All Episodes

February 11, 2024 38 mins

In this weekly series, we share highlight clips from the past week of five podcasts on The Nashville Podcast Network- The Bobbycast, 4 Things with Amy Brown, Sore Losers, Get Real with Caroline Hobby and Movie Mike's Movie Podcast.  You can listen to new episodes weekly wherever you get your podcasts. 

You can find them on Instagram:

-The Bobbycast- @bobbycast

-4 Things- @radioamy

-Sore Losers- @soreloserspodcast

-Movie Mikes Movie Podcast- @mikedeestro

-Get Real- @carohobby

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:06):
It's a big Sunday.

Speaker 2 (00:07):
We got super Bowl, but mostly what people are going
to be tuning into is now this the Sunday Sampler.
That's right, And if you're not in a football maybe
catch up on some podcasts The Bobby Cast, Four Things
with Amy Brown, Sore Losers Movie, Mike's Movie podcast, Get
Real with Caroline Hobby. On Sore Losers, Ray talks about
life in the country now that is officially moved out
of his apartment. On Get Real with Caroline Hobby, she

sat down with Drake White and his wife Alex. They
talked about their struggle with infertility and their IVF journey.

Speaker 1 (00:33):
And this week's Bobbycast was super cool.

Speaker 2 (00:34):
I talked with director and photographer Spidey Smith, who shot
all the Morgan Wallen album covers.

Speaker 1 (00:39):
He's directed eminem and of music video.

Speaker 2 (00:41):
It was interesting to hear his life as a photographer
and then a video director and just being creative that way.
So here's a clip of this week's Bobby Cast. I
used to clat garbage belt kids. Oh yeah, when I
was a kid, and none of them brilliant, all of them.
And I collected baseball cards too. Your son still likes

to collect cards. I'm assuming it's because your passion for
it that you've had it. What do you guys, like?
What's fun for you guys to find? And how do
you how do you do you buy them? Do you
do breaks?

Speaker 3 (01:13):

Speaker 4 (01:13):
What how do you do? We're not into that yet,
but I wanted to teach him.

Speaker 3 (01:18):
He's a lot like me.

Speaker 4 (01:19):
He's spassy and he's just all over the place, and
so I wanted to slow him down a little bit,
teach him, teach him a little business stuff. He loves
John Morant, so we we nerd out on the Grizzlies
and he collects. Actually, he doesn't like collecting sports because
he's like, ah, they get injured, they get suspended. I don't,
I don't. I don't like it. So he collects cards, buckets.

Speaker 1 (01:39):
Oh really that's those? Huh? They still make them though, Yeah?
Oh they do.

Speaker 4 (01:44):
Numbered graded all that stuff. I mean, like, yeah, fifteen
dollars cards.

Speaker 2 (01:51):
You mentioned a minute ago you you mentioned tennis. I
assume you played tennis then at some level, because that
usually doesn't come up.

Speaker 1 (01:57):
Do you play tennis still?

Speaker 4 (01:59):
I haven't played in the latter part of a year.
But I'll tell you why I was I started playing
tennis at five. I was one hundred and fifty and
one hundred and forty something in the nation as a
junior tennis player in California. In California is arguably probably
the best state for tennis. Florida's good too. Quit when

my best friend cheated on me in a big tournament,
broke like ten tennis rackets over a trash can, and
then never played until my wife about a couple of
years back, said you're a workaholic. You need to go
play tennis. I didn't have glasses, I'd have anything. I
got back into it so diligently that it was distracting
my work. It brought back that that thing that are

you obsessive? I'm I'm yeah, yeah, I'm yeah.

Speaker 2 (02:46):
I'm not not even saying cassive. But are you do
you get obsessed? And then it's hard to not yes, yes.

Speaker 4 (02:52):
Yes, I'm a I'm a go getter. You know, if
I put my mind to it, for it's something that
I've locked into my brain, I got.

Speaker 1 (02:57):
To do it to an unhealthy state. Yep.

Speaker 2 (03:01):
I'm on OCD medication, and for a long time I
was just like, I just you know, I really like stuff.
But then I started to realize it wasn't natural how
much and I could not focus on anything else. And
I come from a family baddict, but I didn't always
put the two together. But I'm on an OCD medication,

so I asked that from somebody who also deals with that.
And it would be a bit unhealthy for me because
I would not I would have blinders on whatever I
was doing, and it would kill other relationships or romantic
but I would just be me and that that's it
until I either conquer it or am board with it.

