All Episodes

November 13, 2017 90 mins

Rejected show segments, Amy gets stern with her adoption agency and never trust a man or woman if...

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Hi, this is Joshua david Stein, host of the Fatherly Podcast,
The Perfect Podcast for the Imperfect parent. Join us as
we talk to dad's like Ken Burns, Tom Calichio, and
John Legend about fatherhood. Listen free by searching for The
Fatherly Podcast on I Heart Radio or wherever you subscribe
to your favorite podcast. Everybody Transmitted across America. Show Morning Monday. Hey,

so our producer Raymond drives Uber and he's been promoted.
Do you guys know this already? Yeah, I've been promoted.
So you were just driving Uber and I was going
pretty well. Yeah, And all I was doing is just
driving people. I would take them to their destinations, pick
them up at their house, easy, stuff like that. And
then Uber out of nowhere sends me an email and
says you've been selected a pretty much a promotion to do.

They said, Uber Eats. I'm now an Uber Eats driver,
so I can go to restaurants, malls, different places and
get people their food and then take it to their
condos for room. Most people can, they said, it's a
select few Uber drivers. Did they trust enough? Oh, so
they trust you too that you're not going to like
eat the food. And they said, I've had a decent
amount of five star reviews and they said that I've

been a very good driver so far in like my
early stages. Raymond up prediction. So I mean, hey, give
me that badge. Baby. Uber eats a badge. How you
guys need something to eat? Eddie? Did you ride with him? No?
I tried to ride with him. We're coming back from
Chicago for your National Hall of Fame thing and I said, um,
I need a ride, right, I'll pay you, Like, how

do I book you? Whatever? And he's like, um, just
get on the app or whatever and a big deal.
And I was like, okay, cool. And then I said
all right, you're gonna take me home? And he goes,
who whoa, whoa, whoa, I'm not taking you home. You
live far away. I'm like, dude, that's Uper, That's how
Uber works. Like you don't get Yeah, he said, sorry,
I'm going I'm going to my house downtown. I'm not
taking you home. So I ubered with him. You and

you used it? Yeah? Oh no, he just drove me that.
But I mean I tried to give him props. It
was like practice. You know, our producer, Raymond Uber Uber
eats you should do Postmates, you should do well. It's
it's a pretty much the same thing as that. Like
Postmates delivers of food, so do we. But we can
go to malls. We can. The postmates can't do everything.
Uber eats kids. We we have no idea raids getting paid.

It's not an endorsement. Yeah, let's go recognizing people doing
cool things. Thanks to a Green Bay, Wisconsin police officer,
a little bit birthday was a whole lot better. Officer
Dale Robinson was on call. He was at the local
elementary school when a student wasn't picked up at the

end of the day. They're just standing in there. Both
the boy's parents were in jail. He didn't have any
other emergency contacts. By the way, it was the kid's birthday,
So while the police search for someone to take care
of the boy, the officer took the McDonald's that I'm
driving around in the car. They found some of the
boys of the family. They dropped him off afterwards, but

the cops just took him for a couple of hours.
And oh that kid on never forget that. I know, so,
Officer Robinson, I see you. It's producer Raymond In Minneapolis.
Authorities say one persons in custody. Two people were hurt.
There was a stabbing at a Macy story. It was
at the Mall of America. Luckily, those people that are

injured at non life threatening injuries. In sports news, those
three U c l a. Bruins basketball players remain in
China for shoplifting. The team returned home to America. Those
players could remain in China for two weeks, and finally
in weather news that cold chill is over the northeast Midwest.
Are gonna be back in the forties and fifties today.

I was born with a very large head. Staw have
a big head. We measured heads even as adults and
I want yes, congratulations, thank you, And it wasn't something
I'm proud of because I made fun of so much
as a kid. When I was probably five years old,
my mom would cut slits into my shirts because she
couldn't get them over my head head because the head

size of the shirt was built for what the head
size of a five year old should be as usual,
was a little ahead of the curve. My head was
a little big, so I remember my mom having to
cut slits in my shirts to get them over my head.
And she was always like, your head's bigger because you're smarter.
And I was always like, oh, that's it true, my
head bigger because my brain is smarter. I do believe

there's something to that too, Like you tell somebody something
enough they start to believe it. But according to they
just hold study, large heads are more intelligent because there's
more brain there. Those with the large heads are also
more likely to go to higher education and be more successful. Boom.
I mean, all those thirteen years of getting just crushed

getting picked on, I guess paid off it study to
tell you that. Man, it was miserable having to And
I would try to hide the holes in my shirts
and then I wore like wife beater as like a
like a young because there was no bigger hole. Yes,
but white featers weren't cool. Then the white theater shirts

I wasn't like sixth grade, they weren't cool. Yeah, there's that.
So check this out. There's a school offering backpacks and
they have their bulletproof backpacks. Who it's sad that that's
something that has to even happen. The school has made
it available for their list of because they're out there
and you can track them down. On line if you're

like just looking for a backpack made of bulletproof material.
But this one school has put in a list of
things like when it's time to go back to school
as one of the options. The Florida Christian School website
has a bunch of options available and it's like the
logos with the stuff pencils and they have bulletproof panel
backpacks and just to see that, I know your dad, Yeah,

I don't like that. I mean, I don't like the
fact that you have to that we even think about
having those in school. Is it smart? Yeah? I mean
kind of you hear that SNA didn't make you think
maybe you get your kid a Bollover backpack. And I
never even thought about it being a danger really and
like having a one for my kid just in case.
I've never thought about that ever. Produced already has two kids,
a nine year old and a four year old. What

kind of do they do drills? Like tornado drills? Who does?
I don't think so, like earthquake drill. I haven't heard
of my kid doing any kind of drill at school.
Because what I was gonna get to is, under some
schools they started in those active shooter drill. Yeah, I've
heard of them, but they don't do those even for
your nine year old, not yet. That's crazy. They have
backpacks on the website that are bulletproof. I missed the
good old days. It was just like if you can

afford a trapper keeper, and then if you couldn't, you
just took someone's hand me down from the year before
he slit holes in your shirt. That was just me
time for positivity. It's all good news around the room.
It's called tell me something good. Good. So a little

girl's puppy with stole. One. Thieves went in and they
took a lot of stuff in the backyard, including the dog.
Who steals a dog wrong anyway, puts up a little things.
I'll miss my dog, miss Doggy. The thieves brought the
dog and dropped it off. Yeah. The headline is remorseful
thieves bring back a little girl stolen. They do have

a heart again. They didn't bring back down until they stole. Yeah,
but that's okay. I agree. I'm glad they brought the
dog back. So I do think that's a good thing
because she at least her heart is fully after having
her leg amputated because of a disease when she was born,
this little girl, Lydia, she was really struggling to adjust.
So her mom was like, huh, I want to get

her a dog, but what if I could find her
a dog that also had a missing leg. So, with
the help of an animal rescue group, she was able
to find a dog that was a straight and had
been hit by a car and lost its leg, and
they matched it up with the little girl, so Lydia
and Clover, little girl and dog the FS Wow. Yeah.

Blake is six years old and his mom said, hey, Blake,
you need to go clean your room. So he's in
there cleaning his room. He's like, man, I'm so stressed out.
I have too many toys. And then Blake's like, man,
I got a great idea. So you put him out
the driveway and put a sign and said if you
need a free toy, please take one. So it's a
free toy drive in his front yard. If someone needs
a toy, they come and take it for free. Would

you stop as an adult? Hey, depends on what kind
of tours you got out there. It's Christmas time. You
can sell them for pretty good. Let's go pretty much back.
I think I'm back from my illness that I had
last week, and so I Nettie potted it a lot.
Some people love and live and die by the Nettie pot,

and some people just think it's the grossest thing ever.
And so you stick at the pot in your nose
and you turn your head and just gravity takes it
through one nostril and then out the other. And for
me it works even temporarily. But I put pictures that
people like, that's so grood. Have you done the Nettie pot.
I've done it before, but I'm not a fan. I
think I've not a fan. I don't like it, I know,

but even if I even if I'm sick, I'm just
saying I've done it before, and it is not my
go to. Like if I'm sick, I like I can.
I would say mostly it's more of a sinus thing
than if you're just sick. I think it's a huge
viral infection. You're kind of just done anyway, okay. But
for me, when I have to go talk and I
would do I did stand up this weekend and I
would have to the got Nettie pott and felt anybody
else net pot? All I've done at one time. But

are you guys not people to live by it? I'm
not in the rank. I think if you did, you
would really it does help temporarily, and then then I
shoot up the nasal spray. Do you guys nasal spray it?
I'm a huge nasal spray The people I know that
nasal spray it. They get addicted to that step, though,
and they do it every day. What do you get
from it? I don't know. I guess you get a
high from it. I mean I guess. There are friends

of mine they take allergy medication every day, just as
normal as they would drink water in the morning. They
wake up and they take their allergy bills. Yeah, I
do that every day every day. You can't function without
it or else. I just start sneezing a lot, and
my allergies are bad. That sounds a kid. I was
doing that twenty three in me. So I do that.
They don't pay me, by the way, but I do
the thing where you can call and talk to them

because three of me is It teaches you where you're from,
like genetic things about you. You can even opt in too, know,
like predisposed if you're like are have like the Alzheimer's gene.
There's all kinds of stuff inside of it. And so
once I learned about where I was from, there was
a there's all these little things like bald when you
go bald, and mine was like percent you will not

go bald, you know, because it can test that lucky.
And there was one of them. Did you speaking of sneezing,
did you know some people walk out in the sun
and they can't stop sneezing for a second, And that's
a gene that they show you. You You havether have heard
on it. That is a gene because it happens to
me when I walk out to the sun, if I've
been inside for a long time, three sneezes. It's genetic,
that's part of it. And it says you, I don't
have that. Your body is trying to do. That's weird.

