All Episodes

August 12, 2024 44 mins

Find out about the secret card party Bobby is going to... Plus, now that the Olympics are over, we share our favorite moments, our thoughts on some of the biggest events and more!

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Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
Wake Up, Wake up in.

Speaker 2 (00:03):
The mall, and.

Speaker 3 (00:05):
It's on the radio, and the dogs keeps on Tam lunchbox,
Morgat to scoop of Steve Bread and trying to put
you through the fog.

Speaker 1 (00:17):
He's running this week's next bit.

Speaker 4 (00:19):
The Bobby's on the box.

Speaker 5 (00:20):
So you know what this the Bobby Vall.

Speaker 4 (00:29):
Insurance companies are using spy drones on customers. Now I
don't have a problem with this because if you can
have a drone, you can fly over and that's legal,
why would you not use it to see if somebody
is lying out of out of insurance money. But again,
let me here's the whole story. A new piece on
MSN alleges that insurance companies are now using AI powered

drone surveillance to look in on policyholders revoke them as
they see fit. Specifically, the article accuses one company of
using to monitor it's customers roofs if the drones attack something, So,
what would be the difference if they just drove by
your house and look though.

Speaker 6 (01:07):
Too, Well I didn't know they were doing that.

Speaker 4 (01:10):
Well okay, but I'm just saying, if there's the capability
to check and see if you're lying about something, what
if they just got in a car and drove by
your house go see if anything fishy is going on. Yeah, Like,
I don't think we'd have a big problem with that,
but it's just a whole drone idea. Now if they
start like looking at stuff and going ooh, we're not
gonna let them take a policy in the future because
we use a minor damn it. I don't know. It

gets a little, but I don't have a problem with
doing something legal.

Speaker 6 (01:34):
I don't love it. No, no, what are you hiding? Nothing?

Speaker 7 (01:38):
But like this just feels weird and hopefully they only
do it to the people. Maybe they feel like they
get a tip about you know, like guys hasn't worked
his job for how many years? He's on disability, but
then he's on a ladder painting his house.

Speaker 4 (01:50):
Those stories are hilarious.

Speaker 8 (01:51):
You know that's different.

Speaker 4 (01:52):
Or they you know, like throws his back out so
he takes three years workman's comp but it's in the
Mister America bodybuilding competition, right, Like, those are awesome unless
there's something shady. It would be the same as driving
by a car and just looking at it and be like, hmm,
let's see what's going on here. Otherwise, I'm okay with it.
Their business. I know, for hacking me, that's different.

Speaker 8 (02:13):
Feels like an invasion, it does.

Speaker 7 (02:15):
And like you're paying this money and then they're spending
their resources and money to spy on you.

Speaker 8 (02:22):
Yeah, don't like it. Yeah, it feels dirty.

Speaker 4 (02:26):
I don't like it either if it's my insurance. But
if you guys, I'm all good for it.

Speaker 9 (02:29):

Speaker 4 (02:31):
This one American dude cost us the winning country of
all Golds because he's a jumper and he tied with
somebody from New Zealand and they were like, you can
both have the gold medal or you can go and
redo it, and he's like, let's redo it. He lost.
We end up tying China and Golds. You know, there's
no they don't cut the metal in half. Bro, you
just wore a gold medal winner. And I'm the most

competitive person ever. I just would have been taking my
gold medal and been like I'm a gold medalist and
that's what cost us. We would have been the gold
medal champion.

Speaker 6 (03:02):
Yeah, I know.

Speaker 7 (03:02):
It's definitely a weird thing because, yeah, you take the goal, take.

Speaker 8 (03:06):
The old you want.

Speaker 4 (03:07):
You got morally were first, you had the goal. American
high jumper she Shelby McEwan had has defended his decision
to turn down a shared Olympic gold medal after being
forced to settle for silver. Both men clear two point
three six meters. Don't even know what that is. I
don't do metric, do you.

Speaker 7 (03:27):
I have no idea at all, but I guess you know,
some people they don't like to tie. They don't when
they want to have the place they are going to have.

Speaker 4 (03:34):
But he didn't tie.

Speaker 8 (03:36):
That is seven feet so they were to jumping.

Speaker 4 (03:39):
So that's crazy because that's like over the back, you know,
when you jump on your back. Yeah, that's not a tie.
That's a double win. Okay, it is a tie, but
it's not known as a tie. It's a double win.
There's no tea beside the name. I couldn't believe it.
And we did not win the gold medal championship. We
tied with China, who came with three hundred less athletes
than us. And here's the here's the zing. Takes out

of the podcast. I hate China. Don't put that on
the podcast. I want to get hacked by China. Yeah,
take that out too. I don't want to mention it.
They'll hack me. But it's so stupid. Take the gold
as somebody who just watched on the couch.

Speaker 6 (04:13):
Almost like it's easy for us to say that.

Speaker 8 (04:15):
I think, is ego just gotten the way At that moment.

Speaker 4 (04:17):
I you know, I started trying to think as him,
and I think, here's probably a guy who his whole
life wanted just to be number one. I get it,
I do get it. I joke around, but I think
I still would have accepted the gold because it's not
gold with a tea beside it. It's just you won
the gold medal. And then also I think, how do
we not lost the gold medal count to China. I'd

probably feel different, but like a little bit of me
gets it, and I'm proud of him. That's still pretty
cool he won the silver medal. But I I'm the
most competitive person I've ever met, and I don't think
I would have gone back to rejump you.

Speaker 8 (04:51):
Oh man, I'd take the gold medal.

Speaker 5 (04:53):
He too.

Speaker 4 (04:54):
No one ever goes here's gold medal medal, Shelby McEwan
and oh sorry, hi gold medalist.

Speaker 10 (05:01):
No one's gonna know that, And in three days they
would have forgot that he tied, and it would just
be he have a gold medal and they couldn't jump
the next height.

Speaker 8 (05:08):
They missed it eleven times in a row.

Speaker 4 (05:10):
It cost us the championship. And then we had the
gymnast who finished third and they took our medal away,
so judging it took too long, they took her medal away.
Then it's a bronze so it didn't affect the overall.
But now you know the sport America is really good
at we're about to hop in litigation, suckers. Oh we're
about to go to court when that goes, that bronze.

Speaker 8 (05:31):
Medal And how are they gonna get it back?

Speaker 4 (05:34):
Just keep it? They may not, that's all I do, Like, oh,
you got to give it back?

Speaker 8 (05:38):
No I don't.

Speaker 4 (05:38):
It's like if I got a speeding ticket in Montana,
I ain't going back, great point, Yeah, I ain't paying it,
but I ain't going back.

Speaker 6 (05:44):
Oh but you would want to go back to Montana.

