All Episodes

October 30, 2021 104 mins

Morgan and Lunchbox talk about the chaos that happened in the studio this week with the world’s hottest shot, plus Lunchbox details the birth of Baby Box 3, and they discuss stories from college.

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
It's the Best Bits of the Week with Morgan Number two.
What's up, y'all, It's Morgan here, and as you just heard,
this is the best Bits of the week. You're listening
for the first time. What I do is just breakdown
the best segments from the show this week, so you
make sure not to miss anything or relive it. And
this is a week that you might want to relive

it over and over again because we've got so much
going on. But my favorite part of this podcast is
getting to bring somebody on just have some fun conversations.
And one of my favorite people is hanging out with
me this week. What up lunch? Hey? Yeah? Yeah, best
bits of a week? This one. I'm gonna tell you what.
This week was incredible. There were some there were some
great moments on the show this whole week. There was

some emotionally like awesome moments, and then there was some
like straight chaos in our studio as well. Yeah, there
was all laughing and tears and laughing from tears and
and I'm back. I mean I've been gone for a while,
you know what I mean. I did a little thing
and a little thing came out and saw like a
little thing a little thing, little leasa some time off,

you know what I mean. I don't think we need
to say a little thing anymore. I think I think
we can say you had another baby. Okay, all right, Well, yeah,
a little baby came out of my wife, and so
we are here and I take a little time to
bond with that little animal that you know. I mean,
it was great. Yes, so we got a lot to
talk about. So no more revealing right now. We're just
going to dive into revealing. I was just saying, I mean,

you said I could have a talk about having a baby,
so I said I had a baby because I just
said we did a little thing. I was trying. We
didn't want you to keep saying a little thing over
like five times. I was trying to be what do
you call it, um? Discreet? Discreet, discreet but descriptive. Oh
that's good. Huh all right, yeah, I was trying to
be uh, coy is that a word? Boy? Is a word?

Does that mean that? I mean kind of? I guess
I was trying to be abstract. Okay, we're gonna give
up the adjectives and we are just gonna get started. Okay,
do you know what an adjective is we're gonna get
start now? Can you tell me what an adjective is? Yes,
it describes the word that it's sitting in front of.
Oh god, I didn't know that. You didn't, No, I

got like. A noun is a verb? No, and I
don't know what a verb is now? Is a person, place,
or thing? Okay? Noun? No? A verb? That's a verb?
You're at nown right? What's a verb? Well, you already said.
What did you say? Was you said? An adjective describe something?
So an adjectie describes a noun a verb. You're not wrong,

But that doesn't give me the definition of a verb.
A verb is a thing after the adjective. I don't
know the exact definition of a verb. It is typically
an action or doing something like jumping or running. That's
a verb. Talking, Yeah, that's a verb. Okay, all right,
Now that we are have our English established, snapping is
a verb. Yes, so can we get started? It's an action? Oh?

You said that? Yeah? Are we ready to get started? Now?
Ye have a stab the English language? Yeah, I mean
that's gonna be tough. I gotta learn these things because
I got kids and they're gonna go to school and
they're gonna come home and be like, hey, Okay, is
going to preface something right now. We are recording this
after a post show where Lunchbox just took the world's

hottest shot, and I think he's kind of on one.
So we're just gonna get started. My lips are still
on fire. We are going to get this started. Okay,
let's roll. Amy this week talked about a moment where
her daughter embarrassed her at church. Now you guys can
hear the segment for yourself, but Lunch at this point
with your kids, they're all pretty young. Have you had
any embarrassing moments with them yet? Yes, my three year

old baby Box, he is starting to notice things and
comment on things like other people. And like he told
we were at the store of the other day and
this lady she'd obviously spilled something on her shirt, you know,
like I don't know if she's eating lunch, and she
drops it and he goes dad as she needs to

wash her shirt. It's messy, and I'm just like, okay,
I mean it's just like, what do you say? Like,
obviously she knows it's messy. She doesn't want to be
wearing a messy shirt. She obviously spilled something on the shirt,
and he was like, my bad, my bad. It's like
there was one time when I was at Target when
we first moved here, when we first moved to Nashville,

and there was a lady and she had her kid
in the basket, right, and there was another lady on
the aisle that was I would say, larger in size,
and that little kid goes, mama, why is she so big?
Oh man? Or she did not know why. She says
she should, mama, look how big she is, and that

mom just took the cart and ran down the aisle,
just mortified. So yes, so my kid is getting there.
And we were in line to get ice cream a
couple of weeks ago, and there was a lady in
front of us, and he did he just kind of
hugged her in the back of her, like he went
up and hugged the back of her relationship. She turned around,
He mama, mama. He thought that was mama. And I

do think it's so fun when they're at that prime
age where it's like two to six, right, where it's
like kids truly say the darknest things to be a show, right,
Like kids say the darknest things, and I think they do.
I don't think if you're around a kid in public
for a very long time, you have to wait very
long for them to say something that you're like, oh,
that's probably came out. That's so weird. I don't know

much to say that, like I saw. Yeah, it's just
the kids are so like my I know, my friend,
my buddy AJ his little sister when we were younger,
all the moms went out of town for the weekend
and they did a little weekend so all the dads
got together and we don't played, and she goes back
to preschool the next you know, Monday, and they're like,
you know, what, does anybody wanted more you know, apple,

apple juice? And she goes, I'll more beer please. It's like, okay, well,
you know what the parents were doing this weekend, you
know what I mean, like, because the dads were sitting
around going hey, more beer, more beer around the the
whole weekend. You know. On that, On that same subject,
you see online of dads particularly training their kids to
get them a beer. Yeah, will you train your three boys? No,

I don't try them to do that, because train that
because I try to teach them that the fridge is
not a toy, and they go into the fridge all
the time and it's very annoying, and so I want
the fridge door to stay closed. So if I'm sitting
in them in there to get something, I feel like
it's gonna be all shook up. It's gonna be all funny,
you know what I mean. It's but maybe associating a

task with a fridge, but I don't. I don't want
them anywhere near the fridge because they go in there,
they get stuff out, they put stuff on the ground,
they take it out, they knock them and I'm just like,
stay out of the fridge, Stay out of the fridge.
I yell at them all the time. Okay, so first
part of this, then, do you think it's okay that
there are some parents that I don't think that. I
don't think it's I think it's funny, like you're it's

like a little robot, like you see you don't id
to get up. I get it, No big deal. On
that other side, are you going to get your kids
like a play kitchen, because it sounds like they really
like the refrigerator and food and playing with food. So
you're gonna get them like a play set. That's a kitchen.
I've been there, done that. Oh, that's already happens already,
had I got, They've already moved on. No, No, they

love it like like they'll go in like the Like
the other morning, my wife said that they had they
put syrup in the oatmeal, their oatmeal, so then for
thirty minutes afterwards, they went into their play kitchen and
they were making syrup in the play kitchen. So isn't
that so crazy too? Just to think about kids and
how they're living their life so just authentically themselves, like

they are just living it moment to moment, moving in
that present moment and they don't remember thirty seconds ago
because they are doing something right then then thirty seconds
later it's onto something else and it's just like I
don't remember doing that. And the crazy thing about kids
is they can do the same things over and over
and over and over and over and oh for and

over and over and you think, okay, that's enough, No,
and over and over and over, like it's like a
repeat machine. Yes, Like my kid will hit the oldest one,
baby box will bring me a donut that he cooked
for me, and he'll be like, hot no nuts all nut,
I don't. We'll do that and I'm like are and
then he'll take it and he'll go cook it again.
Come back Dad at hot no nut nonu? I know.

And we do that for thirty minutes. I'm like, oh
my god, I'm so tired of hot nonut. I'm so
tired of saying hot nonut, hot nonut and acting like
it's a hot potato, you know what I mean. But
he loves it, so we do it for thirty forty
five minutes at a time. You probably at some point
just are on like autopilot, right, You're just like, Okay,
this is what I'm doing for the next forty five minutes,
exactly exactly. I will tell you something related to kids. Though. Um,

I got a not nice at all comment on the
video you and I did this week that yeah, well
that was That's another great moment. It wasn't on the show,
but uh, Morgan and I I'm supposed to call you
Morgan um or two. I don't know what I'm supposed
to call you, but whatever, we didn't du lunchbox the
only one you kids, all right, Deuce and I we
did a great video. Great video, and I don't even

know how to describe it. You'll just have to go
check our Socials radio lunch box, which is wonderful. Yes,
now tell me what comment you got. Well, I think
it's really funny because I'm laughing at it now. But
when it happened, I was not happy. Right? Was it
about you or me? Both? Okay? More directed towards me.

This person says, while a good sense of humor is important,
you guys act like you're five years old. You're at
the age where you should both be working, having kids
and showing some degree of maturity. Sorry, but someone had
to tell you. Was the comment really? Love to see it?
I swear to god, I don't understand. Do they not understand?
Our whole purpose is to have fun? Like if you're

not it doesn't matter what age you are. If you're
not having fun, you suck. Your life sucks. Sorry, your
life sucks that you don't know how to have fun.
I don't care. Yes, you can work and I have kids.
I listen, I work, I have kids, but you know
I have fun. So you know what you can do.
You can suck an apple. I came back with a
response mostly because what made me mad is anybody, anybody

at all, stranger or somebody that knows me, who is
trying to tell me to have kids is not something
that should be happening. If you ever think telling a
woman to have kids or that she should be having
kids or when are you having kids is a good idea,
It's not like I'm telling you as a woman, it
is not something we constantly want to be asked. Like
that is just something that you should refrain ever having

come out of your mouth. I don't care who you are,
it just should not come out. And that's what made
me the most mad about that comment is because I'm like,
I'm twenty eight years old, like right, Like I have
a boyfriend, but like we're not sitting here like this
does not even need to be discussed with people in
my personal life, let alone a stranger who does not
know me. Here's the thing, I don't think it's a
real person. Oh no, it's it's totally a troll account.

It's somebody that's set with their life. Yeah, they hate
themselves and they look in the mirror and they're like,
I'm a loser. So I'm gonna go and make everybody
else feel like a loser. But here's what makes me
even more mad, Right, So I posted about that because
I went back. I mean, I mic dropped a comment.
I was like, I've had enough, like un done of this,
and three people liked that person's comment, which means three

people agree with that. At this moment that I'm looking
at my Instagram, we were the likes. Let's check them out.
Those aren't troll accounts. Those are real people. But how
do they like? Like, I don't understand people say you
not be a kid? Do kids not have the most fun?
Like we just talked about the kids having unadultered, un

you know, inhibited whatever you want to call it, unbiased fun.
They're just having fun and that's what you should do.
That's where we go wrong in life, because why do
we not still have so much fun? Like we riped
a big pile of leaves in the front yard and
we were diving in them and throwing them, and I
was like, and they were just having so much fun.
I'm like, why did we ever start doing this? When

at fourteen did I start thinking? Dang, I just stopped
playing in the leaves? No, because it's heck of fun.
And so I don't know if you can't, if you
don't have time for fun in your life. I feel
bad for your son because I got ninety nine problems
and fun isn't one. Oh, we're in such a negative
place as a society, right It's very dark right now.

