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We drew names and announced the theme for our annual Bobby Bones Show Christmas Gift exchange! Bobby talks to Amy’s nephew who is a meat scientist. He answers all of our weird questions about his job and MEAT. Ryan Hurd stops by to have us taste test the Reese’s 9 inch pie that sold out everywhere, his grammy nomination and first No. 1 song as an artist. Plus, we draft the Best Commerical Jingles!

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Speaker 1 (00:03):
Transmitting the Hello's good. Hey guys, welcome to Monday Show.
Hope you had a great holiday, a great holiday weekend.
Good morning studio. I hope everybody's just awesome. We'll catch
up later on and see what everybody in this room

did for Thanksgiving. I do want to start with a
story Amy told me about being at Starbucks. So take
it away, Amy. Okay, So there was this woman, I
guess she'd been waiting there for a while, and a
lot of people were getting their orders. It was busy,
but this one woman, she'd been waiting there, so she
went up to the barista counter and said, hey, just
checking on my order. You know, my name's Linda whatever,
sweet old lady, probably sixty something years old. The barista,

who's maybe twenty something years old, loses her mind on
this old woman. She's like, I'm doing the best that
I can. I'm sorry you have to wait. Basically like
uses her hands to look around and it's like, can't
you see that we're busy? I mean, but she's yelling,
so I mean, you can tell it's for this barista.
It's way more than this woman asking this question. Like
she's clearly having a day and she needed to probably

go take a break and breathe, but she didn't, so
she snapped on this woman and then she's making someone
else's drink and her hands are shaking. It's just it's
just intense. Like everyone around me that we were waiting,
we just all were site eying each other, like what
are we witnessing right now? This is very awkward? And
you know what, the old lady when she walked out,

she finally got her drink, and I saw her outside
and I said, hey, ma'am, I just wanted you to
know like you did nothing wrong, that she's clearly just
having a bad day. But I wanted her to leave
Starbucks of the more positive experience Amy's Starbucks. Now, that
poor old lady, I know, I felt so bad. I
was like, happy Holidays. What else happened? Well? Then, I

mean I just was thinking, why is everybody's so angry?
Is it just that time of year? Because we're at
a red light and this guy gets out of his car.
I don't know what happened to make this guy angry,
assuming maybe almost got caught off whatever, but this guy
pulls up to a light, the car behind him. He
gets out and he starts yelling at the guy behind him,

but like from his car door. He got out, stood
up and yelled from his car door. I was really
nervous he was going to go over to the car.
I was also really nervous that the car he was
yelling at was maybe gonna have a gun. And I'm like,
why are you yelling at him? You never know, We
talk about it on the show all the time. You
never know when someone is carrying a gun and you

are risking your life just because you're a little bit angry.
So how'd that end up? I don't know. Light turned
green and how to go, But but I still was
just I was a little baffled at those two experiences
and how people were handling their anger. And I just
wanted to remind people to breathe for seven eight, then

for four, hold for seven seconds, out for eight, repeat
that five times. It's therapy gold And nothing says to
Christmas Spirit like road rage. All right, guys, right, it
is time to open up the mail bag. Something we
call hello, Bobby Bones. I've been with my girlfriend for

four years. There has never been a doubt in my
mind that she's the one. I'm finally at the point
of my life where I feel comfortable financially, and I
think the time is right to ask her to marry me.
I wanted to do it soon. I was thinking about
asking her on Christmas Eve. I told my best friend
about my plan, and he thinks that holiday proposals are cliche.
But I don't really want to wait until next year

to ask her. I have it all planned out. Am
I ready to do this thing? What do you think?
Should I propose on Christmas Eve or wait until the
holiday's pass? Signed Caleb Ell. Here's the situation, Caleb. I
used to think it was very cliche too, but some
people want to do it during the holidays because there's
a lot of family around, and a lot of times

in March or June there aren't. You don't have that
support system that you would love to be involved at
arm's length. I think if it's the perfect time in
your mind and you know you and her better than
anybody else, you do it. Look at your growth here.
Don't worry about being even if it is cliche. Who
cares you do it? If it feels good to you

and you stop worrying about other people or what your
friend says is cliche, that's the answer. I used to
think they were the lamest thing ever. But I never
really understood why having a family around was important to me.
I wouldn't do it on a holiday. I didn't do
it on a holiday. But seeing Caitlin's relationship with her family,
I understand now that it's important. It was important to

her to have people around her when it happened. So
do your thing. Don't worry about your goober friend. Yeah,
if you're ready, go for it. Go for it. Rings
gonna be burning a hole in your pocket anyway. Yeah,
and it's an easy day to remember as your proposal anniversary,
which won't be a thing after a while, maybe one year,
But even then that gets overshadow by Christmas Eve. It's

really nothing to remember. There you go. That's my advice.
Do you feel any different? No, I mean I think
you would regardless of when you're going to do it.
If this is the time you want to do it,
you just do it. Like you said, who cares what
anybody else thinks. Yeah, and it will be great if
if family is involved in it somehow, or having them
around as special. But then you got Christmas the next day,
and I don't know where you got or for Christmas.

But nothing's going to talk the gift. But that's nothing.
You just gotta get a little something after that. There's
a little something. Yeah, that's okay, five buckstar Bucks, gift
car works. I'll tell you. Okay, all right, if you
want to email us, Morgan, what do they do? Mail
back at Bobby bones dot com. We've got your That

was about to clothe our producer Raymundo to Mexico for
a wedding, right, Ramondo. How was that, by the way,
Oh it was great. He's he was my best man,
so my best friend and then my wife got to
go and it was a small ceremony, but right out
over the Pacific it was gorgeous. Did you feel safe

down there in Mexico? Oh yeah, I mean we traveled
as a group of ten people. Everybody was COVID tested.
Everybody that stayed at the house COVID test. They have
very strict policies there in Mexico as well. Well I'm
not I'm talking about COVID. I'm talking about getting your
head chopped off maybe other parts of Mexico. But we
were all safety zone. I think, so we were good.
I think yeah, I think I think man I think

we're safe here from the cartel. So you go to Mexico,
you have the wedding, it's amazing. You come back and
then what starts to happen with your body? Yeah, it
was really weird. I just started eating a bunch of food,
and it was the first time I've eaten two fast
foods for one meal. I went and got what was it, Sonic,
and then I even swung by Wendy's and got a
chicken cheddar mel. I mean, so, for whatever reason, my

appetite is almost doubled since I came back from Mexico.
So what does that mean to you? Though? Could be
a bunch of things. One of them maybe I got
a bug something that's in the water, and maybe the
food I eat that bug just ends up eating it up.
Oh so mostly you think gave a worm. He thinks
he has a worm, not a parasite. Yeah. Well, I

mean whatever, that is my appetite right now. I mean,
I just keep eating. I got a whole pizza the
other day, and usually me and my wife share it.
I eat the whole thing and I told her, I said, hey,
we're gonna have to order another pizza before you get home.
I down that whole puppy by myself. Aside from this,
you just ate the whole pizza. Well, you usually got
home and was like we she'll order food take out

as she's coming home, and then it'll come sometimes before
so I'll start eating and then by the time she
gets there, then she'll eat. But yeah, this time there's
no food left over. You couldn't even save her after
a long day. It works. She got home and there's
no food. Well, okay, we'll address that later. Amy. What
do you think about Raimundo in his worm? Well, I
mean I had a friend that got some sort of
parasite traveling when she was in another country, came back

