All Episodes

December 29, 2017 43 mins

Amy's Awkward Couples Massage + Listeners Share Embarrassing Kid Stories + Debate On Who The Next 'GOAT' Will Be

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Speaker 1 (00:02):
Everybody show. Yeah the morning, welcome to the show. May
be good? Yeah, cool like that. David's on and Fava arkansa.
Hi David, Hey, what's going on? Bobby? You know what

up early in the morning taking your call? What can
I do for you? Yeah? Man? Uh, you know, I've
got a fifth year anniversary coming up, and I really
need to blow this one out of the water with
the gifts, and I am just lost. Are you married
anniversary or like together anniversary? Yeah? Yeah, now we've we've
been married. It's going on five years, you know, and

it seems like that those five years, I'm just I'm
I'm lost for gifts. Now it's like I'm you're on
a blank and uh need some advice. Man, let me
help you, Let me help you. Okay. So here, you
have two options if you're wanting to just crush it, David,
you have two one two options, and that's it. One
you either go and spend a ton of money, which
I don't recommend, but that's that's the easy way. But

you spend a bunch of money, right, Or two, you
spend almost no money and you make her something. Those
are the two ways to blow it out of the water.
I always prefer that second way of putting time into it.
Some people will spend money and be like, I just
want to get some nice I would say that you
would make her something. Now, do you have anything that
you've been like stashing around from when you guys first

started like dating or got married, anything like that, right, right? Yeah? Yeah, yeah,
Well we got a few things. The thing about women,
and let me tell you of the women just like
it when men try, because we're dumb and we don't
get it right most of the time, but we can
try most of the time, and if we try, that's
where it is. That's where the success comes. It's just

in the trying. You can screw it up, but if
you really try hard, it's almost like we're eight when
we're just trying Harvard from our parents. That's what men
are to women. So if you make her something, David
or you, that's that's the blow it out of the water. Yeah.
I did the personal gift on Christmas, but yeah, I
kind of put the wrong day on there. So that's okay.

You tried. It's all about trying, and she probably loved it, right,
So did she love it? Yeah? Two options. Either spend
all your money or spend no money in something like heartfelt.
There you go, and that's why I'm not married. Those
who can't do teach, That's why I'm a teaching of
relationships and parenting. Yeah, show recognizing people doing cool things.

Addison Hutchinson, nine years old is a he wrote for
getting help for a bus driver. She was on boarder
bus when the school bus drivers slumped over the steering wheel.
The bus was making its final stop on the route
and only had a few students left, and she sees it.
She jumps out of the bus and ran somebody's door,
knocked on the door, called nine on one, ran back

to the bus, stayed with the driver until help arrived,
and the driver was taking the hospital, treated and released
and everybody was safe. But talking about a nine year
old making a split decision, the right decision, probably saving lives,
they get the Addison I see you, I see I
see you, Bobby Bones show it is there a food

you just won't eat? Like what's the for me? It
is onions. If there is an onion, if I know
there's an onion, I will not eat it. I cannot
take an onion raw or cooked or do not care
minus raw onions. I can't eat an onion for anything.
What do you have? Um? I don't eat olives. Nope, no, no,

no no. And it's somehow they sneak up in whatever
I'm eating. I'm like, oh at the spit it out.
I'm really dramatic about it too. I like green old olives,
you like those green black whatever. I don't want any
that's been more of an adult acquired taste coming chair.
I started like all of Yeah, so no alives for you,

No onions or mayonnaise for meat lunch. What food can
you just not eat? Mayonnaise? And tomatoes and tomatoes? Tomatoes?
Tomatoes are disgusting. I send it back because they say, oh,
you can just pick the tomatoes off. No, tomato juice
gets on everything and it ruins it. You take it
back and get me a whole new sandwich or burger
or whatever. If the tomato touched it, it goes back. Sorry,

So so far it's onions, olives, tomatoes, but really crushing
the vegetables here. Although tomatoes are fruit, I guess a
vegetable are they what do you think they are meat?
I think they are ay? I have no idea. I
don't know I'm not gonna. I'm not gonna at all.
You think it's a nasty piece of fat. Oh, mine's
controversial because I can't eat. How opinion is I won't

do it? I don't. I don't like this. Wait a minute, ward, Yes,
they pronounces narkos goes. I don't. I cannot eat anywhere.
Are your parents ashamed of you? Yes? Because they order
hallapinas on the side with everything. We go to McDonald's.
They asked him, they have hallepini. Weird. That'd be like

me going, I do not eat white bread. No, it's
not the same thing Raymond. Anything you don't eat produce
Raymond sausage on my pizza. Sausage period. I could eat sausage.
We're just not on my pizza. Ruins the pizza. Interesting.
Don't judging. You just said I went on a whole
right about tomato juice, and he goes, what are we judging?

