All Episodes

November 20, 2018 69 mins

Bobby is announced the winner of Season 27 of Dancing With The Stars. Bobby’s partner Sharna Burgess stops by to talk about taking home her first mirrorball. Also, Lunchbox thinks his neighbors are up to no good. 

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
Folks at your buddy and mind it missed the Bobby
Ball this show. That's right. Hey, we're here morning studio.
Morning boy has a peff in that morning. What happens
I'm happening, m Yeah, somebody won the mirror ball. Oh

I would get a chance to catch off on life.
But let me get my paper out them. Okay, check
the paper. Let me check the classified. It's not there.
Let me check the Yeah. We want folks go, Oh
my gosh, it's right. I don't even know what to say.
We got it. We finished the show last night, and
we could talk about that. We flew right to New

York landed working. Now, gotta go do some GMA stuff.
They have a studio here. It's a whole thing. But
I'm gonna say this that I know that it would
not have happened without you guys listening period in the story.
That's it. I could close the show down today and
just leave on that. Um, we worked hard because you

guys showed you it support us. Searn and I just
worked so hard and she worked me and it was
and she's gonna come in later and talk to But yeah,
last night, one Dance when Stars unbelievable, unbelievable, lunchbox, your
first You won. Congrats, dude, I told you you're gonna win.
I'll season stop it. You said I wasn't even gonna

make the first five, final five. You're right. I didn't say.
I said you weren't gonna make the final five. You
made the final five. I said you weren't gonna win
the mirrorball, and you won the mirrorball. What can I say?
You did it? You made me eat crow, you rise,
You rose above the cream of the crop, rows of
the top. You know, you put the sugar on top,
the cherry, the whip cream, all of it. You did it.
I mean, what can I say? I can't hate on you?

You won? Do I think you deserve to win? H
Not sure about that, but the fact then as you won,
I mean, deserving or not, you got it. That's all
that matters. That's right. The best team doesn't always win, Okay,
I always a low hater. That's all right though. Uh
you know it's funny. Amy came and said the crowd
last night, Amy's with me here? Now? Um, can we
fly the audio of when they announced it? And here

the whole my whole section go crazy. Is it the
live out here? It's your I wasn't. You're not allowed
to have your phones out. I know because you're holding
it below your head. So I have a like secret.
I didn't know. I thought the video was gonna cut
off before they announced it, and they announced it just
in time, and I mean, we freaked out here you go.
This is from inside the Dancing with the Stars ballroom.

And the funniest thing about that is you said we won,
and we did win. That's this is such a wee thing.
Well in the listeners, Okay, so yeah, it's all it's
a week. It's absolutely the most wee thing it could
possibly be. And I think even when I posted that
last night, like the first thing that came in my
head when I was posting it is we have the
best listeners in the world, and and you guys worked

so hard, you and Charner worked so hard. The combination
of y'all's hard work and our listeners being amazing, really
it came to the mirror ball. I mean, there's like
the perfect mix because we all know that your scores
weren't necessarily there all the time most of the time
tens um, so I just yeah, I mean cloud nine

still like cheeks hurt from smiling so big, and I
wasn't even I can't even imagine how you and Charna
are feeling because I wasn't even dancing for you know,
however many weeks this was day in and day off. Yeah,
three minutes. You know, I am so happy. I was
so happy for her. Yeah, so happy for her because
she had to deal with a lot my schedule, me

also me and also on me not knowing how to dance,
and so she really really did something that no one
thought first of all that I would do, but mostly
thought that she could do. And she proved that she
could take one of the worst because no dance experience
and did it. So listen, we're here. I want to
hear whatever it has to say, but I just want
to start the show. We're gonna do something. We're gonna

talking about this all morning. We'll come back to it later.
Why can't we? I know, right, It's producer Raymondo in
TV news the winners of Dancing with the Stars, Bones
and Sharna. Thanks to the B team for voting again.
Congrats to the champs. Sometimes I'll bring in our phone

screen or Hillary. She sits out in the glass room
when you call. She answered all the calls, but sometimes
they present her a scenario and she's like, hey, this
is pretty interesting, and she came to me about this one,
so tell me what's up. This girl called us and
she's currently dating the sky, but she said she's starting
to have feelings for this other person and she wants
to stay with the guy she's with. But is it

okay to have feelings for someone else? That's the question? Cheat. Okay,
but let's say let's say Amy, you and your husband
are together. Okay, you're not gonna do you're not explaining,
I have no way, But do you start to have
feelings for Lunchbox? Yeah? So so I probably just couldn't
hang around with Lunchbox. Okay, so wait, what is your
answer there? Go ahead, I would have to stop hanging

around with Lunchbox because if the because Lunchbox is so
um yeah yeah yeah, and enticing that if that was
going to affect my current relationship, I would have to
and then but if it didn't, then I could start
hanging out with them again. But if it was going
to start affecting it, I would have to create that space.

When you think about the lunchbox of relationship and you're
staying together, but you have feeling for someone else, that cheating. Yeah,
if my wife has feelings for another dude, yeah, she's
cheating on me a feeling. Oh yeah, you can't be
having a feeling for another What if she has a
crush on someone at work? No, she quitn't that job
or where you can't be studies cheating on me? My
wife cannot have it, leaves for another dude. Go ahead,

and can you have feelings for another girl? No? Not
even feelings? No? Okay, So here's my thought on this
feelings that that's not cheating or dishonest. Anything cheating anything
dishonest is because there's a deception involved, right, And so
you either have a relationship where you go, hey, have

a crush on someone at work, I don't like how
it makes me feel because I shouldn't and that's a
very honest and difficult thing to talk about. Or you
just have to get away from them, or you just
have the feelings you don't share them. But it's not
cheating if you're not lying about something, if you're there's
no deception involved, you're not cheating. You're not having emotional conversations.
You are having gravitational pull because your heart is fluttering.

Person is next to you. You can't help that. Cheating
well with the heart fluttering, that's what it means when
you have a feelings for someone else, get out of it.
I don't think feelings or action. I have lots of
feelings All the times. I have angry feelings that I
don't act on. I get sometimes I get really mad.
I don't act on those feelings, and so therefore you don't.
I'm not an angry person. I'm not a cheating person. Listen,

you tell her Hillary that what I said was she's
not acting. She ain't cheating. You know, your heart tells
you to go a different one hundred different ways every day.
You don't follow every what your heart tells you to go.
Your heart processes your brain, Your brain processes your actions.
Your actions dictate you. So if if her actions are
then she's good. I'll let her know that. Let her
in a collar back. I mean, but I'm the only
one that feels that way, by the way he feels

in the show, Well, they don't feel that way, lunchbox.
What about how um you think girls are so hot
all the time? And you stare at them. It's okay
to think someone's hot. You don't have feelings for her.
Oh she's pretty. You can appreciate beautiful feeling. No, what
if your wife said, there's this dude at work and
he's so hot. No, she can't talk like that. Well now,
but what if she did? Because you do? But I mean,

she thinks he's hot. But if she has feeling for you,
do you call that girl back? She's a true time
and she can't be doing that. Shouldn't do time in anything,
she's do time. Gosh, she's with Okay, you wouldn't if
you if she did. She feels guilty for a reason,
you wouldn't feel guilt if it isn't cheating. M dang

