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April 2, 2024 39 mins

Hear what happened when Lunchbox called the grocery store manager because their store closed early... Plus, find out who on the show has walked out of a movie before it was over! Mailbag: Listener met a woman who checks all the boxes & he really sees a future with her. However, her only flaw is she is getting too serious quickly aka planning their wedding already.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:03):
Transmitting aliska. What's up? Everybody? Welcome to Tuesday Show Morning
Studio Money. All right, let's go around the room and
check in with everybody up. First. He has dyslexia, which
is why he reads things out of order, but that
didn't stop him from winning Employee of the Quarter.

Speaker 2 (00:25):
Guys, I think I know why I'm losing my hair.
I mean, maybe possibly gets No, I just heard of this.
Have you guys heard of COVID hair COVID hair loss?

Speaker 1 (00:35):
You've heard of this. I don't think it's you, though
you were bald before COVID, well, even your but your
dad is bald, correct, And that old adage of it
comes from your mom is not accurate anymore. That's old
school thinking. But my mom's dad was bald, right, But
it's usually a combination of genetics, like everything else. I
don't think it's COVID hair, buddy. Somebody could have a
full head of hair if wasn't a COVID.

Speaker 2 (00:55):
My friend told me that he found out that he
was losing his hair after he got COVID.

Speaker 1 (01:00):
But you were already I don't know three quarters of
the way in.

Speaker 2 (01:02):
Yeah, I know, but it couldn't have helped like it
got worse. You know what, I'll hap I'll happily give
that to you.

Speaker 1 (01:07):
That's crazy that COVID makes you lose your hair. Now,
well for some people. Here's thinking about COVID. It was
what was called a novel virus, meaning there wasn't enough
research on it to know exactly what it was doing
and how it was affecting people. I know people who
had it four or five times couldn't be healthier, didn't
affect them at all. I know people that got at
once destroyed still destroying their life because of long COVID

and diseases that it kind of awakened in the body,
like woke up viruses that were lying dormant. Still novelish.
But I do not think Eddie all respects you that
it made you any any more bald than you already were. Well,
I got COVID back when I went to Florida. Remember
that was like just a few years ago. Yeah, yeah,
you weren't. He didn't have lush hair. Was probably the

start of my losing my hair. No, I don't. I
don't think it was the start, buddy. Yeah, moving on,
he finally earned the dream come true, opportunity ready to
drive a lambo and now he says he's too busy
and can't even go. It's lunchbog.

Speaker 3 (02:05):
I told you guys, my New Year's resolutions is to
say something, be more vocal, give my opinion more. And
I had a bad experience at the grocery store. I
went and it said closed at ten.

Speaker 1 (02:17):
I got there. Do you always go to places at
close five minutes earlier? I feel like you're looking for him. No.
I got done with my soccer game.

Speaker 3 (02:23):
My tradition is I score a goal, I get chocolate
milk on the way home.

Speaker 1 (02:26):
That nine fifty rolled up. I felt that I get
cho chip cookies after a comedy show, so I don't.
I'm not letting them.

Speaker 3 (02:32):
It is only after he scores though, who cares, right,
it's not under a win, it's a score. So I
rolled up, doors locked nine to fifty and the dude's
letting people out, won't let me in. It says we're closed.
So I called the manager. Okay, here you have audio
at this.

Speaker 1 (02:46):
Yeah. I called the manager. Okay, thank you for calling
this is you have to help you?

Speaker 3 (02:52):
Oh yeah, man, I'm just wondering, are you guys trying
to go out of business.

Speaker 1 (02:56):
I'm sorry.

Speaker 3 (02:57):
Well, yeah, I mean I came there the other night,
you know, I was after my locker game, and it
says you guys close at ten o'clock. And I walked
up to the doors at nine fifty and the doors
were already locked. So I'm just wondering, do you not
want business? Are you trying to go out of business?

Speaker 2 (03:11):

Speaker 4 (03:11):
I'm credibly sorry for the misunderstanding.

Speaker 1 (03:14):
You're right, we do close at ten o'clock.

Speaker 3 (03:17):
And I'm not sure why the doors were locked.

Speaker 1 (03:20):
Yeah, because I have.

Speaker 3 (03:21):
A tradition that if I score in my soccer game,
I reward myself with a chocolate milk. And I scored
my soccer game, my co ed Rex soccer game, went
to the store, got there in plenty of time, and
I went up and the guy had locked the doors.
He was letting people out close the doors and lock it.
And I said, hey, man, I just he goes, sorry, man, no, no,
can't do But I thought you close it Tenloy's name, No,

I no, I don't know their name. I mean I understanding.
He said, if you close it ten, you close it ten.
You don't close it nine to fifty. I should still
be able to go in and get my groceries, absolutely right.

Speaker 1 (03:54):
I mean what if I needed milk? Yeah?

Speaker 3 (03:57):
What if my baby was going to die in it
because it didn't have a banana and that was the
last thing I needed was a banana and Magan.

Speaker 1 (04:02):
You know you closed? Okay? Wow, man, babies dying? You
don't have a baby? Two? You gave him chocolate milk store.
I don't know six times in three some's betting something
to get fired for this. Trust me, they'll be able
to track it. Yeah, whoever was there at nine to fifty, He.

Speaker 5 (04:18):
Didn't say the exact day, he just said the other day.
The other night.

Speaker 1 (04:21):
He's gonna go check ESPN see lunchbox is scoring goal
and know what day that was. But I mean, what
did you accomplish do you think by doing? By calling this?