We all have our things. But he eats sausage, but
just not on his pizza. Okay. I hate peanut butter.
I hate peanut butter, but I get a peanut butter
cup peanut butter. That's weird. Yeah, eddies are video producer
and he's thirty Evan, he's got two kids, and he's
also a legend in his own neighborhood. That it's absolutely true.

The boys in the neighborhood. I guess some of the
kids have been seeing me writing my skateboard around and like,
I don't really know anyone in the neighborhood, but I
can tell they're watching me. And like a couple of
weeks ago, I saw some kids being like, oh, wow,
that's so cool he's writing. But the other day I
was carving the hills up and I guess the noise
and the wheels brought people out and I had a
whole audience and I heard some of the kids go, there,

he is the skateboarder. I've seen you skateboard on your Instagram. Yeah,
what do you think It looks like you're really really
slow and really really straight. Yeah. Oh no, no, no,
I'm carving it up. I'm going side by side, kind
of like a snowboarder wood on the mountains. So you
feel like they're flocking outside to see you. Now I
know they are. I made one turn and they all
started clapping. What if they're like all gathering outside. Isn't

wait for them on the fall. There he is, let's
see the falls today. That's I got five I got
five bucks on the old man following him and you
ent or out? Yeah, stay safe, Eddie. Skateboards arman for
thirty seven year old. Oh do you wear a helmet? No? No,
no, no no, what are you kidding me? No? They have
no respect from you. I did that? Can you do

an ali? No? It's a longboard. It's all about writing.
It's kind of like the Harley of skateboards. And stop that.
You're so cool, I know. Okay, we gotta get it.
I want a video of you carving it out, okay
with your fans watch. Yeah, I want I want the
the what do they call that group of people to
watch it go off the gallery. I want the gallery
watching you carve it up. You got it all right?

There is skater boy. Eddie. Do you wear like one
of those white Beater ships of the tire on your
neck when you go down? No? Man, I just wear
my regular clothes. Okay. Bringing you the good news right now,
all positivity. That's our goal. There's so much sour stuff

in the news that's not while we're here. I will here. Ay,
we're here to tell the good. Here, tell the good. Amen,
all right, thank you, let's go. How about this? Responding
to a call about an elderly woman who had needed
please show up check on her, then decided to cooking
breakfast and they hang out with there for like an

hour and just talk so they make sure she's good.
She is good. He's like, well, you know what, I
checked on your well being. We're saying, how about it
make you some breakfast, Let's watch some TV. Because she's
been by herself for a long time. And that's an
officer that is just going on above and beyond. I
love that. Give me the Tom Mitchell is a mechanic
who works on school buses and sometimes fills and driving

and on one of his routes in Clarksville, Tennessee, he
was taking a group of special needs students to school
and that's where he noticed that one wheelchair bound child
was struggling to get out of her house and onto
the bus. So he decided to do something about it.
He built her a ramp that's above me on, We're
gonna get amen, thank you. The mayor of Johnston, Iowa,

always wants the community to give back and she tries
to raise money for the food pantry. So every ten
dollar donation she runs miles. So far this year, she's yes,
so far this year she's run over three hundred miles
because people keep donating to the food pantry. Wow, that's man,

that's good news right there. See, don't you feel better better?
Thank you? Thank you. Today. This story comes with us
from Little Rock, Arkansas. A man broke into a home

when there was a lady there and he was like,
I need some money, and she said, well, I don't
have any cash. How about we go to the A
T M. So they go and they get three. He goes,
I want more, and they she said that's the limit.
How about I write you a check? Oh wow, okay,
So she's gonna write the burglar to check. So he
says great, and so she wrote him a check for
eight hundred dollars. How generous. Yeah yeah, but has his

name on it. Yeah yeah, yeah, yeah man, she should
have done it for more. Yeah I should have that
million dollars. Yah yeah, man. Much story of the day. Yes, sir,
how much you like? Ten million, a hundred million? Heck,
one billion? It is all right, thank you ask the