Socrates has left the building. I don't. I don't agree
with that. I feel guilty for a lot of things
that I should have feel guilty about. You know, I
don't think just because she feel guilty makes you wrong.
I feel guilty that I told you my mom got
pregnant me at fifteen years old, and that I heard
her life like I feel. I still have that, I know,
but I do have that guilt, feel guilty all the time.
I do anything wrong. There's nothing wrong. I didn't do
anything wrong. I can't help that. Nothing I can do

can help the fact that my mom got pregnant at
fifteen years old. And I but I feel guilty. So
I just countered Socrates a point on he disagree with
Socrates absolutely, Oh, I guess. Okay till well we all
stay in a different places. Let her know all three
of our feelings. I'll let her decide. Yeah, let her decide,
but tell her mind first though. Okay, so here, you

just ordered straight tequila the night. Yeah. Wow, My friend
Kelly taught me that tequila is an upper you know,
it's just like it's the one alcohol that will not
bring you down, could be happy. So if like you're
gonna have just one or two, like, why not stay up,
be happy. And it's just cleaner if you order it

meat and add water in a little bit of limits,
you don't have any calories. People were just surprised that
you went up to the bar in order to straight tequila. Yeah,
straight tequila. And plus I love the song, you know,
I really feel like that song makes me want to
drink tequila. Which one tequila makes her close? Come off,
Dan and shade tequila. You know, I really feel like

my like tequila. I just love this song. And then yeah,
my friend Kelly telling you that ever since, I've been like, okay, well,
I try to be healthy, like I don't want to
have crazy calories and I would rather be happy than sad.
So around the room. What's your drink right now? Tequila
neat neat. I don't know what that means. That means.

I know I had to learn it too. What does
it means? No ice? If you want ice, you say
tequila on the rocks, Tequila neat limon on the side, please,
because I don't want that lemon float in my drink,
dirty dirty lunchbox. What you drink? I love tequila, beer, vodka, alcohol,
your drink, though, I just name you be something I'm drinking.
It doesn't matter. You'll just take an alcohol, yeah, whatever

you want. Okay, wine cooler. It didn't matter to him. Okay,
what about you, Bobby. The Charlotte Temple, that's a good one.
People always laugh at me, and so I'll go, I'll
take a Charlie Temple like no, no, no no. I ordered
that a lot when I was a kid. But yeah,
I wish they had a man name for it though,
you know, like the bench press, something to be like
something a little little more manly squats for the side

of stronger little football bench press part. You know, I'll
take one of those, something supermanly. Because here's that goes
like because I don't drink, so I go up to
the barto, I'm like, hey, do you have a grenadine?
And I go no, oh, do you have cherry juice?
And then when now we've entered this conversation, it's a
vortex of that. I'm a wimp. It's basically like, oh,
we do have a cherry? Can I get a shorty temple?

You want a dirty Charley? No? What does that mean?
That makes it? It's a dirty yeah or something? Oh
you you want a mocktail? No? No, a shorty temple
is a montail. Yeah, So that's my drink if I
would one Raymond? Know what you drink? Yeah, red Bull
vodka pretty much our audio guy, red Bull Bioca. I
don't get you gone, you just need one Morgan number two.

Do you have a drink? Yeah, whiskey sours? What's a
sour meme? It's just a type of like liquor that
goes in it makes it not so strong. Interesting. My
other drink I guess would be a Club soda extra limes.
They go extra limes like extra like seven months from

Nashville and Tullywood Number two thirty seven Skinny, Brett Eldridge,
Martina McBride, and Kelly Pickler will perform for NBC's Christmas
and Rockefeller Center on November twenty eight. They will also
help with the annual tree lighting. Thomas red announced his
headlining Very Hot Summer Tour. It's thirty nine dates with
Dustin Lynch, Russell Dickerson and his dad Brett Akins. Congratulations

to our own Bobby Bones, he won Season twenty seven
of Dancing with the Stars. I'm Morgan Vertooth. That's a skinny.
It's time for the good news. An Iowa woman who
hit it big on the Powerball lottery jackpot. She's giving
half a million dollars to a veterans group, So wow out.

Her name is Larin West and she gave five hundred
thousand dollars to the Travis Mills Foundation. It's a marine
based organization for disabled vets. And get this, she left
her lottery ticket on the floorboard of her sister's truck
when she didn't know it was a winner. What yeah,
so it could have fallen out us whatever, But luckily

it was still there and it was a winner. And
she promised to use her lottery money to help others
and she's off to a good start. Well, good for
her sticking with it, becase some people would have win
to go na never mind, forgot about that. Yeah, good,
that's what it's all about right there. Well, last night
I won Dancing with the Stars, holy crap. And I
did the mc hammer dance first. And I'm telling you, guys,

I know I got three yates, but it was the
best I could have danced that dance, and you did great,
And it was listen, those three I was up against,
they were the best. They were such good dancers. They
were better dancers than me, no doubt about it. Better
dancers absolutely than me. But for me, I did the
best I could possibly do. And I was so proud
of myself, even with eates. And I'll tell you what happened.
I went to Searn and I my dance partner, and
I said, everybody else is getting tens and we got eights?

Are we okay? I said it because I danced the
best I could dance, and she was like, we are great,
and I was like okay, and it kind of kept
me in a good space because then I went over
and we did our thing and you know, we did
the second where we got all tens. Yeah, but she
really kept me in a good spot because everybody was
just getting ten tens, tens and we got three eights

and I felt so good about how I danced that
that was that was peak well both times, so from
your cheering section and the audience, like all your your
friends that were out there, like we were all when
you were dancing, we were like, yes, he's nearly. We
were so proud, like we were just like yeah. And
then the other three people would go after you and
we were like oh shit, Like we were like, oh,
we're in trouble. And then you you did the second

dance and we were like we're back in it. And
then the other people went and we were like oh
shoot yeah. But because I mean, they all they're all
so good. The thing about the second dance, so you
couldn't see and Sharnat designed the entire dance. It was amazing.
It looked so fun. It was that the beginning where
you guys couldn't see in the room was I was
behind the curtain. They run this video over the front
of me, and then I say something. The curtains opens,

I walked through and make a joke. I made a
joke and everybody laughed, and I heard the laugh. It
almost felt like a stand up show. And I was like,
oh my god, they're laughing at a joke. Is out
of a dance show. And then I felt like, oh,
we may do this. Yeah, you were You said something
like I can't dance, and you were like, and then
the next thing, you know what, I still can't do. Yeah,
that was because I said it up. It was like, hey, listen,
three months ago and I started this show, I was clueless,

and you expect the next thing to be not anymore.
But I went three months later, boom, still clueless. So
I had a view of the judges during that and
they all laughed, Oh they did. Yeah well. And so
it was this humongous number and Charnette spent it was
like a play NFL playbook, just she was drawing this
dance out and moving people around and checkers and it's wild.

So we did it well. I couldn't believe we got tens.
I couldn't believe it. I'd everything I number would come up.
Ever we did, and it wasn't. Because the dance, I
think we get tens. I was like, can I hit it?
There's a couple of moves ammy that I never hit
in practice ever that I hit And it wasn't even
that as nervous last night because I'm a big believer

in big time players made big time plays in big
time games, and I just hoped I was a big
time player. That's what I said. I hope, I said
to myself, I hope you're a big time player. Could
you have been before? Big time players might big time
plays in big time games. When DeMarcus lifted you, yeah,
I died. Yeah did you see that coming? Or no,
I didn't. I mean maybe you posted something on Instagram

like in a practice video, but a long time ago,
a long time ago, cooping off like I wasn't expecting
it in that like and all of a sudden he
lifted you up, and I was like, this is his moment. People.
That's where Sharna got the idea from. Is DeMarcus and
I were we're messing under practice and he lifted the girl.
I was like, can you lift me? I'm about one
sixty and he's like, no problem. And DeMarcus where, by
the way, one of the greatest defensive ends of the