Can I tell you? So you told me your leave story,
I'm telling you, I know, but I'm just saying, we're
in a very argue with you right now. I want
to argue with your point, like in this moment, like
the way that I have to see social media, Like,
people are just very dark right now. Their perception of
the world is very dark. And so being somebody who
is a kid at heart is a beautiful thing, especially

right now. It's always a beautiful thing, but especially something
that's important right now because we need more people who
are just trying to have fun. Yeah, the way I
look at it is girls just wanna have fun. Girls
just wanna have fun. But really, we're not in a
negative place in this world. Okay, No, no no, no, We've
always my perspective of what I have to see on

social We've always been here. We've always been here. Everybody's
always had these feelings. But now they we get to
see them because we have social media. We used to
not have social media, so we didn't have Debbie Downer,
which makes it worse, right, like Potty Patty, you know
what I mean, We didn't have all those We didn't
and we didn't have that um rainy you know Roseanne?
You know what I mean, Like, yes, we didn't have

Roseanne getting dragged into this. But now you have social media,
so you get to see all these losers that don't
know have fun, fun in life. And guess what, you
know those losers they don't have any friends. I don't
hang out with people like that. That's what's cool about
my life is I'm having fun. That's why I enjoy
our videos because they're fun and we get to just
be crazy and that's what I enjoy. So if you

don't like it, like I said, suck an apple, I
mean yeah, And that's the whole purpose of our videos
is to make people laugh and smile, right, that's the
whole purpose. Yeah, we're just sitting there. You know, someone
when to have kids. And here's another thing you never say.
When one has a kid, The next question you should
not ask them is so you're gonna have another one?
Like can we not enjoy this one, yep. I specifically

people when I came to visit y'all, do not ask
anything about anything else. I asked about the baby in
the moment, because that is what matters. Here's what people ask.
You get your boyfriend or girlfriend. Oh, you guys are
gonna get engaged soon? Okay, cool, you get engaged? When's
the wedding you get married? Oh? When you're gonna have kids?
Like why can we not enjoy our wedding? Like? Why

why do you have to ask is when we're gonna kids?
Those are the same dang questions that everybody asked. Don't
do it, yep, And it just continues to propel people forward,
like we should be rushing, You should get enjoy your life,
enjoy their moments. Why do they have to rush? Why
maybe they're not gonna have kids? Don't put them on
a timeline. Don't ask that. So if you want to
have success in life, don't ask those questions. People just

say how are you doing? How are you doing? And
you wants in life? Don't be a troll on the
internet either, Well, yeah, that's true too. Yeah, and have fun, yeah,
because you'll get more done when you're having fun? Yeah,
I think we should end on that. Can you get
can you give it to us one more time? What
your rhyme? Well was it? I was trying to act
like a DJ and you're the rapper. What was my rhyme?

You're having fun so you get more done? Oh you
know when you get more done when you're having fun.
Boom mic drop mic drop out? Peace board up homies
number seven? Are we going to talk about how your
kids embarrassed you in public? Amy? You brought this up?
What happened to you? Yeah? Well, so one recent example
is we were walking into church and they have a

big bowl. Communion is different because of COVID, so they're
a little pack yeah, instead of it being passed around
to everybody. Now when you walk in, there's little prepackaged
little juices with a cracker built inside, and you grab
one when you walk in, if you choose to participate
in communion. Well, my daughter I notice we walk in,
and she goes to sit over with the teenagers and

I go to my spot. But she walks in and
after she thinks I'm around the corner, I see her
stick her whole hand in there and she grabbed as
mini as she could fit in her hand and then
put them in her pocket like they were snacks for church.
What did you say anything to her? Not in the
moment because it was the middle of church and yeah no,
but I know, I just want her to understand the

importance of respecting the communion and not grabbing a handful
in front of the whole church and like putting it
in her pocket to snack on. Why did they have
it in a bowl, because when last week they had
it beside us head, beside the chair. Oh well, maybe
someone sets it, set it out there, but this was
wet ours When you walk in, it's just like right there.

You can grab it out of a big bowl and
go to your seat, and it doesn't taste good, you
don't think, so it goes to the crackers is stale
as craps. That's why it's not supposed to I know.
But I'm saying, why would you grab a bunch of them?
I would understand it. She likes to juice. It's not
about the crackers, It's true. She wants that grape juice
is so good. Yeah, it's like fanta to her. That's true.

The juice is pretty solid. Yeah, but I think why
don't make the cracker taste a little better, like if
it was a Nilla wafer, because again, it's just there
to be symbolic. Yeah, the disciples said that when they
tried the bread. No but to disciples, and you can
reach in and grab and then go sit you know. Yeah. Um,
so you had a conversation with her, yeah, especially because

she wants to get baptized coming up soon. And I'm like,
all right, well, we need to understand the importance of
communion and then when you're up there, you can confess
Eddie anything for you. Yeah. This is recently. It was
a baseball game and the team won, so the coach
got all the team in a huddle and he goes,
everyone here played so good, So I want to give
out game stickers to everyone, and then my son put

his hands up. He's like, I don't want one. He goes, okay,
all right, well then I'll give game of the game
stickers to everyone except Eddie's son. And I'm like, why
would you say that, Just take the sticker. I did
not want the sticker. It's his way of saying like,
I just didn't want a sticker on my helmet. But
at the time, it was such a big praise, like,
you all played great. You get stickers. He's like, I

don't want one, and I was like, oh, you're embarrassing me.
So I had to talk with him afterwords. Are they
still playing? They just had their final one last week
and they're good. I mean, I have two boys and
two different teams. One team really good, the other team
not so good. And then how do you handle that?
They just you know, it is what it is. One
team's younger, the other one's a little more experienced, but man,

it's a big difference between the two. It's the best
bits of the week. With Morgan number two coming in
hot a number six, Lunchbox acted like Katie Kirk because
her interview kept getting canceled on the show, and so
well you know what happens when that goes down. Lunchbox
acts like a celebrity. Ah, hi, guys, Yeah, I got

my new book coming out, Dirty under the Sheets. Yeah.
It's really fun to be impersonations because that's what I do.
Do you like impersonating like all types of people? All
types of people, you know what I mean? As an actor,
you know, with dreams and aspirations of being on the
big stage on you know, TV and movies. You had
to be able to have to be fluid and you're acting.
You have to be able to switch into you know,

Katie Kirk or I'm wearing the rock Johnson. I will
pop your head off. You know, you have to do that.
So I love impersonating anybody. Okay, give me your top
three impersonations. Well, I'm not really good at impersonations. That's
the problem. I said. You had to be able to act.
You have to you have to be fluid. You know.
Impersonations are hard because you have to watch them over

and over and be able to mimic their facial expressions
in their vocal tone. I don't really watch Katie Kuric
over and over again. I've seen her a couple of
times on TV, and so I just kind of go
off by I'm an older lady, I'm Katie Kurk. That's
all I think of. So you like to do like
fake impersonations, Yeah, like yes, I like to do fake impersonations.
But if, like, if you gave me a script and
you said you I raided the person, then I can

become that person. But I don't know, I can't exactly
be Katie Kurk. That's not my skill. Okay, who could
you become? Um? Who can I become? I have no
idea who I could become. I could become a lot.
I mean if I study anybody, anybody interesting theory, Yeah,
you had to study them though, Like that's a lot

of impersonators sit there and watch those people over and
over and over and over and over. You're not wrong,
And I don't do that. I don't. I don't really do.
Like Eddie is good in impersonations because he watches those
people over and over and over into practice. I don't
do that here, y'all. It's Luke Brian. See I'm out.
I mean, alright, y'all, Luke Bryan. It just sounds like

you're just putting like random different accents on your voice.
I will tell you, like I envy something about you,
right because so in college, um, my minor because I
was a Bachelor of Arts degree in my minor that
I did with acting classes. Well yeah I had a minor.
Oh like a minor but like different things you're studying.
My actual minor was leadership studies that I got a

minor in, but like part of just studies things. So like,
I have a bachelor's degree in journalism, but what is
leadership studies? Like what you you study leaders? No? Like
I was literally in leadership classes and we were doing
different exercises to become a leader or a leader. My
kid is a line leader sometimes like an actual leader,
Like you have very serious, controversial discussions so that when

you were put in those in public situations, you can
handle them. Oh okay, it's very like if anybody has
an opportunity to learn that in school. I absolutely suggested.
I had the best conversations I've ever had, really, yes,
Like yeah, I'm like, okay, leadership studies, Like what are
you were going to give an example? I interrupted you rudely. No,
it's okay. The like one of our studies that we

had to do for one of the classes is you
had to go outside of your known cultural environment and
like dive yourself deep into another culture uncomfortably so, right
because nobody likes going out. That's when you join the
biker gang. I did. Um. I went to a stepping
tournament and got like interwoven into this step team. I

didn't know because that would be like cultural appropriation, right,
Like I thought you meant like they taught you to step.
I mean they taught me things, but no, I wasn't participating.
That's what I was like watching, of like being part
of it, while like being a fly on the wall,
right to make myself just uncomfortable because I was the
only white person there, right, Interesting, Okay, the goal is

to make you uncomfortable, got you? So you had to
do different things to make yourself in Like, in a
normal situation, would that make me uncomfortable? No, but being
the only white person there in five hundred different people,
of course, it's going to make somebody uncomfortable because they're
standing out. They're different right in that moment. And so
you had to go and do stuff like that in

these classes so you could see and learn about other cultures. Yeah,
and you can talk about them appropriately. It's sort of
like on my bachelor party when me and my guys
we went to the club. It's definitely not like your
bachelor but I will let you. And we walked in
the club at two thirty in the morning and we
were the only white people in there. Okay, No, it's
not like that. And we lived to each other like

all right, well that was fun and we left, not
like that okay, Well, speaking of I mean if it
made you uncomfortable and you learn something from it, Yeah,
I learned. I learned that I probably should not go
to that club at two thirty in the morning. No,
this is supposed to be a positive learning environment. Like

you and you learn things and like you get out
of that uncomfortability so the next time you're in it,
you can be comfortable. Okay, it's sort of like you said,
you had some of the best conversations in college. So
my roommate in college, he was a criminal justice major, okay,
any great conversation. Found out he was gonna had to
take four and a half years to graduate, so he
switched to a philosophy major so he could get out
in four years. And he comes home one day and

he's like, I'll never forget this. He goes man, we
had the best discussion today in class. I was like,
what did you guys talk about? He said, and John says,
then he goes man, we discussed how do you know
you're awake when you're awake and you're dreaming when you're dreaming.
What if right now we're dreaming, but we're really awake

when we're sleeping I'm like, this is the and he
goes and I was like, this is stupid, and he goes, well,
prove it, prove you're awake. Right now. He's not wrong.
I know he's not wrong, but that is what he
got his major in college in philosophy. Like I was like,
that would drive me and there's nothing to argue. I
was like no. He goes like no. He was like,

now I believe that we're just dreaming right now. You're
in a constant state. I was like, stop it, stop it,
stop it. And that is what he Those are the
stupid discussions he would come home with and I would
just be like, you, my friend, are an idiot, Like John,
you are an idiot. And I couldn't believe that that
was what he got his major. You could you could

never be wrong because you could never be wrong. So
you could go to that class and you could say
whatever you wanted and it's not wrong. So how do
you ever fail anybody in philosophy? It sounds like you
just have to have an opinion and you pass. I
think the point further about philosophy is that it's keeping
an open mind, that you don't know everything, and that
the possibilities are endless to what could be true. That's philosophy.

