All Episodes

August 31, 2024 73 mins

This part of the podcast is just the best 7 games, competitions and more from 2024 that Morgan counts down from 7 to 1. You’ll be able to listen to them uninterrupted with just a few intros!

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
It's the Best Bits of the Week with Morgan I
kill just the bits.

Speaker 2 (00:05):
Well, what's up everybody.

Speaker 3 (00:06):
I know we're super sad that the show is on vacation,
but of course we're bringing you a Best Bits this weekend,
all brand new. But as far as the content for
Best Bits Part two this week, we are doing something
a little bit different. I wanted to keep it lighthearted
because on Part one. In Part three this weekend, I
brought on Eddie, and Eddie and I have just had
a really rough go of it these last couple of months,

so there were dark moments and sad moments and when
we were talking in Part one mostly part three, we
also tried to keep lighthearted as well. But I wanted
to make sure that Part two was a little bit
of a humor break for everyone. So I decided to
do the best games, competitions, etc. Of twenty twenty four

so far on The Bobby Bone Show, so you can
kind of get caught up in a way, but also
just maybe get a lot of good laughs at because
I think we all need a good laugh right now.
Starting off with the LaunchBox, who had to eat multiple
pounds of guacamole. He thought there is no way. He
couldn't do this like he was going to accomplish it.
He loves guacamole so much that this was a no

brainer for him to tackle. So we did, and you'll
find out it didn't go quite as Lunchbox blennd maybe
actually worse.

Speaker 4 (01:17):
Number seven Lunchbox is about to eat three pounds of guacami. Yeah,
why so it's a three pound challenge?

Speaker 5 (01:25):
I mean a year ago.

Speaker 6 (01:27):
Yes, okay, I've been telling you guys, just tell me
when you guys never told me.

Speaker 7 (01:32):
When here's so much guacamole.

Speaker 4 (01:35):
The question is if you eat three pounds of food,
we don't know what the body does with the food
while it's in you. Well, you weigh exactly three pounds
more because we weighed the guacamole, avocados, guacamali exactly three pounds.
So standing on the scale, Lunchbox, Oh yeah, this is
science at its best right here.

Speaker 5 (01:52):
Yeah, pre weight.

Speaker 4 (01:54):
He's getting on the scale. You weigh how much? What's
sixty seven? One's sixty seven point four? Now he's gonna
puts three pounds, and we have accounted for the few
chips he's gonna eat as well. If he eats all
three pounds of this, well, he weigh one seventy point four.

Are you ready and go? So August last year, this
experiment was suggested, did you eat like you gotta go?

Speaker 5 (02:27):
He's eating like small little.

Speaker 2 (02:29):
You're like, it's so dainty over there with your.

Speaker 4 (02:35):
A listener you know, called us out recently on our voicemail.
So let me play this. This is they got us
going again. Hey, when is Lunchbuck's going to eat this
three pounds of food or whatever it is. You guys
keep talking about it that everybody's like.

Speaker 8 (02:47):
Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, pick a date already.

Speaker 4 (02:49):
That we're doing it today. The walk okay, that's we
can't sit here all day. We can't. We can just
play a song or something. I mean, but you're going
so slow. Gosh, I never jocked. I ate it, and
no we don't want to asking an you that. But
you're like doing like a tiny bit.

Speaker 5 (03:07):
I mean at this pace, it's gonna be four hours.

Speaker 4 (03:09):
He's like he's like scraping the side of the bowl
for just a little bit, even though there's a lot and.

Speaker 2 (03:12):
He eats faster than this out at a restaurant.

Speaker 4 (03:14):
I know it.

Speaker 6 (03:14):
You got to listen, guys have you guys ever run
a marathon. You gotta pace yourself. You can't just sprint
out of the gate or you're gonna die. If I
just started chugging this, I would die in about ten minutes.

Speaker 4 (03:25):
You would literally die at poisoning.

Speaker 6 (03:27):
Not die, but you know what I mean, My stomach
would fill up. You gotta nurture it.

Speaker 4 (03:34):
Let's do this, let's play that, let's pay you want
to wag right now? Though, Like that's three chips. Hey,
step on the scale. Now see if there's a point
after like six chips. Let's see if it's affected any
weight at all. Look, got a big one. Ah, I'm
a napkom Okay, we'll get you that napkin. Here he
is back on the scale. Bones.

Speaker 5 (03:54):
We started at one sixty seven point four, okay. Now
after seven scoops we should be a point five at
least one okay, okay.

Speaker 4 (04:05):
No difference so far. We will come back.

Speaker 5 (04:07):
All the scientists are like, hmm, interesting, let.

Speaker 4 (04:10):
Me play the song. He's gonna keep eating. I mean,
there's a lot of guak. Guys. There's a bull going
full spoon.

Speaker 2 (04:19):
It just came out of his mouth and dropped back
in the ball.

Speaker 4 (04:24):
He went full spoon. He's going back in full spoon
for a second full spoon. N Oh, that is a
lot of that is a lot of walks. Lunchbox is
getting well, there's angry if you're hungry and angry, he's
like full grey causing that. He's snapping at people.

Speaker 6 (04:41):
Oh no, because I got all these stupid idiots that
are experts over here, Eddie giving me advice.

Speaker 4 (04:47):
Morgan. By the way, Lunchbox is eating three pounds of walk.
He has now gone to the spoon and he's complaining
about how gross.

Speaker 6 (04:57):
It is, so gross, and Morgan's like, you know, you
could crumpled some chips on top and made them shut
up experts.

Speaker 2 (05:04):
Well, actually it's not a bad idea.

Speaker 9 (05:06):
Better just giving you a crunch on the chip.

Speaker 5 (05:11):
Yeah, I offered you a margarita like a Mexican restaurant.
Here a texture.

Speaker 6 (05:16):
Terrible, man, it's getting rough, boys and girls. I did
not realize, listen, I didn't realize how much three pounds
of guak was.

Speaker 4 (05:24):
That's a lot of guak.

Speaker 6 (05:25):
Yeah, did you do you go to the restaurants like, oh,
it's like table side walk.

Speaker 5 (05:29):

Speaker 6 (05:30):
They put in that little bowl and I'm like, oh,
I crushed that. That's probably like an alt they charge
your outrageous amount of money for it.

Speaker 4 (05:37):
You guys there, he goes, Oh, man, take you down.

Speaker 6 (05:39):
You know how much these quaks. I don't know if
the cartel's behind this one, because yes, the avocados, twenty
bucks for eight avocados and oh god.

Speaker 5 (05:51):
And you think the cartels are behind the avocados, isn't
that what?

Speaker 4 (05:55):

Speaker 10 (05:56):

Speaker 9 (05:56):
Yeah, there was an avocado story. Just the tortillo one
is the most.

Speaker 4 (06:01):
Do you want us to like, do some talk about
some stuff while you're eating?

Speaker 5 (06:05):

Speaker 4 (06:05):
I was do that so you can like focus or
not focus.

Speaker 2 (06:08):
I would like us to talk about something else talking about.

Speaker 4 (06:11):
Well, no, I'm saying we can either we could go
to another song or we can just continue the show,
but we can't have you burping and vomiting during the process.

Speaker 5 (06:18):
And I think that was my one burp.

Speaker 4 (06:20):
I'll tell you if I got another one coming. The
Mega Million's jackpot was won by somebody in Illinois. Yeah,
one person. Wow, that would be so cool.

Speaker 5 (06:28):
How much money?

Speaker 6 (06:28):
Okay, so you did this on Burbers. I'm already not
feeling good with the gualk and then he hits me
with they won the five hundred and sixty one million dollars.

Speaker 4 (06:34):
All right, rub in my base.

Speaker 2 (06:36):
He knows the exact amount.

Speaker 5 (06:38):
A lot a million.

Speaker 4 (06:39):
I had a lot of walk. You can buy a
lot of gualk on a million. Did you buy a
ticket for that one? Oh yeah, yeah? Here he goes again.
Oh boy, oh boy, is it getting harder to do? Yeah,
it's getting harder.

Speaker 6 (06:49):
Like every time he goes to my mouth, I'm like, here,
we gotta do this.

Speaker 5 (06:51):
Where are we at on the bowl? Were like halfway
down anything?

Speaker 11 (06:53):

Speaker 4 (06:53):
Oh yeah, probably let me flip it up. I don't know.

Speaker 2 (06:56):
Oh wait, oh my gosh, like a third of the way.
Oh lunchbok.

Speaker 5 (07:00):
That's not good.

Speaker 2 (07:01):
From the outside looking in, it looks like you're almost done.

Speaker 4 (07:03):
Well you're not.

Speaker 5 (07:03):
You've piled it in the middle.

Speaker 6 (07:04):
No, no, I cleared out the edges, you know what
I mean?

Speaker 4 (07:07):
Like, oh, he's that one and will weigh you again?
Here you go? Here he goes, Oh he can't even
he's going full spoon, big block. You can always tap out, buddy,
all right, and then we'll put you on the scale.
A minute ago he would one sixty seven point four.

Speaker 5 (07:29):
We should at least be point like two more points.

Speaker 4 (07:31):
Right, unless it's like a cheap scale. That's a good
what I brought it from my house?

Speaker 5 (07:37):
Okay, okay, well here we go.

Speaker 4 (07:42):
He's getting on the scale. He claims half the bowl.
Drum roll and the number is.

Speaker 5 (07:47):
Go ahead, what do you got?

Speaker 2 (07:52):
He looks a good chipmunk. He's blocking his cheek.

Speaker 4 (07:56):
It's the number. The old number was one sixty seven
point four. What do you have? Drum roll?

Speaker 6 (08:01):
Police, it's already on it, one sixty.

Speaker 5 (08:10):
Half a pound already.

Speaker 10 (08:11):
Let go?

Speaker 4 (08:12):
Okay, crazy, Hey you keep eating?

Speaker 5 (08:17):
Is it still tastes good?

Speaker 2 (08:18):
Lunchbox, are you ever going to eat guacamole again?

Speaker 4 (08:23):
Yeah? I will eventually. You gotta buddy more. I'm thinking
about doing the chip named Morgan bashed. Oh now, all
of a sudden, it's a good idea textures, different little
salt in there. It's like Robotustin and you're.

Speaker 2 (08:34):
Like checking it.

Speaker 5 (08:35):
Yeah, I got sixty dollars.

Speaker 4 (08:38):
Yeah, I have to pay them fifty and Eddie has
to give him ten.

Speaker 5 (08:41):
Is that right?

Speaker 4 (08:41):
Yeah? Okay, three pound of food challenge. We won't come back.
We're back in just a second and weigh them again.
Lunchbox is attempting to eat three pounds of guacamo only
why you ask.

