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February 10, 2024 51 mins

It’s Best Bits time! Morgan and Abby talk about that upcoming “love” holiday and how they plan to spend it. They talk about their Cody Johnson concert experiences, including the strange thing Morgan may have said to a country artist. Abby is running on no sleep and Morgan had a breakthrough in her dating life.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
The Best Bits of the Week with morgane Part one
behind a scene with a member of the show. What's
Up Everybody?

Speaker 2 (00:10):
Happy Weekend and other best Bits is here and this
weekend I'm joined by Abby.

Speaker 1 (00:14):
Abby he feeling I am tired today? Yeah, I'm running
on three hours of sleep. I'm not even kidding you
know what is happening.

Speaker 2 (00:22):
We are going to dive into why you're not sleeping
I'm sitting here with vertigo or crushing it. Oh yeah,
We're really doing great this week. Yelling It twenty twenty
four is coming in strong. But starting off before we
dive into some talking about things the best bits this week,
So Bobby and Eddie recall the story that they.

Speaker 1 (00:40):
Well when they were with Toby Keith.

Speaker 2 (00:41):
So we're going to start best Bits with Toby Keith
and we're going to end with Toby Keith because it
was a.

Speaker 1 (00:46):
Really big loss for country music.

Speaker 2 (00:48):
So the number seven segment this week is Bobby and
Eddie talking about performing Red Solo Cup with Toby Keith
several years ago. The Raging Idiots opened up for him
and he brought him back out on stage and the
story is really funny. So that's happening and then we've
got a listener who called in to share our twenty
twenty three game statistics, which every year is like a

roast on me, and I don't shure.

Speaker 1 (01:11):
It is like even I had a higher percentage, I'm
like because I didn't play that many games.

Speaker 2 (01:16):
Yeah, yeah, and I'm very well where I'm not good
at games, So like every year, I just prepare myself
that I'm I'm taking.

Speaker 1 (01:22):
The l Yeah that's a little rough every time.

Speaker 2 (01:25):
And Blake Shelton and Gwen Stefani were not in studio,
but they were on Zoom with us, and it was
so awesome, Like Gwyn is just so beautiful she is,
I yeah, it was fun to see her with Gwyn
with Blake. Also, sorry if my words get messed up
this weekending, I am not doing great, but she kept
I watched the video back and she just kept like

adoring Blake Shelton throughout the whole time and it was
so cute.

Speaker 1 (01:48):
Really yeah, oh that's goals. Yeah, there are goals.

Speaker 2 (01:51):
So they came on to talk about their new collaboration,
which was awesome, and then Lunchbox went to the streets
to ask strangers if it's Eddie versus the.

Speaker 1 (01:59):
New batch who are they choosing?

Speaker 2 (02:02):
And we got the results of that, which I do
think it was a little bit skewed because I don't
think he actually went to all age groups.

Speaker 1 (02:08):
I think he went specifically to one age ye group
based on the.

Speaker 2 (02:13):
People talking there's that maybe because he couldn't find anybody else.

Speaker 1 (02:17):
Probably he probably don't look very hard though either.

Speaker 2 (02:20):
And then Lunchbox, speaking of him, wanted to be sent
to Las Vegas for the Big Game and listen, the
show did everything they possibly could to send him to
the Big Game, and somehow or another, it still didn't
quite work out. And you're gonna hear how this all happened.
You're gonna be really frustrated with Lunchbox, I am, because
he had some great opportunities. And then that they are

single song happened. Now you're not going to get to
hear the actual full version of it because of copyright reasons,
but you can go watch it on our Instagram page.
But you will hear us like trying to figure it out. Also,
don't appreciate the lyrics written for myself. I'm not sure
if you feel the same.

Speaker 1 (02:58):
Yes, I'm upset, I've become obsessed. Yeah, and apparently I
only date losers.

Speaker 2 (03:03):
You know, it's truth, though it is a little true.
I think they have some truth to them. But I
have dated good guys. I just haven't full on dated
great guys.

Speaker 1 (03:13):
Well that's gonna change in twenty twenty four, let's go,
Yeah it is.

Speaker 2 (03:17):
And then we did coming in at the number one
spot is our our Toby Keith tribute. Now I can't
put the entire hour and a half part in here,
but this is a moment where Bobby was sharing some stories.
Jaco and called in to share his story, and even
John Daily texted Bobby. So just really heartwarming things that
they had to say about Toby Keith and their experiences
with him.

Speaker 1 (03:36):
Because again, if.

Speaker 2 (03:37):
You haven't missed it or haven't been kind of on
the internet, this week, we did lose Toby Keith, and
that's just a really hard loss for all of country music.
So but now it's time to talk about some fun things,
all right.

Speaker 1 (03:48):
So obviously the big game this weekend. Who's gonna win
forty nine Ers or the Chiefs? How are you feeling
who is gonna win? Like? I feel like the Chiefs
always win.

Speaker 2 (03:58):
Yeah, I'm not like rooting for them I hope family's
rooting for them. Really, yeah, I'm kind of rooting against them.

Speaker 1 (04:03):
Why you're literally from Kansas? What are you doing? That's
a Missouri, that's Missouri. Okay, it's Kansas City. Okay. See,
I'm a Broncos fan, and I'm you're a hater of
your own state. No, I'm not, you are. I just
can't jump on the bandwagon because then people will be like, oh,
you're a bandwagon fan. Okay, but why are you hating
against them? They're not playing your team. I don't know,

just so I can see somebody else win. I feel
like Chiefs always win, isn't it getting? You know, it's
such a typical Jayhawk of you to say that. Okay,
kay State or let's go Okay, you guys, listen.

Speaker 2 (04:36):
You guys always always hate about the other teams, like
you don't want anybody else to win, You just want
yourselves to win.

Speaker 1 (04:41):
Not true, not true. I root for k State if
they're playing like Missouri. Okay, Okay, Abby, Well I'm room
for the Chiefs.

Speaker 2 (04:51):
I guess Abby's over there taking the forty nine ers
for whatever reason?

Speaker 1 (04:54):
Do you have any big plans? Are you doing anything? Yeah?
So my friend is having a super Bowl party at
her house, and she in the text it's like shots
will be poured. I'm like, okay, this could get this
could get crazy. I could like this. You're just gonna
get wild and crazy, I guess. So. Yeah, and then
watch the super Bowl. Oh my gosh, is your is
your boyfriend? Let me just reset it. Well, do you

have any big plans? Yeah? So my friend is having
a super Bowl party at her house. Gosh, dang it,
Abby Lee Anderson you hey, Kevin, I tried hate me?
All right, So do you have any big plans for
the game. Yeah, So my friend's having a party at
her house and the text says shots will be poured,

drinks will be flowing.

Speaker 2 (05:40):
Okay, is that like a reason? Clearly you're not celebrating
the Chiefs trying to play.

Speaker 1 (05:45):
So no, I'm not. And I'm watching the halftime performance
by ushers. See it was the longest it's ever gonna
be for a performance. What what do you mean? How long?