My philosophy is not to think stupid stuff. Okay, and
that feels stupid, that feels really stupid, really really stupid.
I mean I love stuff like that, but like even further,
I just love having very intense conversations that people don't
want to have. And you're forced in a room with
twenty people who are different than you. Yeah, you were

raised differently, you grew up differently, you have different cultures,
everything's different, and you're forced to have conversations that people
have told you you're not supposed to have. That's good,
that's interesting. That's what those leadership studies did for two
hours at least two or three times a week. That's
what we did. That's pretty cool. So that's why I like,
I didn't argue about being awake and dreaming. That's you know.

I'm sure at some point we had crazy conversations like that.
I mean, I know we like at one point talked
about a lee and stuff. Gosh, here we go. We're
not gonna start on that. We're not going to start please,
We're not going to start on aliens. Gosh, No, But
I'm just saying, if you get a chance to study
that as like a young kid, like that's the reason
why I'm so open minded now because I learned so

much and it's just stuff that you never you don't
get taught, right if you're in different cultures, you don't
get taught it. That's just the reality I got you.
So we were learning so many cool things, and right here,
this is why you are in your position because you're
a leader, and that's why you're leading the best bits
of the weekend. That's what I'm saying it all. It's

so amazing. Stay proud, Jails. So you know what, give
me a hard time for my degree, but I got
a really good degree. Back to what I was originally
talking about before we went on this tangent, I'm envious
of you for one thing, because one of the things
I studied in college was acting. I wanted to pursue acting,
and in moments I had really strong times, but something

that I could never nail I had like the acting
skills and the chops and stuff down. I can memorize things.
I could become different characters. But you don't have any shame.
You're never embarrassed, no of anything. Nothing, and I wish
that I had even just say fourth of that because
I just so like if embarrassing things happen, I cringe.

I grow up in a ball and I'm like, I
don't want to be a part of it. I do
not like embarrassing things. Do you know this about me?
Because we've done things together out in public for like
bits on the show, and you hate it, and I
get so uncomfortable. So I envy that about you, because
I do think that's what makes a really good actor,
as somebody who just doesn't care, has no shame. Yeah,
I just don't care. I don't know why, and I

don't know where I got that from, but I just
don't care. Do you think one of your parents is
like that? No, I don't think so. I mean, like
I remember in first grade, I moved new schools and
I met my buddy Aja, and he's real shy, and
we joined so I would joined soccer, and his mom
was really worried because he was so shy, like how
he was gonna fit in what he was gonna do,

and I mean first prices. He rolls up and I
roll over and I put my arm around his head.
I was like, hey, what up everybody in my buddy AJ,
what up me DJ? And she was just like it's
gonna go all right then. I don't know. I don't
know where I got there. I have no idea. That's
just how I've been my whole life. I have no
no clue, no idea. I love it, and I would
argue that it's definitely one of your um most awesome

personality traits because like in high school, like every single day,
I wore a T shirt, jeans, tennis shoes, and my
jeans had a hole in the back, you know whatever.
And my buddy Aaron would get so mad at me, like, dude,
how are you gonna get chicks looking like that? I
was like, trust me, I'll get chicks. I ain't worried
about it because I wasn't gonna buy expensive I mean,

I've worked. I mean I wore free T shirts in
high school because that's I mean. I did not want
to buy clothes. I hated getting dressed up. I hate
you know what I mean? Like so everybody you know
buying all those bow you know you in middle school
you want your bows, but whatever in high school, I
don't know what you wanted. But I just more T
shirt and jeans every single day. You've never had like

insecurity issues or anything like that, have you, Because I
think that goes hand in hand because I do think
you like exude confidence, and that's part of what you're
talking about now is like you just didn't care, Yeah,
which also means like you're just exuding confidence because you
just literally don't care what anybody thing. I just don't care.
And that's a really cool personality trait because not a
lot of people like are gifted with that, like genetically right.

Most people have to work towards that. Most people have
to work to have confidence. Yeah. See, you're born with it.
You're just my friend. You're cool with me or not?
All right, whatever, you don't like me, and I'll just
move all my life. It's not I don't have time
to worry about you. Yep, I don't have to. That's
why when I thought people should be right, I laugh
when people like, like I post something and I'm just
like and they're like, I feel sorry for you, know you.

We'll get to this later. I want you to say
this now. I want to say it now because we're
gonna go up to me having kids and it's a
comment about my kids, and I just laugh because I'm
just like, you're an idiot, Like, you're just an idiot.
Like if you are that miserable of a human he
was speaking of trolls, then that's it. You're a loser,
you know what I mean. And I just laugh. I'm
just like everybody's like, I can't believe how do you
handle the hate that people am? Like, who cares? Who

cares what people say about me? I don't care. Call
me a loser, an idiot, gross, I can't believe it's
on the show. Well great, guess what. You still listen
to me every single morning, so the joke's on you.
I know. I do feel like I feel bad for
you more than you feel bad for yourself, Like because
if I've seen on social media and I'll be like,
lunch Box, I'm so sorry people are being so mean
to you know what you're talking about. He's like, I

don't know, I don't care, and I'm like, I'm still sorry.
I feel it for you, and he's like, yeah, I
still don't know. Morgan, literally actual conversations we had, oh man,
but yes, we do need to talk about your baby,
baby box number three. So let's go ahead and get
to that. We have a few more to intro and
then we'll chat again. Okay, I'll be here number six

on the Bobby Bones Show. Now, Katy, correct, Katie. It's
such to have you here. I'm so excited to be here.
I really love your show. Bobby. I'm just I mean,
congratulations on when he Dance with the Stars and getting married.
Oh thanks, Katie, Yeah a lot. What's your book called.
It's called Katie Kirk, I Ure the Dirty Secrets of
my career. It's not what it's called, but I'll take it.
Katie comes clean. Also not what it's called. What is

it really called? It's called Going There. You're going there
this week. Who of all the people in your book, like,
who was your favorite to write about? I really enjoyed
President Clinton and uh yeah, I mean he was just
a really good guy to me. And uh I had
some run ins with um Obama. He was good. Uh.
Serena Williams was one of my favorites. And also you

know the president of Turkey. We really what's his name? Uh?
That one? So what about Matt Lauer? Talk about that
for a second. You know, he was fired after allegations
of sexual misconduct. Yes, yeah, you really had that on
there to ask her. Yeah, I said, you write about
your relationship with former NACIAL co anchor Matt Lauer, who

was fired after I don't I don't mind answering it.
Let listen, I write about it in my book. That
guess people had brought things up to me, but I
had ignored it, like I brushed it into the rug,
like it wasn't a big deal because it was such
a good working relationship and we had a good, you know, interaction.
So I just thought, Okay, those people, they don't know
what they're talking about. One final question for you, miss Kirk.

I should have listened to most people, though. Um. I
read online that you're a huge fan of Sex in
the City. Who's your favorite character? Oh, I like, uh Roseanne?
Uh no, that's not that's not her name. Roseanne's not
her name. She goes by Roseanne sometimes on Halloween. But
her name is her name is? What is her name? Amanda?
Is there? Amanda? No? No, no, Miranda. Yeah, Miranda is

my favorite. The way she just talks and the way
she dreams her Cosmopolitans and she walks around the city
in New York and she ah Cynthia too. I like Cynthia.
Cynthia Nixon's the actress. Yeah, okay, she's not her Yeah
that character. Um. Well, as we go, the name of
your book again so people can go get it. The
Secrets under the Sheets. It started on the open. It's

called open going there. Where can we find your book?
Oh you can find it Barnes and Noble, any bookstore
you know, Walden Books at the airport. Oh that's not
there anymore, no way, Yeah, the bookstore at the airport,
it's always there. You're not fly, sir. I don't know
who you are, but all right, there is there. She
is Katie Curry book. It's the best bits of the

week with Morgan number two on the show this week
it was super crazy. Eddie brought to the show that
there was something sketchy going down in our parking lot.
Ray was selling beanie babies and barbies to Scuba Steve
and then Bobbie wanted to get in on the action.
It was a whole thing, and all I'm gonna say
now is we have beanie babies all over our studio.
Things exploded literally in a chaotic turn. So definitely hear this.

Number five So Eddie came to me and said, hey,
do you know what Scuba and Ray are doing in
the parking lot? Oh? Boy, shady, dude, shady. So if
you're new to the show, Scuba Steve is our executive producer.
He's the guy pulling all the strings behind the scenes.
Raymundo's our audio producer who you hear from a lot?
Good morning, Ramundo morning. So Eddie, what do you see
in the parking lot between these two? I see an
exchange going down. I see one car pulled up next

to the other and looked like a drug deal. Yes,
and one of them kind of Ray supervising Scuba while
he's digging through a big tupperware bin full of beanie babies.
And first of all, Ray has beanie babies, yes, and barbies.
There's boxes stacks of barbies too, and Scuba's looking through
beanie babies inspecting them, like looking behind the ears and

then googling how much there were? Ray, where'd you get
all these beanie babies and barbies? They were my wife's
and then I was given to them to sell or
however I see fit. What do you mean they were
your wives? Like as a kid, Yeah, and they're in
an attic and I mean there's hundreds of beanie babies
and then dozens of barbies. So you're now out on
the road selling them to people. Well, I sold a
lot of the barbies, but a lot of the beanie
babies were left over, And Scuba said, he knows what

to look for to see if there were something. How
did you sell the barbies? I put those on Instagram,
sold them real quick. Did you make good money? Yeah?
I made over three hundred dollars. How many barbies did
you sell I sold? I mean it ended up being
about thirty to fifty apiece. You sold them for about
fifty bucks apiece? Yes? Wow? Yeah? Would you mail them away?
Would people come get them a person? A lot of

them were local, but if I did have to mail them,
I took it ended up not being fifty eight. Took
twenty dollars to mail a barbie. And so you have
these beanie babies that you haven't posted online yet. I have.
I've put them on Craigslist, but I haven't got a
lot of hits. I said, it's a whole bin one
hundred dollars they're yours, but no bites one hundreds for
all of them. Yeah, and there might be a gem
inside that's worth a lot there could I just don't

have the time to go through two hundred beanie babies
and look all of them up on eBay for the
chance that one of them's worth two hundred dollars. Hey,
Scuba Steve, So you heard this and you have an
interest in beanie babies? Oh yeah, I went through and
picked through and found a couple that I would like
to take home with me. Um and so, I just
have a lot of experience growing up in the industry's
working a sports card store, so I know about memorabilia
and that kind of stuff, and beating babies was very

popular at the time I worked there. So I was
looking through his tags and saw some misprints, some things
that would show me that it's worth a little more
than just five or ten dollars that I'd like to
buy and hopefully resell. So you bought them, have you
looked up to see how much they're worth? Well, I
haven't bought them yet because I haven't got permission for
my wife. Um So I looked up a couple of them,
and there's potential that some could be worth anywhere from
five dollars to a thousand dollars. Thousand dollars? Why do

you need permission from your wife? Well, because this is
dipping into our our like our our money. That for play.
So but how much is Ray charging you for each
of those? He said, a hundred bucks for each. I
thought for the whole buck for the whole bucket, a
hundred bucks. But I'm just gonna buy a couple that
I felt could be valuable. Right, I'll give you a
hundred bucks for the whole bucking. Ray, look great for

you to have or to give to Steve. No, no,
I want all of them. Steve just found some. He
found two. Maybe he already took them. You know he
has these two. R mind, you can't have snort or
happy Ray. I got one hundred, but how manies in
the bucket? It's probably like fifty or sixty. Oh right,
you're Ray one hundred bucks for the whole bucket. You
have six seconds to take it or leave. At six
I'm taking it, okay, cap is a deal on the

deals on. You can have the tub it's sitting right
out there, and play Travis. You's gonna put it behind
my desk here of the fifty beanie baby good okay, Ray,
thank you very much. Come take walk in here, Takedawny,
all right, I'm coming. But they just lost money because
Bobby can easily sell those at least three dollars each,
and he made profit. I mean that's the time. Yeah,
it'll be so easy, Vinmo boom boom. But then how

do you get it to them? He has an Etsy shop,
he mails stuff all the time. I don't run out
to his car. He he's gonna grab the beanie babies
and most barbies are is looking up. Some are worth
twenty to thirty bucks. Yeah, wait, how much is that
all beanie babies? What about those barbies? It's happening right now.
Those barbies are Barbies available. That was part of the deal.