So I did. And most of me is from like Europe,
but some of me is from like West Africa wherever
it was. But then you realize all of us are
from West Africa when you look at it, like because
that's where it all. Everybody like everybody is. And then
there was a thing Genghis Khan Bolli, right, people would

go why might related to Genghis Khan like one of
of thing. And it turns out he just want everyone
had kids everywhere, and so he has so many descendants.
Bob Marley back in the day, I mean Bob Marley
was trying to be the Ganges. Is he a leader?
He know? Is this what you learned on your phone
conversation with a lot? Yeah? That asking a lot of questions.
And then I found because I didn't know how to

do Because I don't know how to do a lot
of things, I just would see things, you know, genetically,
do I have this? Um? I don't flush alcohol well,
which means we Luckily for me, I don't drink, but
it doesn't fall out of my system, so I would
get hung over pretty bad if I do drink. Like
this is all part of the things that you learned.
Another one was there was something I wanted to share
with you guys. I called them and they were, remember

most are good, Are you neanderthal? Yeah? But I said
that already I was like with all than most people.
But that's what they told me. I wasn't going bold
and that the sneezing things will remind me of that.
So you have to spit all on this thing and
you send it in genetically. They tested out and send
it back to you. Pretty I'm get in there right now.
They have a Thanksgiving family offer. I haven't been paid
one Oh I know what it was. I haven't paid

one dollar by them, So I wish they would. I
wish I hear this, and I need to advertise on
this show. But um, you can find relatives if you
opt in, you can find people. And I found like
a second cousin on there that I had no idea existed,
and so I finally I needed to log again and
I messaged her and they privacy laws like they have
to opt in. You have to opt in. But I

found like all these people that are second third cousins
and you message them, you can't. What do you say, Hey,
I did this and she's three and me to this
girl and I was like, hey, we matched on this
because she's opted in, and then you're both open to
seeing who you're related to. So a in it's called
not a commercial dating side. Yeah, I have so Amy's

thirty second skinny. The clubhouse of the resort, owned by
George Strait, has burned to the ground. The fire at
Torpedo Springs Resort near Bernie, Texas, is cyl under investigation.
No injuries have been reported. The resort will be closed indefinitely.
But again, nobody was hurt. George Straight wasn't there. Don't worry.
Congratulations to Kenny Chestney. His Live and No Shoes Nation

record is at the top of the charts. It's a
twenty nine song album featuring performances from like over the
past ten years with collaborations that are really awesome like
Taylor Swift, Zach Brownbean, Dave Matthews and more. To definitely
check it out, maybe keep it at the top. I'm amy,
that's your thirty second skinny. Sorry today. This story comes

fas from Fort Pierce, Florida. Year old woman went into
Walmart and thought, Hm, how can I get a TV,
a game, consoles, some video games for really cheap? Put
them all in her basket, goes through the self checkout
and does the fake scan so she acted like she
was scanning it, put it back in her cart eight
dollars worth of merchandise, charged herself three dollars and seventy cents.

I mean, and she thought she'd get away with it.
An employee, you know, because they have the employee that
stands at the stand and noticed that she was leaving
in so much much. That's your bone head story of
the day. Everybody trans America and the CMA Awards were

last week, and a story that we didn't get to.
Who is that? So eddiewhears his dopey hat, right, we
all come on, man, we all get dressed up and
it's like a hipster hat. Now it's a grandpa's hat.
It's an old man hat. It's an old man hat
for sure. So eddieone in his hat and we don't
say anything because because he's so cool though right now

I wasn't cool, but yourself conscious about being bald, and
we respect that. There isn't like a little bit of like,
I mean, he can pull it off. I think it's cool.
Thank you, Amy. I don't care what you can pull off.
Anybody can pull off whatever they want to pull off.
I love it. Yeah, like for me, where whatever you
want to wear? Yeah, yeah, I love that. Are completely
stupid too, but I'll enjoy wearing them. Yeah. I don't
care to get that. So you can you can pull

off you make you whatever is you? Okay, Eddie wanted
the stupid hat, right, And so we take the picture
and you they sit down to watch the c m
as and someone behind him is like, sir, will you
please take off your hat? Yeah? She taps me on
the shoulder and she's like, you know, you can say
no if you want, but I just can't see. Is
there any way you can remove your hat? You know?
Edie says to me. He goes, They never has Garth

take off his hat. I mean Alan Jackson was there
with a hat. Garth was there with a hat. I
saw Lee Bryce with his hat. They don't ask them
to take their hats off. Why me, because you're not
Alan Jackson. Okay, but did you take off your hat
for her? What do you think I did? Probably no,
he didn't. I turned around and said, look, I'd rather not.

Part of its part of it's part you're not even that.
I mean, you're kind of bald, but you're not that bald,
and even if you are, nobody cares. I know. I
just I said, that's part of my outfit, like I'd
rather not. And so what I did was just kind
of scoot down a little bit, hunched the whole time,
and I made sure I turned around every other like
thirty minutes. It was like, are you good? You're sure
you're good? She said, I'm fine, totally fine. I said

you can say no, and so I said no. Producer
already left his hat on. How about all the Garth
Brooks lift sinking controversy was so dumb? Yeah, I was
watching I don't know E or something and they're doing
a whole thing about we had Garth on and I
asked him about it, and you know, he had done
like seven shows, had seven more to do, and I

tweet all I did. I put a tweet out there
because I said, hey, listen, if Garth got to the
point where, first of all, you know for a fact
he did not want to lip sync, and had he
pulled out, it would hurt the show, and that was
probably a hard thing for him to go, I'll do
it anyway. Had he pulled out, I would have heard
the people like, well you could have given it to
a new and upcoming No, you're talking about a national
TV show. No one wants to see a new and

upcoming artist on the c M as. So for Garth,
that was probably hard to go. Yes, I'll I'll lip sing,
but I can't sing. So and then other artists were
going after him, and I'm like, here's the thing about
this whole lip syncing thing for Garth is that one
he didn't want to do it too. He did it
for the sake of the TV show because he didn't
want them to lose ratings at three? How are you

gonna call it? Garth Brooks, the guy who's known to
be the greatest live entertainer of ever ever, he has
nothing to prove it. There's nothing to prove He's done
that already. And people started like retweeting me and commenting
on it. They were like, Randy, Travis, Darius, John Mayor.
John Mayor was awesome. They were all like, you're absolutely right,
Like everybody needs these artists who are like challenging Garth,

Like do they have a concept of what what reality is?
Like the one it was? I thought the whole thing
was dumb. It shouldn't even been a thing. And they
were like, don't insult country music. I like, do you
know how many bands are using tracks? It's basically musical
lip sinking everyone? Yes, I learned that shocked me. And
if I need to go all rogue on people who say, hey,

let's be honest, because country is really I will do
that and just blow all their covers too. So let's
all take a step back, you know what I mean?
Thank you very much. I don't want to go rogue. No,
I don't right now because to early in the morning.
The newest member of our show, her name is Hillary.
She answers the phones now, and so we gave her

the job of watching Friends because at four years old,
she had never seen a single episode of Friends. Have
you finished the first season? Hillary? No, I'm not done yet. Okay,
how many I think I've seen fifteen or sixteen? So
you haven't really moved much since the last time. Yeah,
I've watched like five more episodes. Are you into it
at all? Um? It's getting better? Yes? Wow, she's not

into it. She's definitely not into it. All right. Maybe
we're just getting old. I'm just not a TV watcher.
It's not shot, it's me. So what other shows do
you watch? I really don't watch many shows. I've just
been a stranger things watch both seasons. Yeah, do you
like that? I did like it, so I'm about halfway through.
I'm still not into it. I don't know. I think

that might be the most overhyped show for me of
the year, and I think it's probably really good, but
it was so hyped that it makes me like it
less because I expect more of it, you know what
I mean. I'm sure it's good. No, no, I'm sorry
that you're not enjoying Friends. How many more episodes do
you have? Um? I think seven by four days? Yeah, okay,

well then we'll get a report back then, okay, al
right there shies pointing, you know, like I love Friends
like it can be on TVs at anytime, and I'm
like still laughing. It's like if you have a kid
and you want them to go to the college that
you went to, and they decided to like and they
went to Auburn and they said they went they went
to Alabama, and you're like, oh man, all right, Hillary,

thank you. It's disappointing. More and more people have what
they call a husband work or wife. The husband work
or wife, over seventy people have one. What that means
is it's just someone they spend the most time with.
And I was thinking about all this room, like who
are people's husband work husbands and wives? Like Amy's my
work wife for sure. It's a weird turn to say.
But then I was thinking, like Eddie and Ray or

work husbands. I mean, I guess we could be a
work husbands. Yeah, I mean to spend a lot of
time my work wife is okay, all right, So I
guess Eddie knows better. You've been really, but it is
a weird thing to say, right, like a work husband.
Would you would you refer to me as your work husband?
I think I have before. That's a thing. I know.

