Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Wake Up, Wake Up in the mall, and.
Speaker 2 (00:05):
It's a radio and the dogs.
Speaker 3 (00:11):
Ready and his lunchbox more game two Steabred and it's
trying to put you through the back. He's riding this
Wig's next bit and Bobby's on the box.
Speaker 2 (00:20):
So you know what this This the Bobby ball, So
let's play the Bobby feud.
Speaker 3 (00:30):
A survey found America's top ten favorite casual chain restaurants. Now,
if you're gonna ask what casual means places you can
go and sit down in normal clothes. That's how I
would define it, although they don't, but that's what I
would say. Can you name the top ten? We roll
the dice backstage lunchbox. You get to go first. America's
favorite casual chain restaurants.
Speaker 2 (00:54):
Ten answers on the board.
Speaker 4 (00:55):
Go ahead, give me Texas Roadhouse.
Speaker 3 (00:58):
Show me Texas Roadhouse. That is the number two answer. Congratulations,
so a couple points there.
Speaker 2 (01:05):
Yeah, give me.
Speaker 3 (01:08):
Chili's Chili's number one answer.
Speaker 4 (01:13):
Nice job, Oh man, give me Applebees, Applebee's.
Speaker 3 (01:21):
He may run the category. This is in his wheelhouse,
number seven.
Speaker 4 (01:24):
This isn't my wheelhouse. Now, I just don't know what
is all over the country. Give me I don't know
if it's.
Speaker 3 (01:30):
All over the country, but Denny's give me Denny's. Denny's
is good, so Denny's not on the board. He has
a good point too, like it would have sure the
most part if be all over the country, I would think, Eddie,
we're looking for America's favorite casual chain restaurants. Lunch walks.
Ended up with ten points.
Speaker 2 (01:50):
Go ahead. This is also my wheelhouse, so give me
Red Lobster.
Speaker 3 (01:55):
Show me Red Lobster.
Speaker 2 (01:58):
Number eight. I should say that, have yourself eight points.
How about red Robin? Show me Red Robin.
Speaker 3 (02:09):
Down, goes Eddie, Amy, Olive Garden og number three, answer congratulations,
Now reading them back. Chili's at one, Texas Roadhouse at two,
Olive Garden at three, Appleb's at seven, Red Lobster at eight.
Five answers still on the board. Amy out Back says
number six cheddars show me cheddars incorrect. Four answers left
on the board. Points are now doubled. We played three rounds. Chili's,
Texas Roadhouse, Olive Garden out Back, Apple Be's, and Red
Lobster are off the board. There are four remaining. Lunchbox.
Speaker 2 (02:58):
Yeah, I'm on the struggle bus.
Speaker 4 (02:59):
Now I'm gonna do something outside the box because you
can sit down here. Give me Chipotle, show me chipol
No the board, Eddie Carabas, you like that.
Speaker 1 (03:18):
Guess that's the thing I've written down.
Speaker 2 (03:20):
Literally, show me Carabas, I got it, got it.
Speaker 3 (03:25):
Amy over to you. Points are doubled. It to anybody's
game at this point.
Speaker 5 (03:29):
Yeah, if I knew of another place, but okay, I.
Speaker 3 (03:35):
Hop show me, I hop. I hop good gues So
four answers left on the board. Lunchbox is in the
lead with ten points. If anybody gets any one though,
they will take the lead.
Speaker 2 (03:48):
Lunchbox, Cheesecake Factory, You got it.
Speaker 1 (03:51):
That's good.
Speaker 3 (03:52):
Show me Cheesecake Factory. Seal the deal hot. That is
the number nine answer, twenty seven points. I'm still funniest
spots to win or just get the number ten you win? Yeah,
give me.
Speaker 2 (04:10):
Gosh, which wonder are going with? Uh? Give me three seconds?
Speaker 4 (04:18):
Logan's Roadhouse, Another Roadhouse, show me Logans.
Speaker 3 (04:24):
Eddie, it's over to you. There are three answers left
on the board. You can easily win this.
Speaker 2 (04:27):
I could easily win it. Oh my god.
Speaker 3 (04:30):
So Chili's Texas Roadhouse and Olive Gardener off the board.
Out Back, Applebee's, Red Lobster, and Cheesecake Factory are off
the board. America's favorite casual chain restaurants, Eddie your answer
five seconds on.
Speaker 2 (04:42):
The pot, stupid man. I mean I only have one
written down, and it's Buka the Beppo.
Speaker 3 (04:51):
You guys there, Amy, you can win this.
Speaker 2 (04:53):
Oh yeah, I mean you get number ten, you win
the game.
Speaker 1 (04:56):
I am frustrated.
Speaker 3 (04:57):
You can even talk it out.
Speaker 2 (04:58):
I know that the Beppo's not a for all that
you have.
Speaker 3 (05:01):
You can say every one of them because no one
goes after you.
Speaker 5 (05:03):
So no, But I do have puppets in my brain,
and I'm like, is that only in Texas or Louisian?
Speaker 1 (05:08):
I don't know. I have Golden Corral, but.
Speaker 5 (05:13):
That's like a buffet, but it's casual.
Speaker 3 (05:16):
I'm not making any face. I'm not going to give
you any reaction that what else did you have?
Speaker 5 (05:22):
I have nothing else that, oh, say.
Speaker 3 (05:30):
Golden Corral, lunchboxes on Winter thirty at number four, Cracker Barrel.
Speaker 1 (05:41):
Of course we're idiots.
Speaker 3 (05:43):
Yeah we are at number five. Buffalo wild Wings will
be doves in at number ten. Longhorn Steakhous stop stop.
Speaker 2 (05:56):
He always has the almost one or its between logans
and uh long warm. Yes, that's where I went the
other night. I believe that.