The Barbie's note of Barbie's part of the deal. Mean,
don't let me sit else that I have her. You're
an idiot. Don't give them more. Take just a hunter
because that's what he's gonna sell it to me for.
For the barbies. Oh, he's gonna sell the barbies for hundredies.
I get all those beanie babies and the barbies for
one hundred bucks. Okay, beanie babies and Barbies, and this

is gonna be when we get wear his prizes. I'm
a buddy. There is the exchange, so like if a
caller wins something, they get a beanie baby from the back,
they get a sign beanie baby from the show. I
love it well. Right now, no one can see me
because you've stacked it all up on my desk. It's good.
But can we see if we can get a beanie
baby appraiser because I own all these beanie babies now
you do? Yeah, and those barbies don't discount those. You

can get at least two hundred bucks for all that together.
Oh my gosh. Okay, love it very well. Okay, I
don't understand. I was trying to tell you that they
were doing shady stuff and now you brought into the studio.
I just don't get it. I hate shady unless I
can be involved. It's the best bits of the week
With Morgan number two, we had the world's Hottest shot

in our studio this week. We had one segment where
the wheel got spun and somebody had to take it,
and then on the pub show where we talked about
it several times and somebody ended up taking what we
call a sissy sip and yeah, well that just happened
right now. And I'm not gonna spoil anything, lunch. We're
not spoiling anything. We're not going to spoil. But I
am just gonna tell you that whoever took that sissy

shot is not a sissy and is like the baddest
person on this planet. Mad respect to that person, like absolute,
Like I look at that person, I'm like, that's my hero. Yeah,
I'm not gonna ruin who it is, but I'm gonna
say that might be the coolest person that I've ever met.
And we can ruin it when we get to the
number one spot, because the number one spot is where
this bit started. So number one spot is where the

bit started. Yes, no, no, no, no no, no spending
the wheel no no, no, no, number one spot. You
can make your case number one. You can't give anything away, right, No,
the number one spot is the world's hottest shot. No
should be my baby? How is that? How is my
number two is a stupid shot? How is a shot

studio turned into a hospital name shot more important than
bringing a new life into this world? I am number two?
Disgusting is third? It's your third way. It doesn't disgusting this,
this whole this whole top bits. It's a sham like
never never, No, it's a sham. It's not real. There's
no real pull. This is absolutely outrage and if you're

with me, let's let's march to the capitol people. Okay, man, no, no,
that is happening. But right now you can hear, after
the whole thing aired about the world's hottest shot, somebody
during a post show also took the world's hottest shot.
That's happening right now. Number four, we have audio of

all these guys talking crap. Oh yeah, this was weeks before.
This is like before or maybe even a month whenever
we had the discussion of you ordering the shot. This
the wheel wasn't even in the picture. There was no wheel.
This is just how why we this is why you
ordered the shot to make Here we go. Let me
how long is this clip? Ray? Forty seconds? Here we go?

Would you try it? Eddie? Sure? Absolutely, Mike, you heard it.
Let's let's order something. Whoa what do you mean? What
do you did you try this? Yeah? Okay, these guys
want to prove how much I mean, men do things.
I mean I hate spicy things, like I am such
a baby with even mild salsa. But I would try it. Yeah,
when your boss says you can drink at work, you
take that even if it hurts, Like absolutely, Scooba, you

want a shot now, I don't do shots such a
do you can take a drink of it? Then, okay,
put in a shot. Guyss you drinking it? Don't be
a sissy. Shots not me. I'm already feeling that burn.
I mean, all right, we'll get a bottle of this,
we'll try it on the air. There you go, no wheel,
no nothing, just these guys talking about Holida. That's all

I want to do is drink at work. But it's
also lunch box to the word sissy around as Scooba
Steve like, you don't want to drink it, you're a sissy? Yeah, exactly,
I got five more bottles right here, let's do it.
Oh and see the real sissy is I mean, it's
just all quiet now. Funny to me when I heard
this back that because I didn't remember how that conversation
played out. Sorry, Morgan, but you also said would find

But I was thinking, when did it turn into a
wheel if you had volunteers, m we forgot, didn't we know?
The wheel is funny because it makes it sound effect. Yeah,
there's big drama leasing down to it. It's just a
funny your segment. Okay, And you gotta understand amy after
seeing what you went through. There's no chance I'm taking
that shot ever. What about cissy caller, Yes, take a

sip of it. I'll take a sip. You said a drink,
He said a drink. Give a little sissy sip. You
said a drink, said sissy sip. I did not say that. Well,
it going down in your throat. Do you have it
right now? Let's get him load rum if you want
to have coke in the fridge straight out, just give him,
give him a little drink this. I do worry if

you were to mix that was. Yeah, you got milk. No,
I ain't got milk, No, sissy milk milk. Yeah, it's
just a little drink, a little but we do want
to say so put it, put it in something so
he gets like a ship. I wouldn't put your lips

on the bottle, nosing to touch it anyway, but putting
it on a shot glass is very different than putting
it on it. Oh you're going to do We'll give
me a little cop on the But this is this
is not gonna be as dramatic because he's not going
to take the same amount. And then I didn't say that.
I said I'd take a little silk. Now you say
to take a drink, it's gonna get as a drink.
Go ahead, Now just take it from the bottle. She said,

don't put my lips on the bottle. That could be bad.
It burnt my face. We'll let him hand board in
her mouth a little bit. Guys, can you give me
a cop or not before we do this? Are we
ready for this? Like when we were ready for Amy?
Like are we ready to go into help mode? Yeah?
Eddie get dramatic. They get dramatic when Amy started dying, Like,

I don't know what to do. Even if he starts
like shaking, I just don't think unless he's taking the
same amount, I'm just gonna take a little sip. That's
what you do. You take a sip. Then, oh, my gosh,
more more morey sip. Oh he's drinking. He's drinking. He
took a sip. He said, here we go. He's been over,

he's been don't drink water water water, milt me. Somebody
help him. You're assis right, you're good when I'm backed up,
my dog. I tried it didn't I did, Let's go.

There was a lot more moment when Amy was on
the ground, because I took way more than that. I
started yelling, you didn't need anything before it happened. You
took like a teeny sip and I are you acting?
You really need one? Go? Get it? Go? Oh my god, see,

I think it causes you to scream because screaming thing.
That's exactly what I was doing, screaming and banking, spitting
right now in the trash on there no milk, there's
no milk. I boarded it. He poured the bottle out. Okay,
Eddie your turn. No, I'm out, Eddie, you said, Oh

my god, you're good. It's trapped. He doesn't know what
to do. Oh my god. We getting mil sweaty and

lightheaded as fast as we can. How do you think
Amy felt drinking a whole shot? Though? I can't know? Amy?
Matt props, Matt props. Okay, thank you everybody out Here's
sissy though, yeah, proud, yeah, I'll take it. I'll talk.
No backup you got? Oh my god? Oh is it bad?

It's really bad. Oh my god. And Eddie, you saw
him drink a little bit. Oh yeah, it went down.
Oh my god. And it was just a cissy said.
Cisy said, I'm joking. Oh my god, I understand. I
lose my peel. Yes, I felt like my face is
gonna peel. My lips won't heal. My lips are gonna peel.

They won't heal either. Come on, you go run to
the gas station. I mean both comments were as dumb
as taking be one. Run to the gas station. I
don't have any money here, he goes, Eddie, and it
will be epic if you try it, right, But no,
not to day. He he's having a drunking milk. Oh,

it's so much better with the milk, right, I remember
getting that step of my eyes. Does that help? How
milk is good? I feel lunch box? Yeah? Take it in.
He's sticking his tongue in the milk. But before he

took the shot, he wasn't eating anything. He was like,
I'm good. Are you shoving the milk? What are you doing?
It feels good to stick the milk all over your face?
Is it worse than you imagined? By far? Yeah? Did
you think I was being dramatic after the entire shot. Yeah,
do you now? No? Thank you? Well, okay, I don't

know how it's legal. Feel yeah, okay, now I know
I'm not legal. But a weed drop to fix your
disease isn't There's no, there's no way, guys. It's the
worst thing ever. Oh my god, my arms are shaking. Yes,
I was shaking, Remember Morgan, how bad I was shaking
and I couldn't stop. Yeah, in the back home body, Yeah,
you were convulsing in the other room. I was trying

to be nice to you, but you were secretly recording me. Oh,
I was notch. But bobbies number one rules always get audio.
So that was my number one rule, like five years ago.
I don't think that's my number one, not even that
eight years ago. Whatever, you do, get audio. Uh, well, lunch, Bob,
you drink milk. That's terrible. My lips are just burning.
And you guys just bought that off the internet, right,

anybody can buy that. You gotta be twenty one. It's
a wilt shower farm. It's based in the UK, so
maybe it is illegal in the US, but it's legal
across the pond. How much was that scuba, I got
the hook up. So what about that'd be a mean joke, right,
like we're all taking shots. Oh my gosh, you would
think you were dying. Listen, listen, guys, you think it's funny,
don't do it to somebody that's worse than okay. Yeah,

like you play shot roulette. Okay, that'd be terrible. Yeah,
if someone didn't know that was coming, they would think
that they were dying. Like there's that would in friendships.
I say there's a guy in your group that nobody likes, Like,
there's like, all right, we're all taking shots, and then
you give him that one. That would be even get
that shot? Oh that dang dude. Okay, I need new lips. Guys,

this is oh my god, it won't be trust me.
I thought that I felt. I thought my face was
going to peel off, but it ultimately calmed down. You
just have to keep milk compressed on it for a
few hours. Ray y'alls walked to the gas station lunch.
I don't have any money. I will anybody else try it? Right? No?
Why would you have to? Would reasons not to try it? Well,

I didn't know if anybody's willing to take an entire shot.
What we watched her fun, we watched you Knew It
and almost die. Yeah, it's the best bits of the
week with Morgan. Number two, everybody on the show loves
Shark Tank, but we definitely love this shark. Barbara Corcoran

came on the show, and every time she comes on,
I just love listening to her because this is somebody
started out with a thousand dollars and now I'm pretty
sure she's a billionaire. I mean like maybe a millionaire,
a billionaire, but she's up there, right and I don't
think she's a billionaire. Millionaire yeah, multi multi millionaire. Yeah,
she closed, she close, She's she's not billionaire yet. She's
coming there. But I love having her on to talk

because she's so much fun to listen to, just everything
she's done, where she started to be, where she is now.
She's somebody that I definitely look up to. So here
you guys can listen back to her interview and she
even shares the way you should answer this frequently asked
interview question. It's pretty genius. Number three on the Bobby

