All Episodes

November 7, 2022 45 mins

The Bobby Bones Show is broadcasting backstage at the 56th annual CMA Awards in Nashville. Catch the awards LIVE on Wednesday night at 8/7c on ABC!

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Broadcasting from the fifty six annual CMA Awards. It's the
Bobby Box. This is Lunchbox Live on the Bobby Bones
Show here from the CMA Awards fifty second anniversary. And
I'm Amy when I taste the keil God. I mean,
that's the whole interview right there. Thanks guys, Honestly, I

had fun. Guys. Thanks, that was hard hitting. It's Lunchbox
A and we're with Dan and Shay. Yeah yeah, I
think you guys, Lunchbox and Amy. That's right, that's right.
I don't know. And then we had to introduce you
because it's a podcast and it's the whole thing. But whatever.
So I got a question for you guys. When you
guys are on stage, do you ever have to like

go pee and what do you do? Like there's one
story this is you know how that you do like
the guitar pull the writers around, you know, yeah, around
the holidays it was like the jingle jam or something
like this. One of our first ones. We're out promoting
our first single nineteen you and me, we've never done
this before. Is ten artists. We're in Kansas City. We
didn't know like how the protocol work and we're on stage.
Just like all of us on stage at once, everybody
does a song, we go through a new four songs.

I think at that point we had one single out
on the radio. It was like top fifty on the radio.
Nobody knew any of the songs. Everybody else had all
number ones. We barely knew four songs, and then we
thought we were done. So you know, it's like whenever
you like see the gas stations a mile away, your
body starts like it you release, you know, quite released,
but almost release. Yeah, and I think you may be released.
And then they were like who wants to hear one
more song from all the artists? And it was a

struggle from like the beginning because it was one of
those ones where they have in the back, like the
bud light guy or like the lady was like kept
bringing out bud lights and like so like I'm just
down there, I'm like, this is the best thing ever,
not thinking like you know, that's something like that could happen.
And I literally I'm out there and I'm sitting Dustin
Lynch was sitting where you're sitting, and I kept being like,
like third song in I was like, dude, I've really
got to go and he's like, dude, me too. And

I was like, if you can make it, I'll make it.
Next song goes by, he's like, I don't think I
can make it, and I was like, I don't think
I'm gonna make it, and he was like, we can
do this. So anyways, fast forward, just like what Dan said,
the lady comes out and we're like, awesome, I'm about
to go pee my pants. She comes out and she
goes that was pretty good. At a few more and
we're already like, there's multiple problems with us. We don't
even know that many songs. We're like, I guess we'll

us do nineteen you and me again. I don't write
him three songs. That's the only three we know. So
it's a long story short, dude, I get to the
point of this. We did three more songs. I'm absolutely
losing my mind. I'm like this and I have myself
braced to the point where my my muscles in my
stomach were so contracted that when we got up, I
couldn't stand all the way up. And I literally it

was the worst I've ever had to pee in my
entire life. No one told me we were too nervous
to go pee and just leave the stage. At that point,
it was way too late. I mean it already the
damage was done. I couldn't I couldn't stand all the
way up for like an hour and a half. You
got so much more than you bargain for on that
question affecting. Yeah, those were a rapid fire question. I
mean really, I just I thought about it because I'm
doing this interview and I was like, I gotta got

a pee before you guys walked up, and I was like,
I wonder if they had to pete during the show.
Let's keep this interview going here for a while. I've
had to pee this whole time we've been here. I'll
be honest, standing here like lunchbox, We've actually got questions
for you if we do we shirt? Yeah right, But
speaking of shirts, I actually do have a question for
Dan because I mean, would you define yourself as one

of the most frugal, super successful artists in town? Most frugal?
Yeah no, no, don't say musicians say millionaire, frugal millionaire.
I wouldn't be that faris they also have to split okay, yeah,
and then everybody else gets paid. Yeah, yeah, yeah, Okay,
you know this is unbelievable. You walk in and this

like epic vintage George Straight shirt, and I am jealous
of it because he's my favorite. And I'm like, there's
no way that Dan paid money for that, because it's
got to be work. Here here's how my vintage game happened.
So huge George Straight fan as we all are, got
this shirt. And I didn't know that vintage shirts were
so expensive. We were doing our arena tour right and

our stylist Amber, who's the best, like, pulled us a
bunch of shirts. I was like, I want some like
cool vintage like country shirts, rock and roll shirts, whatever.
Put them all out, and I had no clue how
much these costed. So we went to this place in
Kansas City again, there's this amazing vintage store there. We
roll in all these shirts or like seven hundred bucks nuts, dude.
So I returned every single one of them but this

one and I think one other, and then I bought
all fake ones knockoffs. So you can about fake ones,
like even like Abercrombie sells them now for like ten
bucks and they look incredible. Amy wears a lot of those,
like it's like the shirts that people wear when it's
like name one song, Oh here's a real yeah, but
they're not. They're not. They were like, but they're not.
They're expensive vintage shirts. That's why I was shocked when

you walked up wearing were into this store and they
like pulled a bunch of stuff for us. They're like,
the guys are gonna love this, and they're like this
piece of crap T shirt like in there. I don't
even know who was on it, four hundred and fifty bucks.
They had like the original like coats that the workers
were at Woodstock ten grand, which is pretty it's cool
as they have it. I just watched the original Woodstock documentary.
Oh it was the most listen. I'm not really into music.

