal, like nobody

uit and he crushes some bets to I'm sure you
know you never see what anybody fully bets. He crushes
some bets where you root for him to and you
root against him. But it's good watch Chiefs of Hall,
like I watched on Amazon. I think that's where it is. Yeah, Amazon,
what do you rate it? If I were to rate

it to my wife for her to watch it, I
would say three and a half out of five for her.
Do you think she would not and three and a half?
I think I think she'd be She'd be like, Okay,
this is kind of entertaining for us. Four and a
half out of five. There's so much. There's bank robbery,
there's football, there's betting, there's all the stuff. The way
the way the fans talk it made me feel like

such a loser.

Speaker 4 (59:20):
It's so funny, dude.

Speaker 1 (59:22):
Also, I felt like a loser after the documentary was
over because they're such losers all all of Chief's Kingdom,
these massive die hard fans, Like they have cars that
are like Chiefs. They dedicate their whole life to it. Yeah,
they have They have ball, every signed ball from every
third string right guard behind them and they're like, it's

all I live for and them my head on the go. Man,
he's got such losers. Now I look in the mirror
and I'm like, oh no, that's me. Looks like it's
not even the room. It's just I invest so much
emotionally yes. Then I caught myself going, I'm so glad
I'm not a loser like them. Well wait, and then
how much I am a loser like them? Not as

outward at times, but I am. And so I felt
like such a loser, and I had the world talk
to myself, maybe you care twelve percent less because you
looked at somebody else that you don't know from a
distance and went, oh my god, I'm glad I'm not them.
It turns out you're very much like them.

Speaker 3 (01:00:22):
But you're never like I mean, I see the guys
in the Patriots game that are all face paying at
the games, and all of sudden, I'm like, dude, what
are you doing?

Speaker 1 (01:00:28):
I hear you.

Speaker 4 (01:00:29):
I yeah, that's not you. Bones you in a different.

Speaker 1 (01:00:32):
Way though, right like my emotions. I've said this before,
I don't experience rage in my life ever, ever, ever,
unless it's a loss, a bad loss. That's when I
see red. I it can run a whole day, two days,
it can.

Speaker 3 (01:00:42):
Oh yeah.

Speaker 1 (01:00:43):
I wanted to get rich so I could spend money
to help the program like that was one of my goals.
That shouldn't be one of your goals as a kid,
to be able to be rich so you can like
go to games and spend money to help the team.

Speaker 3 (01:00:56):
That's pretty cool though.

Speaker 1 (01:00:57):
It's awesome. But that's why I'm like watching that movie, going, oh,
there's such lose, so my I don't want to chet.
But it's just a little perspective. But I think you
guys should watch it.

Speaker 4 (01:01:10):
No Pressurevin, you got to suck it up and watch it.

Speaker 1 (01:01:13):
It's good though, It's good real quick. Next year's national
championship odds five six. We'll go seven down. Seventh down
is Notre Dame. But plus sixteen hundred, six is Alabama
plus twelve hundred. Fifth is Penn State plus nine hundred.
Fourth is Oregon plus seven to fifty. Third is Georgia.
Plus five point fifty. Two is Texas plus five hundred

and a very close one is Ohio State again a
plus four to fifty. That's from DraftKings. They're banking on arch.

Speaker 3 (01:01:42):
Let's say you got Texas is the only one I
know the quarterback. I mean a lot can happen till then.

Speaker 1 (01:01:46):
But great point. I think Oregon's quarterback. We all know
who that's going to be. Whoever they can buy for
the most amount of money. For another team that's also
ye quarterback. That's what they've done the last couple of times. Yep.
And there's nothing illegal about it. No effective true in
Alabama probably the same way. Yeah, I mean Jayleen mil
Milrose declared for the draft, right, I don't know, I'm

almost positively declared. And if he didn't, he's I'm sure
I'll transfer. Yeah, Notre Dame. We know their quarterback because
he's coming back, right, is he?

Speaker 3 (01:02:14):
I know, I think Riley Leonard's done.

Speaker 1 (01:02:16):
Is he a senior? Yeah? Huh Oh. The those two
quarterbacks last night are the same person.

Speaker 3 (01:02:21):
I know.

Speaker 1 (01:02:22):
They're both like large, a little dobe be able to distinguish,
ye coward. They both Yeah, they both run a little bit.
They're sneaky, athletic.