and she found out she had it, but it did
speed up her metabolism so much that she ended up
losing weight. This was years ago, and she well, she
liked the parasite because of that, and so she did
not get rid of it, and that was really bad
because it ended up giving her diabetes and now she
who lives with that for the rest of her while. Yeah,
Wilaw is gonna be a fun story. Like after school special,

we learn a lesson, but we're all about for you. Oh,
we are learning a lesson, Like, I don't I this
could be what's happening to raise. It's speeding up as
a metabolism and it's making him hungry. But if you've
got that, you need to go to the doctor and
get it checked out because there could be life long,
you know, side effects. How do they test for a parasite?
Just take your blood? I think I think I've had

some before. I can't remember why I thought I did.
I ended up taking some pills. I think after I
got back from Haiti one trip and I got rid
of it. But I don't know. They can they have
ways just go to the doctor. Ray, are you going
to the doctor or do you like that you're hungrier? No,
It's definitely needs to be checked out. Because even my wife,
I was sitting on the couch and she goes your stomach.
You look almost pregnant, doubled in size. Yeah, that definitely

sounds like a parasite. Yeah, and it's not me. I mean,
we can take a picture of and put it on
the website, but I mean, I'm not even pushing it out.
It's easily something's in my stomach and it's not normal.
It is something in your stomach that entire pizza or
the two burgers you ate. I mean that could be
what it is. You're just eating more. But it's odd
that happened right after Mexico. And I mean, now that
you're talking about food, I kind of want a pizza now. Yeah,

me too. And I don't have a parasite. Okay, Bray,
get it checked out. I don't know how you do that.
Do you have a doctor. Do you have a doct
like your own doctor? Yeah, we have to for work,
and then we get discounts on the insurance. Okay, well perfect,
Well there you go learn something new every day. Okay, Ray,
go check that out. Let us know before we leave

for Christmas break. If you have a parasite, it's not contagious,
right Amy, Like we can't get it. I think you can.
I don't know. Okay, then you need to go in
the next couple of days. It's not I mean you
would have to like consume somehow. The parasite would have
to come from raised body of yours. I don't listen, Bobby,
you said show doctors. We're not. We don't know anything.

But here's what Ray and I do that you guys
don't know. We do Italian greeting every morning we see
each other, which is kiss on the Mouth. O the
Latest from Nashville and Tullywood, Morgan number two, thirty seven
Sky the CMA Country Christmas Special Airs tonight. Carly Pierce
and Gabby Barrett are hosting the show. There will be
performances by Carrie Underwood, Brett Eldridge, Lady A, Jimmy Allen

and more. Watch it on ABC tonight at eight seventh Central.
Jason Aldean talked about being home from touring more often
for his kids after Memphis was born. I did make
a conscious effort to back off a little bit. You know.
We probably went from playing seventy five shows to fifty
five shows, you know, so just to make it where

I'm at home a little bit more, you know, a
few more weekends a year. Kane Brown gave the Cleveland,
Ohio Boys and Girls Club a new gym, and he
shared why he did it. I love basketball, and we'll
get to give these kids a new end today and
I think it's amazing. And Morgan number two, that's your skinny.
It's time for the good news. Producer. Ready, all right,

we're gonna do an in person. Tell me something good.
This is Michelle from Missouri. She's on the phone now. Michelle,
what's happening? Hi, Good morning morning. Tell us your story.
I caught wrote into the B Team to talk about
my friends Liz. About seven years ago, she lost her
son to leukemia. Before she lost him, we had started

Team Caden to help with their expenses. After he passed,
she turned it into the Team Caden Foundation. She gives
back to families that are with children that are facing
donking medical battles. We have a five K every year
and our small community she raised over We all helped
their race over twenty four thousand dollars this year for

three families. She gives two scholarships to our local high school,
and she gives to cancer research. So I just love
how she turned their heartache into something really special. Man.
That's somebody who went through something that you never want
to experience, and yet she took something so positive from
it and is helping other families that are fighting the

same fight she did. She's amazing. And what's her name?
And she rallies this all around. Her name is Liz
Keller and her son's name was Caden. Lizz, you're awesome
and Caden would be very proud. That is that. That's
a fantastic story. And Michelle, thank you for sharing that
with us today. All right, thank you. That right there
is what it's all about. That was tell me something good.

Our last day to work was last Wednesday, So we
did the show Wednesday and then we were off. But
between when we left the show Wednesday and Thanksgiving, let's
Box did two Thanksgiving social experiments and we're gonna plan
both here. What is social experiment number one? Lunchbox. Well,
I had bought a turkey at the store and I

was like, you know, I wonder if a restaurant will
cook this for me? You know, I go yeah, Because
I got home and I realized, man, this turkey's not
gonna fit in my microwave. And so I wonder if
they're gonna help a lonely guy like me out and say,
you know what, we'll cook it for you in your microwave.
That was my ploy is I don't have a stove.

You know it, got it, got it, got it? Okay, Okay,
here we go. This is is what kind of restaurant
are you going into? This one's a fast food place.
Oh I guess mans word? If you guys cook that
for men. We cook it for you. Yeah, it won't
fit in my microwave, and I'm trying to get it
ready for Thanksgiving, sir. It's just like a twelve pounder
and I try to put it in my microwave and
it won't fit. It's not gonna You can't fit it

in there deeper, just like you do the French rod.
Not sure, I'll let you come over thanks give and
if you pride, all right, So it's no go man,
all right? Well she said no immediately, immediately. She must
have been the manager to have that kind of power.
She must have been managing the place. Oh right, here's

number two. Yeah, I was wonder if you guys who
cooked this for a minute for Thanksgiving? They won't fit
in my microwave, yes, ma'am, Yes, I won't eat it here.
I'll take it up. No outside of food can be
cooked here, and we won't Thanksgiving anywhere. I mean like
cooking now, I don't wait, we can't cook as a right,

thank you, Happy Thanksgiving? Oh my gosh, over two. So
what's the second experiment? Because that one didn't work this one.
I took my turkey back to the store and I
went to two different stores and I asked them if
they would cut it in a half and then they
could sell the other half, because I can only eat

six pounds of a twelve pound turkey. All right, here's
the first clip. So this twelve pounder, it's only gonna
be me. So I just need about six pounds. Can
we cut that in half? Oh? I can't do that.
I don't know. I can't use this song. Oh man,
you sure about? Oh? You know, because it's gonna be awkward,
me by myself with a twelve pound turkey. You know,

I got no friends or anything. You know what I'm saying? Yeah, sorry, okay,
so you can't cut it. I can't do it, all right? Man?
So awkward? Did the guy goes same here? Yeah? Damn.
When I said I have no friends, he said same here.
Poor guy, you should invited into your house Gorilla Thanksgiving. Okay,
here is one other clip. Oh, I was just gonna

see if you could cut this in half for me. Well,
just like on that slicer, because I only need half
the turkey. This is twelve pounder. I only need six,
so you can't cut it in half and then like
just leave half back put half back on the shelf.
You sure, ah, thanks, she was not having this ends

the social experiments about Thanksgiving. We did three of them.
The first one was Lunchbox acting sad, asking if you
go to somebody's house and they said everybody said no. Yeah.
The second one was would they cook us turkey? And
everybody said no. The third one was, well they cut
it in half and sell the other half because you're
just a lonely guy and that's too much, and everybody

said no. Okay, So what do we learn about this
social etiquette of folks that people lying about? All these
stories about oh, everybody's so nice around Thanksgiving, they'll do
anything for you. They won't do crap for you. Well,
not to bring you down, friends, but there you have it,
all right, thank you Lunchbox on the Bobby Bones Show. Now, well,

this is I won't say awkward, but it is odd.
Ryan heard is sitting in my desk back in the studio,
and I'm a hotel room far far away. We've never
actually let a guest sit in my chair. But Ryan,
after your Grammy nomination, I think you deserve it. Welcome.
Look at this guy. This is incredibly weird. We didn't
but thank you for having me. Looks like you're hosting

the show. It's very cool. I'm like driving the ship.
I guess I don't know. No, I'm yourself. I'm like
Dwight Shrut at the office where they give him the
fake steering wheel at the front of the boat. On
the boat. Yeah, yeah, yeah, Um. We have a lot
of stuff to talk about. And Ryan didn't come in
because of his Best Country Duo Group Performance Grammy nomination

that him and Marin have been nominated for Grammy. What's
the huge deal. He didn't come in because he's had
a number one song and his first as an artist,
chasing after You, because that happens we talk to you.
He actually came in because he brought us some pie,
some of that recent pie. Oh you got one? That's
what I said. All right, here's the story. I saw

