All Episodes

April 2, 2024 91 mins

Today is Bobby's birthday! Find out how he's celebrating, what his wife got him for his birthday, what polite protocol is when answering people who wish you a happy birthday and more! Then, we share things happening in our lives that would be considered too much information!

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:03):
Transmitting aliska. What's up? Everybody? Welcome to Tuesday Show Morning
Studio Money. All right, let's go around the room and
check in with everybody up. First, he has dyslexia, which
is why he reads things out of order, but that
didn't stop him from winning Employee of the Quarter.

Speaker 2 (00:25):
Guys, I think I know why I'm losing my hair.
I mean, maybe possibly genetics. No, I just heard of this.
Have you guys heard of COVID hair COVID hair loss?

Speaker 1 (00:35):
You've heard of this. I don't think it's you, though
you were bald before COVID, well, even your but your
dad is bald, correct, And that old adage of it
comes from your mom is not accurate anymore. That's old
school thinking. But my mom's dad was bald, right. But
it's usually a combination of genetics, like everything else. I
don't think it's COVID hair, buddy. Somebody could have a
full head of hair if a COVID.

Speaker 2 (00:55):
My friend told me that he found out that he
was losing his hair after he got COVID.

Speaker 1 (01:00):
But you were already I don't know three quarters of
the way in. Yeah, I know, but it couldn't have
helped like it got worse. You know what, I'll happy,
I'll happily give that to you. That's crazy that COVID
makes you lose your hair. Now, well for some people.
Here's thinking about COVID. It was what was called a
novel virus, meaning there wasn't enough research on it to
know exactly what it was doing and how it was
affecting people. I know people who had it four or

five times, couldn't be healthier, didn't affect them at all.
I know people that got at once destroyed still destroying
their life because of long COVID and diseases that it
kind of awakened in the body, like woke up viruses
that were lying dormant. Still novelish. But I do not
think Eddie all respects you that it made you any
any more bald than you already were. Well, I got

COVID back when I went to Florida. Remember that was
like just a few years ago. Yeah, yeah, you weren't.
He didn't have lush hair. Was probably the start of
my losing my hair. No, I don't. I don't think
it was the start, buddy. Yeah, moving on, he finally
earned the dream come true opportunity, ready to drive a lambo,
and now he says he's too busy and can't even go.
It's lunchbog.

Speaker 3 (02:05):
I told you guys, my New Year's resolutions is to
say something, be more vocal, give my opinion more. And
I had a bad experience at the grocery store. I
went and it said closed at ten. I got there,
and you always go.

Speaker 1 (02:18):
To places at close five minutes earlier. I feel like
you're looking for him. No. I got done with my
soccer game.

Speaker 3 (02:23):
My tradition is I score a goal, I get chocolate
milk on the way home.

Speaker 1 (02:26):
That nine fifty rolled up. I felt that I get
cho chip cookies after a comedy show, so I don't.
I'm not letting them.

Speaker 3 (02:32):
It is only after he scores, though, who cares, right,
it's not under a win, it's a score. So I
rolled up, doors locked nine to fifty and the dude's
letting people out, won't let me in. It says we're closed.
So I called the manager. Okay, here you have audio this. Yeah,
I called the manager.

Speaker 1 (02:47):
Okay, thank you for calling. This is to help you.

Speaker 3 (02:52):
Oh yeah, man, I'm just wondering. Are you guys trying
to go out of business?

Speaker 1 (02:56):
I'm sorry, Well, yeah.

Speaker 3 (02:57):
I mean I came there the other night, you know,
I was after my locker game, and it says you
guys close at ten o'clock. And I walked up to
the doors at nine fifty and the doors were already locked.
So I'm just wondering, do you not want business? Are
you trying to go out of business?

Speaker 4 (03:11):

Speaker 5 (03:11):
I'm credibly sorry for the misunderstanding.

Speaker 3 (03:14):
You're right, we do close at ten o'clock. And I'm
not sure why the doors were locked.

Speaker 1 (03:20):
Yeah, because I have.

Speaker 3 (03:21):
A tradition that if I score in my soccer game,
I reward myself with a chocolate milk. And I scored
my soccer game, my co ed Rex soccer game, went
to the store, got there in plenty of time, and
I went up and the guy had locked the doors.
He was letting people out close the doors and lock it,
and I said, hey, man, I just he goes sorry man, no, no,
can't do But I thought you close it tends name? No,

I no, I don't know their name. I mean I understanding.
He said if you close it ten, you close it ten.
You don't close it nine to fifty. I should still
be able to go in and get my groceries, absolutely right.

Speaker 1 (03:54):
I mean what if I needed milk?

Speaker 6 (03:57):

Speaker 1 (03:57):
What if my baby was going to die in it?

Speaker 3 (03:58):
Because it didn't have a banana and that was the
last thing I needed was a banana and Magan.

Speaker 1 (04:02):
You know you closed? Okay? Wow, man, babies dying? You
don't have a baby. Two you gave him chocolate milk store.
I don't know. Six times in three's getting something to
get fired for this. Trust me, they'll be able to
track it. Yeah, whoever was there at nine to fifty, He.

Speaker 7 (04:18):
Didn't say the exact day, He just said the other day.
The other night, he's gonna.

Speaker 1 (04:21):
Go check ESPN see lunchbox is scoring goal? And know
a day that was? But I mean, what did you accomplish?
Do you think by doing? By calling this, hopefully.

Speaker 3 (04:31):
The employee is reprimanded and has to stay there until
ten o'clock?

Speaker 1 (04:34):
What the employer did say their tilltenant feels like he's
letting people out. And I'm not saying they did right,
But what if there's not enough employees to keep it
open safely, well.

Speaker 3 (04:46):
Then schedule them. Didn't change your hours? Why were people
in there at nine to fifty?

Speaker 7 (04:50):
What is it?

Speaker 1 (04:51):
Was it a chain. Yeah, big grocery store can't change
the hours of that chain rules. If there aren't enough
employees to manage everything and make sure people learn ceiling,
then it's probably. I don't know. I just don't. I
just think that calls probably it's hilarious, don't get me wrong,
but hopefully nobody got in trouble for that.

Speaker 3 (05:09):
Why the guy is I mean, they're obviously there, so
why would you not just.

Speaker 1 (05:12):
Leave it open for next ten minute? I was dying
and he had to close? Yeah? Okay, all right, Well,
I'm glad you're holding up to your resolution of speaking
speaking up more. Yeah. I didn't get my chocolate milks, though,
I know, and you deserve that.

Speaker 5 (05:27):
I did.

Speaker 1 (05:27):
I scored a goal. I didn't score just one. Oh
we're gonna get two chocolate milks.

Speaker 3 (05:31):
I just give one either way. But I scored four,
four goals. Did they have a goalie? You could have
owed'd on chocolate milks. I'm glad you didn't get in.

Speaker 1 (05:38):
That was legit, all right. She received birthday flowers from
truck or Joe. She says she appreciates the gesture, but
if it's a date.

Speaker 6 (05:45):
No, So my daughter got some glass in her foot.
She was taking a shower and this glass bottle fell
off her like ledge and she couldn't really see she
had soubernized, and then she ended up stepping on it
and she got it inmultiple places in her foot. And
I'm thinking, okay, we're just gonna have to go to
emergency care, like I want to, Yeah, one of them.

The cut looked a little bit deep and there was
a glass still stuck in it, And I thought, I
just read art the other day about how more and
more doctors are using AI to help them. And I
know that doctors are incredibly smart and they're using their school,
but they're also just using AI to a company as
a tool, right, So I thought, well, as a parent,
I'm just gonna use AI as a tool real quick,
just to save.

Speaker 7 (06:27):
Us a trip, just in case.

Speaker 1 (06:28):
So when you say AI, I was like an app
on your phone, Well I.

Speaker 6 (06:30):
Just yeah, No, I just put on my computer, pulled
up like chat, GPT or whatever, and I typed in
how to remove glass from foot safely. So yeah, I
would step my step and did everything it said. And
I was like, wow, this worked because I would have
never known to go get a needle like I got tweezers.

Speaker 1 (06:47):
A needle needle, oh, like a needle for like a
sewing or something.

Speaker 6 (06:51):
Yeah, a sewing needle. And so I sterilized them in
some rubbing alcohol.

Speaker 7 (06:56):
Because that's what it told me to do. It was
like cool, cool.

Speaker 6 (06:58):
I cleaned her foot and some warm and soap, AMPU tape.

Speaker 7 (07:01):
And my hands.

Speaker 6 (07:02):
No, but then you take the needle and where the
glass was stuck in the skin, you sort of like
use the needle to poke open the skin to create
an opening so the glass will come out. I highly
recommend people seek medical care if they need to. However,
that without I mean, I'm sure Google could have told
me that too, but a I just put it step
by step exactly what I needed to do, and I

followed it step by step and it worked.

Speaker 1 (07:24):
I used chat GBT to get water out of my
ear because that water in my ears. I can tell
you whin in just a second, but had been both
ears and I always heard just tak your nose up.
But I was blowing hard. I feel like it's gonna
pop my ear. So I stopped, and it said take
your hand and make like a like a like curround
your ear like a cup and move it up and
down a little bit and let the cot suction on

it and then do it three times. Pop pop pop,
because it doesn't hurt your ear, and I'm not kidding.
It goes, it goes in the water. Can't is good? Yeah? Wow.
It does say you can do the nose thing first,
but don't do it so hard. Second was the cup
tell you to move your head sideways. Gave me other
ones too, listen to some hard rock instead of being

all right. Next up Rago from Mountain Pine, Arkansas. He
was the first on the show to use AI because
he's a one step ahead kind of guy. Bobby Bump,
So I hate to come in. It is my birthdays.
My brag a little bit. I did save a life.
Well your life, bark exactly how I saved a life.
I talked about water. I was swimming. I got in
the pool in my house and I have like a

little minor leg injury, so I'm trying not to work
out on my leg. So I swim some laps and
Stanley can't go near the pool. He's bulldog, He'll he'll die.
Eller's never jumped in the pool before. Even though I
figure she could swim, We're not sure but I'm swimming
back and forth and she's running on the outside, chasing
me both ways. I look up as she's in the water,
so she doesn't.

Speaker 4 (08:45):
I wrap up, grab her, take her off the side,
save her life, thank you. But hold on, no, no,
because I let her go for a second and she
was freaking the crap out cause she'd never been a water.

Speaker 1 (08:55):
Like that before, freaking out like doggy paddling. No, like ah,
like backstroke. Lie, I have to save note congratulate. And
then I thought, do I want to like take this
moment and tea because she just either jumped in or
fell in. Do I take the moment to teach her
how to swim then she may be in the pool
all the time and drown. Or do I want to
be like just get out and you're now you're traumatizing,

you may never get back in. So I just chose
to put her out. But I did wrap her up
and taking her. She was so scared, she was like
Clawn on my chest. But I still save the life
even though it was hurting. Dude, you're a hero at heart.
Day I come in a hero. That's awesome. Thank you
very much. All right, let's go. Thank you. Guys, I
did save a life. My wife saw what happened to
I bet she's proud of you. She was so turned on.

Speaker 7 (09:35):
Are you sure?

Speaker 8 (09:36):

Speaker 1 (09:36):
She wasn't real? Actually she was like I can't let
she jumped in like that. Let's open up the mail bag.

Speaker 6 (09:42):
You send the game mail and by get all the air.

Speaker 8 (09:45):
To pick something we call Bobby's mail dig.

Speaker 1 (09:48):
Yeah, hello Bobby Bones. I started dating this woman a
couple of months ago. She's amazing, beautiful, kind, smart, successful.
We hit it off right away. She checks all the
boxes and then some. I can see myself spending my
life with her, but I know better to get my
hopes up too soon in a relationship. The problem is
she's already mapping out our future together. Telling her to
slow down on the wedding plans is probably not gonna

be very good for a current relationship. She's getting too serious.
That's her only flaw. Should I just roll with it
and let the cards fall, or risk it and risk
upsetting her? Sign too serious? Too soon? Question mark question
more question mark. This is what I'd say, buddy, if
you found you a good one, want a real good one.
And her only flaw is planning more time together like

the future. Let her plan if she's not forcing the
issue of like we need to get married in two months,
or if she's just planning, let her plan, because what's
gonna happen is you're gonna be idiot and you're gonna
be I don't know, and she gonna be like, what
do you mean you don't you don't feel like I'm
out of here. Don't mess it up. Let her plan.
That doesn't mean it has to happen. But also if

everything that you're saying, she's beautiful, kind, smart, all the
boxes she checks, do you know how hard it is
to find that? So I would recommend you just chill
till the next episode. Oh thank you, because you got
a good one. It's hard to find a good one.
Let her plan. How you're the lucky she's planning. You're lucky.
She's having thoughts of the future with you, and everybody

works differently. Oh man, I can't imagine, like you find
a perfect one and all of a sudden, because she's
planning out, she has a way of Pinterest board you
run away.