I don't really care about music. Same oh no, say
it's funny. It was crazy to watch that documentary and
find out that they got all those people in that location.
It turned out to be a free cause. I mean,
with everything that went on, blew my mind and I
was like, I want to go just to send sell
a ten thousand dollars jacket at the Vintage story years later. Crazy. Okay,

well we're getting wrapped up, but we do have three
rapid fire questions for four ready, I've got five for
you guys, but we'll get there and I'll add one. Okay, um,
most famous people in your cell phone person but Chell
are two people? So maybe Kenny Chesney, Yeah, I don't know,
Maybe Ed Sharon. Yeah, I doesn't have a phone number anymore.
Email he literally emails. Yeah, it's strange, we'll say Kenny.

Also with Kenny, it was weird. Okay. You know life's
coming to an end. It's been, it's been. It's been
a good run, right, Yeah, and you know that, Hey,
I'm about to die. Yeah, and so like tomorrow you're
gonna take your last breath. Yeah, so what are you
gonna have is your last day? Probably remember we say
so on the meal. I would guarantee you it would.

But Dan, Yeah, I'll tell you a couple of things
that would be good. These are random, like anti ans
pretzels are pretty good. Yeah, dinos is awesome in East Nashville. Like,
if I was gonna perish, I might swing by dinos
Bury in the league. You called it anti ens. It's
anti ans, That's what I said, anti antis Annis. Oh,
I think I don't know what I think. I say,

and I think I say Annians, I think I say,
I didn't mean a rookie going. You know, that's a
random one. But like Antienns pretzels are pretty good. That's
a food court. Like a food court wud be a
great place to be the day before you die. You
got like all kinds of sorrow, sorrow you got like anything.
You got place called Mike's Philly, Philly something. It's like

they have a chicken Philly. It's to real all the
malls in America. Incredible place, huge fan and you can
get Chinese food there. Okay, so we've got the food
court covered before you die? What about Christmas? Song? Like
I say, Christmas, what's the first song that comes into
your head? Have yourself Mary little Christa. Let's here a
little Holiday party by Danna Shay available on who steps
ahead of me? That was play better promo? Guy, got it.

We've got a short window to promote this song. I'm
gonna use every How does it go? Oh? I haven't
heard it? Hood, don't say anybody. We'll pull us jakin
Hasten on the chee will be jingle bar, rock and soil.
The names come knocking. So that's all I know of it,

but I've I'm learning the rest of it later. Also,
I would like to apologize about Bobby making fun of
your hair. I hope. I mean, you know, there's a
lot of rumors that people want to I'll get him back.
I'll get him. But you know, people are upset about
his jokes and as you were on the receiving end
of one of those jokes, hey, I'll take it. No
press is bad press, right, what do you think about
the people that are upset and threatening to beat him up?

Are you one of the one story after the America
Dan was fine? You know, we were just talking about
that actually recently, just you know, like people talk on
social media, it's like yo, man, meet me and to
turn up parking lot nine forty five am. We're taking
a more aggressive stance and settle this, right. I think
we're gonna start doing it, like even if we just
get handed to us, you know what I mean, Like
you gotta go out there like we at least we
took the stand, like dude, Danna share going out and

they're calling people out like yo, like monkey monkey poop
ninety seven five, We're meeting you turn up track parking
lot seven thirty handle. Yeah. Yeah, well if that was
a real guy, it was a hater of Yeah. Alright, problem,
all right, thank you, Danna say sorry where we took
you more than four minutes? I'm gonna peak, I got
we gotta pay and good out of here. The Cmas

are live Wednesday, November ninth, at eighty seventh Central on ABC.
All Right, lunchbox here with Lee Bryce. What about then? Why?
He started like laughing like something stuid was gonna come
out of the mouth. But it's about to. That's about
to say, I've already know something's coming. I want to know,
Lee Brice, what's the weirdest thing about Lee Bryce? Like
if someone had to say, oh, you know, because everybody says, oh,

you have great qualities, but what's the weirdest thing about you?
My wife would not life for me to say this.
You know, I butt my finger nails my whole life.
But I also could bite my toe nails. You can
bite them like you can get your foot up to
your mouth. I'm shaking my head this way, okay, because
I snack on my toe nails. Like I'll sit there

like if I'm watching a game or something. It's like
if you get a good thumbnail. You're like, oh, that's
a good one, and it'd be like a like a
like a big toe nail. I have an even bigger,
better one. It's like wow, And you can use it
as like dental floss. Yeah, I mean you could do
anything I'm telling like a toothpick. You don't believe me,
but I really do. Like I'll sit there and watch
a game and I'll just kind of rip my tone
nails off and I'll line them up on my thigh
and I just kind of you know, and like you

were saying, you still used to stick your finger in
your better button just to smell it. No, no, I
can't do that. I wish. Well, I can touch my
belly button, but I can't touch my shoulders. That I
was talking because the weirdest thing about me is I
can't touch my shoulders. Yeah, I can't touch my shoulders.
I can't do that. You can't do that? No, Hey,
can you touch your other shoulder with that hand? No?
I can't. So like in elementary school, you know when
the teacher league, yeah, hey, you didn't hurt when I

do this? What did you don't do that? Well? This, Well,
the teacher would say pack yourself on the back, you know,
like when the class does something good, right and I
couldn't do it. I would literally look around the classroom
and I'd make sure no one was looking, and I'd
go to the opposite shoulder. It's hilarious. Okay, y'all just
embarrassing me on national radio. No, it's not embarrassing. It's
just the truth. I embarrassed my truth. I mean, I

do wash my feet before. I'm just saying, well, I
don't do it anymore. I'm just saying as a kid,
as a kid who eats there tonails now no, not me, Yeah,
I do all right. So Lee Brice, what are you
watching on TV right now? Uh? At a moment, actually
I backed up because I ran all the cool new stuff. Yeah,

