All Episodes

May 18, 2024 90 mins

This part of the podcast is just the best 7 bits from the show this week that Morgan counts down from 7 to 1. You’ll be able to listen to them uninterrupted with just a few intros!

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
It's the Best Bits of the Week with Morgan Kill
Just the Bits.

Speaker 2 (00:05):
What's up y'all? Happy weekend?

Speaker 3 (00:07):
It is Best Bits, Just the Bits time. You're probably
here to catch up on the Bobby Bone Show. But
first I'd love to encourage you that there are two
other pieces to this podcast, Part one in part three.

Speaker 2 (00:17):
In this Weekend, Eddie joins me.

Speaker 3 (00:19):
Now on part one, we're talking about current obsessions, something
we did for the very first time, and if we're
a delivery only or pick up kind of person, and
of course some life updates are thrown in there as well.
And then part three is where we answer listener questions,
talking all.

Speaker 2 (00:34):
About his kids, his wife, and some advice for somebody
that's getting married. So really good stuff over there.

Speaker 3 (00:40):
But the reason you're here is to catch up on
our show, which it was a funny show.

Speaker 2 (00:45):
This week.

Speaker 3 (00:45):
We had sexy things happening, celebrity interviews, creepy stories, big fights.

Speaker 2 (00:52):
In people's households. Yeah, there was a lot. Kind of
feels like a reality TV show, if you will, So
let's go. I'm gonna do something I don't know, dude.
This is an honorable mention.

Speaker 3 (01:01):
This is a segment we did recommending TV shows and
movies because y'all are always asking what did we recommend?

Speaker 2 (01:07):
I forgot to write it down.

Speaker 3 (01:08):
I was driving in my car, so I'm adding this
in as an honorable mention segment.

Speaker 2 (01:12):
This is where we all recommended something to watch.

Speaker 4 (01:14):
Here, you go recommend a TV show or a movie.
You guys ready, Yeah, listeners always asking recommend a TV
show or a movie.

Speaker 5 (01:21):
Amy, Well, this is a recommendation you gave, and I'm
gonna back it up because it's so good.

Speaker 6 (01:25):
It's sugar on apple.

Speaker 4 (01:26):
Plus Farrell is the guy. He's good in it.

Speaker 5 (01:30):
Yeah, it is such a unique way to I don't
know the way they shot it, And when I'm watching it,
I'm like, I don't think I've ever watched a show
like this.

Speaker 6 (01:37):
It's really cool.

Speaker 4 (01:37):
He's detective and he's trying to find a girl. Very
basic story, but it's really good. Yeah, We're caught up.
We have one more episode that comes out Friday. Then
I think season's over. We're caught up is really good.

Speaker 7 (01:47):
I agree, Oh, so one more week and then we
can start it all watching the whole thing.

Speaker 4 (01:50):
Yeah, it's a good time to do that. I recommend
a show or.

Speaker 7 (01:53):
A movie Eddie Guys Roadhouse, that's old Patrick swaydon No,
it's a remake.

Speaker 4 (01:59):
It's a remake if I guess that old movie with
Patrick Swayze.

Speaker 7 (02:01):
I never watched that old one. But this one is awesome.
It's on Prime. It's so stupid, it's the dumbest plot
ever and it's nothing but fighting, and it's so good.

Speaker 4 (02:12):
Jake Dyllen Hall, he's this retired UFC fighter and he
uh bouncer like the original.

Speaker 7 (02:17):
Well yes, so then he gets hired to be a
bouncer at this roadhouse where like all they do is fight.
People just go in there and fight. And he goes
and just like sets it straight. But then somebody sends
Connor McGregor in.

Speaker 4 (02:28):
Is play himself?

Speaker 7 (02:29):
Nah No, he plays like a like an enforcer, got it?
And so it's Jake Dillon Hall versus Connor McGregor. Dude,
it is so good.

Speaker 4 (02:36):
It's the dumbest I've ever seen in my life, but
it's so good. Anybody else seen that?

Speaker 2 (02:41):
Yeah, I watched it.

Speaker 4 (02:41):
It's good.

Speaker 2 (02:42):
Yeah, I enjoyed it.

Speaker 3 (02:43):
I mean, Connor McGregor kind of made that movie because
he was so chaotic, but.

Speaker 4 (02:47):
It was good.

Speaker 6 (02:47):
Wait, isn't it.

Speaker 4 (02:49):
Yeah, it's like one of the artists on the stage.

Speaker 7 (02:51):
Oh really, and the bar is so bad that they
have to hide behind chicken wire. Like the band has
to play behind chicken wire because so they don't get
hit by chairs and stuff.

Speaker 8 (02:59):
Okay, Beckham the documentary on Netflix, that's good. It's fantastic.

Speaker 4 (03:06):
It's way more sporty than I thought it would be.

Speaker 8 (03:08):

Speaker 4 (03:08):
I thought it was going to be so much of
like Victoria and there there's more way a lot of
sports to it.

Speaker 6 (03:13):
But even if you're not into sports.

Speaker 8 (03:14):
Yeah, I mean I learned about Victoria and David that
I didn't realize that the relationship and how it came about,
and how he was traveling three hours just to spend
ten minutes with him and he drive three hours back.
I mean it was like what in the world and
the pressure that he had on him, and oh it
is it's really good.

Speaker 4 (03:33):
I guess there's probably a good mix of both. I
just didn't expect there to be that much soccer in it.
I was like, this is going to suck.

Speaker 6 (03:39):
I agree.

Speaker 5 (03:39):
I think there was a lot, but it's actually entertaining
to where if you're not even into soccer, it's enjoyable.

Speaker 4 (03:45):
Morgan, do you have anything you're watching.

Speaker 2 (03:47):
Yeah, I watched Iron Claw. The movie was zach Efron.

Speaker 9 (03:50):
I loved it.

Speaker 2 (03:51):
It was an emotional rollercoaster.

Speaker 4 (03:53):
I loved it. And I remember like the back end
of all of that. As a wrestling fan, I did
not know.

Speaker 3 (03:57):
I had no idea this was a true story, like
true fan family knew none of that and went in
totally blindsided.

Speaker 2 (04:03):
In the second half of the movie, just it's about.

Speaker 4 (04:06):
The von eric family and Carrie von Erik is the
one that I really remembered, but he's not the main
star of the movie. It's not even about Carrie just
kind of comes in later. But yeah, it's good, and
they're the ones that did the claw. Well the dad, Yeah,
so the dad that was his move when he was
then they all did what they did when they were younger.
But yeah, Rotten Tomato gives out a ninety four, so good, and.

Speaker 3 (04:28):
The first half I was kind of like, Okay, where's
this going, and then it just a bam.

Speaker 4 (04:32):
It was wild, right, Moon don't recommend something. Yeah, I
hate to recommend a reality show because I feel like
they're so worn out. But there's a new one called
the Valley. It's a spinoff from vander Pump Rules. Some
of the kids from that are on it. And it's
so real that some of the couples actually got a
divorce after the season filmed. It was that intense. So
it's actually reality and not fake or stage or did

they just hate me on a reality show together so
they got divorced. Well, we found out one of the
couples kind of was on the outs and then the
show started, so they had to act like they're together. Awesome,
because it's there's some of the people that are just
totally new to the camera. There's a Miss America chick.
They have no idea in their families. They now have kids,
so it's not just partying. It's very good. I'll give
you my final one. It's called The Veil on Hulu.
Do you guys know Elizabeth Moss. She was in the

show about the End of the World and like people
were taking over shit to wear the Red Dress Handsmade
Handmaid's Tale. Yeah, she's from that. She's also from the
show that you liked about the Ad Agency from back
in the fifties. Yeah, So she's the main person in
this and it's a spy series where like three, three
or four in on Hulu. It's really good. And I

don't often recommend a show in the middle of it,
but I think this one's really solid. It's like they
wouldn't get her for the show unless it was really good.
She's like that a list television actress. Now, right, if
she's in something you don't, she just assume it's good.
It's a point. But yet it's the Veil. It's not
getting great reviews. I just look for the first time.
This is why I don't look at reviews. We really
like it. My wife too, and she's not a big

spy series type person. So I recommend the Veil to
heck with rotten tomatoes. What I say when people review it?

Speaker 7 (06:03):
Are they review did they watch the whole thing before
everyone else? Or are they watching what we're watching?

Speaker 4 (06:08):
Well, the audience score, you can't possibly have seen more
than three or four episodes. But man, maybe I'm wrong.
Maybe it's affecting me now maybe it does. Oh no,
all right, well, put all those on a list. Go
over to our Facebook page or Bobbybones dot com. There's
all of our recommended shows.

Speaker 3 (06:25):
Now we're getting into the top seven. There was a
huge fight in Lunchbox's household. Basically, he has a trip
to Atlanta coming up for work, invited his wife and kids.
But there's something very controversial that he is thinking and
most likely going to do, and that's what this whole
fight is all about.

Speaker 1 (06:42):
Number seven.

Speaker 4 (06:43):
So here's a story about the fight in Lunchbox's house.
Lunchbox is going to Atlanta on Friday after the show.
We have a new affiliate in Atlanta. So he was
going to go down, do a meeting, sales team, go
to a Braves game. Whatever he's going to do down there,
not sure, but I like it that he's going and
they're gonna fly him down to do it. Wow. So

Atlanta's not very far from here, so it's pretty easy.
Just hop on a little Southwest flight, fly down, get off,
do your business, do whatever. Why are you and your
wife fighting.

Speaker 8 (07:13):
Because my family's gonna come. And so I said, okay, cool,
So just you drive with the kids and I'll take
the flight and you pick me up at the airport
because I'm going on business and they offered to fly
me on a plane, so of course I'm going to
take a flight. And the more you fly, the better

status you get so this is just another flight in
my belt for the status of the airline, and she
was not happy about it.

Speaker 4 (07:40):
Okay, I want to play the club of lunchbox explaining
it to his wife.

Speaker 8 (07:44):
I mean, first, calm down. I just think that if
work offers me a free flight, why would I not
take the free flight because.

Speaker 9 (07:51):
Then that leaves me and the kids driving alone to Atlanta.

Speaker 8 (07:55):
Yeah, well I'll meet you in Atlanta.

Speaker 4 (07:57):
No, we're not driving alone.

Speaker 8 (07:58):
That's ridiculous.

Speaker 1 (08:00):
It's stupid.

Speaker 10 (08:01):
What if we have to stop, then I have three
kids to wrangle.

Speaker 9 (08:04):
But if we're get a wreck, I'm all along the
side of the road with three small children.

Speaker 8 (08:07):
Like, well, why do you think negative? I mean you
you're a good driver, right, you know how to drive?

Speaker 4 (08:12):
Yes, thank you?

Speaker 8 (08:13):
You drive every day?

Speaker 4 (08:14):

Speaker 10 (08:15):

Speaker 8 (08:15):
Okay, So what's the difference it's a work trip. The
more I fly, the more status I have with airlines.

Speaker 9 (08:22):
Oh my gosh it no, it's this is stupid.

Speaker 8 (08:25):
No, okay, but so would you prefer like from the airport,
I uber, or would you pick me up from the airport. No,
I'm just asking you if those were the two options,
which one would it be? Which one would it be okay.

Speaker 4 (08:37):
So I got a couple of things. One, you don't
just get general better status from all airlines if you fly.
That's really not how that works. Do you have an
account with whatever airline is? Yeah?

Speaker 8 (08:47):
You do. I signed up for account with every airline,
no matter what. Yeah, no matter what they choose. I
get a status upgrade.

Speaker 4 (08:54):
Nice. You don't get a status upgrade from every flight.

Speaker 8 (08:57):

Speaker 6 (08:58):
We contribute towards it.

Speaker 8 (08:59):
Correct. It's building blocks. It's sort of like a building
a house. You build it one brick at a time.
You can't just get it all at once.

Speaker 4 (09:06):
Are you flying Southwest?

Speaker 8 (09:08):

Speaker 4 (09:09):
How many flights do you have already? Two? And how
many do you need?

Speaker 8 (09:14):
I don't know, it's not important.

Speaker 4 (09:16):
It's a lot. It's a lot. It's like twenty yeah,
okay to get the next tier, which is like half
off Internet. It's not even like.

Speaker 8 (09:23):
Something like that. But whatever. And I'm just saying it's
not often that the company offers you a free flight.
Got to take advantage.

Speaker 4 (09:31):
Well, it's gonna take about the same amount of time.
Let's figure this out. From your house twenty five minutes
to the airport, you can get there an hour early.
That's an hour and a half. It's gonna take you
an hour to fly down. That's two and a half
hours there. Two and a half hour's gonna unload and
get up to the front. It's about thirty minutes. Yeah,

so you're looking at like three.

Speaker 6 (09:55):
It's definitely faster.

Speaker 4 (09:57):
Yeah, yeah, but it is the one hour worth of
fight with your.

Speaker 8 (09:58):
WHI I mean just sitting on the plane like, oh,
you're travel for business? Yeah, I travel on business.

Speaker 4 (10:04):
All the conversations on you, you know what I mean, everybody's
like because you want to say you're traveling for business.
Has that ever come up ever?

Speaker 8 (10:10):
Yeah? Sometimes, like when you're flying places like just for fun, going,
you know, going to see the family, you're.

Speaker 4 (10:16):
Never going to say, but you can lie if you
just want to say no.

Speaker 8 (10:19):
But you know, I don't need to lie. I don't
like to lie.

Speaker 4 (10:21):
No, I'm saying, and you always lie.

Speaker 8 (10:25):
I like to tell the truth. And so this is great.
It's like and when you you're doing your plane tickets,
like is this for travel for business personal or both?
It's business? Click on that.

Speaker 5 (10:36):
When he flew to Austin for Country Fest like a
week and a half ago, where you.