Bobby tweet about this. It was forty dollars, like I'm
gonna buy that pie, and I didn't think anything of it.
And then I saw they only made three thousand of them.
Literally an hour later, people were selling them for a
lot of money on eBay, and I guess, well, I
guess we'll just eat it. And I had so many
people reach out and ask me about it to give

a review. Scooba Steve invited me to come on the
show to share the leftovers, which I'm really excited about.
This is the weirdest thing I've ever done on the radio,
but I think it's my favorite thing I've ever done
on the radio. So thank you for having me and
everybody come get a little bit of this Reese's nine
inch cup pie. Yeah, yeah, please review it because I
wonder is it just a big cup or is it

a little bit more pie. Here's my review. If you
love a regular old peanut butter cup, you will love
this because it is not a pie. It is a
gigantic nine inch peanut butter cup. And I'm not saying
it's bad. I'm just saying, in my opinion, I think
they could have done like a pie crust on the bottom,
like a clip pie crust. Yeah, but they didn't come.

It's not like the most amazing like visual anymore. I
might actually need a knife, I have plates. I mean,
look at that thing. So I tried to eat it
like a pizza. It is, it is. It is hard
to eat. But do you like peanut butter cups? This
is for you. I am. I'm mouth deep in this stuff.
It is so good that it is like he said,

it's a peanut butter cup, and it is. And I'm
trying to eat it like a pizza. That chocolate is
very thick, so it's hard. It's like you could chip
a tooth. Like, guys, this is excellent. Like it's almost
frozen ish, but it's not. I never put it in
the freezer. I just put it in the refrigerator. But
aren't you mouth deep in anything you eat? Ever? Like,
I don't know that that's any different being mouth deep. Well, well,

I can just nibble, but there's I'm going all mouth,
all mouth. Okay, that's different. Hey. By the way, Ryan
Hurt is here. He brought us some of the gigantic
peanut butter cup. When they announced the gray Amy nominations,
Ryan and you and Maren were nominated. Were you shocked
by that or were you expecting that it may or
were you hoping it may happen? Well? Yeah, obviously I
always have a dream one day to be nominated for

a Grammy. I totally forgot that the Grammys were being
announced that day, the nominations, and I was on the
golf course, and I was made a double bogie after
because Marin called me and said, we just got nominated
for a Grammy, And I guess I just didn't even
click in my mind that this year I would maybe
get nominated. This is my first year being nominated for
like the CMAS and CMT Awards and now the Grammy Awards.

So yeah, I was very surprised and just really proud
to be a part of that for the first time.
And he is on the road starting in January in Columbus, Ohio, Seattle, Portland. Spoken.
If you can hear us, he's going to be near you,
So go to Ryanhard dot com get tickets. Listen between
you number one, your record coming out Polago, which I
hope everybody checks out. Between your number one song Michigan

Winning you got the Peanut Buttercup Pie. I think mister heard.
It's been a good year, man, It's been a good year.
It's been a good year. I'll say this though my
washing last week I was home with hayes Do and
I love Sometimes it's just like we have to switch
off because we're both working, and so I had him
for a whole week, just me and him and our

washing machine basically exploded and spewed water into our whole house,
and we had an inch of water on both floors
and ruined so much of it. And I just remember thinking, like,
it doesn't matter if you got nominated for a Grammy.
Your washing machine doesn't care. So's It's been a very
very amazing week and also a humbling one in other ways,
and just very thankful for all of it. And I

think it's just like sitting here kind of sinking in
when you've said the word Grammy like three or four times,
kind of got the chills a little bit for the
first time. So just saying you had nominally, Oh they can,
but not you. Yeah, I mean Milli Vanilly it was
taken away. So as long as you're not like busting
the lip sinking controversy, you're all good. I'm good on
that one. Yeah, he's good. I'm definitely saying it Amy

in my bace and give us your review of the
pie before we go. The peanut butter cup pie. Oh,
I'm obsessed with it. I think it's amazing. I think
at first bite the layer of chocolate on top is
a little thick for me too much. I agree with Ryan.
They could do some sort of a different real pie
crust on the bottom that still fits the vibe, keep
the peanut butter the same, that's perfect, and then a

thinner layer of chocolate on top, and they they'll be
good to go. Yes, So Ryan agrees, and I have gratulations.
Oh I have a confession because I saw Ryan in
the glass room before he came in, and I didn't
know why he was here, and I had no idea
how to do with this pie. And I was like,
oh my gosh, they brought Ryan into scene with me.

I did love your love. I listened back to your
you singing our song many times. It was so good. Thanks,
well nailed it. I told Bobby that it only sounds
good with you, and so I thought he brought you
in for I shouldn't. We should bring Teddy in here
and set the MIC's back up sometime and we can

do it tog next time. Okay, next and you come
in with your next single or next we will have
you and Amy will perform Chasing after you together. We
can go ahead and put that on the books. Ryan,
next time you come in, you got it. Okay, there
is Ryan hurt. Everybody big weekends for him, Grammy Michigan,
the Pump, the Peanut butter Pie. Everything is turning up

roses from Here's a voicemail from Danny and Louisiana. I
have an unpopular opinion. You did a best Blake Shelson song,
and I personally think that often is the worst song
in country music. I'll say it, um it. It's so

cheesy that would never happen, and I just I can't
stand that song. My husband thinks I'm crazy. I don't know.
I would put it down as possibly the worst song
in all of country music. Ever, I think the song
is good because it's catchy, right, Yeah, yes, it's cheesy,
it would never happen. But if you're gonna talk about
worst country songs, there's a song called Donkey. I think

that Jaredima did. It was like, let me ride that donkey,
don't that's a terrible country song. But no one listens
to that Blake song and goes, yeah, I felt that
that happened to me as well. Yes it's cheesy, but
I think it's very catchy. And what we're gonna say, no,
I mean I love that song. I actually feel it
like I think back to the days of answering machines.
And but also you're from Austin, and I think that's

probably where your love for it comes from. Good point. Yeah,
here's another voicemail from last night. What's up? I just
want to know what happened to the cicadas. Where's the cicadas? Yeah, Raymundo,
our audio producer told us they were gonna kill us,
overwhelm us, take us down. Even told me that my
wedding was in jeopardy. Raymundo, what do you have to
say for this? Yeah, I was just trying to warn