Speaker 7 (11:27):
Yeah, let's find that he sent this email.

Speaker 1 (11:31):
I know, don't be a loser. Delete all this. Yeah,
I just go back Amy, and he thought, I just
go this is the kind of crap that I would
have done.

Speaker 7 (11:40):
Yeah, I mean, I think just pay attention to your feelings.

Speaker 6 (11:43):
I think it's okay to go with the flow, but
you just need to be aware because you don't want
to go with the flow so much to where then
you're like, oh, shoot, yeah, I really don't want this.

Speaker 1 (11:51):
Don't let her paint you in a corner of things
you have to do. But if she's planning in the future,
like vaguely, like, okay, let her plan, that's awesome. You're
not You're not to prize. Be honest, I'm talking. I'm
talking to myself now. Just getting into a weird place.
All right, thank you. Close the mail bag.

Speaker 7 (12:06):
We got your.

Speaker 1 (12:06):
Game mail and we read on the air.

Speaker 5 (12:09):
Now it's find to close Bobby's mail bag.

Speaker 1 (12:12):
YEA, never walked out of a movie in a theater
after you paid money for it. I was reading this
poll and about about fifty percent of people have done it.
I've done it once. It was for The Incredible Hulk
before it got all marvelly and got pretty good, Like
I think Eric Bannon was Incredible Hulk. It was terrible
and so I was like, I'm done. I think maybe

I walked out a week indo Bernie's too, but I
was way younger than I don't remember it clearly, as
I can't commit to that ever walked out of a
movie in a theater.

Speaker 7 (12:41):
Amy, Yes, I can't remember what it was, but you
liked it.

Speaker 1 (12:45):
Oh, it was a movie about that the area Area district.
N I don't think that's what it's called.

Speaker 7 (12:51):
What what was it?

Speaker 5 (12:52):

Speaker 7 (12:52):
Because you down and you're like, oh, I love that movie.

Speaker 1 (12:57):
I loved it. It was it called my District. It
was like a kind of forward, science y robot type movie.
You love that stuff. I did love that. We're watching
a show one on the final episode called three Body
Problem on Netflix. Anybody watched any of it? If one
episode left, it was like their biggest show. It just
came out. So but it's futury kind of it's set today,

but there's also and I it almost lost me and
then it got really good again. But for me to
walk away from something like that got it's gotta be
really tough. But I almost walked out of the house.
I'm so back, No where do you go? And I'm
back now, I'm back now a lunchbox ever walked out
of at theater.

Speaker 3 (13:36):
No, I almost walked out of Multiplicity, but I was
with chicks, so they wanted to stay.

Speaker 1 (13:41):
I never saw it. It was terrible. Anybody seen it? No,
that's old.

Speaker 3 (13:44):
Huh, yeah it was old, but I mean it was
that that or Kingpin. And we were supposed to go
see Kingpin. That's funny, and my boys bailed because the
chicks picked Multiplicity in the right.

Speaker 1 (13:54):
They must look like chicks. I means she was all
the chicks Eddie.

Speaker 2 (13:58):
Yeah, I can't get myself to do that, Like I'm
too cheap. Yeah, money paid money, and I can't do it.

Speaker 1 (14:03):
Like what was that?

Speaker 2 (14:03):
I was at four, I think, And they started the
whole movie over after half of it was going already, and.

Speaker 1 (14:09):
So a lot of people walk out, and I'm like,
I can't. I can't walk out. I'd be a waste someone.

Speaker 7 (14:12):
They can't fast forward.

Speaker 1 (14:13):
No, I don't know, but I would have thought. This
is how I would have thought in my head. I've
already paid for it, regardless, so I don't want to
pay for it and be miserable. So then I'm not
getting my money back. Yeah, I've third of the way through,
so I've already paid for it bad investment of my
money in time, So I'm gonna pay for it and
then force myself to sit through it longer. Yeah.

Speaker 2 (14:33):
I do that with food too, Like this food's not
very good, but I paid for it beating it.

Speaker 1 (14:37):
Yeah, Mike d your movie. Mike, how many movies do
you think you've ever walked out of? Probably five in
my life, but three of them in the last two years.
Dang got a snobby or since the podcast is blown up.

Speaker 9 (14:48):
It's just like, after thirty minutes, if I can't see
a movie getting any better, it's not worth my time
to stay there.

Speaker 1 (14:53):
I'm out unless would movie getting longer too. The movie's
getting longer. Terrible. In the last year, What'd you walk
out of Amsterdam?

Speaker 9 (14:59):
It was like a murder mystery with a bunch of
actors like Christian Bale.

Speaker 1 (15:03):
So boring.

Speaker 9 (15:04):
One of the worst movies I've ever seen in theaters.
I'm like, I'm out. Okay, what else? I walked out
of a movie called Babylon. It was about like Hollywood
in the nineteen twenties, but like the first scene is
an elephant pooping on a bunch of people and then
they go to this party, just a bunch of naked
dudes taking.

Speaker 1 (15:17):
Out I'm like, I'm out of this. Musul recommend that.
And then there's a movie called Strays.

Speaker 9 (15:23):
It was like a movie where there's like real life dogs,
but it's like Will Ferrell and Jimmy Fox voicing them,
but they're just like cursing the whole time.

Speaker 1 (15:30):
Do you ever listen to these interviews with major stars
Mike and they admit they know they're doing a really
bad movie in the middle of it. Yeah, Sometimes they're like, yeah,
it's a paycheck.

Speaker 9 (15:39):
It's becoming more frequent now that we'll talk about like, yeah,
I took that just to make money off of it.

Speaker 1 (15:44):
Like can you imagine, Like you dedicate and then you're
in the middle of a movie you thought it was
gonna be great, and you're like, man, this sucks, and
then you just gotta keep doing the or do promo
for a movie that's terrible, Like.

Speaker 9 (15:54):
Dacoda Johnson for Madam Webbit just came out. She's like,
I had no idea if the movie was good or not.
I was in front of a blue screen in the
entire time. It felt so weird. And then she drugged
the movie after it did terribly.

Speaker 1 (16:04):
So she did the movie it didn't do well, and
then she made fun of the movie. Yeah at Sidney
Sweeney too. She was in that movie.

Speaker 9 (16:10):
She's like, yeah, not doing a superhero movie ever. Again,
was that Marvel? It was the sony side of Marble.
So there's a good I know, there's a good DC
Marvel that's all like the Avenger stuff, and then there's
the sony sign.

Speaker 1 (16:21):
You're telling me there's a side of Marvel that's even bad.

Speaker 9 (16:23):
Yeah, all the ones that just tank at the box office,
like Morbius, they're a different side of Marble.

Speaker 1 (16:28):
I've never heard of them more. But what about the
Hispanic dude who was like the Blue Beetle. Yeah, he's
like the Hispanic superhero. Howd that do? Who was that?

Speaker 9 (16:36):
I didn't do so well At the time, the Shrike
was going on, so they didn't promote it a whole lot.

Speaker 1 (16:40):
But it's still a good movie. But DC kind of
does the historically bad movies. What's good so far this year?
Any good movies so far? I mean, you just watch
the new Godzilla.

Speaker 9 (16:49):
I think you would like that one, just because it's
a big, dumb, fun action so far there hasn't been
a great movie.

Speaker 1 (16:54):
Is it a slow time like January to April.

Speaker 9 (16:57):
Yeah, everything's ramping up right now as we get to
summer blockbuster stuff. I'm waiting on the new Deadpool movie.
I thought'd be fun because Wolverine's in it. Yeah, all right,
check out movie Mike's movie podcast. And if the movie sucks,
just leave. You've already spent the money. Why spend the
money and then also feel terrible.

Speaker 1 (17:11):
Tough man, we already paid for that. No, I know
you get your money back. Can you go to the box?
I say, I need money back? You can't get him.

Speaker 9 (17:17):
If the movie's bag can in the first thirty minutes,
they'll give you a refund, depending on the theater.

Speaker 1 (17:21):
So set your time over for twenty. At twenty nine
minutes you run out, it's time for the good news.

Speaker 6 (17:32):
So a woman came into the bank and luckily the
bank teller she got that day was Marlene, and Marlena's
dad had been scammed before, so she was, you know,
empathetic towards people that might be, you know.

Speaker 7 (17:43):
Getting scammed. She was like, well, wait a second, come
back to my office. Let's talk.

Speaker 6 (17:47):
Why do you want this money out and the woman's like, oh, well,
my boyfriend, here's a picture of him.

Speaker 7 (17:52):
He's overseas. I've never met him.

Speaker 6 (17:53):
Oh no, and so she's like, okay, she did a
quick google reverse image situation, found out that it's definitely
not this woman's boyfriend, and so she took the woman
like she went with her escort to the police station
so they could file a police report and.

Speaker 1 (18:12):
Good, she saved her big. But if you're the woman,
you know it's my boyfriend, she's like, no, you're being scammed.
You're just embarrassed. It's not good, and you're thankful, but
that sucks.

Speaker 7 (18:22):
Yeah. So it's just important to pay attention.

Speaker 6 (18:25):
Marlena likes that the stories out there so that others
will be aware of any red flags and maybe help
more vulnerable people that might not realize they're being taken
advantage of.

Speaker 1 (18:36):
Do we think Morgan's guys are all yeah, okay, there
you go. Yeah, man, you do too, right? Yeah? I know,
but I never thought about that. What if.

Speaker 7 (18:46):
He's real?

Speaker 1 (18:47):
I know, but it's always been line no, No, I'm
still team Morgan. Okay, that's what it's all about. That
was telling me something good, So I'll play you a character, cartoon,
un or animated, whatever movie might cause it. You just
tell me who the celebrity is playing the character. For example,

this is Buzz light Year and toy story.

Speaker 3 (19:09):
Buzz Lightyear to start command, Come in, Stark command, start command,
come in.

Speaker 1 (19:13):
Do you read me? That would be Tom ally Good.
I got that. There's seven of these ready guys up
first as Oscar and shark Tail.

Speaker 5 (19:22):
Well, I tell you what happened.

Speaker 1 (19:24):
The old shock now seventy five hundred feet long.

Speaker 3 (19:27):
So he's swimming at me right fatigue like raisin, and
I was all like, you will come at.

Speaker 1 (19:34):
Me like that, you will come at the oh like that?
Write your answer down. I'm in, Oh, celebrity, was that
that's the easy one? It is number one. I felt
it was the easiest. But again, what's a movie called
Shark Tale, but it's only one man's easy. Do you

guys feel like that was easy?

Speaker 10 (19:58):

Speaker 1 (19:58):
Kind of sort of. Eventually, Okay, three seconds, I'm telling
maybe I'm right.

Speaker 8 (20:03):
Lunchboxedy Murphy, Amy Will Smith, Eddie Will Smith Smith, all right,
you're not right.

Speaker 1 (20:11):
Next up this is Po and Kung Fu Panda. I'm
not a big fat panda. I'm the big fat Panda.
We'll play it one more time. I'm not a big
fat panda. I'm the big fat panda. Celebrity voice actor
named that actor. I'm in in for the win? Is

kunk fu Panda?

Speaker 8 (20:35):

Speaker 1 (20:35):
Yeah it is. I didn't see the last one, but
the first one is. Yeah, it's good. Amy, Jack Black,
Lunchbox Jack Black, Eddie Jack Black. That is Jack Black,
good job. Next up, this is Donkey Kong in the
Super Mario Brothers movie. You got the cat Box?

Speaker 5 (20:55):
Oh My, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Okay, now you die?

Speaker 1 (21:03):
Donkey Kong in the Super Mario Brothers movie. I'll play
it for you one more time, very famous actor, you.

Speaker 5 (21:10):
Got the cat box? Oh Like, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Okay,
now you die.

Speaker 1 (21:19):
I'm in. I'm in for the wind. You know for sure? No,
I don't have it.

Speaker 8 (21:25):
Lunchbox, Will Ferrell, Amy, bring ramon now, Eddie seth Rogen, Oh,
play one more time, Ray, you.

Speaker 5 (21:35):
Got the cat box?

Speaker 7 (21:37):
Oh like?

