All Episodes

February 3, 2025 76 mins

After battling in Connect 4 and Operation last week, Kickoff Kevin and Reid battled for the final Super Bowl ticket in a game of Bop It! See if Kickoff Kevin could come back. Plus, Chiefs owner Clark Hunt joined Bobby ahead of his team's Super Bowl week to talk about how he prepares now, why their logo was once backwards, and more! And Bobby recaps his Saturday night of trolling Kentucky fans and recapping Royal Rumble. 

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Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
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Speaker 2 (00:42):
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Speaker 3 (01:16):
Podcast called twenty five Wists stuck in fun Ball and
they are a wizz.

Speaker 1 (01:22):
So yeah, it's too bad, But what did you expect?

Speaker 2 (01:25):
It's a podcast called twenty five.

Speaker 1 (01:27):
Whistles Wine trying to blow it. Everybody's looking at me
weird because today reads all nervous. Kevin looks tight. Because
if we get to figure out, man, this is a
Super Bowl week.

Speaker 3 (01:42):
Attention in the room.

Speaker 1 (01:42):
I haven't thought about it at all. And so we
will play a game today and if Reid wins, he
gets the final ticket. If Kevin wins, there's one more
game to go. So we'll do that coming up. What
are the games? Do we know? Yeah? I do? We don't.
Are you the only one that knows? Or does the
Mike know? Eddie know?

Speaker 3 (02:03):
I don't know anything?

Speaker 1 (02:04):
No, I mean I know. Okay, so we'll come back.
We'll do that, and we have the owner of the
Chiefs coming up too, which is really awesome. Clark Hunt, Yes,
big time. Let me do a couple late breaking news things.
Number One, Miles Garrett just requested a trade from the Browns,
and so I'll read you this. As a kid dreaming
of the NFL, I focused on was the ultimate goal
of winning the Super Bowl. That goal fuells me today

more than ever. My love for the community of Northeast
Ohio and the incredible fan base of the Browns has
made this one of the toughest decisions. And then he
goes on is with that in mind, I requested to
be traded from the Cleveland Browns, signed Miles Garrett. I
don't blame him.

Speaker 3 (02:39):
So he wants to go to the Cowboys.

Speaker 1 (02:40):
He wants to go, and he wants a shot at
winning because I think even he sees that even two
three years from now, it will be difficult for what
they have there. And a lot of that is based
in the Deshaun Watson we have no money and no
quarterback situation. Yeah, and I think it probably sucks for him,
And I think that's why he also puts out a

statement is to be as transparent as possible. Most people
when they request to trade, they don't do it so publicly.
He's doing that because he probably feels like he owes
it to Cleveland to go. Guys, I've loved it here,
but I want to win. Yeah. And also let's not
forget and it gets into the Luca stuff too. In
a second. These are businesses like these owners are no

more loyal to you than you are to them, than
our bosses are to us than we are to them.
These are these are businesses to the other companies. Everybody,
every single person in this room is disposable. As soon
as you're not producing more than you're making, you're done.
And also, as from the player or talent perspective, if

you're feeling like you're not getting enough for what you're doing,
you can either wait for your contract to end or
you can ask out. Now, our job's all different. I
can't really be traded, but I.

Speaker 3 (03:58):
Would be kind of cool, be weird.

Speaker 1 (04:01):
It's like we got we got a bad read contract.
We gotta dumb the bad contact. Uh so he has
he has requested to go. Thought that was interesting. It
just popped across the line. So it'll probably be an
hour or two old by the time this And you
can't be mad as a Browns fan, right, You'll be like, hey,
you cannot. Yeah, he's always been good to them. You
can be disappointed, but I think you know the situation
you're you know, the boiling pot that you're in. Yeah,

I ain't good.

Speaker 4 (04:24):
So you're probably hoping, like, hey, hopefully goes to a winner,
winning team as long as not the Ravens or the
Steelers or something.

Speaker 1 (04:29):
Maybe I think you're root for him. Yeah. I also
think that as a Browns fan, you go a that sucks,
like defensive Player of the Year domination. He's leaving. I
get it. But also what's exciting is you're gonna get
a lot for it. Yeah, you're gonna get a lot
of picks. You're going to get a shot to rebuild,
which isn't gonna happen in the next year or probably two.

But also with Deshawn's achilles injury again, he's probably never
going to play football again. Yeah. Also, he ruined it,
and again he was the first to get it. He
also could have made it a thing, but the guaranteed contracts, right,
he ruined it that that will not be a thing now.
If he would have succeeded in Cleveland, I think you
would have seen a lot of quarterbacks getting it and

being like Deshaun Watson got it, but he killed he
killed any chance of that happening.

Speaker 3 (05:16):

Speaker 1 (05:17):
So okay, that's number one and number two. Again, we
are as of now right now mostly a football podcast.
But when I saw the Luca eighty trade come across, I,
like everybody else, thought that, like Champs was hacked, right,
I thought, I really did. Or at first I thought

it was one of those parody accounts on Twitter, and
then I said, I saw the check mark, but then
anybody can buy a check mark, but then it's a
gold check mark if you're like a business a media platform,
and I was like, Religi.

Speaker 3 (05:48):
Wow, yeah, what's what's your checklist?

Speaker 5 (05:50):

Speaker 3 (05:50):
Do you just go Google and see if any other
outlet is covered.

Speaker 1 (05:53):
I immediately went to ESPN because I knew on their website
there would be no sort of hacking. Yeah, and so
that was a crazy trade, insane. So they're again I've
watched and I've heard a million people talk about it.
My even understanding from people I know that are three
degrees from the organization, not of LA but of the Mavericks.

There are things I think that we don't even know
about how bad it had gotten between Luca and the Mavericks.
And they also were got to paying three hundred and
eighty million dollars for a Supermax deal. They didn't want
to do that because they didn't feel like his body
was going And I think too, you're seeing with Joel
Embiid exactly what happens when you pay somebody like that
and they're hurt all the time because they can't keep

their body in shape. And I think, yeah, yeah, And
I think they didn't want to get involved in one
of those. I have friends that are die hard Mavericks
fans and just that have just been gutted by it. Gutted,
especially when you have no idea, correct And the fact
they were able to keep that quiet for two weeks
props and that Jason kid didn't even know. And he's

the coach of the Mavericks. It's wild and nothing is secret,
but for real, he didn't know, Like for real he
said he didn't. I watch him with the press conference again.
He can be a great actor.

Speaker 3 (07:09):
Yes, well, I mean Luca definitely didn't know, right, Nobody
didn't seem like it.

Speaker 1 (07:14):
Yeah, nobody knew. And I imagine too, he has this
season and next season and then it's signed an extension
to get the most you can get for him, and
if you're already not feeling it, you got to get
the most you can get. And they knew it was
not going to be a popular trade. But that that's
the craziest trend I've ever seen. I think it may
be one of the craziest ever in the history of
the NBA.

Speaker 4 (07:29):
It's yeah, I'm trying to think and not be like
hyperbole here, but probably the craziest of my lifetime in
the NBA especially.

Speaker 1 (07:36):
Yeah, I mean the compensation too, is not even that much.

Speaker 3 (07:39):
I mean, like Rudy Gobert was like, what four first
round picks. This was only one first round pick.

Speaker 1 (07:43):
Well, but ad though, is better than any pick. He
It's true. But yeah, parentally the first or second defensive
player of the year behind Gobert or Wemby now too,
but and offensively if he can stay healthy and he
has stayed pretty healthy. But again, the fact they didn't
open it up, and it's say, hey, we're offering Luca,
who will give us what all the conspiracy theorists are out.

Speaker 4 (08:05):
And let it be a bidding war from there, right,
And the Lakers, I mean, it's the Lakers and then
the Mavericks play in the West and they're gonna see
them possibly win for the next ten years.

Speaker 1 (08:14):
I was thinking though, like if you were just to
walk down and we won't spend a whole much time
talking about basketball in Super Bowl week. But this was
a crazy, crazy trade. I was thinking, like, if I
went number one down as far as the best players
in the NBA and who because you want to get
a great play. You just don't want to get a
bunch of picks because picks a lot of times don't
pan out. So you definitely need something extremely substantive from

this trade. So, okay, who's not gonna get traded? Number on,
Jokich is not getting traded, so he's probably number one.
You can go Joannice is not getting traded from the Bucks.
I'd say, SGA Oklahoma City not leaving. Yeah, then you
can go. Anthony Edwards does not lead it, They're not
gonna get it from And also that one just that

that that one wouldn't make sense anyway. Yeah, Tatum Tatum
not leave him from Boston, So you get to like
the eighth or ninth guy, and he's like the best
one of it. You want something substantive that. I think
that and they got a twenty nine first. Yeah, crazy trade.
Saturday was crazy in general. Yeah. I woke up at
three in the morning and saw it and I was like, what.

Speaker 3 (09:21):
Yeah, that's the thing. I fell asleep.

Speaker 1 (09:22):
Huh, I woke up to it.

Speaker 3 (09:23):
Crazy. I didn't believe it. Yeah.

Speaker 1 (09:25):
I was just like that man, somebody hacked or it's
a parody account. Then when I saw it on the ESPN,
I was like, dang, I can't went to her. Bill
Simmons says about this, and that's what I did. I know, Yeah,
I listen to the whole thing. Yeah. Yeah, you go
to certain people for certain things. Yeah, and that was it.
So uh that Saturday in general, and I just kind
of walked through my Saturday night. So the Luca thing,
the Luca eighty trade was crazy. Coach Cal goes into

rupt and obviously I'm a big razorback fan. We have
not had a good season. A couple of those reasons are.

