All Episodes

February 1, 2018 78 mins

Amy’s kids don’t believe dolphins are real and “Parked Out By The Lake” singer/songwriter Dustin Christensen calls the show

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:02):
Everybody transmitted America from Morning, Good Morning, and welcome to
Thursday Show. Hey Mark there, I'm bringing the story about
how people will drive up and go, hey, I'm gonna
sell your TV, and people go, oh, yeah, it's a

t V. Huh yeah, three d bucks. They bought these
TVs from people. It turns out they were just the
shells of a TV and they were taping rocks inside
of them, so they felt heavy. And it's not like
you get mad and go officer of the law. I
bought a TV at a gas station and not Bill Jipps,
and I didn't open it up and look at it.
Even then, you're probably buying a stolen TV if it's

a real TV. So but charges are filed against these
two guys who allegedly sold rock filed television sets. I
just wouldn't call. I would be just embarrassed that I
bought it rotten. You fell for it. There were once
there were TV iPads that were selling at the gas station,
remember this, And they opened it up and it was
just like cut cuttings. So people wouldn't look in the box.

Why do you not look in the box, Well, because
you want to deal, you know, don't look at gift
tords in the mouth, give them bucks and get out
of there with your iPad. Gotta go. No electronics inside
the TVs, just taved rocks. They also found the TVs
hadn't been stolen, they were just empty shells. These guys
have taken dumpster or something. Yeah, and they've been pulling

similar stunts to others. They're facing theft by fraud instead
of theft by stealing TVs and reselling them. Theft by fraud.
But again, here's the moral. That somebody pulls up to
you at a gas station and wants to sell you anything.
Hackle down. That's the moral, because not just just hackle down,
and then sometimes you may get lucky. I just want
to I'll be at the mall, people like, hey, you
look at for new speakers that the parking lot. Yeah,

And I would think to myself, will I am looking
for one? That's funny? You ask? Yeah, I mean, I
guess they're getting charged of something. The fraud makes sense
because they're selling a fraud product. But still those other
people are of m and what if yes, and what
if they said then they were given the TV charges
of conditions are the you never they covered themselves with

how do we know they didn't do that? You can't
recognizing people doing cool things. The seventeen year old high
school senior Cali Quinn did not have a date for prom.
Do you see on Twitter with the Mets in your
midst So she asked the New York Mets, her favorite
baseball team, to help her out. He said, hey, can

I come take pictures at stadium with players? Prom pictures?
And they say, okay, if you can get five hundred
thousand retweets, thinking she would never get five hundred thousand
retweets because who's gonna get five hundred thousand retweets except
for that they got from Wendy's Chicken Nuggets. Yeah, if
she could get that, they would organize part to come
and take pictures at City Field with players. So in

eight days, who came up with bad idea? Though them,
that's guy. They're like, she'll never do it. Let's just
say this, And then she got it. And not only
did she go, they had the stadium ready, Mr Met,
they got the baseball head, that mascot was their players,
all of it. He even did the promposal to her.
Mr Met the mascot, So I had that it's going fun.
Good for the Mets. But I wonder if they would

have done it even if she hadn't got five, saying like,
why would they? I hope they thought that she could
get it. I would never think someone could get that many.
Why did you make something unattainable when it's her wish
so you don't have to do it? Yeah, I see
you show big story. It's producer Raymond. In Harris County, Texas,
a man barricaded himself and his home and shot a

cop despite me handcuffed. Official said the cop was taken
to the hospital and is in stable condition and is
going to be fine. So that's awesome news. In Virginia
that Amtrak train carrying the Republican lawmakers crashed into a
garbage truck, killed the driver. Well, now we're finding out
the railroad crossing had been malfunctioning for weeks before the
crash happened. And finally, in sports, were three days away

from the Super Bowl. Experts are warning watch out for
fade tickets. Only buy tickets through Trusted Tickets site. Yeah,
I've been brought to my attention that lunchbox won't pay
his debts around here, has this been a thing. Huh. Well,
I just say this that he owes me thirty dollars
from the pool that we all we're supposed to get in.
That's true. And then apparently everybody chipped in on my

Christmas present and Lunchbox never paid his part. Oh wow,
we didn't follow up on that and it was forty Yeah,
he didn't. We got you the blender and then also
some shelves were gonna be made, so it was a
pretty pricey gift. And he didn't pitch in at all.
And I remember him saying that he was maybe getta
Venmo or something, but nobody's all that money. I don't
think so. Now you're lying because I've never I don't

have been most I never said i'd been response to yeah,
I call him a liar for that makes things up. Uh.
The person in charge of the money was Amy. She
was gone for a month. Sorry, I couldn't get the
money to her. She was too busy adopting two kids.
I have apologize. She got. What is me being busy
has to do with you, bag? Because you're the one
in charge of I can't give you money when you're

not here. Oh well, I mean I don't know every
single persons paid. Yeah that's good. But just now, but
you're never even like asked or said anything. You know what,
today's a fresh day. Here's my thing. Did the shelves
ever get built? Yeah, they've been built. I don't want
to pay for something that's not going to happen. You're like,

that's it's fine, Like it's there's nothing to the shelves.
And Bobby is in on. The shelves are custom made,
and he has a plan and it's being worked on
on his timeline. But hey, you know I'm owed the money. Yeah.
And then really Amy's thing was whatever you feel you
want to chip in, and so that's yeah, Eddie, Yeah everyone,

thank you. Yeah, I know it's your Christmas present for you. Yeah. Okay,
well just you know, yeah, when when she got back,
I was gonna pay her. I just haven't had brought
my check for check book. What about me for the bet?
No? No No, you I I didn't really buy those days.
I never saw it count Oh my goodness, whatever, you
know what, don't let him in any other pools, okay, done?

Really it's like your children. No, it's just like taking
care of my children. I have two children at home
and one at work time. Now for your Positivity Looks segment,
we call it tell Me something Good Good. So it's
bus driver and die hard Philadelphia Eagles fan. His name

is Gary. Been driving a bus for years and years,
twenty seven years for all the kids. They all know him.
Even the second generation knows him at this point. So
everybody knows because we're Zigo hat. So they raised enough
money on to go fund me. They send him the
super Bowl. Yeah, people from over the years that have
been on the bus. No, he's a die hard Eagles fans.

They sent him to the game. That's just doing something
nice for somebody. That's awesome. Amy, you're up. So there's
a high school now has a Director of Love and Hospitality.
The principal has implemented this position for the four month
old Australian shepherd name Mike. It's a puppy that now
comes to school every single day and helps the kids interact.

It brightens their day, it takes them out of their
bubble every time they see Max. And yeah, that's his
or Mike, and that's his title, Director of Love and Hospitality.
The dog's title. Yeah, it's a title. And he's at
school every day and it's just really helping the kids
interact and be better in school. They say eat fruit
and vegetables to live a long life. But not Old Jack.

He's a hundred five years old. Just celebrated his birthday
and he said, you gotta have whiskey. Every morning he
drinks tea and whiskey, and every night before bed with
two shots of whiskey. He said, you want to live
to be a D five, drink your whiskey. I think
he just got the good genetic lottery. Yeah, Jack got lucky.

Every night I poured me a bow Old marm Rose.
It disgusting. Our producer Raymond is wearing his Eagles jersey today. Blasphemy,
I say, thinking, is that a Tim Tebow jersey? Yeah? Baby?

And have you bet all your money on the Eagles yet? No?
I still got to today. But you're going to I
don't know, gonna bring it up. If you're not going
to do it, I'm going to do it. That's why
it started as a thing. But it's coming from savings.
It's not instant money. So once that's available, I'll put
it into the account. His money always has to come
from somewhere far far away, and like no with my bank.
You can't just take money out of your savings account

and spend it. It's a process of you should get
a new bank because any account I have with my
bank where money is, you just get it out and
spend it, not mine and not with the savings account.
Then you don't have it in savings. Yes, I do
checking Raymond Raymonds are audio producer, and he has decided,
which I think is a terrible bet, to bet on
the Eagles all the savings account, which just to thousand dollars.