Speaker 4 (10:40):
Like, I'm on business, Yeah, you had the conversation where
you're like, oh, I slept, okay, I was tired, okay.

Speaker 5 (10:45):
Can I also point out that at the very beginning
of that clip, Lunchbox tells his wife to calm.

Speaker 6 (10:49):
Down, and that's just never a good idea, And.

Speaker 4 (10:51):
Also I hear her telling him him, Yeah.

Speaker 5 (10:55):
Communication went on, don't tell the other person to calm down.

Speaker 8 (10:58):
You guys. See my point?

Speaker 4 (10:59):
If you right, If I were going by myself, I
would definitely want to fly because there's not a big
difference in time and you can't have to wait for
her to pick you up anyway.

Speaker 8 (11:09):
Well, that's why I said I could uber.

Speaker 7 (11:12):
But here's the deal, Like, if the company is paying
for your flight exactly, how are you gonna waste that?

Speaker 8 (11:16):
That's what right?

Speaker 4 (11:18):
How are you gonna waste that? I'm almost time, though
I would I would rather drive than sit at the.

Speaker 6 (11:25):
Airport, drive with your family and your I.

Speaker 8 (11:28):
Don't know how you get to the airport.

Speaker 4 (11:29):
I know you're having her go to a work that
you're asking her to go to Atlanta.

Speaker 8 (11:33):
I didn't ask her. I invited her. I said, hey,
would you like to go to Atlanta? And going the
same thing? And she said, yes, get to take your
kids great family weekend.

Speaker 4 (11:41):
So you invited her, then you should go with her.

Speaker 8 (11:43):
Well, yeah, I'll meet her. I'll see her Atlanta.

Speaker 4 (11:45):
It's not do you want to meet me anyway.

Speaker 8 (11:47):
You've never gone somewhere before. Caitlin's gotten there, like and
you guys meet in the city.

Speaker 4 (11:51):
At the exact same time as she like drove underneath
the plane.

Speaker 8 (11:54):
No, oh, I did it. I mean we did it
from Houston, Austin one time. I needed one more flight
to get my status right.

Speaker 4 (12:02):
But that makes sense, I would say.

Speaker 8 (12:06):
By myself. She drove with the kids.

Speaker 4 (12:07):
Okay, that I get same thing I would say if
you invited her, though, you need to ride with her,
or you need to drive if you're always the driver.

Speaker 8 (12:15):
Oh, I am the driver. I'm in the car.

Speaker 4 (12:17):
I'm finding a pastor princess. I have no problem with that.
But I have a feeling you're gonna be in the car. Right.
We'll see that clip. We'll need you to post some
evidence that you flew if you fly. Oh, we got evidence,
and don't use an old picture either. Yeah, yeah, yeah,
we need you to have some sort of saying the
date in the clip in the same clothes.

Speaker 8 (12:40):
Don't you worry.

Speaker 4 (12:41):
Okay, well, we're not gonna worry.

Speaker 8 (12:42):
We'll see it there port.

Speaker 4 (12:43):
Which team are you on? Lunchbox for his wife?

Speaker 6 (12:45):
His wife?

Speaker 4 (12:45):
I'm on his wife side too, Eddie. Oh, it's so hard.
I just don't want to waste that flight. So you're
on his side.

Speaker 7 (12:50):
I might be on lunchbox five No, no, no, high
five Morgan.

Speaker 4 (12:54):
Oh, his wife on his wife. But there's definitely a
way you can get that voucher. Man say it for
a later time. You go to the airport and say, hey,
I can't do this flight. Can I just get a voucher?
If I feel if it's a full flight? Is there
anyway I can get that?

Speaker 6 (13:07):

Speaker 4 (13:08):
Definitely, But then you're gambling on it being a full flight. However,
if they booked it in your name, you have to
use it the mean, meaning you can get the flight
the free flight, And then do you really want to
go all the way to the airport just to get
the voucher? And you're missing what I'm saying here. If
they booked it in your name, you can call oh
and just and go, hey, I'm not gonna make it.

Speaker 8 (13:23):
I'll just take the credit. So you're saying like a
little fraud. Now you're talking my language.

Speaker 4 (13:30):
That's not fraud.

Speaker 1 (13:32):
It's the best bits of the week with Morgan. Number two, you.

Speaker 3 (13:37):
Guys wanted some updates on Amy's signs, Eddie's hair transplant situation,
the palette, what's been going on with Bobby's comedy special.

Speaker 2 (13:47):
So lots of updates and it.

Speaker 3 (13:48):
All got shared in one segment, so you guys could
get the questions that you've wanted to know answered.

Speaker 2 (13:54):
And that's what this is right now here, updates from everybody.

Speaker 4 (13:57):
Number six listeners want updates. It's the end of the week.
We're going to give them updates. Amy. Listeners want updates
on the sign you got. Are you still moving? And
have you seen any other signs lately?

Speaker 5 (14:10):
Go No other sign signs that like alter my life,
some fun ones, but nothing life altering like moving. And
yes I'm still moving. I'm getting my house ready to
go on the market, and I'm actually going to look
at a house today.

Speaker 4 (14:24):
Because she saw a bird.

Speaker 6 (14:25):
A cardinal my mom, right, she.

Speaker 4 (14:28):
Saw a bird, which is her mom.

Speaker 5 (14:30):
At the time that I saw the bird, and the
bird stayed in the tree near me for a long time,
like it could have flown away. In fact, there was
noise that I thought the bird was going to fly away,
and it never did. And it stayed there long enough
to where a piece came over me and a feeling
of it's time to move and it is going to
be okay, And that is what I felt.

Speaker 1 (14:53):
Bobby Bone show updates, all right.

Speaker 4 (14:54):
Another one is did she tell you who she saw
running on the stairs?

Speaker 6 (14:59):
Well, yeah, this is the sign and that's like, not life.

Speaker 4 (15:00):
Altering, another sign, not a sign. Oh, kind of go ahead.

Speaker 5 (15:04):
I feel like it's a sign of who I should
put the money on. Like I'm about to make a bet,
a big bet, but I need you to help me out.
I saw Michael Chandler running the stairs.

Speaker 4 (15:14):
He's a UFC fighter.

Speaker 5 (15:15):
Yeah, making a video for the fight that's coming up
in Vegas against Connor McGregor.

Speaker 6 (15:21):
I only know this because I googled you were there, Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 5 (15:24):
So I'm there just to take a hike, and as
I'm walking past him, I was like, huh, obviously this
is someone they're filming him, And then he looked really legit.
So then I start doing some googling and then I
find out, oh, this is a big deal. Yeah, he's
a fighter, big fight coming up in Vegas, and I
ran into him making this video.

Speaker 6 (15:45):
So now I want to bet money on him.

Speaker 4 (15:46):
So if it's really if you feel like it's really
a sign, then you need to bet a lot of money,
like how much, Well, I don't know, two million. We
could look up like you bet the house?

Speaker 8 (15:55):
Yeah exactly, Yeah, house are homeless.

Speaker 9 (15:57):
Let's go.

Speaker 4 (16:00):
I like it. It's a sign.

Speaker 5 (16:02):
Yeah, it's like a fun sign. See, signs can be fun.
They don't have to be serious.

Speaker 4 (16:06):

Speaker 8 (16:07):
I like, so, did you talk to him and say, hey, A,
you're gonna win or you just no?

Speaker 6 (16:11):
I don't know. I'm I kind of tripped when I
saw him. I was like, this embarrassing, gotta go.

Speaker 4 (16:15):
So, okay, they're he's an underdog, right, yeah.

Speaker 6 (16:21):
But this is a fight. They're both apparently going to
weigh one hundred and seventy pounds.

Speaker 8 (16:24):

Speaker 7 (16:24):
Well that's usually how they it's very close.

Speaker 4 (16:28):
It's about it's about even Okay. Yeah, okay, So I
think you needn't make a significant bet if you think
it's a sign. Prove to us how much you believe
in signs.

Speaker 9 (16:35):
Okay, do it?

Speaker 3 (16:36):

Speaker 8 (16:36):
Do you have to walk me through what amy.

Speaker 4 (16:39):
That's how you're gonna win this sign? Bet one thousand
dollars on it?

Speaker 8 (16:43):
Do you believe in signs?

Speaker 6 (16:44):
You're let me ask you this. What does that turn
it into?

Speaker 4 (16:48):
Basically two thousand dollars is it? Well? That's it. Why
I don't a.

Speaker 5 (16:52):
Thousand dollars like you're gonna get.

Speaker 4 (16:54):
A thousand dollar. That's a lot of money.

Speaker 5 (16:56):
I want one of those bets. If I'm betting not
much I needed to result in thirty.

Speaker 4 (16:59):
Thousds leaving a sign. Okay, you're ready, Bobby Bone Show.
Lunchbox listeners want an update on the palette. We bought
this palette not knowing what was in it. It's a
bunch of returns from Amazon. We opened it. It was
huge drama. It was sitting in the building for six
seven months. Lunchbox took it home. What's the updates?

Speaker 8 (17:17):
Oh man, we have been selling items left and right.
I brought you guys that money. I told you we
sold the rope.

Speaker 4 (17:23):
Well, you gave us no money, right.

Speaker 8 (17:24):
I told you we're gonna wait till the end. But
I brought you the evidence that I sold the rope
for one hundred dollars. I showed you one hundred dollars bill,
Go ahead, ray hit it.

Speaker 4 (17:32):
I'm gonna send you a picture of this. It's lunchbox.
Lunch box, so it's forty dollars telling me get a
picture with you.

Speaker 8 (17:43):
Hey, this is what we do, making business deals. Businessman,
making business deal. Look at that sealed bail. Great job
every morning, lunchbox. Well, thank you appreciate it. Okay, boom,
cat house. That's all I'm talking about.

Speaker 4 (17:58):
Deal done.

Speaker 8 (18:00):
Let's take a picture that way you can send it
to her. Sold the cat house forty bucks, brand new,
never been opened. Sold it for someone on the Facebook marketplace.
They didn't know who they were buying it from. Dude came,
he didn't have venmo. Had to hit up his wife
and she's like, oh my gosh, I love this show.
She started freaking out.

Speaker 4 (18:15):
How many things have you sold? What do we get
our money?

Speaker 10 (18:17):

Speaker 4 (18:17):
We sold too so far. Oh that's all. There's not
other ones you've been selling out. What about the toilet seats?
We signed toilet.

Speaker 6 (18:22):
Seat he gave us away?

Speaker 8 (18:23):
Yeah what No, we all.

Speaker 4 (18:25):
Signed up so you can give them away. Yeah, why
are you doing that?

Speaker 8 (18:28):
Well? Softly hold on after the big blow up, I
had people hit me up, and I was just like, look, okay,
I just want to get rid of it. Fine, I
don't even care about the money anymore. And then I
so I told these two people had reached out, so
I said, yeah, I'll just send them to you. And
then after a further evaluation, I realized I let my

emotions get in the way and that was a bad
business decision. So we still have three toilet seats to sell.

Speaker 4 (18:54):
What blow up is he talking about? I hid the blowpate.
I'm talking about boltemort Man and thanks are still moving
on the palleta too.

Speaker 8 (19:00):
Hey they're still moving. Hey, things are moving out.

Speaker 4 (19:03):
Hey, no more freestyle. You're not a very good business
man making business making that money.

Speaker 8 (19:08):
One lady worked for the company that made the toilet seat.
That's cool, and she was gonna put it in a
charity auction that they have and so I, oh, she's
going to okay, like that was her thing. So I
was like, hey, you know, we're all about charity here,
and I love charity. I love donating to charity, So
I will that was hard.

Speaker 4 (19:25):
Okay, boom good hit it again, Iby bone show Eddie,
are you getting a hair transplant. Oh this is tough, man. Look,
it's gonna be free. I've thought long and hard about it.
I'll pay for it.

Speaker 7 (19:36):
I know, I know, I know all that. I know
all that. After further event was telling lunchbox. After further evaluation, man,
I was really just kind of discouraged. After he talked
about the different zones, the different balding zones on my head.
You got a lot because I have a lot of
balding zones. And he thinks he can fix one. He
knows he can fix one zone, the big one. Yeah,

And I just don't know about want to fix the
front one just to have a bald spot in the
back of my head, so bones, I don't think I'm
gonna do it.

Speaker 4 (20:07):
Are you gonna shave your head bald?

Speaker 9 (20:08):

Speaker 7 (20:09):
I think eventually I'm gonna have to just be a
bald person.

Speaker 6 (20:13):
Which is okay.

Speaker 4 (20:13):
I'm just a little scared. Okay, okay, I'm a little scared.
Are you officially saying no transplant? I offered to send
you to Turkey? Yes, I offered to send you to
a very well respected doctor here. And so are you
fully moving away from both of those?

Speaker 7 (20:29):
I think I have to decline the offer and fully
move away from him.

Speaker 4 (20:32):
I like to pose one more thing to go for it.
Go for it. They say, I don't have enough hair
to cover my bald spots. Let me let me unless
they pull it from my butt. I don't want butt
hair on my butt, on my head. Let me sit
with you. Let me let me sit with you. I'll
like getnother proposles. Two words to hey, Can I get

you a quality two pay and you wear it? Here's
the deal. I have no problem trying out a two
pay for a couple of weeks, but you have to
just wear it, no hat every day you come here. Correct.
We gotta find somebody who does two pays.

Speaker 9 (21:07):
That'd be kind of awesome. I've been thinking about myself.

Speaker 4 (21:09):
When they glued on your head. Yeah, they're pretty cool looking. Well,
yours would have to be a whole head, though, that's fine.
Can you find a two pay person, because I want
Eddie to wear one for two weeks and see if
he likes it. I am completely good with that.

Speaker 8 (21:18):
Okay, a lot in New York, but I'll find one here.