Speaker 3 (04:30):
Hopefully the employee is reprimanded and has to stay there
until ten o'clock?

Speaker 1 (04:34):
What the employer did say their tilltenant feels like he's
letting people out. And I'm not saying they did right,
But what if there's not enough employees to keep it
open safely, well.

Speaker 3 (04:46):
Then schedule them. Didn't change your hours? Why were people
in there at nine to fifty.

Speaker 1 (04:50):
What is it? Was it a chain? Yeah, big grocery
store can't change the hours of that chain rules. If
there aren't enough employees to manage everything and make sure
people aren ceiling, then it's probably I don't know. I
just don't. I just think that calls probably. It's hilarious,
don't get me wrong, but hopefully nobody got in trouble
for that.

Speaker 3 (05:09):
Why the guy is I mean, they're obviously there, so
why would you not just leave.

Speaker 1 (05:13):
It open for next ten minute? I was dying and
he had to close? Yeah? Okay, all right, Well, I'm
glad you're holding up to your resolution of speaking speaking
up more. Yeah. I didn't get my chocolate milks, though,
I know and you deserve that I did. I was
scored a goal. I didn't score just one. Oh we're
gonna get two chocolate milks.

Speaker 3 (05:31):
I just give one either way. But I scored four,
four goals. Did they have a goalie? You could have
owed'd on chocolate milks. I'm glad you didn't get in.

Speaker 1 (05:38):
That was legit, all right. She received birthday flowers from
truck or Joe. She says she appreciates the gesture, but
if it's a date No.

Speaker 6 (05:48):
So my daughter got some glass in her foot. She
was taking a shower and this glass bottle fell off
her like ledge and she couldn't really see she had soubernized,
and then she ended up stepping on it and she
got it inmultiple places in her foot. And I'm thinking, Okay,
we're just gonna have to go to emergency care like
I want to.

Speaker 5 (06:05):
Yeah, one of them.

Speaker 6 (06:06):
The cut looked a little bit deep and there was
a glass still stuck in it, And I thought, I just.

Speaker 5 (06:10):
Read art the other day about how.

Speaker 6 (06:12):
More and more doctors are using AI to help them.
And I know that doctors are incredibly smart and they're
using their school, but they're also just using AI to
a company as a tool, right, So I thought, well,
as a parent, I'm just gonna use AI as a
tool real quick, just to save.

Speaker 5 (06:27):
Us a trip, just in case.

Speaker 1 (06:28):
So when you say AI, I was like an app
on your phone, I.

Speaker 6 (06:30):
Just yeah, No, I just put on my computer, pulled
up like chat, GPT or whatever, and I typed in
how to remove glass from foot safely. So yeah, I
would step my step and did everything it said. And
I was like, wow, this worked because I would have
never known to go get a needle like I got tweezers.

Speaker 1 (06:47):
A needle needle, oh, like a needle for like a
sewing or something.

Speaker 6 (06:51):
Yeah, a sewing needle. And so I sterilized them in
some rubbing alcohol.

Speaker 5 (06:56):
Because that's what it told me to do. It was
like cool, cool.

Speaker 6 (06:58):
I cleaned her foot and some warm and soap, AMPU tape.

Speaker 5 (07:01):
And my hands.

Speaker 6 (07:02):
No, but then you take the needle and where the
glass was stuck in the skin, you sort of like
use the needle to poke open the skin to create
an opening so the glass will come out. I highly
recommend people seek medical care if they need to. However,
that without I mean, I'm sure Google could have told
me that too, but a I just put it step
by step exactly what I needed to do, and I

followed it step by step and it worked.

Speaker 1 (07:24):
I used chat GBT to get water out of my
ear because that water in my ears. I can tell
you win in just a second. But had been both
ears and I always heard just tak your nose up,
but I was blowing hard. I feel like it's gonna
pop my ear. So I stopped, and it said take
your hand and make like a like a like curround
your ear like a cup and move it up and
down a little bit and let the consuction on it

and then do it three times. Pop pop pop, because
it doesn't hurt your ear, and I'm not kidding. It goes,
it goes in the water, can't Is it good? Yeah? Wow?
It does say you can do the nose thing first,
but don't do it so hard. Second was the cup
tell you to move your head sideways? Gave me other
ones too. Listen to some hard rock instead of being

all right. Next up Rago from Mountain Pine, Arkansas. He
was the first on the show to use AI because
he's a one step ahead kind of guy. Bobby Bump,
So I hate to come in. It is my birthdays.
My brag a little bit. I did save a life.
Well your life, bark exactly how I saved a life.
I talked about water. I was swimming. I got in
the pool in my house and I have like a

little minor leg injury, so I'm trying not to work
out on my leg. So I swim some laps and
Stanley can't go near the pool. He's bulldog, he'll he'll die.
Eller's never jumped in the pool before, even though I
figure she could swim. We're not sure, but I'm swimming
back and forth and she's running on the outside, chasing
me both ways. I look up, but she's in the water,
so she doesn't. I wrap up, grab her, take her

off the side, save her life, thank you, but hold no,
because I let her go for a second and she
was freaking the crap out because she had never been
a water.

Speaker 2 (08:55):
Like that before, freaking out like doggy paddling. No, like ah,
like backstroke, lie, I have to save note.

Speaker 1 (09:04):
Congratulate. And then I thought, do I want to like
take this moment and tea because she just either jumped
in or fell in. Do I take the moment to
teach her how to swim then she may be in
the pool all the time and drown. Or do I
want to be like just get out and you're now
you're traumatizing. You may never get back in. So I
just chose to put her out. But I did wrap
her up and taking her. She was so scared, she
was like Clawn on my chest. But I still save
the life even though it was hurting. Dude, you're a
hero at party, come in a hero. That's awesome, Thank

you very much. All right, let's go. Thank you, guys,
I did save a life. My wife saw it happened
to I bet she's proud of you. She was so
turned on.