Two years ago he bet all of his truck and lost,
and he lost his truck for months and had to
pay it back to the punch shop. And you're taking
the Eagles plus four and a half. I want to
do money line. Oh that's right, you're going about the
Eagle straight up. I'm I'm telling you. It's a terrible
bad for many reasons. One, you don't have the extra
money to do it. That's why it's called a savings account.

It actually is extra money. I don't need that money
to live off of. I haven't even touched that in months.
But isn't a savings account. It's something bad happens or
later in life or you're saving for an engagement ring,
but Moby, he could double it. I got I don't know,
I don't know. That's the thing. This is going to
turn into even more than a savings account. This is
almost just a discretionary income saving party account. Oh, you're

gonna create a party account all kinds of stuff. That
sounds amazing. I'm gonna put a picture, little video to
of ray on my anser story and his Eagles jersey.
He's not an Eagles fan, but he loved Tim Tebow.
The Patriots are gonna whoop him. I watched a lot
more game film yesterday. I feel even more a competent
game film. Game film, go ahead. Eagles got some great players.

They're an amazing team, even though they don't have Wentz,
that other quarterback they got Good Folds is his name. Yeah, yeah,
thank you. There you go today. This story comes to
us from University Place, Washington. A twenty year old man
was having a party, so he ordered eighty dollars worth
of pizza Hut and he's like, man, I don't want

to pay for that, So we called it to a
fake building shows up with a gun and robs the pizza. Yes,
so they run his phone number through the Pizza Hut system.
He ordered two times a week, and so that number
was in there already and they had his real address.
They show up and the pizza sitting there on the
table have eaten. Wow, that's so crazy. One that he

just didn't steal the pizza from the building, is that
he robbed the delivery guy. Yeah, from the same one
he always calls, but this time he didn't want to
pack Robin a bar. You go for every happy, happppy
every day. Switch that up. That's crazy. All right there,
you got lunchbox at your bone head Story of the
Day show. It's a safe space, right. Yeah. I was

a little hurt nobody acknowledged that I had new glasses yesterday. Yeah,
I know I said anything. I did, no only because
I said, hey, Amy, I have new glasses, and yeah
they're very Harry Potter ish. I like them. And as
if you're coming with a new hairstyle and someone do
the same thing about it. I just felt a little

vulnerable and attacked. Wait no, no, ye attacked their silence. Yeah,
so I'm just sharing with you what's in my heart.
We have that safe space, right, yes, Okay, Well, then
if that's the case. I'm sorry I didn't say anything
because I definitely noticed. You can go ahead and I

should have said something. You're right. I mean if someone
has something new, that's a part of it. If I
had a new haircut, you're right, I would be waiting
for you to say, hey, did you get your haircut?
Do you think Harry Potter? I had? I did not
think Harry Potter. What do you think that older? All
these like old man glasses? Yeah, Eddie, Yeah, I thought, um, um,

you know that guy that that's in trouble, the Sharpton
know what's his name? He was on Saturday Night Live.
I'm good enough, I'm small enough. But Josh carn and
people like me, who's that? He's like, he's like a comedian.
But you're talking about Al Frankin that guy. That's the
first thing I thought. So I didn't see, but you
can at least say, hey, dude, it's the little man. No, no, no,

it's like, okay, a comparison like when you hear a
song for the first time, You're like, I don't know
what to think about these, So I'm not gonna say
anything on it yet. Yeah, that's wow. They do look
like Harry Potter, nother on Google Harry Potter. But you
didn't know what those look like. So what I've never
seen Harry Potter. I don't expect you to notice things
on lunch pots. You barely look up. Yeah, I don't really.
I mean your glasses looked, I mean different. I just
want to let you know that you love them, Okay,

I like a pair like Choose. Yeah, I expected more
from I expected more from you. I let you down.
I'll post a picture on my Instagram. You can tell
me about you think, Mr Bobby Bones on Instagram. I'll
take it right now and post it up. Today is
February one. Wake up, wake up, wake up, happy February.

I'm gonna tell you January I felt like about four months.
I'll be honest with you, it felt I asked twenty
weeks long. But February one, Valentine's Day is coming up. Dudes. Yeah,
lunchbox daddy, you gotta think about this. You're two weeks
away from having to make some sort of gesture with
your heart. Yeah. I have thought about it. Yeah. Good.
That's all you can do right now. That's it, and
you should start to act on it a bit. Amy married,

two kids, you're doing anything cool night. I don't know.
Amy changed. My husband said, we might need to work
on getting a sitter, but it's just so I'm a
sitter is not gonna be able to get our kids
to sleep. I don't know. You had to describe to
your kids a difference between a mermaid and a dolphin
last night. Well, they know mermaids are not real, but

they also thought dolphins weren't real like mermaids. So they
say the dolphin on the TV. They're like, at the mormaid,
it's not real, it's not real, it's not real. And
then the dolphin comes up and he's like, that's like
a mermaid, not real, not real, not real. So I
had to explain to them, yeah, mermaids totally fantasy, but
dolphins they're real. I'm gonna google, I'm gonna show you.
I'm gonna go show you dolphins. So it was just

so cute that they didn't think they're real. Now I
can't wait to take them somewhere to show them dolphins.
I wonder and I can throw this out to our listeners.
Things that you never thought you'd have to explain to
your kids that you were like oh, I have to
explain this. This is ma because you never would have
thought you had to explain that the dolphin and a mermaid,
although similar in TV shows and movies, one's real one isn't. Yes,

I'm a rand think dolphins are real to about two
years ago. I don't see him on TV. Our phone
numbers eight seven, seven seventies seven, Bobby, let's do this.
Funny things they you've had to explain to your kids,
I'll do one. No, I don't have any kids, but
I had to explain to lunchbox what hump day was.
That's a good one. That it means it's the middle

of the day, like you want over the hump? And
what that ain't a real thing? What did he think
it was? He did think it's a real thing. I
was just making it up to mess with them, just
being funny, to make me look stupid. And then man,
people say it all the time and it's hilarious, but
you realize it's about getting over the hump in the
middle of if you want to say that, but it's

literally about getting over the hump. Hey, that's not what
he thinks. And is that okay? How I used literally? There? Yes? No, well,
because there's no literal hump. Yeah, the literal hump could
be I'm not getting into that. It is okay, I
accept that, Thank you. Amy was talking a few minutes
ago about having to explain to her kids, ages ten

and seven, that, Okay, mermaids aren't real, but dolphins are real,
and that that's a conversation you never thought you'd be having.
And so I said, what have you had to explain
to your kids? Karen in New York, good morning, Good morning.
What do you think about this? Well, so I have
three kids. Um, so my oldest is now ten. But

when she was about three, Uh, when I take her
to daycare, there was a sewage treatment plant. It was
across the street and sometimes in the summer and it
was really hot. Uh, it was smell. And one day
she asked me, she said, Mommy, what does that smell?
And I said, well, that's the sewage treatment plant. And
she asked what that was. I explained it was where

all the waist goes for everybody who lives in the city.
And and she's like, well, that's a really stinky plant,
and I said, yeah it is. It is stinky. And
so she started pointing to the trees and the bush
airs and saying is that the stinky plant is that
the spec plant? So I planned her that it wasn't
actually a plant, that it was a building. You know,

I'm learning something your Yeah, no, I'm I'm also learning here. Yes,
if it's called a plan, I think I would assume
it was a plan too if I were three or four. Hey, Karen,
thank you very much, appreciate you, thank you, thank you
for listening. Let's go over to autumn autumn in Virginia
automn of your teacher. Yeah, well you think so I

had to explain to a room full of sixth graders
what a blockbuster wise? Yeah, good luck, that's like an alien.
Yeah yeah, So how do you tell a group of
sixth graders what a VHS tape store is? So it
came up in a like we had like a slightly
outdated textbook at the time, and there was like a
story about a kid going to a like a video
store and the kids are like, what's a video store?

