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January 9, 2025 45 mins

Bobby talks to his friend and country artist Matt Stell who revealed he got both engaged and married over the weekend. He asks the question everyone was wondering about why it all went down so fast.  We talk to America's Got Talent winner Richard Goodall on his inspiring story of going from janitor to star! Bobby also does a round of What's Wrong with People and we rank the bad people!

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Wake up, Wake up in the mall and.

Speaker 2 (00:05):
It's a radio and the Dodgers.

Speaker 3 (00:08):
He's on time.

Speaker 2 (00:11):
Ready lunchbox, More game too, Steve Bread out. It's trying
to put you through the fog. He's running this week's
next bit. The Bobby's on the.

Speaker 3 (00:20):
Box, so you know what this.

Speaker 4 (00:27):
The Bobby ball.

Speaker 2 (00:28):
We have ninety seconds to get as many of Amy's
jokes correct as possible. Investigative, Morning Corny, Here we go,
Morning Corny.

Speaker 5 (00:40):
What do you call an angry carrot?

Speaker 2 (00:44):
Can't carrot carrot?

Speaker 6 (00:45):
They car it carrot carrot. That's how I say carrot,
dimond the orange thing?

Speaker 2 (00:51):
Yeah, you said it, weird carrot that threw us off
ve angry vegetable mean kn't green? Mean more in? Uh,
fired up angry orange.

Speaker 6 (01:10):
What do you call a cat lover who puts things
off the line?

Speaker 2 (01:15):
Procreator and procrastinator catenator, proctenator, No, no, don't If it's
not right, don't give it, ask it again.

Speaker 5 (01:25):
What do you call a cat lover who puts things
off o cat?

Speaker 2 (01:30):
Cat's pretty good fascinator put things off it later?

Speaker 5 (01:37):
Would you say, Eddie say we.

Speaker 2 (01:40):
Hate ourselves if you give his hands? Oh, we already
don't like ourselves. And what did you say, Eddie? Well,
I don't know what you put things off? But a
pro catenator put things off. You know.

Speaker 7 (01:51):
I can't even use that word though I can't either.
That's why I was like, I can't be that word.
Other cat word, Okay, I would never catter day cat later.

Speaker 2 (02:04):
Cat litter per cat? Who what's what do you what
puts things off? Somebody lazy, somebody procrastinator? Forgetful it though we're.

Speaker 6 (02:16):
Saying, what's the answer, procrastinator, but it's it's a cat liver,
so it's procrastinator that work.

Speaker 4 (02:24):

Speaker 2 (02:24):
We didn't get we didn't get it, and that's that's
a good one. We missed the per It's like, if
it's pirate, you know there's gonna be our We should
have got the that's on us. She said carrot wrong,
would do us off. But the cat one was good.

Speaker 5 (02:38):
I said carrot No.

Speaker 2 (02:39):
You said krot Like what rock station are you on.

Speaker 5 (02:45):
The tea?

Speaker 2 (02:46):
We'll pull it. We got one music, Edie, we don't
do it. Let's not do it. I mean new Year,
New struggle boss. That's that's good. Rhyme didn't mean the
ryme nails over there. Yeah, we don't get it today.
Matt Stell is on newly married Matt Stell. Hey, you're
the talk of the town, the whole town. I was
all on town yesterday. Everybody's like, Matt Stelle got married,

so talk of the town for sure. Mostly it was
because you go, hey, I'm engaged. Also, we got married
a day later, which was news. But I'm assuming everyone
thinks that she's pregnant.

Speaker 8 (03:19):
Everybody does think that, it seems like, but she's not,
not not yet.

Speaker 2 (03:25):
Then okay, well yeah, okay, but he just said it
like okay, so to give me the story, then why
propose and get married the next day? How long did
you know you were going to do this? Was she
cool with it? Et cetera.

Speaker 8 (03:39):
I just so what happened, was you know, I was
I was going down to Mexico with with my buddy
and some with bunch friends, and I knew I was
going to do it while I was down there, and
so I arranged for her her parents to come in
just fly into surprise her for my my mom is

dad to uh to fly in and surprise her for
for the engagement part. But probably about a week before that,
I got to think and I was like, you know,
I'm ready to, like I'm ready to skip over all
the you know, ready set go, like the set part.
I was ready to go if I'm ready to go
on life and stuff like that. So I hit up

my my buddy Will and I was like, hey, man,
I said, I don't know that this is going to
be something that happens, but I'm going to ask her.
I'm gonna see, you know, if she wants to get
married while we're down there, will you get ordained? You know,
as a as a minister, you I go online and
get ordained just in case. And he was like absolutely,
so he uh he did it. And so after, you know,

after we uh you know, after I popped the question
and got engaged, I asked her right there, I was like, hey,
I want to spring this on. Yes, said, but I'm
I'm ready to, uh you know, I'm ready for all this.
I think fiance is the dumbest word in all of
English language, and I don't want want to be one
for very long. I'm ready to. I'm ready to be
your husband. And so I asked her right there. She

was like yeah, I said, you want to sleep on it?
She said yeah, so we slept on it. We were
at the pool hanging out and talk about it. She said,
you know what, I'm ready, let's do it.

Speaker 2 (05:14):
She said.

Speaker 8 (05:14):
We'll throw some parties, uh sort of receptions when we
get back. We'll do some vows when we get back
at her family place in Ocean City. She said, but
I want tomorrow to be our anniversary that we celebrate
because this and that's why we work.

Speaker 2 (05:27):
Because she thought it was a great idea too.

Speaker 8 (05:29):
So we had her parents there, my parents there, had
my best friend officiated, and we did it right there
on the beach.

Speaker 9 (05:36):
And uh, yeah, man, it's it's it's wild.

Speaker 2 (05:41):
Amy as a woman, I hear this is a man
and go awesome love it. What do you think about it?