Speaker 3 (06:04):
Thank you lunchboxes on winter.
Speaker 2 (06:06):
Let's this.
Speaker 3 (06:08):
You're up?
Speaker 5 (06:09):
Okay, So did y'all know that it's not cold as hell?
It's cold as hale? What like if.
Speaker 1 (06:16):
Someone's like, have you ever heard someone say that?
Speaker 5 (06:18):
I don't say it, but they'll be walk outside like, oh,
it's cold as hell out here. And I always thought
they were saying hl and.
Speaker 3 (06:23):
I always thought it was well wrong, but it was
just based off it's hot as hell, right, so they
would also go as cold as hell, meaning it's miserable
and wrong. But wait what Yeah?
Speaker 5 (06:35):
So I was hiking with some girlfriends and there was
several of us and someone said, oh, I'm cold as hell.
And one friend looked and say, would you say, you
know it's hail like hale that's falling from the sky,
that's freezing cold like ice.
Speaker 3 (06:51):
I've never heard anybody say it's cold as hale.
Speaker 2 (06:53):
Yeah, so the.
Speaker 5 (06:55):
Same we were all like, what, I never heard this?
So I get home, I google it and it says
the correct phrase is cold as hail, as hale refers
to frozen precipitation and therefore.
Speaker 1 (07:05):
Is associated with coldness.
Speaker 5 (07:08):
It's incorrect if you say h l l, It's just
something that's gotten mixed up.
Speaker 3 (07:14):
I would think if someone says cold as hale, that
they just are from the South country, acts like they
grew up. I grew up cold. I had no idea.
Would I lost money on that.
Speaker 5 (07:23):
Bed same I never knew people were actually saying hail hail.
Speaker 1 (07:28):
They're saying hale old as hal hail.
Speaker 3 (07:33):
Anything else you guys say wrong or that, like nip
it in the butt Sometimes people say that. I say
it's bud as in the bud of like a flower.
Another one is when people say for all intensive purposes,
that is not it. It's intense and purposes.
Speaker 1 (07:51):
I think I said intensive.
Speaker 3 (07:54):
Oh I'm sure I did too. I do only say
that I don't think.
Speaker 1 (07:56):
All intensive purposes.
Speaker 2 (07:58):
Oh what about the play it by year? That's right?
Speaker 3 (08:01):
What did you think it was by year?
Speaker 2 (08:04):
Play it by the year? You know what I mean?
Speaker 3 (08:11):
I've never heard because sometimes I'll even write it to
somebody and go, hey, let's play it by and I'll
do the ear emoji. It makes sense how you would
say year. It's got to it's ear. It's gotta be ear.
You're playing it by what you're hearing.
Speaker 2 (08:23):
But see, I thought, like for sure, if like you know,
we can't do it right now, but let's play it
by year. It's like you have the whole year to
figure out when you're gonna do it logically.
Speaker 3 (08:32):
Like I feel you.
Speaker 2 (08:32):
I I've never thought of it as that.
Speaker 3 (08:33):
And that's wrong.
Speaker 2 (08:34):
But I can understand how that would be confused.
Speaker 1 (08:37):
But you've always said play it by ear, okay, and
they've said year.
Speaker 3 (08:41):
I've never known anybody to think if the words go
together so easily that I can see where that misinterpretation
would happen by year. Another one would be when people
say I could care less. Actually it's I couldn't care less.
So a lot of people go, I could care less,
Probably me too at times. But if you could care less,
it means you literally could care less. That what you're
caring about now you're actually caring about a little more.
So you would say I could I couldn't care less.
Speaker 1 (09:08):
I'm saying that wrong's good refresh.
Speaker 3 (09:11):
Another one people will so if you're in an environment
where it's very competitive, sometimes people will say that's a
doggy dog world. But it's actually doggy eat dog.
Speaker 2 (09:22):
World, right, I knew that one. Yeah, eat, Yeah. I
know people say doggy.
Speaker 3 (09:27):
Doggy dog world, but don't laugh too hard. Play it
by year. Yeah, doggy dog sounds like doggy dog to
me too.
Speaker 2 (09:38):
Any other ones?
Speaker 3 (09:39):
You know?
Speaker 6 (09:39):
The one that I always get wrong is I always
say you got another thing coming, but it's you got
another think coming.
Speaker 3 (09:45):
If that's true.
Speaker 6 (09:46):
I don't say that, right, Yeah, it's it's not you've
got another thing coming.
Speaker 2 (09:50):
There's a song you got another thing coming.
Speaker 6 (09:53):
I think they just use the interpretation, but the actual
correction is you you've got another think coming, like a thought.
Speaker 1 (10:00):
I don't know where it originated. Somebody told me that.
Speaker 2 (10:02):
Yeah, that's even wrong too, because it should be like
you have another thought coming.
Speaker 3 (10:07):
Another it's another think. Another think coming is an idiom
that means someone is wrong. I should reconsider their opinion.
I learned that today. Did you guys learn ear today?
Speaker 2 (10:17):
Speaker 3 (10:17):
Yeah, because I learned another think coming. But I don't
think I would even say that because people will be like,
you're moron.
Speaker 2 (10:22):
It's thing, But you're right, it's think that crazy.
Speaker 4 (10:28):
You know what I always said wrong is Chester drawers
and my wife always it's chest of drawers, It's Chester drawers.
Speaker 2 (10:34):
Man, No one Chester, Yes, no one, No, just you.
You're the first.
Speaker 3 (10:39):
Person I heard say that there is no such word
as irregardless, not a thing. Oh yes, you're gonna say regardless.
That's the one I.
Speaker 5 (10:47):
Looked up before, and I feel like that one's confusing,
but I just steer away from it.