Speaker 2 (05:54):
Like he he will have the longest NFL performance. I
don't know how long that means, but I just know
it's the longest one ever.

Speaker 1 (06:00):
I'm all about them, It's sure, Yeah, do you think
he'll have any guests, like surprise. Guess you know, I
don't know. Yeah, I mean he doesn't need to, No,
he really doesn't. But what it would be really cool
if Alicia Keys came out from aboo. Oh that could
be a thing. Yeah, but that's a lot. I don't
know if she would. Yeah, so that is a lot. Okay,

So I'm excited getting drunk for the Supermo So yeah.
Eating that's the best part, right, the food. Oh yeah,
And you know, normally I have a big party for
the game, and this year I'm not, probably because I
have vertigo and I came and think about the day
one right now, but I'm like hoping it would be
gone by then. But no, it's been here all week.

Speaker 2 (06:40):
I know. I'm hopeful, and if it does, then I
will go to some bars with some friends. But if not,
then I'm just gonna order like my three favorite advertisers
in town from like all Russians, because there ain't no
chance I'm getting up to cook. I'm just gonna order those,
and then that'll be my my solo big game party
at the house. Yeah, that'll be fun. I've never gone
to a are really, I haven't.

Speaker 1 (07:01):
Either, because I feel like it's more fun to go
to people's houses for it. Mm hmm. But I don't know.
We'll see, we'll see how I'm feeling. I know, fingers
crossed because I feel for you. Every time you walk
behind me, You're holding onto the wall and I'm like,
oh my gosh, I feel so bad. Yeah, it's also
why if I sound a little off this weekend.

Speaker 2 (07:18):
The words are hard to They're always hard, but like
particularly this weekend, Yeah, pretty hard, you know.

Speaker 1 (07:23):
Also, you and I both saw Cody Johnson. We did
have a bridge stone for that show. That was amazing.
Oh my gosh.

Speaker 2 (07:30):
Okay, so from Brooks and Dunn coming out to Randy
Houser coming out and then his daughter's singing a song
with him.

Speaker 1 (07:38):
Okay, can I tell you I left before they came out,
and I was so sad. Okay, oh my god, I'll
be honest with you.

Speaker 2 (07:44):
We did leave right before his encore, Like we had
walked out and we were planning to go to like
the after party and then and then I got a
text from somebody who works for another radio station and
Britt Michael's shout out, we're on the.

Speaker 1 (07:59):
He was like, yeah, he's gonna sing with his daughters.

Speaker 2 (08:01):
He's like, crap, And I literally looked at my girlfriend.

Speaker 1 (08:04):
That was something. I was like, we have to go
back down. I don't know what it is, but we
have to go back down. Oh my gosh, what did
they sing? They sang a song.

Speaker 2 (08:10):
I don't know the song, but they sang it from
apparently they like watching like old Western movies together him
and his girls, and it was a song from one
of those old Western.

Speaker 1 (08:19):
Movies that is so cute.

Speaker 2 (08:21):
And they sounded so good, like they're little like that,
I mean little as in like they're under ten, right
and they're teeny tiny and they sound it's so cute
like with him and they were all harmonizing.

Speaker 1 (08:33):
It was okay, they're gonna be like a trio, probably
the Johnson trio. Yeah, Like they were so good. But
then obviously like Brooks and Dunk coming out was really
cool though too. That was insane. Yeah, wait, who else
came out? Because I missed somebody else too, Randy House, Yes,
I missed him. Why did you leave early? What you
did leave? Like halfway through? No, it was the very

last song I left after Till You Can't. I thought
that was the last one. Oh yeah, Randy came on
after that. Oh my gosh, okay, and I listen. So
at the after party, I did see Cody, and I
gotta tell him, like, oh, congratulations. I told his kids
that they did great, and they were like, who's this lady?
But Cody didn't know, but his kids were definitely like,
why is she saying that to us? But I saw

Randy and i'd actually watched the movie on Netflix with
him in it, The Hill, you know that's on there.
I have not seen it.

Speaker 2 (09:19):
So it's like a true story about this kid playing
baseball who, like I guess, had to grow up having like.

Speaker 1 (09:27):
Not chains, but he had like uh mccan't.

Speaker 2 (09:31):
I don't even know what they're called, but he had
these things on his legs basically because he couldn't walk straight.

Speaker 1 (09:35):
Oh. I started to watch it, okay with the guy
from parent Trap. Yeah his name. Nah, you were on
the were trying a flight with him. Yeah, that was
hold on. Now, I'm only looking at Parrot Trap because
it's the only thing in my head. Sorry, it's quite.
John's quite, yes, and we were on a fight with him.

Speaker 2 (09:52):
Okay, but yeah, he's in it, and Randy Hawser's in it,
and so I saw Randy Hawser at the after party.
I was like, Randy, I saw your movie, and he
was I was like, wait wait because I forgot he
hit a few and I was like the one the
Baseball movie that just came out on Netflix.

Speaker 1 (10:05):
And he was like, oh yeah.

Speaker 2 (10:06):
I was like, listen, you got some acting chops on you,
Like this is pretty awesome, and he's like thanks.

Speaker 1 (10:11):
But I can't tell if I insulted him by saying like,
you have acting chops on you, like maybe that he
didn't like your shock that he did. Yeah, You're like,
I didn't know this about you. Do you feel would
you be insulted by that? If I'm like, you got
acting chops? No, I don't think so okay, because I
really hope I didn't. That was a little drunk at least.
I mean if you would have been like, I had
no idea that this was a thing. No, you just

fund like you got some. So I don't think that
is okay. You had some to drink, there, had I
had a lot of things to drink it, Cody Johnson,
I got some double drinks, did you? Yeah? So I
was having the time of my life. Okay, you know
you're over here leaving halfway through. I know that was
a fail on my part. He was so good though, right,
Like did you love that concert? Yes? Okay? I mean
all the lights lit up because I was like behind

the stage, so I saw like what he saw, which
was really crazy because there was like a three Have
you ever sat behind the stage for a show before? Oh? Okay,
and it was usually a good experience. Yes, it was
actually awesome because he kept coming back and walking up
and like looking at the crowd behind him, which is
really cool because he could ignore you.

Speaker 2 (11:10):
He did give some Garth Brooks energy. I felt like
during that show, Yes, oh for sure. And the whole state,
Like the whole arena was sold out, like normally they
only do like three fours, right, No, the entire arena
from top to bottom, all the way around was sold out.

Speaker 1 (11:26):
Yes, And I was looking around when the lights were up.
There was not an empty seat. Usually you see like
a couple, and I was like, I don't see an
empty seat. Oh, and they were full for Justin Moore,
Like when Justin Moore went on, they were full, really,
you know what I mean? Like, did you know, okay, listen,
what did you go to Were you there for like
ten songs? I got there just in time for him?
Oh my good, perfect amount. And then you left before

he did anything? Uh huh? Okay, yep, hey, I saw
Brooks and Tons so that was that was epic. That
was cool. But still, did you pay for those tickets? No? Okay?
I did not. Okay. I was like, if you paid
for those and you like showed up for like an hour,
like that feels rough. See that's why I feel a
little better, okay about that.

