All Episodes

February 8, 2024 95 mins

Lunchbox wants to go to Las Vegas for the Super Bowl this weekend because he got asked to cover a few parties there. Bobby said he'd pay for the flight and a listener is willing to let him stay at his house for free, now find out if his wife will let him go! Plus, Lunchbox shares his list of demands of what he'll need on the trip and then gives a final decision if he's going! Then, Bobby and Eddie share memories from their time performing "Red Solo Cup" with Toby Keith!

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
We'll go to the mommitting.

Speaker 2 (00:10):
Hey, welcome to Thursday show. More in studio morning. Let's
go round the room and check in with everybody, and
we'll start with our video producer. He's the oldest on
the show, but when he plays elder versus millennial, there's
not much he knows. It's Eddie.

Speaker 3 (00:23):
Guys, why did you tell me to watch American Nightmare?

Speaker 2 (00:27):
It's crazy?

Speaker 3 (00:27):
Huh oh, it's so crazy, and now I can't stop
thinking about it.

Speaker 2 (00:31):
Explain to our listeners what it's about without spoiling it
so they know they want to go watch it.

Speaker 3 (00:38):
All I can tell you is some buddy goes to
the cops and says, my girlfriend's been kidnapped overnight.

Speaker 4 (00:44):
This is what happened. And it's a true story. It's
a docuseries.

Speaker 5 (00:46):
Yeah, truth.

Speaker 3 (00:47):
And you know what's crazy? I think Lunchbox said this.
I kind of remember that new story. Yeah I don't,
but I don't remember any news stories.

Speaker 2 (00:53):
So we do so much news and Lunchbox has the
memory to remember all the weird news stuff.

Speaker 5 (00:57):
Dude, it's so good and it's a great story.

Speaker 3 (01:00):
Worry, but now it's uh, just taking over my mind
and I can't stop thinking about it for multiple reasons.
It's like that, what's that documentary watch back in the day,
Dear Zachary, Oh, don't don't watch it.

Speaker 2 (01:09):
Don't watch I mean it's it's so good though it's
don't watch.

Speaker 4 (01:13):
Dear Zachary. You never don't stay away.

Speaker 2 (01:15):
I mean, it's crazy, it's done well, but it's don't
watch it.

Speaker 5 (01:19):
Watch it. That's how I felt with this one. I'm like,
why did I watch this?

Speaker 2 (01:22):
But I didn't feel that way with this one as
as bad as I did. Dear Zachary, Well, yeah, Dear Zachary,
do not watch it. It's it's really well done there,
but don't watch which, by the way, elder versus millennials
coming up later on cool and Lauren wrote that by
the way that intro, I figured all right, moving on,
he has trouble singing and key and he still hasn't
finished his college degree. Lunch Box.

Speaker 5 (01:43):
The Ultima, guys, we all know that it's on its
last leg. Some days it starts, someday it doesn't. But
if I get a new car, I have to find
the Ultimate a new home. So I called and tried
to donate my car, just giving it, just giving it
to a driving school because they need cars to teach
people to drive, right, okay, durable cars. Okay, So I

called to see if they would want Ultima.

Speaker 6 (02:09):
Okay, I thanks for calling a driving school.

Speaker 7 (02:13):
That says, I was wondering if you guys ever take cars,
like if you need cars like donated for the driving school?

Speaker 6 (02:21):
You serious? You know we're always looking for cars. Let's say,
if you're serious, I mean, we got to do some
you know, alterations on it. But what are we talking about?
Hearing from me for our purpose as safety as paramounts.
So what's the condition of the car.

Speaker 7 (02:36):
Oh yeah, it's in good shapes, never been in a wreck.
You can check the car fax. The car is a
two thousand and five Nissan Ultima. It's got two hundred
and sixteen miles on it. I mean, this baby is
reliable to a t.

Speaker 5 (02:51):
Here it is.

Speaker 8 (02:51):
Listen to it.

Speaker 6 (02:57):
I'll be honest with you. She sounds like a butte.
But I think we're probably gonna have to pass on
that one.

Speaker 7 (03:04):
Okay, okay, man, all right, Well, I was trying to
do something for the kids.

Speaker 6 (03:09):
You know, and on behalf of me and the kids.
I wish you luck and moving the car will be
honest with you two hundred and nineteen thousand. I think
you said that might be a little even for a
charitable donation, that might be a danger factor for a
lot of people.

Speaker 9 (03:23):
I know. I can't touch it.

Speaker 6 (03:24):
I'm sorry, man.

Speaker 9 (03:25):
Good luck to you, all.

Speaker 5 (03:26):
Right, man, thanks, thanks a lot.

Speaker 4 (03:27):
Will you drive your kids in it?

Speaker 2 (03:28):

Speaker 5 (03:29):

Speaker 2 (03:29):
So a charity won't take it because it's too dangerous,
but you'll drive your children in it?

Speaker 5 (03:33):
Yeah, he said, I can't tease the kids in it, man,
you try it. Man, that's not a last one. I
got other places I'm looking to.

Speaker 2 (03:40):
Why don't you just donate it to one of these
places that take old beat up cars and use the parts.
That way they'll take well.

Speaker 5 (03:46):
I don't want them to just rip her apart. Man,
she still has she can still give. So I have
other ideas.

Speaker 2 (03:51):
Okay, okay, thank you, lunch box. Our next person wants
to do more acting. So if you know anyone that
does it and hit her up, if you know anyone casting,
all right, there you go.

Speaker 10 (04:01):
So I don't know if you wash the outside of
fruits and vegetables where you're not eating the outside, because
it's something we don't think about it's a little PSA.

Speaker 2 (04:09):
Bananas don't wash down, oranges don't wash the outside.

Speaker 10 (04:12):
Okay, Well, here's the deal, because sometimes you like peel
the orange and then you immediately touch the inside of
the orange and start eating it. Well, you've transferred the
bacteria from the outside of the orange to the inside.

Speaker 4 (04:23):
Or to touch doorknobs and touch food too, So.

Speaker 10 (04:26):
Well, okay, I'm just saying you can also maybe your
hands aren't involved. You are cutting the outside of an avocado.
The minute you slice in from the outside, the knife
is touching outside and then voila, it's touching the inside
and the bacteria is transferred.

Speaker 5 (04:40):
But ay, bit, yeah, not as much.

Speaker 10 (04:42):
I mean, well, I started googling it because I thought
I don't do this, and I did it the other
day and I got obsessed and I started cleaning the
outside of everything. We'll see how long that lasts. But
the CDC did have an article up about how there's
gross stuff on the outside of an avocado when they
were testing it.

Speaker 4 (04:58):
So just so, if you you're cutting into something.

Speaker 10 (05:02):
Which is often like an alvocado.

Speaker 2 (05:04):
Rinse the outside. I guess there'd be a lot of
chemicals on it. If they're shipping it around.

Speaker 3 (05:07):
And it's just rinse. You're not washing it with like
soaper in and you put it in the dishwasher and
what cycle do you run?

Speaker 10 (05:12):
No, you can either rinse it with water multiple times
or they make.

Speaker 5 (05:15):
A multiple times got leak.

Speaker 10 (05:16):
Well, just making sure you get it good. And then
they have a fruit and veggie spray that I bought
for Mark.

Speaker 5 (05:22):
Sorry sucker, you.

Speaker 2 (05:24):
Got a fruit and veggie spray to spray your fruit
and veggie down.

Speaker 10 (05:27):
Well, it just made the whole process faster because you
spray it, let it sit for thirty seconds, and then
rinse it.

Speaker 4 (05:32):
I can rinse it in ten seconds. Everyone's got to
rinse it.

Speaker 10 (05:34):
But when you're doing a lot.

Speaker 2 (05:35):
Oh man, they saw you come in really yeah. They
were like, that's her, that's her, invent this product real quick.

Speaker 10 (05:40):

Speaker 7 (05:41):
The fact that you sit it there for thirty seconds,
you could be done eating it already. Rinse ten seconds,
eat it twenty seconds.

Speaker 5 (05:47):

Speaker 10 (05:48):
Okay, Well, I said, if you wanted to get it
thoroughly cleaned, and there's more than just the chemicals body,
it's like fecal matter and listeria.

Speaker 4 (05:55):
Then bother me and it makes my bread smell better.

Speaker 5 (05:58):
No, that's listerine. Oh my bad. All right, go ahead,
Ray from Mountain Pine, Arkansas.

Speaker 2 (06:02):
He's got the Jalen Waddle jersey on today, but can
he actually play Bobby Bones? So I'm gonna address this
one time officially on the show. We cannot put any
music on our podcast at all. We have a massive
podcast listening audience, so if you're listening to us now
through podcast, we cannot put any clips of music.

Speaker 5 (06:24):
We can't put it. Even this music playing.

Speaker 4 (06:26):
In my background. Here is this one?

Speaker 2 (06:27):
Okay, yeah, this one.

Speaker 5 (06:28):
This one's fine. It's instrumental.

Speaker 2 (06:30):
I don't know the rules. They always change on us.
When there's a live performance in we can't put those up.
But you can watch it on YouTube. You can watch
it on Instagram. But for some reason, on the podcast,
even if we play a game with music clips, we
can't put it on the podcast. So I'm letting everybody
listen to the podcast. I wonderbod listen to the radio. No,
we do a podcast and you should listen to it,
except you not can to hear any of the music stuff.
It's good.

Speaker 11 (06:48):
Is this ever gonna change or what's happening? I mean,
it's like the Wild Wild West the podcast world. I
think everyone's trying to figure out what to do. And
then obviously on the other side you have the companies,
the music writes and publishers trying to get a cash grab.
So I think we're trying to figure out what we
can do to rectify this because to our your point,
everyone's point, we're using the music.

Speaker 5 (07:05):
Not to make money.

Speaker 11 (07:06):
It's to bring context to a game and.

Speaker 2 (07:08):
All that kind of enhance hands our editorial exactly.

Speaker 11 (07:12):
Yes, So I feel like at some point we'll be
able to do a version of that again, but as
of right now, we cannot.

Speaker 2 (07:18):
So what my statement here is. We talked about this
a bit yesterday. You watched the show on YouTube. Get
subscribed to our YouTube channel, Go to our Instagram at
Bobby Bone Show. See a bunch of clips and segments there.
Listen to the podcast. But if you're noticing bits are missing,
segments are missing, that's why. Because we've been put in jail,
podcast jail, we're actually doing it right now.

Speaker 4 (07:38):
Oh look who's next to me. I guess who's next
to me in jail?

Speaker 5 (07:42):
Who's that?

Speaker 2 (07:42):
Oh no, you missed it?

Speaker 5 (07:43):
What Chris? That's correct?

Speaker 10 (07:47):
I thought you were doing it.

Speaker 5 (07:49):
I thought you're doing is. I was like, I'll look
at it.

Speaker 2 (07:52):
I refuse to say, who, let's open up the mail bag.

Speaker 12 (07:57):
The game mail and I'm like, all the game here.

Speaker 13 (08:00):
It's something we call Bobby's mailbag.

Speaker 2 (08:03):
Yeah, hello, who Bobby Bones My boyfriend and I have
great chemistry. He's very charismatic, but he grew up in
kind of a backwoods family. He never wore shoes until
he started school, and the first time he wore a
tux was over Christmas when he went with me and
my family to a formal event. It was a little
awkward because he didn't really know anything about how to
behave Now he knows nothing about etiquette. I really love him,

but I need him to be able to fit into
my social circle. Is it unrealistic to think that I
can teach a grown man to be more refined? Signed
girlfriend of Grizzly Adams to behave Amy.

Speaker 10 (08:37):
You go first, Okay, I think that, Yeah, there's things
you can do. I'm not sure how he's behaving, Like,
do you not know how to like just be in public?

Speaker 4 (08:47):
Because I don't think that's fair.

Speaker 10 (08:50):
Well, she just said he doesn't know how to behave.

Speaker 5 (08:51):
Well, no, no, he got over the behave.

Speaker 3 (08:53):
I think now it's just the tucks and yeah, I mean,
but I think that's behaving to her.

Speaker 4 (08:58):
It was like something normal to her is not normal
to him.

Speaker 2 (09:00):
Yeah, it was like when I started, I worked weight
to tables at a really nice restaurant. I'd never been
to a restaurant as nice as the restaurant that I
worked at, and I had to learn little spoon, bigger spoon,
what side it went on, which glat and I was.

Speaker 4 (09:11):
Like, I was like, this is a this is foreign.

Speaker 2 (09:13):
That sounds weird anyway, and had I but again, you're
going to a tux event over Christmas. Yeah, this family
of the girl, they must come from money, and not
in a bad way, but they must do things in
their family culture that we didn't do. And I assume
he's probably a little more country than I was growing up,

but even then I was pretty country. So yes, you
can teach him survival skills with rich folks, but he's
never gonna fully get it, and you can't hold it
against him when he doesn't know it. But you can't
think less of him because you probably couldn't skin a deer.
And when the world ends, you know what he's gonna do,
freaking skin your deer.

Speaker 5 (09:51):
That's right.

Speaker 10 (09:52):
I think this is a good way to put it.
Survival skills for my family or my Yeah, I think
it's a good way to put it. Sorry, I was
taking it more of like behavior, like I was picturing
the Christmas or like just burbing at the table, or
I don't know what. I wanted more details. But if
it's etiquette type stuff like.

Speaker 2 (10:10):
That, I think, ye, normal fancy etiquette you can learn,
but he's not going to grow. It's not gonna be
his language. And if you don't really live in something,
it's hard to learn the language of the natives.

Speaker 4 (10:21):
Sounds like friends in low places blame it all my roots.

Speaker 5 (10:25):
I showed up in boots.

Speaker 3 (10:26):
This sounds like this guy, like this guy's wild going
into that black tie affair, being like, hey man, it's
just who I am.

Speaker 2 (10:33):
I thought that she sounds a little snootie, a little
her family is a little snooty. I feel like she
doesn't want to be snooty though, Okay, she's trying hard
to not be, but she can't help a little bit
of it anyway.

Speaker 10 (10:44):
Maybe she's the first generation to break out of the mold.

Speaker 2 (10:47):
She's trying to break out, so girlfriend of Grizzly Adams,
crazy old reference to by the way, Yeah, I don't
know who that is Grizzly Adams. I'm like the eighties
the TV show Lived in the Woods with a Bear
No Arkansas.

Speaker 5 (10:58):
Ke used to watch it. I'd say it on all
the time.

Speaker 2 (11:01):
You can help him, and you know what, if you
go back to his family, I'm sure he's gonna have
to help you because it's gonna be weird. Yeah. So
just know that you guys can grow together, but you'll
both never be fully fluent. He'll never be fully fluent
and rich and you'll never be fully fluent in country.

Speaker 4 (11:18):
There you go, but stay together. I bet our parents
don't like the guy.

Speaker 2 (11:23):
Oh no, for sure, just because he doesn't come from
people that wear tuxes. Who wears a tux unless it's
like prom or an awards show?

Speaker 5 (11:33):

Speaker 2 (11:34):
All right, thank you, thank you. That's it.

Speaker 4 (11:36):
Close the mail bags.

