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Cody Jinks is on the show for the first time, and he shares why he listed his son as one of the songwriters on one of his projects! Then, find out how Morgan got scammed using Facebook marketplace! Mailbag: Listener's husband thinks she brings up our show too much. Bobby thinks she should keep listening to the show and just not talk to him about it as much. We share our thoughts!

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
Committing as What's up, Welcome to Tuesday show more in
studio morning.

Speaker 2 (00:13):
I hope everybody's having a great mourning. You guys, like
just full of energy today. Whoop, like always really beautiful. Yeah,
let's go around the room. He tried being a cool dad,
but most of the time his kids just end up
getting mad. It is pretty's ready, let's go, guys.

Speaker 3 (00:31):
One of my favorite things to do is watch movies
with my fifteen year old because he loves movies. So
I get to pick some of the movies from like
when I was younger. Man, you have to watch Goodgile Hunting,
you have to watch Shaw Shank all that stuff, right,
And the latest one was Armageddon.

Speaker 2 (00:46):
I'm like, dude, it was so good. Armageddon so good.

Speaker 3 (00:49):
And then what's crazy is Steven Tyler he's from Aerosmith
and his daughter's in the movie and they sing the song.

Speaker 2 (00:54):
I don't want to close my eyes.

Speaker 3 (00:57):
And he's like, all right, let's watch it, guys. It's
not as good as I remember it. Like, we we
got about an hour in and we both look at
each other like, should we start watching this?

Speaker 2 (01:06):
This is this is pretty dumb. It doesn't travel well.
Huh No, Man, and.

Speaker 3 (01:09):
Like, I remember it being such an awesome movie. I
remember even crying at the end. I thought it was
an awesome movie too. Don't but I'm gonna leave it
that way. Don't touch it to it, don't touch it,
but in the screen shows a screen day. All of that.
I was like, dude, it's so good. And then we
watched it like this is not not good at all.
But but but here's a twist. We watched Truman Show
last night because he was like, Dad, have you watched

Truman Show. I'm like, I've never seen Truman Shows of
all time. Dude, that movie is next level.

Speaker 2 (01:35):
I loved it and still holds up, still holds the
movies of all time, top top three movies.

Speaker 3 (01:39):
We talked about it for about thirty minutes afterwards, how
good it was, living a version of that No now
that I don't believe.

Speaker 2 (01:45):
Of course we are, you know, the big brother. It
doesn't matter. Here we go awesome. Thank you Truman Show
A plus me and I Jim Carrey. I wouldn't say
it's not my favorite actors, but he has three of
my favorite movies of all time. What's the other one?

Speaker 4 (01:58):

Speaker 2 (01:59):
No Man on the Moon About Andy coffin. Truman showed
no not the mask, liar, No No, and eternal Sunshine
of the Spot of Mind. Oh that's you know what.
That's our next one. He's gonna love that one. Are
you really gonna watch with them? Yeah? It's a good
is inappropriate? I don't remember. Yeah, it's it's not inappropriate.
We'll watch that one next, all right, next up? Getting
a palette investment was suspenseful, and so far it has

not ended up being successful. Here's lunchbox.

Speaker 5 (02:24):
I have an unru wanted resident at my house. I've
tried to e victim, won't leave, can't get rid of him,
and I need help.

Speaker 2 (02:31):
Your kid.

Speaker 6 (02:32):
No moles.

Speaker 2 (02:33):
I have.

Speaker 5 (02:34):
Moles have invaded my yard and I can't get rid
of them.

Speaker 6 (02:38):
They are destroying my yard.

Speaker 5 (02:41):
It is like tunnels and there's bumps all.

Speaker 6 (02:44):
Through my yard and I have no idea. I've been trying.
I order these worms off the internet.

Speaker 2 (02:50):
You're supposed to like bait.

Speaker 5 (02:53):
Yeah, they have chemicals on them and.

Speaker 2 (02:57):
Like fake worms that they die and the ease of yes, got.

Speaker 6 (02:59):
It haven't worked.

Speaker 5 (03:01):
I need someone, please help me get rid of these moles.
You can't even run through the yard without tripping over
all the speed bumps.

Speaker 7 (03:09):
I do know someone that had a similar problem, and
I remember they documented it all on Instagram.

Speaker 8 (03:14):
So I'll send you their account.

Speaker 2 (03:16):
Because I mine cut off.

Speaker 8 (03:17):
No no, no, no no.

Speaker 7 (03:18):
Theles on your back Okay, yeah no, they're actually pretty
funny lunchbooks, so I'll send them to you. Yeah, Tim, sure,
he's he's just as frustrated.

Speaker 2 (03:28):
You should play dynamite in him. And I thought about
it that that's that movies boom. Yeah, I don't know
how to get I mean, dude, it is so crazy.
They just moved in and it was you know what happened.
They thought we had abandoned the house because we went
to Memphis for Saint Jude. I think the moles know
what abandonment is for like two days and.

Speaker 6 (03:46):
Then all of a sudden they moved in.

Speaker 5 (03:47):
Because I didn't have moles at all until I went
down there and I was gone for a weekend.

Speaker 6 (03:51):
I come back moles.

Speaker 2 (03:52):
Everywhere I can get rid of them after I've finished
building my pickleball court. If you need to, I can
handle both things. You're gonna go with dynamite for both, man.
I bought these spikes that vibrate and it's awesome. They work.