And I would explain like, like you know, like a blockbuster,
like where you go to rent movies, and they're like
like a red box, and it was like, no, you
actually have to go inside and look around, and they
just were totally confused. They're like, why wouldn't you stay
at home? Like that doesn't make any sense. So, yeah,
I bet your red box is even ancient to them.
Yeah it was. I was like, let's move on to

a different activities. That's funny back in the olden days. Yeah,
thank you very much. I appreciate you. Let's go to Brittany.
I brought up aliens. Brettany, you just had this conversation.
I was literally on my way to school about twenty
minutes ago with my kids and they were like, Mom,
look at the moon. It looks so crazy. I mean,

and they're like, do you think that aliens live there?
And on how to explain about how aliens are not real?
And then we got onto the topic about Roswell, New
Mexico and how like people believe that aliens really live there,
and you're going down the hole all rabbit holes. Yeah,
I was like, let's just stop this conversation on me.
So so you don't believe in aliens at all? I

just thought it was really funny because I just got
done explaining it to them. I dropped them off, and
then you guys were talking about most Crease Brittany, thank
you very much, or Charleston, right, yes, thank you very much.
I love it over there. Thanks for hanging out. I'll
be in Charleston. My stand up comedy tours coming to Charleston.
It's coming to Tampa, It's coming to I don't know, everywhere,

all the place, all the cities. Bobby Bones Comedy dot
com if you want to come to the show. Bobby
Bones Comedy dot com. Also Albuquerque, also also also we
were talking earlier about how you have to explain things
to kids, because Amy had to talk to our kids
and say Mermaid not real, dolphin reel Ashley and Florida,

tell me, tell me yours Hi. I had to explain
to a group of second graders when they saw a
sign that said there's a fine for littering. They didn't
understand why it was fine to litter and what did
you say to them? I had to explain to them

what a fine really was, and it took a few
browns before they actually understood it. It's funny too, because
again we see the word a weekend associated with two
different meanings, but as someone who's just learning words, it's
probably whoa It's totally fine a litter. That word means
two different things. How am I supposed to know which
one they're talking about? Ashley, thank you for the call.
Appreciate you. Let's do one more. Shelly and Florida. Hello, Hi,

this is Shelly and Florida. Thank you, Shelly. What do
you want to say? So? Do you remember years ago
when Saturn was closing down its business as a car company? Okay,
So my I was talking with a family member about it,
and my five year old daughter happened to be with us,
and so she interrupts us mid conversation, and she says, oh,

Saturned shutting down, Saturned shutting down, and she's getting all
emotional about it. And and here I am thinking, why
is my five year old caring about a car company
shutting down? And she responded to me, Oh, that's my
favorite planet all with rings. Yeah, it's also my favorite planet.
After thank you for the call, Shelley. Appreciate at you. Okay,

thanks for all those those are funny. I gotta get
kids so I can have those stories. I adopted a
little Bobby over here at the doll But other than that,
man show, Let's go. They tested these songs with brain
waves of runners and people who don't run who just
start running. Songs that work best to keep you going.

I can't stand running. I get so bored. Oh I
don't even like exercising, and I do it five six
days a week. You're good at it. Well, I'm good
at just forcing myself to do work. Here are the
songs me to add to our list, though. These are
the top seven songs. At number seven because that's a
good one, because I don't believe member seven. That's still

the jam. Number six, Stronger Kanye, that Don't Kill Me.
It's good too. I feel like running? What can I say?
Number six on the songs that scientifically make us run better?
A couple of crisp shape It You from Ed Sheeran.

We get into the top three. Here the Greatest by Cia.
I don't even know if I know this song. I
like that I don't run. I don't know that I
know it though if I know it, you know it.
But I'm listening to it yet I still don't know it,
so that's weird. This is the first people shut Up

and Dance, and number two and then the number one
song they say to run too is not a Newish song.
Like that. It's old school. I think it's eighties to
don shin best shot shot. Do you like running? No?

I used to, but my knees are bad, so I
don't really do it. It's not worth it to me. So,
but did you like running? I sort of did, and
I had running buddies. I would love meeting friends at
the trail to run. I just want buddies. That'd be cool.
I don't even want to run with I'm never gonna
get it. Fifty percent of people admit when they meet
someone new, this is what they judged them for. First.

First they meet somebody that judge them for this. First
people say that, Okay, that's so nice to meet you.
Wait a minute. The fact that they taught this whale
to talk is amazing. What do you guys see something
news yesterday? Have you heard the clip say like a whale? Yes,

a real whale. Whale? So they teach the whale how
to talk, and first here is the well saying hello back, hello, Hello,
hello Hello. Scientists at Marine Land. I wanted to see

if they're killer Will, who they call Wicky, can learn
novel sounds through imitative learning. Their experiment was successful because
he's able to mimic hello back to them. So they're
teaching him how to mimic back. Wells are super smart
when it comes to animals. Yeah, so that's WICKI the whale. Hello, Hello, Hello, Hello.

That's my favorite one. Oh my goodness. So you guys
pay attention to the worst one. I'm over here going
what's next? Will the whale be able to secure cancer
because you have a part of the brain that we're
not able to explore. Yeah, and you guys allowed the Sorry,
I've got as forward thinking as you know. Don't answer.

That's really awesome. I mean, he's a mammal, It's true.
He could probably he's probably going to do that. Now
everybody's making fun of me, and I'm gonna move on.
In this week's Peak at Amazon Super Bowl commercial, they
have replaced Alex's voice with celebrity voices. Okay, so show
me a recipe for a grilled cheese sandwich athetic thirty

two years of age, You don't know how to make
a grilled cheese sandwich? Gordon Ramsey, its name is the recipe?
You like? How far as Mars? How far is Mars?
How my proposed to know? I'd have a videre this
guy want to go to Mars. There's not even did
there cardis that I can't tell how that is. That's

how I know for sure it's Cardi because you guys
with that is. I don't know who who Cardi B is?
She was on and then she was on Fine, I
don't know. But when everybody goes, I don't know who
Cardi B is? Can we can we be any more disconnected? Culture?

Like bode Yellow right, that's like the biggest song on
the year last year? Song is that? This one? I
heart radio music you should know featuring Cardi B Bodak
Yellow Good. Hey you do want you can for me

if you want to. Man, she brought the world together.
Everybody's dancing in subways to the song whatever. We're all
getting older ecept me. Yeah, you're the end of the nose.
Christian Bush did the latest Bobby Cast, which is episode
one Dred and now we're a for real podcast. We

have over a hundred hours of material and so I'm
pretty excited about that episode one hundreds up now here
it's Christian Bush sugar Land playing baby Girl with the
a c M. So George streets sick and we're wondering
if you would close the show. Jennifer had on the
same shoes as like Sarah Evans or something, and she's like, oh,
forget it and just threw them off. And then the

curtain goes up and we start singing Baby Girl. George
Dray gets sick. They need somebody to close the A
c M S. They're like, okay, we'll do it. They
sing Baby Girl, Sugar lamb boom. The never Gonna get
a question was as follows, fifty percent of people admit
when they meet someone new, this is the first thing
they judge them on. Frian and Indiana. Hello, Hello, Wait

think I think it's their shoes. I think that's a
very popular guest. Is anyone who have shoes? If you
do speak now for a rold your pace? Nope, okay,
the answer is not choose. Thank you very much, so
I appreciate you. Adam and Georgia. What up, buddy, I'm
real good. They're really everybody else good, very good, good man. Adam,

give me that answer. I don't gonna hygiene, he says, hygiene.
Anyone want to jump on the hygiene T gonna say smell? Okay,
I'll lump you in with Adam. Well, you too'll be
happy to know that you are not right. Lunch. People
admit when they see someone they judge them on this.
They're wait, wow, well, don't hit that bill, I have

lack of hair. Okay, just personal hit. There's cell phone?
What type of cellphone? Their youth? They go, oh, you're
a flipper phone. You have a Samsung, you have a razor? Yeah,
Zack Zack Morris fun Yeah, all that. So that's never
gonna get in. Guess what nobody got it over to