Speaker 5 (05:48):
I guess I'm just curious.

Speaker 6 (05:50):
He gave her the she had time to think about it,
and obviously she could have said I'd rather wait because
I've been dreaming about my wedding since I was a
little girl, and this is what I want. But I
do want or did she ever indicate like I don't,
I don't really care about what kind of wedding because
now you proposed and then you put this other idea,
so then and you're kind of in the moment like

I just wonder, like, is anybody gonna look back and
be like, oh, man, I wish I would have done
it this way.

Speaker 8 (06:16):
Well, and you know what I thought about that.

Speaker 9 (06:18):
But two things.

Speaker 8 (06:18):
One she she hadn't ever really been like we had
talked about you know, we had talked about the future
and stuff, and she was she was always.

Speaker 9 (06:29):
Like, yeah, I want to have a.

Speaker 8 (06:31):
Thing with just my family there, do some vows and
then just really celebrate as a party. She said, I'm
not she said, I'm not really trying to uh, to
walk down the you know, to have the the the
dress and a bunch of you know, folding chairs and
a bunch of schedules and a bunch of you know,
all this stuff. She said, you don't want to be
about us. So thought I was thinking that exactly. So

when I asked her, I didn't want to catch her
right in the moment where everything sounded like a good idea,
you know, so uh, I hit her. I said, she
kind of said yeah, let's do it right there when
I right after I proposed, but I was like, well,
let's let's sleep on it and see if you want
to do that. Because if it still sounds like a
good idea, and uh, it did, so yeah, I'm I'm uh,

I'm obviously pumped about it, and I'm pumped about it
because she thought it was special.

Speaker 2 (07:18):
So that's crazy. He's married right now.

Speaker 10 (07:20):
So did you did your wife? I mean, did she
wear a bikini during the ceremony? Is that what we're talking?
Because you got married on the beach?

Speaker 2 (07:26):
What kind of question was it was?

Speaker 8 (07:28):
It was a new it was a nude beach.

Speaker 9 (07:30):
So that's even better.

Speaker 2 (07:31):
Man, what he's doing is being funny with your funny,
but you aren't being funny.

Speaker 9 (07:35):
I wouldn't be. I was being serious.

Speaker 2 (07:37):
So what did you guys wear for your wedding?

Speaker 8 (07:40):
Well, so I packed, you know, I wore the same
thing I proposed it because no one who cares what
I look like it doesn't matter. And she happened to
have like I asked for the same thing. I was like,
this is the beach wedding, how do you want to
do it? And you know, do you want to do
like I don't you know. I just kind of asked
her that and she had she was like, you know what,
I actually bought this, uh, this white, little white number

that I think I want to.

Speaker 9 (08:05):
Wear and it just works out like I don't.

Speaker 8 (08:08):
I don't know like that part of it was that
part I didn't probably execute the best in in terms
of like, uh, you know, had had she not had
something with her that she would want to wear and
then be like I forgot to get myself a ring
uh through all this, so I had to borrow one
until yesterday I got mined in the mail from Amazon.

Speaker 9 (08:30):
So those two little things from U.

Speaker 8 (08:32):
From a loose end standpoint, I probably could execute it
a little bit better, but ended up working.

Speaker 4 (08:37):
Ended up working great.

Speaker 7 (08:39):
So Matt, like traditional weddings, you know you you know
you'd go get engaged, you get married, and then you
do honeymoon, Like did you already do that too?

Speaker 2 (08:46):
Good question? He did it at the same time, Well, yeah,
we did all as a package.

Speaker 8 (08:50):
You know, we're gonna, uh, we're definitely definitely gonna take
this opportunity to uh to uh go and do something
somewhere and we're gonna like we're gonna throw some parties,
We're gonna we're gonna do like a reception tour. You know,
it's gonna be like uh back in Arkansas, one here,
one where she's from in Maryland and stuff like that,
and then we're gonna go. I don't know wherever she

wants to go. If she gets to she gets to
pick everything since that, but uh, yeah, that's what we're
gonna do.

Speaker 2 (09:17):
Matt still on with us. Full absolute disclosure from me.
I text Matt, can Matt owes me like four thousand dollars,
Oh yeah, don' worry about it? Yeah yeah, And so
I hit and what now I think I'm at about?

Speaker 4 (09:31):

Speaker 2 (09:31):
Matt has me like he'll on me like four thousand
dollars for sure, and so I hit him up and
I'm like, hey, I'm not like a bookie, but like
just checking, you know, like what's up. And so he's like,
by the way, I got engaged and I got married,
I'm friends with Matt, like real life friends. Like my
birthday party, Matt came to the birth and in my
heart hurt because I was like, I didn't get invited,
and then I found out it was like who even

knew if they were gonna do it? So I was
I just want to let you know I forgive you.

Speaker 8 (09:56):
I appreciate that.

Speaker 9 (09:57):
Number one and.

Speaker 8 (10:00):
Number two. The funny thing is what she said about
that is, uh so, not to balk anyone down in
our in one of our NFL pools. But Bobby's up
four thousand dollars, I'm up eight thousand dollars. I'm up
nine thousand dollars in that I'm having the greatest year
in the history. And a couple and a couple of
the other guys, but a couple of one of the
other guys in the pool that's having one of the

worst years ever. It hit me up and said, yeah,
y'all be able to take this trip with all the
money I owe you, And I said, I said, yeah,
I really didn't need to thank my sponsors for this opportunity.

Speaker 2 (10:30):
So we're excited for you. I'm excited for you. I
didn't know, you know, I didn't know if the little
squirrels are ever gonna find like a a little squirrel
to travel, you know.