Speaker 4 (03:40):
Still I would be I would be on an anniversary,
not with my wife. But I remember back in the day,
I would be driving to a dinner and I would
get a phone call from the post facility saying, hey, uh,
someone just canceled. We can bump you in like turn over,
go in and work, Hey, get dinner there. It's just

it's the way I am. It must come with some drawbacks,
but I also think it's a superpower. I honestly believe that.
I mean, I've met my family. No, I mean, I'm
not like organizing my shoes too crazy, but my office
is absolutely O c D organized. I mean, even before

our podcast. I'm looking at the we have a collage
of all my plaques and I'm like, you know, we
need to get at everything has to be all the squares,
like you're adjusting seven pictures when it's just a little off.

Speaker 2 (04:35):
But yeah, I mean the Morgan album covers, you know,
let's get back to that.

Speaker 1 (04:40):
How did how.

Speaker 2 (04:41):
Did those come about? And I'm assuming the first one
that's cool, but he wasn't what.

Speaker 1 (04:46):
He is now.

Speaker 4 (04:46):
No, the first one I think was kind of probably
something from the record label. But the first one you did,
I did, and they were like, they brought me in,
got it and we hit it off great. I think
all of our shoots, all albums, if I know me,
dangerous and one thing at a time, have all been

two hours or less quick. The first one was definitely
motivated by the label. We hit it off great, The
second got go into a quick story.

Speaker 1 (05:17):
You're going to a long story.

Speaker 4 (05:19):
COVID happened, And probably the second rock bottom that I've
gone through, maybe third, But this rock bottom was worse
than anything I've ever felt because I was married with
kids and it was I hadn't worked in eight months,
didn't make a penny living this down the street and

driving a Tesla and I had to change things up.
It was a real tough time. Anyway, I got a
phone call in the new house and I was off
doing checklists while the kids are off of school, wife
is trying to make some money. I'm home alone doing
checklist you know, like, this is not what I'm meant
to be doing. And this is on the we month

nine and I get a phone call from Morgan's manager, Tracker.
He's like hey, and I see it. I'm like, whoa,
what's this? He's like, how are you?

Speaker 5 (06:12):

Speaker 1 (06:12):
You doing.

Speaker 3 (06:14):

Speaker 4 (06:15):
He's like, hey, how would you What were you doing Saturday?
And this was like Thursday, would you like to photograph
arguably going to be the one of the biggest albums
covers of in country music for Morgan? I was like yes,
because he told me a little bit about it. It's
gonna be a double thing. We've already done some photos,

but Morgan didn't think they were fitting. He did he
requested you and that meant everything to me at that time.
I can't even I can't. It brought me out of it.
It brought me out. It brought me out of the
dark to know that someone really at that time, there's
a first phone call. The first phone call for work

is Morgan wanting to work with me because he wasn't
happy with what he got. He really wanted something unique.
It's because of that he called me. That's the that's
that was big.

Speaker 1 (07:10):
Was there a pressure then for you to go, Okay,
he wants something unique. Yeah, I gotta figure something out that.

Speaker 2 (07:15):
Yeah, isn't traditional, but not too wacky or no, it's
gonna be overboard.

Speaker 4 (07:20):
My style is is two unarm the artists to just
shoot a bit of the candidness, but make it feel
like lightning just struck in a perfect location, you know.
So like, you know, I'm obsessed with the four corners
of the frame. If I got a great photo but

the background is not great, or it's off or this,
and if somebody's coming I don't like, I won't use it.
I don't care if it's eminem or or or or Madonna,
I don't care. It's it's it's got to go through
my criteria process. And so I guess the only pressure
I have is me because Morgan's just he's streaming gentlemen
to me, and he's just like he really does kind

of yes, sir, Yes, sir, whatever you want, it means
it's awesome. So I think the pressure is me and
I put a lot of it, a lot.

Speaker 6 (08:23):
Cats up, little food for yourself life.

Speaker 3 (08:28):
Oh it's pretty, but hey, it's pretty beautiful.

Speaker 1 (08:31):

Speaker 4 (08:32):
That for a little more exciting, said he your kick
in with full.

Speaker 1 (08:41):
With Amy Brown.

Speaker 5 (08:42):
Hey it's Amy Brown from Four Things with Amy Brown.
And here's what we talked about this week on my podcast.
All right, Lisa, let's talk lost seasons of life and
sitting in discomfort.