Bones Show. Now from Shark Tank, Barbara, how are you
And I'm doing pretty good? Bobby, we have the same
color on today. I'm extremely colorblind. I'll be honest with you,
so I'm going to take your word for it. Well
you have bread on just so you know. Thank you
very much. Hey, I have a question. I was looking
at some notes before we were coming on together. And
I'll always love when you're on the show. You have
a great podcast called Business Unusual. But you have this

phone number that people can call and ask you questions,
which is eight eight eight Barbara. But what the what's
the most asked question to you? Who is you know,
the guru of making money in business? Probably where do
I get the money to start? Is the most to
ask question, but it's not the most interesting. I got
one yesterday from this crazy guy who said he was
going to make me nine feet well and bring back

the dinosaurs and we could sell them off at a
huge profit. I get people who ask me, how do
I leave my husband tomorrow or today tomorrow? How do
I fire my mother? I get every kind of question
in the world, but the most common is how do
I get my hands on the money to get started?
And that's just get started with like a small business,
right absolutely? Or sometimes they have dreams of grandeur, and

they want to start with seven hundred employees, so you
get your nut jobs there too. So that would be
a nut job having a dream of a new business
with seven hundred employees. Yeah, yeah, start big and then
if we have to scale back, we'll do it. We
only need about seventy eight million dollars for me to
be my partner. Please, before you got started and before
you are what we know you for now is being

wildly successful, and you had to start out. It's basically
what a thousand bucks? Thousand bucks? Hey, that was worth
probably ten thousand then, so it sounds like less than
it really was. So you have this thousand bucks, and
what do you do and how did you know to
do it without the advice of somebody like yourself. Well,

I knew I only had the thousand and it was
never going to happen again. So I figured out what
I was going to have to pay to rent a
phone for a month, what I'd have to pay the
sublease to desk from the accountant that I subleased from,
what my cab fare would cost, and what a three
line ad in the New York Times advertising one listening
would cost. And that made me realize I had roughly
seven weeks to stay in business, so I went out

of the gate like a gangbuster. Now I had seven
weeks to make my first deal, and as luck would
have it, I made my first three hundred and forty
dollars rental in the very first week. So that extended
my lifeline for two weeks, and on and on and
on it went. You know, I was just running against
the clock. There's a great advantage to being short on
cash man. Every nickel and dime you spend carefully, you're

scared to death every minute, and that is the best
formula for suggest for success. I think. I think fear
is a wonderful motivator. Is it odd to you now,
at this point in your career and your level of success,
because people like myself only see you as the wildly
famous and wildly successful businesswoman and person on Shark Tank,

But I have to imagine you inside your course. They'll
see the person that was just hustling and grinding so hard,
wondering if you could ever make it happen. Isn't it
weird that the perceptions we have upon ourselves, but how
others see us as well. It's soundly weird, but everybody
likes success. Everybody likes to see the finished product in anything.
Nobody really wants to nuts and bolts of how to
get there. But the most is to be learned really

from looking at the nuts and the bolts of getting there,
because that's the piece that everyone can identify with. That's
the piece everyone can mimic and used to make themselves successful.
So I love seeing the backstory and anybody who's successful.
It's never well. If you're a privileged kid and you
inherit a ton of money, I guess you're successful from

the start. But usually with those kids never successful in
their own mind. Do you still feel like that person
who's just starting out? I do not, because I live
in luxurious quarters. I have many vacation homes. I can
pretty much buy anything I want short of a private
jet or a yacht. My accountant tells me. So no,
I don't feel poor. But do I feel a shame

When I open my closet and see how many beautiful
outfits I have? I go to bed guilty every night.
Swear to God, I think how many people can this
dress feed? And yet I buy the new dress because
I need to look good on Sharktek. So that's how
I justify it's a business expense. I have to look
good on shark Tech if people are going to listen
to your podcast. And again, we may have a lot

of people now that didn't even know you had a podcast,
which is you know why you're on the show to
promote this. What in the world do you do on
business unusual that people could take for their normal lives.
You know, I give honest advice and people surprisingly on
a hotline are ridiculously open, which I love. They will
tell me the deepest, darkest secrets. They won't hide anything.

I almost sometimes think I'm more soulful than the therapist,
maybe because the paying and that helps a little bit,
but they will get the truth out of me. And
you know what I'm very good at doing is I
covering the fears that they're not looking straight in the
face and kind of breaking it down for them and
say how they get over it. You know, fear is
a terrible thing. You live procrastinating on stuff. You know it,

it stinks, it feel bad in your belly. But people see,
like go from A to Z, how do I get there?
I'm good at breaking it down, like, let's step A, B,
and C and that's enough and by the time you
get to dal you'll have your first success. Because I
really have seen that with people. People are surprisingly resilient
and far more capable than they give themselves credit for it.

With Season thirteen of Shark Tank, do you ever worry
that you're just gonna run out of finding new investments?
I mean, listen, I've been on American I don't know
for four seasons, and I'm like, when I wonder if
kids are ever gonna stop being good singers, Like I
worry about this. Do you worry like we're just gonna
get a bunch of crap now? No? No, I worry
about Please Dear God, don't send me one more golf
product going through those words. So you know, I worry

about the repeat categories that I'm like, ah, drinking cups.
That's been a big one in the last few years. No,
I don't worry about it because people have the wackiest ideas.
Some of the wackiest things have been the ones I've
made the most money on, and so I'm always looking
for that dark horse, like the thing that I'm not
taking so seriously that becomes a big hit. So the
surprise element is always there. I don't think we'll run

out of stuff. No, too frequent a category visit, but
not run out of stuff. Yeah. What's the biggest and
worst investment that you've made per Shark Tank that we've
seen on the show. Well, the worst investment I won't
even name because they sued me when they lost so
their money, Like I lost the money, So that's crazy.
But that was a exercise product that went nowhere. Okay,

that's I'll leave it at that. I'm afraid. I'm afraid
to talk about it. I hate litigation, I hate hiring
attorneys whatever. Okay, But the most surprising and traumatic success
I had was certainly with two guys. I came in,
very smart guys, filled with energy, no business experience, and

they had this oversized blanket named Comfy that they said
everybody was going to be crazy about. They didn't know
where they'd make it, they didn't know what it costs,
they didn't know how they'd sell it, but they knew
the world was going to really be crazy about it.
And of course what happened is they've sold like crazy
in the four years we've been together. No one saw
that hit coming and we've had over I think eighty million,

four hundred millions. I always get the numbers. I have
to look to somebody. I can't remember numbers. Four hundred
million dollars in sales. Who saw that coming? The Comfy
my biggest hit so far? Do you carry cash on you?
Twenty dollars in my iPhone? I have a great iPhone
with a strap on it because I'm always losing them,
old enough to not know where I ever put it.

And I keep twenty dollars at a credit card in
the back pocket. And you know, I could go through
two weeks without spending that twenty Everything in New York
is about credit card. Do you have a secondary when
you're rich in famous like you? Do you have two phones?
One for like the people that you kind of like
and the one for the people you love? No, because
I could separate them out on who's texting, right, So
that's not a problem. But I do have one phone

that I'm constantly thinking of throwing the Hudson River because
it's so constant you can't get away from it. And
I really do. I mean, you obviously need these instruments
to survive and run your business. I run mine off
my iPhone. But on another level, it takes a lot
away from living in the present, I believe. I think
it clutters the mind much more so. I used to

be able to hop in a cab and think about
the meeting. I just went to the person, I just
visitor who I want to ask for what, and reflect
on things. Now I hop in a cab and I
have to return thirty texts or emails. So I think
it takes away the thought time and the ability to
improve your decision making. I really do think so, and
I like to get away from it. But it's a
Pandora's box. You fold down that whole help help you

don't know how the heck to get out of there.
I have two more questions for And by the way,
you guys can call the phone number one eight eight
eight Barbara and leave her a question. She will answer
it on her podcast, much like we have our number here.
You can call and ask her about anything. You ever
call people back? They'd be a fun one if all
of a sudden you actually call them at home. You're like, hey,

you have, yes, of course I have. You have to
realize sometimes I have a hard time getting them back,
But when I get them. They do not believe it's
me calling I have the same voice, talking the same way. No,
they say yes, I say no, they say yes, I
say and so it takes a couple of minutes to
break through, even after I'm calling them back. Yeah, he's
kind of a funny experience. The two questions I have

for you and Amy's daughter on the show's fourteen years
old and they sent her a pamphlet at home and
they said, hey, what is your weakness? And I think
people are asked at an interview sometimes, So if you're
in a business situation or a job interview and they go, hey,
so what's your biggest weakness? How would you answer that question? Well,
a number one most important thing is you never answered honestly.
Forget about the honest answer, because so you don't want

to disclose your biggest weekness. You want to choose a
weakness that fits in with the job description. So example, um,
I don't you you're going to join a team for example,
you've already conjured up the idea that this company really
believes in teamanship. Then you say, you know, the problem
is I don't enjoy doing projects by myself. A nice

safe weakness for me. Yeah, that's a good one. How
do you Okay? The last question too that I want
to ask you because you know, ask someone like a
lot of questions, Bobby, That's what I do because I'm
also just so interested in you and you're also a
great guest a part of me for being so in
love with the content you bring to my radio show,
Miss Corkrane. Okay, I accept all that criticism and love

and whatever you call it you. I follow celebrities on
Instagram and they show off a lot of their wealth. Um,
when you see someone doing that, do you go and
I ain't near as rich as they seem, or they
wouldn't be showing it off. How do you feel about
a lot of these A lot of the flexes on
social media? They could be as rich as they say,

They could be richer than they're even showing off. I
think what that is it's nothing more than a reflection
of how insecure the individual is, how far they've traveled
from their roots when they were worried about whatever money
issues they had, and how far they've come personally and
feeling comfortable with money. So when you see that, you
see insecurity. I see a lack of authenticity. Because they're insecure,

and I get it. I don't brag about stuff. That's
something I think so my mother would come back from
the grave and kill me. But I get insecurity. You know,
if you're any good at what you do, you are
insecure or you don't improve. I mean, I wish I
could be more secure, but my insecurity is what drives me.
So I've learned to welcome it in on a good day.
Other days I hate the insecurities guts you know what