It's they say you don't have to be attracted do
your work husband or wife, But it's basically the person
that you're with most time through the day, and like
they're like your main person. So and your real spouse
probably doesn't like that. That's that's the thing that makes
it weird for me to go and it's my work wife. No,
she has a real husband who could probably beat me
up in a minute. Like So, there was a was

a woman who was climbing through McDonald's drive through and
she assaulted the staff because they forgot her chicken nuggets video.
It was a twenty four hour McDonald's. I think she
has issues deeper than the nuggets. Do you think you
saw the video? Oh? Man, it is awesome, Like you

want to see a good fight, google it. No, I
don't want to see a good fight. Like, tell me
about the video. Well, I mean you could see her
hanging out the window, like throwing punches of her car. Like, no,
she's in the drive their window and they're trying to
push her out and she's throwing punches backwards, like into
the window. Awesome. That's not awesome. It's not cool at all.
That's what he's into. That's so weird. And it's again

another good fight this week at the Miami Notre Dame
football game, there's a Miami fan and there y'all know
this Notre Dame fan, he like throws a drink out him,
and this Notre Dame dude punches one guy and knocks
four guy, four Miami fans over. At one time it
was awesome. It was in the concourse, like in the concession.
Good fight. If you want to google it. You're a
guy who's never fight in his life, and then he
loved watching fights. That's good stuff. Why once you get

into a fight once, I've been in a fight before. Yeah,
I'm back in the days, yeah, back in the day.
And twist, come on, it's a guy Walmart and he
picked up a watermelon, broke his hip because he fell,
and they gave him seven point five million dollars seven

point five million. His fud got stuck in the side
of a wooden palette under the display, CAUs him to
fall shadow his hip Again, is it not just a
common sense thing where if you're picking up a big
old watermelon, you probably look where your feet are. Yeah, like,
I mean that's basically his fault. But he got seven
point five million dollars because the pallet should have been

where it was. Again, you're picking it up. I don't know.
I mean, how is that? What? I know? Carrie Underwood
fell off her own steps, broke her wrist. She sued
herself for a ten million dollars shell. But yeah, you
see what Carrie fell and broke all this stuff. She
like broke her wrist. I think maybe she had like

a ribell. She was really script up. But I wonder
if she was doing Maybe she was just celebrating after
her big night A like life it is so wonderful.
Whoops move so yeah, I do. Now, this dude made
a ton of money by picking up a watermelon, Like,
would you break all that stuff. I guess Lunch shut
her hip for seven point five million dollar, shouted a

boat miner cold bring it up. Oh yeah, because you're
in bed for a couple of months and you are
a better money too. That's what great part the lawyers
are going to get about that. To begin with, we negotia,
my lawyer. You're not getting sixty act. Like he said,
Lunch has never done a deal in his life, and
he's always the guy with all the ideas. No know,

what he does is he represents himself. Yeah, I guess
Amy was at test driving new SUVs and she's got
to have a mom car, a mom car that's safe
because the car that she's had now, I've had it
for ten years. I love it. But we're just exploring
our options. We have been for several months now, but
it's not priorities. So we've just been test driving. And
I finally went back and took some around and they

let me take it by myself. They drive without somebody.
I mean, I could have stolen it. Yeah here, I
thought about that too. I know they have my license,
and I know that they recognized me as Amy from
Bobby Bone Show because they said, but here's the deal.
I could have, um, we could have like worked out
some sort of plan where I got hijacked, okay, because

I could not believe they were giving me this car
to take out on my own. They knew who you were,
that benefited you, and also you had your idea. She's
driving on STV right and she's showing me pictures of it,
and she's like, I hate this color, but I have
to get it. And it's like the color white, and
I'm like, why she goes because it's the safest of
My husband said, statistically, this is the safest of our cars.

So yeah, my current car is black. So things are
looking up. Here's the problem with you driving? No car
is safe? Oh well, did you did it white? You
were driving? Yeah, yeah, the white one. Looking at it,
I gotta kind of make a decision on when we
saw like today, or they told me somebody else is
gonna buy it. Let me guess. Jake Owens put a

bit on it, and if you don't comment on it,
yeah I don't believe that, then say okay, let them
have it. No, it's very rare that they actually even
have that one. In Walmart had to refund somebody who
bought an iPad. But when they got home and they
opened the box, the box is full of flower. Wow.

You know people still stop in them replace the boxes.
That's great. Yeah, Walmart refunded the money. She said she
bought an iPad and then what she got in there
is full of flower. Can you imagine get home being
so excited, because I know what it's like. You know,
you open that box like, oh my instance time you're
like and then you probably go They're not gonna believe me. Yeah,
there's no way, Like do you go, There's no way

they're gonna believe me. And so she says, it looks
like someone cut in the packaging and Walmart the four
bucks and they say, if this happens to you, that's
a general let them know immediately because I don't doubt.
Don't think they're going to doubt you. Just go for it.
Just go for it. Yeah, that one person. Remember not
so long ago about that big all vacuum from Target

and they opened it up and it was like trash
and it was all just garbage, garbage, like just fill
the stuff. So someone's going into the store and stealing
it and then replacing it. Are they taking a home
and bringing it back. I think they're taking it home,
filling it up. We're taking into the cart, filling it
up and then taping it back up and returning it.
All right, So you steal it at the store? I
went because I would think when you bring it back? Yeh.

When I worked at the store, you would always look
in the box when someone returned something. How do you
walk out with a vacuum? How do you steal anything?
People are good people. Okay, there was a baby that
weighs sixty two pounds, right, it's ten months old. Sixty
two pound babies, it's right, and they they can't stop
the baby from getting better, and so doctors like they

don't know why it continues to put on weight. Has
he been exposed to mold toxins? I'm serious, it's the thing.
I watched a documentary at birth, he weighed seven point
seven pounds at two months of age. You wig twenty
two pounds? Is it? Because I don't know much about it.
It's my son's seven. He doesn't even weigh that. I

hope he doesn't. Yeah, for sure. Then over the next
eight months he gained a staggering thirty nine pounds. So
at ten months, all the way sixtys. I wonder what
that is. That is crazy. They're trading up for like
some sort of childhood diabetes now, but I don't know,
like when the baby's how big were your baby daddy
was born at? One was seven five or something and

the other one was almost eight, so they were around
the high sevens. And normal is that? Yeah? Pretty normal?
Did you see the guy he went into a liquor
store and he was like, give all your money, and
they took and the person working the counter took a
bottle of Bailey's and busted it over their head. Man. Yeah,
I was at the register here and I was counting

it down and a guy walked in. He had on
hat and sunglasses and he said give me the money.
I didn't think much of it, and we kept I
kept counting the money down, and um, he came closer
and he came at the register and he was like, no,
give it to me. He was pulling on the register
that way, and she was pulling on it this way,
and I just grabbed a bottle of Bailey's Pumpkin spies

and um. I looked at Sarah and she just said
hit him. So I hit him over the head. With it,
and um, he just stopped and he backed up, and
he turned around and walked out the door. Oh, I
wouldn't be afraid to hit him again, though it sounded
like a plug. Yeah, good job by Sarah seasonal Bobby,

I'd not time for a segment called That's rude, where
you guys have reached out to us in social media
and the comments aren't nice and they're actually quite rude.
So a segment we call that's rude. Jacob my Facebook rides. Hey, Bobby, Hey,
I saw on TV for the first time last night.
I liked it a lot better before I did. Yikes,

that's rude. I mean, why would you even send that message?
Does it go away? Didn't write anything? Tiffany on Twitter? Right,
it's at radio. Amy is the prettiest one on the
Bobby Bones Show. Although I don't think that's saying much. Man.
I mean Amy at the compliment and still like, that's rude.

Here's one Caleb on Facebook. The best part about divorcing
my wife is that I no longer have to pretend
to give a crap about the Bobby Bones Show. Well,
that's rude, and that's the whole second we called That's rude.
I went to Summer second Tucky into a stand up show.
It is my very final funny and alone stand up
comedy show of the year. I think we did. I

did like eighty thousand tickets this year, which is crazy
because most I know, right, that's awesome, A lot of
seats and so it was fun. People were fantastic there,
and I took Jordan Davis to open up for me.
You may know the song here Stupid. I will be
the first one calling you a minute ago. And we

get there because I'd flown from Los Angeles, hopped in
and drove three hours and I was I mean, I
got a right in time for the show to start,
so we were cutting it really close. And so Geordie
supposed to go and play for thirty minutes, and he
mixed up with the number thirty and thirteen, so he
went on to play for thirteen minutes. We all of
a sudden, like I hear my music over the time.