last twenty years in the NFL. And then we were talking.
I wanted to bring my people into that dance. That
meant a lot to me. That was the whole point
of it. And so I brought in DeMarcus, grocery store Joe,
who I became friends with, Nicky Glaizer, the comedian Tom
bergeron Aaron, and it's some other pros that were on

other teams, and so to me it was important. Just
like the show, it's all about the people. And so
the DeMarcus saying it was the inspiration because I wondered
a minute, she was like, oh, you should do that
what you guys did. So that was it, Eddie, what
do you want to say. I'm in shocked. I'm just
in shock. I think it's amazing that you've proved the
whole world wrong. I mean, no one was for you

from the very beginning, and we saw you grow in
that show every single week. Bones you and Sharna worked
so hard and it's finally paid off and dude, you're
bringing that mirrorball to like home, You're bringing it home. Yeah,
that is amazing, man. I'm so happy for you, so
so happy for both of you guys, and all of
our listeners. Unbelievable, unbelievable. I'm so happy for the listeners

because they worked so hard too. And I don't take
that for granted that people voted on something I would
never vote for. I said that, and I have a
couple of times in my life when I was really
passionate about something. I'm just thankful that we the show
is something that they feel passionate about, and that's what
really inspires us to stay passionate about doing all the

things that we do, Like it's just a gift take
all the time, I knew it was weighing on you.
Whenever you said I don't know, if it was on
at some show in the last few days, you said
something like, I'm gonna feel like I'm letting people down
if yeah, I did, it was And so I knew
that the pressure of like, yeah, listeners out there doing
their best and voting. But yet you couldn't, for whatever

reason fulfill and bring the mirror ball home. And you
did it. Sounds so glad. It's crazy you have a
mirror people down. I just did not want and I
and it just inspires me to make them proud of
us even more, you know, yeah, Like what's next? I know,
I think I'm gonna send every one of our listeners
to college. Wow, Scott's Todd's Part nine. Yeah, Morgan number two.

You're sitting over there, your thoughts. I'm just so proud
of you that greatest show. Honestly, I started tearing up
because I just thought it was the total moment where
everything came together and you were just like laying all
out on the line, and then you win and you
made mere emotional when you started crying. I was like,
this is just so cool. I'm so even. No. I
started crying until we watched it back in the car.

We were driving to the airport and I was watching
it and it wasn't even crying. I just it was
what I would compared to you when I finished a
triathlon like I did an Olympic triathlon. It's you run
how six miles by twenty five miles? Swim one an
Olympic distance one? Yes, Yeah, And I remember finishing and
just crying. What's a release. Yeah, because it exhausting, but

you're also excited. And I was so happy for Sharna
because she had to do so much extra work with me,
and she had to teach a toddler how to do
an adult thing like count to eight. Yeah, even that,
I was so happy for her. And so she's coming
in next hour. But yeah, and you get we can
talk about you know, we can go at length next hour.

But yeah, what's that I said? We needn't talk about
it at length because this is a big day, all right,
you heard it here, it's ready to talk about it,
all right. I'm struggling with this a little bit. If
you guys let me know what you would have done.
I'm driving back, it's pretty late at night, it's a
few days ago. It's dark, and I see there's a

little scurry on the side of the highway and I
pull up and the car is upside down on the
side of the road. Whoa yeah, like hardcore of the bottom,
just upside down, and I see somebody sending out the
car and someone crawling out of the car. Right now,
there are three other cars that have since pulled up
and are out like trying to figure it out, and

I see cops within, I shot, and I see an
ambulance of an I shot, Oh you're fine. I just
kept driving. Yeah, yeah, you're fine. You're good. You don't
need to add to the mix. At first, I was like, Buffy,
pull over. No, I was too. I honestly thought, well,
what if I pull over and I can't help? At
least I could have pulled over and known I couldn't help.

But then I thought, if I pull over and I'm
just more in the way, that could be even worse. Lunchbox,
Oh you gotta be the hero man, Like, if you're there,
you have a chance to make it on the news.
I'm not worried about that. I just ginger was worried
about the safety and the best decision of this, right.
But you see them calling one person standing there and
one person crawling out, so you assume they're okay. But

the fact is you got to be there when the
news shows up. Man, Oh my goodness, you should have
seen it. There was a wreck and I helped pull
them to safety. And I'm just so you get yourself
on the news. That never popped in my head. It
as most like they need oh, because I'm still pretty
strong and pretty good shape, like I gotta helped, but
there were just people already there. Yeah, so you say
I should should have stopped, should have stopped, and especially

look for the news camera. You say, I think you're fine.
You were fine, just carrying on. You don't need to
add to the mix. There's a lot going on there.
You saw help was already there, and lights, lights and
seconds behind you, so you're good. Lights being ambulance in
the police to see it our upside down's crazy? That
is crazy. I don't because it is upside down. Pointed

the wrong direction too, so they hit something and flipped, Yeah,
that's I mean. And then if someone's crawling out of
the car, Yeah, that's hard to see. Like you see,
it's good to hopefully everybody was okay, but then you
set yourself up to maybe see something that you can't
unsee and there's help already there, like for me, I
don't that'd be scary, Okay, One to one, Eddie, Final vote,

final vote. Man, there were enough people there to take
care of the situation. Cops in the way. You're good. Yeah,
stop And how are you going get in there and
be a hero? Like, how what are you gonna say?
The news like I was the eighth person I see
and I have done nothing, but I pulled over. The
news doesn't know that you watch these news stories all
the time. They interview a friend of a friend of
someone that was in a plane crash. I mean, yeah,

my friend survived. He's looking to be a lot. They
just want someone that is good, Cameron, he is good
and friends like I was in the car exactly. I'm
just thankful to be here everyone. Lunch Box claimed he
delivered a baby in a post office. Does I held
the lady's hand, she went into labor and she delivered
the baby right there. I didn't actually hold the baby,
but the way you say it, you make it seem like, well,

did I deliver the baby? I was one of the
three main people. I don't even know this event ever
actually happened, to be honest with you, Yeah, it was
the little post office on Parmer Lane, and you held
a woman's hand while baby came out of my hand. Horror.
Have you talked to her since? No? I mean, you
just wear one of the three main people her child. Yeah,
but then she went to the hospital. I didn't follow

her and get on TV. That's a news story. They
didn't interview me. They interviewed her at the hospital. Okay,
you're telling us who believes this? Say nobody? Right? And
saddle Boat didn't. Eda took a bite out of it, Okay,
it was on the ocean of sky. Talked to him
and it did locked me in the closet. Four year

old or something? Yeah, how old is the ghost? I
don't know. I think it was like a four year
old that boy. Well, it's a segment that people drive
to here. They drive in from all over the pounds yeah, yeah, yeah,
yeah yeah. And it's lunchboxes guessing people's way. Here we
go get them. Wow, they come from far and wide.

They gather around the radio at times, all the families everywhere. Welcome, Welcome,
who feels good to be back? Lunchboxes standing up do
a popular demand? He want to guess more callers weight? Now,
what are the rules here, lunchbox? They have to be female.
I get thirty seconds. I just want to ask a
few questions to get their background information, and then boom,
within five pounds, I'll tell them how much they wait

within five pounds. Now, let's talk to Amber and Virginia High. Amber. Hello,
Now have we ever talked to you in our whole life. No,
I'm actually a first time caller. First time caller. We've
never missed. So Lunchbox doesn't know you, because the first
thing people will say is is Lunchbox friends with them?
Is this call set up? Right? Did I go to
college with them? And no? I didn't? Amber? Has this
call set up in any way? No? It is right.

She called us. Now, Lunchbox, you have thirty seconds and
you can guess her way. Go ahead, Amber, bikini or
one piece? Buy? When's the last time you went to
the pool? Um? About three months ago? When's the last
time you've been to the gym? Never? What's your favorite
breakfast food? Sausage biscuit? And how tall are you? Fast? Forward? Okay?