you guys. It's better to be prepared than not at all.
And they just went to states north, southeast and west
of US, just not Nashville, not Tennessee. And also they
never really appeared in the way anywhere. I mean they
appeared in places, but not to the degree that you
told us they were coming. There's a video of a
construction worker I believe in Ohio getting attacked by these cicadas.
So he begs to differ he saw him. I could

show you a video of somebody getting attacked by bees.
And that doesn't mean that everywhere you go all over
the country there are bees attacking people. True, but yeah,
I would just being proactive, not reactive. Here you all right,
thank you, thank you for the voicemails. You can call
us anytime and leave one eight seven seven seventy seven, Bobby,
that's our number. You're Samy's pile of stories. So more

than half of people say they're superstitious on game day,
like if their favorite team is playing, they try to
do things like wear a specific jersey or put on
a certain hat. So I have a full list of
the things that people do, Bobby, and I want to
know where you fall if your favorite team is playing.
I fully believe that if I can't watch the first
kickoff that we will lose the game. So I don't

need to watch again, either until the halftime kickoff or
not at all. Wow, I don't know why, but I
if the game is coming on, I'm like, kaylin, I've
got to watch the very first kickoff because then Arkansas
will not win And there is no rhyme or reason
to it. And I don't actually know the record on
games that I've watched the kickoff and haven't watched the kickoff. Yeah,
but that's how I feel in my heart. Why what

people do that specific thing? Is not on the list.
But what about a certain suit or snack, Like, do
you have to eat the same thing every time you're watching? No,
but you know what I do during commercials, I do pushups.
And if I don't do pushups on the other side
of it, I expect us not to do well. So
I'll do pushups or sit ups. And that's why a
lot of times I like to watch games by myself.
I don't like people there when I'm watching, especially Arkansas games.

Only Arkansas games actually, which, by the way, shout out,
we put the whoop in al Missouri this weekend, so yeah,
we'll pig But anyway, continue one. Well, so this one's
definitely not you. But like half of people like to
have a specific friend or family member present for the game. No,
I'm good, Yeah, you want to be alone? Do you
carry a good luck charm? No? No, No, that's all
the stuff that I've said, I've done. Okay, so I'm

gonna say no to the rest of these. But I
have my own little quirks. Well, the ones that are
left or some people have to sit in a specific
spot on the couch or stand in a certain part
of the room. Some people listen to the same music
ahead of the game to pump themselves up. And then yeah,
people wear a specific jersey every time their team plays,
and like forty percent of people won't wash. It's disgusting.

What about Christmas movies, Bobby, are you watching those? No?
But Caitlin's family has a tradition of watching Elf on
Christmas Eve, so I will watch that. I'm just not
a big Christmas movie guy. You know. Personally I like
Home Alone in the summer because it's a movie that
goes anywhere. But other than that, I'm pretty good. Why Okay, Well,
I am watching the Hallmark Lifetime cheesy Christmas movies NonStop,

and if anybody else is, and they want to get
paid for it, Reviews dot org is looking for a
chief Holiday cheermeister, which they're going to pay twenty five
hundred dollars simply to watch and review twenty five holiday
movies in five days. You know why they do this, right,
Why they're basically paying twenty five hundred bucks to get
us to talk about reviews dot org and then they

hire one person Pamp twenty one hundred bucks, and then
us talking about it has brought them more attention than
the money they've spent. Oh well, I mean, but if
you're going to watch the Christmas movies, why not get
paid one hundred dollars a movie to do it? No,
I get it. At twenty five that is quite the commitment. Okay,
well are there even twenty five good ones? Period? Yes,
they're okay, there are plenty out there, and heads up

Reviews dot Org. Your applications do by December third if
you want to apply for this job. And then lastly,
Morgan Wallen is selling more concert tickets than any other
country artist, more than Eric Church, Luke Combs, and Chris Stapleton.
In fact, really only the Rolling Stones are selling more
tickets than Morgan. Everywhere he sells, it's like, Okay, we're
gonna do this arena. Okay, we've done an extra day.

We're adding another arenas, that's right, arenas, and so yeah,
I think people are excited to see Morgan Wallen for sure. Yeah,
he's added an extra certain Madison Square Garden and even
at Nashville's Bridgetone to your right, He's adding multiple days
to every city. It's kind of cool. I Amy, that's
my pile. That was Amy's pile of stories. It's time

for the good news. So this couple just moved to
the US from Columbia, Susannah and her husband Edward, and
she kept hearing people talk about Thanksgiving, and you know,
she was like, Oh, I want to be a part
of a traditional American Thanksgiving. So she went on the
next door app and she posted that her and her

husband just moved to America and they were curious about
what a Thanksgiving was like if anybody wanted to have
him over. She said she had zero expectations of anybody replying,
but like a hundred people reached out, wow, and invited
her and her husband over to their house to experience
a traditional American Thanksgiving. So she said she narrowed down
her options and ended up going over to this nurse

Carol's house. And here's a clip of Carrol talking about
why she invited strangers over. Just felt like she seemed
so genuine and her reaching out, and I felt like
we could reciprocate and show her a good side of America. Yeah,
and not only America. It's in Boston. And she said
that this whole experience changed her view on Bostonians and

that she realizes people are super kind and welcoming. That's right.
They're not all massholes up there. Yeah, I love them
all right, great story, that's what it's all about. That
was tell me something good. All right. This is a
public service announcement of the Bobby Bone Show. Today is Monday.

If you have Thanksgiving leftovers in your refrigerator today, they
are probably not good anymore. Here's the story. According to
the US Department of Agriculture, it probably will not be
safe to eat your food today. The USDA says three
to four days on leftovers. They should be quickly stored
in shallow can tainers and placed in a fridge or freezer.

They should only eat three to four day So Friday, Saturday, Sunday.
I mean today's the last last day. So just a
heads up. You're gonna be mysteriously sick and not know why.
But that's why I'm here to help you. So leftovers,
I would just say after today, like eat them all today,
because after today, no, boy, No, that's right. Sometimes I
just throw Spanish in there, now I like it. That's

story is from Fox seven Austin. Let's go over to
Amy and do the Morning Corny, Morning Corny. What game
does comment like to play? To sleepover. What game does
comment like to play to sleepover? Truth or Deer? Okay,
we're going to Christmas jokes by the way, Yes, yes,

Thanksgiving his fast, So now it will be reindeer, snowman,
Santa trees, those kind of jokes. All right, right, hit
that end again. Sorry about that. That was the morning
Cornye everybody listening right now. I had a great Thanksgiving.
Hope you spend it with family and or friends. Just

hope it was a plus. You know, I am doing
the show from a different country, which I have been
for the last couple of weeks, so Thanksgiving was weird
for us. I think Caitlyn took it a lot harder
than I did because I didn't grow up with a
lot of family or traditional Thanksgivings, and so for me,
Thanksgiving is just hey, some years you see friends and
some years you don't. But her, she's you know, so

close to our family. For her, it's very difficult. We
had our Thanksgiving at a hotel restaurant. It was me, Caitlyn,
and Morgan number one, who used to work on the show,
So it was actually a really nice dinner. But I
think what she missed was the three days of family
that she usually has. But I would give it a
C minus because the food was really good and they

had like a traditional American Thanksgiving there, so that's what
we different Thanksgiving. We had a good time. We have
a little game. I forget what the game is called, Mike,
you know, the little red card game we have. It's
called like get to Know You or something like that.
We played that game, and you know, it was good.
But I promised her next Thanksgiving will be better. So
that's mine, Ammy, what about you? I was good. I
hosted some family, some friends, Morgan number two and Abby