question a lot? Am Oh well, I was just looking
at some old school pictures of Garth Brooks and it
made me think, like back in the day, the radio
people were probably interviewing him and hanging out with them
and doing stuff, not really knowing he was going to
be the goat Garth Brooks. I'm like, who's going to
be that of like our time? Like these people that
come in our studio and we've seen them play for
the first time, Like, who's going to grow up to

be the garth Ish Eric Church because he did it different,
Sam Hunt because he did it way different and just
sold And people would give stam On credit, not even
for his music, but for just being like to heck
with the system, Like you want a rule breaker like
that dude, just like I don't care what people think.
And that's a big part of it. Uh. Those are

the people that I gravitate to, people that just don't
care about rules because there are none. You make your
own rules. And to a good question, would you put
on the list who's who we like getting fifteen years
and go wow? I think Luke Bryan. I mean he's
just killed it. He's killed it. I think he's the
man right now and will continue to be. I think

Rascal Flats. They've had a history and they're still going
there spanning decades. I think they kind of already are
what they are. They're a legendary band. They've done it,
and they're back putting out hits again. Like Garth, I
don't know if they're ever Gartha. Just I just was
using him because I was looking at young, young pictures
and him probably and I was picturing him walking in

some radio station for the first time. I'm like, God,
if people probably didn't know what in the world he
was going to turn into when they first saw him
playing and stuff. But I felt about you, like people
have no idea, Yeah, no idea, Yeah, get yours this.
We play a game sometimes where I'll give you the

real name of a country artist and you give me
the name we know them by. For example, the one
that fools you a bet ago was Thomas Luther. You
had no idea that that was Luke Bryant. I love it, Yeah,
I love it. When you get it dead, stomp your feet,
all right, So that's how the game works. Tracy Darryll,

what country artist's real name is? Tracy Darrell, Tracy Lawrence, No,
Tracy dak and your clothes keep. Some of the people
I thought the real names were their stage names too.
I like this next one. I'm surprised by Brad Douglass
Brad Paisley just because of the Brad. But like, if

I'm thinking about changing names, I'm probably going to like
Brad Shocker or you know, Brad Bonanza, like Paisley such
a like. Maybe it's like a grandfather or something. I
don't know the story behind his name. I thought that
was his name. What is it really, Brad Douglas. But

I'd be like Brad b stro or something, you know, catchy. Yeah,
Jason Williams, Jason al Dean. Yeah, some of these are
so easy because make their first name. I wonder what
if Aldine is like its middle name. That's also a
thing too. Maybe it's like in middle name. Hey, look up,

Jason al Dean where that came from. I'll give you
one more. Bob Ritchie, Bob Ritchie, Garth Brooks, stop it, Okay, okay,
all right, um George, straight stop it. Why are you
insulting the greatest Bob. I'm trying to think of a

Bob Bob Ritchie Ritchie, Bob Ritchie. Wait, what's wrong this
could be their real names. I'm not sort of insult
m Tim mcgrawl, kid Rock, are you getting? I mean,
now that you say it, I know his real name's Bob.

And did you find thing about Aldine over there? Now?
I'm still reading what are you reading? Wikipedia? Man's it's
your middle name. It's Jason al Deane Williams. But it's
felt a l d I any al Dine? Maybe wow? Yeah,
so I thought it could be a like it's his
maiden name. Yeah, yeah yeah. Blowing out birthday candles lead

to a fifteen hundred percent increase in bacteria on cake.
Now I only read this because holy calv I've been
saying this for a that ye all my life. There's
no chance I eate a birthday cake with some one
blows on it. I mean, but surely in your life
you have and you've been fine. I'll watch no, no, no,
you're telling me somewhere in your life you've never had

a birthday cake or someone bonets candles, Not that I
watched it. No, Never have I watched someone spit into
a cake and ate it. I don't mind, I won't
end it. They're passing if they're passing it out I'll
go for a part. I don't think that it's like
touched on the very very side. It's gone everywhere. But
Bobby's like digging under the bottom of the cake. Like.
But the thing is, I've been saying this forever. Half

think about a six year old and when he oh,
I just saw your mouth and exactly if you were
rolling around candles, do you think you would spit? I
don't think you would. I think it comes out you're
still blowing things like, it's still answers. A new study
at a Clemson says that it's a and sometimes like