Speaker 7 (08:54):
So this is a really hot one for me, and
I'm really passionate about it, and I'm also very experienced
in it. The last six months I got completely lost
and who I am, what my purpose is? If I
was even ever going to do something like being on
your podcast, do my own podcast show up on Instagram,
I'm like, I was just kind of like I need
to let myself turn into a puddle. I happened to

have a very intense last year. For anybody who's been
through intense things or seasons of life, we all have, right,
you know, what comes after is kind of like it's
just all feels very daunting and heavy, and it can
also feel very hard to do simple things, and that
was kind of where I found myself burnt out, maybe running, anxious, depressed,

and I had to really just like remove all of
my identities and let myself get lost. Now you might
not have to do all of those things that I
did in order to find yourself lost. You might just
be feeling lost. But what I found from this experience
that I think we can all extract is how important
it is to reframe our relationship to being lost. I
think a lot of us think of like lost as bad,

found as being good right, But instead, like, if we
remove the attachment, the good, the bad, the labels to it,
they're just states of being right. Sometimes we're lost, sometimes
we're found. And every time I felt afraid to be lost,
I'd imagine myself like swimming up to the top of
the ocean looking for air, and I find my heart beating,

and I felt so scared to be lost that I
was like, I got to figure this out. I got
to come back to the surface. And right before i'd
come back to get air, I'd dive back down and
I'd be like, okay, be okay being lost, be okay
being lost. When this happened a few times in my life,
especially with like going off of social media even for
personal use, I found that I became kind of obsolete
in knowing like what was going on in pop culture

and things like that, where I'd go out with my
friends and I didn't know what they were talking about.
That made me feel like I didn't have a sense
of like belonging. I was becoming too weird over there,
but I stuck with it. I felt nervous, but I
stayed with it. And the more I stayed with lost,
the more lost became my state of found And I
know this sounds really strange, but it's like the ego dissolved,

all of my fears dissolved, and the more I stayed
in this state, the more I kept opening doors that
I didn't even know existed to myself and just information
about who I truly am. So I really want to
help people recognize that you will be lost again, you
will be found again. You will be lost again, you

will be found again. There is no permanency to either
of these states. And if we can lean into the
lost feeling and just remove the ego, the fear, the
feeling like we need to figure it all out right now,
I can't stay in the state. If we can stay
with the discomfort, it actually gets so comfortable that the
state of being changes how it feels.

Speaker 5 (11:40):
I had to spend a lot of time getting comfortable
in the uncomfortable, and how.

Speaker 7 (11:44):
Did it feel?

Speaker 5 (11:45):
And I think, yeah, it felt really uncomfortable for a
while because what I was used to was what was
normal for me in that season. I mean, I have
a lot of different seasons, but one in particular was
very chaotic, and I think when things weren't chaotic, I'm like, well,
wait a second, I kind of need them to be.

So sometimes I was my own worst enemy because I
was then creating chaos so I could feel comfortable again.
So that was something that showed me, oh wow, I
am really uncomfortable with something that actually would be healthier
for me. And I keep going back to the pattern,
back to this other thing, because that's what I know,

even though it's toxic or not healthier. And I was
part of the problem, like it's it was me, and
it's sure there were other players involved, but if I
ever wanted to get unstuck from that, I was. I
had to learn to be comfortable with the uncomfortable, So
I could work my way through it.

Speaker 7 (12:50):
Right, So whenever you got uncomfortable, you found yourself latching
to chaos, creating it, creating drama in some way, rather
than being sitting with the state of act right. So
I think that's also really beautiful and important to recognize
that when you sit in the puddle of lost in
the difficult seasons, you're going to start grasping for things,

whether that's amy creating chaos or whatever your version of
like rushing to the surface back is the best thing
you can do is recognize and become aware. And these
are normal things like amy. I hear you say it's
a me problem, and it's like, that's a wee problem
and it's not even a problem. When we are in
any state of fear, we try to run. That is biological.
But at some point we need to put a hand

on our heart and say, yes, this is scary, but
I am safe and I'm going to sit with this.
And that can be really hard, especially because stillness tending
to yourself are not things that we are necessarily taught
are normalized. In fact, they're probably very insidiously shamed, like
we're told to not be sensitive as little girls. We're

told not to cry. We're told to get over it,
you know, and even possibly worse for men too. So
really being able to show up for yourself when you're
that most vulnerable takes becoming so acutely aware of the
inner state and your patterns and then dropping even further
into the discomfort. But the coolest part of that is
if you drop back into that discomfort and you stay

with it for just a minute, it gets comfortable and
then the magic starts up.

Speaker 5 (14:19):
It's cool to get to know the different versions of you.
And you know you mentioned that it's this isn't going
to be You're not just lost once and then found.
There's gonna be times where you feel lost again and
then you feel found again but terrifies. But each time
you get to learn new things about you that you
never knew. And that used to be a little bit scary,

but now I'm like, oh, hey, new part of me
that was probably there all along, I just didn't know it.
But nice to meet you, and thanks for being here
to like help me on this journey.