Speaker 5 (09:35):
Are you sure?

Speaker 1 (09:36):
No? She wasn't real. Actually she was like, I can't
let she jumped in like that. Let's open up the
mail bag. You fend the gan mail and breathe all
the air to.

Speaker 4 (09:46):
Pick something we call Bobby's mail bag.

Speaker 1 (09:48):
Yeah, hello, Bobby bones. I started dating this woman a
couple of months ago. She's amazing, beautiful, kind, smart, successful.
We hit it off right away. She checks all the
boxes and then some. I can see myself spending my
life with her, but I know better to get my
hopes up too soon in a relationship. The problem is
she's already mapping out our future together. Telling her to
slow down on the wedding plans is probably not gonna

be very good for a current relationship. She's getting too serious.
That's her only flaw. Should I just roll with it
and let the cards fall or risk it and risk
upsetting her? Sign too serious? Too soon? Question? More question
more question mark. This is what I'd say, buddy, if
you found you a good one, want a real good one.
And her only flaw is planning more time together, like

the future. Let her plan. If she's not forcing the
issue of like we need to get married in two months,
or if she's just planning, let her plan, because what's
gonna happen is you're gonna be idiot and you're gonna
be I don't know, and she gonna be like, what
do you mean you don't you don't feel like I'm
out of here. Don't mess it up. Let her plan.
That doesn't mean it has to happen. But also if

everything that you're saying, she's beautiful, kind, smart, all the
boxes she checks, do you know how hard it is
to find that? So I would recommend you just chill
till the next episode. Oh thank you, because you got
a good one. It's hard to find a good one.
Let her plan. How you do the lucky she's planning,
You're lucky. She's having thoughts of the future with you,

and everybody works differently. Oh man, I can't imagine, like
you find a perfect one and all of a sudden,
because she's planning out, she has a way of pinterest
board you run away.

Speaker 5 (11:27):
Yeah, let's find that he sent this email.

Speaker 1 (11:31):
I know, don't be a loser. Delete all this. Yeah,
I just go back, am, and he thought, I just
go This is the kind of crap that I would
have done.

Speaker 5 (11:40):
Yeah, I mean, I think just pay attention to your feelings.

Speaker 6 (11:43):
I think it's okay to go with the flow, but
you just need to be aware because you don't want
to go with the flow so much to where then
you're like, oh, shoot, yeah, I really don't want this.

Speaker 1 (11:51):
Don't let her paint you in a corner of things
you have to do. But if she's planning in the future,
like vaguely, like, Okay, let her plan, that's awesome. You're
not You're not to prize. Be honest. I'm I'm talking
to myself now, just getting into a weird place. All right,
thank you, close the mail bag. We got your game mail.

Speaker 2 (12:07):
And we read on the air.

Speaker 4 (12:09):
Now it's find to close Bobby's mail bag.

Speaker 1 (12:12):
Yeah, never walked out of a movie in a theater
after you paid money for it. I was reading this
poll and about about fifty percent of people have done it.
I've done it once. It was for the Incredible Hulk
before it got all marvelly and got pretty good, Like
I think Eric Bannon was Incredible Hulk. It was terrible,
and so I was like, I'm done. I think maybe

I walked out a week ndo Bernie's too, but I
was way younger than I don't remember it clearly, as
I can't commit to that ever walked out of a
movie in a theater.

Speaker 5 (12:41):
Amy, Yes, I can't remember what it was. But you
liked it.

Speaker 1 (12:45):
Oh, it was a movie about that the area Area district.
N I don't think that's what it's called. What what
was it? Guys?

Speaker 6 (12:52):
Because you do and you're like, oh, I love that movie.

Speaker 1 (12:57):
I loved it. It was it called my District. It
was like a kind of forward, science y robot type movie.
You love that stuff. I did love that. We're watching
a show one on the final episode called three Body
Problem on Netflix. Anybody watched any of it? If one
episode left, it was like their biggest show. It just
came out. So but it's futury kind of it's set today,

but there's also and I it almost lost me and
then it got really good again. But for me to
walk away from something like that got it's gotta be
really tough. But I almost walked out of the house.
I'm so back, No where do you go? And I'm
back now I'm back now a lunchbox ever walked out
of at theater.

Speaker 3 (13:36):
No, I almost walked out of Multiplicity, but I was
with chicks, so they wanted to stay.

Speaker 1 (13:41):
I never saw it. It was terrible. Anybody seen it? No,
that's old.

Speaker 3 (13:44):
Huh, Yeah, it was old, but I mean it was
that that or Kingpin. And we were supposed to go
see Kingpin. That's funny, and my boys bailed because the
chicks picked Multiplicity in the right.

Speaker 1 (13:54):
They must look like chicks. I means she was all
the chicks Eddie.

Speaker 2 (13:58):
Yeah, I can't get myself to do that, Like I'm
too cheap. Yeah, money paid money, and I can't do it.

Speaker 1 (14:03):
Like what was that?

Speaker 2 (14:03):
I was at four, I think, And they started the
whole movie over after half of it was going already, and.

Speaker 1 (14:09):
So a lot of people walk out, and I'm like,
I can't. I can't walk out. I'd be a waste someone.

Speaker 5 (14:12):
They can't fast forward.