if it really goes crazy, it's percent increase. That's pretty cool.
You're pretty much as eating their tongue like on their birthday.
Here you have some cake. And some time I followed
this data site called five thirty eight dot com and
they did a whole story on the most rewatchable movies
of all time, like if it comes on, you're gonna
watch it again, and so here, three, two, one, number

five is Gone with the Wind. I've never seen it.
Number four is the Lord of the Rings series. I
watched it because everybody loved it. I really wasn't into it.
Number three is the Sound of Music, never seen it.
Number two is a Wizard of Oz saw but I
was like two, and the number one is Star Wars.
What this is where Pretty Woman hits? They do make

the list. Shawshank Redempsons Redemptions at eight, for Scumps at eleven.
Dirty Dancing is at thirteen, So our movies start to
hit a little later. Pretty Woman is at sixteen. The
Matrix is at nineteen. But if there are movies on,
like basically any Will Smith movie, if it comes on,
like I always use hitches my example, if Hitches on,

it doesn't matter where it is. If Office spaces on,
I can watch that. If there's one more, yeah, not
that's not for me, Okay, it's for me pretty much.
I say, any Reese Witherspon movie, Julia Robert, I can
sit there and rewatch it over and over. If what's on?

Can you rewatch it over and over? Lunch by any
Denzel Washington movie. I love them. Pick one Remember the Titans.
They showed that one a lot of TV. Yeah, tps,
Oh yeah, you'd be flipping through there it is. You
just start washing them man sunshine, and you know, I
mean it's just like whoa boy, It's such a good movie.
Min's Field of Dreams. A Field of Dreams is on,

I'll watch it over and over. I don't ever see
that on. I don't either, but maybe we just don't
notice it because we don't care. Yeah, I've seen it,
I think, Yeah, me too. It's a good one for sure, Raymond.
Anytime Titanic's on, I'm watching at least thirty minutes of it.
That makes the list of number fourteen. The Avengers makes
the list at the very end of it. Number about
Devil Wars product No, but these are our own. Our

own is different too. If Friends is on the show,
it doesn't matter where it is and what an episode
or when it is. You can just sit and watch,
and you can watch seven of them in a row,
you know what I mean. So, and I thought it
was interesting. Um that is there any Wilston movie I
didn't like? I sort of think, did you like Pursuit
of Happiness? I loved it. I loved I don't ever

see it, but I did love it. Make me sad
though they were living in the bathroom. Oh my god. Yeah,
I guess we'll go now. Our producer, Eddie has a
four year old and his four year old is freaking
out because if you get a flu shy, now I
get freaking out. But he wanted to punch the nurse
and then take the needle and turn it on the
nurse too much. That just a little too much. So

I said, hey, how have your kids embarrassed you? Anazon?
And thank you for calling go ahead. So a few
years ago, when my oldest I was about three years old,
I was eight months pregnant with her baby sister. We
had just went to the zoo. I was addusted. Had
you go to the grocery store and pick up some
stuff for dinner? Well, I was very, very pregnant, So

I got one of those electric shopping car type things,
and for some reason she's just started throwing an absolute
horrible fit in the store. I don't even know about what.
I couldn't pick her up in controler because I was
so pregnant. She was there, couldn't put her in the
shopping the electric shopping car because of safety hazards, and
I just had to sit there for like ten minutes

and listen to her scream and whale about absolutely nothing.
So what happened? You just waited her out? Yeah? Eventually,
eventually I got her calm down and like walking through
the shopping cart with me. But it was about ten
minutes of sitting in the protoce section, just her freaking out.

Amy's about experience this at once. Yeah, Well, I have
things like because my children don't know etiquette, Like they
take food out of their mouth if they don't like
it and throw it over their shoulder because that's what
they do with That's what they do with the orphanage.
So when we're i'll seating a restaurant, that's what they do.
And I'm like, oh gosh, I'm like, no, I can't

wait for that. I can't wait for those kind of stories. Yeah,
that's gonna made my heart full of all the stories.
That's gonna have my heart the bullet when they decide
they didn't like the spaghetti, they pull it out of
their mouth and throat on a table behind them. Yeah,
I mean bring the kids, I said. Waiters, they don't
know how to work. They just shoot. My daughter yells
at the waiter. Meat Meat. That was my nickname of college.