Speaker 7 (14:52):
I love what you said, because you said part of
myself that's always been there. And the purpose of a
retreat is not to trans we use the word transformal
because you'll leave transformed, but you leave transformed because you're
coming home to yourself. And that's something that I think
I'm also really passionate about sharing when it comes to wellness,
is like you don't have to change, you just have
to go inside, right, And it's like then you go

inside and yes, things change, but they're coming from your
place of truth. And the way you said that was
really beautiful.

Speaker 1 (15:36):
Let's do alive. We are the world.

Speaker 6 (15:39):
You're sore losers.

Speaker 3 (15:44):
What up, everybody? I am lunchbox.

Speaker 6 (15:45):
I know the most about sports, so I'll give you
the sports facts, my sports opinions because I'm pretty much
a sports genius.

Speaker 3 (15:53):
What up, y'all? Ha Iscison, I'm from the North.

Speaker 1 (15:55):
I'm in Alpha Male.

Speaker 8 (15:56):
I live on the West Side in Nashville with Baser,
my wife. We do have a white picket fence at
the apartment complex. Soon I'm gonna have two point five
kids and yes, sadly, I will die of a heart
attack when I'm seventy two years old. Here's a clip
from the last podcast, Wired Up and We're Live.

Speaker 3 (16:18):
I mean, I just don't understand you look it live.

Speaker 6 (16:21):
Like, I just don't understand I'm not mad. I guess
annoyed would be more of a.

Speaker 3 (16:32):
Junctive. I don't know. Well, you gotta explain it. You're
not speaking sentences.

Speaker 6 (16:38):
Well, we come to do the pod, right. We come
in the other studio playing buck whatever. Their signs up
like they own this studio, they've been in here twice
in their life.

Speaker 3 (16:50):
And I walk in and.

Speaker 6 (16:51):
There's a bunch of people just sitting in here with
a bunch of guard like gear everywhere, like lights, camera action,
like I don't even travel back and just and this
woman is working on her computer and we're just like, oh,
we're gonna do our pod in here. She goes, okay, well,
there just be some noise in the background then, because
we're gonna be coming in and out getting things.

Speaker 3 (17:12):
What are you doing in my seat?

Speaker 9 (17:13):

Speaker 3 (17:14):
Like using this as a storage unit.

Speaker 6 (17:17):
And I'm like what, Like, what do you mean you're
gonna Yeah, yeah, we're just gonna We're gonna be coming
in and out. We're doing that thing over there with
the cameras and the film and something. I'm like, but
why are you in here then? Why are we using
us as a storage locker?

Speaker 10 (17:31):
That gym locker?

Speaker 3 (17:33):
Like am I crazy.

Speaker 8 (17:34):
No, I think you explained it beautifully.

Speaker 6 (17:36):
I mean, and then I love right there they come,
they're taking all the chairs.

Speaker 3 (17:43):
Now it's the orthopedic. They took one of the chairs. Sorry, hey,
don't mind us.

Speaker 6 (17:51):
My favorite part is one the one stage hand didn't
exactly know what all their gear was, so he started
just grabbing ship from ourstitutions. He grab my back back
and goes, it's ours. Up, No, it's my backpack. Man said,
what's next? Are they gonna take our bike?

Speaker 3 (18:04):
Here have my computer? Dude, go ahead, I don't mean it.
Take Arnold. He get up me, don't touch me. I
belong to the sword Lanzer. They tried to take Arnold
out of here. Dude, he's ours.

Speaker 6 (18:20):
I mean so. So the funny part is Ray comes.
I just like, okay, whatever, I don't know what we're
gonna do. And I just I was having a snack
and I was like, we'll figure out the minute Ray
comes in here.

Speaker 3 (18:33):
There's a jump scare.

Speaker 2 (18:34):

Speaker 6 (18:35):
Ray comes in here, and this girl, I don't know
what she does. I don't know if she she's working
on her computer. She's got her leather pants on and
she's typing on her computer. She's sitting where I sit
to do.

Speaker 3 (18:46):
The pod, get out of my throat.

Speaker 6 (18:47):
And Ray looks at her and goes, oh, can you
just move to the seat next to you? We're about
to do a podcast in here. And she goes okay
and gets up and just moves one seat over.

Speaker 3 (18:58):
Not oh, let me get out of room. Oh you're
gonna do a podcast in this room.

Speaker 6 (19:02):
Maybe I shouldn't sit in here, Maybe I should go
somewhere else.

Speaker 3 (19:06):
She goes okay. She literally just moved one microphone over.

Speaker 1 (19:10):
She's a new listener, trying not rip on her.

Speaker 3 (19:13):
No, she's not gonna listen to this, she said, you will?
She right.