Speaker 3 (04:02):
But the problem is, like they get out of your yard.
But they just moved to the other.

Speaker 2 (04:08):
Guys do too. If they don't kill it, they just
get it out of your yard.

Speaker 6 (04:10):
And that's fine. I don't care. Just get rid of
them out of my yard.

Speaker 7 (04:13):
Look these videos right here, one mole down, next video,
two moles down.

Speaker 8 (04:17):
Like he's showing how I got them all.

Speaker 5 (04:18):
I mean, I don't care if you get them in
my neighbor's yard. Who whatever, someone helped me with the mole.
You can feel bad for the little moment seen my yard.

Speaker 2 (04:26):
No, we have not. You can see it on the
big screen. Now she's starting to get back into the
dating scene. Here's Amy.

Speaker 8 (04:32):

Speaker 7 (04:32):
So I got invited to a Christmas party and on
the invitation it told people, hey, we're now a no
shoe householder, so just.

Speaker 2 (04:42):
To Christmas party too.

Speaker 8 (04:43):
When you come to the party, wow, just take your
shoes off.

Speaker 7 (04:46):
Which I like that. They just said it out of
the gate, so.

Speaker 8 (04:48):
There's no confusion. It was very evident.

Speaker 7 (04:52):
It was like at the bottom and fine print, like
you could see oh wow, okay, so.

Speaker 8 (04:56):
Now when we get there, it won't be awkward.

Speaker 7 (04:57):
You just take them off, and it made me think
about how I try to become.

Speaker 8 (05:00):
A no shoe household for a minute.

Speaker 7 (05:02):
It's so much more difficult than you think. Like, I
have so much respect for people that have been able
to implement it with their kids and guests, and it's
all it's a lot to keep up with.

Speaker 2 (05:10):
Nobody feel weird being in a party and nobody has
shoes on.

Speaker 3 (05:12):
I went to a party recently where they had that
rule and we all took our shoes off. But here
was the weird thing is there was everyone was in
the backyard, So like we all.

Speaker 8 (05:21):
Like, what all shoes.

Speaker 2 (05:23):
In the backyard? I don't because all our shoes were
in the front. What if I had a party and
said it's a pantsless party, we'd have to just abide
by the rules. I'll be there, man, Okay, all right,
Ray go ahead.

Speaker 6 (05:35):
From Mountain Pine in Arkansas.

Speaker 2 (05:36):
He's into sharp, he's crossing things out and if he
doesn't do it, he'll freak out. Bobby Bones think you guys.
I don't. It's not usually a thing that I follow,
but it popped up into my for you on Twitter
a couple of times. It's called morbid knowledge. Anybody follow
morbid knowledge.

Speaker 8 (05:51):
No sounds.

Speaker 2 (05:52):
No, it's terrible, but it's morbid razy. Give us something.
In nineteen forty five, the B twenty five bomber actually
crashed into the Empires Building due to intense fog. It
killed like fifteen people. Among the other damage, the plane severed,
the cables, the elevator, and the operator inside fell seventy
five story. It's a whole. But this is terrible, I know,
and I hate it, but it's crazy. There's some really

wild stuff on here. Can you follow them or you
don't follow them?

Speaker 8 (06:17):
You go there.

Speaker 2 (06:19):
I don't follow them, but I look at it so
much it keeps popping up and I'm like, I never
want to see that again. Okay, let me read this one.
I don't like like bites or killing or It's a
pretty interesting account though, so don't follow it. Noted morbid knowledge.
Don't follow it, dude.

Speaker 6 (06:35):
It's like, don't watch it.

Speaker 2 (06:36):
Jeffrey Donald Court scene in real life versus the Netflix
show they were showing on side by side. They're perfect.
It's it's pretty I mean, but stuff like that. It's great. Hey,
good morning everybody.

Speaker 6 (06:48):
Wow morning, Yeah, do you have another little morbid knowledge?

Speaker 2 (06:51):
I don't want to do anymore too early. I like
to do my morbidness after seven. Time for the mail bag.
Let's go.

Speaker 8 (07:00):
On the air to get something we call Bobby's mail Bag.

Speaker 2 (07:04):
Yeah, hello, Bobby Bones. I discovered your show during the pandemic.
Have been dedicated for three years. I am a b teamer.
When I can't listen live, I go back and listen
to the podcast. I always bring it up with my husband.
I share a lot of stories with I heard on
the Bobby Bones Show, or Amy said this, or and
at home. Sometimes I'll wave my husband off when he's

trying to get my attention if I have my headphones
on while listening to the show. Apparently my husband has
had enough. The other day he shouted at me, I
don't know who these people are. He thinks I listen
to the show too much and need to give you
guys a break and need to stop bringing you up
all the time. Do you think he's out of line
for asking me to do this. I don't think he

realizes how much the show means to me, but I'm
open to reasoning if I am the one who's out
of line. Any advice is appreciated. Signed b teamer for life.
Oh thank you. My advice is divorce, get rid of
him out out. The easy answer is keep listening if
it makes you happy, but just don't bring us up
as much. Yeah, picture of lunchbox, that's what happens.

Speaker 5 (08:11):
He thinks you're gonna try to leave him for me,
but guess when I'm married, dude ain't gonna take your chick.