Speaker 3 (10:51):
So, dude, I'm never saying another thing coming again in
my life because I'll say it wrong. And if I
say you have another think coming, They're gonna think I'm stupid.
Speaker 2 (11:00):
Exactly. I think most people miss that one. Dang, this
is one of those shows where I learn something.
Speaker 3 (11:03):
Most day I'm dumber when I leave here, and I
gotta like read books to counter it.
Speaker 2 (11:07):
Today I think I learned something.
Speaker 1 (11:08):
You have another think coming. You taught us, I taught
you here.
Speaker 3 (11:12):
We are well, well, I have another think coming.
Speaker 2 (11:14):
I got another think coming.
Speaker 3 (11:16):
I would never I don't think I would say that
even right because people were judging. This woman went dumpster
diving at Barnes and Noble and found thousands of dollars books.
So she goes in I want to play this audio here.
Here's a clip of her finding these boxes with the books.
Speaker 1 (11:29):
I just pulled all of these out of Barnes and Noble.
Speaker 3 (11:31):
Oh my god, every single box is legos.
Speaker 2 (11:35):
I'm shaking right now, y'all.
Speaker 1 (11:37):
Okay, this is absolutely insane. This is probably a couple
thousand dollars worth of black I can't even talk, y'all.
Speaker 2 (11:44):
Oh my god.
Speaker 3 (11:45):
The boxes are not open, but the box sets flood.
Speaker 2 (11:48):
So a little damage to the box.
Speaker 3 (11:50):
The logos are good and so dumpster diving legal or illegal?
Speaker 1 (11:56):
Amy, Oh, I think it's legal.
Speaker 3 (11:58):
What about the fact that it's on and literally their property?
Speaker 1 (12:02):
Oh well that part.
Speaker 3 (12:04):
Me too, saying right, you would just think, well, if
it's trapped but literally on their property. Yeah, So if
I say that, then what do you think?
Speaker 5 (12:11):
Hmm, like she's now trespassing though, So yeah, it's not legal.
Speaker 2 (12:18):
Any what do you think I say legal even after
knowing because if it's in the dumpster, it's legal. It's
just going to go in the trash.
Speaker 3 (12:25):
So generally speaking, dumpster diving technically legal frowned upon as
long as it does not conflict with any local regulations.
But there are a lot of regulations about being on
property that can actually make it illegal. It's also like
in the garbage, but then you have to prove that
the person put it in the garbage.
Speaker 5 (12:53):
A lot of what if they want to go back
to the garbage to get something they accidentally threw.
Speaker 3 (12:57):
Away, that's exactly it, and it's on their property. So
what they're trying to say is probably if you found
something in a dumpster that's very valuable, they could sue
you and get it back, even though it's the garbage. Now,
if you went to up somewhere public, like you went
to the dump.
Speaker 1 (13:11):
Yeah, like when I used to go get coupons, So.
Speaker 3 (13:13):
Let me give you some other ones here, huh, Because
it is legal, but there is a way that if
you find something so valuable they can get it back.
Is basically what it is. And also they can just go,
don't be in our dumpster on our property. They can
just be like, don't be on our property, like after
you're not allowed in there. Next up, using someone else's
Wi Fi without permission legal or illegal? Amy it's called
Wi Fi piggybacking. Is that legal or illegal?
Speaker 5 (13:38):
I mean, it's a little ridiculous if it's illegal, but
I'm assume it is.
Speaker 3 (13:45):
Wi Fi piggybacking can be considered unauthorized access to a network,
which is illegal underlaws like the Computer Fraud and Abuse
Act in the United States.
Speaker 2 (13:55):
But even if it's not protected by a password.
Speaker 3 (13:57):
Just using someone else's Wi Fi without permission, it'd be
like someone's bike in their front yard.
Speaker 2 (14:02):
It's not protected by a chain. You can't just go
and take it. Oh good point.
Speaker 5 (14:05):
Yeah, I can ride the internet and you can ride
it at the same time.
Speaker 3 (14:10):
I surf the web. Maybe he's riding the internet over.
Speaker 1 (14:14):
There, like you can't ride a bike at the same time.
But we can all be on the Wi Fi.
Speaker 2 (14:19):
Everybody's happy.
Speaker 3 (14:20):
But it's not yours. You didn't pay for it, and
you're using it. It could be slowing down someone else that's
using it, so it's affecting what they paid for it.
I'm not I'm not fighting for anything. I'm just giving
you guys the law here. So one go to jail. Okay,
I don't want you guys go to jail.
Speaker 2 (14:31):
Thank you.
Speaker 3 (14:31):
Next up, rolling through a stop sign the California role.
If nobody is around now, wouldn't ask this If this
were just easy, easy peasy, that's illegal.
Speaker 5 (14:42):
Are you sure you can't just break a traffic lall
because nobody else is around.
Speaker 2 (14:46):
That's correct. Good job.
Speaker 3 (14:48):
I've been pulled over for a roll in stuff. I
have to jaywalking.
Speaker 5 (14:53):
Ooh, this is starting to become legal because.
Speaker 3 (14:57):
Because people are idiots is why they don't want to
have to give every single person SA.
Speaker 1 (15:00):
So I think it was illegal, but now I think
we're okay.
Speaker 3 (15:03):
Commonly frowned upon and technically illegal. In most places, enforcement
varies so widely that they almost don't give tickets on it.
So depending on where you are, it is considered illegal,
but it's not something they really enforced anymore.
Speaker 2 (15:18):
I'm then ticketed for that is simply crossing the street
where it's not a crosswalk. Yeah, using another person's Netflix account.
Speaker 1 (15:26):
That's illegal stealing.
Speaker 3 (15:28):
Did you get the alert on yours that says, now,
if you want to do this, you just push the
button and it tells you walks you through it. Oh no,
someone can now use it, but they gotta pay three
bucks or whatever.