Amy Now from Nashville. He's thirty second Skinny Carrie Underwood's
hasband Mike Fisher is coming out of retirement to rejoin
his former NHL team, the Nashville Predators. He was team captain.
He made it to the Stanley Cup playoffs last year
with the team, and he hoped to sign a contract

by February or so for his a new deal. So
a couple of things. One, he retired for just a
brief part of one season. He's like Grett, No, it's
coming back to the same team though. And secondly, he
made the Stanley Cup finals, a big difference than just playoffs. Hey,
you don't claim sports for I've never I was talking
to someone about this yesterday because they were bringing up

that Mike Fisher was coming back, and I said, I've
never seen a hockey game. I want to go. I
need to go. You have kids, what that's the perfect
time they need to go see they've never seen a
hockey game either. I feel like I'm gonna do more
stuff because I have kids. You know what I'm saying.
Luke Brian he has a dream and that dream is
too a the super Bowl halftime show. He's done the

national anthem, check that box, and now he thinks maybe
if he could get out there one day and do
the halftime show, that'd be pretty amazing. He would be
really good at it and really entertaining for us because
we know him and know how good and talented he is.
Totally For people that don't know country music, they would
just check it off and go No. They the super
Bowl has to get people who trans in formats. Maybe
he just is like an addition to the main person.

He couldn't do it. Now listen if his idol think
goes well and he crosses over, but you have to
have someone that crosses off. Justin. Timberlake is beloved by
all formats, hip hop, pop, country. I don't even think
formats are a thing. You just need to reach all
the different groups. But it's interesting. Okay, Well, good luck
with that, Luke. I'm Amy. That's your thirty seconds, skinny.
Good luck with that, Luke. Everybody transmitting America show over

to Amy four our joke the Morning Corny. Why wasn't
the woman happy with the vel crow she bought? Why
wasn't the woman happy with the vel crow she bought?
It was a total rip off. That was The Morning Corny.

Time for a semement called that's rude. We scour all
the stuff that we have and read comments that maybe
a lot of listeners feel, and I feel like I
should read them. Jamie on Twitter says, I'm not sure
how much more I can take of Mr Bobby Bones.
I get it, you were poor as a kid and
no one loved you as a child. Waa wah. That's oh,

I mean you don't let me take that one off.
I have more thoughts on that later, Okay. Alexandra on
Facebook was I the only one wishing Amy wouldn't come back? Oh?
Probably not, but that's okay to keep going. Yeah again.

Teresa on Twitter, I really think Bobby is a better
parent than both Amy and Eddie. How does that happen? Yikes,
that's rude. Michael P on Facebook lunch Box should take
his new business idea a shark tank, and by that
I mean he should go swimming a shark tank with

all his business ideas and see what happens. Uh. Angela
on Twitter says the will it uber segment on The
Bobby Bones Show is so stupid. They literally get paid
to be dumb. I'm also kind of jealous, by the way.

Coming up in the next to ten minutes, we'll say
the writer, singer, songwriter, performer of our hit song, Parked
by the Lake. His name is Dustin Chance Christiansen. He's
gonna come on the show. This song not even up
for sale yet. It's just it was written as a joke.
He has a real song. And my feeling is he

went in the studio and was just making fun of
the country radio and how a lot of the male
artists sound exactly the same and their songs say the
exact same thing over and over again, and so he
made this song as a joke, never put it out.
It was on a private link. It's still on a
private link. I just got into it and played it
on the air yesterday. Parked out by the lake. It's

really catchy. It's pretty good. It's so funny because he's
parked out by the lake, eighty miles from Santa Fe,
by the lake, eighty miles from Sanding. And I'm saying,
he just poked up by the lay if you want,

and where our pall on my part by the lake.
It's the lake the city of Mius from saying face
And now I'm parked out by the lake any mouth
from saying a face a lack. It's far where I'm

mad by the league, and this lake is where any
mouth and saying a thing. And now I'm still far
out by this lake any mouths from saying. So we

gotta know the inspiration behind that horse. I love this though.
I love this song. He's coming out member that only Yeah,
the one by sad Face. That's where I'm mad. I'm
siding here, Paul, and I'm talking by the any mouse

saying come on, let's go up from face. It's pretty funny.
So what's gonna happen is I've been lucky enough to

have you guys that listen to the show. We're able
to launch things all the time to break awesome artists
because you, the listener, trust me to bring you good music.
I have never been more motivated to break an artist
in a song in my entire life than this song
Parked Out by the Lake. This is a country music
phenomenon that needs to be tackled, Like, what do you

think will happen with this song? I don't know. I
don't even know if he plans to put it up,
he must put it up. I don't know if he's
so serious of an artist and he's like not gonna
put it up because he wants his real music to
be out there. Yeah no, but I mean this should
just be available to buy. I read all started record
label just to sign this one song. I'm down so

on the phone now it's Dustin Christensen. He's the artist
of my new favorite song, Parked out by the Lake.
And now I'm bogged down face Dustin. How's it going?
Hey buddy? How are you doing? I'm doing all right?

How are you? Can I just say I'm a huge
fan of yours? Well, I'm a huge us. This song
has just sweat me and my people like we love
so I gotta know where this thing came from, because
it doesn't seem like you ever wanted it to get out.
Oh well, you know, really it was a buddy of
mine and I were just like we go for ad

a lot in the studio when we're making records, and I, Uh,
we always had this thing that you could just take
the first line of any song and try to re
sing it in as many different ways as possible for
the whole song. And U we would just do it
on the fly. So after I would make a record,
I would go into the boat the weep and just
sing one takedown of whatever came out of my mouth

came out of my mouth, and uh, and then we
would just sing three part harmony to it, and that's
what happened. And uh, it was kind of a thing
where I would show people here and there. I didn't honestly,
I didn't think anybody would even think it was funny.
It was just funny when we were in the studio.
And so I made a private link. I showed it
to my publisher, frankly Dell, like eight months ago, and

and and and then I sent it to like a
couple other people who I can't remember who I sent
it to, but whoever those two people are somehow send
it around. But the weird thing is is like eight
months past and then like last week, I was up
at the Sundance Self Festival IF at the has cap
Tum made song ride around and I was the side

of the stage and I kept getting these texts from
people saying, hey, man, if this you, and then it
would be a screenshot of like somebody that had sent
them the song. And these people that were sending it
to him I've never met. And so I looked on
my sound First of all, I didn't know what SoundCloud
page I even put a song on, and so in

my mind I'm like, do I need to go in
and like kill this thing? Like and then I was
like and then I was like, now who came? And
so I just I let it go and and I
looked on the SoundCloud page. I had like three plays
and then like over the next couple of days it
was like thousands and plays. But yeah, I mean, it's

it's very random. I don't care that it's out. I
just I just think it's very random that it and
I in fact, I'll take it. I mean I'll take
any pr I can get it, man, if it leads people,
if it leads people to my record or whatever. Then
and it did that to me to tell you and Dustin,
you don't live in Nashville, right, I do? I mean

I kind of do. I mean I write for Carnival
out in Nashville, and uh, they're kind enough to me
to let me kind of hop around. And so I'm
there like two weeks a month, but I have a
house there. Where do you? Where are you right now?
I'm in Utah, Utah at home? Okay to stop of
Salt Lake City. So let me say this. I and
just being completely honest and transparent, I wasn't familiar with

you as an artist, sure, and so this was the
first song I heard from you, and I did exactly
what you said. Then I went to your record and
I listened to your record last night. And so did
you write the song for Dustin Lynch love Me or
Leave Me Alone? I saw that on your record. I
co wrote that with Chriscoe Beater, and then, uh, you

could have loved me Frankie Ballard put on his record.
So I did exactly what you said. I was like,
let me see what this guy's about. And I would
let me to his music, and his music is good,
but I gotta just take a step back and go.
Parked out by the Lake is an absolute hit, Dustin.
I'm not kidding you. It's amazing. Thank you. Are you
gonna put it up on the iTunes? I mean I

put it up on I put it up on band camp,
Like if you go to I don't know what that is.
We need things, we know, Dustin, come on, I know,
I know you know what I will. Maybe I will,
I don't, I like, I put it up. If you
go to my Instagram page, which is just Dustin online,
there's there's a link to band camp where you can
just buy it and Dustin, come on, you gotta come
into the studio perform this and then we'll get it up.