I'm then jeans and a uh like a coodie, and
I have a little outfit that I wear like whenever
I before, Like I wear a tie and a short
sleep button up shirt, and then my music starts playing
over the top that I walk out to. So what
did you do? I went out in jeans and a
hoodie and did the show for hour and fifteen and
I was like, really just started. He didn't say, hey,
play some more. They already were playing my music overhead

like he was doing all this stuff. And I was like, hey, Jordan,
what happened? He goes, I played all thirteen minutes and
I was like, no, who says minutes? But you out
everybody in Kentucky and everybody drove in from Ohio and
it was a lot of fun. No. Well, the thing

was we we're gonna put out it, and we still
are going to put out a special. We had a
couple of big companies that wanted to put out a
whole like, but it's gonna it takes like five months
to produce a comedy special after it's over, and I
don't want to do I don't want to wait five
months because I think I'll go out and do another
tour like March April next year and start that. But
I think I'm just gonna do one and make it
and put it out for free. This one and the

next one we'll have some time behind it. So no,
But we have a couple of reging have raging idiot
shows left. But then that was just fun to me.
But they're fun. But I like sand up comedy the best,
the most fulfilling to me. But I'll go back out
April or so next year and start a new tour.
Tells I gotta write a bunch of new jokes though,
and then hopefully Max play along. In the thirteen minutes
at the beginning, stupid. Hey did Lunchbox make some kind

of show imaging peace or something? I was told Lunchbox
made some new because we have this voice guy that
does stuff, and Lunchbox has made something he wants to
share with us. Yeah. I sent him an email and said,
hey man, we need to update our audio because things
have changed around here. Okay, I haven't heard this yet.
Here we go. Yeah, wait, just isn't your wife? No, no, no,

you're listening to the youngest ever in ductee to the
National Radio Hall of Fame. Who what, bobs? I'm never
going to play appreciate? What do you mean? You always
say that we are imaging gets or you say you
gotta update it. And a big thing happened on the show,
So I went straight to the voice guy and said, Hey,
I need some new imaging. So my thing is, can

we keep lunch products from going straight to the voice guy?
I didn't connection you guys have we having stuff all
the time. You're listening to the youngest ever in ductee
to the National Radio Hall of Fame. WHOA what? I
think that's kind of you. I would never air that
though it's so self serving. I kind of like it. Okay,

thank you. Don't you think it adds to the show?
Amy like it. I'm not going to play it. I
mean we could play it. No, you can't cause you
don't have the Okay, if you're not gonna play, at
least play one more time because you're listening to you
didn't spend a lot of time doing. Hey Morgan number one,
can we make sure he hasn't talked to the voice
guy anymore? Yeah, I got a new segment, and then

he'll have all these Yeah, thank you for that. That's
a nice thought. All right. Let's I watched the video
Amy of the because I hadn't seen it since we
played it on the air, the Hall of Fame video.
I watched it because it was up online. It's pretty good.
Watched it again, like seeing at the Night of is
like because everything's like everybody round, you don't remember everything. Yeah,
pretty good, it's up. Bobby Bones dot Com played it

on Friday Show that that was good. Yeah, it's a
good job. I don't like the beginning of it though,
because it's like the commercial that we did at the
very beginning, it's like, hey, you need to be like
over the top and and not like we are. But
then when Amy started took taking over, we got really
good and I got a little emotional. But yeah, Nashville

and Amy's thirty seconds skinny. Congratulations to Brantley Gilbert and
his wife Amber. They welcomed their first child, Barrett Hardy
Clay Gilbert on Saturday. Yeah. The baby was six pounds
seven ounces and is doing fine. Tattoos on him, Yeah, ghastly, babe.
More tattoos and a brass knuckle, all right. Carrie Underwood

took a hard fall on the steps outside of her
house on Friday night. Pretty crazy. Don't really know exactly
what happened, but she broke her wrist and it's pretty
banged up. So well. Wishes them to carry. She did
not get to perform last night at the Big charity
show and people are like, well, our risk was broken,
not her throat. But listen, if you get hurt like
it hurts, even walk around like the broken bone she

had like issues elsewhere. I think it's just that it
was actually a broken wrist. People are always so judging
when it's not them, Like, so we gets a hangnail, though,
I take the day off. But if Canada breaks a wrist, oh,
she should be up there singing like shut up, alright,
I made that's your thirty second skin, Thank you very much. Well,
let's see what shall we talk about next. Eviless has

been it's been a good weekend. The guy that shot
his girlfriends. So there's a man he has a daughter,
her boyfriend. He found him an hotel and he shot
him in the growing. Remember the charges were all dismissed
because the guy got shot in the growing didn't shopped.
The court charges against a man accused of shooting his

daughter's boyfriend has been dismissed because the victim failed to
appear at court. And so they went to the guy
who did the shooting, the dad and like, why don't
you think he showed up? And he goes because he
knew he did wrong, that's right. He knew he'd done
messed up. I think there's a reason. I think he's
probably scared to repercussion. He said, talks. I would imagine
someone that shoots their daughter's boyfriend and the growing talks

like that right there talking about Art Keith. Yes, but
you just can't go shooting people in Pecker because they're
with your I get it. I me, I understand. You
get killed him like you get killed them. Yes, growing,
you can bleed out, of course, anywhere you can over
in that die area. That's like an artery where you can.

And if you don't hit in the growing ging, what
if you had grow? You know what I mean. That's
the whole thing. Eddie's son, the nine year old, did
jump rope for heart. Yeah, he did it Friday, and
then he sent me a video. I sent both of
you guys video. I think I thanked his donors. He
did like two jumps and then you can't well, I

just I just a little bit. I said this technique,
I said, Eddie videos that he's terrible jump roping. Yeah,
you're terrible. Did you get better? Well? No, I mean
that was his that was a strategy. He had to
jump rope for two and a half hours. Not him.
They were doing like a minute him and then his
classmates will do a minute and then they rotate. But
that was the strategy. Do the running, the running jump,
not the straight up jump, Eddie. You didn't practice with

him at home. I can't coordinate. I'm not coordinating like that.
But he aims he was a three star athlete in football.
It's back in the day. Man. I'm not no spring
chicken anymore. Yeah, but you don't have athletic ability even
as an older fellow. Yeah, it went away. Oh I
went away? How it does it went away? Were you
a natural athlete growing up? Oh? Yeah, boring out of

the womb catching football and you were three three star
recruit for high school football? Whatever? Dude, Yes, can we
move on now? I'm asking Yes, you're still sticking with us.
That's my story and I'm sticking to it. But father
Tom caught up to you. Yeah, man, it happens to
all of us. And you're and you're like, for example,
in basketball, do you Russell Westbrook is play fol Club

City Thunder MVP? He was a three star recruiting basketball basketball?
Super talented? Eddie? Was that in football? He says, we
can't find sense, right, we can't find him on a database,
seen a single like throwback Thursday of Eddie, like doing anything.
I've never seen him even on a team. I've never
seen him in a ring of football. Show us a
high school football picture and you just playing mom has

something even a junior high picture. Okay, you're so full
of it, everybody transmitting across America show. A couple of
things coming up in the next ten minutes are web Girl,

Morgan number two. I just went to a little place
in town, and Keith Urban shows up in place. It's
a random we'll talk about that in a minute, just
like shows play. So we'll talk about that. Also, we'll
get outdated about Amy's kids, because there is an update
Amy went off on Twitter, and we'll we'll talk about that.
But before all of that, why don't we do the

Morning Corny? I feel like I could use a little
laugh Morning corn What kind of music did the Pilgrims
like to listen to? What kind of music do the
Pilgrims like to listen to? Plymouth rock? Pretty yeah, I
see one of the thanks Giving vain of joke that

was the Morning Corning. So I was looking at Twitter
on Friday after the show, and I saw you tweet
something angry at your adoptition agency. Yeah, I know you're
tweeting at I said my I said, my adoption agency.
What did they do to you? It was clear, Um,

they just it's just been sad. How it's I don't
really feel like it's an adoption where they're really involved
and they really care. It's more like been a business transaction,
like if they're clothes of business, they're done. They don't
They're not worried about the families and these kids and
what's happening. And so as your paperwork been moved from No,
but I think as of today maybe it will be.

But you thought it. But a week ago you were
for sure it was going to be moving. It still
hasn't been moved, right, And do you think now we're
getting too close to the holidays where your kids may
not end up here? No, I still think that we're
on track. So something to happen today in your mind,
I think. So, do you feel like you can set
yourself up for these disappointments? Maybe because I feel like
we did every time. I'm like, aim, you just relax.

I know they tell you these dates, but they they've
never worked out in the history of us doing this
in four and a half years, these dates have never
worked out, right, Yeah, I know. Then you get your
heart set on it, and then you get sad when
it doesn't happen. Oh yeah, no, I mean, I'm extremely
sensitive to this entire thing, and it's hard and I
hate it, but I think today it will be a
good day. If you're new to the show, Amy tried

to have kids unsuccessfully, then tried to adopt domestically and
kept moving because her husband was in the military, and
then that kept restarting, and then so she went on
a mission trip to Haiti, and as she was doing
a mission trip in a woman's conference, she met these
kids in an orphanage and decided she wanted to adopt them.
It's been four and a half years, and every time

they give us a date, the day gets good pretty
much later, one month later, two weeks later. It's never
happening in the time that they keep telling you. So
for me, just an outsider, I keep seeing it and
I go, man, I would just every time they tell
you a date, I would give him a buffer period.
It's like living with Eddie three PM. I know he's
not get there to four fifteen. You gotta treat them

like Eddie. I mean, I agree with you, but today
I hope that that that it happens, and I know
you're upset about it. I know that, And I hope
the paperwork goes through and I hope you get them
before Christmas. I just get excited. But yeah, if it
doesn't work out this time, I'm just gonna stop saying
dates because it's like did your husband same dates? Sure

he did, but it's like I'm like, how can it
still be? How can we still be playing this game?
I don't understand. So that's why, And I just wish
some people that I thought would be there for me
to help understand some of it along the way. They're
just not there for me. Like the people you're paying, Yeah,

like the people that we've paid a ton of money
too in America. They're American, they're not Haitian. I don't
want to get the emails that like had he's trying
to scam me. I don't think no. I mean, I
know these are good people. That's why I don't get it,
Like I don't get there their business model, like if
I was running an adoption agency, which now I'm on
my third this at this point, what's running one? I

just think unfortunately I maybe have had like a crazy,
bizarre experience, but I would just run it so differently
than the way that my case has been handled. Like
I don't I don't get it. And maybe there's other
people that have had good experiences with my agency and
I'm not saying their name, and I'm not going to
put them on front Street, but I'm just disappointed and

I won't recommend them to anybody ever, but like, oh,
let me see if they're on yell boy. But you've
got to stop setting yourself up for these because it's
every time. Yeah, I know you want and it's every

time though, And I hate being the one that goes Amy,
don't do this. Yeah, But I mean, I'm just gonna
that's me. That's what keeps me going, Like that's my hope,
like that it's still happening. I have to believe that
the date they've given me is going to happen, because
that's what gets me to the next I completely understand that.
But after someone lets you down like seventeen times in
a row, you gotta go let me give a I

don't know that it's a yeah, it's not some one
or particular person's write me down. It's just then the
whole process, the whole process is broken. Like it's a mess.
Like maybe our story can be a part of trying
to fix the adoption issues between American and Haiti. Like
it's a mess, it's not good. Who do I know
that he helped us situation? Let me call it garth.

