All Episodes

February 10, 2024 86 mins

This part of the podcast is just the best 7 bits from the show this week that Morgan counts down from 7 to 1. You’ll be able to listen to them uninterrupted with just a few intros!

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
It's the best bits of the week with Morgan.

Speaker 2 (00:03):
I feel just the bits.

Speaker 3 (00:05):
It's time for just the bits. What's up everybody? Happy weekend?
Morgan here, excited to bring you all some bits from
the show this week. Except also just a lot of
mixed emotions from this week because we lost a legend
in country music and icon just an incredible human being,
Toby Keith. And so you'll hear some of those bits
that we talked about on the show this week that

involved Toby Keith. So just know as we go through
best bits this week, we're gonna start out with him,
and we're in the show with him, and.

Speaker 4 (00:34):
I just I'm sad talking about it.

Speaker 3 (00:36):
He was a big stable for a lot of people
in country music, and myself included a lot of his
songs were the backdrop of my childhood.

Speaker 4 (00:43):
So it's a really sad week.

Speaker 3 (00:45):
And we also had some uplifting things happen on the show,
so it'll.

Speaker 4 (00:49):
Be a mix of both.

Speaker 3 (00:50):
We're going to kick things off with a story from
Bobby and Eddie where they were opening up for Toby
Keith as the Raging Idiots and Toby brought him on
stage to do red Solo Cup together and there's a
really special moment, also really funny because Toby called Eddie
the Mexican and there's a reason behind that.

Speaker 4 (01:05):
So you're gonna want to hear this one number seven.

Speaker 5 (01:08):
I wanted to play this clip from a Toby Keith
interview we did back in twenty fourteen. You know, we
spent most of yesterday's show talking about Toby Keith and
him unfortunately passing away. But there were a lot of
jokes that we had with Toby. There were a lot
of jokes that we had just within us about funny
things Toby would say on and off the air. And

so I remember once we were talking to Toby Keith
about getting into politics, and I was like, would you
ever get into politics? And I don't know what I
would have said if you asked me if this is
on the air or not, because we have references it
so many times on this show. It's always a funny
quote that Eddie and I will do on the road.
Where just do the quote Eddie before I even play
the clip.

Speaker 6 (01:48):
Oh yeah, I'll make more money and one not in
merch than the President does in one year.

Speaker 2 (01:52):
Yeah, something like that.

Speaker 5 (01:54):
I haven't even actually heard the clip played back, So
I think I got it. Who knows if that's even
exactly what he said, But that's any time there's a
question like, hey, how much you make no matter, I
made more money.

Speaker 7 (02:02):
In merch one night than why would he get into.

Speaker 5 (02:06):
Yeah, so this is the first clip. This is what
he had to say, Toby Keith about how much money
he can make it a night.

Speaker 2 (02:11):
Do you ever think about running provis Hell?

Speaker 8 (02:14):
No, no, no, you mean liars man.

Speaker 2 (02:17):
You get it.

Speaker 8 (02:17):
I can make more in a night the president makes
all year.

Speaker 2 (02:20):
In a night, you can make over one hundred thousand dollars.
You brought it up, not me, he makes more than
a hundred.

Speaker 9 (02:28):
I'm just asking, though, in a night, you can make
over one hundred grand. Oh yeah, Oh my goodness, Holy crap.

Speaker 8 (02:34):
You're simple.

Speaker 2 (02:35):
I am simple. What's the president making year?

Speaker 10 (02:38):

Speaker 2 (02:38):
Two fifty? Is that what the salary is for the president?
The two fifty?

Speaker 5 (02:42):

Speaker 2 (02:42):
You did a night? You can make over two undred
fifty thousands.

Speaker 8 (02:44):
I made that much in merch before in a night.

Speaker 10 (02:47):
In the night?

Speaker 2 (02:49):
Can I touch you?

Speaker 5 (02:51):
That's funny? And I don't know, maybe four hundred thousand
now I'm not sure. That's ten years ago. So don't
fact check me on that.

Speaker 7 (02:57):
And it's better that it's combined condensed.

Speaker 5 (03:00):
Yeah, like I said, we've done it so many times
we don't even know how it really happened. But that's
and then he goes, you're simple. We used to did
that one a lot too.

Speaker 9 (03:09):
I forgot about it.

Speaker 5 (03:10):
We don't do that one as much anymore, but you're simple.
We should just keep that clip saying by of him
going you're simple. And then here's a clip of Eddie
and I just it's small, but we just never played
in the audio with it. Toby had asked us to
come play a show with him in DC, so we did,
and we go out on stage and we're singing red solo,
cup and long and short of it is afterward because

we tried to you think you know the words of
the song until you have to get up and sing
the song with the microphones, because you sing.

Speaker 9 (03:36):
It your whole life.

Speaker 5 (03:37):
But then the versions of you know, let's have a party,
or proceed the party, or there are a little nuances
that it's okay if you mess up in your car
because nobody's judging you, but you get on stage.

Speaker 9 (03:47):
And so we did a pretty good job. What Toby
said you afterward.

Speaker 11 (03:50):

Speaker 10 (03:50):

Speaker 6 (03:51):
We were walking out of the venue and he was
by his bus. He goes, hey, thanks for coming. I'm like, hey,
thanks for having us. Toby's like, next time, learn the
band words.

Speaker 5 (04:00):
So this is just a low clip of us singing
red solo cup with Toby and DC.

Speaker 2 (04:17):
Let's get the Mexican. He found it nice job, that's funny.

Speaker 5 (04:24):
Wowow. Because Eddie had introduced himself. Toby knew us and
knew the show. But it's being funny. He goes, of
the raging idiots, I'm the Mexican.

Speaker 9 (04:32):

Speaker 6 (04:32):
We were backstage and I was like, hey, Toby, in
case you don't remember, I'm the Mexican of the band.
And he thought that was the funniest thing. He's like,
what you say, You're the Mexican.

Speaker 5 (04:40):
But he never referenced it on stage that it was
something that Eddie had said previously. He just said, where's
the Mexican. So it's kind of like an inside joke,
but for everybody got to hear. Except I wonder if
some people were like, to Mexican, you play that again, Ray, So.

Speaker 2 (05:12):
I haven't heard that since we did it.

Speaker 9 (05:14):
Let's get the Mexican says, that's so funny. I love that.

Speaker 2 (05:18):
Again something else that we've just talked.

Speaker 9 (05:20):
About in reference many times.

Speaker 5 (05:23):
So you know, we've talked about Toby Keith for a
couple of days and lasting impression on country music, last
impression on us, just from personal things like that.

Speaker 9 (05:32):
I remember looking the crowd too, and then be like, huh.

Speaker 5 (05:35):
Yeah, did he say that?

Speaker 1 (05:39):
It's the best bits of the week with Morgan Number two.

Speaker 3 (05:43):
A listener called in and shared the twenty twenty three
game stats for the show. He called in when twenty
twenty two ended and shared our stats for that, so
he called back again another year ended, and you know
every time he called it just get sad. It's like
I automatically know I'm gonna get roasted because games are
not my forte.

Speaker 4 (06:00):
I have learned.

Speaker 3 (06:00):
If there's one thing I've learned in my entire time
on the show, is that I am not good at games,
which also should not be a surprise because it took
a lot for me to study in school. So I
am not getting studying for these games. I'm just having
to be on my game.

Speaker 12 (06:16):
And I'm not.

Speaker 3 (06:17):
So here are our stats for twenty twenty three, and
you'll be excited to see who the winner is and
unfortunately who the loser is.

Speaker 5 (06:25):
Number six on the phone now is Tyler and Ozark Missouri.

Speaker 2 (06:28):
Hey Tyler, what's up, buddy?

Speaker 10 (06:30):
I have the games played in games won with percentages
for twenty twenty three, every game.

Speaker 9 (06:36):
We played on the show.

Speaker 2 (06:37):
Wow, this is a second year row.

Speaker 10 (06:38):

Speaker 9 (06:39):
Hey, I remember last year we were blown away. It's good. Yeah.

Speaker 10 (06:41):
Okay, So he said, you said you have percentages and
I was like, no, but I'll get them next year.
So I got them.

Speaker 5 (06:47):
Okay, let's talk about so give us some give us
some data here. So how all the games play?

Speaker 9 (06:51):
Listen every podcast, tell me, give me, give me some stuff.

Speaker 10 (06:55):
All right. So the most games played by a single
person was one hundred and fifty seven, and that was Amy.
Because there's different times, you know, the lowest person got
booted out of easy trivia or different games until you
know the next round. Yeah, so the most games played
by a single person was Amy with one hundred and

fifty seven.

Speaker 3 (07:18):

Speaker 2 (07:20):
Okay, that's a good stat What else you got?

Speaker 10 (07:22):
There was only one person in the show that got
one hundred percent and games played games one.

Speaker 9 (07:27):
Okay, how many games did they play?

Speaker 8 (07:28):

Speaker 10 (07:30):
They played one game.

Speaker 9 (07:31):
Okay, who was that and they might have geated? Okay,
oh Ray he wasn't had all the answers and he
was playing right, all right?

Speaker 13 (07:40):
All right?

Speaker 9 (07:41):
What else you got for us?

Speaker 10 (07:42):
I mean, do you just want to go from the
top or I can't really ever get anything?

Speaker 14 (07:46):

Speaker 2 (07:46):
No, go whatever you have there?

Speaker 5 (07:48):
Give me, Like who who has the worst winning percentage
on the show?

Speaker 10 (07:54):
The worst winning percentage was Morgan. She won twelve games
out of seventy seventy.

Speaker 9 (08:00):
That's terrible. And what and what's that? What's that percentage?

Speaker 10 (08:04):
Seventeen percent?

Speaker 9 (08:05):
Okay, that's like the pistons.

Speaker 4 (08:06):
You know what, if you can't be first, might as
well be lost.

Speaker 9 (08:09):
No, I don't agree.

Speaker 10 (08:10):
I'm trying to get that side from aside from Raymundo, Bobby,
you had the second highest percentage and it kind of
has an asterisk. You went nine out of ten for
ninety percent. But there's one game where you won and
then you're like, gotta let's keep playing. Points are points
are doubled, and then the double points ended up actually

making you lose.

Speaker 5 (08:31):
I've got lost. That's a loss lost. I'm sure, I'm
sure for a good time. I'm here for a long time.
You don't play many games for a good time.

Speaker 2 (08:37):
I mean, this dude knows everything.

Speaker 9 (08:39):
This is my hero.

Speaker 5 (08:39):
I'm gonna I don't what I'm gonna gehim'mna him something
at the end of this. Okay, So take me out
of it. Now, give me lunch box of stats. Where
did you fall?

Speaker 10 (08:48):
Lunchbox went forty four for one thirty eight at thirty
one point eight percent.

Speaker 9 (08:53):
Yeah, I mean that's fine.

Speaker 5 (08:56):
Okay. Where did he rank in the rankings? Was he
next to last or was he up there?

Speaker 10 (09:00):
If you take so Morgan was last, I'll just go
from bottom up.

Speaker 9 (09:04):
Go ahead, Yeah, yeah, I like that jumping all right?

Speaker 10 (09:07):
So Morgan was last and second to last place was
Amy at twenty one percent. She got she went thirty
three for one fifty seven.

Speaker 2 (09:18):
May got anything to say?

Speaker 9 (09:19):
Heard from Dank? Got it? Okay, he said, thanks.

Speaker 10 (09:24):
And then you have Abby went ten for thirty seven
at twenty seven percent.

Speaker 9 (09:29):
Wow, he's on there.

Speaker 10 (09:32):
Then you had lunch Box at thirty one point eight
percent okay. And then you had Eddie went fifty seven
for one pointy nine at thirty eight point two percent.

Speaker 2 (09:42):
What's go? All I do is win Man be a
Hall of Famer in baseball.

Speaker 9 (09:47):
Yeah, all you do is win thirty percent.

Speaker 8 (09:49):
Of the time.

Speaker 9 (09:49):
He just said, all I do is win.

Speaker 5 (09:51):
Basically, we played one hundred and fifty seven games though
last year games.

Speaker 2 (09:56):
That's awesome.

Speaker 9 (09:57):
Wow, that's good, Tyler. So, so does it have like
a spreadsheet like I's.

Speaker 5 (10:01):
Probably gonna ask, like, do you listen it and everyone
just listen to keep track? Or do you do it
all year or do you just go through and like
cram all night and go through everyone to find every game?

Speaker 10 (10:10):
No, I just I mean I get behind like a
week or so every now and then because my work's
up and down depends on how much windshield time I have.
But uh, yeah, as I listen, I just got it
in my notes. I have each person's name with games
one games played, and then at the end of the year,
I just did the percentages, soul.

Speaker 5 (10:30):
Do you have a job that requires you to do
math or spreadsheets?

Speaker 10 (10:36):
I'm a job site superintendent, so I'm probably managing the
job site and doing all that kind of stuff. But
all right, really, I just like numbers, and I thought
it was kind of fun to keep track of it
because you guys always said Eddie always won so I
wanted to see how accurate that was.