came over, which Abby's our phone screener, and her mom
was in town two, so she brought her mom and
that was fun. Like Abby and her mom are basically
the same exact person, Like literally, I've never met a
mom and daughter duo that are like that much alike.
And so we had a lot of fun. We ate.
We had few vegetarians but two turkeys, so a lot
of meat was left over, and then we played pictionary

and a game around the table. It was a lot
of fun. How many people showed up to your house?
I think there was like thirteen wow or so yeah,
who I mean? The dishes. I think my father in
law mostly, maybe my husband did some I don't know.
I not me because I did all the cooking, like

my mother in law law, and I did all all
of the dishes and everything that was served. And so
I was like, okay, fine, we'll use real dishes for everything,
because I feel like my I'm a paper plate kind
of person. I don't care. But then my sister has
somehow convinced me, even though she wasn't even there, that
eating off of real dishes taste makes the food taste better.
So we did that, and we use real napkins and

everything I did, I washed those, I did those in
the laundry. But yeah, I don't know. Somehow magically the
dishes got done. So I had Morgan number one, You
had Morgan number two? Like at yes, Morgan. How was
it over at Amy's? Oh? It was so good. Amy
is such a good cook, Like I loved the food.
Her family's mac and cheese was amazing. And then I
totally bonded with her cat, Maggie. We became best friends.

So I have a feeling I will be at Amy's
more often after this because of that. Hey, Abby, how
was your experience at Amy's house. Any did your mom
have fun? Did your mom feel like you know your mom?
Was your mom cool with it? Yeah? She is so
like shy and nervous. So she it's like, I don't
know anybody. I feel so weird going to somebody's house.

I have never even met Amy. But she had a
few shots and get loose or what she should have. No,
but she loved it and she thought the food was
amazing too. So but she was really excited and glad
that you like invited us. She thought it was nice. Eddie.
I was watching your social media and you you went
to the beach. You went to Florida. Yeah, I went
to Deston, Florida. First time we've ever gone to the
beach during Thanksgiving, which is weird to be at the

beach when it's a little cold. Never done that before.
I saw a clip where a shark was under someone's
paddle boat. Yeah. Yeah, man, me and my kids, my
wife had gone back to the condo and I was
there with two of my kids and we saw the
shadow of the of whatever it was just in the
water because it's the water's so clear there, and I
was like, oh my gosh, that looks like a shark.

And then you know bones when you see like a
wave come up and then you see the silhouette of
whatever it is. I mean, this was a straight up shark.
You saw the fin, the tail, everything, and it was huge,
and it started started to go towards this. These people
in a paddle boat. It was a mom and two
of her kids on a paddle board, you know the
ones you stand on. It's like a surfboard you stand
on with a stick. And I'm thinking, oh my gosh,

that shark is going right for them. I looked like
a porpoise to me, I'm gonna say what I said.
I looked like a porpoise. No, the thing is. The
thing is. I actually went to the lady when she
came back, and said what was that. She goes, it
was a shark straight up. I looked down and it
was a shark as big as a beach chair, like
a beach lawn chair. So what happened on Thanksgiving? Did

you guys order in food or did you carry food
down to Florida? I actually carried the frozen turkey down
to Florida. I wanted to do it here in Nashville
before we got to Florida, but it was still frozen.
So I thought it out the entire way. I had
got a deep fryer and I fried it up. Man,
it was delicious. What about all the sides? Did you
carry those down with you? Yeah, we know we made that.
My wife made that the night before. As soon as

we got there. We got like the mac and cheese,
the mashed potatoes done, the green bean castrole, and all
I had to do was fry the turkey. I mean
it was everybody was super happy with the food. What
are the odds Daddy has COVID, Guys, I feel good.
I feel good. Last time he went to Florida, he
came back head COVID wasn't on the show for a
month and a half. Remember that lunchbox your Thanksgiving? Ah Man,

We're just at the house, and let me tell you
what we use. Paper plates. We bought everything and we
just stuck in the oven because when you got three
kids under the age of three, it is impossible to
do anything because my wife would try to cook and
they would be in there by trying to touch the oven.
So you just really just heated everything up and we
ate and it was fine whatever. It rained all day,
so the kids couldn't go outside and run around, so

it was just allowed a lot of screaming and mess.
It sounds relaxing, That sounds like normal though for you. Yeah, no,
it's normal, but that's what I'm saying. So it was
really like any other day. So as much as I
want to say, oh, Thanksgiving so fun, now, it was
just like any other day. Well, next up is Christmas,
and it, I mean, it hits quick, like a couple
weeks and you'd start bracing for Christmas and I listen, Christmas,

I will not be working. We'll be back. We'll be
doing traditional Chris miss. Where are you doing Christmas? Amy?
We don't know. We were just talking about that and
I honestly have no idea. We kind of have to
be bindy breezy whatever ends up. Half CoverGirl. Yeah all right,
well I don't know. I mean, I'm sure we're gonna

go to Oklahoma. Okay, we haven't talked about it, but
I'm gonna do whatever Kaitlin wants forever now because she
has been trapped with me forever. Eventually I'll get to
tell you guys the story of where I am and
why I'm here. But right now I can't, but when
I do, it will basically be an homage to Kitlin
and her patience with me. Got it? Good answer? Cool?

All right, we're gonna draft the best commercial jingles. How
this works is we're drafting a team. All three picks matter.
Lunchbox has the first overall pick because we rolled the
dice backstage and Lunchbox one. So, Lunchbox to you, what's
the best commercial jingle song? Man? I mean, every time

you hear it, you know what it is, and it
goes bah bah bah bah ba. I'm loving it. That's
kind of weird. McDonald's. Wait, how did yours go? Again?
I don't have beat or rhythm, so I can't do it.
I'm I'm loving it. Okay, I'm loving it. Yeah, how
did you do that? How do you do that? But up?

Repeat after me? Butt up up ba No, no, no, really,
really try to. I'm so trying. Bah You're not serious. No,
I am, like Eddie. Look at my face. Oh he's
dead serious, bones Like look how hard I'm trying. Just

repeat after me? Up ba ba bah bah. That's kind
of it. That's kind of good, good, good good, Okay.
Lunchbox has McDonald's I'm loving it. Eddie Man, that's a
good number one. But I will go with give me
a break, Give me a break, Kick Cat, that's a

good one. That's a good one. Morgan, I'm going with
the insurance Nationwide is on your side. That's good, that's good.
I'm next. I'm gonna go with huh there's there are
a lot of good ones right now. I'm gonna go

with I wish I was an Oscar myer Weener. Yeah,
I'm gonna go old school with Oscar myer Weener because
I just like saying Weener. I'll be honest with you.
I just picked it. I figured that's why Amy can't
get Okay, then I'll go with um, Wait, which one
did Morgan do Nationwide? Okay? Okay, I'm gonna go with

like a good name is there? Yeah, it's good. Okay.
We all have our first picks. Now we go backward
this time, Amy, what is your second pick? Okay, I'm
going with I'm a big kid now Huggies. Yeah, good, good,
good good. I'm gonna go with I want my baby back,

baby back, baby back. Yeah. Yeah, I'm gonna go with
my baby back Chili's Baby Back Rip song Morgan, I
was so good. That's what I had. I'm gonna go
with the food though. They're magically delicious. And I said
that wrong. I got excited. Lucky Charms. You're going they're

magically delicious. Yes, that one, Eddie. Man, I'm aging myself
on this one. But I mean, I know everyone knows it.
It's the best part of waking up is folgers in
your gad. That's good. That's good. Lunchbox. Oh man, you

know me. I don't want to grow up. I'm a
toys or Ruski because everybody knows it. And every time
you heard that as a kid, you're like, man, I
don't want to grow up. You can sing that though,
Do that again. I don't want to grow up. I'm
a toys r us kid. Oh almost. Oh yeah, you
have it. I knew what you were singing. Okay, I

don't want to grow up. I'm a toys rust kid.
Do that. I don't want to grow up. I'm a
toys Rusk kids. It's good thing though, it's good. Okay. Like,
I don't even think people know the jingles when I
do them. That McDonald's want. I'd have had no idea
until you when I'm loving it. You went but that