Speaker 2 (15:35):
Oh we got that on ours the other day. Nobody's
using ours. We don't really pass out the passwords. But
if I wanted to use yours, I just pay you
three bucks.
Speaker 3 (15:43):
I think you pay sign and you pay. I don't
think you give me like three cash dollars. I think
you have to do it through our account. So yeah,
that is illegal using someone else's It's literally illegal, not
just like dirty dog or bad person. It's illegal. Sharing
passwords violates terms of services and illegal under laws like
Computer Fraud on Abuse Act.
Speaker 2 (16:01):
Does that say the sentence on that.
Speaker 3 (16:03):
Ten years or death. I'm surprised they don't prosecute a
couple of people really hard because when music sharing was
happening and they were like, it's now illegal, Like they
went to colleges and they made a big deal about
arresting like.
Speaker 1 (16:18):
Students, and it scared the crop out of all of us.
Speaker 3 (16:20):
And they ended up not spending time in jail, but
for a while they arrested them and they were like,
we're going to do this to YouTube.
Speaker 1 (16:26):
Well, for me, I don't remember the jail time.
Speaker 5 (16:28):
It was more of the monetary punishment attached because we
don't have this kind of money.
Speaker 3 (16:32):
Selling homemade food without a permit.
Speaker 5 (16:35):
Oh that's illegal, yeah, because because you have to have
like a certified.
Speaker 2 (16:41):
If you're not a business though kitchen.
Speaker 1 (16:43):
Well, like is this like a bake sale at the
church or.
Speaker 3 (16:47):
Like are you you're right?
Speaker 2 (16:48):
You're right.
Speaker 3 (16:49):
Many states require a food license to sell food products,
even homemade, even on a super small scale. Not always enforced,
but yes. Taking items from the curb, oh.
Speaker 2 (17:02):
Gosh, Oh, this is tricky.
Speaker 1 (17:03):
This is because it.
Speaker 3 (17:04):
Ain't your curb. I remember that time I was sitting
on the curb.
Speaker 5 (17:07):
I took a chair once because I thought it was
on the curb to be taken.
Speaker 2 (17:10):
This is the funniest story ever.
Speaker 5 (17:12):
It was my mom's neighbor and I took it and
it was this cute chair. Turns out they just had
it out there. It was not on the curb to
be taken, and they called me.
Speaker 3 (17:21):
It was the edge of the yard. It's so funny.
Speaker 5 (17:24):
Left the voicemail. I mean this was years and years
and years ago. Played I got permission to, like, I think,
play it on the air. I returned the chair.
Speaker 3 (17:33):
One of the funnier stories it is. I still think
about that and laugh sometimes. Uh so legal or illegal?
Speaker 1 (17:39):
It's illegal.
Speaker 3 (17:40):
It's legal, but frowned upon, but it has to have
a note side. Items are often considered abandoned, making it
legal to take them in many places. This also can
vary depending on local laws or HJA rules. But for
the most part if it is on the curb, and
it is on the curb, not like on the edge
of the yard.
Speaker 5 (18:00):
Chair was on the curb, but I guess they were
sitting on the curb.
Speaker 3 (18:03):
How about picking fruit from overhanging trees just just somewhere anywhere,
not in your yard, but just just truth like in
a park. A park legal, like a public sidewalk. You're
walking in, there's fruit, can you can you take it
off the tree? Yes, it's legal.
Speaker 2 (18:21):
Yeah, that's God's fruit.
Speaker 1 (18:23):
Not your neighbor.
Speaker 2 (18:24):
Oh, that's interesting.
Speaker 3 (18:25):
That isn't it all gods though, even like the trees
in their yard.
Speaker 1 (18:28):
Yeah, but that's your property that you own.
Speaker 3 (18:31):
Sleeping in your car? Uh, legal or illegal?
Speaker 5 (18:37):
Is it illegal after a certain amount of time.
Speaker 3 (18:41):
I'm just asking you that un answered. I know I
would tell you if there was like a caveat Okay, illegal.
I guess it is legal, but frowned upon if you're
parked on private property and you got to make sure
you're not in a no vagrancy place. So, but yes,
you can sleep in your car. I'll give you one more. Oh,
I'll give you two more. Hitchhiking legal or illegal?
Speaker 1 (19:09):
I feel like it's legal.
Speaker 5 (19:10):
Hitchhiking has been happening forever, so drug selling and prostitution
hundreds and hundreds of years. Yeah, back in the day
when my uncle was in the Navy, he hitchhiked from
like New York to Texas.
Speaker 3 (19:21):
I feel you, and no problem legal or illegal? Legal?
Speaker 2 (19:24):
Illegal, can't do that?
Speaker 1 (19:26):
Is that just a protective and a lot of.
Speaker 3 (19:27):
Places outright band restricted in others slight difference, but highways
and interstates it's not legal.
Speaker 1 (19:34):
What about that is illegal? Like, why is that a problem?
Speaker 5 (19:37):
If you're making a decision to pull over and let
someone in your car, why is it illegal?
Speaker 2 (19:40):
It's a good argument.
Speaker 3 (19:41):
If you're making a decision and they are also willing
to fornicate with you, why is that illegal?
Speaker 2 (19:46):
If they're also making the decision for them, that's a
great question too.
Speaker 3 (19:49):
I'm saying, just because both people agree to it doesn't
mean it's legal. Like prostitution, that person's also agreeing to
do it.
Speaker 1 (19:54):
But there's a monetary exchange.
Speaker 3 (19:57):
The exchange there would be transportation. Yeah, yeah, sure, so
different just the pleasure, but both are getting a service.