You just want to entertainer of the year. Let me
see what he can do. I know you're emotional about it,
and we try to tell jokes so you don't be
emotional about it. I like jokes. I know you do,
but I hope it happens today. So and then it
gets weird for me to ask tomorrow. I know you
know this date. If I don't ask it, like, hey,
what's up with Amy that I'm indebted or listeners to
ask you? Now I've done it to myself. And then

you cry, and then I'm like, we arey had an
adoption shower based on other dates? My husband's Like Amy
totally jibed everybody from gifts a free gifts. I mean
they're still coming, but like there's been times based on
dates my husband's like not worked, and like there's so
many things in our life where I've looked back on
and I'm like, oh, we shouldn't have listened to that

date because, like I mean, our life, we just put
it on hold for no reason. Or we had a
big party for no reason, anche for no reason. Okay,
there's the update. I hope today things move. Yeah, today's
the day I hope. Sometimes think about Nashville is if

you ever come to Nashville and you're randomly somewhere, someone
randomly come out and just play music and you're like, oh,
that's cool because all the big country stars live here
for the most part. And so Morgan number two, our
web girl, you were out of a place called the
Listening Room Cafe and it's a it's a small place,
probably holds a d people. Yeah, and there are tables
and you have dinner and mostly songwriters get up there

that you've never heard of and play songs. And so
you're there and what happens. So we got like my
boyfriend surprise tickets with this and we went and we
got a second row and I found an hour and
a half in one of the songwriters goes, well, Keith
Urban's here, so he's gonna come up and play a
few songs. And we look at each other like this
isn't legit, like this is our first time here. And
he just gets up there, jam's out and like joked

with the guy and was like, dude, your guitars out
of tune, like let's fix this. Who was that songwriter.
I'm not sure the one that was next to him,
but Ross Cooperman showed up with him, um and apparently
one of the songwriters that he was playing the guitar
of wrote a song on his album. So that was
the connection. So here's Keith. Is this from your phone
or something? Yeah? I took a video of it. What

happened shop? We don't have the window on the bed
switched batto, normal spark. That was cool with everybody look

each other like what's happening? Yeah, it was just like
everybody just shocked, like we're at this little venue and
Keith Urban's there and he's just normal and he's hanging
out and he's beautiful. I mean, get your bones on
show on Instagram, Mr Bobby Bones. And what happens is
all these fine folks to do this show with me.

By the way, we've never worked in radio before. Like
that's the beauty and the ugliness of the show all
at once, is that we're all just friends, not radio people.
And so sometimes I'll get segments and I'll be like
as a good tribe, but that probably won't make it
on the air. Rejected set rejected segments. That's funny, that's funny.

Rejected segment number one from Amy Amy's Facebook challenge. She wrote,
there's a challenge going on Facebook and instead of asking
someone how you doing, just go up and say how
are you feeling? Yeah, to think about our feelings, like,
could you imagine going up to somebody like, yeah, seeing

a while, Hey Jimmy, good to see you. How are
you feeling? What? That's a weird. That's a weird, and
that's a that's one rejected segment. Okay. Rejected segments from
Amy what's your grocery store staple? Amy wanted to spend
five minutes talking about when you go to the store

and you must have something, so you leave to go
to another store they don't have their because you're the
store they don't have it. You can move on with LFE.
But I had to go to three different stores for
lemons for it's because limans are my grocery store staple,
Like I have a limit every day. I needed limits,
and so I was like, man, what would you guys
go to different grocery stores? Nothing? Rejected segments from Eddie. Oh,

the headline is I had to poop at our Raging
Idiot show. It is a true story, though, story because
there's a first time for everything he writes. And this
weekend I ran off the stage and had to go
to the restroom and he wanted to do a few
minutes talking about that. So rejected segments All right from Eddie.

He wants to have a long form conversation about what's
the one appliance you couldnot do without in your house.
That's a legit question. Okay, that's about it. Yeah, that's
like all of them. Refrigerator TV? Okay, real quick, So
which one would be? Rejected segments from our web girl
on Morgan number too for a conversation what's the best

kind of pie? What do you mean? I'll last like seconds,
don't get it. I'd like to suggest a fall conversation topic.
It's pumpkin pie. The best kind of pie? Debate around
the room to ask country stars their favorite pie. Yeah,
but it's not really like a big, long term, like
big segment thing. I don't know, Morgan, I don't like it.

I mean, listen, I like pie, I love but we
didn't do a whole segment on discussing the merits of
which pie was where lunch boxes. I don't get rejected
in no way. All hits are all so bad the work.
I don't even know that what do you say? And
mine are so bad. I'm bringing the hammer down on

those segments. You just don't get them. That's probably true,
and that's rejected segments. That was rejected segments, but a
lot of your segments, But now that you heard us
explain them, now, that's still pretty bad rejected segments. Sorry,
thank you very much. Show. Did you listen to Taylor

swifts new album Reputation Good? Yeah? I mean some of
them are a little much, and I just kept skipping
through them, like maybe I'm just not ready for this
anger right now. I don't know. It wasn't in the mood,
but in the Game is my favorite song Taylor Swift
End Game. I don't want to I don't want to
be just another you don't want to see I don't

want to miss you Luck the other girls too, I
don't want to I just wanted to be I was
reading a lot of reviews. They said the album is
really good, but it was weird because we're in such
a climate now where everybody's so angry that it really
wasn't the best time for an angry tailor to come out,
like we needed like the nice Tailor because everybody's so

angry and the time meanings have to be terrible. I
can see that, and even you, just because I didn't
listen to it, I have no judgment, but even you're
saying that where you're like, you know some of it.
I just had it went through and you love Taylor
like your favorite, Yeah, I love Taylor. And I was like, oh,
I'm skipping this song like her. I guess nicer albums
or sweeter albums if you will, Like I didn't really
skip stuff, but I was like, okoy, next, well, she's

gonna sell quite possibly two million records. And she does
a smart thing. She goes, I'm not streaming anything. I'm
making me buy it for the first week or two weeks,
so she doesn't she doesn't put it up anywhere and
then it's a really smart thing to do. Yeah, she's
she's pretty smart when it comes to business. She definitely
is your favorite Taylor song. Were you had tear drops

on my guitar? Oh? I mean that was the original
drops with this Taylor, she's clearly upset about the breakup,
you know, like he caused tear drops on her guitar.
But it's still a sweet song. Now, if this has

happened to Taylor now, I don't even know what you
would get Drew. Drew did this. She's on a different
fight now. She's like a multimillionaire fighting another multimillionaires instead
of being a seventeen or normal girl fighting like her
heart about some right. Yeah, definitely different. I was asked
on the CMI already carpet my favorite Taylor song? Oh yeah,
that's a good question. And it was like, hey, imediate,

what's favorite Tale song? And I went fifteen And that's
not the biggest creek. That's a good song now because
she was like so like on E New somewhere, there's

ever going, hey much favorite fifteen? Sure that song I
heard on the radio. I like it so need to
damn so my high school, Mountain Pine played in the

playoffs win. They lost by one point. And here's what
I heard happened. The other team is about to score touchdown.
They had a goal line stand and they held that
the team score in touchdown, and then they had to
run a couple of plays and they had a say,
got a safety. They lost way. Yeah, I know, That's
why I said it quickly. They lost by one point

to Palestine Wheatley Mountain Pine did. Hey, congratulations though my
high school could not even put a football team out
on the field last year. First of all, it's such
a small school and they had to cancel football season
because they didn't have enough players. And this year they
made the same playoffs. So hats off to you boys.
Congratulations on a great season. It's a tough one to lose,
but man, what a crazy way to lose that. Also,

over the weekend, I lost a bet to Tim McGraw.
He did he McGraw came at me. First of all,
he was like, hey, I lost you in Arkansas loser
Bys dinner and I was like all right, And then
I got a little cocky and I was like, alright,
I'm a caviar and twelve course meal. Let's do it.
It's an epo my Instagram. Well problem is Arkansas lost.