Speaker 8 (19:16):
I said, we get to swear on this podcast. It's unregulated,
and she goes no, And I said yeah no, And
so she's gonna start listening.

Speaker 6 (19:24):
And I said, oh, you're gonna listen. She goes, yeah,
I can't wait, which sounded like a very sarcastic that
she's not going to listen, But it was just so baffling.

Speaker 4 (19:34):

Speaker 3 (19:34):
Those are the Hulu people, was it not? I don't know. Whatever, Hey,
they're out, they're good.

Speaker 8 (19:41):
Well, thanks for warning me. I came around the corner
and had an equally bad jump scare. You go to
a space where you try to find some sort of normalcy.

Speaker 3 (19:50):
I'd like you, new, dude.

Speaker 8 (19:51):
I walk into a room and there's eighteen Duffel bags
like a minor league hockey team was in here. I
thought you knew, but Amy Radio Amy from Things podcasting
for four days with Amy Brytt in Bone's office. They
had four different cameras right around this table.

Speaker 3 (20:07):
Lights. There counna be any.

Speaker 8 (20:09):
More gear in there, and Amy goes and plops down
right in the middle of it all and starts doing
commercials recording them.

Speaker 3 (20:15):
I mean she didn't give two ships. Hey, Amy is he?
She lets nothing stop her?

Speaker 5 (20:23):

Speaker 6 (20:23):
Maybe shooting a commercial or whatever they're shooting in there.
Amy's gonna get her work done. We're in here, in
the middle of doing our pod. Amy's gonna come in
and ask her question about do you have anything from
San Antonio tomorrow San Antonio Day for my kids' school?

Speaker 3 (20:36):
I mean, Amy, Yeah, I have an Amordillo in my pants.

Speaker 6 (20:39):
If there's one thing Amy's gonna do, it's gonna get
the job done.

Speaker 2 (20:43):

Speaker 1 (20:43):
Oh all right, that was a hell of an intro.

Speaker 3 (20:46):
Oh my god, dude, that was fun. I mean, what
was your reaction, Like, what did you say to the girl? Ray,
I'm gonna sound off, but what did you say to her? Like,
cause you kind of walked in here.

Speaker 8 (20:55):
I was trying to be social and actually talk to
them and see how they're doing, and you just go,
I don't know, I don't know. And then you were
walking around and not explaining yourself. So then I had
to tell them we have a podcast, and she said, oh,
is it a little podcast?

Speaker 1 (21:08):
I said, yes, it's a little one.

Speaker 3 (21:10):
It's not the big show. But we have a convention.
So how little is that? Mother?

Speaker 5 (21:16):

Speaker 1 (21:18):
Oh, well, yeah, I think she liked us.

Speaker 3 (21:22):
I don't think, you know, I think she was.

Speaker 6 (21:24):
I think I think I'm just gonna go out on
a limb and say that. She was more annoyed that
she had to leave the room. She had to pack
up and leave, like they had to pack up twenty
six bags and move it somewhere else.

Speaker 8 (21:39):
But I will tell you, guys, it was an old
fashioned rivalry. It was TV Verse Radio Baby and who won?

Speaker 9 (21:49):
Hey it's my d And this week on Movie Mike's
Movie podcast, I talked about movie birthdays, the bit I'm
Metigan too, is pretty self explanatory. So while I have
you here, I just want to highly recommend for you
to go over and sobscribe to movie Mike's movie podcast
talk about movie history. I give you spoiler free movie reviews,
and I break down the latest trailers to let you
know what is good coming out or what looks a

little bit bad coming out in theaters or streaming at home.

Speaker 3 (22:12):
So check it out.

Speaker 9 (22:13):
But right now, here's a little piece from the latest episode.
I got a big old list of movies celebrating birthdays
this year, talking about movies turning ten, twenty, thirty, forty,
fifty years old.

Speaker 3 (22:27):
So what I did.

Speaker 9 (22:28):
I compiled the top ten from each of these years
which to go into consideration. I scoured the internet, looking
at box office numbers, looking at critics scores, looking at
the most searched about movies according to Google. And for
each of these years, I have what made the top ten.
I'll rank them one through ten, and then we're gonna
play the fun game where I picked the one movie

that I would save out of all of those ten.
And then also just for fundies, we're gonna set one
on fire if I could eliminate one of these movies
from existence. Out of these tens from the year, we're
gonna get rid of him. So let's get right into
the list, right into the game. Movies turning ten years
old this year that came out in twenty fourteen. I
was twenty three years old at the time. The number

ten movie of the year is Night Crawler, which is
such a good movie starring Jake Jillenhall. This was the
one that solidified him in my mind as somebody who
could really do it all. He had the look in
this movie. He went to places that I kind of
question exactly what happens with Jake Jillenhall behind closed Doors
because he played this character so well. Who is this

photographer who really takes it up as a hobby and
realizes he can make money by taking pictures and videos
from crime scenes because if it bleeds, it leads. So
he got so obsessed with it that he went a
step further, and a step further than the whole movie.
He gets crazy.