I'm loving it. Oh my good. Okay, here we go.
Lunchbox has I'm loving it for McDonald's and I'm a
toys rusk kid. You have one pick left, lunchbox guys.
I have one food on my thing and this one.
Oh man, I don't know which one I'm gonna go with. Oh,
sing it whatever it is is sing it? I know,
I don't. I don't. Oh, there's two that I have

and I'm like, I don't know which one to go.
They're both so good. But what would you do? No?
What sing it? Come up? What would you do for
a Klondike bar? That's pretty good, Yeah, it's what you
do for a Klondike bar? Would you do for a
Klondike bar? No, what would you do? What would you do?

What would you do for a klondike bar? One more time?
What would you do? What would you do for a
Klondike bar? Eddie, you get to add your final piece
here you have give me a break, kit kat and folders.
The best part of waking up? Man, I think sing
it to me. I think my picks are pretty good.
So this third one, I mean, I've gotta let's get

that trifecta with every kiss begins with K interesting. I
mean you don't like that. I don't know. I think
win to Jared, that's fine. Yeah, that's fine, Morgan. You
have nation why it is on your side, and you
have they're magically delicious? What do you have next? Five
dollars foot long? I'm going someway. That was the one

I was to take. The debating between I couldn't decide.
I'm gonna go with this is the Bobby Bone Show.
I mean that's a jingle. Okay what Amy? Okay? Okay,
yeah that works? You want to die on that hill?
Is that what you're saying? You know what? I ran

it by Scooba before the draft if that was legal
because I thought about it. I'll be honest. Oh look
at you Wait? What did he say it wasn't legal? No,
I just I just decided that when when Klondike was
still there, I was like, all right, I gotta go
with Klondike. Okay, I'm going with this is the Bobby
Bone Show jingle? Okay, Amy go. I mean, I don't
even know what's left you guys, but I'm gonna go
with uh oh, spaghettios. That's good. Oh, I was surprised.

No one with Miami Ami amiamio good or called j
G wentworth eight seven seven cash now and then I
had nausea, heartburn, indigestion. That's a hard one to do.
After Busino on right down. Yeah, I had be all
that you can be in the US Army good line.

But how does this song? How does the jingle go?
I don't know. That's that's not a jingle, that's a
slogans Amy singing, g I Joe over there. I don't know. Okay,
our teams are up. You can go vote at Bobby
Bones dot com. Nice shot, guys. That was fine. Huh, Yeah,
it's awesome. I'm loving it. No, no, do you go
do do do do do do do. I'm loving it.

Throw It's time for the good news. Good, a twenty
four year old runner, across the finish line at the
LA Marathon and became the youngest person get this to
complete one hundred marathons. Oh, I mean doing one. You've
done a marathon? I have, and it was one of

the most difficult things I've ever done. Joselyn Reeves became
interested running as a spectator in twenty thirteenth She ran
the race. The following year, she decided after running a
few more marathon she wanted to pursue the Guinness record
for youngest person to complete a hundred races. Wow, I mean,
good for her. That's tough. I mean at one point

I ran the end of a marathon, the end of
a marathon accidentally, I got trapped in I was I
was there to be supported and I got trapped. So
I had to finish the marathon. Every was like congratulating me.
They put a medal on my neck. Ye, I was
trapped in the walls. They put they bananas. That's hilarious.
But I was so embarrassed to admit that I actually
got trapped in it that I was like, thank you,

thank you. I went with it. I just got out
of town. Yeah, but that's that's crazy. One hundred marathons. Yeah,
her body must be very built different than like after one,
I couldn't walk for like six weeks. My knee was
shot at my foot, my back. She must be a runner, yeah,
also to be in a marathon, to be inspired to
run a marathon. When I watched the marathon, I thought

I can never do this. Like I didn't leave their
going that's something I want to do. I left their
going well, I just finished one and I'm good. Now
all right, that's what it's all about. That was tell
me something good. What's happening to friends? Thank you for
hanging out. We got a voicemail last night from Sadie
in Pennsylvania and I wanted to play that for you.
Now here you go Morning Studio. I was just going

through my calendar for December and something popped up for
December first, which is this we Wednesday, And it is
the six months since Amy had the mysterious package put
on her porch that she did not want to talk about.
She said there was something or a mysterious package she
maybe gotten the mail that she didn't feel safe about
and that she didn't want to talk about, but she

said she would in six months. And that is this Wednesday.
That is true. And I remember this and you were like,
do not say what it is? But I don't know
that as we're six months out and shout out to
her putting it in her calendar, I don't know if
it's something you want to talk about. Yeah, I don't
think I'm ready, And yes, I just I'm impressed that
she had that as a reminder, So thank you for

minding us. But we're not there yet, are we. I
don't think so. I think today's the twenty ninth, So
November twenty ninth, December twenty ninth, January twenty ninth, February twentieth,
March first, rain or shine, Amy will say what was
delivered to our house. I just don't think it's safe
to say so right now. Yeah, I'm not ready yet.

So I want to stay. And I didn't put that
on you. I just don't think it's time for you
to say yet. It might be dangerous. Okay, cool, So
March first, please say d MPa, put it back in
your calendar, and please call us back and remind us.
Then all right, let's go over and do the news.
Bobby's story, all right, My first story is from the
New York Post. A woman is devastated after no one

shows up to her friends giving the club's gone viral. Basically,
it shows a woman sitting at a table on her
own after no one showed up to her and dinner.
Christian Zamora is her boyfriend. He shot it and put
it up, and he says she had planned this video
for two weeks big friends giving. No one showed up
at all, and this story started to get retweeted a

lot and shared a lot. I'm calling bullcrap on this, Like,
I think this is one somebody just looking for some
clicks on TikTok some views. Second of all, I've had
a friends giving before. You don't commit to having a
friends giving unless you have real life friends to say yes,
I'm going to be there. Amy you had one. We
talked about it a little bit ago. If you didn't
have at least six or seven for sures and four

or five probably would you have even had a friends giving. Yeah,
that's how friends giving come about, even the one that
we had at your house several years ago. It's like
you kind of people start to say, Hey, don't have
anywhere to go, I don't have anything to do, so
they're looking for something to do, and then somebody decides
to be the host of it. You don't just decide
to do it. So no one showed up. They didn't
even send her a message to let her know they

weren't going to make it. This just screams looking reviews.
Mikey and I talked about this a lot. Mikey do
you believe this story, yes or no, not at all. Okay,
this is just somebody who probably had a great friends
giving who was like, Okay, before everybody sits down, let's
shoot a video and say nobody came. So I wanted
to start with that and say I think that is
a load of crap. Hey, race, say load of crap
in your announcer voice, load of crap. Oh there it is. Yeah. Uh.