Speaker 1 (21:44):
Streaking? Next up Snowball in the Secret Life of Pets.
Who are we?

Speaker 10 (21:51):
We are the fleshed pets, throw it away by our owners,
and now we're out for revenge. It's like a club,
but with biting and scratch. Yeah, you got to stitch
domestication all over you. You charge your side and now
you're going to burn.

Speaker 1 (22:08):
If everybody's saying Amy, Kevin Hart, Lunchbox, Kevin Hart, Eddie,
Kevin Hart. Right now, the score is Eddie four, Amy three,
Lunchbox two top. This has grew in minions.

Speaker 11 (22:22):
Now I realize that you guys have probably hurt about
this other villain who's to all the pyramids. Parently, it's
a big deal. People aren't calling it the crime of
the Sanctuary and stuff like that.

Speaker 1 (22:34):
But now I upset. No, I am not a little
but we.

Speaker 11 (22:40):
Have had a pretty good year ourselves.

Speaker 1 (22:45):
Does Lunchbox have kids? I don't understand. Yeah, we have not.

Speaker 3 (22:51):
You understand my kids are five and then so these
are a little older and minions. I love this movie
and Eddie, Eddie writes it down before you even play
the voice.

Speaker 1 (23:01):
He just knows who played. I know who it is.
He shouldn't be penis for knowing.

Speaker 7 (23:05):
No, I know.

Speaker 1 (23:05):
I'm just saying like, I'm like, I have no idea. Okay,
I'll give you a little bit more.

Speaker 11 (23:11):
Now I realized that you guys are probably hurt about
this other villain. Who's to all the pyramids parent Lands
A big deal. People aren't calling it the crime of
the set.

Speaker 1 (23:22):
Right there you go, lunchbox, Will Ferrell, Amy, Steve Carell, Eddie,
Steve Carrell. Right, two left by the way, I will
give you a chance to go in blind. And the
last one lunchbox, Thank you to win. Thank you, all right,
thank you. Here we go and number six go ahead.

Speaker 5 (23:42):
I'm the war Recks Guardian of the forest.

Speaker 1 (23:46):
I speak for the trees.

Speaker 12 (23:47):
So you're telling me you just didn't see me magically
appear out of that stump with all the lightning and
thunder and stuffed you didn't see any of that.

Speaker 1 (23:55):
That's the loraxe and the Lora axe. I'll play one
more time.

Speaker 5 (23:58):
Wait what, I'm the Warrack Guardian of the forest.

Speaker 1 (24:02):
I speak for the trees.

Speaker 12 (24:04):
So you're telling me you just didn't see me magically
appear out of that stump with all the lightning and
thunder and stump, you didn't see any of that.

Speaker 1 (24:13):
I'm in. I'm in for the wind. What no, Amy? Wow?

Speaker 7 (24:18):
All I have in my head right now is that
guy from Princess Bride.

Speaker 1 (24:24):
In inconfusable whatever says, I don't know.

Speaker 3 (24:29):

Speaker 1 (24:29):
Thank you. I don't know, Amy, I don't know. Okay, Lunchbox,
that's Danny de Vito, correct, Eddie, I have Danny DeVito.
So this is number seven's there's number seven. It is
changing it. Lunchbox, You're gonna lose, but you can go
in blind. But if you're going blind, you can't obviously
play the last one. But I'm assuming you want to
go on blind. Yeah, I'm gonna go blind. Okay, And

who do you have as your answer? I am going
to write that. Why don't you not say it? Just
write it down? Okay, but don't react either way to
when you hear the clip. Okay, Okay, be done. Think
I'm in for the win. No reaction though, no good
or bad. Okay.

Speaker 7 (25:10):

Speaker 1 (25:11):
This is Rocket Raccoon and Guardians of the Galaxy don't
Callie are rack cod You.

Speaker 13 (25:16):
Know why I did it, Star Munch. I did it
because I wanted too. What are we even talking about
this for? We just had a little man save us
by blowing up fifty ships.

Speaker 1 (25:27):
Man, that's tough, Rocket Raccoon. We'll do it one more time.
Guardians of the Galaxy, don't Callie a rac coon. You
know why I did it, Star Munch?

Speaker 13 (25:35):
I did it because I wanted too. What are we
even talking about this for? We just had a little
man save us by blowing up fifty ships.

Speaker 1 (25:43):
Okay, let's go over to Amy. What do you have?

Speaker 7 (25:48):
I don't know Christensors, but he's the other guy.

Speaker 2 (25:52):
No, Eddie, there's no way Lunchbox got that blind, So
I'm going Will Ferrell.

Speaker 1 (25:56):
Okay, Well, if he got it blind, he wins the game. Lunchbox,
Rocket Raccoon and Guards of the Galaxy. You didn't know
that's what it was? But what answer did you write down? Blind?
I rode down, Will Ferrell. No, it's Bradley Cooper. It's
Bradley Cooper. And Eddie you are winner?

Speaker 5 (26:14):

Speaker 1 (26:20):
There is? Okay? Do you do you want the other four?
Quoth lady?

Speaker 7 (26:23):

Speaker 1 (26:23):
Come on, this can be your celebration. Lap my victory,
lap joy and inside out here all right, everyone, fresh start.

Speaker 6 (26:29):
We are going to have a good date, which will
turn into a good one, which'll turn into a.

Speaker 7 (26:32):
Good year, which turns into a good life.

Speaker 6 (26:34):
Tell you what, Let's make a list of all the
things Riley should be happy about.

Speaker 1 (26:39):
No clue, Amy Poehler, Okay, Anna and frozen.

Speaker 7 (26:43):
Anna, Anna, I just wasn't looking where I was going.
But I'm great.

Speaker 14 (26:48):
Actually this is awkward, not you're awkward, but just because
we're I'm awkward, you're gorgeous.

Speaker 1 (26:54):
Wait one, is that Kristen Bell it is? Yeah, pussing
Boots and Shrek too.

Speaker 5 (27:00):
Oh fear me if you dare, now you.

Speaker 2 (27:07):
Pray for Mercy thro that's Antonio Benditaz. Correct, that's puss
in Boots. I don't know, and I wasn't risking. If
I'm fifty to fifty, I'm going puss Yeah, go Jess.
For the record, doesn't matter. I'm fifty to fifty, I'm
going pussy.

Speaker 1 (27:24):
You got it? Uh? And finally, a groot in Guardians
of the Galaxy arm. Oh, guys, I don't know who
that is. Ar Yeah, That'slue, but that's all he says.
Oh that's yeah. Chris Hemsworth been Diesel. Oh you're still

the Winter sho. A nine year old boy crashed into
a car on highway. He was trying to drive himself
to school in his mom's car. Oh no, he didn't
tell her. Where was mom?

Speaker 8 (27:56):

Speaker 1 (27:56):
Maybe? He said? An officer spotted a sedan stopped idly
in the middle of the inner action and told the
driver to move, and then the driver took off, and
then there was a short chase very erradic came to
an end of dirt parking lot. The boy got out
and he's nine. That's from sacB dot com. That's crazy.
Luckily nobody died, right like excliminade all that from the story.

But if you see like a nine, let's say you're
chasing somebody, it's a car chase, and you're like, a
break we got he turned to just turn left on
the first out and it all ends. He's like, get out,
and a nine year old walks out with his hands
up a little bit. He's gotta chuckle. You're probably like,
give a description of the person I can't see who's
driving armpit hair.

Speaker 6 (28:37):
I don't know that.

Speaker 1 (28:39):
Was there anything you did as a kid that you
probably did too early? I would drive. I would drive
Arkansas Keith's truck, but and I was way young. I
don't learn how to drive a standard pretty young, but
mostly because we were running dogs, like hunting, and he
would go and try to cut the dogs off, and
so I'd have to get in the truck and drive
but we were always in like like like the woods,
so it was never an shoe. Anybody ever drive early?

Or I used to go to the racetrack, go in
at Oaklane, and so you could get in as a kid,
but you couldn't gamble. But then I could always pay
somebody to go make it two dollars bet for me. Yeah,
so I would do that all the time. I was
basically gambling to drive. And yeah, crazy as a little rebel,
I would.

Speaker 2 (29:18):
I mean i'd go to bars early, you know, because
like my dad would just take me to the bars
and then like we lived seven miles north of Mexico,
so if you were old enough to reach the bar
in Mexico, you can hang out at the bar and drink. Really, yeah,
it's cool. That's pretty cool. So I mean I'm not
proud of that, but yeah, that's how I grew up.
But that's that's that was the culture.

Speaker 1 (29:35):
Do you get me be proud of it? Really? Driving
at a young age, do you have anything like? I mean,
I drove but when I wasn't supposed to.

Speaker 3 (29:42):
I mean I ran out of gas and my brother's
car before I had my license, and because I want
to go see a chick and chick always.

Speaker 1 (29:49):
I don't feel like chick is just for whatever reason,
he just inserts chick. No.

Speaker 3 (29:53):
On the way home, my brother was on E and
I was like, if I get gas, he'll know that
I took the car right, and so I was like,
I just got to get home. And as I'm driving home,
all of a sudden, it starts going shot and chugging,
and I'm like, oh no, and I just floor it
and I run three red lights trying to get to
the gas station, get to that last red light to

take a left right there on breaker and mope back.

Speaker 5 (30:18):
And it just dies.

Speaker 1 (30:19):
What'd you do?

Speaker 3 (30:20):
I got all the car and I'm like, oh my god,
I'm freaking out. And this lady's like, oh, here, get in,
I'll drive you to the gas station. Drove me to
the gas station, and I mean she bought me a
gas can, and because I was just gonna get a
thirty two ounce cup.

Speaker 1 (30:32):
Just anough so I wouldn't notice.

Speaker 3 (30:34):
I got went in and got a cup and she goes, no, no,
I think you need a gas can, because I was like,
I'm under age, Like I have no idea, Like I
think I can just put gas in a cup and
she buys me the gas can, drives me back to
the stop light, put gas in it, and get it home.
I don't know how in that ten minutes that we
were at the gas station, no cop pulled up behind.

Speaker 1 (30:52):
The car and nothing. Whoo how old were you in? Fourteen?
Did the chick stuff work out? Okay? Yeah, that's good.

Speaker 3 (30:59):
Yeah on Facebook during the show? No, no, no, she's
not really on Facebook that much. She both pictures of
videos of her kids, but she's not really chatting.

Speaker 1 (31:07):
Got it. This almost rushed to the hospital after she
was eating pork rindes and she ate a nail was
like a like a hammer and a nail. Nail. Yeah,
she felt something sharp hit her throat and so she
starts throwing up. Took the merchy room. There was a
nail that she had swallowed on the pork rinds and
pierced her her artery. And so they thought it was

a bone at first, because you know port pig bone,
pork skin, I hear you, But turns out it was
a nail. In the pork crimes. Do you think somebody
put that in there? Is like a all right, I
mean it could have been an accident. I don't know.
I would meet his prank. I went to a restaurant
and there was a screw in my fries.

Speaker 2 (31:47):
It's just like, yeah, a long time ago, and I
think we're I think they were just open, like they
had opened that week. So maybe a construction and screw fell.
I don't know, ceiling, no idea.

Speaker 1 (31:56):
Man, would you either have a screw in your fries
you find or a band aid in your FRIESY find
a screw? True? All right, that's a New York Post.
Here's voicemail we got last night morning studio.

Speaker 2 (32:08):
Hey, Bobby, this is Alexas, Kirsten, Mama, Devin, and Lourie.

Speaker 7 (32:12):
We're driving a we're driving from Newburgh, North Carolina, and
we are five and a half hours into our ten
hour drive to Nashville.

Speaker 6 (32:19):
For the Million Dollar Show.

Speaker 5 (32:21):
Carrie, we'll see.

Speaker 6 (32:23):
You at the show.

Speaker 1 (32:24):
They're driving ten hours. Sounds like they're either drawn or
driving in a bathroom with the echo. That's awesome. Let's
see if we can get them on later. I'd like
to talk to them, see how the drive's going. Here
is Joe. We are dying to see the pictures that
Eddie sent Amy in his rogue. If you guys, could
please post that. It would make me my girlfriend very happy.

Oh that's personal.

Speaker 2 (32:47):
It's not personal, but it's weird ast crap you sent her?
Yeah that was for Amy, but it was Amy. Did
you give it to them for them to post?

Speaker 6 (32:54):

Speaker 7 (32:54):
I gave it to Morgan.

Speaker 1 (32:55):
But if it was just for what If it was
very personal, that means it was personal. Yeah, you sent
her a picture of the rope she got you. But
you look weird in it?