Speaker 6 (09:55):

Speaker 1 (09:56):
When Cal came to the team, there were no players
on the team at all, so we had to kind
of start from scratch. He didn't even sign ten guys.
He signed nine guys, nine scholarship players, there's been a
bunch of injuries. Also, they haven't jailed. We've spent a
bunch of money on the players. It has not been
really the year that we had hoped for. Been very disappointing.
We were one in six in conference play, like fourteen

to eight overall, which played a bunch. They basically played
us for three games. They played the Whistles basketball.

Speaker 3 (10:20):
Team, so five of us, Yeah, let's go.

Speaker 1 (10:26):
Arkansas goes to rub which is Lexington, to play Col's
old team, and they boot him hard. And I did
not know how he would be received because he did
one win the national championship, many final fours, definitely had
the program at an elite level, and regardless of what

they say, they ran him out had it not been
so toxic, and he did. He did come up short
and the last couple of tournament appearance is no doubt
about it. But it was so toxic for him, even
though they officially didn't fire him, they ran out. He
would not have been open to coming to Arkansas had
had it not been a completely toxic situation in Kentucky.
So he wins him a championship, makes the program, keeps

it respectable, beyond respectable, and they run them out and
then they boo them. It wasn't like he just left.
I would love for him to just say, you know what,
he decided Kentucky wasn't for him. He's coming to the
where the grass is greener on and so yeah, not
really the case. Yeah, so he comes, they bowed the
crap out of him. Now, I bet on the game
we were. It was Arkansas plus nine and a half
when it started, so I was like, you know, I

think we'll probably hang in there, maybe we can keep
it close. And I put like two and fifty bucks
on it. Dude. It was not a game like we
jumped out. We were up like thirteen, fourteen, seventeen. It
got to be within five or six in the second
half that their fans are what we're leaving. It was awesome.
I don't troll much, don't troll much time, but I

constantly catch strays from Kentucky basketball fans no reason. They
just tagged me in things constantly. I have not said
one thing about Kentucky basketball. I like Mark Pope, their coach.
I think it's awesome. Former player Goes has success, has
success at BYU, comes back, bring some of his guys
with them like he's like the guy he was on
Patino's team. I love that story, but they keep coming

to me. I didn't steal cow Cal wanted to leave,
and so I was ready. Once it got to be
like eight or nine minutes left and we were up
by double digits.

Speaker 3 (12:31):
Locked and loaded, well, I started loading the tweets.

Speaker 1 (12:33):
A couple of drafts I did, I did, and I
had a couple that I put too much thought in.
I was like, you know what, not not gonna post that. Finally,
as soon as the buzzer hit, I simply hit him
with two words, lol Kentucky. That's all I put send. Dude.

It was like somebod dropped a nuclear bar. And so
people coming at me, people telling me how we suck now.
So then someone goes, lol yourself two and six. So
I quote retweet that and say, which is why it's
even more embarrassing. Yeah, there you go. That was awesome.

We may never win a conference game after this. It's okay,
and I wish we did, and it sucks because of
my favorite things, Arkansas football, Arkansas basketball. It's been very disappointing,
but that was a fun one. I don't think it
would have been as fun had they not booed the
crap out of him at the beginning of the game.
I was like, well, this is kind of ridiculous, like

you guys ran them off, and now you're booing that
he came back. Yeah, so that was a fun one.
So my Saturday night was that game, and then I
watched five hours of The Roll Rumble. Oh and I'll
do hours. I'll do a whole breakdown after that. I
watched it came on at five pm and it wasn't

over chapter ten.

Speaker 4 (13:59):

Speaker 1 (14:00):
And I have a three screen up upstairs where it's
I have a middle screen for PlayStation and then I
have two screens different rokus that I can watch like
YouTube TV and a channel or Then I watched Peacock
and watch Roll Rumble. So I had everything on and
so watch the Roll Rumble on Peacock. It was free.
It's unbelievable. I didn't even buy a pay per view.

So yeah, that was my Saturday night and a full
Royal Rumble even for non wrestling fans, I think you're
gonna like it. I have a full breakdown coming up.
But the shocking thing was John Cena did not win
and it was his first as his last Royal Rumble. Ever,
thirty people come out one at a time. You don't
know who's coming out. Next person walks down. Sometimes there

are surprises. Sometimes it's old wrestlers, you haven't seen it
in a while. Sometimes it's new. And John Cena comes
out at like I'm gonna say like twenty six or something,
not sure that's the number. And he comes in and
he's like last one. He says it. He's got a
crowd's going crazy, one of the biggest pops of the night.
They knew he was going to be in it, and
he gets down to the final two. It's obviously he's
gonna win Becau. They're setting him up for WrestleMania to

be in the main event because the winner wrestles for
the championship at WrestleMania. And he's wrestling a guy that
if you're not a hardcore fan, you don't really know.
He'd been great as a tag team champion, but babyface
guy but not really well super known by casuals, and
John Cena has him on the apron and John Cena
I end up ended up crying. I'm be honest, but

I want to tell you why though Johnson ends up losing.
Nobody expected it because once it was Sena, You're like, oh,
this is for sure, and he loses. But John Cena
is known for like being like a guy about the business,
and he totally allowed it was all guys wrestling scripted
was making sure, you know. But he totally put him over.
And then he walks in and like hugs him and

like lifts his off. I mean, he was like anointing,
like Okay, you're now a guy. It was super cool
be cause Sina easily has the prominence to go, no,
I'm not coming back unless I win, and he got
right to the end and then he lost.

Speaker 3 (16:03):
So it was emotional in a good way.

Speaker 1 (16:05):
Oh yeah. Like I was emotional that Sina was cool
enough to do that, to come back to put someone over,
And I was like, just like, human, that's awesome because
he definitely did not have to do that, and he
could have said I'm not coming back unless I'm winning.
So it was pretty cool. But I got a lot
to say about it. We'll get to it coming up.

Speaker 3 (16:25):
Royal Rumble. It's awesome.

Speaker 4 (16:28):
I saw some old clips this week because it was
leading up to it. Then when I was a kid,
watching it like Rafiki.

Speaker 3 (16:33):
Ki from Too Cool Right, So.

Speaker 1 (16:37):
Yeah, it brought back some nostalgia for sure. Those were
the Royal Rumble was awesome. Yes, back in the day,
it was awesome, and they've kept the same format, except
now it's so much of a build they don't tell
you what order they're coming out. Way way back in
the day, they would kind of say who was coming
out in what order. It was like it was like
a bit leading up to it, or like segments for
a while, like oh, I'm coming out fifth, But now

at times just like surprise will come out. So I
think you'll like me talking about it, even if you're
not a wrestling fan. So all that to say, we
do want to take a little break because we're going
to come back and we're going to talk with Clark Hunt,
the owner of the Kansas City Chiefs. He's the CEO,
he's the head executive, and just thought it was super cool.

He wanted to be on the show.

Speaker 3 (17:23):
So cool.

Speaker 1 (17:23):
Yeah, I didn't reach out to them, which is even cooler.
They kind of reached out to me, and then I
got a really nice message afterward.

Speaker 3 (17:30):
From mister Hunt.

Speaker 4 (17:31):
No, but from I was like, you know, Jerry and.

Speaker 1 (17:36):
It says from Clark Hunt's office. This guy's I won't
say his whole name. His name is Chris. He works
for mister Hunt. He said this quote. Bobby's awesome. Thanks
for reaching out. He really might be the single best
at this Absolutely love a show and his energy. Been
a listener for a long time. Very cool to get
to work with you guys. So that's somebody. So somebody
knew us and recommended him to come on the show,

and so he did.

Speaker 3 (17:58):
That's awesome.

Speaker 1 (17:58):
So we'll talk to him coming up. And second, because
it is Super Bowl week, I would recommend that you
get ready. Hey, by the way, guys, get your DraftKings
in before we go. Yeah, a good call.

Speaker 3 (18:10):
Good call because we don't know where we're going to be. Well,
we do know what we're going to be, well where
we can play.

Speaker 1 (18:15):
Wow, Oh good points. So we're going through Georgia. You
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Kansas City Chiefs Owner Chairman CEO Clark Hunt, otherwise known
to us because we are respectful as mister Hunt. Clark
is the son of Lamar Hunt, who was a foundational
piece in building the NFL to what it is today
and he's even credited for coming up with the name
super Bowl. Clark has taken their family legacy to another
level when you hired Andy Reid, which we talked about.

That interview lasts over nine hours. Big thanks to mister
Hunt for joining us on the show, and we are
ready for New Orleans. Here he is Chiefs Owner Clark Hunt.
First of all, mister Hunt, I would like to say
that I cannot wait for you to be in the
Hall of Fame. I want to say what I've seen
from your organization. I'm ready whenever you're on television and
that jacket, I'll be like, that's my guy right there.

So congratulations on just massive success over the past decade.

Speaker 7 (20:26):
Yeah, well, I sure appreciate it.

Speaker 8 (20:28):
It's absolutely been a very special time to be a
Kansas City Chiefs fan.

Speaker 7 (20:32):
Really, from the day.