Speaker 9 (10:52):
You're the most winner. The proof is in the pudding. Well,
you're the winner, the proof is in the data. Yeah.

Speaker 5 (10:57):
Hey, so I want to give you something for all
this hard work. Are you a NASCAR fan? By any chance?

Speaker 10 (11:02):
I have a Instead of you sending me something, could
I do fifteen seconds to self promo?

Speaker 2 (11:08):

Speaker 9 (11:08):
That'd be awesome. Go ahead, let's let's start the timer.
Raymundo and uh, don't start yet, Tyler.

Speaker 5 (11:14):
When we get the TikToker up, we're gonna go give
you fifteen seconds of self promotion. This is Tyler who
lives in Missouri. Ready, Tyler, and go earned Kyler?

Speaker 10 (11:23):
Okay, kay, Wiley R And I've been in picktok jail
for a long time. I'm stuck at four hundred and
eighty thousand followers. I don't know what happened, but I
could really use the B team to give me a
boost and get me back in the algorithm so I
can start making viral content.

Speaker 5 (11:42):
You have half a million five Wait, so it's.

Speaker 9 (11:46):
Not Kyler, but what's thet Yeah, what's your account? What's
your account? Kyler? What's your name there?

Speaker 10 (11:51):
This is Kyler and it's my name is kay Y
l e R the nhig s.

Speaker 9 (11:56):
E Kyle Kyler Ennis on TikTok.

Speaker 2 (11:59):
Yes, he just have a million. How do you have
a million follower?

Speaker 10 (12:02):

Speaker 2 (12:02):
What'd you do the world?

Speaker 9 (12:03):
Yeah? What'd you do to get all that? All the followers?

Speaker 10 (12:06):
I started with like d I y stuff. Whenever my
daughter was born, like three years ago, we did our
nursery and I did like a nursery makeover deal.

Speaker 9 (12:13):
Oh yeah, He's like, then, I've kind of become a.

Speaker 10 (12:16):
Grip strength guy. I test different groups, different occupations, group
strength and post those and those videos have been doing
really good. Jeff, if you ever want to do a
grip things video in the studio, let me know. I'll
drive to Nashville. That's no big deal.

Speaker 7 (12:31):
What's a what's a grip?

Speaker 15 (12:33):

Speaker 7 (12:33):
What is it? Yeah?

Speaker 9 (12:34):
Yeah, what's a grip show?

Speaker 10 (12:35):
So you have the machine right, Yeah, it's a handheld
dynamometer and whenever you squeeze it, it shows like how many
kinds of pressure you can squeeze.

Speaker 5 (12:43):
And so he goes to all the different professions to
see who has the strongest grip. That's a that's a
funny name. Okay, So let me say his name again.
You guys, go follow Kyler Ennis.

Speaker 9 (12:51):
I just followed him.

Speaker 5 (12:52):
K y l e r e n n I s
We'll get him out of TikTok jail. He's our statician.
We're here from once a year.

Speaker 2 (12:58):
Kyler. We appreciate that.

Speaker 10 (12:59):
Man. Hey, you guys are awesome. I appreciate you guys.

Speaker 2 (13:02):
All right, buddy, Hey, give it up for Kyler Renner.

Speaker 16 (13:04):

Speaker 2 (13:05):
See, Kyler, it's.

Speaker 1 (13:08):
The best bits of the week with Morgan.

Speaker 3 (13:11):
Number two, Blake Shelton and gwen Stefani were on with
us and they were talking about their new collaboration together,
the inspiration behind it, and also Bobby wanted to know
from Gwynn about No Doubt reuniting for an upcoming performance
and hear how she's feeling about all of that, and
he kind of geeked out a little bit because he
loves No Doubt.

Speaker 4 (13:30):
So it was really cool to hear from both of them.

Speaker 3 (13:31):
And I loved watching them during the interview because you
can tell these two just love each other and that's
always really fun to see. So here without further and
do i'h so sorry my words are messed up. This weekend,
this vertigo is kicking my butt. We've got Blake Shelton
and Gwen Stefani number five.

Speaker 2 (13:48):
Hey guys, how's it going?

Speaker 17 (13:49):
Hey Bobby?

Speaker 2 (13:50):
Hey, what's behind you?

Speaker 5 (13:51):
Is that like specific art to a project or is
that just like the jets scent? Like?

Speaker 9 (13:55):
What is that?

Speaker 13 (13:55):
That was from animated cartoon I did years ago?

Speaker 12 (13:59):
It was just just some of the art from that.

Speaker 2 (14:02):
That's cool.

Speaker 5 (14:02):
Yeah, it kind of looks like the Jetson's meats. Hey
it doesn't Blake, I want to push you off for
a second. And you talk to Gwen? Is that cool?

Speaker 17 (14:11):
I don't blame you. You've talked to me plenty of time,
that's true.

Speaker 12 (14:13):
I try to talk to you guys. This is so different.

Speaker 5 (14:17):
Well, thanks, And I'm a massive and have been a massive,
no doubt fan forever.

Speaker 9 (14:22):
Listen. I saw you when you were opening for Bush.

Speaker 5 (14:27):
No. I went to a Bush concert and saw you
guys back and like, wait, wait forever.

Speaker 9 (14:31):
So I've been a fan for a long time.

Speaker 5 (14:32):
But I guess my question is when you guys are
getting back together at Coachella, which is a massive deal
to somebody like me, But have you guys started rehearsing
yet or do you need to rehearse we.

Speaker 12 (14:42):
Haven't even spoken.

Speaker 13 (14:44):
I mean we literally had like one zoom and but
we're about ready to get into it. It's going to
be I feel like it's going to be like riding
a bike and we're going to be I think we're
going to be laughing a lot, and we look at
each other that I'm going to be and I didn't know.

Speaker 12 (15:00):
Oh. I mean, it's just been very bizarre because we
were excited about it.

Speaker 13 (15:04):
But the vibe and the energy and excitement that I
feel that's out there that you can't see it but
you can feel it is beyond what I could imagine.

Speaker 12 (15:13):
So it's pretty it's pretty wild.

Speaker 9 (15:15):
Yeah, for me, it's super exciting.

Speaker 5 (15:16):
Usually I don't give a crap who's headlining a festival
that I'm not going to go to, and also I'm not.

Speaker 9 (15:21):
Going to watch it online.

Speaker 5 (15:22):
However, they do show the stream and I will watch
you guys play because to me like that, that's super cool.

Speaker 12 (15:27):
That's awesome. I'm thank you.

Speaker 13 (15:29):
We are excited and I'm excited to get back in
rehearsals with those guys. They're very meticulous and it's going
to be like really bizarre learning some of the old
songs again and and you know we just it will
just be no doubt songs which will be completely different from.

Speaker 12 (15:45):
Me as well. So it's exciting, not exciting about what's
happening right now.

Speaker 5 (15:50):
Okay, see Step I was gonna say Blakey felt left out.
I know, I was going to get back over to it.

Speaker 17 (15:54):
No, Bobby, trust me.

Speaker 16 (15:56):
I mean, when they made the announcement that they were
getting back together for the show, all the suddme ud
I started having people check in just to say hi
with me that I haven't heard from in years, just say, man,
it's thinking of you. Let's let's get together. Knowing where
this is going, so trust me, I know.

Speaker 9 (16:15):
I'll direct this one to you, Blake Purple Iris.

Speaker 5 (16:17):
As we've we've been playing it, you guys are doing
another song together. The times that you have they've been
super successful. Just why again, why this song? And do
you feel the pressure for it to you know, crush again?

Speaker 16 (16:31):
Well, of course, I mean you always feel, you know,
pressure at some level. I mean, you know, I think
the pressure that we feel this time around is just
because we love this song so much. I mean, it's
it's a thing that Gwyn wrote with some friends of
ours and and I fell in love with the song
the very first time I heard it, and I think

she knew that there was there was something different about
it and and uh, and so she asked me to
come in and sing on it, and it just we
got Scott Hendrix to produce the record. She's always wanted
to work with Scott and it's just turned into this
piece of music that I think is kind of it

can live anywhere, and so we just decided to run
with it and we're having a last week.

Speaker 17 (17:18):
I just loved the song.

Speaker 5 (17:20):
You know, eventually you guys will be able to do
a whole show of just your songs. I mean, you
got two number ones and then you have this one
coming now.

Speaker 9 (17:28):
I mean, how many do you need to actually do
that tour a lot more?

Speaker 13 (17:34):
But it's fun to come up on stage with Blake.
And I started the first few times I ever did it,
I was like it was just it was so different,
like being in front of that audience and it felt like, wow,
I'm on Lake Shelton stage. It just kind of made
me feel like I don't know, new all over again,
like nervous and excited and like having to prove myself

and all the things that I've I've done a million times,
but like it but with my best friends. So it's
it's really fun to have another song, especially something that
I wrote that I didn't write this as a duet.
I just wrote it and it's and I've been writing,
trying to write and try to find my voice right
now who I am, you know, as a record as
as a writer write you know for.

Speaker 12 (18:17):
A long time, like since like we're like yeah forever.

Speaker 13 (18:21):
And when I wrote Purple Irises, it's like, Okay, I landed,
Like this is the vibe this is. This reminds me
of like the back of the station wagon on the
way to the church, like listening to music, you know,
when I was a kid, like and in you know,
seventies or eighties, and me and Blake both like kind
of land in that like familiar land of like yacht rock.
That's like where we both are, like we love that

music and we'll sit for hours and be like, have
you do you remember this one?

Speaker 12 (18:47):
Do you know this one?

Speaker 13 (18:48):
It was a one who hit wonder whatever it is, right,
So this song kind of reflects that time period for
me and the fact that he liked it enough because
I respect like so much with when it comes to music,
and he wanted to be on.

Speaker 12 (19:01):
It because I actually was.

Speaker 13 (19:03):
I would never ask La to be on my songs
like that would just be weird, you know what I mean.

Speaker 17 (19:07):
But I have no absolutely no problem asking you to be.

Speaker 9 (19:11):
On my song.

Speaker 12 (19:12):
I don't know, but it's different.

Speaker 13 (19:14):
But for some reason he like I texted and then
he was like, Okay, I go just come try being
on it. He got up out of the chair and
come over and twenty minutes later he was like singing
on the demo.

Speaker 12 (19:24):
So we're excited about it.

Speaker 5 (19:27):
And so you guys sing in the same studio because
a lot of times you don't. But they also that
people aren't actually you know, living together. But you guys
went to the studio at the same time and sang
together or no, we.

Speaker 2 (19:37):
Were both there.

Speaker 16 (19:38):
We tracked it together and and uh, and then went
back and sing it together. We even we're going to
try to like sing it at the same time together,
but that almost gave Scott Hendrick a stroke, so he
decided to split it up there.

Speaker 17 (19:53):
But we were together.

Speaker 16 (19:53):
In fact, Gwynn I couldn't Winn's really good harmony, so
she was helping me find my parts and stuff.

Speaker 5 (20:01):
Where do you guys fall in the old Venn diagram
of music that you both love?

Speaker 9 (20:05):
Like, what shared music do you both love the most?

Speaker 17 (20:09):
You know what I've learned, We've learned a lot from
each other.

Speaker 16 (20:11):
I think you know that sweet spot she's talking about
with with the yacht rock thing, But you know, we've
learned a lot of music from each other. And one
of my favorite time periods that that I've been able
to expose when to is like that Steve Warner the
weekend uh time period of country music, which by the way,
I put into the.

Speaker 18 (20:30):
Yacht rock category. Uh And and.

Speaker 17 (20:34):
That's just kind of where we hit together.

Speaker 16 (20:38):
But you know, there's a there's a ton of stuff
like Bread or Ambrosia or Fleetwood Mac. There's a there's
a ton of those bands and artists like that that
we just we never get tired of.

Speaker 5 (20:50):
In the past week or so of videos come up
on my TikTok about both of you both like throwback videos.
There was one whenever Blake You're about to have anumber
one with Austin or is about to achieve some landmark
and someone was like the hardest thing about that song
Blake and again you had mull and cowboy hat, you
know what you look like, and is that you're gonna
have to sing it your whole career because it seems
like it's a pretty hard song to sing. And then

with Gwen with you, there was one that popped up
online where you were playing it was like your first
ever TV appearance with no doubt, like on a public
access channel or something.

Speaker 12 (21:18):
Oh gosh, that is that that. I can't believe you
watched that. I mean, I was literally, I was literally seventeen.

Speaker 5 (21:25):
I think whenever that because you're not putting this stuff up,
old fans are finding old stuff. Do you guys ever,
are you ever on TikTok or social media come across
some of this old stuff of your own?

Speaker 9 (21:35):
And like, holy crap, I cannot believe.

Speaker 2 (21:37):
I don't.

Speaker 9 (21:38):
I've thought about that in forever.

Speaker 12 (21:40):
For sure.