You know, there's a service being given, but it's illegal,
it's illegal. And then finally, sharing prescription medication illegal. You
will be surprised to know.
Speaker 2 (20:20):
No, we've not all been there.
Speaker 3 (20:22):
We have not we all just be quiet. Letting me
talk now. Even if someone has the same condition, sharing
prescription drugs is illegal under federal and state laws. My
point with hitchhiking and prostitution is that both sides agree
and there is nothing illegal happening because you can always
ride with somebody, and you can always meet somebody and
hook up.
Speaker 2 (20:40):
That's legal.
Speaker 3 (20:41):
And if you both agree and there's a service, what's
the difference except the pleasure.
Speaker 2 (20:48):
That's the difference. That's the difference.
Speaker 3 (20:50):
Okay, that is from fine law dot com. But dumpster diving,
just be careful. It's the whole point of this. And also,
no prostitutes, no hitchhikers, okay, the general rules of life.
Today we honor doctor Martin Luther King Jr.
Speaker 2 (21:04):
And thank him for his accomplishments towards American civil rights.
Speaker 3 (21:07):
This is the Bobby Bone Ship. Today is MLK Day.
We're gonna play a game name the famous quote. And
here's the famous quote from Martin Luther King Jr.
Speaker 2 (21:15):
I have a dream, but one day this nation will
rise up live out the true meaning of its cream.
Speaker 3 (21:25):
This is named the person Martin m No.
Speaker 2 (21:29):
The next one I'm playing said.
Speaker 1 (21:31):
Go ahead, I'm gonna quote like a butterfly and being
like a bead.
Speaker 2 (21:37):
That is Muhammad Ali. Correct.
Speaker 3 (21:39):
Good, So we have five of these.
Speaker 2 (21:41):
Sounds like we're in class.
Speaker 3 (21:43):
Name the famous quote.
Speaker 2 (21:45):
Go ahead. Well, I'm not a crook.
Speaker 3 (21:49):
I'm gonna play it twice. Think about it. Here it
does again.
Speaker 2 (21:52):
Well, I'm not a crook.
Speaker 3 (21:54):
I'm in Morgan staring at me like she does not
have a clue.
Speaker 7 (21:59):
No, you know you were saying it sounds like black
and white.
Speaker 6 (22:01):
Sounds like I was not alive, So I have no idea.
Speaker 2 (22:03):
That's probably true.
Speaker 3 (22:04):
That's quite true. It's true, I think for all of us,
and things do sound black and white, and that does
sound black and white. One more time, just for fun. Well,
I'm not a cro it's so short.
Speaker 2 (22:15):
Okay, Morgan, want you write.
Speaker 3 (22:16):
Down jfk Amy Nixon, watchbox Nixon, Eddie, that's Nixon as
Richard Nixon because.
Speaker 2 (22:23):
The watergates candle or something. Okay, I'm not a crook.
Speaker 3 (22:27):
Yes, next up, I did not have sexual relations for
that woman.
Speaker 2 (22:35):
Was he banging on the table.
Speaker 3 (22:39):
Something I didn't I was thinking about the table too,
But all our minds are going where they already kind
of are. I did not have sexual relations for that woman?
Speaker 1 (22:54):
What do you call it?
Speaker 2 (22:54):
Speaker 3 (22:58):
Just lying, guys. I don't think how his.
Speaker 1 (23:00):
Mind was he justifying that?
Speaker 2 (23:02):
Speaker 1 (23:03):
Yeah, that's Clinton?
Speaker 3 (23:04):
Lunchbox, Bill Clinton, Morgan, Bill Clinton, Eddie, Bill Clinton, good job,
famous number three?
Speaker 2 (23:11):
Mister teared down this waller.
Speaker 3 (23:17):
And then oh man, let's play one more time.
Speaker 2 (23:22):
Mister teared down this wall over? Who told him to
tear it down?
Speaker 5 (23:29):
Speaker 3 (23:30):
You know, I'm trying to go off context clues. I'm in,
I guess Okay, need answers, lunchbox, Yeah, I'm in for
the womb.
Speaker 2 (23:41):
Go ahead, she's still riding.
Speaker 3 (23:43):
George Bush incorrect?
Speaker 2 (23:45):
Amy, Oh what do you have?
Speaker 5 (23:48):
I have?
Speaker 3 (23:49):
George incorrect? Morgan, Teddy Roosevelt incorrect, Eddie.
Speaker 2 (23:54):
It's Ronald Reagan.
Speaker 5 (23:54):
Speaker 2 (23:55):
Speaker 1 (23:57):
What was he talking about them?
Speaker 3 (24:00):
Speaker 5 (24:00):
Speaker 2 (24:00):
I just said, no idea, who was.
Speaker 1 (24:02):
That nineteen eighty nine?
Speaker 2 (24:04):
I don't know.
Speaker 3 (24:06):
It had to be before that, because I think he
went out office eighty eight, so it had to be.
We were kids, way a way young kids. Morgan wasn't
alive yet. Okay, two left no clip on this one,
because this is like old to be or not to be?
That is the question. I said that famous quote, to
be or not to be? That is the question. Eddie's
in the lead right now with three men. I clearly
paid attention in certain classes and not five seconds.
Speaker 2 (24:38):
There's no audio on this.
Speaker 3 (24:39):
There is not to be or not to be?
Speaker 2 (24:41):
That is the question.
Speaker 3 (24:43):
Morgan Shakespeare, Lunchbox Shakespeare, Eddie Shakespeare, Amy Shakespeare Shakespeare. That's correct,
and one more. Eddie gets it right.
Speaker 2 (24:53):
He wins.
Speaker 3 (24:55):
Lunchbox and Amy are in the running. Morgan, better like next, Morgan,
just your who said give me liberty or give me death?