Speaker 8 (20:33):
That Andy Reid walked into the building in twenty thirteen,
we've been building for this moment. We've had an incredible
amount of success over the last six years, and hopefully
we'll be able to carry that forward.

Speaker 1 (20:47):
The legend of the Andy Reid interview is nine hours.

Speaker 3 (20:50):
Is that accurate?

Speaker 8 (20:53):
That is accurate, and it's hard to believe in retrospect.
I'm not sure what we talked about for nine hours,
but it was a great opportunity to really get to
know each other, and I think we just realized that
we had tremendous chemistry and that relationship was going to
be a good fit. I also had a lot of

my staff there who got to spend time with Andy,
which I think was good for them and as well
as good for Andy. And there was just a lot
of comfort all the way around. And we were able
to get him to Kansas City later that week and
he's been there ever since.

Speaker 1 (21:29):
How important was culture versus x's and o's when making
that decision.

Speaker 8 (21:35):
Well, we've been through a very challenging couple of seasons
leading up to that hiring in twenty thirteen, and I
felt that we needed a very experienced leader, somebody who
had experience in championship games, which Andy certainly did. Interestingly,

our twenty twelve team had I believe six probo players
on it, and that was a team that won only
two games, So it wasn't like we didn't have some.

Speaker 7 (22:05):
Talent on the roster.

Speaker 8 (22:07):
And I think what Andy did when he arrived in
Kansasite was he really changed the culture.

Speaker 7 (22:13):
He changed the expectations, he changed the relationship between the
coaching staff and the players, and he was able to
immediately get off on a great start. The team won
nine straight games at the beginning of that twenty thirteen season,
and I just think it shows what a great coach

he is, both from a culture standpoint as well as
from the next.

Speaker 1 (22:37):
As the o's what is the feeling from you going
into this super Bowl as opposed to the last two?

Speaker 8 (22:45):
Well, they're all different, but they're all very special. It's
just so dang hard to get to a super Bowl.
That's certainly something that we understand in Kansas City as
we went fifty years between Super Bowl four and Super
Bowl fifty four. When we finally made it back to
be in a period where we've gone two years and

now we're getting to go three years. Is you know,
really you know, hard to get your head around. They
are all huge challenges. There's a lot that goes into
the week. But we're very excited, you know, we have
we have a great opportunity and that's really all you
can ask for. It's what we work for the entire year,
starting in the spring, working through training camp, winning the division,

getting the number one seed. Those are all just building
blocks towards being able to go to the super Bowl.
And we're thrilled to be back.

Speaker 1 (23:43):
If I was the owner, I'd want to do like
player stuff. Do you ever go work out with the players?
Like cut off a shirt and hop in?

Speaker 8 (23:50):
So during training camp when I, you know, spend a
more timeund around the team, I will occasionally end up
in the gym with the player and I have to
say it's very humbling or maybe even humiliating.

Speaker 1 (24:05):
That's awesome. I feel like I will be doing that
all the time. When do you leave to go to
the game and like set up and do you do
an Airbnb or a hotel or what do you do?

Speaker 8 (24:14):
We'll be in a hotel in New Orleans, it's a
very long week. I'll actually go in at the beginning
of the week and be part of the media that
takes place Monday night, and then do some more media
on Tuesday, and then I'll typically go home for a
couple of days and then come back on Thursday and

spend the rest of the week there through hopefully what
is a victory celebration late Sunday night.

Speaker 1 (24:43):
Do you get nervous before games? And do you get
really nervous before the Super Bowl?

Speaker 8 (24:48):
So over time I've become less nervous, and maybe it's
just through through experience. My nerves are very calm before games. However,
when the ball is kicked off and you get into
the inevitable ebbs and flows that you have in any
football game, you know my emotions will ride the roller

coaster of the game. So it's a little bit of
a mixed bag. But I've learned over the years to
have a lot of trust in Andy Reid, Patrick Mahomes,
and the rest of his teammates.

Speaker 1 (25:20):
More great folklore, I'd like to run by you the
folklore of the mister Clark Hut graduating first as class
at SMU. True or false?

Speaker 7 (25:29):
It's hard to believe. But but it's true.

Speaker 8 (25:33):
I have several children who are at SMU recently graduated
from SMU, and it's it's a great university, and I
had an amazing experience there. I'm not sure how I
pulled that off.

Speaker 1 (25:46):
After the game, do you have two plans Plan A
when contingency plan plan B?

Speaker 7 (25:52):
You have to really have only one plan.

Speaker 8 (25:55):
And of course our hope and our thought process will
be geared towards winning the game. We have a big
celebration after the game, and that celebration takes place regardless
of how the game plays out.

Speaker 1 (26:11):
Man, it'd be a little tougher to go though the
other way around, Not that you have any experience with
that because you've been killing it, but that'd be tough
because I've lost things and had to go to things,
and I'm always I'm out the door pretty quick. And
do you lay your clothes out? You already know what
you're gonna wear the game night, because you got to
look there be looking at you. You're like the most
famous owner one of them.

Speaker 7 (26:28):
Yeah, I'm not quite there, much to my wife's chagrin.

Speaker 8 (26:32):
She's been talking to me about, you know, getting my
game clothes ready. That's something I'll probably focus on late
Wednesday night as I'm packing the head to the game.

Speaker 1 (26:43):
Do you have like a little bit of like do
you need to wear like little bits of red if
you're gonna wear a suit, Like, I know you have
your chiefs pin on now, but there's got to be something.
It's like if you're president, you got to have a
flag on at all times, like you got to be
chiefing it up right.

Speaker 7 (26:54):

Speaker 8 (26:54):
Absolutely, pretty much. Every Christmas, my wife gives me a
new blazer. So I have about one hundred of those
in the closet. So I'll pick out a few of
those to wear the game and then for the Super Bowls.
The last three Super Bowls that we've won, Mark Donovan,

our president, Brett Feach, our general manager, coach when he's
not on the sideline, and I have all worn the
same blazer. And it's a throwback blazer that goes back
to Super Bowl four.

Speaker 7 (27:27):
And it's interesting in that.

Speaker 8 (27:29):
The Chief's logo on it is backwards, which I would
love to ask my dad, you know, why was the
Chief's logo backwards back in nineteen sixty nine? But it was,
And so we'll probably wear those Blazers again.

Speaker 1 (27:43):
Patrick Mahomes as a person, what's he like? What's your
relationship like with him? As people?

Speaker 8 (27:47):
Yeah, he's just an awesome human being. As good a
football player as he is, he's an even better person.
Of course, everyone knows about his leadership ability in the
locker room, but he's a guy that really cares about
the people around him. And I think that's part of
the reason why his teammates love playing with him, is

that they know that he cares about them both on
and off the field. He's a terrific guy, you know,
a lot, lots of fun, loves to play golf. He's
a tremendous family man, just had had that third baby,
and it's, you know, so much fun to get to
see him be a dad.

Speaker 1 (28:26):
I want to make a comparison, and you're definitely way
more successful, way smarter, and better looking to me. But
when I started to have a bit of success and
I was like touring, I'd have all these people come
up like, I'm your cousin, let me get tickets. When
you guys started to crush it, did you have more
friends all of a sudden that wanted to be like
you know, on the field. Oh, Clark, it's me your
buddy from my school.

Speaker 8 (28:46):
You know, that's one of the blessings that comes with
having a little bit of success. And I have a
great group of friends, and I love having them around
for these championship opportunities. That that's something when I look
back on this time period that I'm going to remember
getting to celebrate it with my family and friends. So

that's totally a positive that I've got some guys that
have reached out that I haven't seen in a little while.

Speaker 1 (29:13):
Yeah, I had people on twenty three and meters like
one percent match. They're like, I'm your cousin. Let me
get in. See I'd be afraid with the Chiefs, it'd
be a lot worse than that, mister Hunt. I'm always
super curious about successful people and driven people, like what
they read. Like I would imagine you're a studious person,
Like what are your favorite books?

Speaker 7 (29:31):
Yeah, so I don't have a lot of time to
read books.

Speaker 8 (29:36):
I spend a lot of time reading literature that's related
to the sports business and just sort of staying up
on what's going on both in the National Football League
and you probably know that we're also involved in Major
League Soccer, so it's really more, you know, focused on
newspapers and magazines that you of course act ss online

today that really, you know, helped me stay up to
speed on what's going on.

Speaker 1 (30:05):
What about listening to people that have opinions that have
no idea what they're talking about. Do you ever come
across that, like on social media or anybody like this
guy thinks he knows everything, but he doesn't.

Speaker 8 (30:17):
Certainly, social media has changed how we consume news, and
it's opened up the ability to have a lot of
other people that are commenting on sports, and so you've
got a lot more perspectives out there. Not everybody's going
to agree, and that's okay.

Speaker 1 (30:35):
When you were growing up, who was your favorite player?

Speaker 7 (30:37):
It was Lynn Dawson.

Speaker 8 (30:39):
You know, I grew up during that era where the
Chiefs went to Super Bowl, won and lost, and then
made it back in Super Bowl four and beat the
Minnesota Vikings. I got to spend some time around around
the team as a kid with my dad, and you know,
Lynn was definitely a hero for me. I was also
a big fan of you on stin Rude because I

was a soccer player and Jahan, of course was one
of the first soccer style Placecarckers in the National Football
League and so I love getting to hang out with
him as well.