Speaker 13 (21:41):
I mean I am, I'm kind of like Dora from
finding Nemos like things, kind of I don't remember anything,
so I'm like in the moment, right in the moment.
But the other day I started thinking about purple viruses,
and I mean, honestly, the song came from basically twenty twenty.

Blake and I were on the ranch with the kids,
and we were in quarantine and we would just for us.
It was like kind of fun because the world stopped
and we were able to just like be together and
have this simple kind of life that we we always
like dreamed about. And we were on a little bit
of like an exploration on the ranch and we found
these purple irises and it was like this old, broken
down homestead that probably was there like one hundred years ago, right,

and we and all the kids were with us, and
we all like started pulling them out. We're like, oh,
let's take these and we'll transplant them like over to
the lodge where we live.

Speaker 12 (22:34):
And so we probably did like a hundred of them.

Speaker 13 (22:36):
It's just like a project to do because every day
we would try to find something to do. And then
years later that became this beautiful like garden of purple irises.

Speaker 12 (22:46):
And they're these like they're not wild.

Speaker 13 (22:48):
Somebody planted them like one hundred years ago, and now
they're living on our land. And it's just like My
point of the story is that I was looking through
some of my old pictures, you know, they just come
up on your phone, and I start thinking about I
think my family couch like growing up when I was
like a teenager, had like irises.

Speaker 12 (23:06):
On it, and the picture like comes up on.

Speaker 13 (23:08):
My phone and it literally was true, like it was
like this yellow couch with these irises, and so now
anything that has to do with iris is it's like,
oh my god, foreshadowing to the future me and.

Speaker 12 (23:18):
Blake being on this song together.

Speaker 13 (23:20):
And but yeah, that just reminded me of that picture
because I saw that yesterday and I'm wearing like a
black and white stripe prom dress sitting on the couch,
and I was like, that is like me forever, like
I've never like changed from the same style or the
things that I love, you know. And to now fast
forward and be talking to Bobby Bones from LA with

Blake Shelton, They're like, what.

Speaker 17 (23:43):
I'm a complete opposite.

Speaker 16 (23:45):
Thank God, I changed my style and my appearance and
stuff over the years.

Speaker 18 (23:50):
Don't you agree, Bobby?

Speaker 5 (23:52):
You're quite the dashing gentleman now, I will admit, Oh yeah.

Speaker 10 (23:57):
Thank you.

Speaker 2 (23:57):
Hey, is that a Jets jersey?

Speaker 17 (23:58):
What are you wearing? What is that?

Speaker 9 (24:00):
No, it's a it's a signed Jalen Wattle jersey.

Speaker 18 (24:03):
That Oh oh it's okay, I see Miami.

Speaker 5 (24:06):
God I don't even I'm not even Dolphins fan and
I'm not really a Geleen Wattle fan, but I want it,
so I wear it. I have all these signed jerseys
and I'm not going to frame them, so I wear them.

Speaker 17 (24:13):
Because I'm sell them. Man, if you're not going to
frame them, come.

Speaker 9 (24:16):
On, I don't know I sell them. I don't know.
I'll give them away. You want one? What do you want?

Speaker 8 (24:21):
I want that one?

Speaker 10 (24:22):

Speaker 5 (24:23):
Too small? Hey, so, hey, about about your song real quick?
Don't don't give me sidetrack?

Speaker 9 (24:28):

Speaker 5 (24:29):
So with purple irises, Gwen, and you're writing it and
you said you are to with two friends of yours.
When you're writing it, who did you have in mind
for the song? Was it for you as a solo
song in your head? Was it for you you thought
maybe used for the band? Like where did you think
it would go?

Speaker 12 (24:43):
It was? I was writing another like solo record.

Speaker 13 (24:46):
Basically, I started writing like we talked about like in
twenty twenty. I thought at first, I started writing like
a reggae record.

Speaker 12 (24:53):
I was like, I'm.

Speaker 13 (24:54):
Going back old school, like I'm going to the roots,
you know, and like I went through this whole like
journey of this music, and then it's just sort of
was you know, when you just know that I don't
know how to explain it, but when you know that
the right music is there and it feels like, oh
my god, this is what I care about right now,
Like I don't even care if anyone else doesn't care,

Like this is this reflects where I'm at and for me,
like having been around forever, I mean, it's like you
don't want to repeat yourself. You don't want to like
I'm not ever going to be Hollabat girl again or
I'm never going to be you know what I mean.
Like it's like you want to keep evolving and becoming
who you are now, especially with the songs, and reflect
like your actual life and the truth of who you are.

So when I was I finally wrote that song, it
was it was the first of like the record that
I am going to be putting out that is kind
of in that zone, and just happened to Kip Blake
on it. I mean, honestly never thought of him when
I wrote it.

Speaker 12 (25:53):
It was about us. I mean, the song is about us.

Speaker 13 (25:55):
It was written to him, and when I got kind
of like this sense he would maybe be on it.
I was like, well, I could I just rewrite the
whole thing, like if you really would be on it, like,
I will just go rewrite it. But then when we
actually listened to the lyrics, we didn't have to even
rewrite it.

Speaker 12 (26:10):
He just like hopped on the second verse and it worked.

Speaker 13 (26:14):
And it's just one of those kind of miracle moments
in songwriting where you just and to be able to
share it now is beyond exciting and scary and weird
because it is so like a real song that I
wrote about in my life, about.

Speaker 12 (26:29):
Me and Blake, and now he's on this song and
now it's.

Speaker 13 (26:32):
Out there in the world, and I think those are
the best ones though. It's like just to open your
heart up and just tell the truth and then someone
hopefully relates to that and gets the joy that we're
getting out of it.

Speaker 5 (26:44):
The song is Purple iris Is. We've been playing it
all morning. Blake and Gwen are on with us now, Hey, Blake.
We talked about Toby a bunch this week with Toby
Heaths passing away, and it seems, you know, everybody has
a great Toby Keith story or ten, but I know
you guys, you'll have a history as well. I don't know,
can you give me something that you know makes you
some while when you think back about Tobey, well, you.

Speaker 16 (27:07):
Know, Toby was a he was a kind of a
tough nut to crack, you know, to get to know.
And and but once you were in that inner circle
with him, you could do no wrong almost and and
and he was just that.

Speaker 17 (27:25):
Kind of guy.

Speaker 16 (27:26):
And I was out on tour with him for I
don't know, I think a year and a half maybe
two years solid, like we were just out there with
him the whole time. And over time, you know, we
started to develop a little bit of a relationship. We're
both from from Oklahoma, and so that was that was
kind of our connection that we had early on. Then

he then he he made me put together a basketball
team with my band and crew who whatever I had
out there, because he loved to play basketball and he
wanted to play every single day.

Speaker 17 (27:58):
And so we did it. And of course you can.

Speaker 16 (28:01):
Imagine me out there and and it only got worse
from me with my band and crew.

Speaker 17 (28:06):
But so they just killed us every day.

Speaker 10 (28:09):

Speaker 16 (28:09):
But we became buddies over time, and and to the
point where you know, almost like a like a little
brother type thing, you know. Toby was Toby was the
king of tough love. And I remember one day I
told this at a at a thing we honored him
att last fall there at the at the Opry, the.

Speaker 17 (28:30):
People's Choice thing.

Speaker 16 (28:31):
But it really sums up, you know, Toby's sense of humor,
because he could, he could be ruthless in a in
a funny way, and he had it was right in
the in the middle of the shopping all days. And
he was just the king of country music at the time.
And and the c m A Awards came and went,

and I think he was up for and who knows
a bunch of awards, and he didn't win any any
of them, you know, And that was just Toby. Toby
almost never won awards, you know.

Speaker 17 (29:04):
And it was I think it was.

Speaker 18 (29:08):
In that moment.

Speaker 16 (29:10):
I don't want to say it upset him, but it
would get under his skin a little bit, and I
knew that I could say something to him about it
and it would piss him off, you know. And so
the next the following weekend, I saw him out there
and I said, hey, man, you know, because at the
time I was I was a baby artist, I said,
you know, someday if I ever do get nominated for

any awards, man, I hope it's against you. And I
thought it was too and and he literally, without a beat,
skipping a beat, said to me.

Speaker 17 (29:44):
He goes.

Speaker 16 (29:44):
You know why I brought you out here on tour
with me? And I said, no, he goes, because I
wanted to prove to the industry that I really don't
need an opening act, which which was so true because
every every night I walked out there and there, you know,
it would be like fifteen people in a twenty thousand
seat amphitheater, and then at some point in the twenty

minutes I left the stage and he came on, it
would be completely sold out.

Speaker 17 (30:11):
Fact, so he was dead honor about that.

Speaker 16 (30:14):
But he was just always always that guy, and I
just I loved him.

Speaker 18 (30:20):
I looked up to him, and he would have done
anything for a friend.

Speaker 16 (30:26):
And you can ask his close circle of friends that
I mean, there's amazing stories of Toby's loyalty and his
generosity and just his heart. And he came across as
this big, you know, tough, hard headed guy, which he was,
But there was also another side of Toby Keith that

if you ever got.

Speaker 17 (30:47):
To see it. It was unbelievably generous.

Speaker 5 (30:52):
Well, we appreciate you guys' time and thanks for sharing
that story. And we're going to play Purple Irises again,
which we've been playing it all morning, and aratulations on
early success of it, and good to talk to you guys,
and hopefully we'll see in person sometime soon.

Speaker 17 (31:06):
Thank you, buddy.

Speaker 2 (31:07):
All right, see you guys.

Speaker 1 (31:10):
It's the best bits of the week with Morgan.

Speaker 3 (31:14):
Number two, Lunchbox went to the streets to ask strangers
who would win between Eddie and the.

Speaker 4 (31:22):
New Bachelor as far as their looks go.

Speaker 3 (31:24):
Now, this all happened because Eddie came on the show
and said I am more attractive than the new Bachelor.
So Lunchbox is like, let me go to the streets
and find out if it's really true. And I would
like to say that this street statistic is a little
ricked because you can definitely tell they're all in a
certain age group that definitely favored one over the other.

Speaker 5 (31:42):
Number four, you may all remember Eddie saying, what's up
with this new guy that's the bachelor?

Speaker 9 (31:47):
Yeah, oh yeah, Joey, it's a really good looking dude
into the shirt. Offic Is he better, like, it just
looks normal, ripped up, and you're not a guy who
thinks you look great. No, no, no, no, I just think
you look better than him.

Speaker 6 (31:57):
Well I saw him, and I'm like, he just looks
like any other dude. I think I look as good
as he does. So we thought this was a bit crazy.

Speaker 5 (32:03):
So lunchbox man of the people, man on the streets
went out with two pictures, one of Eddie.

Speaker 9 (32:07):
Oh my god, what picture though?

Speaker 2 (32:10):
Whateveryone's on your Instagram? Man, that's those are the pictures
you like. So I went to your point your Instagram
and I screenshoted pictures from your Instagram. And then I
went to Joey's Instagram and took pictures from his Instagram.

Speaker 9 (32:21):
Oh, I'm sure Joey's gauge of what to put on
Instagram's a little more, particularly when I make an excuses
bud okay.

Speaker 2 (32:26):
No, like I did, one of Eddie shirtless and one
of him shirts shirtless. How did you find that it's
on your Instagram?

Speaker 9 (32:32):
On the car when he spra down with the water.

Speaker 2 (32:34):
No, he said it against a fence and says no
lifeguard on duty or something like that.

Speaker 9 (32:38):
Man about a year ago, dude.

Speaker 2 (32:40):
And then I also took one of just like an
a normal shirt and Joey in a normal shirt.

Speaker 9 (32:44):
I like it.

Speaker 17 (32:45):

Speaker 9 (32:45):
Ready, do you see the pictures? I'm looking at him
right now.

Speaker 2 (32:48):
You look pretty good.

Speaker 9 (32:49):
Okay, okay, all right, let's go. Let's see what they say.
All right, here is the first person.

Speaker 2 (32:52):
So I'm gonna show you a picture of Eddie and
then I'm gonna show you a picture of Joey, and
you tell me which one you like and why this
is Eddie? Okay, not great, you said, Okay, okay, well
let me see the other. Here's Joey.

Speaker 9 (33:07):
I'll take the first one you'll take.

Speaker 2 (33:09):
Why do you like Eddie better?

Speaker 19 (33:10):
Because he seems like a nice guy and he looks
like my husband.

Speaker 2 (33:14):
Okay, what is it? So you say like the dad bod? Yeah?

Speaker 9 (33:17):
Absolutely, you're leading the witness a little bit.

Speaker 2 (33:20):
Yeah, she still picked Eddy.

Speaker 9 (33:21):
He's let's buck.

Speaker 2 (33:22):
Do you like this disgusting guy?

Speaker 9 (33:23):
Or do you let it know?

Speaker 17 (33:24):

Speaker 2 (33:24):
No, it was because she had she said like, oh
it's okay, you said ugly, huh?