Speaker 4 (21:21):
If we can find you a wig, a two pay,
you'll wear It's not it's not a wig, it's a piece. Yeah,
hair piece. You'll wear a part of my head. That'd
be awesome. I will wear it for two weeks due
and if it looks good, people are like, well, Cody Allen,
he like had one for a bit. Even if it
was just a bit, it looked great on him.

Speaker 9 (21:34):
Tody Allen had one.

Speaker 7 (21:35):
Yeah, okay, cool because they probably have to see the
color of my hair and to match it.

Speaker 4 (21:39):
We know about that. Yeah, yah, take color salt. All right,
one more, let's go.

Speaker 1 (21:45):
You're ready, Bobby Bone show cold.

Speaker 4 (21:47):
I have three things people are asking me about. One,
Eller the dog, after being away for eleven days at camp,
she's back. She's great, everything's good. I missed her. She's back.
Number two, building a pickleball court. Eddie and I. We've
been held up by rain a little bit. So close.
We're like two and a half weeks or so away
from it being done. We'll show the next picture, but
we every time it rains, we can't work. And it's
been raining a lot, and raining a lot, and then

three people asking about my special that we shot. Anybody
who's working on my special has another full time job.
And right now I hired Abby Anderson, not ours the
other Abby to score it. Musically, she's on the road,
so when she's finished in quite a few weeks, it'll
be we'll be done with it, like we're done with it.
That's cool.

Speaker 6 (22:25):
The Memorabilia one, no, no, no.

Speaker 4 (22:27):
The comedy special, oh yeah, we shot it into last year,
so we wanted to hire somebody to score music to it,
and so we went Abby Anderson's awesome, great, like she
was a competitive pianist and not only your country artists,
but musically she's really gifted. So she's scoring it and
so when that's done, but nobody's working on as their

own jobs, so we're all trying to patch it together. Well,
it's like us in the pickle. It's you in your head.
That's a little bit of a little bit there. All right,
those are your updates. Thank you, Bobby own show update,
thank you, thank you.

Speaker 1 (23:03):
It's the best bits of the week with Morgan. Number two.

Speaker 3 (23:08):
So last week we heard about the big concert opportunity
that Abby got all because somebody DMed her on Instagram
and it was actually real, it's legit, not a scam. Well,
now she wants to hire somebody on the show to
come along with.

Speaker 2 (23:21):
Her, and there's some negotiations that need to happen.

Speaker 1 (23:24):
Number five wild story.

Speaker 4 (23:26):
Somebody dms Abby, who is our phone screener and producer,
and they're like, hey, we need you to set up
a concert for us. Abby thinks it's a scam. Turns
out it wasn't a scam at all. They said, I
have fifty thousand dollars. Can you get a headliner or
you come host it. You do with the money whatever
you want. Abby's like, is this real? We get the
person on the phone, it's real. Abby sets up the concert.

It's Abby opening and hosting and George Burge headlining the show.
And George Burge has just had a number one hit
with Murmer how'd it go? I got my mind on
you and you my mom? Yeah, and then he has
another song called Cowboy Songs. So the whole concerts set
up and Abby's gonna go performing, like Abby, take your
own guitarist. Turns out Abby's trying to hire a guitarist.

It seems it's a bit controversial, Eddie.

Speaker 7 (24:16):
She wants me to go. She has asked me to
be a guitarist to go to the Monterey show.

Speaker 4 (24:21):
So she wants you to play guitar for her. Yeah,
but the problem is, you know how much money she's making.
Abby's making twenty grand.

Speaker 7 (24:27):
Yeah, So I'm like, okay, a couple things, right, bon
It's like a couple things. There's the money part, right,
She's making twenty grand, Like what am I gonna be?

Speaker 4 (24:35):
Just a crazy amount? Like that's the headline of the story. Still,
Abby's making twenty thousand dollars from a DM go ahead.

Speaker 7 (24:40):
But I also feel like she's bringing me along to
kind of show them, look, I can bring another star along.

Speaker 4 (24:47):
Okay, Well, well.

Speaker 7 (24:48):
I'm half of the raged idiots, you know, like we've
already toured, we've and we've played big shows.

Speaker 4 (24:52):
People know who I am.

Speaker 7 (24:54):
I feel like Abby's kind of like, you know what,
I'll bring Eddie along. That way, it makes me feel
like I can brought all of Nashville long Abby.

Speaker 4 (25:00):
A couple of questions. You asked Eddie to do this?

Speaker 5 (25:02):

Speaker 4 (25:03):
Did you tell how much you pay him?

Speaker 5 (25:04):

Speaker 10 (25:04):
I did not.

Speaker 4 (25:05):
We haven't gotten there, Yeah we didn't. What would you
pay him?

Speaker 10 (25:08):
Would you say three hundred? No?

Speaker 4 (25:09):

Speaker 6 (25:09):
That hold on, that's out you Eddie did say that though.

Speaker 4 (25:14):
No, I'm saying if you're hiring, like I say, because
five hundred maybe if you're asking like you think I'm
worth three hundred bucks, I said, if she were just
hiring a random guitarist, you can pay a few hundred
bucks hotel. Why hotel? But let me worry about the
flight in the hotel. I'll pay that. You you you
pay me whatever? Yeah, don't say pay me. Why would
you got a nigga?

Speaker 6 (25:34):
Why would you want to cover your best?

Speaker 4 (25:35):
Bad negotiations? What do you mean, Abby? How much want what?
I want? Ten grand? But you know what I will
pay for my flight?

Speaker 8 (25:43):

Speaker 4 (25:43):
Okay, that's a pretty fair negotiation what I'm saying. Pay
her food too? Okay, Bobby, I'll take Bobby.

Speaker 5 (25:49):
You already broke down that her gross is twenty grand,
but she's netting about.

Speaker 4 (25:53):
Twelve sure after taxes and stuff.

Speaker 6 (25:55):
Right, So how going to.

Speaker 4 (25:57):
Pay any But Eddie if he got ten wouldn't gross
And so it's all the same when you do that
because he pay hotel and taxis so Eddie how much? Realistically? Hmm,
let's go eight grand? No eight? Are you willing to
pay eight thousand dollars for Eddie to be a guitarist?

Speaker 7 (26:14):
That's like almost half of what I'm getting Abby, let's roll.

Speaker 10 (26:18):
No, you got to bring that down. You got to
bring how much?

Speaker 4 (26:22):
What are you thinking? What would you really offer Eddie
to be your guitarist for this.

Speaker 10 (26:25):
Show if he paid all of his expenses and everything.

Speaker 4 (26:28):
Okay, correct?

Speaker 10 (26:29):
Two thousand.

Speaker 4 (26:31):
That's the flight man, it's going to cost you for
hotel fly. The hotel costs you eight hundred bucks just
to go. I like nice hotels. You got it in
the star. So really, last offer here? What are you
offering Eddie to go and play guitar for you at
this race car track? Abby, don't insult me? Come on,

come on, let's last and final? Lassaulted me last final? Abby?

Speaker 6 (26:57):
Kay, you can find a guitar player?

Speaker 7 (26:59):
Hey, amysh ssh, I really think I can.

Speaker 10 (27:03):
But you'd be really awesome to have a long I'm
going to say three thousand.

Speaker 4 (27:07):
Wait what thousand? So she's offering you three thousand dollars
dollars cast you about eight hundred to travel all the
way in So twenty two hundred bucks to go and
play for twenty minutes in California.

Speaker 7 (27:18):
That's not bad songs, bro, learn vacation, I can learn
What's today?

Speaker 10 (27:23):
The twenty second of June twenty second.

Speaker 4 (27:26):
Why does that sound familiar? Well, because every year it
happens from the last. It looks to me like you're clear,
as far as are we clear? We don't have a shoot.

Speaker 6 (27:36):
Then do you need to check with your family?

Speaker 4 (27:38):
Dude? Hey, you know how I check my family? Two
thousand dollars?

Speaker 8 (27:41):
Yeah, it was three thousand. Where his thousand is?

Speaker 4 (27:46):
You're really offering them three thousand dollars.

Speaker 8 (27:48):
You're so dme.

Speaker 4 (27:49):
Okay, Eddie, she's offered you three thousand dollars. Okay. Can
I check with my business manager? You can, but you
need to let us know within twenty four hours.

Speaker 7 (27:55):
You got it? You got it? That's June twenty second. Yes,
many songs?

Speaker 10 (28:00):
Four songs, No, it's thirty minutes.

Speaker 4 (28:02):
I don't think that matters as much. It's it's doing
the calculations. Oh, you want to do per song? A
per song? Right, so i's thinking about it.

Speaker 10 (28:09):
You can learn my song?

Speaker 8 (28:10):
Yeah, you learn.

Speaker 4 (28:11):
You've been offered three thousand dollars, Eddie, you have twenty
four hours to respond a lot of talks. He's sick
about it. Now now you're making money and he's got abby.

Speaker 8 (28:21):
You are so dumb? Why you are wasting so much
of your money. You could get a guitar player for
five hundred dollars.

Speaker 4 (28:29):
Let them pay for their pay like okay, so if.

Speaker 8 (28:31):
You pay a thousand dollars for their flight and hotel,
you're wasting most of your money. But I see what
you're doing because you think there'll be more people in
the crowd if two people from the show are going,
so it makes it look like you're a better host.

Speaker 10 (28:46):
No, I trust Eddie, like, I want to make sure
that the guitar player, like is gonna do.

Speaker 1 (28:51):
Well when I try a star player.

Speaker 4 (28:53):
But Eddie's not. I mean, I know he's my partner
in comedy, but you're not a professional guitar player. But
me and Abby we play all the time. To go great,
Okay A eddio on the table? Yeah, dude, I love it.

Speaker 8 (29:04):
Abby, you might want to send that.

Speaker 4 (29:07):
If you take it back, there's no no negotiation. Abby,
I will let you know in two twenty four hours.
D you're on the climb.

Speaker 8 (29:13):
What a deal.

Speaker 4 (29:14):
Let's go, let's go great day. What do I want?
I'll tour manage to give you some money. Hey, you
did a great job. Dang. Sometimes when you watch a
TV show on streaming. They go in case you missed it,
and they run through a real quick version of what's
happened in the previous episodes. Here we go in case
you missed it. Abby got a DM. The DM said, Abby,
come and play a concert, but bringing a closing headlining act.
We'll give you fifty thousand dollars for the whole budget.

Abby goes, is this real? The person comes on the air,
it's real. Abby goes out finds George Burr, who has
a song I got my mind on you? Who got
you on my mind? George Bird says yes. Abby pays
George Birds thirty thousand dollars of the money. She keeps
twenty thousand for herself. She's going to go out and
host this thing and sing and perform. George is gonna play.
It's crazy that it all happened this way, but she
made twenty thousand dollars from a DM wild story. Now

she needs a guitar player. That's where we are. So
yesterday you offered Eddie three thousand, thousand dollars to be
your guitar player. But I have to pay for my
travel a thousand bucks. Yeah, yeah, yeah, because you're going
to Monterey California unless I take like Spirit Airlines, you
start driving driving now, Hey, so did you regret that offer?

Speaker 10 (30:22):
Yeah, I mean I thought about it a lot.

Speaker 7 (30:24):
Yeah, but it's still out there, and I do want
to say that I've cleared this with my manager. She
says that I'm available that date and I can accept
the offer.

Speaker 4 (30:35):
I am now, except my god, that's my wife. Yeah, yeah,
we're good to actually accepting. I mean, so you're looking
at your new guitar player.

Speaker 1 (30:42):
Hold on, he accepted it.

Speaker 10 (30:49):
Yeah, he accepted. But don't I think I have to
come back and make the final no decision?

Speaker 4 (30:54):
No, no, no, yes.

Speaker 5 (30:55):
The negotiations, Oh, how it works, well, she can retract
her all.

Speaker 4 (31:00):
This is not how the negotiation works. The only way
negotiation works is if Abby says three thousand and then
he goes, I'm not gonna do it for three, I'm
gonna do it for four. Then she could go I'm out.
She can't make an offer. Then you accept it, then
go I'm out. Yeah, that's not how it works, it
works at all.

Speaker 10 (31:12):
But I said, would you do it for that much? Oh?
I don't think he would actually do it. This is Eddie,
we're talking about Abby.

Speaker 4 (31:19):
I went to my manager. You offered it to him.

Speaker 6 (31:22):
I know, but it's Eddie.

Speaker 4 (31:23):
It was like, what's the problem, Abby, what's the problem.

Speaker 10 (31:26):
You say a lot of things, you're not you don't
actually follow through on.

Speaker 7 (31:29):
But you offered him money, so you thought that I
would take this as off honey, and then say I
can't do it.

Speaker 4 (31:35):
Basically, you genuinely offered him three thousand dollars of your
twenty I did, and that is a lot, and I
got excited.

Speaker 3 (31:42):
You know what.

Speaker 4 (31:42):
It also is a lot twenty thousand for doing nothing.

Speaker 10 (31:45):
For doing nothing.

Speaker 4 (31:46):
You were on my side, but you just pulled out
of a negotiation. You made him an offer, and that
said never mind. So what's the deal. We're doing this
or not? Okay, what's the new offer?

Speaker 10 (31:57):
Two thousand?

Speaker 4 (31:58):
Oh my god, does this take me a twist. I
did not expect.

Speaker 10 (32:05):
He's gonna like donate a kidney and all these things.
What if the time comes?

Speaker 4 (32:08):
But you said three.

Speaker 8 (32:09):
Thousand, You said, yester three thousand, Like you're turning into
Eddie right now.

Speaker 10 (32:12):
Oh my gosh, I'm not turning out into Eddie.

Speaker 8 (32:16):
Like I'm gonna give you something, but I'm not gonna
get it.

Speaker 4 (32:18):
I cannot believe this just happened.