which I love time period stuff. I really do, so
like down down to the nad vikings and like that
kind I mean, I really loved. I want to get
out of this word. I want to be a Viking,
you know. I mean like I want to be like,
you know, hello on wheels. I want to be like
the cowboy on the railroad. Anyway. Gosh, but that stuff's
all kind of I've seen it all. I actually went
back because I never used I never saw any of
the sopranos. Oh, I've never seen it. I started, like,

you know what, obviously it was great because everybody talked
about it forever. It's kind of one of the first
thing thing. So I started it and I'm a couple
of seasons, I'm like, man, I love it, like it's
really it mean, it's older, but it's it's really great. Yeah,
it's really good. Still holds up. So if I watched it,
I'm not gonna be oh my god, this is so
What about The Wire? Have you ever seen the Wire?
You know what? I think? I like tried one episode
and I fell asleep, you know, in the middle, and

then I didn't get back on it. Is it great?
I love the Wire? Like then I love one of
the best. Is it newer one? Right now? It's older?
But I want to like four seasons and it's just
like real life. That's kind of how I usually judge them.
If if they's only one season and one, I'm like, ah, yeah,
a four season. I think they could have gone more.
But they they said, you know, we're gonna keep it great,
we're gonna end it, and und like Eastbound Down except

not not even good. Yeah, it's the greatest. It's like
the greatest. And then it was like went way downhill. Yeah,
so you know, speaking of like ending, you know, show
was ending. Let's talk about life ending. Okay, you know
your life's about to end. You're you're you're getting walked
down that hall. They'll let your chairs waiting for you.
What's your last meal on earth? Uh? Uh, Daddy's chicken

and rice, Grandmama's a macaroni and cheese. Uh, some good, good,
good collared greens, because you got to have your fashion.
You gotta have a collar gen just hot sauce on here,
but like you know, got that thing and maybe a
little a little barbecue like South Carolina style for real.

Off the hog pulled right there with my Granddaddy's a
barbecue sauce. And then I could keep going. But the
plate's getting full now I can see. Yeah, and then
your tummy is gonna be full. But at least you're
gonna die and have him yea, And then and then
maybe some banana pudding or peak and powdered ice cream,
one of together. Yeah, Okay, I like it. I was
hoping you're gonna say, peach colbergs. I like, that's my

favorite too. I love peach. I make it with like
two things or three. Yeah, it's like simple, bam bam, bam,
bam bam. I'm done. And what law cannon peaches? You know?
And Wayne, now we're done eating? Right? Yeah, okay, it's
christ No, no no, it's Christmas time. Right. What's the Christmas
song that's in your head right now? Sing it to me?

Santa Claus was my uber driver last night. Dadda you
get that soon? That's coming. I know that one. No,
I'm sorry, but I first want it pop. No, that's fun. Actually,
a Rudolf the red nose raindeer had a very shiny nose.
My brother just put that one out actually, and if
you ever saw it, you wouldn't even say light bulb.

And one foggy Christmas Eve, get a lot of stuff
that dang it. I'm not very good at singing or
the other Mike Pinocchio, they ain't okay, okay. And then
one last thing, you got a cell phone on you?
I gave it to it. No, that's okay. No, you

don't really handle her is handling myself? Yeah, My question
is who's the coolest celebrity you have in your cell
phone somewhere between Garth Brooks and Ashton Kutcher. Oh how
did you get Ashton Kutcher? He loves country music. He
showed up the stage coach one day and was like
rocking out, I drive your truck like and he for
he found his way back stage and can't hebe was

in my drunk green room when I got there. He
is a huge country music fan. Huge me and him.
Then we're rocking out to Garth Brooks later like legit. Yeah,
he's a good he's smart, just a good. He loves
country music like I'm he's wild about it. Damn he does.
That's pretty cool, Atonutcher. That's a good one. Yeah. Yeah,
that's that's a good little That's that's worth bragging back

it all. You know Kelso Kelso did you watch that
somethni show? Oh yeah, Kelso yeah, Mark Lee, Bryce has
to go. He's like, get me out of this freaking interview.
All right, thank you? Lee. Still miss the fifty six
Annual CMAS Live on ABC Wednesday night at eight seventh Central.
What's up, y'all, It's Morgan. I'm here with Mitchell Tenpenny

at our Precima Awards. Fantastic. How are you doing. It's
good to see you. We were just chatting all about
baseball teams and stuff, and you love rapping them. You
also love playing them. Are you playing any co ed
sports right now? Um? With softball? Does start in two weeks? Yes? Okay,
and you're getting started again. Yes, I like to do it.
It's it's it's fun to give my friends. I just

wish it wasn't on Sundays because football is there. But
it's okay. My Titans aren't doing as well as I
want them to do, so we'll make it work. Is
there any other hobbies that you've picked up outside of
doing music? I mean, I like to be I like
to golf. I like frisbee golf a lot. I've been
doing that for since I was a kid. Um, anything
I can go outside and get angry at because I'm

really bad at it. I tend to enjoy. Okay, So
you like being bad so you can be angry. Yeah,
it's should. Yeah, I'm just terrible. I'm just terrible. Like
I like. I like sports that like you're so it's
like fish, like what brings you back? Like you never
catch anything? But that one fish brings you back, the
terrible golfer, but that one put makes you come back,
Like I love sports like that. Okay, you like that.
You can almost never be good. Yeah, it's perfect. I

don't Yeah, you know what, it doesn't make any sense
at all anyway. You do have a new album out
from this year called This is the Heavy and you
never put out a bad song. They're always so good.
But what what's your process look like when you're picking
songs for an album. It's tough, um, you know, because
we write all the time too. Like there's a lot
of songs and there's there's something like is everybody gonna