Speaker 8 (10:41):
A year and a half, maybe a little bit more. Yeah,
she going on to you. She moved to Nashville from
San Diego. She was out there, but she moved to Nashville,
like I guess, a little over three months ago, going
on four months. And and so we it was, you know,
we this was a surprise that's when I did it.
But it wasn't a surprise that it was going to happen,

you know what I mean. We we had talked about
the future and and yeah, man, I I don't mean
to get all whatever, but but I didn't really ever
think that i'd be in this spot either necessarily, and uh,
you know, I just man, I found the I found
the I found the gravy to my biscuits.

Speaker 6 (11:20):
You know, Matt, when did you know, like, at what
point y'all were together for a year and a half,
two years, but at what point did you know, Oh, Wow,
this is someone I think I could spend the rest
of my life with, especially being that you didn't think
you'd find someone.

Speaker 8 (11:33):
Yeah, we were doing long distance for a while. But
I knew that if the timing ever, you know, lined up,
that that uh, that she would probably that that that
would be it.

Speaker 2 (11:44):
Like I knew that.

Speaker 8 (11:46):
I knew pretty early on that if that if we
ever like if you know, if we ever at the
timing was it was the issue and the distance was
the issue. But but I knew that if if we
get locked that down, that that, uh, she'd be the
one for sure. Early pretty pretty early.

Speaker 2 (11:59):
On, congratulations, buddy, love you and as Rihanna say, Matt,
but it had my money, money, money, you know what
I mean. All By the way, we're gonna announce something soon,
Matt and Eddie and myself reging it is. We're gonna
do some stuff together out on the road. But that'll
be happening soon. We'll do that soon. Matt. Thank you, congratulations,
and I'll talk to you soonbody.

Speaker 8 (12:19):
Thank you all very much.

Speaker 2 (12:20):
I'll see you soon, brother, Matt. But it had my money,
money four grand.

Speaker 8 (12:24):
He does.

Speaker 2 (12:25):
What's up? Well, he's up to a right, let's do it.
What's wrong with people? What's wrong with people? A guy
in Saint Louis helped free a stranger's car after I
got stuck in the snow on Sunday. And then once
it was unstuck, you pulled out a gun and demanded
their keys to steal their car, car Jackson, So basically
it didn't even help. He helped him steal the car.
Oh my gosh. That's great because a lot of places

nailed by the snow. It's always nice to see people
helping people. Because this is the time when that thirty
two year old guy got his car stuck in Saint
Louis trying to get out of the parking garage. A
guy in an SUV showed up to help them, and
that same guy immediately robbed him as soon as he
helped him. That's crazy, that's crazy. That's terrible. That's from

K S d K. What's wrong with people? What's wrong
with people? We gotta say something there.

Speaker 5 (13:13):
Yeah, just I can't believe it. That might be one
of the worst what's wrong with people?

Speaker 2 (13:16):
As Ever, here's another one that's pretty bad. This one's
from TikTok and I saw the LEXI was on TikTok
and she was talking about this person who was like, Hey,
I'm raising money to go buy clothes for kids at
Christmas and even go to Walmart by the clothes and
then get the kids, except he didn't. She ended up
seeing him take the clothes back to get all the
money back. So this is from TikTok and here she

is talking about what happened according to the Walmart employee.

Speaker 6 (13:42):
And she told me that two.

Speaker 11 (13:44):
Days ago a gentleman came in and purchased all of
these and made a TikTok video about purchasing them.

Speaker 2 (13:51):
For his community.

Speaker 11 (13:52):
And two days later, she was outside having lunch and
she saw the same gentleman, same, an older gentleman in
to return them. So I just want to give you
guys a heads up some of these videos and some
of these influencers that you're following seriously.

Speaker 2 (14:12):
So she said, I need money. I'm gonna buy this stuff.
He proved he bought the stuff, did a video of
him buying it, and then after the video, took it back,
return the money, kept all the money that people gave him.
There's a place for people like that.

Speaker 5 (14:23):
Who's worst?

Speaker 2 (14:24):
St? Louis? Because they all live robbing people with cars?
What's wrong with people? Next one up? The woman in
Ohio with the last name Gamble is facing charges after
she allegedly left two children alone in a car below
freezing temperatures to go in a casino gambling had a

real last name. Yeah. A Toledo woman faces charges after
police she left two kids alone in a car that
was not running or locked and below freezing temperatures and
a casino parking lot.

Speaker 5 (14:54):
Oh she's the worst.

Speaker 2 (14:55):
Yeah, that's the worst.

Speaker 5 (14:56):
We have to vote on who's the worst.

Speaker 2 (14:57):
I'm gonna vote, but okay, well we'll do it. She's
definitely the worst, definitely the worst Star Jacker number two. Yeah,
and then TikToker. He didn't really plan to rank them.

Speaker 9 (15:05):

Speaker 2 (15:07):
I'm like that we can tear them twenty two years
old and charge with like real life stuff and dangering children.
But the reason it's the story of big stories because
she went to a casino and her last name is Gamble.
That's from w t VG. What's wrong with People? What
wrong with people? What's wrong with people?

Speaker 9 (15:21):
Wrong with people?

Speaker 2 (15:22):
What's wrong with people? Thank you?

Speaker 9 (15:27):
There we go on the Bobby Bones Show.

Speaker 2 (15:29):
Now, Richard, I'm gonna tell you man, I loved you
like and I found it on TikTok obviously. Like that
to me is when it was super like viral and
like you come out and you're you have no expectation,
and then you like, I love that story. What's that
first moment, like, Richard, when you walk out and see
those four judges in their face.

Speaker 9 (15:49):
Total fear and do you remember it?

Speaker 2 (15:53):
Or so I did dance one of the Stars, and
I don't remember my first dance. I kind of blacked
out for most of it because I was so nervous.
Do you remember all of you walking out there and
singing or is it a blur I do.