Are you don any more? Time you get well? I
thought you hit the bot? Okay, there you go? All right?
So you heard all that? Can you guess our weight
within five pounds? Yeah? I got her? You do? Yeah,
she doesn't ever go to the gym. I think she
said she likes the sausage biscuit. Don't get upset. Two
twenty three, he says, two twenty three within five pounds, Amber,

how much do you weigh? Yeah? Wow, whoa, here's one,
she said, two twenty three. Eddie's eyes got real big.
Right here we go Tiffany and Alabama. You've heard this.

Do you believe it? Do you think you can stump lunchbox? Maybe? Okay, Tiffany,
have thirty seconds with the lunchbox. Lunchbox, go ahead and action, Tiffany.
How many times a week do you cook dinner? Yeah?
What's your favorite fast food restaurant? Taco bail? What is

your favorite item from taco bill? Okay? And do you
do shampoo or conditioner or both? And how many times
a week? Here it's kind of hard to hear her too,
so you know, because they're oh, oh, he's struggling. His
hands are on his hips. Her phone was cutting in
and out. She was. I don't know if she was

doing that on purpose to try to throw me off.
But you're not gonna do it, girl, You're not gonna
do it. Within five pounds. Lunch box one fifty six,
he says, one fifty six. Let's go to Tiffany and Alabama. Tiffany,
what do you weigh us? Us say? Wow, wow, wow wow.

One more. He's living the American drink folks. Wow wow
that's we have another call from Alabama. This is Sarah. Sarah. Yeah,
you're with Lunchbox. Lunchbox, you have thirty seconds, go, Sarah?
Do you spelled out with an H R N A
On the end? There's n Okay? What's your favorite country artist? Uh?
Probably right now? Brandley Gilbert? And how long have you

been married? First timer? Seconds? A second time? Four years? Time? Lunchbox,
they have Sarah, a second caller in a row from Alabama.
Her signals a little better, Yeah, a little better? Can
you guess away? She likes Brandley Gilbert, she's been married twice,
and she weighs one hundred and thirty four pound one
thirty four within five pounds. What do you weigh, Sarah?

One hundred and thirty pounds. Yeah, yeah, you can't do
the math. That's only four pounds, got it? Within the five? Oh?
How you feel? I feel good? I feel so good.
That's close. Feel good? Oh so good. Look at this guy.

So our audio producer, Raymundo, who sits in a glass room.
He's always editing audio. Sometimes he pops in the studio
to say something. He wants to get ear rings. Now,
did you know that name? Raymond? How do you thirty
three now, just had the old birthday a couple months
ago or whatever. So how you feeling about the ear rings?
What prompted this? Well, honestly, dude, I've wanted it since

probably since I was in college, and then just randomly
seeing all these athletes on TV Antonio Brown, Odell Beckham,
Junior Lebron, all these cool athletes have ear rings, and
I just think I would look so good in them,
and they're just such a they're almost at a way
to like could draw attention. I don't have anything really
flashy that I do an ear ring. Man drops some
earrings on my ear, that'd be so cool. Talk about

what it would look like one ear, two ears, which ear?
What would the earring look like? That's what I've kind
of been going back and forth in my head. Obviously,
I want to do the both ears, probably, but if
I did go a single ear, I would want to
make sure it's the correct ear. I've heard there's maybe
you're in a gang if you do it on one ear,
but but seriously, nobody in my family's ever done it.
I've never had cousins that have ear rings, so I

don't know anything to gauge it off of how it
would look on us or anything, but I think I
would look great in it. Like would you get like
a like a diamond stud like a like I don't
know what, or you're gonna get the gage? No, no, no,
no no, I said, hoop, I'd be awesome on Raymond. No,
not a hoop. I would. It would be a diamond.
It would be some solid diamonds right in my ear
Who was one of these athletes who named best athletes

in their sports? They got diamonds. They all do both ears. Yeah, yeah,
and some of the soccer players do the gauges. I
don't know if I would go that route, but it
would for sure be blanky something that's gonna show off
a little bit, like real diamonds or quzi. Oh, I
would go the fake ones you don't need really, Okay, okay,
let's do a deal here, RAYMONDO I buy, I said
of earrings. Oh my goodness, My question is this does

the can the whole ever like fill back in? Do
I have to have these earrings for the rest of
my life? No, your whole can close up, but like
you have to take it out pretty quickly. Then yeah,
you're going to have the whole. I think I'm still
at the age where I can do something like this.
If I venture into the forties, probably off limits, never
get an earrings, but thinking bag man, I kind of

like the earring star. Regret this. You should do it, dude, Raymondo.
I will buy you a pair of Apair nice blingy
ear rings. Okay, you do both ears and you have
to wear on at least for three months. Oh, I
would easily do that. I was thinking the long term,

into my forties when I'm a dad, but yeah, I
would for sure three months. I love that Bobby is
willing to get you the ear rings. That's great. You
know what to make sure this happens, I'll pay for
the ear piercing. Oh wow, come on, yeah, thirty three
year old and thirty three year old man, I get
so excited of him. A microphone button there, don't if
you guys heard that, I will take you to Clares
in the mall and they will collare Wow. Yeah, and

I probably won't even be the only guy in there.
There'll be other guys my age, said the athlete. Yeah,
and Kanye Brown from the Steelers by being there getting
his ear rings pierce too, or whatever. Yeah, yeah, all right,
I like this. I like where we're going with this.
All right, RAYMONDO, We're gonna take care of you. We're
gonna get you Ears Pierce, Okay, all right, Yes, it's

time for the good news. Jesse Ricks is an avid runner.
She had some free time. She's like, I need to
do some volunteer work. So she volunteers for this organization
called Achilles International. And what that is is it's athletes
with disabilities training for marathons. They pair you up with
someone so you can help them train. So she gets

paired up with Anthony Butler, who's blind and he wanted
to run a marathon. So they spend twelve hours a week,
you know, running training. Two and a half years later,
they're getting married. They fell in love when they were training.
They've run seven marathons together, and yeah wow, yeah that's cool. See,
volunteering can help you out. You can fall in love,
you can fall in love. There it is, that's what's

all about, right there. That was tell me something good,
Bob morning, Corny. What do you call iron man when
he doesn't have his suit on? What do you call
iron man when he doesn't have his suit on? Stark
naked Tony Stark, get it, that's his name. Oh do

you got you? Guys don't think that's funny. I don't
really get it. She's not a Stark. Start listen, Amy,
I think it's funny. But if the group doesn't clap,
I'm sorry, crickets won't won't there there? It is wow?
I mean, superhero fans around the nation are moving. Y'all

like it? Though I liked it was the morning corning
so well. As I sit in the radio studio this morning,
I have a mirrorball with me, actually two mirrorballs, because
my dance partner. Clap your hands. Sharna is hereby She's here.
We By the way, if you're just turning the radio
on last night, I'm Dancing with the Stars. Yeah. We won.

We we literally shocked the world. I'm pretty sure we did. Yeah.
And so let me go first, because I have people
to think. I have first of all our listeners, who
I just so much didn't want to let down and
inspire me to us. This is what I do. I work.
I don't only have like this any great talent except
I show up to work and I will work every day.

And I want to thank you guys, first, because without you,
I want to have this job. I wouldn't be paying
my mortgage, Ammy Lunchbox. We all feel the same way.
And you guys did way more than you ever had
too And for that I am eat her only grateful
that you would call and you would band together and
vote on a dance TV show. Could not be any

more sincere than that. Secondly, I want to thank Sharna
because the first day she got me, I could see
it in her eyes. I know what you're talking about.
It was like, yeah, it's like she she was fishing
and she caught a tire athletes before. Yeah, like she
got I got a big one. I bet, like, let's
see the size of this bass and it was a tire.