Christopher Collins told police he suspected his wife was killed
by intruders, but he has since been charged with murder
in the case of his wife's death. Two days before
her death, they had signed a two hundred and fifty
thousand dollars life insurance policy. That's right, a Texas woman
was found dead two days after she signed a quarter
of a million life insurance policy, and now her husband
has been charged with her murder. You would think and

follow me here. First of all, he's a terrible guy.
If he did it, he's a terrible guy, the worst.
Obviously he murdered his wife. But if you were going
to do this, don't you wait more than two days?
Because that screams I just killed her to get the money.
Am I right? Wrong? Amy? I mean, yeah, I think
you have to have more foresight with this if you're

gonna do it. I don't. I don't condone this behavior. No,
we're not. We're not. I'm just reading this and going,
this guy's a terrible guy and he's stupid because you're
gonna two days after that automatically paints you as guilty.
That's what I allegedly, right, yeah, yeah, allegedly that automatically.
But yeah, tragic story. They had signed the paper for

life insurance on November sixteenth, and on November eighteenth, apparently
some intruders had broken in. I wonder anytime anybody goes
to sign sign up for new life insurance, do you
now have to have this thought of like, well do
I trust this person that I'm living with now? Because
why why are we getting this new insurance suddenly? Well

that's why I don't tell you, j brownies, whos am
I will because you'll kill me? Yeah? Think about that, Okay,
And autopsy found that she died from a gunshot wound.
Medical examiners determined the bullet was fired from a twenty
two or twenty fouve caliber weapon and that officers also
found a twenty two cartridge in his pocket in the
guy's pocket. That is from Insider. And then I wanted
to end on this because what's happening around the country now.

Lots of people are going into stores together and just
stealing everything and then running out because you can't stop everybody.
Have you been seeing these in the news, I mean
some of the ones that you've told me about, and
I've seen a few, but I mean, I don't it
makes me not even want to go shopping in public anymore.
Have two from Daily Mail, one from USA today. The
first one dozens of looters rampage through two Minnesota Best Buys,
taking TV's tablets and hoverboards as a flash mob robbery

hit in California. That's the first one. The second one,
a group of ten people went into a home depot
in California and grab hammers and crowbars and then ran
out to a waiting car. They had the sledge hammers
ready to hit people who were trying to stop them.
Police deputy say the entire hammer section that the store
was cleaned out, which is a weird thing to steal.

I mean, they have like a hammer party somewhere. But
they did one of these where they went in does
anyone know why they would steal hammers? You would think
they would grab more expensive stuff there and then from
USA today, five people rushed into a norstroom store in
southern California the night before Thanksgiving and fled with several purses.
LA police at A security guard was sprayed with an
irritant meant to deter charging bears to keep him from

actually stopping them. They stole twenty five thousand dollars in bags.
This is another flash mop theft, and they're happening, you know, one, two,
if just three this morning to in California, Wan in Minnesota,
And I know why they're stealing hammers. That's what they
use on the smashing grab. So if they go in
and steal those, they can use them in their crime.
If they buy a bunch of hammers, they're on camera
and in their receipts. It's like, oh wait, these guys

bought a bunch of hammers, then you go bust them,
so they need them for their next robbery. Well, just
going in with one person and paying cash for a hammer,
I think is less of a red flag than if
you're going ten in and grabbing hammers and running out.
You like risk your whole life to get your hammers.
To commit I would go rob people's like sheds for

hammers instead of stealing tin hammers from a home depot. Okay,
well that's the news. Thank you guys. Story on the
phone right now. It's Amy's like nephew in law or something.
What is it, Amy, Yes, he's married to my niece,
So it's your nephew. Yeah, nephew in law. Yeah, I

guess I'm his aunt in law. We were talking about
a woman who eats raw beef as her diet, like
she just buys it and eats it. And Amy goes, well,
I have a family member who is a meat scientist.
I don't even know this is the real thing. I'll
be honest with you, but I was so curious. And
we have Amy's nephew in law on now, doctor Drew
Casson's Doctor Drew Cassons, thank you for hanging out with

us today. I'm really interested in what you do, so
we appreciate the time. Well, Bobby, thank you for having me.
We appreciate it. Questions questions, I got questions. How did
you get into being a meat scientist? Yeah, so I
really meet scientists. I know it sounds crazy, but I
think we all started with my background in a my
agg and got involved in meat judging at Texas A

and M, and that really sparked the passion for meat science.
And I think a lot of times people think about
meat science is so weird, but you know, it's meat.
We have. We eat meat, so we have to have
the scientists say to make sure it's good for us.
Does anyone ever go, hey, so what do you do doctor?
And You're like, They're like, are you like a heart
doctor or are you like a you know, knee doctor.
And you're like, no, I'm a meat doctor. Is that ever?
They're like what? Seriously? For sure, it's really funny. I

joke all the time that I'm a doctor, but definitely
can't say anybody's life by any means. So we just
you know, the meat science divers making sure that food
is taste good and it's it's juicy, it's flavor pool,
and it's safe for you. Okay, here are my real questions.
Is it safe to eat raw meat like this lady
was talking about raw beef. Can you just eat raw
meat from the grocery store? Not in that capacity? Right,

We've got to make sure we're cooking our meat products
to a safe temperature. Now there are things like you
know beef tartar if you've heard of that before. That
is a raw beef producty you can't can soon, but
we add things to it like line juice, lemon juice,
acid to kind of help and break down that bacteria.
So it is help you to eat. If I went

on killed an animal and I was real hungry, can
I just eat it right then and they're raw, I
wouldn't definitely advise against that Bobby proping off the best
time the game. And the reasoning why is because you know,
bacteria lives in an environment and a lot of times
those animals have bacteria on their hide and on their skin,
and as you're breaking that carcass down, a lot of
times that bacteria gets them to the carcass and then

that can result from you getting definitely ill. So I
would definitely advise against going out there and killing the
animal and eating it right away. We have doctor Drew
Casson's on did you graduate from Tarlton State or do
you work there now? I work there now, so I
got my undergrad master A and m a PhD at
Oaklahoma State. Let me ask you this question, then, mister fancy,
because sometimes I go to fancy places and I'll see

there's wagou beef on the menu. Our wagou cattle really
massaged and serenaded with classical music. So I would say
definitely not in the US. Maybe in other countries like Japan,
they might do that kind of stuff, But most of
the wagon beach you're going to see here in the
United States just a breed of cattle, and those breed

of cattle just really tend to be highly marbled, very tender,
very juicy, lot of flavor to them, and so I
don't think we really serenade and massage those cattle here
in the US life they might end in Japan and
other countries. If I'm ordering a steak at a restaurant
for health purposes, what's the best way to order a steak?
I mean you can order that medium rare. I mean

ask where I prefer eating. People do rare and blue
rare a lot of times. You know, with steaks that
bacters in the surface, and so by putting on a
grill it's really hot, you're killing all bacteria, and so
it's safe to eat about one thirty five one forty,
No problem for sure. Did you say blue rare? What's
that mean? So? Blue rare? So we have degrees of

doneness for steakes, and blue rare is the lowest degree
of doneness, and it's more of just cooking the surface
just a little bit and so on the inside you
still have a fairly raw piece of meat. And some
people do like that. I mean it's coldness center. For me,

it's not very appealing. Oh godly is red meat? You know?
The big story is don't eat a lot of red meat.
What's your take on that? Doctor, Red meat's good for you? Um,
we need to make sure we're consuming lean red meat.
That's that's the kicker there. Um, you need the protein,
and meat provides some really good vitamins and minerals that

we can't get from anything else. Right, we need some
essential minerals in our body and meet the best source
for that, and so eating lean meat is the best
opportunity for you. Do you ever want to punch a
vegan in the face. I don't think I've ever had
the opportunity to get that close to one before. I'm fortunately,