Speaker 15 (33:03):

Speaker 1 (33:03):
Me, my son took the picture. How weird? Did I look? Okay?

Speaker 16 (33:07):
Yeah, it's up on Bobbybones dot com. Eddie did approve
of it to go between me and Amy.

Speaker 1 (33:13):
If there's ever anything just when your name, you should
let us know because that would be odd number hit
them one from Michelle.

Speaker 11 (33:20):
I have a morning corny for Amy.

Speaker 12 (33:23):
Why don't elephants play on computers because they're afraid of
the mouth.

Speaker 11 (33:29):
Have a good day.

Speaker 1 (33:29):
Boom, goddess. That sounded like a landline phone. Yeah, wow,
that sound. That's like hearing a stegosaurs walk. Wait click
for all you kids out there, that's what we heard
every time we got on the field. I don't even know. Wow,
history lessen Amy's pile of stories.

Speaker 7 (33:52):
So it is a promotion at work, really a promotion
if it doesn't come.

Speaker 1 (33:55):
With a raise, I would say yes, because you then
become more valuable. So when it's time to ask for
a raise, they can make the decision of well do
I want to lose them, whether they have more value
or not. So it's a weird thing, but yes, so
i'd want more money. Yeah, but I would always say
accept it, prove your worth because now you get the

chance to prove your worth even more and then go
in and ask for that raise.

Speaker 6 (34:21):
Is it called a dry promotion And that's a really
good way to look at it, because I saw this
whole article in the Wall Street Journal about how companies
across the US are handing out these dry promotions just
an opportunity.

Speaker 1 (34:33):
To show your worth. That's what I mean. Really, man,
that's the kind of promotion I would want because it's
longer term. Meaning if I go I'm gonna get five
bucks an hour more straight up, and then all of
a sudden, I don't feel like you're giving me five
bucks an hour, more effort and more, I'm like, you
know what, that bad promotion. We need to move on
from her. Whereas if it's I'm going to give you

a couple more duties and you can prove yourself and
then come and ask me for that later. I don't know.
It's weird because some times you just need money, But
longer term, I believe it's it's more worthy to be
given a chance to prove yourself.

Speaker 6 (35:10):
I feel like because it's a growing thing. I know,
but that's good advice for anybody that literally, you know,
this year might receive some sort of a drive promotion
and they can keep that in mind of.

Speaker 1 (35:19):
Like, hey, name driving, Like you're not drinking while you
get promoted.

Speaker 6 (35:23):
Yeah, Judge Judy was talking about how she works out
ten hours a week. She's eighty one and she does
her workouts with her ninety year old husband, and she
says that she has a responsibility to keep the vessel
in shape and looking good.

Speaker 1 (35:36):
But they tell me they do it like four times
a week. I'll be so disappointed, Like do like, you know,
we find time to do it for no like do it?
And I'm like, dang, I'm like half their age, right.

Speaker 6 (35:50):
So she says, if your mind is in shape and
your body is not, the weaker one will eventually affect
the other.

Speaker 7 (35:57):
So she tries to keep both both.

Speaker 1 (35:58):
Then I'm looking expt both of them. Good for them,
Like they're old, old and they're just rocking out. They're
on a seedw here, so they got to be in
good shape if you're smiling on a SEEDEDW on TV. Yeah,
it's a different kind of show she has now.

Speaker 4 (36:11):
I'm not sure what network it is, but yes, it's
like one of the highest paid she was forever.

Speaker 1 (36:17):
I think she's on like a weird network now because
but she is on TV.

Speaker 6 (36:22):
On speaking of TV shows, I know lunchboxes always wanted
to be on the prices, right, And I saw this
whole thing about how a former producer there was saying
that they keep a pair of sweatpants like a blow
dryer and like a curtain thing that you can go
change behind in case a contestant piece of their pants.

Speaker 1 (36:40):
Long enough instances if that happening, wow, or they had
to invest in.

Speaker 7 (36:43):
The Yeah, I just thought that was random and funny.

Speaker 6 (36:46):
And then well, obviously, Bobby, it's your your birthday today,
so uh to me have to you. But you're not
the only person in country music turning forty four years old,
kid more, let's.

Speaker 1 (36:55):
Just make it not about me?

Speaker 7 (36:56):
Then wow, well it is happy birthday to you, but
also Kit Moore.

Speaker 1 (37:00):
But I do anything else? Who's when Amy's birthday was on?
Ian like, let's lost to other people whose birthday is now?
I focused the spotlight on Amy.

Speaker 6 (37:05):
Oh thought, this is fun to see who else has
your birthday? I actually hate it, Okay, Chris Jansen's.

Speaker 1 (37:10):
Eight, Billy Dean we have I did not know Billy Dean.
That's crazy because I have a Billity in car here
that he gave me. But Chris and I always exchange
happy birthdays. It's a race to say we can say
it first. Really, yeah, I have birthday. I should do
it right now. Kip and I don't, though, But Billy
Dean I did not know. Do you have Billy Deane's

cell phone number? Hand it to me. It'd be funny.
I'll text and me be like, happy birthday. If he
doesn't say it back the next day tomorrow, I'll be like,
hey man, yesterday was my birthday too. I'm trying to
see if you'd say it back.

Speaker 7 (37:44):
What about Emmylou Harris?

Speaker 1 (37:47):
That's cool? Do you know her? I don't not.

Speaker 7 (37:50):
Else have a birthday to all of you?

Speaker 1 (37:52):
Thank you very much.

Speaker 7 (37:53):
All right, maybe that's about.

Speaker 1 (37:56):
That was Amy's pile of stories. It's time for the
good news.

Speaker 3 (38:05):
Sadie Cliff is a ten year old in Sacktown that's
also known as Sacramento, California.

Speaker 1 (38:11):
We knew that some people don't know what's Sacktown.

Speaker 5 (38:13):
I did it.

Speaker 7 (38:14):
I did sack Town.

Speaker 1 (38:16):
I would have, but thank you for anyway.

Speaker 3 (38:21):
She's a big Taylor Swift fan and she's wearing her
Taylor Swift shirt at school and it's just after the
Super Bowl and there's another kid that's a huge forty
nine ers fan in her class got mad at the
Taylor Swift shirt and slapped her. Bullyer, Yeah, bullying or
because she's wearing Taylor Swift. So she goes home complains
to her mom, and Mom's like, I'm gonna get you

in jiu jitsu so you can learn how to defend yourself.
And now she has started the Bullyproof program and a
jiu jitsu jiu jitsu instructor, Hey, a jiu jitsu instructor
has been working with her and is sponsoring it at
the school and teaching people self defense.

Speaker 1 (38:56):
That's all nice, good, that's something happened to her that
was unfortunate that now they've turned into a positive for
many people, which is great. That is what it's all about.
That was telling me something good. I saw where n
CIS Sydney has been renewed for a second season. Yeah,

that's Lunchbox's favorite show. Although you haven't seen every episode
yet or did you watch it was to be continued?
We heard the second part, Yeah, we heard the second part. Man,
I don't even know because this shows unded terrible.

Speaker 6 (39:30):
It was so bad.

Speaker 1 (39:30):
He had to watch every episode and you thought there
was no way this would be renewed. Yeah. I thought
it was over.

Speaker 3 (39:35):
I thought it was dead in the water, like they
were going to put that out the passroom, Like we
made a big mistake.

Speaker 1 (39:39):
Must be getting good ratings linear television. Yeah.

Speaker 3 (39:42):
And then someone sent me a link and it's like
this art in this news video, like, oh, n CIS
Sydney renewed for a second season.

Speaker 15 (39:50):
N CIS Sydney has been renewed for a second season.
CBS has ordered a second season of the popular spinoffs,
the first international edition of the n CIS franchise. It's
performed well stateside, drawing an average of six points five
four million viewers per week over seven days, and that's
not including streaming.

Speaker 1 (40:10):
Six million. That's a lot. People love that. So any
chance you just had a touch, No, there's no chance.
That bad.

Speaker 6 (40:16):
It is that bad.

Speaker 3 (40:18):
People hate it, well, not six five million people watch
it thinking, Okay, there's a train wreck.

Speaker 1 (40:23):
It's gonna end, it's gonna end. They're all hate watching it. Yeah,
they hate watch it and it just keeps you. Oh
my gosh, it is so bad. We'll I'll spend the
well and see if you have to watch another season. Yeah,
all right, let's go over to Amy to the Morning Corny.
The Morning Corny, what do you call it?

Speaker 7 (40:40):
Cow with three legs?

Speaker 1 (40:41):
What do you call it? Cow with three legs?

Speaker 7 (40:45):
Lean? Beef?

Speaker 1 (40:46):
Lean because it lean leans. That was the Morning Corny.
You've heard the no leg ones?

Speaker 7 (40:55):
Right, yeah, round beef like that one.

Speaker 1 (40:58):
What's another one? You said you heard the ones? None
of the one the one ground beef? Okay, what do
you call it? Guy swimming with no arms and legs? Bob?
Because what do you call a woman on a beach
with norms and no legs?

Speaker 3 (41:12):
Sandy? What do you call what do you call a
guy with norms no legs? In front of the door, Matt,
what do you call a guy with norms and oilegs
in front of the wall?

Speaker 1 (41:20):

Speaker 7 (41:22):
What do you call a woman with one leg lean?

Speaker 1 (41:28):
You say, one leg longer than the other. We should
probably stop. We're walking that fine line of I don't
even know how we can canceled, but we're walking that
fine line. We'll do this. Let's call Bobby Boon show
t M I. So it's too much information possibly and Amy,
We're gonna let you go first. What can you give us?

It's t M I.

Speaker 7 (41:51):
Why started my testosterone cream?

Speaker 5 (41:54):

Speaker 15 (41:54):

Speaker 1 (41:55):
Why do you need more testoster?

Speaker 7 (41:57):
I have low tea?

Speaker 1 (41:58):
But why do you need tea? Well?

Speaker 6 (42:00):
So, well, everybody has tea and needs tea. There's the
you rely on your hormones to do certain things. And
for women there's you know you can.

Speaker 7 (42:09):
Have high low just right? Well I have below low.
So mine was really low.

Speaker 1 (42:15):
So she you need I need I need.

Speaker 6 (42:21):
I don't know that I need it to Yeah, I
mean I guess I need it higher, but it's because
I'm below low. So she's like, let's just at least
bump you up to like low to normal. And I
now put behind my knee. I rubbed the cream in
there and so, and that's how I guess it has
less chance of touching anybody else because that would be bad.

She's like, yeah, you don't want to get on your kids.

Speaker 1 (42:46):
Or if you have all of a sudden.

Speaker 7 (42:49):
Right, So it's supposed to help me with the brain fog.

Speaker 6 (42:53):
We'll see and then I don't know. Maybe it could
cause a deeper voice and hair growth. But it says
two clicks, and I am like, so, I like.

Speaker 1 (43:02):
Perfect, Like what if I want to if I was like, hey,
let me get some of this.

Speaker 7 (43:05):
You want to hit on my cream?

Speaker 9 (43:06):

Speaker 1 (43:08):
Would one? Would one hit a cream to do a deal?
Or do you have to do it for a while.

Speaker 7 (43:11):
I don't know exactly when it's gonna.

Speaker 8 (43:13):
Ask your doctor h apathetically, hypothetically, let's you say, Eddie
t M.

Speaker 1 (43:17):
I yeah, mine's pretty gross. But well, don't get if
it's it can't be I know, but it's got to
be a fine line.

Speaker 2 (43:23):
It's crazy because like I don't know if it's my pillow,
my bed, my bedroom or what. But every morning when
I wake up, I probably blow.

Speaker 1 (43:31):
I don't know. I would say, like a handful of
snot out of my chest and my nose.

Speaker 7 (43:37):
Well it's all coming out of your nose, but it's like.

Speaker 1 (43:39):
Allergy is probably oh probably when my kids to say
something like like dander or something. Maybe, who knows, when
my kids say they can hear me from their bedroom,
go yeah yah yah yah yah yah yah. Yeah yeah yeah,
all right enough lunchbox. Oh yeah, TMI.

Speaker 3 (43:52):
I told you guys, so I'd like to eat my
toenails and fingernails.

Speaker 1 (43:57):
This has turned into just like grossuse.

Speaker 3 (44:01):
The one thing I do do is when my wife
trims her toenails, I'll grab one.

Speaker 1 (44:05):
Yeah yeah yet yet yeah yet yehee get yet yet?