Speaker 7 (08:15):
Here's what I compared to worry that. Obviously he's keep
listening or doing whatever. But if if my spouse was
like obsessed with football and that's all they wanted to
talk about all the time, I'd be fine with a
little bit of football and trying to understand it. But
then at a point I'd be like, Okay, I'm kind
of you don't have to talk to me about football
all the time, but he can still watch it. Sure, Yeah,

that's what I'm saying.

Speaker 3 (08:37):
What about instead of on her headphones, she listens to
it out loud so he can hear it too, and
then they can talk about stuff that we're talking about
to you, he might kill her.

Speaker 2 (08:46):
Yeah, we don't want to lose a listener that way.
We don't don't keep listening. We appreciate that be teaming
for life. And secondly, she just don't try to talk
about as much. It be hard, man, I know, because
we do some good funny stuff. Thank you for the email, though,
I appreciate that. Don't play him this bit. Don't tell
him we communicated with you, because he'll really flip out.
You're like, now you're emailing at him, all right, thank you.

Close the mail bag. We got your game mail and
we read it on the air.

Speaker 9 (09:12):
Now it's found to close Bobby's mail bag.

Speaker 2 (09:15):
Yeah, so Bobby Bones Show interview in case you didn't know.
When it comes to artists who just did their thing
and then let it all kind of build around them,
Cody Jinks is that guy. Man, when you see Cody
Jinks too, you're like, I'm like I admire him, or
I'm scared of him, or he's Cody Jinks. You just
see him, you remember him, his new singles Outlaws and
Mustangs go on the Way. I mean, he is a

real independent musician who's now blowing up and everybody's trying
to go come be on our label, and he's like,
I don't need a label. Screw you guys. At least
I think that's what he says in his head, screw
you guys. Hey, you feel about that?

Speaker 7 (09:50):

Speaker 2 (09:50):
Like that? Change the game? Is this new song' sit Out,
Get Out getting in June and probably his biggest song
is Loud and Heavy. He was in a metal band
from Forward, Texas. And then it's like, you know what,
We'll take a break, and then he comes back and
starts making country music. But it's still the same kind

of artist. And here he is on the.

Speaker 6 (10:14):
Bobby Bones Show.

Speaker 2 (10:15):
Now all right, here he is walking to the studio.
What's up, dude, come on in. Have you seen Oh yeah,
I think we stunned them with the clapping right there. Yeah,
he didn't expect to see all of you guys. Yeah,
what's up man? Welcome Cody. Good to talk to you, buddy.
Hi guys, it's good to be here. Thank you very much.
I'm good. I'm good. How are y'all? We're pretty good.

Are you a Dallas Cowboys fan? I am, that's good.
I'm a Rangers fan. Okay, so that's good. Then that's positive. Yeah.
We we just did it.

Speaker 9 (10:44):
He did it in like twelve years of heartbreak since
the last I mean I remember where I was when
we lost Game seven, Like in twenty eleven, Where.

Speaker 2 (10:51):
Were you at? A really small venue?

Speaker 9 (10:53):
It was a cigar bar, and they actually told us
not to play so we could watch the game and
we still got paid.

Speaker 2 (10:58):
That's crazy. That's awesome, big Cups fan. And when we
finally won the World Series, it was the night of
the CMA's and I was supposed to be part of
the production and I was like, guys, I can't come.
I have to stay home and watch Game seven. And
they thought it was the weirdest thing that I wanted
to stay home and watch a baseball game rather than
be on a TV show. And then we won the
World Series to beat the Indians. It was awesome. I'd say,
you won so loud and heavy. So the song was

written with your infant son, can you tell me that story?

Speaker 9 (11:23):
We were driving down the road. It was his second
birthday and I was off the road at the time.
All he wanted to do was go see tractors and
it started raining really really heavy. And just said he's
sitting back there in his car seat and he said,
louth th under heavy rain, louth under heavy rain. I
grabbed my phone and I just hit the voice memo
and I just did the Oh sorry, I forgot I

how that mic went home. I wrote the song about
forty five minutes, and you know, it was kind of
a funny saying this business a word gets a third,
you know. But there was only you know, two of
us there, so I actually gave him half of the writing.

Speaker 6 (12:02):
On it on the Bobby Bones Show.

Speaker 2 (12:05):
Now, you don't look like somebody that I would go,
that's a really nice kind guy. But when you meet you,
you go, this dude's warm and like I like you.
I bet you probably have people tell you that a
lot that don't know you.

Speaker 9 (12:21):
Yeah, people would assume oftentimes I walk around my house
with my cowboy hat and my sunglasses on or you know, I.

Speaker 2 (12:28):
Think that's stabbing something that ye like probably.

Speaker 9 (12:31):
Mad and yelling or throwing things. No, you know, I can.
I can do what I need to do business wise.
But otherwise, man, you know, there's a reason, there's a
reason my band and crew has been with me for
as long as most of them have.

Speaker 2 (12:46):
And it's not because I walk around acting like that,
you know, in our crew. It just in a very
parallel way, like we've all been to get like twenty years. Yeah,
you know, from small town, one town radio show in
Texas to you know, growing the thing, and they say
the same thing I say about you, that I look
like somebody's really awesome and tough and strong. Yeah. Man,

that was a great time for everybody just to chime in. Yeah,
I got him trained right there.