Speaker 5 (08:56):
Why is he doing this?

Speaker 4 (08:56):
Great question? Well, a year ago we wondered if you
ate three pound of food and he didn't go to
the bathroom, if you weighed exactly three pounds more, which
your body processed the food in some weird way. So
lunchbox has been eating and he is struggling. He's eating
three pounds of straight guacamole. He's full, big spoon. Now thoughts, huh,
you can't even talk. It does not feel good. Do

you feel bad or does it taste bad? Both? But
what is it?

Speaker 5 (09:23):
The vibe? Because you love going to Mexican restaurants?

Speaker 4 (09:25):
And just like true, do we need to play Mexican music?

Speaker 5 (09:28):
That's all we need?

Speaker 6 (09:29):
No, I don't know because they don't always play Mexican machi.

Speaker 4 (09:33):
Oh man, it's just I don't know. It's three pounds
more than you thought it would be.

Speaker 6 (09:38):
A lot more like I didn't realize what three pounds
looked like.

Speaker 5 (09:41):
Are you?

Speaker 2 (09:42):
I don't think I realized?

Speaker 4 (09:44):
Or will you look at his ball and give us
a percent and you think he's no, there's no way,
it's ninety percent right like ninety see ninety What would
you say?

Speaker 2 (09:55):
I would say he's done.

Speaker 4 (09:57):
Thirty five percent?

Speaker 3 (09:58):
Left five percent is how much he's done.

Speaker 5 (10:01):
Oh my god, you're not going to finish.

Speaker 2 (10:04):
Come on, keep eating.

Speaker 6 (10:05):
That's a decent amount.

Speaker 4 (10:07):
You're only saying this thirty bar percent?

Speaker 1 (10:09):

Speaker 4 (10:09):
You still you still got by the ways to go.

Speaker 2 (10:12):
You just screened.

Speaker 4 (10:12):
You don't get the money if you quit.

Speaker 5 (10:14):
Oh I know, lunchbox, have a crispy ten dollars bill
for you. I got fifty do the chips, but that's
more food. So is it? Is it like the amount
in your stomach that's that's hurting you?

Speaker 4 (10:26):
Or is it like he's crumbling the chips on top.

Speaker 2 (10:28):
Of its crumbled up on there.

Speaker 4 (10:31):
It's not gonna we're gonna have to jump. But are
you committing what staying and eating it all?

Speaker 5 (10:37):
I'm doing my best, man, No, you gotta commit.

Speaker 4 (10:40):
Are you committing to eating it all? Or do you
want us to just say you know what we tried?
Do you want to weigh yourself? Give me a couple
more bites? Okay, give me a couple more songs. Okay,
let's do this. Let's weigh you, lunchbox. Okay. Earlier when
he stepped on the scale. Wait, one sixty eight, I
believe right, one sixty seven point four.

Speaker 5 (11:00):
Initially that's the first weigh in.

Speaker 4 (11:02):
Yes, and he's like sixty percent into this three pound
ball of guacamole.

Speaker 5 (11:09):
That's wrong, man. Why are you yelling?

Speaker 4 (11:11):
Tomorrow eats popcorn trim?

Speaker 5 (11:12):
Yeah? I didn't want to talk about that yet.

Speaker 4 (11:15):
This is discuss. Okay, here we go. Step on the scale.
Originally it's one sixty seven point four. Go ahead, come on,
answer what is it?

Speaker 8 (11:31):

Speaker 5 (11:32):
What is it? Y?

Speaker 4 (11:35):
I'm one sixty eight point point eight. Whoa? Dude? You're
almost here a pound point four? You're halfway in? Yeah,
I'm halfway.

Speaker 6 (11:47):
See that's why I said thirty five percent. You gotta
be kidding me. That looks like half lunchbox.

Speaker 4 (11:50):
You gotta keep going, man, let's go, buddy, come on,
got this.

Speaker 2 (11:53):
You can do it.

Speaker 5 (11:54):
You can do it.

Speaker 2 (11:55):
It's mental at this all is win, dude.

Speaker 4 (11:58):
We got to get to the news.

Speaker 5 (11:59):
Are you Are you continuing?

Speaker 4 (12:01):
Are you committing sixty bucks at steak man? As much
as I love guacamoley and I love oh.

Speaker 5 (12:06):
My gosh, you're not a loser.

Speaker 2 (12:08):
You can't quit.

Speaker 4 (12:09):
No, no, I'm not a loser. I didn't Who said
I was a loser? Are you?

Speaker 5 (12:12):
Are you quitting? You're a winner? Are you quitting?

Speaker 6 (12:16):
And I hate to see like half a pound of
guaka Molly got to weigh.

Speaker 4 (12:19):
A pound and a half.

Speaker 6 (12:22):
Yeah, so with that that.

Speaker 4 (12:29):
He's tapping out, he's tapping out, well, nowhere on earth
he gets one point four pounds. I feel so disgusting.

Speaker 5 (12:38):
So doctor, what do you think about the experiment here?
What did you learn?

Speaker 4 (12:41):
I try not to do scientific experiments with people who
quit mid experiment.

Speaker 5 (12:45):
That's a good lesson.

Speaker 6 (12:46):
Yeah, yeah, no, no, it has nothing to a quitting.

Speaker 2 (12:48):
It's dude, this is actually everything you do.

Speaker 4 (12:52):
Awful guys.

Speaker 5 (12:52):
Everything need to quitting.

Speaker 4 (12:54):
It feels like I'm going to regurgitate.

Speaker 1 (12:57):
Oh okay, it's the best bits of the week with
Morgan number two.

Speaker 3 (13:06):
It's the end of an era. There's no more Elder
Verse Millennial. Lunchbox came in as the Elder and he
beat myself, Abby and Lauren, which means we had to
retire the game. Now retire forever. I have no idea,
but for now it's retired and we started a new
game called Love on Lunchbox, which you'll hear the first
episode here in a little bit, but for now, just
to reminence on how long Elder Vers Millennial has been

on the show, we decided to do the very last
episode of Elder Verse Millennial where Lunchbox took the championship.

Speaker 4 (13:35):
Number six Elder Lunchbox Millennial. Morgan, it's a trivia game
between generations, Lunchbox. If you win, you're the champ. Oh
you retire, Morgan. Wow, it's over. Oh man, Lunchbox. You
get three questions that she should know the answer to
that you may not.

Speaker 5 (13:51):
Are you ready?

Speaker 4 (13:52):
Yeah? Question number one? What Nickelodeon star played Summer Hathaway
in the two thousand and three movies School of Rock?
Amanda cost Grove incorrect? What Morgan? What Nickelodeon star for
the Steel played Summer Hathaway in the two thousand and
three movies School of Rock?

Speaker 2 (14:15):
School of Rock? I believe that would be Demmy Lovado incorrect?

Speaker 9 (14:18):
Dang, what.

Speaker 4 (14:22):
I'm right?

Speaker 5 (14:23):
Are you fighting for it?

Speaker 4 (14:24):
Tell me the name?

Speaker 6 (14:25):
You tell me the name, Amena Costgrove.

Speaker 4 (14:27):
Do you think you're right?

Speaker 12 (14:29):

Speaker 4 (14:30):
Do you want to wager a point on it?

Speaker 10 (14:31):

Speaker 4 (14:32):
It's Miranda Cosgrove.

Speaker 9 (14:34):
Oh, How did you even catch on to that?

Speaker 8 (14:39):

Speaker 4 (14:40):
Yeah, okay, Let's introduce Lunchbox. He's the captain of Krooman.
He says, all he does is win. He can get
up for a dumb reason, but if he wins today,
he's the champ for this season. All right here he
is Lunchbox. Everybody clap your hands. Lunchbox two. What pop
Artist made her chart debut in two thousand and four
the smash hit Leave get Out The get Out? What

Pop Artists made her chart debut in two thousand and
four with the smash hit Leave get Out? Morgan, did
you missed the other one because you thought he said
Miranda Cosgrove? And so you just gets really throwing off?
Oh man, uh, leave get out. I've heard this song.

We'll go Katy Perry and correct Morgan jojo jojo, Yeah,
leave get out right now at the end of you
and me, Yeah, Lunchbox. I don't know how to say
this name. That's true. God, I haven't now, I haven't
out worked it out. Who played Hermione Granger in the

Harry Potter film series. It looks like Hermione, You got
it Hermionemione, who played Hermione Granger in the Harry Potter
film series. Kristen Stewart incorrect, that's Twilight. Oh dang it,
stupid movies, Morgan, that would be Emma Watson. That's correct,

Awkwards on both of them. Let's introduce Lunchbox's opponents. She
runs our digital in this game, she hopes she doesn't
come in last, and she just launched her new podcast.
It's Morgan, Morgan. What's the name of your podcast?

Speaker 6 (16:33):
Take this personally?

Speaker 4 (16:34):
Take this personally? What she wants to say to Lunchbox
once she beats him in the head. This round. You ready,
Lunchbox Morgan, Your questions are and we think Lunchbox should
know the answers to these questions. What popular TV series
revolved around the Ewing family, Morgan, this is older. What
TV series revolved around the Ewing family? Eween Ewing, Ewing family,

Ewing family.

Speaker 3 (17:00):
I don't even know that I recognized that name. What
TV series of evolved around.

Speaker 4 (17:06):
The Ewing family? E W I n G.

Speaker 5 (17:13):
Come on, uh yeah.

Speaker 4 (17:16):
Yeah, cheers incorrect, decent guests, Lunchbox.

Speaker 5 (17:22):
Dallas correct, good job.

Speaker 4 (17:25):
I did not know you would get that. Good job.
I don't know how that came to me. But it did.
Morgan who played the role of Dorothy Bornac in The
Golden Girls? Was Dorothy who played the role of Dorothy j.
Bournac and the Golden Girls.

Speaker 13 (17:44):

Speaker 5 (17:45):
Was that Betty White?

Speaker 7 (17:47):
I can't remember her character name, I mean the most.

Speaker 3 (17:54):
I don't even know that I know any of the
other actual actress names of that show.

Speaker 6 (18:00):
But I don't think she was.

Speaker 4 (18:03):
Mark Betty White incorrect? Watch Fock Steel b Arthur correct. Wow,
you got that. I thought that was a character name.

Speaker 13 (18:12):
I had no idea what it all comes It all
comes down to this by Champion.

Speaker 4 (18:23):
Jeff oh Man. What was the name of the toy
line introduced by Hasburrow in the nineteen eighties? Morgan, What
you were you born? Nineteen ninety three? Two? Featuring small
colorful horses with long, brushable hair and cute marks on
the side. What was the name of the toy introduced

by Hasburrow in the nineteen eighties featured small colorful horses
with long, brushable hair and cute marks on their sides
for the wind.