Speaker 8 (44:08):

Speaker 1 (44:09):
I'm just at that we're moving on in that way.
She's a part of me. No answers hilarious. It's all
disgusting that answers hilarious. Mine doesn't really have to do
so much with my body, but whenever. The last week
or so, I've had to like find this cleaning solution
to clean the wall because Stanley, our bulldog, will go
outside and go to the bathroom and he likes to

sit by the wall and he leaves like streaks were
streaks but on the wall. Yeah, we were like, what's
happening on the wall. I know he doesn't know he's
a dog difference. Yeah yeah yet yet yet yet yet? Yeah?
Yeah yeah yet yet?

Speaker 16 (44:48):
Yeah, Morgan, So my cat likes to sit on my
lap when I go to the bathroom.

Speaker 1 (45:04):
Yeah yeah, get yet Yeah yeah, that's the only time.

Speaker 7 (45:08):
Why, I don't know why, I don't know. I was like,
why am I single?

Speaker 1 (45:13):
Oh my god, that's the winner. That's great. I mean,
lunchboxes it it.

Speaker 7 (45:22):
I don't know.

Speaker 1 (45:22):
I don't want to go to you. There's no way
you can even like that. That's like going on after Elvis.
Let's try him, Okay, go ahead. Yeah, mine's tame compared
to y'all. Y'all are crazy. My cat's allowed in the bathroom,
but not on my lap when I'm using the restaurant.
But you'll sit down though, correct. Yeah, so it's no
big deal. It's not even gross. But uh, I use
women's deodorant. So my wife I was at a yodant

one time and tried her unscented. It was dry idea
and it rolled on. It was awesome and he didn't
have a sense or anything, so it didn't smell dude
or chick. And I found that it is actually better
than guy's deodorant. Yeah, I wear that as a normal
deodorant my wife. It's greatest. Now I get my own.
That's hers though. Yeah, so that's fine.

Speaker 7 (46:02):
Strange, Okay, you're uncented or scented.

Speaker 1 (46:05):
It's just the one she uses. Yeah, I heard the
odorance is better than mine. Let's reflect the Morgan Morgan's.
I can appreciate the vulnerability.

Speaker 7 (46:17):
Listen, I wander to bond in the and that's the
only time she wants to sit with me. So I
don't really know what else is.

Speaker 1 (46:21):
Where can just go do while you're not using that roomfully? Okay, well,
then it's not really you she want to bond with.

Speaker 7 (46:25):
What if she's strong the scentive?

Speaker 1 (46:28):

Speaker 8 (46:28):

Speaker 1 (46:29):
Amy? Okay, Well, I don't know that we're gonna do
this a bit anymore tm I, but we got it. Hey,
that's too much information, guys. It's a voicemail from Leah
in Pennsylvania right here.

Speaker 14 (46:40):
I wanted to say happy birthday to Bobby today.

Speaker 7 (46:44):
My son turned three and three years ago. I really
wanted to have him on April seconds, so you would
share a birthday.

Speaker 1 (46:50):
He had other plans. So he turns three today.

Speaker 2 (46:54):
But happy birthday to you.

Speaker 7 (46:56):
Have a great day.

Speaker 1 (46:57):
It'd be toughy and born in April fools. I just
missed it. Anything on April fools. Like, for example, this
show has, thanks to you guys, been growing like a
weed forever and we keep waiting for it to go
the opposite way, and so far everything's going all right.
Our podcast is doing millions and millions a month. They're

putting us on in new cities. But they wouldn't announce
the cities that we are going on yesterday because they
thought everybody would think it was an April Fols joke.
Good point, So like we're going on in Atlanta, We're
going on in Cleveland, We're going on in all these places.
But they didn't want to come out and be like,
here we go because of April fools. I thought that

was kind of funny.

Speaker 7 (47:39):
It's a hard one. Yeah, my dad died on April fools.

Speaker 1 (47:44):
Kidding bring them in?

Speaker 5 (47:47):
Did we did?

Speaker 7 (47:55):
We were all like we so like dad to just
like wake up right.

Speaker 1 (47:58):
Now and be like, JK, that would have been a
good one, Like he went out that way.

Speaker 6 (48:02):
Yeah, And then we were like, well we kind of
did just unplug him, so oh, it's also you have
to there has to be loving, especially if you lost
both of them.

Speaker 1 (48:20):
She's not really laughing laughing, she's laughing.

Speaker 7 (48:24):
I can laugh along too, use Bobby knows.

Speaker 1 (48:27):
Yeah, it's just like if you don't laugh, you're gonna cry.
But sometimes any laughs too till she cries. That's why
I'm not in the way of like tears come out
because you're laughing so hard, and it's like a big shift.
I know.

Speaker 7 (48:36):
I'm fine.

Speaker 1 (48:36):
Here is Lorraine from Maine. I just wanted to wish
you a happy birthday. I share a birthday with you.
I'll be partying Paul as well. Enjoy the day, thanks Lorain.
But she parties Lorraine goes hard. H So, yeah, birthday.
What am I doing? A couple of things I'm being

open to. It's on birthday. Usually I'm not kind of
closed off. I'm like, who cares? Bahambug. But there's one
thing that's really dumb that we're doing. I don't know
why we're doing it.

Speaker 2 (49:06):
Working out. Yeah, why it's your birthday. Take the day off,
enjoy yourself working out.

Speaker 1 (49:11):
Oh my day is packed for work. That's what I'm saying.
What are you doing? It's a Tuesday, Bro. So we
have of this. We have some twenty five whistles, interview,
I have therapy at one, I have an allergy shot,
I got some content shoot at two thirty. At three o'clock,
we're gonna work out. But tonight I got this really
crazy box of cards, like baseball cards that are ordered

and I haven't opened them. They came like last week.
There's like an invitation like a secret party in them,
and then in it we're looking for a specific autograph.
So in this box, there's only like one hundred cards
in the box, and I've kind of gotten into rebellion
cards in the past couple of months. Oh, get don't worry,
I'll be out soon. It's coming. Yeah.

Speaker 9 (49:52):

Speaker 1 (49:53):
But there are one hundred and nine different people you
can get as an autograph, not sports, and so we
could open it. It could be like Rutherford Behay, a
president old president. We don't care much about it, but
we have to tier one of the people that we want.
So we're looking for a signed thing from either Albert Einstein,
Abraham Lincoln, Benjamin Franklin, satchl Page, Kobe Bryant, Marilyn Monroe,

Mark twenty Elvis personally Freddy Mercury, Franks and Octra, George Washington,
John F. Kennedy. Because there's some of the people in
the box. How cool is that?

Speaker 7 (50:23):
This is real?

Speaker 1 (50:24):
Yeah, that's real. We're gonna we're gonna brek I think
they call it breaking the box. We're gonna break the
box at six o'clock PM on my Instagram. We're also
shooting as part of a show that I'm doing. Yeah
about Memberill. Yeah, but some of the autographs are kind
of lame. But everybody's dead in the autographs, right. Yes,
it's all baseball cards and there's one special one. There
was even a Napoleon, but somebody already got that one. Yeah,
and Napoleon's up for sale now for like twenty grand.

Speaker 6 (50:47):

Speaker 1 (50:48):
King George was one of them, George the third who
George Washington left, you know, that was like his enemy.

Speaker 7 (50:53):
Where do you get this?

Speaker 1 (50:54):
We had to buy it online, but it's part of
a big package of cards. So anyway, that's what we're doing.
People coming over and we're opening six pm on my Instagram.
Mister Bobby Boonks, I haven't seen any of the cards.
There's even an invite to a special party. We don't
even know if it's a plus one in a city
where you go in there baseball players, I don't know.
I don't really have no idea.

Speaker 6 (51:10):
That sounds like Illuminati maybe, but for card collectors, right,
that's ill That's.

Speaker 1 (51:18):
A good one. That's what that is.

Speaker 7 (51:20):
So like your birthday party is yours, it's.

Speaker 1 (51:21):
Not really a birthday party, Yeah it is. I got pizza, right,
and punch and cake and stuff the video.

Speaker 6 (51:26):
We're shooting a show, right, that's what that's my point,
whatever you want to call it your birthday celebration.

Speaker 7 (51:32):
Shooting a show.

Speaker 1 (51:33):
That's what my wife said, because for his birthday, it's
gotta work. It's crazy.

Speaker 10 (51:37):

Speaker 1 (51:37):
And then you know, I do these memorabilia breaks where
I get on them, pay money and try to win stuff.
We're gonna do some of those breaks, like for real
with on the on their account. But we're gonna dorm dudes,
dorm dude's breaks on TikTok.

Speaker 7 (51:53):
They're letting you in.

Speaker 1 (51:54):
We're gonna do them. We're not making any money tonight. Yeah,
which from my from my studio, so is your memorabilia
you're giving away they're driving down.

Speaker 6 (52:03):
So there's and so these guys from the break thing.
They're coming your house for your birthday.

Speaker 1 (52:08):
Yeah, it's a birthday party. Birthday cool.

Speaker 7 (52:13):
You just said it wasn't a party, but we're gonna
do it.

Speaker 1 (52:16):
We're gonna do it. Dorm dudes breaks on TikTok around seven.
We're not making any money, it's their money, but we
want to break the stuff. Or if people were like, yeah, yeah,
I'm obsessed, it's the greatest cool.

Speaker 6 (52:31):
So so we go.

Speaker 1 (52:32):
We announced, we go Atlanta and Cleveland. All good, that's amazing.
It is my birthday. That's cool. We Luke Bryan was
here yesterday. He came up when we did this Atlanta announcement.
I love Luke. I've known Luke forever as far as
like being pretty close as friends. We worked together for
four years on American Idol. Luke has a lot of
energy all the time. And we were doing this thing. Man,

he is loud. He like had his arm around me.
He was standing behind me and we were announcing I
was going into Atlanta. He's a big Georgia guy. My
ear is all still a little little ringy from you'll
hear the clip here as you can hear this is
Luke Bryan. Look, it's Bobby Bones, and Bobby is coming
to Atlanta with the show, and you're yelling at my ear.

You know what, I'm a little excited. He's also coming
to Atlanta. This is part of our contract that you
have to promote his show. Yeah, I'm coming to the
truest part. And Bobby's say, that's a little softer on
the ear. Thank you, Bobby's coming to Atlanta. That's true,
thank you. Here's your check. It's a little ring in
my ear. Still the videos up all I asked, Oh, yeah,
he's the best. He's so tan. Yeah. And if anybody

ever goes Luke Bryan like spray tans or tanner beds,
they're out of their mind. He might be darker than me,
seriously as a white guy. Yeah, and you're not white,
some people think you are. I'm Hispanic. So that's the
birthday plan. But we got to kind of keep it
calm because this could be a rager. But our big
raging idiot chuse tomorrow night, so I can't do anything

crazy because otherwise I'll probably go Yeah, I go nuts hard,
you know. iHeart Awards were last night. The I already
of Music Awards. Pretty cool, I mean, Jelly roll was
celebrated completely like best Country Artist. It was awesome. Yeah,
Landy Wilson one Country Song of the Year with heart
like a Truck Got a Heart, and then Ludacrous hosted it.

Really cool. I was slipping back and forth between that
and Arkansas softball game. Brother in law is one of
the coaches, and they beat Georgia, like Georgia was like
rank number six in the country. Okay, it was pretty good.
I was pretty pumped about that. Everything's shaping up for
your boy. Here. Hey, it's a birthday. I love it.
You can't get that birthday.

Speaker 7 (54:33):
And I saw this morning. You're only as old as
you feel or dress.

Speaker 1 (54:37):
I'm fifteen, so yeah, you know it won't be a
whole birthday deal today. However, just wanted to acknowledge it
and let you know we're gonna have a rager tonight
in the illumin Nerdyrdy Brings illumin Nerdy. Still gotta talk
about that birthday gift. We've ran out of time there,
so I'll tell you about that in a minute. And

then also with the iHeart Radio Music Awards, you can
watch them on Hulu. Also forgot to mention that just
so much the festivities are crazy in here, all the
streamers and no, there's not no. Last time we did that,
we got in trouble. Well you didn't do that, you
never did that. It was them. But let's not act
like you're throwing a birthday party for anybody in this room.
Oh you're right, yeah, yeah, yeah, you're right. Last time

we did that, we dressed like Bobby and we had
and we got in trouble. So that was what. I
don't know. That was a long time ago. And he
wasn't even part of the show. Was Morgan number one?
Kind of put all that together?

Speaker 7 (55:31):
Was I here?