Speaker 6 (13:17):
He is very strong leader.

Speaker 2 (13:22):
Yeah, you're also gonna go out with Luke Combs. When
you get that call, do you have to think because
that's not really what I would picture together. But also
I don't picture it a part now that it makes
sense once you kind of see you guys together. What
was that decision like? Oh, it was an easy decision
to make.

Speaker 9 (13:37):
Just we played with Luke about a year and a
half ago one show, and uh man, he was great.

Speaker 2 (13:43):
They're they're great.

Speaker 9 (13:44):
And just because I've done things the way that I've
done things doesn't mean that I don't have friends in
the mainstream.

Speaker 6 (13:49):
You know, I have.

Speaker 2 (13:50):
I have a lot of friends in the mainstream.

Speaker 9 (13:52):
And Luke and and his whole organization was really, really great.

Speaker 2 (13:58):
We're honored to be out there.

Speaker 10 (14:00):
You know.

Speaker 9 (14:00):
Obviously that guy's on top of the world right now,
and he's a really he's a really sweet guy.

Speaker 2 (14:05):
He's a genuine dude, well, I appreciate you coming in.
You know this, this for me has been super cool. Thanks.
I thought maybe you would go like, I don't I
hate that dude. You know what, here we are. I've
been a big fan for a while, so for me,
this is cool. I'm super pumped. When they were like
he'll come in, I thought it was a joke. I
was like, he he likes me. They're like, no, he
doesn't know who you are. I was like, oh, okay,
that's cool. Yeah as I could. Okay, he doesn't hate me. Then,

thank you all so much.

Speaker 9 (14:27):
Appreciate your time and h man, glad to be here
with you, and I hope you'll have a great.

Speaker 2 (14:32):
Rest of you day. Man, there is coy.

Speaker 5 (14:33):
Yeah, it's time for the good news, Bobby.

Speaker 2 (14:41):
A lot of times people will call be like, hey,
we're working for this organization. Can you donate money? And
most times you don't even get to the point where
they tell you what it is for it because you
don't believe it. It's a packer or yeah it's all
so I get it. So now people are finding new
ways to get people to give back if they would like.
And these guys who are gamers in New York. They
were like, let's just have a video game telethon. It's

something they love to do, it's something people watch, and
people donated. For twenty four hours straight, they played video games. Wow,
sounds like heaven. I know, man, sounds like heaven. That
sounds fun. PlayStation five, Madden Football, NBA two, k.

Speaker 7 (15:18):
Okay, Next thing, you know, the Raging Idiots are fundraising
for same June with a twenty four hours radio gamethon.

Speaker 2 (15:26):
Great, the million dollar gamethon. Next thing, you know it great,
next thing you know? Raising money playing mad and now.
So they got on at ten am and they went
all the way until ten am the next day, and
they raised over ninety five thousand dollars for Children's Miracle Network.
Wow with a video. That's awesome. I think what we
should do is practice it without raising money. Oh yeah, hours,

make sure we can pull it off right, and then
if it does work, probably practice at a second time. Our
wives would love that. Then the third time we'll try
to You're you're always training, always training, that's right, stay ready,
never got to get it ready. That's right, Thank you.
That's what it's all about.

Speaker 6 (16:01):
That was telling me something good.

Speaker 2 (16:04):
This is us looking out for you, scam alert, scam alert.
I like that we should say, I say, this is
us and we all go looking out for you. Okay,
I just made your practice. This is us looking out
for you, scam alert.

Speaker 8 (16:25):
It's not like a law firm.

Speaker 2 (16:27):
Yeah. Oh yeah, Bones brown Boxing, No.

Speaker 6 (16:32):
Don't say that.

Speaker 2 (16:35):
I don't know. I didn't and I'm not going to,
so thank you, all right. I know you're going to
say no, I wasn't going to say it, but I
don't know. I don't know you.

Speaker 8 (16:42):
I can only figure.

Speaker 2 (16:43):
It out, Bones brown Boxing, big nose. Oh that's what
you were thinking. Don't say big nose.

Speaker 5 (16:51):
No, no, no, no, no guys.

Speaker 2 (16:55):
Yeah, oh yeah. Although I think it's funny.

Speaker 8 (17:02):
I like that I did not say that.

Speaker 2 (17:04):
You can't say that. I wasn't going to. What were
you thinking?

Speaker 5 (17:07):
That's what I was thinking, but I just tried to
change it a big note off.

Speaker 2 (17:12):
Right, okay, uh Scammeler Morgan tell us about what happened.

Speaker 4 (17:18):
So I was trying to sell a bed set on
Facebook Marketplace and I got a bite really quickly, and
I was.

Speaker 10 (17:23):
Like, yeah, sweet, selling this right away.

Speaker 4 (17:25):
So I started messaging back and forth with the guy
and He's pretty adamant very quickly about me him paying me.
I was like, okay, if you really need to send
me money, I get it. So he wants to send
me through Zeal instead.

Speaker 10 (17:38):
Of vinmol right, so fine, yeah.

Speaker 4 (17:41):
I was like okay, cool, whatever, and so I send
Hi my number to be able.

Speaker 10 (17:45):
To do that and he's like, no, I need your email.