Speaker 4 (05:47):
I got a speeding ticket, I want to pay. Okay,
well they're gonna and shout out to everybody in Montana.
I loved it up there. But if I got a
speeding ticket, and I'm like, that was crazy I ain't
paying that. I'm not going back yahage ticket, I go
to jail. I would keep the gold medal. Are this
the bronze medal? The Olympics were awesome, though. It was
my favorite Olympics ever, probably major sports, like the top first.

Speaker 6 (06:13):
It was your favorite ever?

Speaker 4 (06:14):
Let me think about that, because I just said that
out loud without even putting any thought behind it whatsoever.
But I do feel like it was my favorite ever.

Speaker 10 (06:19):
I think he appreciated it more and it happened to
be like if he was home during the day, you
could watch it like It's not like it was eight
hours tape delayed every time. You could watch some of
em live. And there was so much coverage so you
could see so many events.

Speaker 8 (06:32):
That's what I liked.

Speaker 10 (06:33):
So many different channels had something on. It was great
sal sports I'd never seen in my life.

Speaker 4 (06:37):
It's funny you watch channels. I watched Peacock and which
was able to it's not a channel. Yes, we all
have different ways. Let me think about why. I thought
it was the best Olympics ever. But I thought it
was the best Olympics ever, except we didn't beat China
and dog so it looks pretty good. I got a
lott Snoop dog fatigue at the end, but I still
think he was It was a big win to as
Snoop Dogg. There a little fatigue at the end, but

Snoop Dogg a minus overall. It's just in more context. Hey,
the Olympic story we're talking about a second ago. Apparently
those two had tied. I don't know if it was
World Championships or last Olympics. So they tied for the
gold medal last time. So they America was like, let's
just do it again. I still stand by my statement
that I am sitting on the couch criticizing A plus athletes.

I could never do that.

Speaker 6 (07:24):
But I thought they called it a double win anyway.

Speaker 4 (07:26):
I thought, I just want to make sure everybody knows
the context they tied last time. What if they're just
supposed to be tied forever? Right, A plus one America
still would have been the number one gold.

Speaker 6 (07:35):
When you have your gold medal at home, the other one's.

Speaker 4 (07:37):
Yeah, nobody comes into the house at yoh r, New Zealand.
Got got that I was over his house. That does
not happen.

Speaker 6 (07:43):
Exactly does that happens?

Speaker 4 (07:46):
Okay, you guys call us. We'd love to talk to you.
Eight seven, seven seventy seven.

Speaker 1 (07:51):
Bobby, Wake Up, Wake Up in the mall, in its radio,
the Dodgs lunchbox, Morgan two, Steve Bread, I'm trying to
put you through fog. He's riding this week's next bite.

Speaker 4 (08:12):
The Bobby's on the box, so you know what this.

Speaker 5 (08:20):
Is, the Bobby ball.

Speaker 4 (08:22):
Bobby's the final medal count US one hundred and twenty
six total medals, China ninety one total medals, golds US forty,
China forty. We had like three hundred more athletes too.

Speaker 6 (08:40):
We tied a double one.

Speaker 4 (08:43):
Uh no, that's a time. That's a tie.

Speaker 5 (08:44):

Speaker 4 (08:45):
That sucks, that's a tie tie. I thought about what
you said. Why did I like the Olympics so much? Great?
Ending to basketball, Steph courage is even My wife was like,
oh my god, we're watching the final couple of games,
the Serbia game, in the France game. Basketball was awesome,
Simone Biles. Anytime you have a superstar, that makes it better.
Katie Leezecki and the Noah Lyle, there were just a

lot of American superstars that ended up doing what we
thought they would do and that made it super cool.
I really enjoyed the Olympics.

Speaker 6 (09:19):
With the COVID situation.

Speaker 7 (09:22):
I don't know if other athletes were having it too.
I only saw like when Noah had.

Speaker 4 (09:26):
It right, but he ran the race and then got
in a wheelchair afterward.

Speaker 7 (09:29):
Yeah, and so I'm like, wait, so if you test positive,
you can just get out there and run next to
other people and free.

Speaker 4 (09:35):
Don't ask me. Don't know anything about COVID anymore.

Speaker 6 (09:37):
Because like if I had another race coming up and
be like.

Speaker 4 (09:39):
I don't want to be run next to you, I
don't know. I don't even know what the role is.
I thought at the end, listen, if he was really sick,
I don't think he would have ran, right. Yeah, they
said he one hundred and two temperature when he ran.
Really yeah, that's awesome. Then, like who cares about COVID
if you're just sick? Because he got a bronze and
think there, Yeah.

Speaker 10 (09:59):
He was favored to get the but he said it
just took a toll and he just couldn't. He didn't
do the relays after that because he was sick.

Speaker 8 (10:04):
He just couldn't do it.

Speaker 7 (10:05):
When they played the slow mode of like how his body,
like you could tell. He was just like not, it
is very different from how he looked before.

Speaker 4 (10:12):
Yeah, my allergies to bothering me today. I need a wheelchair.
Imagine that. See, I didn't know that was the case.
I know they were like, get covid. Okay, all right,
Well I love the Olympics. I thought it was a
a plus. Olympics opening closing ceremonies both weird. Also just
Tom Cruise, Eh, what was Well, it's because it won
crazy stunt guy a little man complex, but also it's

going to American next right, and.

Speaker 10 (10:35):
He's like oh and they kept showing him during the
women's soccer game. I was like, we don't need to
see Tom Cruise reaction every time there's a play, Like
they kept painting to him, like.

Speaker 4 (10:44):
Enough men's basketball gold, women's basketball gold, women's soccer gold,
men's soccer sucks?

Speaker 6 (10:53):
Yeah is that?

Speaker 4 (10:55):
I mean? Was like cold? We didn't have it, We
never we didn't growing up. Are women rock? We were?

Speaker 10 (11:00):
But we were the first country to put money behind
our women's soccer team. So and women's we are more
progressive with women's sports than other countries, but they're catching us.

Speaker 5 (11:09):
We were.

Speaker 8 (11:10):
We sucked last year at the World Cup. We were terrible.

Speaker 4 (11:12):
Our women's basketball team, oh almost lost. I mean our
men's basketball team played tight anyway. Olympics were I give
it an I want to give it an A plus,
so I think I might a plus do it. Except
for the opening closing ceremonies, both were weird. An Oklahoma
dog starts a house fire by chewing on a battery.
Huh mm hmmm. The Tulsa Fire Department posted a video

showing the scene that unfolded inside the home. The security
camera footage shows a dog chewing on a lithium ion
battery on a pet bed while another dog and a
cat watch from nearby. The battery suddenly catches fire. The animals,
of course, run away and boom room is filled with smoke.
The dogs watch the flames for a few seconds before
leaving the room. Why can't this be one of those

tell me something good when a dog goes up and
like where were fire?

Speaker 6 (11:58):
So I guess don't chew on batteries.