Speaker 1 (31:11):
We have three more questions for you, mister Hunt. And
you're sitting in front of a wall of accolades, a
team accolades for sure, a lot of balls. Which ball
behind you brings up the quickest, greatest memory.

Speaker 8 (31:25):
Well, I'm not going to stand up and you know,
pick one of the balls. But one of them back
there has the signatures of our Super Bowl team from
twenty nineteen and that was obviously special because it was
our first trip back to the Big Game in fifty years.

And you know, being able to get across the finish
line there and win that game, that was so special.

Speaker 1 (31:52):
How cool? The Kansas City is a small market as
far as other NFL teams, and you guys have been
so dominant. There's got to be pride in like being
the little man and like taking it to it right.

Speaker 7 (32:01):

Speaker 8 (32:02):
I think that's one of the great things about the
National Football League is the way the system is set up.
Every year, all thirty two teams have a chance to
make it to the Super Bowl. There's a lot of
a lot of parity, a lot of the quality and
certainly we've benefited from that in Kansas City. It's been

fun to see our fan base grow over the last
six to ten years, and a lot of metrics were
either you know, number one or two in terms of
the largest fan base, both in the US and as
well as internationally. So it's been special to see that.
I know it's something that my dad would have really

enjoyed if he was here to see it.

Speaker 1 (32:45):
And my final question for you, mister Hunt, it's not
I'm not asking anything of you particularly, but I got invited.
I think they think I'm finally cool enough to go
to the Commissioner's Commissioner's dinner, that event that's happening on
I think Friday night. So I finally get the invite
to go. And if I come up and say, hey,
mister Hunt, it's Bobby, we just act like you know me,
so people think I'm cool. I just want to like
have people be like, oh, he must be cool. If

if mister Hunt knows him, can we like exchange like
a cool Hey, what's a buddy?

Speaker 7 (33:10):
Yeah, absolutely, haben a little high five.

Speaker 1 (33:13):
Let's go. Yes. Yeah, he pointed at me like this
is my guy. He knew all along. If we do that. Man,
the world is my oyster. Then congratulations, mister Hunt. Thank
you for spending you know, the last fifteen minutes with us.
I have been rooting for you guys since the beginning.
I'm a die hard as far as the Chiefs go.
I'm so pumped for this game and uh yeah, I

hope that there is no contingency because let's win three
in a row, is what I say. Thank you, mister Hunt.

Speaker 7 (33:39):
Yeah, thank you. It's great being on with you.

Speaker 1 (33:40):
There he is, mister Clark Hunt Chiefs. That's all all right, Okay,
great news. We can use draft Kings in Louisiana. Yes.
On our trip we go through Atlanta Tuesday night. We're
doing a show in Atlanta. By the way, we're all
we're going on a bus, so Atlanta, Georgia. We can't.

Speaker 3 (33:59):
It's like a tour to the super Bowl.

Speaker 1 (34:02):
Yeah, It's like I promised our boss we would do
market visits, so we got a bus and we just
kind of did him at the same time.

Speaker 4 (34:09):
It is cool though, like the whole week I'm saying like,
it's like and then the payoffice at Super.

Speaker 3 (34:13):
Bowl coming out, that's pretty cool.

Speaker 1 (34:15):
I will say yes if you haven't. I'm a little
jaded and tired from being on a bus for a
long time. So if you haven't done, like, the touring
is super cool. It's like new for me. I'm just like,
oh my god, it's gonna be good. The super Bowl
part is gonna be fun. The first couple of nights.
I would rather kind of just fly down there and
do the show and come back home. But it's gonna

be fun.

Speaker 3 (34:38):

Speaker 1 (34:38):
It We're excited and Louisiana DraftKings. You're able to go.
That's pretty cool. A couple of things. We still have
to play the game for the Super Bowl tickets forget
who we go. So I do want to talk about
Justin Tucker.

Speaker 3 (34:57):
Justin Tucker. I mean, now we know why he was
missing field goal.

Speaker 1 (35:00):
Yeah, because probably because he knew that was coming out.

Speaker 3 (35:03):
Yeah yeah, yes, yeah, because they were like, you know,
he doesn't miss, and all of a sudden he's missing
than it normally does.

Speaker 4 (35:09):

Speaker 1 (35:09):
Justin Tucker has been accused by multiple massage therapists of
sexual misconduct from the Baltimore Banner. The Baltimore Banner reports
that nine therapists have five different spas have claim to
be victims of inappropriate sexual behavior at the hands of
the Kicker. Reports alleged Tucker exposed his genitals, quote, brushed
two of the therapists with his penis, and left what
they believed to be ejaculate on the table. After three
of his treatments, five of the women reportedly accused Tucker

of asking them to quote massage his region. It goes
on here. The report also says that some of the
therapists were so overtaken by his alleged actions they ended
his sessions early or refused to work with him again.
Since these alleged incidents occur between twelve and sixteen twenty twelve,
twenty sixteen, the statute of limitations has expired, no criminal
charges can be filed. There is, however, the option of

civil action. I don't think even that has happened yet.
That ain't a good lie, look though, no, not at all.
He was twenty sixteen. When did the Deshaun Watson stuff
come out? Because you and also what's that, dude? What's happening?

Speaker 3 (36:11):

Speaker 1 (36:11):
Like you is it just the You've been a successful
and again all is alleged, everything's alleged.

Speaker 3 (36:18):
I don't know.

Speaker 1 (36:19):
I wasn't there, Thank god, is it that you've just
been so successful and celebrated and everything you do that
you can ask for anything, so you it just continues
into this space.

Speaker 3 (36:29):
Just power tripping. But it doesn't sound like he was
asking for anything. It just sounds like he was being
creepy there.

Speaker 1 (36:35):
He brushed his Yeah, like he just.

Speaker 3 (36:39):
Thing that's yeah. I like, how do you just accidentally
do that? I don't think it was accident, That's what
I'm saying.

Speaker 1 (36:46):
I here asking regardless, when was the Deshaun Watson thing?
Twenty one? So my my first thought, my first thought
would have been heard about de Shaun Watson, was like,
I gotta quit. But no, it's five years. But we
don't even know if it's if it's real. We also
don't know if it's happened after twenty sixteen, like all
of a sudden he quit in twenty sixteen.

Speaker 4 (37:03):
Yeah, because yeah, that was a while ago. I mean,
Justin Tucker's been around for a while, but this was
before he was really Justin Tucker, you know what I mean.
So like you're saying he's on this high horse, but
I don't know.

Speaker 1 (37:13):
But I mean, if you're even a collegian athlete, a
celebrated collegian. There is just an athlete. I'm not saying
all athletes do this, and I'm not even saying about
this specifically, And it doesn't have to the athlete. You
can be an actor anything. When you're young and you're
celebrated the whole time, there's a different moral line that's
drong because you haven't been taught it. And that's not
an excuse at all, because I would bet you ninety

nine percent of athletes don't do this disgusting act if
it was done alleged.

Speaker 3 (37:38):
Sure, man, that is a bad look. And these poor
massage therapists that like, again don't know what happened, but
the fact that they have to do that for a
job and then deal with that kind of stuff like
that's that's not good. It sucks.

Speaker 9 (37:48):

Speaker 1 (37:49):
Yeah, I was a big Justin Tucker guy because he
was like a fan. He's from Texas. Yeah, he listened
to the show. He would like sing.

Speaker 3 (37:56):
He had the opera the right yeah oper angle.

Speaker 1 (37:59):
Yeah not good, not good. Uh. Chip Kelly just won
a national championship with Ohio state offensive coordinator and is
now jumping to Seattle, So he's gonna go be the
o c with the Seahawks with Pete Carroll. I don't
think he'd be magi. Yeah, sorry, yes, to Vegas with
Pete Carroll, who was with this? I think Carol all

the time. Yeah, good point, yeah yeah, and the Seahawks
this man. But think about Ryan grub Is leaving the
Seahawks offensive court. Well, he's out there and he's going
down back down to Alabama to be with his boy.
But they were together at Washington Kaalen Moore.

Speaker 3 (38:36):
I was gonna say that, No.

Speaker 1 (38:37):
You aren't. You can't ever remember his name. There was
this thing on TikTok and it annoys me that Arkansas
has always thought of like this. I hate so I'm
gonna put a ribbon on this one. And what they
do is they had a I figure out like which

actor was each coach? Like if a I were able
to make an actor a coach, who do you think
they made Sam Pittman?

Speaker 3 (39:09):
Oh my god, jees, I mean, it's not gonna be
anyone like I wish that I wish.

Speaker 1 (39:17):
Yeah, I know, it's it's not like Chris Farley. Yes,
Chris Farley.

Speaker 7 (39:20):
Oh my god.

Speaker 3 (39:24):
Hey, it's crazy, dude.

Speaker 1 (39:26):
It sucks because everything about us just gets made fun of, like, yeah,
we were Chris Farley had some good ones that had
some really one of the coaches, like Cale Calen de
Boor was like it was no, he was like a
like a in shape Adam Sandler but playing a serious role.

Speaker 3 (39:45):
And we get Chris Farley. But Chris Farley was funny though. Dude,
I don't want funny.

Speaker 9 (39:50):
I want to.

Speaker 1 (39:54):
I want to win football games.

Speaker 3 (39:55):
Like, would you feel better if it was Adam Sandler?

Speaker 1 (39:57):
Yeah, no, Adam Sandler does great and serious roles.

Speaker 3 (40:01):
Oh that's how you're taking it.