I mean. Yeah, her podcast is business unusual, you guys
can call it's a great thing about it ad A
D eight Barbara, and she's taking a lot more audience questions.
She answers as you can say here. She answered seven
hundred and thirty four my questions. Yes, that's what she does.
It wasn't quite that much questions, Barbara. Thank you, great
to talk with you. Congratulations on the success of the podcast.
Obviously you're massively successful everywhere, so it's just a pleasure

you could spend some time with you. And thank you
for wearing my outfit. I appreciate you. You're welcome to
see you later. I minds the cheaper version though, it's
the best bits of the week with Morgan number two.
All right, coming in at number two. Lunchbox can't believe
it's only number two, guys. I mean, I am just
I haven't even got to the headline a disaster. I

need a recount. I need to go back to the polls.
I mean, there must be some hanging chads. I don't know, guys,
this is outrage whatever. Listen. Okay, So before Lunchbox interrupted
the headline of numbers, who is Lunchbox came back from
paternity leave and he talked about the birth of baby
Box three, which yes, finally included the gender reveal. Lunch Yeah,

well you can now make your case. It's amazing. It's
amazing how creating a human being is not as important
as someone taking a shot. I mean, it's just that's
crazy to me that this little individual grew in my
wife's stomach for nine months, for nine months, and we
nurtured it and waited for it, and we finally got

to meet it. And that comes in at number two.
I mean, that is the number one headline of all time,
is when someone has a baby. I mean, I'm just saying,
I'm just saying that it's okay, my kids baby box three.
When the baby listens back to this in years, will
not be offended. Absolutely will be offended, will be appalled,
will be mad, We'll be frustrating. We'll have so many

questions for me, like dad, Dad, why am I number two?
Why am I not number one? What is this shot?
Can I take this shot? I'm like, no, no, you
can't take this shot. You're just number two. Don't worry.
Number two rules. It's still on the medal stand. You know,
like when you go to the Olympics, you don't remember
the silver medalists. You remember the gold medalist. And we're
gonna remember the shot. We're not gonna remember my baby
because I mean, in six months from now, are we

gonna be asking questions about my baby? Are we gonna
be asking questions about the shot? Probably about my baby?
In six years from probably about both. In six years
from now, we're gonna be asking questions about the shop
or my baby. Probably my baby. But I understand, I
get it. Oh it's number two, it's number two. Whatever,
aim Blunch, I mean, you're not being here. You might
as well put it at number three because it's a

third kid. So I mean, at least make it number appropriate.
You're making a case as you're sitting across from someone
who is appropriately named work and after two and you
just basically craft all of her miname. I am just
I'm no. It's an outrage, it's it's an outrage, but
it's it's totally it's totally to be expected. My poor

kid just getting the shaft already. No, no, but look, hey,
these are based off of listeners engagement, listener engagement. In
no way. Listen, everybody loved the photo of your baby,
and everybody loved the gender reveal, but what happened then
was the world's hunes shot just turned into a lot
of chaos. And listen, everybody loves chaos. Have you ever

been in the delivery room? Have you ever been in
the delivery room? Didn't show a video from that? That
turns into chaos, turns into chaos. You got doctor everywhere,
you got nurses, you got people with these clips and
this and that and all these tools and instruments, and
they got all this stuff to get the baby out there.
It turns into pure chaos. People screaming, my wife crying,

me trying to hold her hand, hurd saying, old man, okay,
don't hold your hand. What do you want me to do?
That turns into pure chaos. You guys had a little
little minor hiccup in the studio and that jumps the baby.
I mean, wow, waiting the complaining to hear you talk
about they talk about how amazing it was and how

special it was and emotional and great it was. It
was absolutely I cried when the baby was born. One
hundred percent the three for three crying for when the
baby were born. I mean, it's impossible. When that baby
comes out and you see it for the first time
and you touch it for the first time, then you
cannot help but not cry. If you cannot cry when

your baby comes out, then you're a different kind of
human because those tear ducks they automatically start working. There's
the onions in the corner. You know, you don't even
need onions though, it's just whack, you know what I mean.
I'm a man, I'm a man's man. But when that
baby comes out, it's tears coming from my cheeks. Okay,
So did you have tears coming from your cheeks before

or after? You figured out? Before? Right? I mean I
had it before, Like I could see the head and
I was like, baby, the next push, you're gonna have
a baby. We're gonna have a baby. The next contraction,
you're gonna push, and that baby is coming out because
you can see the top of the head right there,
and you see all the hair. And I was like, oh,
here we go, here we go. And here comes a

contraction all right with me? One, two, three, bush And
here comes a baby and right comes up and the
doctor holds it up and then the doctor holds it
up for everybody to see. And then it's like, what
is it? And then you say it's uh, you gotta
wait for it. I'm not going to ruin it, okay,
And so I want to know, because you know, we

on a more serious note, your first two babies had
to spend some time in the nick You. No, first one,
first one was nick you. The second one was in
the the pick you this summer because he got RSV
and we were stuck in the hospital for six days.
But he was a little older, but he was three
weeks early because of my wife has um what is

it called diabetes or and genital geriatric diageriatric No, not
geriatric diabetes. It's something something diabetes. When you're pregnant, not
geriatric gestion, gestational gestational diabetes. Yes, so the health of
the baby and the health of my wife. You had
to bring the baby three weeks early. And that's exactly

what happened with this with baby box number three and
two and two. Yes, the first one was just six
weeks early on his on his own. He yeah, just boom,
water broke, let's go, time to go, let's let's pop
that baby out, way too early. But yeah, this baby
was a planned induction, whatever you call it. Yeah, and
they gave her some potosan medicine I think it's called Potosa.

Don't quote me on that, not a doctor, but it
starts the induction process. And everything was great. And I
woke up from a nap and the wife's like, hey,
I think I'm gonna ask for an epidural, and I'm
like all right. And then by the time of that epidural,
people got there and she was like, I can't, I can't.
I need to go now, I need to go now.
So all three bursts, though, was she able to have naturally?
All natural? That's awesome, all natural, But the third one,

I mean the epidural they put in her back. But
she I mean, she only pushed for nine minutes, so
the epidural didn't even take effect, like she didn't. It
wasn't even affecting the later and she was no. They
turned it off right when the baby comes out. They
turned it off, so they didn't even do it at all.
Then last one was a natural, all natural, You're all natural.
She's one tough cookie, you know what I'm saying. She's

a tough cookie. And she's recovering well, she's recovering well.
She's hanging out the house, she's catching up on the Bachelorette.
And I keep trying to tell her to watch The
Wire when I'm not there because I've already watched The Wire.
And she's like, I don't know what's is that heavy?
And I'm like, it's heavy, but it's one of the
greatest shows of all time. Have you ever watched The Wire?
How many seasons? Four seasons? That's it? Four? What's it about?
It's about slanging? Slanging, slanging in the Baltimore slanging. What

does that mean? Slanging? Like selling? Oh, like undercover cells,
not undercover, under the table. No, no, not like under
the like illegal, under the table, legal substances. Oh, drugs. Yeah,
why slanging is better? Okay, so good. It was on

HBO okay for four seasons and it's fantastic, absolutely fantastic. Okay,
so yeah she's recovering. Well, um, what here's going back
to what I was talking about earlier about how people
or you can't let people's comments get to you because
we posted the picture about my baby, the actual picture

of him. Yeah, you just ruined it. What No, I
said earlier. It's fine, it's fine, it's party off, it's
the it's on the internet. You tell me not to
ruin it, but then you ruin it. No, I just
say you're going to ruin it. I just don't wait
until this segment to talk about it. You can't reveal
what he is. You just ruined it again. Spoiler alert.
I don't like calling a baby and it it makes

me so people online this is my favorite comment that
I see. I feel so sorry for that child that
got stuck with such a terrible person as a dad.
And I laugh at that, like you say, like, people like,
what does it bother you? That is the funniest comment
to me, because I'm like, what is so terrible about me?
What is like? What is so terrible because you don't

agree with my opinions because I have too much fun
because I'm always laughing and because I'm loud. Hell, that
sucks to be that kid. But it's just like it's
so funny. Like that comment right there is like most
people would get mad, but I'm just like, he's idiots.
You want to come see my house. How freaking crazy
my house is. It's so freaking fun. Idiots. That means
they hate their lives that they are they're they're throwing

that towards my kid, and it's like, you're an idiot. Yeah,
and those kids, like are some of the most loved kids,
Like if y'all ever saw them in real life, they're
the most loved kids. Yeah. But but what says anything
about me? Says that I don't like my kids just
because I'm loud and I'm crazy and I'm five opinions
that are different, and people want to be mad. But
I don't even think my different. My opinions are different.

It's just that I actually express my opinions spoken because
a lot of people think it in their head and
and I am what up? And I say it and
they're like, I agree with you, But it's not. They're
they're scared to agree with me because then they make
them they think it's oh, I can't agree with that jerk,
but then it's like, oh, you're on the dark side,
like how they really feel. Yeah, but it's but it's

been crazy. The house has been crazy. I mean with
three kids now, it's just it's pure care. It's like
it's like two single parents. So I take care of
the older kids and my wife takes care of the
baby because she has to breastfeed. She has so she's
doing that so she can't and she can't after her
giving birth. You can't pick up anything more than the newborn,
so I got to pick up the other two kids.
I gotta give them bath man. It's pure chaos. And

let me tell you, by the end of the day,
I am exhausted right now. Well that's the thing. Everybody's like,
do you wake up all the hours of night? And
I'm like, not really, because I'm so tired that I
don't even hear the new baby. Oh hear it, oh
hear it. Okay, So your wife is kind of focused
on the new board and you're kind of focused on
I mean, I hang out with it. I hang out
with it and talk to it and chill and hold,

but I can't feed and all that, so it's hard.
But in the middle of night, every once in a
while I'll hear it, but most of the time I'm
so passed out and so I But the only problem
is this week, you know, I came back to work
and the older two they both got sick. So the
first night I had to sleep in the recliner with
one because he was just going is just all our

second night, I was sleeping in the spare bedroom with
the other one. He's kicking me all night in the
ribs because he ended up sideways and I try to
put a pillow between us. Oh my god, it was miserable.
Right next to you. I may have been no, no,
I was in the spare bedroom. Oh but you say
he kicked you in the ribs. Oh yeah, yeah, right
next to Yeah. So I may have been grouchy earlier

in the week because I was a little sleep depride.
But I'm getting back to being good. I'm good now.
And you're getting any naps? No, not really, no naps,
no naps. And how is wall though? Your dogs? Oh?
Wall though? Loving that, loving it and just all up
in that kid what what up? Checking it out? Laying
kid dog? Yeah, definitely a kid dog. I'm starting to sweat.
I'm gonna take out my sweatshirt. Gosh. Yeah. Okay, well

that is a good update. And so before I keep
revealing anything, Yeah, let's just get let's just get to it.
Let let's get to the number two moments, the birth
of a human. Guys, can you believe creating life is
only number two? We're playing it for the people. Okay,
Number two boxes back in the studio for the first
time in a few weeks as he had a third baby.

How does it feel being a dad of three? Lunchbox, Oh,
it's exhausting, Like it is so hard because you have
two that can move and so they're going one direction,
and then you got the other baby that can't move
that's crying, and they're au There's just action all the time.
There is no time to sit down and relax and
just you know, sip on a cocktail or anything like that.
You are go, go, go all the time. But it's awesome.
So you have two boys, what were you guys hoping

for this next time? My wife was praying for a
girl because she didn't want to be stuck with three
boys and then me being a boy and the dog
being a boy, all boys in the house. So she's praying,
girl me, you know me, I want a boy, boy
boy boy. And so you guys did not find out
until you were in the room. Correct. We didn't find
out with our first two. We were gonna find out
with the third one. My wife wanted to, but I
convinced her. I was like, look, you need to quit

being selfish and we need to find out when the
baby comes out. And so I won that argument and
we waited till delivery day. I mean, it sounds like
you're being selfish with gay. Well, because what does it
change if we know who cares. Let's just wait till
the day it is born and it'll be the huge
surprise when the doctor hands us that baby and we
have to look And so what is it like, because

I don't have kids yet, So is it like waiting
for your team to kick fill goal and you're like,
if you make this, we win the game, and you're
just like, oh, boll here it goes, here it goes
Is that what it's like as you wait for the
sex of that new baby. Absolutely you're waiting for that
game winning play because like when she starts pushing and
everything like. So it was crazy because we were induced
because she has some health issues. And so all right,
let's go. We're gonna take a nap, and my wife

wipes me up, goes I think I'm gonna ask for
an epidural now, and I'm like, okay, cool, and then
she's like, I don't have time for the epidurl. It's
time to go. I gotta get this baby out of
me now, now now. And the doctor's like, look, if
you gotta push that baby out and I'm not down
there to catch it, it'll land on the bed because
the doctor wouldn't even scrubbed in or anything. And I'm going, here,
we are games on the line. What's it gonna be?
What's it gonna be? And they're like push, push, push, ah,

And I mean I see the head and I'm like,
I see your head. Baby. Next time, next time you push,
the baby's gonna be here. So we wait for the
next trashing. All right, here we go three two, one,
bush bush bush booh. The baby comes out and the
doctor holds it up. The doctor holds up the baby
and and are you ready, yes, all ready. Baby Box

three is hey, good boy and the boy. It's the boy.
I'm three for three boy boy boy boy, boy boy.
Oh my goodness. They hold up that baby and you
look and you see the parts and you're just like, baby,
it's a boy. We got a boy. And it was bush.