Hey we're gonna come, let me take someone calls for
a second show. Nicole in Indiana. How are you? I
am great? How are you, guys, I'm really good. Thank
you for calling the show awesome. Thank you for having
such a great show. I love it. I listen to
you guys every morning on my way to work. I
appreciate that. Is there anything you'd like to say to
anybody here on the show? Yes, I mean, all you

guys are fantastic, and I know and I love how
you are big supporters of the police department and the
fire department. I'm a firefighter's wife, so it means so
much to my husband to hear you guys and all
your support that you show for the for them guys.
So I mean that's a big thing for us. Nicole,
let me ask you a question. First of all, thank you,
but I want to ask you a question as the

firefighter's wife. So when your husband goes to work, there's
got to be a little bit of stress every single day,
right because and any time he could get a call
to have to go into a super dangerous situation. Well,
in our town, we're like, we're really small, so it's
all volunteers. So the guys that we have, they have
day jobs and then you know, the fire department, so
I mean they're on call seven. I mean, even when

they're at work, they have their pages on. My husband
takes his to work with him and he's also a
first responder, so he does both. And you know, every
time he walks out that door, you know, yeah, my
heart kind of skips a beat. You know, it's a quick,
you know, quick peck on the cheek. I love you,
and be safe and I'll see you when I see you.
And then you know, our kids say a little prayer
for him and everybody that's going out to do what

they do and for the people that are involved, you know.
So yeah, I mean it can be it can be
very scary, but you know, he loves his job. So
he's been doing it. This is his sixth year doing it,
so he absolutely loves it. Let's tell him we say
hello and we appreciate him. And if you're listening right
now and you are a police officer, or you are
a firefighter, or you're in the military, like you're doing
things that we don't do because we're scared and we

gotten radio so without you guys doing that like man
that anyway, I appreciate you. I appreciate you, and thank
you for calling. And tell your husband we say hello
and again, what you do too, I mean, you keep
him in a place for him to be able to
do what he does. So I do, and our kids
just love it. My daughter thinks it's so cool. She
tells everybody that listens to her that her stepdad is

a firefighter and she wants to be just like him
when she grows up. So it is so awesome. Well,
thank you for listening to the show, and thanks for
taking the time to call us this morning. No problem,
thank you guys. All right, bye bye bye. All right,
there we go. Man, look at that right, there's the
Bobby Show. Oh man, everybody waits for this. People tell

these jokes all day. I've heard I'll get a message
at three pm. Just told the Morning Corny. Thanks for that.
So Amy tells this joke until she bombs one and
then it goes to one of the guys. But but
I'm pretty good strict lately, Morning Corny. What happened to
the baby chicken that misbehaved at school? What happened to

the baby chicken that misbehaved at school? It was eggs
spelled these chicken jokes. That was the Morning Corny. There
you go. Remember the experiment we did with daddy's kid.

And it was like, if you beat him a vegetable
every day for three weeks, they'll start to like the vegetable.
The vegetable you chose was the wheat potatoes. Yeah, pretty easy.
He hated it first, he did not like it, but
then he started to be okay with it. Now he
doesn't love it, but he let it. So you decided
to kind of modify a new experiment a little bit.

All right, what's that? Well too, if you noticed carrots,
little baby carrots look a lot like cheetos, and he
loves cheetos, that's funny. So what I did was mixing
a little bit of baby carrots and cheetos, and see
if you notice the difference you put baby carrots and
the cheetos. That's awesome. Okay, So then you did what

you went up to with the phone and recorded him. Yeah,
I said, I go ahead, eat your veggies cheetos, the
big ones cho. What what is that? He? Sure? Can

we see that? Taste it? Carrot? Do you like it
as much as the cheeto? All right? Hey, he's smarter
than I thought. He noticed the different But too, he
wouldn't have problem me in the carrots because it looked
like a cheeto. Do you think that affected his mind?
For sure? It has the same crunch you call like

a healthy cheeto totally and he won't know the difference.
That's funny, man, He's talking so much better. It's it's
wild here. Eddie's kids grow up. Just can I see them?
And they look like Eddie with hair, like just different
stages there. But it's crazy to hear like their vocabulary,
I know, bigger and he's talking like now I know it.