Speaker 1 (40:02):
Oh, yes it is.

Speaker 3 (40:05):
It's yeah.

Speaker 1 (40:06):
Farley never did a serious role. No, he probably would
have eventually. I got bored of all the funny stuff.
But that's all I hate always being the joke. Okay man,
uh do you want to do a game?

Speaker 3 (40:21):
Yes? Yes, we've been waiting for this.

Speaker 1 (40:24):
So here's what's up. We're taking on the break first, Mike, Yes,
do that, okay, break, and after that we'll see if
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Speaker 1 (41:50):
Okay, so we have done Connect four and through that,
Eddie and Mike d want a ticket to the Super Bowl.

Speaker 3 (41:58):
Gosh, just like that.

Speaker 1 (42:00):
And you're like, why don't you give everybody one? Well,
we had four tickets for five people, and I said,
from the very very beginning this was the case and
it had to do something that was fair for everyone.
Then we played Operation with the two remaining people reading Kevin,
and Operation was going to be one of three. So
this is the second game. It's bop It. Oh my goodness,

Oh my god. So bop it is a game. So
I just I guess I just picked.

Speaker 3 (42:31):
Bones. The look on Kevin's face is hilarious.

Speaker 1 (42:35):
That twist pully long one. Dude, My brain is going
to just crumble trying to so Kevin, you need to
win bop it. You need to bop it to start.
You need to bopy little heart out. If you win
bop it, it'll it'll be sudden death. Yeah, we'll play

another game, but for now read it. If you win
bop it, you win the final ticket.

Speaker 3 (43:01):
Oh my goodness, you can bop it.

Speaker 1 (43:05):
Was I don't even remember the last time I did,
and I've not told you what it is. I've hit.
I've hitten the game so no one can see it anywhere,
so there's no no practicing it.

Speaker 3 (43:13):
Kevin's freaking out, freaking out.

Speaker 4 (43:16):
I'm looking at that one. Do we get like one
quick trial? I will give you like a little like
a different like I just did.

Speaker 1 (43:24):
So there's a pull. There's twisted twist on the other,
so you pull this to do it. I score thirty
two just so you see that's this button. Okay, I
already died this twisted Just pull Itah, So three commands, Kevin,

I'll let you choose it goes first or second, because
you're the one that's kind of immediate on the dropping
block here.

Speaker 4 (43:51):
Yeah, okay, I'm gonna go first, doing it in front
of each other.

Speaker 1 (44:01):
Yeah, you're right there. Yeah yeah, I'm saying like he's
going to be in the We're in the room. Okay, yeah,
can you do it there? No? Yeah, we'll go to
stage stop it man. Yeah, okay, you're up. We are
now going to play bop it. Kevin has taken his
practice round.

Speaker 4 (44:18):
How do you feel I felt better before the practice round?
What happened on the roads fast man, I don't remember
being this fast.

Speaker 1 (44:25):
So we have a microphone standing on stage. You have
to hold it up, hold it up in front of you. Well,
now hold it up so you can play. Oh, you
have to hold it out near the micro so you
wanted everybody to see we're not Are you ready? I'm ready? Okay,
So I think you pull at the start, So go
ahead and pull it, and then when you hit bop it,

we're rolling. Here we go, Hi, score thirty two. There
we go.

Speaker 9 (44:54):
Bop it, twist it, pull it, Pully Pully, Bobby Pully,
twist it, Bobby, twist it. Bobby twist it. Bobby twist it.

Bobby twist it. Pully twist it, pull it, twist it,
Pully twist it, twist it, Bobby, Bobby Pully, Bobby twist it,

twist it, twist it, Bobby twist it, Pully, Bobby Pully, Pully.

Speaker 5 (45:49):
Yeah, I remember my first time it score.

Speaker 1 (45:52):
Thirty thirty thirty five, Wow, solid thirty five. My hands
and he was we saw your shaking. He's in a snowstorm.

Speaker 7 (46:04):
That just is underwear.

Speaker 3 (46:05):
Wow, good job, Kevin.

Speaker 1 (46:08):
Okay, Read's gonna take a practice round here, So Read,
do what you gotta do pull up first to get
it started. Reads loses the goose because he's like he
can lose this one. Okay, now you're changing the level.
Oh really the hi score?

Speaker 3 (46:24):
Practice run yeah, practice twisted Jesus, that was it.

Speaker 1 (46:32):
That we could. We should lead that in because that
was like one second long.

Speaker 10 (46:37):
You get better than read twist here, we got pool here.

Speaker 1 (46:41):
Yep, this is gonna be bad. And keep it near
the microphone if you can't. Everybody be quiet when it's
over and whenever you're ready.

Speaker 9 (46:49):
Twisty, holy, holy, twisty twisted, holy twisted. Pully Boppy twist it.
Bobby Pully twist it, Pully twist it, Pully Pully bopp

It twist it, Pully bopp It twist it, Pully bopp
It twist it, bopp It twist it, twist it, Bobby
Pully twist it, Pully twist it, Pully bopp It bopp

It bopp It twist it, bopp it Pully Boppy Boppy
twist it, Bobby twist it, Pully twist it, twist it,
twist it, Bobby Bobby pull it, bopp It twisted twisted

bopp It bopp It Boppy pull it, twist it, bopp it,
bopp it, pull it, Pully, twist it, bopp it, twist it,
pull it twisted, bopp it, twist it, Pully, twist it,

bopp It, twist it, bopp it Pully.

Speaker 1 (48:31):
Oh you can do this?

Speaker 9 (48:33):
Score seven seven.

Speaker 1 (48:39):
We found reads the greatest game. My goodness, it might
be a world records read.

Speaker 3 (48:47):
Are you just a champion? Bottles?

Speaker 1 (48:49):
I mean I'm like, I'm actually shaking right now.

Speaker 10 (48:51):
So like once I got through a couple, you got
a rhythm, I felt, I felt comfortable.

Speaker 3 (48:56):
Voice sped up. That's what you did. Wow, Okay, it
was like a victory lap around Kevin, I know, and.

Speaker 1 (49:02):
He starts like dancing. I can't even be mad at
you can be mad. So let's have a couple. Let's
go to the losing coaches locker round pass.

Speaker 3 (49:14):
Everyone loves this interview.

Speaker 1 (49:18):
Yeah, wait for the question, Kevin, it's not even you
played bad. You know, it looks like you showed up
ready to play. Your nerves look to have gotten the
best of you are shaking from the very beginning. You know,
what do you say to yourself?

Speaker 8 (49:31):

Speaker 4 (49:32):
I say, now I know what Josh Allen feels like.
I show up and I play my butt off and
I played well. I'm actually proud of my performance today,
more proud than it was last week.

Speaker 1 (49:43):
And it still wasn't enough.

Speaker 4 (49:45):
Reeds Still, Patrick Mahooney got in his rhythm and you know,
dang seventy something, dude, good for you.

Speaker 1 (49:54):
It sucks.

Speaker 4 (49:55):
This is worse than losing the Super Bowl, watching your
team lose the super Bowl because you actually have control
over the Yeah, I can't blame the coach. I can't
blame anybody by myself. I'm sorry to my family, my
feeling and everybody for letting you down.

Speaker 3 (50:09):
Pour one out for Kevan.

Speaker 1 (50:12):
What sucks as it always feels weird that somebody has
to lose, but when they actually do lose, it sucks.
It sucks like someone was going to have to lose
and it turns out it's Kevin, Like we're hurting for you, dude.
That's that sucks, does suck, but now completely deserves it.
Dominated God was looking out for me, man.

Speaker 10 (50:34):
I'm known to panic and my brain is is known
to shut off, and so you know he kept me
through that.

Speaker 1 (50:42):
So God was not looking out for the Lord. God
was interesting, That's what I hear. It said God wanted
you to win over Kevin.

Speaker 10 (50:50):
God wants all of us to go Super Bowl man.

Speaker 3 (50:53):
Thenicket. Yeah, so, I mean there was a point there
where he almost dropped it. But did you see that
multiple times?

Speaker 1 (51:02):
And like some for some reason, it went back into
his hands. I saw he did drop it and then
it like floated back to his hand.

Speaker 3 (51:08):
Didn't see the wings pomp out of the pope it and.

Speaker 1 (51:11):
God angels in the outfield.

Speaker 8 (51:14):

Speaker 4 (51:16):
Man, day, at least I still get to New Orleans.
We still could do the radio row and everything. You know,
I'm a blessed man.

Speaker 1 (51:23):
What I don't know how much. No, I don't know.
I don't know. If you I don't know how much
single take what even go for? You can look outside
the stadium, maybe they'll be did you try that at
that the bowl game? Yeah? The Rose Bowl.

Speaker 4 (51:33):
Yeah, and my team is not even playing it. And no, yeah,
I'm not spending three thousand dollars.

Speaker 1 (51:37):
Three It may not be that though. Right before the game,
you're already gonna be there. I don't think there's any
any any anything hurt with walking around that you're already
gonna be. If you're traveling down there to walk around,
I'd be nervous about it.

Speaker 3 (51:49):
What game was it where they dressed as construction workers Texas?

Speaker 10 (51:53):

Speaker 1 (51:53):
See that and they got in Oh yeah, boy, now
you'll get like terrorist stuff. Oh yeah, maybe safe now.

Speaker 5 (52:00):
Cheapest ticket on stove hub right now is thirty five
hundred dollars for a single ticket.