Speaker 1 (14:13):
No, I don't know, but I would have thought. This
is how I would have thought in my head. I've
already paid for it, regardless, so I don't want to
pay for it and be miserable, so then I'm not
getting my money back. Yeah, I've third of the way through,
so I've already paid for it, bad investment of my
money in time, So I'm gonna pay for it and
then force myself to sit through it longer. Yeah.

Speaker 2 (14:33):
I do that with food too, Like this food's not
very good, but I paid for it beating it.

Speaker 1 (14:37):
Yeah, Mike d your movie. Mike, how many movies do
you think you've ever walked out of? Probably five in
my life, but three of them in the last two years.
Dang got a snobby or since the podcast is blown up.

Speaker 7 (14:48):
It's just like, after thirty minutes, if I can't see
a movie getting any better, it's not worth my time
to stay there.

Speaker 1 (14:53):
I'm out, unless when the movie getting longer too. The
movie's getting longer terrible. In the last year, What'd you
walk out of Amsterdam?

Speaker 7 (14:59):
It was like a murder mystery with a bunch of
actors like Christian Bale.

Speaker 1 (15:03):
So boring.

Speaker 7 (15:04):
One of the worst movies I've ever seen in theaters.
I'm like, I'm out, Okay, what else? I walked out
of a movie called Babylon. It was about like Hollywood
in the nineteen twenties, but like the first scene is
an elephant pooping on a bunch of people, and then
they go to this party just a bunch of naked
dudes taking out I'm like, I'm out of this. Musul
recommend that. And then there's a movie called Strays. It
was like a movie where there's like real life dogs,

but it's like Will Ferrell and Jimmy Fox voicing them,
but they're just like cursing the whole time.

Speaker 1 (15:30):
Do you ever listen to these interviews with major stars
Mike and they admit they know they're doing a really
bad movie in the middle of it. Yeah, sometimes they're like, yeah,
it's a paycheck.

Speaker 7 (15:39):
It's becoming more frequent now that we'll talk about like, yeah,
I took that just to make money off of it.

Speaker 1 (15:44):
Like can you imagine, Like you dedicate and then you're
in the middle of a movie you thought it was
gonna be great, and you're like, man, this sucks, and
then you just gotta keep doing the or do promo
for a movie that's terrible.

Speaker 7 (15:54):
Like Dacoda Johnson for Madam Webbit just came out. She's like,
I had no idea if the movie was good or not.
I was in front of a blue screen in the
entire time. It felt so weird, and then she drugged
the movie after it did terribly.

Speaker 1 (16:04):
So she did the movie it didn't do well, and
then she made fun of the movie. Yeah at Sidney
Sweeney too. She was in that movie.

Speaker 7 (16:10):
She's like, yeah, not doing a superhero movie ever. Again,
was that Marvel? It was the sony side of Marble.
So there's a good I know, there's a good DC
Marvel that's all like the Avenger stuff, and then there's
the sony sign.

Speaker 1 (16:21):
You're telling me there's a side of Marvel that's even bad.

Speaker 7 (16:23):
Yeah, all the ones that just tank at the box office,
like Morbius, they're a different side of Marble.

Speaker 1 (16:28):
I've never heard of them more. But what about the
Hispanic dude who was like the Blue Beetle. Yeah, he's
like the Hispanic superhero. Howd that do? Who was that?

Speaker 7 (16:36):
I didn't do so well at the time, the Shrike
was going on, so they didn't promote it a whole lot.
But it's still a good movie. But DC kind of
does the historically bad movies. What's good so far this year?
Any good movies so far? I mean, you just watch
the new Godzilla. I think you would like that one,
just because it's a big dumb, fun action. So far,
there hasn't been a great movie.

Speaker 1 (16:54):
Is it a slow time like January to April.

Speaker 7 (16:57):
Yeah, everything's ramping up right now as we get to
summer blockbuster stuff. I'm waiting on the new Deadpool movie.
I thought'd be fun because Wolverine's in it. Yeah, all right,
check out movie Mike's movie podcast. And if the movie sucks,
just leave. You've already spent the money. Why spend the
money and then also feel terrible.

Speaker 1 (17:11):
Tough man, we already paid for that. No, I know,
you get your money back. Can you go to the box?
I say, I need the money back? You can't get him.

Speaker 7 (17:17):
If the movie's bag can in the first thirty minutes,
they'll give you a refund, depending on the theater.

Speaker 1 (17:21):
So set your time over for twenty. At twenty nine minutes,
you run out. It's time for the good news.

Speaker 6 (17:32):
So a woman came into the bank and luckily the
bank teller she got that day was Marlene, and Marlena's
dad had been scammed before, so she was, you know,
empathetic towards people that might be, you know, getting scammed.
She was like, well, wait a second, come back to
my office. Let's talk, why do you want this money out?
And the woman's like, oh, well, my boyfriend, here's a
picture of him. He's overseas. I've never met him. Oh no,

and so she's like, okay, she did a quick google
reverse image situation, found out that it's definitely not this
woman's boyfriend, and so she took the woman like she
went with her escort to the police station so they
could file a police report and.

Speaker 1 (18:12):
Good, she saved her big. But if you're the woman,
you know it's my boyfriend, She's like, no, you're being scammed.
You're just embarrassed. It's not good and you're thankful, but
that sucks.

Speaker 5 (18:22):
Yeah, So it's just important to pay attention.

Speaker 6 (18:25):
Marlena likes that the stories out there so that others
will be aware of any red flags and maybe help
more vulnerable people that might not realize they're being taken
advantage of.