Speaker 4 (16:03):
There's a small story about that. As I'm getting ready
to walk out on stage. First off my interview, I
was like, I don't want to talk to Simon and
they were like, okay, of course they make me talk
to Simon. I'm heading out on stage. Senior producer, her
name is Meg, comes up to me just before I

hit Terry Crews and get my microphone, and she says,
if they ask whoever's interviewing you, whoever they if they
ask what song you're going to sing, don't tell them.
I'm like, I'm already nervous. I'm like, so what do
I say? And she says, I don't care, just make
it up and yeah. So I walk from there to
Terry Crews, say a little bit there, and then I

get a microphone and I walk out there and I'm
all by myself. I've never been on a plane, never
in Western Missouri. And it's that fight, grind, repeat thing
that that made me just walk out there. Give me
the confidence to say, you know, here, I am.

Speaker 2 (17:07):
How nervous were you walking out right before you sang?
Was it fit? Could you feel it physically?

Speaker 4 (17:13):
Yes? Absolutely? And you can tell by the time I'm
talking to Simon, and then that first beginning piano riff starts,
and then uh, after I'm done with singing, I pat
myself on the chest back up, and I'm back into
shell mode. But when the music's playing, I'm I'm good.

I can I can do just about anything.

Speaker 2 (17:37):
So you feel comfortable. You actually felt comfortable singing. It
was the pre and post that made you most nervous.

Speaker 4 (17:44):
Exactly right.

Speaker 2 (17:45):
Yeah, and you absolutely your kids at the school, they
really are the ones that encourage you to sing.

Speaker 4 (17:49):
Between them and my wife, yes, uh huh, yeah.

Speaker 2 (17:52):
That's the hero right there. Your wife tell us.

Speaker 4 (17:54):
About My wife said, Sinna say, if they put plane
tickets on your phone, you got to go. And I'm
just like, but I don't have any I won't have
you with her with me. She's like, just put your
big boy pants on and get out there.

Speaker 8 (18:08):
And do it.

Speaker 4 (18:09):
You know what you're capable of.

Speaker 2 (18:11):
How did you get on the show? Did you do
the online or did you go in person? I guess
you didn't go in person.

Speaker 4 (18:16):
Well, initially in two thousand and nine, I tried out
for the show and it was what they call cattle calls.
I'm sure you know about that. Whereas you just stand
in line with everybody and you just tell your story,
you sing your song. And so I didn't make it
past the first round on that. But just like I
said before, I'm a fan of your books. I've read

your second I read your second one first, and I'm
about a little over halfway through your first one. The fight,
grind repeat mantra is is is key. I didn't know
it until I read your books. But I still kept singing.
I kept doing what I always do. And whatever happens spectations,

you just go out there and you give it your best.

Speaker 2 (19:02):
And absolutely is there a moment where because the key
to this show is the crowd. When the crowd gives
you that feedback they like you, then the judges are like, well,
we may or may not like them, but if the
crowd loves them, that could be the factor. We're like
the voice they flip chairs when I was on Idol.
You know everybody is different, but this one is about
the crowd coming alive when you're singing. You know that

because you've watched the show. When they start to cheer,
are you like, okay, now we got.

Speaker 4 (19:29):
This first of all, we're talking about the audition round.
Nobody knew what to expect. And when I watch that
video back, it kind of it kind of makes me
have chicken skin. And so yeah, when I hear the
people screaming when I'm done at the end of the

audition around, it just I mean, I just have to
have to take it in because you know, I don't
think I'm capable of all that stuff. And to see
myself it's it's kind of like seeing myself in the
third person. So but I've been singing to the kids
for years everything, just about every single year. I've worked

as a janitor custodian, singing for years and never dreamed
that I would be blessing people, making people, having people
come together the way they are. It's just mind boggling
to me.

Speaker 2 (20:28):
There's a point in the show where they go, Okay,
you've made it because you did have to go sing.
Then it got real. It wasn't just the audition around.
But now they like take care of your clothes, They
make sure you get good food to eat. Like that's
a whole shift right where you're working all the time,
you're practicing and you're tired, but they're taking care of you.
That's pretty cool.

Speaker 4 (20:49):
Yeah, it's pretty it's pretty wild to see yourself in that.

Speaker 2 (20:53):
Did you have to say in like clothes? They bring
you clothes and you get to pick, Like, how did
it work for you? Especially wardrobe and style?

Speaker 8 (21:01):
Well, for me, it was.

Speaker 4 (21:05):
They took me downtown in Koreatown in Hollywood area, and
there's a guy in a little shop who made my
last three shirts. And I didn't want to be flashy.
I'm just a regular person and I'm not fancy, and
I proclaimed it, and so they kind of gave me

the working class rock star treatment. And the guy turned
out to be a really good tailor and he does
all the he does all the clothing for Dancing with
the Stars. By the way, I know him, I know
pretty well.

Speaker 2 (21:44):
I know him well and he does yeah. Yeah, yeah,
it's same guy forever, an old shop. Yeah, you walk in,
it's everywhere, pictures of everybody. Oh yeah, I've been there
many Yeah. Richard and I are come in the same cloth,
no pun intended. So rich will you you fit? The
show goes and you're doing the real competition. You're singing.
Now you're singing against folks. Basically the final episode before

they announced that you won. Did you feel like you
had a good shot?

Speaker 4 (22:09):
No expectations. I've never had any expectations. Every time I
saw myself getting through each each round, I no, I
had no expectations. I didn't. I didn't think I was
all that in a bag of chip. Still don't. I'm
just a regular person who happens to sing.

Speaker 2 (22:31):
Okay, I think what about performing growing up? Like did
you ever have a dreams of being a singer? And
did you ever play like bars and clubs?

Speaker 4 (22:39):
I wasn't really that person until I've always done like
karaoke contests, I did country music contests, I've done. I
did gospel music in a gospel trio, Southern gospel for
about eight years and two different gospels trios. And then

when the video that sparked all this came out, I
had people in my area wanting to have me, you know,
be the lead singer for their band. And so I
finally got one good together, and I mean we were
good and tight, and then the show kind of took
off and we kind of got separated for a little bit.