We'll have a big party and this song will skyrocket up.
I totally will. Okay, well totally when I'm when I'm
in town and I'll totally come in. We'll do an
acoustic performance. Maybe we can talk Cheryl Crow into coming
in and taking harmony or something. You saw her tweet
you she was listening to the show and even she
thought it was amazing. True or false, Dustin, look, I'll
take it. I'll take it. It's probably the only time

of my life that Cheryl Crow is gonna tweet about
something I did, so that's awesome. Dustin Christiansen's on he's
the guy who wrote this hit song parked out by
the lake. We have to coordinate and you come in
and play and we get it up the same day
and watch just people buy it and you turn into
an international superstar. Because that's what's gonna happen. Look, I'm
on I'm on board. Okay, when I'm in town, let's

let's let's set it up. I'll have my people reach
out whatever that means, and we'll get you in here.
I'm a huge fan. I'm your biggest fan, Dustin Christiansen.
I'm now your biggest fan. Al Right, buddy, we'll see
you soon. Okay, alright, talk there. He is, Dustin Christiansen
man parked out by the lake. I mean should we Yeah.

I have to listen to the song a lot to
get the message, because you have to says a lot.
There's a deep meaning behind have to listen here, parked
out by the lake. Let's close. I'm parked up by
the lake, eighty miles sanding and I'm saying, he just
poked up by the lake. So I'll play a song.

When you know the song or you know the artists,
just yell your name. That would be your buzzer. For example,
Ammy buzz in. There you go, that's a buzzer. Good Ready, Okay,
here we go. Ye know your name is the buzzer.
Eddie's planning to you. It's Amy. To my left, lunch box,
and then to my far right is producer. Ready, here
we go. Three two one named that tune a single

Ladies Beyonce is correct. You missed the title of the song.
Still up for grabs. Boys. What's the name of the
song lunch box lunch Box correct? Nice work. Okay, that's

number one. Song. Number two named that tune Eddie Kerosene
Miranda Lambert correct for two pole. Okay, okay, okay. By
the way, there's a theme involved as soon as you

can name and has something to do with today. Go ahead,
here we go. At number three, named that tune Amy
George straight carrying in Love with Me. Yeah, that's my
cham and lunch boxes yelled for the theme We'll come
to you one second here straight stop stop. When it

came out, how do you know. How do you know that?
How do you know that? I know that because I
was going to my sister's softball tournament and we drove
to U Valley, Texas and this song played over and
over in the car and the girls loved. I don't
even know if that's right, but I amzing. I really
feel like that's right because I used to drive in
my red Bronco when I was sixteen with windows down,

playing this song over and over and over. Lunch boxes
called for the theme for five points. Go ahead, they're
all balls. Get that guy? Yeah, no, waste of a
guess all right, it seemed too easy. Here we go.
What what's the deal here? Three? Two Eddie, Eddie, Havana

Camilla Cabello. No, sorry about that, good waste. I get
things and go. Do you know who this is? What
the song is? I mean, I know it and I
like it some millions. Go ahead. Alexia Kara the one

name he remembers from earlier this week. Nine seven Yeah,
Alex car No, I would have given you that, because
we all have trouble getting that right. I gave you
seven more seconds song. No, I'm playing the chorus answer.

I don't know, Okay, oh yeah, it's flank because it's
a theme. Yeah, I know what it is. That's going
to help. I'll tell you you don't, don't, I'll come
back to it, make sure, make sure, come back to us.
So the listeners, now, here's your last song named that tune?
I think you're Kelly Clarkson. Um, I'm Kelly Clarkson. At

one point, Amy started up, correct, since you've been gone? Yes, yes, okay,
So now it's over for guessing the theme. And I
can tell everybody all the songs once has been eliminated,
that one song you didn't get with Same Old Love

from Selena go Mess Oh Selina so Beyonce Crazy and
Love Selena Goss, Same Old Love Miranda Kerosene, since you
been going, Kelly Clarkson, George Straight Carring Your Love with Me?
Those are the songs. What's the theme? Write it down?
What's the score? Lunch box? It's a three Amy four one? Yeah,
that's five songs. What's the theme there? What are they

all have in common? What? A yeah? What? Oh you?
Oh my gosh, I'm so dumb. Write it down? Okay
five seconds core three? Okay, I got missing your loved one? Oh? Amy?
He missed as he've already one. What do you have
a Hey, I don't have anything written now they By

the way, Amy, you are the winner. Congratulations Navy. But
you didn't name that too. I don't even know I
was gonna win without the theme on the counter. Three,
we'll say what we think it is? Okay one Texas? Yeah,
national Texas from Texas. Amy, Congratulations, there we go. Good.

I called you back last night. Oh yeah, I know.
I think would you need yesterday? I don't remember. I
don't know. Amy's impossible to get ahold of. I know
you guys aren't as close to Amy as I am,
like outside of work. I used to call them before
set kids and the phone be like what up? Now?
I call her three days later, Hey, did you call?
No time for that. I think my original call was

about some bimmin joy stuff actually, and then it's probably
something else. I think something for today. But it's okay.
I called you back, and then I just know once
it's nighttime, you're gone. I saw you call me back. Thanks,
don't get me wrong, I just couldn't. Yeah, we had
math homework. That's always as I saw your inst story
of doing math homework with your daughter, and after she finishes,

she circles which emoji she feels like like, oh that
was really hard, Like oh, it's confused emoji or happy emoji,
like that was pretty easy. Yeah, Or there's the like
awesome emoji, which means I could teach this. Oh yeah,
that's the one. She did even complete it yet, she
just said she circled I can teach this, and she
handed it back to me. She's like done. I'm like,
so you know how to do this? She could teach it?
She was like, yes, she loves math. Oh, she loves math.