Speaker 1 (18:36):
Do we think Morgan's guys are all yeah, okay, there
you go. Yeah, man, you do too, right? Yeah, I know,
but I never thought about that. What if.

Speaker 5 (18:46):
He's real?

Speaker 1 (18:47):
I know, but he's always been line No, no, I'm
still team Morgan. Okay, that's what it's all about. That
was telling me something good. So I'll play you a
character cartoon, un or animated, whatever movie might cause it.
You just tell me who the celebrity is playing the character.
For example, this is Buzz light Year and toy Story.

Speaker 3 (19:09):
Buzz Lightyear to start command, Come in, Start command, start command,
Come in.

Speaker 1 (19:13):
Do you read me? That would be Tomali Good. I
got that. There's seven of these ready guys up first
as Oscar and shark Tail.

Speaker 4 (19:22):
Well, I tell you what happened.

Speaker 8 (19:24):
The old shock now seventy five hundred feet long, so
he's swimming at me right fatigue like raisin, And I
was all like, you will come at.

Speaker 1 (19:34):
Me like that, you will come at the Oh like that?
Write your answer down. I'm in Oh, celebrity. Was that
that's the easy one? It is number one. I felt
it was the easiest. But again, what's a movie called
Shark Tale, but it's only one man's easy. Do you

guys feel like that was easy? Yeah? Kind of sort
of eventually, Okay, three seconds, I'm telling maybe I'm right
lunchboxed Murphy.

Speaker 2 (20:05):
Amy Will Smith, Eddie Will Smith Smith, all right, you're
not right.

Speaker 1 (20:11):
Next up this is Po and Kung Fu Panda. I'm
not a big fat panda. I'm the big fat panda.
We'll play it one more time. I'm not a big
fat panda. I'm the big fat panda. Celebrity voice actor
named that actor? I'm in in for the win? Is

kunk fu Panda? Good? Yeah it is. I didn't see
the last one, but the first one is. Yeah. It's good. Amy,
Jack Black, Lunchbox Jack Black, Eddie Jack Black. That is
Jack Black, good job. Next up, this is Donkey Kong
in the Super Mario Brothers movie.

Speaker 4 (20:53):
You got the cat box? Oh Like, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Okay,
now you die?

Speaker 1 (21:03):
Donkey Kong in the Super Mario Brothers movie. I'll play
it for you one more time, very famous actor, you.

Speaker 4 (21:10):
Got the cat box? Oh Like, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Okay,
now you die.

Speaker 1 (21:19):
I'm in. I'm in for the wind. You know for sure? No,
I don't have it. Lunchbox, Will Ferrell, Amy, bring ramon now,
Eddie seth Rogen, Oh play one more time, Ray, you.

Speaker 4 (21:35):
Got the cat box?

Speaker 5 (21:37):
Oh like?

Speaker 1 (21:44):
Streaking? Next up Snowball in the Secret Life of Pets.

Speaker 4 (21:49):
Who are we?

Speaker 9 (21:51):
We are the flesh pets, throw it away by our owners,
and now we're out for revenge.

Speaker 1 (21:58):
It's like a club, but with biting and scratch. Yeah,
you got to stitch domestication all over you. You charge
your side and now you're going to burn. If everybody's
saying Amy, Kevin Hart, Lunchbox, Kevin Hart, Eddie Kevin Hart.
Right now, the score is Eddie four, Amy three, Lunchbox
two top. This has grew in minions.

Speaker 10 (22:22):
Now I realize that you guys have probably hurt about
this other villain who's to all the pyramids. Parently, it's
a big deal. People aren't calling it the crime of
the Sanctuary and stuff like that.

Speaker 4 (22:34):
But now I upset.

Speaker 1 (22:36):
No, I am not a little but we.

Speaker 10 (22:40):
Have had a pretty good year ourselves.

Speaker 1 (22:45):
Does Lunchbox have kids? I don't understand. Yeah, we have not.

Speaker 3 (22:51):
You understand my kids are five and then so these
are a little older and minions. I love this movie
and Eddie, Eddie writes it down before you even play
the voice.

Speaker 1 (23:01):
He just knows who played. I know who it is.
He shouldn't be penis for knowing.

Speaker 5 (23:05):
No, I know.

Speaker 1 (23:05):
I'm just saying like, I'm like, I have no idea. Okay,
I'll give you a little bit more.

Speaker 10 (23:11):
Now I realized that you guys are probably hurt about
this other villain who's to all the pyramids, parent Lands.

Speaker 1 (23:18):
A big deal.

Speaker 10 (23:19):
People aren't calling it the crime of the set.

Speaker 1 (23:22):
Right there you go, lunchbox, Will Ferrell, Amy, Steve Carell, Eddie,
Steve Carrell. Right, two left by the way, I will
give you a chance to go in blind. And the
last one lunchbox, Thank you to win, Thank you, all right,
thank you. Here we go and number six go ahead.

Speaker 4 (23:42):
I'm the war Recks Guardian of the forest.

Speaker 1 (23:46):
I speak for the trees.

Speaker 9 (23:47):
So you're telling me you just didn't see me magically
appear out of that stump with all the lightning and
thunder and stuffed you didn't see any of that.

Speaker 1 (23:55):
That's the loraxe and the Lora axe. I'll play one
more time.

Speaker 4 (23:59):
I'm the Warrack Guardian of the forest.

Speaker 1 (24:02):
I speak for the trees.

Speaker 9 (24:04):
So you're telling me you just didn't see me magically
appear out of that stump with all the lightning and
thunder and stump, you didn't see any of that.