Speaker 3 (18:54):
I can see them, I can freaking see them.

Speaker 4 (18:58):
I had them. Oh my gosh, what is their name?

Speaker 6 (19:02):
This is no I'll tell you the name do you
know it the championship?

Speaker 4 (19:07):
Dang, dang, what is that freaking hold on the clock
is starting?

Speaker 6 (19:16):

Speaker 4 (19:17):

Speaker 7 (19:19):

Speaker 4 (19:19):
What is her name?

Speaker 1 (19:22):
Magic ponies?

Speaker 5 (19:23):

Speaker 4 (19:24):
Lunch my little bony coo. Wow wow wow, before we
play your winning song? Okay, question before we play your
winning song? Yeah? Have you beat every millennial? I beat
them all. It's I think you retired the game. I

think you're the greatest, and the game goes away. I
brought in Slippy lorn I cent her a package.

Speaker 5 (19:50):

Speaker 4 (19:51):
I brought in Abby, I cent her a package.

Speaker 14 (19:53):

Speaker 4 (19:53):
I brought in Morgan. I buried her six beat under Wow.

Speaker 5 (19:57):

Speaker 4 (19:58):
I think there are no more millennials. We never saw
that COVID, we never saw that come.

Speaker 5 (20:05):
Like them. Well, we have to do it right, hit it.
All I do is no man, no got money on
my mind.

Speaker 14 (20:13):
I look, you know, and every time I up, everybody.

Speaker 4 (20:18):
Had no And he retires the greatest an elder versus
millennial history. Take that personal wow wow wow take that person.
Question lunchbox for you. Where's the champagne bottles? We're going

to retire the game for a while. If you would
like to submit a new game, you create any game
you want. I'd love to hear the pitch early next week,
so you got like a weekend. Okay. I'm not saying
we're gonna do it, but as the greatest ever, maybe
we need a new Thursday game. Okay, so think of
the game. Give me some pitch ideas next week. Okay,
oh yeah, I'm ready right now. No no, no, he st

ready to think about You're ready.

Speaker 12 (21:02):

Speaker 4 (21:02):
Because man, I got boring. All right? There he is
our great the greatest ever. He's the go. He's the
Michael Jordan, the lebron of Elder versus life. I get
what you get. The pony Wow. When you started describing,
I was like, oh, well you got that one. There
it is.

Speaker 5 (21:15):
That's it.

Speaker 4 (21:16):
The Tiger Woods. Whoa wow. Okay, it's the.

Speaker 1 (21:20):
Best bits of the week with Morgan number two.

Speaker 3 (21:25):
We always do a lot of fun games on the show,
and I wanted to throw this one in here because
it's fun when we bring in the celebrity side and
we try and guess different things about them. That's what
happened during this game. Bobby shared voicing clips of very
specific celebrities and the show had to name who they are.
There's one iconic voice that somehow only one person got.
It's a pretty fun game. Maybe play it with people

in your car or whoever you're at home with right now.

Speaker 4 (21:49):
Number five, This game is going to be super fun,
super easy. If you miss it, you're out, because its
gonna be very easy. It's the most recognizable celebrity voices.
Ten of these. Everybody may go ten for ten. Oh,
so here we go. I'm gonna give you an example.
Just name the voice.

Speaker 10 (22:07):

Speaker 7 (22:07):
I'm not wanting to sit around doing nothing.

Speaker 4 (22:10):
It's not a speed around. We all kind of listened,
you know, we could let our listeners here a little bit.
You know, I guess gonna a good point. Good point, Okay,
do not buzz in. Write it down. Most recognizable celebrity voices.
Number one.

Speaker 15 (22:24):
I was checking out and the sack girl was sitting
there and she was going through all the stuff and
she was narrating and commenting on everything that I had bought.
And she picks up a bottle of beano. She said,
is this for you?

Speaker 5 (22:39):
I'm in.

Speaker 4 (22:39):
I'm in for the wind. Everybody, yep, yeah, go, good job.
These are very easy. Number two.

Speaker 5 (22:49):
I have a headache.

Speaker 4 (22:50):
It's not a tuma.

Speaker 5 (22:51):
It's not a tuma at all. I'm in.

Speaker 4 (22:57):
I'm in for the wind Amen, Amy Arnold Schwarzenegger, Watchboks.

Speaker 5 (23:02):
The Governator Eddie, Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Speaker 4 (23:04):
Right, there's two excellent.

Speaker 5 (23:07):
The Governator counts. Yeah, we know what he means.

Speaker 12 (23:10):
Sometimes you gotta go back to go forward. And I
don't mean going back to reminiscent Chase Ghost. I mean
go back to see where you came from, where you've been,
how you got here. That's me from a Lincoln ad
in twenty fourteen. I remember that one. It got parodied
quite a bit, sold a lot of cars too.

Speaker 4 (23:29):
Remember the wind Amy, Matthew McConaughey, Watchboks.

Speaker 16 (23:32):
Matthew McConaughey, Matthew McConaughey, good job.

Speaker 4 (23:36):
All right, we take a little step, a little harder.
Here we go.

Speaker 8 (23:39):
I got the horses in the back Horsetick is at touched?
D is Matt Black? I got the boots is Black
to Madge riding donold horse?

Speaker 5 (23:50):

Speaker 4 (23:52):
What the now? Obviously this person is doing Leona's X. Yeah.

Speaker 5 (23:56):
Yeah, yeah, What in the.

Speaker 4 (23:57):
World does the voice sound familiar? All? Yes, okay, let's
play it again.

Speaker 8 (24:02):
I got the horses in the back horse deck is attached.
Head is Matt Black? I got the boots? Is Black
to med riding on a horse?

Speaker 17 (24:13):

Speaker 5 (24:15):
Oh man, I guess I'm in.

Speaker 2 (24:19):
You said these are all.

Speaker 5 (24:20):
Yeah, it's not easy.

Speaker 4 (24:22):
Remember I should have I don't know. I'm going against
my gut. Lunch bikes, Ronnie Done incorrect.

Speaker 6 (24:30):
Hang it, Toby Keith, I should have gone my gut.

Speaker 4 (24:33):
Eddie rest in peace, Toby Keith incorrect.

Speaker 5 (24:36):
Oh good, I'm gonna Amy.

Speaker 4 (24:39):
Tobey Keith in correct? Is Sam Elliott the actor?

Speaker 5 (24:43):
Dang, he sounds just like Tobey Keith. Hmm, a little deeper.

Speaker 4 (24:48):
The voice is a little deeper, but everybody's still in.

Speaker 5 (24:50):
Yeah, we're back and we needed that.

Speaker 4 (24:52):
Next up, empowerment is authority.

Speaker 11 (24:56):
It is a sign permission, slip to actually seize the day.
It's the process of getting stronger and more confident and
more engaged. And to be empowered is to move through
the world without any kind of fear or any kind
of apology.

Speaker 4 (25:12):
I'm in, I'm in the wind, Amy Oprah, lunch Oprah,
Eddie Oprah good.

Speaker 17 (25:18):
Next, there are those of us who like to venture
to the unexplored, to see the beauty in the strange
and unknown, those of us who go out there with
a sense of wonder.

Speaker 5 (25:37):
And for the women. Eddie Gosh, I love that voice.
Morgan Freeman, Morgan Freeman.

Speaker 4 (25:43):
Amy, Morgan Freeman, name the celebrity voice.

Speaker 5 (25:46):
Go ahead. That was really scary.

Speaker 18 (25:48):
And if you don't mind me saying, if that don't
work your breath, certainly we get the job done. Coase
you definitely need some tiktacs or something because your breath staks.

Speaker 5 (25:56):
I'm in the I need it again.

Speaker 18 (26:01):
That was really scary, And if you don't mind me saying,
if that don't work your breath, certainly we get the
job done. Coase you definitely need some tiktacs or something
because your breath staks.

Speaker 4 (26:11):
It's funny, yeah, Amy.

Speaker 2 (26:16):
Him when he plays a character.

Speaker 4 (26:18):
I need the celebrity voice.

Speaker 2 (26:19):
Tyler Perry and correct.

Speaker 5 (26:22):
Lunchbox Eddie Murphy, Eddie, Eddie Murphy, correct Amy's out shoot.

Speaker 6 (26:28):
That was from the donkey, Yeah Donky, all.

Speaker 5 (26:31):
Right, three left? Go ahead.

Speaker 4 (26:35):
You want answers, you don't.

Speaker 12 (26:36):
Want the truth because deep down in places you don't
talk about at parties.

Speaker 5 (26:40):
You want me on that wall. You need me on
that wall. I'm in.

Speaker 4 (26:46):
I'm in for the wind.

Speaker 16 (26:47):
Lunchbox, Jack Nicholson, Eddie, you can't handle the truth, Jack Nicholson, correct.

Speaker 10 (26:52):
Next one, My first love broke my heart for the
first time, and I was like, baby baby baby, Oh,
like baby baby baby, No, like baby baby baby.

Speaker 5 (27:06):
Oh what.

Speaker 4 (27:08):
Now, obviously that's the person doing justin bieber baby.

Speaker 5 (27:11):
Yeah, you want to.

Speaker 4 (27:13):
Hear one more time? Who's the celebrity? I have no idea.
You're gonna have to play it again.

Speaker 10 (27:16):
My first love broke my heart for the first time,
and I was like baby baby baby, Oh, like baby
baby baby, No, like baby baby baby. Oh.

Speaker 5 (27:30):
I'm in You better have some lunchbox, I understand.

Speaker 6 (27:36):
I about to write something down game right here.

Speaker 4 (27:39):
I have no idea. Lunchbox, Tom Hanks.

Speaker 5 (27:41):
What's up? That is? James Earl Jones.

Speaker 1 (27:50):
It's the best Bits of the Week with Morgan. Number two.

Speaker 3 (27:57):
If you've been listening to The Bobby Bone Show for
a long time, you know every Friday we play easy Trivia.

Speaker 1 (28:01):
It's not so easy.

Speaker 3 (28:02):
It's actually really hard, especially really difficult when Bobby's counting
you down. So I wanted to include one of our
episodes of Easy Trivia. This is the one that's the
most viewed on YouTube currently from this year, So why
not use this one because for some reason y'all liked
it enough to keep watching it.

Speaker 4 (28:17):
Number four, It's the easiest trivia game ever. Easy Trivia
Lunchbox is the ragining champ, So he goes first, but
in this round, Eddie's got three wins. Morgan too, LB two,
Amy one, Here we go, Easy Trivia Lunchbox. Who's the
oldest member of the show Eddie? Correct, it's so easy, Eddie.
What show member has a twin brother, Ray?