like this song? There's a whole team like this song.
It's this one that I'm gonna be really stubbored about
because I like it, no one else likes it. It's tough,
like I think when it comes down to it's it's like,
what do I want to sing the rest of my life?
Like like, because I'm gonna I'm putting this out to
the world, It's gonna be something that I've got to
do forever, and I wanted to represent where I'm at
at that point of life. And so like I'm when
I'm looking at songs. I'm like, am I still that

guy that wrote that song? And if I am, then
I'll cut it otherwise album, Like you know, I've grown,
hopefully a little bit since I wrote that. Okay, so
let me ask you this two things. Is there a
song on that album that nobody else liked? Not on
this one, I don't think, um, but my manager hated
Telling all my Secrets, so I named the record telling
all my Secrets. Well, that's accurate. It feels very accurate

for you now. And is there one that you already
don't like to perform? Oh? Man? Um? One of my
favorite songs is the first song on the record I'm
not in. It's called good Place. It's just so hard.
There's a lot of words that it's so hard to sing,
so I'm like trying to learn where to catch the breass.
But it's rock and I love it. I miss it

and that's why I love playing it. But like I do, like,
as we've started rehearsing and practicing that song, it's like
it's a challenge, but it's kind of fun. It's like
I gotta like learn little pockets of where to breathe
because there's not a lot of room. I set myself
up for failure on that when I got I mean, yeah, well,
you just told me about your process and I asked
two questions that you make sure you not to put
on the album, but you did. Yeah. Yeah, everything I've
said he makes no sense today. I apologize. No, it's okay.

I like it. You know this is also probably gonna
not make any six. But you have a UFO on
the back of your CD album, and I need to
know why the connection to UFOs. Have you ever been
abducted by an alien? Is there something I'm missing? I
think so. I mean that's why I love owls, and
I've been told like when you dream about owls, you're
getting abducted because of their eyes. I don't know. So, yes,
I think I've been abducted. I've definitely seen UFOs UM.

But the UFO, honestly, it was just when we were
looking at the back cover, it was just empty and
I was just like put something in there, like I
want to. There's no significance to it. I just like UFOs.
I don't know, it just looks cool. Do you believe
in aliens? I do I believe in aliens? Um definitely
believe in aliens? Do you believe in ghosts? I've seen ghosts,
I've seen it all. I believe in it all. Okay,
so you believe in everything. Yep. We're just gonna lay

that out there. Yep. Do you have any theories or
anything or you just you just yes, Um, no, I know,
I definitely, I've definitely seen it. I've seen ghosts. I've
experienced that. I've seen a UFO. I don't know if
there's aliens in there, but there, you know, I don't
know that for sure, but I want to believe in it.
I still believe in big Foot law and this monster.
I like stuff like that. If you could go to space,
would you, Oh no, No, I'm scared, like I want

to know, I don't the chance of never coming back,
Like that's so vast up there. Like floating in space
is like drowning for me, Like I like my biggest fear. Okay,
drowning is your biggest fear. And so I was floating
in space. Yeah, it's basically like drowning. But in space
you're just like you just you have Like there was
I don't remember what movie it is, but the dude
got disconnected. He was just I mean, he's just gone forever,

like in this vast and that's why this fear is here. Yeah,
so I'm gonna stay on earth and just dream about it. Okay, well,
believe in aliens, but you're never gonna find out. Well, well,
if it's not my choice, if I'm adducted, and then
we'll figure it out. But it's true, this is true.
I have some rapid fire fun questions for you as well,
even though those answers were pretty fun. I need to
know if I say, sing the song in your head,

the Christmas song that you can't stop hearing, what is it? Um?
This man, Christmas, Happy Holidays? I don't know. It was
so beautiful, such a good one. I love that song.
And you do have a album of Christmas songs that
was really good. Thank you, thank you, yeah naughty list.
Um Yeah, I love Christmas music and so like, very

early in my career we put together a full Christmas
record and uh, I don't know, I'm always that guy
that that plays it early. I just feel like your
voice naturally goes to Christmas music. Well, yeah, I love it.
I don't know, it's just like I love I go
to Gatlinberg in this summer because it feels like Christmas
up there. Like I just I like the peace of
mind that Christmas brings. So I am I'm full flash.

I will say it out loud. I'm an early Christmas player.
I've a right Christmas year round. Oh yeah, it's just
a joyful time. I love it. Okay, last meal on
Earth that you could have bacon, definitely bacon, something with bacon.
Maybe macaroni with bacon in it. Something I like macaroni,
macaroni and bacon would be great. Okay. And what is
the coolest phone number that you have on your phone? Oh? Man, Um,

I don't know. Um. Shoot, that's a good question. Um,
you could do this, Mitchell. I know you've met some
cool people. Oh man, here's such a personal person. I know.
People will just talk to me like, yeah, here's my
phone number. That's usually me at the bar. Yeah, here
you go have it. Look hit me up. Have you
ever given like just on accident, like a fan, just

a dude comes up to you and you're like, here's
my phone number. All the time, it's not even actually
I do it on purpose. Tequila Tequila helps for sure. Wow.
So there's fans out there that have your phone number?
Oh yeah, yeah, I like I love people like I
just it's fun. Yeah, I've got a call, but I
don't I don't know about probably mine. Um, shoot, I
don't know, man, that's a tough question. Probably whole Cogan.
I've got a Whole Cogan's number. That's a great one.