Speaker 4 (12:00):
Because don't let your dogs have batteries, basically like keep
them out of reach or humans. You ProAb shouldn't cheo either.
But the bed catches on fire. It's a big dog
bed and booh ooh crazy the apartments of the dogs
and the cat. We're able to escape through a dog door.
No humans or animals were injured. Probably had to be
an old battery. A lot of things had to go wrong,
but it's just keep batteries out of reach of kids
and animals. An extreme concoction called baths or fire. It's

a beer. It's so strong it makes your tongue go
numb rated. Its seventy five percent ABV, which is alcohol
by volume. The average beer has five percent ABV. This
Scottish style barley ale is brewed for two months and
undergoes fermentation and triple filtration. Again, it's a seventy five percenter.
Normal beer is five percent or It costs one hundred

and seventy dollars a beer. Wow, can you buy this online?
I would. I don't drink and I'm not gonna drink it,
but I would buy one and have one of the
guys on the show go full tongue numb if they
wanted to.

Speaker 6 (12:58):
We've prepared.

Speaker 10 (13:00):
I was gonna say, why would it be enjoyable if
it just like your tongue loses the sensation, because then
you can even taste it right, This beer tastes good.

Speaker 6 (13:09):
No certain over time.

Speaker 4 (13:12):
It's an acquired So what I'm saying eighty eight Brewery
is it? I don't know the answer to that, but
if they are able to sell and ship it internationally,
I would buy one of these. If one of you
guys wanted to drink.

Speaker 6 (13:22):
That could be your first alcohol.

Speaker 4 (13:24):
Can you imagine That's how I go in. I mean,
that's how I do everything else for the first time,
So why not. One of the easiest ways to be
like someone is smiling when you look directly at them.
Well you had that, or creep them out? Yeah, the
whole smiling at somebody. It's got to be handled with precision.
It's got to be handled with care. It's got to

be slight.

Speaker 6 (13:46):

Speaker 4 (13:47):
I watched this act like, we don't know what Joe,
I just look at you.

Speaker 6 (13:50):
Okay, but that's weird.

Speaker 7 (13:51):
You're just grint, You're like grit smile, smile, But I
think you just smile release thro about this one.

Speaker 6 (13:57):
No, that's creepy. I can't even look at you.

Speaker 4 (14:00):
However, a smile needs to be real. Fake smiles are
easy to spot. A true smile make someone feel emotionally
closer to you. It's hard to go give me a
true smile.

Speaker 6 (14:12):
I think of something happy. Think of your wife. Okay,
that's a different one.

Speaker 8 (14:20):
Yeah, that was weird.

Speaker 10 (14:21):
Maybe we don't go there.

Speaker 4 (14:22):
It's tough to think of true smile. Baseball cards Mike
you Oh hey, okay, Mike, can you order this online?

Speaker 6 (14:32):
One hundred and seventy dollars? Okay, and then shipping for.

Speaker 4 (14:37):
Sixty to ship it?

Speaker 8 (14:38):

Speaker 4 (14:39):
We need to talk off to hear. The best way
to reheat pizza Place your cold pizza on a nonstick
panic cooker for two minutes over medium to low heat.
Yeah that's too much. I like to put in the
microwave and just eat it immediately.

Speaker 7 (14:50):
I know, but this gives you the same as if
you had it fresh, because the microwave can make it
really chewy.

Speaker 4 (14:56):
Then pour two drops of water onto the pan as
far from the pizza as you can get, cover the
pan with a lid, turn the heat on low. Cook
it for another minute. Okay, why not just make a
new pizza?

Speaker 8 (15:04):
Are you serious?

Speaker 6 (15:05):
Because it's not that long.

Speaker 4 (15:06):
I take the dell and throw it above your head
and spin it and go, mom, mommy, is all that?

Speaker 5 (15:10):
Yes? It was.

Speaker 8 (15:10):
It was like, do two minutes this way, add some water,
get a lid.

Speaker 6 (15:13):
I mean it's a few minutes.

Speaker 8 (15:15):
Dum forty five seconds in the microwave boom.

Speaker 4 (15:18):
Tampa tops the list of the most desirable US cities,
ahead of Charlotte and Virginia Beach. I like Tampa A
love the fifty most populous US metros. Now these are
bigger cities. Tampa one, Charlotte, bob each, nash ten Nobody
calls them that. That's Nashville, Tennessee. I was oral, Floral, yeah, raal, Nolk, Carolina. Yeah,

that's good enough. The worst are DC, New York, San Francisco.
That's Chicago at four. That's bull crap. Chicago only sucks
in like December, January, and February. The other nine months
it is a plus one of my favorite cities in
the whole world, except December, Jania, February. I'd also have
put Boston in that same category favorite in the whole world.
But since I'm a little pansy, I can't take the cold.

Speaker 8 (16:08):
I mean it's valid point.

Speaker 4 (16:10):
I'm the pansyest of pans Sometimes the cold is I'm
a little flour No.

Speaker 6 (16:14):
You used to bundle up, I'm not.

Speaker 4 (16:16):
And finally, if you need to stick to a budget
and cut down in your online impulse buys, consider leaving
the item in your cart online for a day before
checking out.

Speaker 7 (16:27):
Okay, this this will also help you maybe get a
cupon yep because the yeah, so it picks up, you know,
because they're they're watching everything you do anyways, So you
put it in your car and then they know that
it's in there, and then when you don't buy it,
next thing, you know, you get an email and it's like, hey,
saw this is in your cart.

Speaker 6 (16:45):
Here's ten percent off.

Speaker 4 (16:46):
Wow. I think that is a great tip. The other
thing is an impulse buy. If your impulse buying, you're
not going to leave it in the cart. Your impulse buying,
you're not. You don't have a restraint buying the impulse buying.
That's pretty good though, for a coupon that's from Arizona
State University. That's the news, Bobby's nice. Here's the money

for a US Olympians gold medals. They got thirty seven thousand,
five hundred bucks. Silver's twenty two thousand, bronze fifteen thousand,
so on the lower end, but in America we can
do what a lot of the other countries can't do.
If you win a medal, you can usually use that
to your advantage in like social media influencing for a while.
So wow, give take Yeah, what do they have to

pay though? What do you mean I don't think they're taxed?
Oh really, I think that was fixed.

Speaker 6 (17:37):
Look at that?

Speaker 4 (17:38):
Well, look at that is right there?

Speaker 8 (17:39):
You go, good to keep it all.

Speaker 4 (17:40):
I want to put Anthony on in Spring Films Dury
because hey Anthony, Yeah, what's up, buddy?

Speaker 2 (17:47):
Oh good morning. I was hurry talked earlier about you
know how we can't be judging these eight plus athletes,
ay minus athletes. But I feel like, you know, like
half a case of beer, maybe a bottle of wine.
I'm for sure I could beat the Australian breakdancing.