Speaker 10 (11:37):
We got your game mail and we laid it on
the air.

Speaker 6 (11:40):
Now it's find to clothe Bobby fail by you.

Speaker 2 (11:45):
I wanted to play this clip from a Toby Keith
interview we did back in twenty fourteen. You know, we
spent most of yesterday's show talking about Toby Keith and
him unfortunately passing away. But there were a lot of
jokes that we had with Toby, a lot of jokes
that we had just within us about funny things Toby
would say on and off the air. And so I

remember once we were talking to Toby Keith about getting
into politics, and I was like, would you ever get
into politics? And I don't know what I would have
said if you asked me if this is on the
air or not, because we have reference at so many
times on this show. It's always a funny quote that
Eddie and I will do on the road where just
do the quote Eddie before I even play the clip.

Speaker 3 (12:24):
Oh, yeah, I make more money and one not in
merch than the president does in one year.

Speaker 2 (12:29):
Yeah, something like that. I haven't even actually heard the
clip played back, so.

Speaker 5 (12:33):
I think I got it.

Speaker 2 (12:34):
Who knows if that's even exactly what he said, But
that's anytime there's a question like hey, how much to
make don't matter?

Speaker 5 (12:39):
I made more money in merch and one night than.

Speaker 10 (12:41):
Why would get into Yeah? Politics? And he can.

Speaker 2 (12:44):
So this is the first clip. This is what he
had to say, Toby Keith about how much money he
can make in a night. Do you ever think about
running for office?

Speaker 5 (12:50):
Hell? No, no, No, too many liars, man, You didn't.
I can make more in a night than the president
makes all year and a night.

Speaker 2 (12:58):
You can make over one hundred thousand dollars. You brought
it up, not me, he makes more than a hundred.

Speaker 4 (13:04):
I'm just asking that one and not you can make
over one hundred grand. Oh yeah, Oh my goodness, Holy crap.

Speaker 5 (13:11):
You're simple.

Speaker 4 (13:12):
I am simple.

Speaker 2 (13:14):
Once a president make a year like two fifty?

Speaker 5 (13:16):
Is that what the salary is to the president? The
two fifty? Right?

Speaker 2 (13:19):
You didn't. Not, you can make over two hundred fifty thousands.

Speaker 5 (13:21):
Have made that much in merch before in a night?

Speaker 8 (13:26):
Could I touch you?

Speaker 2 (13:28):
That's funny? And I don't know, maybe four hundred thousand, No,
I'm not sure. That's ten years ago, So don't fact
check me on that.

Speaker 10 (13:34):
And it's better that it's combined.

Speaker 5 (13:36):
We condense that.

Speaker 2 (13:37):
Yeah, like I said, we we've done it so many
times we don't even know how it really happened. But
that's and then he goes, you're simple. We used to
do that one a lot too.

Speaker 5 (13:46):
Forgot about it. We don't do that one.

Speaker 2 (13:47):
As much anymore, but you're simple. We should just keep
that clip saying by of him going you're simple. And
then here's a clip of Eddie and I just it's small,
but we just never played in the audio with it.
Toby had asked us come play a show with him
and DC, so we did, and we go out on
stage and we're singing Red Solo Cup and long and
short of it is afterward because we tried to you

think you know the words of the song until you
have to get up and sing the song with the microphones,
because you sing it your whole life.

Speaker 4 (14:14):
But then the versions of you know, let's have.

Speaker 5 (14:17):
A party, or proceed the party, or there.

Speaker 2 (14:19):
Are a little nuances that it's okay if you mess
up in your car because nobody's judging you, but you
get on stage. And so we did a pretty good job.
What Toby said you afterward?

Speaker 9 (14:27):
Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 3 (14:28):
We were walking out of the venue and he was
by his bus. He goes, hey, thanks for coming. I'm like, hey,
thanks for having us. Toby's like, next time, learn the
band words.

Speaker 2 (14:37):
So this is just a low clip of us singing
Red Solo Cup with Toby and DC.

Speaker 14 (14:54):
Let's get the Mexican.

Speaker 2 (14:56):
You found it?

Speaker 5 (14:57):
Nice job, that's funny. Wowow.

Speaker 2 (15:02):
Because Eddie had introduced himself. Toby knew, I said, knew
the show, but it's been funny. He goes, of the
raging idiots on the Mexican.

Speaker 3 (15:09):
Yeah, we were backstage and I was like, hey, Toby,
in case you don't remember, I'm the Mexican of the band.
And he thought that was the funniest thing. He's like,
what you say, you're the Mexican.

Speaker 2 (15:17):
But he never referenced it on stage that it was
something that Eddie had said previously.

Speaker 4 (15:23):
He just said, where's the Mexican.

Speaker 2 (15:24):
So it's kind of like an inside joke, but for
everybody got to hear. Except I wonder if some people
were like, to Mexican, we play that again, Ray, So

I haven't heard that since.

Speaker 5 (15:50):
We did it. Let's get the Mexican. I love that
man again.

Speaker 2 (15:56):
Something else that we've just talked about in reference many times.
So you know, we've talked about Toby Keith for a
couple of days and lasting impression on country music, lasting
impression on us just from personal things like that.

Speaker 3 (16:09):
I remember looking the crowd too and then be like
huh yeah, did he say that.

Speaker 5 (16:14):
It's time for the good news.

Speaker 10 (16:21):
So this guy, Travis Holt, he'd always wanted to own
a restaurant, and finally, in August of twenty nineteen, he
purchased Country Bob's Cafe in Saint James, Missouri. Well you
know what happened, you know, probably just eight months later COVID.
So obviously he struggled during that time, but it's just
been a series of what he described as misfortunes that

have unfolded since then. And he had posted that like, hey,
we're gonna have to do some layoffs. Well, so many
people that ate at Country Bob's Cafe saw the post.
It was viewed more than two hundred and fifty thousand times.
There was like fifteen hundred comments of people being like, well,
well I'm gonna come eat there soon, like we love
your food, love your place, and the line the next

day after that post and how many people came to
eat at that place to support him and show him love.
It just shows the power of community and social media
because he said it was the best day ever. They
even ran out of food, which obviously he hated that part,
but they just weren't expecting that many people to show
up and this could be a game changer for the
restaurant and the employees that he was going to have

to lay off.

Speaker 4 (17:26):
I got a couple thoughts.

Speaker 10 (17:28):
What was his name, Uh, Travis.

Speaker 5 (17:30):
Holt Country Bob.

Speaker 10 (17:32):
Well, he bought he bought it, so maybe it was
already existing.

Speaker 2 (17:35):
He got it, bought it, And he should change his
name at work to Bob because people are like, where's
Country Bob. He's like, well, I'm Travis. That's not as fun.
He should put a name tag on not now, because
he is who he is when he bought. He should
have just been Bob at work because that'd been cool.
Are you Country Bob?

Speaker 5 (17:50):
Sure? Am Buckero? You been number two?

Speaker 2 (17:53):
Sounds like something I would have liked to have done,
like to go, Wow, this person needs I'm gonna go
eat some food there. But I would have got there
and I would have saw the lineup been like, yeah,
never mind. I just hate good point. I hate lines,
and I that's very social.

Speaker 10 (18:06):
On your list to go like, he's going to need
people to keep going back.

Speaker 5 (18:08):
Who does Bob? Yes, exactly.

Speaker 2 (18:14):
I don't want to poot poo on it. You do
want to poopoo on it. That's your thing, but go ahead.
But I think if you own a restaurant, this is
the move.

Speaker 5 (18:20):
You go on TikTok and you say, oh, I'm struggling, boom,
you're busy.

Speaker 4 (18:24):
But I mean it was on Facebook where he said
after or just.

Speaker 5 (18:27):
Go on Facebook. Man, looks like we're gonna to close down. Man,
we're not getting a customers.

Speaker 2 (18:31):
Like you know what you should do, Find like your
favorite restaurant in your town or like your neighborhood that's
not struggling, but just like a small one and act
like it's yours and be like we're really then to
see if people to show up like we've really been struggling.

Speaker 10 (18:43):
Well, maybe find one that really is well then.

Speaker 5 (18:45):
How would I know?

Speaker 2 (18:46):
Yeah, but you can find one that's like a mom
and pop or like a locally owned Okay, let's just
call it denny Johnny's. No, not Denny's. It's a chain
like Johnny's Cheese. Right, it's a place called johnny Cheese.
And you get on and you're like, hey, guys, Johnny's Cheese.
We're not going to be able to last much longer. Uh,

we've really been struggling. I wonder to thank you guys
for coming over the over the years. So unless there's
like something crazy that happens in the next couple of weeks,
we're probably not going to be able to stay in business.

Speaker 5 (19:17):
So if you guys want to come, that would be awesome.

Speaker 2 (19:19):
I've seen them TikTok before or this has turned into
something big, and if it does, that's great, But if not,
I thank you guys supposed it and then all of
a sudden you dry buying it. There's a line out
of Johnny's Cheese. Look at the good work you've just done.

Speaker 5 (19:30):
That's funny.

Speaker 4 (19:32):
Yeah, And he's like, that's a lot.

Speaker 2 (19:33):

Speaker 10 (19:34):
I'm like, there's people, well, I don't know what his is.
He have a problem with the fact that this guy
put it on social I'm confused. I'm saying making one up.

Speaker 5 (19:44):
Well, I'm saying he could just restaurants could just make
this up and say, oh I'm struggling and it seems
to work.

Speaker 10 (19:49):
Yeah, But he wasn't making it up. He was going
to do He wasn't like.

Speaker 2 (19:52):
The who this girl who wore that it's my birthday exactly.
It wasn't even her birthday and she wore for four days.

Speaker 10 (19:57):
And he wasn't asking for like people to just give
him money. He asked for prayers and then also remind
people hey support your local businesses like not just his.
He encouraged people to know.

Speaker 5 (20:07):
The problem with it.

Speaker 2 (20:08):
I'm just saying it'd be a fun experiment. There's like
a mom and pop. I'm sure they're not making millions
of dollars off their a little restaurant, right, and you'd
be like, I think we're gonna and then just see
if people show up. It helps them and them at.

Speaker 10 (20:16):
All lunch more, it helps also try.

Speaker 5 (20:19):
Eight dollars off of my house.

Speaker 2 (20:21):
All right, great story, that's what it's all about.

Speaker 8 (20:23):
That was telling me something good.

Speaker 5 (20:27):
Laurens One went away.

Speaker 2 (20:28):
First game she ever forgot in she could win the
entire championship of Elder versus Millennius.

Speaker 5 (20:32):
Not today.

Speaker 1 (20:33):
Oh, I have a good feeling.

Speaker 4 (20:34):
She's been dominating, she said, four to one.

Speaker 2 (20:36):
It's the oldest on our show versus swifty Lauren the
youngest on our show, answering trivia questions about each other's generations.
Eddie's first. He's a dad of four. He's a Hispanic
who don't panic at games. He is spectacular and he
thinks he's more attractive than the bachelor. Yeah, his producer ready, ready,
don't miss it, and she can steal.

Speaker 5 (20:56):
I know, I know.

Speaker 4 (20:57):
Question number one?

Speaker 2 (21:01):
What two teams made up fans for the movie Twilight?
What two teams they would call themselves Team blank and
Team blank for the movie Twilight?

Speaker 3 (21:12):
Two teams they would call themselves team.

Speaker 4 (21:17):
Team Edward or Team Werewolf? Got it is that? Your
answer is incorrect? Lauren still well?

Speaker 1 (21:27):
Is the vampires and the werewolves?

Speaker 2 (21:29):

Speaker 5 (21:30):
Team blank and Team Blank?

Speaker 1 (21:32):
I don't know the actual names. I know there were
vampires and werewolves.

Speaker 4 (21:35):
Yeah, it's gonna be incorrect too.

Speaker 5 (21:36):
Wow, Wow, you.

Speaker 1 (21:39):
Know I think so?

Speaker 10 (21:42):
Is it just the team?

Speaker 5 (21:43):
No, it's Edward and Jacob. That's it, Team Edward Jacob, Jacob.
Jacob is the werewolf?

Speaker 2 (21:53):
I don't yeah, Eddie, Yeah, what actress plays Jessica a
Day in the TV show New Girl, Zoey Deschanel.

Speaker 5 (22:05):

Speaker 15 (22:06):
Yes, Yes.

Speaker 2 (22:09):
Eddie's siblings Joel and Benji were founding members of what
two thousand's.

Speaker 4 (22:13):
Pop rock band Good Charlotte? Correct two points?

Speaker 5 (22:15):
Add I told you not today? Not today, Lauren.

Speaker 2 (22:20):
Let's introduce Lauren, Eddie's opponent she's our youngest producer. She's
the biggest Taylor Swift fan around. With a victory today,
she'll take home the crown. It's swifty Lauren. All right, Lauren,
these are all about Eddie's generation, Okay. Michael Jermaine and
Tito were members of what seventies Pop Band? And Tito

Michael Jermaine and Tito What's seventies Pop band?

Speaker 1 (22:49):
Would be like, I know this was it? The pet
Shop Boys.

Speaker 5 (22:52):
In correct, Eddie?

Speaker 2 (22:55):
That is the Jackson five, the Jackson Fine Michael Jackson, Lauren.
In the eighties game show Press Your Luck, there was
one word. They would yell this over and over because
it would reset their score to zero. The contestants would
yell no blank when playing the game, No blank, no blank,
Press Your Luck nineteen.

Speaker 4 (23:14):
Eighties, No no deal, no deal is in correct?

Speaker 5 (23:19):
Eddy? Did I say that? Yeah? No it?

Speaker 16 (23:23):
Hey, you don't know it?

Speaker 2 (23:25):

Speaker 4 (23:26):
No whammy, no lammy, no whammy, Yeah, yeah, I knew that.

Speaker 2 (23:30):
Swefty Laura Thennoid was an advertising character created in the
eighties and briefly revived several times for What Restaurant. He
wore a red skin tight rabbit eared body suit with
a black inn inscribed in a white circle on his chest. Thenoid.

Speaker 1 (23:50):
This might be Eddy's day.

Speaker 17 (23:52):
Yeah, red body suit.

Speaker 2 (23:54):
With a thenoid advertising character created in the eighties.

Speaker 1 (23:58):
Ye're like, I've definitely seen it. What was he wearing it?
On his desk?

Speaker 2 (24:04):
He was wearing a red skin tight rabbit eared body
suit with a black inn inscribed in a white circle.

Speaker 1 (24:13):
Hm, I have no idea. You got this one?

Speaker 2 (24:18):
Eddie is giving up?

Speaker 4 (24:19):
Is it Domino Dominos pizza?

Speaker 5 (24:21):
Yeah? Five zero Eddie come back, come back.

Speaker 2 (24:31):
Did you find that one to be extra hard today?

Speaker 14 (24:33):

Speaker 1 (24:34):
That was very hard?

Speaker 2 (24:35):

Speaker 5 (24:36):
The Jackson five one though, that.

Speaker 1 (24:37):
One, Yeah, I feel like I feel I should have
known that. I was like, oh wait, that was was it?

Speaker 10 (24:42):
Because only three names were said?

Speaker 1 (24:43):
Yeah, I think that's what it was.