And so she made this tire that she caught while
fishing better and better and better and better. And I
had to trust her and also she had to trust me.
And I can tell you we had moments where we
didn't get along, especially when I f losted at first time.
She did not get She did not like that. Um,
and I had to be like, I'm sorry, but I

gotta have you trust me. You gotta trust me on
on like this stuff. And she did I trusted her
trust me. By the end of it, um, we have
a we won. I didn't even know how to say
we won. I'm still figuring out how to say it.
It's uh, we didn't start in week one thinking that
we were going to win this trophy. I certainly when
I started teaching you jib for the first time, I

did not see a mirrorble in our future. But it's
your work ethic, dude. You came in and you showed up,
and you work your butt off so much, and you
it's what you say fail until you don't. You are
relentless and you do not stop. And you did trust me,
and you let me push you beyond your limits. And yeah,
there were some weeks where you really didn't like me,

buzz you. It was that it was just also, if
you just spend time with enough time listen, Amy and
I fight sometimes and Amy's my favorite, my best friend. Yeah,
but you spend enough time together, eventually you just have absolutely.
I think, yeah, there's weeks I don't like him, special
weeks I thought was like ten minutes you didn't like her,
So I just follow that. I'm sure there's weeks you
don't like me. For a minute. I want to play

the announcement from last night. Wh they're announcing the winner
of the Mirrorble. So this this is it. We have
the final results. Good luck to all you guys. It's
so extended, by the way Bobby and Charta was definitely
so imagine, but she says that imagine it takes like
an hour. Yeah, basically they got a commercial four times,

so let's play it again. So I didn't mean to
talk over it. I thought there was going to be
a brief pause. Go ahead, we have the final results.
Good luck to all you guys, Bobby and Charta. Okay,
there was even longer than that. There's no way that's
the because I just didn't want to play it on
the road, okay, because I mean it felt like forever. Charta,

what were you thinking? I try to remember back what
you were thinking. As soon as they said our name,
total disbelief. It was just it was like, oh my god,
I heard her name. Wait I heard Was it was
that just saying names? Or was that did we win?
We won? Oh? Wait, you sell you tell me that
we actually won the marribuch iby. It took me a
good three seconds to actually register that it was a

real thing. And then I looked at you and I
could feel my face that was about to start doing
the ugly cry, and I really tried to pull that back,
but I was overwhelmed. Overwhelmed. Yeah, I don't remember crying.
I saw it back. I was like, oh I did correct. Yeah.
So last night, if you're just turning the ready one,
we won Dancing with the Stars and there's nuts the
trophies in the room with us, and the trophies heavy,

and the trophy is cool so heavy. Yeah. No, it's
a way cooler than I thought it was going to be.
And you tell me about what it's like in the room,
maybe because you were there last night. Oh um, well,
are you nervous again like you were the first time? Oh? Yes,
everybody in your the Bobby Bones Sharna cheer section was nervous.
We were all like are you. We were all talking
about our nerves, making sure that we weren't the only ones,

like is do you feel this way? And everybody had nervous.
We were all getting text messages from friends like I'm
so nervous right now. So that was like our vibe.
And then anytime we could chant bones bones, bones, bones,
bones into the camera we did ah Mod and Jared
and Ricky like they were like, I think at one
point a Mod was going to rip his shirt off.
He was so excited for you. But when whenever it

was about to be announced and then it said your name,
like I legit think we all screamed, Like all of
our throats afterwards were like itchy because we were screaming
so much boom, loud and so fast and at once,
and we were so everyone's just so proud of you.
Here's the audio of Amy. She did a she wasn't
put her phone out, but she recorded when they set
our name. Here's that audio. Hey, Raymundo, what other audio

do we have? You're you talking after you guys are
announced the champions? Yes, all right, you're ready? Yeah, all right?
Here it is in very true words of people's chapion
like friend to say, I love, thank you to the people.
Thinking to Sean and who made all this possible. I

was trying and he was like, what do you want
to say? And I was like, and I just wanted
to think two people, the people and Sharna, because without that,
this is what happened, right, is what happened. And so
I hope you're listening now, and you know that. I
am so appreciative. I'm so appreciative, and it was it

was just a thing, Eddie. What was it like at
home watching it? Oh? Man, I'm pretty sure my neighbors
heard me because my kids were yelling. I was yelling.
My wife was even yelling. Like we just we couldn't
believe it. And like Amy said, yes, our throats itched
because we yelled so loud. And then it went to
like commercial because the credits came up quick, and then
it was over and we're like, I don't want to

watch this next show, like we're party now. Yeah. Yeah.
I facetimed Eddie after my first dance. It was like, hey, dude,
what's going on? Like how to look? Can we? Are
we still in it? You know? A guy called Eddie
every show? Yeah, and you're texting me during the show.
I'm like, well, I was like, no, I needed somebody
from the field to report back because we don't get

to see it, like the TV part of it. We
don't get to see that. We don't get the graphics.
We see some stuff in there, but we don't get it,
and I haven't in the truth is I haven't watched
anybody's dance in weeks because there's so the other contestants,
competitors were so good and we're rightfully there and any
of them we could have rightfully won. Um. It was
so intimidating to me to watch that. I just had
to be me. And Shanna realized that too, about two

weeks ago. Yeah, she would walk me out of the room.
She was, I know, you don't want to see this.
Let me go over to the craft services. Good practice.
I do something. It didn't put me in a good place,
so I stayed out of it. Yeah, but we won.
We we want So Shanna, what do you so what
happens now with you? Oh? Well, what happens now is
I actually go back to Australia. I'd spend some time
with family and enjoy this win and enjoy some R

and R for a little bit. Uh, And then next
year is up, twenty nineteen comes around, There'll be more
dancing with the stars and more of me, more of
my workout videos, more of Shanna Burge is everywhere. I
don't know, I just want dazzing with the stads. When
Sharona did to seven years, I think I need to
just like live in this moment for a second, exactly,
we deserve it. Thank you. Play that song. Play it out,

baby Eddie. Whenever the Greatest Showman song comes on, did
it was it? Did you feel like it was representing
something like? Did it feel like a me thing? Or well? Absolutely?
I mean the whole story is a youth thing. You know,

it's all about you. And I love the humor in
the in what you're saying. You like, I knew nothing
when I first started. Three months later, I still don't
know anything, Like that's so funny. And then after all
the great production Sharna by the way, amazing work and
putting on together and bones at the end you floss.
You get all these professional dancers to floss. Yeah, it

was fun. It was fun. It was Sharna put together.
She put it was like, what would I compare it too?
You know how you see the marching band like at
Ohio State make all the shapes and you're like, how
in the world do they do that? How did they
just make a bear riding a tricycle out of marching
band people? And how they all run and they make
it move and things everybody without talking about right, Yes, yes,

that's what Sharna did. When this dance, we only had
limited amount of dancers, which made them all go to
different places. It catch me, turn me around in a circle,
so they dropped me. We do a move. They're on
top of the thing, they're moving over and it was
really it was really cool. Yeah, it's a gift. It
was an amazing It might be one of my favorite
freestyles that I have actually choreographed. It's my favorit freesty
I've ever done. Yeah, I Want. It evoked emotion and

people that didn't really know you because everything about it,
like the song and like the story it was telling,
and the dance and having everybody out there in the
way it was choreographed, Like I don't know if I
was just feeling that emotion because I'm so close to
you feel it. I felt emotion, yes, but it was
like I want. I feel like it was powerful enough
like it transferred to where people that aren't even necessarily