Speaker 4 (18:05):
She was hilarious and the whole story about her getting
to the Olympics. She really wasn't a real breakdancer. She
was like a movement in culture PhD and then she
jumps around like a kanger. It's hilarious. Yeah, I think
we all could beat her, but Australia was like, all right,
we'll send you now. I did watch a lot of
break dancing. Had no understanding of what that would be.

At the Olympics, it was awesome, like the real break
I watched like the gold medal match for men and women,
and they would anybody watch break dancing.

Speaker 10 (18:34):
I watched it and I thought it was terribly stupid,
but I I thought the moves were cool, but I didn't.

Speaker 8 (18:41):
You had no idea who was doing winning?

Speaker 4 (18:44):
Oh, I did.

Speaker 8 (18:44):
It was a battle, but you didn't know who was
doing I did.

Speaker 6 (18:48):
I didn't know who did them?

Speaker 4 (18:50):
I know, But I would watched and they were so
respectful toward the other person. I would watch when someone
would win, the other person would be like, you got me,
it was it was awesome, and so they would like
I learned about I looked at some break dancing stuff
because I'd be like, the first fifteen seconds of breakdancing
is lame because they would just like bounce around. I
was like, I can do that. They just bounce it.
But that's forget what the term wise, We'll call it
pointing or something that's just them like feeling the music

before they go. But they were like twisting and feet
over the head. It is super cool, except for the
Australia woman who was hilarious. Had no idea what she
was doing except she was like a culture of movement
and got a free trip to the Olympics. But here's
the real points.

Speaker 8 (19:28):
She had been qualifying for the Olympics, so she had
to win a competition.

Speaker 4 (19:31):
It's not like she's the only one from her country, though,
But how do you get in? You just get in
like a There's no way like lunch, There's no way
she beat anybody at anything.

Speaker 10 (19:39):
I'm pretty sure she had to beat people to get there,
Like you don't just walk up and say, hey, I'm
a breakdancer.

Speaker 8 (19:46):
I want to go to the Olympics.

Speaker 4 (19:48):
Well, I will try that next time. Because she could
do nothing, she had zero points. She copped her on
like a kangaroo, put her little arms out for a
little bit. It was hilarious.

Speaker 8 (19:57):
She did three rounds, got the real points.

Speaker 4 (19:59):
It was Canada versus I think maybe France and the
finals of the men and with athletics stuff like I've
never seen before.

Speaker 8 (20:06):
Hey, we got the bronze.

Speaker 4 (20:07):
We did I didn't see that.

Speaker 8 (20:08):
Yeah, we got the bronze. We beat uh some guy.

Speaker 4 (20:11):
I love beating some guy, Cody Johns until you can't
Bobby Bone Show to find out about this Australian because
if she beat anybody, that's hilarious to get there, because
it was it was comical. It was so bad, but
like in a wholesome way. Yeah, tomorrow Eddie will be
back on the show. He's been gone for a couple
of weeks. His dad passed away and his brother had

some health issues, some major health issues, So he's been
gone for a couple of weeks. His Instagram post is
talking more about that. That's his story to share. But
he should be back on the show tomorrow, which I'll
be very happy about. I will see him today. He
gets back into town today and him and I are
going We're going to a baseball card thing today. What
do you mean base It doesn't matter, it's the thing.
And we're going to go up to Baltimore and go

to a baseball card thing like a show. It's a
baseball card thing. I'm gonna leave Namy. I don't like
to talk about it because I know the hate I'll
get and I don't have him here to protect me.

Speaker 8 (21:04):
Is this a party that it doesn't matter?

Speaker 4 (21:07):
I think I know this is I think you want
to talk about your weekend or no, you can pick
you can make fun of me, or you can talk
about your weekend. Then have at it because we only
have a couple of minutes. So go to town.

Speaker 8 (21:19):
Is this that party you got invited to because you
bought some baseball cards?

Speaker 6 (21:22):
And this is when it is oh my gosh, oh
my god, how that happened?

Speaker 10 (21:31):
He bought a pack of cards and with the pack
or a box of cards, and with that box of cards,
you got invited to a party.

Speaker 4 (21:37):
And they give you dinner and we can't stay. You
wear a mask, right, you're thinking like eyes wide shut,
Tom Cruise, Oh what do you think are you talking about?
You think it's some kind of sex party?

Speaker 5 (21:47):
I don't know that.

Speaker 6 (21:49):
No, no, it isn't my kind of party.

Speaker 4 (21:54):
Why would we wear a mask to a baseball You show.

Speaker 6 (21:57):
Up and you were you But it's exacerent me. That
was like secret with the invitation and it like.

Speaker 10 (22:04):
It's not a secret, but they didn't know when it
was until they got the more information, Like, yes, it
was a secret inbody.

Speaker 4 (22:10):
You guys have chosen and not talk about your weekends,
and I applaud you for that. That's it's a big sacrifice,
very unselfish. It is to make fun of me. I
bought a box of cars. I like it's called the hobby.
I'm big, big, I'm such a jerk and a loser.
We're gonna go to this baseball card thing and there's
gonna be baseball players there. We don't know who it is. Surprise.

Oh it's a surprise, and we haven't me.

Speaker 6 (22:34):
I knew there were surprises of some kinds.

Speaker 8 (22:35):
So are they sitting at your table?

Speaker 4 (22:36):
I don't know.

Speaker 6 (22:37):
We don't know how many people are invited. Is it exclusive?
It's like forty I think ye that it's not that
many people. That it's gonna be weird.

Speaker 4 (22:47):
We're all naked doing stuff with each other.

Speaker 6 (22:49):
I don't know. Like I feel like you should keep
your location on, you know, like so you can be found.

Speaker 4 (22:56):
We're going to Baltimore.

Speaker 8 (22:58):
We will be like at a hotel.

Speaker 4 (23:00):
Is the baseball is it's right next to Camden Yards, Okay,
baseball stadium.

Speaker 8 (23:04):
Okay, so it's gonna be car it's obviously.

Speaker 4 (23:08):
I don't know that it's somebody from Baltimore. We don't know.
I haven't seen Eddie. I will see him today. We're
gonna go and then he'll be back. On the show tomorrow.
And so it's just you and Eddie going to this
apparently in.

Speaker 7 (23:18):
Masks, blindfolded. On your way there, you get dropped off.
You don't know the exact location. This is how I
pictured it when you first.

Speaker 6 (23:26):
Talked about it.

Speaker 4 (23:27):
I didn't tell us where it was. Was what do
you have to wear?

Speaker 6 (23:30):
Baseball card society thing?

Speaker 4 (23:32):
They said, business casual? So like I'm wearing it. I
got slacks on and like a sweater with a collar on. Okay,
because I'm not gonna wear a suit a baseball card thing.
Any think I'm a loser?