Speaker 2 (24:45):
Instead, I guess then, what about do you regret not
getting Team Jacob Team Edwards?

Speaker 9 (24:50):

Speaker 17 (24:50):
I regret that one because I didn't know if it
was like called that in the books or the movies.
I thought that's just what like the fans would call them.

Speaker 5 (24:57):
Like, I have no idea why we're talking to her.
She's a loser.

Speaker 2 (25:01):
You ask me how I feel, Hey, how was it
is shocking that she's really bright.

Speaker 3 (25:08):
Yeah, that's true. She's spacing out today, maybe like blank s.

Speaker 2 (25:11):
Maybe she's Taylor super Bowl. Yeah, okay, well are you
doing anything Taylor related for the Super Bowl?

Speaker 17 (25:22):
I'm just going to a friend's place to watch the game.
I'm sure we'll play. I mean, we all wear my
Taylor Swift shirt, maybe play some of her songs.

Speaker 5 (25:29):
Yeah, and you know, really cheer for her for the Chiefs.

Speaker 1 (25:31):
I am now. Yeah, I was thinking about it.

Speaker 17 (25:33):
I was like, I really have I don't really care
about either team, to be completely honest, but I want
to see my girl down on the field all happy
with her man after the game.

Speaker 1 (25:39):
So why not root for the Chiefs.

Speaker 2 (25:40):
Her new record that comes out is all about Joe
her ex. Do you think I do?

Speaker 17 (25:44):
I do think it is about Joe, But there's like
a lot of signs pointing towards it.

Speaker 5 (25:47):
What's it called the Poets of the Society.

Speaker 17 (25:50):
I keep getting it wrong too, I keep wanting to say,
like the dead Poets Society tortured Poets Department.

Speaker 2 (25:58):
When that her track lace was least that was a
bit controversial. Yeah, because I don't think she released it right,
didn't someone leak it?

Speaker 10 (26:05):
I think?

Speaker 2 (26:05):

Speaker 17 (26:05):
It was leaked, so then she just released it on
her own the next day. But pretty much all the
titles are pretty obvious that it's usual. Yeah yeah, and
then like the name of the album is apparently what
he called a group chat that he had with two
of his friends.

Speaker 4 (26:20):
So I'm sorry, who's Joe?

Speaker 1 (26:23):
For six years so.

Speaker 5 (26:25):
Exactly know who he is, but this one's all public.

Speaker 1 (26:27):
Yeah, Joe's a nobody and Travis Kelsey is What.

Speaker 2 (26:30):
Do you think about people saying suggesting Taylor Swift as
a government asset and they've blown her up so much
now for a few different reasons, and that she is
being used for political gains for certain do you think
she's a.

Speaker 17 (26:49):
Uh No, I doubt She's been big, you know, since
she was sixteen, Like I know, right now her fame
seems like it's at an all time high. But it's
not like it's not like she just came out of nowhere,
like she's been a house name for twenty years.

Speaker 5 (27:01):
Yeah, but done.

Speaker 3 (27:02):
The government always target like Elvis and like No but
stars they target them to like kill them. Oh, the
suggestion is Taylor's the government said, until I go to
other countries in spy or ship.

Speaker 10 (27:14):
But she's doing a world tour.

Speaker 4 (27:17):
Issue is it's not a world too.

Speaker 1 (27:20):
It's not true, it's not true.

Speaker 2 (27:21):
Okay, well what about her concerts? They say are like satanic?
Have you seen any of that on TikTok.

Speaker 17 (27:27):
I've seen a few people say that, but they say
that about everything, like you can find a hidden message
and anything if like you try hard enough. I don't
find that our concerts are satanic. I didn't leave their
feeling like I just satanic. I felt that I love
their feeling great and all happy.

Speaker 3 (27:42):
Was there a satanic era?

Speaker 18 (27:46):

Speaker 1 (27:46):
I think maybe that's her next one after this.

Speaker 2 (27:50):
Eddie congratulations.

Speaker 5 (27:53):
I forgot to congratulate. The bit has been.

Speaker 2 (27:57):
Lunchbox wants to go to the super Bowl, which today
is Thursday, so Friday Saturday, three days away, but it's
not even the super Bowl. He wants to go to
all the parties in Las Vegas because he's gotten like
generic emails that say, you're invited to Gronk's Beach Blast,
You're invited to Shacks wingled Ingle or whatever it is.

Speaker 5 (28:16):
Yeah, Shack's fun party or fun house.

Speaker 2 (28:19):
And you think you would go and have fun at
these absolutely, but you would be by yourself.

Speaker 5 (28:24):
Guess what. There's a lot of people that are gonna
be by themselves. Celebrities come by themselves, mingle with other celebrities.
That's what happens.

Speaker 2 (28:31):
Actually, I don't think that happens at all. I think
it's opposite. They come with a lot of people.

Speaker 5 (28:34):
Oh really, yeah, that's okay. Uh oh, all right, I'll
get in. I'll get in with where I fit in.

Speaker 4 (28:41):
So the question is how do we get him there.

Speaker 2 (28:45):
We have a listener named Nick, and I said on
the air, if a listener will at Lunchbox stay at
their house, it has to be a listener we've never
met before. They call and said, Lunchbox can stay with me,
and then Lunchbox says, yes, I would buy his flight.
I just said that it's gonna haphazardly, just throwing it
out there. Then we look at the flights and it's
like five hundred there and seven hundred back because it

is Super Bowl Sunday into Las Vegas.

Speaker 5 (29:08):
Big time, big things going, big things popping.

Speaker 2 (29:11):
So then Scuba says, what if everybody gives some points
and we send Lunchbox And that wasn't met warmly where
Eddie's like, I'm not doing that.

Speaker 5 (29:18):
No, I use my points every summer. Okay, fair? And
I did say I would pay for it.

Speaker 2 (29:23):
So I went and looked in my Southwest account. I
have one hundred and ninety thousand points. Oh you're good now.

Speaker 4 (29:31):
He only needs about seventy eight thousand to go.

Speaker 5 (29:33):
Okay, not bad.

Speaker 4 (29:35):
I would give you the seventy eight thousand points.

Speaker 3 (29:37):
Okay, yeah, he said I would give you.

Speaker 5 (29:41):
No, I will, oh man.

Speaker 2 (29:43):
But there's always this breaking point where Lunchbox has to
is he playing chicken with us to see if we'll
actually pay for it and send them because he's like,
I want to do it, And then if we go okay,
we're gonna do it, then does he go like, never mind?

Speaker 10 (29:54):
Yes, if you asked your wife if.

Speaker 8 (29:56):
You can rise?

Speaker 2 (29:57):
And are you sure you can get into the parties.

Speaker 5 (29:59):
That I don't No?

Speaker 2 (30:00):
Oh, I also Guy Fieri's having a party too. I
forgot about what but you don't know. I thought you
got invited through email.

Speaker 5 (30:05):
No, I'm saying it said I had to fill out
the credential request?

Speaker 10 (30:08):
When was it Dubai?

Speaker 5 (30:09):
No, it's good. Look, I'm filling out right now, doing
it right now, Bobby Bones show.

Speaker 2 (30:17):
That's my outlet right, Yeah, yeah, yeah, I would probably.
I mean, how do we spice it up? Because they
may be like, what is that? I would say, uh am.

Speaker 7 (30:28):
I outlet type photo, video or print reporter only.

Speaker 2 (30:32):
I would say a video and photo.

Speaker 5 (30:37):
Yeah, it only gives me Okay, I do video then video? Email?
You have one? Yes, it's not on your phone?

Speaker 9 (30:47):

Speaker 5 (30:47):
Do I give him my hotmail? Or do I give
my work? I give him your work.

Speaker 10 (30:52):
It's hot mail sexy for.

Speaker 5 (30:57):
Amy. Don't give it?

Speaker 2 (30:57):
What's next?

Speaker 5 (31:00):
My phone number? You can have my phone number? What
is that?

Speaker 4 (31:05):
Yeah, it's the only number I memorized.

Speaker 5 (31:08):
Please let us know what agency or brand invited you.
That's a good question. That's a good question. You can't
just write email? Can you the email? What agency? Look
at the email?

Speaker 2 (31:20):
Would your wife let you go?

Speaker 5 (31:22):
I don't see why not? Oh no, you would.

Speaker 2 (31:24):
Need to ask her because I'm willing to eighty thousand
points for you to go.

Speaker 5 (31:29):
All right, what is this? And go down and go
the way down, all the way down.

Speaker 10 (31:33):
But you do have three kids and.

Speaker 5 (31:35):
We can get you back. Were the actual game at home,
you'd say this one yeah, RMG or medium, rare or
authentic question? What agency sent you? Oh RMG, here it
is because it's a what's that mean? ORMG? I don't
know that's an agency that sent him. They're going to check.
Oh it did say yeah, okay.

Speaker 2 (31:54):
Okay, next next, okay is a lot of questions.

Speaker 7 (32:00):
Okay, So Shack's Funhouse is Friday, Gronk Beach is Saturday,
Sports Illustrated the party is Saturday, and Guy Fieris is
Sunday for the tailgate?

Speaker 5 (32:10):
Which one? Are you interested in attending all of them?

Speaker 2 (32:12):
Hello, well, you won't be able to go to Guy Fieris.
Uh hi, Cam, I thought you wanted to get back
for the game here.

Speaker 5 (32:19):
I thought i'd come back Monday, you know, because what
if I meet someone here and they invite me to
the game? Good point, That is a valid point. You're
talking to someone that, like, I got an extra ticket.

Speaker 2 (32:29):
Can you see, Mike, what the points are on Monday
to get into Monday?

Speaker 5 (32:32):
Would you like a spot on the red carpet? Yes, yes, yes, yes.

Speaker 2 (32:39):
You don't get to walk it. You're going to interview people.
That's fine, okay, cool.

Speaker 5 (32:42):
If you are requesting a spot on the red carpet,
please confirm the number of people on your crew.

Speaker 9 (32:46):

Speaker 5 (32:47):
Wait, Nick, Nick a hold the camera.

Speaker 2 (32:49):
Do you want Nick to I don't know if Nick
can go with you.

Speaker 4 (32:51):
You have to call him later, and you have to
call your wife.

Speaker 5 (32:53):
Who cares about he can go?

Speaker 2 (32:55):
He Nicks in the air force.

Speaker 5 (32:57):
We can't just whatever Nick's got going on. Okay, go
ahead or shot. Just put one. It's more likely I'll
get in with just one.

Speaker 2 (33:03):
It's better to put two and then show up with
one than to put one to show up with two.

Speaker 5 (33:07):
Okay, all right. Would you like additional access to attend
the entire party? Yes? Wait, yes, yeah, all of yes, yes, yes.

Speaker 7 (33:18):
Coverage plans for Shack's Funhouse, Please provide a brief Just
good grief, guys, I'm just coming to shoot some content.

Speaker 4 (33:25):
We don't say that, just be like coming to party.

Speaker 5 (33:28):
Please provide a brief description of your intended coverage and
or desired needs.

Speaker 2 (33:32):
I would say access to Shaq and the Funhouse, and
then I would say you need You're gonna put it
on a national radio show with a fun house.

Speaker 5 (33:42):
Okay, you can write all this down later. We will
be putting this.

Speaker 10 (33:48):
I'm trying to figure out if like.

Speaker 2 (33:49):
A national radio with over with over six million daily listeners,
that's huge and a podcast.

Speaker 5 (34:00):
Six million daily. Look at how fast listeners not fingers,
how many podcasts?

Speaker 4 (34:08):
And I would say over ten million on social media?

Speaker 10 (34:11):
Okay, oh, rural media group.

Speaker 2 (34:15):
Nothing de finds him more boom period.

Speaker 10 (34:19):
If the Internet's correction.

Speaker 5 (34:21):
Okay, I'm just gonna copy all this so I can
just plan it.

Speaker 2 (34:23):
Okay, go ahead. What's another question?

Speaker 5 (34:25):
Copy? What are your coverage plans for Gronk Beach? Same paste, paste.

Speaker 3 (34:32):
Paste, but I'm gonna put Gronk, Yeah, a shack put
Gronk in there, and Gronk Beach, Yeah. Access to Gronk
and the Gronk Beach yeah, and other celebs.

Speaker 5 (34:48):
Boom paste, sports illustrats, same thing, yeah, but take Shack
out of that one.

Speaker 4 (34:52):
Access to babes yea swim suit, Babes swim.

Speaker 5 (34:56):
Don't do that.

Speaker 2 (34:57):
Don't do that.

Speaker 5 (34:59):
He was.

Speaker 2 (35:02):
So if you're just turning us on now, Lunchbox wants
to go to the startle. I feel like I can
get him there. I can pay for the listeners, let
upstate his.

Speaker 7 (35:08):
House, and I can say me and Guy Fieri go
way back there we go, and I can send him
a video based.

Speaker 2 (35:12):
Don't do that, because then they won't let you go
because he got mad at you based on a personal
relationship with Guy Fiery, And then they're gonna be like, well,
then why are you coming through this.

Speaker 3 (35:19):
Refer to him as your old friend. I'd love to
see my old friend.

Speaker 5 (35:25):
To reconnect with my old friend, guy friend guy this.

Speaker 2 (35:38):
Yeah, you know, I'm just I want the questions more
than have happened to fill at all the answers right now.

Speaker 7 (35:41):
This asked me what I would like at Flavor toown Tailgate,
and I said with barbecue. Yeah, I love to reconnect
with my old friend Guy Fieri, spend time eating some
wonderful food.

Speaker 2 (35:55):
And sharing about and sharing and sharing my experiences with
a million masters, with millions of listeners and viewers.

Speaker 5 (36:04):
Experiences with millions. Did you misspelling experiences? No, I didn't
because there's no red line under it. Thank you with
millions of listeners and viewers. Yep, go ahead, peace? Is
that all submit? Here we go, Let's go, baby done.

Oh question, We're going to the super.

Speaker 2 (36:29):
Bowl and you're going to hear back.

Speaker 5 (36:31):
They need to approve it. Oh, probably in a minute,
so if we get right, I mean probably about five minutes,
probably on to take them.

Speaker 2 (36:37):
A long Well, it's early in the morning, and it's
like if they're in Vegas or La, it's two hours.

Speaker 7 (36:41):
These people don't sleep super Bowl week. Have you guys
ever been like iHeart Radio Festival. The people working behind
the scenes, they don't sleep. Okay, So these people working
in the super Bowl and they're not sleeping, they're probably
print my crod initial as we speak.

Speaker 5 (36:51):
Would you really go yeah? Have you checked with your wife?

Speaker 2 (36:54):

Speaker 5 (36:55):
You want me to?

Speaker 9 (36:56):

Speaker 5 (36:58):
Yeah, there's probably more of a sitting down on talk.
I would.

Speaker 4 (37:03):
Faller though, because we have to figure it out today.

Speaker 5 (37:05):
Okay, I'll call her.

Speaker 2 (37:06):
Okay, So we're with the kids right now. We're waiting
for Gronk and Shack and Guy to get back to us.

Speaker 5 (37:13):
Yeah. Imagine if I become boys. Is Gronk right?