Speaker 3 (23:49):
So if you have just.

Speaker 9 (23:51):
One vision of Jake Jillenhall in your head, maybe it's
more on the rom com side, maybe it's more just
on the straight on action side. If you haven't seen
Night Crawler, could not recommend it more. But that one
comes in at number ten. At number nine is Fury,
which is one of my favorite war movies of all time.
Maybe it's because Brad Pitt's in it, maybe because it
has a little bit of Shila above. The entire cast
is amazing in Fury and just a really powerful story

and told with just the right amount of grit and
the right amount of war action. At number seven is
Gone Girl. It is one of those movies that will
blow your mind the first time you watch it. At
number six American Sniper, which gave me quite the trip
to go see this movie in theaters, one that I'd
remember vividly. This was one where very specific moments I

remember in this movie where the entire theater was shocked
and you could just almost feel that energy. It was
palpable and man, some really great war stories here in
twenty fourteen. That one's at number six. At number five,
we're getting into the marvel stuff. You have Captain America,
the Winter Soldier at number four. Guardians of the Galaxy

At number three is Whiplash, which to some people this
is their favorite movie of all time. This one took
me a little bit to get. First time I watched Whiplash,
I was like, that was interesting. JK. Simmons is good,
Miles Teller is good. But it really took all the
nominations to come out and people hyping this movie up
so much that it had to go back and watching

and think was that really that good? And every now
and then a clip of it will get posted on
TikTok and I'll be like, Okay, I get it now.
But it took me a little bit to really warm
up to the impactfulness of Whiplash. And yes, on the surface,
it is a movie about drumming, but there's also so
much more to that. At Number two is Boyhood, which

was a movie that was shot over several years, and
that was really the whole I don't want to call
it a gimmick, but the whole premise in this movie
really made this movie appealing to critics. And why people
really made this a notable movie was because of the
way they filmed it got together every few years and
film parts of the movie that way. In the film,
you were actually watching these characters age. Aside from that,

I really don't run were exactly what happens in Boyhood
just a story about well kid growing up. But at
number one on the list from twenty fourteen is Interstellar.
You could argue this is one of the best sci
fi movies of all time. And I wouldn't call you
crazy if you told me that a Northern movie that
took me a couple of watches to really love and
understand more than a couple maybe even three or four

that once I actually went back and it is a
long movie and sat with the idea of it, appreciated
the way that Matthew McConaughey just oozes the motion at
all the right moments in this movie. And you think
about the entire idea behind Interstellar quite magnificent, but you
would really expect no less from Christopher Nolan. So out
of those top ten, if I could only keep one,

call me basic. But I'm keeping number one mainly because
out of all the sci fi movies in the last
ten years, this one barely makes the cut. It is
the one that just has it all when it comes
to the visual aspect of it. The storyline, the cast,
the cinematography, and the score in Interstellar is one of
Christopher Nolan's best. So I'm gonna have to keep Interstellar

and the movie that I'm going to burn. And maybe
I was a little biased when talking about it earlier,
but it's Boyhood. Boyhood is going up in flames, and
the reason is everybody told me how amazing Boyhood is,
and when I watched it, quite honestly, I was bored.

Speaker 3 (27:29):
I got it.

Speaker 9 (27:30):
I understood the appeal of it, the dramatic side of it.
It's about a family, people getting divorced, all these coming
of age things that happened to one kid in particular,
and you see the kid actually grow up on screen.
But aside from that, I don't really think it's that
good of a movie. It's fine, it's artistic, but I

watched it once and I never need to watch it again.
So if I had to get one movie, so if
I had to get rid of one movie turning tend year,
it would be Boyhood. See you later, all right, Adam, Adam, Adam.

Speaker 11 (28:28):
Carol Line, she's a queena talking and you was, so
you know, she's getting really not.

Speaker 3 (28:36):
Afraid to feel as episode, and so just let her flow.

Speaker 9 (28:39):
No one can do it quiet like Carl Line.

Speaker 1 (28:44):
It's time for Caroline.