Speaker 8 (23:42):
I mean, you're flying from Baltimore baseball car.

Speaker 6 (23:45):
Are you allowed to have your camera?

Speaker 4 (23:47):
I don't know.

Speaker 5 (23:49):
I don't know.

Speaker 6 (23:49):
It doesn't say take pics.

Speaker 8 (23:52):
I mean what I mean? I can't wait to see
to send.

Speaker 6 (23:54):
Nudes though, just I know, I just feel like this
is weird.

Speaker 8 (23:56):
But are you gonna geek out with other nerds?

Speaker 5 (23:59):

Speaker 4 (23:59):
I don't know your card? I don't know. I will
be doing well. Thanks everybody at a time. Now, I
think that's it.

Speaker 8 (24:07):
Hey, you miss my weekend.

Speaker 4 (24:10):
Could have been of a week.

Speaker 1 (24:11):
A week.

Speaker 4 (24:11):
I'm glad you sacrifice that to make fun of me,
because I'm the biggest loser in the room. But we're
going to a baseball card thing. But Eddie back tomorrow,
y'all think I think's gonna happen to us.

Speaker 6 (24:22):
No, don't drink anything, Okay, be back in a minute.

Speaker 4 (24:29):
I want to go over to one of our lines
and it says the name is Anonymous. I can't say,
good morning, studio, maring what's going on?

Speaker 7 (24:39):

Speaker 4 (24:39):
What can you not tell us that we're going to
be so entertained by?

Speaker 5 (24:42):
I know, I think last week we're talking about lunch
box and trying to get on a game show and
all it takes to get on that game show. And
I'm actually flying out tomorrow to go to California to
be on the Will of Fortune.

Speaker 4 (24:56):
That's so cool Now I suck at Will Fortune, so
that to me, I'm not jealou. But to be on
a game show and that's Ryan Seacrest, well unfortune because
Ryan's now the Oh yeah, this is a new version.
How did you get on Anonymous?

Speaker 5 (25:08):
It started about four months ago and it starts out
with an online application. He fills information now about yourself,
you know, in a little video clip. And I had
a video clip of myself doing a belly flop strip
teas on a cruise ship. I submitted that with it,
and they, of course I wasn't total naked, so you know,
but it was it was you know, they look for personality.
They look for personality, and they don't really care if

you can solve a puzzle. It's just about being entertaining.

Speaker 4 (25:34):
Can you solve a puzzle?

Speaker 5 (25:35):
Though, Yeah, I'm not real smart, but I those puzzles
if they just come to me, if I can see them,
and yeah, so I'm really looking forward to it. It
was zoom meetings. They do zoom meetings and all kinds
of stuff just to get chosen. They say ten thousand
people apply and only six hundred get chosen.

Speaker 4 (25:51):
That's really cool. So you go and they put you
in a hotel. Do you know which day you go
on or do you send in a hotel until they
call you.

Speaker 5 (25:57):
We have a takee date for Wednesday, and we have
to be there six forty five in the morning and
then we'll tape there take four shows that day and
then they're actually good. What they do is they're the
three biggest winners of those four tape shows. We'll actually
come back and tape another show the same day for
a tournament of champions will show on Friday.

Speaker 4 (26:18):
That's so, I'm so jealous. So cool. What is for
you to come back with blank? You would be happy? Like,
what is the goal here?

Speaker 5 (26:27):
The goal is to be the big wonder. Yeah, there's
no second place for me. Man, I'm that guy.

Speaker 4 (26:33):
It's not happen.

Speaker 5 (26:36):
I want yeah, yeah to me, you know, talk about
well at least you know, you go have fun. No, man,
losing sucks, buddy, When is fun? When is fun?

Speaker 4 (26:44):
Then let's try visual And this is our friend anonymous.
We can't say he's gonna go tape will of Fortune're
gonna try visual will of Fortune. I will give him
a puzzle, remember his head. Let's see if he can
nail it. Okay, Wow, here we go.

Speaker 5 (26:55):
B blank b B y b O n E s
a lunchbox, Bobby bones.

Speaker 4 (27:04):
That was a hard one. We're really rooting for you.
What they tell you to wear? Do you have to
wear a suit or are they like business casual? What
are the rules there?

Speaker 5 (27:14):
Well, they tell you to kind of dress like, you know,
dress like yourself. But that was me. I'd be a
tank topee short, sir. But they have you submit like
five different pictures and then they choose which three they
want you to bring.

Speaker 4 (27:26):
Oh, really, do you know when these are going to air?

Speaker 5 (27:29):
They told right now, they're just telling us between September
twentieth and October fourth. But then when we get there
on winter is they gonna give us a permanent day,
you know, a more set date.

Speaker 4 (27:37):
Can you call us after you return or give us
an idea of when they're going to air once you're done?

Speaker 5 (27:44):
Yeah, I think I'm allowed to do that. Yeah, we're
not allowed to take cameras. You can't take phones in there.
They'll send you one picture when you get back and
tell you how you can use that picture.

Speaker 4 (27:54):
Yeah it makes sense. Okay, Well we're rooting for you.
Anonymous can't say.

Speaker 8 (28:00):
I love the fact that they tell me he can't
do all this. But before he goes, he's he's killing
the world.

Speaker 4 (28:05):
No, just us, just yea private we'.

Speaker 6 (28:08):
His voice is very distinct.

Speaker 4 (28:09):
It's a voice changer.

Speaker 5 (28:11):
It is.

Speaker 6 (28:12):
No, it's not.

Speaker 4 (28:13):
It's a voice changer are talking about It is actually
a woman. We've changed the voice so you can't even tell.

Speaker 5 (28:19):
Got it.

Speaker 4 (28:20):
It's a woman on the phone with it.

Speaker 6 (28:21):
She flopped.

Speaker 4 (28:25):
All right, good, luck. We're rooting for you, even though
we don't we have no idea who you are and
where you're from. We cannot wait to hear from you again.

Speaker 5 (28:30):
Thank you? All all right?

Speaker 4 (28:31):
So, yeah, what happened that you'll freak him out? You
have let him get off the phone before you say this,
because then he'll be like, oh, maybe I shouldn't call
into the show, but he's so excited.

Speaker 8 (28:39):
You can't help me. You got to tell somebody but us.

Speaker 4 (28:41):
That's why people know a guy in New Jersey couldn't
go to sleep suffering insomnia, so he broke a world
record of playing World of Warcraft for seventy eight hours.

Speaker 6 (28:53):
Oh my gosh.

Speaker 4 (28:54):
So you may say, well, that's kind of nerdy. I
wouldn't say that. I have very nerdy hobbies. I've already
done like Twin Mott drafts or Fantasy Our drafts, not
till August thirty.

Speaker 6 (29:02):
First, I'm not just gonna say it sounds unhealthy.