So once we actually did the homework, she didn't know
what she was doing and she actually probably could teach it,
but we had to complete it. I was at a
dinner last night with a friend, a new friend, um
and so lovely dinner too, And the first time we
ever sat and talked for a couple of hours. And
so we're there talking and we kind of got as
far as me personal We're just talking about my personal life,
and I said, you know, for the first time ever,

I've really made an effort with Amy's kids to go
and just be present in a relationship ever with anybody.
And it was weird for me to say that. I
never thought about that because I would go, hey, can
I come just hang out. I don't do anything when
I go to your house, I do nothing excepted there
on the chair. Well you talk to them, but I'm saying,
I don't go for an event. No, no, no, there's

no party. And I said, it's the first time I've
ever done that with anyone I know. Has a little
breakthrough for me too, because that's a weird. I know
they're your kids. I'm not trying to say they're my kids, okay,
but it's weird to claim them from time today because
I do feel like like I care about them. It's crazy.
I love that maybe they can help tap into some

of this. I think they are a bit because I
don't even realize I had that part of me that goes,
you know what I'm actually having fund what I'm doing.
But I need to leave and just go sit on
a chair and beat where these kids can see my face.
But then I don't want to do do it too much
because one listener to see me no saying get out
of Amy's life. They're her kids. Wait on Twitter, but
it doesn't even make sense. Well, anyway, I'm really happy

for you and it well, thank you, I'm kind of
happy for this little breakthrough and that you said that
out loud lest night and you're realizing, and thank you
for sharing with us too, Like that's good. Did he
have any thoughts on that? You all just kind of
oh yeah, I mean, I don't know how deep thoughts
with a new friend. Yeah, it's somebody that I would
really look up to. Sounds like a keeper, and so yeah,

he's it was. It was a great We'll probably talked
for two hours. You know. People say they work out,
what time we happened? Me last night, I wasn't planning
to talk about this, and they work out. I hate
working out. I don't get any rush of endorphins after
I work out. None of that happens to me. I
go work out and I hate it the whole time
and I'm done, and I'm like, I'm just glad I
did it because I have to stay in shape. Two
times this week I've had dinners with people. Maybe I

have a dinner once a year, twice a year. Two
times this week, two people that I've enjoyed their relatively
new friends. And both times I went home and had
that rush of endorphins that people talk about after working
out where I just like feel good because I had actual, human,
vulnerable conversation. Had a dinner earlier this week with the
friend and his wife newish friend in the Last Night's part,

and I got home and I thought, man, that was
a human thing that I enjoyed. I'm not used to that.
I'm not used to human things. I like it. Yeah,
it's weird, but I actually felt good. So this could
be your It's tough because the weeknight. Yeah, true, either
you can only squeeze in something like one a quarter,
but still that's better than one a year. Yeah, but
just all joking aside, it was. It was great and

I felt pretty good. It was the word felt like
you're feeling something anyway. I don't watch the on that
too long. I wasn't planning to talk about. But there's
a new Bobby Cast up with Christian Bush. I hope
you listen to it. Christian Bush from Sugarland and you
know sugar They're back. They're a band, but Christians crazy songwriter.

He talks about the beginning of sugar Land and and
how they started with the three of them. It's a
great Bobby cast and At one point he talks about
how it George Straight got sick, so they were like, hey,
can you close into the A c M. S s s
Land playing Baby Girl in the A c M. So
George strait sick and we were wondering if you would
close the show. Jennifer had on the same shoes as

like Sarah Evans or something, and she's like, oh, forget
it and just threw them off, and then the curtain
goes up and we start singing Baby Girl. And I
remember that performance only because I remember her coming out
in her bare feet, and this is before they blew up.
They just needed someone to fill in at the end
of the show, and they thought yeah, and so Christian
we talked about all kinds of stuff. But his brother

Brandon was in Train because Train needed a piano player
and then eventually just joined the band. But your brother,
by the way, Brandon and Brandon also played with Train, right, Yeah,
he was the piano player and Trained. He got the
job after Drops the Jupiter because they didn't have a
piano player. They had the song happen and then they
just put the piano on track. So my not computers,
it's a button and to play the piano, the piano player,

there's a computer playing the piano. So we went in
to play for them and then became a part of
the band because they didn't have a piano player for
their biggest song, Isn't It Crazy? And they they did
something called I believe it was the Suzuki method, where
they teach you, as a young young kid music as
a language. As you're learning language, you learned music at
the same time. And they're both super gifted and that

could be a part of why they bookcause I'm like you, brothers,
you're so genetically both of you are just gifted at
music and you work hard. Anyway, it's a fascinating Boby cast.
So that's up today, it's episode one hundred. We have
over a hundred hours of amazing producers, artists that come
by my house. What number do you throw a party? One?
Because I always told my d when we started this
from my house, no podcast is real until hit a

hundred episodes, and we've we've done a hundred, so I'm
proud of it. I'm proud of it. So Christian Bush,
that's up. I don't know, man, So when's the party? Yeah,
just said in my head, right now you know almond
flower coconut donuts. My dog ate a whole donut last night.
I have these healthy they're healthy donuts and that's what

they are, so made them don't look great, don't even
taste that great, but they still are donutty. They start
goals with holes. I laid it on the bedside table
for eight seconds. I turned my back to grab my laptop.
That dog ate the whole thing. And I look up
and he's like, well, swallowing it. And I pulled out
my phone. I can't get it back, and I put

my inst to the story on him and said you
the donut. He's staring at me, said you the donut,
and he goes right on the answer story unbelievable. Basically, yes,
for so a lot of people ask himbout my dog.
He does have cancer, but he's as healthy as I
would have ever expected him to be at five months
in two when the vets city probably has six months left.

He's so good right now. It makes me happy for you.
So yeah, thank you very much. He loves his hair
a little bit. But yeah, aren't we all? Yeah, looked
at me, Wow, guilty consciously even looking I didn't I looked.

I'm sorry I gave you guys a big hint that
it wasn't. Garth Brooks with the number one selling country
album of all time. Now he has many of the
top five, but he doesn't have number one. I've been
take another shot at it. Um it's Johnny Cash. No,

my too far back to so here we go. Number
five is Garth Brooks the double album Live, number five,
a live double album. It's sold a minimum of ten
point five million copies, so it's him just out playing
the hits again live love. Nick Bottom had number four.

Dixie Chicks Wide Open Spaces the record twelve million records.
Yeah I did too, ye Like he's actual legitimate c
D cultural phenomenon. Many people bought tapes of this I

mean sun time you cry that night? Yes? Are you singing?
I just heard of four part harmony. I didn't hear.
Are you singing? Was that? You know? I sound just
like Natalie does she have? So that's number four? Is

that Marty Marty? Yeah? Yes, the sister Martin Martin. Don't
know Marty. Number three, biggest country selling albums ever. Garth
Brooks Roping the Wind will be huge. Songs on this

the River rodeos and blood. It's a dusk moda mama,
Yes for sure tape on this this is tape. He's
wearing blue and black striped shirt for sure. Number two

Garth Brooks from nineteen No Fences. It's sold seventeen million
records so so far Garth has five three and two
on No Offences. This is my favorite Garth Brooks song
ever some time. Thank God answered prayers and you're talking

man shares and just because doesn't mean don't care. Oh,
come on, some God's greatest gifts runningsered prayers Dan so true. Yeah,

and then the number one final guess, Final guesses go ahead,
Taylor Swift. Taylor says, no, not even close the George straight.
When I tell you you'll go oh duh, I didn't
know it'd be number one. How about we get a hint.
And by the way, Garth Brooks is the biggest selling

US artist of all time, a solo artist period ever. Right,
why do you think I guess was number one? Oh?
My goodness is Chris Gaines? I know it come on?
Over sold thirty million of course, of course. Imagine she launches,
the country, goes to pop and then as international as

the International from thirty million records and I twin biggest
country record of all times. So congratulations to her, like
she just wanted tickle. Come on this a little music

history for you. I mean Garth dominating the two of
the top five, three in the top five, shan I
a crushing it at number one, and the Dixie Chicks.
You forget, how do you have two female a group
and a female and then Garth? Yeah? Yeah, yeah, amazing,
that's right. The ten most common impulse buys. I ask you, Amy,
what do you what's your biggest impulse by? You go?