Speaker 11 (28:47):
Hey, y'all, it's Caroline Hobby from Get Real with Caroline
Hobby and here is a clip from this week's episode,
because honestly, you going from your you're roke to you
going to diabetes with your autummune disorder, with your infertility
stroke on, with your impertility on top of it, with
the fact that you, Drake are a superstar and everyone

knows it, and it's like, why have you not had
your Chris Stableton moment yet? You know, It's like when
is it coming? Which, by the way, I ran into
Chris Stapleton at Walgreens looking for candy canes and I
did not know that it was Christapleton and I he
was standing in front of the candy canes and I
was like going up, looking around, there's this guy standing
in for the candy canes and it was freaking Chris
Stapleton and I was like, Hi, Christableton, is that my

Chris Tableton moment? I think that was my Chris Tableton
and Michael had a song out with him at the
time that they wrote seven years ago called Roomful of Strangers,
and I played him his song in Walgreens.

Speaker 10 (29:42):
This my husband, I.

Speaker 11 (29:43):
Said, never when you read this song with Michael's that
right now? Can I play it for you and he's like, uh,
what I'm like here, Chris Stapleton and I just played
on the song on Walmens, so I had a Christableton
moment and this need to announced my Chris Tableton moment.
But it's like, why have you not had your Chris
Stapleton moment yet? You know, because you know you're supposed
to have it. Everyone knows you're supposed to have it.
Anybody who knows you, anyone who's followed your career, anyone

who sees you on stage, who knows your song round
in your heart, all it knows you're supposed to be
this huge thing. But it's like, why has that moment
not happened? And you fought for it for so long
and you got knocked down for so long, and it's
like it's so fresh, it's beyond frustrating.

Speaker 10 (30:20):
Actually right, I mean not battle it every day, a
battle that I call it the battle between your ears.
And alex Is she she sees I'm such a deep personality,
like as far as driven, Like I'm driven so hard

and like even though you know we've had Hawk and
he is a massive priority. The biggest priority music is
for me is something that I don't even I don't
even think about I don't even try. It just consumes.
And I mean, you know that you're you're a musician.
You you live with one and as far as what

I've came, I'm super competitive, and I just I really
try to live in the fact that everything's happening as
it should. Everything. Everybody's for me, everybody's for me, nobody,
nobody is. Nobody's trying to manipulate the system. So Drake
White doesn't have his Chris Stapleton moment sometimes. I mean,

I definitely feel that way, and I have felt that way,
and Alex talks me off the ledge and I do
it might happen tomorrow, I mean, because I am human. Uh,
I don't have it all figured out. I never will
have it all figured out. My goal is to play
Madison Square Garden three nights in row, and I'm going
to do it. But there are voices in my head

every day that says, you're forty, your window of opportunity
is gone, your song is not enough. If you're not
right with Natalie Henby, you're not going to get the thing.
If you're not writing with this guy, if you're not
in this click if you're not looking like this, if
you don't, you know, have more.

Speaker 11 (32:01):
Hair talks, perfect talk. Generation.

Speaker 10 (32:04):
Now I'm like, oh God, there's a lot of pressure.
But that's where the peace comes in of I always
pray this prayer or my two I call them the
two thirty am shakes. You know, when you wake up
at two thirty and you got a pee and then
how you're going to pay the bills creeps in or something, yeah,
and you're like hmm, and.

Speaker 11 (32:25):
Then the mind starts racing. It's like, Okay, I have
all this face in God, but I got to get
back to my human right now because my bills are
due and now I got a kid.

Speaker 10 (32:36):
The prayer is like, please protect my mind, protect my
put a hedge of protection around this house, around my
baby and around my wife, and help me, help me,
help because I know what I want to do.

Speaker 9 (32:51):
And when I put that in you, yeah, with.

Speaker 10 (32:53):
The platform, and you put these seeds of people in
front of me. You put my dreams in front of me,
and I know it's coming. I know that everything's setting
up and I'm going to be blown away by because
why would he have brought us through what he brought
us through? If he didn't have something massive on the
other side. I know whatever that that may look like,

and I surrender. And I'll say this, this is hard
because I know what I want, and I think I
know what he wants. But whatever my prayer is, you know,
whatever is your will, that's what I want to happen.
And if it's for me to go playing nursing homes
and all that stuff, that would right now. I hate
saying that because I love the fact of the I'm

so competitive and I see people and I'm like, man,
you know I'm better than them, but it's not really that,
but it is that, but it's not that much.

Speaker 11 (33:44):
But you're like, listen, you're a twenty three year old
guy who just started singing yesterday.

Speaker 3 (33:51):
And now you're blowing on TikTok and oh my god.

Speaker 11 (33:54):
It's like and you're not. It's not even to like
hate on them, because I'm so happy for everyone to
have their moment, But it's like, when you truly are
this artist and this craftsman and this like it's so
deep in you and you've given your entire existence in
life and soul to it and you've had like so
many things, but it's's never ticked over. You're just like,

there it comes in the moments You're like, what am
I even doing this story? You know?