So we're trying to regroup plus to do other things now.

Speaker 2 (23:29):
Zach Morrison, Zach attack you gotta go do your own
thing now, Richard, do you know what I mean? Yeah,
So what happened? So you come back to school? What happens?
Or have you gone back to school? And what does
everybody say? How everybody reacting?

Speaker 4 (23:42):
Absolutely? I went back every single time. In between shows,
I worked, and now the kids are I mean, it's
just like, oh, that's mister Richard. But after the first audition, yeah,
I was signing sneakers and cell phone cases and doing
all kinds of stuff. And then I started touring the

elementary schools and middle schools here in town.

Speaker 9 (24:08):

Speaker 4 (24:10):
I mean just the kids memorizing, don't stop believing, and
I'd quit singing and they'd keep singing. If you've seen
some of those videos, it's amazing because we're I'm still
keeping this music alive.

Speaker 6 (24:23):
When you would be at school singing and the kids
were like, hey, you actually really have a great voice.
What would you be singing?

Speaker 5 (24:30):
Was it casual? You kind of like whistle wall you
work and they pick up on it. And what were
you singing?

Speaker 4 (24:36):
From about six am to seven am? The school belongs
to me, and about around seven am that's when teachers
start coming in. So I'd be belting out every morning,
not thinking that you know, this is me warming up
for a big moment when I turn fifty four years
old and get on a TV show. I'm just doing

what I've always done for the kids in this area,
and it's usually God bless the USA. And in twenty
twenty two it just happened to be don't Stop Believing
because the teachers said, Hey, pick whatever song you want,
and I'm just like, okay, so and that's what sparked
the whole It took two years, but I finally I

finally made it.

Speaker 2 (25:21):
It's weird when it's all over because you're like, it's
high pie pie pie pipe pipe, and then it's back
home in normal and like the adjustment process. So are
you working now again? And are you going to tour?
Like how do you balance being mister Richard and like
freaking Richard goodall?

Speaker 4 (25:40):
You know, I think the corporation's got enough good press
out of it. I'm completely out of sick days, vacation
days and everything. But whenever I leave to go do
these shows, I'm making money. But no, I'm still at
the school. I'm still a school employee, still on their
health plan. I'm the same guy, I just got to

be on TV and now people were asking me to
go out and sing on a more grander scale with
a Vegas band.

Speaker 2 (26:11):
So you know, I meanwhow A lot of people reach
out they hadn't heard from a long time, not really.

Speaker 4 (26:17):
And those that have, I mean, I've talked to them,
but I understand kind of why they're reaching out too.
So but no, I've not had any long lost relatives
come out. It's nothing like that.

Speaker 2 (26:31):
Do you get the money immediately?

Speaker 4 (26:32):
It took about a month or so. They expectited it
pretty pretty well. They I took the lump, some I
took the lump some Yeah, taxes, uh, taxes kind of
uh took over there. But yeah, I mean, I'm we
paid cash for our house. We got a new roof
on our house. We were very frugal with with our

money and how we spent it. And yeah, internally grateful.
Angela and I are both eternally grateful, so happy and yeah,
just amazing.

Speaker 2 (27:08):
So people can audition. If you're listening to this and
you're like, that's all Richard seeing and that motivated me,
So you can actually audition and submit a video. So
agt auditions dot Com is the website where you can
do that, so agt auditions dot com. You can also
do it in person in La. Well, rich what would
you tell somebody who wants to try out for the show.

Speaker 4 (27:26):
There's absolutely no better time to try out than now,
because I'm I mean proofs in the pudding. If somebody
regular Monday through Friday janitor for twenty three years can
get up there and try out and make it and
then end up winning the whole dog one thing. I mean,

anybody can try out, but they could before. But you
know this, To me, I think it's more of a
letting people know that it's not it's not all about
professional because oh my gosh, I was as raw still
am in a lot of ways. I was as raw

as could be. So if I can try out and
win it, anybody can.

Speaker 2 (28:13):
So auditions anybody. Yeah, agt auditions dot com and you
can the January twelfth in La if you want to
do it there, but agt auditions dot com. And then
if you guys want to see Richard, you can go
to the Singing Janitor dot Com. January seventeenth, Troy, Ohio,
the nineteenth, Greensboro, Pennsylvania, and April Anderson Indiana doing some
other Indiana dates. Go to the Singing Janitor dot com. Yeah,

I you know TikTok. I found you and then was obsessed.
It was awesome and I and so once I watched
like the first after you auditioned, it knows to feed
me more Richard videos. My algorithm was like, so I
got every performance and I was rooting for you. So
and then my final thing is here are my keys?
And I've kind of have a lot of keys, and
I kind of get made fun of. But do you
have a lot of keys? Since you're a janitor? Is

your ring bigger than mine?

Speaker 4 (28:58):
I do? Mine is bigger than good? They make them
at of middle school. So you got more keys?

Speaker 2 (29:05):
Good good because they make fun of me for all
my keys. And now I'm not the most key man
on the show right now, Richard, thank you so much.
Congratulations guys, go follow rich on Instagram Richard at goodall
and tell your wife we said hello, I know you.
He credited her and as as being your biggest cheerleader
and advocate, so tell her we said hello and congratulations
and hope to see you against soon. Buddy.

Speaker 4 (29:25):
Thank you, I'm a big fan.

Speaker 2 (29:27):
Thank you very much. Really good to talk to you.
By Richard. Been glued to the TV because of the
California fires. I see TV glued, TikTok, gluted anything.

Speaker 6 (29:37):

Speaker 5 (29:37):
I actually was watching the news last night, but glued
to it.