Speaker 5 (28:39):

Speaker 4 (28:41):
Morgan? What show member hosted a TV show called Snake
in the Grass you did?

Speaker 5 (28:46):

Speaker 4 (28:47):
Amy? What two show members are from Kansas?

Speaker 2 (28:50):
Abby and Morgan?

Speaker 4 (28:51):
It's correct? Good job, everybody. Everybody's in now. If you
missing another one, you're out. And you hear this sound,
you've been booed. Easy Trivia. The category is US Press lunchbox. Ready. Yeah.
Who is known as the father of the United States?
George Washington? Correct? Eddiot's easy. Who's the current president?

Speaker 5 (29:09):
Oh, what's his name? Joe Biden? Correct?

Speaker 4 (29:11):
Organ, it's so easy. What bearded president is on the penny? Easy?

Speaker 1 (29:20):
Yeah, it's easy. Bearded president.

Speaker 2 (29:25):
Gosh, I don't know the penn.

Speaker 4 (29:27):
I haven't looked at a penny in so long?

Speaker 5 (29:29):
Oh just hundreds.

Speaker 4 (29:30):
Yeah, she walks past pennish, she sees him on the ground.
What bearded president is on the penny? Five seconds? Abraham Lincoln?

Speaker 5 (29:38):

Speaker 4 (29:39):
What Amy over to you? Even though he was not
a president? Who's on the one hundred dollar bill?

Speaker 2 (29:44):
Oh, Benjamin Franklin.

Speaker 4 (29:46):
Correct, that's why it's called a benjing Benji. Yes, country artist,
Home States, lunchbox, They're so easy, though. Easy. What state
was Luke Bryan born in.

Speaker 5 (29:59):
Georgia? Correct? Eddie?

Speaker 4 (30:02):
What state was Johnny Cash.

Speaker 5 (30:03):
Born in Arkansas? Correct?

Speaker 4 (30:06):
Morgan? What state was George Straight born in Texas? Correct?

Speaker 5 (30:11):

Speaker 4 (30:11):
What state was Carrie Underwood born in.

Speaker 2 (30:18):
Carrie Underwood? Oh? Oh yeah, Oklahoma?

Speaker 5 (30:21):

Speaker 4 (30:24):
Easy trivia, get a littless he's even still pretty easy.
Famous colors mm hmmm, lunchbox. In the Peanuts comic strip,
Charlie brown snoopy familiar?

Speaker 5 (30:34):

Speaker 4 (30:35):
What was the main color of Charlie Brown's shirt?

Speaker 10 (30:38):

Speaker 4 (30:40):
Good question? In the Peanuts comic strip, what's the main
color of Charlie Brown's shirt? Dang, first thing posts in
my head?

Speaker 5 (30:50):

Speaker 4 (30:51):
Is that your answer? Yeah, that's correct, Eddie. The category
of colors in the movie The Wizard of Oz. What
color are Dorothy's magical slippers ruby?

Speaker 5 (30:59):
Red? Correct?

Speaker 4 (31:00):
In the TV show Breaking Bad, Morgan, what color is
the crystal meth that Walter White and Jesse Peinkman produced.
I don't know.

Speaker 1 (31:07):
I've never seen this show.

Speaker 3 (31:11):
Gosh, I thought met that's like a crystal color?

Speaker 4 (31:18):
In the TV show Breaking Bad? What color is the
crystal meth that Walter White and Jesse Peakman produce? Heart?

Speaker 5 (31:25):
You never seen that?

Speaker 3 (31:25):
I mean, like, I'm purple incorrect?

Speaker 4 (31:30):
You've been bo It was blue? Blue? Yeah? Dang?

Speaker 2 (31:35):
Why was it blue?

Speaker 5 (31:36):
I think that's.

Speaker 4 (31:37):
Color The writers made it.

Speaker 6 (31:39):
Yeah, that's how the scientists made it.

Speaker 4 (31:43):
But the writer's made science. Morgan's out Amy in the
TV show Friends, what color is the frame around the
iconic peep hole Monica's apartment door? WHOA?

Speaker 2 (31:56):
I feel like the door is purple? In the frame?
This is yellow? Or is the frame purple?

Speaker 9 (32:06):

Speaker 2 (32:06):
Would really be two yellows.

Speaker 4 (32:10):
In an answer?

Speaker 2 (32:10):

Speaker 4 (32:11):
What color is the frame around Monica's people needed to
give me an answer and say lock it in?

Speaker 5 (32:17):

Speaker 4 (32:17):
Five seconds?

Speaker 10 (32:18):

Speaker 11 (32:22):

Speaker 2 (32:22):
Look at it?

Speaker 5 (32:23):
Correct? Yeah?

Speaker 4 (32:24):

Speaker 5 (32:25):
Good job, Amy. That's tough.

Speaker 4 (32:27):
Easy trivia The category is Disney Lunchbox. What's the name
of the little mermaid in the Disney movie.

Speaker 5 (32:34):

Speaker 4 (32:35):
Correct Eddie? And what Disney movie does a pumpkin turn
into a carriage?

Speaker 5 (32:38):

Speaker 4 (32:39):
Correct? Amy. What's the name of Mickey Mouse's dog.

Speaker 2 (32:44):

Speaker 5 (32:45):

Speaker 4 (32:46):
Okay, job easy trivia five seconds guys, No, no, him
and Han okay. The category is nineties tv Ye Lunchbox.
Corey Matthews and Shane Hunter are characters from what nineties
TV show Boy meets whirld Correct Eddie in full House?
Who's known for saying you got it, dude?

Speaker 5 (33:04):
Little Michelle? Correct?

Speaker 4 (33:06):
Amy. What's the name of the coffee shop where the
characters hang out in Friends Central Perk? Correct? The category's
history lunchbox. What major war ended in nineteen forty five?
What major war ended in nineteen forty five? World War two?

Speaker 5 (33:21):

Speaker 4 (33:22):
All right, I would just suggest Eddie. What country attacked
the United States?

Speaker 5 (33:26):
A Pearl Harbor Japan? Correct?

Speaker 4 (33:28):
Amy? Which Egyptian queen is known for her relationship with
Roman leaders Julius Caesar and Mark Antony Cleopatra. Correct? We hold,
We got to hold them.

Speaker 5 (33:38):
It's a stressful man.

Speaker 4 (33:39):
Wow, we can hold it come back, or we could
do one question sudden death. Let's hold it come back,
al right, Bobby won't show hold on second. We'll finish
it up here, all right, three remain. This is a
long gam of easy trivia. They're a little harder now,
so not so easy trivia. Well, it's still easy trivia,
but it's a hard edition. It's like the tougher levels
of easy trivia. The category is geometry. I failed geometry, Lunchbox.

What's an angle? Call if it's greater than ninety degrees?

Speaker 6 (34:07):
Oh, thank you, miss Mulder for failing me.

Speaker 4 (34:11):
Obtuse correct Eddie, what do you call a shape with
five sides?

Speaker 5 (34:18):
Shape with five sides?

Speaker 4 (34:21):
One? Yeah?

Speaker 19 (34:22):

Speaker 10 (34:23):

Speaker 5 (34:24):
Fine? That's a pentagon?

Speaker 4 (34:25):
Correct, Amy. What's the name of a three dimensional shape
with six equal square faces?

Speaker 2 (34:32):
Three dimensional? That's a cubea correct?

Speaker 4 (34:35):
Famous movies?

Speaker 5 (34:36):
I think goodness, we're out of math.

Speaker 4 (34:38):
I hate Lunchbox. Who directed the nineteen ninety nine film
The Sixth Sense? The Sixth Sense?

Speaker 6 (34:53):
The only person that could be my boy Spielberg?

Speaker 4 (34:57):
Incorrect? Don't hit him yet, he doesn't get boned unless
one of the than to get it. He answers m
Night Shyamalan, Oh, Eddie, when Shrek tries to explain himself
to Donkey and Shrek, what vegetable does he compare himself to?

Speaker 5 (35:13):
Donkey? Compare Shrek compares Donkey?

Speaker 4 (35:16):
When Shrek tries to explain himself to Donkey in Shrek,
what vegetable does he compare himself to?

Speaker 5 (35:21):
Okay, so it's gonna be green. He compares himself to
a big watermelon.

Speaker 14 (35:29):
No, oh, no.

Speaker 4 (35:33):
Onions, onions, because he's got layers. Yeah, I think amy,
What movie does the character Neo have to make a choice?
And what pill to take?

Speaker 2 (35:48):
Matrix correct one?

Speaker 19 (35:50):
No, good job a going out like that?

Speaker 4 (36:03):
It's marathon right there. You need a bone, Eddie, you
got half full bone at him?

Speaker 8 (36:12):
You've been.

Speaker 4 (36:14):
We did have the next category of lunch bock. That's
want to give to you. So the next category would
have been the Bible. Listen, let's see how many you
would have got.

Speaker 6 (36:22):
We have to x that one because the Bible is
not easy trivia.

Speaker 4 (36:27):
Not everybody went to church, but not everybody knows all
the movies, so not everybody knows everything. But this is
general Bible trivia. Let's see if would get it number
one in what city was Jesus born Bethlehem? So you
would have gotten which biblical figure is known for building
an arc to save animals from the flood.

Speaker 5 (36:43):
Noah, it's not fair you didn't go to church.

Speaker 4 (36:46):
Who are the first humans created in the Bible? Adam
and Eve?

Speaker 5 (36:49):

Speaker 4 (36:50):
What's the first book of the Bible? Genesis? Correct?

Speaker 5 (36:54):
Okay, that's only four for four?

Speaker 4 (36:57):
What what? I don't even name another book? Matthew, Mark, Luke,
John There. I mean, obviously there's a many of them.

Speaker 6 (37:03):
I would have no because people say, oh, my favorite
scripture is but I don't know what that means a lot?

Speaker 4 (37:11):
You went four for four?

Speaker 2 (37:12):
Oh, you would know John because sport John three sixty.

Speaker 5 (37:14):
Yeah, Stone Cole Steve Austin used to say that.

Speaker 4 (37:16):
No, I thought he made that. Oh no, no, no,
he did not make Yeah, they'd say Austin three sixteen
is a funny way. But he didn't say for God's
love the world they gave him gotteneven new show.

Speaker 5 (37:25):
Yeah, that's no.

Speaker 4 (37:25):

Speaker 9 (37:26):
Oh, And there's also probably what else that's sporting events?
Philippians four thirteen. What is that I can do all
things through Christ with strengthening?

Speaker 6 (37:32):
No one says that things yeah, but I don't know
what that well, that's on you.