Speaker 10 (32:20):
I really didn't think he'd come back and say, why
did you say yes?

Speaker 8 (32:23):
Why? Who wouldn't take three thousand dollars apply? I mean,
who do you think would turn that down? Just name
one person. Nobody for one thirty minute set would turn
down three thousand dollars.

Speaker 4 (32:34):
Nobody, play a few songs, sleep and come home.

Speaker 10 (32:38):
So is he taking advantage of me?

Speaker 1 (32:39):
You're the one said yes to.

Speaker 8 (32:41):
It's like you're a terrible geo. Oh my gosh, you
made the mistake.

Speaker 10 (32:46):
So thank you, lunch box.

Speaker 8 (32:48):
With lunchbox, I told you that when you said it,
I said, you're an idiot. But you did a nice way.

Speaker 4 (32:52):
But you did agree to. You told Eddie you pay him
three thousand dollars, and now you're saying you're not going
to I.

Speaker 10 (33:00):
Think I can find someone locally.

Speaker 7 (33:02):
But that was what I said initially, and you still
went to Eddie and someone as good as me Abby.

Speaker 4 (33:09):
The point, that's not the point. You can let to
feel better than you go. But the point is no, no, no.
The point is she said yes, she offered it. It
wasn't like you said, I'll do it for three thousand
let me know tomorrow. She said, okay, three thousand, Eddie,
you let me know tomorrow, and then I set scheduled
a meeting with my man. I believe this happened.

Speaker 10 (33:28):
It's such a big risk.

Speaker 4 (33:30):
What's the risk?

Speaker 8 (33:30):
What's the rist Eddie backing out?

Speaker 5 (33:33):
I feel like he could from the show, Yes, still
sign a contract?

Speaker 4 (33:37):
You ever backed out? Like if I say I'm going
to play a show, I'm playing a show. Those that
it's You're like, it's three dollars.

Speaker 8 (33:46):
He ain't backing out?

Speaker 4 (33:47):
Abby? What is your final answer on this? Are you
backing out happening? Are you pulling out of the contract.

Speaker 10 (33:52):
We didn't make a contract yet.

Speaker 4 (33:53):
Verbal you made him an offer. Now you're pulling out
without any information that's made you pull. For example, if
you found out Eddie got a Dyl's like, that's not good.
You didn't by the way, or Eddie Eddie had went
to jail and you didn't know I could bad. That
didn't happen either, None of that.

Speaker 10 (34:07):
I do have leads in California for less than five hundred, but.

Speaker 4 (34:10):
You offered it to him. I's so messed up. I
need your answer. What are you going to.

Speaker 10 (34:16):
Do between three thousand or I can go down.

Speaker 4 (34:20):
You just need to say what your offer is right now, period,
and Eddie can say yes or no to it right now.
But this is bad business, so go ahead.

Speaker 10 (34:31):
This is bad business.

Speaker 4 (34:32):
This is how you're going to start your company. Absolutely
bad business. You can't tell somebod you're gonna give them
something and then to go home and see if they agree.
And they come back and they agreed, you're like, never mind,
don't want to go.

Speaker 10 (34:40):
I know, I just thought and he wasn't real supportive
when I got it all of this.

Speaker 4 (34:44):
I wasn't abby. What what is your What is your
answer here? You could say Eddie, I'm out, or you
can make him a new offer. Both are bad, but
go ahead.

Speaker 10 (34:51):
Oh my god, I'm gonna have to go with someone
in California local.

Speaker 4 (34:56):
Oh she pulled it back, dude, that is that's terrible, Like,
that's terrible business. Okay, give me the list. She's not
on the list list. I'm not working with you, you
know what, Give me the list working with you? No, No, don't,
because if she promises, you mind out that she's gonna
be like.

Speaker 10 (35:14):
You know this, I didn't promise.

Speaker 6 (35:16):
I don't feel like she pro If you make.

Speaker 4 (35:18):
An offer to somebody and you say, please come back
and tell me if you accept this offer, and they
come back and tell you, okay, accept your offer. You
just kidding. You need to take less.

Speaker 5 (35:25):
She's learning and sometimes you have to learn in the
hardest town.

Speaker 4 (35:31):
In this town.

Speaker 8 (35:32):
Everyone what I've seen the whole time, this is not the.

Speaker 4 (35:35):
Hard this is a normal one.

Speaker 10 (35:37):
It was hypothetical.

Speaker 1 (35:37):
But you do.

Speaker 4 (35:38):
None, none of an absolutely money amount of signs is
a terrible the end.

Speaker 8 (35:45):
Good luck.

Speaker 4 (35:46):
I also, the last time we talked about the show,
what show exactly?

Speaker 6 (35:51):
What the one in Monterey?

Speaker 4 (35:54):
Well, no, it's this bad business. She can't do that.
It would have been any of you guys. It had
been like that. You can't offer some buddy something and
then go once I say yes, go na just kidding.

Speaker 8 (36:03):
Yeah, I mean it's like the racetrack comes back and
is like, actually, we're gonna give you five thousand.

Speaker 4 (36:07):
Give fifty. Since you said yes, we want to give.

Speaker 5 (36:09):
You thirty, which then that means you don't have to
go to George Burge and be like, I know I
said I was gonna give you thirty.

Speaker 7 (36:14):
Exactly, I'm gonna have to go back to my manager.

Speaker 4 (36:16):
Inside myself right now. Oh my gosh, god, Okay, Raymond,
We're gonna go ahead, get out of here, Amy, Lunchbox, Eddie, myself,
an unnamed person are done with a segment No.

Speaker 10 (36:25):
Twenty five hundred.

Speaker 2 (36:28):
She's back.

Speaker 4 (36:28):
You can't really negotiate it against your I know, just
ray I'm shock. Hit me, man, Get out of here,
Get out of the room. Let's go.

Speaker 1 (36:36):
It's the best bits of the week with Morgan.

Speaker 8 (36:40):
Number two.

Speaker 3 (36:43):
It's always fun when you get to meet a celebrity,
but purposely intentionally being creepy to me a.

Speaker 6 (36:50):
Celebrity, maybe not so much.

Speaker 3 (36:52):
And Eddie and Lunchbox both had stories to share this
week on things that happened. For Eddie it was with
Jack White and for Lunchbox with Sam Hunt. So you
listen and you let us know are these cool or
were they creepy?

Speaker 1 (37:05):
Number four?

Speaker 4 (37:05):
Are we gonna play cool or creepy? And Eddie's gonna
be one that tells us his story. So you tell
Eddie if what he did was cool or creepy.

Speaker 7 (37:15):
Eddie, I mean, I think it's cool because a while
back a friend of mine told me, He's like, oh yeah,
you know, Jack White, he sings, he sings the dum
dun dun dun dun dum white stripe, white stripes, like
he lives like in this area, and I'm like, oh,
that's cool.

Speaker 4 (37:29):
I drive through that area all the time.

Speaker 7 (37:31):
So I was driving the other day right by his
house where my friend said he lives. I was looking
kind of in his yard, like, that's a nice house.

Speaker 9 (37:38):

Speaker 4 (37:39):
Jack White was standing in his front yard like black
T shirt. I'm like, dude, that's him.

Speaker 8 (37:45):
And my kids were in the corn like, guys, that's him.
That's Jack White.

Speaker 4 (37:48):
My kids were all looking.

Speaker 8 (37:49):
We kind of.

Speaker 7 (37:49):
Pulled over like, yeah, he was in his front yard,
freaking Jack White. So I was like, this is so cool.
But then as I drove off, I'm like, man, this
could be kind of creepy.

Speaker 4 (37:58):
So what do you think you purposely slowed down stared
him while he's in the front yard of his house. Well,
it's almost like seen a celebrity in the wild, but
a house and it's still kind of the wild.

Speaker 8 (38:08):
But did you say anything to him?

Speaker 4 (38:09):
No, No, it's a big house. Like slowed down and
watch them. Even if I yelled something, he may not
have heard me.

Speaker 8 (38:15):
Got it.

Speaker 4 (38:16):
I feel like slowing down. Probably wasn't the move.

Speaker 7 (38:19):
Well, there's kind of like a light, and so I
was like a little longer at the light, you know
what I mean, Like it had turned green, but I.

Speaker 4 (38:26):
Wasn't going yet. I was slowly creeping. He lives near
a light. Yeah that's surprising. Yeah. His sounds pretty baller. Yeah,
really baller.

Speaker 7 (38:35):
And dude, I've driven by there hundreds of times, never
even thought about looking, And the one time I look,
he's in the front yard.

Speaker 8 (38:42):
Does it have a fence around it?

Speaker 4 (38:43):
Yeah? Yeah, yeah, major fence.

Speaker 7 (38:45):
Even part of the fence is like we're like one
of those part like fences you can't look through because
it's got like stuff in it.

Speaker 6 (38:50):
You were at the part where you could look.

Speaker 4 (38:52):
Yeah, I even backed up a little bit. See right,
fuller creepy.

Speaker 5 (38:56):
I mean, it's fine, but it don't make it a
regular thing. Like you keep showing back up there and
staying at the light.

Speaker 6 (39:04):
A little too long, it's gonna get creepy.

Speaker 8 (39:06):
I think it's super cool, Yeah, super cool. You linger,
you saw him, you reverse, your kids got to see him.
I mean, there's a golf course by I don't want
to say his name. He's coming to this studio a lot.
I just found out where he lives, and he's one
of your friends, and he takes pictures.

Speaker 4 (39:22):
He's one of Bobby's friends.

Speaker 5 (39:23):
Yeah, Bobby, okay, okay, stop giving him.

Speaker 6 (39:27):
So what are you saying? You're gonna like linger at
that hole?

Speaker 8 (39:29):
Oh I linger? I lingered at that hole, like, oh
my gosh. They were working on his fence, and I
was like, oh, is he gonna come out and talk
to the workers. So I let someone play through?

Speaker 4 (39:37):
You let someone play through, hoping that someone would come
into their backyard and talk to the work.

Speaker 8 (39:41):
In his front yard. He's got a gate and they
were working on the workers, and I thought maybe he'd
drive up and be like, oh is everything fixed? But
thedn't come bones.

Speaker 4 (39:48):
You know who this is.

Speaker 8 (39:50):
He takes pictures. Picture you have that cowboy?

Speaker 4 (39:53):
Oh yeah, he lived by a golf course.

Speaker 8 (39:59):
I mean yeah, right across the street.

Speaker 4 (40:01):
Okay, well across the street. He doesn't live on a course.

Speaker 8 (40:04):
I mean the street is as right across from a hole. Yeah,
it's part five.

Speaker 4 (40:11):
See, dude, it's pretty cool.

Speaker 8 (40:13):
I said, there.

Speaker 4 (40:13):
You let people play through you on the golf course
just so you can get it.

Speaker 8 (40:17):
So maybe he'd come out, but you've seen him on
the show. Yeah, but I never knew where he lived.
Some guy was playing with was like, you know who
lives there? And I was like who? And he told me.

Speaker 4 (40:25):
I was like, what do you know where any other
celebrity live?

Speaker 8 (40:28):
I know where if you live?

Speaker 9 (40:29):

Speaker 4 (40:30):
Yeah, like he.

Speaker 8 (40:33):
No, Dolly, you told me where Dolly lives.

Speaker 4 (40:34):
Don't lived there?

Speaker 8 (40:36):
And he lied to me on that one. Go ahead,
Uh well no he moved. I don't know if he'd
lived there, but uh.

Speaker 4 (40:43):
Just that one.

Speaker 8 (40:44):
You know who I'm talking about? No said any the
one that I saw and I tried to sell TMZ.

Speaker 4 (40:50):
Yeah, Oh yeah, yeah I knew where.

Speaker 8 (40:52):
I mean, I don't know. I think they moved because
you guys said they moved. You don't know where he
lives either, so I guess that's the only selebt So
I know where they live.

Speaker 4 (40:59):
Man, I know that you do.

Speaker 6 (41:03):
Yeah, well, I don't go by it.

Speaker 4 (41:05):
But if you did. She was in the yard, would
you slow down?

Speaker 6 (41:08):
No, I don't want her to see.

Speaker 4 (41:10):
Would you slow down?

Speaker 6 (41:11):
If she was, I'd be like, okay, there she is,
I'm not gonna.

Speaker 8 (41:13):
Pull Oh yeah she would, you would slow down?

Speaker 6 (41:16):
They all live in this town. So it's like, okay, we.

Speaker 4 (41:19):
Get all of a sudden, you're cool.

Speaker 6 (41:21):
I don't want to be seen.

Speaker 8 (41:23):
I used to know where brothers Osborne lived, but he moved.

Speaker 4 (41:26):
Well he was Well that's two people though.

Speaker 8 (41:27):
Two of them. I know where both of them lived,
but I don't know if the one lives there still.

Speaker 6 (41:30):
But I don't know when he was my neighbor.

Speaker 8 (41:31):
But yeah, he lived next to you, but then the
next door. But the other brother lived right down the street.
You know that, right, Yes?

Speaker 6 (41:39):
Yeah, see them walking there, Yes.

Speaker 8 (41:40):
All the time.

Speaker 4 (41:41):
See, dude, it's cool.

Speaker 8 (41:43):
It is awesome.

Speaker 7 (41:44):
And it's one thing to see their house and be like, oh,
I know who lives there.

Speaker 4 (41:47):
That's what. That's awesome.

Speaker 7 (41:51):
And then on the way home, I played White Stress
for my kids, like we're gonna play it all the
way home.

Speaker 4 (41:55):
See, so he got a stream exactly.

Speaker 7 (41:57):
And I was a black t shirty. He lived up
to the dude, you looked like he was on a
like an album cover. That's how I knew it was
in one percent.

Speaker 4 (42:04):
Okay, this is turned weird. Do you know where any
celebrities live? No?