They get crushed by l s U. I'd like to say,
Mr mcgrawl, listen to words right here, please, Tim, I
don't got the money you got man. I told him,
wherever you want to go, please said thank you, But
I Tim McGraw and probably faith. The dinner now a
big one to leave. B oh Man. Take Jimmy Jopson,

Take Tommy Tompson, take my best friend Bow. You're gonna
spend a lot of money on this dinner, though, Bring
credit cards galore. Were you'all gonna go? I'm sorry you

won't bring a girl. I'm singing that. Yeah, yeah, I know. Anyway,
I lost with him and whatever. Late night for us.
We did the Country Rising benefit concert last night. It
was really good, a lot of Hugh Jacks one after
the other. They had the old rotating stage so nobody

had to wait a long time. So we'll talk about
Amy's George straight geeking out because, like I said a
minute ago, I think you were happier during that than
you were at your wedding. What okay, Yeah, I've seen
you happy. I think I'm happy that I've ever seen
you when you were standing next to George straight. It
was amazing. Even if your wedding You're like, yeah, who knows.
I mean it was awesome last night, says she's not

denying it. I was flumed into the radio and I
heard this song from I don't know if you've heard
it from bb REX and Florida Georgia line. Have you
heard this mint to be? I don't think so. It's
really good. It's in the pop stations, but I mean
it could be a catchy song. Kick your pretty feet
up on my dash, No need to go, No, we're fast.

Listen joy right here. We who knows where this road is?
Supposedly we got another time. As long as you ride
here next to me, everything's gonna be on. It's meant
to be, little be baby just sitting. If it's meant

to bring be, just let it be. So won't you
ride with me? Ride with me? See where these bangles
it is meant to be? It'll be, baby, if it's
meant to be. I don't leave a piece so uptied.

But my heart's been heard a couple of times by
a couple of guys. I didn't treat you right I
ain't gonna lie, gonna lie because I'm tired of the
fake love. Show me. What's your nade? May leave? Hold up, girl,
don't you know you're beautiful? And it's easy to see?

He is mentioned baby, just he mention baby, baby? Who
hold you? Roll? Roll me? See this thing goes? Ment baby,

I'm good? Humh I come on with me, Come on
right right with me. They pretty much sing the whole
song we maybe we don't bab rex Ut Florida Georgia line.
I was on the old pop station. I was like, hey,

there's aft jaw and pop station that's better than that.
But they're playing on No. I do like their in
though too. On the country. The Bullfrog song, that's what
I call it, Rabbit. I'm like, that's kind of the
jam too. Yeah. They had a couple of good ones
right now. I like that one. I like the Brandon
Ray Into the Earth back wrapped around slack Girl consisting.

That's so sad, to the Into the Earth to Brandon Ray,
that's a good one. Town. We got our positivity coming up,
so tell me something good in about four minutes. We've
got some garth, we've got some like sheltering just a second,

and if you guys want to follow on Instagram, my
name is Mr Bobby Bones. I put a video up
my dog yesterday. I got a hundred thousand views. Who
don't do anything is staring, but Mr Bobby Bones on
Instagram over there, get your show. The first person is
lined up for Black Friday already, yeah, and he has
been since last Tuesday. He wants this TV. Let me

just be logical for a second, like, couldn't you just
go get a job and work that amount of time
and have more money by the TV regular price and
then have extra money too. I don't know. Maybe it's
the thrill of this. Isn't that thrilling? When the day
finally arrives, he'll have been in line for seventeen days,

and we asked him what he's going to do over
the next fifteen days. He says, watch TV, listen to
the news, and watch the people pass by. Like you
gotta have nothing going on and be able to not
get bored. I will go insane. It's gonna watch people
pass five. Bobby. That's from Laredo. Oh yeah, because that's
really amazing. I always like people who say they like

the people watch like people watch this cute about five
seconds and then I get I'm bored. There's pizza, may
do that. I'm stupid, All right, on board? What do
you enjoy doing? What? I like to go and just
people watch. I like watch Netflix, people watch. So we
went last night to Country Rising and I hosted it
and it was about a three hour show and everybody

from a little big town to Dirks to Sam Hunt.
George straight closed the show last night, and so we're
side stage and it's Amy and I'm George comes on.
She's like, he's gonna do all that morning, He's gonna
do it. Then he starts doing it. She starts freaking
out right. She was like a giddy six year old girl.
I was like, who. All the presents were out under

the tree. I was like, okay, go get out. I'm
still smiling here to hear about it. Because he's just
everything to me, like my childhood, my middle lot, like
whatever age I am now, Like he's everything, Like all
these memories to start flooding back, like this song just
makes me think of me and my sister and my
dad and my uncle's and like just life. And he's awesome.

And I haven't seen him perform in a while, like
he's coming here. And I've seen him Mountain only a
few times since we've worked. I've been in Nashville. But
I was just like, this is amazing. I need to
go see him in Vegas or wherever he's playing. I
gotta go perfect something different, but it's good. Fireman was amazing,

and Rollo by Morning was amazing, and then I was like,
okaydor okay. He started Fireman and Sam Hunt was going
to play that in part of his mix, and he
plays because Sam doesn't like a whole and he Sam
pulled it out because he was told that George was
gonna play Fireman, so so Sam had to pull it
out of his He played a little teaser he did
like a thing, and then he was like okay, y'all

and at the crowd with crazy and then he was like,
as a little sample, you got George Straight coming up
later and then he moved on. I was like, to
be fair with you, and you love George Straight, but
your your uncle also worked for George Straight on George's ranch. Yes,
so he's like really a part of your personal Yes.
Like when I was a kid at about ten years older,
so my dad drove me down to George's ranch and

like my uncle lived on the ranch. We spent the
night there and woke up early to go watch George
rope and like, I don't know, I mean, I just
have all these memories. Yeah, like it's nostalgic for me,
and I'm just really a fan. So I was shocked
at how much I was geeking out, Like I got
emotional and I started crying, and I'm like, oh no,

they almost kicked out the crazy girl because Amy wasn't
supposed to be where she was because she was right
on the corner of the stage and you were there
were no such passes to be there, and Andy was
like she was like freaking out, and so they almost
grabbed her. But I was hosting the show. Ye luckily
luckily saved her. He hooked it up, like we didn't
have to move like other times we sort of got

kicked out of the area because, like, you know, if
I was trying to get a picture of Karen from
a little big town's outfit or something wasn't happening. But
then George straight I mean literally, Bob, I didn't know
he was coming out yet. That's why I came over there. Yeah,
and then Bobby was like, Amy, walk up there, walk
up there now, and I walk out and I see
George walk out and like his wranglers and his starched
white shirt and his hat, and I was like, I

literally scream. Blake Shelton to be named Sexiest Man Alive
People magazine. Finally, finally the regular guy wins one. That's
so cool. Finally time the regular dude gets something out.

What are you regular? He's really tall and handsome and
talented and he's a regular dude. Think so, yeah, he
get Finally it's not something Hollywood. Yeah, super, he's a regular.
He's tall, he's a regular dude like us. Okay, richer,
and he's more talented. But he looks like a regular dude. Okay,
I think it's super handsome. Ok he's not Ryan Reynolds. Okay,

let us feel like a regular one. But come on, okay, Okay, sorry,
you're right, he's totally not like Ryan. That means we
all have a chance. Yeah, that's what we're all trying
to get to. Like we're still in this thing. You're saying,
there's a chance. Blake Shelton is set to receive Sexiest
Man Alive from People I love it. Yes, Luke Blake,
I mean, what's on your mind? I was thinking, you're

thinking I vote Luke's a little hunkier than Blake. Yeah.
Now you're right. Blake is totally normal. Yeah, like's like
proportioned like a normal human. Yeah, yeah, there you go. Anyway,
and we're trying to hate on it. No, I mean
I get well like his personality. That's what women do.
They can judge. Oh, you're right, you're okay, Sorry, has

a bad personality, Ryan Gosling, Ryan Reynolds, George terrible person cares. Yeah, absolutely,
they do. They have they have to be hopes. We
hope that Blake doesn't. Yeah, we hope they're not well rounded.
That'd be terrible for us. They were well well rounded.
Let's go over and do this headlines from the weekend
Amy your weekend sleep Mode. I got these new pills

called sleep Mode, and it's like some weird concoction of
like herbal things and melatonin an other mixture of whatnot,
and you take it thirty minutes before bed. And I'm
telling you it was amazing. I tested it out Friday night,
Saturday night, and then last night, like ambience or something. No, No, No,
it's natural sleep mode. And I just I feel like

I got the best rest this weekend. I'm having like
a really long time and I credited to this herbal concoction.
Are you sure it wasn't like a placebo? Because sometimes
when I get out something new, it works immediately, and
then I'm like, oh, that doesn't really work. Do you
think that could be it? I hope not. I'm not
gonna let my brain hear what you just said. Exactly.
All right, lunchbox, coming over to you rest and recover.

Let me tell you, I felt like I had a
Bobby week last week where I was busy all the time,
and let me tell you, it's not fun because the
week it comes and you're exhausted. I was so tired.
I slept so much this weekend because I can't handle
a busy week like that. I guess obviously opposite. Well,
I traveled the whole way, like I finished show Friday,
flew straight to California, had a bunch of meetings out there,

but then flew back that next morning and then drove
a few hours to Kentucky into the stand up show,
flew back and into the all the charity stuff Yesterday
and then woke up this morning. I don't even know
what I don't remember clock of what day it is,
Like it's Monday, it's almost break time for my body,
Like I can film me hit and no, because last
the weekend before last, you had oft and you got sick,

Like that's why I got sick. Yeah, yeah, you can't
give your body a break. But just mentally, like I
don't even know a day or time it is. I've
been four time zones in the last it's no good, man,
I know, no good. But you gotta eat, you know. Everybody.
Everybody's always like I want to be successful, but nobody
wants to put the work in. Like that's why I do.