That's pretty cool. Yeah. Can you do a Whole Cogan impression?
That'll be the last thing I asked you. I mean,
if I'm not strong enough, but I can rip this
in half. No, but you gotta make the noise. Hey, brother, Yeah,
I'm I'm not really sure what I'm hearing. I can't
do it. Yeah, okay, Well, hey Mitchell Tiffany, thank you
so much for joining me. The Cmas are live Wednesday,
November ninth at eighty seventh Central on ABC. Hello everyone,

it's Morgan. I'm here with Carly Pearce. How are you good?
How are you good? I was just commentating on I
love your outfit. You always look so cute online. Do
you pick out all your own outfits or do you
have a stylist. I definitely have a stylist, but I
actually picked this one out myself, so it's kind of
like a mix, so you get some tips that I'm
sure and you're like, Okay, well, now I can do
this by myself. It's kind of like she gives me
the Birthday give five too. They give me a blueprint

of what I should look like and then I'm like, okay,
this fits in it. Yes, I love that. Well. I
don't want to talk about office. You just always looks
so adorable and I wanted to mention that you do.
Thank you. But you had a massive year last year,
so many amazing things happening, and now this year you're
nominated again. How are you feeling going into the CMA Awards.
I mean, this is the most that I've ever been nominated. Obviously,

I had a huge year last year with the win
for Female. I just I'm really excited. I get to
perform twice. I'm up for five. I've just always wanted
to be in this position, so it just feels really
really special. I don't take this stuff for granted because
I wanted it for so long. Yeah, for sure, there's
a lot of things happening. You say, those numbers to
getting to perform twice, all the nominations that you have,

what could top this at this moment. I mean winning
that could top it. Hey, winning always tops everything. That'll
top it. But honestly, I'm in a really good place.
I just more of the same probably, yeah, just continued
to sex and consistency, Yes, continue the train to go
all the way? Yes, I love that. And you also

are just doing so many fun things. But outside of music,
you have your dogs. I want to hear about them.
How are they doing? Oh my gosh, they're great. They're
with their grandma right now, Gammy, but I love them.
They're gonna come on the road a lot more with
me next year or so. And are they always with
Gammy when you're gone. Yes, yes, they It's hard when

you travel like I do and they don't travel great
on a bus. But we're going to try to change that.
But I love I mean, I know you love dogs too.
It's just like, oh my god, what are you? How
do you not have your puppies? You have to have
them with you all the time. It definitely is like
an emotional thing for me now to not have them.
Would you say being an artist and being a dog
mom are on the same level for you? Yeah? Yeah, yeah,

I love them. Okay, we're on the same way. You
also are in a wonderful relationship and things are going amazing.
How does it feel to be in this new phase
of your life and you're just you're glowing right now.
How does that feel to kind of look back and
be like, oh my gosh, everything's amazing right now, including
my personal life. Yeah, it's definitely a nice change that.

It's just it all feels really good. I have somebody
who isn't in music, thank you Jesus, but also is
so supportive, Thank you Jesus. And we're just having a
really good time. So I told him he's probably going
to be sitting by himself the majority of the night
at the CMAS because I'm so busy. I was like,
kep Finn, you gotta have an independent man, right, It's

very independent and that is very hot to me. And
is that the number one quality you were looking for? Like,
if there was a number one thing you were looking
for when you found this man, what was it? I
think honesty? And also just I can so much of
my life. I need to turn you loose in a
room and you'd be okay without me. And I know
that you're not doing or saying anything that's going to
embarrass me. Yeah, he's got it. Okay, whatever that is,

that quality, whatever that quality does, qualify all on the same. Yeah, exactly,
I love that. I want to ask some rapid fire
questions too. Okay, sing me the Christmas song that's stuck
in your head right now. Jingle bells, dingle bells, dingle
all the way. Okay, I hate second jingle bells of
the day. I love it. This is great. The last
meal on earth that you can have? What would it be?

Do you know what Fizzoli's is? Yeah? I know what
fizzolis is. It's like fast food pasta, Fizzoli's, big Zedi
and an entire thing of breadsticks. Interesting, I don't know.
It was a childhood staple of my life and I
just really love it. Some people don't know what Fizzoli's is,
and it stresses me out. No, you know, I think
it is like I'm from Kansas. We had Fizzoli's, we

had all the fast food places. Yeah. Same, It's like
a small town thing. Yes, yeah, so I get you.
I feel that. And what's the coolest phone number you
have in your phone? Oh gosh, um, I have a
lot of cool phone numbers. Okay, hey, you can give
me like three Okay, let's see. Um, I have Tricia Yearwood,
LeAnn Walmack and Reba. Wow. Yeah, talk about some amazing

country women. Yeah, it's crazy there. Yeah. Have you ever
just like texted Reba McIntire No, I mean she has
texted me different things throughout the way, but I are
the only one that I guess I feel more comfortable
with Tricia and Leanne because I've been around them more.
But when Reba has texted me over things, I'm like,
and is it like a text? Like You're like, oh
my gosh, what what is she possibly gonna say? What?