Speaker 4 (37:37):
I thought there was they were making that up. I
didn't know if it's a book.

Speaker 2 (37:40):
They were making that.

Speaker 4 (37:40):
Yeah, but that's on you. But that's we don't have
to not do a category. But you just went four
for four, is my points.

Speaker 5 (37:44):
You also don't know music.

Speaker 4 (37:46):
That's true, and you love music. Categories true.

Speaker 5 (37:48):
I love music.

Speaker 4 (37:49):
Let me tell you, Amy Goodwin there, thank you, right,
nice job, all right, thank you guys.

Speaker 1 (37:53):
It's the best bits of the week with Morgan number two.

Speaker 3 (37:59):
So I just brought up how Elder versus Millennial is
now retired. Well, Love on Lunchbox is what has replaced
that game. Because Lunchbox won the entire championship of Elder
Verse Millennial, he got to choose what game was going
to replace it, and that game is Love on Lunchbox.
He wanted everybody to come on and share their best
things about him, and then whoever gave the best compliment

he'd give a point to. And then it continues, well
thanks to good turn on Lunchbox, And it didn't go
quite as he wanted. It was kind of like it
started as apples to apples and turns into Cards against
Humanity number three.

Speaker 4 (38:33):
This game's called Love on Lunchbox. He created this game
since he retired as champion of Elder Versus Millennial. The
game was worn out. We said, create a new game,
he said, Love on Lunchbox.

Speaker 5 (38:44):
What are the rules?

Speaker 4 (38:45):
The rules are.

Speaker 6 (38:45):
Everyone writes down a sentence about what they love about me,
and I will get those in my inbox or Mike's
gonna hand.

Speaker 4 (38:53):
Them to it.

Speaker 5 (38:54):
We cut them in papers, okay they are.

Speaker 6 (38:55):
And I'm going to read them anonymously, don't know who
sent it, and I pick a winner. Whichever sentence I
like the best, the best thing they love about me
this week gets a point first one to five wins.

Speaker 4 (39:06):
Okay, okay, really simple. It's very selfish of him. It's
not really fun for us.

Speaker 6 (39:11):
It's actually fun because you get to you know, you
guys like to pimp joy.

Speaker 4 (39:14):
So pimp's enjoy my way. We did. Yeah, let's hear it. Okay,
so just hand them to them. They're all mixed up.
How many are there?

Speaker 6 (39:20):
Oh, there's a lot one, six or six and you do.

Speaker 5 (39:25):
Not know who said what?

Speaker 4 (39:26):
No, all right, let's let's play Loving lunch Bis.

Speaker 6 (39:31):
You are destined. Yep, you are destined to be a star,
and I know someday you'll go far, and I really
hope you stay there.

Speaker 2 (39:44):
That's nice.

Speaker 4 (39:46):
That's a good one. Okay, all right, next one up.

Speaker 6 (39:49):
I wish I was as relaxed as you are about messiness.
Every time I think of you, it reminds me that
I need to take out the trash.

Speaker 4 (39:57):
Well, these are kind of like insul No, we're loving
on you and saying stuff about you. You talked there
were no rules other than just right stuff. Go ahead,
you look just like Tom Brady.

Speaker 6 (40:09):
If Tommy Brady pond his seven Super Bowl rings for
money to buy meth.

Speaker 4 (40:20):
Oh, man, how you feel so far? Man?

Speaker 6 (40:23):
I feel I mean, I'm glad you're thinking about me.
But man, these are these are wrong?

Speaker 4 (40:28):
Not really what you thought. No, not really the rules are.

Speaker 9 (40:34):
He's a super talented star that's relaxed and looks like
Tom Brady.

Speaker 5 (40:37):

Speaker 4 (40:37):
And then also someone said to you, you're gonna go
to the stars height super talent. You just can't wait
to you that far away from them. Okay, there's a
few more. Go ahead, Yeah, we got three more.

Speaker 6 (40:47):
Your commercials are always really great to hear through the wall.
Four rooms away, so true.

Speaker 4 (40:56):
You are pretty loud dude. All right, go ahead. Oh
here's a nice one.

Speaker 6 (41:01):
You and Keith Urban are like because you both have
such a distinct smell. I always know when you walk
into a room because the smell of farts and nhiliates.

Speaker 4 (41:10):
My nose annihilates, I think, is what that is?

Speaker 2 (41:12):
Yeah, the case for.

Speaker 6 (41:19):
Yeah, it's impressive how you can This is the last one,
by the way, it's they were playing love lunchbox.

Speaker 4 (41:24):
This is not love.

Speaker 6 (41:25):
It's impressive how you can manage to avoid your inbox,
conquer wordle and still have enough time for those Olympic
gold type naps. Truly multitasking hero.

Speaker 4 (41:37):
So if you had to pick a winner there, gosh,
what were you expecting?

Speaker 6 (41:44):
I was expecting, Like, Oh, your humor makes me laugh
every day. Even when I think about your jokes later,
I'm still laughing.

Speaker 4 (41:51):
Something like that. I don't know. Yeah, pick which one
you felt was the most loving, most loving? And it's love.
On lunchbox you said you wanted to pick the one
to give the point to the one that made you
feel the best. Which one did you hate?

Speaker 6 (42:06):
I mean, I hated the I mean it may be loud,
but I don't look like I'm on myth. So you
look just like Tom Brady. If Tom Brady pawned his
seven Super Bowl rings for money to buy meth, that's out.

Speaker 4 (42:18):
I guess I did not get a point.

Speaker 6 (42:21):
It's hilarious, but I don't look like I'm on meth.

Speaker 4 (42:24):
No, but that was Tom Brady. Berdie because you think
you look like Tom Brady. But yeah, it doesn't matter.
Go ahead, Yeah he said that was methed up. I heard.
Oh man, that was a tough one. Uh any others
you hate?

Speaker 6 (42:43):
Well, I mean I will say I think I got
a winner.

Speaker 4 (42:47):
Okay, go ahead, Then let me who gets the point?

Speaker 6 (42:51):
The commercials four rooms away rude.

Speaker 4 (42:53):
But it's the point of you when you record or
yell with you you I know, yeah.

Speaker 9 (42:59):
Or like when you are listening to him on the radio,
like if I'm in the car and he comes on,
I have to turn it down a little bit.

Speaker 4 (43:04):

Speaker 6 (43:04):
The commercial wrote that, No, who wrote that one?

Speaker 4 (43:09):
The commercial one was right?

Speaker 6 (43:10):
Mundo, Okay, I got it.

Speaker 4 (43:16):
This is give me the winner. Go ahead.

Speaker 6 (43:18):
You and Keith Urban are alike because you both have
such a distinct smell. I always know when you walk
into a room because the smell of your farts annihilates
my nose. That's the winner, because you know what, at
least you're saying my my parts are kind of like lethal,
Like at least if i'm they're gonna be doing something,
Leith are doing something.

Speaker 4 (43:36):
Well, Okay, that winner and who gets the point this
week is Morgan. Nice job. The other compliments were I
wish I was as relaxed as you are about messiness.
Every time I think of you reminds me to take
out the trash. That was Amy Rude Scuba was the
one that was how you work but you still do

wordle and work and you take naps. Yeah, and you're
as tend to be a star. Someday you'll go far
and they really hope you stay.

Speaker 5 (44:04):
There is Mike d. She liked the game.

Speaker 6 (44:09):
I love the game.

Speaker 4 (44:10):
Okay, so we're back next week. How long? Who knows?
Bars we want to get to five.

Speaker 5 (44:15):
We're renewing it for another week.

Speaker 4 (44:18):
Be come up better compliments. You can't tell us what
did happen? Okay, Hey, if you want a point, I
don't really care about points. Actually, I just like to
have miss things right.

Speaker 9 (44:27):
So note to self, talk about immature boy things Lunchbox.

Speaker 4 (44:32):
Congratulations on your first episode of Love on Lunchbox. Morgan,
congratulations on your point.

Speaker 3 (44:36):
Thank you, I appreciate it.

Speaker 1 (44:38):
It's the best bits of the week with Morgan.

Speaker 3 (44:42):
Number two, another food competition. Eddie thought that he could
eat one hundred and eight shrimp. There was a story
about somebody who had eaten so many shrimp, and he
was like, oh, I can do that, no problem. Well,
we decided to put some money where Eddie's mouth was

and we brought in one hundred and eight pieces of
shrimp for Eddie to try. Now, I'm not going to
spoil this just in case you missed it, but Eddie
did give an attempt. We had so many boxes of
shrimp in our studio, so let's go number two.

Speaker 4 (45:17):
It's no time for Eddie to try to eat one
hundred and eight popcorn shrimp. He has boxes stacked up
in a triangular formation, one hundred and eight popcorn shrimp.
He said, his mouth ran as Arkansas. You say, don't
run your mouth.

Speaker 5 (45:32):
I need to keep my mouth shut.

Speaker 14 (45:34):
I think you said something like that, oh there's a
record or whatever, and I said I can do that.

Speaker 5 (45:37):
A couple of weeks ago.

Speaker 16 (45:38):
Why don't you start eating right now. Yeah, and I'll
tell the story. Okay, Hey, so three boxes. Two of
these say fifty on them and the last one is eight.
So I'm supposed to eat one hundred and eight. So
I'm gonna start with box one. Okay, here we go.

Speaker 4 (45:51):
Literally added nothing eat one of those boxes. Buddy used
to give you an idea, all right, he got a
couple a couple of weeks ago. That's going whenever you finish,
just say done and rail hit a bell.

Speaker 5 (46:03):
Okay, all right.

Speaker 4 (46:04):
A couple of weeks ago, we read a story about
someone eating one hundred and eight shrimp during Red Lobsters
in the shrimp because Red Lobster Lot, I'm going out
of business, so people are going to eating like crazy.
You can't And Eddie was like, I could do that,
like no problem. So the bed is, if Eddie can
eat one hundred and eight shrimp, I will give him
one hundred and eight dollars. Now, if he eats one
hundred and seven trimp, he gets no money.

Speaker 2 (46:25):
So if he does one O nine, does he get
one on nine?

Speaker 5 (46:27):

Speaker 4 (46:27):
There's that's it.

Speaker 5 (46:29):
There's well, yeah, the kind of.

Speaker 4 (46:33):
Gosh, that's the fifty add something with your numbers there.

Speaker 5 (46:36):
I told you he didn't touch it with his hands.

Speaker 6 (46:39):
He don't know who he is, the worker absolutely touching
with their hands.

Speaker 4 (46:43):
How many you got there so far?

Speaker 14 (46:44):
Let me tell you what eating spicy? I wasn't ready
for a spicy chicken. I mean shrimp.