I'll work. Yeah, I don't have an extreme talent. My
talent showing up and on time. It's exhausting watching you.
You slept for me, Thank you. I think about that,
all right. Never trust a man who carry you're on Hi,

carry hi, good morning, good morning. Never trust a man
who blank has two first names. All right, there must
be some negative experience with this. No no, A friend
told me that, like, um, say, like kin Scott that
name specifically, no, no, no, no. Hypothetically, let's just say ah,
you go ahead. That's just an example. Okay, So never

trust a man with two first names. Okay, okay, okay,
let's go to Kirsen in Springfield. Hey, Kerson, well you think.
Never trust a man who blank. Never trust a man
who won't tell his friends or family about you if
you're dating, Yeah, because he's probably dating somebody else. To exactly, Yeah,
you know, we had this issue with Morgan number two,
who does our digital work our which to a web

girl and her boyfriend won't put pictures of her on
his social media. We think it's a little fishy, but
what do we know. We're not professional? Fire Like. Never
trust a man who doesn't post you on social refused
not to comment Brittany and Connecticut. Never trust a man
who blank, who does not take care of his children

solid that would be yeah, yeah, Candice in Nashville. Never
trust a man who accuses you all the time. That's right,
and you know why something that's right. When someone's accusing
you're constantly cheating or constantly lying, that means they're doing
it right. Cannis exactly, boys or girl, Yeah, can I

get a Cannis doesn't talking about that's absolutely true. If
someone's all accusational and you're like, why are you like
this all the time. It's because they're doing it, Thank
you very much. Let's do want more for on the
ladies side of things, Noel in Springfield. Never trust a
man who he doesn't take care of his mother. That's
one for you, yes, yeah, definitely one for me. You

gotta love your mama and take care of your mama
because that's how they love and take care of you.
That's right. And daughters that good one. Thank you very much,
all right, fellas. You Never trust a woman who likes
box ask how much money you make on the first date. Boom,
she's going after that wallet. That's all she cares. Never

trust a woman who breaks into your house steals all
your stuff on the birthday. Okay, fair enough. I've never
had to happen to me. No friends, everyone, any guy
here ever had a girl asked how much make ye?
No you haven't. Okay, okay, you're lying. Never trust a
woman who doesn't like good music. But that's your tasting,

that's right. I don't know if she doesn't like the
music I like. Come, I know when you could say,
for you, Bobby, wait, why are you how come the
women's all the women they call had great except for
the two first name once they were like great and
they made sense. There was logic behind them. Guys, where
is this idiot? She don't like my favorite music? She
probably dumb. Never trust a woman who gossips about other

people a lot, because she's also gossiping about you other people,
because it's if someone's telling you everybody else's secrets, period,
they're also telling your secrets to other people. So even
in business, I was doing a deal a couple weeks ago,
and a couple of services will say we're bidding on me,
you know, like, hey, what'd you come? Work here? Work here?

And so that, and one of the thus like, don't
tell me what they're doing, because that means you're telling
them what I'm doing. And I was like, that's a
real honest approach, Like I I appreciate that. But it's
the same way with people. If they're telling you someone
else's secrets, are telling your secrets to someone else. So
that was it. Either you're going to say never trust
a woman who doesn't like my dog, No, I just won't.
I trust him. I just won't date him. And he

told me I didn't let her do one. I'm sorry
by that I started taking callers. Yeah, I'm sorry. I
always go to the college first, my back. Never trust
a man who blank won't do chores. Okay, now we're
getting perfect on the house. My husband does things like vacuums.
He'll do the dishes. But you tell us like folding clothes,

he just does not do well up folding clothes. He
folds shirts horribly. I have to redo it. He has
to stay away from the laundry. Can I just can
I talk freely your husband? Military? Yes, Air Force, brilliant

guy flies planes. Had had to crash land a plane
because the propeller broke. Like he's that smart. We're ready
to take a plane and crash line into a lake.
You're telling me control landing, that's what he likes. Yeah,
he knew he was in control the entire time, but
he was sort of a crash. You're telling me he
can't fold a golf shirt, but he can control land

crash into a small lake in a mountain. Yeah, just
making sure you're you're seeing all that. Yeah, you're two
very different things, exactly. Yeah. These are the most popular
TV shows in America and not done by ratings. Done
by everything butt ratings, so you're talking about UH streams,

illegal downloads, critic reviews, you're talking about positive feedback on
social media. So they've done. The number one show is
Stranger Things to Wow Again. Like I said earlier, I'm
not to the point where I'm so into it yet.
Number two is The Walking Dead. Oh okay, somebody ruined

and why I don't know, but I saw it and
remind me not to go look wherever they posted that.
Number three Game of Thrones. Number four a Star Trek Discovery. Yeah,
I don't know what that is. Number five Preacher mind
Hunter on Netflix is at six, which I love, the
Big Bang Theory Ellen, Rick and Morty on the Cartoon Network.

I don't watch Rick and Morty, but it's very popular
with like the cool kids, like Mike Dae's like Mike
Dy's like our punk. He's like punk rock SpongeBob where
it's a cartoon, but it's think it's adults, like adults,
you like it? He would, he likes all that weird stuff.
He's like adults watching cartoons. I think it's not even

like family guy, it's like drawn badly. Okay, right, how
would you explain Rick and morty to her if you
had to. I mean, it's kind of like an adult SpongeBob,
an adult SpongeBob, but it's SpongeBob. It's kind of adult
dish already. Yeah, but kids just don't catch on to
the adult things, that's true. The safest seat on an airplane,
if you have to fly, is near the tail of

the plane, so setting the back you're more likely to
survive a crash. Oh, best places like even with the wing,
the best places on the ground, and a bus if
I don't have to get places I don't like fly.
I fly all the time. I hate flying. I have
to fly for work all the time, germs. I fly

in the morning. I try to find the morning as
much as possible because they clean the planes at night.
If you're getting on a three pm flight, people all
their breath and coughs are just living in that thing,
the tube. Is it safe to dye your hair? Probably not, Absolutely,
it's safe as long as you don't use a hair
dye with ammonia or peroxide in it. Okay, cool? So

did you most have ammonia peroxide in them? I don't know.
I guess I need to ask my hair person about that.
I just always feel like every time I cover my hair,
I'm like, oh, I hope something's not seeping into my
brain right now. All the stuff you use something for
sure is a couple of things actually talk about. One
is that I, as I mentioned earlier, I didn't sleep

a lot this week. It's because I was traveling, and
I'm not complaining about it, but I fell asleep for
about four hours on one of these nights. I'm not sure.
I think it was Saturday, end of Sunday, and I
woke up three different times yelling like I was asleep,
and I talk in my sleep sometimes if I have
had no sleep and I'm sleeping really hard, I woke
up yelling, am I sleep? Do you know what? Who?

Or what? No, it's like dreams. I don't have dreams.
They never get to that point in my sleep where
I sleep hard enough to have dreams. But I woke
up and I remember going and I was like, what
the I thought I was yelling at me the first time,
and the second time it happened, I realized I was
yelling at me. And third time I just woke up
and I was like, I'm done. I'm not scaring myself.
It's stupid. So I just woke up. I was yelling.

I was also I took a little cough medicine because
I'm finally getting finished with all of this congestion nose
throat stuff, and I think that probably had something to
do with it. And also the fact that tedn't slept,
was yelling at ever done that. I don't think if
I have, I haven't woken myself up. My husband says,
sometimes I talk and make noise doesn't kick, but I'll

talk in my sleep in the middle of a vacation
because that means I finally stopped with my stressing out
about time so much? Did you get to the art cycle? Yep,
so I yell. I did um for for our work insurance.
We have okay work insurance, and so I was filling
it out. You guys do your stuff to I have

it on my list of things, and so I'm filling
it out. And I had to the doctor anyway, and
they always asked me, hey, in the past twelve month,
how much tobacco I be used? And I say zero
because I haven't. I've never smoked anything, and say no tobacco,
which they're always believe that they believe them, and they're like, Okay,
in the past week, how much alcohol if you consumed?
I'm like zero, Okay, we have about the last month zero?
How about the last year? Zero? And they're like, come on,

but I'm like, no, I've never had a drink of alcohol.
But they don't believe. They don't believe me. Don't look
a trustworthy person? Or do you think people a lie
to the doctor all that? But some people, yeah, they
were like, I drink socially, you know that would still
be on week, Like I wouldn't just lie differently, and
so like how much zero alcohol? M Are you sure

about that? Zero? I went in and to the doctor,
and the doctor if I use my real name, which
one of these Bobby but Bones is, and my real
last name, And so I go in and I guess
what happens here in town is that some of these
country artists going and use fake names. Because I walk
in and the nurse like, uh, no, you are that's

not your own name, And I was like, no, no,
it actually is my real name. And she's like, people
come in there all the time and do this. Why
wouldn't you change your first name too? If you're giving
him yeah. Serious, I'd be like Pablo Wilson, it's a
method name. Yeah, she got me with that. That's not
your real name. I was like, no, nope, that's why

you don't know, because that is actually my real name.
So yeah, that happens. So that's it. No, tobacco got me.
Insurance expensive? Man? Think I have a family. Yeah. Sometimes
I'm like a show what you had a family? And
then I see insurance prices and I'm like, you know what,
I'm okay, yeah, yeah, I know you're about to have

a family. Are you still on military insurance? No. Once
my husband got out of the Air Force, we because
now he basically works for himself in a way. Um
how we're on our company's and that was a drastic change.
I mean, I'm thankful for insurance still get me wrong,
but going from what we had with the military to
our company, I was like, what pretty legit military insurance? Yes? Yeah? Yeah.