Tell ed Junior Junior Aim and her husband got a massage,
which I think he's a good think it's a surprise, right, Yeah,
he just thought it would be something cool. You know.
I always try to ask him for a couple's massages,
but it's not like one of his favorite things to
go do. But we've done it, you know a handful

of times in our ten years of marriage. And he
booked one surprised for me, and he's like, guess what
I'm coming with you. It's kind of our last like
kind of something we could do before the kids come.
Now I know that there's always Yeah, I want a girl,
my husband I both always want girls. And he told me,
he said, hey, don't worry. Gave all my head's up

that we both wanted girls like perfect and we're all
in the same room. It's fine. Well, this is halfened
before in our handful of massages that we've had together,
where a guy and a girl walk out and I'm like,
oh my goodness, there's the guy missus and the girl sus.
And so I look at my husband and I know
I know he'll he'll just be like, well, I'll pass
on the massage. Jay, Avery, wait here. We just leave

the room and said again stuck with a guy. Yes,
he would be like, I'll come back another time. Just
do your thing. I'll meet you on the other side.
I'm like, okay, So I just know I have to
take one for the team, and I'll take the I
even though I don't like guys, and he can get
the girl, and I mean, I get it. Plus he
was sweet enough to book the homessage for me as

a gift. So that's what we ended up doing. Well,
then we're like comparing are you naked? Yeah, well I
were underwear. He would do okay, so he's not naked eye.
You guys are get button. I don't have a butt.
Naked eye If people do. We both were underwear and
then you know, you have on a white robe and
then you take it off and you crawl in and
they leave the room and they come back in. Yeah.
So we're like talking afterwards in comparing notes when you know,

we're driving home and I'm like, you're not gonna believe this.
I was like, my dude like stuck his finger. Wait
what you have a dude person? All you did have
to do? Did have to Is that weird that he
like sees your underwear? I mean he talked, he talked
the sheet into my underwear. That's weird. So I don't

know if he ever really saw it, because it's like,
I don't know, is weird? Is that weird for him?
The like he's like he lifts It's like the sheet
was over me. But the next thing I knew, he
was like lifting up my underwear but tucking the sheet
in it. I don't know enough about being as well.

That wasn't even the weird part though, but saying it
out loud now feels weird. Yes, I had the dude
and he was massaging my temples and they moved down
to my ears and then he massaged my earlubs, and
I was like, oh, that's kind of nice, you know whatever,
and then he stuck his fingers in my ears because
I was so weird. And my husband was like, oh
my gosh, like why did you do that. I'm like,

I don't know, Yeah, it was weird. So then he's like,
he's like, well, when you were faced down, He's like,
you probably didn't even notice this, but my girl left
the room to go pee. Where did you guys go,
like one of those special No, No, it was nice,

and he said she was kept apologizing for like, because
I guess that just like should not happen. But it's
an hour long massage. I mean, I feel bad for
them if they had to go to the bathroom, like
I would want them to go, but apparently I was
an emergency and she had to go and she came
back and I was like, oh, how long was she gone?
And he was like, I don't know, several minutes, but
we still finished at the same time, and all I

can think about it he got shorted, like she should
have given him extra And then she also said she
did this awesome thing where she with the skin that's
in between your big toe and your middle toe. She
like pulled it and squeezed him, pulled it and like

put pressure. She and buy pressure there, and he told
me that was the best thing ever. So now I
know he pulls webbing. Well I don't know, I haven't yet,
but now I know that's something that he really likes.
And we wouldn't have found that out if she hadn't
have done that. You needed that new touch. Yeah. Anyway,

it was really awesome, but awkward the whole day, I mean,
our whole experience. It was really great, but then we
were just like when we were in the car, We're like,
what what just happened? But yeah, yeah, that's funny guest story. Though.
I do think that the underwear things weird. Yeah. I

didn't even think about that until you started asking. I
would just be like if I were a dude and
it's dark in there, you know, yeah, but not really Ariz,
I get used to it, That's true, that would be weird.
Like I had Granny panti it up me. Yeah, I
mean I would go in like full swimwear. Oh well
that's what you think i'd wear anyways, So it's for
sure it is. He's sometimes like Amy's beige. Yeah, her

new colored underwear. It comes up half her back and
you're like, it's so it's supposed to be, you know,
blend with the skin. Yeah, and nothing wears the nude
colored underwear. Anything else I wanna talk about? Are we good? Right?
Should we go? Or no? Sorry? I couldn't stop laughing. Okay,

thank you Mr Bobby Bones on Instagram this. We like
to play a game called easy Trivia. We're gonna play
easy music Trivia. So I'll ask you an easy music
trivia question. Amy Lunchbox, answer the question, what's been the

number one best selling country album this year so far?
Easy music Trivia? The number one best selling country album
this year. I'm in for the whim. I'm in need
the name of the album, Amy, name of the album?
Go ahead. So I did song, that's not the question.