Speaker 2 (12:05):
Well, you did go to Asheville recently. I want to
hear about that trip. Oh my gosh, it was awesome.
It was super quick.

Speaker 1 (12:10):
So we had to go, you know, after work on Friday,
and then we came back Sunday morning. But we went
to the Biltmore, which is awesome. Is that like that
giant mansion. Yes, it's a huge mansion. What like, what
is the purpose of it?

Speaker 2 (12:25):
So this guy, George Vanderbilt is the one that had
a Vanderbilt University. Also, there are so many Vanderbilts. I
was trying to read the history and I was getting
really overwhelmed because they're all rich and they could be
actually be related.

Speaker 1 (12:39):
I don't know, but He just like built it as
just kind of like his own little city. Basically. Wow.
So it's like this is stay is it on? This
like multiple acres of lands? Yes, thousands. It is gigantic.
How did it turn into like a place people actually
go visit? I really don't know. See, here's the thing,
so you can go in and listen to the audio guy.

And we didn't really do that because we didn't have
much time. So like I do want to go back
and like listen more to the history and everything. We
just kind of went in quick. We were only in
there an hour, just to like see the beauty of it. Yeah,
because people are messaging me and they're like, oh, it's
gonna take you all day to be in there, and
I was like, well, we only have like a full Saturday,
so but it rained that entire day. But then we
just walked around Ashville. The food is so amazing there,

like you do too. I feel like they have a
lot of breweries. We didn't do that many breweries really, Okay,
you just did a lot of food, yeah, uh huh.
And there's like an arcade to walk around, like an
actual like game arcade or like it's called the arcade
like everything is there is very historic, Like the architecture
is so pretty and you just walk around their stores

inside and like old elevators, like it's just really cool. Okay,
we have one of those in Nashville. Okay, that's what
it reminds me of. Ok Yeah, I mean that one's
a lot nicer because this one obviously Hasville. This one
at one point, I'm sure it was very nice, but
you know, yeah, Okay, so that's fun. Yeah, where was

your favorite place that you ate at? Oh my gosh,
it was called Pisano pas A. Is it Italian? It
had a whole mixture. I mean I think it was
mostly but it was just like American cuisine, but like
some a very Italian name. It does some of the
best food I've ever had, not kidding. And I'm not
even like a foodie, but I like, on that trip,

I was actually a foodie. It was really fun. You know,
it was funny on the listener Q and A. I didn't.

Speaker 2 (14:26):
I didn't put it down for the listener Q and A,
but one of because you and I have such a
funny topic.

Speaker 1 (14:30):
About fry butts. Yes, has your boyfriends and you eat fries?
Oh my gosh, so, yeah, he has, and I kind
of like distract him when I'm putting it down themself.
I don't think you don't think he's figured out your
fry butt and like weird thing, how you do? Because
we've gotten fries a lot and you think of that
as no idea. No, I just like make sure I'm

like distracting him, like I'm just like yeah, and he's
like looking at me, or he's looking at the TV
and the night.

Speaker 2 (14:58):
You don't think this whole time he hasn't noticed something
strange about fries.

Speaker 1 (15:02):
I honestly don't think so. Or he has and he's
just not putting it out to you. I need to
ask him. You totally do, because I'm still like really
self conscious about it. He's not gonna care to observe
it at all. He's picked up on it, and he
just hasn't told you yes. And I think a couple
of times I've eaten them when I don't want to
because I don't want it. I'm not ready for that.
I'm not ready to look down to it. You have

to be yourself. How long have you guys been dating now,
like three months?

Speaker 2 (15:26):
Yeah, you need to be yourself at this point I
should have been yourself off through the first day.

Speaker 1 (15:30):
Like the first day, I get it, you're putting on
a little bit of a show. I got after that
first day, Abby, I know, I think I'm gonna have
it of hiding it in front of people, But when
I'm by myself, so funny it is. It's not like
in a bad way. It's just quirky. Yeah, I don't know.
Guys love quirky girls, that's true, But I just feel
like it's kind of gross at a restaurant when you
think about it, Well.

Speaker 2 (15:51):
It's probably because we've given it the name fry, but
so that probably doesn't help.

Speaker 1 (15:54):
Yeah, if I saw your plate full of I would
be really grossed out. Actually, don't you think what does
she have against the end of these fries? I'm gonna
ask him if he's noticed. Yeah, I'm gonna need you
to report back next best bits. He would say something though,
like he's the tact what is that is not not true?

Speaker 2 (16:14):
Listen, if I've learned anything about guys, they don't bring
anything up unless you talk about it. Actually, you know
what's really crazy and different about him is he does
He's always the first one to bring things up, like
with feelings and everything, and I'm like, whoa, this is weird.

Speaker 1 (16:27):
Like I know what he's thinking. He's not, because a
lot of guys, yes, you're just like I don't know
what they're thinking, Like I don't where are they going
with this? Why are they being this way? But he
just like brings it right there. He sounds like a
healthy man. He is. I am going to ask you
about him on Q and A. Okay, okay, yeah, So
it was a little teaser to the Q and A.

Speaker 2 (16:44):
We're gonna take a quick break though, and we're gonna
come back and talk about being adults in some purchases
we regret.

Speaker 1 (16:50):
Oh yeah, we'll be right back. You know what kind
of sucks? What being an adult? Oh? Yeah, okay, like
just in general, you know, like they don't they don't
really prepare you for that. When you're a kid, they don't.
You're excited and then you wake up and you're like, okay,
this sucks. Yeah, everything's a lie.

Speaker 2 (17:09):
So I want to know, like the adult chore like
that you consider a chore that you really hate doing it.
And I'm gonna tell you why, because I really don't
like taking showers. It quite literally, I dislike them so
much that I will put them off to the very
last second if I can, really, or I'll be like
I can ticularly a body shower.

Speaker 1 (17:30):
What I really hates everything showers? Oh man, oh the worst.
They're like two hours. Yeah, like I can handle like
my body wash or whatever, but like not everything shower.
I hate it. And maybe I'm not a good woman
because I know women love their everything showers. I hate them,
like I really don't want to do them, and if
I could smell good and not do them, I would.

They're not relaxing to you, though, like when you get
in your sheets at night and you're like, oh my gosh,
I'm so smooth and clean. You know, Yes, that's the
best feeling. I feel great after, but the process of
doing it and the anticipation of doing it sucks, and
I really despise it. Like genuinely, if you gave me
a way to smell good, look good, feel good without
taking a shower, I would, okay, just like I mean

to snap your fingers, yeah, like I'm there, Yes, I
mean it is a lot you. I basically sometimes plan
my work weeks after over that because I'm like, if
I have a busy day tomorrow, Like I can't fit
in everything shower. That's my point. Like there's like here's
the thing.

Speaker 2 (18:28):
There's like body body shower, and then there's like middle shower,
where like I have to take a full body shower,
but I'm not doing the whole process, and then there's
everything shower, and that even that middle one I hate.