Speaker 2 (29:40):
Yeah, tens of thousands have fleed the deadly fires. Some
of my family that lives in California they've had to
evacuate too, So I mean it's I was talking to
a friend that lives there. I have never been around wildfires.
I've never lived in a place where that's been prevalent,
and in certain parts of the country because of the
landscape it is where I grew up. There tornadoes everywhere,

and that's so foreign to everyone. Probably been in twenty
tornadoes close to about four where we thought it was
really going to hit it. So we had tornadoes, some
people have hurricane. The wildfire thing is so new novel
because I've never actually been around one. I've seen houses
and no people who've lost their houses to fires, but
never seen it like this before. So it almost seems

like a movie until you get to the real human
element of it and you see the people talking lost
their stuff. And I was talking to a friend that
lives there and I said, hey, what's up. Have you
guys had evacuating? He said, no, they're like ten miles
from where we are, because they're all there east west
and a new one was in the middle of southern California.
And I said, because we've talked about them and done

charity stuff for them in different parts of the country
where you are in California, there have been some big ones,
but is this the biggest one ever? Because I don't know.
They're all massive and they're all they take forever to control.
And he's like, no, this is the worst one, yeah,
history ever And because it's in places where so many
people are living, even to hear, that made it more
not that it never wasn't real, but again it feels
like a movie because I've never been in a place

where that's happened. And that is La. That La yet, yes, yes,
so La would be like West Malibu, that all. It's
all up there over to the other side. It's where
like where Miked and I live and I was doing
dancing with the stars, like the Glendelle in the middle.
Now there's scuba you could talk you lived in La.

Speaker 3 (31:28):
Yeah, So last night when I was talking to a
friend another fire popped off, probably my cousin's apartment and
run you in canyon, which is a very popular tourist
attraction for like great pictures and stuff. And it is
rough to see people have lost houses that I know,
that I've worked with and that are friends. And it's
scary because you have three fires that are almost connecting
in a sense where you have.

Speaker 2 (31:48):
All individuals, but they've gotten so big they're almost touching,
which connects.

Speaker 3 (31:51):
And it's scary because of all the ashes and the embers,
so that flies with all this wind and gets picked
up and you start a new fire somewhere else, and
it's just it's devastate to watch and see.

Speaker 2 (32:00):
I watched a guy on TikTok there was a palm
tree that was on fire and right next to his
house and just a palm tree. So he was on
his roof with the water hose spraying his roof so
if any of the embers fell on it, and then
started trying to spray the tree, the individual tree, and
he was just going back and forth, back and forth,
and the tree was really on fire, but it was

an isolated tree on fire, but he was just trying
to keep his house wet and the tree because as
soon as that stuff falls on the house, the house
catches on fire. Most destructive fire in LA history. Everything,
I mean, everything's closed, everything's stopped.

Speaker 6 (32:39):
The part that was just really wild to see too,
is like the them having to like bulldozer cars out
of the middle the road. That seemed almost like a
movie because people abandoned their cars in the middle.

Speaker 2 (32:52):
There's one way in and one way out to that
first like the and I have a very limited knowledge
of La just from going out there to work, but
that Pacifico's Highway, that's what it's called, right, there's like
one way on the far west, and so people couldn't
get out because there's like one way in, one way out,
so they would leave their cars and run on foot.

Speaker 6 (33:08):
Yeah, but then emergency vehicles needed to get through, so
they started just like bulldozing the road. The cars like
off the road and out of the way. And that
just seems so like I've never seen anything like that.

Speaker 2 (33:19):
Well, and what's unfortunate is the headlines are massive fire.
Here's all the celebrities that lost their house, but most
of the people that are losing their houses aren't celebrities.
But because the headline is here's all the celebrities. Most
people are like, well, they're super millionaires. I don't really
care that much about this fire because it's really affecting
all the celebrities only. But the celebrities are just the
ones making the headlines. The real people that are losing

their house aren't making the headlines because people aren't going
to click that. So it makes it feel like it's
a celebrity fire when that's just a fraction, a very
very small fraction of it.

Speaker 6 (33:49):
And then also they're human too, and they have children,
and they have memories and they have they're still.

Speaker 2 (33:55):
Ere if they have fifty million bucks, people don't care
as much.

Speaker 6 (33:57):
I know, I'm thinking of the family stuff and things
they're losing, but also the story of the there's a
nurse that ignored the evacuation to go to her ninety
year old parents' house to try to save their house
because their insurance was recently canceled, I believe because of
the fires that have been breaking out, just a lot
of policies have been canceled lately, and it was so

heartbreaking to see her have to ignore that. And she
was on the news and she's like, what am I
supposed to do. They're ninety years old, this is their
home and they have no insurance. She was trying to
do what she could to save it, and that was
totally heartbreaking.

Speaker 2 (34:31):
What I just feel the worst about is because obviously
a lot of people are going to need a lot
of help, but this has been assigned as a la
celebrity wildfire when that's like three percent of what it is.
But that's what makes all the news. So that's what
we who've never experienced, as who don't live close to
there is feel like, oh, it's just a bunch of
rich celebrities to help some fire. Sucks for them, but
they'll be okay, no, yeah, but it's not that. But

that's not sensational. That's so people aren't going to click that.
I mean like Paris Hilton house and I clicked the story,
but they're not going to click John Smith, who lives
again right it run your canyon? Who has a normal
house it's been there for like seventy years or a.

Speaker 6 (35:08):
Bank I know, right, I know in some of these people,
because they've evacuated, they have no idea like if their
house is still up and they're watching the news and
watching the skycam and finding out that way. They're like,
oh my gosh, there's my house on the news right
now burning down.

Speaker 2 (35:22):
It sucks. It's still happening. It was zero percent contained
at one point yesterday and still growing. I don't have
any more info, but I did want to make sure
I didn't not talk about it other news A little
lighter here. A screaming flyer causes an hour long flight
delay after refusing to wear a seatbelt. Shut up and
never fly again. You know that song linka park? Shut up?