Speaker 5 (33:30):
I said, just okay, here's the picture of you with
your shirt off, Eddie're on like green shorts.

Speaker 9 (33:35):
I mean it.

Speaker 2 (33:35):
Look you look good?

Speaker 9 (33:36):
Okay, thanks dude.

Speaker 2 (33:38):
Hey, I got one to zero Joey. Let's go next.

Speaker 9 (33:41):

Speaker 2 (33:41):
That's Eddie.

Speaker 19 (33:42):
Okay, what do you think he's Okay, not spectacular.

Speaker 2 (33:46):
Here's Joey.

Speaker 19 (33:47):
Oh, Joey's got it all the way around.

Speaker 2 (33:50):
Why because he's got it all? What does he have
that you like? He love his.

Speaker 12 (33:54):
Muscles and he's got a great smile.

Speaker 2 (33:56):
Okay, wonder one.

Speaker 9 (33:58):
All right, we're tied up Joey. Guys, just a good look.
What's the described Joey's picture? I don't know what looks
one lunch?

Speaker 5 (34:05):
She used?

Speaker 9 (34:05):
I mean, let's do another one while he pulls him out.

Speaker 2 (34:09):
Go ahead, this is gonna be Joey. Okay, what do
we think of Joey?

Speaker 19 (34:13):
Just not bad?

Speaker 2 (34:15):
And Eddie?

Speaker 4 (34:17):
Eddie seems like the low man on the totem pole.

Speaker 1 (34:19):
We'll go with Eddie.

Speaker 9 (34:20):
Yeah, we'll go there.

Speaker 2 (34:21):
So you go with the low man on the totem pole.
I don't understand.

Speaker 4 (34:25):
I gotta feel bad for him. Everybody deserves love.

Speaker 2 (34:30):
Okay, So you're saying Joey's better looking, but you're gonna
give it to Eddie out of sympathy. Okay, thank you?

Speaker 11 (34:35):
What the.

Speaker 2 (34:37):
Eddie you're up to. I don't understand you got a
point there, weird.

Speaker 9 (34:41):
I don't understand that low man on the totem pole.
So we'll go with Eddie. I don't know, Hey, never
apologize for a whin.

Speaker 10 (34:48):
You're right?

Speaker 9 (34:48):
What is it too?

Speaker 2 (34:49):
They don't want you want here? He goes Joe's blue
shirt A blue shirt, right, Mike, like normal?

Speaker 9 (34:54):
Nothing, Joey has his shirt on, So I think I
do have an advantage. There's his shirt off. You showed
him that picture?

Speaker 5 (35:00):

Speaker 9 (35:00):
Yeah, off? Then you okay, all right, and this is
the shirt of the picture I used to you.

Speaker 2 (35:05):
Okay, just Eddie and a black shirt?

Speaker 9 (35:06):
Yeah, like I think honestly, guys, I think we look
like the same person.

Speaker 7 (35:10):
Show me the Joey one.

Speaker 9 (35:11):
Joey's like twenty years younger than you.

Speaker 7 (35:13):
Will yeah Joey okay, yeah?

Speaker 2 (35:16):
And then Eddie not then Eddie.

Speaker 9 (35:19):
Eddie looks like Joey some sort of total All right,
let's do it one more.

Speaker 2 (35:24):
That's Joey.

Speaker 19 (35:25):
Oh yeah.

Speaker 2 (35:26):
What do you like about Joey?

Speaker 19 (35:27):
Oh he's pretty handsome?

Speaker 10 (35:28):

Speaker 19 (35:29):

Speaker 2 (35:29):
Is it his eyes, his hair, his.

Speaker 19 (35:30):
Air, his look, his eyes?

Speaker 2 (35:33):
Okay, smile now, here's here's Eddie.

Speaker 19 (35:36):
Oh he's good looking too in his own way.

Speaker 2 (35:39):
So which one if you had to say Potter, Joey
or Eddie?

Speaker 19 (35:44):
It's probably more my type.

Speaker 2 (35:46):
Why is he more of your type?

Speaker 19 (35:48):
Because he's older, more mature looking. The other guy looks
pretty young.

Speaker 2 (35:52):
So you went again.

Speaker 9 (35:53):
I don't know how to win again in your own way,
but I do.

Speaker 7 (35:56):
Feel like Lunchbox was going to older women.

Speaker 2 (36:00):
No, this was literally the people walking down the street.
What do you want me to do? Who cares? Eddie won? Eddie?

Speaker 5 (36:06):
Mister lowman on the totem pole, Mister, you're attractive in
your own way.

Speaker 9 (36:11):
I feel bad for you. I'll give him a point.
Damn that sucked for you and you still want that?
Felt weird? Yeah I feel weird for you, but I
guess I did weird.

Speaker 5 (36:19):
Congratulations play Wow, I'm better looking on Joey.

Speaker 9 (36:22):
Take him in and go cry and come back.

Speaker 1 (36:25):
It's the best bits of the week with Morgan.

Speaker 3 (36:28):
Number two, Lunchbox really wanted the show to send him
to Las Vegas for the Big Game so he could
go to all these crazy parties, and.

Speaker 4 (36:38):
So the show kind of for everybody came together. We
had listeners offering things. We had other show.

Speaker 3 (36:44):
Members offering things, and everybody's like, Okay, we're gonna send you.
But Lunchbox he had so many stipulations, and you're gonna
find out if he's gonna be in Las Vegas this weekend,
Like right now as you're listening to this, if you
haven't seen anything on social media about it, you're about
to get the full breakdown.

Speaker 9 (37:00):
Three took a quick update.

Speaker 5 (37:01):
Lunchbox wanted the show to send him to the super Bowl,
and we thought, well, we'd all like to be sent
to the super Bowl, but you thought there was some
real value because.

Speaker 2 (37:11):
I could cover all the parties. I got invited to
get credentialed for all the parties, Gronk's Party Shacks, Funhouse,
and so I was like, we have to send me
because I'll have all the inside gossip, hot goss on
the celebs.

Speaker 9 (37:23):
We love some hot guys.

Speaker 7 (37:25):

Speaker 9 (37:26):
So that didn't mean the company would send them because
they won't.

Speaker 5 (37:30):
So that would mean I would have to pay the
bill for him to go have a great time in
Vegas for days.

Speaker 2 (37:35):
Whoa whoa we working working in Vegas?

Speaker 5 (37:38):
You've never just volunteered to work? That's for the sake
of working and not fun.

Speaker 2 (37:44):
Look, you always when you're working, you had to make
fun out of it. You've got to find fun and
I would do my best to do that.

Speaker 5 (37:50):
Okay, that's a famous quote by doctor Citizen. It's a
good one.

Speaker 2 (37:54):
I just made that up.

Speaker 5 (37:55):
Okay, So I said Lunchbox could go, but the hotel
rooms were way expensive. The only way that we could
go is I'd buy him a flight, but he'd have
to stay with a listener that he doesn't know, like
go and stay at their house, because that would be
part of the bit too. Yeah, that would be hilarious.
And on the phone now is Nick in Vegas?

Speaker 2 (38:15):

Speaker 9 (38:15):
What's up?

Speaker 2 (38:16):

Speaker 10 (38:17):
Hey Bobby Morning Studio.

Speaker 2 (38:22):
Sun. Nick.

Speaker 10 (38:24):
Wait, Lunchbox, do you want to come stay in my house?

Speaker 7 (38:32):
It sounds weird when you say, how many do you have?
A spare bedroom? And would you all be sharing a room?

Speaker 10 (38:39):
I have a I'm not gonna I'm not gonna share
room with Lunchbox a spare bedroom. It's my wife and I.
We live here, we have a dog. We're totally normal.

Speaker 7 (38:51):
Well you know when people say they're normally no, no,
but he has a wife. I mean, okay, have you guys,
he was like interested in you.

Speaker 2 (38:59):
No, I'm just saying like there's someone there that will
know if I get murdered, like if he's just by.

Speaker 9 (39:03):
Himself, unless they're a murdering.

Speaker 13 (39:05):

Speaker 2 (39:06):
I was about to ask if you guys ever been
murdered together. I didn't think about that. Yeah, day, you
guys ever been on snapped?

Speaker 10 (39:13):
Napped? I don't know if that is.

Speaker 5 (39:14):
Yeah, So you think Lunchbox would enjoy staying with you
for a couple of days, Nick, Like, what part of
Near Vegas do you live in?

Speaker 10 (39:22):
Yeah? I mean we live in suburbia, way way up northwest,
near a bunch of houses, but feel safes from the strip.

Speaker 2 (39:30):
Oh but you could provide travel to and from the strip.

Speaker 10 (39:35):
Yeah, I'll show for you around and go gamble golf
or whatever.

Speaker 5 (39:38):
Oh no, there there'll be no golfing. Well, he's going
out there to go to parties. That sounds fun if
he goes.

Speaker 9 (39:43):
So, and what's that what bed do you have? What
kind of bed? Like the size bed and what kind
of mattress.

Speaker 10 (39:49):
It's a queen bed. I think it's an old like memory.

Speaker 2 (39:55):
It's not a sleep number.

Speaker 10 (39:57):
It's not a sleep number.

Speaker 9 (39:59):
Right to look into that, But you know what lunch
you could? You could?

Speaker 2 (40:02):
Yeah? How big is the house?

Speaker 5 (40:04):

Speaker 2 (40:04):
Do we have like a golf simulator? Like a pool?

Speaker 10 (40:07):
What do you have there? No? No, I can't afford
those things and it's yet, but it's the twenty five
hundred perfect house. Oh they got a mediate room. Oh okay,
I got a backyard, went a fire pit?

Speaker 9 (40:19):
Come on?

Speaker 2 (40:21):
What about meals? Like, are you gonna like if I
come in late night? Is your wife gonna be willing
to cook me at late night like drunken meal?

Speaker 10 (40:30):
Probably not. I mean we can go get four meals somewhere.

Speaker 9 (40:33):
Are you telling it sounds like he wants to go
with you?

Speaker 5 (40:36):
So it sounds like yea, yeah, he sounds a hold on,
But Nick, are you wanting to go with lunchbox to
all the events?

Speaker 3 (40:41):

Speaker 10 (40:41):
I don't want to go to the party. I'm not
a party animal. I just want to handle a lunchbox
chair at the house.

Speaker 9 (40:45):
Okay, do you need to see a picture of him
or anything?

Speaker 2 (40:48):
Yeah, that would help. Do you want to say how
big is your TV? Man? Like, I'll probably just go
to sportsbook.

Speaker 9 (40:58):
Does he have like all the channels?

Speaker 17 (41:00):

Speaker 2 (41:00):
Do you have the cable package?

Speaker 10 (41:03):
Uh, nobody will get it on there.

Speaker 5 (41:07):
He doesn't have cable, guys, he said, don't get it
on there for you you don't have but he probably
has streaming services.

Speaker 9 (41:11):
I don't have cable anymore.

Speaker 2 (41:13):
Do you have streaming services?

Speaker 9 (41:15):

Speaker 10 (41:15):
All of them.

Speaker 9 (41:16):
Oh see. So do you want to say your Instagram
over the air or you.

Speaker 2 (41:20):
Have a separate shower like I'm not going to share
the like the master baths where you.

Speaker 10 (41:23):
Got a spear sho there's a guest shower, okay?

Speaker 5 (41:27):
Or do we want to get his Instagram from like
on the phone? Which one we want to do and
not not have him said over the year? Okay, all right,
pull him down.

Speaker 2 (41:34):

Speaker 5 (41:34):
Let's see what he looks like. Yeah, okay, he looks
to you like someone who's not a murderer.

Speaker 2 (41:39):
Like, is there a lock on the spare bedroom door?

Speaker 9 (41:41):
Like it's a good question.

Speaker 5 (41:43):
Well maybe not. Sometimes they don't have those locks. Is
there a lock on this or the cameras in the toilet? Oh?

Speaker 9 (41:48):
Yeah, camera he's talking to real quick? Okay, would you
consider it?

Speaker 8 (41:53):

Speaker 2 (41:54):
I mean thirty minutes is a long long drive.

Speaker 5 (41:57):
You know what's longer than that? Have any hours? It
is from here to there when you don't go.

Speaker 2 (42:02):
But thirty minutes too, and then two thirty minutes from
Oh man, that's an hour round trip.

Speaker 9 (42:06):
Do you have locks on the bedroom door?

Speaker 10 (42:08):

Speaker 2 (42:09):
I got it?

Speaker 10 (42:10):
Uh, just a really good question. I don't know.

Speaker 8 (42:12):
Oh man.

Speaker 7 (42:13):
It's kind of good that he doesn't know.

Speaker 2 (42:15):
Right, What do you mean it's good.

Speaker 9 (42:18):
Going to you have his name? Yeah, okay, it's uh.
I don't say it on the you can turn it
down again. But Amy, don't you know if you have
locks on your doors?

Speaker 2 (42:26):

Speaker 9 (42:26):
The bedroom? Well, all the all our doors in our
house are the same. Yeah.