And if you just I have to have it food
or like clothes Right now, I'm really into sweaters, kind
of buying those off Instagram a lot, but that's kind
of a new thing because the ads pop up. But
fair enough if you're doing it now sweater now, sweaters
on Instagram, lunch box, what's your impulse by? I buy
DVD's from the dollar been at Walmart? You do do
you find anything good in there? Because when I look,

it's only Nick Cage movies that I've never seen. It's
usually a lot of older movies. I've never seen them,
so I buy them and then I usually don't watch them.
I guess the only dollar, but it's so exciting because
they're only a dollar. Don't used to be like nine dollars.
Mine's probably shoes. Yeah, I love shoes. You know what
they call me? Y. You've definitely amped that up a

little bit or made it more because it was shoe boy.
Oh you mean they sho Now it's shoot boit. Well,
I just when people started calling I walked down the
street and they'll be like, shoot boy, and I'll be like,
are you talking to me? It's not like, oh, there's
that shoe boy, And then they're like, hey, Bobby. I'm
like they're talking to me, Hey, shoot boy, what up.

It's a lot of effort in calling you out that Wait,
what's up? Are you talking to me? Oh? Yes, I
just heard that. You're gonna yell that you gotta have
something to say to Yeah, Yeah'm sorry. That's like the
bat signal. If you say it like that, you can see,
like your nickname shoot boy, be like yeah. But if
someone goes shoot going to action, you're ready. Mine shoes.
I love shoes, not even just sneakers, all shoes. Shoes.
In the morning, she was in breakfast, I feel like,

it's mostly sneaks in my dreams. The number one Impulse
five for people's candy closes at number two, coffees at
number three, shoes at number four, mostly women, and then
magazines and newspapers at five. Magazines and newspapers are probably
did you're checking out and that's right by the candy

and the they're smart when they at that, but it's
also annoying, especially um yeah for the kids. I can
I'm like, stop people with the candy. They probably did that,
just of course they did. It's marketing genius. And you're
checking out and you're trying to get all the stores.
You're like, okay, fine, just throw it on the easier

to say yes. Has that happened maybe once or twice
or every time? I never thought I would do that.
When you take them to the store, they want stuff.
Every time, I'm gonna stop doing that. You're going to say,
you still do it? Then if I have to, if
I'm in a buying but I'm really trying, I'm just
gonna not do that. We're gonna limit that for a
little bit. We're in time out when it comes to stores.

What's my name? Thank you? M Apparently women fund men
more attractive who already had someone and who are already
in a relationship. Apparently who women find men that way? So, oh,
that's why something? Oh what did I saw some article

about single men wearing a wedding ring to get someone
to talk to him. I thought, well, that's bizarre. But
I mean, if that's study, maybe that's why. My only
problem with that is, do you really want to date
someone who's going after a married man? Yeah, that would
be my problem. It's guess these guys are just really
trying to get a date. Yeah, I guess they're not

married though. According to a new study, some women are
attracted to married and taken men because they think if
someone else has then they must be a catch. So
look at someone like me who I don't have anybody,
But it's less attractive because they don't have anybody. So
then if I get somebody, but then I'm happy, then
it isn't unfair. Scientist says men get an attractiveness boost

if they were popular with other women, meaning a woman
wants them and in a relationship with them, it's a
real kick in. Then do you find that oh everywhere
you go? And by you you mean you, Yes, now
that you're married. But at a ball, are women see
the ring? I guess maybe they see us safe, so
they start talking to you more. They flirt more, and

there's no commitment. Maybe it's what they're thinking, Well, they
can get no com at any time, even with single guys, no,
because they know the married man is gonna have to
go back to his wife eventually. Yeah, I don't know.
I don't know. I don't think that's the thing. Can
you find more women coming after your positioning you that
you're married. I was pretty popular with the ladies before,
but after I got married. It's tenfold. It's tenfold. Yes,

you think it's ten times what it was when you
were singing Yes everywhere? I started to think he didn't
know what ten fold? Yes. Everywhere I go, at least
one woman hits on me. How do you that it's
it's really hard for you to go places. Yeah, it's
like it's hard to go eat out in public because
of the women look at you, they come up to you.
You can't eat waitress. Do you feel like that's a

lot of it? The waitresses, they really would be nice.
They're like He's like, they asked me if I want
to refill. So you think the waitresses when you go
to restaurants always are on it. It's uncomfortable with you
and your wife because the waitresses think that they My

wife sometimes asked me, how do you know them? I don't.
I have no idea. They're all smiling at you and stuff. Absolutely.
Do they want to get you other stuff? I can
get you anything? Do you want something else? Do you
need a dessert menu? Things like that? I mean, they
are that's weird. They probably don't do that to anybody else.

And they don't the single guys at all. They walk
in there you want, yell, I'll be in the bag.
My glass never gets blow half empty. It's tough to
deal with. Do you see what about your wife and
Jess with you? They just ignore her? Yeah? Do you

see heads turn when you walk a lot? The girls
will do the neck break like whoa like Rubbert neck
and they turn around if you walk down the street
for you, Yes, do you think anything? Just know, Hey,
it's the guy from the radio. That could be That
could be part of it, but it could also be
like there goes a stud terminology from stud. No one

says that. Yeah, maybe not to you. I'm sorry. The
stud they talked to the hand, Well, thanks for that
into your life. A fight with you and your wife.
I wouldn't say fight, but it makes it uncomfortable. Sometimes

I tell her, if you don't want to deal with that,
maybe we shouldn't go out in public. I think it
would help her find you more attractive. She's like, whoa,
he comes home with me? That kind of thing. You
don't think that in the back of her might not
tell her, just think I'm coming home with you, so
you don't have to worry about these other ships. I'm
in the back of mind, thank you. I just sh

over there and let the flirt. You know what you're getting.
I really do kind of wonder what she gets. Then
I I have armpits thing. It's like a big knot
on armpit. That's not good, I know. And either I

pulled to the armpit or I have like a limp
note swelling up. That's not good. I know. What are
you gonna do about it? Well? I got an answer
story yesterday and cried about it for a bit. And
did you get any doctors replying? No? Thanks, So hold on,
let me check my answer story because it hurts. If
I was a doctor I'd be all about that'd be
looking for injuries on Insta story and I'd contact people

and be like, you need help, here you go. Here's
me on inta story yesterday. So I don't know what's
wrong with me whatever had the armpits or armpits or
in the hole right there? Am I dying? Seriously, that's

right in the hole right there? I swollen. So that's
my answer. I'm worried about that. You could be dying
I thought the same thing, or I just pulled the armpit,
or I'm worried about how you're whining in that thing,
Like what's wrong with you? Yound like a real like
you know, you know, single ladies are watching. Those single

ladies are watching. I'm not trying to get a lady. Well,
I know, I'm so out of the getting a lady game.
I have no interest in ladies or any dudes or anything.
Single ladies, sickle, straight lady, single gay lady. That's not
what I said. It was like, you're not even trying
to day. First of all, they draft the glasses and

I got new glasses and I put a picture on Instagram,
and most of the listeners they're saying kind things Amy
didn't look like an old man. Eddie said, I look
like a frank Frank Frank And um, yeah, I don't care.
I'm done. I know you do you you shouldn't care.
I'm done. I may never be in a relationship again. Ever,

I'm done. That's not the spirit. I'm done. I'm out. Well,
back to the pool armpit, like what you need to
go to? I know you need to go check that out.
I think it's probably the worst. I always think I'm
automatically you're gonna think it's the word down all the time.
If there's some sort of a lump, yeah, you need
to get a looked at. By the way, as anyone

seen morgan number two Instagram post where she put out
this big message about life and what's a video or
the picture? And I started to go, what's on her mind?
Morgan number two is twenty four And maybe people just
do this, but here's like, we all struggle in our
own way, we all face battles, others no net about.
It's important to remember that you're human and all the

bad stuff is okay, it's life. You can't pick it
up and live there. Find the people who bring you happiness.
And I started thinking to myself, I agree with this,
but what's going on in your life to write this? Oh,
maybe she's trying to be encouraging. Let me see the
picture that is her sitting on stairs, not smiling, reflecting. Yeah,
is this a boyfriend thing? More? Number two? No, it's
not a boyfriend thing. But something made you write this?