Speaker 3 (01:02:32):
They're like kind of both looking white guys.

Speaker 1 (01:02:34):
Yeah, corn bread, chubby faces, like like they'd be fun
to hang out with.

Speaker 3 (01:02:40):
Like you'll see him in ten years and be like, dude,
this guy and then you're like, well, actually he's quarterback
for Ohio State.

Speaker 4 (01:02:46):
When you're buying a car.

Speaker 3 (01:02:47):
Yeah, exactly.

Speaker 1 (01:02:48):
I don't know, dude, I think both of those guys
could be NFL guys. Oh yeah, Their frame, their frames
are both massive, they can move, they can throw like
they just look they like they shouldn't be They're just
like they're having too much fun out there. But I
like them both. I like both of those quarterbacks when
I watched them, because they just they look like they
shouldn't be great super athletic quarterbacks. But they're like sneaky athletic.

But maybe just because they're white, they're sneaky. Yeah. But
also their faces are a little like a little chubby.

Speaker 4 (01:03:18):
Facey, a little chubby face full.

Speaker 1 (01:03:20):
Okay, I like it.

Speaker 3 (01:03:21):
Yeah, all right, yeah you did declare, Jayln Millerrode.

Speaker 1 (01:03:25):
I do declare.

Speaker 3 (01:03:27):
I do declare.

Speaker 1 (01:03:29):
All right, that's it, Thank you everybody. I think we've
said it all. Eddie gets some medicine for your arm
mouth guard fit. Now I'm gonna go to the dinner
going there, which is very much the same as your
same thing, man, same thing read good. Yeah, Man said
a lot. You can't through with one strong point though,
I know, dude, I knew was that. I don't remember,

but I remember it was good when he said it.

Speaker 3 (01:03:52):
What you said.

Speaker 1 (01:03:53):
Alabama said something earlier and we were like, oh, it's
a good point. Oh fifty versus the hot Oh yeah,
that was a good one. That's a good one. That's
a good one. Kevin, ye get a little match today.

Speaker 3 (01:04:04):
Uh yeah, that's fun.

Speaker 1 (01:04:05):
Yeah we will, guys, good guys. I don't have a
dog in the in the fight because I like both teams.
I like the Patriots, I like them. Then I love
a dynasty. I like the Chiefs. Now, I love a dynasty.
It's so rare. We get to witness greatness, and I
can understand having fatigue of it. But my only point
was Mahomes. Mahomes gets all of these calls because he

stands on the shoulders of Tom Brady, who is the one, Yes,
who is the one who.

Speaker 3 (01:04:37):
Brady stands on his shoulders?

Speaker 1 (01:04:39):
But yeah, he possibly couldn't.

Speaker 3 (01:04:41):
It's before just kidding.

Speaker 1 (01:04:43):
Mahomes gets his because Brady established the law of I'm
the number one, I deserve preferential treatment, and they both
do because if they get hurt, those entire franchises are
wiped out. The NFL most marketable players abcd FG, but
they're the same, and I can't wait for the Chiefs
to be the best all time.

Speaker 3 (01:05:05):
Three in a row, so easy to come from, like
when you don't have a dog in the fight.

Speaker 1 (01:05:08):
I get that right, because I'm just presenting logic.

Speaker 4 (01:05:11):
Yeah, he's got a clearer picture.

Speaker 1 (01:05:14):
Yes, there is no bias here.

Speaker 3 (01:05:16):
That's why I love culture.

Speaker 1 (01:05:17):
And it will be the greatest dynasty, three in a
row that's ever been seen in the history of the NFL.
You know what, screw Chiefs Kingdom on party Kingdom. All right,
we're done. We'll see guys later on this week. Bye, Buddy, Get.

Speaker 2 (01:05:29):
Eddy Beam song written by Bobby Bones, That's Me and
performed by Brandon Ray.

Speaker 1 (01:05:36):
Follow Brandon on Socials at Brandon Ray Music.

Speaker 2 (01:05:39):
You can follow the show on Instagram at Bobby Bone Sports.
Thanks to our crew co host at Producer Ready, Segment
producer at Kickoff Kevin Video producer at red Arberry, an
executive producer at Mike Diestro, but most importantly, thank you
for listening.

Speaker 1 (01:05:55):
Bobby Bones. We'll talk to you next time here on
twenty five Whistles
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