Speaker 5 (42:30):
Well our bedroom door has a lock on it, So
my assumption is the other bedroom doors have locks on it,
although I.

Speaker 9 (42:37):
You can't say for sure. He has an he has
a private account.

Speaker 2 (42:41):
He's dancing though.

Speaker 9 (42:42):
Yeah, it's like in a suit down you click on
that looks like cold dude. Oh yeah, it looks fun.

Speaker 2 (42:50):
He looks normal.

Speaker 9 (42:51):
Think about it.

Speaker 2 (42:52):
I will think about it.

Speaker 7 (42:53):
What else would you need to know? This sounds pretty perfect?

Speaker 2 (42:56):
Oh man?

Speaker 9 (42:57):
And you'd really like to stay at your house? Nick?

Speaker 10 (43:00):
Oh? Yeah, for sure.

Speaker 2 (43:02):
We got a job. You got.

Speaker 10 (43:05):
I'm in the airport.

Speaker 7 (43:06):

Speaker 2 (43:08):
What does your wife do?

Speaker 10 (43:11):
He's also in the airport.

Speaker 7 (43:12):
Okay, okay, it doesn't get any better than this.

Speaker 2 (43:15):
Yeah, I mean like I just worry about I don't
want to cause a riff in the marriage, Like what
if she tries.

Speaker 9 (43:21):
To That's a great point.

Speaker 5 (43:23):
Like all of a sudden, you're laying in bed, you
feel somebody's warm touch and you think, wow, that's too
much Nick, And you look back at his next wife
too much like Nick.

Speaker 7 (43:35):
Nick, what kind of dog do you have?

Speaker 2 (43:36):
That's a good call.

Speaker 10 (43:37):
Uh, it's like a pitbull terrier rescue.

Speaker 7 (43:42):
This guy sounds like a good serve our country. They've
rescued animals.

Speaker 2 (43:45):
You have a hot?

Speaker 10 (43:47):
No, I don't have a hot.

Speaker 9 (43:49):
But where did you go to school?

Speaker 10 (43:52):
University of Texas. I've been listening to you guys for
since you're in Austin. Was in high school?

Speaker 9 (43:58):
There's a longhorn?

Speaker 2 (43:58):
Oh man, we've been way back. Where'd you go to
high school?

Speaker 9 (44:01):

Speaker 5 (44:03):
That's like, oh, so he's Ye're just like a cousin family.
I just want to go stay with him now for
not even for this, it would be it would be
the greatest segment ever.

Speaker 9 (44:15):
I need to look at you because.

Speaker 2 (44:16):
Let me check out flights.

Speaker 5 (44:17):
Now, there are no non stops unless it's southwest after
this all the time.

Speaker 2 (44:24):
Hey, Nick, can you pick me up from the airport?

Speaker 5 (44:25):

Speaker 9 (44:26):

Speaker 10 (44:27):
When are you coming in?

Speaker 2 (44:28):
What kind of car you got?

Speaker 10 (44:31):
I have a.

Speaker 7 (44:35):
Nick, what's your rank?

Speaker 10 (44:39):
I'm a captain?

Speaker 2 (44:39):
Okay, I want this. Got to come stay with me? Now.

Speaker 9 (44:42):
That sounds awesome.

Speaker 2 (44:44):
So if I if I leave tonight, you.

Speaker 9 (44:47):
Have to leave tomorrow after the show.

Speaker 2 (44:49):
Now just hey, just saying, go ahead to get out
there early. Let's look at tomorrow.

Speaker 7 (44:54):
This is the perfect candidate. And it doesn't get any
better than.

Speaker 2 (44:57):
When I come back Tuesday.

Speaker 5 (44:59):
No, how would you come back Tuesday recovery day? No, No,
we're gonna look at ourselves as dear.

Speaker 9 (45:06):
It's just even. The one to get aways are four
hundred and ninety bucks for one week.

Speaker 2 (45:10):
I put it on here, we go, there it goes.

Speaker 9 (45:12):
Okay, Nick, we have your number, right man? I believe
so yeah, okay, will you make sure Ray?

Speaker 5 (45:18):

Speaker 9 (45:18):
Okay, cool, We're gonna look some stuff up here.

Speaker 2 (45:22):
Oh my gosh, guys, Wow, wow the way home eights?
No way, Yeah, that's cheap.

Speaker 9 (45:31):
Now you got to round it up.

Speaker 5 (45:32):
No, no, no, I'm Thursday to Monday. Or let's just
even say Friday after the show.

Speaker 2 (45:41):
I'm just telling you coming back, the cheap is eight
hundred and sixty four.

Speaker 9 (45:45):
They have any points, I need to check you if
I do.

Speaker 5 (45:47):
Okay, so for four eighty nine, now, Mike, will you
look back Sunday night?

Speaker 9 (45:52):
Oh no, no, no, or Monday. That one's four hundred bucks.
That's on the way Sunday day, even before the game.

Speaker 2 (45:59):
Bro, I got to be at the super Bowl.

Speaker 9 (46:01):
You're not going to the game.

Speaker 5 (46:02):
We're not giving you. That was already discussed. We don't
have tickets to the game.

Speaker 2 (46:05):
Wow, you know how many points it is? What you
said dollars?

Speaker 5 (46:09):
It's nine hundred dollars a round up. That's crazy. Look
at Sunday, Mike, I don't know.

Speaker 7 (46:17):
It might have to be Sunday during the game.

Speaker 5 (46:18):
No, not even during the game, but before the game.
There's still it's still four hundred and niney three dollars.
Because he could for sure come back at like eight
forty five am and could be back way.

Speaker 2 (46:27):
Before eight am. I want to I'll just be getting
back from the parties.

Speaker 9 (46:30):
They can go straight to Well. I need to see
about this because now it's a lot of it's good,
but how much money we have in the kiddie.

Speaker 20 (46:37):
I don't know we have much for that.

Speaker 9 (46:40):
Can you use gift cards on this?

Speaker 17 (46:41):

Speaker 9 (46:43):
But no you mean like Sonic?

Speaker 21 (46:44):
Yeah, I think we have some vis of gift cards
we can possibly use that are in the in the
prize closet for listening, and I think if we pull
up together are that's fine? This is this is for
the listeners essentially. Nick, it's yeah, we're giving you to
a listener and go ahead this and then if we
all pull a point together, like we all put it
in ten thousand flight noes, we could maybe even get
it free.

Speaker 20 (47:03):
In that way.

Speaker 9 (47:03):
I'm not giving you my point.

Speaker 20 (47:04):
I'll give him five thousand.

Speaker 9 (47:05):
I need to see if I didn't have many points. Okay,
so I'll do Nick. We will be in touch.

Speaker 10 (47:10):
Okay, Sorry, sounds good.

Speaker 5 (47:12):
We got to figure some stuff out. But if we'll
let you know by today for sure, Because.

Speaker 7 (47:17):
Nick, do you have points?

Speaker 2 (47:19):
Nick gets out paying for it on? Nick?

Speaker 7 (47:21):
Are you a pilot?

Speaker 10 (47:24):
Uh no, I'm an ane nice.

Speaker 5 (47:27):
We'll analyze this for us. Is it worth it to
send lunchbucks? They're paying our own money? Okay, Nick, hang
out or don't hang out, but hang up and we'll
call you back probably after the show if we can
figure this out.

Speaker 10 (47:36):
Okay, buddy, thanks.

Speaker 9 (47:38):
Bobby, all right, see man, thanks for calling.

Speaker 7 (47:39):
Wow so good.

Speaker 9 (47:41):
How hilarious though, I.

Speaker 2 (47:42):
Mean he's sounded a lot more normal when he city
out a wife and like god thought he was just
like by himself, right.

Speaker 9 (47:46):
And he's like, do you want to come spend the night?

Speaker 2 (47:50):

Speaker 7 (47:51):
It got better.

Speaker 5 (47:51):
Yeah, so for sure, and you still thinking getting those parties,
Lunchbox if we send you.

Speaker 2 (47:55):
Yeah, I mean, I'll feel out the credential thing right now.

Speaker 5 (47:57):
Okay, the bit has been Lunchbok wants to go to
the super Bowl, which today is Thursday, so Friday, Saturday,
three days away.

Speaker 9 (48:05):
But it's not even the super Bowl.

Speaker 5 (48:07):
He wants to go to all the parties in Las
Vegas because he's gotten like generic emails that say, you're
invited to Gronk's Beach Blast, You're invited to Shacks wingled
Ingle or whatever it is.

Speaker 2 (48:18):
Yeah, Shack's fun party or fun house.

Speaker 5 (48:20):
And you think you would go and have fun at
these absolutely, but you would be by yourself.

Speaker 2 (48:26):
Guess what, There's a lot of people are gonna be
by themselves. Celebrities come by themselves mingle with other celebrities.
That's what happens.

Speaker 5 (48:32):
Actually, I don't think that happens at all. I think
it's opposite. They come with a lot of people.

Speaker 9 (48:36):
Oh really, Yeah, that's okay.

Speaker 2 (48:38):
Uh oh, all right, I'll get in. I'll get in
with where I fit in.

Speaker 5 (48:43):
So the question is how do we get him there.
We have a listener named Nick, and I said on
the air, if a listener will at Lunchbox stay at
their house, it has to be a listener we've never
met before. They call and said, Lunchbox can stay with me.
Then Lunchbox says, yes, I would buy his flight. I
just said that it's kinna haphazardly, just throwing it out there.
Then we look at the flights and it's like five

hundred there and seven hundred back because it is Super
Bowl Sunday into Las Vegas.

Speaker 2 (49:09):
Big time, big things going, big things popping.

Speaker 5 (49:13):
So then Scuba says, what if everybody gives some points
and we send Lunchbox And that wasn't met warmly where
Eddie's like, I'm not doing that.

Speaker 9 (49:20):
No, I use my points every summer, okay, fair?

Speaker 5 (49:24):
And I did say I would pay for it, so
I went and looked in my Southwest account. I have
one hundred and ninety thousand points. Oh you're good now
he only.

Speaker 9 (49:33):
Needs about seventy eight thousand to go. Okay, not bad.
I would give you the seventy eight thousand points.

Speaker 6 (49:39):
Okay, yeah, he said I would give you.

Speaker 9 (49:43):
No, I will, oh man.

Speaker 5 (49:44):
But there's always this breaking point where Lunchbox has to
is he playing chicken with us to see if we'll
actually pay for it and send them because he's like,
I want to do it, and then if we go okay,
we're going to do it, then does he go like,
never mind?

Speaker 7 (49:56):
Yes, if you ask your wife if you can write?

Speaker 9 (49:58):
And are you sure you can get into the parties.

Speaker 2 (50:01):
That I don't know?

Speaker 5 (50:01):

Speaker 2 (50:02):
I also Guy Fieri's having a party too. I forgot about.
But you don't know. I thought you got invited through email. No,
I'm saying it said I had to fill out the
credential request?

Speaker 7 (50:10):
When was it dubai?

Speaker 2 (50:11):
No, it's good. Okay, look I'm filling out right now,
right now, Bobby Bones show, that's my outlet right Yeah?

Speaker 5 (50:21):
Yeah, yeah, I would probably. I mean, how do we
spice it up? Because they may be like, what is
that I would say.

Speaker 2 (50:28):
Uh, am, I outlet type photo, video or print reporter only.
I would say a video and photo.

Speaker 9 (50:39):
Yeah, it only gives me Okay, I do video then video?

Speaker 2 (50:45):

Speaker 9 (50:46):
You have one? Yes, it's not on your phone?

Speaker 17 (50:48):

Speaker 2 (50:49):
Do I give him my hotmail? Or do I give
my work?

Speaker 5 (50:51):
I give him your work's hot mail?

Speaker 16 (50:56):
Sexy Amy, don't give it?

Speaker 9 (50:59):
What's next?

Speaker 2 (51:01):
My phone number? You can have my phone number?

Speaker 9 (51:04):
What is that? Yeah, it's the only number I memorized.

Speaker 2 (51:09):
Please let us know what agency or brand invited you.

Speaker 9 (51:13):
That's a good question.

Speaker 2 (51:14):
That's a good question.

Speaker 9 (51:15):
You can't just write email? Can you o?

Speaker 7 (51:17):
Child the email?

Speaker 2 (51:20):
What agency?

Speaker 9 (51:21):
Look at the email?

Speaker 2 (51:22):
Would your wife let you go? I don't see why not?

Speaker 9 (51:25):
Oh no, you would.

Speaker 5 (51:26):
Need to ask her because I'm willing to eighty thousand
points for you to go.

Speaker 9 (51:31):
All right, it is?

Speaker 2 (51:32):
What is this?

Speaker 9 (51:32):
And go down and go the way down, all the
way down.

Speaker 7 (51:34):
But you do have three kids, and.

Speaker 9 (51:37):
And we can get you back for the actual game
at home.

Speaker 2 (51:40):
You say this one, yeah, RMG or medium, rare or authentic.