Speaker 2 (37:17):
And then we're waiting for your wife to give you
the okay?

Speaker 5 (37:20):
Yeah, wait, you know.

Speaker 2 (37:21):
What and then all yes is I will buy your
flight and then Nick will let you stay with him
our listener we've never met.

Speaker 5 (37:28):
And you know what we gotta get. We gotta get
a new.

Speaker 4 (37:29):
Drip wants new clothes.

Speaker 5 (37:33):
I gotta dress. I gotta be dressed. Plenty of clothes.

Speaker 4 (37:36):
Your wife buys your clothes all the time that you
only wear once a year.

Speaker 5 (37:38):
Right, the ones, the ones you button up all the
way to the top.

Speaker 2 (37:40):
Yeah, now the.

Speaker 5 (37:41):
Button up the top has been kind of out lately,
according to Ryan.

Speaker 10 (37:46):
Okay, where are your bracelets?

Speaker 2 (37:49):

Speaker 5 (37:52):
Maybe Ryan can meet me out there your bracelets.

Speaker 2 (37:53):
Okay, we're gonna play a song.

Speaker 5 (37:55):
We'll come back.

Speaker 2 (37:55):
We'll check out on lunch Box later and see how
everything's falling under.

Speaker 5 (37:59):
Got an email from Inside Radio that was just a
random email. Wasn't even from you.

Speaker 4 (38:06):
Okay, here's a voicemail from d in South Georgia.

Speaker 15 (38:09):
I was curious about Lunchbox's car situation. I know that
he was having car troubles and his old jeluffe was
having a breakdown, and but we never heard.

Speaker 16 (38:23):
Did he get a new car and she's still on
his bike or his little mopedge?

Speaker 10 (38:28):
What's it do?

Speaker 14 (38:29):
Let us know?

Speaker 5 (38:30):
Let us know. Oh yeah, I'm still looking for a car.
Car still. I mean somehow it still works every once
in a while. So drive it today, Yeah, drove it today. Wow.

Speaker 2 (38:39):
The chick squeeze in every bit of juice out of
that thing. I mean the check like that toothpaste roll.
He has got it all the way into that tight circle,
rolled up and you get given.

Speaker 5 (38:48):
It a very bottom Yeah. I mean the check engine
light is still on like it when I started. But
it runs, and.

Speaker 2 (38:54):
Don't worry about it dying in the middle like a
highway or somewhere busy where then you're just stuck.

Speaker 5 (38:58):
I mean, I've thought about it. You don't worry about
it now. It doesn't stress me out.

Speaker 2 (39:02):
If you're asking over under him getting a car by
my birthday April second.

Speaker 4 (39:08):
Over you think it'd be after that?

Speaker 2 (39:10):

Speaker 5 (39:10):
Yeaheah, heel squeeze more over.

Speaker 4 (39:12):
Yeah, because now you start riding his bike again because
the weather's getting good.

Speaker 2 (39:15):
Right, It kind of gives him a whole another six months.

Speaker 8 (39:18):
The pile of stories.

Speaker 10 (39:21):
Right, some parents are mad after alcohol free prosecco was
served at a thirteen year old's birthday party.

Speaker 2 (39:27):
Interesting what they would have just not said alcohol free prosecco.
That it said like uh a tart punch.

Speaker 10 (39:34):
Right, But it wasn't. It's it was no seco.

Speaker 5 (39:38):
That's a weird.

Speaker 4 (39:39):
That is interesting. That does sound dirty.

Speaker 2 (39:42):
That's interesting because I could see where people would get upset.
But also there's no alcohol and if you don't say
it's whatever proseca is.

Speaker 4 (39:51):
I don't even know what that is or what it
tastes like. The kids would know.

Speaker 10 (39:55):
Yeah, well the kids did know. So one mom picked
up their daughter. It was like nine thirty night Saturday.
They get in the car like, oh no, I never know,
but she said, oh yeah, the mom served us no
seco and then that's an alcohol free perseco.

Speaker 4 (40:13):
So one mom, that mom is the one who served it.

Speaker 10 (40:18):
The deal is too. The reason why the mom put
it online was because her dad was an alcoholic, and
so she's sensitive to this sort of stuff and she
didn't know if she was being, you know, taking it
overboard because of her history and her past. And most
people online were like, no, this is valid.

Speaker 2 (40:35):
It's weird she didn't serve them actual prosecco. It's no,
you just shouldn't do that. But it's a weird. You
shouldn't do it because there's nothing really wrong about it, right, Yeah,
I mean I.

Speaker 10 (40:45):
Would grow like the kids were like, this doesn't even
really taste that good. So my solution would be we
serve sparkling grape juice like my kids love that is,
like if we're.

Speaker 4 (40:54):
All having it like church wine they'll do great juice.

Speaker 10 (40:57):
Sure, yeah, But if they're wanting like a little toe
or something, I think that's fine. You do the grape juice.

Speaker 5 (41:02):
I'm gonna try it.

Speaker 3 (41:03):
I'm gonna have some of my kids friends over and
give them some non alcoholic beer.

Speaker 4 (41:07):
Due no, do no alcohol white claws. It'll look more fun.

Speaker 2 (41:11):
We have a barbecue everyone. Yeah, yeah, yeah, but again,
if there's no alcohol in it. The reason it's adult
is because of the alcohol. Other than that, it just tastes.

Speaker 5 (41:19):
That's a break, rad.

Speaker 4 (41:21):
Are you drinking white claw in the studio?

Speaker 5 (41:23):
I got it right here, like right now, get that baby.

Speaker 2 (41:29):
But it's white claw, but it's non alcoholic. Yeah, it
says zero percent alcohol. It tastes just like it though
it tastes like alcohol.

Speaker 5 (41:36):

Speaker 10 (41:36):
So do you feel like maybe you get a little
like because your body's so used to having alcohol, you
get a little placebo high.

Speaker 5 (41:43):
You get high from breaking white clole?

Speaker 10 (41:44):
Well, not high, but that's the word you're looking for. Sorry.

Speaker 2 (41:49):
I think there's points zero zero zero one percent alcohol
and its still to have that taste, okay, but kombucha
would have more than that.

Speaker 3 (41:55):
It is a problem to kind of have the taste
of alcohol while you're working, though, I don't.

Speaker 2 (42:00):
Again, fine line here, fine line that Ray wants to
drink white claw while you work a little weird. We're
finn to find out how long have you been drinking
white claw while you work? This week? It's been great
white claw while you work. Okay, I'm trying it because
I got to be the guy, the leader here. It
doesn't bother me to drink that. Ray drinks zero percent

on alcohol white Club, just like I feel like it's
not a big deal. These kids drink the zero percent.
It's just not a good idea.

Speaker 10 (42:32):
No, the mom can do that with her own child,
but when you've got other kids at your house a party,
just don't do that.

Speaker 4 (42:38):
Yeah, okay, okay.

Speaker 10 (42:40):
If a coin flip offered you one billion dollars or
incurable hiccups for life, would you do it? Because not
flipping the coin, you get the billion dollars but also
get the hiccups. So what would you do?

Speaker 5 (42:54):
Well, that's a terrible question.

Speaker 4 (42:56):
Why if you don't flip the coin, you get them both?

Speaker 2 (42:59):
Right? If you do flip the coin, there's a chance
to get one or the other. Yeah, but there's a
chance that you only end up with just hiccups.

Speaker 10 (43:08):
Right, okay, so but but you you may have a
billion dollars. It's incurable, by the way, but you're gonna
be hiccupping for the rest of your life.

Speaker 2 (43:15):
I don't think that me hiccupping is going to ruin
my life every second if I have If I have
a billion dollars, but when I have my jet and
I have the hiccups, jet open like greater than hiccups.

Speaker 4 (43:28):
So I'm gonna win there, lit gain every every time.

Speaker 10 (43:31):
That's a good pit going to be attracted.

Speaker 4 (43:34):
She will because I have a billion dollars like that.

Speaker 10 (43:37):
Yeah, she doesn't care.

Speaker 2 (43:39):
They're gonna be like have you met that bill attracted
a dude for a million dollars? That's you know what
I mean. So I would just say I would not
flip it and take the billion and the hiccups rather
than go fifty to fifty on just having the hiccups
forever and nothing.

Speaker 10 (43:52):
Okay. These are fun questions, by the way, to do
with your kids around the dinner.

Speaker 2 (43:55):
Table to would get over this fun.

Speaker 10 (43:59):
We did these questions the other night, and it was
really interesting to hear some of the stuff my kids
would say and then they started coming up with their
own and just dinner table talk. Uh yeah, my son's was,
would you rather have to walk on?

Speaker 6 (44:13):

Speaker 5 (44:14):
Would you rather now?

Speaker 10 (44:15):
Well? Yeah, I mean sort of the similar.

Speaker 5 (44:19):
And poop out your ears? Yeah.

Speaker 10 (44:22):
My son's was, did you rather walk on your hands?
Like anytime you were walking, but anytime you ran you
were as fast as you say, bolt, I give you
a I don't know this or what.

Speaker 4 (44:33):
I would have to just be normal and not do
either one of those.

Speaker 3 (44:37):
No, no, no, If you don't do either, you die if
you don't get the hiccups for life.

Speaker 10 (44:40):
I think that's why it's fun to see what your
kids come up with. Right, Well, do you carry.

Speaker 4 (44:43):
A wallet in my bag?

Speaker 10 (44:47):
Well, gen Z says, just even having a wallet makes
you old.

Speaker 2 (44:51):
Well, I don't keep it in my pocket though bad.

Speaker 10 (44:54):
It doesn't matter the fact that you have one. I
mean I have one, but that's now old. Like you know,
sometimes we talk about butterscotch candies were.

Speaker 2 (45:01):
Like that was always the dumbest thing for people because
they would like be in there forever and get holes
in them.

Speaker 10 (45:12):
But wallets are how we're aging ourselves, because.

Speaker 4 (45:14):
That's not true.

Speaker 2 (45:15):
Everything's like our millennium misennials, whatever they are.

Speaker 4 (45:18):
They're like, well, do you wear a seat belt? That
means you old a that is maybe that.

Speaker 5 (45:27):
Was Amy's pile of stories.

Speaker 8 (45:29):
It's time for the Good News Box.

Speaker 5 (45:36):
Three year old Ethan's with his parents at the grocery
store and he sees it. It's a Hello Kitty claw
machine and it's just like calling him e thin thin thin.

Speaker 7 (45:51):
He's like mom, dad, And so they give him some
quarters to go over and play, and they turn their
back and when they turn back around, Ethans won the doll.
No he didn't, So he climbed in the machine. He
went to the little slot up into the Hello Kiddy
machine and.

Speaker 5 (46:06):
He was stuck. And he's just sitting there playing with
the dolls he's got. He's got all of them. He's
got any want that one? That one they're playing to
have a little game like how are we gonna get
him out? They got to call the fire.

Speaker 2 (46:18):
Department or they couldn't just open it like a back
larger slot like they put the toys in there.

Speaker 3 (46:23):
Yeah, with a key. Well maybe the grocery store didn't
have the key. It's like maybe somebody else owns it.
So they call him.

Speaker 5 (46:30):
They called police nine one one, I don't know they
called nine one or free one one whatever. They show
a glass and they're like, man, how are we going
to do this? And after about fifteen minutes of him
playing in there, they're like, we gotta get him out.

Speaker 7 (46:39):
They're like, hey, Eaton looked the other way. Yeah, mashed
the glass and got eating out. That's awesome. No, I
like that to mash the glass. Why I thought he
doesna be like okay and he crawl out.

Speaker 5 (46:50):
Oh no, but that's cool. It is cool. They smashed the.

Speaker 10 (46:54):
Glass, dude, remember that tiny lunchboxed machine, and was like.

Speaker 8 (46:59):
I'm still.

Speaker 4 (47:01):
You have to voice of myn adult man, how did
you get stuck?

Speaker 5 (47:04):
All right?

Speaker 2 (47:05):
Thank you, that's what it's all about.

Speaker 8 (47:07):
That was telling me something good.

Speaker 2 (47:10):
Ninety seconds on the clock, You guys ready to get
some of these corny jokes?

Speaker 4 (47:13):
Ready to go investigative?

Speaker 5 (47:15):

Speaker 2 (47:15):
How many coy getting ninety seconds? The timer starts when
Amy finishes the first joke?

Speaker 5 (47:20):
Are you ready?

Speaker 10 (47:20):

Speaker 5 (47:21):
All right? Morning corny?

Speaker 10 (47:26):
What do you call sweets that can keep a beat?

Speaker 5 (47:29):
And drum drumsticks? Drumsticks?

Speaker 2 (47:32):
That's not it though, it's not I don't think so
I think sure to yell d S six, I say again, Amy.

Speaker 10 (47:38):
Roll sweets that can keep a beat?

Speaker 5 (47:42):
Beat wait, beatbox.

Speaker 3 (47:45):
Beat box, sweetbox, sreetbox, drum machines, sweets that can keep
a beat.

Speaker 5 (47:52):
Okay, sweets, cookies, cookies.

Speaker 2 (47:55):
Candy, candy, candy, candy jams, candy wrapper, candy jam, that's.

Speaker 5 (47:59):
It, candy rapper.

Speaker 10 (48:01):
What did the puzzle say to his date on Valentine's Day?

Speaker 4 (48:06):
Let's twist put me together. You're my missing piece, You're.

Speaker 2 (48:11):
So that in a whole.

Speaker 5 (48:12):
What like the piece? We belong together. We belong together. Yeah,
we can work.

Speaker 10 (48:18):
So I guess I could give it.

Speaker 4 (48:19):
No, it has to be what's on the page.

Speaker 2 (48:20):
You know the rule?

Speaker 5 (48:21):
What is the what is the it's gotta be.

Speaker 2 (48:23):
Say again.

Speaker 10 (48:25):
What did the puzzle say to his date on Valentine's Day?

Speaker 5 (48:28):
You're my jig to my saw. That's cute, though.

Speaker 2 (48:36):
Mine puzzle be puzzle pieces don't bring more heart pieces.

Speaker 5 (48:42):
Let's fall to pieces. I fall to pieces when I'm
around you.

Speaker 4 (48:46):
I fallow piece of when'm around you, because you're so awesome.

Speaker 5 (48:48):
It's cute. You're my piece, you're my.

Speaker 3 (48:50):
Missing pieces, you're the perfect piece.

Speaker 5 (48:54):
You're Yeah, you're the missing.

Speaker 10 (48:56):
I'm going to give that to y'all. It's you complete me.

Speaker 4 (48:58):
Oh, we didn't get that any get that.

Speaker 2 (49:00):
You can't give it. We didn't give this.

Speaker 5 (49:03):
We definitely didn't get that.

Speaker 10 (49:04):
You did.

Speaker 5 (49:05):
We didn't get that.

Speaker 10 (49:05):
Didn't change it.

Speaker 5 (49:06):
No, no, we can't change it. That's terrible.

Speaker 2 (49:12):
Joe wasn't terrible. That wasn't terrible. We didn't get it.
You can't give it to us. We don't want charity.
You complete, complete. It's stupid, but we don't want charity.