She disappointed it all. I think a little bit. She
was sad, and she said that was the problem with
not finding out is that she was worried she was
gonna be sad. In the delivering room, she cried a
little bit, and I don't know if she was crying
from pain because she didn't have time to get the appadural. Guys,
she only pushed for nine minutes. So when people have
babies in the car because it comes so fast, now,
I totally get it, because it was like, she goes,

I think I'm gonna get the epidural. Ten minutes later
we had a baby. Wow. So what about when you
hear people go, I took me thirty six hours to
have a baby, I'm like, I don't know how that's possible.
That's crazy. All three of your kids come out quick.
I mean our first one was like eight or nine hours.
The second one was four hours, and then this one
was nine minutes. Crazy. You can do thirty seconds on

the next one. Oh my god. So I mean, are
y'all gonna have another one to try for a girl?
I mean, she said, talked to her in six months.
Because the whole pain of delivering a baby, the excitement
like we're in it right now. So the excitement of
it's like, oh my gosh, we want more. But let's
see how the family of three transitions. And I mean
it was crazy, but we got a third boy, and
I mean over the moon excited. It's incredible. It was incredible,

so awesome. A clip of the first cry. Are you
recording this on your phone? Oh yeah, on my phone,
Like you just hit record, like when it's starting to
go down. Like I cut out all the script. I
thought i'd bring in screaming, but I didn't think you
guys wanted to hear the pain of her and like
screaming and crying, So I just cut all that, like
the whole it's the whole nine minute club. All right, guys,

here we go, Okay, here we go. This is the
baby's first cry. Ah, does that baby look different than
your other two babies? I'm gonna tell you what. This
baby looks identical to me, Like it is officially this one.

I don't even need it. There's no paternity tests, need
it at all. Like it is a doppelganger of me.
The other two did not look like me. This one
is my spitting image. Everybody that has seen this baby goes, oh,
that's you. I mean, it has the same hair as
me when I was born. I mean looks just like me. Boom.
The other two is still concerned about her. Ah, the
first one for sure, because he's just he's shy and

just totally opposite of what I am. But it's okay
that he could be like your wife. Though kids are different,
and I'm trying to learn how to understand that and
grasps that, Like, I mean, we wanted all of them
to come out just like him. He used to be
so competitive with Eddie because Eddie's two year old just
is like an athlete. Heaton's catch balls, um and lunchboxes

isn't correct, and mine is like we we go to
like little birthday parties for like people he goes to
preschool with or whatever, and like he just stands off
to the side and I'm just like Hey, man, you
gotta go talk to him. And I try to force him,
and I'm just like, you gotta let him do his thing.
But I'm like, dude, they're having fun. You see how
they're jumping on that trampoline. You need to get in
there and jump on the trampoline. I don't want to.
And I'm just like, okay, okay, very frustrated. But okay,

you say that to your kid. I'm very frustrated, I
say in my head, like we went to okay, yeah,
like we went to one of those trampoline parks and
for a birthday party and he wanted to play with
the massage cheer over in the corner instead of jumping
on the trampoline. Hey, I get that. So yeah, but yeah,
my love him. He is great. But third boy who

just like me. We got a boy. Let's go and
even the dogs a boy if you miss it earlier boys,
even the dogs a boy. Yeah, congratulations, thank you, three
for three on boy. I have a friend that's got
all has four girls. Oh my gosh. That's a brutal
same situation, only exactly the reverse. Yes, that's a little different.

It's the best bits of the week with Morgan number two,
number one spot. Controversial to Lunchbox, It's controversial to America America. Look,
we talked to America. America agrees this is controversial. Oh no,
Lunchbox believes this is controversial. But anybody's give me your feedback. Guys,

hit me up and let me know. Is this controversial?
Should this be number one? Over the birth of a child?
Just let me know, Just let me know. Anyways, somebody
on the show, we spun the wheel and somebody had
to drink the world's literal hottest shot. It's rum and
fuse with Carolina Reeper peppers and the Carolina RepA peppers
are in the bottle, and really could it be that hot?
Could it be really that hot? Yes? Okay, well before

we didn't think it was to be fair, to be fair,
you know, when this originally got brought up, I was like, look,
I hate spicy things. I'll admit that. I will take
one for the team if this is what we are
going to do. But I did not want to take
this shot. Okay, well I was a little skeptical. Could
it really be that hot? I didn't think it could
be that hot. I didn't think you really didn't think
I didn't think so. I was like, Okay, they're overselling it.
They're overselling it, sort of like whenever you drive by

a restaurant, Oh City's Best Ribs three years in a row,
and I'm like, okay, you just write that on the
sign and we believe it. Okay, cool, Okay, Well, would
you like to give a spoiler alert? We can say
spoiler alert? No, no, I don't want to give a
spoiler alert. I'm gonna just say, well, it was on
the Post Show, so technically it's not even you've already
heard of mine. Yeah, they already heard it in this No,
they already heard mine? Yes, yes, So it's unbelievably hot.

It's unbelievably hot. Don't ever do it? But you kind
of ate your words. No, No, I didn't eat my words.
It didn't it was going to be that hot. It
was skeptical. And guess what, it proved me wrong. Sometimes
things prove you wrong. And guess what this shot proved
me wrong? Like? Whoa this thing? Guy that loves to
make money? So how much money would you have to
make to take the shot? I don't know. I don't

even know. Five thousand dollars? I don't know. I don't
know if I can do it like a full shot too.
That's what I'm saying. I don't know if I could
do it. I don't know if I could do it.
You did the hot chip? Which one was worse all this?
By far? This one was much worse than the hot chip? Yeah,
the hot chip was terrible, but this was awful. So
I don't know. I mean, it's like being choosing between

poop and crap? Which one would you like? Would you
like play the poop or played the crap? Either one's
a stinky situation. Yeah, get it stinky because they're poop
and crap. Nice puns, lunchbox. Okay, well we have a
pun on number one? Yeah, number one. Okay, here's somebody

spinning the wheel. The Bobby spun the wheel. Yeah, you
know that's not a spoiler alert. Bobby spins the wheel
every time. At this point, I'm not sure whatever body's
gonna yell at me for. So the wheel got spun
and somebody had to drink the world's Hottest shot, and
that's how we got to number one. Because it says
spun and number one. They rhyme, Okay, baby, doesn't rhyme
with it was pure chaos in our studio and it's

basically like a hospital scene. So yeah, here it is
number one. We ordered this World's Hottest Shot months ago,
maybe weeks ago, but it's been a long time. It
took forever to get here. And this is that same
company that makes the World's Hottest everything chips. This time
it's a shot and it does say basically, if you

have medical conditions, don't take it. Basically it's like a
roller coaster. Yeah, same sign you stand a roller coaster, pregnant,
heart issues, other serious illnesses, don't take the shot. But
everybody here's pretty good. Huh. I think we're good. Everybody
pretty healthy? I think so. So. I smelled it and

it burns your nose when you smell it doing it.
Oh oh oh okay, I'm gonna spin this wheel. Do
we want to do? Oh? Man, I don't know what
we want to do. You want to land on one
and they do it, or you want to take one
off the wheel? Off that Just get it over with

because if it lands on my name, I want to
be off the wheel the way you always take it
to a vote. Five people in the room who wants
to spin it? Once and they lose. Raise your hand.
I just name who wants to I'll rock that too.
You're not in the room. Oh odd number. Right, you're
on the wheel, but you're not. I need to odd

number and you three? Do you want to keep the
name pulling off, pulling off, pulling off? Scoob, Steve? What
do you think? I like? This spends the pulling it off? Okay,
all right, so Ray, I take your vote, but they'll
take Scoobs two spin. Oh my gosh, come on, Ray,

Mundo is off the wheel. We should have taking the shot. Yeah,
he would have been the one doing it. Way to go, guys. Okay,
that was a bad decision. Well in hindsight, guys, come on,
well yeah, hindsight is always right. I might have spun
it harder if it was one spin. No dramatic. Oh well,

I didn't know that was the rule. Here we go.
Next up, that's on your name. I pull you off
the wheel. Come on, let's spare now, who's not getting drunk?
Who's not getting drunk? Mike de is Now, Wow, this
is getting on. That was right next to my name. Guys,

I'm just gonna read chill about this. By the way,
you can watch this on our Facebook page right now live,
I mean, wherever you are, get on our Facebook page.
This is this is all up on stream. We're doing
this live with you, guys. You can see it. This
shot could potentially derail someone's entire day. Yeah, potentially, don't
beat dramatic or the entire life if you have a
health condition you don't know about. Oh is that dramatic?

All right? On the board, lunch box Morgan Amy Eddie
taking a shot in scuba breakfast. It's good after two hours.
Here we go, let's spread. It's me, here's me. Nothing
that if it lands on, if it lands blank, when

we just keep going, come on here and it lunch box,
can we do that? Oh? Thank you Eddie to take
the shot? What are we wait? Okay, here we go,
Here we go, here we go. Oh everybody right, okay,

so thank you. We have so stupid lunch box Morgan
Amy Eddie, guys, Oh no, no, it's okay. Oh this
is so dumb, Like why all right? Go and Steve,
you're off the wheel. I feel like this wheel has
been in my life so long it should have better
like juju with me. Let's spend Come on, come on,

come on, I'm on come on, yes, yes, yeah, I'm
not gonna get there empty all the empty spots. Get
give it a good one, man. I already feel Oh
my gosh, this is a problem with doing it over

and over again. That's okay because everybody's in their car
nervous for me. Oh it's me on landing on the
blank space a week clear? Okay, okay, new rule. Do
you want to do who it lands on? Now? No,
let's do that. Yes, I'm done that. Well okay, but
if it lands on bank one more time, we switch it. Okay.

Oh come on, please please please be be me me me, me,
me me, and be me all about me. It's all
that means me. Three times it's been right next to
me because Scoopa was on one side of me. Mike
was always on one side. Yeah, now here we go.
Oh my god, we're now changing it. If it lands
on you, you're taking the shot. Yes, why it's me,

guaranteed it's me. We all know this. We all know
it's me. You like shots? Oh I love shots? But
why aren't you the one going, hey, we can drink
at work? No, that was me, that was me. I
think it was him too, too. Do you guys want
to smell it. I don't want to smell it. I
can't smell it. I have no desire. You have no smell. Boy,
have your COVID may make the shot awesome, but this

shot might bring all your sense of smell and taste back.
You smell that smell good? We have the world taught
a flaming Doctor Pepper. Oh boy, Oh, flaming Doctor Peppers
were good. We have at the right time with my
cousin's wedding in Oklahoma with flaming doctor Peppers. Amy, what
you think about that? I will for sure, Bob, Yeah,
I think I have to do that. Like just sorry,

problem as we've been landing on all the blank spots
there where you go. If it lands on your name,
you are now taking this show. Please land on Eddie?
Why because you're beings annoying about it. You are the
most annoying person there is. Let's spin gome on. I
didn't Eybodny mean anybody by me. Oh, Amy's slowing down,

Amy's slowing down. It's going to land on. I don't
know why I can't get a plan on some name.
How are you ready to do this? Yeah? Spinning to
give this a heck of a spin. You're spending your
life like you're on the wheel of fortune. Let's spin.