Speaker 1 (18:38):
Like I will try and do body shower all day long,
and then if I really have to, I'll do the
middle one. But then if I really really have to do,
I do the everything. Like if I could do the
everything one like once a month, that'd be cool, that
would be awesome. Yes, no, I'm kind of the same way.
I don't have time for it, honestly. No, you know,
it's time to sit. But you know I do like
crying in the shower. Oh yeah, that's the best, Like

just like sitting like I'm in a music video and
the water is washing over me and I just cry.
You just let her. I don't even know why I'm crying,
but I'm just like this feels good. Yeah, what is
it about that? I don't know.

Speaker 2 (19:10):
Maybe because nobody sees you're sitting in there, and it's
also nobody can even picture it because like the water.

Speaker 1 (19:17):
You know, you're crying. That feels good. You cry a
lot in the shower, not a lot of thing. Sometimes.

Speaker 2 (19:24):
Yeah, it's just like if I have like a moment,
that's when I'll want to take a shower. Is if
I'm really emotional for whatever reason, I'll just go sit
in the shower and then I'll have the like the
motivation to take it. Because my hair's already wet, I
can't do anything about it.

Speaker 1 (19:35):
That's true. You know, Wait, how are showers with vertigo?
I do want to know this. Oh, I'm gonna admit
I have not taken a shower this week.

Speaker 2 (19:43):
I have not.

Speaker 1 (19:44):
You don't like wash cloth? Oh, I haven't.

Speaker 2 (19:46):
Like I've just been powering on the But I also
haven't literally done anything besides go to work. Like I
haven't been able to work out or do any Like
I haven't taken Remy on walks. Poor thing hates me
right now. Like I have not been in the outside
world besides going to work, even on the couch and work.

Speaker 1 (20:02):
Yeah, so I might smell a little bit like a
couch potato, but you know everybody loves potatoes. I didn't,
I mean, I didn't notice you look fresh, and thankfully
to me, I put a.

Speaker 2 (20:11):
Lot of dry shampoo in my hair. There you go,
and I'm surviving. So yeah, I honestly haven't teen a
shower yet. Well maybe by the time this airs, I
will have taken one. Like Friday night, I just like
going into work. That's only I when I this week, abby,
when I've gone home, I've fallen asleep for like five
hours and then I wake up to do the work
that I have to do again for the next day, and.

Speaker 1 (20:31):
Then like I'll repeat, yeah, like I am a little
pos right now. No. I feel like that's dangerous though,
because you're closing your eyes and like moving around like
you would like fall Like that's not worth, that's not safe.

Speaker 2 (20:43):
You know.

Speaker 1 (20:43):
The one time I did wake up in the morning,
I forgot that I had that was going on. And
you know how you like wake up and you like
rub your eyes, like oh, good morning, and you rub
your eyes. I rubbed my eyes. I fell over in
the back. No, oh my god, in the one second
that I rubbed my eyes and I was like, forgot
I had that for a second. I hope I never
have this. I've only had it. Nobody ever has it

drunk laying in bed. Yeah, and you know you're gonna
be hungover because everything's spinning like this is not good.
Those are the.

Speaker 2 (21:10):
Worst where you're like bracing on the wall on the
floor at the same time, trying to find like any
sort of balance and.

Speaker 1 (21:15):
Your eye your eyes are closed, but you can feel
your eyeballs just like going every direction. That's how I
feel all the time. That's terrible. Yeah, I wouldn't worst
like wish this on my worst enemy. It's horrible. But
speaking of you said you're running on no sleep lately,
what's going on? Oh my gosh, so like the end
of the week is just everything is always due and

like I do the Sunday sampler, I do, like you, uh,
we have deadlines. You're like, yeah, you made it. Tell
like like you like a bank robber, like a like
hit man. My assignments are due on Friday, like yeah,
like audio and stuff for Bobby to record. I got
you music for the weekend. I do it. Yeah, it's funny.

I was thinking that because I texted you that and
I was like, I have so much to do tomorrow,
and I was like, Okay, that probably sounded weird, like
I'm in class. But anyway, so I'm just trying to
catch up with everything, getting audio and like things that
Bobby needs to read. And so I did not fall asleep.
I got three hours asleep last night. Basically every night
this week, like four hours. It's really bad. You need

to go to bed. What are you doing with your
day when you get home from Literally I work, okay,
So I I come to work, I leave about noon one,
I go work more. And then I've been helping with
the podcast network. I'm doing a few other podcasts on there,
so I'm producer for those. So I edit that audio
and like upload it online. So it's just like if

I'm not here, I'm doing that job or and then
eating and then trying to at least do something that
gets my mind off of anything for like an hour.
I try to give myself like an hour a day. Okay,
but it's not, no, it's not. I don't even have
time for a shower. I feel that and everything you're
seeing that, you know, because it's like the hair. It

takes a while. My hair's frizzy if I don't style it.
So US Kansas girls have frizzy hair. We do.

Speaker 2 (23:07):
So yeah, I'm just like running low and I'm like
I just need to. I don't know if it's like balance. Okay,
so this weekend, are you going to be like sleeping?

Speaker 1 (23:14):
Yeah? Oh, I'm sleeping in. I cannot wait. No, boyfriend
t I'm just sleeping. I mean, no, I won't be
with him, but I'm sleeping in. Is he give me
he's gonna be sleeping into No, he doesn't sleep in
stupid like, and I don't wake up. So I'm like,
I stay in bed. I could stay in bed till
like eleven. He gets half an eight, Like, what have
you been doing three hours? You feel that? Listen?

Speaker 2 (23:33):
If I didn't have an alarm clock or anything to do,
I could sleep until like three pm if nobody bothered me.

Speaker 1 (23:38):
Thank you. Okay, that's awesome because I feel like people
are like adults. They're always like, oh wait till you
start waking up at six am without an alarm clock.
I'm like, I don't know if that's gonna happen. No,
but like here's the thing is like if if something
does wake me up, I just fall back and sleep. Yeah.
I'm like okay, cool bye, and like leave me alone. Right, Okay,
See that's good. I get you because some people they

can't come back to sleep once I wake up, Like, nope, Yeah,
we've got prioritized sleep as adults. You know, Okay, the
weekends a catch up time, but you better be sleeping. Technically,
I don't think sleep actually catches up. So you really
need to be getting to sleep every night. Yeah, you
need foret like a timer.

Speaker 2 (24:16):
So like eight o'clock, it's like, okay, you gotta be
done wherever you're done, You're done eight o'clock.

Speaker 1 (24:20):
That's when I'm beginning. What what Okay, well, yeah, you
can't do that. You can't begin at eight o'clock. I know.
There's just so much I have to do. There's just
not enough time, you know. I feel like it's just
a little season. It'll pass, that's fair once I always
have those busy seasons. Yeah, okay, we sched make sure
you get a little bit more sleep. Yeah, you're not

gonna be able to function to do all these things
that you need to do. I know, No, that is true. Yeah,
I run on coffee, Like right now, I'm hyped up
on Oh when you're gonna be run down at some
point and you're gonna be sick. I know. We don't
want that. No, get your sleep. Okay, maybe stop bringing
so much coffee. Yeah, it's better, also doesn't help you. Nope,
one a day day Abby. Okay.