Speaker 2 (46:51):
Yeah, yeah, yeah, definitely shrimp. The smell is so strong.

Speaker 10 (46:54):

Speaker 4 (46:54):
What's the cup?

Speaker 5 (46:55):
That's just water?

Speaker 4 (46:56):
It's not dipping sauce.

Speaker 14 (46:57):
I see that Johnny Chestnut guy when you eat he
gooey who drinks water while he's doing it.

Speaker 4 (47:03):
He actually sticks this stuff in water.

Speaker 5 (47:05):
I'm not doing that.

Speaker 4 (47:06):
He the yeah, squishes it up.

Speaker 5 (47:09):
Can we have like?

Speaker 4 (47:11):
How much have you eaten so far? You say, when
you're done with once, we can hit the bell.

Speaker 5 (47:14):
I'm just eating. There's fifty in this box right now.

Speaker 4 (47:17):
We're familiar.

Speaker 5 (47:17):
I'm about four fourth.

Speaker 2 (47:19):
Then, oh gosh, if there's so much shrimp in there
is a lot.

Speaker 14 (47:23):
But you know what, I didn't eat dinner last night.
I didn't need breakfast to day nothing.

Speaker 4 (47:29):
You purposefully gave yourself a fast so you can eat
more shrimp.

Speaker 5 (47:33):
That's what professional eaters.

Speaker 6 (47:35):
I did the same thing with my walk. I did
the same thing.

Speaker 4 (47:37):
It didn't matter.

Speaker 5 (47:37):
It didn't matter.

Speaker 4 (47:38):
There was no I think this will be easier though
than that, I agree with you. I think the glock
was tough, dude, it was. It was even gross to watch, Like,
this is not that.

Speaker 5 (47:46):
Gross to watch. You think this is easy?

Speaker 4 (47:47):
No, shrimp easier than guawk, Dude, I'm going to die
of a heart attack.

Speaker 2 (47:51):
I feel like I'd go glalk over this show.

Speaker 4 (47:55):
The glack was gross.

Speaker 6 (47:56):
I didn't eat the rest of the day, and when
I hit the walk it was terrible.

Speaker 5 (47:59):
Uh, then we're lun to walk. Screwed up.

Speaker 4 (48:01):
We should have waited Eddie before to sit the shrimp at.

Speaker 5 (48:03):
A point is he didn't?

Speaker 14 (48:04):
He was? He wasn't in the vibe. Like right now,
I'm picturing myself at the beach. M how about buy
the ocean eating shrimp?

Speaker 4 (48:11):
Little I was in the vibe. It's just hey, well
yourself real quick, Eddie. Right now, we got the scale,
he's probably eating twenty or so, about half yeah, yeah,
we hear you. Twenty five then okay, here we go.
You put on a few your boot but we're just
gonna weig you. It doesn't matter. We're gonna wait you
afterwards to see if you put on weight one night, dude.

Speaker 5 (48:31):
That's okay, that's a muscle mass, right.

Speaker 4 (48:33):
You had his buddy even looking a line. Okay, Eddie
is trying to eat one hundred and eight popcorn shrimp.
We're gonna play a song.

Speaker 6 (48:40):
And we hold a shrimp up so we can kind
of see how big they are.

Speaker 4 (48:42):
Oh, they're a lot smaller than I thought.

Speaker 5 (48:43):
You're a lot of porn shrimp.

Speaker 4 (48:44):
Man. You still feel good about it?

Speaker 5 (48:46):
Nibbing on song thing?

Speaker 14 (48:47):
Yeah, watching the sun bag smell of shrimp there beginning
the ball.

Speaker 4 (48:53):
You keep going buffet and we're gonna play a song
and come back. Eddie attempts to eat one hundred and
eight popcorn shrimp.

Speaker 5 (48:58):
What is this crap?

Speaker 4 (49:00):
Well, you liked it about seventy shrimp ago.

Speaker 14 (49:03):
This is stupid. So icy shrimp is messing me up.
Now my nose is dripping.

Speaker 4 (49:08):
But it's not listed as spicy shrimp. That's what the
popcorn shrimp is.

Speaker 5 (49:11):
I feel like I'm being robbed.

Speaker 14 (49:12):
Some of this is just a ball of flower, dude,
just a.

Speaker 5 (49:16):
Ball of flower. My stomach is about to blow up.

Speaker 4 (49:20):
Eddie has one hundred and eight popcorn shrimp to eat.
One hundred and eight dollars. There's a box fifty a
box fifty in a box eight? Is one of the
boxes completely done? Yes? Boom killed? No, I think you're
almost done.

Speaker 6 (49:32):
And any if it's a thing a flower, there was
no shrimp in it?

Speaker 4 (49:35):
Yeah, get him another one. I want a shrimp. No,
So let's see. Where are you out on this? Fifty? Man?

Speaker 5 (49:42):
I'm almost done with it?

Speaker 4 (49:43):
You got it?

Speaker 14 (49:44):

Speaker 5 (49:44):

Speaker 4 (49:46):

Speaker 5 (49:47):
Oh god? Fourteen?

Speaker 4 (49:49):
Oh you said almost done? How do you feel like?

Speaker 5 (49:52):
Crap? I feel terrible, dude. My stomach is making all
sorts of noisies.

Speaker 4 (49:56):
And what happened to Jimmy Buffett? Five?

Speaker 5 (50:00):
That's all gone, dude. And I've almost like thrown up
a couple of times.

Speaker 4 (50:05):
If you throw up, it does not count.

Speaker 5 (50:07):
What do you mean? That's my body reacting?

Speaker 4 (50:09):
I know. But it's like people who do get the
milk challenge that can keep it down.

Speaker 5 (50:13):
Well, then I gotta take it down quick.

Speaker 6 (50:15):
Oh do you have twenty two more?

Speaker 4 (50:18):

Speaker 6 (50:18):
Because you have fourteen? Then eight in the other box
you've got this.

Speaker 4 (50:21):
You have dipping sauce.

Speaker 5 (50:22):
Yeah, but I'm not doing that. I'm not dipping anything.

Speaker 4 (50:24):
Ed is on a quest one O eight let's let's break,
we'll come back.

Speaker 5 (50:29):
We'll check back in there with Eddie.

Speaker 4 (50:31):
He has how many in that box?

Speaker 5 (50:32):
I don't know?

Speaker 4 (50:33):
Okay, and then eight more of the bottle?

Speaker 2 (50:35):
Like something about his mental state is not well.

Speaker 14 (50:38):
You break it down like I'm having looviies now, like
I don't know what's happening in my body.

Speaker 4 (50:43):
That shows you that what happens over time when you
eat a bunch of stuff that's not good for you,
like your body is mucus.

Speaker 5 (50:49):
Yeah, that's what he's doing right now, this thing. Get
this out of here. I don't want it any idea.

Speaker 4 (50:53):
How many is in that last box?

Speaker 5 (50:54):
Yeah? Seven?

Speaker 4 (50:55):
Okay, so he's got fifteen to okay, quick break, we'll
come back. Can Eddie finished one hundred and night shrimp?
He's needing a hundred as of right now, he has
eight to go. Let's go.

Speaker 5 (51:02):
Let's what's up?

Speaker 2 (51:05):
He needs more water?

Speaker 5 (51:06):
Okay? Please please? Any water?

Speaker 4 (51:09):
After one hundred shrimp? How do you feel like crap? Dude?

Speaker 14 (51:12):
I feel so full bloated, like I still have like
some in my mouth right now that I don't want
to swallow, because now that you told me, if I
throw up, it doesn't count I'm really worried.

Speaker 4 (51:22):
There was a new story. Guy had one hundred and
eight popcorn trimp. Oh my god, Now he's got to
do it.

Speaker 2 (51:28):
Okay, but he can throw up like a little later.

Speaker 16 (51:31):
Oh yeah, once it's over, you get your money.

Speaker 4 (51:34):
Yeah, okay, after you get the popcorn shrimp one hundred.

Speaker 5 (51:37):
And eight bucks. Cabby, all right, I'm opening the last.

Speaker 4 (51:40):
Final eight here. But by the way, we're didn't force
Eddie to do this. He opened his mouth. I was like,
I can do that. It was me.

Speaker 5 (51:45):
It was me, But I didn't know they were gonna
be spicy.

Speaker 4 (51:50):
Dude, They're not spy.

Speaker 5 (51:52):
That's it's natural.

Speaker 16 (51:53):
It's Popeye's it's it's spicy.

Speaker 5 (51:56):
Yeah, it's breading.

Speaker 14 (51:57):
It's like, this isn't just shrimp man, this is like
this popcorn the just shrimp freaking oil and flourk.

Speaker 4 (52:05):
About it, Jimmy Buffett sponge. Okay, all right, here goes one.
We got a count.

Speaker 5 (52:12):
I'm doubling up that.

Speaker 4 (52:13):
Hold on when you let us know when you've got him.
They're down into the throat. He's sadly singing No.

Speaker 9 (52:21):

Speaker 4 (52:24):
One hundred and two shrimp as of now two beings.
All right, Okay, six to go.

Speaker 5 (52:31):
Doing one more. Oh that's two.

Speaker 4 (52:34):
Well not yet. You didn't swallow them just well, effort
to count. Eddie is now working on this one hundred
and fourth popcorn shrimp.

Speaker 5 (52:40):
What is the swallowed?

Speaker 2 (52:43):
Give him more dop is the fruit of the sea.

Speaker 5 (52:46):
Shrimp is the fruit of the sea.

Speaker 4 (52:48):
Once, Bro, you just finish it so hard, go for once? Yeah,
do afair.

Speaker 5 (52:52):
Yeah, and after you take a shot, you throw the
box down. Yeah.

Speaker 4 (52:55):
I ain't saying nothing like this.

Speaker 14 (52:56):
There's four boys taking it down. Let's go I one,
but two D three I do I don't want to
do that. Yeah, it's so gross, so gross. Here we go, gone.

Speaker 5 (53:08):
Black four and now.

Speaker 4 (53:10):
You guys say a lot of stuff and then when
you get called.

Speaker 9 (53:12):
On it, it was so stupid, and so let this
be a reminder of how sick you feel right now.

Speaker 4 (53:16):
But also you'll get one hundred and eight dollars. That's
worth it.

Speaker 14 (53:18):
That's totally worth it. Old On chewing old on, dude,
I'm telling you it's all this, it's not just strip.

Speaker 5 (53:23):
And then we're gonna weigh you.

Speaker 4 (53:24):
He was one ninety one point eight.

Speaker 5 (53:28):
Done one shrimp. That was the dumbest thing I've ever
done in my life.

Speaker 4 (53:35):
You'll be awarded one hundred and eight dollars. I'll penmo
you now you weighed one ninety one point eight.