Speaker 5 (49:23):
Go ahead, clear eyes, fool hearts.

Speaker 2 (49:27):
Happy Valentine's Day?

Speaker 4 (49:28):
Next week? Oh boy, next week?

Speaker 5 (49:30):
Right is it?

Speaker 10 (49:31):
I don't know that next it's next Wednesday.

Speaker 4 (49:34):
Oh correct, I gotta get my movie tickets.

Speaker 2 (49:35):
I know that Places of Love when Valentine's Days on
a Tuesday or Wednesday, because it really they make a
bunch of money one days. They don't really make money
for local economy. So lots of prop bets, meaning these
are the fun little bets you can do. Coin toss,
you can do. There's one the first touchdown will the
jersey be over under the number twenty? So it's a

lot of goofy stuff you can't do during every game.
But it's super fun because more people watch Super Bowl.
I have a lot of Taylor Swift ones. Here. Will
Taylor Swift be shown on TV holding or eating a
hot dog? If you bet yes and she is eating
a hot dog on TV, you win twelve times the
money you bet.

Speaker 5 (50:14):
That's awesome, that's not bad, Like, why not bet that?

Speaker 3 (50:16):
And then if you're in the suite with her, give
her a hot dog? Hey, we hold this real quick.
Come Ye that's true, that's true.

Speaker 4 (50:23):
You just you just keep handing her hot dogs.

Speaker 5 (50:25):
Ye'll take another bite.

Speaker 2 (50:26):
She's on camera throwing her well, Travis Kelsey proposed to
her after or at the game. No, so six to one.
If you bet yes, Wow, six to one, you get
six times the money.

Speaker 5 (50:40):
That's lower than the hot dog. That's crazy.

Speaker 2 (50:45):
Over under five point five times that Taylor will be
shown on camera during the game.

Speaker 4 (50:49):
I'll bet that right now over under.

Speaker 7 (50:51):
Because there's been so much talk about it, I feel
like they are trying to purposely not show her.

Speaker 10 (50:57):
Well, and what's a point, Like if it's a half
a time, what's that?

Speaker 5 (51:00):

Speaker 4 (51:00):
No, no half means a good question?

Speaker 5 (51:03):
No tie?

Speaker 2 (51:04):
Right, So let's say it has to was a five
and a half. So if it's five, it means no.
If it's six, it means yes. Or if it was
just five and it was five, it'd be a time
you're thinking it.

Speaker 10 (51:13):
Was like half a second.

Speaker 2 (51:16):
You only see half of her body. They showed Jake
Jillen Hall, but just hurt like half of her eye
sitting next to it. Okay, will Taylor Swift be shown
during the halftime show?

Speaker 5 (51:29):

Speaker 10 (51:29):
Usher dancing? Yes?

Speaker 2 (51:32):
So yes? Is it plus two hundred? We bet that
one too, meaning if you bet one hundred bucks you
went to during the halftime show because she's not doing it?
So yes, is the U the underdog?

Speaker 7 (51:46):
Because they are going to keep it on Usher, But
they may show her because they show the crowd dancing,
don't they.

Speaker 5 (51:51):
So they made sure.

Speaker 2 (51:52):
If she's dancing, if she's not like somewhere else, not
in sweet?

Speaker 5 (51:56):
And is she gonna be in a sweet? Oh, she'll
be in a sweet for sure, because.

Speaker 7 (51:59):
I saw Donna Kelsey, the Kelsey's mom saying sweets are
going between eight hundred thousand to a million, and so
she thinks she'll be in the regular stands.

Speaker 4 (52:05):
And that's fine for Donna Kelcey, But talk about Taylor Swift.

Speaker 5 (52:08):
Yeah, she'll pay that.

Speaker 2 (52:08):
No, probably get sweet and then have Donna Kelsey come
to her sweet exactly good point. Yeah, because okay, well,
Taylor Swift appear in a super Bowl commercial.

Speaker 5 (52:18):
Five five to one. But you already know that, don't
They already know the like I feel like.

Speaker 2 (52:22):
Most they release early, but that doesn't mean they share
them all.

Speaker 4 (52:27):
But people think she's not. But you'll make a bunch
of five to one if you.

Speaker 5 (52:32):
Know what if her and Travis have a super Bowl commercial.

Speaker 2 (52:35):
Oh, Taylor Swift and Travis announced their pregnancy. Okay, at
or within twenty four hours of the Super Bowl. Big
odds on this one, basically, yeahs ridiculous, eighty five to one.

Speaker 3 (52:53):
You put a dollar on that, just waste a lot
of dollars.

Speaker 8 (52:58):
He likes to do.

Speaker 2 (52:58):
Just in cases five hundred times they'd be like, okay, Well,
Taylor Swift turned down Travis Kelsey's marriage proposal. Hilarious.

Speaker 5 (53:09):
Hey he gets on one knee. She's like, get up,
that's all. She's not right now, you're embarrassing me.

Speaker 4 (53:14):
Which half will Taylor be shown more during the super Bowl?
First or second?

Speaker 2 (53:20):
The favorite where they think she'll be showing the most
of the second second because if the game's.

Speaker 3 (53:24):
Close, right, you know the en they're gonna win, nail biders,
they want to get that shot of her biting her nails.

Speaker 5 (53:30):
And if they win, they want to show her celebrating.

Speaker 2 (53:31):
Right, which happens first, either one of the teams scores
a touchdown or Taylor is shown on TV?

Speaker 5 (53:39):
Taylor on TV, you think, because they'll show her as
soon as the game starts.

Speaker 2 (53:44):
That's pretty close. The odds are pretty close on this one.
I would probably bet with Taylor shown once briefly.

Speaker 5 (53:51):
Oh yeah, they're getting near the end zone. They're going
to show her.

Speaker 3 (53:54):
I picture them being like, oh, we're at the super
Bowl and everyone's here. Look, even Taylor's here, Like immediately you.

Speaker 5 (54:00):
Made it from Japan, right. That's a good point because
that's the big catches. It gets tackled on the two
yard line, they show her jumping up and down an excitement.

Speaker 2 (54:08):
Will Taylor Swift be shown wearing a foam finger? No, No,
she wouldn't do that. About ten to one if she
is the hot dog is still a bigger bet. Wow,
But ten to one finger, she's just one of us,
you know she is. I've made a couple of these
prop bets, no tailor ones yet.

Speaker 10 (54:28):
Which ones is you bet?

Speaker 2 (54:29):
What's fun?

Speaker 5 (54:30):
I'll do the jersey one.

Speaker 4 (54:31):
I bet the jersey one on over twenty.

Speaker 5 (54:34):
I think it's smart.

Speaker 2 (54:36):
And then I've done a couple other ones, like how
many times will I pete in the first quarter with
my wife?

Speaker 5 (54:40):
We make that? Yeah, yeah, you make bets though you
hold it.

Speaker 2 (54:43):
Yeah, yeh yeah.

Speaker 5 (54:44):

Speaker 2 (54:45):
We'll find out if Lunchbox is gonna go to Vegas
coming up later on too, Lunchbox asked us to send
him to Las Vegas. He said, the show send me
to Vegas because it's a super Bowl, it's a big
culture event, and it'd be great for me to report back.
We don't normally do that. We don't normally send out
roving reporters. Mostly, he just wanted to go to the Super.

Speaker 5 (55:02):
Bowl and we're not.

Speaker 2 (55:02):
We can't get him tickets because tickets are like ten
thousand dollars each. But he thinks I'll make some sort
of friend there that'll get him in the game.

Speaker 4 (55:08):
Boom exactly. I love the optimism.

Speaker 2 (55:12):
However, there was no chance this company was going to
pay for him to go, so it was up to
me to figure out a way to get him there,
and a listener called because I said, if Lunchbox finds
a listener that we don't know that says you can
stay at my house, that's pretty fun.

Speaker 4 (55:28):
That makes it worth that's fine. Yeah, And so a
listener called in earlier here you go.

Speaker 9 (55:33):
Sunnit, Lunchbog, do you want to come to stay at
my house?

Speaker 10 (55:36):
In Oh, it sounds weird when you're saying, how many
do you have a spare bedroom? Would you all be
sharing a room?

Speaker 9 (55:47):
I can share room with? Lunchbox was spare bedroom? Amen,
it's my wife and I who lived here. We have
a dog. Oh my, we're totally normal.

Speaker 2 (55:55):
And anybody who says they're totally normal exactly. So we're
back live right now. That was a from earlier this morning.
So we got the place. So the tickets were insane
to fly Southwest, We're just insane. And that's the best
to fly because they're always the cheapest. And so I
got on and like the lowest fare was like five
ninety one way and like six hundred back. Well, I

did log into my account and I have enough miles
to get him a ticket there and back.

Speaker 8 (56:23):
Let's go.

Speaker 5 (56:25):
And then he has these parties.

Speaker 2 (56:26):
He has Gronks Rendezvous, Shacks, Rendezvous, Pool party or something.

Speaker 5 (56:29):
Wow, Guy Fieri and Sports Illustrated. Yeah, wow, good parties. Man.

Speaker 4 (56:34):
Now have you heard back from any of them?

Speaker 2 (56:36):
I have?

Speaker 5 (56:37):

Speaker 4 (56:38):
Have they said, okay, you're cool to come.

Speaker 7 (56:40):
Gronk Party said, thank you for showing interest. We'd love
to have you come cover our event.

Speaker 10 (56:47):
WHOA, no bite no the way he read that, that.

Speaker 7 (56:51):
Sound like there was, but we don't have thank you
for showing interest. We'd loved you come cover our event.

Speaker 5 (57:00):
Boom. But they're saying cover but you want to like
go experience. But yeah, but cover experience, same thing.

Speaker 7 (57:05):
Yeah, okay, Sports Illustrated, thanks for showing interest, but right
now we are at capacity.

Speaker 4 (57:13):
That's the one you really wanted, Guy Fiery.

Speaker 2 (57:16):
But hold on, it's not the Sports Illustrated swimsuit model, right,
it's not. There may be people there, but that's not
what it is. Like party is going to be. Yeah,
it's like it's like sports Oh that company the magazine
does stop been making the magazine anyway.

Speaker 5 (57:30):
Yeah, but just think Gronk at the pool that is
going to be going to go there.

Speaker 2 (57:34):
That's gonna be a banger Okay, go ahead, guy fiery.
We really appreciate know the tone. We really appreciate you
reaching out about covering this event. Unfortunately, we are not
able to honor your request at this time. We'll let
you know if anything changes.

Speaker 10 (57:52):
That's the one where he was like, I want to
meet up with my boy buddy.

Speaker 2 (57:55):
They probably went to him and said, hey, you know
you're old buddy, and he's like, I remember that, dude.

Speaker 4 (57:59):
No way, So you got two shack and grom.

Speaker 5 (58:04):

Speaker 2 (58:05):
And here's the thing. If I'm at one party, don't
think kind of just absolutely, I'm sure you could get
into the other.

Speaker 5 (58:10):
They kind of just blend in together.

Speaker 3 (58:11):
You make friends with someone who has passes, there are
going to be people who don't show up.

Speaker 7 (58:14):
Yeah, and they may hit me on my cell and
be like, hey, you know Tom Brady didn't show up,
you can come instead.

Speaker 5 (58:20):
Something like that.

Speaker 10 (58:21):
Do you get to mingle as if you're a regular partygoer?
Do you have to wear some vest that says press?

Speaker 5 (58:27):
They didn't say that.

Speaker 2 (58:28):
I think he feels like, I think I'm just gonna
know what he has to wear. He's going to get
in regardless because he's him. Okay, So if he has
to cover an interview and that's it. He can be
cool enough for somebody to invite him in some way.
He thinks he's going to get a super Bowl ticket.

Speaker 5 (58:43):
Yeah, I and my interview. They'll be like, dude, you
seem like a lot of fun. Why don't you come
hang out me in the party. Quit interviewing people and
get the party. They'd be like, let me interview you
at the party, and.

Speaker 7 (58:51):
Then we'll go to the party and they'll be like, dude,
you are so much fun to party with. You want
to party at the super Bowl. And I'll be like, yeah,
I actually do because I don't have a ticket.

Speaker 2 (58:59):
Okay, So all this is so we have two parties.
I'll cover the flight, although we have to book it
super quick. It's gonna be gone. We have a listener
who is gonna let him stay the house. The only
thing that we didn't have clearance on was Lunchbox's wife.

Speaker 5 (59:10):
That's kind of a big one.

Speaker 2 (59:10):
It's a big one because it's like leaving tomorrow right
after the show. Kids. Yes, that being said, he texted
her and you haven't heard her voice.

Speaker 5 (59:20):
No, I just said, hey, can you send me a
little memo? We need this for Bobby wants to know
if I can go, and I need you to tell
him it's okay. So that's what the text said.

Speaker 7 (59:27):
Yeah, I said, super Bowl, you know, three kids, just
want to make sure you're good.

Speaker 5 (59:32):
All that the radio and so.

Speaker 10 (59:39):
Wait, you said to her, I need you to tell.

Speaker 1 (59:42):
Him it's okay.

Speaker 5 (59:42):
No, I just said that way he knows it's okay.

Speaker 2 (59:45):
Well, you read the exact text you said, or have
Eddie read it so you don't make anything else.

Speaker 5 (59:50):
Good idea. Now, let's see it, Lynch, I said, And.

Speaker 4 (59:53):
If she says yes, we'll book it right now.

Speaker 7 (59:54):
I said, Hey, we're talking about this super Bowl trip
and everything is li up, got a place to stay,
got a flight, look, working on getting into the parties. Now,
I'm just letting you know, is it cool if I go?

Speaker 5 (01:00:09):
That's it?

Speaker 2 (01:00:09):
Eddie alway said, that's pretty much what he said. Are
we ready to hear her voice memo back that we
have not heard? Everyboy good and play.

Speaker 13 (01:00:17):
I saw your text about going to the super Bowl
this weekend. It sounds cool. I think it sounds like
it could be something that's really fun. But it's kind
of weird that you have to stay with a listener
like a stranger. I guess if you're not weirded out
by that or you I.

Speaker 8 (01:00:36):
Don't know, you feel safe doing it?

Speaker 1 (01:00:38):
I guess you could go.

Speaker 13 (01:00:40):
I think I guess, yeah, sure, have fun.

Speaker 5 (01:00:43):
Are you gonna go? Boom?

Speaker 2 (01:00:47):
I can't believe it. We're actually there.

Speaker 5 (01:00:48):
Wow, So now we just have to do clothes shopping.

Speaker 10 (01:00:53):
No, you're good.

Speaker 2 (01:00:55):
No, no, you have the close remember that you everybody
stand by Alberta in New York is on right now, Alberta,
thank you for calling the show. What's going on?

Speaker 5 (01:01:03):
Yes? You fell off? Oh no.

Speaker 2 (01:01:05):
What she said was they were taking bets. They wanted
to make a bet that lunchbox was gonna come up
with an excuse not to go.

Speaker 5 (01:01:11):
M what do you mean excuse not to go? I'm in.
I just told you.

Speaker 2 (01:01:16):
Are you in with any sort of you have to
do this?