What's the text you've got from Reba? I just want
to I want to feel in your shoes right now.
She if she hears my songs and she likes them,
she'll send me messages about it. And it's really nice.
It really is so sweet. Wow, Okay, that's amazing. She
loved every little thing and she was like a big
champion for that and back then especially, I mean, obviously
it's unreal now, but think about like five years ago, Carly,
who was like is this real? Yes? Absolutely well, Carly,

it's so good to see you. Thank you. Of course
they'll Miss the fifty six annual CMAS live on ABC
Wednesday night at eight seventh Central. Hey it's lunch Bob,
and we are here with Cole Swindow. Hey, what's up, man?
I got a question for you. Yeah, you've had a
great career, Okay, not bad. And let's say you wake
up tomorrow you can never sing again. What would you

go do? Uh? Probably just play golf the rest of
my life. Bad golf. But I'm I'm no, But you
have to make money? No, No, I don't think Cole
Swindow would have to make money for the I mean
he has invest he has money, and so it just
gets interest, so he could really play golf. Okay, well
let's change the question. Then you've lost your voice and
all your money. Yes, and okay, I like that. I

don't know, yell, I don't know. Let's see, Um, I
don't know. I don't, I don't know. I guess i'd
just follow y'all around. I don't, I don't know. I
don't know what else I did. I'm glad I don't
have to worry about that now, but I may have
to worry about it someday. So like a woodworker. No,
I'm not good. I'm telling you, I don't. I think
I'll just stick tooker, you know, flourished floor. I don't know.

I used to draw as a kid. I might, I
might get start. What kind of student? Great, it's terrible.
I was not a good studge I kind of procrastinator.
But there's always a shame because I'd have to I'd
get to where I'd have to ace my finals to
pass the class. And I always did that. Thank you.
I don't you know, I don't know. Maybe we should
look into that. I could diagnose could you all right?

I mean I wouldn't doubt it. I have to probably
I just have like a recent two hour like psychiatric evaluation. Well,
I probably need to get on that same since first
break I get. I'll give you a number. Thank you.
I don't think that AMY can diagnose you with anything,
And I don't think we should ask you if you
have ADHD. I don't think that is hippo laws for
allowing that. But yeah, well, oh my god. Well let's
move on to the questions we can ask, like, last

day on Earth, you know you're dying, you have no
voice because you lost a few months. What is your
last meal, last meal. Um, definitely, um, a ribi baked
potato and some steam broccoli. That's it. That's all. That's yeah,

look at me, like, God, that's boring. What would you no? No, no,
I just the steam broccoli was interesting. Well that's too health.
I would not put the last day I can get
what I want. And then when you know, when you're
calling everybody to let him know you're about to die. Yeah,
you're looking through your phone, right, Yeah, what is the
cool Who is the coolest celebrity you have in your phone? Oh? Man, um,

coolest celebrity? I don't know. I'd probably I'd probably tell
Tim mcgrawl. I was headed out piece out Tim. H Yeah,
he's always been a favorite of mine. So yeah, okay,
And it is almost Christmas time or into and you're
dying around Christmas time, you had your last meal, camp
buy present, something broke? What else we got? So go ahead?

Is the first Christmas song that comes into your head?
Right now? Mary? Did you know I love that song?
You mean like jingle bells or something? No, I want
to hear Christmas song like yes, see, maybe we could
do that, you know, and let me heart here. I
don't know it seeing it for me. Did you know
your baby boy you just gotta get listened to? Did

you know? Yeah, the one where is that the one
where they go I went to the store and my
Grandma's dining and I wanted to buy the Christmas shoe.
That's that's sad to. This is a yeah, this is
just a remember growing up. I mean really, I just
don't know the song you're talking about. So I was
trying to appiece it together. Check it out. Well, go
to church and you probably hear it. So I want
to church going Catholic. I'm Catholic, man, it's all check

it out. Maybe don't check it. I don't know. That's
there's plenty of Christmas song. Yeah, check it out. Check
it out and check out the remix that you just
released with Jody Messina and you know Colson Nell. Thank
you so much. Appreciate it. Man, where You're not gonna
go broken, You're not gonna lose your voice. You're gonna okay.
Broadcasting from the fifty six annual See am War. What's up, everybody?
I'm Morgan here with the other Morgan, or as Kevin

just called him, the second Morgan. How are you Morgan
Evans I'm great. Thank you for having me on. Oh
it's so good to see you. You know. You released
your song over for you, and when we were playing
that on the show before you ever released it, fans
were going crazy. You released a song that's so many
people connected with. How does that feel for you right
now to release such an important song. Yeah, firstly, thank

you for sharing the song on where you guys did.
It's just it feels really meaningful. It's um you know,
writing the song helped me, so it through a lot
of what I was going through at the time that
I wrote it, and the day that I played it
for the first time, I wasn't even sure I was
going to but when I did, as vulnerable as it

was to do that, it was really cathartic at the
same time, and it was something I needed to get
off my chest. And I didn't know what we're going
to do with it at that time because I've just
written that the week before. But the way people reacted,
the way you know you said, is just like so
many people have been through this and you don't really
know that when you're going through it. And so my

messages on social media went from like, hey man, great show,
or like yeah, I love that guitar solo or whatever too,
like thank you for writing this song that describes what
I went through seven years ago. I wish I had
the words then, or like I'm going through this right now,
like you know, keep your head up, brother, stuff like that.
And so I knew when I started getting those messages
and seeing those videos with those kind of captions that

it was something I needed to put out for real.
And this is the first time I'm really talking about it.
So it feels a bit weird this morning, but I'm
really proud of the song and I'm glad it's out. Well.
I think it's hard to be vulnerable sometimes and share
the moments that are really hard for us, right and
you did that. You opened up your heart and kind
of said this is where I'm out and this is
when I'm going through. But healing is a very powerful thing. Yeah,

what are some other things that you're doing to heal?
Do you have any hobbies that you're like, this is
what I'm doing right now to take my mind off
of everything. Yeah, well, I mean, thankfully we were just
on the road in Australia for a month, so um,
I got to spend a lot of time in the ocean,
a lot of time with family and old friends. And
I have five nieces and nephews. Now, so Uncle Morgan
got to play monster okay around the house for a