Speaker 4 (29:05):
I think the unhealthy part was he couldn't sleep to
begin with. But if you set a world record with
something nerdy, does that kind of even it out and
make it cool again?

Speaker 5 (29:13):

Speaker 4 (29:13):
No, I think such.

Speaker 8 (29:14):
You don't know if you're a nerd. You're a nerd,
Like you don't want to be known for being a nerd.

Speaker 4 (29:19):
I think Justin O'Donnell and Marine Corps veteran would have
a little bit to say about that. Marine Corps veterans
can be nerds. I mean, not all marines are cool.
Would you say if he was in here?

Speaker 5 (29:29):

Speaker 4 (29:30):
You want say what, dude? You're a nerd? Okay, Like
you need to do.

Speaker 8 (29:33):
Something better with your time than play World of Warcraft
for seventy eight hours.

Speaker 4 (29:36):
Seventy eight hours and thirty minutes. I salute him. This
guy dialed in broke the record for longest video game marathon.
It was fifty nine hours, twenty minutes. He peed on
that as he flew over he did seventy eight hours.

Speaker 6 (29:50):
How many is that? Three days?

Speaker 4 (29:53):
I was seventy two? Would be three days? Yeah, so
three days?

Speaker 8 (29:56):
So does he have like a break for a bathroom?
Is he pee in a cup?

Speaker 4 (29:58):

Speaker 8 (29:59):
I mean I want to know what he does? He
can never get up?

Speaker 4 (30:01):
Do you want him to send videos that you had someone.

Speaker 8 (30:03):
Hand feed him while he's playing?

Speaker 6 (30:04):
Sounds like he wants to see and feed.

Speaker 4 (30:06):
I mean you can pause it?

Speaker 8 (30:08):
No, No, if you pause it. You're not playing consecutively.

Speaker 4 (30:11):
That's not true. He was a lot of five minute
break each hour, and he used that time to play
with his dogs, feed the dogs. Basically, that's what it says.
I salute you. Justin O'Donnell, a Marine Corps veteran and
lunchbox wants to tell you're a nerd. So come see
us anytime. Okay, we are gonna have a little time
talk about the weekend. I thought we may not we do. Uh,

First off, a lot of you guys went to the
Stapleton concert together.

Speaker 5 (30:34):

Speaker 4 (30:35):
Or did you go and you just were there at
the same time.

Speaker 8 (30:38):
Oh, they're at the same time. I didn't go with him.
Ran into some people from the show, like Morgan Morgan Abby,
their men's their men's.

Speaker 4 (30:46):
But so you guys didn't all say, hey, we're gonna
meet up. No, I mean you're very passionate about you
did not go with them, But.

Speaker 8 (30:52):
Like I said, hey, where are your seats?

Speaker 10 (30:54):
You know when I got there and then we were
in the same area, so we met outside for a minute, talked,
and then went into the con.

Speaker 4 (31:00):
So, first up, how was the show? Was that as
awesome as it probably was due It's awesome.

Speaker 10 (31:04):
Right, Chris Stapleton is fantastic, Like he is by far
the best vocalist country music has ever seen.

Speaker 4 (31:12):
Yeah, and I don't think a lot of people would
argue strongly against that. I think I do think he's
one of the best.

Speaker 8 (31:17):
Yeah, it was awesome.

Speaker 6 (31:18):
It's just interesting hearing Lunchbox be so passionate.

Speaker 8 (31:20):
Well, I'm just saying, like he does listen to music
at all.

Speaker 4 (31:24):
I agree, but I agree with you, he is like
one of the best ever.

Speaker 10 (31:27):
Like, sitting there listening, I was like, this dude has
so much talent, is just really good.

Speaker 4 (31:33):
He doesn't. What I like too about the Stapleton shows
is he's not there to like tell you a story.
He just play songs.

Speaker 10 (31:38):
At one point he said, like maybe three sentences he goes,
and that's probably the most I'll talk all night.

Speaker 8 (31:43):
I'll just probably say next song.

Speaker 4 (31:46):
Okay, so you go. Now, Morgan and her new boyfriend
were there. First time you met him.

Speaker 8 (31:52):
First time I met him, he's been he's been eyeing me.

Speaker 4 (31:54):
He was scared of you the first time. Yeah, like
he ran by you. Okay, So I met him and
I was like, okay, very quiet, but is scared of
you though quiet like you said, he was so intimidated
the first time.

Speaker 10 (32:06):
No, I think Morgan does most of the talking for him.
Like his Morgan would talk talk and he'd be like yeah,
like it was interesting. Oh did you guys go out
to dinner be for him? And she was like, oh, yeah,
we went to eat with his parents. He was like, yeah,
I'm from here.

Speaker 8 (32:20):
Like he was just like wow, like he was but
it's okay. Like usually when you have a talker, you
have someone that's not as much of a talker. But
he seemed real nice. Uh, shorter than I thought. Morgan
usually likes really tall, like Rah so.

Speaker 4 (32:33):
So tall in your mind? Is Raws making sure.

Speaker 6 (32:36):
You know how Morgan likes some like I've never dated
a tall guy.

Speaker 10 (32:40):
I think you're just very short, so may they look
taller than you. But he wasn't that much taller than Morgan.
I didn't feel like I've said that.

Speaker 9 (32:48):
Yeah I'm also tall, but I also said he was
a short king.

Speaker 10 (32:51):
I didn't.

Speaker 8 (32:51):
I don't remember that.

Speaker 4 (32:52):
Who's taller? Ray or your new man?

Speaker 5 (32:55):

Speaker 8 (32:55):
I think Ray, Ray, how tall are you?

Speaker 4 (32:57):
Don't lie? We can remeasure but yeah five, I'm exact
same height as.

Speaker 6 (33:02):
A, Yes, we are the same. We've measured multiple times.

Speaker 9 (33:05):
He might be close, but I want to say he's
five to seven or five eight.

Speaker 5 (33:08):
Got it?

Speaker 2 (33:09):

Speaker 4 (33:09):
And what did you think about him? Ah?

Speaker 10 (33:11):
He was nice, blight, just very like very quiet, like
he didn't have much to say. He just kind of chilled.
And it was interesting when I met him.

Speaker 4 (33:19):
Uh, to be fair, when my wife and I are out,
I'm that guy.

Speaker 10 (33:23):
I have very little to say, right, And that's okay,
That's what I was saying. I was just I Morgan
talked more than he did, and I was like, does
Morgan talk for him all the time?

Speaker 4 (33:30):
But it's also Morgan's group of friends that she already
knows at a point, right, he's like all new.

Speaker 10 (33:36):
But I did ask him, I said, how are you
going running tomorrow? Because he saw me, has seen me running.
He goes, no, I'm probably gonna take it easy unless
you want to go. But I didn't take him up
on that.

Speaker 8 (33:44):
I don't know how you run with someone because it
is awkward.