Speaker 5 (01:01:21):
I have to go to the parties, I know. No, No,
we have to do anything else for you? Yes, what
I need clothes? We're not No.

Speaker 7 (01:01:26):
No, listen, you were already gonna pay for the flight,
right No, I was it? Hold on, hold on, so
that money was already designated for like, hey, I'm gonna
pay for the flight and then you got creative and
used your mile so that cat.

Speaker 4 (01:01:39):
I wasn't ever gonna pay for the whole flight.

Speaker 7 (01:01:41):
The cash that you were gonna use for the flight
goes towards clothes.

Speaker 5 (01:01:44):
I need new drip. I can't be showing up.

Speaker 2 (01:01:47):
I can't let me, let me, let me just stop
everything for a second. I'm gonna play a song I need.
I need to compose myself because I knew there would
be something else.

Speaker 10 (01:01:57):
I mean, but if the closes are a no, if
he's still gonna go.

Speaker 5 (01:02:00):
I don't know it's just clothes, Well, he needs a
new drip. Okay.

Speaker 2 (01:02:04):
I want to go over to the phones and talk
to Jim, who is in Wichita, Kansas, who's calling us
because Lunchbox has now been provided at trip to Las
Vegas for the Super Bowl flights, a place to stay.
He's been allowed into the Gronk party in the shack party,
yet he's made a new demand if he needs clothes.

Speaker 4 (01:02:20):
Jim, what would you like to say to Lunchbox?

Speaker 16 (01:02:24):
Are you lunchbox man?

Speaker 12 (01:02:25):
You got clothes?

Speaker 9 (01:02:27):
You don't need that. Just go as you go and
have fun. You don't nobody gets this experience.

Speaker 5 (01:02:34):
No. I feel like if I show up in my
older clothes, We're gonna look like a joke. And I
don't want to represent the Bobby Bone Show looking like
a joke. I want us to look like we're serious.

Speaker 2 (01:02:45):
But what are you gonna wear? Because it's at an
outdoor beach party. It's just shorts and a T shirt.

Speaker 7 (01:02:49):
I mean, I gotta get a new swimsuit, gotta get
some new sunglass.

Speaker 5 (01:02:52):
I mean, you gotta have sun glasses.

Speaker 4 (01:02:54):
Now you want sunglasses.

Speaker 3 (01:02:55):
Well, it's part of the Outfit's about the jersey, Bobby,
can you lend him a jersey?

Speaker 2 (01:02:59):
I have a bunch of signed ones. Wear this Odell
Beckha Junior.

Speaker 5 (01:03:02):
When you go wear.

Speaker 2 (01:03:02):
That's it's the super Bowl.

Speaker 5 (01:03:05):
I mean, I could wear a jerky.

Speaker 7 (01:03:06):
But what about I mean, I'm talking about the part
of the shack party that's a dress.

Speaker 5 (01:03:09):
Up, Like you gotta look fancy.

Speaker 2 (01:03:11):
Okay, you have fancy clothes you got I don't have
that on a fancy bracelets, I don't have that. And
I mean, and you gotta think when you buy clothes
in Vegas, it's a lot more expensive. Plus haircut and shave,
Like in Vegas, you do that, you're at least looking
at two hundred bucks.

Speaker 4 (01:03:26):
Jim, what are your thoughts on this.

Speaker 9 (01:03:30):
Lunch box? You're killing us?

Speaker 5 (01:03:31):
I know.

Speaker 4 (01:03:32):
No, no, we finally make it happen.

Speaker 5 (01:03:34):
These guys aren't taking it serious. They think it's a
big joke.

Speaker 2 (01:03:36):
We're finally gonna.

Speaker 4 (01:03:37):
Give you eighty thousand flight points.

Speaker 5 (01:03:39):
Oh flight points?

Speaker 2 (01:03:40):
Yeah, no, no, no, that that flights will buy me
a flight somewhere.

Speaker 10 (01:03:45):
Yeah, that's miney.

Speaker 5 (01:03:46):
Wait, what do you have on your computer?

Speaker 2 (01:03:48):
Jim? Thank you for calling. We appreciate it. We're getting
the news. But we'll check back with him in a
few seconds.

Speaker 3 (01:03:52):
Okay, all right, but he's looking at cars now to
rent or something.

Speaker 7 (01:03:57):
Well, no, we got to do the news. Heading, don't
talk about what's on my computer. Are you worry about
what's on your help? Would you need a rental call?

Speaker 5 (01:04:02):
Wait, we'll talk about it. I don't want to. I
don't want to intertw let's do that.

Speaker 2 (01:04:05):
Thank you for Thank you for not wanting to interrupt
something for the first time ever in the history of
the show.

Speaker 5 (01:04:09):
Okay, let's go to the news.

Speaker 8 (01:04:11):
Body's story.

Speaker 2 (01:04:14):
A Florida man racks up over thirty one thousand dollars
in charges on a company card to purchase scratch off
lottery tickets.

Speaker 5 (01:04:21):
Like, what are they thinking?

Speaker 1 (01:04:22):
Where can I buy you?

Speaker 4 (01:04:23):
This is why Lunchbuck doesn't get a company card.

Speaker 5 (01:04:25):
By the way, here, I didn't know you could put
it on a credit card. I always thought you had
to pay cash.

Speaker 2 (01:04:30):
Yeah. A clear Water, Florida man was arrested after he
was caught using a company credit card to purchase over
thirty one thousand dollars worth of scratch off lottery tickets.
Warren Alexander Johnson, forty seven, has been charged with conducting
a scheme to the fraud between twenty and fifty grand.
He's a truck driver for All Phase Paving, and they
discovered one of the credit cards have several thousand dollars
worth of fraudulent charges on it. The owner of the

company went at the credit card saments and noticed his
card was used thirty one thousand, six hundred ninety three
dollars between different convenience stores. Oh and so, he admitted,
but yeah, the same thing. I guess in some states
you can, in some states you can't.

Speaker 5 (01:05:03):
I guess I've never heard of that.

Speaker 2 (01:05:04):
That's from Fox News.

Speaker 5 (01:05:06):
Dang, dude, I wonder if he ever won.

Speaker 2 (01:05:07):
Anything twenty three states allow lottery tickets to be purchased
with a credit card.

Speaker 5 (01:05:11):
Oh wow, seems like a bad news.

Speaker 2 (01:05:15):
Bad idea. Courtney Love has been offered fifty thousand dollars
to take a light detector test over Kurt Cobain's death.
Courtney Love's been offered the fifty grand to take this
light detector test. The big money deals been put on
the table to get to the bottom of the Nirvana
Rockers death. Courtney's been asked take a film test to
clear name approved she was not involved with his death.
That's from the mirror. That would be a terrible idea
for her. What terrible idea. What who's asking for this?

Author Ian Halpern, who has been part of covering it, and.

Speaker 10 (01:05:44):
I guess I don't know. I thought he'd the accusation.

Speaker 4 (01:05:49):
He took the autopsy was leaked. What I thought.

Speaker 5 (01:05:51):
He took his own way.

Speaker 2 (01:05:52):
That's that's the story, killed himself. But there's a lot
of conspiracy theories about it. His autopsy was released like
two weeks ago, like a leak Kurt Cobain's and so
he said, I just wanted to finally clear it up
and get to the truth. A polygraph would be a
step to erase the doubt forever. She has always denied
any suggestions of being involved. Halpern claims he has a
convincing argument Cobain did not kill himself. In his new book,

Case Closed the Cobaine Murder, the killing and cover up
of Kurt Cobain.

Speaker 5 (01:06:19):
He has probed into.

Speaker 2 (01:06:19):
The musician's suicide since the mid nineties. He claims he
has evidence Kurt was murdered, but doesn't accuse anyone, including
his widow Courtney. It would be a terrible idea for
fifty thousand dollars because she's going to do it, and
best case scenario where she gets fifty grand doesn't like
change her life that much, and that's best. Best worst
is she didn't kill him, and it shows up that

she could be lying or an inconclusive or because anything
that's not straight up she's telling only the truth, it's
going to be looked at as something's even fishier.

Speaker 4 (01:06:50):
It's just too much risk, not enough reward, and.

Speaker 5 (01:06:51):
Those things aren't really one hundred percent accurate.

Speaker 4 (01:06:53):
Right, Yeah, that's what we hear, I nerd that I
don't know.

Speaker 2 (01:06:56):
Yeah, didn't you guys do one long time ago? But
the guy was like our fend thing. But lunch we
didn't strap. We didn't strap like they do like nipples
and yah, and.

Speaker 4 (01:07:06):
Like the FBI was are different than one that we
had done. What did you guys do?

Speaker 2 (01:07:08):
Fingers and like heart rate but not anything wrist like
we didn't put the probe in. Yeah, that's how that's how,
you know. Yeah, we never wore like the things that
wrap around you. So Mariah Carey was because Lunchbox said
he got it by a shark.

Speaker 5 (01:07:25):
I didn't get eat the battle boat.

Speaker 2 (01:07:28):
And the lie detector said that he was lying. But
again it wasn't one of those strap ones. Mariah Carey
was plucked from a from traffic and driven to the
Grammys and a golf cart. So apparently traffic was really
bad and she was maybe a little late what so
they drove out in a golf cart and left her
car there. Got well, I'm sure she had driver, sure
she wasn't driving. She wasn't like driving her Prius and

then she just left the thing. Really yeah, because lunchboxs
and I were stuck one time, we were we were
thinking about ditching the car.

Speaker 5 (01:07:58):
But you're not, Mariah Carrey. No, we're not quote.

Speaker 2 (01:08:01):
We literally drove a golf cart the wrong way up
the freeway and brought her back, so she made it
on time. That's pretty funny. And then she presented Best
Pop Solo Performance and that Grammy to Miley Cyrus from
Rolling Stone. If you want to go to the Super Bowl,
which lunchbox? And do you want a Super Bowl sweet
two point five million dollars and it comes with wagu
hot dogs and a surfing turf buffet.

Speaker 5 (01:08:23):
Mount on that Wagoo hot dog? I don't need that.

Speaker 2 (01:08:25):
The luxury suite comes with a two point five million
dollar price tag, fully stocked, and they let some media
members go in and see what it would look like
if they were to sit in it. And so twenty
wealthy football fans will be there and it's surfing turf,
it's beef and lobster Wago hot dogs, which is I
guess I don't understand. I know Wago beef, but you

can make a hot dog.

Speaker 3 (01:08:47):
I guess it's just the hot making the meat out
of the Wago beefstead.

Speaker 4 (01:08:51):
Of seafood, stuffed potatoes.

Speaker 2 (01:08:54):
Plenty to drink, full service bar stuff Up says they
get in price, not to the sweet. But period right
now is fifty three hundred dollars, which it's down a
bit if you just want to get into bad seats.
But I'm looking at the suite here and it looks nice,
but it's like two point five million dollars and it's
gonna be over in three hours.

Speaker 5 (01:09:12):
Yeah, you're out.

Speaker 2 (01:09:14):
Of your mind, I guess, unless your mind is so big.
Do you have a billion dollars? Yeah, it doesn't affect
anything if you're Jeff Bezos who cares. Or you're like
bringing a bunch of clients and you write it off.
But even when you write something off, you don't get
it all back.

Speaker 10 (01:09:26):
Maybe they all go in a hazzi spaceplitic.

Speaker 4 (01:09:29):
That's still so much a lot of money long, I know, but.

Speaker 10 (01:09:33):
I'm trying to figure it out.

Speaker 2 (01:09:35):
Taylor Swift sells one over private jets. Taylor Swift sold
her Falcon nine hundred private jet last month. According to
the FAA, the plane, which she bought in two thousand
and nine, if you buy it new, is listed at
forty four million. Whoa wow, So she probably sold it
for twenty million or so. If I'm just guessing the
sale leaves Swift. We only don't get said one private

jet for now, oh no, or Taylor, but she's going
to probably buy new one another one. While Swift was
criticized for her a huge carbon footprint, Swift's manager says
she buys carbon credits to offset jet fuel use. She's
gonna fly privately from a concert in Tokyo to the
super Bowl in Las Vegas. News Nation.

Speaker 5 (01:10:13):
Now you think that was to throw off that kid.

Speaker 2 (01:10:15):
I think this happened in the past, and it just
so happens that those stories around each other.

Speaker 4 (01:10:20):
So this story gets bigger because of.

Speaker 10 (01:10:21):
That, because she said sold it a month ago.

Speaker 2 (01:10:23):
Yeah, I think the the grub hub guy or the
stub No, the car Carfax guy bought it. No, no, no,
one of those car places like that Carvana. I don't know.
I saw it though, and it was like the guy,
but yeah, I forget who it was. But one of
those guys who made a lot of money doing something
online with cars is who bought it.

Speaker 5 (01:10:42):
Auto Trader. We just keep guessing, but.

Speaker 2 (01:10:46):
I'm not gonna know. Uber if you say it, oh Mike,
if you'll find it, that'd be cool. Time Traveler says
humans will be extinct to twenty twenty.

Speaker 1 (01:10:53):
Seven of course is not that far away.

Speaker 2 (01:10:58):
Human days are number of acording to a man who
claims to be a time traveler. The guy known only
as hobby Are Hobbier says there'll be abandoned roads, stores
and landmarks.

Speaker 4 (01:11:08):
He's from the future and enjoy the future. It's just
too close.

Speaker 2 (01:11:13):
If you're doing stuff like that, you gotta do it
further out, so there's a chance you're right for a
lot longer until you're proven wrong. Like, don't say I'm
a time traveler from the future and in three days
an alien is gonna visit.

Speaker 4 (01:11:25):
Because you only have three days for your lie to live.

Speaker 2 (01:11:27):
You need a lot longer than that so you can
like build a colt have a following all. Yeah, Carshield, Carshield,
I work with car shield. Yeah, I think that's why
it stuck with me. Landlines are doomed. But I don't
have a landline. It's been it's been dead to Oh,
I don't have one. Anybody have a landline at all?
And the whole show, but parents do. That would make sense.

I still call him on it. You don't have one
even in your studio.

Speaker 10 (01:11:52):
Oh, I do at my house, at my home studio,
I do.

Speaker 2 (01:11:55):
I don't think we have even a landline. I think
we have a different kind of line.

Speaker 10 (01:11:58):
Mine is a little yes like phone with buttons. I
remember my kids being confused by it and it actually
ring the other day during an interview. Was it just
like a sales call? Or you know what are they called?

Speaker 2 (01:12:12):
Phone companies across the nation want to stop providing landline
service so they can move forward fully with new technologies,
and some of them don't work on landlines. So within
the next five to ten years, landlines will be extinct
from Wired magazine?

Speaker 4 (01:12:25):
What did that get from the future show tell us that? Then, Yeah,
what what are they gonna do with all those telephone
wires that we wired the whole world with? What do
they do with I mean, weren't there a lot more
railroad tracks back in the day too?

Speaker 5 (01:12:37):
Oh yeah, abandoned.

Speaker 2 (01:12:40):
Well, I'm sure they take some them up and build
new roads over them.

Speaker 3 (01:12:44):
This just took a long time to put telephone wires
and now and then be like, well, we don't need
those anymore, so we built.