Speaker 12 (55:32):

Speaker 1 (55:32):
Yeah, I blocked it out. Hey, we're all like, that's
take it off, Take it off. I don't think I
reacted it off, Take it off, Happy birthday. I could
see if something was a big distraction while we're doing
the show. I think that's what it was. I would
be like, hey, let's show what this till the show's over.
We had all Bobby glasses on. We will come back.

Time to get to the new Bobby's Boeing seven eighty
seven Dreamliner operated by United Airlines. I was forced to
make an unscheduled landing in Chicago because the cracked windshield.
You ever see the tests they do where they take
frozen turkeys and shoot them into the windows when they're

like in the hangar in.

Speaker 7 (56:18):
The engines too.

Speaker 1 (56:19):
Yeah, Yeah, that's because it's like the hardest version of
a bird. Yeah, So they just shoot them into those
things and they don't break. It's probably like an iPhone,
like a little pebble hits the window, just riichs. But
that's what happened, not the pebble, but the glass cracked.
The flight was forced to land after touching down around

eleven thirty PM, reporting a cracked windshield. After leaving Denver.
They did not identify what lead to the cracked windshield.
The FA said it will be the agency in charge
of the investigation. I mean, it's a bad time for Boeing,
and I don't know much about it except that guy
who was gonna be the whistleblower, Yeah, turned up dud
and he was like to his family, I'm good, I'm

not gonna commit suicide. That's what I read.

Speaker 7 (57:05):
Oh wait, I don't know this story. When did this happen?

Speaker 1 (57:09):
You see it? We talked about on one of the
mini shows that we do. I don't know we do
ten podcaster shows. We talked about this guy who maybe
this show, but you've been off your met so he
may not know.

Speaker 7 (57:18):
Remember that's okay, just refresh my memory.

Speaker 1 (57:20):
Well probable is I don't remember exactly. I don't want
to get checked by AMPR. But this guy who was
a Boeing whistleblower, he and they found him dead in
his truck and Boeing the doors came off. Okay, okay,
and so the news story was and I happened here
now finally from newsweek. Boeing whistleblower one family friend. It's

not suicide before death, is what he said. John Barnett,
the sixty two year old Bowing whistleblower discovered dead, had
previously told a family member not to believe it when
authorities save was found dead. It's not a good look.
The look is not good. Yeah, what police are investigating
after he was found owned this had a one piece

of paper that closely resembled a note self inflicted wound.
He after retired in twenty nineteen, he accused Boeing, his
employee of thirty two years, the employer of cutting corners
and using substandard parts to build planes. He claimed to
have reported this to management and been ignored. Then he
ends up dead, And he had said before then, if
I end up dead, ain't me.

Speaker 7 (58:23):
I think this was around that time. I was sick.

Speaker 1 (58:26):
That's gotta be we weren't we weren't I.

Speaker 8 (58:28):
Know I was.

Speaker 6 (58:29):
I was really worried because this is kind of a
really fascinating story, and we.

Speaker 1 (58:33):
Talk about a lot of stuff though we did it.

Speaker 7 (58:37):
This is a big story.

Speaker 1 (58:39):
A FedEx truck driver makes a delivery in the living room,
meaning he drove into the house. Oh no, mixed up?
Now worse and Louisiana FedEx driver is accused of driving
under the influence of drugs after allegedly driving his truck
into the living room of a home while people were
inside of it.

Speaker 7 (58:58):

Speaker 1 (58:58):
Fortunately no one was injured, but police do say he
was found to have an open alcoholic beverage and then
some drug stuff in his possession. Going on from Azyfamily
dot com, Uh, Caesar's Palace And I had never heard
this term before. A slot jockey and obviously that means
somebody to play slots all the time, hits a jackpot
three times in a row, and one of our six

hundred and sixty thousand dollars a Caesar's Palace slot jockey
hit three times. A lucky player won one twenty five
at nine twenty seven pm, and then one another three
hundred and eighty three thousand at ten fifty eight, and
then not two hours later one a third of one
hundred and fifty nine thousand. That's from Fox five Vegas.
It's something out there like, yeah, it's usually you get

up and leave after one. Can you be a slot
jockey on vacation or the slot jockey someone? Because I
would feel like people that know how to gamble or
whose career is gambling, they're not playing slots because it's
it's machine controlled.

Speaker 2 (59:55):
But Ray has that guy that you pay him and
he tells you which slots. We almost did that, so
glad we did it right, just like that.

Speaker 1 (01:00:03):
Whatever he hits it. Yes, the people do their thumbs
up and they go, it's just like that, and we
just do it. He picks them and then you win. No,
we searched his reviews and we saw a lot of
people that didn't do it just like that, hundreds of
successful videos. Though you wanted us to pay money, a
lot of money he charged. He's very very expensive. Yeah,
but a slot jockey's kind of a funny term. It

almost feels dirty, yeah, slot jockey, Oh yeah, almost that.
A carjacking victim is found thanks to an AirTag and
a bible in Memphis. One woman saying it this is
the story, saying this, Amen and hallelujah. Oh come on
for an AirTag she had stashed in a bible. She
was three months pregnant. She was carjacked at gunpoint after

a crash. Reportedly a car crashed into the side of
her Hyundai and a man in a mask and had
a gun and told her to get out, which she did.
Three firefighters were nearby who witness it all go down. Later,
But if she got out of the car, how do
they find it? She's already was okay, right, they just
found a car in the car with the AirTag. Carjacking

victim found thanks to AirTag and bible. But I feel
like if she was hit and got out, they already
knew where she was. Yeah.

Speaker 7 (01:01:18):
Maybe maybe they forgot victim's car.

Speaker 1 (01:01:20):
Maybe the headline they forgot lines that have Yeah, KDVR
with that story. No one has claimed the one million
dollar powerball ticket from last October. Whoa they running at
a time. Yeah, they don't. This ticket's long gone. Yeah,
if they were forty million, eighty million, it could be
somebody getting their ducks in a row. But even that's long.
For one million, this ticket's gone and somebody threw it away,

they're never going to see it. Someone out there as
a millionaire doesn't even know it. Last October, they have
ten days left before it's oh. On wistv dot com
with that story, A one million dollar lottery winner thought
it was a scam. A Michigan woman said she suspected
she was being scammed when she she had won a
one million dollar Mega Millions prize from the Michigan Lottery.

She bought the ticket and she was like, well, I
just saw it because it was so big. So I've
played the Mega Millions and a lot of in the
day after the drawing. Was shocked when I saw a
big amount pending in my account. Honestly, I thought I
was a scam at first. So she must play a
lot and have an account lunchbox. I guess maybe in
some places you can buy them online. I checked my

email and saw one from the lottery with the information
on claiming a prize, and it was a million dollars. WHOA,
I wouldn't believe it. I'd get the money and then
still not believe it. I'd spend the money and still
not believe. If you bought it, you still like a scam.
It's no ways possible. That's from UPI is baseball America's
past time anymore? Is the question? The answer is no.

I mean you can claim it, but football has dominated baseball.
Baseball is getting little better. They're beading it up a
little bit, which is great. I grew up way more
of a baseball fan. But football is better for television.
But baseball is, in my opinion, no longer America's past time.
Name a single baseball player, amy current, one current? A single?

Just give me one.

Speaker 7 (01:03:08):
Current current a right, No, one's big enough, Mark Grace.

Speaker 1 (01:03:15):
Nope, not. My favorite player is like fifty five probably
or sixty now doing broadcasting for Arizona.

Speaker 7 (01:03:21):
Yeah, current, that's hard. Give me like a first.

Speaker 15 (01:03:23):

Speaker 1 (01:03:24):
My point was just that you're not what I want to.

Speaker 7 (01:03:26):
I want to think of one now if I need
to help.

Speaker 1 (01:03:28):
Okay, Chris Tom, there you go, Christian singer Chris who
plays baseball sometimes Chris, that's from pastricks. I just said Christ. Sure,
there are a hundred. Uh I know Minyani? Yeah? Do
you know him? Amy?

Speaker 7 (01:03:45):
Who show hey Otani?

Speaker 1 (01:03:48):
Yeah, Mike Trout, Mike Yeah. Okay, I'm not doing name
of every player. Name a football player current?

Speaker 7 (01:03:54):
Oh, Patrick Mahomes.

Speaker 1 (01:03:56):
Good, they have a basketball player current mm hmm, Lebron James.
The point is it hasn't popped through pop culture enough
to even the biggest player somebody who doesn't know. Now
she's just showing off. How many can Amy name ten
NBA players? No? No, No, she's already out current.

Speaker 6 (01:04:21):

Speaker 1 (01:04:21):
I don't aame anymore anymore?

Speaker 6 (01:04:22):
Do they have to be alive?

Speaker 1 (01:04:23):
You know what I'm saying? Current? Yeah, that's it. Okay,
they can't. You do ten football players? Don't say anything
ten current football players?

Speaker 15 (01:04:30):

Speaker 1 (01:04:30):
No, okay, Amy and current if they're retired, you lose.

Speaker 6 (01:04:34):
Go Travis Kelce one, Patrick Mahomes, Ben Rothson's Berger.

Speaker 7 (01:04:46):
She got to two. Well, I know, but I was
just going in order they.

Speaker 1 (01:04:53):
Aaron Scott.

Speaker 7 (01:04:55):
Yeah, guys, I'm not there yet.

Speaker 1 (01:04:57):
No you are, because you lost You were going Don Brady,
so don't yeah, cool.

Speaker 7 (01:05:02):
No, it wasn't going on because I know.

Speaker 1 (01:05:04):
That that's the news thinking Bobby's stories. By the way,
there's a new Bobby cast up with Grace Bowers. She
is awesome on guitar. She's also only seventeen years old.
She is a beast. It's crazy how good she is
and her she has like big hair and like all
the great guitar players now, like it's such a treat

for them to have her come play. So I had
her on I Gains. She's only seventeen, but she talked
about the story of, you know, kind of being a
female guitar player and dudes being jerks.

Speaker 14 (01:05:36):
The stigma of being a girl playing guitar. It happened
at Americana fests down here and I was like sending
up my guitar and the sound guy comes up to
me and was like, you know, you have to plug
your guitar into the amp to get sound out of it.
I'm like, yeah, I get a lot of comments like
you're only seventeen.

Speaker 1 (01:05:56):
So it's there are athletes that we talk to it
in the sports show. We'll travel around and they're six
foot eleven and they feel like they're giants, and then
you spend a little time with them and you go, oh, yeah,
they may be really great at something or but they're
still kids with her. She's so good at guitar, you
feel like when you meet her, she's gonna be like
a fifty five year old. She's a kid. She's just

really good at guitar. It's the newest episode of the
Bobby Cast. Search for that wherever you listen to your
podcasts or on Iheartradium. What's polite protocol for returning texts
on your birthday? Meaning I don't have a ton toime,
but I got like twenty seven or twenty eight, and

then you know, they all come in the morning and
it's very nice people. Do I need to send a
personalized or do Can I just copy and paste thanks
man and just hope I don't do thanks?

Speaker 7 (01:06:46):
Why don't you just eliminate the man so that way
it's just like, hey, thanks.

Speaker 1 (01:06:51):
That's all. What can I be like, Yeah, thank you,
and I need to something personal about them back?

Speaker 7 (01:06:54):
No, you can just say thank You's so guilty you
can do you apply.

Speaker 1 (01:06:57):
To everybody what my birthday? Makes me feel guilty that
I don't know everybody else's birthday because I get a lot.

Speaker 2 (01:07:06):
There's only like six people I like know their birthday.
But Facebook really helps with that. Like, if you get
on Facebook, it tells something. I changed my birthday on
Facebook to who my real friends are.

Speaker 1 (01:07:14):
I remember that. So anybody that tells me happy birthday
on that date, I know they're not a real friend.
That's messed up. It is messed up. I fully agree
with it.

Speaker 6 (01:07:22):
I mean, by now some people have just added it
to their calendars because not many people are always checking Facebook.

Speaker 1 (01:07:28):
So I did, do I have to respond everybody? I will?
I'm going to I say yes, yeah, okay, I do
want to put on Courtney and Louisiana Courtney.

Speaker 7 (01:07:37):
What's up, Bobby Bones your morning studio morning?

Speaker 6 (01:07:44):
First off, Happy birthday, Thank you, Happy birthday.

Speaker 1 (01:07:50):
Thank you kid. That's Michael, that's my little girl. Oh
yeah nice.

Speaker 5 (01:07:57):
We wanted to see this is Tuesday and your birthday.