close to you it felt something like So it was
it was a powerful combination of all the things we
love that we have a trophy. Each of us have
our own mirrorball trophy and they're really heavy and we
are Um, she's going to Australia, I've got some tour
dates to do. I'm gonna take it to all of them,

so I'll be in you know, these shows are sold out,
but I'll be in Virginia Beach, in Greensboro and Nashville.
I haven't done any stand up and forever, so it's
gonna be fun to take this. I'm just gonna dance
for an hour. What if I just do that in
my stand up gigs? I just go Eddie, hear me out,
do you and I play all the songs that we've
done and just do my dances to them and that's all.
And then I leave and I'm like, thank you guys,

good night. And I was like, I like, you just
watched a champion. What are you talking about? How often
do you get to see a champion? But um, yeah,
it's you like that one yes, and then you're meet
and greets. You have to take the mirrorball and everything.
That's true. Yeah, I do. It's heavy. Someone to help you.
There was one we were trying to take some pictures

and he were like, oh wait, a couple more, a
couple more, and Bobby's holding up. He's like Bobby or no.
Then Bobby's like y'all. My arm is hurting. I can't
hold it up any longer. Yeah. Also, I've lost all
muscle tone because I haven't lifted it away in three months.
Not lost, redistributed. It fell from my chest and my
ads and arms down to my thighs and my calves
got cough muscles. Now it's not distributed that okay, like

most eleven year old boys, I just got calves. So Sharna,
it's been awesome. It's been incredible and unforgettable and awesome.
It's been awesome and as human and at times awful
and amazing. And you wanted to strangle me, and I
wanted to strangle you, and it was the great. We
would have three hour talks. Yep. It was everything that

I think a relationship is what came three months real quick,
like like a marriage. Oh you know what I mean?
Did you just say though, like we have it was
a relationship yea months? Yeah, absolutely, it's like we're in
a marriage for every we I know, every day for
three months. We spent at least six or seven eight
hours together. Yeah. I've never done that with anybody. I'd

have a girlfriend sere like once a month to be
like oh I'm good. See, Yeah, that's fine, that's fine.
Text me, Um wait, hold on, I have something to say. Okay, um,
running out of time, I'll shoot because I was while
you were talking, I thought of it. No, well, it's so,
it's but it's no, I know what it is. You're
you're enjoying this. Do you know that? Do you know
that in a lot of things that have been big

like this, I get that this is like huge, but
you I don't think I've ever seen you enjoy something
like this. And why because I think, well, I think,
for one, you truly it challenged you in a way
you've never been challenged before. You worked so hard, you
legit had fun and um and you're you're you're you.

The listeners were a part of you winning this. Yeah,
and you're sharing you want it. So I feel like
it's a combo of those things. I don't know. And
she hadn't one. Yeah, and Sharna has won, so that's yeah, ding,
that's it. But for whatever reason, maybe it's because it's
like a team thing and it's not you and there
was so much because I've never seen you this elated
about a win, and You've had a lot of accomplishments,

and I've never seen you take it in like this,
and it's really it's fun to see you enjoy it
because we get it together. That's why. That's sorry it
took me a second to get there. Was because it's
a team thing. It was a team thing, and I'm
so proud of being able to be a part of
a team, not only our team with the listeners, but
the team with Sharna, so team beating and the gate
that's right all the way listen. Oh my gosh, you

could come back for dates and the Stars All Stars. No, No,
they're going to be back as a pro next year.
I just was asking, do you all like go on tour?
I'm going on tour with them for a bit. Really.
I don't know if they've announced the debates yet, have
they No? I don't think they've announced it yet. But
he's I'm doing some of the dates. Yeah, yeah, I
love it. I'm not even sure which one's really yet,
not all of them obviously, no long wow, but Charna

is dance with Dan and Shay whoever that dude is
you were dancing with? Can I just me I'm such
a fan of Dan and Shay and to be able
to dance to that song. Was just that was my
key cap moment, you know. But was it weird? And
this is the real question. Was it weird when you
dance with Ardum who's a professional danswer and he's not
as good as me from the dance before, Like, are
you a bit like it was a bit of a
struggle to be okay? Bobby though, in your in your favor.

If people just had the TV on and they heard
Dan and Chasing speechless and they saw Sharna's red hair
and their eyes were closed and they were kind of
not really paying attention, they would think that he kind
of could have like maybe looked like you a little
bit and like you made some major improvements. Well, we're
gonna play Dan and Shay now, Sharnie, you're the best.

Let's go enjoy our trophies. Were we already playing them
or did that just up on the list? Tequila though,
Oh I had no idea? Oh speechless, I know that's
all right. I mean I can place Vanna pla speechless
insad are well, I can whatever I want. We have
the mirrable I just got named stands for ever in
history of the world. So yeah, look it up. All

these songs started catch phrases were ended up saying them
in your life. Okay, so I have a list here
for example, and this is how this came up. What
are my friends? And I think he's fifty one, he
works in music business. He was like, yeah, we're getting jiguated.
I don't even think kids know what that means anymore.
But that was a thing. It was a song with it.

So that was a song that created a catch phrase.
Organ number two, did you ever say getting giguit at
your twenty four? I never said it. I've heard it,
but I've never said that, but it's probably a little
before you. Yeah, it's kind of like something my grandpa
would say, Grandpa, Yeah, okay, so here we go. Um,
this is a recent one. And what's funny is I

don't I'm not sure if Drake invented it or if
it just became a thing because of Drake. But Yolo,
oh yeah, once, that's the model yellow when we bought
it any day, any day, any day, maybe sitting on
a bench. That's why it happened again if it wasn't
the first time, Like that's ever wrong. The mottoes were
Yolo kind of became a thing again. The only day
one stare at yolow. When we bought it any day,

any day, everybody was saying yolo. I still say it. Yeah,
don't don't know. It's so cool. But it's okay to
hashtag it, right, Yeah, you can do what every whatever.
It makes you feel good. It makes you feel good.
How about this one? But he put a ring on it?
Oh yeah, yeah, people say it all the time. I
still say, put a ring on it? Stop it, Edie?

How about this one? And this one Morgan number two.
You're twenty four. You won't even know this one. But
if something were cool back in the day'd be like, whoop,
there it is. It is man, that's a good one.
El Yeah, never said that, Edie. Who don't say that
one anymore? Yeah? I want to hear honorable mentions. Yes

from hey, y'all outcast, shake it like a polaroid picture,
shake it. That was never a thing until this song.
People were saying that and then this one. I was
kind of torn on, but I put it anyway because
people said it all the time. Who let the dogs out?

It's like, dang, who let the dog? So what do
you think about that? I'm trying to think of. I
don't know if this one fits, but something that I
say only because of the song, Like anytime I my
milkshake brings all the boys in the yard. I think
that's as fair as anything else. Okay, there's no rules
on this game. You still say that? Cool? Yeah, keep on,

not time for you guys. His favorite gamesy trivia. Now,
these are the easiest trivia questions possible. You should go
five for five. Yeah, we should. That's the key. Let's
walk him in. Our players to my left, my co host,
hey Man than over to my right. He does love

the Kansas Jayhawks and the Chicago Bears, and he graduated
top fifty percent of his high school closs. That's right.
Give it up for lunch Fog and the video producer
off the show. It's it's over. Laptop's always open, always
editing something known forever. I met him actually doing a
TV show together. He was my producer. Got up for producer. Ready,

thank you, Hello, Hello to all my fans out there.
Adds yeah, yeah, so no one my mom. Five questions.
These are all easy. Question number one and easy trivia.
What's the ocean that lies off the west coast? Well,
that has to be florcess of elimination. Okay, men, I'm in.