Speaker 1 (24:13):
I'm in. I'm in for the wind. What no, Amy? Wow?

Speaker 5 (24:18):
All I have in my head right now is that
guy from Princess Bride.

Speaker 1 (24:24):
In inconfusable Whatever says I don't know.

Speaker 3 (24:29):

Speaker 1 (24:29):
Thank you. I don't know, Amy, I don't know.

Speaker 3 (24:33):
Okay, Lunchbox, that's Danny de Vito, Correct, Eddie, I have
Danny DeVito.

Speaker 1 (24:39):
So this is number seven's there's number seven. It is
changing it. Lunchbox, You're gonna lose, but you can go
in blind. But if you're going blind, you can't obviously
play the last one. But I'm assuming you want to
go on blind. Yeah, I'm gonna go blind. Okay, And
who do you have as your answer? I am going
to write that. Why don't you not say it? Just
write it down? Okay, but don't react either way to

when you hear the clip. Okay, okay, be done. Think
I'm in for the win. No reaction though, no good
or bad. Okay. Uh. This is Rocket Raccoon and Guardians
of the Galaxy don't Callie are rack cod You.

Speaker 11 (25:16):
Know why I did it, Star Munch. I did it
because I wanted too. What are we even talking about
this for? We just had a little man save us
by blowing up fifty ships.

Speaker 1 (25:27):
Man, that's tough, Rocket Raccoon. We'll do it one more time.
Guardians of the Galaxy, don't Callie a rac coon.

Speaker 11 (25:33):
You know why I did it, Star Munch. I did
it because I wanted too. What are we even talking
about this for? We just had a little man save
us by blowing up fifty ships.

Speaker 1 (25:43):
Okay, let's go over to Amy. What do you have?

Speaker 5 (25:48):
I don't know Christensors, but he's the other guy.

Speaker 2 (25:52):
No, Eddie, there's no way Lunchbox got that blind, So
I'm going Will Ferrell.

Speaker 1 (25:56):
Okay, Well, if he got it blind, he wins the game. Lunchbox,
Rocket Raccoon and Guards of the Galaxy. You didn't know
that's what it was. But what answer did you write down? Blind?
I rode down, Will Ferrell. No, it's Bradley Cooper. It's
Bradley Cooper and Eddie you are winner?

Speaker 4 (26:14):
Gotcha there is?

Speaker 1 (26:21):
Okay? Do you do you want the other four? Quick? Lady?

Speaker 6 (26:23):

Speaker 1 (26:23):
Come on, this can be your celebration. Lap my victory,
lap joy and inside out here all right, everyone, fresh start.

Speaker 6 (26:29):
We are going to have a good date, which will
turn into a good one, which'll turn into a.

Speaker 1 (26:32):
Good year, which turns into a good life.

Speaker 6 (26:34):
Tell you what, Let's make a list of all the
things Riley should be happy about.

Speaker 1 (26:39):
No clue, Amy Poehler, Okay, Anna and Frozen. Anna, Anna,
I just wasn't looking where I was going.

Speaker 5 (26:46):
But I'm great.

Speaker 6 (26:48):
Actually this is awkward, not you're awkward, but just because
we're I'm awkward, you're gorgeous.

Speaker 1 (26:54):
Wait one, is that Kristen Bell It is? Yeah, pussing
Boots and Shrek too.

Speaker 4 (27:00):
Oh fear me.

Speaker 1 (27:02):
If you are, now you pray for Mercy Thron.

Speaker 2 (27:09):
That's Antonio Bendita. Correct, that's puss in boots. I don't know,
and I wasn't risking.

Speaker 1 (27:14):
If I'm fifty to fifty, I'm going puss Yeah, Jess,
For the record, doesn't matter. I'm fifty to fifty, I'm
going pussy. You got it? Uh? And finally, a groot
in Guardians of the Galaxy arm. Oh, guys, I don't
know who that is. Ar Yeah, that's Clue, but that's

all he says. Oh that's yeah. Chris Hemsworth been Diesel.
Oh you're still the Winter Show. A nine year old
boy crashed into a car on highway. He was trying
to drive himself to school in his mom's car. Oh no,
he didn't tell her. Where was mom? Like? Maybe? He said?

An officer spotted a sedan stopped idly in the middle
of the inner and told the driver to move, and
then the driver took off, and then there was a
short chase very erradic came to an end of dirt
parking lot. The boy got out and he's nine. That's
from sacB dot com. That's crazy. Luckily nobody died, right
like excliminade all that from the story. But if you

see like a nine, let's say you're chasing somebody. It's
a car chase, and you're like, oh, break, we got
he turned to just turn left on the first out
and it all ends. He's like, get out, and a
nine year old walks out with his hands up a
little bit. He's gotta chuckle. You're probably like, give a
description of the person I can't see who's driving armpit hair.

Speaker 6 (28:37):
I don't know that.

Speaker 1 (28:39):
Was there anything you did as a kid that you
probably did too early? I would drive. I would drive
Arkansas Keith's truck, but and I was way young. I
don't learn how to drive a standard pretty young, but
mostly because we were running dogs, like hunting, and he
would go and try to cut the dogs off, and
so I'd have to get in the truck and drive.
But we were always in like like like the woods.
So it was never an shoe. Anybody ever drive early

or I used to go to the racetrack, go in
at Oakland and so you could get in as a kid,
but you couldn't gamble. But then I could always pay
somebody to go make it two dollars bet for me. Yeah,
so I would do that all the time. I was
basically gambling to drive. And yeah, crazy as a little rebel,
I would. I mean i'd go to bars early, you know,
because like my dad would just take me to the bars.
And then like we lived seven miles north of Mexico,

so if you were old enough to reach the bar
in Mexico, you can hang out at the bar and drink.
Really yeah, it cool, that's pretty cool. So I mean
I'm not proud of that, but yeah, that's how I
grew up. But that's that's that was the culture. Do
you get me be proud of it? Driving at a
young age you have anything, Like I mean, I.