Speaker 1 (52:06):
Maybe like third quarter, you find one out there. Yeah right, dang,
maybe if the Patriots are playing in it.

Speaker 3 (52:12):
But sorry, Kevin, dang, Okay, well that's tough. I thought
we'd at least go one more game.

Speaker 1 (52:19):
Me too, That's what Yeah, that's what sucks. I was
how does it feel over three last? Every game bad?

Speaker 7 (52:26):

Speaker 4 (52:26):
Like a little bit though, you have to feel like
you you deserve to lose in Yeah, like I have
nobody to blame but myself. Yeah for sure.

Speaker 1 (52:34):
Dang, Well we can move from that because that is
it's I don't want the joy to be lost that
read and read you're not allowed to do the nice
guy thing, which I know you're probably like thinking, I'll
just give the ticket to somebody you won. Kevin, wouldn't
even allow that, were No, okay, okay, no, because you
are the nicest guy here by far, and you think

of other people and I want you to not put
yourself out because you're thinking of somebody else. I think
you should enjoy it, even though you are leaving the
show and like, yeah pretty soon a couple of months,
even though you don't watch football, quit in the show.

Speaker 10 (53:08):
Yeah, keep it out, Yeah, keep coming.

Speaker 1 (53:10):
Don't let them talk. Hey dude, you did good, thank you,
thank you. Do you know where he died this year?
What the super Bowl?

Speaker 10 (53:15):
Yeah, dude, it's at Lambeau.

Speaker 1 (53:17):
Right, seventy seven. It wasn't even like thy on the
third one. In practice? Oh, in practice, we kept it in.
You sucked hard.

Speaker 3 (53:30):
Wow, hilarious.

Speaker 1 (53:32):
Okay, it's almost like I want want to do nothing
now with that? Good with that? I'm good with that. Yeah. Yeah,
you wonder what to wear to the actual game?

Speaker 3 (53:46):
Yeah, like, I've never been in the super Bowl? What
do you wear?

Speaker 1 (53:48):
You're going to rub it in? We should not talk
about it?

Speaker 3 (53:53):
Should we have them leave the room?

Speaker 4 (53:54):

Speaker 1 (53:56):
Now I'll come back next week? Yeah, like what it's
it's a normal game, Like you're not going with your team?

Speaker 7 (54:03):
You you?

Speaker 3 (54:04):
I would just wear jeans and I don't know what
the weather is. Can I wear Cowboys jersey even though
they're not playing like you know you can.

Speaker 1 (54:10):
But that's lame as craft whenever you wear a team
that's not playing to a game. I thought, so do
you look at New Orleans weather for us, because you
don't really wear a jersey to a game where your
team's not there unless you're lame.

Speaker 3 (54:23):
Oh they do.

Speaker 1 (54:24):
In London, they wear every team. That's because they don't
even know the culture. I would just say, where you are,
today's fine. I don't know what the weather is going
to be. If it's like warm to wear a T shirt. Yeah,
it's indoors, right, I mean it's a good point.

Speaker 3 (54:37):
I think it's indoors.

Speaker 5 (54:38):
It's a good point.

Speaker 1 (54:38):
Yeah, you can literally wear whatever you want. Okay, most
people there won't be there because of the Eagles or
the Chiefs. Some will, but most people won't.

Speaker 3 (54:47):
I do have a Chief's Joe Montana jersey that I've had,
like since I was like in middle school or highchool. Whatever.
You can wear that.

Speaker 1 (54:54):
Are you for the Chiefs?

Speaker 3 (54:56):
Yeah kind of. I'm not rooting for the Eagles.

Speaker 1 (54:57):
You can definitely do that. I didn't think about what
out of of the game. I mean, mister Hunt may
make me a big cheese fan.

Speaker 3 (55:05):
I don't know that's true.

Speaker 1 (55:06):
What do you see?

Speaker 10 (55:07):
It's gonna be pretty warm. I mean high of seventy
eight on that Sunday.

Speaker 3 (55:11):
I love his weather.

Speaker 10 (55:12):
Yeah, man high of seventy eight, mostly in mid seventies,
soout the week we got twenty four percent chance to
rain on Sunday though, Well.

Speaker 1 (55:20):
Forget we're in the dome. I wonder if radio are
all of our interview stuffs in the dome or the
parking lot? What it's inside it is? Yeah, like a
convention center. That's good. The third game was going to
be a game of pickleball today because the weather was good.

Speaker 3 (55:38):
That'd been a good game too.

Speaker 1 (55:39):
That is something feels good about because they're kind of
equal no pickleball. Yeah, they probably both think they can
beat the other one. Like I think Reid's got a
little bit of confidence lately. I think Kevin thinks he's
a better athlete. I think it would have been.

Speaker 9 (55:52):
But that that is it.

Speaker 1 (55:53):
I mean seventy.

Speaker 10 (55:55):
Seventy Yes, I don't know how that happened. I'm gonna
be honest.

Speaker 3 (55:58):
I feel like he's a good player and he just
acted like he wasn't read. Yeah, like he plays bomp
it all the time.

Speaker 1 (56:05):
Did you see him play that practice round with us?
As my stepdad Arkansas Keith used to say, it looked
like a cup bear playing with his pecker, just like
figuring it out, Like what in the heck?

Speaker 3 (56:16):
Okay, sorry, Kevin, let me see bones. Are you happier
for Reid or sadder for Kevin?

Speaker 8 (56:24):

Speaker 1 (56:24):
Good question. I think the emotion right now is that
I'm sadder for Kevin, not because there's anything to do
with read. I think I'd be sadder for Reed had
it gone the other way. IM just sadder for whomever
didn't get to go, because you literally had a twenty
percent chance. Everybody had a twenty percent chance of missing out,
eighty percent chance of going, like all five, all four?
Well now there's five, so four of you with three

tickets where you were in Yeah yeah, yeah, so four
you were fighting for three tickets, so that percentages is
a bit skewed. Then, yeah, you had a good shot
to go. Everybody did and you didn't.

Speaker 10 (56:58):
There's like no good way to hold that bopp thing, dude.

Speaker 1 (57:01):
Apparently there's seven talking about the way you did it was.

Speaker 10 (57:06):
I probably looked ridiculous in the video though, I'm like
holding it like a baby.

Speaker 3 (57:10):
Just stop seventy seven had h Clark Khin.

Speaker 1 (57:13):
I was looking up. He's a billionaire, obviously, and Chie's
I was trying to think of all the billionaires that
I met Jerry Jerry Jones obviously. Oh, I mean, but
does it count if it's before Mike. I guess they
have to be a billionaire that at the time you
meet him, because I obviously I've met Taylor Swifted a bunch.
Yeah she's a billionaire, she'd say, obviously. But I've met

Toast with a bunch, but she wasn't a billionaire then,
so I don't think that counts. I've met in Charles Schwab,
who is alive, and it's a real person. Really. I
went and played the Charles Schwab Pro am and I
played with Jordan Spieth and he was there and I
talked with him. They paid me to come out there
and they let me play the tournament.

Speaker 3 (57:54):
I honestly didn't know he was a real person until
you met him.

Speaker 1 (57:57):
Johnny Morris, No, Johnny bill Pro nine point nine billion,
oh Owens bass Pro Okay, no, sober I know that's
four billionaires that I've met. Dang, Jerry Jones Charles Schwab,
Johnny Morris and Clark Hunt.

Speaker 3 (58:14):
What about that, uh, Scooter bron guy.

Speaker 1 (58:16):
I don't know that. He's a billionaire, probably hundreds of millions,
probably super rate. You never met Mark Cuban. Never For
some reason, I feel like you would have.

Speaker 3 (58:24):
I know you would have elon you met him.

Speaker 1 (58:26):
No, I was racking the old brain here, couldn't think
of any more billionaires.

Speaker 5 (58:31):
Scooter became a billionaire after you met him? Really, yeah,
he's wild.

Speaker 1 (58:35):
He's a billionaire. Dang Offensive Player of the Year Sporting
News sik One Barklay, Defensive Player of the Year, Miles Garrett,
Comeback Player of the Year, Sam Darnold, Rookie of the
Year Jaden Daniels. This is Sporting News again. Coach of
the Year Kevin O'Connell, Coordinator of the Year Ben Johnson,
and Executive of the Year Brad Holmes, and Brad is
from the I've not gues, obviously have this is executive.
Didn't put the team over there raiders root for the executives,

that much, guess. But the official NFL awards are Thursday
night at the NFL Honors, which I'm supposed to be
presenting at that's.

Speaker 3 (59:07):
Where we get MVP.

Speaker 1 (59:08):
Yeah we yeah, yeah, all right, well I was gonna
do should I do Royal Rumble? Still? Yeah, dude, I
was said for Kevin. I spent five hours watching the
Royal Rumble and it started off with the women's Royal
Rumble and women's wrestling. I get it. It's grown a lot.