I'm in for the wind. What's your elimination process, lunchbox, Well,
Atlanta is on the east coast, so that ain't gonna
be that's gonna be the Atlantic named after Atlanta. Yeah no,
that's right. Yeah. That's what's so stupid is he's right
about but the ocean, but it's not named for Atlanta. Yea,
Atlanta is not even on the coast. Well, but I
figured that it's the capital of Georgia, right, so I

figured it was. Okay, I seriously, that's what the ocean
I got, was named our So I got Pacific Pacific. Well, lunchbox,
you're correct, yeah, so don't mind me, you fools. Hey,
I got good logic. I have Pacific Pacific because that's
what it is. One. There we go, there, we got
come on, we all get our answers different ways. What

does f B I stand for FBI? That's easy, the
FBI easy. I'm the FBI. I can't even spell it.
I can't. Alright, I'm in. That's the easy tribute. Amy um,

Federal Bureau of Investigations. We excuse me, said again, said again,
Well that's what I have. Federal Bureau of Investigations, lunchbox,
Federal Bureau of Investigation, Federal Bureau of Investigation singular. That
should be not a thing, very different, Amy, No more

than one investigation. We're always investigating lots of things all
the time. I'm with you. I'm with you. It's Federal
Bureau of Investigation parentheses. Maybe, yes, I'm with Amy. Thanks guys.
All right, easy trivia. What's the least populated state in America? Oh,

that's a good question, but it's easy. What's the least
populate think of square miles per capita. Come on, I'm Amy, Delaware,
lunch box. Well, I thought about one of those small states,

but I feel like they got a lot of people
crammed up there. North Dakota's got nobody living there, Idaho answers, Wyoming,
you al mioss that? Okay? One more question, man, easy trivia.
Who wrote the Declaration of Independence? One dude? Who wrote
the Declaration of Independence? Um? Wait, I'm in, yeah, yeah, okay,

I'm in. Hold on, hold on, hold on, that's the
star spangle banner. Go ahead, talking out, lunchbox. I love it.
I almost wrote that guy's name down. I'm surprised. You
know that? Yeah, the Declaration of Independence? What is that
is that? No, that's the Ten Commands, the paper in Washington.
So he has the star spangle banner, the ten Commandment

and the decla and if Moses Jesus God. Okay, all right,
I'm in for the win, I guess. I mean, do
you have Well you always ask for this, so I
figured this person how to do something. I know he's

involved in some way. Give me your John Hancock. Oh
you asked for that signature? Yeah, you know why is
named that because he signed it really big. So he
did sign it. He signed it, but he didn't write it. Oh.
I believe the person that wrote it was Thomas Jefferson.
I believe you're right. No, yeah he wrote it. Yeah

he did. Thomas Jeffs wrote the question. Yes, Eddie, I
had Benjamin Franklin. Oh no, he signed it at least
No he did. Okay, you aren't even there. Great, good job, Eddie.
How many is that is that it? I'm gonna call
it a game. I don't know. I'm doing another one
more will be nice. Who's the best selling female artist

of all time? And state female senior artists? That is
easy trivia right there, I'm in easy trivia lunchbox like
a virgin Madonna stopt. Wow, Amy, you are the winner again.

It's time for the good news, all right, follow me
on this one, Amy. So there's a kid who plays
college football in Rhode Island. He's playing right now now.
The deal is a couple of years ago he submitted
his DNA and what they do is they store it
and if they find that something like in your DNA

can help someone, maybe an organ like a kidney or
bone marrow, yeah, any of that they find if it
can help, then they let you know. So he does
this and two years later they come back to him
and they go, hey, there's a match. This six year
old boy he needs bone marrow to survive. So this
Patrick mcgrority said he was shocked to receive the call,

but he was like, I'm in So. A few weeks
ago he underwent a bone marrow procedure and missed the
final two games of a season while recovering. Yeah, oh
my gosh, Wow, that's so cool. And because the division
his football is college football, team plays they have playoffs. Yeah,
so he missed, but he's gonna get to come back
for the playoffs. Love that isn't that crazy though? And

I feel like I had no idea you could do this,
like submit your DNA for that. So that's and I
think especially for bone marrow, yes, right to be a
match is difficult. My sister went through and the paperwork,
like once you do all that and the paperwork is crazy.
I think my sister she's out there waiting, but like
she hasn't been contacted because like it's it's hard to

find two years later this kid was contacted, you know. Anyway,
that's what's all about right there. Lunchbox thinks his new
neighbors are drug dealers. Huh yeah, there's a house that
gets rented right next door to me, and boy, they
keep some weird hours, Like I'll be leaving for working
four or fifteen and lude will be sitting on the

front porch smoking a cigarette. Car pulls up, He'll and
if I'm outside, they get in the car and they
drive a few blocks and he comes walking back ten
fifteen minutes later. Man, there's cars always coming. He doesn't
have a car, but he sure has a lot of
cars coming and going to his house. And they were
always out on the front porch. Smoking cigarettes and the
people don't stay long. Are they just stopping by the

saying Hi, don't think so that maybe got a good
friendship circle? You think there's only one way to find out.
Oh I'm curious, lunchbox, go and just ask hid Mike
you got I'm looking for a good time. Just say that,
yeah you got anything? Say I say, my friend Mary
Jane hanging. I can't find her? Yeah, yeah good. I

talk about it with my other neighbor and he's like, oh,
for sure, for sure. He goes, I'm trying to be
real nice on them so they don't come into my
house and steal anything, because he really, we are convinced
just because they sell drugs now they steal for what
just happened here on nice way to stereotyping box. I

just don't want to put him in a box. I
mean like, oh wait, wait, you know. Yeah, so it's
a little weird because now I have a kid, and
my wife's like, wow, I think about that. It's a
new new layer. Yes. My wife's like, should we call
an anonymous tip to the cops. I'm like, we don't
want to be those people, but you're not those people.
If it's anonymous, anonymous people, and are they really the

cops really gonna do anything? Like, I don't know, they're
moving big amounts. But but the amount of people that
come and go, and the fact that he gets in
the vehicles and you're thinking, oh, they must be going
to the mall or something and find a ten minutes

later he comes walking back, like where are they taking him? Yeah,
probably just far enough to make the transaction, and he
walks back for sure. But sometimes the car pulls up
and they just walk out and twitter yes, or the
person walks up to the door and goes inside and
then leaves. But if the guys outside smoking a cigarette,
he sees us outside one of the neighbors, he gets
in the car and they go, man, yeah, you need
to find out what they're dealing. Yeah, if it's a

little bit of camera, it's some gunja. What did you say?
Maybe you say it right, it's She's like, if it's
a little bit of gungie, you know, I mean, hey,
it's one thing. It's that it's a little bit of grass.
It's one thing if it's like that, because I get

the whole like family and protecting like because then you
have to deal with people that are coming by there,
who are the people buying it? And then it's like,
what if it's he's got a whole operation in there
and he's doing like hardcore stuff. That's what I'm thinking.
If it's sticky iggy, I'm not okay. Hey, I was
at the airport and I was walking through and sometimes

I'm there early, okay, all the time they early. Yeah,
But I was going through one of the stores. It
was a pin store. Oh, they had a pen, a
pin that you're right with for eleven hundred dollars. I
saw your post. It was mom plank, mom whatever. Some
of my friends from when we graduated college they were
given mont blank pins and yeah. I was like, well,
it's crazy. No, I'll just take groceries and shoes. Yeah,