Speaker 2 (01:12:48):
What about buildings? They're upfront, they demolished and then they
what do they think they do?

Speaker 4 (01:12:53):
They just remake new ones? Yeah, pretty cool process.

Speaker 2 (01:12:56):
You got me, I didn't get you. I'm thinking about
it too. Social media breakup fall. It happens, breaking up.
It's harder to do when you're on the apps. The
best strategy is to unfriend your ex and even block them.
Don't allow yourself to be tempted to look at their
new pictures with friends or potential dates. Also, remove any
pictures of you two from your own profile. Constantly seeing

pictures of your past relationships don't allow you to get
over them. That's from Glamour magazine. What I would suggest
you do is unfollow, but then just mute them so
they don't pop up, because if you block them, unless
they did something bad to you, it's just gonna be
your first at being a bit seemingly petty. Oh you
block me, but if you mute you still don't see it.

Just don't go over to their page. If you block,
that's almost a sign of aggression. Now, if they deserve aggression, cool,
But if it's like a breakup and relationships taking its course,
blocking them just seems a bit dressed.

Speaker 10 (01:13:52):
If you mute them, though, can they still if you
mute them and they DM you, will you see it?

Speaker 5 (01:13:56):
I don't know. Walk around muting people. I don't know.

Speaker 10 (01:13:58):
I just know because I'm thinking, like what if you're like, oh.

Speaker 8 (01:14:01):
What if they're d me.

Speaker 5 (01:14:02):
That's a whole different thing.

Speaker 2 (01:14:03):
Okay, It's just so you don't see their stuff without
wanting to see it. Bedroom masks are great if you
want to sleep. Sleep experts say to sleep with one
of those ie masks over because it can reduce you
waking up at night because lights creeping in in any
way whatsoever, like a hallway light, a night light, your
phone lighting up for any reason. Wearing an eye mask
is a simple way to block everything out from sleep

a research journal. I do sleep now, and I have
the last six nights maybe or five or six nights
with the tape on my mouth.

Speaker 5 (01:14:31):
How's that going? Pretty good?

Speaker 2 (01:14:33):
I don't wake up with my mouth being so dry,
like to see her at desert?

Speaker 10 (01:14:37):
What about your sleep study stuff?

Speaker 5 (01:14:39):
I went to the doctor.

Speaker 10 (01:14:41):
Yeah, I talked about it, right, I know, But is
there an update?

Speaker 5 (01:14:43):

Speaker 2 (01:14:43):
I got a text going, hey, we're gonna reach out
real soon, and she said, if you don't hear from
me the next couple of days, call because we want
to do this sooner than later.

Speaker 5 (01:14:51):
I just no, one's called me.

Speaker 10 (01:14:53):
So it's your turn to call.

Speaker 2 (01:14:54):
Yeah, but I don't.

Speaker 5 (01:14:54):
I can't. I forgot the balls in your quart back.

Speaker 4 (01:14:57):
Yeah, names I talk to? Oh so do I call
up and be like.

Speaker 10 (01:14:59):
Hey, yeah, this is Bobby D. Like I was in
there the other day.

Speaker 5 (01:15:03):

Speaker 2 (01:15:04):
So I supposed to go sometime soon. But their camera's
all on. It looks weird. That's weird, I know. Finally,
I married Virginia teacher admits the sneaking into a fourteen
year old student's home to hook up with them.

Speaker 5 (01:15:14):
Can you explain this to me?

Speaker 2 (01:15:16):
A married Virginia teacher faces up to fifty years behind
bars after pleading guilty to have sex with a fourteen
year old student over the school year at his home.
She's twenty five. She taught him at Hungary Creek Middle School.
Pleaded guilty to four counts during the twenty twenty two
twenty twenty three school year. Miss Jordan's some relations with
a fourteen year old student. On occasion, she would go

to the victim's house. It's from the New York Post.
Oh my goodness, I saw a picture of them together.
You see the pictures them together?

Speaker 5 (01:15:42):
Oh I no, no, I think that's her husband.

Speaker 4 (01:15:44):
Oh, they black the kid's face out.

Speaker 5 (01:15:46):
Oh no, I didn't see that.

Speaker 4 (01:15:47):
Yeah, she has a husband with a beard.

Speaker 9 (01:15:49):

Speaker 2 (01:15:49):
And then next to it was her and the kid.
They had the face his face blacked out.

Speaker 7 (01:15:52):
Oh my like and people said, you get that he
could not do his homework and she wouldn't say anything.

Speaker 5 (01:15:58):
That's another teacher.

Speaker 2 (01:16:00):
Yeah, I don't understand. And maybe they feel like there's
a like a obviously something's not psychological. Yes, some some
brain chemistry has been messed up there, and she must
feel like there's some sort of connection.

Speaker 7 (01:16:14):
Yeah, students that they would openly flirt in the classroom.

Speaker 2 (01:16:17):
Yeah, wild, that sucks.

Speaker 5 (01:16:19):
All right, there you go.

Speaker 8 (01:16:19):
That's Bobby's story.

Speaker 2 (01:16:25):
I want to go over to Jessica in Oklahoma, who
has called the show regarding Lunch boxes Las Vegas trip. Jessica,
you're on what do you want to say?

Speaker 16 (01:16:33):
Good morning studio.

Speaker 19 (01:16:37):
So I have a theory as to why Lunch doesn't
want to do this anymore. I think that he wants
to ask for a car and ask for clothes and
a haircut because I want. I think he wants city money.

Speaker 2 (01:16:58):
What's what money spend?

Speaker 19 (01:17:00):
I think he wants gambling, running and gambling.

Speaker 5 (01:17:02):
Got it?

Speaker 2 (01:17:03):
Well, then why wouldn't he ask for just like one
hundred bucks and gambling money? Not saying you should ask
for that, but I mean, I hear you. It does
feel like he's trying to weasel out of this now
that he'd ask for it.

Speaker 7 (01:17:12):
I'm not why would I weasel out of it? This
is the opportunity of a lifetime. It's gonna be amazing.

Speaker 2 (01:17:16):
I think you're onto something, Jessica, like all the content
we're gonna have.

Speaker 10 (01:17:20):
In that case, I have one hundred dollars in chips
to aria he can have them.

Speaker 4 (01:17:25):
Oh wow, that's good.

Speaker 5 (01:17:26):
That's right.

Speaker 2 (01:17:28):
So Lunchbox wants go to Vegas, so he said, boom,
we'll send you for the Super Bowl. A listener said,
you can stay at my house. I have enough points
to send them non stop by the way both ways,
that's for sure. And so let's go. And he got
accepted to these parties, the Gronk Party, the Shack Party, yep.
And so his wife even sent a note that was like, yeah,

go ahead. It sounds crazy, but go ahead, have fun.
And then all of a sudden he hits with I'm
gonna need some clothes.

Speaker 7 (01:17:55):
My hat listen. You don't go to the Grammys in
your old suit from last year. You have a newt.

Speaker 4 (01:18:00):
That's not and it's also not true.

Speaker 7 (01:18:02):
You can did you did you look at the Grammys?
Do you see the way? Did you see the way
those three were dressed? They didn't pull those out of
their closet. They got new drip.

Speaker 2 (01:18:11):
Thank you, Jessica. Let me go to the other Jessica.
We have another Jessica on the phone in Garden City, Kansas. Jessica,
you're on the show. What's going on?

Speaker 19 (01:18:20):

Speaker 16 (01:18:20):
So I was looking into the podcast and how Lunchbox
wants to be winded and done by a dealership, and
I happened to be a sales person out of dealership
and take them out to lunch, do all all this stuff.

Speaker 9 (01:18:34):
And sell them a car.

Speaker 2 (01:18:35):
Okay, nice. I saw something about a car in Lunchbox.
I thought it was like, you're trying to get a
car in Vegas. That's Vegas car.

Speaker 9 (01:18:40):
I love it.

Speaker 4 (01:18:40):
Hey put her on hole, let's come back to her.

Speaker 5 (01:18:42):
Yeah, we'll come back.

Speaker 2 (01:18:45):
Let's go to line one. Cliff and baton Rouge Louisiana. Hey, Cliff,
what's up, buddy? Thank you for calling the show Cliff.

Speaker 12 (01:18:50):
Go ahead, Hey, good morning studio. I think Lunchbox does
need new club, thank you. And I think Abby should
be the one who hears them clothes.

Speaker 2 (01:19:06):
Oh, picks him out, Yeah, like they would do on
Queer Eye. Whether the guys would take them out and
pick the stuff, Abby would do that.

Speaker 7 (01:19:12):
Why do you think Abby knows fashion better than you? Well, yeah,
I'm just asked. I don't know where it gets that Abbey.

Speaker 2 (01:19:18):
Knows because you torment her and hethings would be funny
to have her get to pick your clothes.

Speaker 5 (01:19:23):
I mean, fine, whatever, I just need a thousand dollars
for cold that's dude, Thank you, Kleff. This is next level, guys, it's.

Speaker 2 (01:19:31):
But it's next level. Then if you want to go,
so are you saying you're drawing the line?

Speaker 7 (01:19:35):
And then also, I've been looking it up. And when
you roll up to these parties, I can't be rolling
up and what was that guy's nick?

Speaker 5 (01:19:42):
Was that his name? You get to stay with him? Yeah,
I can't be rolling up in his car. I mean
it's like a mini van, you know what I mean? Whatever,
it can't be looking like that celeb.

Speaker 2 (01:19:51):
Don't know it's a minivan, by the way Nick called
this a lunchbox could stay at his house.

Speaker 4 (01:19:55):
Here's a clip of Nick calling the show this morning.

Speaker 9 (01:19:58):
Sun, Nick, do you want to come to stay in
my house? To seat in?

Speaker 2 (01:20:02):
Oh Man?

Speaker 10 (01:20:02):
So it sounds weird when you say it, like buck,
how many do you have a spare bedroom? Would you
all be sharing a room?

Speaker 9 (01:20:13):
I can share room with lunchbucks. I was a spare bedroom.
And then it's my wife and I who lived here.

Speaker 5 (01:20:18):
We have a dog.

Speaker 9 (01:20:18):
Oh my, we're totally normal.

Speaker 4 (01:20:20):
I didn't hear anything about a minivans nothing. So what
do you need much of?

Speaker 5 (01:20:24):
Just Uber?

Speaker 4 (01:20:24):
That's what everybody else does.

Speaker 5 (01:20:25):
No, no, no, no.

Speaker 7 (01:20:26):
Celebs aren't Uber and there they're covering it as press.
I understand, but they are going to expect you to
roll up like them. So I found from an exotic
rental we can get a Lambeau Evo Spider twenty twenty
three and for twenty four hours, so we I'd pick
it up like thirty minutes before the party on Friday
night and return it Saturday night. Like I'd go to

the party and I'd tell them, hey, this is where
you can pick it up. It's one and ninety nine
dollars plus tax for the twenty four hours.

Speaker 2 (01:20:56):
Because if you're gonna be like awesome, but there's a
lit's Lamborghini it's nine to ninety a day, that one
looks even cooler.

Speaker 5 (01:21:03):
Okay, I mean that that'll work to that works too.
But what I'm saying is, if you're gonna be rolling
up to these parties, you got to roll up like celebrity.

Speaker 2 (01:21:10):
You'll have nowhere to park and they won't think your celebrity,
so they won't take your car.

Speaker 5 (01:21:13):
What No, you roll up in a Lambo, they're gonna
be like, oh, you're not doing press anymore. You're straight
into the party.

Speaker 2 (01:21:18):
Here's here's the deal I will make.

Speaker 5 (01:21:21):
So are we doing it?

Speaker 2 (01:21:22):
In the net?

Speaker 5 (01:21:22):
I need you to let me know. I've already let
you know.

Speaker 2 (01:21:25):
Hold on, I need you to let me know what
your take it or leave it.

Speaker 5 (01:21:30):
You have to have it or you're not gonna go.

Speaker 2 (01:21:31):
Offer is okay, And I will give you the take
it or leave it what I'm going to give you offer,
and if it doesn't match, you won't go.

Speaker 5 (01:21:39):
We'll do that in just a minute. Fine, if you
want to, I mean, you're.

Speaker 2 (01:21:43):
I don't care if you go, I'll know it as
a favor for you.

Speaker 5 (01:21:46):
If you could be screwing up the biggest opportunity of this.

Speaker 2 (01:21:48):
Shows ever, could be screwing up your opportunity.

Speaker 5 (01:21:50):
Do you know how mad the listeners are going to be? Hey,
if you don't send me to the.

Speaker 2 (01:21:53):
Super Bowl, you give me one final I hate. Hey.

Speaker 5 (01:21:56):
I hope you're ready for the hate that's gonna come
your way if you don't meet my demail. But I
won't look at my DM.

Speaker 2 (01:22:01):
I need you to listen on every single thing you need,
including room fly, everything that we've talked about, plus everything
you need yep. And in the next segment or so,
we'll go through it and yes or no, okay, thank
you Over to line too. This is Audrey and Vero Beach, Florida. Audrey,
thank you for calling the show. What's going on?

Speaker 18 (01:22:23):
Hey, So I say just say no, no new clothes,
no new drip, no haircut, no believe lunchbox needs to
go as lunch bops.

Speaker 16 (01:22:38):
You so lunch spots right now.

Speaker 4 (01:22:41):
Drip, Why would you want to be something you're not?

Speaker 7 (01:22:43):
No, No, I wear new clothes to nice events. Like
when I show up to nice events, I have new
clothes on.

Speaker 4 (01:22:49):
So this is why would have to be new every time.

Speaker 10 (01:22:51):
It is because what I hear is you have some
nice clothes you could wear if.

Speaker 5 (01:22:54):
You've only want.

Speaker 2 (01:22:55):
If you wear new clothes to every nice event, that
means you probably doest some clothes you have warn that
often because you go to that many nice events.

Speaker 5 (01:23:00):
No, I don't really have that many.

Speaker 2 (01:23:02):
Okay, I thank you, Audrey. We're about to here. That
was a bad call.

Speaker 5 (01:23:09):
See later.

Speaker 2 (01:23:10):
It's gonna lie nine. This is Kevin who's on the phone. Hey, Kevin,
appreciate you calling the show. What do you want to say?

Speaker 14 (01:23:17):
I think it's often nice of you, Bobby to use
your pre complyer miles to get him to and from Vegas.
If he wants all these new clothes, the car a
haricute that he says cost two hundred dollars. I know
better it should come out of his pocket.

Speaker 5 (01:23:37):
Wait, wait, wait, how is it nice for Bobby? I
am doing this for the show.

Speaker 7 (01:23:41):
We don't care if it's nice of me to show
to sacrifice my weekend to get material for the show.

Speaker 5 (01:23:48):
I don't know why. Oh, Bobby so nice? What about
what I'm doing for you guys, the listeners, and for
this show?

Speaker 9 (01:23:56):
It's nice?

Speaker 14 (01:23:56):
To him because they're his miles.

Speaker 5 (01:23:58):
That's true, it's my time.

Speaker 2 (01:24:00):
Are you understand Why don't you First of all, Kevin
called us, you have to yell at him. I don'
understand how like Weda, we didn't ask you to go.
You asked us if we would send you. That's the difference.
We didn't say, Lunchbox, will you go?