Speaker 9 (51:45):
That's what agency sent you?

Speaker 2 (51:47):
Oh RMG, here it is because it's a what's that mean?

Speaker 9 (51:51):
ORMG? I don't know that's an agency that sent him.
They're going to check. Oh it did, Yeah, got it? Okay, next, next,
Okay has a lot of questions.

Speaker 2 (52:01):
Okay, So Shack's Funhouse is Friday, Gronk Beach is Saturday,
Sports Illustrated the party is Saturday, and Guy Fieres is
Sunday for the tailgate? Which one? Are you interested in
attending all of them?

Speaker 5 (52:14):
Hello, well you won't be able to go to Guy fieris.
Uh Hi, Cam, I thought you wanted to get back
for the game here.

Speaker 2 (52:21):
I thought i'd come back Monday, you know, because what
if I meet someone here and they invite me to
the game.

Speaker 9 (52:27):
A good point? That is a valid point. You're talking
to someone, They're like, I got an extra ticket?

Speaker 5 (52:31):
Can you see, Mike what the points are on Monday?
To get into Monday?

Speaker 2 (52:34):
Would you like a spot on the red carpet?

Speaker 5 (52:36):

Speaker 2 (52:37):
Yes, yes, yes.

Speaker 9 (52:40):
You don't get to walk it. You're going to interview people.

Speaker 2 (52:42):
That's fine, okay, cool. If you are requesting a spot
on the red carpet, please confirm the number of people
on your crew.

Speaker 8 (52:47):

Speaker 2 (52:49):
Wait, Nick, you Nick a hold the camera?

Speaker 9 (52:51):
Do you want Nick to? I don't know if Nick
can go with you. You have to call him later, and
you have to call your wife.

Speaker 2 (52:55):
Who cares about he can go he Nick's in the
air Force. We can't just whatever Nick's got going on. Okay,
go ahead or shot. Just put one. It's more likely
I'll get in with just one.

Speaker 9 (53:05):
It's better to put two and then show up with
one than to put one to show.

Speaker 2 (53:08):
Up with two. Okay, all right? Would you like additional
access to attend the entire party?

Speaker 8 (53:13):

Speaker 2 (53:16):
Yes, yeah, all of yes, yes, yes. Coverage plans for
Shack's Funhouse. Please provide a brief Just good grief, guys,
I'm just coming to shoot some content.

Speaker 9 (53:27):
We don't say that. Just be like coming to a party.

Speaker 2 (53:29):
Please provide a brief description of your intended coverage and
or desired needs.

Speaker 5 (53:34):
I would say access to Shaq and the Funhouse, and
then I would say you need you're gonna put it
on a national radio show with fun House.

Speaker 9 (53:44):
Okay, you can write all this down later.

Speaker 2 (53:46):
We will be putting this.

Speaker 7 (53:49):
I'm trying to figure out if a national radio show.

Speaker 5 (53:54):
With over with over six million daily listeners, that's huge,
and a podcast.

Speaker 2 (54:01):
Over six million daily Look at how fast listeners index fingers,
how many podcasts, and I would say.

Speaker 9 (54:11):
Over ten million on social media.

Speaker 7 (54:13):
Okay, oh, rural media group.

Speaker 9 (54:17):
Nothing definds him more.

Speaker 7 (54:19):
Boom period, if the internet's correct.

Speaker 2 (54:22):
Okay, I'm just gonna copy all this so I can
just plan it.

Speaker 9 (54:25):
Okay, go ahead, that's another question.

Speaker 8 (54:27):

Speaker 2 (54:28):
What are your coverage plans for Gronk Beach?

Speaker 9 (54:30):
Same paste, past.

Speaker 2 (54:34):
Paste, but I'm gonna put Gronk.

Speaker 9 (54:37):
Yeah, that a shack.

Speaker 6 (54:38):
Put Gronk in there, and Gronk Beach, yeah. Access to
Gronk and the Gronk Beach yeah, and other celebs.

Speaker 2 (54:50):
Boom past sports illustrats same thing, yeah.

Speaker 9 (54:52):
But take Shack out of that one. Access to babes, yeah,
swimsuit babes, swim don't do that. Don't do that. He
was typing.

Speaker 5 (55:04):
So if you're just turning us on now, Lunchbox wants
to go to the starticle, I feel like I can
get him there. I can pay for the listeners and
let him stay his house.

Speaker 2 (55:10):
And I can say me and Guy Fieri go way
back there we go, and I can send him a video.

Speaker 5 (55:14):
Based don't do that, because then they won't let you
go because he got mad at you. Based on a
personal relationship with Guy fiery, and then they're gonna be.

Speaker 9 (55:19):
Like, well, then why are you coming through this refer
to him as your old friend. I'd love to see
my old friend.

Speaker 2 (55:27):
To reconnect with my old friend, guy, friend, Guy.

Speaker 8 (55:38):
This is due.

Speaker 5 (55:39):
Yeah, you know, I'm just I want the questions more
than have happened to fill out all the answers right now.

Speaker 2 (55:43):
So this asked me what I would like at Flavor
Town tailgate, and I said with barbecue. Yeah, I love
to reconnect with my old friend Guy Fieri, spend time
eating some wonderful.

Speaker 9 (55:56):
Food and sharing about and sharing the.

Speaker 5 (56:00):
And sharing my experiences with millions millions of listeners and.

Speaker 2 (56:04):
Viewers, experiences with millions.

Speaker 9 (56:09):
Did you miss experiences?

Speaker 2 (56:10):
No, I didn't because there's no red line under it.
Thank you with millions of listeners and viewers.

Speaker 9 (56:19):
Yep, go ahead, peace?

Speaker 2 (56:22):
Is that all submit?

Speaker 9 (56:23):
Here we go, Let's go baby done.

Speaker 2 (56:27):
Oh question, We're going to the super.

Speaker 9 (56:31):
Bowl and you're get to hear back. They need to
approve it.

Speaker 2 (56:34):
Oh, probably in a minute. So if we get right,
I mean probably about five minutes. Probably on to take
them long.

Speaker 5 (56:39):
Well, it's early in the morning, and it's like if
they're in Vegas or La it's two hours to do.

Speaker 2 (56:42):
These people don't sleep super Bowl week. Have you guys
ever been like iHeart Radio Festival. The people working behind
the scenes, they don't sleep. Okay, so these people working
in the super Bowl and they're not sleeping. They're probably
printing my credential as we speak.

Speaker 9 (56:53):
Would you really go yeah? Have you checked with your
wife nor?

Speaker 10 (56:58):

Speaker 2 (56:59):
Yeah, it's probably more of a sit down talk.

Speaker 9 (57:02):
I would have that faller though, because we have to
figure it out today.

Speaker 2 (57:07):
Okay, I'll call her. Okay, So we're with the kids
right now.

Speaker 5 (57:11):
We're waiting for Gronk and Shack and Guy to get
back to us.

Speaker 2 (57:15):
Yeah. Imagine if I become boys with Gronk.

Speaker 5 (57:18):
Right, and then we're waiting for your wife to give
you the okay, yeah, wait, you know what and then
all yes is I will buy your flight and then
Nick will let you stay with him our listener we
never met.

Speaker 2 (57:29):
And you know what we gotta get. We got to
get a new drip.

Speaker 9 (57:33):
Wants new clothes.

Speaker 2 (57:34):
Yep, I gotta be I gotta dress. I gotta be
dressed plenty of close.

Speaker 9 (57:38):
Your wife buys you clothes all the time that you
only wear once a year, right, The ones, the ones
you button up all the way to the top.

Speaker 2 (57:42):
Yeah, now the button up the top has been kind
of out lately. Ryan, Okay, where.

Speaker 7 (57:49):
Are your bracelets?

Speaker 2 (57:51):
Bracelets and maybe Bryan can meet me out there your bracelets.

Speaker 9 (57:55):
Okay, we're gonna play the song. We'll come back.

Speaker 5 (57:57):
We'll check out on lunch bunks later and see how
everything's fall.

Speaker 2 (58:01):
Got an email from Inside Radio.

Speaker 5 (58:05):
That was just a random email, wasn't even from Okay.

Speaker 1 (58:09):
It's the best bits of the week with Morgan.

Speaker 4 (58:12):
Number two, Bobby wrote a song for the girls on
the show.

Speaker 3 (58:20):
He went to the bathroom, so this was like a
bathroom break during the live show. And he wrote this song,
original song that was a parody to We Are the
World the title of the song, but it is they
are single, isn't the parody? And he wrote it for Amy,
myself and Abby talking about our single lives and we
all sing it together like did the full original song,

which you can't hear the full complete version of it
here on the podcast unfortunately due to copyright, but you
can go watch it on Instagram and right now you're
gonna hear us like try and sort it out.

Speaker 4 (58:52):
So definitely listen to this first and then go to
our Instagram.

Speaker 9 (58:54):
Watch it.

Speaker 4 (58:55):
It's hilarious. You will want to see it.

Speaker 5 (58:57):
Number two was in the bathroom. I rarely leave the studio.
I went to the bathroom. I was just so inspired.
I wrote a song while I was in the bathroom.

Speaker 7 (59:03):
Game where you were?

Speaker 9 (59:05):
I mean you were in there for a little bit
longer than we thought we were being on jerseys. No,
I could have been doing that too.

Speaker 5 (59:11):
So that documentary that you guys have watched, it haven't
seen yet, Biggest Night and Pop.

Speaker 9 (59:16):
Yeah, I got calls.

Speaker 5 (59:17):
There's a song in it, and I don't know if
this is gonna work because I haven't even heard how
the song goes in a long time.

Speaker 9 (59:23):
But it goes, we are the world. We are the children.

Speaker 5 (59:29):
We are the ones to make a better place, so
let's stop giving.

Speaker 9 (59:33):
And then somebody goes, it's.

Speaker 2 (59:34):
A choice that we aren't making. We're saving our own lives.

Speaker 9 (59:38):
We're going, I'll make a better a day, just you
and me.

Speaker 5 (59:41):
They all get to that we are the world, right basically, Okay,
when you hear the instrumental, because I wrote one for
us in the bathroom and I haven't written on my
paper on my phone okay, but I have to sing
it all and then I will assign the parts and
I have to do it without the music.

Speaker 9 (59:58):
So it goes, yes.

Speaker 5 (01:00:01):
We are single, we are now dating, we are no
the guys will sing this part them we'll be dead,
and then we'll sing it.

Speaker 9 (01:00:11):
Then they'll do their part. Okay, so we go like A, yeah,
they are non't sing it right now.

Speaker 2 (01:00:16):
They are single, they are now dating.

Speaker 9 (01:00:20):
They are the ones on, they are the.

Speaker 5 (01:00:23):
Ones on their dating apps, and they're just waiting.

Speaker 9 (01:00:27):
Okay, hold on. And then Amy comes on and she
does her first solo verse.

Speaker 5 (01:00:32):
She goes, it's a choice that I am making. No
one over forty nine, don't be broke. If you need
a car, I won't co sign, and then we all
go there are So.

Speaker 9 (01:00:44):
Then we does this verse again, and then Morgan comes
on and then she goes, no more losers in my future.

Speaker 5 (01:00:51):
I can't seem to get away from dudes that are
toxic and use hairspray.

Speaker 2 (01:00:57):
And then we all go and then we sing it.

Speaker 5 (01:00:59):
Again, and then a although she's not single, she's been
for a long time.

Speaker 9 (01:01:02):
And then she comes on and goes.

Speaker 5 (01:01:03):
I'm not single anymore and I hope to never be,
but I have known to get obsessed.

Speaker 2 (01:01:10):
Just wait and see, and then.

Speaker 20 (01:01:13):
They are.

Speaker 9 (01:01:16):
So I just wrote Okay, okay.

Speaker 2 (01:01:19):
I like it, dude, but the music doesn't match, just.

Speaker 9 (01:01:22):
Just the chorus. We just got to keep doing the
chorus over and over and I think towards the that's
what it does.

Speaker 5 (01:01:29):
So then can we take a second and put it
into production and loop that chorus to where it makes sense?
Like that, I may have to put like mic on it,
and I can do something else like play a song
or something.

Speaker 9 (01:01:42):
Yeah, I can also music supervise back there.

Speaker 2 (01:01:45):
I can check it out too.

Speaker 9 (01:01:46):

Speaker 22 (01:01:46):
Yeah, well why don't you lunchbox, I'll check it out
from here in case they call you and I don't
know everything I wrote is all, so I can send
it all.

Speaker 9 (01:02:00):
You're reck Rubin.

Speaker 2 (01:02:02):

Speaker 5 (01:02:02):
He's putt put Jones on the Rick rub because he
never really played anything, but he was like the greatest producer.

Speaker 2 (01:02:08):
He told him what to do.

Speaker 9 (01:02:10):
Okay, yes, Quincy Joe, I haven't seen it yet.

Speaker 5 (01:02:12):
Then let's hold on a second, go fix that, and
when we come back, maybe we'll get.