Speaker 3 (29:41):
Drove but when I wasn't supposed to. I mean I
ran out of gas and my brother's car before I
had my license. And because I want to go see
a chick and.

Speaker 1 (29:47):
Chick always I don't feel like chick is just for
whatever reason, he just inserts chick no.

Speaker 3 (29:53):
On the way home, my brother was on e and
I was like, if I get gas, he'll know that
I took the car right and so I was like,
I just got to get home. And as I'm driving home,
all of a sudden, it starts going shot and chugging,
and I'm like, oh no, and I just floor it
and I run three red lights trying to get to
the gas station, get to that last red light to

take a left right there on breaker and mope back and.

Speaker 1 (30:18):
It just dies. What'd you do?

Speaker 3 (30:20):
I got out of the car and I'm like, oh
my god, I'm freaking out. And this lady's like, oh, here,
get in, I'll drive you to the gas station. Drove
me to the gas station, and I mean she bought
me a gas can, and because I was just gonna
get a thirty two ounce cup.

Speaker 1 (30:32):
Just anough so I wouldn't notice.

Speaker 3 (30:34):
I got went in and got a cup and she goes, no, no,
I think you need a gas can, because I was like,
I'm under age, like I have no idea, Like I
think I can just put gas in a cup. And
she buys me the gas can. Drives me back to
the stop light, put gas in it, and get it home.
I don't know how in that ten minutes that we
were at the gas station, no cop pulled up behind.

Speaker 1 (30:52):
The car and nothing. Whoo, how old were you in? Fourteen?
Did the chick stuff work out? Okay? Yeah, that's good. Yeah?

Speaker 3 (31:01):
On facebook ing the show? No, no, no, she's not
really on Facebook that much. She posts pictures of videos
of her kids, but she's not really chatting.

Speaker 1 (31:07):
Got it. This almost rushed to the hospital after she
was eating pork rindes and she ate a nail was
like like a hammer and a nail. Nail. Yeah, she
felt something sharp hit her throat and so she starts
throwing up. Took the merchy room. There was a nail
that she had swallowed on the pork rinds and pierced
her her artery. And so they thought it was a

bone at first, because you know port pig bone, pork skin,
I hear you. But turns out it was a nail.
In the pork crimes. Do you think somebody put that
in there? Is like a all right, I mean it
could have been an accident. I don't know. I would
meet his prank. I went to a restaurant and there
was a screw in my fries.

Speaker 2 (31:47):
It's just like, yeah, a long time ago, and I
think we're I think they were just open, like they
had opened that week. So maybe a construction and screw fell.
I don't know, ceiling, no idea.

Speaker 1 (31:56):
Man, would you either have a screw in your fries
you find or a band aid in your FRIESY find
a screw? True? All right, that's a New York post.
Here's voicemail we got last night Morning studio.

Speaker 2 (32:08):
Hey, Bobby, this is Alexas, Kirsten, Mama, Devin, and Lourie.

Speaker 5 (32:12):
We're driving a we're driving from Newburgh, North Carolina, and
we are five and a half hours into our ten
hour drive to Nashville.

Speaker 6 (32:19):
For the Million Dollar Show.

Speaker 5 (32:21):
Carrie, we'll see you at the show.

Speaker 1 (32:24):
They're driving ten hours. Sounds like they're either drawn or
driving in a bathroom with the echo. That's awesome. Let's
see if we can get them on later. I'd like
to talk to them, see how the drive's going. Here
is Joe. We are dying to see the pictures that
Eddie sent Amy in his rogue. If you guys could
please post that it would make me my girlfriend very happy.

Oh that's personal.

Speaker 2 (32:47):
It's not personal, but it's weird ast crap you sent her.
Yeah that was for Amy, but it was Amy. Did
you give it to them for them to post?

Speaker 5 (32:54):
Yeah, I gave it to Morgan.

Speaker 1 (32:55):
But if it was just for what if it was
very personal, that means it was personal. Yeah, you sent
her a picture of the rope she got you, but
you look weird in it? No, me, my son to
the picture? How weird? Did I look? Okay? Yeah, it's
up on Bobbybones dot com. Eddie did approve of it
to go between me and Amy. If there's ever anything
just when your name, you should let us know because

that would be odd number hit them one from Michelle.

Speaker 10 (33:20):
I have a morning corny for Amy.

Speaker 9 (33:23):
Why don't elephants play on computers because they're afraid of
the mouth.

Speaker 10 (33:29):
Have a good day.

Speaker 1 (33:29):
Boom goddess. That sounded like a landline phone. Yeah wow,
that sound that's like hearing a stegosaurs walk. Wait click
For all you kids out there, that's what we heard
every time we got on the field. I don't even know. Wow.

Speaker 7 (33:47):
History Lessen's pile of stories.

Speaker 5 (33:52):
So it's a promotion at work. Really a promotion If
it doesn't come.

Speaker 1 (33:55):
With a raise, I would say yes, because you then
become more valuable. So when it's time to ask for
a raise, they can make the decision of well do
I want to lose them whether they have more value
or not. So it's a weird thing, but yes, so
i'd want more money. Yeah, but I would always say
accept it, prove your worth because now you get the

chance to prove your worth even more and then go
in and ask for that raise.