Come on, Oh my god, box, let's go. So Eddie,
you'll be quiet, Eddie? Come on? Oh not me? Oh
this is not me? Oh yeah, keep going, keep going.
I can't. Oh, I mean it is dancing around. Let's box.
I mean it's like slow dance in a burning room.

All right? Is that the name? Here we go? I'm
a medium sin. Let's spin. That is soft? That is
super soft? Here it is? Oh no, it's hold on.
It's on a broken spot. So let's do half and half.

It's Amy and Eddie broken spow what ill stop it?
Because the gravity of it. It's the gravity. So because
I can put it on Amy and it still rolls
over to Eddie. Now we have the it's Amy ready
coin flip time. I like it. I don't even let
Amy call it two out of three? Oh okay, Amy,

call it in the air. Heads call it in the air. Amy, Okay,
if you're just gonna call heads, it's okayds okay, I'll
call it. Do you want to stand on the floors
somebody that's not Amy or lunch box? Morgan you're gonna
walk over there. Yeah, you don't trust lunch box Amy.
Ready you have head's Amy? Here you go one point three? Okay, wait,

so so if Amy gets it, wins you Okay, all right, Amy,
Heads our tails? Stay with heads, Amy, Tails Tails. There's
the flip, there's the role. It's heads last one. Now

what are you gonna do? Now? You're Amy? Don't think
too hard about it? Just Amy. Whatever you say here, well,
dictate who gets to take this hot shot, the hottest
shot ever made? Heads? She going head again? If it's heads,
Amy wins and Eddie takes the shot. Come on, Tails,
sales never fails. I thought you always like head tails
never fails. Come on, Amy, what did you call? I

stop it? I called heads shot. Amy takes the shot.
Come on, Rue, let's go. Okay, hold out. Do you
want it? What do you mean? Do I want it?

You're on a double on the phones. Chill, dude, it's
a Tuesday morning. I'm pouring it into the Amy. You
want to pay me to take it? Here you go, Amy,
take the shot. Oh my goodness, Amy, bring it to
your table. Yeah, walk over to your microphone. Oh yeah,
she's smelling it. Oh you can oh, there's peppers already

in the box. It's a shot in the pewer. Okay, okay,
should I get the trash can? Look like you're twenty
one years old? Birth day? Where are you? College station
Texas rules? The twelfth Man, Johnny Man? Here she goes

three two go she take the shot. There we go.
She swallowed it. Oh she's gonna puke. Oh, go to
trash can. Oh no, oh no, give her some water.
But you're in your jacket and you're showing Mike over there. Oh, peking,

that's not good. Give her some water or something. Let's
box helper, lunch box helper. Give her some water. Give
her some water. Are y'all try to give her some water?
Come on, anything. We gotta have water ready for this.
Here's my knee's water here, milk. She is shaking. Oh oh,

it's burned in my mouth. It's burn on my nose.
To be an over there, all right, she's bent over.
She's holding her own hair back. I think it's getting better.
I'm starting to It's like pepper spray, you know, in
the room. It's getting me. What is she drinking? That
is smoothie? Is that your smoothie? On her desk. I

didn't have anything to drink, but I can. Yeah, it
feels like when someone pepper sprays the room. I don't
know what Ammy is. I can't even open my eyes
in the studio right now because I got it in
my eyes. This is like a hospital situation. Oh, I
can't see. We took the world's hottest shot. Am I
on the air. You're on We took the world's hottest shot.
Ammy took it, almost vomited. She's in the other room burning.

I got it in my eyes. I can't open my eyes.
So when having you you touched your eyes, well, I
got on my hand. I was pouring the shot and
then I touched my eyes and they both It's like
flames in my face right now. Oh, I can't see straight.
I can't even open my eyes. Is anyone I talked
to Amy? She said her nose is on fire. Yeah, yeah, yeah,

she's We got all our senses covered, seeing, smelling, tasting.
She is on all fours and you're in the other
room making not good noisies, wet paper towel. Yeah, you
should probably pour milk in your eye. I don't think
we have milk. We have milk. I got we got
something for Amy. Oh, Mike, I'm not no, no, I'm
just telling you. That's what like when people eat hot things,
they think, oh, give me water, and it's the opposite.

Water makes it worse. You're supposed to drink milk. It's
like there are two camp fires that have Yeah, that's
why you need milk. I think you should really dab
afo your milk in your eyes though, like I've heard
of drinking it. I think, yeah, guys, I am not
a doctor, but I am. I am an experienced eater
of hot, hot things. And you put milk on it
and it cools everything. Okay, or get in because you
know you go to hot chicken place, they give you bread.

Give me some bread from my eyes. Okay, we'll get
you bread and bones. Have a croissant for those that
are just turning the radio on. We have a slight
issue where we did this bit where it was the
world taught a shot and Amy lost. So she took
the shot. Then she started basically vomiting, and then I

had poured it some of my hand when I was
pouring the shot, and then I rubbed my eyes and
it's in both my eyes. I can't open my eyes right.
It's hurt. It hurts so bad. If you guys knew
the pain tolerance that I should get an award for this.
I know they don't give us they bannis from awards now,
but I should get an award for this, for for
fighting through the show with the burnt eyes. So bones,
If you try to open your eyes, what happens? Oh

my god? I try just now. Oh, do you want
some of that milk? I'll take anything. Okay, I'll take anything.
I'll give us some milk. I'll tell Amy he shouldn't
have anymore. Oh no, don't take it from Amy. Check
in with her. Oh my god, someone of this convenient store.
Whose idea was this bit? I think it was yours? Bones,

it was not. I don't know. I think about hot Shots. Oh,
hot Shots. That's a good movie. I mean that was
scary for how many times? How many minutes after the hour?
Are we right now? Forty two? Okay? Should we just
play a song? Yeah? I mean Amy's on the ground
in the other room. You can't open your eyes. We're
in trouble, man. That smell and it's still over here straight.

It's almost like someone through a pepper spray bomb like
in our room. It is. It really does feel like that.
Like when I walk back in from checking on Amy,
I could I kind of got golf choked up over here.
My throat started tightening. Okay, you guys shut up. Okay, okay,
Hey no, that's Morgan number two going to check on Amy.
I don't know. We're the only ones left, like you,

guys for the heny. What do you want to talking
about that? Hey? You want to tell me something good? Many,
she's in the bathroom now, her face is on fire?
Is how her mascara is all over her cheeks? She
doesn't have that run free mESC Your eyes look better, Bones?

Oh no, oh no, that wheel found a way to
get you, didn't it. I wasn't even know a stupid
will and I still was punished. Did somebody take that? Yeah,
we take it out of the room. Oh else, want
to take a shot. No, it's like my hey, by

the way, fun party trick. No, there's no way, Bones.
It was like a terrible traumatic scene going on here
after that bit. I mean, it was so it was
like a hospital room. I will tell you what. I
got some great audio of Amy. Oh man. Whenever you
guys you're welcome. You're welcome. What I do? Take care

of my they're one of you. Guys? What are you
talking about? Okay? Oh I can hold them open. Finally good.
And then it feels like I got two microwaves coming
out of my face. That sucks. Okay, should spend that.
I honestly thought I was. I might go blind. Oh
you dropped the song. I don't give a crap. All right,

everybody have there? No, you don't want water, guys, Water
makes everything worse. I'm just telling you, hey, put some.
I mean, am I gonna literally take a milk bath? Absolutely?
I mean you take a tomato bathroom. You get sprayed
by a skunk, so why wouldn't you take a milk bath?
Can I tell you something that I just did that?
I'm really you touch your eyes again? No? I didn't,
but I need to wash my hands. I started to

look at the screen and I can't see anything because
it's blurry, and I was like, well if I've lost
my vision, but I don't have my glasses off, and
I forgot I already didn't have vision. You're like Wilma
from Scooby Doo. Okay, oh man, yeah, I'll go to
the bathroom. Now, yeah, I go milk, okay, milk me.

Come on, gay lord boker, all right, a little bit
of your eyes. Yeah, that's what I'm telling you. Really, Yeah,
the eyes guys. Oh, you're gonna thank you. Well, you
don't need wetmen, do you got me? Come on, I
told you that ten minutes ago. So I'm just gonna
diep this in the yeah, dip it like you're dipping
a donut your coffee. Put on your eyeball, bounce, Yeah,

you're gonna open. Oh okay, I'm not putting milk in
my eye. Now, drink the milk. Gargle. That does help
a little bit. Really, that's crazy. I'm sorry, lunch, you
knew what you were talking about. But also the crappy
tells us to do all the time. It's like, exactly,
how do you trust you? Oh? How's Amy doing? Fine?

She'll be fine. I'm gonna be fine too. But this hurts.
Oh yeah, oh that's probably worse than taking a shot. Yeah,
let's say that. Don't tell that to Amy. You know,
I'm also in paid. I think she's aware, yes, but
she doesn't care. Okay, all right, I think we're gonna

call it here. Yeah, oh boy, who kind of regret
that one? Bones? I don't know. No, No, it's kind
of fun. I guess it's the best bits of the
week with Morgan. Number two. Oh man, that was fun,
lunch box. Despite your complaining, thank you, I didn't complain

that much. I was here. It was fun. We we
learned a little bit about each other. Were you complaining
about number two and number one? No, no, I don't.
I don't. I don't complain. I just I state facts.
I did my research before I came in here. I
just want to say thank you for having me on
your podcast. Your leadership skills from college to hear I
have just really, I mean they have transformed. There. You're
such a better leader than you were back then. Like

when people saw you then, they're like, oh, she could
be a leader. Now looky, I'm like, she can definitely
lead the podcast. She does a great job. No, boy,
thank you. I mean you lead us in our dances,
you teach me the moves. I mean you really your
leadership skills. Hey, but according to the troll online, I
should get some maturity and have some babies. Have some babies, yes, right,
you need to start popping them out. Let's be real,
that's not happening anytime soon. Neither one of those, right,

And if you do, it'll be number two on the list.
I won't even make number one, so I don't even
worry about it. Okay, Lunchbox, let them know where they
can find you for your podcasts and for social media. Listen,
Eddie Ray and I we also do the Sore Losers.
If you want more of us, it is us. I mean,
it's supposed to be a sports podcast, but let's be real,
it's us just being idiots talking about our lives and
what goes on at home, and we talk a little

bit about sports, and we make fun of people, and
it is absolutely it'll make you laugh. I promise you that.
So you can find us on these store Losers, and
you can also find me Radio Lunchbox on any social media.
I mean that's Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, I mean TikTok. No
one follows me on TikTok, It's okay, go follow Lunchbox
on tikbot. It's okay. If you follow Morgan number two

on TikTok, I mean, it's the same video. That's the
only thing I post. I've been trying to get you
to too much. I know, but it's just hard. I mean, listen,
when you got three kids, it's really hard. But you
wouldn't I mean, right, but I mean I guess I
wouldn't know. I guess I should. I should have time
because I mean, when you're only number two, I mean
on the list, you should be able to get more
TikTok okay and you. Grace can find me at Well
Girl Morgan on All the Things and of course the

show at Bobby Bones Show. Thank y'all so much for
hanging out with us. I hope you have a fabulous weekend.
Go weekend, guys. Bye bye, huh
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