Speaker 9 (01:02:17):
To the first ever. Wow, they are single. They are,
and all the guys would sing that part. They are single,
they are now dating.

Speaker 2 (01:02:25):
They now are dating.

Speaker 9 (01:02:26):
They are the ones on apps, right, yeah, but I
don't want to say dating and dating twice. Yeah, they
are now dating on the apps.

Speaker 5 (01:02:34):
They are now they are the ones on their phones
on apps, but on their.

Speaker 7 (01:02:39):
Look for love on apps.

Speaker 2 (01:02:40):
They're all just okay to handle that.

Speaker 5 (01:02:43):
We come back and we'll maybe perform our first for
our first time ever.

Speaker 7 (01:02:46):
They're going out from the apps looking.

Speaker 9 (01:02:49):
I'm not getting mad anybody credit so substance stuff. It's
only I think this is not just me on the
looking for true love on the apps. Okay, handle it.
We got all right, hold on, let me play.

Speaker 8 (01:03:02):
This the Bobby Bone Show.

Speaker 9 (01:03:04):

Speaker 5 (01:03:04):
So we had to solve the segment right there because
we can't play music on the show.

Speaker 9 (01:03:08):
It we can't even play us singing over music. That's
a parody.

Speaker 5 (01:03:12):
I don't know why, but we've been told by our attorneys,
who is Scuba Steve, to not do that.

Speaker 9 (01:03:17):
So if you want to.

Speaker 5 (01:03:18):
See or hear the full version of the song that
we did on the show this morning, you can go
to this all of our social crap, you can go
to my page show page, mister Bobby Bones and you
can watch us sing the song. Now.

Speaker 9 (01:03:28):
You heard us mess around with it earlier.

Speaker 5 (01:03:29):
Because we did that bit earlier where we were kind
of raw dogg in it with no music, trying to
figure it out.

Speaker 9 (01:03:34):
Right, Yeah, that's allowed raw yeah, raw dog and it's allowed. Yeah, scood.

Speaker 2 (01:03:38):
But we can put that up right.

Speaker 21 (01:03:40):
You used the instrumental that one too, so no, no, no, no,
we did it. Yeah you did, yeah, because that when
you're like that was when you're like, oh, this is
the full song.

Speaker 20 (01:03:46):
The full song one is the instrumental or the hooks.

Speaker 9 (01:03:48):
Yeah, but we never we could cut that part oct
We never sang over it.

Speaker 20 (01:03:51):
Yeah, we can cut that part oct correct. Yeah, so
we'll do that and we'll just use initial.

Speaker 9 (01:03:55):
Well, they've already heard that segment, so they already are
hearing what we just did.

Speaker 20 (01:03:58):
Yeah, yes, yeah, yeah, so we are here, we are
in the future.

Speaker 9 (01:04:00):
Yes, so but they got to hear that, right.

Speaker 20 (01:04:01):
They got to hear that correct.

Speaker 9 (01:04:03):
Yes, this is so stupid.

Speaker 7 (01:04:05):
They heard that, and then.

Speaker 5 (01:04:06):
Now just go to the socials or whatever to watch
the final version of it.

Speaker 2 (01:04:12):
We are boo.

Speaker 9 (01:04:14):
Okay, don't get too angrybody, it's all he's got.

Speaker 2 (01:04:18):
Half boom.

Speaker 5 (01:04:19):
He raised up from his wordle to say, boom okay,
so we're sorry about that.

Speaker 9 (01:04:22):
We are more annoyed than you are.

Speaker 7 (01:04:24):
We promise were annoyed.

Speaker 2 (01:04:26):
We are annoyed. It is our podcast.

Speaker 5 (01:04:29):
We can't play music on it anyway, So let's just
go to the next segment.

Speaker 9 (01:04:34):
All right, thank you guys.

Speaker 1 (01:04:36):
It's the best bits of the week with Morgan.

Speaker 20 (01:04:40):
Number two.

Speaker 3 (01:04:41):
I told you all we were going to start and
end with Toby Keith. So coming in at this number
one spot was the Toby Keith Tribute. Now, we spent
hours on our show this week talking about Toby Keith
and memories and having artists and listeners call in and
everybody just share their different stories and memories with Toby Keith.
But Bobby shared one involved Toby Keith. And then Jake
Owen called in and shared a text message that he

had with Toby and some of their memories together. And
even John Daly, who was one of Toby Keith's good friends,
texted Bobby during the tribute segment.

Speaker 4 (01:05:11):
So this is what you're about to hear. And if
you want to see more, if you.

Speaker 3 (01:05:15):
Want to see the old interviews we have with Toby Keith,
you can go to Bobby Bones dot com. They're all
linked up there for you guys, and just shout out
because we all love Toby. We know that you guys,
as the listeners love Toby country music does, and we're
really thinking about his family during this whole time and
we miss him already.

Speaker 4 (01:05:33):
So here is the Toby Keith Tribute Number one.

Speaker 9 (01:05:37):
Go to spend this hour talking about Toby Keith.

Speaker 5 (01:05:38):
If you haven't heard, country star Toby Keith has passed away.
The news was shared on social media earlier this morning,
so we've kind of just been gathering our notes and
clips so we could put together as concisive an hour
of a tribute as we possibly could. Toby told the
world in twenty twenty two he was battling stomach cancer.
His last performance was in December for a sold out

Las Vegas show at Some friends that went said it
was just a great show. His family put out a
brief statement on social media, and again we saw it
this morning, quote Toby Keith's pass peacefully away last night's
February fifth, surrounded by his family.

Speaker 9 (01:06:17):
He fought with grace and courage.

Speaker 5 (01:06:19):
Please respect the privacy of his family at this time,
and it was back in June of twenty twenty two
where he announced he had stomach cancer.

Speaker 9 (01:06:29):
He was in town.

Speaker 5 (01:06:31):
He's been in town a couple of times since, but
he was in town and he received the Like the
Songwriter that basically a Lifetime Achievement Songwriter award, and he
played obviously will have such a lasting impression in country music.
A lot of personal thoughts and stories for me that

will do this hour, even from you guys if you
have them, proud Okie. A lot to say about him,
But I was gonna play a couple clips from when
he was in studio just recently. This was Toby on
our show just a few weeks ago, talking about his
health and talking about getting back to playing shows.

Speaker 15 (01:07:12):
Probably only worked a handful of shows in the last
wide COVID two big seas COVID and cancer, so I
hadn't worked handful of shows in the last three years.
But I worked every year for twenty seven to twenty
eight years. The only thing I had that concerned me
was being away from it for three years and remembering

all the words because they subconsciously come to you when
you're working. You don't even think about it, you know them.
And then getting completely away from them and.

Speaker 8 (01:07:44):
Having to start back.

Speaker 15 (01:07:45):
So they had a telepromp terrip there and I got
into a little bit of a sound check. We're gonna
go a full dress rehearsal.

Speaker 8 (01:07:52):
Day, but.

Speaker 15 (01:07:54):
I didn't even use it.

Speaker 8 (01:07:55):
It was just like riding the bike.

Speaker 9 (01:07:56):
Oh, you knew all the words.

Speaker 17 (01:07:57):

Speaker 15 (01:07:58):
Once I got up there and started rolling and I
got familiar, I just I didn't even look at the
tail prompter.

Speaker 9 (01:08:04):
Again. This is from just a few weeks ago here
in studio.

Speaker 5 (01:08:07):
Here is you know, asked him how I was doing
and how his stomach surgery affected his singing, because it
all has to do with each other.

Speaker 9 (01:08:16):
It's all affected by each thing. Here you go, you're
going on the road. How's your health, how's everything going?

Speaker 8 (01:08:20):
It's going pretty good.

Speaker 15 (01:08:22):
This is a roller coaster and it takes a little
while and get your brain wrapped around it. You get
to a point where you just say, hey, this is
what I do, and you can't let it define you know,
your future. You can set around and wait, wait wait,
wait wait. But the thing that I've had to overcome
is the surgery I had on my stomach. They had

to stitch on my diaphragm, so and not using it
to sing every night. That is a muscle, you know,
so I've had to really work that to get it
so where I sing really really hard and really really
violent and loud, and I did have that last ten
percent on the bottom where I could just really belt anything,

you know, Like when I sang MacArthur Park at Carnegie.

Speaker 8 (01:09:08):
Hall, it was like opera stuff.

Speaker 15 (01:09:10):
So I don't know if I could do that, But
what I do on.

Speaker 8 (01:09:14):
Stage is no problem.

Speaker 15 (01:09:16):
So it's like I've I've had to work on that
different and it's getting better all the time. But I
went through about three hours yesterday off and on, you know,
going through our list working it up, and I hev
a issue, you.

Speaker 5 (01:09:30):
Know, when it comes to Tobe Keith. Some people are
larger than life on screen or on a video or
in an interview, and then you meet them and that's
really not the case because they're just normal people. Not's
case with Toby Keith. Not with Toby, not that he
wasn't a normal dude, because again we were lucky enough
to spend a good amount of time with them, even

out of the studio. But I can just remember the
first time that Toby Keith came into the studio the
first time that I had ever met. And again, there
are legends in country music, and there are contemporary legends
in country music. Like the contemporary legends are Toby, who
still was making music but will always be known for

making history. At the same time McGraw Chesney like those
will be contemporary.

Speaker 9 (01:10:20):

Speaker 5 (01:10:21):
And so it was a big deal Garth that Toby
was coming in for the first time is when we
first moved to town.

Speaker 9 (01:10:28):
First of all, massive dude, look like a football player.
Same thing.

Speaker 5 (01:10:35):
A lot of times when you meet somebody that's famous
or you see somebody from TV, they're not as big
in real life as they are when you're looking at
them on camera because they're like standing next to little
chairs instead of normal sized chairs.

Speaker 9 (01:10:48):
But Toby was a monster, and.

Speaker 5 (01:10:51):
So I remember Toby coming in, huge personality, and.

Speaker 9 (01:10:57):
You know, he was ready to go, like he was
here to go.

Speaker 5 (01:11:01):
All right, Look, you guys are all funny and stuff,
but I'm Toby and I'm funnier and don't come at
me because I'll come back harder, which I loved. And
I remember saying, hey, man, how's it going, just as
a random generic just to see where he.

Speaker 9 (01:11:16):
Would go and he goes google me. We were all caught.

Speaker 5 (01:11:21):
He still quote that. That's ten years ago. We still
quote that to this day. Gogle me.

Speaker 9 (01:11:28):
But as serious as he was about that stuff, you know,
he was laughing. It was totally him messing with us.

Speaker 23 (01:11:35):
Yeah, but he would say it serious. Yes, google google me.
You want to say, google me? And so Toby was
a trip. And I think this whole hour will kind
of share stories.

Speaker 5 (01:11:48):
I have friends in the country music community that are
reaching out to me to go, hey, like, what's up.
Can we talk? Do you want us to talk? Sure,
anybody out there that's listening that if you're a listener
and you have a story, or if you're an hardist
or a manager and you have a Toby story, like
hit us up. We're here eight seven, seven seventy seven, Bobby.

If you can't find the number, google it, he said once,
and I don't. This is also a story that we
share as a kind of an inside joke around here
as well, because Toby had such a big presence.

Speaker 9 (01:12:27):
He said he made.

Speaker 5 (01:12:28):
More merch and one more money on merch and one
night than the president does in a year. I don't
remember the context of how we got into that is
the thing.

Speaker 7 (01:12:35):
I think it was shortly after the Google.

Speaker 5 (01:12:38):
Oh, I know, but I don't remember what we were
talking about where I would ask a question that led
him to saying I made more money on merch and
one night than the President does in a year.

Speaker 9 (01:12:48):
But that's when I knew there are gonna be a
lot of things to quote, like every time he'd come
in the studio completely quotable.

Speaker 5 (01:12:53):
We had no idea exactly what, especially Eddie and I,
what our relationship would be with him over the next
ten years or so as we were played with him
and traveled with him. Jake o On is on the phone,
and Jake is one of these guys that I know
had a real really like would be really and is really.

Speaker 9 (01:13:09):
Sad about this.

Speaker 5 (01:13:10):
So I even thought maybe I don't reach out to Jake,
But then I just wanted to give Jake the chance,
as emotional as he is about Toby, to talk about
it on a stage where a lot of people could
hear import it.

Speaker 9 (01:13:20):
Toby was to Jake, Jake, good morning, Uh, you know
you heard the news. What are your thoughts?

Speaker 11 (01:13:26):
Hey, man, Hey guys, it's just tough to really process. Man,
it's kind of paralyzing, really how much not just you know,
take myself out of it in the world and put
them forth and think about what he did for so
many people. And I think that's what a lot of
people don't realize is, Yeah, he's his music was great,

but you know, he went on over three hundred USO tours,
and I know he spent a lot of time with
my good buddy Scottie Emrick going over there and visiting
all those soldiers and giving more of himself than just
the music. And over the last probably a couple of years,
I've been checking in with him on and off. And

one of the most prolific things that he told me
in a message back after I told him I was
thinking about him. I was just reading back through my
text messages, thinking about how fast you can lose someone.
And he said, Jake, just make sure one thing. He said,
life is way bigger than this music. Make sure you
leave something behind it, bigger than the music. And I

think that's important for everybody to know.