but you know, I think more than anything it's just
the education basis of it. You know, I respect it,
wishes the hope they respect ours too. We're just trying
to feed America. Honestly. Do you ever go to a
restaurant and you're like this meat isn't good and you're like,
I'm a doctor and meat. I would just like you
guys to know you could really improve, Like are you
a snob? A meat snob? If you ask my wife

and family, Most definitely, I really don't eat a lot
of meat or steaks outside at restaurants. Honestly, I can
do betters of at home. But like's o case, like roadhouse,
you can go and pick out your steak. So we
go text Roadhouse, you better guarantee I'm sitting there at
that window case picking out my steak before I sit

down to eat that, because I want to make sure
I get the best experienced fossil. Okay, final question for me,
then I'll let them if they have one, ask one.
But if you were stranded on an island and no
food and you had to eat a human, what meat
on the human would be the best to go for? Um?
Because I would go butt cheek, I'll tell you right now. Yeah,
I would go butt cheek, you know, if I got

to go straight flesh. But I don't know. You're the expert.
Maybe you don't have an answer for this, but I
just wanted to say a few things. Install let's think
about it. The butt cheek thing would probably be a
good one to go with the problem with that button,
it might be a little tough, right, So I would
go more towards that back area, that wine section. Those
are going to be a lot tender of muscles compared

to the the other ends of the animal. The human
knowledge and education. Yes, Amy, do you do you have
a question for doctor Drew Casson's your nephew in law. Well,
I want to. I want him to answer the original
question that even got him on here because I brought
you up, doctor Drew, my little nephew. That because you

told me about ground meat and how when you're ordering
a hamburger at a restaurant you should always get it
well done, and people don't do that. They would they
get medium, well whatever, but well done. So I wanted
you to explain why that is. Yeah, I think that's
the biggest thing with ground beef is you think about
bacteria on the surface and so when we're taking a

piece of meat, a cut of meat, and we start
to grind it up, we're putting all that bacteria on
the surface on the interior and we're spreading at bacteria out.
And so with ground beef, you have bacteria potentially all
through that product, and so it's very important to cook
to one sixty decreased pareheit to make sure we kill

off any bacteria that might be in that part. All right,
there is I think we should applaud him for coming
out with meat scientists on Doctor We appreciate the time.
One day, it'll be my goal to have a stake
with you and just hear all about it. I'm looking
forward to it, Bob, but you'll have a good time.
Great guest, Amy, who else and your family does crazy stuff? Okay,

now there we have it. Thank you to doctor Casson's
in front of all you guys. You have somebody's name.
This is a person you're buying a gift for Christmas, okay,
and our gift show is usually the last one of
the year, so we have you know, a few weeks
for you to go out and buy this person a
gift lunchbox. Who do you want to be buying you
a gift. You why because you buy the nice gifts.

No one else puts effort into their gifts. Now there
is a bit of a wrinkle this year. We're gonna
do mystery box Christmas. So when you have the gift
that's bought for you, you can either take that gift
the person got you valued under fifty bucks. Oh, like
that's the limit fifty bucks, or you can take what's
in Bobby's mystery box. But you'll have a mystery box

er two and we get to go in and pick it.
Whatever you get, you don't get to know what's in it,
but you pick one of the two boxes. But it's
a mystery interesting. Yeah, but now I'm worried if I
get you, you'll buy me crap and I'll think, oh
it's good man. It's gonna be tough this year. But
you can open the gift from the person that that
got you the gift, like you see it and you're like, oh,
a forty nine dollars electric razor. Oh, and then you

and keep it. You can keep it or go to
the mystery But once you go to the mystery box,
I get to keep the gift. So the mystery box
could be like a box of paper clips. It could
be Oh my goodness. So let's see who we're buying for. Okay, okay,
all right, Amy, who are you buying for Christmas? M Scoopa?
Steve Morgan? Who are you buying for? Rab I am

buying for Morgan time the one time, the one time
I got you. You know what it was, the cracker barrel.
I mean the one time, so you couldn't even get
me anything? Good, Eddie? Yeah, here we go. Let's see
what who are you buying and get for? I am
buying for me? Oh? How bad happens Christmas? Eddie? Oh

this feels good? Happy, you're ready. You're gonna have a
great Christmas school with Steve. What do you have? I've
got you Bobby? Nice? Good luck? Abby? I have Mike
d I got him last year too, Mike. Could you have?

I have Amy? Okay? And so what who does Ray have? Me? Eddie?
I'll tell you what. I'll buy you a gift too,
because I got myself. Yeah that's what I'm talking about.
You know that doesn't work? Yeah? Why not you buy
all gifts? No? Perfect? Oh no, no, you have to
buy for someone. Huh So who wants to trade with Eddie?

Somebody trade with Eddie. Mike, who do you have? Okay? Okay,
so do you have Eddie shopping for me now? Yes?
And then Mike d shopping for Eddie? Perfect? Yes? Okay,
so everybody has their person now I got abby and
so you'll get the gift. You'll open it and you
can have and keep that gift or you go to
the mystery boy. Yeah, everybody feel good? Okay, that will

be our I'll show up the year I think on
the seventeenth mic. Is that what it is? Yeah? Okay,
Marry Christmas. Everybody down. Sorry today. This story comes to
us from Chambersburg, Pennsylvania. Two women were at Walmart shopping
when one woman got mad at the other. One grabbed

a cold chicken. Wow, a cold chicken. Cold chicken hit
her across the back of the head with it. That's
like a rock. Hunh it's weird too. That's the weapon
she she just grabbing for anything nearby. Yeah. I think
they were in the meat department and they were worried
it's gonna be a cold case, but they solved it. Okay,
you're right though about a cold meat. That's a rock. Yeah,
the boulder man. That's a rock. Wow, I'm lunch boxed

out your bone head story of the day. We really
appreciate you guys hanging out with us today. But before
we go, I do want to do the good News countdown.
It's the good News Countdown, counting down the biggest good
news stories across the left. Here we go up first,

a woman had a medical issue on the highway and
passed out behind the wheel, but her car kept going
and was out of control, so a random guy sacrificed
his own car by pulling in front of her and
hitting the brakes. She suffered a few broken ribs but survived.
Both are gonna be okay. That's a tough decision, though,
you're gonna point I think I would do that. I'm
not someone who says I would be a hero because

most things I would go Nope, wouldn't do that. I
think I could pull my car out, though, to stop
a car that's going crazy, I would be nervous. I
would try to position it to where it was the
passenger side, but you probably don't have a lot of
time to position if that's happening. But good for that dude.
Good story. Next, a woman in Boston went into labor
five weeks early and freaked out because she wanted to

be married before the baby came. A doctor at the
hospital named Gregory Woods was ordained, so he officiated their
wedding in the hospital. The woman's father even showed up
to the hospital with her wedding dress. Now she's married
and has a healthy baby boy, So there you go. One.
A nine year old in Florida received an award for
bravery after she fought off a guy who tried to
steal her mom's purse. They were getting into their car

outside of store. He knocked the mom down, the daughter
kept punching him in the head until he ran off.
There's security footage of it. Cops the rest of the guy.
Two days later. He got beat up by nine year old.
That's the funniest part of this. I mean, great for
the nine year old, I hope that's but he got
beat up by nine year old. His friends will never
let him hear the end of that. The good news countdown.

All right, that's what's up. Have a great day see
him Onnyana. All right, bye, everybody. B
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