Speaker 2 (25:06):
Mmm? Was that give me liberty or give me death? Calle?
You know the clip? Does this sound familiar? Amy?
Speaker 1 (25:21):
Yes, we've talked about it.
Speaker 3 (25:23):
I mean, yes, give me liberty or give me death?
Speaker 5 (25:26):
Not only from school but here. We've talked about it
here and now I can't remember.
Speaker 2 (25:32):
Is all right?
Speaker 3 (25:33):
Three seconds? Morgan.
Speaker 6 (25:38):
I'm sticking with my guy, Teddy Roosevelt.
Speaker 2 (25:39):
He has to be in there somewhere.
Speaker 3 (25:41):
Yeah, right, incorrect, Lunchbox, John Henry incorrect, Amy, David Crockett incorrect. Eddie,
You're gonna win again. Even without getting it right. But
you can take a shot.
Speaker 2 (25:50):
I know I have it wrong. It's Paul Revere.
Speaker 3 (25:52):
Incorrect, Paul Visa, the British are coming, the Burtisher.
Speaker 2 (25:56):
Coming, Patrick, Henry Lunchbucky. He was so close.
Speaker 4 (26:01):
I should just said Henry, Yeah, he should just yeah.
Speaker 3 (26:04):
I should have just said Henry, asking who is that?
A great orator, never a president. He spoke out against
the colonies way early when it was super controversial. The
only reason he didn't get in troubles because he was
like he apologized later, but he was like, not really sorry.
He was one of the first guys to create an
environment where America was like, we don't have representation and
they're trying to tax us, and that's whole taxation without representation.
Speaker 1 (26:30):
That part I remember.
Speaker 2 (26:31):
I don't remember.
Speaker 3 (26:32):
Patrick, Henry, Patrick, Henry. There you go winn again. Ray
Mundo has an interesting theory, right, what is it? Yeah?
Speaker 8 (26:41):
So I hadn't been home in about seven years, and
I was getting on a plane up there, and there
was a buddy I went to high school with, and
in high school, Jack captain the football team. He wrestled
about one point eighty just I'm talking muscles all over
the place. He may have even done steroids.
Speaker 3 (27:00):
Well, now you're just making stuff up like no, I didn't.
Go ahead, okay, right, we got.
Speaker 1 (27:03):
It to get a picture of what Jackie was.
Speaker 8 (27:05):
I mean because I saw the dude in the locker room. Okay, So,
I mean I knew exactly how big this too.
Speaker 3 (27:10):
I mean he was every chick. We got it, guy,
we got it. You're in love with him? Yes, we
got it. Go ahead.
Speaker 8 (27:16):
And so that was about twenty years ago. And I
get on this plane and a guy goes, hey, man,
how have you been? And for the first two minutes
of the conversation had no idea who this guy was.
Speaker 3 (27:28):
And I'm racking my brain. I mean I'm sweating. I'm thinking, Man,
is this a nerd? I never talked to this kid?
Knows me like we were friends.
Speaker 8 (27:35):
Man. I mean he had his glasses on. It's super skinny,
a polo on that beard. He looked like sids yeah
and yeah, yeah, yeah. If there was a book, he'd
read it, very well thought. And I just said, man,
who the heck is this guy? It was the star wrestler,
football captain from high school.
Speaker 3 (27:55):
Looked completely different.
Speaker 8 (27:57):
So there's got to be a rule if you're appearance
has changed big time, lead the conversation with that. Hey, man,
I know he was the big guy in high school,
but I lost a lot of weight. God, I'm vegan
now and I read a ton.
Speaker 3 (28:08):
How you been? So if you haven't seen him in
a long time and something is different, you need to
state that.
Speaker 8 (28:14):
Yeah, just because it put me in a really weird
place where I almost felt bad that I didn't remember
this guy. He looked he was unrecognizable twenty years. Someone's
gonna look different. But what if they have like a
new hairstyle that you don't even I don't.
Speaker 1 (28:26):
Think that is going to change everything.
Speaker 2 (28:28):
No, that's not true.
Speaker 3 (28:29):
But you have to acknowledge it because if they don't.
That's the weird thing about someone when they get a
crazy haircut. You have to say something or they think
you're just ignoring it. Even if it's bad. You have
to lie and be like, hey, your hair looks great.
Speaker 2 (28:38):
So like the other day, I touched a dad on
the shoulder that I've known for like five years, and
he looked at me like he wanted to fight, and
I realized, like, oh my gosh, I'm bald. Now I'm
not wearing a hat and he said, I didn't recognize
you with your new haircut.
Speaker 3 (28:49):
He said, it's a good hair. I should have said
something that's true, like I'm going to touch you and
I'm bald, but I'm ready remember me with the hair.
So you're saying any change in appearance significant, you need
to lead with that if you're having a conversation.
Speaker 8 (29:03):
Yes, And I believe when you post pictures and stuff,
you even say, hey, guys, I didn't have my glass on.
Speaker 3 (29:08):
It didn't really look like me. You kind of do
that too. If I don't want my glasses, people don't
recognize me. You're like superman, Okay, thank you. You know what,
I will like say that blind as craph What were
you saying? What point were you making there? Because I
do think if you the weird thing about hair and
not so much with dudes, because dudes don't care if
you comment on their haircut. Actually, dudes do not want
you to the same thing about their hair. Because our
friend Kevin, we'll go work out and he'll be there
and I'm like, hey, dude, you get a haircut. It's
like oople. Guys get like embarrassed when you bring up
a haircut, or if they're wearing a new shirt.
Speaker 5 (29:41):
But like with you, if we don't mention your haircut,
then you're like, nobody saw my haircut.