Shut up, bo, I'm talking to yo. Shut up. Didn't
want to wear the seatbelt. It's all of it. It's
the screaming the seat belt.

Speaker 12 (35:52):

Speaker 2 (35:52):
I would assume there could be some medical reason. They
could be drunk. There could be a medical reason. They
don't have their men. Who knows, But I'm going to
be so irritated if it's just somebody that's being hard headed.
So a mom, they call her a hell raising mom
caused an hour long flight delay after refusing to buckle
her seat belt and even screamed and flight attendant tried

to calm her. As seen in the video. The disruption
occurred on the flight crew members have been conducting the
cabin checks. No seat belt and they were like, hey, seatbelt,
She thought, tantrum. She threw another passenger's phone the whole thing.
Apparently that's from a New York post. Oh, I'm so mad.
I ain't doing anything about it, but I'm so mad.

It feels like everyone has a stomach bug and you
neurovirus strain might be to blame. Just from the CDC.
I'm fairly certain I had a little version of the neurovirus,
not nero as in brain. That's a little I can talk,
come out to me nero. And I always thought it
was neuro the way you're pronound, I probably have that too.

Speaker 4 (36:50):
What is it? Yeah?

Speaker 2 (36:51):
Ok, hey, it's my accent. The new strain has been
linked to and they go through. But if you got
a stomach bug, it could be one of four things.
Ademic they say COVID could be that neurovirus. It could
be that RSV. I know adults who have RSV. I
thought it was just a baby thing.

Speaker 12 (37:09):
You have that.

Speaker 2 (37:10):
And there's another one I'm forgetting about.

Speaker 5 (37:11):
Gosh, you just taught us the squad yesterday.

Speaker 2 (37:13):
Yeah, I forgot was worth one? Oh okay og and
the most hardcore, like if you get the real fluid. Yea,
it's bad. Full wolf moon. Amy, you know about the
full wolf moon? No, I don't. I would think that
would be a your thing.

Speaker 5 (37:30):
Okay, well tell me more about it. Do I get
when there's a full moon?

Speaker 2 (37:34):
Do I need to go out?

Speaker 5 (37:35):
Go out and hell? Okay, what's gonna do for me?

Speaker 2 (37:37):
So the full moon on the thirteenth, which today's the ninth.
Tomorrow's a tenth so it'll be Monday, right, Yeah, it's
called the wolf moon. It's called wolf because wolves are
more likely to be howling at the moon this time. Specifically,
it has nothing to do with the appearance of the moon.
Howling is heard in the wintertime, and this will be
the moon where more wolf's howl. That's cool, which is

kind of cool unless you have a teenager all of
a sudden it's like a wolf and if he's really
good at basketball, surfing on your car. No, yeah, that's
teen wolf now. That's from Almanac dot Com. Country singer
Riley Green lands in the emergency room after being impaled
on a hunting trip. What Riley Green paled? Mm hmm.

He shared a video on social media of him in
the emergency room, as he explained how he ended up
in the hospital at the.

Speaker 1 (38:26):
Emergency room because I stepped on the nail and paled
my foot, and when I took my boot off, corn fell.
The lady came in here and want to know where
all the corn came from.

Speaker 2 (38:40):
It's from my boot. You don't want me to take
this other one all either, Hey, Riley, get well soon, buddy, Yeah, man,
good luck that nail on the foot. I don't care.
That's what happened to me. But I roofed houss for
a while, and it would happen about once every season.
So he would step on and nilt through their foot.
Because if I go right to the shoe, would you
have to get that tetnis shot? For sure? I wouldn't.

I never did it.

Speaker 6 (39:03):
Are you like easy to hunt with? Like when you
would go hunting, would you were you go to being quiet?

Speaker 2 (39:08):
I'd you go to sleep? It just depends if so
they're still hunting dog hunting to two type that we
would do if we were still hunting buck crack early.
Either get a tree stand. Mostly I would just sit
at the base of a tree because I didn't want
to clim up. I don't want to. I didn't feel
comfortable falling asleep in a tree stand because that's all
like I'd fall out and die. Sure, so I would
just sit at the base and then it's just still

and you just sit there, and then I would just
fall asleep.

Speaker 6 (39:31):
I don't know. I just got curious what kind of
huntery you would be because I was Briley Green speaking him.
I saw him talking about who he wouldn't hunt with, Yeah,
and he said jelly Roll because he's too jovial, like
too loud, laughing old.

Speaker 2 (39:42):
I liked hunting with dogs. We would we would use
dogs and they get they pick up the set, but
remember they chased it or so you have to stay
ahead of the dogs because you know they're running a deer.
So you're trying to predict where the dogs are going
by listening to the sound. That was more fun because
you're trying to get ahead of everything, including the deer,
and hopefully they run it up too. That was better
for me because I didn't fall asleep. Yeah. Also, one

final thing I mentioned yesterday that I signed a deal
with the NFL. A lot of people thought I was
a player. I'm not. I haven't jumped on any teams
in the playoffs. I know a lot of people. A
lot of people are like, wow, are you playing? No,
I signed a deal with the NFL. It's me and
former quarterback Matt Castle, and we're doing a show called
Lots to Say and Tim McGraw is our guest today
and go check it out, go search for Lots to Say.

And I was talking to Tim McGraw about how if
I do a show, like a stand up show or
music show in arkansas's playing football or basketball, I have
it on stage and sometimes people don't know it. I
out on my phone in front of the monitor so
I can still watch the game as we're going. And
so this was talking about that, if there is a
big LSU game, Tim, and you were on stage, how
are you getting information fed to you through my ears?

Speaker 12 (40:47):
Through my inner monitors. My guy helped heath on the sides,
always telling me to score. And he also used to
do that when my kids were in high school and
one of my daughters was a cheerleader. So when I
happened to be on stage and there was a game
going on, I was getting fit scores right in the
middle of the song.