Speaker 4 (17:46):
I'm like okay, whatever, I send my email and then
five minutes later I get an email from this guy
and it says someone SST paid you seven hundred dollars.

Speaker 10 (17:54):
You have to click here to claim.

Speaker 2 (17:55):

Speaker 10 (17:57):
I'm like, claim now, why do I have to claim?
It should just have gone through to me.

Speaker 2 (18:01):

Speaker 10 (18:01):
I checked the email.

Speaker 4 (18:02):
It was a fake sel thing. It was a scammer
who's going to send me money? And if I clicked
through the email, I'd have to give all my information
to then.

Speaker 10 (18:08):
Get these episodes.

Speaker 2 (18:09):
So he wasn't even trying to get the bed set.
He was just trying to get your information just to
get my information.

Speaker 8 (18:13):

Speaker 7 (18:14):
I mean, I feel like older people that I don't know,
they may felt like Morgan. I think, is like, oh yeah,
this goes in there. But I'm picturing like one of
my parents would have fallen for that, I think.

Speaker 4 (18:27):
Oh, and I went through with it, like the whole time.
I didn't think much of him really just wanting to
pay me through Zeale. I didn't think much of any
of that until it got to that point. And then
the fake email is what actually got me that.

Speaker 2 (18:37):
I really liked the email name.

Speaker 4 (18:39):
That's that's how I figured it out, because I was like,
that feels weird that I have to claim something. Check
the email name, and it was like zell account fifty five,
and I was like, okay, that's not Zelf.

Speaker 2 (18:49):
When you start to look okay, thank you. If anybody
gets that and they're selling something, that's a scam alert, scambler.
I forgot what I was saying already working out that's
what am I saying? That's us. I don't remember you
guys remember my saying. I remember my line was looking
out for you. Okay, this is us looking at it.

Speaker 8 (19:08):
This is us on the back end.

Speaker 2 (19:10):
You say that, yeah, I know, it just always be
is a present. I was looking out for audience, but
I say, this is us, yeah, yeah, okay, this is
us looking out for you.

Speaker 6 (19:20):
That works. I think what it was, I don't know.

Speaker 2 (19:22):
I just went with it. No, that's it. But then
you gotta go Scammeler, and then all the time, this
is us looking out for you, Scammeler. It works, and
I'll remember it because the TV show this is Us,
And when we get that down, that's gonna be awesome.
We just did know, we know we nailed that. If
I'm like, this is us looking out for you, Scamblert,

that's pretty awesome.

Speaker 6 (19:47):
Now, just in other segments, don't ever go this is
us and then because we're gonna think it's or.

Speaker 2 (19:52):
If I'm like what you guys watched on TV last night,
an old episode, this is us looking out for you,
it's muscle memory. Yeah, okay, okay, we're gonna review our
latest assignment. Still Magnolia's the movies from nineteen eighty nine,
although man, it looks like it's in the seventies. Just
how much technology has just changed in color. So I'd

never seen it. So everything that I am talking about,
if you've seen Still magnois one hundred times, this is
fresh eyes on it only sing it one time? Yeah, okay,
by the ways, over two hours long. Oh, I didn't realize.
I didn't expect that. I thought movies only got long
in the last few years.

Speaker 7 (20:27):
But so y'all didn't even realize, like it felt like
it was no Well, halfway through I paused, it was like,
was this think so long?

Speaker 2 (20:32):
Now that it was another hour again? I broke it
up in two parts in two days. Good for you, Eddie.
Want to give you a review, will I'd love to
go ahead, Amy.

Speaker 3 (20:39):
Little heads up next time when you're gonna give me
a movie that's gonna make me cry?

Speaker 2 (20:43):
Like what on earth?

Speaker 3 (20:45):
At first, I was like, Okay, this is fun, it's cheesy,
a bunch of ladies and friendship Dolly cheesy one liners,
Dolly Dollies are great actress, by the way, Like I
didn't realize how good she was, so all that happens,
and then what on earth? You like freaking tore me
apart when I watch that movie.

Speaker 2 (21:00):
By the way, spoiler alert, this is that out in
eighty nine. We will reveal the ending because that we
have to. Oh I wasn't gonna reveal what happened, but
don't yet, but lunchbox go ahead.

Speaker 5 (21:08):
Oh man, Amy, I remembered a bunch of cackling hens
kind of annoying. And then it's like it does get
really sad?

Speaker 2 (21:17):
You cry, not even being very vague. Did you watch it? Yeah?

Speaker 6 (21:20):
I watched it, and I'm just.

Speaker 5 (21:22):
Saying aynopsis, Well, how can I describe it? Like when
I watch movies, I want to feel and boy does
it make you feel?

Speaker 8 (21:33):

Speaker 2 (21:33):
I didn't know there was gonna be some tragedy. Did
you guys know it was gonna be sad? Yeah?

Speaker 6 (21:36):
I've seen it.

Speaker 2 (21:37):
Oh that's right, but.

Speaker 6 (21:38):
I remember that. You know, there's it kind of being
fluffy in the beginning.

Speaker 2 (21:40):
You're like, oh, I'm pretty sure.

Speaker 8 (21:42):
I said, y'all it gives you all the fields.

Speaker 2 (21:44):
Yeah, but that doesn't mean what does that mean?

Speaker 8 (21:46):
You laugh?