I knew like four people in it. They again a
very They telegraph their moves a lot, more like if
somebody jumping off the top rub, they'll start falling back
way earlier on the ground. Some crazy athleticism. But because
it has not been as prevalent for as long, you
definitely have to suspend any sort of reality. Not that

you don't have to do it with the men, because
you do, but the athleticism is different. I knew like
three people, and I didn't even know them from when
I was a wrestling fan because unfairly, I know some
of the older wrestlers, because dudes can be fifty five
and still wrestle and they don't. There aren't really any
women doing that. I knew Nikki Bella when she came
out Big Sprices of Wrestling, like three years from the

Bella Twins, so she came out and I was like,
oh cool, and people freaked out. I didn't know why,
but it's she's been through a divorce and some domestic
assault stuff, apparently alleged. I don't even know if it's
a legend. I've no idea. So she came out and
people freaked out. Charlotte Flair came out. Who's Rick Claire's daughter?
Who she won the whole thing and she hadn't wrestled

in a long time.

Speaker 5 (01:00:41):
And then.

Speaker 1 (01:00:43):
Because of TikTok and I get on mostly nineties wrestling
live and if you look live up, there was also
somebody too that got a huge pop. I gotta remember
her name. She's married Ryan Cabrera. I have to any
look at that, but live she looks like.

Speaker 3 (01:00:57):
Was he Ashley Simpson?

Speaker 1 (01:00:59):
Uh huh yeah, Alexa Bliss, Alexa Bliss. They freaked out
when Alexa Bliss came out, and I don't again, that
wasn't my time, But this live looks just like from
Suicide Squad. Harley Quinn, Yes, Margot, but Harley Quinn because
how she looked. But Margot Robbie tell me live, if

you google her, she doesn't look like Yeah, the ponytail
or the pigtails all of yes, yeah, so that happened,
and that was a semi interesting Charlotte Fat Flair wins,
but I didn't really have any any any long term
long form interests because the basketball game was still coming
on now. Then they had a tag team match and
it was like the Motor City Madmen. I don't have

to show their name versus d I Y never heard
of either one of them.

Speaker 3 (01:01:47):
Do it yourself.

Speaker 1 (01:01:48):
I don't know why they're calling that. And again I'm
not claiming to be like a super current wrestling of ficionado.
I loved wrestling, and then I liked wrestling and that
got out of wrestling, and now I just like it
to know the A tier only it was a kind
of boring tag team match. They did two out of
three falls. I just ready for it to be over.
It is boring. What was stupid, though, was they still

do the thing where like somebody comes out of nowhere
and hit somebody with a crutch and then backs off
and somebody else wins, Like can we not retire that?
Like all of a sudden, they're doing the wrestling tag
team match and this guy in a hood comes up
and takes a crutch and as the other guys on
the top, Road goes whack and then he backs off
and then they.

Speaker 3 (01:02:24):
Pin the guy who got somebody from the crowd or
it was a wrestler.

Speaker 1 (01:02:27):
I'm another tag team, but the match was ruined because
he came. Dude, they've been doing that, so it's like
I was a kid, like, can't we retire?

Speaker 3 (01:02:33):
That's funny?

Speaker 1 (01:02:34):
So that happens boring Cody Rhodes and Kevin Owens, who
I know both of them. It was a ladder match
where they put the title up on top, and so
there's no ladder in the ring, but there are ladders
underneath the ring and around the ring. And the thing is,
you got to beat your guy up so much that
there's time for you to put the ladder in the ring,
climb up, and the first person to grab the title

and hold it while they're on top wins the ladder match.
These matches always crazy because there's always a couple like
big falls or slams from the top of the or something. Dude,
they went hard like first is a good match, and
they're doing the stuff back and forth and Cody Roads
American Nightmare whatever his name is, Kevin Owens is like crazy.
Now Supposedly at the end, Kevin Owens slammed Cody Roads

into the ladder. So these are real ladders. These guys
have to learn how to take these faults. I was like,
dudes did and Cody Roads just laid there. But even again,
we know that there's a script. That doesn't mean it
doesn't hurt.

Speaker 3 (01:03:37):
You're still falling on a ladder, dude, or falling off
the ladder.

Speaker 1 (01:03:40):
So then so then they get back, the doctors come in.
It's all work right, But the doctors come in and
they're like everybody okay, everybody okay, and so they get up.
I love that the final pile driver thing where the
Cody Roads sent Kevin Owens through the ladder outside the ring.
He like slammed him through and his head goes through.
I wish you guys could pull it up on TikTok.

There's no way this didn't hurt. Again, do they know
they we're gonna do it?

Speaker 3 (01:04:05):

Speaker 1 (01:04:08):
If he wasn't somewhat injured after this, I would be
in shock. So then Cody Roads wins, and Cody Roads
will wrestle it WrestleMania. But that was a pretty good match.
I like the ladder match Cody Roads climb the ladder.
You know had the title. Will you see if you
can find on TikTok read the Cody Roads slamming Kevin
Owens the final. It's like outside the ring. I promise you.

His head goes into the ladder and the ladder like
breaks or goes down. Dude, it's crazy.

Speaker 3 (01:04:38):
Have you ever gotten on on one of those one
of those rings?

Speaker 9 (01:04:41):

Speaker 1 (01:04:42):
They hurt?

Speaker 3 (01:04:42):
How soft they seem soft? Are they not soft?

Speaker 8 (01:04:45):

Speaker 1 (01:04:45):
They hurt. It's like someone going when you get tackled
on a football field you're in pads. No, it still hurts.
I would compare the two very much. I mean, it's
not like this hard floor, but it's not like a
cushion or trampoline. Yeah, no, it's still solid. We are
you looking for yourself? No, I got it. We show Eddie,
Kevin these guys. Is he like on the table outside

the ring?

Speaker 4 (01:05:06):

Speaker 3 (01:05:06):
Yes, tell me today he's got his head between his
legs and he's like, oh, oh yeah, there's no way
lands and the ladder breaks, yes, and his head like
lands on the ground. You're right, like that has to hurt.

Speaker 1 (01:05:20):
Is a big dude? A big dude.

Speaker 3 (01:05:22):
Hey, the guy doing the power driver, how old is
he though? Because he doesn't want you. They're both probably
in their thirties. Dang dude, Yeah, you're right, dude, that's
gotta hurt.

Speaker 1 (01:05:30):
I'm saying, these are athletes.

Speaker 4 (01:05:33):
Look at this I'm watching on Twitter. Like, if you
look at both of them, they both hurt. They probably
wait to the end of the match to actually pull
these off.

Speaker 3 (01:05:41):
They're both like, do we really have to do this one?

Speaker 1 (01:05:43):
As soon as he throws me in to the ladder,
he's like, stay down there, I'm done right now. Kill
sometime and like I feel sorry for them, And again
it's fake. No, no, no, the outcome is determined, but
that doesn't mean they're not getting hurt. Yeah, nothing about
that is fake. Oh oh my god.

Speaker 3 (01:05:58):
Unless that ladder is ad it hurts.

Speaker 1 (01:06:03):
So then it's time for the main event, the Royal Rumble.
Thirty entrants. You know who some of them are, but
you don't know who all of them are, and there
are surprises and you just kind of are waiting. Uh,
you know John Cena was going to be there.

Speaker 3 (01:06:16):
That's pretty cool.

Speaker 1 (01:06:17):
Do you guys ever see the Joe Henry like, say
his name you see that, never the memes or anything.
So he shows up and he's like the champion for
another but he's super viral. Roman Reigns. Do you guys
know who that is? These are people that I know, Okay,
Roman Rainns who hasn't fought, hasn't been a roll rumble
like five years because he's been the champion, So you
don't get in it. If you're the champion, it's to

fight the champion. They came out huge pops, like, crowd
goes crazy. What was interesting was this guy you have
to look up his name, Joey Joey v or whatever,
who wins. It wasn't super familiar with them, because again
I'm not in depth of the wrestling world. You could
tell the crowd loved him and he goes yee. Yet, yeah,

he beats John Babyface, crowd loves him. But then I'm
watching people online get so upset because his family comes
out and then there's like some Instagram stuff that comes
out of them after the match, the whole families with them,
and even some of the guys who's fighting in the ring.
You know that his enemies are like just celebrating him
because it's a massive milestone for somebody who's never wanted,

who has never really got to push, that finally gets
the push. Some of them, I get holding, Okay, I've
let them in, do you know it is now hopefully
they don't go in to murder. But yeah, So the
fans are like, I wish they would leave this behind
the scenes stuff, just put it in a documentary because
we don't want to see this, We want it to
stay real. And I kind of get annoyed at that

version of the fan because you know that the outcome
is determined. You know, they are playing a character because
they can switch and go heal babyface on a single night.
They can switch their whole trajectory. That would be like
if Daniel Radcliffe was promoting Harry Potter and you're like,

I wish during his whole promotion he would just keep
riding the room. You know, he's an actor, you know
he's not really Harry Potter, and you know it behind
the scenes he goes to Starbucks, yeah, and gets in
his car and drives. So these people that were getting
so mad to see the behind the scenes of like
everybody celebrating, even his enemies. You're watching characters you can

separate the two. You know the two. You're smart enough
to know they're playing characters. But people were getting so mad.
They were showing like the real life. But I was like,
I like to see this stuff. This is cool. This
is the human part of it real. It's like seeing again,
pick your favorite actor, not John It's Keanu Reeves walking
down the street with his girl, not John Wick. Like
you want to see him play the bass in Starhead

or whatever the band is. So it's pretty cool. I
watched all of it. I was never bored. I started
watching it because I was just curious to watch a
paper view without having to pay for it, because back
in the day, he's had to pay for every pay
per view, and I had seen a royal rumble in
its entirety in forever. I'd watch a bunch of clips
and I thought, I'm gonna watch him keep notes until
I'm bored, and then I'll make a note that I'm bored.