Speaker 2 (25:02):
I want to talk about what purchase you regret making,
because listen, I had brought to the show how I
want to buy like an Apple watch and a diceon
hair rap both I'm still very looking at and people
have given me so many suggestions.

Speaker 1 (25:12):

Speaker 2 (25:13):
I still haven't pulled the trigger because like last year,
I bought a Nintendo Switch. I was so excited about
it because the game Boy games were going on it
and I loved the game board games, like you know
when we were a kid and we played the bad
Boy all the time. I was like, dang, I played
that thing all the time. So I bought this Nintendo
Switch thinking I'm gonna play this a lot.

Speaker 1 (25:31):
I have played it. I played it maybe a week
that I got it, like I bought it.

Speaker 2 (25:35):
I played it that whole week, no way, And now
it just sits there in front of the TV staring
at me.

Speaker 1 (25:40):
You bought me, you don't play me? Yeah, why don't
you play it?

Speaker 2 (25:43):

Speaker 1 (25:43):
No, what happened? I don't know. I think I just
got bored playing by myself. I don't have so that's
not one that you can go with other gamers online.

Speaker 2 (25:51):
I'm sure I could, but I'm definitely not that advanced
a gaming you know, Like I don't know that I'm.

Speaker 1 (25:57):
Invested that much. Yeah, I wouldn't want to do that either,
Like you suck yellow children, Yes, they're intense. See so
now it just sits there.

Speaker 2 (26:06):
So this is why I'm afraid to make big purchases. Yeah,
because I buy things and then I'm.

Speaker 1 (26:11):
Like, why did I buy that?

Speaker 2 (26:12):
Kind of like the roller blades that I bought two
years ago when I spent five minutes on them broke
my tailbone and they have not been touched since.

Speaker 1 (26:18):
No, really they haven't. No, and you probably don't plan
on using them? No, not unless I find some flat
service to go on and like go in circles with like,
uh mattresses all around me? Yes, stupid. Oh well that's funny,
you say Apple Watch because guess what I got one,
used it for a week. Guess where it is in
my drawer. I haven't used this seriously, honestly, maybe is

that an option? But I'm like, why don't I use it?
Because I'm sure it's nice. I think like the misconception
or whatever in my head was that I was going
to get all these like emails and texts, and I
was just I want to be able to get away
from my phone when I want to. Yeah, but you
don't have to set up notifications on your phone or
on your watch.

Speaker 2 (27:00):
Well, I was gonna use it as notification so i'd
stay off my phone more because if I always get
on my phone to check to make sure it works,
something isn't coming up.

Speaker 1 (27:09):
And so if I see it's like personal, then I
can just kind of look at and be like okay,
I'll get to.

Speaker 2 (27:13):
It versus always a matically like automatically picking up my phone.

Speaker 1 (27:17):
That's makes sense. Yeah, but you're now you're telling me
the reverse, you know, that's just what happened to me. Yeah,
but I'm like, I've only used it a week. How
long have you had it for? When did you get it?
Over a year? Yeah? This is stupid. It is. And
I had a fit bit and I liked that, but
still don't use that. I got a fit bit like

years ago or not years ago, like two years, and
I wore it for like six months. Hit and I
was like, no, how I'm done. So it's gonna be similar,
except if you want, you know, it to be more
like a phone, like you can call people on it
and stuff like that.

Speaker 2 (27:54):
It would be really nice right now while I have vertigo,
because like, I really hate looking at my phone.

Speaker 1 (27:59):
But I feel, isn't it hard to see on that
little screen?

Speaker 2 (28:01):
My eyes are bad. It was hard for me to
see the little abbey. It's really you're showing your age
a little bit. I'm pretty sure my mom's Apple watch.
The thought is like it's only one big word, like
you know, when you look at the thing at the
eye doctor, it was the big k at.

Speaker 1 (28:15):
The top or whatever the m e whatever it is.
I'm pretty sure that's like what my my mom's looks like.
Oh my gosh, not that quite that big, but like
it's pretty big lights every time I look up, I'm like, dude,
so everybody can read it on your wrist. You're at
the gym and people are like reading your phone. Okay, well,
how many purchases you regret for? Well that was one.

But then also, okay, so I bought white Claw, a
non alcoholic Oh you tried it? No, okay, So I
just saw it in the store, and I was like,
oh my gosh, I have to try this because I
was trying to do dry January and I know you
did you sixceeed? No, absolutely no, Yeah, I lasted twelve days,
hey saying really yeah, okay, so we must have been
on the same like I think it was a Friday listen,
mine was a Saturday. So you beat me, you beat me.

I losing Dry January?

Speaker 2 (29:01):
Yeah, mine was because they went on a second date
with Cowboy and the bartender gave us free tequila shot.

Speaker 1 (29:06):
So I was like, I can't turn down a freezequila shot. Yes,
you know yea. Mine was an open bar when we
went to a show like it was, you know how
like sometimes labels they do like a little pre get
together and they were like open bar for an hour,
and I was like, oh my gosh, I can't turn
this down every time. Free alcohol as an adult is
like that is the money. Yes, it doesn't happen so expensive,

but when it does, yeah it is, you want to
take advantage of it. Uh huh. So that was it.
Well anyway, So I thought that would be a good
idea to drink white Claw during dry January, the non alcoholic,
but it just came in the store like last week.
So I bought it seventeen dollars for a twelve pack
that's which is the exact same price glorified water. Yes, okay,

it actually has like more flavor and it tastes like
it needs alcohol, Like it tastes stronger, like there even
is alcohol. It's weird. It tastes more like a white
claw than an actual white claw with alcohol. Yeah, that
sounds disturbing.

Speaker 2 (30:01):
Yeah, the flavors are good, but I don't see the point, Like,
what if the flavors are.

Speaker 1 (30:06):
Good but it doesn't taste good, I'm confused. No, it is.
It is good. It's just a stronger flavor, like you
know how white clothes kind of subtle. Yeah, it's very subtle.
It's not too much and like too sweet tasting. But
this tastes just like really sweet. And they try to
advertise it as refreshing and like with electrolytes, and there's
not many in it for it to be priced at
the same for seventeen dollars. Yes, so so would you

buy it again?

Speaker 2 (30:32):

Speaker 1 (30:32):
No, I mean if they lower the price, mayvy just
because it's kind of it's just one do you pay
for it? Let's see for twelve cans ten ten bucks. Yeah,
oh that's still kind of a lot. That's almost a
dollar per can. Well, how much is like a pack
of water? Exactly three dollars? It's like three dollars for water? Sure,
Actually a pack of water is now almost ten dollars?