Speaker 7 (42:13):
No, I know what George Jones's house was, but that's
just about it.

Speaker 8 (42:17):
I know the vicinity, Oh where Dirks lives.

Speaker 6 (42:22):
Oh yeah, well he.

Speaker 4 (42:23):
Just lives in a normal neighborhood, the vicinity.

Speaker 8 (42:27):
Yeah, within a couple of blocks.

Speaker 6 (42:30):
He knows little radius.

Speaker 8 (42:32):
But you couldn't like I knew where a Nashville predator
live because I had listened to him give his address
at the pharmacy.

Speaker 4 (42:39):
That's creepy. That is that's weirder than any story. Ye
an NHL player gave his address at the pharmacy. You
heard him and you kept track of it?

Speaker 8 (42:47):
Yeah, because they said, oh, can I get your address?
And he said the address of the stadium and they're like, no,
that's not the one that he gave his home addresses, Like, oh,
that's it, And I was like, oh Nebraska, Uh.

Speaker 4 (43:00):
Huh wait Nebraska, he's from Nebraska.

Speaker 8 (43:04):
Maybe the name of the street.

Speaker 4 (43:08):
That's my goodsh all right, creepy here cool, it's a
new segment. Eddie brought it to the table yesterday because
that he was like, Hey, I drove by Jack White's
house from the White Stripes and I often do I
know he lives there. It's kind of cool. But then
I saw him in his yard, so I slowed down
and stared, Yeah, I was with my kids. I was like, guys,
look it's Jack White and you watch him play with
the kids. Yeah, that's so cool man. And we kind
of decided it was creepy beef because he's lingered or

is it cool?

Speaker 9 (43:30):

Speaker 4 (43:30):
No, no, we decided. So then lunch box had to go.
And you had to ask your wife for permission to
tell this story.

Speaker 8 (43:36):
No, it just I didn't even ask her. I just
have been holding it because she's like, I'm so embarrassed
that we did this, that this can't ever come out
because if this person knows what we did, it is
going to be awkward for the rest of our lives.

Speaker 4 (43:48):
Okay, creepy your cool Lunchbox edition, go ahead.

Speaker 8 (43:51):
So a while back, I told you, guys, I saw
Sam Hunt and I took a picture and I showed
all you. He was walking with his then pregnant wife
and they were kind of separated at the time, right,
So I knew they had to be live in that area.
Why would they be walking there.

Speaker 4 (44:06):
Because people don't just drive to walk into the neighborhood,
right right.

Speaker 8 (44:09):
So I started doing random drive bys in that neighborhood
to see if I could ever see them, But you
didn't know where he lived. I didn't know where he lived.
I just knew that they were walking down the sidewalk.
So I was like, if I drive through that neighborhood
whenever I'm in that area, boom. So one day I'm
with my far my wife, my kids, driving through. Sam's
pushing a stroller, his wife is there, they got the dog,

and I was like, oh my gosh. So I drove
down the street and let's say they're headed north. We parked,
got out, and we walked south.

Speaker 4 (44:42):
You got your whole family out of the car.

Speaker 9 (44:44):
Yeah, oh my god.

Speaker 4 (44:45):
So you and your wife? Did you know what you
were doing?

Speaker 8 (44:48):
She was like, I can't believe. I just want to
sit in the car. I just want to sit in
the car. And I was like, no, it's gonna look
weird if I have all three kids and you're not
with me.

Speaker 4 (44:54):
So you the wife and the three kids drive down
the road. That's a you can so you can walk
and meet up with Sam.

Speaker 8 (44:59):
Well, yeah, but we walked on the opposite side of
the street. Just I was gonna look up and be like,
oh is it Sam, what's up?

Speaker 9 (45:06):

Speaker 4 (45:06):
But it sound like an eight lane highway right like, it's.

Speaker 8 (45:08):
It's super it's a neighborhood. Yeah, it's really small. So
he's walking north. So we got on the other side.

Speaker 4 (45:13):
Walked any chance he saw you park your car and
get out?

Speaker 8 (45:16):
No, okay no, And we walked to south and we
just walking like we're on a walk, like a family walk.
Our kids are running down the sidewalk.

Speaker 4 (45:24):
Did the kids know what you're doing?

Speaker 8 (45:26):
I'm my guys, there's he's a musician. And I was like,
you know, we'll put and I just tell him that's Sam.
But we're gonna go see Sam. And we walk and
as we're walking, Sam goes lunch lunch. I look at
what goes Sam? Dude, what's up? And I walk over
and we meet in the middle of the road. I
meet his wife, met the baby, met the dog, and

he met my kids and wife. We had listen. We
had like a five minute conversation and he's like, I
was like, oh, you live right here? And he said, yeah,
we live right up there, you know, like a block
and a half on the right.

Speaker 4 (45:59):
Hand, always telling you where you live.

Speaker 8 (46:01):
And I was like, oh yeah, he goes, you know,
I'll just come walks that way. Man just called box. Yeah,
and I just pointed another like a direction. He's like,
that's cool, man. Yeah, we're just out for a walk,
getting some fresh air. And he tells me the baby's name.
I don't remember it. Met the dog, headed the dog
and he's like, oh, these are your little guys. Said
hi to him, met my wife and talked for a
few minutes. I was like, all right, man, have a

good one. We're gonna keep going. He said, are you Yeah,
we're out, and that was it and it was so awesome.
And then he moved to the country. So the drive
bys don't work anymore.

Speaker 4 (46:32):
The drive bys, like the drive by the neighborhood. This
is just a lot to unpack here. So after you finished,
did you just keep walking away from your car?

Speaker 8 (46:38):
Yeah, we kept walking a little bit and then when
they were out of sight, we turn around and walked
back to the car and my wife we got in
the car and she said, I can't believe I just
did that. I am mortified. Like, I am mortified. I
hate that I just did that. It was awesome. But
he's the one that saw me across the street and goes.

Speaker 4 (46:55):
Launch, Look, you weren't doing anything like I wouldn't go
back to say.

Speaker 8 (47:00):
Boat yay anything. Maybe I was talking to my kids,
I don't know. But he looked up and said, looch.

Speaker 4 (47:06):
Look any of your thoughts creepy or cool?

Speaker 6 (47:09):
It's creepy.

Speaker 4 (47:10):
It's creepy, creepy, like.

Speaker 5 (47:12):
You're lucky that your kids were like, okay, dad, can
we go now we saw it.

Speaker 4 (47:17):
This is like when you like a girl or something.

Speaker 7 (47:19):
You're just like, well, I'm going to act like I
just got out of the gym too, and like walking, Oh,
I bumped into you.

Speaker 4 (47:24):
Oh I didn't know you'd been here. Do you think
he was on to you at all?

Speaker 8 (47:27):
No chance. He was like, oh, that's really cool.

Speaker 5 (47:28):
Bob, especially because Lunchbox was like, yeah, I just lived
a few blocks that away over there, over there.

Speaker 4 (47:34):
Does anybody think this is cool? Ray? I know you're
in love with Sam. Yeah, that's what it's like looking
in the mirror, man, and I did not like what
I saw.

Speaker 8 (47:41):
That was that was gross?

Speaker 4 (47:42):
Yeah, it's kind of creepy. Huh yeah, very familiar.

Speaker 8 (47:47):
I mean, how crazy is that?

Speaker 4 (47:49):
Which one's creepier? Definitely Lunchbox is right. He got his
kids involved, take more work.

Speaker 3 (47:54):

Speaker 6 (47:55):
He walked down the street actually.

Speaker 4 (47:57):
Although right, yeah, and you broke it off. You're the
one that broke it off.

Speaker 8 (48:00):
I was like, all right, man, we gotta get going.

Speaker 4 (48:01):
That's that's pretty cool, big time. Sam though, that's pretty cool.

Speaker 8 (48:05):
I mean we just stood in the street and talked
for a couple of minutes, like it was wild. And
I was like, this is crazy. And then my wife
was just so mortified and she was like, I can't
believe I got all the car. I can't believe I
just did that. I can't believe you have my kids
involved in this.

Speaker 4 (48:16):
But a little bit, didn't you think it was cool?

Speaker 8 (48:17):
Oh? For sure? She was like, man, that's pretty neat,
Like we met the baby.

Speaker 4 (48:22):
Yeah, that's pretty cool.

Speaker 1 (48:23):
But it's creepy, so cool and parked the car.

Speaker 4 (48:28):
Yeah yeah, it's weird.

Speaker 9 (48:31):
It's a weird. Yeah yeah, yeah, all right.

Speaker 1 (48:34):
It's the best Bits of the Week with Morgan.

Speaker 2 (48:37):
Number two, Luke Combe stopped by the studio.

Speaker 3 (48:41):
He has a new song coming out in the New
Twisters movie called Ain't No Love in Oklahoma, and it
was really fun to talk to him because he shared
that he wrote this song for the movie without really
knowing much about the movie.

Speaker 2 (48:51):
Also, he talked about writing with.

Speaker 3 (48:52):
Posts alone and just meeting a bunch of cool people
throughout his career.

Speaker 2 (48:56):
So Luke Comb's and Bobby Bones in Studio.

Speaker 4 (48:59):
Number three, the Friday Morning conversation with everybody go to
see you. Likewise, Hey, I was going to tell you.
I know you're a big Carolina Panthers fan. I like that,
And my whole life I've had sucky teams.

Speaker 9 (49:11):
It's it's terrible, like very frustrating.

Speaker 4 (49:15):
My whole life all bad teams, and so like when
I see you consistently love on the Panthers, like, I'm
like I felt that, like good for you.

Speaker 9 (49:22):
Yeah, yeah, it's it's uh, it's been a long road.

Speaker 4 (49:24):
We went to training camp last year and I have
this Panthers ball that we took and so Bryce Young
signed it.

Speaker 9 (49:31):
In elementary school.

Speaker 4 (49:33):
Yeah, but you know who I'll signed it, Frank Raig
And so he's not the coach anymore. So it's like,
is do you think the ball is more valuable or
less valuable?

Speaker 9 (49:40):
I would think more the coach got fired though. He's
also a former Panther.

Speaker 4 (49:45):
Though, and also he's the one that won that you
know the Bill's oilers.

Speaker 9 (49:49):
Yep, yep, he was the backup. His like last one
or two seasons as a player was with the Panthers.

Speaker 4 (49:55):
So I think if we add your signature to it,
can we keep it here? I feel like that worked
this ball. Oh yeah, a lot of Panther.

Speaker 9 (50:02):
Ball could work.

Speaker 4 (50:03):
It could work. We gotta keep Eddie from signing stuff
around here. I don't have a Sharpie. I'm good. Yeah, yeah, dude,
we only go big fat sharpie around here. You have
your like beer endorsements have half off Sharpie's. That's what
I get. What's that one called Bones of the Magnum. Yeah,
of course, that's all I do is magnums. Yeah.

Speaker 8 (50:22):

Speaker 4 (50:22):
This song on the Twisters movie, it's really good. I
first saw it on the movie trailer.

Speaker 9 (50:27):

Speaker 4 (50:28):
When did they come to you or did you already
have the song? Like what what was the process with this?
Right it for the movie or write it because of
the right.

Speaker 9 (50:34):
Righte it for the movie. Yeah, got reached out to,
you know, via management. We're like, hey, they're putting together
this soundtrack for this movie. I was a huge fan
of the original Twister, which was, you know, one of
my favorite movies as a kid, and I was excited
when I heard they were, you know, kind of making
another movie in that franchise, and they were like, hey,

we're just looking for songs, you know, we're I believe
the whole soundtrack is original music that's actually written for
the movie. So it was I just felt like it
was a kind of an exciting opportunity to like write
something that's not for like for me, is that that
makes sense, Like it doesn't have to like necessarily fit
any kind of theme of like my thing or like

I felt like I could almost kind of step outside
of my little comfort zone.

Speaker 4 (51:24):
Do they show you parts of the movie or the
movie to.

Speaker 9 (51:26):
Write I didn't see any parts of the movie at
all to write it. So I kind of got on
his got on a zoom call with with Jonathan Singleton
and some folks from the movie and the soundtrack team,
and they essentially were just fun in us, like, you know,
here's what we're thinking, here's ideas, here's it was a
lot of like buzzwords and like you know, themes and

descriptions of things and yeah, so it was interesting kind
of writing it without having seen anything or knowing obviously
if it was a movie I was unaware of like
if if Twister didn't exist. That would have been a
lot more difficult to not kind of have some idea
of what was going to happen. But it was fun,
It was exciting to do. So it was a really

fun time.

Speaker 4 (52:10):
Is it where to put out a song and have
it be a single and it's not part of your
your own project.

Speaker 9 (52:15):
Yeah, it's first time doing that for sure, So we'll
see how it goes. You know, I guess take some
sort of calculated risk to some extent here, but yeah,
it just felt like an opportunity to do something I
guess a little bit outside of my comfort zone.

Speaker 4 (52:28):
That ain't No Love in Oklahoma? Where'd that come from?
The title was a title first? What was the idea
it was?

Speaker 9 (52:34):
Yeah, So I came up with the title in that
kind of like during that zoom call. So I had
kind of like my my my notes out on my
phone during the zoom call, and like as they were
talking about things and we were having discussions about what
they were looking for and stylistically what the direction they
were heading, I was making notes in my in my
phone and trying to come up with titles and ideas,

and one thing that they kept saying was there's no like,
there's no there's no love like, there's not a love
story in the movie. Like they just kept they kept
saying that the movie obviously takes place in Oklahoma. So
the idea just kind of popped in my head. You know,
I have a bunch of ideas probably in my phone
from that. I'm sure I have that like node in

here of things that I was thinking. I'm not sure
if I can find it.

Speaker 4 (53:24):
But there's not a love story. I watched the trailer.
I feel like there was a maybe they just trick
you like a gem and pam the office romance with
the whole time, You're.