I enjoyed all of it.

Speaker 7 (01:09:06):

Speaker 1 (01:09:06):
The tag team title thing was a little lame, but
they're only two solem or two regular matches. The Cody Rhodes,
who's Dusty Rose's son, one of his sons, and then
Kevin Oens. Match was good, but then the role rum
was awesome. Like Jake Paul came out, he was thirty
No logan Paul the wrestler. Look, he's good.

Speaker 3 (01:09:24):
Like he's a good tall one. Yeah, I don't know
that tall one. He's the one that's not as thick,
not the one that box Tyson.

Speaker 1 (01:09:32):
Yeah, he's funny. He got thrown out of the ring,
but he jumped across and land on the table and
he's like, both my feet haven't at the ground, So
he just sat on the table and watch every baby
the everybody guess hilarious. Obviously, again you don't have to say,
like we know it's all screed. I know, but it's
really good. I enjoyed it. I enjoyed it.

Speaker 3 (01:09:46):
How does Jimmy V get picked? Like, how does all
that work?

Speaker 1 (01:09:49):
Who's Jimmy V?

Speaker 9 (01:09:49):

Speaker 3 (01:09:49):
I don't know the winner?

Speaker 1 (01:09:50):
Who's the g jau so Joe so j j e
y uso jay u so thank you?

Speaker 3 (01:09:56):
Well that guy, Like, how does he get picked to
win the whole thing?

Speaker 1 (01:10:00):
That's the creative Triple H? They just because Triple H
is like head one of the executives over there him
Stephanie McMahon. Even though Vince is not in the company
that owns it, it's not the same company. Yeah, there's
a team of writers and creatives the same choose him.
Of course they're like I think for the storyline, this
happening that leads us to this, same as the soap opera.

Speaker 3 (01:10:16):
Right, but when you get celebrated like you didn't do anything,
you just got written in, Like what are you celebrating
the fact that you're the one that got chosen.

Speaker 1 (01:10:25):
A great performer, a great performance, and not only that,
the fact that they have finally they think you're good
enough now to be the person that does this. Like
there was a huge moment for him in his career.

Speaker 3 (01:10:34):
That probably goes into it. Yeah, like are you good
enough to be the chanmce.

Speaker 1 (01:10:37):
Yeah, they're not going to pick you if you're some
scrub amateur got it? So it was like it just happened.
Now I'm finally the champion. This is crazy.

Speaker 3 (01:10:44):
Yeah, that makes sense to me. Okay, I was wondering,
like that's just weird, like that they just pick. It's
all scripted, like say one day like Read wins, right,
and we're all like, good job Read, but we just
picked to win.

Speaker 1 (01:10:55):
I think mostly it's you're celebrating a career and finally
in your career, you've reached a point where they have
deemed you to be the winner of this major event
and you just had a great performance and you won,
and like more than just that match, it's like congratulations.
Now the company, the culture of wrestling has decided, like
your next guy up. That's awesome, and yeah, super super

WrestleMania comes up in Las Vegas.

Speaker 3 (01:11:21):
Where was this?

Speaker 1 (01:11:22):
This was in Indianapolis, all right down the road.

Speaker 3 (01:11:25):
You could have gone in person.

Speaker 1 (01:11:26):
We wish you to WrestleMania.

Speaker 3 (01:11:29):
Is that a lot of kids? A lot of kids there?

Speaker 1 (01:11:31):
No, it's there's some, but no, it's not like show
biz pizza. It's mostly adults. Yeah, mostly adults, very little women.

Speaker 5 (01:11:38):
Whenever read and I went to Summer Slam, the line
for the men's bathroom was like out the door, women
go right ahead.

Speaker 1 (01:11:44):
I figured that, Yeah, WrestleMania is in Vegas, so that
would that would be fun.

Speaker 10 (01:11:50):
Do you see when that streamer I show speed got
sent out and got speared?

Speaker 1 (01:11:55):
I did see it. I watched the I watched the
whole show man, dude, So what happened? Was there was
guy that was coming out and they're like, uh, seventh,
I don't know the number it was. And he comes
out and he's like yeah. And then another wrestler they
just got kicked out, punches them and he gets knocked out,
so they so he doesn't even get to go in.
So Triple Ah's back there with the heads ofteines. We
got to find somebody to go out in the spot.
And so Speed's back there. I know Speed from racing

everybody on the internet, challenging Tyreek, jumping over the cars, big,
big streamer, influencer, and so he's like okay, so he
goes out and lights up Speed and so he gets
in and you know, he gets in the ring, does
a flip and as soon as you enter the ring
you get to do a couple moves and it's all
on you, right, it's it's orchestrated. And so was it

braun Strowman? Who was it that?

Speaker 7 (01:12:40):
Or was it?

Speaker 1 (01:12:42):
So he speared him hard I'm talking about there's no
way he wasn't hurt because there were camera there were
phone angles from the stands show them this. This is
worse than the Cody rhads. Yeah, this is bad. So
watch this is him. Oh so he flips. I watched
this chilling, chilling.

Speaker 3 (01:12:59):
Who oh, I don't care if you know that's coming that.

Speaker 1 (01:13:02):
And you watch his neck pop, his snap, it's got
the neck raisin. Bron breaker, bron breaker and bron Breaker
is Rick Steiner's son, I believe, or Scott Steiner's son,
one of the Steiner brothers, right that I have to
like remember, Oh, man, he got hit hard, d It
was a big boy hitting him too, one of those
guys with a Steiner brothers.

Speaker 5 (01:13:22):
Yeah, Rick Steiner, Scott Steiner's his uncle.

Speaker 1 (01:13:27):
Got it, dude? Can you show him a phone like
from like in the arena? Oh got his cell phone?

Speaker 3 (01:13:33):
This is even what a crazy sport.

Speaker 1 (01:13:36):
It's so athletic.

Speaker 3 (01:13:37):
Yeop, for sure.

Speaker 1 (01:13:38):
But then again, I'm not like a dial in a
plus watcher and app. When I watch it, I started
to get pissed off of people for being like wrestling stupid.
Watch watch this from his cell phone. It's the most
athletic scripted thing I've ever seen. This is cell phone footage.

Speaker 3 (01:13:53):
Yeah that's a hard hit, dude, he gets That's like
a linebacker hit.

Speaker 10 (01:13:57):
The way he's bouncing off the ropes coming in the speed.

Speaker 1 (01:14:01):

Speaker 3 (01:14:01):
He turns around and.

Speaker 1 (01:14:04):
Later he was showing Logan Paul his leg and the
chunk of leg that was that was missing because he
took out such a hard fall. Dude, that's crazy anyway,
that's speed, that's speed. He races everybody. Nobody can outrun him. Geez,
we're done.

Speaker 3 (01:14:19):
I can see myself getting into this for sure. Yes,
especially with four boys. You seem punk came out. I
was like, let's go, oh dude, the boys and they
got into it. Yeah, but we don't do We don't
do wrestling, So like I feel like if I introduce
him to that, we'd be all in.

Speaker 1 (01:14:33):
The problem with UFC and long term is those are
real fights and these people don't last a long time
because they're really fighting. Yes for the superstar shelf life
not long because you age, you get beat up. That's
real life. You can wrestle a little longer.

Speaker 3 (01:14:51):
Like sign it got beat this weekend.

Speaker 1 (01:14:53):
I don't even know where that is. Dude, is I
do when you say Israel? Yeah, he does the whole
praying thing.

Speaker 8 (01:15:00):

Speaker 1 (01:15:00):
I saw him getting knocked out. He's lost a couple
of times in row here on the way down. Yeah,
like he's like, I'm not afraid to die and he
goes in. Yeah yeah, that's crazy. Is John Jones still awesome?

Speaker 7 (01:15:11):

Speaker 3 (01:15:12):

Speaker 1 (01:15:12):
Any fights yeah, like he gets suspended and stuff.

Speaker 3 (01:15:14):
Right, Yeah, he's a nice guy now though, like he's
keep baby face. He plays a nice guy, but he
still knocks people out.

Speaker 1 (01:15:22):
Yeah, it's awesome. Okay, thank you, Kevin. We're really sorry, dude.
I know Kevin can't even join the show. No, I
really can't that whole I don't even know what we
just talked about for last or whatever. Nothing. All right,
thank you guys.

Speaker 4 (01:15:32):
We will.

Speaker 1 (01:15:34):
We'll be on the bus so we may throw up
an episode earlier than normal.

Speaker 3 (01:15:39):
It's gonna have the hum in the background.

Speaker 1 (01:15:41):
Well, we got on a plane, did it once and
there was no harm.

Speaker 3 (01:15:43):
That's true knowledge. We did do that, didn't we.

Speaker 1 (01:15:48):
Uh Yeah, okay, thank you and Eddie blow the whistle
and we will see you guys. Sorry later on this
week by Everybody. Theme song written Bobby Bones That's Me
and performed by Brandon Ray.

Speaker 6 (01:16:03):
Follow Brandon on socials at Brandon Ray Music. You can
follow the show on Instagram at Bobby Bones Sports. Thanks
to our crew, co host at producer Reddy, segment producer
at Kickoff Kevin, video producer at Redrberry, and executive producer
at Mike Diestro. But most importantly, thank you for listening.
I'm Bobby Bones. We'll talk to you next time here

on twenty five whistles
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