Go ahead? No. I was just, um, I struggle with
anxiety pretty bad, and I was going through a really
rough time, and I was like, you know, if I'm
going through this right now, just kind of out of
the blue, somebody else probably is too, write that I'm
struggling and here's a message. Because I just read this,
and I go, what's happening? What's wrong? Do I need?
Because she rights at the end, if you're struggling with anything,

there is help. I love you, And I'm thinking, who
is she writing this too? I love you? So I
didn't reach you out until two days later, but I'm here. Hey,
we're here for you more. But just you can say, hey,
I'm struggling with anxiety, and then the message Okay, I'll
start I'll start putting it at the beginning to otherwise
I worry. Okay, Well, don't worry about me. I'm doing
okay now, And I like you. I mean, yeah, that's

a good thing. You're Samy's pile of stories. So if
you listen to the show, we make you laugh and
you're actually burning calories. Good, so we'll charge you for
your weight loss. Vanderbilt did a study and they say
that just ten to fifteen minutes of laughing a day
can burn like fifty calories. That's a lot of laughing.

Ten to fifteen minutes of NonStop laughing. Oh hopefully. I
was seeing that spread out throughout the day. You know,
it's a lot of laughing. We're good, We're good. I like,
what's funny to you right now? Because I watched Rick
and Morty. I watched this show, man. I don't recommend
it because it's not very based taste. I laugh out
loud at Rick and Morty. It's my favorite cartoon. Now.
I laugh the most here. Yeah yeah with you guys.
I laugh here too. But outside of this, yeah, I'm

not watching anything funny. These kids, the kids can make
you laugh. Your son makes me laugh. Holy, I mean
he has a piercing laugh. He goes, yeah, you're right.
I mean it is a slow build and a volcano
of laughter. Y'all will never see this. Vidy has a
pretty cute shower dance that makes me laugh. I mean
the minute the water hits his body, it's like, oh,

he just starts like really dancing and it's so funny. No, no,
I just want to Yeah. Well, I mean I just
hope you know, Okay, his wife might have forgaid that
one day. So you're wasting money on a gym membership.
If you feel like you are, you're not alone. Sixty
seven percent of people don't use their gym memberships, and

they are spending fifty eight dollars a month. Fifty dollars
a month for something that you're not using. It's just
auto dropped out of that account. If you have that
up over the year, I mean, you're gonna go out
on something pretty cool. Yeah. What happens though, instead of
canceling it, people go now, I'm eventually gonna go back.
So I don't want to cancel it. I'm eventually gonna
go back. My friend was just telling me yesterday she
pays I think she said, fifty eight dollars a month
to the y M c A. But she never goes.

But she feels like the y is a community thing,
and she feels like it's her donation to the community,
like I don't cancel it because it's you know, it
helps the city. People with glasses are considered smarter and
more trustworthy. Interesting. All I know is I was getting
hammered by you guys this morning for my new glasses,
which there's Instagram picture up of my new glasses. You

can judge for yourself. These are my everyday, all day glasses.
Those are still the big black rim glasses. These are circular,
much more scientific. So there's the whole smarter, trustworthy thing.
But twelve of women find men more attractive with glasses.
I don't know them. That's not the ones to hang out.

I can't see. I tell you my ride eye just
doesn't work. I have what's considered a lazy eye, meaning
it doesn't even try. It does it moves, They moved together.
Watch them are they together? They're moving, But it doesn't work.
It doesn't even try. And I had to wear a
patch over my good eye strengthened my bad eyes a kid,
and I got beat up so many times I stopped
wearing patch. So I just have one eye that doesn't work.

I was at the glass of store yesterday. Yeah, is
that why you didn't have glasses on? They were working
on it like candy land to me, I love it.
But to the glasses store and they tightened a bunch
of them, like five pair of them because my head
is somehow getting bigger as my vision is worth is azing.
So now they won't fall off your head right, just
fit you perfectly. So, Bobby, I know you started doing
hot yoga, and I'm a huge fan of that, and

I always thought there was more health benefits to it.
But a new study came out saying that doing yoga
at room temperature is just the same as doing it
in a hundred degrees. So if you don't want to
put yourself through the pain of the hundred degrees, unless
you just really like to sweat, you can just do
yoga in the comfort of your own home. I like
the sweating, though, I do feel like it's a cleansing
detoxin and it loosens me up because I'm pretty tight.

I'm not that flexible, so I feel like it gets
me ready. Good for you made me, and that's my file.
Every America. Remember the guy that set off the missile
in Hawaiian. Yes, he says, this is not a drill,

missiles coming to town, something like that, and everybody flipped
and I would have to just and I kind of
relived this today after it happened. I imagine you look
at your phone and it just says there's a bomb coming.
You freak out if you see there's a bomb coming.
And then the words, this is not a drill, you
really freak out. So the unnamed man they just fired.

He had worked for the Hawaii Emergency Management Agency for
ten years. He had previously confused as tsunami drill and
a fire drill for real life disasters. Oh, this was
his thing. He's done that before. This is Yes, his
superiors had to speak with him about those incidents. Other
workers had said they knew he couldn't do the job.
Despite their concerns, he was allowed to keep his job

and have access to the alert system. On January, he
heard the words this is not a drill, and that's
the training except just hit the button. Oh my good.
According to the story, it was not corrected from the
thirty eight minutes. He was fired and the HIMA h
g m A boss resigned as well. Wow, so I

just I don't know what I would have done. Correct
me if I'm wrong. But isn't Homer Simpson? And that
kind of his job too? Like in the cartoon, Well,
Homer works at the nuclear plant, the nuclear plan, and
he has a job to look over the button. Would
you say that's the same job, Mike. He controls melt
the melt down, so he's kind of like the Homer Simpson.

You've seen the Simpsons, I haven't what I mean, I've
seen it once or twice, but I never have watched
a full episode of the scar Ridver. Wow, do you
celebrate American holidays? Have you ever had chocolate? I mean,
what in the world? I can't be alone on this

show Tomorrow morning at eight eastern, seventh Central and do
the math wherever you are. Cassie Ashton comes in to perform,
and I think people are gonna hear and go whoa
chess song called California Missouri. I was all in. She's
in my class of eighteen. She's gotta perform live tomorrow
And if I got passed out on stop, I could

get a hit start on anything new. If you missed
today's show, including us talking to Dustin Christensen, who wrote
and performed the hit Parked Out by the Lake that's
still unable to buy. By the way, it's up on
the podcast of our show. Just go to iHeart Radio
and search Bobby Bones Show on demand. And now I'm
barked down any mouth saying a face lick where I'm

mad a fatherly and this lack is well man anything
Now it's so good. So we had him on. We

talked to him about why I wrote the song his
life journey. We're gonna get him at eventually, but that's
a jam. Listen to that back tomorrow is gonna be good. Today.
You do anything cool? Cool? No, just usual. It's cool
to me. But no, kids, I guess what I'm doing today.
I'll give you two guesses. Personal account. I do it
all time, working out, no boxing, No, what I do

all the time. And You're like, why do you do
this all the time? What's wrong with you? Oh? No,
not spreak fruit, although I think I do have one
of those two. But do go to the dinnis a lot? Yeah,
I always have to get a fixed. But they have
to really get obsessed with things. You think you're obsessed
with its. No, I don't want to go to this broke,
I broke on my teeth subconsciously or you breaking your teeth? Yes,

on purpose, I'm sitting there with it. No, I'm not
breaking my tea on purpose. But I have to get
a temporary and then Dave Heywood's coming over from Lady
and Bell into the house. We're recording a Bobby cast.
The Christian Bush one's up right now. If you want
to hear that, is it? What about life? Huh yeah
yeah yeah yeah see man, we'll see it tomorrow. Thank
you very much for hanging out, Bobby. Bobby Show
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