Is it? Everything? Like a fancy water? I haven't bought it.
I haven't bought that in a while though, so I
don't know. Yeah, but it's like Lacroix. I don't even
know what that costs, but it's basically but basically lacroix. Yeah,
glorified water. It is okay, so yeah, but it was
interesting to try because I've always wanted to so so
big regret Yeah kind of, I mean not really regret,
but abby because it was only seventeen dollars. It wasn't

an Apple Watch, that's true. You know a Nintendo switch,
that Nintendo switch. Yeah, yeah, regrets.

Speaker 2 (31:23):
But I did buy the the robot vacuum and I
do have a little robot, both of which I have
not regretted. Oh they are fascinating really Yeah, and my
robot vacuum is called Tony Shark.

Speaker 1 (31:35):
Wait a minute, it's a shark it's a shark. But
do you know what it's saying after Yeah, Tony shark,
Tony's dark stark. I know I've mixed you up. So
I like to Hazel likes to compete against it, my
cat Hazel, and so I like to say the Avengers
are competing. Yes, does she get on it? Not yet.
I keep waiting for her too, like ride it around. Yeah,

that's hilarious. No, she she hides from it, and she
pounces and then she runs like it's a toy. She
probably thinks it's her toy. No, she like thinks it's
like an enemy, enemy combatant. Fun. That's entertaining to watch
it is, for sure.

Speaker 2 (32:11):
Okay, all right, well we have some Uh well, I
have a dating update. We're gonna talk about Valentine's weekend,
so we'll be right back. All right, Abby, I have
a big breakthrough in my dating life.

Speaker 1 (32:25):
What a good one? A breakthrough is good? Kind of
a joke. I just deleted the dating apps again, you did, guys.

Speaker 2 (32:34):
I was like, listen, I go through these waves where
I'm like, I'm never going to meet people in person
because I try and meet people in person doesn't happen.
Then I get on the dating apps, I'm like, go
full throttle for a while, and I'm like, yeah, meeting people.

Speaker 1 (32:45):
Cool, and then I'm like, Okay, this is sucking the
energy for my life. Okay, I'm to delete again. That's
where I'm at. Yeah, I felt that all the time.
I mean all the time. But which one were you on? Hinge,
hingejam Bumble? Okay? Yeah, those are like the best ones.
Hinge is the best for me. See, I I have
realized guys just like don't want to start conversations, and

I think that's why I always had more success with Bumble.
It's because, like I started it, so at least I'm
like showing that I'm interested. But like, why wouldn't guys
understand that when you match with them, it means you're interested.
I do not understand. My friend just moved to North
Carolina from Nashville and she just got on dating apps
for the first time in her life. She's in her thirties,
and I was like, oh my gosh, oh, like, I'm
like a veteran, I'm a pro for these. She welcome

to the wild West. Yes, And she's so confused, like
she's like, is this normal that guys don't like initiate
anything or respond. I was like, h yeah, pretty normal.

Speaker 2 (33:40):
It's unfortunate and it's really hard because like I really
am looking for somebody who wants to take initiative, Like
you know me, Abby, I am a very independent I
don't need help.

Speaker 1 (33:51):
I want help, but I don't like asking for it.
It's my own problem, I got it.

Speaker 2 (33:56):
But like I need somebody who's wanting to take the
initiative on their own and I don't have to teach
them how to take initiative. Yeah, I don't think initiative
should be taught, right that they want to get to
know you enough and want to put in the effort,
want to put in the work, want to plan dates.
I want to do all of that too, but like
I want you to be able to do it. Also,
what's like is that just gone?

Speaker 1 (34:18):
Like do you guys think that now? It just it's
whoever anything goes like yeah, I don't know.

Speaker 2 (34:25):
Well, And a lot of them take the whole like
equality thing a little too far right where they're like, well,
or we're supposed to be equals. I'm like, yes, we
are equals, but like, also, you can take care of
me just as much as I can take care of you.

Speaker 1 (34:35):
It can go both ways, right, but initially we want
you to like take the ball and run with it,
like the balls in your court. Yeah. Like the way
I see it is like I know that I can
take care of you.

Speaker 2 (34:47):
I know everything I'm bringing to the table, and I'm
putting off that energy like I'm putting off a strong,
independent woman. I'm putting off a woman who can take
care of herself. And I get that can also be intimidating.

Speaker 1 (34:59):
I don't think it's intim dating to the wrong person,
to the right person, And so if I'm putting off
all that energy and they're not either receptive to it
or can't put that same energy back, then that's where
I'm like, Okay, I got the eck mm because you
can't even like show up. Yeah you put in two dates,
two dates, bravo my guy, two dates? I know. Yeah,

a lifetime we're working on here, Like if that's the
if that's the goal, Yes, what are you gonna do
for a lifetime? Two dates ain't nothing? Oh my gosh, no,
I will say, like, because I've been dating my boyfriend, Yeah,
do you have a nickname for months? I really love nicknames.
I know, well, I don't know you got you gotta
give it because I feel like I'm gonna give things
away if I give it. Yeah, Like I don't have like,
you know, a cowboy like yours. That was good? On

hold on next time, I'll have one, Okay. But that's
the thing about him is like he always initiates, like
I don't have to overthink or wonder, and he's showed
me that like I need to too, Like it is
a fine balance now. But he is so good in
an everything.

Speaker 2 (36:01):
See, and that is attractive, yes, like that can overpower
anything else that may be Like that is so attractive.

Speaker 1 (36:09):
It's been like that since day one, like even just
to get to our first day, like you know how
you just like sometimes it's back and forth for two weeks,
just like how you, how's it going? How was your day?
You have any plans this weekend? But nothing ever comes
of it, Like he was just like, hey, I'd like
to take you out. How does Friday work? You know?
And that's when we met. And that's how you can
know right away without wasting time back and forth texting.

Speaker 2 (36:32):
Yeah, and I like I don't like the wondering, like
I'm I've realized. Like I think in my twenties, I
loved the Chase. I loved the game.

Speaker 1 (36:39):
You know.

Speaker 2 (36:40):
I think everybody goes through that phase of like, Okay,
you want the push and pull because that's what you
see in the movies.

Speaker 1 (36:45):
And I still do want like a movie love, but
I don't want the game. No, I just want to
know how you feel, good or bad.

Speaker 2 (36:53):
Like I'm very upfront with who I am, and I'm
gonna be upfront with how I feel.

Speaker 1 (36:58):
And if you aren't, and I'm sitting here like how
do you feel? What do you think? No, I'm not
I'm not fifteen years old again exactly. That's the thing.
Like we're over games, and I think it's just they
still want to do that. You know, Oh I don't
need a texture right now, I can't be too available whatever.
It's like, I don't do that. No, I've never done
that on dating apps recently. I mean back then, like

you said, like in my twenties. Yeah, Like when I
was first on dating apps, I was like, oh, I
can't respe I don't want to be too like yeah,
it's made a part of like learning people right like that,
I think you just go through that phase but not
in your thirties. No, we don't have time for that.
Nobody got time for that exactly. So now you're just
like planning on this chilling out. You're just not looking well.

Speaker 2 (37:40):
It leads me into Valentine's Day, which I want to
hear your plans because for me, I'm going to go
to Gallentine's brunch.