Speaker 9 (53:30):
Like, are they They definitely said there was undertones.

Speaker 4 (53:32):
Okay, I love an undertone.

Speaker 9 (53:34):
I love it.

Speaker 4 (53:35):
I love an undertone.

Speaker 9 (53:36):
I can't I don't know if I could ever find
that that note. Again, I have so many notes in here.

Speaker 4 (53:40):
Let's come up with their own ideas for Tornado songs
from the movie of Twisters. How about this twist and
shout but not too loud? Oh? How about Dorothy? Does
anyone hear Dorothy? Now that I'm just coming up a
craw because Dorothy Wizard of Oz Tornado landed.

Speaker 7 (53:54):
On Would you do we're not in Oklahoma anymore? Or
is that too close to Kansas anymore?

Speaker 4 (53:59):
Oh? You oh sure, that's the same kind of thing.

Speaker 9 (54:01):
There, remix you could do that, yeah, the remix version.

Speaker 4 (54:05):
How about two front two fronts meeting because that's yeah, yeah, yeah,
I don't know, dude. I got just fitballing here the
Friday morning conversation with I saw your face on cans
and Miller light. Yes, do you get unlimited cans with
your face on it?

Speaker 9 (54:25):
I don't know if unlimited. I think there is a
certain there is to some extent a limit. I actually
don't have any at home.

Speaker 4 (54:32):
Do they send you one single when one of my
books went out, they send me one book and goes,
let's look at it. Do we like it? Did they
send you one beer can with your face on it?

Speaker 8 (54:40):

Speaker 9 (54:40):
Well, we went. We actually went up to the Miller
like factory in Milwaukee and did a tour and got
to see him like flying down the line and stuff,
and they were it was sick.

Speaker 4 (54:53):
I just pictured a drunk running around like I'm drunk
on beer, free beer in the brewery. Yeah, that's what
like what I picture of it. I never winery or
anything like that.

Speaker 9 (55:02):
Yeah, it was like insane. This is like a this
is like legit. This place was massive and it's a
big time operation going on there.

Speaker 4 (55:09):
You know, do you ever wish that you could wear
like a tuxedo on stage at a concert or something
like a sport because you have the luxury when you started,
you were like, I'm freaking Luke Comb, this is what
I wear. This is how I sing, right, Jimmy Buffett
would always wear sure, but like but I met him
and he was like, dude, I like to wear normal clothes.
Like he wanted to sometimes wear normal clothes. Not do

you ever like want to go out and like a
you know, a time just something that's not like your
image to work out in.

Speaker 9 (55:38):
I don't know. I mean I just feel like I'd
be kind of really uncomfortable doing that. I mean I've
worn like hoodies before. I mean it's like, well, really
stepping out here outside of my comfort zone. But yeah,
it was like almost met Gala asked for me to
come out in the in the hoodie.

Speaker 4 (55:55):
You know. Is it like the Steve Jobs thing where
you don't want to have to worry about what you
wear so it's just easy just go.

Speaker 9 (56:01):
Pretty much that was kind of the idea is like,
you know, I don't have to I don't have to
think about it, you know, And I mean it worked.
So no one's ever been like, man, I wish this
guy would wear a different shirt all the time.

Speaker 4 (56:12):
Do you ever just wear the same clothes all day
and then just go on stage in those clothes or
do you or put on new normal clothes.

Speaker 9 (56:17):
I put on Uh, yeah, I pop. I popped the
jeans and the boots on. You know, I'm not wearing
the like the black PFG. It maybe it's just another
collar or something.

Speaker 4 (56:26):
You know, you're still playing golf.

Speaker 9 (56:28):
Oh yeah about you?

Speaker 4 (56:30):
Yeah, you take a tour pro on the road with you.

Speaker 9 (56:33):
I don't know about a tour pro a PGA pro though, yes,
like a club pro.

Speaker 6 (56:38):
What's the difference tour plays?

Speaker 4 (56:40):
Okay, like a real player, Like, no, we don't have
like a tour but you do take like a coach.

Speaker 9 (56:45):
Yeah. So it's he's a friend of my utility player,
Kurt so I met him years ago. He was just
one of Kurtz buddies, was coming out. Yeah, he's a
club pro and uh at a course in Boston and
just like awesome guy fits in with our crew, and
like he flies out for the weekend and.

Speaker 4 (57:05):
That's his job. Just if you decide to go to
the range, what if it rains and you don't go
to any golf thing at all, but he's out with you.

Speaker 9 (57:11):
We have a track. Man. Oh you do to get
something in anyway, right, So we try to. I try
to do something every day when I'm out there. Like
I just try to like be productive when I'm out there,
because like the kids aren't out with me out there.
Nicole's out every once in a while. So really it's
like we go, we do that, like run on the treadmill.
It's like it's I wish it was like I could

be like, man, it's it's crazy out there, you know,
Like I feel like people have this imagination of like
what it's like.

Speaker 4 (57:39):
Like tour culture, party culture.

Speaker 9 (57:41):
Sure, sure, and like sometimes it may be used to
be like that at some point, but like you got
two kids, man, it's a lot of a lot of naps,
you know, it's a lot of naps going on out there.

Speaker 4 (57:50):
I was watching something you posted the day is another
is a dad song? Is a dad song? You writing
a lot of dad songs?

Speaker 9 (57:55):
I'm writing a lot Yep, I enjoy I enjoy that.
I mean, it's just kind of where I'm at, like headspace.
It's hard to hard to write a breakup song when
you're not breaking up, you know what I mean?

Speaker 4 (58:04):
What about like a concept dad album?

Speaker 9 (58:07):
Could be good? Could be good? You know I've been
I've been thinking about doing something like that for a
long time. And yeah, I could see that happening for sure.

Speaker 4 (58:17):
I've been thinking about a concept Uncle album, Uncle songs,
You are an Uncle?

Speaker 9 (58:21):
Yeah, time for me to leave the number one yeah, yeah,
number one song for me to go.

Speaker 4 (58:29):
Whenever you know you have a bit of success, you
start to get be able to do personally cool things.
Meet people from when you were kids that were super cool.
Who would that be for you that you're like, this
is super cool? I always like I was a fan
of this person. Now I get to call him a friend. Gosh,
let's do different arenas. I can give you some specificity here, Sports.

Speaker 9 (58:49):
Peyton Manny That's awesome, for sure, He's awesome. He's like
the nice guy ever too.

Speaker 4 (58:54):
Yeah, that's so cool music.

Speaker 9 (58:57):
Oh gosh. I mean, you know, Willie Nelson was up
there on the list for me, you know, I mean
I can't say we're like buddies and we're not like
hanging out all the time. You know what, hung out
with him before though, which was awesome.

Speaker 4 (59:09):
Like entertainment like acting or comedy type thing.

Speaker 9 (59:13):
I don't know. I don't know if I've like met
a bunch of a bunch of like act don't spend
any extending amount of time with anyone.

Speaker 4 (59:20):
You have no actor buddies at all. You could text
or comedian buddies.

Speaker 9 (59:25):
Not really, not.

Speaker 4 (59:26):
Really, No, before we need to put our efforts.

Speaker 9 (59:29):
Yeah, that's what we need.

Speaker 4 (59:30):
We need Hollywood friends, and we need Hollywood yeah yeah, yeah,
all of our favorite people. Let's try to get you
hooked up with We're going to app State to do
our football show. We're gonna go work out with the
football team. Really yeah, yeah, you go on, But like,
what is your like? I saw this, did you like
sold the stadium out there? Is that one of the
coolest shows for you? Because it was personal?

Speaker 9 (59:50):

Speaker 8 (59:50):

Speaker 9 (59:50):
And it was my first stadium show too, so it
was just yeah, it was nuts. It was on a
whole other level.

Speaker 4 (59:55):
I saw a show that you did recently, the picture
on Instagram, and it was like your big a show ever.

Speaker 9 (01:00:01):
Where was that it was? It was at Penn State
at the football Stadium there.

Speaker 4 (01:00:05):
Do you get nervous before you try to sell your
biggest show ever? Or you just like, let's just see
what happens. It's gonna be awesome either way, and then
just enjoy it if it goes right.

Speaker 8 (01:00:13):

Speaker 9 (01:00:13):
I don't really really get like worrying myself too much
about about that stuff. You know. Obviously I really want
all the shows to do well. I want them to
sell really good. I want there to be a lot
of people there. I mean, ultimately that's the goal. But yeah, man,
I don't get caught. I just gosh, like, I don't
have time to worry about it these days. I'm worried

about like, do my kids I spend enough time with
my kids?

Speaker 3 (01:00:38):
You know.

Speaker 9 (01:00:38):
Like that's the like, once you worry about that stuff,
like everything else just becomes kind of trivial.

Speaker 4 (01:00:43):
Gotta after that, get your swings in and write your
dad concept album. Absolutely, is it different performing that show
to such a big stadium? I mean, just technically speaking,
do you have to approach it differently?

Speaker 9 (01:00:54):
I don't think so, you know, I mean the stadiums
are you know, our our setup doesn't differ for those Like, right,
if you play a stadium with forty thousand people in
it or eighty thousand people, there's not really any difference
as far as what we have to do. The Penn
State show is challenging just because I think that was
only the second concert they've ever done there. And obviously

those stadiums were built at a time when there weren't
really concerts going on, even in an arena level that
didn't even exist, So there's not really like green rooms.
There's not like facilities for like all the staff, Like
the New or like NFL stadiums and stuff, they have
so many rooms and like auxiliary spaces for everybody to

go and shower and spend time in their green rooms
or whatever it is. But at those places, they're just
it doesn't like when we played Ohio State a few
years ago there, I didn't even have a green room.
There wasn't even a green room at all for anyone,
So well, what did you do? I was on the
bus then, My gods, they're all like in hotel rooms.

Speaker 4 (01:01:57):
Do you have to remind yourself to look all the
different places? Is though, like don't neglect upper left side
because I feel like, yeah, so much.

Speaker 9 (01:02:03):
You gotta like, yeah, you definitely have to, like you know,
because I mean, obviously the jumbo like trying screens helped
so much with feeling like, you know, if you look
in that direction, I feel like people can really tell
that you're looking at it. But it's yeah, it's it's
while there's a lot of people out there.

Speaker 4 (01:02:20):
Do you have a fake fake that you're looking at
somebody specifically, or like you hear something you really don't
You're like, oh, yeah, I'll play that song for you.
You fake that because nobody knows you or not.

Speaker 8 (01:02:30):
You like, oh, you want to hear Hurricane?

Speaker 4 (01:02:31):
All right, you want to hear it?

Speaker 9 (01:02:33):
Let's go make up a guy that.

Speaker 4 (01:02:35):
Yeah. Yeah, that's a good move though. Yeah, like you
want to hear the new one?

Speaker 5 (01:02:41):
All right?

Speaker 8 (01:02:41):
I was gonna play all the his but I can play.

Speaker 9 (01:02:44):
I like that.

Speaker 4 (01:02:44):
That's a sty like, okay, all right, well people may
have to.

Speaker 9 (01:02:48):
Do that now.

Speaker 4 (01:02:49):
Yeah, congress on everything.

Speaker 5 (01:02:49):

Speaker 9 (01:02:50):
I thought I've always thought about, like, is there has
there ever been someone who's like planeted a guy with
a sign? Oh for sure, Like as any artist ever
like sent someone from their crew out and it's like
you're my hero, play this song and they're like this,
I'm this guy's heroes that ever happened.

Speaker 4 (01:03:09):
Wrestling, for sure, they definitely happened, and I would compare
they're very similar your show and like WrestleMania.

Speaker 9 (01:03:15):
Sure athletic. Like from a physique standpoint, you're saying.

Speaker 4 (01:03:19):
I was just saying, like fireworks dynamic.

Speaker 9 (01:03:21):
Oh, I was saying, like strictly like if you saw
a WWE guy with his shirt off and me, you
would think.

Speaker 4 (01:03:27):
I did see like comb.

Speaker 9 (01:03:29):
You were like, yeah, it's easy mistaked, easy mistake to make.

Speaker 4 (01:03:33):
Yeah, I bet you. They would stick signs with people
more than put fake people.

Speaker 9 (01:03:38):
So you're saying, just tell people to have a sign.

Speaker 4 (01:03:41):
No, I'm saying they make the signs themselves.

Speaker 9 (01:03:43):
Fans, not send a guy out with.

Speaker 4 (01:03:45):
Us, correct, because I think you kind of see somebody
take their lanyard off with their sign and they pull
they unwrap their sign and take their backstage pass off,
and I.

Speaker 9 (01:03:52):
Just think there would be such a risk to that
person not following the like whatever you expected to happen.

Speaker 4 (01:03:59):
But if you take them from the back, I can
give him to the front. They'll hold whatever sign up.
At one period that's fair. But what if it's I
don't know, what if there's some sort of spies are
about spies like coming in and taking down the operation.

Speaker 9 (01:04:12):
I was just thinking if I was gonna plant a
guy in the crowd with the sign and I needed
that person to perform a specific task, I would know
that guy can get it done because he knows the deal.
But would if I give it to someone and go,
here's the deal and that guy's had seven tall boy beers, but.

Speaker 4 (01:04:29):
Just hold the sign up? I would worry the other
what if.

Speaker 9 (01:04:31):
There's a after the sign moment. That's what I'm saying. So,
so you're sign, You're hero, right, Oh, then you're what's happening.

Speaker 4 (01:04:42):
But here's what you have to fear about it is
that your fans would eventually know the people that work
on your crew and they'd be like, that's Clint. That's
not a real that's the guy. That guy They would
know that. So anyway, stick with this.

Speaker 7 (01:04:54):
So maybe let's just not do that.