Speaker 4 (33:48):
Group but it's awkward, No, no, like a group, but
one wine is weird, right, That's what I was thinking.
You're forced to talk or you're not. And then the
whole time you're not. It's weird. So it's a it's
especially if it's somebody that you don't know really well.
A one on one run with this is weird. I've
done that before, and I'm like, what do we do?

Speaker 5 (34:03):
What do we do?

Speaker 10 (34:05):
Feel like I get like a running group, like there's
like multiple people, there's a lot of people, it's a
big group.

Speaker 8 (34:09):
I get that one on one. I was just like,
oh man, I think I'm take it easy.

Speaker 9 (34:13):
So maybe you're intimidated by him because he asked you
to go run.

Speaker 8 (34:16):
Yeah, but then also he was intimidated by you. But
also what if I'm faster than him or he's faster
than me.

Speaker 4 (34:22):
I'm having this problem now with my pickleball group. One
of my friends I know that I don't know if
place pickleball was like, I want to start playing pickball,
and I'm like, I don't know if you're any good.
If you come over, then it can be weird if
you're not that good. So you got to test him
out and like a short one. He get him on
the short track.

Speaker 8 (34:36):
So it was but yeah, it was cool. It was
nice to meet him.

Speaker 4 (34:39):
How was Lunchbox Morgan in your opinion.

Speaker 8 (34:41):
I mean lunchbosses being Lunchbox.

Speaker 9 (34:43):
So anybody talking to lunchboxes is gonna seem quiet because
Lunchbox dominates the whole conversation.

Speaker 8 (34:48):
He has lots of things to say, he has a
lot of energy, so he but he was great.

Speaker 9 (34:53):
Surprisingly, it went really well, and Lunchbox did not be
a total.

Speaker 4 (34:58):
Jerk in the situation, harrassing or anything.

Speaker 5 (35:00):

Speaker 8 (35:00):
Surprisingly, but his wife was also there and I think.

Speaker 4 (35:02):
She helps so abby. You also were part of the
Chris Stapleton experience, Yes, and your boyfriend was with you
and how did you fail? The evening went good?

Speaker 11 (35:12):
Yeah, we got down like later to the seats, so
I didn't even run into Morgan.

Speaker 4 (35:16):
I saw Lunchbox and how was Lunchbox? And his wife
tore to you and your boyfriend.

Speaker 11 (35:20):
He was great, Well, he texted me. It was just
like I see you and I didn't know where he
was like the whole time, and I said, I so weird.

Speaker 10 (35:27):
Text her quit making out your dude, pay attention to
the show. Oh yeah, I'm gonna tell you about the
the the how people acted concerts. I've never seen someone
be so lame. Morgan and her boyfriend sat down the
entire time they sat in their seats. Christon show, they
sat down and they just kind of talked to each other,
and it's like.

Speaker 8 (35:44):
You know, look at the age, why are you watching us?

Speaker 4 (35:47):
Watching everybody watching you? Morgan, Hey love you keep saying.

Speaker 8 (35:53):
Hey, okay, I say, for an hour and a half okay.

Speaker 10 (35:56):
On the other hand, dancing make it out with her dude,
never sat down and just loving it, feeling the music.
It was just complete opposite. I thought Morgan was going
to be like a jammer.

Speaker 8 (36:08):
She did not jam. It's Chris Stimplson is not a
jam concert.

Speaker 4 (36:11):
Did you watch the show at all or just watch them?

Speaker 5 (36:14):

Speaker 10 (36:14):
I watched everything, Okay, I watched everything going on around me.
I'm very observant.

Speaker 4 (36:18):
Who's more fun at a concert?

Speaker 8 (36:19):

Speaker 4 (36:20):
For sure?

Speaker 8 (36:21):
I couldn't believe Morgan just sat there and she left early.
I never thought Morgan would leave early. Well, you know,
there's traffic downtown.

Speaker 6 (36:27):
I didn't want to stuck in it.

Speaker 4 (36:28):
So I felt that I did not make out. By
the way, Abby, that's also okay, it's okay, just a
little dancing, a little kissy. If you're not doing like.

Speaker 8 (36:37):
You weren't like making out me. But you were you
kept kissing it?

Speaker 4 (36:41):
I think one, why are you watching?

Speaker 8 (36:42):
Abby was in my eye line to the stage, so
she was in my view.

Speaker 4 (36:48):
Oh gosh, so Stapleton's good.

Speaker 8 (36:50):
Stapleton was awesome.

Speaker 9 (36:51):
I would like to say that I now regret telling
Lunchbox he got an email to go to Chris Stapleton
because he would have even been at that concert if
it wasn't for me.

Speaker 4 (36:59):
So you got him, yet he attacks you?

Speaker 8 (37:01):
Yes, I take it back. How is there an attack? Well,
you said I'm bad at concerts.

Speaker 9 (37:06):
Just because I stayed for an hour and a half
and decided to leave and not get stuck in traffic,
I feel like that was a very adult decision.

Speaker 8 (37:11):
I thought it was shocking.

Speaker 4 (37:13):
And do you do anything this weekend?

Speaker 7 (37:14):
I didn't go to Chris Stapleton, although I thought about it.
The weather was so amazing. Gosh, wasn't it was it outside?

Speaker 4 (37:21):

Speaker 10 (37:22):
Was inside, but it was nice walking through the arena
and walking back because it felt really good outside.

Speaker 7 (37:27):
So I was picturing them outside for that concert. I
was like, Oh, that's go I feel so good tonight.
So anyway, my son turned fourteen, so that was like
the big highlight of the weekend. Because I can't believe
that he's fourteen. It's really crazy, Like I don't even know.
I can't even process that. Like, and he's matured so
much in the last few months and rides his bike

now all the time. He got a new bike. His
dad got him a new bike for his birthday, but
it stays at my house. I don't I don't really
know why.

Speaker 6 (37:56):
I haven't asked. I was like, Okay, that's awesome, it's great.

Speaker 4 (38:00):
Is there are there more places to go from your house?

Speaker 6 (38:02):
So yeah, So that was really kind of him. And
my cousin's been in town, so that's fun too.

Speaker 7 (38:09):
Like, I don't if we were doing high low, I
have all highs a good weekend, I don't have any lows.

Speaker 4 (38:15):
I went down, I went to San Diego, but flew
to La first and did Rich Eisen show was a
guest on it, which was really cool. Then did the
Chargers for Too Much Access in Our Sports show, and
then went down and spoke for the company at a
thing called Morning Show boot Camp and went and talked
for other shows. Did that, which was about an hour,

and then I probably sat for about four and a
half or five hours and just talked to people who
were just like hey, like you know, one on one.
So I lost my voice and allergies from all the talking,
but it was it was good. And then flew back
home and my wife and I just walked a bunch
of movies and stuff. But we'll do Tuesday reviews day
topic for talking about, well, I forgive all our secrets.