Speaker 1 (37:48):
Obviously no men will be there, but then I am
going to a singles.

Speaker 2 (37:52):
Event, hopefully with this Verdico subside, since was be going
this evening, so the one at Gioda's Park really is
oh no. So hopefully I can get over this and
maybe at that event tonight it'll be great and exciting
and maybe I'll meet some people.

Speaker 1 (38:09):
But if not, I am gonna go visit my girlfriend
in Denver, Colorado. What. I love that.

Speaker 2 (38:14):
That's like my Valentine's trip to myself. I'm like, if
I'm not gonna do this anymore where I'm like chilling
and sad on Valentine's Day, Like for that weekend, I'm
gonna go out and see my best friend and we're
gonna go snowboarding.

Speaker 1 (38:28):
Do it? Oh my gosh.

Speaker 2 (38:29):
Yeah, yeah, I've never had a good Valentine's Day. Honestly, Okay,
so are you anticipating a good win this year?

Speaker 1 (38:35):
Then? Yeah, well I did tell him that and he's like, okay,
well then I want to make this one double special.
So we're gonna go to dinner on Valentine's Day. But
it's like a work night. Yeah, can't you know, cool night? Yes,
So I'm just dinner and then I think the weekend
after Yeah, well, on Friday, we're gonna do like a
second Valentine's Day, which I don't know what that entails.
You get the whole week. Yeah, I'm really excited. I'm

excited for you. I'm not gonna get my hopes, No,
I am, because I trust him. He doesn't let me
down like he likes to listen. You know what, we've
also learned, like me and my girlfriends have learned that
we are constantly waiting for the other shoe to drop
because we have been taught that the other shoe always
drops because we've been in relationships that way.

Speaker 2 (39:17):
But if he's given you no reason to question any
of that for three months, then you have to let
go of the feeling of the other shoe going to drop. Yes,
because if it does drop. At that point, it's on him,
it's not on you stopping it from happening.

Speaker 1 (39:32):
Does that make sense?

Speaker 2 (39:32):
Yeah, it's just like it's kind of hard. You really
have to change your habits in your way of thinking
because you're so used to that. Well, you're protecting yourself
and I totally respect that, as you should. Ye, But
at this point, if he's given you no reason not
to believe and trust in who he is, you have to, like,
as I told my girlfriend, you have to let at
least one of the walls down.

Speaker 1 (39:52):
Yes. Oh, that's a good way to look at it.

Speaker 2 (39:54):
Like if you can't let them all down, at least
let go of one right now because they deserve that,
you know, and then you can slowly break down the others.
But one, And this could be your step for that
is like, Okay, you're not having high expectations, but you
are expecting him to do what he says and what
he's told you he's going to do. Yes, and that's
what he said, so you got to believe him, right,

with no other underlying Like don't get my hopes up.

Speaker 1 (40:20):
Yeah, I mean I've never I didn't even have that
thought until I just said it, and I was like,
why would you even say that? Like that hasn't even
been in my head, like you know, But I also
I have a little creepy monsters hanging out in the
back of her head, I know. But I'm also like
easy to please. I don't know. I don't need like
the whole like grand like five hundred dollars steak meal,
you know what. He don't need it, but you deserve it. Well,

thank you. You already told him I don't need it,
so dang it, dang it, why did I say that?
But he will do something that's perfect for you. Yeah,
because he thinks you deserve it. Also, if he's the
right guy, that's true and vice versa. Just like you
do something for his birthday or whatever and be like
you deserve it. Yeah, you don't want it or you
don't need it, but like you deserve it. When they

say I don't want it, I usually do because I'm
like you do. You're just saying that. Listen, every down,
every woman, just like every man, wants to be treated
like a queen or a king.

Speaker 2 (41:12):
They want to be treated like they are the prize
that they are the best thing on earth. Yes, that
is just literal human nature and everybody should get to
feel that feeling.

Speaker 1 (41:21):
They should so hold out for that. I agree. I
believe you already found it though, so wow, you never know.
I don't know, but I feel good about it. I know.

Speaker 2 (41:30):
We still got to talk more about him though, Like
we can get into more details here in a minute
on the on the Q and A. But real quick
before we end this, movies you've watched because I always
got to do a check in with you.

Speaker 1 (41:39):
You're gonna be proud, okay, ready, so these are all Netflix,
I think. Okay, so I'll be proud because on Netflix,
or just proud to be watched movies. Yeah, no, no,
they just watch movies, okay. Society of the Snow about
that plane crash in the mountains, okay, was Bobby then
talking about that, yes Lunchbox that he watched it, got
it and it's really good. Give them ratings? Oh should

I give them rating? Yeah? Okay, Society. Now I would
say four out of five airplanes okay, very unbrand. Okay.
The airplanes normally are supposed to do something kind of
like a little off kilter random it's my body's okay,
I don't know. Yeah, I met like off kilter like

freezing quirky, got dark? Sorry the vow. It's Rachel McAdams.
I never seen that. No, it's new. It's not new, Honey,
stop it. Nope, honey is not Nope, No, this has
been out for you. No no, no, no, no no no,
you just just get added on to now. I figure,
but I thought it was maybe like an It is

new er in like the last maybe ten years. Are
we sure? I am positive.

Speaker 2 (42:48):
I watched it when it came out, and it came
out on like a Valentine's Day, like seven years ago.

Speaker 1 (42:53):
That's why I feel like I have seen it.

Speaker 2 (42:55):
But you give your review of the newly released valve.
Stop it wait, give me and then I'll get out.
I'll tell you when it came out.

Speaker 1 (43:06):
Give me three and a half? Oh Dan, five much?
Valves again on brand? You don't like it? It was okay?
You don't like the like the sappy? Yeah? Really? Because
there's also another one on Netflix of the same thing
where she lost her memory? What is the one on?
But I don't want to give spoilers? Well, what's it called?

Though I remember the name of it? Obviously, wasn't it better?
You came lu Is like a Hulu original. Oh my goodness,
and I think it was it with one of the
Sprouse twins. Yes, yeah, I know what you're talking about.
It was kind of the same, and that.

Speaker 2 (43:40):
Came after the Valve, so it technically copied the valve.

Speaker 1 (43:43):
You want to know what? It came out more more
than wait, I thought it looked familiar. I was having
dayshaw Voo when I was watching it. So I've seen chanting.
Tatum is in a few wrong coms, so and so
was Rachel mc gap Adams. Look, we're gonna this is
lack of sleep. I watched it this week. We're just
gonna go with that. I really love that you thought

it was new. You just pulled the lunchbox. I'll be like, guys,
I just discovered this, and you're like, dude, that's been
out for Like, guys, the I phone has a camera.
Did you know that? Oh my gosh, don't tell him
next Queen Pins And I know you said, yeah like that.
I liked it. It's cheesy, but I loved it. I
would say, no Queen or Pins. Okay, That's what I

was gonna do. Anything else Mam packs five out of
five five out of five. Tampa phones. Okay again, Cubon's
on brand, Say tamp PACs, tam PACs. It's funny. Now
they're gonna be like, why tampac. That's true. It's like
a little yeah teaser. Yeah, five out of five. You
liked it too. Uh, it was a little cheesy, but like,

I don't know, I just enjoyed.