Speaker 4 (01:04:58):
One final question. I saw a picture of the postman, a
post of you guys hanging out with at the studio.
Any comments on that? Yeah, this is awesome man, Now,
I mean, any comments on what you guys are doing.

Speaker 9 (01:05:09):
We were definitely writing songs for sure, writing song, yeah,
writing song. God, Yes, that was fun, man, that was
a lot of fun. I wrote with him a bunch
of bunch of times this year, like five or six
different times. You like him, Oh my gosh, he's like
the sweetest dude ever. Yeah, he's unreal. That's cool.

Speaker 4 (01:05:24):
I'll say that about you, and you're not around. Well, thanks,
sweetest guy ever?

Speaker 10 (01:05:28):

Speaker 5 (01:05:28):
Yeah, you said earlier you put songs in your notes up.

Speaker 6 (01:05:32):
Do you do you lock any of them? Because you
know you could do that.

Speaker 9 (01:05:36):
No, I was unaware of that. Okay, I'm gonna have
the radio that my notes are unlocked. Whatever that is.

Speaker 5 (01:05:41):
Well, you have a password on your phone though, I do,
but I guess if someone get in there, yeah you might.
If you've got some good ones in there, you might
want to lock them.

Speaker 4 (01:05:47):
Like I do. Cam sixty nine, I'll trap. I said
that to me. Okay. So Luke's guy ha No Love
in Oklahoma from Twisters the album He's got shows all.
You know, you don't need my help with shows. You're
killing it. Everything's awesome. Life is great, you look great,
you seem great.

Speaker 9 (01:06:02):
Thank you.

Speaker 4 (01:06:04):
We let them go. All right, we did it all there.
He is our friend and yours. I'm curious about the.

Speaker 5 (01:06:11):
Yeah, just since becoming a dad, which now you know,
multiple children sort of changes, Like you said, your life
is totally different now, even in your songwriting. But what
what's something that you have learned about yourself since becoming
a parent?

Speaker 9 (01:06:25):
Like, gosh, I feel like there's I feel like there's
a lot of things, right. I just feel like it
like it unlocks something right, Like I don't know if
you feel that way, but like to me, it just
it's like a part. It's a part at least for me,
like a part of your brain that you didn't really
almost have access to, or something until your kids.

Speaker 4 (01:06:48):
Were born, at least for me, like an emotion you
didn't have access to.

Speaker 9 (01:06:51):
I don't even know. Yeah, I think for sure that
you know my whole life, you know, I have. Just
there's things about myself that are different now, and I
feel like in a good way, right, like the way
I approach things, or my ability to make myself do dude,
Like like I work out every day and I don't
want to do that. I never wanted to do that

in my entire life. But now I do that so
that I can be around my kids longer, right, Like
that's the goal ultimately, Like, and I've applied that whatever
you want to call it, that work ethic or whatever
to and I've always had that work ethic with music
because music, I feel like, came easy to me. And
that's not in like a bragging sense. I just really

feel like it was something that like you know, I
was I've always been good at So it was never
like it was never difficult for me to apply myself
to my career because I just love doing it. I
love writing songs, I love singing them, I love playing them.
So that was never like a challenge for me. But
like things as far as gosh, you know, like for example,

my health right as always been something that's been a
challenge for me, or like my my want or my
need to you know, oh I need to be healthier,
I need to do this, I need to do that.
I was not that I was never concerned with it.
I was, but my ability to kind of push through
that whatever the mental block that I had going on
with it, like has completely changed, Like since I've had

the kids, right, I'm still not the picture of health
I'm aware of that, but it's my children have given me.
It's like a reason to do that.

Speaker 6 (01:08:29):
Give a different filter.

Speaker 9 (01:08:30):
Now it's a different Every decision you make is like
when I go, hey, do I want to spend my
time doing this thing? And that always stacks up against
would I rather be spending time with my wife and
my kids or doing this thing? As to where before
it was like, yeah, that sounds fun, I'll go do that.
Now it's like, yeah, that sounds fun, but like I'd

rather see my kids three days this week and then
work four days, or work three days and see my
kids four days and then on my off time. I'm
not like, yeah, we should fly out to you know
wherever and go on a moose hunt or something, you
know what I mean, Like I would have done that
at some point before I had kids.

Speaker 5 (01:09:11):
You know.

Speaker 9 (01:09:11):
Not that I won't do those things in the future,
but they are fewer and far between, you know. I
hate to make say like it's like I'm boring because
I'm not right, Like it's I would much rather spend
like spending time with my kids. It's the most important
thing to me.

Speaker 4 (01:09:27):
Last question, did you change diapers yourself?

Speaker 9 (01:09:30):
Oh? Millions of because Ed didn't.

Speaker 4 (01:09:33):
Not to my last one. Four kids, four boys, all
maybe like five max on each kid, like five. That
smell is terrible. I mean even just pea dipes, Oh
those are fine. But I never did that. I would
just act like I didn't smell it.

Speaker 6 (01:09:48):
I like that's a nickname for diapers.

Speaker 9 (01:09:51):
Yeah, yeah, I would know, and then I'd be like, really,
it's fully I even realize that it's crazy. So he's
the that's kind of the sign version, like he was
the guy with the sign and he was like, oh
my god, I.

Speaker 4 (01:10:05):
Didn't know the plan.

Speaker 9 (01:10:07):
I didn't know there was anything in there.

Speaker 4 (01:10:09):
You Luke, Hey, good to see buddy.

Speaker 1 (01:10:14):
It's the best bits of the week with Morgan. Number two.

Speaker 3 (01:10:24):
So we did something in the studio this week and
I'm already starting to giggle, but we all tried to.

Speaker 2 (01:10:28):
Do our sexy voices and it.

Speaker 3 (01:10:30):
Got really interesting and there was a whole lot of
laughing that went down, particularly from Amy and myself, but
the boys also did their sexy voices and.

Speaker 2 (01:10:40):
He was just entertaining.

Speaker 3 (01:10:41):
I'm not sure what we expected to come out of
these segments, but they were not sexy voices.

Speaker 1 (01:10:48):
Number two.

Speaker 4 (01:10:49):
It comes to sexying up their voice. Women can have
a tougher time than men because men, we can just
lower it a few octaves. We can just hey, are
go on, you feel you're feeling good night? Yeah, so
we think that's sexy. And it's also associated with testosterone.
The more testosterone, the deeper your voices. But women have

a harder time at just sounding sexy. And what they
did is you can't say sexy things. You can only
count to ten. Okay. So if I were a dude,
now we're gonna sexy up my voice, I talk like this,
Normally I'd be like one, two, three, four, five, six.
So Amy, counting men, that's not sexy? Yes, it is?

That is?

Speaker 5 (01:11:30):
That is?

Speaker 4 (01:11:31):
I've heard sexy. That's sexy.

Speaker 6 (01:11:32):
How does what am I supposed to do?

Speaker 4 (01:11:35):
Women just can't go deeper because it sounds like a smoker, Amy,
just think sexy count to ten? Count? This is weird,
it abby all you were going to take part in
this survey and this test Albright, hold on, that's not sexy.
That's a timid I don't want to call your lineback.
Come on, Amy. Albright University researchers found that women were
easily able to manipulate but they could not sound sexier.

You can change your voice, but it's hard to sound sexier.
Go ahead, it's not impossible. You could do probably other voices.

Speaker 6 (01:12:08):
One may don't laugh.

Speaker 4 (01:12:11):
That's not that's not sexy. Two that's not sexy.

Speaker 7 (01:12:17):
I mean, honestly, she can say whatever she wants. It's
not gonna be a second no laughing.

Speaker 2 (01:12:22):
Okay, I can't help laugh telling me to do this.

Speaker 4 (01:12:25):
Go ahead, kind of get three, Amy, your future boyfriend
could be listening right now.

Speaker 7 (01:12:30):
Yeah, okay, okay, five, okay, okay, it's not working.

Speaker 4 (01:12:36):
Take a break, okay, go ahead, lunch boks. Give you
an example. The worst ne hundred number I ember called.

Speaker 6 (01:12:46):
Okay, let me kiss to ten?

Speaker 4 (01:12:47):
Okay, let you what kiss?

Speaker 1 (01:12:52):
Okay, okay, start over, start over?

Speaker 4 (01:12:54):
Everybody call. You can't laugh.

Speaker 6 (01:12:57):
I can't help it.

Speaker 10 (01:12:58):
I can't help it.

Speaker 6 (01:13:00):
Well, some people are into laughing.

Speaker 4 (01:13:02):
This is not that number.

Speaker 6 (01:13:03):
Go ahead, okay one.

Speaker 4 (01:13:06):
Okay, Abby, Abby, count to ten. You have to stop,
but use your count ten to be do a sexy voice. Okay,
the guys who you'll do it to it? Go ahead, Abby, one.
That's pretty good, though, pretty good. Don't laugh, though, Amy,
you're making her laugh. You're making a laugh. Yours does

not sound like that. Your sound like a stab pig.
It was laughing. Okay, no, no, here's not like get teacher.

Speaker 8 (01:13:35):
Amy, you're out.

Speaker 4 (01:13:37):
Okay, everybody take it away, okay, Abby God Yeah.

Speaker 10 (01:13:41):
Count ten, one, two, three, four, five, six, it's getting weird.

Speaker 4 (01:13:53):
I like what. I don't like that. It just started
getting like hokey year I had.

Speaker 8 (01:13:58):
The first three sounded like she had experience.

Speaker 4 (01:13:59):
First three were good. The first three were good. Morgan,
go ahead, okay, everybody quiet quiet, Morgan, go ahead.

Speaker 2 (01:14:07):
Okay, I'm scared. One, two, three, you gotta stop this.

Speaker 4 (01:14:18):
It's been weird. I'm trying not to Okay.

Speaker 8 (01:14:24):
Four that was good. Are laughing?

Speaker 10 (01:14:31):
Was good?

Speaker 4 (01:14:31):
Okay, hold on up, we gotta start, hold on, hold
on stop, everybody.

Speaker 8 (01:14:34):
Four was solid.

Speaker 4 (01:14:35):
Everybody stop. We're gonna give everybody a chance to start over. Okay,
we've all got we've got even Amy. You're only going
to count to five, but if you laugh, that's on you.
We're gonna have a winner. Ready and Amy, you're up. First,
count to five. Nobody look at her, go.

Speaker 8 (01:14:56):
Five. Amy, you have no sexy.

Speaker 4 (01:15:04):
I couldn't do it. I couldn't do it. Okay, yeah, well, okay, Abby,
you're okay. We got your score. Good hold Abby, ready
counting five. That's all you have to do. It's hard
enough to laugh.

Speaker 10 (01:15:14):
Okay, go ahead, one, two, three, four, five to count
it over.

Speaker 4 (01:15:22):
With pretty good. She went a little fast. All right, Morgan.

Speaker 2 (01:15:26):
My heart is pounding and I don't know why.

Speaker 4 (01:15:28):
All right, Morgan, you're up here.

Speaker 2 (01:15:29):
And go one, two, three.

Speaker 4 (01:15:41):
Four. That's on me. I couldn't help it. I mess up.

Speaker 9 (01:15:54):
My heart.

Speaker 6 (01:15:55):
Abby's method where she just went really fast.

Speaker 4 (01:16:00):
Go ahead, listen, listen to her. Oh my goodness, all right, good,
that's one. That's just fine.

Speaker 2 (01:16:23):

Speaker 4 (01:16:29):
I think we have to give the award.

Speaker 8 (01:16:31):
These glasses are falling.

Speaker 4 (01:16:32):
I can't stop laughing. Okay, on account of three guys,
i's to just say who would give the award? So
you can say, Amy, Abby Morgan. That's one, two three,
So Abby Morgan, Amy, there was nothing. There was nothing
that I got any None of.

Speaker 6 (01:16:57):
You voted for me.

Speaker 8 (01:16:57):
No, Abby, you're the winner.

Speaker 10 (01:17:03):
I've always wanted to do this.

Speaker 4 (01:17:06):
You were really fast.

Speaker 10 (01:17:07):
Yes, I know, I tried not to laugh though I know.

Speaker 9 (01:17:09):
I know.

Speaker 4 (01:17:10):
Thank Abby for your prize. You get to do it
one more time.

Speaker 8 (01:17:13):
Go ahead slower.

Speaker 6 (01:17:16):
Oh no, Abby, let's go go ahead.

Speaker 10 (01:17:22):
So one, two, three, four, that's.

Speaker 4 (01:17:29):
Pretty good, give it up.

Speaker 5 (01:17:33):
I should have pandered to Eddie, all right now the
guys and I should have been like, we get the
guys later.

Speaker 4 (01:17:39):
I'm ready, we get one.

Speaker 8 (01:17:42):

Speaker 4 (01:17:42):
Earlier in the show, the ladies had a little competition
to see who had the sexiest lady voice, and Abby
one like running away when you guys got guys, the
judges agree one.

Speaker 5 (01:17:54):
We had to count to five or something like a
sexy voice.

Speaker 4 (01:17:59):
Yes, sounds easy, it's like one. So go listen to
the podcast here, Abby, So I did say the guys,
but try it here. But we're gonna do ours a
bit different. What do you mean, because I don't want
to be practicing. Oh I had like a whole thing.

Speaker 9 (01:18:11):

Speaker 4 (01:18:11):
So what we're gonna do is you're gonna do the
first line of the Pledge of Allegiance in a sexy voice,
and that's I pledge allegiance to the flag of the
United States of America. Got it. That's it, I pledge
allegiance to the flag of the United States of America.
And then you ladies can vote on which guy. Don't
judge the guy a byt what you know about them
or what they look like or anything else. It's hard,

but don't judge them by the history of you knowing them.
So maybe even close your eyes. Close your eyes and
there'll be four of us, Me, Eddie, Lunchbox and Ray
will do the sexy voice competition and you will only
do the pledge of allegiance. Ray Mundo, you're up first, buddy, Hey, Q.
We get some sexy music though it's like a saxophone

or something, you know, really build it up just so
they feel it, you know, because I mean this right
here feels like you're a club. Can't give me sexy.
Raymundo will go first. Raymundo is known for his voice.
He's been the voice of different athletic events like college stadium. Yeah,
does some of the voice stuff on our show. He
does the Morty Cordy All right, here we go up first, Raymundo.