Speaker 5 (53:42):
Eddie, please step on the scale, dude, I feel like crap.

Speaker 14 (53:48):
That's crazy.

Speaker 5 (53:49):
How much is that shrimp way? One ninety three point six?
That is crazy?

Speaker 4 (53:58):
Get two pounds made in that shu.

Speaker 5 (54:05):
Away again in Margarita.

Speaker 4 (54:07):
Off strap everybody?

Speaker 5 (54:08):
All right, good job buddy. Oh man, it's.

Speaker 1 (54:12):
The best bits of the week with Morgan number two.

Speaker 3 (54:17):
And of course I had to put this at the
number one spot because it was so funny when it happened.
It happened recently, but maybe you missed it. Lunchbox was
on the wheel of punishment and somehow managed to now
be going to a very specific show that's happening in
Nashville about Lunchbox is totally not going to like. And
let's just say during this whole segment, you're gonna hear

thunder a lot number one.

Speaker 4 (54:40):
It's punishment time for Lunchbox. The wheel is here, we'll
spend it and he has to go three spence. We're
not gonna do all three today, but whatever it lands on,
he has to fulfill the punishment he lost a trivia game, Eddie, Yeah,
what happened? We had a game because you were gone.
He can do hard music or women's sports, and he
was trying to also win money, and he kept losing

and doubling down and doubling down. So if it lands
on suit up, he has to come dressed in a
suit for one week for an entire show, tie everything,
five shows in a row wearing a full suit.

Speaker 5 (55:12):
That's suit up.

Speaker 4 (55:13):
That's number one. It could land on fridge smoothie. Oh,
we take five random items from the breakroom fridge and
blend them together for a smoothie. There's some old stuff
in there. Yeah, there's the shave game. We put different
body parts on the wheel and whatever it lands on
he has to shave. Amazing, there's all the body parts.
There's forced charity, which is he has to donate one

hundred dollars of his own money to the charity of
our choice. And then finally the shame game. He stands
on a street corner with a sign that will say
something that we choose it to say for sixty minutes straight.
So we'll spend the wheel and what's gonna land on?
Is there one you really hate.

Speaker 5 (55:51):
Yeah, I'm going to.

Speaker 4 (55:52):
Remove the shave game. Okay, he does get to remove
one over fridge.

Speaker 6 (55:57):
Smoothie because I'm not shaving my eyebrows, I'm not shaving
my head, I'm not shaving my I.

Speaker 4 (56:04):
Like to make you another offer, though, huh, whoa, whoa,
this just got interesting. The banker just called I like
the banker, So I see what you're saying here, because
I did get to remove one as part of our deal.

Speaker 6 (56:16):
Yeah, and then if it lands on that one, it's
a free and I'm out on that one.

Speaker 5 (56:20):

Speaker 4 (56:21):
Whoa, that was wrong.

Speaker 6 (56:22):
Okay, hey, trust me, I wrote it down one of
my notes.

Speaker 4 (56:28):
So here's what I'd like to offer you. Hit me
for one whole loss of a spin. Whoa, I'm offering
you for everywhere the shave game is. You allow me
to put coming to town September twenty sixth Thunder down
Under and you have to go to the show Yo's

and sitting like the first five or Torture. Thunder down
Under is that show where dudes are like, my god,
I gone, hey, they're.

Speaker 5 (56:56):
Like all strippy and stuff.

Speaker 18 (56:57):
Yeah okay, what yes, he has to go alone.

Speaker 4 (57:04):
They fully nude the.

Speaker 5 (57:07):
Under it.

Speaker 4 (57:07):
Oh my gosh, but you have to go to Thunder
down Under all alone. We'll get your tickets in the
first few rows.

Speaker 5 (57:15):
If you just say yes to.

Speaker 4 (57:16):
The idea, we'll remove one spin and it will just
go where the shave game is. Yeah, you should do that, man,
So I'll give you a second think about it, so
I don't need to worry. So you the shave game
gets removed anyway. However, we'll remove one whole spin if
you put Thunder down Under and if it lands on it,
you have to go to that show. The question is, Lunchbox,

we're removing the shave game his eyes covered? Do you
want to? We will put it doesn't If it doesn't
land on Thunder down Under, it doesn't matter. You don't go.
But there will be two to two spins instead of three,
only two. But if if it lands on Thunder down Under,
you have to go to Thunder down Under the male
review show where they're just in there like little Speinky's
all by your self. That would be the most uncomortable

thing like that. Oh my god.

Speaker 2 (58:07):
Okay, I've never heard of a spinking.

Speaker 4 (58:08):
Yeah, I never know who's lessening in this, So Lunchbox
what's your thought? Because it's in town starting September twenty sixth,
it goes for aunder thunders for a while.

Speaker 5 (58:17):
Oh my gosh.

Speaker 4 (58:19):
So would you like to cut it to two spins
and then put thunder down Under on there? I mean,
I do like two spins, but man, I have to
go watch it.

Speaker 5 (58:27):
Oh no, it may not land on that.

Speaker 4 (58:28):
Man, what's that the banker again saying, what's that?

Speaker 5 (58:39):
Banker? Oh?

Speaker 4 (58:40):
Okay, the banker has said, if you choose to do
thunder down Under on the wheel, we'll take any three
spot and make it free pass or if it lands
on that, there's nothing you have to do for that
whole spin.

Speaker 5 (58:51):
It's a great whoa yeah.

Speaker 6 (58:54):
All right, So that means I get to take off
fridge smoothie for free spaces?

Speaker 5 (59:00):
What just three?

Speaker 4 (59:01):
No, it's any three altogether. Yeah, like we move three
whole three and three spots.

Speaker 5 (59:05):
Yeah yeah, yeah, well chunks.

Speaker 4 (59:07):
And if it lands on that, it's just you gotta
you have to do nothing. Whoa, So do you want
thunder down Under?

Speaker 6 (59:15):
I don't no, no, no, don't say it like that.

Speaker 4 (59:17):
Do you want to feel the thunderer? Feel the latinin
from a guys? So thunder down Under. Australia's thunder down

Under storms into Nashville starting September twenty sixth, twenty twenty four.
Get ready for the ultimate girls night out back.

Speaker 5 (59:43):
Dah you might like that, dude, dude, no wife.

Speaker 4 (59:47):
Just you in a manly way. You give me the thunder.
He wants a thunder. Okay, So if we prepare the
wheel here, then we come back and spin it. He
gets two spins, but it lends on a free win.

Speaker 5 (59:58):
He gets nothing.

Speaker 4 (59:58):
That's a freak. But we're gonna put thunder down Under
on the wheel. We're gonna clear off the section where
you come back and spend the wheel. We feel good
about that, Yeah, I feel great. Sing it with me,
thunder Thunder. So Lunchbox lost a game over and over

and over. He's supposed to go on three wheels of punishment.
We've negotiated it to two. But now there are thunder
down Under clip. If the lands on that, he has
to go to the all male review where they dance
around their underwear by himself and sit there for the
whole show. Thunder down Under it be the only dude there.
Probably there may be a couple more other than the dancers. Sure, sure,

and so we'll do two spins instead of three. And
there is a get out of jail free whole spot
up here.

Speaker 5 (01:00:47):
That's huge, right, So hold on, what's.

Speaker 4 (01:00:51):
That calling a game? The baker keeps calling from upstairs,
making deals, better deals. Okay, hold on a second. Yes,
Oh wow, wow, big offer? You want to offer that
big offer on the open the banker. Oh boy, I
don't know if he's gonna okay, Okay, I gotta think.

Let me tell you. I like a bank So what
the banker has said to me a lunchbox? He is
prepared to take this to one spin? What what he
is prepared to take this to?

Speaker 6 (01:01:26):
Why? I have never heard of the banker doing this
one spin only in all the history of the bank.

Speaker 4 (01:01:30):
If you're willing to go seventy five to twenty five,
meaning twenty five percent of the will, says get out
of Joe free, seventy five says Thunn. So just thunder,
just thunder, seventy five percent of the will says thunder.
Twenty five percent. Oh my gosh, this is that banker.

That banker's making deals today. He's calling me from upstairs.

Speaker 5 (01:01:56):
Wow wow.

Speaker 4 (01:01:56):
So it's like there's no fridge smoothie, there's no shame
game or suit up.

Speaker 2 (01:02:02):
Okay, you have to take this.

Speaker 4 (01:02:03):
There's no way, one simple thing done. What are you
thinking there? Man? We have to go and fix the
will again. But that's okay with us.

Speaker 5 (01:02:17):
We can play a.

Speaker 4 (01:02:18):
Song all day. Do you want to go two spins
as it is? Or the banker goes one spin seventy
five twenty five? And what hold on.

Speaker 2 (01:02:29):
My good money for concessions?

Speaker 4 (01:02:32):
Oh? Oh, I think that's fair. Remember all right, thanks.
He will let you spin the will so you don't
think it's rigged as long as the will goes around
at least five times, like, you have to give it
a good spin.

Speaker 5 (01:02:45):
I've never seen.

Speaker 4 (01:02:45):
Anyone never he's in a good movie. You can't just
do this right, It has to Yeah, he has to
give it a run. The banker doesn't want to hear
him whine about how it was rigged.

Speaker 6 (01:02:56):
Wine over here. The banker knows one thing. I'm not
a whiner.

Speaker 4 (01:03:00):
Thunder down under it. Really it's a one on four
shot of nothing of getting out of jail free.

Speaker 16 (01:03:05):
Seventy five percent. Yeah, senday five percent chance that I'm
That's where I'm rooting.

Speaker 4 (01:03:10):
Yeah yeah, you got your root up. Yeah. Yeah, Well
and if you lunch we can just spin it and
do it as it is now, so we.

Speaker 5 (01:03:17):
Could just go, We'll just go on.

Speaker 4 (01:03:18):
You do two spins, you could maybe have to do
thunder and suit up.

Speaker 5 (01:03:21):
That'd be hilarious.

Speaker 4 (01:03:23):
That's the problem. Yeah, you wanna take a practice spin
once to see what would happen? Yeah, yeah, so who knows?
This spin doesn't count as to practice spin. Let's spin now,
I'm gonna waste my get out of jail free. Oh
my gosh, I wasted it. You would be doing the
shame game. That's easy. That one would have been nothing
to you. Wow, one now, and so then we do

one more and we'd go spin, let's go, and that
one you would do. Oh you'd been looking at every day.
Those were examples like GQ probably call and be like, oh,
get gone magazine.

Speaker 2 (01:04:00):
See why didn't I actually wouldn't have been that bad.