I think initially was supposed to be like a walk
through my career, and I was like, nobody cares, and
so it was more like real talk about this radio
or media or content creation, like it sucks and it's
very hard to be successful and jobs are getting cut

all the time, everywhere all the time, and how to
find the value in what you're doing and how to
be valuable to your company so it is much harder
for you not to lose your job. And then they
asked much questions. It was I felt like it was
a very real talk. I know that probably some people
corporate would WinCE if they heard some of the things

I was saying. Not anything aboud about our company at all,
but it was just like, here's how to make yourself
valuable with whatever company you work for, and here's how
what you can invest in with your time and energy,
and here's what they're telling you to do invest your
time in. But if I were you, I wouldn't invest
a my It was just one of those things. And

this is where I screwed up, and this is how
I do it now because of the screw ups that
I've been through and I've been fined and all of that.
So it's just that it's one of those I thought
it was really good or really bad. I didn't know.
I was just being as honest as I could. And
then afterwards I felt pretty god about it because a
lot of people were like coming out. I mean, I
probably set up for four and a half or five
hours after that, so my voice was a little shot

and it's still a little off, but it was good.
BLOW did all the other stuff, but that was it.
Going to the baseball card thing tonight, and then I
have to go back to New York on Thursday evening
or work from New York on Friday to do some
client stuff. We're not we're closing deals now. We're trying
to close deals, trying to keep our jobs. I don't

close this deal, and none of you guys get to
keep your job.

Speaker 6 (40:47):
Just me, I'm the only one, I'll go to New York.

Speaker 4 (40:54):
It's not really that. Now I have to go do
like a client thing, like go meet a couple of
CEOs of businesses. They've asked me to go to New York,
Chicago and LA and do three separate CEO meetings, which
is super great. It's just trying to schedule it all
between this and vacation and iHeart Music Festival which is

coming up in September, and then making sure we still
do the show.

Speaker 6 (41:19):
Isn't that crazy? That's already going to be.

Speaker 4 (41:21):
And it feels like January first it's happened.

Speaker 6 (41:23):
I mean, we're about to Thanksgiving.

Speaker 4 (41:24):
I think, I know, Wow, I know, Halloween.

Speaker 6 (41:27):
I know what's happening fast.

Speaker 4 (41:30):
What is the new diet trend. It's like tadpole water,
tad like the turn into frogs.

Speaker 10 (41:36):
Well, they call it tadpole water because it's chia seeds
in water, and they say it's absolutely disgusting and it
looks like tadpoles swimming around in the water. And people
on TikTok are drinking it and losing three pounds in
a couple of days. They're like, oh my gosh, I
can't drink and listen here's the girls that started it, Cheo.

Speaker 12 (41:54):
Seed water with the tadpole water, whatever you want to
call it, I can confirm it does work for weight losh.
I have been drinking this for like three or four
days and I've lost three pounds. Texture is funky and
it tastes funky too, But if it helps, it helps.

Speaker 4 (42:08):
It makes me gag, but it's so nasty, So what's
the unhealthy thing it's doing? Because nobody loses three pounds
that quick, and a healthy weight even lose like a
bunch of water weight. But what does it do?

Speaker 8 (42:18):
I think the chia stuff is a.

Speaker 4 (42:22):
Okay, Lunchbox is saying it makesure use the bathroom a lot.

Speaker 7 (42:24):
You're saying aches, Oh, well there they are fibrous, so yeah,
they have a lot of fibers so you could but.

Speaker 4 (42:29):
Actually know, well the diarrhea face go ahead.

Speaker 6 (42:33):
I also am not running this.

Speaker 7 (42:35):
I just know that chia seeds expand, so therefore you
can feel full, feel full. And I also saw people
had this whole article about how women who spend just
eight minutes on TikTok have a greater risk for having
some sort of like disordered eating.

Speaker 4 (42:52):
This kind of crap, Well, I was just saying, it's
the new nobody's mad at you, it's.

Speaker 8 (42:56):
The new dietren taking over America.

Speaker 4 (43:00):
Well, yeah, nobody's angry at you. I was just like,
what does it do?

Speaker 8 (43:02):
And you went, well, I thought it made you go
because I thought it was a right as you know
or you just guess.

Speaker 10 (43:07):
No, no, from what I read it was, I thought
it was fiber like she said, and so I thought
it made because fiber makes you go.

Speaker 4 (43:12):
But fiber doesn't make go.

Speaker 8 (43:13):
M you go, Oh really, y'all.

Speaker 6 (43:16):
Both have your own noises for what happens.

Speaker 10 (43:19):
Fib makes you go wo oh, mine's more. Yeah, I
got you, but that's what I so. How I thought
you lost the weight. I didn't realize it expanded.

Speaker 4 (43:28):
Those are our doctors. You don't know we're talking about.
This is high level stuff between unch Blox and I
because to me, fiber goes. Yeah, but that's different for
everybody's body. I don't chewing. Is this something we don't try?

Speaker 6 (43:41):
Yeah, we don't. Well, I don't know.

Speaker 7 (43:43):
Hopefully they say you eat other food too, or are
they saying this is all you can listen to this.

Speaker 4 (43:48):
Some benefits of drinking chis seed water include better digestion okay,
reduced inflammation, enhanced hard in bone health, and improved blood
sugar and blood pressure levels. Chis seed water may also
low or hunger and support weight loss goals. No real diarrhea,
but it does like go in and camp for a while.

Speaker 7 (44:05):
Okay, butchia seeds, can't you just you could add it
so you don't have to drink this nasty What.

Speaker 6 (44:10):
Are you here?

Speaker 4 (44:10):
I'm eating for a month set up.

Speaker 7 (44:12):
You could add chia seeds to your yogurt. You could
make chia seed pudding.

Speaker 4 (44:16):
Oh that's good. That's Oh, that's good. If I just
eat what if I just eat all chia seeds in water?
Will that film me up like the whole day?

Speaker 6 (44:23):
Yeah, but nutritionally you're gonna be lacking.

Speaker 4 (44:25):
I'm okay with that, all right? See tomorrow by everybody.

Speaker 11 (44:28):
Bobby Bones.

Speaker 4 (44:30):
The Bobby Bones theme song written produce sang by read Yardberry.
You can find his instagram at red Yarberry dot com.
Scuba Steve executive producer, Ray Mundo, head of Production. I'm
Bobby Bones. My instagram is mister Bobby Bones. Thanks for
listening to the podcast.
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Bobby Bones

Bobby Bones

Amy Brown

Amy Brown



Eddie Garcia

Eddie Garcia

Morgan Huelsman

Morgan Huelsman



Mike D

Mike D

Abby Anderson

Abby Anderson

Scuba Steve

Scuba Steve

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