I know, I'm just telling you. So I go, I
put my phone out so I take a picture of it,
and the woman judged me behind the counter, and I
was like, I can't believe there's there even is a
pin that exists. The costs eleven hundred dollars and then
I walk over to the case. It was twenty eight
hundred dollars for a pen. Yeah. I don't understand me either.
But did people feel this way about like if you
buy a nice pair of shoes, like I don't understand. Yeah,

like kids, they come from Haiti. There were no brands
really over there, no, and everything was a hand me down.
So yeah, I mean, I guess it's a kids so
they don't get it. But but so there is something.
Maybe we're just not into pins because apparently there is
something we said like when you've got to pull out
a pen to sign something, maybe we don't sign enough
things like if you pull it out at the top

of a mont block pin, it's got the symbol like
you know, it is sort of like when you're looking
at your watch, like some people are really into Rolex, Like,
but a watch is a watch. If I buy a
pin for over about fifty bucks, even that, I can't
imagine it better ride my whole comedy at me, like okay, pen,
go to work, buddy, I'm gonna take a nap. But
I could not believe there was a twenty eight hundred

dollar pin. Yeah, and again I think the woman thought
I was either thinking about stealing it or it was
just really low class because I was fascinated with taking
pictures of It's like I was a zoo, like seeing
a zebra, and I was taking picture of these pins
in the airport, so I'd never I'd never seen one
of those before. I don't even know if I got one,
I probably take it back and get a refund. I
tell you, guys, didn't friend buy you a really nice
pin when you got your first book. I don't think

it was mont Blanc, but um, I believe I got
a pin. Yeah, but I think it's nice. Yeah, And listen,
there's a gift. I take a pack of bix. You know.
Amy has an eleven year old daughter and been here
for almost a year. Came from Haiti, an orphanage in Haiti,
so a lot of the stuff that we're used to
is new to her. Even school, going to a school

is new to her. Huh, Yeah, anything happened with them
interesting lately? Well, the other day she came home from
school telling me she needed to return to school the
next day with five dollars. And sometimes it can be
for a class activity or a field trip or something
going on. So I'm like, okay, well what's it for?
And she's like, well, and she pulled this box of

like fake fingernails, really long, awful fake fingernails out of
her bag. She's like, I bought these from a girl,
Like there's no First of all, it's not even a
complete set, like one is missing a thumb and the
other one's missing like a pinkie or something like even
a complete set of nails, and there's no glue or
tape or anything. She just bought the fake nails, but

she was super pumped about them and the fact that
she thought she was going to be able to put
on fake nails at eleven. So I was like, well,
I'm sorry, but I think you kind of got ripped off,
and I'm not giving you the five dollars. If you
want to use your own money, you can, or you
can return the nails to the girl that sold them
to you. So you're not going to let her wear them? No, no, no, no,

no fake nail She didn't even get a complete set.
She didn't even get she got totally taken advantage of.
I think they saw her coming from a mile away.
Can you put them on her American gol doll? No,
they're for like adult sized fingers. American gol doll is
like so tiny. Did you do anything? Have a joke
at my stand up act about buying your daughter an
American goll doll. H Have you heard it? No, because

I haven't seen your Red Hoodie tour. Yeah, only a
few shows left. But basically the joke is, you know,
when I had to find something for your eleven year
old daughter, I don't know what eleven year olds like.
So I got on Google and I typed, what do
eleven year old girls like? Oh, dear, And so I
give that a beat, and the crowd goes h and

they laugh a little bit because it's like, you shouldn't
type that on Google, like what do eleven year old
girls like? Um? And then I make a joke about
Chris Hansen kicking in the door m date Line NBC,
and I was like, no, no, no, it's Framer's daughter.
And then I was talking about the American old doll.
Where I go, I think the joke. I said, the
American odal will do anything. They will. You know that,
you can take them to the doctor, you can take
them on a picnic, you can get laser hair removal.

And so then people, right, I'm giving away a whole
joke here, by the way, Then people laugh at that,
and then I go and that's what comedy is and
the truth, and then I goes and then the closer
of the joke is something to the I haven't done
the year in a month or so because I've been,
you know, dancing. But then it was the end of
it is American old doll. I said, oh yeah, yeah,

I set it up a bit better. But then I'm
like America, this says American gol dolls. They'll do anything.
I said, do anything. So I have seven? Thank you
about seven? Thank you get it? Yeah, that's kind of
funny though it's it's it's uh, it's not my strongest,
but it's a pretty good one. Like it gets good laughs,
Like it gets trickled after, Like they laugh at the

first part in the Google part, they laugh a little
harder at the laser hair removal. Is what I do.
They'll do anything. I'll have seven. Then it's it's it
gets a good laugh. Yeah, that's Normally I don't reveal
jokes on the air because when people hear them, it's
like I already knew that, but yeah, what do I care.
Miranda and Louisiana is on. Hi Miranda, Hi Bobby, good

morning to you, and thank you for listening. Thank you
y'all do so amazing. Every day. I try to listen
as much as I can. Oh wow, well, it is
a pleasure to talk to you. What would you like
to ask? Oh? Well, I text Anna ask Amy if
she would ever have any biological children. So, I think
a lot of our listeners that are new and maybe
even something they've been around a while, they've heard your

story about adoption over the past five years. Your kids
have been here now seven months or so? Eight months wow?
Eight today today exactly? Well, and with that, the biological children,
do you still want to have them? Can you still
have them? We've never been proven that we absolutely cannot

have children. We have gone to fertility doctors. My husband
I've both been tested. It's sort of just a mystery.
So yes, we could still get pregnant. Now do I
want a baby as much as I used to know?
Because now I have an eleven year old and an
eight year old, and I feel like my life is

pretty full, and I feel like now I'm comfortable with
this being my mom life, and I think my husband's
comfortable with that too. For a long time, it was
really hard because I wanted a baby, and now I've
just accepted that this is my role, and I feel
really good about that. So well, we'll see what happens.
My daughter does want a sister and a brother. More
don't all kids? Yeah, they did one other kids, and

I'm like, by way of she's like, you get pregnant. Oh,
you're like interesting, never thought about that? Hey, Miranda, Hey
what do you think about that? I think that's a
great answer. I had two kids a mile and maybe
one day I could to stop two. Yeah, you kind
of just have to the path changed. I mean for me,
I desperately for years I wanted to get pregnant so badly,

and then once we pursued adoption, I just realized, Okay,
this is what we were supposed to do. So, you know,
we don't necessarily avoid it, but we both have talks like, well,
what if we were rid of a baby right now,
like life would get crazy? Well, so are you now
doing anything to make sure that doesn't happen. No, we
don't really avoid it, but we've had talks like should
we prepare for that because what if we were to

get pregnant? But then it just seems yeah, snippy snippy. Well,
well for one of us, I don't know, but I mean,
but neither. No, No, my sister's husband's nippy sip is fine.
I feel like doing it today. Kids have a girlfriend, Miranda.
Thank you so much for listening. Where do you live
in Louisiana? Um? I live in West Monroe, Oh. Used

to summer there. Yeah, I've never been there. Yeah, maybe
I've been there. Louisiana Monroe, Arkansas plays them with football. Yeah. Okay,
hey listen. Thank you so much. Appreciate you listening. Hope
you have a wonderful day. Thank you y'all to show. Okay,
we are going home, but thank you for listening. You

can catch up on everything. Just search Bobby Bones show
on demand on iHeartRadio. Search Bobby Bones You on iTunes.
You can listen to the whole thing. Listen to the
Bobby cast a show I do for my house. Just
search that too. All that. Thanks for being here. We
would not be able to pay our mortgages or eat
our meals with that. You're listening, right, Amy, that's right.
We appreciate you. Thank you. We'll see soon.
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