Speaker 3 (29:45):
I'm only if I'm in like having my period. Okay,
if it's like that time in the month. Maybe mostly
I get haircuts and you never even know it. Like
I like it to be the same, same thing. But
if you go full hair style difference and you come
in here you are Morgan and we don't acknowledge it,
You're going no one's even said anything about my hair.
Speaker 1 (30:03):
Yeah, okay, I get that, but it's different.
Speaker 5 (30:05):
I don't know that I would need to walk up
to someone and be like, Hi, remember me, I'm Amy,
but I cut my hair.
Speaker 3 (30:11):
It depends how long you've seen them.
Speaker 1 (30:13):
Yeah, I mean the high school thing.
Speaker 5 (30:14):
I get Ray if he looks totally different, and that's
that's interesting. But I don't know the guy needs to
be like, hey, remember me, I used to have muscles.
Speaker 3 (30:22):
I think though he could have said who he was
at first, instead of going right in the middle of
a conversation, like you guys have never dropped off.
Speaker 1 (30:28):
Does Ray look the same from high school?
Speaker 3 (30:29):
It's a great question. My hair used to be curly.
Speaker 8 (30:32):
But I do believe with I didn't have a beard
on my face is the exact same as it was
in high school.
Speaker 3 (30:37):
Maybe he thinks the same thing because over time, day
to day, you don't see a lot of change.
Speaker 1 (30:41):
That's true, Morgan.
Speaker 3 (30:42):
Were you going to say something there?
Speaker 7 (30:44):
Yeah, I was just gonna say when I had gotten
my bangs, that was a significant change in my hairstyle,
and a lot of people would come up to me
and they kind of they kind of take a step
back and be.
Speaker 3 (30:52):
Like, wait, are you who I think you are?
Speaker 7 (30:54):
And every time I would have to address like, yeah,
I got bangs.
Speaker 2 (30:56):
This is different.
Speaker 3 (30:57):
And even if we were to hate it, let's say
we hated Morgan, we thought they're the ugliest thing ever.
We have to go, oh, look at your hair. It
looks great. You don't have to say it looks I know,
but we feel like you do. Okay, if we just go, hey, Morgan,
you got bangs. Yeah, you either don't say anything or
you go, oh wow, look at your hair. Do looks great?
Speaker 1 (31:16):
Speaker 3 (31:17):
Right, thank you for that, buddy, Like of a theory
you came up with there, Yeah.
Speaker 8 (31:20):
Let's just push that along. Everybody started doing that, and
it maybe even lead with your names. Now, hey man,
let's just.
Speaker 3 (31:25):
All wear name tags every day. Hello my name all
the time? Every day you just wear name tags. The
worst is when you like know somebody and you've spent
a bunch of time with them, but early on you
never got their name, and so you've like spent multiple
days with them at this point, and everybody just assumes
everybody knows everybody's names. And then you've spent so much
time you can't ask them their name again because if
you ask them the name again, like what, you don't
know my name the whole time. So then you just
live life never knowing their name.
Speaker 1 (31:49):
I feel like this is what's going to be great
about the future.
Speaker 5 (31:51):
Like when our retinas are reading each other and like
I walk up and then in my ear I hear like, oh,
that's Bobby, you know him from DA and he's this
is his wife's name is Caitlin.
Speaker 1 (32:02):
And then you're like, oh, hey, Bobby, you just see
your hou's Kaitlyn, and like you being.
Speaker 5 (32:05):
Fed this information. That's like back in the day, my
friend worked for politicians and that's literally was his job.
He had note cards and he would study people and
he would go to events and he would stand next
to them like prominent ones. Like he worked for Hillary
Clinton for a while and he was at a party,
he'd be behind her and be like, Hillary, that's Bobby Bones.
Speaker 1 (32:21):
You met him at he lives in Nashville.
Speaker 5 (32:22):
And then Hillary, Well, I know, I'm just saying that's
an example, but like in the future.
Speaker 1 (32:29):
We'll have that.
Speaker 2 (32:30):
Is like you sure about that?
Speaker 3 (32:31):
We're going to have that because that sound.
Speaker 1 (32:32):
Feel like we would.
Speaker 3 (32:33):
Maybe it's our glasses, Maybe it's in the envelope. Is
that Bobby Bones showrry up today.
Speaker 4 (32:42):
This story comes us from Washington County, Pennsylvania. A high
school student was diagnosed with tuberculosis last week and he said,
you know what, I don't want to miss school. So
Monday he shows up the school with no doctor's note.
So once they found out, they had to shut down
half the school, quarantine him and do a deep.
Speaker 3 (33:02):
Clean and he got sent home because you will catch it.
Amy got it from lunchbox.
Speaker 2 (33:06):
Oh is that what lunchbox had?
Speaker 3 (33:07):
Lunchbox came had tuberculosis and we were like, wow, are
you okay? And he was like, I'm sweating all the
time all the time. I'm sweating. I catch off sweating.
We're like, dude, go So he goes home. He can't
drink for how long?
Speaker 4 (33:19):
Nine months? I had to take a pill every day
for nine months.
Speaker 3 (33:24):
And this is like season two of Lunchbox, where season one,
you know, he was trying to sneak drinks until he
was twenty one, but he did, but season two was
twenty one to like thirty five where he went hard.
Speaker 2 (33:34):
Yeah hard. It was so rough. He did not drink
for nine months.
Speaker 3 (33:38):
I'm sweating, I'm sweating, and then Amy got it.
Speaker 4 (33:42):
But my question is, Amy, did you ever take the medicine? Yeah?
Speaker 1 (33:45):
I started it. I think I lasted three.
Speaker 3 (33:47):
Months, and then she wanted to drink, so I wanted
to drink.
Speaker 1 (33:50):
I just started to be like, what is this drug
I'm putting in my body?
Speaker 3 (33:53):
Maybe that's where your tail grew?