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States
of America.

Speaker 11 (01:19:25):
Okay, somebody, yeah, what on like, don't say anything, don't
scream scared me man?

Speaker 9 (01:19:36):

Speaker 4 (01:19:36):
Do you want a little more runway? Do you want
into the republic for which it stands? Do you feel
good about that.

Speaker 6 (01:19:42):
I think we can get it from that.

Speaker 4 (01:19:44):
Okay, Eddie, go ahead, you ready for this? Yeah, give
us your sexy voice. I pledge allegiance to the flag
of the United States Americ. Open your eyes, girls, that

was me. It's almost too whispers you're talking about? That
was sexy, was it? Yeah? Okay, lunchbox.

Speaker 8 (01:20:16):
These guys are really throwing me off because, I mean,
my voice is pretty sexy at as it is, so
to get it more sex this is gonna be tough.

Speaker 4 (01:20:25):
Okay, go ahead.

Speaker 8 (01:20:28):
I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States
of America into the republic for which it stands.

Speaker 6 (01:20:37):
He's still going one nation.

Speaker 8 (01:20:40):
Indivisible with liberty and justice for all. Why are you
interrupting me?

Speaker 6 (01:20:47):
Everybody's whispering.

Speaker 4 (01:20:48):
You went way too long and then you forgot God.

Speaker 8 (01:20:50):
You know, I'm literally reading after.

Speaker 6 (01:20:53):
The United States of America.

Speaker 4 (01:20:55):
He was rubbing the keys on his keyboard.

Speaker 8 (01:20:58):
I don't know. I google allegiance and I just read
the line that it has I don't know.

Speaker 4 (01:21:05):
Okay, and finally me, I pledge allegiance. Yeah, buy that
bag to the flag. Let's go on the trip for
the weekend of the United States of America? What was that?

Speaker 5 (01:21:29):
At the end America? And you're sending little messages?

Speaker 4 (01:21:35):
What messages?

Speaker 6 (01:21:36):
I heard, buy a bag and let's go on that trip.

Speaker 4 (01:21:38):
What are you talking about? Did I say that? Oh yeah,
you did say that.

Speaker 2 (01:21:40):
I forgot it all when your voice went up?

Speaker 4 (01:21:43):
Could you try to bite the microphone? I don't know
what happened to me? I just that was just met
four hundreds of sex Adio.

Speaker 1 (01:21:48):
It's the Best Bits of the Week with Morgan number two.

Speaker 3 (01:21:54):
If you've been listening to the Best Bits for a while,
you know, I always get a little uncomfy when one
of my segments comes in the number one spot.

Speaker 2 (01:21:59):
But this one was hi on the engagement Radar.

Speaker 3 (01:22:02):
This week I shared some exciting personal news and all
of you guys have been so incredibly kind and supportive
and happy for me.

Speaker 2 (01:22:09):
So yeah, I guess we're sharing it again here.

Speaker 3 (01:22:12):
I'm gonna get all giddy and giggly again, but this
is my very exciting personal news Number one.

Speaker 4 (01:22:19):
Welcome, Hope you had a great weekend. Glad you're here.

Speaker 8 (01:22:22):
Morning Studio Morning.

Speaker 4 (01:22:23):
All right, we're gonna do in our get to know segment.
Everybody has breaking news, breaking news, breaking news. I'm gonna
go around the room and everybody's gonna share, except I'm
just kidding. The only one breaking news is Morgan. Morgan
breaking news.

Speaker 2 (01:22:38):
Yeah, go ahead, are you ready?

Speaker 4 (01:22:40):
We're ready?

Speaker 2 (01:22:41):
I have a boyfriend.

Speaker 11 (01:22:43):
Oh whow Yeah, big announcement for those that are new.

Speaker 4 (01:22:51):
Oh, the trials and tribulations of Morgan. Yeah, having a
boyfriend and not, then having a boyfriend and not, and
then looking not then yeah, and then she meets this
guy and man in uniform and he disappears and comes back,
and Amy's like he's living a double life, and we're like, right,
that was a theory. Yeah, yeah, you were very strong. Yeah,
but strong.

Speaker 6 (01:23:13):
Now that they're officially together, all back off.

Speaker 5 (01:23:15):
I will until he proves he's innocent.

Speaker 4 (01:23:20):
Now, okay, he was a little guilty, of he was guilty.
But so Morgan, why, I don't know. I don't know
what to ask because I don't know much about it.
So you kept a secret? Good job. What's up?

Speaker 3 (01:23:31):
Well, we've been dating. I mean we've been We started
like we met each other beginning of March, so that's
kind of the timeline. And he's just a lovely, incredible human.

Speaker 4 (01:23:41):
You met him where we met on hinge and did
you have a bunch of little fires going at the
time or it was one of your times when you
quit for a long time and went back.

Speaker 2 (01:23:52):
No, but I had just changed my dating profile.

Speaker 3 (01:23:54):
I had been more intentional about what I was putting
on my dating profile, so went from like fun and
flirty to like a little flirting but mostly serious.

Speaker 4 (01:24:01):
So what about him on the app stood out to you?

Speaker 3 (01:24:06):
He just seemed like, I don't know, like something about
just the way he presented himself, Like in his pictures.

Speaker 2 (01:24:12):
He just seemed like very cool, calm, collected and like nice.

Speaker 4 (01:24:16):
So how did you guys define the relationship?

Speaker 3 (01:24:20):
It happened after he had got back and was just
like it was it gone again. No, this was the
time like after he got back and I've just been
kind of sitting on it and enjoying it. He was
just like, I like, I'm so happy you're still around
because doing what he does, he's used to people not
being able to deal with the fact that he's gone
for work.

Speaker 4 (01:24:38):
By the way, I think I'm the only one that
really knows what he does. You are because I think
she told me. I had to write it down so
I could protect it so because I know I can
protect it a bit. But okay, yeah.

Speaker 2 (01:24:49):
So he came back, he's like, dang, Like I'm surprised.

Speaker 9 (01:24:51):
We went on.

Speaker 3 (01:24:52):
We had like a whole weekend together, like just going
on dates and hanging out, and.

Speaker 2 (01:24:55):
Then at the end of the weekend that conversation happened.

Speaker 4 (01:24:59):
Who brings it up up?

Speaker 3 (01:25:00):
You were him, well, I've kind of made a joke
and was like.

Speaker 4 (01:25:05):
Not really joke, joke, I got you.

Speaker 3 (01:25:06):
Well, I was like, this feels like girlfriend duties and
he was like, well, yeah you are.

Speaker 2 (01:25:10):
And I was like, wait what and then the conversation happened.

Speaker 4 (01:25:16):
Okay, that's pretty cool.

Speaker 6 (01:25:18):
It was the girlfriend duty.

Speaker 4 (01:25:20):
I don't know, I want to ask.

Speaker 3 (01:25:24):
I was meeting a lot of his friends, a lot
of his people that were close.

Speaker 6 (01:25:28):
To him, and I was like, these are girlfriend.

Speaker 4 (01:25:29):
Responsibilities and there was a reason I didn't follow that.

Speaker 2 (01:25:33):
Hey, everybody can ask a question.

Speaker 4 (01:25:35):
I'll allow that question, but yes or no or super specific,
because you know some people are going to go way
specific and you don't want to I don't know where
you want to be.

Speaker 2 (01:25:43):
Yeah, that's true.

Speaker 6 (01:25:43):
Well she can choose to say.

Speaker 4 (01:25:45):
Yeah, okay, yeah, Amy, what is your question?

Speaker 9 (01:25:48):
I'll go first.

Speaker 4 (01:25:49):
How tall is he?

Speaker 3 (01:25:50):
I think he's like five eight five nine Morgan's.

Speaker 4 (01:25:55):
Five foot though, that's true. You are we little?

Speaker 2 (01:25:57):
Everybody everybody's taller than me.

Speaker 4 (01:25:58):
That's true. Yeah, okay, you know I thought it'd be taller. Interesting,
I don't think he'd be taller.

Speaker 1 (01:26:06):
Okay, he's a short king.

Speaker 4 (01:26:08):
Maybe gets another question? Oh I asked that one. That's right, Yeah,
I guess do you have one.

Speaker 6 (01:26:12):
In addition to.

Speaker 5 (01:26:16):
Well, how much are y'all hanging out now that it's changed,
Like as y'all's hanging out, is it more or less?

Speaker 6 (01:26:22):
You still like living your lives individually?

Speaker 3 (01:26:24):
Still living our lives individually, and we still hang out
a lot.

Speaker 2 (01:26:27):
We're both traveling.

Speaker 4 (01:26:28):
Going back to the She's like, okay, so does he
ever call you a different name?

Speaker 10 (01:26:37):

Speaker 4 (01:26:37):
Yeah, yeah? You Amy's like, is he married? Does he
have a tan on his ring finger? Okay? So still
both very independent, both very independent.

Speaker 3 (01:26:48):
We're both traveling a lot right now, but lots of
face times, lots of hanging out in person.

Speaker 2 (01:26:52):
It's a good mix of both right now.

Speaker 8 (01:26:53):
Launch box wo a lot of face time. Yeah, like
he's gone again face time.

Speaker 3 (01:27:00):
He has to travel for my gosh, So I can't
be what I'm gonna be.

Speaker 2 (01:27:04):
Mad at somebody for traveling for work?

Speaker 1 (01:27:06):
How you get one question? He just asked it, I didn't.

Speaker 8 (01:27:09):
You answered it was a statement. Mine was a statement. Okay,
how many weeks out of the weeks you've known him?
Has he been gone out of town?

Speaker 4 (01:27:19):
So you've known him for March? So for March, for April? Uh,
basically two May. So you're looking at roughly ten weeks?

Speaker 2 (01:27:27):
Yeah, like four and a half.

Speaker 3 (01:27:30):
What but it's coming up where he's not gonna have
to travel?

Speaker 4 (01:27:37):
Why do you keep fifty fty lifestyle? He gets here
under another life? Okay, Eddie, go ahead.

Speaker 7 (01:27:43):
How different is this guy from any of your other boyfriends?

Speaker 4 (01:27:47):
Question? Because she's really picked some losers.

Speaker 2 (01:27:50):
Okay, no offense to me either.

Speaker 4 (01:27:52):
I think you call them losers though, to be fair.

Speaker 2 (01:27:56):
Very different.

Speaker 3 (01:27:56):
I mean, he's just everything about him is different than
what I would normally date.

Speaker 2 (01:28:00):
We're our personalities are pretty different. He's much more cool,
Like I.

Speaker 3 (01:28:05):
Said cool, He's very cool, com collect a very patient,
very like, great listener, and very secure in himself.

Speaker 4 (01:28:11):
Is he jacked or is that two questions? That's two?
I hold that until next round. Okay, okay, I hold it.
I feel like he's going I don't even know what
he looks like, but I feel like he's not a
guy that wears a lot of hair product and chains.

Speaker 2 (01:28:23):
He doesn't.

Speaker 4 (01:28:24):
He does not, he's that's kind of like Morgan's old type. Yeah,
hair product and chains. This guy though, I feel like
that's not him and I don't even know him. But
I'm happy for you, thank you.

Speaker 5 (01:28:34):
Has he done any more of those like I don't
even know where you're going with stalker thing?

Speaker 10 (01:28:38):

Speaker 5 (01:28:39):
Like he is he No, I didn't say that like
when he got it, he's like, they're not elaborated, that's
what it's called.

Speaker 6 (01:28:47):
Yeah, is he love bombed anymore?

Speaker 2 (01:28:49):
He's not love bombing.

Speaker 4 (01:28:50):
He just loving like.

Speaker 2 (01:28:52):
But he's done very sweet gestures yet.

Speaker 6 (01:28:55):
But what's one of the we haven't shared with us yet?

Speaker 4 (01:29:00):
What was that?

Speaker 10 (01:29:01):

Speaker 6 (01:29:02):

Speaker 2 (01:29:02):
I'm trying to figure out what to share.

Speaker 4 (01:29:04):
We hold it, we'll come back. Okay, this is already
a lot.

Speaker 9 (01:29:07):
This is already a lot.

Speaker 4 (01:29:08):
It's really cool though, it's really cool.

Speaker 5 (01:29:09):
I want to be a happy we are we are,
Stop putting me in that category. I feel like things
I say are not necessarily.

Speaker 4 (01:29:17):
Leaning under like. Under Us went fifty to fifty life like.

Speaker 8 (01:29:20):
So that's good.

Speaker 6 (01:29:21):
They have their fit.

Speaker 4 (01:29:22):
No, that's not what you've meant, Morgan. Congratulations, we're gonna.

Speaker 1 (01:29:28):
It's the Best Bits of the Week with Morgan number two.

Speaker 3 (01:29:32):
All right, y'all, that's it for me this weekend. Thanks
for being here and enjoying the best Bits, just the
bits every weekend. Be sure to check out Part one
and Part three with Eddie. If you've never listened before,
I think you'll really enjoy it. And if not, and
this is where I leave you, then I hope you
have a great, safe weekend. I love y'all, appreciate you
being here.

Speaker 9 (01:29:50):

Speaker 1 (01:29:51):
That's the Best Bits of the Week with Morgan. Thanks
for listening. Be sure to check out the other two
parts this weekend.

Speaker 4 (01:29:57):
Go follow the show on all social platforms and follow
at Webgirl morgane to submit your listener questions for next
week's episode.
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