Speaker 14 (01:08:01):
Would you plase a Tuesday song?

Speaker 1 (01:08:03):
Yeah? I mean we don't really have a version of
it that we play I sing it or rap it
or sing rap it, but yeah we can do that. Yeah,
is I talk about my birthday?

Speaker 7 (01:08:11):
You say, come out here my mom on a Tuesday.

Speaker 1 (01:08:14):
Dude, it's gonna work today.

Speaker 7 (01:08:16):
Except for didn't we did we look up if you
really came out.

Speaker 2 (01:08:19):
You didn't come out on a Tuesday. Yeah, I just
I just wrote rhyme. But today you did come out
of your mom on a Tuesday.

Speaker 1 (01:08:23):
Acrdney, any change would you like to hear me make
during this live version today? It's my birthday on a Tuesday.
It's my birthday on Tuesday? Which part I let's just
see what happens all right? Hit? Yeah, yeah, yeahyeah, it's
my birthday on a Tuesday. It's a Tuesday song. Hey
oh hey, we wrote this song because you know, lots

of songs on Fridays and Saturdays and even Sundays, and hey,
there's songs about Monday too, about Monday not being that cool.
But we think Tuesdays should be recognized. So this is
the Tuesday song that's performed live, live, live, the best
day of the week. You all know what's my time?
So I made a song about Tuesday. So it happens
at rhymes the lowest number of crimes, a super bingo
at nine. Don't know how you do your Tuesday. This

is how I do mine. The sun comes up, there's
a smile in my mouth. Why because I love Tuesday.
Is the first thing I shall free zoomer This morning.
Every Tuesday at five, I got my Span dex Hon.
It's time to head to the Why Tuesday A Joe
Way Tuesday Housewivee's Gone Boouesday. I'm just talking about Tuesday. Hey,

it's Tuesday. Is my recycling on the curve as I
drive off? Yep, my recycling's on the curve. I mean,
Fridays are fine because they're casual and off, but I'm
always more productive on my Tuesday conference call after work plans.
I got my spray ten. I'm drinking lemon water, adding
me some cayenne pebbles and bam bam. I'm watching c
SPAN and then it's tuper one, a sonic with the
cony in each had. I'm singing Tuesday, Joe Way Duesday,

Housewivee's gone Boozesday. I'm just talking about tu Tuesday, Tuesday
round cal goes Neuesday, eat some cash Huesday. I'm just
talking about Tuesday. I go to Marty Grass on a Tuesday.
I go to Cramaga on a Tuesday. I'm playing Pokemon

on a Tuesday. It's my birthday on a Tuesday. All right, Cortney,
thank you, thank you, thank you. I hope you have
an awesome day, and me say your your kid's name
was Miguel Mikaela.

Speaker 7 (01:10:30):
Mikaela Michael, Michael Michael.

Speaker 1 (01:10:32):
It's a mixture hybrid would yes, yeah, it is?

Speaker 15 (01:10:35):
It is.

Speaker 1 (01:10:36):
Is there any way that I can make a call
out to my sisters in Rawling, North Carolina because her
birthday is Thursday? I mean, you're on so no time
like the present. Thursday, Happy Birthday, Samantha aunt lansa little
cat goes perday. Yeah, I'll wear some Thursday. I'm just
talking about Thursday, all right. Yeah, have you girt to

her too? Courtney, thank you for calling.

Speaker 5 (01:10:59):
Thank here.

Speaker 1 (01:11:00):
I have a wonderful one.

Speaker 15 (01:11:01):

Speaker 1 (01:11:01):
Never been a big birthday guy, probably just never really
had big birthday celebrations as a kid growing up. But
gifts are kind of my love language. Well, I like
to get people gifts. I like to get gifts. Again,
I think my love language is because I didn't get
a lot of that, so I feel like that's what's
like with somebody while someone thought to get me something
that's crazy, and I try to put a lot of

time into getting gifts for other people. Same type of
I'm sure trauma that has created that being my love language.
I get home yesterday. What was I doing? Maybe just
what I was working, and so I probably got home
around won yesterday and my wife's like, hey, I'm gonna
go ouad and give you your gift because she knew
today I was busy, not birthday wise, I'm just busy

for most of the day until tonight. She goes, I'm
gonna go Ouad and give your gift. That way we
can have a little bit of time to just talk
about it, celebrate you without being rushed because people are
also coming in town tonight because our big Saint ju
to Ryman show is tomorrow. So I'm like cool, and
I get in and I open it up. It's in

a big box. A box is The box is like
two feet tall, about a foot and a half wide.
It looks like it could be a picture because it's thin,
but the dimensions are that and the I'm like, well,
that's interesting. So I open it up and it's like
seven pieces of cardboard, really thin, stacked on top of
each other. And I've never seen a gift like this before.

I don't know what it is, and so I'm like, well,
this is packaged weird. It's April Fol's day too, right,
I'm like, there's a joke. It's just like it's not
you'll understand what you open it. Why it's stacked that way.
So it was actually a very thin something very thin,
and all of the cardboard was just to keep it safe.
And so I peel it up and the irony is
way before I got into sports memorabilia or buying things

that people had signed. My wife went and found at
this live auction from Planet Hollywood a letter that Andy
Kaufman wrote himself fully and written like a self inspiration letter,
Andy Kaufman my dead hero, David letter in my life hero.
And so she it's it's a full letter called wide

Breakfast is Meaningless. It's a full page of his writing
from the seventies. Yeah, it's crazy, that's all. She won
it at an auction, Yeah, she because it had to
be an in person, so she had to get one
of those things where you're on a phone with somebody
telling them that's a real deal. So I got it.
Almost cried, yeah, like you got a little well, no,

I just what's that feeling whenever you're like it like
feels good. But then you got yellow water in your
eyes like it was that and I wasn't trying not to,
but like I was like, dang, but maybe that's what
it is, the feeling of love. Yeah, it is amazing.
And so we're you gonna put that one in the bedroom.

I'm gonna sell on Ebaye. I was kidding.

Speaker 7 (01:13:59):
She's loaded it up already.

Speaker 1 (01:14:00):
No, I don't know. I gotta frame it. But and
you know the paper, I have a picture of it.
I'll post it up on my Instagram today. But it's
that's pretty awesome, pretty thoughtful. You know, she went like
three months trying to get it. What are you gonna
get me?

Speaker 6 (01:14:13):

Speaker 1 (01:14:13):
Right? That's it's impossible, man, right. She nailed it though,
and whatever that feeling is where your eyes are a
little wet behind them and like you're feeling like oh
like but also there's like tier you know, I know
that version of it. But yeah, it's pretty awesome. So
that's what she got me. And tonight we're doing illuminarity.

Illuminarity at the point, I bought a big box of
cards of like baseball cards, and we're gonna open them
on my stream on my Instagram. Mister Bobby Bones at
like six and inside of these baseball cards I bought,
there's an invitation to a party. You don't know if
you get what tier you get. And there's also like
a famous dead person who signed something we're really hoping for,

like Abe Lincoln, don't be awesome, amazing man.

Speaker 7 (01:14:58):
So like you get an invite to this party no
matter what, you just don't know what level.

Speaker 6 (01:15:02):
Okay, Okay, that's what I was company. It comes with
the box, Okay. I thought that, like you maybe get invited,
and then if you gets.

Speaker 1 (01:15:09):
The box, you can be down with the peasants, which
is still hard to get into the peasant And I'm
happy to be the peasants, but I don't want to
go by myself. So I don't know if it's plus one,
got to give you plus one. But when's the party?
I don't know. We don't anything to open it. It's
like the what's that the ticket? The golden ticket? YE
want because Jockole Factory. And where is the party? I
don't know. I think it's Ultimore.

Speaker 7 (01:15:29):
That part's kind of exciting.

Speaker 1 (01:15:30):
Think it's in Baltimore, but I don't know. I just
reading rumors on the but so yeah, that's what And
then we're doing. We're gonna do some breaks with dorm dudes, dudes,
and so they're coming down and so we're not making
any money off of it, and it's not our stuff,
but they're gonna bring their stuff down, and you guys
can I just want to break some stuff that's gonna
be so much like open like that's when you open

the box.

Speaker 7 (01:15:52):
I'm aware.

Speaker 1 (01:15:53):
Is your wife gonna be partaking in this stuff? Partaking?
So we're doing drugs?

Speaker 8 (01:15:56):
No, she.

Speaker 1 (01:15:59):
And her parents are coming. Oh good, they can break too.
They're not. They will be up at the house too,
but they're coming because not so much my birthday, which
I guess is the part of it. But our show
is tomorrow. No, they're coming for your birthday in the show,
but there's no mostly only we only scheduled illuminardy yesterday
afternoon and they were already. I mean, yeah, whatever, So
that's what's up. I textability Dean, Happy birthday? Did he

right back? I don't think he knows that my birthday too?
Is a test boy? Let me see happened?

Speaker 7 (01:16:27):
Well, you didn't know it was his till I told you.

Speaker 1 (01:16:30):
Huh, So I know that's hilarious. Happy birthday.

Speaker 11 (01:16:35):
M h.

Speaker 1 (01:16:37):
But I had to tell him who I was because
we didn't have each others cell phone number.

Speaker 2 (01:16:40):
What about Jansen, you textedmue Janson, I changed myself and
I don't, I sadly know, but I will.

Speaker 1 (01:16:48):
I changed. Not everybody has his number, but I'll text
Chris Janson have birthday and is wait and see if
he has a bag. But also, if you see my Facebook,
that birthday is wrong. I know, fellas. I don't even
use Facebook. I get on there every once in a while,
checking my sam my sister's up too. But I have
like four people I follow, but I do ride on
that be team page. Sometimes I'd be like, hey, what up.

They're like, that's not Bobby. Four followers, they has four friends.
They can't be him. You guys can call us if
you want. Eight seven seven seventy seven Bobby, that's our number.
Eight seven seven seventy seven b O B B Y.
We got more to talk about. Give us a second.
We'll be right back. This is not a commercial. Have

you ever used task grab it?

Speaker 12 (01:17:32):

Speaker 1 (01:17:33):
Okay, so I'm using it for the first time. It's
just somebody higher and like there. We bought these things
for our backyard. And they're like three hours away and
we had to get them today and we couldn't go
get a day after work. I mean just couldn't go.
So we got on task grab it. And it's like
we need somebody to pick these up for a backyard

and it's a three hour drive and who wants to
do it? And then someone's like, I'll do it, and
then you go, okay, well they got it's supposed to
pick pick it up, now drive it over and the
whole thing. He's like, hey, I need six hundred bucks
up front because he had to get a truck. So
I just paid him blindly, hoping he really goes he

paid him through. Okay, he didn't have a truck already,
so I'm sound no, no, no, no, I did put
my no.

Speaker 7 (01:18:31):
If this was me right now, y'all would be I
need I need this here.

Speaker 3 (01:18:34):
There's no other way I could get it here. It's blindly,
but amy track record, you you have a track record.
Bobby doesn't have a truck. Card I has decent reviews.
I've just never used to ask Rabbit. But he's like, hey,
I need to get the truck. Can you front me
half of it?

Speaker 1 (01:18:50):
But I put my card in for the whole price,
so hopefully he doesn't like hit me for the full
price too on the card. I don't know you used it.

Speaker 16 (01:18:56):
Yeah, I've used it a few times, but it normally
they like itemize at the end and then you just
pay everything.

Speaker 7 (01:19:02):
They had to pay for at the very end.

Speaker 1 (01:19:04):
Yeah, I hear you. But he was like, I need
to get a truck. Does it go through the app
like all the payments? I know I cash app it does,
but I don't. I did not. I cashed up ahead.
He was like, here's my cash AUP.

Speaker 16 (01:19:16):
But I've also never done anything that maybe on that level.
Like it's only cost me like two hundred bucks, so
this isn't much more than that.

Speaker 1 (01:19:23):
I mean, I've paid for like a little overhead. Does
he want you to pay it on cash app versus O?
Don't owe me? It is a legit right, I just
never used it. But do you want to hear what
his message was asking for them? Yes, because it makes sense. Okay,
he said, day up, can you pay half so I

can get the truck and pay for fuel for the trip?
I said, yeah, no problem, and then I said how
do I do that? And he said cash up.

Speaker 7 (01:19:51):
Okay, I don't know.

Speaker 1 (01:19:54):
Let me message him because I don't even have a
cell phone number. But let me message him and say,
since I paid half up front on cash app, I'm
only going to be charged half here correct, correct question

mark and scared scared face? Okay, now I don't show
your weakness, man, No scared face.