few days as well. So that was really fun and
great kind of and that's really grounding things that remind
you of the great things in life. Yeah, absolutely, I
love to hear that. I want to ask you some
fun rapid fire questions. Ready, ye sing to me the
Christmas song that's in your head right now? Yeah? Oh, yeah,
there's only one Christmas song. I can't sing it though, right, Oh,

you can do a version of it. You can do it,
I believe you. I don't want a lot for Christmas.
There's just one thing. And yeah, what you can't sing
that song? I don't care about the presence that it's
a great song of all time. Yeah that wasn't what
you think Christmas. You got me started, now, Okay, keep singing.
I'll listen. Wow, I just want your poem out more

than you could know. Nothing's more awkward than singing your
stock capella. Yeah, I know what you're doing. Great, make
my wish cont you all? I want full Christmas? Is
you see provo. I would clap. There's not a lot
of people over here that I'm clapping by myself, but
you do so good. It was great. Okay, last meal
on Earth? What would it be? Mexican food? Okay, any

particular Mexican food. Well, Fahitas gives you the whole range
of everything. This is true with Margharita's inks. Always in
Margharita guacamole. Okay, So okay, all right, I like it.
Now what's the coolest phone number you have on your
phone right now? Um? I don't know. Play Keith Opens.

That's a cool one. Yeah, both of you guys are
from Australia. Is there like some deep connection there that
we don't know about? It feels like it to me. Okay, yeah,
well we'll let you have that. Yeah, I think it's
important we let you keep that. He's the guy that
made me move here in the first place. So I'm
so glad to have got to meet him, and hopefully
we get to play music together one day. Oh yes,
we would love a collab of Morgan Evans Keith Urban
Clap that out there in the world. Yeah, well, manifest

out for you. Come on love that Morgan. Thanks so
much for hanging out with us for a little bit.
It's good to see you. Cheers. Still miss the fifty
six annual CMAS Live on ABC Wednesday night at eight
seventh Central. What's up, y'all, I'm here with Sam Hunt.
It's so good to see you back here. We haven't
seen you in a minute. How you doing. I'm doing great.
Has been a little while, but yeah, I'm doing great.
How are you keeping busy with some songwriting? You just

put out Water under the Bridge this year, and you
just keep pumping out good song after a good song.
Does that feel like pressure to you because you're like, crap,
these have to be good. Yeah, there is a lot
of pressure. I feel like I'm like running in front
of the train. I feel like I've been doing that
for you for years, right and right in front of
the train for years now. But it's fun to juggle,
you know, touring and working on new music and trying

to just keep the whole thing going. Now. I have
a little young family, my little girls in the world now,
and that's that's more time divided, but more inspiration, more motivation.
So um, it's exciting, it's fun. It's I've got the
songs it's just a matter of getting recorded and getting
them out. But I'm gonna try to keep pumping them
out best I can. Yeah, for sure. Do you think

your songs are gonna start gearing toward dad life songs? Yeah,
there's usually a lag. Like I'm typically the songs that
I'm putting out currently will be from an era three
four years ago, two three years ago. So I'm living
the Dad realm. I'm in the Dad realm right now.
I'm sure I'll have some songs within a few years. Yeah. Well,
what's the biggest dad lesson you've learned so far? Huh? Well,

I mean there has been a big change in my
psyche and I don't know if I can take credit
for that or if that's just nature, But there's a
selflessness that comes over you. And I've never considered myself
a selfish person, but putting other people first, you know,
I'm usually concerned with what I got going on. It's
not necessarily rooted in selfishness, but it's always you know,

I got to get this next thing done or pursue
whatever goal that it's about me, you know, and having
a child is definitely taught me, you know, how to
put other people first. You know, obviously a little little
girl needs that. So um yeah, big, a big change
is in my general state of mind. Yeah, that makes
a lot of sense. I don't have any kids, so
I can't relate, but I'm just gonna imagine that that's

how that goes. Yeah, just does what it's supposed to do,
you know. And awards are always super interesting when it
happens and the news comes out, either getting nominated or
you don't. What's that feeling like for you? Are you
paying attention or you just like I don't really care. Um,
I think the awards are great. It's another opportunity to
celebrate country music. Um, I've never really used it as

a as a marker for success for me personally, although
I would be flattered to be included. Um, but uh,
it's kind of been in my peripheral for the most part. Yeah,
for sure, it makes sense. I do have some fun
questions to ask you here are you ready? Christmas is
coming up? CMA always reminds me that Christmas is almost here?
So can you sing the Christmas song that comes to

mind right now? Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the ways.
The most cliche answer you could have given me, but
I love it. First one that came to mind, I
must not be very creative. They say, the more creative
you are, the more abstract. The first thing that comes
to my idea is when somebody says something so didn't Well,
I don't know if that's you are a very creative

singing your songwriting. So I don't think it's true. If
you had a last meal, this is the last meal
you're ever gonna eat on earth? What would it be?
Last meal? Yeah, definitely a stake and baked potato. Another
straight down the middle answer. All right, we're getting basic
Sam right now, and I appreciate it. Hey, we like that.
What we can expect from you. One more? What's the
coolest phone number that you have on your phone? Coolest

phone number? Uh? I can't, um, shoot, I can't think.
I know you got some high up friends there, Sam,
I know I'm not really a mangler like that. I
keep so you don't like hanging out with kind of

like highering celebrities. That just kind of happened. I mean,
celebrities kind of get on my nerves a little bit. Hey,
I like it. That's an answer. I'll take it all right, well, Sam,
thanks for hanging out with me. It's really fun to
see you. The cmas are live Wednesday, November ninth, at
eighty seventh Central on ABC. All right, Amy, go for it. Okay,
I am Amy. I'm Morgan and we are with Nate Smith.