Speaker 5 (01:24:11):
You were always trying to look for ways to take
the show to the next level, and I am. I
am now whits you in that boat?

Speaker 2 (01:24:16):
This level?

Speaker 5 (01:24:18):

Speaker 2 (01:24:18):
So what are your demands? Yeah, and if we if
I can meet them, we will book the everything right
after this segment.

Speaker 5 (01:24:25):
Go ahead, flight, okay, I will use I.

Speaker 2 (01:24:28):
Have seventy thousand points that I will use, which because
the flights were so expensive, this is going to cost
me two flights basically two round trip flights is and
in one way to Vegas. So I will use my
points for that. Go ahead, room and board. We have
room and board. Play the first part of that call
Please from our listener.

Speaker 9 (01:24:43):
Here submit Wait, Lunchbox, do you want to come and
stay in my house? Set in there you go.

Speaker 7 (01:24:49):
That's done, got that perfect, YEP, seven hundred and fifty
for clothes close in Vegas are expensive.

Speaker 5 (01:24:56):
You go to those shops, buy them here. You don't
have to buy them, you gay, I don't know if
I have time. I got a lot of loose ends
to tie up before I.

Speaker 4 (01:25:02):
Go to be seven and fifty more dollars.

Speaker 7 (01:25:05):
Yeah, but I came down, you said, you know, I
want to be fair and objective. Twelve hundred for the
Lambeau because I figured the nine hundred.

Speaker 5 (01:25:16):
Plus taxes go ahead. And then two hundred and fifty
dollars per dim per day for food Vegas.

Speaker 7 (01:25:23):
You go eat, it's seventy five dollars a meal. It's
expensive for one person. Two hundred and fifty dollars I'd
lifted up haircut and shave at a at a barber
shop on the strip, quite expensive. And then three hundred
dollars gambling per day.

Speaker 5 (01:25:39):
And alcohol that is just a reimbursement when I get back,
because I don't know how much I'm going to drink
if people are going to be buying me drinks, if
I'm gonna have to buy people drinks to wine and
dine them schmooze with. You know, maybe if I run
into Roger Goodell, the you know, Commission of the NFL,
and I got to buy him a drink. So yeah,

I just bring the receipt and you reimburse me for
the alcohol.

Speaker 4 (01:26:03):
Roughly, he wants three thousand more dollars.

Speaker 2 (01:26:05):
Three thousand more dollars to what we don't even care
to send them to we have, We don't even Oh
you care, I don't care.

Speaker 5 (01:26:10):
Is it the wisest Is it the biggest eventd of
the year? Yeah?

Speaker 4 (01:26:15):
Yeah, probably yeah, I mean yeah, yeah, it's a big deal.

Speaker 2 (01:26:18):
Okay, but we don't care if you cover a party,
is it?

Speaker 5 (01:26:22):

Speaker 2 (01:26:22):
Guys with a bunch of reality stars. So okay, here's
what we're gonna do. You want three thousand dollars? Yeah,
I'm already buying your flight. We already have a piny
fee to stay.

Speaker 5 (01:26:32):
I'm willing all in.

Speaker 2 (01:26:38):
To go for your flight to and back and put
you in in a You'll be one of the first
fifteen ward southwest.

Speaker 5 (01:26:45):
Okay? Nice? Hey? List five hundred cash total? What total?

Speaker 8 (01:26:52):

Speaker 5 (01:26:53):
That doesn't even get me clothes.

Speaker 10 (01:26:55):
We can spend it as you see fit.

Speaker 5 (01:26:56):
How am I gonna eat on five hundred dollars?

Speaker 2 (01:26:59):
Like I But this is something that you want to do, So.

Speaker 5 (01:27:02):
Yes, I want to do it for us, Okay, I
don't want you to go. It doesn't I don't care.

Speaker 2 (01:27:07):
I think it's actually this is.

Speaker 5 (01:27:09):
Such a this is this what I'm willing. Here's the problem.
You never take anything serious.

Speaker 2 (01:27:13):
Five hundred pay you five hundred dollars in cash and
pay for your flight there in the back unless you
off the show on Monday.

Speaker 5 (01:27:21):
Give me the lambo that didn't give me a here.

Speaker 2 (01:27:23):
Is that you drawn a line in the sand.

Speaker 5 (01:27:25):
I'm drawing a line in the sand. So if you
want to change your if you want time to think
about it, if you want.

Speaker 2 (01:27:30):
To, you guys want to add any money to this,
because I will not. I'm not going to move this
segment past this time.

Speaker 10 (01:27:34):
I added one hundred six are the coins chips?

Speaker 3 (01:27:38):
Yes, I'll throw in a suit you want to. I
mean you you donated like three suits to me. I
think they fit lunch hundred bucks and I'm not.

Speaker 5 (01:27:45):
Wearing Eddie's clothes.

Speaker 2 (01:27:48):
Their technically box so we're done exactly, So we're not
going to the suit.

Speaker 5 (01:27:51):
They're really nice, dude, He's.

Speaker 10 (01:27:54):
Just like, not, what's his deal? Do you just not
want to? You don't really want to go, but your.

Speaker 4 (01:27:58):
The dog finally caught the car, didn't know what to do.

Speaker 5 (01:28:01):
Yeah, that's a great way to put it. How would
you say that, Amy, I came up with exactly what
I needed. He's not adding stuff.

Speaker 7 (01:28:07):
He's not willing to do what we need to make
an experience that I want to enjoy. He's trying to
put me like on a budget.

Speaker 4 (01:28:15):
We don't even care if you go. We were just
doing it for you as a gift to you.

Speaker 7 (01:28:18):
So we wait until, wait, wait till we see all
the pictures from the parties, and you're gonna be like, Wow,
that celebrity was there, could have got them on the show.
All Look, that celebrity could have met them. I mean,
I could have built so many relationships. But you guys
want to play.

Speaker 5 (01:28:31):
Like what.

Speaker 4 (01:28:32):
I was just wanting to give him five undred bucks in
cash and pay him pays for at light.

Speaker 2 (01:28:36):
A listener offered his house to you. Okay, so we're done.
He will not be going to Vegas for the Super Bowl.
You guys can and Bobby, all of our listeners just
heard we tried to make it happen.

Speaker 7 (01:28:45):
So then we tried, but Bobby wouldn't step up. He
doesn't care about you, the listener. He doesn't care about
giving experiences to you guys, but they wouldn't go it's you,
but they would live vicuriously through me.

Speaker 4 (01:28:54):
They could live vicariously through Grown's Instagram.

Speaker 10 (01:28:58):
Or making over shacks and Instagram all the other.

Speaker 5 (01:29:03):
Okay, we're done. We're going to quit, right, final thought.

Speaker 10 (01:29:07):
I mean, I'm keeping my chips.

Speaker 5 (01:29:09):
Yeah good, yeah, Eddie.

Speaker 3 (01:29:11):
And we gave them every opportunity, opportunity. We actually gave
him resources everything. I offered suits, clothes.

Speaker 2 (01:29:17):
Okay, so not there, all right, all good?

Speaker 5 (01:29:20):
You know one more.

Speaker 3 (01:29:20):
I can also throw in a haircut in a shave here,
like right down for him. Yes, I'll pay for it. Oh,
you'll pay for it fifty bucks right down the wad
fifty dollars.

Speaker 2 (01:29:27):
Okay, so basically seven hundred fifty bucks. And he won't
take it. With the flight and the stay. Still don't
have clothes, man, that's it, okay, Drew, and we are
closing up shop. He will not be going to the
super Bowl. It's good for us. We have to deal
with him being here. Money we're killing in segments. It's
good for us. Thank you, and uh cord adjourned. Whatever
they say go ahead, Bobby bone show Sorry up today.

Speaker 7 (01:29:51):
This story comes us from oak Ridge, New Jersey, back
in twenty twenty.

Speaker 5 (01:29:56):
This six year old woman's working for the USPS, the
state's post office, you know, out delivering packages. She got
three large boxes in her hand and oh, she turns
her ankle coming off someone's porch. Oh, I need disability.
I'm not gonna be able to walk again. And they
do medical tests. Okay, they give her disability. For the
last three years, she got one hundred and fifty six

thousand dollars. Wow, can't work. I got a feeling that
something's coming up. Some fish, some fishes happening here. Someone
tipped them off, said, hey, she's running a travel agency
that says she specializes in Disney travel. And they look
like yeah. They follow her and watch her walk two
miles around Disney, no problem, shopping the malls, ride on

the rides.

Speaker 8 (01:30:38):
Boom busted.

Speaker 5 (01:30:41):
I got them. She can walk.

Speaker 2 (01:30:43):
She should have rolled run the wheelchair right. Who doesn't
want to do She had to cut lines and ride
rides as well. It's like a double wind down me.

Speaker 5 (01:30:50):
All right, I'm much box. That's your bonehead story.

Speaker 2 (01:30:53):
Of the day, questioned yourself right, like, if something crazy happened,
would you be able to step up and be a hero.

Speaker 3 (01:30:58):
Well, yeah, because I was a lifeguard for many years
and I have I have three saves under my belt.
So I'm always thinking, you know, when we read some
of these stories, or like you're in a public place,
something happens, I think I would step up and be
a hero.

Speaker 2 (01:31:11):
We all do, yeah, including myself. And I've shown that
I not really as tough as I thought I am.

Speaker 3 (01:31:16):
Dude, I was put to the test recently and I
think I failed.

Speaker 5 (01:31:20):
So what happened. So we're at a basketball.

Speaker 3 (01:31:22):
Game and where the game's going on, and like a
high school game, now it was a college basketball game,
got it. And during the game, about five seats to
my right, I just hear people go oh my gosh,
oh my gosh, and people crying.

Speaker 5 (01:31:34):
And doctor, doctor, doctor.

Speaker 3 (01:31:36):
And I look over and yeah, there's a man like
needing medical attention. So I get up and I just
don't know what to do.

Speaker 5 (01:31:43):
I'm not a doctor. I'm not a doctor, but we're
in a basketball game.

Speaker 3 (01:31:46):
So I look down to the bench and they're like,
you know, I mean, maybe a trainer or something.

Speaker 2 (01:31:50):
Like that, but you're trained at CPR, and you're trying
to electro shock whatever that is.

Speaker 3 (01:31:54):
Yeah, but I think he was having a seizure, and
that's not my department. I don't know what to do
in that. You have department, Well, you know, like if
it was they were looked unconscious, I would run for
the defibrillator.

Speaker 5 (01:32:03):
Okay, That's always what I had in my mind.

Speaker 3 (01:32:06):
But then when I saw the seizure going on, I'm like,
I don't know what to do. So then I just
kind of joined the crowd and said.

Speaker 5 (01:32:11):
Yeah, yeah, doctor, doctor, And I yelled at the bench
like stop stomp the game, doctor, wow. Yeah, And so
I think my voice.

Speaker 2 (01:32:19):
Helped the other voice stop the game.

Speaker 3 (01:32:22):
They did, wow. So I think my voice helped the
other voices in front of me. So he was kind
of like a wave of doctor, doctor, Doctor, And I
kind of did my part, but I didn't really jump
into hell.

Speaker 2 (01:32:32):
But you could have made it worse by jumping in
and doing the wrong thing, especially department.

Speaker 5 (01:32:37):
Yeah, seizures, But.

Speaker 2 (01:32:40):
Was he unconscious?

Speaker 5 (01:32:41):

Speaker 3 (01:32:42):
Well, I mean when they're having a seizure, they're just
they're just shaking, you know. And there was already someone
kind of like holding him and like rubbing his chest.
So I kind of felt like, all right. It's kind
of like when when like you see a car accident
with somebody already you're.

Speaker 5 (01:32:55):
Like, Okay, they got it.

Speaker 3 (01:32:56):
I don't think you failed, dude, but I was like
having seats away.

Speaker 5 (01:33:00):
I feel like I should have jumped in said move
out of the way, but you didn't know what to do. Yeah.
They always say give them space, give them space.

Speaker 2 (01:33:08):
Yeah, you gave them space and you yelled.

Speaker 10 (01:33:10):

Speaker 2 (01:33:10):
I think maybe you think you know what you should
have done and you didn't do it. Like maybe because
what do you do? Hold them and give them make
choke on their tongue.

Speaker 5 (01:33:18):
Yeah, maybe that maybe that, like just hold them.

Speaker 4 (01:33:21):
I think you did exactly the right thing, is yell
doctor someone?

Speaker 5 (01:33:27):
Yeah? Yeah, because like the paramedics were down, there.

Speaker 2 (01:33:30):
Were your kids with you. They look at you like
you're a loser because you didn't jump into save a
life or were they like great job at starting that wave.

Speaker 3 (01:33:36):
Of doctor voice. I never said that part. No, no, no,
you know.

Speaker 2 (01:33:40):
You know in your heart you did what you were
supposed to do.

Speaker 3 (01:33:44):
I think my kids were just freaked out got it,
Like they didn't even think about oh is dad a
hero or not. I think that was more of my
thing in in in my you know kind of spirit.

Speaker 10 (01:33:53):
Did you just say a second ago the paramedics were there, Yeah, okay,
so why what did you need to do?

Speaker 4 (01:34:00):
And then then you did what you needed to do
stop the game, stop the game.

Speaker 10 (01:34:03):
Nothing else you could have done.

Speaker 5 (01:34:04):
Actually, they stopped the game to get attention on him.

Speaker 4 (01:34:07):
Yeah that's pretty heroic.

Speaker 3 (01:34:08):
Yeah, okay, all right, maybe maybe I mean I don't know,
maybe what happened to the guy? You know, they they
kind of they put him on gurney and then just
took him took him away, and he was still kind of.

Speaker 2 (01:34:16):
They stopped everything, oh dude, and then they wow, good
for them for stopping the game.

Speaker 3 (01:34:21):
The players went to the locker room. In no way,
they shut the game down for about fifteen minutes.

Speaker 5 (01:34:26):
Mm hmmm, I was.

Speaker 3 (01:34:27):
I mean, once the paramedics got there, like all right,
well they're getting taken care of. But you know, the
weird part is when they did take him off, he
kind of went through the court and everyone everyone.

Speaker 2 (01:34:37):
Started to cling and I was like showing support, like
we hope you're doing better.

Speaker 5 (01:34:42):
It does feel like, yeah, they used to their ankles
and like, okay, they get up. Yeah, but in this
case he was just getting number out of No.

Speaker 10 (01:34:51):
But that I can see stopping everything like that because surely,
I mean obviously that guy's there to watch somebody, and
now that player might be like, wait, that's.

Speaker 5 (01:34:58):
My something person.

Speaker 4 (01:35:00):
He won't be able to say, though, Eddie was a
hero and save my life.

Speaker 5 (01:35:02):
Well maybe Eddie helped wheel him out, did you.

Speaker 3 (01:35:04):
No, no, no, they had it all into control. I kind
of sat back.

Speaker 4 (01:35:07):
Now, once hears this, he's gonna know you're a part
of that wave that saved him.

Speaker 8 (01:35:10):
Bobby Bones
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