Speaker 4 (01:04:03):
Yes, So lunchbox, I need to answer here, Well, those
two have already been landed on, So that means I'm
down up, But that's not really what that means. Oh
you want to bet? Okay, do you want to bet?
Do you want to do thunder down Under or do
you want to just take the risk here one spin man,
I'm getting out of jail free.

Speaker 5 (01:04:20):
He's doing one space on all the marbles.

Speaker 2 (01:04:22):
He's doing thunder.

Speaker 4 (01:04:23):
Come on all the marbles. Yeah, okay, okay, let's play
a song home. We gotta come back. We got to
redo the will one more time and we'll spin the
whill it's thunder down Under.

Speaker 5 (01:04:34):
Versus get out of jail free.

Speaker 4 (01:04:37):
Over the last couple of weeks, Lunchbox continue to play
a game and continue to lose, and he kept doubling down,
going double or nothing. But his penalty was to spin
the wheel and whatever it landed on he'd have to
do the punishment. He lost, He lost, he lost. So
today was the day we were spending the wheel three times.
Some of the stuff was like fridge smoothie. Some of
the stuff was suit up. Every day you wear a
suit to work. I got an email from a PR

team saying thunder down Unders coming to town. Usually thunder
Down Under is a Vegas show where bachelorette parties go.
Because it's a bunch of dudes who are dying to
we're dancing around exactly. So I thought that would be
fun to bring to the show. So we have negotiated
it to one spin instead of three. Twenty five percent

of the wheel is get out of jail free, meaning
nothing will happen to the fatlands here seventy five percent
of the wheel. Everything has gone except for thunder Down,
under which he has to go and sit in the
front five rows, go to the whole show by himself.
Can't be late, can't leave early.

Speaker 5 (01:05:38):
He will spin the wheel.

Speaker 4 (01:05:39):
Now you don't have to. You can let me spend
the wheel.

Speaker 5 (01:05:41):
You can choose somebody else to spend the wheel.

Speaker 6 (01:05:42):
Got a question, Yes, if I get it out of
jail free, do I get the name or replacement to
go to thunder Down?

Speaker 5 (01:05:47):
You do not.

Speaker 4 (01:05:47):
You do not get a prize for not losing. Okay,
So I just thought maybe the banker might be interested
in that. Banker does not find that to be appealing. Okay.
What I was talking to Hibou during the break, So, lunchbox,
what's it gonna be? Are you gonna spin the wheel?
You can't have somebody spin it for you. Man.

Speaker 6 (01:06:03):
My hands are lucky, dude, I mean my hands are lucky.
You know I got the magic in these fingers.

Speaker 4 (01:06:11):
I am spinning the wheel over myself.

Speaker 6 (01:06:13):
I ain't trust that you suckers trying to get it
on thunder down under, because I know all you in,
all the energy in this room is yelling thunder. But
I don't want that energy going through your fingers, Amy's fingers,
Eddie's fingers onto that wheel.

Speaker 4 (01:06:29):
I want magic fingers. You have to You're gonna get
it with thunder. No magic fingers. Uh, you can spin it.
You have to give it a full Oh, I'll give it.

Speaker 6 (01:06:39):
Don't you worry like like I'm on the like I'm
on prices right.

Speaker 5 (01:06:46):
The thunder.

Speaker 4 (01:06:48):
Okay, come on over to the wheel. Harry comes. He's
leaving his desk, walking across the studio exactly like you
practice spind once we can do a practice spend that
doesn't count. You want to go one time, one time
a way, No, we want to go spend spen. What
side do you want to be on this one? And
do you want to stand there or do you want to

look at it from out there? I'm gon run around. Okay,
it is now time to spend.

Speaker 6 (01:07:15):
The percentage of America is cheering for get out of
jail three.

Speaker 4 (01:07:19):
Just you simply just him like are you ready? So
we'll say spend that will and then give it a
good rip. Ready, everybody, let's go, please give him some thunder.
We really want some thunder, all right, let's spin that
will come on thunder, Come on, thunder, on thunder, thunder.

Speaker 2 (01:08:00):

Speaker 4 (01:08:01):
Okay, Lunchbox, have a seat, buddy.

Speaker 5 (01:08:03):
That wasn't even closed.

Speaker 4 (01:08:03):
Man, I mean you can get.

Speaker 5 (01:08:07):
Oh he's calling again. Baker's calling back.

Speaker 2 (01:08:09):
Oh gosh, really, hello, Baker.

Speaker 4 (01:08:14):
That sounds like a deal he just may take. You're
telling me I'm able to offer Okay, oh okay, the.

Speaker 5 (01:08:24):
Banker liked to offer you one more deal. You did lose.

Speaker 4 (01:08:27):
The banker noses in a power position. The show is
here multiple nights, and the banker has said, if you
spin again and it lands on get out of jail free,
you're clear. But if it lands on thunder again, you
have to go two nights.

Speaker 11 (01:08:38):
In a row.

Speaker 5 (01:08:40):
Dude, that's another chance to get out.

Speaker 4 (01:08:52):
What you're gonna do, Lunchbox, you have fifteen seconds. The
banker doesn't have all day. The bank's about to close.
Lobbies already there closing. You literally call from Make America
right on the road, dude.

Speaker 5 (01:09:05):
There's a chance to get out.

Speaker 4 (01:09:06):
Yeah, I mean, this is not being my way. We're
being real. There will be no offers from the banker
after this. This will be the final offer question.

Speaker 9 (01:09:15):
Yes, say some of the nights because sometimes they have
multiple showings in one night, like a Friday night there's
a five pm and a ten pm or something.

Speaker 2 (01:09:21):
Can you do that?

Speaker 4 (01:09:21):
No, you go two nights in a row.

Speaker 2 (01:09:23):
Okay, Yeah, just clarifying, lunchbox.

Speaker 4 (01:09:26):
You can just take your one night to thunder down under.

Speaker 2 (01:09:29):
Or take it.

Speaker 9 (01:09:32):
You may love it, you know, you might like it.

Speaker 4 (01:09:38):
I like it.

Speaker 5 (01:09:39):
You might you don't know.

Speaker 2 (01:09:40):
You never know, man, you may learn something, you know.

Speaker 5 (01:09:43):
Oh my gosh, dude, you gotta take at.

Speaker 2 (01:09:46):
Some point, take the one thunder.

Speaker 4 (01:09:49):
I can't. You're saying to take one thunder, Take one thunder.

Speaker 2 (01:09:52):
Just take it.

Speaker 4 (01:09:52):
No, guys, I think he's honestly double up, double up.

Speaker 5 (01:09:57):
There's a chance that I was giving you. Yeah, you
go ahead to get out.

Speaker 6 (01:10:01):
I tried that trivia time thing like eighteen times. It
didn't work, but that was trivia's work.

Speaker 5 (01:10:07):
Time is out.

Speaker 4 (01:10:08):
But it's some boy that look has got around. Hey,
you're in Vegas. You don't just walk away away running
your money out there, but.

Speaker 6 (01:10:19):
Your money out there went with Jared and Garrett and
Greg and Jacob and I were at the Cromwell and
I put it on red.

Speaker 4 (01:10:25):
Three spins in.

Speaker 5 (01:10:26):
A great night.

Speaker 4 (01:10:27):
Great now black.

Speaker 5 (01:10:29):
Oh that's a bad and I walked.

Speaker 4 (01:10:32):
Straight back to the hotel.

Speaker 9 (01:10:33):
This was this.

Speaker 4 (01:10:36):
The wheel you and you love Vegas when it comes
finning again. Yeah, okay, let's go. Get ready for the
ultimate girls night out back with Australia's thunder Down under
Join us for a night of heart pounding dance numbers,
sensational costumes in Australia's hottest men, beloved by celebrity. Ready,

I was reading, don't miss out on the excitement, grab
your tickets now they're not even paying us. I literally
just saw an email. Are you ready? Seventy five percent
of the board is thunder Down under twenty five percent
is get out of jail free.

Speaker 5 (01:11:14):
If he loses again, he has to go both nights
in a row. He's gonna love it.

Speaker 4 (01:11:19):
Here we go, are you right, lunchbox, let's spin that whelp?

Speaker 2 (01:11:30):
Oh my god, don't go go go go.

Speaker 7 (01:11:34):
Oh no, oh no, down, I mean let's come.

Speaker 2 (01:11:45):
I tell you take the one.

Speaker 7 (01:11:47):
What I told.

Speaker 5 (01:11:48):
You you lunchbox. You're coming from Vegas, dude, you love Vegas.

Speaker 2 (01:11:55):
I think we're coming from I'm black.

Speaker 9 (01:11:57):
Bro, Oh my gosh, Garrett, Jerry and.

Speaker 4 (01:12:03):
There in the show. So Lunchbox. If I have to
buy the tickets, I will.

Speaker 2 (01:12:09):
The world, my god, front Bobby Ring for the Spring
for the.

Speaker 4 (01:12:12):
Good thunder Down Under two nights in a row in September.

Speaker 2 (01:12:17):
Like I bet you could build her sweat.

Speaker 5 (01:12:21):
All right, well.

Speaker 4 (01:12:24):
No I can't, Banker says ha ha don there. Okay,
So that's it.

Speaker 5 (01:12:35):
We're gonna play there.

Speaker 4 (01:12:37):
What happens if you would a spoon one more time?

Speaker 5 (01:12:39):
All right, here we go.

Speaker 4 (01:12:41):
That's a good spin. It's like a magnet and stop.

Speaker 5 (01:12:45):
It's get out of jail.

Speaker 2 (01:12:47):
Oh my god, Oh my gosh, when I get out
of jail. You can't make this.

Speaker 9 (01:12:54):
Stuff, I mean, you know how Sometimes you say you
can't write it any better, and that's like, of course
you can buy.

Speaker 2 (01:13:00):
I don't know in this case that you can.

Speaker 1 (01:13:02):
It's the best bits of the week with Morgan number two.

Speaker 3 (01:13:07):
All right, y'all, I hope these bits all brought you
some joy and laughter this weekend. Maybe you needed it
as much as Eddie and myself did. That was the
whole goal of the Best Bits Recap of twenty twenty
four Fun Edition. I hope your time this weekend has
been wonderful. Thanks for spending some of it with me.
We'll see you next time.

Speaker 1 (01:13:26):
That's the Best Bits of the Week with Morgan.

Speaker 4 (01:13:29):
Thanks for listening.

Speaker 1 (01:13:30):
Be sure to check out the other two parts this weekend.
Go follow the show on all social platform.

Speaker 2 (01:13:34):
Yes Show and follow ed web Girl Morgan

Speaker 1 (01:13:37):
To submit your listener questions for next week's episode.
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Abby Anderson

Scuba Steve

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