Speaker 2 (41:02):
So if I dropped the word because I was about
the score. So if you ever heard him go I'm
an Indian outlaw. Oh crap, that's what he's doing. Game
wasn't going so well? Check out lots to say. It's
our our new podcast. Tim McGraw is the guest today.
That's the News.

Speaker 9 (41:21):
Bobby's Bobby Bone Show. Sorry up today. This story comes
to us from Missouri.

Speaker 10 (41:30):
Hey man was driving his Nissan Center down the road
and all of a sudden he hears woo woo woo.
He pulls over and cop goes, hey man, you know
why I pulled you over? And he's like, no, Officer,
I don't. He goes, You're going one hundred and seven
miles an hour. Is there a reason you were going
one hundred and seven? He goes, oh, man, sorry, I
just got really into my video game. Didn't realize I
was going one hundred and seven.

Speaker 2 (41:50):
Oh wow? Wait what Yeah?

Speaker 9 (41:52):
He was playing a video game my hero Ultra rumble
why he.

Speaker 2 (41:56):
Was right must be wow sounds doing that. That's I
I didn't know a Nissan CenTra went that fast one
O seven. I have no desire to go fast. And
then it feels very dangerous play video games while also
going fast.

Speaker 9 (42:11):
Sure, No, No, he didn't even know he was going fast.
So how are you going one hundred and seven?

Speaker 2 (42:15):
Okay? I sometimes you get song comes on and go
a little faster than I know. I'm going right, Like
love shot comes on and you got to push the
gas a little more. Okay.

Speaker 6 (42:22):
Well, a Nissan center can go up to one hundred
and twenty.

Speaker 2 (42:24):
Oh, there were kids in high school. They used to
take those Nissans and like, oh, soup them up big time.
And they had a name for it that. I won't
say what they're called because I think, now it's a
bad name. No, I'll tell you off there, I think,
But do you know what I'm talking about? No, it's
the first forward, the second words rocket. Never mind, Oh
I know, I know.

Speaker 9 (42:42):
No, that's a motorcycle.

Speaker 2 (42:43):
So I was thinking motorcycle. It doesn't matter. Tell you
off there, all right, Thank you, munchbox.

Speaker 9 (42:47):
That's your bonehead story of the day.

Speaker 2 (42:50):
Here's a voicemail we got last night morning studio.

Speaker 3 (42:53):
I was calling I have a vet school interview this weekend,
and I was.

Speaker 2 (42:56):
Calling for some good luck on it and to ask
Ernie tips regarding in Thank you guys, I don't know
you so I'll give you the most basic elementary tips
that work every single time. Maybe not a good job,
but it will improve your performance. Number One Smile. It's
so basic and generic that we forget to do it
or we're so on our head about I don't want
to mess up pressures on smile. People want to work

around and with people they like or people they like
being around. Number one, Because if it's even you and
somebody else, they're going to go which person I like
being around the most. Smile Now, don't hold the smile
all the time, but you look at the joker. So
there's a fine line. But smile be pleasant because people
want to be with people that make them feel good

number one. Number two ask questions. Inevitably there's going to
be a time in the interview where they go, do
you have any questions for me? That's asked every single
time I ask it every single time. You need to
have questions for that, even if you don't really mean them.
You need to have questions for that. Oh you can't
say no, I'm good. You can. You can. That's what
most people do, and I go, But if.

Speaker 4 (44:00):
You have some I go.

Speaker 2 (44:01):
They didn't spend any extra time like educating themselves on
what their goals could be, what their growth can be,
what our growth can be. I will ask that question,
going I sure, hope they asked me a couple questions.

Speaker 5 (44:13):
Can you buy time with? Where'd you get that shirt?

Speaker 9 (44:16):
Questions? That's good, that's a good question.

Speaker 2 (44:19):
Funny if you're being funny, it's not like no, just
eata snickers. If you need time get away, they ask you, ye,
hold on questions. I have questions, have.

Speaker 5 (44:28):
Them ready because you don't want to have to fill
a buster.

Speaker 2 (44:30):
And one of the best questions to ask back is
like what do you think I could do immediately to
help X, Y or Z? Like if I got the show,
what can I do immediately that would help?

Speaker 4 (44:42):

Speaker 1 (44:43):

Speaker 2 (44:43):
Whatever the bit is, they're gonna go, oh, let's go
asking a question, and that's the easiest one. So smile
and ask questions and have a firm handshake. Don't be
sweaty and clammy. Make sure we wipe your hand because first,
first first impression is then the first session happened. But
the first first impression tough. So you better be smiling

and non clammy and have questions. That's it. That's why
I can give you generically. Otherwise you probably got it,
or they wouldn't be interviewing you as far as like,
you know what you're talking about. May not get the job.
But I have a new NFL podcast called Lots to Say,
which was Matt Cassel the Quarterback. Please check it out.
We'd love for it to be a success. Then i'll
If not, i'll lose my contract to the NFL. You're

a big contract. I've signed the I'm with the NFL.
Amy signed the NFL. It's called Lots to Say. Check
it out. Tim McGraw is our next guest. That's cool.
That's pretty cool. All right, thank you guys. See tomorrow.

Speaker 6 (45:33):
Bye, Come on y'all.

Speaker 2 (45:35):
Bobby Bone Show. The Bobby Bones Show theme song, written,
produced and saying by read Yarberry. You can find his
instagram at read Yarberry, Scuba Steve Executive producer, Raymond no
Head of Production. I'm Bobby Bones. My instagram is mister
Bobby Bones. Thank you for listening to the podcast.
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Hosts And Creators

Bobby Bones

Bobby Bones

Amy Brown

Amy Brown



Eddie Garcia

Eddie Garcia

Morgan Huelsman

Morgan Huelsman



Mike D

Mike D

Abby Anderson

Abby Anderson

Scuba Steve

Scuba Steve

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