Speaker 2 (21:47):
You heard that on like TikTok and said it.

Speaker 6 (21:48):
My wife was not happy with you, but it's.

Speaker 8 (21:51):
Good to get out emotionals.

Speaker 2 (21:53):
No, no, she does not watch. I'm gonna tell you
were for me. There were a couple of things. I'm
gonna talk about it early when they're in the salon
and she starts to have that first that's a seizure,
panic attack, not panic cup. She has diabetes top one diabetes, right,
is that what it is?

Speaker 3 (22:06):

Speaker 2 (22:07):
And she started and then her mom, who is Sally Field,
who's crazy Sally Field young even young, yesh, it's weird
to see. It was like, okay, okay, now last she's
walking her through going through this, she has an attack,
a diabetes attack, that's what it's called. And I'm like, whoa,
what the heck is happening? Like that was intense, just
that part of it. So then I was like, oh,
this is going to be what happens. I bet, And

then you know what happened. I bet that's what happened.
Freaking dies.

Speaker 7 (22:32):
Well, there's a lot that happens in between that, and
then even after that at the funeral, there's some laughs
like it's on a journey.

Speaker 2 (22:40):
Yes, Also they're actually was good. A lot of them
were fake, access were fake and over the top. Julia
dog like, what is she doing?

Speaker 7 (22:52):
My colors are blessed, so over the top colors of
pink and pink.

Speaker 2 (22:56):

Speaker 3 (22:57):
So that's a play, hi, I MEI. I did some
research after the a book. First, oh, it's a book,
then a play, I believe. I didn't know that either,
and then I also learned too amy. It was shot
in Louisiana in a place called Nutrajicies.

Speaker 2 (23:12):
Oh my god, does it make you want to go
visit sort of like people go kind of.

Speaker 3 (23:16):
Yeah, because when you look it up on the map
there's the stud Magnola's house that's a landmark, and then.

Speaker 8 (23:20):
Trees are beautiful.

Speaker 2 (23:21):

Speaker 8 (23:21):
I mean I'm glad y'all enjoyed it.

Speaker 2 (23:23):
You have to pull the plug. Man, Oh, I know
that was brutal that happens. I hated that.

Speaker 8 (23:29):
Yeah, that that cuts.

Speaker 2 (23:30):
I was shocked by that too, that they just decided
to do that.

Speaker 8 (23:34):
Well sometimes and.

Speaker 3 (23:38):
Then the baby, Oh my gosh, the bit when she
goes home and the baby's like been crying, the husband goes.

Speaker 8 (23:43):
Home passed out.

Speaker 2 (23:45):
Yea, So let that hurt me. That hurt me bad.
That What hurt me the worst early was once she
had the attack in the salon, because that's when I
was like, oh god, I just am going to shut
myself down.

Speaker 8 (23:56):
Okay, But did y'all laugh?

Speaker 2 (23:57):
No, No, not at all laugh when that happens. You know,
we don't think people think that your version of a
comedy is not ours.

Speaker 8 (24:06):
There's so much humor in there.

Speaker 2 (24:07):
There is. I'm sure a lot of that humor is
targeted toward women. It's a very female abum centric actresses movie.

Speaker 7 (24:16):
A lot of it's so confused, you don't know whether
to scratch his watch.

Speaker 2 (24:19):
Or it looks like two pigs under a blanket dancing
at the wedding. Whatever. That reminded me of like some
of your grandma what have said? Yeah, we're getting to
watch it.

Speaker 8 (24:28):
Yeah I did.

Speaker 2 (24:28):
Have you seen it before?

Speaker 10 (24:29):
I had watched it before.

Speaker 4 (24:31):
By amy, it was like I had an assignment to
watch it.

Speaker 10 (24:34):
It'd have been a few years.

Speaker 2 (24:35):
Your thoughts.

Speaker 4 (24:36):
Oh, it made me cry again. It's so really hard
to watch old movies though. For me, just any old
movie is really hard to watch. But the way that
technology is and seeing things now. But I do love
seeing Dolly Parton on a movie screen before.

Speaker 2 (24:49):
Okay, rate the thing? Lunchboks three?

Speaker 5 (24:54):
What what can I go?

Speaker 2 (24:57):

Speaker 6 (24:57):
Three out of five desks?

Speaker 2 (24:59):
Oh wow, what she does? Okay?

Speaker 3 (25:02):
Okay, Eddie, Eddie, I'm gonna go four. I'm gonna go
four shotgun shells. There you go out of five. Hilarious.
It's the way they just shrining things.

Speaker 2 (25:15):

Speaker 4 (25:16):
I'm going four out of five hair salons.

Speaker 8 (25:19):
Good one.

Speaker 2 (25:20):
I'm gonna go three out of five funerals.

Speaker 7 (25:26):
Okay, even lunchbox what nobody wants to do an armadillo cake.

Speaker 2 (25:30):
That's funny. Did you watch the movie? She's like, guilty
as charge? She goes, did you make this on a
Dela cake? And she goes, guilty as charge? Maybe?

Speaker 6 (25:40):
What do you give it?

Speaker 8 (25:41):
I give it five out of five.

Speaker 2 (25:43):
Woman, no way, pretty woman, not a hooker exactly.

Speaker 7 (25:47):
They're both Julia Robertson are both great. I think I'd
probably choose Steel Magnolia's over pretty.