I did body Like a Background. The name of the
album is body Like a Backroad. We did the same
Chris Stapleton from a room Artists, your passion of Chris
Stapleson's sake, Body Like a Background, He'd probably crush it.
I would be amazing, just be a little bit different.
He black hot Day six weeks with a bright black

head of you sound like Fantom of the Opera. What
are you doing? Amy's riffing with us? I can rip? Okay, alright,
go what's the best selling country band of all times?
The music trivia? The best selling country band of all

time from the wind is Zach Brown Band My Boys
from ZBB, Alabama forty six point five million US units sold.
Because they're older, they've definitely had more time to sell her.
Yet that's the answer most of all times, because they're older.

I know, I guess we should rarely are the all
timers like nineteen Hey, some of these people I don't know.
An axe is also known as what come on an axe?
I've been dominating this trivia. Zero right? So does zero right? Ax? Okay?

Electric guitar? Lunch box? It's a guitar. At about those answers?
That's correct? All right? You we have two more questions.
It's time. How about who's the lead singer of Queen?
Who was the lead singer of Queen? That's easy, good
technicality there, thank you, because I was confused? Or who

was the lead singer of Queen? Music? Trip? Yeah, I'm
in for the wind and I'm so much hate for this.
This is wrong, boy, George, what on Earth. Wo what
world did you go up with that? Yeah? You might
get a little I mean that's why I'm glad you

clarified who was because Freddie Mercury say it again, Freddie Mercury,
Freddie Mercury. Yeah, boy George was Culture Club and then
boy George, thank you. I knew he was in a band.
I he had died. That's why we were like, oh man, No,

he's still alive. He's still kicking. He looks nothing like
he used to. So much of me felt so wrong
about that answer. Lifebox at one. Oh, I'll give you
one final question, easy music trip. Who's the best selling
musical duo of all time? Duo? Okay, who knows a

lot of country all time? All all time, all time?
So it's not Dan and Cha. I'm gonna go a
little more. It's not Megan and Liz. Oh wait, I
think I know who it is. No, we'll just hit

me like, what do you have written down? I got
Simon and Garfuncle. That's a pretty good guys, that's a
really good guess. That's all I got. Would you have
said that? I would have said, Maria Dandy Osmond, would
you like to change your answer? Sign funcles minute, is

it really popular? I don't have either of those good
because he's wrong on both of them. But the fact
you went first of all the Osmonds would have been
a thing of the family that whatever. No, you're wrong, Amy,
go ahead, I'm gonna go with my good friends Haul
and Oats. Alight, dramatic. Let's say we gets the closest

closest wins. Okay? How many members are in the Zach
Brown Band? I mean how many you had? Excuse me again? Well,
I'm in for the wind, all right, Amy, what do
you have? Seven? Sorry, it's seven? It's eight tied? Okay?

About this? Any good job? You didn't get it right?
Speed round? Oh you all your name? What country singer
had the nickname the Man in Black Arthura? No, no,
let's come on, boys, I everywhere with you. Never wear

from me? He was wearing black. Okay, that's it right,
probably worn black? Alright, could show? So we do this show, right,
we had this show and it's this big radio show,

and so we're on all over the country. I'm amazed too,
how we blasted? Don't ask me, but we do weather
in a lot of the cities that we're in, and
so Amy doesn't the weather, and but producer Raymond has
said he'd like to start doing the weather. But he
want he's invented his character, and what is his character? Well,
it's crazy ready the weather guy. But I get really

into the weather. Forecatch I love weather? Can I haven't
heard this pitch yet? And this is how something will happen.
So I'm gonna come and go, Hey, I got a
new idea for a segment. Mostly it's lunchbox on the
impression and then hear what that do? Right and really
bad the phone in the bathroom. No, no, no, okay,
So here's crazy ray the weather guy doing the weather. Yeah,