Speaker 5 (34:21):
Is it called a dry promotion?

Speaker 6 (34:22):
And that's a really good way to look at it,
because I saw this whole article in the Wall Street
Journal about how companies across the US are handing out
these dry promotions just an opportunity.

Speaker 1 (34:33):
To show your worth. That's what I mean, really, man,
that's the kind of promotion I would want because it's
longer term. Meaning if I go, I'm gonna get five
bucks an hour more straight up, and then all of
a sudden, I don't feel like you're giving me five
bucks an hour, more effort and more. I'm like, you
know what, that bad promotion. We need to move on
from her. Whereas if it's I'm going to give you

a couple more duties and you can prove yourself and
then come and ask me for that later. I don't know.
It's weird because some times you just need money, But
longer term, I believe it's it's more worthy to be
given a chance to prove yourself.

Speaker 6 (35:10):
I feel like, because it's a growing thing. I know,
but that's good advice for anybody that literally, you know,
this year might receive some sort of a drive promotion
and they can keep that in mind of.

Speaker 1 (35:19):
Like, hey name driving, Like you're not drinking while you
get promoted.

Speaker 6 (35:23):
Yeah, Judge Judy was talking about how she works out
ten hours a week. She's eighty one and she does
her workouts with her ninety year old husband, and she
says that she has a responsibility to keep the vessel
in shape and looking good.

Speaker 1 (35:36):
But they tell me they do it like four times
a week. I'll be so disappointed, Like do like, you know,
we find time to do it for no like do it?
And I'm like, dang, I'm like half their age, right.

Speaker 6 (35:50):
So she says, if your mind is in shape and
your body is not, the weaker one will eventually affect
the other.

Speaker 5 (35:57):
So she tries to keep both both.

Speaker 1 (35:58):
Then I'm looking except both of them. Good for them,
Like they're old, old and they're just rocking out. They're
on a seedw here, so they got to be in
good shape if you're smiling on a SEEDEDW on TV. Yeah,
it's a different kind of show she has now. I'm
not sure what network it is, but yes, she's like
one of the highest paid she was forever. I think
she's on like a weird network now because but she

is on TV on.

Speaker 6 (36:22):
Speaking of TV shows, I know lunchboxes always wanted to
be on the prices, right, And I saw this whole
thing about how a former producer there was saying that
they keep a pair of sweatpants like a blow dryer
and like a curtain thing that you can go change
behind in case a contestant piece of their pants.

Speaker 1 (36:40):
Long enough instances. If that happening, wow, or they had
to invest in.

Speaker 5 (36:43):
The Yeah, I just thought that was random and funny.

Speaker 6 (36:46):
And then well, obviously, Bobby, it's your your birthday today,
so uh to have you. But you're not the only
person in country music turning forty four years old.

Speaker 1 (36:55):
Kid more, let's just make it not about me.

Speaker 5 (36:56):
Then, wow, well it is happy birthday to you, but
also Kit Moore.

Speaker 1 (37:00):
But I do anything else? Who's when Amy's birthday was on?
I mean like, let's lost to other people whose birthday
is now? I focused the spotlight on Amy.

Speaker 6 (37:05):
Oh thought, this is fun to see who else has
your birthday? I actually hate it, okay, Chris Jansen thirty eight, Billy.

Speaker 1 (37:12):
Dean, we have I did not know Billy Dean. That's
crazy because I have a Billity in car here that
he gave me. But Chris and I always exchange happy birthdays.
It's a race to say we can say it first. Really, yeah,
I have birthday. I should do it right now. Kip
and I don't, though, But Billy Dean I did not know.
Do you have Billy Deane's cell phone number? Hand it

to me. It'd be funny. I'll text and me be like,
happy birthday. If he doesn't say it back. The next
day tomorrow, I'll be like, hey man, yesterday my birthday too.
I'm trying to see if you'd say it back.

Speaker 5 (37:44):
What about Emmylou Harris?

Speaker 1 (37:47):
That's cool? Do you know her? I don't not.

Speaker 5 (37:50):
Abody else have a birthday to all of you.

Speaker 1 (37:52):
Thank you very much.

Speaker 5 (37:53):
All right, Maybe that's about.

Speaker 1 (37:56):
That was Amy's pile of stories. It's time for the
good news.

Speaker 3 (38:05):
Sadie Cliff is a ten year old in Sacktown that's
also known as Sacramento, California.

Speaker 1 (38:11):
We knew that some people don't know what's Sacktown.

Speaker 4 (38:13):
I did it.

Speaker 5 (38:14):
I did sack Town.

Speaker 1 (38:16):
I would have thank you for anyway.

Speaker 3 (38:21):
She's a big Taylor Swift fan and she's wearing her
Taylor Swift shirt at school and it's just after the
Super Bowl and there's another kid that's a huge forty
nine ers fan in her class got mad at the
Taylor Swift shirt and slapped her. Bullyer, yeah, bullying her
because she's wearing Taylor Swift. So she goes home complains
to her mom, and Mom's like, I'm gonna get you

in jiu jitsu so you can learn how to defend yourself.
And now she has started the Bullyproof program and a
jiu jitsu jiu jitsu instructor, Hey, a jiu jitsu instructor
has been working with her and is sponsoring it at
the school and teaching people self defense.

Speaker 1 (38:56):
That's all I saw good. That's something happened to her
that was unfortunate. That now they've turned into a positive
for many people, which is great. That is what it's
all about. That was telling me something good.
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