Speaker 2 (25:52):
Well because so why is it called because a still
Magnoia's woman who exemplifies both traditional femininity and an uncommon
fortitude A Magnolia. I still Magnoiat.

Speaker 6 (26:04):
Magnolia is a tree.

Speaker 2 (26:06):
Yeah, Amy, thank you for recommending that. We'll draw another
movie the next couple of weeks. Good job, everybody, good job,
good job.

Speaker 9 (26:11):
All right.

Speaker 2 (26:11):
That is our review of Still Magnolia's. How's your kids?

Speaker 8 (26:15):
They're doing good.

Speaker 7 (26:17):
I think my daughter's trying to collect candy anyway. She
can't even though we just had Halloween.

Speaker 2 (26:22):

Speaker 7 (26:22):
Well, yeah, because I learned that there's a teacher that
will give you extra credit if you turn in candy
for them to eat. There's a candy bowl. I guess
the candy might be used as.

Speaker 8 (26:35):
A reward to pass out. So instead for the teacher.

Speaker 7 (26:38):
Not having to go buy candy or kids eating their
own candy, I don't know, they get to turn it
in and they get extra credit.

Speaker 8 (26:44):
And so you know how resourceful she is.

Speaker 2 (26:47):
So she's going to try to collect candy to get
extra credit. Yeah, I came up on extra credit.

Speaker 8 (26:51):
That's what I was curious about too.

Speaker 2 (26:53):
Like, and he's got a whole bag that he's still
aimy in my office. It's still in Bobie's office. Take
it and give it to your Do you feel about
a teacher give an extra credit for handy? I like it.

Speaker 8 (27:01):
There's got to be a cat, but yeah, dude.

Speaker 6 (27:03):
It's a great idea. Anything to get us your credit.

Speaker 7 (27:06):
I don't know if it's just because it's a round
Halloween time or if this is a year round thing.
This is just when I learned of it host Halloween,
and so maybe it's just like I don't collect candy
for himself, or he knows kids.

Speaker 2 (27:17):
Have a bunch of candy. He just goests all day
and gives kids extra hilarious, but.

Speaker 8 (27:22):
You know Dennis collected other places.

Speaker 2 (27:25):
They don't give you ten percent off your teeth, No,
they just take it. And yeah, they just take it.

Speaker 1 (27:30):
Maybe toothbrush pile of stories.

Speaker 7 (27:35):
A woman got back at her ex who cheated on
her by posting his dead mother's secret pizza recipe online.

Speaker 2 (27:44):
The den mom didn't do anything that is so wrong.

Speaker 8 (27:47):
I would be so mad, especially the secret.

Speaker 2 (27:51):
He don't cheat, dude, Like, we don't like you because
of that. That's a whole separate thing. But the mom
had she died. Oh she haunts you, Okay, but that's
the best she can do. The secret recipes. I'm sure
I'm meant a lot to the kid, well, or that
the guy.

Speaker 7 (28:09):
My point in bringing this up really was, has anybody
ever retaliated in a way It doesn't have to even
be for no or something been done to you.

Speaker 8 (28:19):
Like when I broke up with my boyfriend high school?
You keep my car?

Speaker 2 (28:23):
Yeah, and he wrote a bad word but misspelled is yeah,
I did what an idiot?

Speaker 7 (28:27):
It was so devastating to me, Like I was scarred.

Speaker 2 (28:32):
I never got in a relationship where it mattered that
much if something didn't go I never got that upset
or happy. I just never really felt that much. But
you feel now now I do, Yeah, of course, But
I'm saying that just never happened, not because I'm too
good for it. I just never got to that place
where it mattered enough for me to be like, I'll
show them.

Speaker 3 (28:49):
Is it is like showing up like at a place
with another date like and making it like obvious that
you're with someone else.

Speaker 2 (28:55):
Is that retaliation? It's a form?

Speaker 6 (28:57):
Yeah, passive aggressive form.

Speaker 2 (29:00):
You've done that to your wife? No no, no, no no
for her? Yeah before her? Yeah, so like the sixties.

Speaker 7 (29:07):
No, So a survey was done on teens, but I mean,
I think adults can be included in this as well.
And they admit to driving when they feel super drowsy,
and they believe it's not as dangerous as you know,
driving drunk or distracted or anything like that.

Speaker 8 (29:21):
And what the.

Speaker 7 (29:22):
Study is finding, especially from the National Sleep Foundation, is
that it.

Speaker 8 (29:28):
Is just as bad.

Speaker 7 (29:29):
And so if you are drowsy, especially if you're younger
and not as experienced, it can be really, really dangerous
on the road, similar to drunk driving.

Speaker 2 (29:37):
I'm gonna say it's just as dangerous, but I'm not
going to say it's just as bad because sometimes you
don't know you're that sleepy, do know you drink?

Speaker 8 (29:43):
True that's a good point.

Speaker 2 (29:45):
Yeah, so, yes it is. It is dangerous, but it's
not if somebody like falls asleep crash into a tree.
I'm not as mad at them as I am somebody
that gets drunk and crashes into a tree.

Speaker 8 (29:53):

Speaker 7 (29:53):
Have you thought about how you just fell asleep talking?

Speaker 8 (29:57):
I know?