Speaker 1 (33:54):
Maybe you know, maybe yeah.
Speaker 5 (33:57):
No, but I did the skin test and right away
the doctor was like, well, look right there on your arm,
that is evidence you have TV. And I was like,
thanks a lot of the trip to berculosis, LB gave
us the TV.
Speaker 2 (34:08):
How did you stay away from it? Bones?
Speaker 3 (34:10):
I don't really hang out with him.
Speaker 4 (34:13):
I'm Lunchbox. That's your bonehead story of the day.
Speaker 3 (34:17):
We spent a lot of time close to each other
in the studio and then we do podcasts and we
just hang out sometimes and every once a while somebody
will come up and be like, I think this person
has a medical condition. They should get it checked out.
Morgan is the latest to bring something to my attention. Morgan,
go ahead.
Speaker 8 (34:31):
Speaker 7 (34:31):
So Lunchbox and I were recording best Bits and usually
like we get through a whole hour and nobody has
to use the restroom. Lunchbox peede during our recording session
multiple times. He had to keep believing during it. So
I'm a little worried that Lunchbox needs to get his
prostate checked.
Speaker 3 (34:50):
So either he has a prostate problem or he has
a bladder infection.
Speaker 1 (34:54):
Oh no, I hurt though he would be in pain.
Speaker 3 (34:57):
What do you have, No, there's no pain, man.
Speaker 4 (34:59):
It's just it's cold outside, so you have to pee
more when it's cold out.
Speaker 2 (35:03):
So I've never heard that.
Speaker 4 (35:04):
Oh absolutely, because you're so cold and you're shivering, it
makes sure you have to pee.
Speaker 3 (35:08):
This is what it was like when he got tuberculosis.
He was coming in with these symptoms.
Speaker 5 (35:11):
He was like, guys, guys, what I just googled it
for A first answer is yes, cold weather makes people
urinate more frequently.
Speaker 3 (35:19):
I'm not saying that that's not a thing. I'm saying
none of us have never heard of it. Oh, if
your hair is when you go outside, you don't really
get sick.
Speaker 5 (35:25):
I was definitely about to say this is not a thing,
and Lunchwalks needs to go to the doctor. And so
I googled real quick before I spoke, and it's cold
induced deriasis.
Speaker 3 (35:34):
But is that a disease? That's my point. Is that
a disease?
Speaker 7 (35:38):
But also if that's the case, why are all the
rest of us peeing a lot?
Speaker 3 (35:40):
Cold? Deriasis is a condition, that's a disease. Cold oasis,
Maybe that's what I have. I'm saying. And I drink
a lot of water.
Speaker 4 (35:48):
You guys, don't.
Speaker 3 (35:49):
I drink so much water, And then that can be
a thing, the cold air.
Speaker 4 (35:53):
Just man, you've got to go.
Speaker 3 (35:54):
I have coloririsis what do you have?
Speaker 2 (35:59):
Speaker 3 (36:02):
Coloriasis? Is cold die uresses? Maybe they say stay warm
and drink extra water when you come inside. So I
don't know if it's about drinking water. It's just a
cold it's his way of his body is it a
disease though?
Speaker 1 (36:16):
Protecting him, so he says.
Speaker 3 (36:17):
It's a condition, Like, what's wrong with him that has this?
Because again, I've never heard of somebody getting cold and
having a pee, you guys, never heard never. Okay, it
is a normal psychological condition. Your body just is weird
and increases your in production as a way to can
serve heat.
Speaker 4 (36:34):
Psychological Then I'm telling you like, I mean, I'll lay
down for a nap and in an hour nap I'll
wake up two times to peek because I'm so cold.
Speaker 3 (36:42):
But lunch Pot, that doesn't sound healthy. Something sounds wrong
with that.
Speaker 1 (36:45):
He's just got more blood flow.
Speaker 3 (36:46):
To you, remember when he got tuberculosis, And like, I've
sweat two times every time I sleep, Like I.
Speaker 4 (36:51):
Sweated like I was running five miles when I'd sleep.
That was bad and I just thought it was my
ceiling fan.
Speaker 3 (36:56):
Why don't you get that checked out?
Speaker 2 (36:58):
What is there?
Speaker 3 (36:59):
It's only in the winter.
Speaker 1 (37:00):
Guys, Okay, it says here.
Speaker 5 (37:02):
While this condition can be irritating, it's a way for
someone's body to protect them from the cold. So this
is just a normal process for his body.
Speaker 3 (37:10):
The caveman, Wow, this is one of those things that
he still has is like fortunate from the caveman and
our bodies have slowly climbed out of it to keep
himself warm.
Speaker 4 (37:21):
I really can't believe you guys don't have your sosis
and don't pee more in the winter. That's crazy to me.
Speaker 5 (37:27):
It says here you can dress appropriately, like if you
wear warmer clothes, you may pee less, and if you
practice deep breathing to keep your body warm a different way.
Speaker 3 (37:38):
Well, that's I'm glad we learned this. I do not
have cold dariasis. Yeah, lunchboxes. Maybe wear more clothes.
Speaker 4 (37:46):
I got clothes on, man, I have had a beanie on.
Speaker 3 (37:48):
Double up that hoodie.
Speaker 2 (37:49):
I could do that.
Speaker 3 (37:50):
It'll not be hot. Well, we're rooting for you. Go
what set up and go fund me guys. All right,
we're done. Thank you guys. Back tomorrow by everybody. The
Bobby Bones Show theme song, written, produced and sang by
Reid Yarberry. You can find his instagram at Red Yarberry,
Scuba Steve executive producer, Raymondo, head of Production. I'm Bobby Bones.
My instagram is mister Bobby Bones. Thank you for listening
to the podcast.