What's up? Do you like the little intro? We didn't
even play our with Nate Smith? It was beautiful, I know,
so good. Okay, So I know this is your first CMAS.
How are you feeling about that? Super excited? Doesn't feel
real and uh, we're just we're just walking through the
doors here. You know. It's kind of crazy. I know,
I ran into on the elevator and I was like,
oh wow, he is I love that you were able

to admit yeah, this is my first time doing this,
and I think it's really cool because I feel like
sometimes people can already be too cool before they have
the cred to be that way. That happens. It happens
like hey, what's up? Yeah? So I'm just uh, yeah,
there's nothing here. Some remotes today. You don't even know
that word remotes man, huh or something. I don't know
if fine remote uh click click, No, it's where you

walk around and you do you do all these interviews
before you prepare for the big SMAs. I see right
now you are in some um are those Ostrich skin?
They are? They are like real Ostrich. I believe. So
Peter is not here. It's fine. I believe they're real Ostrich. Yeah,
you know, I haven't like done a DNA test to
make sure that they are, but I'm pretty sure. Yeah.

So what is like the like your most prized boots,
like your most prized possession, but like boots boots, Yeah,
the ones I'm wearing right here. Yeah, you got some
spillage on there? What'd you do? Oh? Rod spilled his
entire coffee on me? After I try to give the
gentleman all right, it's all right. Well that's kind of
like the worst case scenario for a pair of nice

booths like that. I would that's all right, I got
two pairs of these holes in the bottom. You know what,
I say, bill him, that's right, I would never do that. Yeah, No,
they get right, Come on, or say, hey, I won't
bill you if you spin my song, that might that
might not be legal, But yeah, I don't think that's legal.

You can do it for me. How about that? Okay,
I do want to get some clear the air here,
because you were just on the Bobby Cast with our
phone screen or Abby and best. Yes, well listen, Lunchbox
thinks the reason she brought you on it's because she
really likes you, and Abby said that wasn't true. But
I want to clear the air, like, how did you
feel doing the interview? I thought we had a great time.

You know, we did a lot of laughs and everything,
and I was just grateful that she she thought of
me to bring me on there. Okay, So you didn't
feel like anyone part of it was uncomfortable or anything
like that, like flirting. Was she flirting? Yeah? I mean
she did a few winks in there. There was there
was a few winks. There's no winks. She kept it
super super cool, super cool. I mean if she if
she does that, I wouldn't have known, you know. So yeah,

I just okay, okay, so we cleared the air. Lunchbox
can't say anymore about the interview. Yeah, Nate Smith, Okay,
so we gotta know it's your last day on Earth, sadly. Okay,
go with me here, okay, Um, we're about to more
the loss of Nate Smith. But don't worry. You've lived
a full life, great career. You end up like a
multiple CMA Awards. It's awesome, Like everyone's real proud of you.

But um, you're dying. What's your last meal? I think
the whole world knows my last meal? Here ear if
they don't, they're going to find out right now. Is
macaroni and cheese. That's it. That's it. That's it. Let's
go have baked. I mean, I do like the casserole
form of mac and cheese, but I'm okay with just
like like the Staffer's you know, out of the freezer

or the Trader Geo Trader Joe's one. Just add a
little bit of sharp chatter to it and you've got
yourself a meal. Okay. I really love that you're talking
about mac and cheese from the freezer section. But my
family has a famous recipe. Really it's called Alabama mac
and cheese yo, And I'm going to send it to
you because you need no which you really, oh, I
will like you will you will? You cook it an
iron skillet. It's gonna change very good. I had it

for the first time on Thanksgiving last year. I boy, yeah,
that was it. Was so good. Yeah, okay, well there
you go. We're going to pick you up with that. Yes,
and Christmas is almost coming. Speaking of a Thanksgiving side, dish,
I need you to sing to me the song of
Christmas that is stuck in your head right now. Jingle bells.
I think it to me, Give it to me, jingle bells,

jingle bells, jingle all the way open, like hey, jingle Okay,
that was pretty like that's very drolly. Um. And then
quickly before we let you get back to you know,
all your very important remotes. Um, yea been there, done that.

You're so busy? Yeah, so cool. Who who is the
most famous person in your cell phone? According to you?
Mike my mom, you're like, okay, that was a cop
out that it was? I say, like a really sweet answer,
but is there some on your phone that teenage Nate

would be like, how do I even have this person's phone? Nice?
And we all just want to be big rock stars
with answer something about tacout crazier. Really, Yes, that's how
did that happen? I don't know, we just we just
liked each other and you guys started connecting. Is that

also how the phone numbers got exchanged. It just kind
of sort of happened. Yeah, just kind of happened, you know. Okay, well,
one night in Canada, One night in Canada. I need
to now hear the story of one Night in Canada.
We just we just kind of hung out and he
told some poop jokes and it was good. Oh. I
feel like one Night in Canada could be a title
of a song. I know now I'm waiting for One
Night in Canada. Nate Smith and Chad Kroger. Yeah, all right, Nate,

but Nate, Nate, Nate, Amy, Nate, Nate, Nates, No, n
you know how to get things out of me that No,
I mean, this is crazy. Yeah, we're just here to
hang Thank you for hanging how's that we're doing over there?
She's she's winking at you. I saw that. Yeah, I happened. Well,
thanks for hanging out with Thanks for having appreciate They'll

miss the fifty six annual CMAS Live on ABC Wednesday
night at eight seventh Central
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