Speaker 10 (34:19):
Yeah, I'll tell you this story. I've never told this
story publicly, but it's the Riley story. Raley had this
thing during the pandemic called the Golden Grain. Yeah, and
he had this thing that's he lives. He's from five
five miles away from where I'm from.

Speaker 11 (34:35):
Were real friends growing up.

Speaker 10 (34:37):
No, he was like five years younger and honestly, and
I'm really good buddies with him now, support him. I
love Raleigh. I think he's He's an amazing dude. And
shout out to Raleigh. Okay, he wants me to come
do this Golden Sauce series. You're in the pandemic. I
didn't know Rally yet. I can't really walk, I can't

play guitar. I'm getting to the point wh drive him there,
and Alex goes, you're doing it. I said, I'm not
doing it. I'm not doing it.

Speaker 2 (35:08):
I was.

Speaker 10 (35:09):
So it wasn't jealousy. It was just, you know, I'd
been dropped by basically everybody that was my team was
now his team.

Speaker 11 (35:20):
Oh God, talk about rubbing salt in the womb.

Speaker 10 (35:23):
And so everybody, every I mean literally verbatim, like everybody,
and then.

Speaker 3 (35:28):
You just had this stroke on top of it.

Speaker 11 (35:29):
So it's not just it's you're just like on the mat.

Speaker 10 (35:32):
So that was one of the cell phones that broke.
Was he he said, if anybody, And dude, he's like
I said, he's a good buddy. Now, he said, if
there's anybody, if there's anything me or my team can
do to help y'all, let me know, like, oh, maybe
don't drop me break the cell phone.

Speaker 1 (35:47):
Maybe you wouldn't have dropped.

Speaker 11 (35:48):
Me and you could have pushed my song up the charts.

Speaker 9 (35:50):
That would have helped.

Speaker 10 (35:51):
So we we go do the saw the Golden Sauce series.

Speaker 11 (35:56):
Swallowing your pride right there, I mean, talk about taking
a humble pill, like not only you just got dropped,
you just had your stroke. And now the hot new
thing's calling you and asking you to come play, and
you're supposed to show up with a good attitude.

Speaker 3 (36:09):
Man talking and he's.

Speaker 10 (36:10):
Got to play guitar on my songs, and.

Speaker 11 (36:13):
He's so cute on top of it, a little star
out there, and you're just like, well, ship.

Speaker 12 (36:19):
He's like he's the most kind of good heart is human.
And that's why when I when he called and was
checking on Drake, and you know, we you know, there's
a full circle moment. But I was like, if God
has done.

Speaker 10 (36:32):
Wait a minute, I got that's my punchline. You're going
to take the punchline, don't You're about to take that.
You're about to say it, Yes you are. No, we
come into the we we go and we go and
do the thing, and and I'm I'm still like, I
do not want to go do this?

Speaker 12 (36:52):
Why would you?

Speaker 10 (36:53):
And she's she's like, you're I think you should do it.

Speaker 11 (36:56):
That's a good wife right there, pushing you well through
it all.

Speaker 10 (36:59):
Now that we're good buddies, we hunt together. We you know,
we've wrote I don't know why he hasn't cut some
of the songs we wrote because they're great, but cut
the songs. But we are buddies and I love this, dude,
I really do. We'll be buddies forever. God showed me
through that that if you will help him do what
you want to do. I'll hope you do what you

want to do.

Speaker 11 (37:22):
But man, that's one of the you'll have gotten some
This is why it's.

Speaker 3 (37:26):
Going to be so big.

Speaker 10 (37:26):
I'm just sitting here pissed off. I mean, if it's
some of the.

Speaker 11 (37:29):
Hardest lessons though, you had to do the hardest lessons
and you've had to put your face on through it,
you know.

Speaker 12 (37:37):
It's tough, you know when you're going through the thick
of it, of like, you know, why are we going
through this? Why are we going through this? Well, they're
not going through it, they're not having to deal with this. Well,
if God will do it for them, he'll do it
for us. If God will do it for you know, Riley, And.

Speaker 11 (37:51):
Who knows what riley struggles are.

Speaker 10 (37:53):
Probably you never know what a man's going through.

Speaker 11 (37:56):
It's so just like who knows what he's had to
deal with, because that's what I've learned to thank you.
Everybody is silently struggling.

Speaker 1 (38:05):
And that was this week's Sunday Sampler. Listen to the
full episodes.

Speaker 2 (38:08):
New episodes about every week so there's something new to
listen to. Make sure you subscribe and rate and review.
Have a good Super Bowl Sunday. Thank you everybody.
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