Speaker 9 (01:14:36):
Jake and I were down.

Speaker 5 (01:14:37):
I think we went to Orlando and Oklahoma was playing
Florida State. Now Jake's massive Florida State fan, Toby was
their massive Oklahoma fan. I was along for the ride
because my wife's an Oklahoma fan. And again, Toby loved,
Oh you loved Oklahoma, and Jake and Toby we all.
Jake and I went over to the sweet where Toby was,

and Jake and Toby didn't even fit fight right before
the game. They loved each other that much, even though
they're schools were playing that night.

Speaker 9 (01:15:04):
It was just respect. It was such a respect to.

Speaker 5 (01:15:07):
And again, Jake has so many number ones and Jake's
my friend, but like Jake's a big deal and has
made a heck of a career out of country music.
Put to see just the respect that Jake had just
for Toby as a person as you were sitting there,
it was like watching somebody who's great, like look to
somebody who has been great for such.

Speaker 9 (01:15:28):
A long time.

Speaker 5 (01:15:29):
And I think I think a lot of artists felt
that way with Toby, not even as a singer, not
even as a songwriter, but also a philanthropist. I mean,
I feel like a bit he was like a.

Speaker 9 (01:15:40):
In a way, a mentor to you as far as
how to live life.

Speaker 11 (01:15:45):
Yeah, I think he's a mentor for all of us
as artists really and for those that had never got
to meet him or spend time around him. I really
feel for those because he left the lasting impact on
me just from a standpoint of being a strong guy
that kind of did it his own way. You know
that some might say could be brash at times, but

I think that's what made him who he was, and
he did what he believed and that was always doing things.

Speaker 10 (01:16:13):
For other people.

Speaker 11 (01:16:15):
And you know, his wife, Trish is an unbelievable woman
and strong, and I played a lot of golf with
both of them, and I just can't imagine what his
family's going through right now. But it's just important that
everybody out there knows that he left an incredible gift
of his music, but not only as a human being
while he was on his earth. And that's all I

could ever strive to do.

Speaker 9 (01:16:40):
Toby known to give.

Speaker 5 (01:16:41):
But could you talk about Toby as a songwriter just
a bit, Because we know Toby the singer, we know
Toby the larger than life presence, we know Toby the
person who gives a lot. But I think something that
happens with even artists like yourself, the songwriting part of
it isn't really that public because you write it in
a room and who knows who writes what Toby Keith
as a songwriter, what would you say about him?

Speaker 11 (01:17:05):
He's up there with guys like Merle Haggard, you know.
I mean, there's no doubt about that. And one thing
that people don't realize about to Vi Kei is if
he had I mean, I can't imagine how many number
ones the guy had over probably forty or fifty number
ones and he wrote I think fifteen or twenty of
them by himself, And it's just, man, I don't know,

it's hard to even processed the music right now. Outside of,
as I mentioned, the legacy left behind as a human being.
I've talked to so many of my friends this morning,
from John Daily to you know, Brian O'Connell, promoter that's
spent so many years with him, and everybody's just nobody's
really talking about the music as much as we just

obviously talk about him as a human being and how
much he impacted all of our lives. And so I
think it's great you guys are shining a huge light
on him, and I hope that we all as a
community don't just make this a day that we do this,
that we always reflect on how much a guy like
him as has amitted to us.

Speaker 9 (01:18:10):
Well, I know it's hard for you to come on,
so I appreciate that. Love you, buddy, and rest in peace.
Toby Keith. Thankshake.

Speaker 11 (01:18:16):
Yeah, man, see you guys all right there.

Speaker 9 (01:18:20):
That's what you're going to hear people go to is
what kind of duty was.

Speaker 5 (01:18:23):
Even though he has so many number one songs and
most of us would just know Hi from his songs
because we didn't know him personally, but those are new
him personally, took something away from him that I think
they didn't expect the story that I was going to tell.
I mean, this is a funny story. But Toby calls
and goes, hey, well, can you guys come up last
minute and open for the show in d C?

Speaker 8 (01:18:44):
Wasn't it?

Speaker 5 (01:18:45):
It was right outsde of the name of the theater
at Jiffy loub Live. It's considered DC, but it's.

Speaker 9 (01:18:49):
Like northern Virginia. Yeah, And we're like, yeah, but we
can't get up there. We don't. We're not being able
to take a Southwest flight if we can't drive that back.

Speaker 5 (01:18:58):
Yeah, because it was then and I'll send my plane
and so Toby sends his jet and Eddie and I
grab our guitars. We didn't have our full band, and
we were just like, we're just gonna go for Toby Keith.
And so Toby Keith makes these shirts. When we get there,
it's like the Toby Keith his tour. Let's just say
it's called Toby Keith All Around the World Tour and

where they list all the dates, but it said Toby
Keith all Around the World Tour with special guests, raging
idiots in a one date on the shirt like a
toy when a tour shirt usually has it all down,
but they like specifically made this shirt quickly for us.
And so we go back and I mentioned that when
we get there, you know, we're in a bit of
a rush because we were late and we're trying to

sound check, and we go back to talk to Toby.
But there are so many veterans who had been injured
that were at Walter Reed they had brought to this show,
and he spent a time with all of them, so
we we didn't need to spend a lot of time
with him becase we knew him.

Speaker 9 (01:19:55):
But I just wanted to say, hey, we're here, don't worry,
We're here.

Speaker 5 (01:19:57):
Look, here we are. We're good. Thanks for the about us.
And he was like, so, how do I tell more
on stage?

Speaker 9 (01:20:05):
How do we tell you?

Speaker 5 (01:20:05):
Because we had cost it, we had like uniforms outfits.
We wore the raging idiots because we were so we
did comedy. We want people to know that we weren't serious.
So we basically had the same outfit on And is
that how you guys should come up and sing Red
Solo Cup? That's the first thing. And I'm like, okay,
I know that song. Well, the problem with knowing a
song is you think you know a song until you're

supposed to sing the song because you know Red Solo Cup,
and then you forget, uh proceed to party. Let's have
a party and let's so you're like, oh god, oh no,
I don't know. I just sing along with it on
the like on the radio or play it. And so
so we're craming our phones and I'm like, do we
sing it together, Eddie? And I he goes, no, I'll

call on you. You're the white one, You're the Mexican one.
And I'm like, okay, we got it, got it, yes, yes,
that's our cues. And so because Eddie had introduced himself
as the Mexican one.

Speaker 9 (01:21:00):
Of the raging idiots.

Speaker 6 (01:21:01):
It was it was me that too. He was like,
I'm the Mexican one, and and he loved that. He
thought that was the funniest thing in the word.

Speaker 9 (01:21:06):
Like a right, I know you're the white when you're
the Mexican one. God got it.

Speaker 5 (01:21:09):
So we get up on stage and he's done Red
Solo Cup. And again I'm a little nervous because although
I know the song, when you have to sing the
words with the band in front of twenty thousand people
and you know people are recording it just because it's
Toby and you screw it up, it's gonna get posted
on the internet. And also you don't want to disrespect
Toby and sing.

Speaker 9 (01:21:28):
The song wrong.

Speaker 5 (01:21:29):
So Eddie and are cramming read so so this's God.
But we're like, okay, I got it. So I go
out and he's like, here.

Speaker 2 (01:21:38):
He is the light one.

Speaker 5 (01:21:39):
Well the Bobby boats and I'm like, luckily got it right,
Red Solo Cup, I feel you whoop, proceed the party
and he goes and now where's the Mexican One. Well,
the thing was, he didn't he didn't reset the joke
that Eddie introduced himself as the Mexican One to Toby Keith.
So anybody watching was like, he's looking for the Mexican what.

Speaker 9 (01:22:03):
What you can see the whole crowd just being like,
is he talking a Mexican One? But to tell me
you were.

Speaker 2 (01:22:09):
Just living told him two hours ago. He was like,
was the Mexican One?

Speaker 5 (01:22:12):
Then Eddie comes out and sings it and it was
awesome and we didn't screw it up.

Speaker 9 (01:22:16):
I don't think that bad. But well not that bad
because at the end of the night, we're walking by
his tour bus and he's out there and he goes
he and I go, oh, I hey, tell me, thanks
for having us.

Speaker 6 (01:22:25):
Hey, next time learn the damn word.

Speaker 9 (01:22:28):
Said, oh, I love this. That's funny. I know he
said that to you. That's funny. I never forget it.

Speaker 5 (01:22:36):
So my point with all that is, even when he
was on stage, he wasn't thinking to himself, how can
I be this person they want to see?

Speaker 9 (01:22:44):
He was just.

Speaker 5 (01:22:46):
Didn't even care to share the inside part of the
joke that probably would have made people go, oh, okay,
he's not just yelling words in Mexican.

Speaker 9 (01:22:52):
Eddie introduced himself as the Mexican. He just didn't tell everyone.

Speaker 2 (01:22:55):
He just didn't tell anybody else that part of that joke.

Speaker 5 (01:22:58):
Yes, So that was Oh and we were playing opening
that show. I remember looking on the side stage and
David ly Murphy was watching us as we were playing,
and I remember thinking, this is bizarre. We're playing open
over Toby Keith. David ly Murphy's watching us because he
came on the road to right with Toby.

Speaker 9 (01:23:16):
Yeah, just to write yep, and Toby Keith is there,
We're gonna go. It was just a wild night and
on brand.

Speaker 6 (01:23:24):
Like people have been saying, there was military standing backstage too,
like you have David Lee Murphy and a bunch of
military people color guard everything back there.

Speaker 5 (01:23:33):
I was texting with John Daily, the golfer who's friends
with Toby, and I've been texting with them for the
last few minutes here, and he said, Hey, I want
to come a talk on the show, but.

Speaker 9 (01:23:46):
I can't quit crying. He was the best.

Speaker 5 (01:23:49):
We just talked a few days ago after a surgery.
Then he said, f cancer. That's what John said. He
said he was the best brother. So as you can see,
it's people not going man. He made the best songs.
He sang the best song. There's people that knew him
going like he was a guy. He was a human

who cared about other humans, big personality, loved Oklahoma.

Speaker 9 (01:24:19):
We went to my wife.

Speaker 5 (01:24:21):
And all of our family and you know me as
Arkansas as it gets, but I do roof of Oklahoma
softball because basically our family coaches that team. Patty Gasso,
the Oklahoma softball coach. We're very close to her. She's
my brother in law's mom. And so we go and

it's hard for me to root Oklahoma, I'll be honest
with you, but I do, and I love Patty.

Speaker 9 (01:24:46):
And so we.

Speaker 5 (01:24:48):
Went to the championship game, which we have been a
couple because they have won.

Speaker 9 (01:24:53):
I think they're like two or three in a row.

Speaker 5 (01:24:56):
And Toby was there. He's tons of oh you stuff off.
He still lived in Oklahoma and so he was there.

Speaker 9 (01:25:04):
And then we go to the after party.

Speaker 5 (01:25:07):
Mostly I just want food, but then Toby showed up
and they sing, I think, what we'll give the clip.

Speaker 9 (01:25:14):
Ray of Toby in the bar. Here play this.

Speaker 14 (01:25:22):
That's Toby and the softball team crazy.

Speaker 11 (01:25:39):

Speaker 9 (01:25:39):
That's really good fun on brand.

Speaker 7 (01:25:42):
What a cool memory for them.

Speaker 1 (01:25:44):
It's the Best Bits of the Week with Morgan Number two.

Speaker 4 (01:25:49):
All right, y'all, that's it for me this weekend. I
hope you enjoyed.

Speaker 3 (01:25:52):
I know we had a mix of emotions, whether you
were laughing or crying throughout just the bits. I hope
you are doing good enough to go listen to Part
one and part three this weekend with Abby because that'll
also lift your spirits. We had some fun conversations. Part one,
we talked about her Ashville trip, us going to see
Cody Johnson in Nashville, and the adult chores that we

really hate doing. And I have a big dating update
bigs relative So that's Part one and listener Q and A.
We also heard more about Abby's new boyfriend and if
she has any new songs coming out, So go check
both of those out.

Speaker 4 (01:26:27):
I'll see you guys next weekend.

Speaker 3 (01:26:28):
Have a great weekend whatever you're doing for the big game,
if you're doing nothing or you're doing everything, I hope
you have a great time.

Speaker 4 (01:26:35):
Be safe, Bye everybody.

Speaker 1 (01:26:37):
That's the Best Bits of the Week with Morgan. Thanks
for listening. Be sure to check out the other two
parts this weekend. Go follow the show on all social platforms.

Speaker 7 (01:26:46):
Show and follow ed web girl Morgan

Speaker 1 (01:26:48):
To submit your listener questions for next week's episode.
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