Speaker 7 (29:58):
But have you worried that it might happen when you're
doing something else?

Speaker 8 (30:02):
We haven't. Still not looked into that.

Speaker 2 (30:04):
I'm not worried about that at all, because I was
talking and not driving, okay, but fell asleep doing a bit.
Everybody I was like, and here's a hole. That is it?
That was scary? It's weird.

Speaker 8 (30:15):
Okay, Well, this is just something to keep in mind.

Speaker 2 (30:17):
Like, if you keep bringing this up scaring me.

Speaker 8 (30:19):
If you're drowsy, give your keys to your friends.

Speaker 2 (30:22):
I wasn't, but I wasn't driving, I know, so I
have a designated driver. If you're sleeping, yes, interesting or
just no? Be aware.

Speaker 8 (30:28):
Like if you're feeling really tired, you're like, okay, maybe
I should.

Speaker 2 (30:30):
Before you go out, you get a d bones. I
haven't slept a lot, dude, take the keys, any what
else you got.

Speaker 7 (30:35):
I have some country songs that are about country artists,
and you're like, the top ones, they're pretty good. I've
got them to the top three. But Taylor Swift, Yeah
that's the number one.

Speaker 8 (30:45):
Yeah, you think I'm gonna go three too long?

Speaker 2 (30:49):
Usually me to guess, Oh sure, okay, h Taylor and
now wou'd say, like, who are the ones people always
think about? Johnny Cash? What's the word? What would damn straight?
Almost Scotty my career?

Speaker 7 (31:01):
That's four of five? Okay, I was gonna do top three, but.

Speaker 2 (31:04):
What damn sight hit it? Right? Are? They are? Two?
And three? New? Like new is in the past twenty
five years?

Speaker 9 (31:14):

Speaker 7 (31:15):
Oh, three is twenty five years?

Speaker 8 (31:17):
And honestly two.

Speaker 2 (31:20):
Play two Ray song? You finally made it? Girls?

Speaker 8 (31:29):
You know this is I'm sure he done it.

Speaker 2 (31:31):
Yes, I wouldn't guessed that one, but yeah, that makes sense.
What else is?

Speaker 8 (31:36):
Three is Bringsteen?

Speaker 2 (31:39):
Oh Scotty country artist? Though seven today? You really let
us up a bad river on that one.

Speaker 7 (31:44):
This is from the boot dot com Country Songs about
other country artists.

Speaker 2 (31:47):
Three not a country artist?

Speaker 8 (31:49):
You know I didn't make the list?

Speaker 2 (31:50):
What's four? Scotty McCreary, George Straight? What else?

Speaker 7 (31:52):
And five is what would Dolly Do by Lanny Wilson's six.

Speaker 2 (32:00):
Is that on there? Okay? Seven? I don't even know
what would There's gotta be better ones.

Speaker 8 (32:06):
I mean, try to name another one.

Speaker 2 (32:08):
Well I did, I didn't get any is there?

Speaker 8 (32:10):
I can't think?

Speaker 2 (32:11):
How about.

Speaker 8 (32:15):
Uh raging to do a song about no.

Speaker 2 (32:20):
We were gonna a whole concept album though about artists
and every song.

Speaker 8 (32:23):
You what would that look like?

Speaker 2 (32:25):
Well, the idea was like, you know, Taylor did Ti McGraw.
We were going to do a song about every all
these artists, Like, let's say, we didn't want about Jaco
on we do like a song called Jaco and it
beat to be funny about Jake. We were gonna do
a whole concept we.

Speaker 6 (32:36):
Didn't you should do that?

Speaker 2 (32:38):
Yeah, we got other stuff in my mind.

Speaker 8 (32:39):
Moved on to sports.

Speaker 2 (32:41):
Moved on just forgetting about that. Actually, yeah, I got it.

Speaker 8 (32:43):
Maybe that's my pile.

Speaker 2 (32:45):
That was Amy's pile of stories. It's time for the
good news.

Speaker 7 (32:54):

Speaker 10 (32:54):
There's this guy Eli.

Speaker 8 (32:55):
Waffle house means a lot to his family. They eat
there all the time.

Speaker 7 (32:59):
Well then he joined the Marines after graduating high school,
moved to Japan. Anytime he was home, they would have
a special waffle House meal. So when he was getting married,
his bride said, hey, no, no, we're getting married out
at the farm. We'll probably just have the reception out there. Well,
she kept it a secret that she had planned the
entire reception at waffle House. They shut the restaurant down,

friends and family met there.

Speaker 8 (33:22):
So they had the wedding out at.

Speaker 7 (33:24):
The farm, and then he was super surprised to then
be ushered to waffle House and it was all to
celebrate him.

Speaker 2 (33:31):
It's fine, but if he would have done that, it
would not have been fun. If he would have planned that,
she would not. I don't think she would have liked it.

Speaker 7 (33:37):
Yeah, they all got name tags, coffee.

Speaker 8 (33:40):
Cups, hats.

Speaker 2 (33:40):
See that's awesome.

Speaker 7 (33:41):
They all sang fancy like by Walker Hayes changing no, no,
they said fancy lagged waffle House on a wedding days.

Speaker 2 (33:51):
Manager number last Okay, already changing words. That's fine. Get
a great job, all right, that's what it's all about.
That was telling me something good.
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