I'm gonna do let's I'll do Vegas right here. Okay,
so this is Vegas weather and this is what you
would like to do every day? Yeah, okay, so do
I just hit the music? Just said okay, and do
you count me down or I don't know? Worried? Okay,
here we go. Wow, it's crazy right your weather guy.
Here's your weather today? Mostly sony, h that's it. I'm

not you need to I know you're not, but you
need to close you like you'd be like, I'm ready,
that's crazy weather. And then there's gonna be out all right,
that's my out. Yes again, but that's all your input
was pitch that wasn't bad, buterature. And this is the pitch.
You know, the pitchers there have to be perfect. Okay,

this is the pitch. All right, try again. I'm gonna
do St. Louis. Okay, Sandys shout out here, we got
ready three too. It's crazy right, your weather guy Sat Louis. Once,
I'm ninety three seven the ball mostly Sonny Hi in
your fifty six. I'm ready that your weather did You're
gonna pop a vest all. You can't do that, he's selling,

Stephen Tyler. Do you have any other cities over there? Yeah?
I got him? What do you? What else you have
you want to do in New Orleans? Noa, New Orleans.
Here's crazy read the weather guy. It's crazy right, your
weather guy on one point partly sunny Hi, Sundy, no,
look shout out. I'm right, that's your crazy weather. He's

got something he does. But because he's gonna hurt himself,
I like it. So you won't last, that's what you're saying.
I mean, you had a stretch. You want me to
do Austin My only here's my only again, if I
were like affecting the craft of this is you're yelling
is crazy. But you gotta add something crazy in there too.
Alight like something like when you were like, it's so
hot you get I got on the sidewalk and watch crazy.

There's something there's always an element you gotta you're missing that.
So you're gonna do Austin now alright, crazy right the
weather guy. I have to do a boring tag with
it though, so just definit why that there's like a thing.
I have to give a shout out to local meteorologists. Okay,
then make that great. Hey you're crazy, dude. Everything you
do is crazy. Remembory tank, you're you. You don't go

crazy than going Also shout local media. I'll just am
you know, I mean, be crazy here we got three
to alight at. It's crazy z. I was gonna go
into that and then I get crazy. I have to
give a shout out to this local mediologist crazy rights
only crazy, he's only that that was lame rank. I
mean it's gonna be long, but go, okay, here we go,

you're crazy. Here we go three to one. Here's your
can the weather forecast for cheap. Yeah, that's what I'm
telling you. It's a mouthful. You gotta be crazy and
nail it though. All right, let's trying more time. Ray's pitches.
It's crazy weather. Character he liked to do weather. All
the city is being crazy, right, all right, you gotta

hit it. There you ready, three Tollston, it's crazy right
your weather got shout out to stop Fisher. Here's your weather,
mostly sun. Don't go outside seventy six. I'm right, that's
a crazy weather. Don't go outside. It's probably gonna be
the most beautiful day ever. It's hot. Don't go outside.

That's good, dude. I like, I think like you got
better at it. A little more bone in there. Do
you have any out I have Washington d C. There
we go one more w m c Q. Now remember
you get at that like you just did. Don't go outside,
even though it's not right, it's so crazy, it's it's
I like it though. It's so crazy to say. He
was ready pitching the crazy right weather. Here we go

three too, he's crazy. One other guy washing the DC.
Shut up. Here's the weather forecast, sonny. If you get colder,
can be freezing, stowing it won't be that's a crazy weather.
Anything that's entertaining. I like it, but it's gonna be
exhausted by the time that's over. You're gonna do all

the cities. That's crazy. Okay, the crazy red what he
wanted you today. I don't know that you can pull
that off every day, but I do like the idea
of the character. All right, well we' the meeting. Oh man,
it's crazy, right the weather guy man, and who knew
it froze at thirty eight degrees? Hey, that's crazy. It's crazy.

He says, if it's twenty degree colder, it'll snow. Well, yeah,
that's thirty eight. First of all, he said, if it's
thirty is going to snow. To go outside, But he's crazy.
What do you expect? Man? So happy you guys, it's
been even just a few minutes with us today. Thank
you so much. I gotta go. Hopefully you guys will

be around. We'll be around. I'm around all day actually.
Mr Bobby Bones on Twitter and Instagram and if you
have the I Heart Radio app, search Bobby Bones Show
on demand. Thank you guys, come on show.
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