Did you wish him a happy Veterans Day? I did.
I was a text him, but then I was like,
yeah I didn't. I even did a little special post
for him on Instagram, even though he doesn't have Instagram,
but I know that he has this like way of
checking without I think he has like some secret accompany,
doesn't like post on it or something, because sometimes he'll

comment on something I've done that I only posted on Stories,
and I'm like, are you on Instagram? You know I'm
not on Instagram? Is that his impression? Y? Yeah? So
I did a little through a little picture of his
old airplane up there and wrote him a little no
I saw that. Yeah, yeah, I mean I was when
I think it acted that plane like I was, like
he was legit, like he had a really cool job.

He still does, but yeah, I tell him that. We
all said thank you and everybody out there who's serving,
and you know, we weren't on the air, but we
appreciate what you do. We we and we try to
show it through actions as much as we possibly can,
but we just want to say we appreciate you. I
know it's not a Veteran's Day today, but for us,
we always like to recognize those that go out on
our heroes and risk your life for us so we

can we can do this trivial little thing right here
because of what you do. And so I know it's Monday,
November not Veteran's Day, but to us it's always a
good day to say thank you. And speaking of which,
I mean the house that Captain Nelson, our listeners we
all get together and built. It's getting so close to
me and done. I know, it's amazing. It's and I
never want to get so far to not update people

about that. I know he said something the last week,
but you know we were able. He went and was
serving in like a bomb hit in Afghanistan. Yeah, it's paralyzed.
So he's a kid, and we're like our listeners and
when we go with the organization and they build him
the house, and that's because of you guys and because
it's the show, and so we just want to say thanks. Yeah,
I mean, he sacrificed so much, like it's the least

like we could all do. I mean, just little things
you can do for people. And to see that our
listeners came together and made that possible for him and
his family, like they are so grateful. Yeah, and then
we'll we'll talk to him when they're done. But it's
like it's like it's like the woods up and crazy. Anyway,
I'll stop that, go over to Amy's pile, and I

your Amy's pile of stories lunch box. I thought of
you when I saw this, because it seems like your
ultimate dream job. There's a tourism website called Cancun dot
com and they're looking for their next Cancun's varience officer.
This lucky person paid. That sounds like the movie cop

whoever wins is gonna get paid ten thousand dollars a
month to sit on the beach, go on jungle adventures,
and check out the city's hotels, nightclubs, restaurants for six months.
So you have that up. That's sixty thousand dollars and
you have until December seventeenth to submit, like a sixty
second video showing why you're the best person for the job.
Make a video. If you get the job, you can

go awesome because look aby, it was already on my
computer researching it. Make a sixty second video. If you
get it, you can go. But you're not getting paid
from this job. You're not getting paid from this job.
Might still have a job when I come back, that's
all that matters. Yeah, all right, yeah, let's go. Can't cook. Okay,
take that, make a video. You're gonna look at me now.

You have to make a video. You're gonna. This is
a job that has nothing to do with this. He's
not your photographer's petographer. He's our video person. Oh my goodness,
thank you Bones for defending that. You have to have
it in by tomorrow for us to be able to
say you're able to go so tomorrow. What I'm saying,
I need his help. I don't have anybody to film.
You got it. You got an iPhone and a wife.

My wife has a job. So we had the National
Radio Hall of Fame. Bobby was inducted this year. And
now let's say a second minute and move on. Yes,
I feel like any time we bring up Hall of Fame,
I just need to know because the National Toy Hall

of Fame has three new inductees. So I have the
three things that are going in clue, she never played it.
It was always never played it. Yeah, so and so
did it in the Din Mustards. That sounds a dirty
said ahead, whose phone's going on my computer? Who's who's
messaging you right now? I'm not joking. It's my adoption.

Take the call. Take the call. No, I told you
you're adoption. You take the call. They suck. Take the
call and let them know how I told you. I'm
not you have to answer both play answer just go
take go out, take it out of the room, doing pie.
You can take it in the room if you want me.
Did you go hello, you labor? You can do here? Ye.

Amy talking to her adoption agency, which she's had big
fights with. If you heard it this morning, she get vision,
She get really upset. Hey be nice, you want to.
Amy's the nicest human I know. And she was on
the air this morning. She was upset. She was crying
a bit because her adoption agency, she feels has not
been doing the job to get her kids over and

I just saw them car and she was like, screw them.
I'm not answering it. Yeah, good thing. I'm the voice
of reason and I gotta answer those take the call anyway.
So I don't know what else you'll get to the pile.
I guess we're just done. Lunchbox. Anything for the pile
over there. Let me see, because lunchbox on this computer
would just look at stupid stuff and then you walk
back and yeah, I got one. Go ahead. There were

some thieves. They tried to siphon gas out of a
tour bus. Actually, then the sewage, Oh my goodness, in
her mouth. Oh no, they want to the bathroom part
of it. Oh. I was gonna use that for a
bonehead tomorrow, but I guess I'll just use it for
the pile because I felt like the pile needed something

there that's disgusting and want to end it on Okay,
well let's end it on that. And there's your pile story.
That was Amy's pile of stories. Everybody trans America. Show
Andy just walking back in the room. She's putting her

earrings back in. What hell? What you were upset outside
in the hallway? Um? Yeah, I mean I didn't want to.
I get it. You wanted me to answer and say hey,
but I told you before. I was like, I don't
want to really talk. I don't need to do on
what's up? Just say hey. I just said I found
it crazy that nobody could call me back on Friday.

I had one question that would take in one minute,
and um, I can't you know. I got the voicemail
she said she was dealing with the crisis with another family,
and I said, I can totally respect that. Like if there,
I get it. I get being in need of what
you guys, your services, So I don't want to take
that away from another family at all. But I had
one question, and I'm not saying I'm more important than

that family. I said, maybe when the crisis is over,
or maybe you could just step away for one second.
I mean, if we're all being treated equal here, I
always like being credited. Yeah, well, no, I mean out
of the time. I said that on the I've said
that before. Then just disappointed. And then I said, you know,
maybe you know, I get maybe you could have called

me on your drive home. And she said, and I
didn't know. This is the first time I've heard there.
She said, they have a policy in place where they
cannot call UM families from their cell phones. I said, well,
as the first someone hearing of this, and maybe as
a company, I'll need to get a work cell phone
or something and have a way to reach out to
families instead of using your personal cell phone. I I

would advise that, in fact, if there's a customer service card.
But I'm gonna feel fill out, like this whole thing
said and done, like I'll put that. I'll be like,
maybe get your UM reps a cell phone that they
can use to communicate with families. And then I told her,
I said, your job is way more important than mine.
And I can guarantee you that if I had a
salesperson or one of our clients like need me for

one second on a Friday and I was driving home, like,
I would call them. And not a lot of our
clients like have my cellphone directly, they go through sales
people and we have about ten different people that it
takes to get you know whatever. But but I would call.
I mean, I would call them, no big deal. Like,
but I get if she said, well, we just have
a policy. That's she has a policy in place. But

I did straight up tell her that her job was
way more important than mine and not. I just couldn't
believe that she wouldn't she couldn't make time to call
me back me call I handle it. No, I just
told her I'm in the middle of work right now
and we'll have to reconnect. But I don't. I don't
really see us reconnecting ever. Again. I'm good like so,
but today you expect the paperwork to be moved, That's

what I hear. I should probably send a note. I
don't know, that's what I hear. Shoot, I'm glad you
takes a call. I really, I know you didn't want
to You know what, I don't want to do any
times I don't want to do. Yeah, but I didn't
get to tell you the other games are we gonna
go back to my pile lunch? There's apparently someone siphoning
gas out of a bus. Day siphoned sewage instead. Oh

so he just gave his own stories. Yeah, we didn't
know what to do. We'll take care of business. But
let me tell you you did good. Amy. I went
out there and I listened to you, and I've never
heard Amy be so stern. She was awesome. And if
you want audio, I said today I was recording her
being stern because I was like day, she is getting
always looking out for the pile of the show. You know,

that's it. We're done today. Your plans. Oh, I'm working out.
Maybe I think I have therapy and you check my
calendar and I guess just working on the show. Maybe
you have therapy like that? Well, I just checked the doo. Yeah,
I mean, what's the topic today? Do you think? What's
the topic? Did your um grace extending grace? No? Probably?

How Why am I so emotional? Uh? I don't know.
Do you get in there? Because sometimes I'll go in
and I'll start talking and then I look at and
it's like times up, like the hours up before You're
like that was the whole hour. Yeah, it does seem
to go by fast sometimes, I mean, but mine mine
supposed to be an hour, but like about fifty minutes

starts asking for payment. Okay, that was a long hard
Do you cry every session? Now? Don't be crazy? You
fry every morning show? No, I don't. I don't you
save that friend here? Yeah, I mean, I don't know.
I don't know what makes you cry. Sometimes it just happens. Well,
I'm gonna I'm gonna go do a little boxing therapy.

That's good. Working out as sick all week last weeknight,
like crap all week, and I just gave myself the
week to yuh. I feel as good as I can
when I was feeling bad. So now I'm back at
it from a box. I guess I have some kind
of meeting to go to today. Is it important? Yeah?
And so I'm not feeling good as you don't have

to go. I have a little cough. The weather, yeah,
one of the weather. I will see you guys on Tuesday.
I appreciate you being here. I hope you have a
good day, and as always, you can listen to the
show live as we have been all morning, or you
can I Heart Radio search Bobby Bones Show on demand
or on iTunes search Bobby Bones Show. We'll see you guys,

have a good one bye, right y,
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