Speaker 7 (01:20:23):
If he replies that cash app, what do you talk?

Speaker 11 (01:20:25):

Speaker 1 (01:20:26):
No, hit it ray. If that's the case, hit the scaler.
He's gonna say, who's this? If I could say, if
I went down and sought out this scam, that may
be worse than when Amy gets them sent to her
like I sought it out. Yeah, okay, so that's happening

in my life right now. It is my birthday. Let
me have a couple of calls. Somebody, what's this?

Speaker 6 (01:20:52):
You know? Johnny Lasanyo said, A note that stapf arranged
for like the o GB teamers correct, Colka, So that's
what that is.

Speaker 1 (01:21:02):
Thank you, guys. I appreciate that. Have you guys have
at it? Yeah? Your mongrels? Are you sure it's just
for It's not just for you? There's a lot in here.
Oh good, I can't wait. Let's go, you guys can
go at it. Thank you, guys. Let me go up
a couple of calls here. How about we go to
Meghan and Maryland. Meghan, you're on the show. What's going on?
Good morning? For your.

Speaker 14 (01:21:24):
Happy birthday, Bobby, Thank you very much.

Speaker 1 (01:21:27):
Today is also my son's ninth birthday, and I would say,
like major mom.

Speaker 7 (01:21:34):
Points if I can get this show to give him
a shout out happy birthday, Dechi.

Speaker 1 (01:21:40):
He can listen to on the podcast when he gets
home from school. Yeah, what's his name?

Speaker 9 (01:21:45):

Speaker 1 (01:21:46):
Noah's no. Everybody's saying Noah's not even a different melody
for no I'll go first, Noah is nine, Heddy, Noah
is nine.

Speaker 7 (01:22:00):
Noah is nine.

Speaker 1 (01:22:02):
Gave it a good run, lunchbocks, no is Uh? How's that? Megan?

Speaker 7 (01:22:12):
That's awesome?

Speaker 1 (01:22:13):
All right, that'll be up on the podcast.

Speaker 6 (01:22:16):
Thank you so much.

Speaker 1 (01:22:17):

Speaker 7 (01:22:18):
Mine was more hip hop.

Speaker 1 (01:22:19):
Yeah, we definitely felt that. Of course, right, nothing's more
hip all than you. Kobe Bryant's replica NBA Championship ring
sold for nine hundred and twenty seven thousand dollars. But
I wonder is that the replica? Well, that's the thing
I need to read more about this because there's no
chance that it could be a replica if they're paying
a million dollars for it. But a lot of the
stuff is defined weird. But he has a replica, but

he's the one he gave to his dad, so he
had one for himself and he gave one to so
that would be where the value is if he had it,
gave it to his dad as a gift, not even
the real one. A replica of Kobe Bryant's two thousand
LA Lakers NBA Championship ring, which he once gave to
his father so he did have possession of it, has
been sold at an auction for one hundred twenty seven
two hundred dollars. It's the most ever paid for an

NBA Championship ring. It clips in the previous record Bill
Russell's nineteen fifty seven rings sold for seven hundred thousand
from People magazine. Well, I do have the stuff on
eBay that we're going up for all this memorabili you
haven't getting, but you know what I got yesterday.

Speaker 14 (01:23:15):
You ready.

Speaker 1 (01:23:18):
Brace yourselves because you are in the presence of greatness.
George Washington's the That's it. That's it. Wow, George Washington
hand wrote thg from a letter and they clipped it
off a letter and this is it. He hand wrote it.
I mean, I can't believe you guys don't think that's cool.
And you know what, this this to me was the

coolest thing. And told my wife gave me a full
Andy Kaufman written letter like one of my heroes. That's
and Andy Kaufman's one. This is like very high too.

Speaker 7 (01:23:48):
Now was it on the back? What's on the back?

Speaker 1 (01:23:51):
It says the authentic cutword and close year was taken
from an original handwritten document by George Washington. The word
the written by George.

Speaker 7 (01:23:58):
So cool man it honestly it's way cooler in person. Amy,
stop what you just said?

Speaker 1 (01:24:04):
That wasn't.

Speaker 6 (01:24:07):
I'm I'm going to continue to laugh at it, but
I think now that I'm seeing it in person, I
get it.

Speaker 1 (01:24:15):
He wrote that, like you're George Washington, very cool, he wrote.

Speaker 7 (01:24:21):
He didn't write that.

Speaker 1 (01:24:22):
He wrote the I got a message back from my
guy and task rabbit, Okay, he said, can you oh boy,
rety it please don't understand. Well, that's just me what.

Speaker 7 (01:24:35):
Like you were quite clear?

Speaker 1 (01:24:36):
Yeah? But you know how right? It's like four tabo's. Okay,
can you retype please? Half will only be charged yes? Half?
One job is complete? Okay, so I've paid half, so
I'll only pay half more through app.

Speaker 7 (01:24:55):
Okay half more.

Speaker 1 (01:24:57):
Yeah, that's kind of weird.

Speaker 7 (01:24:59):
Rest, He'll pay the rest.

Speaker 1 (01:25:01):
You're a smart guy.

Speaker 6 (01:25:01):

Speaker 1 (01:25:02):
That little tiresund like four hours. I pay half, you
pay half. I get my sleep last night, so I
paid half, So I'll pay half more throughout. Oh my god,
what's wrong with me?

Speaker 6 (01:25:14):

Speaker 1 (01:25:15):
Anything else? Oh man, you're gonna loaugh with that too.
My showed you am I clown? My nose is a
go hong kwok okay, thank you guys. Bobby Bone show
up today. This story comes us from Oxford, Ohio.

Speaker 3 (01:25:32):
A dad was upset his son was getting too much homework,
so he calls the school.

Speaker 1 (01:25:37):
Hey, I'd like to complain about the homework. Okay, we
got your noted boom. Next day you're still sending homework.
What's the problem, sir? They get homework.

Speaker 3 (01:25:45):
Then he threatens to beat up the principal, says, if
I come up there, you better have your big boy
pants on.

Speaker 1 (01:25:51):

Speaker 3 (01:25:51):
The next day, they're no longer taking his calls, so
he starts calling the police department. And he called the
police department eighteen times, so complain about well, he's not well.

Speaker 7 (01:26:00):
I mean, homework has.

Speaker 1 (01:26:02):
Many wear you.

Speaker 7 (01:26:04):
It's annoying.

Speaker 1 (01:26:04):
But I get the first twenty calls and okay, even
get put your big boy pants. I'll fight you. No,
you shouldn't do that. You shouldn't even do that. What
does that mean, get your big boy let's go and
do what adults do. That's punch each other in the
face like children.

Speaker 3 (01:26:17):
Oh yes, So so then the police came, cuffed them
and stuffed them, took them to jail.

Speaker 1 (01:26:23):
Yeh, nineteen times, that's a lot. I wonder if he
had his big boy pants.

Speaker 7 (01:26:27):
There are some schools that are anti homework.

Speaker 1 (01:26:30):
What we need to go to those, but they're very
progressive schools.

Speaker 7 (01:26:35):
What do you mean they've adopted.

Speaker 6 (01:26:37):
Their theory is that in the allotted eight hours or
whatever the kids are at school, they should get everything
done there so they can you can go.

Speaker 1 (01:26:43):
Home and be a kid and play live your life.
But you two are your life because you were just lazy.
That's not you, these two speaking as a parent.

Speaker 3 (01:26:53):
As a kid, I don't know. I mean I used
to love to go play. Okay, I'm lunchbox. That's your
bonehead story.

Speaker 12 (01:26:59):
Of the day.

Speaker 1 (01:27:01):
Hello, go over to the phones, Alexa, Christen, Devin, and Nikki.
They're on the phone right now. They're driving from North
Carolina to us. Hello ladies. Hey, So who's the leader
of the group that I'm going to talk to? Okay, Alexa?
So what are you guys doing right now? We are
driving to Nashville.

Speaker 5 (01:27:19):
It's our first time.

Speaker 1 (01:27:20):
What are you gonna do here?

Speaker 14 (01:27:21):
We're going to the million dollars show.

Speaker 1 (01:27:23):
Let's go so once a year, Eddie and I the
Raging Idiots. We do this big show. A lot of
friends coming by and we play. We give all the
money to Saint Jude, and so we have a lot
of artists that are playing with us. Who are you,
guys most excited about? Guys, that's a good answer. It's
a lie, but it's a good answer.

Speaker 8 (01:27:40):
But we.

Speaker 1 (01:27:42):
Okay, well that's very kind. But Sam Hunt will be there,
John Party will be there, Nate Smith. It's just loaded
and so we're super excited for it. All the money
goes to Saint Jude. Somebody paid. We did one of
those charity buzz things. I bought a couple things off
that charity bus site. This for the VIP. Yeah so,

and I've never used stuff that I bought. I bought
once a round of golf with a PGA player, a
putting lesson of the PGA player in Florida. Never got
down to use it. Why I forgot about it till
right now, like literally right now in my head. No,
it's expired then, like a year and a half ago. Man,
I'm such an idiot. I was smart. I just want
to go home now. So with charity Buzz, it's a

site and you can bid on all kinds of stuff,
and somebody for four front row seats plus a meeting
greet with Eddie and I paid six thousand dollars. Wow,
that's too much. It's too too We don't keep the money.
It goes right to Wow. It doesn't even come to us.
It doesn't come through us. It goes right to Saint.
Do you know what seats they are? So you can

look at him and be like, oh that dude, Okay,
well he's going to meet them, and I'm going to
try to get them something. I don't know what that means.

Speaker 7 (01:28:55):
We'll get them about fifteen Yeah, I don't I don't.

Speaker 1 (01:29:00):
I don't know what that means. Like maybe I get
every artist to sign a poster for them. That would
be cool.

Speaker 7 (01:29:04):
Oh yeah, are y'all making cute little poster things?

Speaker 1 (01:29:07):
I think I think we're not. Yeah, yeah, I'm not
hatching any friends, but they'll probably be something. Yes, Megan
Maroney is gonna be there. It's gonna be an awesome show.
I appreciate you guys. You know coming to the show,
and you got tickets already, right, yes you do. Do
you know where they are? Do you have good seats?

Speaker 6 (01:29:26):
I don't think. I think, I don't think that.

Speaker 1 (01:29:29):
That's what I was gonna say. Yeah, in the Ryman,
there are there are no bad seats. As a matter
of fact, whenever people put like whenever I put my
friends somewhere in the Ryman, like it's like, hey, we're
doing a show, we'll put your I always put them
in the upper deck a bit like in the middle
because you can see the whole stage. So even like
the seats that would be considered the worst in the Ryeman,
they're awesome. And that's where like artists put their people

so uh, super pumped to see you guys and and
can't wait for the show.

Speaker 6 (01:29:55):
Yeah we can't either. Thank you so much.

Speaker 1 (01:29:57):
All Right, you guys be safe, Yeah you too, all
right bye uh yeah that show is tomorrow. And you
know what, I don't know all the songs, do you know? Okay,
rehearsal yesterday. Music part. The thing is, I can also
just turn my.

Speaker 7 (01:30:13):
Guitar off, right, That's what I was gonna act like.
Sometimes you just sort of.

Speaker 1 (01:30:17):
Well sometimes if you ever see me, like, sit down,
I ain't playing. That's that's the key. Sometimes I sit
down and act like I'm just like taking a break,
chill and playing. I ain't playing. If I ever go
to the piano, I'm not playing it. But we have
such a great band that they can cover us a
lot of times. But we had a rehearsal yesterday and
I realized I don't I didn't know what's going on.
All right, that's it. It's my birthday. I'm gonna go

have a good birthday today. Have a birthday, thank you.
But I have a good birthday. It's birthday. I have
therapy today. No, it's not no, it's your birthday. It's
your birthday, man, I have therapy today. I have I'm
gonna exercise give a workout in today? Are you what
are you gonna do with therapy?

Speaker 2 (01:30:51):
You're gonna have like donuts and stuff or like cupcakes
new I'm gonna probably.

Speaker 1 (01:30:55):
Have a cup of tears.

Speaker 7 (01:30:56):
You can process birthday a bowl of guilt.

Speaker 1 (01:30:59):
Birthday trauma.

Speaker 7 (01:31:00):
Yeah, does that?

Speaker 1 (01:31:00):
Bowdly guilt? Bloods candles on my gettle cake. And that's it.
So Caitlin's parents are coming to town tonight because they're
gonna come to the show tomorrow. Cool. Yeah, buy money

Speaker 7 (01:31:11):
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