Speaker 2 (44:48):
I really enjoyed the end where it like showed everything
and I was like, that's crazy, crazy.

Speaker 1 (44:53):
Like that was and it was based on true story
right now? Oh yeah, it was a true story. That's
why it's so wild. I was like, this is insane.

Speaker 2 (44:59):
This is all over freaking cubons. Okay, nowhere, that's on Netflix.
It's about a girl that gets stuck in a shipping
crate why in the ocean, and she has to survive.

Speaker 1 (45:12):
That sounds like a nightmare. Is it a horror movie? No,
you love movies. It wasn't to me.

Speaker 2 (45:18):
I mean I love Halloween, That's what I'm saying. You
love horror movies, So like, was it a horror movie?

Speaker 1 (45:22):
But you don't think it was? Probably? I mean it's
definitely a horror something situation on Netflix. See what it
classifies as. What is it like a thriller, mystery what
I don't know?

Speaker 2 (45:36):
It doesn't say, Oh yeah, it doesn't it it hasn't Okay, yeah,
I can't see what it's ready to ask.

Speaker 1 (45:44):
I think it might be a thriller. I'm gonna say,
why am I bad at this about it? Giving? Yeah?
Given the little thing? How about just four out of five?
Four out of five? Okay, no more, no more system?
We're out of five, all right, So that's a good one. Dang.
You can watch a lot of movies. I'm so proud
I have. And then this one, no hard feelings. Jennifer Lawrence.

Cute movie, isn't it. I thought it was really good.
You liked it? Yeah? I thought the trailer looked really
that's a little bit more sappy. Oh you thought? Yeah,
but it was really cheesy too. It was cheesy. But like, also,
Jennifer Lawrence is just hilarious. She is so I love
her like she is so funny. I think that's why
what did you give that one? I'm gonna give this
four and a half out of five? Feelings for abby

like you don't understand the system? Do you?

Speaker 2 (46:34):

Speaker 1 (46:35):
Uh? Yeah? I four out of five four and a
half out of five. Dates you're done. But yeah, I
do agree with you that that was a good movie.
That's a funny one. But don't watch that one with kids.
Oh definitely not. Oh my gosh, no, not a kid,
it's not. But it was surprisingly a lot better than
I thought watching the trailer, I was like, this is

really stupid, but it was actually good. No, I agree
with you. And then final one, Oppenheimer, ooh, the big
blockbuster of last year. What do you think? Which is
a lot for me because that's a long movie. I'm
really proud of you just in general that you watch
all these movies. Thank you? Is this because you do
not have a boyfriend? Yeah, he's been trying to get
me to watch more movies too, because he was actually
I've been trying for like three years and then he

started dating this man who we still don't have a
nickname for. When he's like movies and you're like, yeah,
well see, it's not fun when you're just sitting by yourself.
I guess I just get kind of bored. What else
am I supposed to do? Abby rude? I don't know,
its just me, but now I fall asleep through movie?

Oh yeah, like I think I fell asleep through that one,
but it was good. It was just long through Oppenheimer. Yeah,
what would you give that one? For a rating three
and a half out of five atomic bombs boom boom.

Speaker 2 (47:54):
I feel like that was also on brand, but like, well,
well at least it's not in the title Oppenheimer's.

Speaker 1 (48:00):
Yeah. Okay, okay, I'm impressed. Yeah, any you have.

Speaker 2 (48:05):
I did watch the No you don't like animated movies, right, Yeah,
I did watch The Orient in the Dark.

Speaker 1 (48:11):
It just came to Netflix.

Speaker 2 (48:12):
It's a it's about this kid who's afraid of the dark,
and it was a cute movie, a great family movie. Okay, yeah,
I think you can watch it, and mine give it
like three out of five eyeballs.

Speaker 1 (48:23):
Oh, okay, now I want to watch it because I
don't know what that means. Yeah, and the whole time
you're gonna be like, I've all such a freak? Does
she mean by that? Oh? That's funny. That's the only
one I think I have watched. Oh.

Speaker 2 (48:34):
I did watch Past Lives like Lunchbox, and Mike said
to watch I didn't like it.

Speaker 1 (48:39):
You didn't like I thought it was fine. And I
love romantic movies and rom coms and stuff. I didn't
love it, though. What's it on. It's on Paramount Plus
for free. You can watch it. Oh and it was.
It was good. It just wasn't like they both hyped
it up and I thought it was gonna be really good. Yeah,
they liked it over you like Lunchbox would like a
rom you know.

Speaker 2 (49:01):
But I have noticed Mike and lunch both like indie
movies a little bit more than me. And it is
a little bit indie, okay, like something you'd see at
like a film.

Speaker 1 (49:09):
Festival kind of. And I don't know that I love those.
I don't either. Yeah, so I don't know that I
would recommend that one. Okay, I don't think I have
any new recommendations for you. What I know, My gosh,
this is weird.

Speaker 2 (49:21):
I've been watching a lot of TV shows, so and
I again, I've I've also learned the genres you like,
and I don't.

Speaker 1 (49:29):
Oh, horror usual. You should watch Reacher with him though,
okay on Amazon. I have heard that. But it's so good. Okay.
It has two seasons. There's only like eight fi those
I think in each season. I can do that. Yeah,
and it's an action it's like all action based because
when it's like six or six seasons or more, I'm like.

Speaker 2 (49:48):
Oh my gosh, I can't take I do think a
third season is coming, though, so watch it now.

Speaker 1 (49:53):
I think you'd like it or do you like action movies? Right?

Speaker 2 (49:56):
Oh? And then the one that Amy and Eddie also started,
the war one about the bombers with Elvis, not actually
Elvis but the guy who played Office Again. I told
you guys my memory sex right now, TV plus war movie?

Speaker 1 (50:16):
What is it called? Unlike googling, No, none of those
are it. It just came out Masters of the Air okay,
and it has uh nah, Austin Butler. Yep, thank you.
I'm just gonna call him Elvis.

Speaker 2 (50:31):
Yeah, those two if you watch anything, that one only
has like four episodes now Masters of the Air mass okay,
so you can watch it now and like be caught
up and then reach her on Amazon. Love it and
the nickname who we still don't have will like it also, Okay,
do you have a nickname?

Speaker 1 (50:50):
Before we go over to listener Q and I don't.
I really got a thing to give away to you
better have one for next time, yep.

Speaker 2 (50:57):
Okay for listener Q, and it not for next time
for listener Q and I oh listener Q and A
yeah you have like two seconds.

Speaker 1 (51:05):
Okay, we're gonna meet you guys all over there. That's
the best bits of the week with Morgan. Thanks for listening.
Be sure to check out the other two parts this weekend.
Go follow the show on all social platforms. Show and
followed web Girl Morgan to submit your listener questions for
next week's episode.
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